January 2022 Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology UG Tentative Thesis/Project Title, Jan 2022 1. Dr. S. Shahnawaz Ahmed Sl. No. 1 Power system operation-1 2 Power system operation-2 3 ----- Topic Group Power major Power major ----- 2. Dr. Md. Saifur Rahman Sl. Topic Group No. 1. Development of Some Electro-Mechanical Energy Generation and (Power Electronics Storage Devices for use in Emergency Situations. Group) Pre-Requisites: Good knowledge of Generators, Motors, Transformers, DC Battery, Capacitors and Electronics. 2. Generation of Equivalent Sun-Light for Plant Production in Dark. (Power Electronics Pre-Requisites: Good knowledge of Generators, Motors, Transformers, Group) DC Battery, Capacitors, LED Lamps, UV-Light, Bio-Sensors, Electronics and Photosynthesis. A Study on the Preventive and Protective Measures Against Nuclear (Power/ 3. Radiation and Possible Radiation Absorption Techniques. Interdisciplinary Pre-Requisites: Good knowledge of Physics with special emphasis on Group) Nuclear Chain Reaction, Standard Operation of an A-Bomb, Radioactive Decay, Reflectors, Protective Suits, Plants that survived the Hiroshima Nuclear Radiation, Special properties of Carbon and other materials for radiation absorption. 4. Design and Performance Analysis of Some Quantum Communication (Communication Circuits and Protocols. Group) Pre-Requisites: Good knowledge of Quantum States, Quantum Gates & Repeaters, Simulation Experience using Online IBMQ Quantum Computer. Low Power Composite Signal Generation for Telecommunication. (Communication 5. Pre-Requisites: Good knowledge of Baseband Digital Signals, Group) Multiplexing Techniques, Adders, and Simulation Packages: Proteus & Matlab Simulink. A Study on the Gravity Wave (G-Com) for Fastest Communication. (Wireless 6. Pre-Requisites: Good knowledge of Electromagnetic Waves, Standing Communication Group) Wave, Phase Relation Between the Transmitted and Reflected Waves, Earth as a Resonance Cavity, and Modulation Techniques & Circuits. Page 1 of 9 January 2022 3. Dr. Pran Kanai Saha Sl. Topic No. 1 Development of path loss model for EM wave propagation in human body. 2 Miniature antenna for body area network 3 Group Communication Communication Electronics Transreceiver circuit design 4. Dr. Quazi Deen Mohd Khosru Sl. Topic No. 1 Simulation and modeling of wide bandgap (GaN) semiconductor based devices 2 Nanoelectronic and nanophotonic devices (specific topic/title will be decided upon discussion) 3 5. Dr. Md. Shafiqul Islam Sl. Topic No. 1 Device and circuit level assessment of heterojunction Dual Gate Vertical Tunnelling Field Effect Transistor for low power Group Electronics Electronics Group Electronics applications 2 Optimization and simulation of Perovskite solar cell using 2D Material 3 2D materials for sensor applications Electronics 6. Dr. Md. Kamrul Hasan Sl. No. Topic 1 Despeckling of Ultrasound Images using Deep Learning Techniques 2 Designing Specialized Robots for Industrial/Old Home Applications 3 Eulerian video Magnification for noninvasive real time elderly home healthcare monitoring system 4 5 Design of Wireless Charger for Electric Vehicles Segmentation and Classification of Medical Images 7. Dr. Md. Aynal Haque Sl. No. 1 Medical signal classification 2 Medical image classification 3 Power Topic Group CSP CSP CSP (Reserved according to new rule) Power CSP Group CSP CSP Page 2 of 9 January 2022 8. Dr. A. B. M. Harun-Ur-Rashid Sl. Topic No. 1 Plasmon Polariton Interconnects for Inter chip Communications: 2 Neuromorphic system design 3 RISC-V based Low Power Low Area Processor design for edge 4 Computation Bidirectional DC-DC Converter for EV application 9. Dr. Sharif Mohammad Mominuzzaman Sl. Topic No. 1 Nanodevice for high-speed/high frequency applications 2 Nano tubes/ Nano wires for optoelectronic applications 3 Design and Performance Optimization of Perovskite/ 4th Generation Solar Cells 4 5 Design, Modelling, Performance/ Cost Analysis of Hybrid Vehicle Design, Modelling, Performance/ Cost Analysis of Solar/ Hybrid Boat 10. Sl. No. 1 2 3 Dr. Mohammad Jahangir Alam 11. Sl. No. 1 2 3 Dr. Md. Shah Alam 4 5 Topic Group Electronic Electronic Electronic Power Group Electronics Electronics Electronics Power Power Group Electronics Electronics Power