N09505211 ARNE OLAV FREOHEIM NEI-NCJ--563 THERMAL DESIGN OF COIL-WOUND LNG HEAT EXCHANGERS SHELL-S:OE HEAT TRANSFER AND PRESSURE DROP DOKTOR INGENl0RAVHANDLING 1994:15 INSTITUTI FOR KULDETr.KNlKK TRONDHEIM DISTfliBlJTlON OF THIS DOCUMENT IS UNUMiTEO Thermal Design of Coil-Wound LNG Heat Exchangers Shell-Side Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop by Arne Olav Fredheim A Thesis Submitted for the Degree of Doktor ingeni0r The Uni~e:rsity of Trondheim. The Norwegian Institute of Technology Department of Refrigeration Engineering February 1994 MASTER DISTRIBUTION OF THIS UOCUM~NT IS UNLIMITED }tct 1 Summary The main objectives for the work presented in this thesis has been to develop calculation models for LNG heat exchangers and LNG liquefaction cycles, in order to do realistic simulations of LNG plants. The thesis consists of three different parts : • Description of procedures for thermal design of LNG heat exchanger • Description of a test facility for measurements of heat transfer and pressure drop in a coil-wound heat exchanger • Presentation of measured data and models foi' calculation of heat transfer and pressure drop A detailed model for thermal design of a multi-stream heat exchanger is given. The mcdel is based on a step-by-step integration procedure, in order to establish the temperature profile in the heat exchanger. The minimum temperature difference is adjusted by variation of the shell-side pressure. Different criteria for calcuiation of split point between the cold a.nd the warm hea.t exchanger bundle are given given. A procedure for calculation of lay-out parameters on the shell-side is presented, with a review of different methods for calculation of minimum flow area. A brief description of different methods for calculation of thern:J.~physical properties is also given. The test fa.cility consists of a small test heat exchanger, where the heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop are measured in evaporating down flow. Parameters such as flow rate, vapour quality, pressure and composition are varied. The geometrical parameters and the instrumentation are described in addition to data acquisition, data reduction and treatment of measurement uncertainty. Heat transfer and pressure drop are measured in superheated vapour flow, film flow and shear flow. The onset point for nucleate boiling is also measured. The measured data are compared to methods from reference literature, and some parameters have been adjusted to own measurements. Acknowledgments This thesis sum up some of the results from a research project carried out. at The Division of Refrigeration Engineering, at the Norwegian Institute of Technology. The project has been financed by Statoil, and I would like to thank the responsible project managers who made this work possible. Professor Einar Brendeng has been my supervisor. Mr. Bengt O. Neeraas wrote his MSc.-thesis on measurements from a early version of the test facility, and requirement for reconstruction was identified. The test facility was ready for operation late 1989. Both the test heatexchanger and part of the instrumentation had been changed. The work on construction, instrumentation and commissioning have been carried out as parts of the work on this'thesis. I would like to thank Mr. Havard Rekstad and the laboratory personnel for excellent assistance during the reconstruction and commissioning period. The measurements used in this thesis have been carried out in the period from 1989 to 1992. Mr. Harald M;ehlum has performed the measurements on binary mixtures. The LNG heat-exchanger model was developed and implemented in CryoPro in the p~riod from 1990 to 1992. I would like to tank Dr. Geir Owren for his support during this period. Mr. Hamid MGehlum and Mr. Havard Rekstad have made the AutoCad drawings. I would also thank my family for their patience during a rather long preparation period for this thesis. ii Contents 1 Thermal design ::.f LNG heat exchangers 1 1.1 1 Introd uctior .. . .. .. .. ............... 1.2 Process considerations 2 1.3 Design procedure . . . 6 1.3.1 Basic design principles 1;3.2 Heat exchanger mode:: 1.3.3 Optimum split point . 1.3.4 Optimum suction pressure. . 14 .................. 18 1.4 Geometrica.lla.y-out 6 .. ......... 1.5 Thermodynamic and physical properties 11 24 1.5.1 Selection of calcula".:ion methods 24 1.5.2 Equilibrium da.ta . . . . . . . .......... 27 1.5.3 Thermodynamic properties 28 1.5.4 Physical properties . . . . . 2 7 Test facility for LNG heat exchangers 29 30 Introduction. . . . . . .. 30 2.2 Description of test facility 30 2.3 Test heat exchanger ... 33 2.1 2.4 Estimat.ion and treatment of errors iii 36 Contents IV 2.5 Instrumentation, calibration and uncertainty 2.5.1 Tempera.ture 37 2.5.2 Pressure. 40 2.5.3 Flow rate 44 2.5.4 Heat flux 46 2.5.5 Composition 49 2.6 Data acquisition and data reduction 3 37 -. . - 49 49 2.6.1 Data acquisition 2.6.2 Pressure drop in section 49 2.6.3 Fluid temperature in section 50 2.6.4 Wall temperature in section 52 2.6.5 Total flow rate 53 2.6.6 Vapour quality 54 2.6.7 Heat-transfer coefficient 55 Heat transfer and pressure drop 56 3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . 56 3.2 Su perheated vapour flow . 57 3.2.1 Test conditions .. 57 3.2.2 Heat-transfer coefficient 58 3.2.3 Pressure drop . 61 3.2.4 Heat leakage 64 3.3 Film flow ...... 65 3.3.1 Parameters in gravity-controlled flow . 3.3.2 Test c.onditions . -. -. 67 3.3.3 Heat-transfer coefficient 69 65 Contents v 3.4 Onset of nucleate boiling. 75 3.5 Shear flow . . . . . . ... . 82 3.5.1 Parameters in shear-controlled flow. 82 3.5.2 Test co!:aitions . . . . . 86 :3.5.3 Heat-transfer coefficient 88 3.5.4 Pressure drop . . . . . . 96 A Thermal desfgD of LNG heat exchangers 107 A.I Geometrical data .. 107 A.2 Reference flow area . 114 A.3 Vapour pressure for pure propane .. 116 A.4 Corresponding state method for density 118 A.5 Corresponding state method for viscosity ........... B Test facility for heat exchanger 123 B.1 Geometrical data .. __ . . . . B.2 Estimation and treatment of errors . 121 123 ............. 127 .. 127 B.2.2 Systematic errors . 129 B.2.3 Propagation and combination of errors _ 130 B.2.1 Random errors B.3 Test for outliers in measurements . . 132 B.4 Student's-t statistics. . . . . 133 B.5 Location ofthermocoupies . -134 B.6 Thermocouple reference equation 136 B.7 Thermocouple off-site calibration 137 B.8 On-site calibration of thermocouples 140 Contents VI B.9 Pressure transmitters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 B.lO GeometricaJ data for the orifice meters .. . 144 B.ll Calibration da.ta. for turbiue meter 145 B.12 Measurement of heat flux .. 