DROWNING Drowning is a form of asphyxia due to aspiration of fluid in to air passage. Whole body submersion is not ncessary Mouth and nasal cavity submersion sufficient Mechanism of drowning When a person falls in water he sinks partly due to force of fall and partly to specific gravity of the body Rises to the surface due to natural buyoncy Again sinks due to inhalation of water due to stimulation of respiratory centre and reflex from stimulation of skin Rises to surface and cries for help,coughs so air is expelled and filled with water then again sinks In 4-8 min lung is full of water and sinks Brouardel’s experiment Stage of surprise lasting 5-10 secs Stage of respiratory arrest for 1 min, dog is agitated violent struggle to surface Stage of deep respiration for 1 min, dog expelled white foams to surface, agitation stopped, eyes and mouth were open Second stage of respiratory arrest, absent thoracic movement, pupils dilated and fixed Stage of terminal gasps lasting for about 30 seconds. Types of drowning: Wet drowning Dry drowning- 10-20% LARYNGOSPASM Commonly seen in children and adults under influence of alcohol Secondary drowning or near drowning: resuscitated victim who survive for 24 hour Death is due to complications. if survive with severe brain damage. Immersion syndrome: death results from cardiac arrest due to vagal inhibition Types of WET drowning: Drowning in fresh water Drowning in salt water Fresh water drowning O.6% Nacl Water passes from lungs---blood----left ventricle Two and half litre of water inhaled and absorbed in 3 min Greater strain to heart Hemolysis and hemodilution Increase in potassium ion , decrease in sodium ions—cardiac arrythmia Calcium ion level falls Salt water drowning > 3% Nacl Water is drawn from blood-----lungs Haemoconcentration Marked bradycardia due to raised plasma Na level Slow death occurs from asphyxia Cause of death Asphyxia Ventricular fibrillation Laryngeal spasm Vagal inhibition Injuries Postmortem appearance o CLOTHES, BODY wet o Sand , mud attached with the body o Fine leathery froth in mouth, nostrill o o Cutis anserina: goose like skin (granular) Retraction of scrotum(reaction phenomena) o Washerwoman’s hands: skin thickened,soddened and wrinkled o Cadavaric spasm holding grass,sand and mud. ‘drowning man clutching a straw’ Cont… Conjuctivae congested Rigor mortis appears early PM staining on face ,neck , chest, limbs is pinkish in colour . INTERNAL FINDINGS Froth in Larynx, trachea, bronchus and bronchioles Lungs voluminous, oedematous and blood stained fluid, balloon like appearance, indentations and there is pitting on pressure. Cut surface lung frothy fluid,fluid actually penetrates the alveoli and reaches tissue and blood called Emphysema aquosum, in unconscious person water reaches the lung without froth formation called oedema aquosum Paltauff’s hemorrhage-due to forceful expiration subpleural hemorrhages are present. Stomach and intestine contains water- ml significance Bleeding in middle ear, temporal bone and mastoid process Differences in lungs between fresh water and sea water drowning Fresh water drowning Balloned but light Pale pink in color Emphysematous Do not collapse after removal from the body On cut section crepitus is heard Sea water drowning Balooned but heavy Purplish or blue in color Soft and jelly like Tend to flatten out No crepitus is heard Tests for drowning Gettler test when drowning occurs in fresh water left side of heart compared to right side will show 50% lower chloride content & in sea water drowning 30-40% rise compared to right heart. Plasma specific gravity in drowning specific gravity of plasma in left side of heart is less than that in right side.In non drowning cases its reverse. Magnesium In salt water drowning magnesium content of left side of heart is more than 1.25 mg/1000ml than that of right side Diatom tests -microscopic,unicellular ,algae -impregnated with silica, chlorophyll, diatomin -only a live body with a circulation can transport diatoms from lung Bone marrow is highly suitable and reliable Time since death Rigormortis sets in early Floating of body 18-24 hours summer,24-36 hours winter Skin becomes glove like in 2,4 days Adepocere in 5-15 days Thank u…..