Electronics Electronics Power Topic Group Machine learning for photonic devices Plasmonic Bio-Sensors THz Photonic Crystal Fibers Design of Metamaterial Absorber Supercontinuum and Comb Generation in Optical Fibers Page 3 of 9 Electronics Electronics CSP Electronics CSP January 2022 12. Dr. Md. Ziaur Rahman Khan Sl. Topic No. 1 Regenerative Braking Systems for electric three wheelers 2 Optimal location of electric vehicle charging station and its impact on distribution network 3 Design and analysis of motors for automobile applications Standards for electric vehicle charging station 4 5 Solar photovoltaic system modeling and performance prediction Power converter design 6 13. Dr. Mohammed Imamul Hassan Bhuiyan Sl. Topic No. 1 Sleep staging/sleep apnea detection with dep neural networks, Transformer health analysis with machine learning, Photonic crystal fiber design for sensing applications, Electrical safety analysis 2 Seizure classification with machine learning 3 Segmentation of medical/SAR images 4 5 Transformer health analysis Analysis of electrical safety Group Power Power Power Power Power Power Group Communication Communication Communication Power Power 14. Dr. Shaikh Anowarul Fattah (Two students: 1706066, 1706109) Sl. Topic No. 1 Explainable Deep Learning for Medical Image Analysis Group CSP 2 Brain Signal Analysis and Region Mapping for Cognitive Tasks CSP 3 Cardiac Disease Detection from Multimodal Biosignals Using Deep Learning Human-Robot Interactions Using Deep Learning CSP 4. 15. Sl. No. 1 2 3 CSP Dr. Md. Nasim Ahmed Dewan Topic Group Modeling of RF Plasma Sheath Design of a Power Transformer Design of an MPPT Solar Controller Electronics Power Power-Electronics 16. Dr. S. M. Mahbubur Rahman Sl. No. Topic 1 Intelligent Transportation System 2 Virtual Reality 3 Machine Learning for Vision-Based Problems Group Comm. & Sig. Proc. Comm. & Sig. Proc. Comm. & Sig. Proc. Page 4 of 9 January 2022 17. Dr. Muhammad Anisuzzaman Talukder (1706027, 1706038) Sl. No. Topic 1 Quantum entangled photons and dual frequency combs generation from quantum cascade lasers 2 Renewable solar hydrogen generation 3 Disordered/random plasmonic nanolasers Fast-rechargeable high energy density supercapacitors 4 5 Supercapacitors for high-speed electric vehicles 18. Dr. Celia Shahnaz Sl. No. Topic 1 Deep Learning based distortion Classification from laparoscopic videos 2 Deep Learning based Biometric Security Group Electronics Electronics Electronics Power Power Group CSP CSP 3 Deep Learning based breast/lung Cancer detection and Classification CSP 4 Deep Learning based Speech Enhancement for hearing Impaired CSP 5 Deep Learning based Seizure detection/motor imagery task classification from EEG signals Deep Learning based robotics and automation for humanitarian applications CSP 6. 19. Sl. No. 1 2 3 Dr. Mohammad Ariful Haque (1706186, 1706026) Topic 20. Sl. No. 1 2 3 Dr. Abdul Hasib Chowdhury 21. Sl. No. 1 2 3 Dr. Farseem Mannan Mohammedy Topic Natural language processing Speaker recognition Computer vision CSP Group CSP CSP CSP Topic Group Power system resilience Power system operation Transformer design optimization Power Power Power Group Energy Modeling RE and hybrid solutions IR and optoelectronic sensors and detectors Page 5 of 9 Power Power Electronics January 2022 22. Dr. Mohammad Faisal Sl. No. Topic 1 PCF SPR Biosensor for Cancer cell detection 2 Dual Polarization CO-OFDM system 3 Hybrid FSO Communication System 23. Dr. Samia Subrina Sl. Topic No. 1 Numerical characterization of 2D nanomaterials/topological insulators 2 Solar cell modeling using nanomaterials 3 Study of transport properties and nanodevice characterization 24. Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 Dr. Md. Forkan Uddin 25. Sl. No. 1 2 3 Dr. Md. Farhad Hossain Topic Group Electronics CSP CSP Group Electronics Electronics Electronics Group THz communication for 6G Cellular network IRS in 6G wireless communication AI based resource allocation in 6G Cellular network Demand Response in Smart Grid with Renewal Energy Sources Topic CSP CSP CSP Power Group IoT and Artificial Intelligence 6G Cellular Networks Smart grid communications CSP CSP CSP 26. Dr. Lutfa Akter Sl. No. Topic 1 AI based resource management in NOMA systems, CRN Group CSP 2 AI based receiver design in MMIMO systems, NOMA systems CSP 3 IoT system design CSP 27. Dr. Md. Kawsar Alam Sl. No. 1 2D Interconnect materials Topic Group Electronics 2 Magnetic Semiconductors Electronics 3 Lead free Solar Cells Electronics Page 6 of 9 January 2022 28. Dr. Md. Shamim Reza Sl. Topic No. 1 AI and ML-based power electronics converter control. 