_________________________________________________________________________________________ Antennas Problem set 5 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Problem 1. An antenna is illuminated by a plane electromagnetic wave with linear polarization that propagates along the dˆ i xˆ direction. Suppose that the electric field makes the angle of 60º with the y axis and has amplitude Einc 0.1V / m . The effective length of the receiving antenna in the direction of arrival of the incoming wave is h er zˆ m . (a) Find the open-circuit voltage at the antenna terminals. Solution The voltage induced at the antenna terminals when they are in open-circuit is: V oc h er Einc 0 is the incident electric, which must be perpendicular to dˆ i xˆ because the Here, Einc 0 incoming wave is transverse electromagnetic (TEM). This means that: inc inc ˆ ˆ Einc 0 E1 y E 2 z inc inc Since the wave is linearly polarized, it is necessary that the components E1 , E 2 are either in phase or in opposition of phase: arg E inc arg E1 inc 2 arg E inc or arg E1 inc 2 [linear polarization] This is equivalent to say that Einc 0 is real-valued apart from an overall phase factor: j inc inc inc inc ˆ ˆ Einc real-valued. 0 e E1 y E2 z with E1 , E2 Using the fact that the electric field makes an angle of 60º with the y-axis, it follows that: j º º ˆ ˆ Einc 0 e E0 cos 60 y sin 60 z _________________________________________________________________________________________ Antennas 2019/2020 _________________________________________________________________________________________ where E0 E12 E22 Einc 0.1[V / m] (there is not enough information in the wording of 0 the problem to decide which of the signs is the correct one). Hence, using h er zˆ one finds that: V oc e j E0 sin 60º e j 0.1sin 60º e j 0.087 V In conclusion, the open-circuit voltage amplitude is V oc 87 mV . (b) Represent the equivalent circuit of the antenna and identify all the parameters that are part of the circuit. Suppose that the antenna impedance is Z a 70 . Solution: I 0 V VL Z L is the load impedance, connected at the antenna terminals. (c) Find the power delivered to a load of 50 . Solution: From the equivalent circuit, it is possible to show that the power delived to the load is given by the general formula (see the lecture notes) Pr Ci Pr opt Ci 4 Ra RL Ra RL X a X L 2 2 _________________________________________________________________________________________ Antennas 2019/2020 _________________________________________________________________________________________ where Pr opt 2 V oc is the power received by a matched load [maximum power that can be 8 Ra extracted by the antenna from a given incident wave] (in the above, Z a Ra jX a and Z L RL jX L ). Substituting values: Pr opt Ci 2 V oc 8 Ra 0.087 2 13.51W 8 70 4 Ra RL Ra RL X a X L 2 2 4 50 70 50 70 2 0.972 Thus, the received power is Pr 0.972 13.51W 13.13W Problem 2. A short-dipole with length L 0.01m is illuminated by a plane wave with electric field amplitude E 8 15 [V/m]. The oscillation frequency is 300/ [Hz]. (a) Find the power incident on the antenna per unit of area. Solution: The Poynting vector intensity (i.e., the power density) is: S inc E 2 20 8 15 2 120 2 64 15 4W / m2 2 120 (b) What is the directivity and maximum of the effective area of the antenna? Ignore losses. Solution: For an short dipole oriented along the z-direction: D short-dipole 1.5 (same result as for an Hertz dipole) The antenna effective area (parameter of the receiving antenna) can be related to the power gain ( G ) (parameter of the transmitting antenna) through the universal formula: Aef , 02 2 G , 0 e g , . 4 4 In the last identity, we used G e g with e the antenna efficiency and g the directive gain. From here, the maximum effective area is Aef ,max 02 2 2 max G 0 e max g 0 eD 4 4 4 _________________________________________________________________________________________ Antennas 2019/2020 _________________________________________________________________________________________ In conclusion, Aef ,max 02 eD 4 For a lossless antenna e=1 and we obtain: 2 Aef ,max 2 2 D c 1.5 3 108 1.5 12 10 1.17 1012 m 2 !!! 0 D 4 4 f 4 300 / 4 For small frequencies and lossless antennas the maximum effective area can be huge (many orders of magnitude larger than the physical size of the antenna) because it varies with the wavelength squared (note that D 1 )! (c) Suppose that the antenna terminals are connected to a load adjusted to receive the maximum power, and that the antenna axis is parallel to the incident electric field. What is the received power? Ignore losses. Solution: The received power can be written in terms of the effective area using: Pr Ci C p Aef S inc Here Ci is the impedance matching coefficient, which for a load adjusted to receive the maximum (conjugated matched load) is Ci 1 . On the other hand, C p is the polarization matching coefficient defined by: Cp h er Einc 0 2 h er Einc 0 2 2 Because of the reciprocity theorem, the effective height of the receiving antenna is identical to that of the transmitting antenna: h er h e For a linear antenna, (with axis oriented along z) the effective height is h e heθˆ . (effective height of the transmitting antenna) _________________________________________________________________________________________ Antennas 2019/2020 _________________________________________________________________________________________ This implies that for the short dipole C p θˆ Einc 0 Einc 0 2 2 . The direction of maximum gain of the short dipole is 90º . For 90º one has θˆ zˆ and therefore C p 90º zˆ Einc 0 Einc 0 2 2 1, where the last identity follows from the fact that the incident electric field is parallel to the antenna axis (the z-axis). In summary, in the conditions of the problem (incoming wave arrives along direction of maximum gain 90º ), the received power is identical to the available power: Pr Aef ,max S inc Substituting values Pr 1.17 1012 4 4.711012 Watt !!! . (d) Suppose