148 C Examples of measured data. 150 C.1 Superheated vapour flow . . . 151 C.2 Film flow " 153 C.3 Sh@af flow . . 155 Nomenclature vii Nomenclature Latin All Ah.e B Cp dX D DP E E f Fr g h K m m M M n N N Nu P Pr Pr PI q Q R Ru -Re S 5 S t ...,P T Flow area Heat transfer surface Estimated uncertainty from systematic error Specific heat capacity Longitudinal element Diameter Pressure difference in test facility Electrical potential Exergy loss Fugacity Froude number Acceleration due to gra.vity Enthalpy Equilibrium constant (K-V<Ilue) Number for last tube layer Mass flow velocity Mass flow rate Number of set of measurements Number for first tube layer Number of items ( general ) Number of replicated readings Nusselt number Pressure Radial distance between tube centers Prandtl number Longitudinal distance between tube centeiS Heat flux Heat transferred to fluid Resistance Universal gas constant Reynolds number Distance between tubes Slip factor Standard deviationStudent-t vab.e Temperature m2 m2 J/kgK m m Pa V W Pa m/s2 J/kg kg/m 2s kg/s Pa m m W/m2 W n Nm/kgK m °C orK Nomenclature VIll Velocity Total heat-transfer coefficient Est~mated total uncertainty interval Wattmeter signal Length Vapour quality Liquid _composition array Vapour composition array Total composition array mjs W/m 2 K W/m 2 K 8 8 Heat-transfer coefficient Inclination angle for all tubes True uncertainty from systematic error Film thickness Heat of evaporation Increase in number of tubes Temperature difference Step length for integration Angle between identical configurations True uncertainty from random error Void fraction Mass flow rate pr _ unit length Thermal conductivity True mean value for a normal distribution Dynamic ~osity Degree of freedom Kinematic viscosity Density Surface teusion ccC:: Peripherical angle' Fugacity coefficient Subscript a bu calib cb Acceleration Bundle Calibrated -..alue Cold b!i.ndle u U VI W X i X y Z W m Greek Q Q f) 0 LlhLV LlNT LlT LlX Ll(} E e r ). J.£ J.£ v v p (j 0 !D J/kg K m 0 kg/ms WjmK Ns/m 2 m 2 /s kg/m3 N/m 0 Nomenclature co com cs f g iJ i-I In lam lay 10 Is L m n oh onb or P ref sat sh st tp tu tui vo vs V w wb ws Core Component Cold strea~ Friction and drag force Static head or gravity General number Relative value between stream i and stream 1In-lirl.o:cuutiguratlon Laminar Layer Liquid only Liquid superficial Liquid phase Measured Step number Superheated Onset of nucleate boiling Orifice Probability Reference value Saturated Shell or jacket Staggered con1iguration Twcr-phase Tube Inside t'!!be Vapour only Vapour superficial Vapour phase VVall VVarm l-n"dle VVarm ~t.ream IX x Nomenclature Mathematical Function parenthesis () Gradient of X with respect to Y 4X/dY Acronym SRK-EOS PR-EOS G-EOS CSP GPA CWHX MCR LNG MITA PTFE EMF IPTS-68 Soave-Redlich-K wcng equation-of-state Peng-Robinson equation-of-state Cubic eq~atioD-of-state Corresponding state principle Gas processors association COil-WOUD_d heat excha.nger M ultico.:D p-cilent refrigerant Liquefied natural gas Minimum temperature approach Teflon Electromotive force The International Practical: Temperature '5cale of 1968 1 Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers 1.1 Introduction Coil-wound heat exchangers ( CWHX ) have been used as main heat exchangers i:J. most of the LNG production plants built until now. The main application areas for CWHX are as natural gas condensers in LNG production plants, as steam boilers in nuclea.r power production plants and occasionally as heat exchangers in petrochemical. or cryog€nic plants. Use of CWHX in !:!'fG plants is based on the advantages of multist~eam capability, high compactness, efficient heat transfer, high flexibility with regard to design temperature and pressure and robustness with regard to rapid changes in temperature and pressure. CWHX may be constructed with one or several tube-side streams. Two or three tube-side streams ue normal for LNG application. These streams exchange heat with a common shell-side stream. The fluid ma.y be in onephase flow or in two-phase flow, both on the tube-side and on the shell-side. The shell-side stream for the Ll'iG application is a.n evaporating multicomponent mixture which produces cooling duty for the condensing and subcooling streams on the tube-side. The two-phase flow on the shell side is limited to the cryogenic LNG application. The design pressures may be up to over 200 Bar on tube-side, but a normal design pressure for LNG appliC<'.tion is in the range of 30-50 Bar on tube side and 2-10 Bar on shell-side. The areato-volume ratio is in the range of 150 to 250 m2 /m 3 in t!:.e heat exchanger bundle, depending on tube diameter and radial and longitudinal tube spacing. High compactness combined with efficient heat transft:r due to local cross-flow and total counter-current flow, make it possible to build la...rge heat exchanger units, which are utilized in LNG plants. 1 2 1 Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers The direct capital cost for the main neat exchanger may be about 30 % of tne total investment cost pro liquefaction train [1], [2J. The energy consumption <j.ue to exergy loss :n the main heat exchanger could be about 25 % of the total energy consumption pro liquefaction train. Optim~J design of the main heat exchanger is therefore important with regard to investment costs and energy consumption during operation. A simulation program, CryoPro, has been developed in order to carry out thermal design and simulation of the liquefaction cycle and the main heat e.'(changer in an LNG plant. The computer program was developed at The Division of Refrigeration Engineering, at the Norwegian Institute of Technology, with financial support from StatoiL The design procedure for LNG heat exchangers, described in this chapter, have also been implemented in CryoPro. 1.2 Process considerations Figure 1.1 shows a flow diagram for a natural gas liquefaction process. The process is a propane precooled MCRI process, the most widely-u~ process for LNG production worldwide. A complete description of the process is given by Newton et al. in references [3], [4], [5]. The process consists of a pretreatment system, a liquefaction sys,tem and a compressor/driver system. Heavy hydrocarbons, water, CO 2 , HzS and Hg are removed down to a specified limi.t in the pretreatment system. The limits for maximum content of these components are normally given in order to prevent freeze-out and blocking in the main heat exchanger. The design specification for the fractioning system would be given by the inlet composition of the natural gas and the freeze out limit in the main heatsxchanger. The liquefaction system consists of a PI':COCling system which uses a propane cycle or a binary-fluid cycle (Dual-mix), aud a main liquaaction system which uses an MCR cycle. The pretreatment system and tha precooling system are normally incorporated into the same process block. The main heat exchanger consists of two bundles built together in one shelL The two bundles are called the warm bundle and the cold bundle respectively. The natural gas and the MCR mixture are precooled before they are conI Multi Component Refrigerant 3 1 Thermal design cif LNG heat exchangers _- .......... - - rrr~ I II I ( Figure 1.1: Flow diagram for a na.tural gas liquefaction process [3). 