2 AI and ML applications for condition monitoring and fault detection and protection of power electronics converters. Group Power Power 3 29. Dr. Nahid-Al-Masood Sl. No. 1 2 3 30. Sl. No. 1 2 3 Topic Group Power system blackout and its prevention under high renewable penetration Impact of PV variability towards the frequency response from utility scale PV plants Improvement of system strength in renewable dominated grids Power 4 5 6 Power Mr. Hamidur Rahman Topic Group Electronics Electronics Power Electronics Electronics Power 31. Dr. Shaikh Asif Mahmood Sl. Topic No. 1 Perovskite materials for X-ray imaging 2 Amorphous PbO based X-ray detectors 3 32. Sl. No. 1 2 3 Power Group Electronics Electronics Yeasir Arafat Topic Group Optimization of Smart Grid Performance PV Moisture-Wicking Technology for Solar Farm Optimizing Power Efficiency and Cost Reduction of Battery Energy Storage using DC Voltage Level as a Parameter Wireless Power Transfer for Electric Vehicle Applications Challenges in GaN Devices Based Converter Design Performance Factor Comparisons of Magnetic Materials at High Frequencies Page 7 of 9 Power Power Power Power Electronics Electronics January 2022 33. Sl. No. 1 2 3 Dr. Apratim Roy Topic Group Nanoscale receiver linearization Millimeter wave transmitter circuits Electronics Electronics Electronics Neuromorphic electrode design 34. Dr. Mahbub Alam Sl. Topic No. 1 Band structure and transport properties of Qunatum 2D and topological 2D materials 2 Topological Quantum FET 3 35. Sl. No. 1 2 3 Twisted Bilayer graphene nanoribbon properties and devices 2 3 4 5 37. Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 Electronics Electronics Electronics Dr. Md. Zunaid Baten Topic Group Disordered photonics Spintronics and spin-optoelectronics Photonic integrated circuits 36. Dr. Ahmed Zubair Sl. No. 1 Group Electronics Electronics Electronics Topic Group Ab initio theoretical calculations of low dimensional materials (CNT, graphene, TMDs) for drug delivery Straintronics in Low Dimensional Materials Valleytronics in Transition Metal Dichalco-genides (TMDs) Terahertz Metamaterials for Molecular Detection Fabrication and Electrical and Optical Characterization of Flexible Solar Cell Utilizing Local Resources Electronics Electronics Electronics Electronics Electronics Dr. Hafiz Imtiaz (1706092) Topic Group Channel state information data modeling and analysis Adversarial attacks on neural networks Speaker identification CSP CSP CSP Privacy preserving neural networks CSP Page 8 of 9 January 2022 38. Dr. Muhammad Abdullah Arafat Sl. No. 1 Brain Computer Interfacing 2 EV charging Topic Group Electronics Electronics 3 Automobile Power 4 Wireless Power Transfer Power 39. Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Dr. Sajid Muhaimin Choudhury (1706067) Topic (Maximum 2 students in any particular topic) Quantum Computation with Quantum Photonics (1706067) Topology Optimization of Plasmonic Nano Structures On-chip Plasmonic Modulator for high-speed communication Photonic Neuromorphic Computing with Phase Change Materials Optimized FPGA implementation of a RISC-V microprocessor core for power minimization 40. Dr. Nadim Chowdhury Sl. Topic No. GaN based W-band RF HEMT (TCAD simulation + physics-based 1 modeling) Hole transport in p-type GaN (DC Characterization + TCAD2 simulation+ physics-based modeling) Diamond transistor design for high frequency and high-power 3 applications (TCAD simulation + physics-based modeling) ScAlN based transistor (TCAD simulation + physics-based 4 modeling) 5 41. Sl. No. 1 2 3 Quantum Hall Circulator based on III-N heterostructure Group Electronics Electronics Electronics Electronics Electronics Group Electronics Electronics Electronics Electronics Electronics Dr. Orchi Hassan Topic Group Neuromorphic Circuit Design Hardware implementation of ML/AI algorithms Physics-based circuit modeling of spintronic devices Page 9 of 9 Electronics Electronics Electronics