now that the loss resistance of the antenna is 0.1 . Repeat the previous question. Comment. Solution: Supposing that there is still impedance matching, the formula Pr Aef ,max S inc still holds true. As before, Aef ,max 02 eD , but now the antenna efficiency is less than 1 because of the loss. 4 Clearly, we have: Pr 4.71 1012 e Watt (same result as before multiplied by the efficiency). _________________________________________________________________________________________ Antennas 2019/2020 _________________________________________________________________________________________ To find the efficiency, we use: Rrad e , Rrad RL with Rrad short-dipole 1 2 L2 0 2 the radiation resistance of the short 0 4 3 dipole (1/4 of the radiation resistance of an Hertz dipole). We have Rrad short-dipole 20 2 L2 02 20 2 2 0.012 2 0.01 20 2 1015 . (3 108 / (300 )) 2 ( 106 ) 2 Since this value if much less than the loss resistance, we can write: e Rrad 2 1014 . Thus, the received power is: RL Pr 0.094 Watt which is now a reasonable value. The lesson is: electrically small antennas are greatly affected even by a small loss. Using e Aef ,max Rrad (which is possible when Rrad RL ) one may generally find that (using RL 02 eD ): 4 Aef ,max 0 Rrad 1 1 1 0 2 D D 6 L2 D L RL RL 4 4 24 RL 2 0 The disproportionaly large factor 02 disappears and in the end the effective area is determined by the physical dimensions of the dipole ( L2 factor). Problem 3. A half-wavelength dipole is oriented along the z-direction in free-space. The antenna is illuminated by a incoming plane wave. The direction of incidence makes an angle of 30º with respect to the antenna axis. The frequency of operation is 300MHz and the power _________________________________________________________________________________________ Antennas 2019/2020 _________________________________________________________________________________________ available at the antenna terminals is 100W. Suppose that the antenna impedance is Z a 73 j 42.5 . (a) Find the amplitude of the incident electric field. Solution: The available power by definition is the power received by an antenna when there is both impedance ( Ci 1 ) and polarization matching ( C p 1 ). Pa Aef S inc The antenna effective area is given by: Aef 0 h er 4 Ra 2 0 h e 2 4 Ra where the second identity used the reciprocity relation h er h e . For a dipole antenna, we know that (sinusoidal current approximation): h e heθˆ with he L /2 cos cos 2 2 k0 sin _________________________________________________________________________________________ Antennas 2019/2020 _________________________________________________________________________________________ Using 30º and noting that 2 300 106 k0 2 m 1 8 3 10 c (the free-space wavelength is 0 1m ), one finds that: he 30º L /2 cos cos 30º 2 2 0.13 m 2 sin 30º Hence, the effective area is: Aef 0 h e 4 Ra 2 2 120 0.13 0.021m 2 4 73 The Poynting vector intensity is then: S inc Pa 100 106 4.65 103 W / m 2 . 0.021 Aef The intensity of the incident electric field is therefore: E inc 20 S inc 1.87 V / m . (b) Suppose that the polarization of the incident wave is linear and the electric field is contained in a plane const. . Find the power delivered to a load of 50 . Solution We use Pr Ci C p Aef S inc Ci C p Pa Ci C p 100 W . The impedance matching coefficient is: Ci 4 Ra RL Ra RL X a X L 2 2 4 50 73 50 73 The polarization matching coefficient is C p 2 42.52 h er Einc 0 h r 2 e E 0.86 2 inc 2 0 . For a dipole antenna, h e heθˆ and hence: Cp θˆ inc Einc 0 Einc 0 2 2 _________________________________________________________________________________________ Antennas 2019/2020 _________________________________________________________________________________________ where θ̂inc is calculated for the direction determined by the incident wave. Since the incoming ˆ inc E φˆ inc . In order that the electric field is wave is TEM, one can always write: Einc 2 0 E 1θ contained in a plane const. it is necessary that E 2 0 (incident field is contained in the incident plane defined by the antenna axis and by the direction of incidence). Thus, in these conditions: Cp θˆ inc E1θˆ inc E1θˆ inc 2 2 1 This shows that Pr 0.86 1100W 86W . (c) Repeat b) for the case in which the incident field is perpendicular to a const. plane. Solution ˆ inc E φˆ inc with E 0 . Then, C In this case, Einc 2 1 0 E 1θ p θˆ inc E 2φˆ inc E 2φˆ inc 2 2 0 and the received power is Pr 0.86 0 100W 0 . The incident electric field is horizontal (perpendicular to the dipole axis), and due to this reason it does not interact with the antenna. (d) Repeat b) for the case in which the incident field has right-circular polarization. Solution As previously mentioned, the incident field is generically of the form: ˆ inc E φˆ inc Einc 2 0 E 1θ The polarization of the incident field is (i) circular when E1 E 2 and arg E1 arg E 2 90º (ii) linear when arg E1 arg E 2 (iii) elliptical all the other cases. or arg E1 arg E 2 _________________________________________________________________________________________ Antennas 2019/2020 _________________________________________________________________________________________ The condition (i) is equivalent to say that E1 jE 2 . One of the signs determines a rightcircular polarization (RCP) and the other a left-circular polarization (LCP), but we do not ˆ inc jφˆ inc need to worry at the moment which is which. Substituting Einc 0 E1 θ Cp θˆ inc Einc 0 Einc 0 2 into 2 , we get: Cp θˆ inc θˆ inc jφˆ inc θˆ inc jφˆ inc 2 2 1 2 2 1 j 2 1 2 The C p coefficient is independent of the sense of rotation of the electric field, i.e. independent if the polarization is RCP or LCP. Thus, the received power is Pr 0.86 0.5 100 W 43W , which is half the value obtained in question b). Indeed, the φ̂inc component of the incident field does not interact with the antenna, and hence only half of the incident energy is available to the antenna. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Antennas 2019/2020