4 1 Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers dense<! in the warm bundle and subcooled in the r.old bundle. The MeR fluid is separated into liquid and gas, before entering the warm bundle, in ()rder to obtain different compositions of the evaporating fluid in the warm and the cold bundle. The MeR mixture is totally evaporated in the warm bundle before being compressed and recondensed again. The natural gas and the MeR are multicomponent mixtures, and will therefore condense at decreasing temperature. The MeR mixtures will also evaporate at increasing temperature. The natural gas enters the main heat exchanger with specified composition, flow rate and pressure. The flow rata of the fuel gas is specified from the total demand in the plan'!;. The natural gas temperature at the outlet of the cold end in the main heat exchanger will be a function of this fuel-rate. The selection of the remaining process parameters for the MeR refrigerant has to ~ done in close ccnnectir,m with the thermal design of the liquefaction cycle and the main heat exchanger. These process parameters could be summarized. as : • Composition of the MeR fluid • In!et temperature to the wan::J. end of the heat exchanger • Suction and delivery pressure for the MeR compressors • Pressure drop on each stream in the heat exchanger • Temperature at the split point between the warm and the cold bundle • US(; of expander as throttle device The inlet temperature to the warm end of the heat exchanger is a function of the temperature in the precooling loop. If a propane cycle is used, this temperature may only vary v.ithin a narrow range. If a duel-mixture cycle is used the flexibility will be much greater with respect to selection of inlet temperature and distribution of cooling duty and driver capacity in the precooling cycle and the MeR cycle. The exergy loss in the liquefaction loop may always be minimized by changing the MeR composition. The local exergy loss due to heat tIG.!'!.sfer of a duty Q between a warm and a cold stream with temperatures Tws and Tes may 1 Thennal design of LNG heat excha:agers 5 be calculated from Equation 1.1. The temperature is assumed to be constant for both streams. Tref !s the reference temperature for exergy. E Tref [T "' ] Q = Tcs. Tws· ws -.L cs (1.1) The loss is an inverse function of the stream temperature and a function of the temperature difference between the warm and the cold stream. Equation 1.1 is used to calculate the temperature difference for a constant relative exergy loss of 0.05 as function of temperature. The result is given in Table 1.1. The MCR composition should be optimized in such a way that temperature profiles in the heating and the cooling curves are similar to each other, with decreasing temperature difference at decreasing temperature, in order to obtain a constant, relative exergy loss. Table 1.1: Temperature difference as function of temperature with a relative exergy loss of 0.05. Tes [K] 240.0 200.0 150.0 100.0 T uts - con~tant T es [K] 10.00 6.89 3.85 1.69 The exergy loss in the main heat exchanger will also be a function of the delivery pressure from the MeR compressors. Expanders may also be used as throttle devices for the natural gas stream and the two MCR streams, in the main heat exchanger. Use of expanders entails a reduction in exergy loss in the liquefaction unit. 6 1 Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers 1.3 Design procedure 1.3.1 Basic design principles The design procedure for the main heat exchanger is based on two main principles. • The total surface in the main heat exchanger will depend on the location of the split point between the warm and the cold bundle. The location will always have an optimum solution . • A specified minimum temperature in the main heat exchanger can always be obtained by cha.nging the pressure on the shell side.' The first statement is only valid for design purpose, where the geometrical lay-out has to be established. The last statement may be used both for design and for simulation. A design procedure for the main heat exchanger is summarized in Figure 1.2. The specification contains process parameters for the inlet natural gas stream and the outlet LNG product, specified minimum temperature difference in the heat exchanger, specified temperature difference in the warm end of the heat exchanger and an object function for the optimization. The object function could, for iI!stance, be exergy loss, investment cost or a combination of investment cost and operational costs. The design starts with a heat balance around the main heat exchanger with given process conditions in order to calculate MeR flow rate. The hea.t exchanger length is estimated by use of a step-by-step calcula.tion from the warm to the cold end, with a heat balance on each step. The length of the warm bundle is settled by use of a. split criterion, and the specified minimum temperature difference is obtained by control of suction pressure. A new total heat balance and a new ftow rate are calculated every time the suction pressure is updated. The change of suction pressure and the location of split point, and tile calculation of surface in the heat excilanger bundle will be described in detail. A procedure for simulation of the main neat excha.nger is given in Figure 1.3. The heat transfer area is fixed, and the operational conditions, such as natural gas :flow rate and gas composition may be varied. MeR :flow ra.te 1 Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers 7 With given process specifications and object junction Change MeR composition and delivery pressure Change MeR ·suction pressure Change location of split point between warm and cold bundle Calculate surface in warm and cold bundle TJ ntil optimum location is reached U uti! specified minimum temperatu1'C difference is reached Until optimum design solution is rmched Figure 1.2: Ba.sic procedure for design of the main heat exchanger. and high pressure is established by the compressor. Such simulations could. be used in order to achieve optimum operation conditions. The procedure described in Figure 1.3 uses a shooting technique on the temperature of the low-pressure refrigerant in the warm end and on the suction pressure. The optimum control of the MeR compressor is not considered in the procedure. With given process specifications and object junction Change MCR composition. Change MCR S1.lCtior. pressure Change refrigerant temperature out of warm. end Calculate warm and cold bu.ndle Until total heat balance is reached Until specified LNG conditions is reached Until minimum power input is reached Figure L3: Basic procedure for simulation of the main heat exchanger. 1.3.2 Heat exchanger model Figure 1.4 shows a simplified sketch of a multistream heat-exchanger bundle with N st number of streams. The first stream is the shell-side stream and the (N st-1) tube-side streams exchange heat with the shell-side stream only. 1 Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers 8 . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I · I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I . I I I I I I ·· ·, ·,, · ··· . , ·, I dX I Len gt hO I I I I I I I I Stream Nst Stream·· . Stream 2 •, I I Stream 1 I I Len gt.h X Figure 1.4: Simplified sketch of a 1X.ultistream. heat exchanger with N st streams. A steady-state heat balance for a small longitudinal element dX, between a tube-side stream, i, and the shell-side stream, 1, leads to Equation 1.2 and 1.3. The longitudinal heat conduction is ignored in this heat balance. i dh N~, dh M· dX ;=2 dX Ml = 2···Ns i. (1.2) [-h=2,)-k-' (1.3) A. momentum balance over a longitudinal element dX leads to Equation 1.4. i= l···Nst (1.4) 51, S2 and 52 are integer constants with values of -lor 1 depending on integration direction, flow direction and direction of phase change. An adiabatic 1 Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers 9 flash method for calculation of temperature as function of enthalpy and pressure for a given composition is also needed as given by Equation 1.5, in order to obtain a closed equati~n system. i=1···Nst (1.5) Equations 1.2 to 1.4 express the enthalpy and the pressure for each stream through the heat-exchanger bundle by first-order differential equations. The right-hand side of the equations has to be calcdated from a set of algebraic equations and constants. The constants are given by the geometrical layout such as heat transfer area pro unit length and cross-sectional area for each stream. The algebraic equations, sach as heat-transfer coefficient for each stream and pressure gradient for each stream will vary through the heat exchanger, as the temperature and pressure vary. The total heat-transfer coefficient is calculated from the local heat-transfer coefficients by the same method as for a shell and tube heat exchanger [6]. The total mathematical model consists of (2· Nst - 1) independent differential equations and a set of independent algebraic equations. A solving procedure for the equations is given in Figure 1.5. The geometrical lay-out refers to parameters such as radial and longitudinal tube spacing, number oftubes for each stream and tube length. . With given stream data and design limitations Change geometrical lay-out Change guessed values at length 0.0 Change for next step by integration Enthalpy, pressure and temperature. Heat-transfer coefficient and total surface Until stop criterion is reached Until residuals at length X are minimized U nti! optimum design is obtained Figure 1.5: Solution procedure for a bundle in a multistream heat exchanger. ..I\.s described in Chapter 1.3.1. all of the input streams to the heat exchanger are known or guessed in the wa.rm end. These streams are considered as 10 1 Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers specified input values. There will also be design limitations such as ma.ximum pressure drop, maximum length and so on. These limits could be based on J;Danufa.cturing, transport, or process considerations. The design starts ,..lith a choice of geometrical lay-out for the bundle. k soon as these values are established the heat transfer area pro unit length and the cross-sectional area for each stream can be calculated. The geometrical parameters are constant throughout the heat exchanger bundle. The solution of Equation 1.2 to Equation 1.4 is based on a numerical integration of the differential equations from length 0 to length X of the heat exchanger. Different numerical methods may be used to integrate equations 1.2 to 1.4. The simple first-order Euler method is given by Equation 1.6. The method is a. step-by-step method, where 11. refers to integration step number and i refers to stream numb~r. LlX is the length of each integration step. The pressure and the enthalpy at the next integration step are calcula.ted from equations 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4. The temperature is calculated from Equation 1.5 and the rigbt-hand sides of equa.tions 1.2 to 1.4 a.re updated in order to calculate yet another integration step. (1.6) The integration proceeds until a specified stop criterion is reached. Specified length or specined temperature and pres'Oure on an output stream may be used as stop criterion. The procedure is generalized to solve the situation where some of the input streams have unknown values at length 0 and known values at length X. The residuals are defined as the difference betw~ the calcula.ted stream temperature a.nd pressure at length X and the known stream temperature and pressure at length X. The guessed values at length 0 are changed in order to minimize these residuals. In the last part of the design, the geometrical lay-out may be changed in order to meet the design-limits given at the start of the calculation. A simplined solution may also be obtained for Equation 1.2 to Equation 1.47 by assur::ling that all of the warm streams follow the same temperature profile thro1igh the heat exchanger. The total cooling curve may then be divided into a number of grid points or section:;, where the temperature for the sa ell-side 1 Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers 11 stream is estimated by use of a heat balance. This gives a faster calculation and the U . Aile value is then post-calculated for each stream and each grid point. Such an approach. may be used for preliminary studies of the design and the process parameters. The accuracy of the design depends on many parameters, such as adiabatic~ l1ash calculation and correlations for calculation of heat-transfer coefficients and pressure drop. The temperature difference in an LNG heat exchanger may be as low as 2 to 3 K at the pinch point. Accurate prediction of temperature from specified enthalpy and pressure values is therefore important. The total calculated surface is also sensitive to the pressure on the shell-side. The prediction of the pressure drop may therefore affect the prediction of the temperature difference and the total surface. 1.3.3 Optimum split point Different design criteria may be used in order to establish the split point between the warm and the cold bundle. Figure 1.6 shows an example on the temperature difference in the warm and the cold bundle as a function of relative length. The split point must be within the range of relative length where both the warm and the cold bu~dle have a positive temperature difference. This range will vary with composition and suction pressure. The profile is generated with the assumption of equal temperature on each warm. stream at each grid point. Different criteria for detection of split point may be : L Given length of warm bundle or temperature of one stream out of warm bundle 2. Minimizing surface in heat exchanger 3. Maximizing ~T in the split point The first criterion may not be obtainable due to the actual range with positive temperature differences for both bundles. Figure 1.7 shows an example for the total heat transfer surface in a main heat exchange!" as a function of the relative length at the split point between the warm and cold bundles. A decrease in the warm bundle length will reduce 12 1 Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers ::.:: 8.0 OJ Warm bundle - - • {J C OJ 1-1 OJ Cold bundle ___ . 6.0 I "-l "-l -rI '0 I '. 4.0 I. OJ 1-1 :l J.J <0 1-1 ~- ..... ,, I" ' I , "I , .... J I , I 2.0 , \,I I OJ 0.0 ~ QI E-t 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Relative length [-] Figure 1.6: Temperature djfferences in the warm and cold bundle. the total surface because the total heat transferred is reduced due to the fact that there are more streams in the warmb-undle than in the cold bundle and because the temperature difference in the warm bundle is increased. The surface in the cold bundle will increase at the same time since the temperature difference is reduced. The minimum surface will be at a length where these two effects balance each other. The possible split range is narrow for this case and the temperature difference in the cold bundle increases very rapidly with respect to relative length. The split point for minimum surface is therefore located very close to the lowest range limit. The criteria for minimum surface is set up in Equation 1.7. The optimum po!nt for minimum surface is given in Figure 1.7. (1.7) The use cf the minimum surface criterion PN~UCes a lower Ll T for the cold bundle than for warm bundle. If the pinch point for the heat exchanger is located in the split point, the suction pressure will have to be kept lower than necessary in crder to obtain the specified, minimum pi.nch point. The 13 1 Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers 40000 r---~r-r---...,...----"----' N I E • ~ ~ 36000 ItS ""':II-< til 32000 Surface - Minim1.lJ.iI ---Max_ DT ---- 2800 0 '--_---J~ 0.85 _ _.....J,..._ ___L_ _ 0_87 0.89 0_91 ~ 0.93 Relative length [-] Figure 1.7: Total h eat- transfer surface as a. fun ctian of th e split pai:Jt between the warm and coid bundle. 14 1 Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers maximum obtainable ~ T in the split point wi.ll be for relative length where temperature difference is equal for the warm and the cold bundle, as given in Equation 1.8. th~ (1.8) The optimum point for maximum temperature difference is also given in Figure 1.7. The variation in minimum temperature difference between the two different split points is about 0.4 °C in Figure 1.7. The optimum curve is :fiat in this region, so the increase in surface between the two split points is small compared to the change in temperature difference and, eventua.lly, suction pressura, for this case. All of the three methods are im plemented in CryoPro, but the method which maximizing the !!J. T is used in most cases. 1.3.4 OptimUm suction pressure Figure 1.8 shows the temperature difference through the heat exchanger as a. function of relative length at different specifications for minimum temperature approach (MITA ). The split point between the warm and cold bundle is ca.Iculated from the criterion of maximum temperature-difference in the split point. The profiles are generated with the assumption of equal. temperature on each warm stream. The change in MITA specification creates a. change in suction pressuro:;. The different temperature ?rofiles have a parallel displacement to each othe:.r with respect to change in suction pressure or MITA specification. There are six different pinch points in this example, four-in the warm bundle and two in the cold bundle. The last one in the warm :,undle and the first one in the cold bundle are located in the split point. These two are similar due the specification of maximum temperature difference. Two of the different pinch points are in position to be a MITA point. Figure 1.9 shows a trace of the different pinch points as a function of suction pressure. The pinch points are detected from the definition given in Equation 1.-9. dT [dXbu]; = 0.0 (1.9) 15 1 Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers ::.:: ~ 10.0 MITA (!) u t: (!) 8.0 l-l (!) ...., ...., 6.0 "'-- .. . = 1.5 = 2.5 = 3.5 I I " • • . .,.,j '0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 D.B 1.0 Relative length [-] Figure 1.8: Temperature profile as a function of specified MITA. The MITA specification is located at the pinch point which gives the lowest suction pressure. Each of the pinch points has to be traced during iteration on suction pressure due to the fact that the MITA point jumps from one pinch point to another when the pressure is varied. At a given suction. pressure, the MITA point is located at two different pinch points. The slo.,-.a of the dinerznt pinch traces is a strong function of pressure drop on the shell side. If the eqQations are solved without the assumption of equal temperature on each v;ann stream, the number of pinch points increase:::, as shov.,,!!jn Figure 1.10. The total heat-transfer coefficient is assumed to be constant for each stream through the heat exchanger in this example. There are about 10 different pinch points in the figure. Heating and cooling curves for the main heat exchanger in an MeR, precooled, liquefaction system are given in figure l.li. propa.n~ Figure 1.12 shows the total heat transfer surface and the exergy loss in an LNG heat exc.h.ar.ger as a function of the suction pressure to the MeR compressor. A change of ~:uction pressure will lead to a pa.rallel displacement of the heating and cooling curves in figure L 11. The optimum solution has to 16 1 Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers ~ ~ 10.0 (!) () Split point pinch Warm #1 , Warm *2 ' • .c:-.-".", Warm #3 , .............------,'::.~ Cold #::!. ....-:::........ ....~--- W 8.0 1-1 (!) :!j 6.0 • ..-1 '0 (!) J..J ItS ---- -:::-............... ---..:::--.. 4.0 ....... 1-1 ;:! .-.-.-.:~:::~ . 2.0 . >-I (!) 0: e:Q} 8 0.0 I L 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.7 2.5 2.9 Suction pressure [Bar] Figure 1.9: Pinch trace as a function of specified MITA. ~ ~ 15.0 (!) () liquid. - vapour ---- !1CR MCR W12.0 Natural gas 1-1 ..' ,, Q} I :::: 9.0 , • ..-1 \, " '0 " 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Relative length [-] Figure 1.10: Temperature profiles in an LNG heat exchangel". 17 1 Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers Temp=mre [KJ 240.00 230.00 , 1\\. I I I ~, I ~ 220.00 I I I I 200.00 I~, 190.00 I II~-,- I 180.00 I I 170.00 i I ~ ~\. I I I 150.00 140.00 I 130.00 II I 120.00 I I 110.00 I 0.00 0.20 II I~\ I I I I I I "\ 1 \.1 \l\ I 160.00 HotTii~-­ ColdSbCilPaSs - . coidTiibcPaSSC CcldTuiid'iSsr I I HotSheIlFass HotTlibePassl HOlTi!beP"aSSi--- ! I I I 210.00 I ! I 1 I I I I I 0.40 0.60 0.80 I \\ I \' ';~ \1 1 I Re1:uive Length [-] 1.00 Figure 1.11: Heating and cooling curve for for the main heat exchanger in an MeR, propane precooled, liquefaction process. 18 1 Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers be based on economical considerations. til til o .-l 60 50 Area Exergy loss 40 30 20 M E 10 o ~----~------~----~----~ 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Suction pressure [Bar] Figure 1.12: Total heat transfer surface and exergy loss as a functioD. of suction pressure. 1.4 Geometricallay--out A sk~-:-~h of a CWHX bundle is shown in Figure 1.13. The heat exchanger consists of tubes coiled in layers around a cylindrical core. The coiling direction alternates for each la.yer and the number of parallel tub~ in each layer increases by a constant number from layer to layer toward the outside of the heat exchanger. The radial distance between each layer is held constant by use of longitudinal space bars. The longitudinal distance between tubes in one layer and the tube inclination are also kept constant for all the layers. All of the tubes in one bundle have equal length because of the constant distances in the radial and longitudinal directions and the constant inclination. The tubes are connected to tubesheets at each end of the heat exchanger_ The ratios of tubes from all of the different streams are constant for each layer in order to avoid maldistribution for the :fluid Oil the shell side introduced by differences in heat load 1 Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers 19 ELEMENTS 0" CONSTRUCTION t-'1t.-:~_-- 8 I. CD!L 2. MANDREL,3. TuBE L~Y:RS 4. SPACER5 5. JACKET 6.. PIGTA:L-ENDS 7. TuBE-SHEET ~. NOZZLES «. ':''I£LL USUALLY COUNTER-CURRENT RANGE 0, BUllT UNITS AREA ;.ElGHT DIAMETER WElGH' , 0.3 - 11000 m 2 0.6 - 20m I o ;: - 201:' 0.0-4- 150 'tons A-A SHELL SIDE FLOW B B-B 1. TUBE SIDE ~LOW C-C 2. TUBE SIDE FLOW 0-0 TUBE SlOE FLOW Figure 1.13: Sketch of a .:oil-wound hea.t exchanger bundle OYith four streams, LINDE A.G. [8} 20 1 Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers for each stream. The bundle is covered by a. jacket on the outside in order to avoid a by-pass stream on the shell side. A uniform two-phase flow distribution on {;he shell-side is crucial in a heat exchanger used for LNG production in order to achieve constant temperature on each layer at a given length. Maldistribution may result in reduced production capacity or increased power consumption. The distribution system in a heat exchanger used for LNG production may be constructed as given in Figure 1.14 as a separator and a perforated plate spray tower [7]. The liquid phase is distributed over the entire CfO<:S section ofthe tube bundle by gravity force, through the perforated plates; and :8.ows as a thin film on the tube wall. The vapour is distributed in between the liquid phase by pressure differences. The liquid and the vapour are in thermal equilibrium a.t the top of the bundle, downstream the distribution system. INTEIUUU. SEPJlRATOR DISTRIBUTOR TRATS FOR UQU\D Figure 1.14: Two-phase :Bow distribution system for a CWHX, Bukacek [7} Description of a. the geometrical lay-out, performance and manufacturing of 1 Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers 21 coil-wound heat exchangers are also given ir. references [3], [7] and [9]. The main objective for the geometrical calculations in CryoPro is to establish the bundle geometry, and to calculate variables which influence on the heat transfer and the pressure drop. The geometrical data are classified in three different categories, given in Table 1.2. The input data which have an initial estimate may be changed during the calculation. Table 1.2: Geometrical data for the main heat exchanger in CryoPro. Fixed input data Inside and outside tube diameter Radial tube pitch Longitudinal tube pitch Input data with initial estimate Core diameter Number of tubes for each stream Output data Shell diameter Bundle length Heat transfer surface for each stream Flow area for each stream Number of layers Tube inclination The shell-side configuration varies continuously between in-line and staggered as a function of position. Figure 1.15 shows the tube configuration between four different layers at peripherical angle 0, 20 and 40 degrees. All of the layers have in-line configuration at the starting position, (J = 0.0. The second and the fourth layer are coiled in the right direction, and the other layers are coiled in the left direction. The calculation of geometrical data is reviewed in Appendix A.I. Two of the most important parameters for calculation of heat transfer and pressure drop are the characteristic flow area, and th,! characteristic radial distance between neighboring tubes. The flow area for a tube side stream, j, 22 1 Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers 40 0000 0000 0000 degrees s:: ....0 "'u"' Q) ....'0 l-; ..... 60 degrees 0°00 00 00°0 400 6 III ....'0s:: ::s ...."'"' OJ s:: 0 ..J o degrees 20 degrees 0000 0000 0000 o 00 0°0 0~08 Radial direction Figure 1.15: Local tube configuration at different periphe;-ical angles. 23 1 Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers may be calculated from Equation LID. (LID) The cross-flow area on the shell-side may be calculated from Equation 1.11, where SreJ is the radial reference distance between to neighboring tubes, calculated from one of the different methods reviewed in Appendix A.2. (Lll) The different methods calculate different values for the reference distance and the lIow area. Comparisons between the methods are given in Table 1.3, for four different cases. The methods are compared on a relative basis with respect to the in-line flow area for given values of Pr, PI and Dt... These parameters are also given in Table 1.3 and represent a reasonable range of choice with respect to geometrical data in an LNG heat exchanger. Table L3: Rel:;,:'ive Bow area on shell side, calculated by four different methods. Case 1 : D tu = 10.0 mm, Pr = 13.0 mm, PI = 12.D mm Case 2: D tu = 10.0 mm, Pr 13.0 mm, PI 11.0 mm Case 3 : Dtu = 10.0 mm, Pr = 15.0 mm, PI = 12.0 mm Case 4 : Dt'OL = 10.0 mm, Pr 15.0 mm, PI = 11.0 mID. = = - ..c!' Method In-line Staggered Glaser [13] Gilli [14] = Relative flow area Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.3719 1.2311 1.1953 1.1206 1.0782 1.0659 1.1961 1.1220 1.1032 Case 1 1.0000 1.4393 1.1493 1.2313 The heat-transfer surface for each stream, j, may be set up as a function of the shell-side length, as given in Equ ation 1. 12. The total surface is calculated 24 1 Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers as a sum of the surfaces for each stream. (1.12) The total tube length and the total bundle length are calculated as a result from the integration. The two length parameters are related as given in Equation 1.13. Xiru. = sin{o:) . X t ... (1.13) 1.5 Thermodynamic and physical properties 1.5.1 Selection of calculation methods Accurate calculation of thermodynamic and physical properties is important both for the design and simulation of heat-transfer equipment. The main aim for the review in this section is to describe general methods which may be used for calculation ofthermodynamic and physical properties in relation to design and simulation of LNG heat exchangers. The thermo-physical properties are also of great importance for data reduction and for data modeling in the test facility, described in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3. . The properties and methods used in connection with models for thermal design of heat exchangers and models for calculation of heat transfer aIid . pressure drop may be classified into three different grQUPS as given in Table 1.4. A brief description of the different calculation methods is provided. The thermodynamic and physical properties must be calculated for both the liquid and vapour phase. The two key parameters used for selection of calculation methods are the claim for high accuracy and the claim for general application on mixtures. The main objective is to use the same Calculation methods both for pure component and for mixtures in o::der to achieve a smooth transition for the measured properties in the test facility with regard to composition. The methods are selected for use on light hydrocarbons or hydrocarbon mixtures. Some special methods are chosen for nitrogen gas in order to obtain high accuracy in the test facility. 1 Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers 25 Ta.ble ! .4: TherlIlodynamica.l and physical properties used for design of the main heat exchanger and da.ta. reduction in the test fa.ci1ity. I Property Calculation method Equilibrium. data Pure component Vapour pressure or C-EOS Multicomponent C-EOS Solid-liquid GPA Thermodynamic properties Enthalpy CSP (C-EOS in test facility) Heat of evapora.tion . CSP (C-EOS in test facility) Entropy CSP (C-EOS in test facility) Heat capacity CSP (C-EOS in test fwlity) Density CSP Physical properties Cet> I Viscosity Thermal cond.lcti\"ity CSP I Surface tension CSP .... 26 1 Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers A review of the chosen methods is given with emphasis on accuracy. The review is related to the measUi<=lments and the data reduction in the test f?rility, and is not c')mplete with r,>spect to the different da.ta given in Table 1.4. A computer program for calcula.tion of thermodynamic and physical properties has been developed at SINTEF, Division of Refrigeration Engineering [10J. This program, TP-lib, is used as a subsystem in CryoPro. The propert!es are calculated from a given temperature, pressure and composition. A view of the different layers in TP-lib is given in Figure 1.16. Enthalpy APPUcmON LIVEL t FIASR CAI.CULUIONS PHASE SEARCBlNG ENTBALPY !'l'C.. RESIDUAL FtlNCl'JONS IDEAL GAS FOIL PROPEiTlES m!"J2Es ImiNG ~!I I I ,CSP~ ,. Entropy Compositions '!P.Jib left! 0 BesidlI8l flmctioD cas flmctiODS TP_lib left! 1 tIdal t 1 I ~panmeters TP.Jib left! 2 Pure eomJlC!ll.ent parameter! TP_lib level 3 PtmE COMPONENT CONDmONS Figure 1.16: The layers ofTP-lib used for calculation of thermodynamic and physical properties [10]- The program consists of different layers and the interface between CryoPro and TP-lib is on the application level. The system is also used as a basis for the data reduction in tbe test facilities. 1 Thermal design of LNG heat exchallgers 27 1.5.2 Equilibrium data The isothermal equilibrium in a vapour-liquid system may be calculated by us<; ofEqi,iation 1.14, [il]. The equation is solved by iteration, and is applied to calculate t-he vapc~r quality ~d the composition for each phase. (1.14) The equ3tion for adiabatic equilibrium may be obtained by adding a heat balance around the two phases, as giveli in Equation 1.15. This is a calculated equilibrium with given enthalpy and pressure. This equation may also be solved by iteration with respect to temperature, in combination with Equation 1.14. htp - i· hv(T, P, Y) - (1- x) . hL(T, P, X) = 0.0 (1.15) The vapour quality is influenced by th~ K-value for each component, which is the equilibrium constant that describes the distribution of a component between the two phases. The K-~ues are functions of temperature, pressure and composition and a.re obtained from the definition of thermodynamic equilibrium, given in Equation 1.16, where the fugacity for a component, i, is equal in both phases. The temperature and the pressure are also equal in the two phases. fL,i = IV.i (1.16) Different models may be used for calculation of the fugacity, and a G-EOS is normally used for both phases in light hydrocarbon systems with small amounts of polar components present. The K-value for a component, i, may then be calculated from Equation 1.17. Ki = Yi = (h,i(T,P,X"r Xi BV,i(T, P, Y) (1.17) The CWHX design is based on Equations 1.2 to 1.5, and the accuracy in the calculations depends on the C-EOS model, in turn dependent upon the 28 1 Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers K-values and the enthalpy-temperature relationship. High accuracy may be obtained for multicomponent equilibrium by use of binary interaction parameters. The same equilibrium model may be chosen for calculation of pure-component vapour pressure. This gives a smooth transition between a pure component arid a mixture, which is of importance for the measurements in the test facility. Pure-component vapour pressure for propane is compared with different calculation methods in Appendix A.3. The deviation for the Peng-Robinson equation-of-state ( PR-EOS ) is estimated to be within ± 0.2 °C within the t~IUperature range of 230 K to 350 K. A detailed description of different ii.&odels for calculation of K-values is given in Reference [11]. Different equations of sta.te for calculation of equilibrium in binary and multicomponent mlxt)lres have also been reviewed in Reference [15]. . . Estimation of freeze-out for C02 and heavy hydrocarbons in LNG heat exchanger:; is an important part of the equilibrium calculations because these calculations set the limit for the pretreatment system. These calculations have been reviewed by Owren [12], with given recommendations. The GPA Cryogenic Solubility program, developed by Kahn and Luks, may be used for such calculations [12]. 1.5.3 Thermodynamic properties The density for pure or mixed hydrocarbons is calculated by a cCJ."l'esponding state method as described by Ely et al. [16] and Stephan et aI. :[17]. The method is based on statistical thermodynamics and relates the properties of a mixed or pure fluid to the same properties for_a P1J!'e reference fluid by use of a set of functions. Methane is used as reference fluid, and the density for pure methane is calculated by a very accurate correlation. The P ..... p - T data for pure methane may be c:alculateJ by use of a quasi-vinal equation of state as given by Younglove et aI. [18], [19}. The equation is used both for saturated and subcooled liqUid and for saturated and superheated gas and is quoted to be very accurate. Evaluation of uncertaint)~ in calculated density by the corresponding state method is based. on data for pure and mixed hydrocarbons. The uncertainty for the calculated density is regarded to be within ± 2 % for light hydrocarbons. A detailed description of the comparisons is given in Appendix A.4. 1 Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers 29 Density and thermodynamic properties for pure nitrogen gas is calculated from the same quC!Si-virial equation-of-state used for methane and propane [18]. The uncertainty ill the calculated density is quoted to be within ± C.2 % for fluid above critical temperature. This method is used for data reduction in the test facility, for gas measurements. The uncertainty for the calculated thermodynamic properties for nitrogen gas above critical temperature is quoted to be within ± 5 % for calculation of specinc heat at constant pressure or volume, and within ± 1 J/mole for calculation of enthalpy [18]. 1.5-4 Physical properties Viscosity and thermal conductivity for pure or mixed hydrocarbon fluids are estimated o;>r use of a corresponding state method similar to the method used for calculation of density. A complete review of the method is given by Ely et aI. [16]. The method has been implemented in TP-lib as a part of the work on the thesis. The uncertainty in calculated dynamic viscosity and thermal conductivity for pure hydrocarbons and hydrocarbon mbctures is evaluated to be within ± 8 % for this method [16]. A def::illed comparison is performed in Appendix A.5 for pure component dyna-..lic viscosity. The uncertainty in calculated dynamic viscosity for pure propane is regarded to be within ± 3 %. Thermal conductivity and viscosity for a pure component are given by YOllDglove et aI. [18], [19]. The uncertainty for the calculated properties for nitrogen gas above critical temperature is quoted to be within ± 6 %, both for viscosity and thermal conductivity. 2 Test facility for LNG heat exchangers 2.1 Introduction Design- and simulation results for LNG heat exchangers are sensitive to the loeal heat-transfer coefficient and pressure gradient on the shell side, due to small temperature differences between warm and coLd streams and a high ~ gradient on the shell side. No commercial computer program is available to calculate such an exchanger. Information regarding heat transfer and pressure drop are normally proprietary for manufa...-turers I)f such exchangers. Two different test facilities have baen built in order to verify and improve the simulation program CryoPro. The test facility described here is built for measurement on down-flow evaporation on the shell side. The local heat transfer coefficient and pressure gradient are measured, and the whole shell-side range, in an LNG heat exchanger, may be covered by .::hanging different parameters in the test facility. The test fluid may be pure or mixed hydrocarbons and the test facility are operated at realistic pressures and temperatures. Different parameters which affect the measured heat-transfer and pressure drop are varied. The construction of the test heat-exchanger, and the commissioning of the test facility have been performed in connection to this thesis. 2.2 Description of test facility A flow diagram for the test facility, including the major parts of equipment and instrumentation, is presented in Figure 2.1. The facility consists of a test circuit, a propane brine circuit and a methane cooling cirC1!it. The local hea.t-tra.nsfer coeilicient and the pressure gradient are measured 30 31 2 Test facility for LNG heat exchangers I I I I I I I I I I I I H~ I . _~ __ ~___Lj~~r, ~fl~'" ~ I )---L~"""J.:T5 -------liliI-L--LrO;- .... @yI..N Figure 2.1: Flow diagram for the test facility. (A)(C)(E)(G)(1)(K)(M)- Test heat-exchanger Vapour blower Vapour cooler Turbine-meter Propane pump Propane cooler Methane expansion drum (B)- Sepa.rator (D)- Orifice-meter (F)(H)(J)(L)(N)- Pump Liquid cooler Temperature regulator Propane expansion drum Philips cryogenerator 32 2 Test facility for LNG heat exchangers in the test heat exchanger. The test fluid is circulated through the test heat exchanger as gas- , liquid- or two-phase flow. When measurements are Rerformed at two-phase conditions, the fluid is separated into a liquid stream and a vapour stream, after the test heat exchanger. The flow rate and the composition are measured for the two different phases. The V3.pour stream is circulated by use of a gas blower and cooled before it is mixeJ with the liquid in the test he:~,t exchanger. The liquid stream is cooled after the separator and circulated by use of a pump before it is mixed with the gas in the test hea.t exchanger again. The liquid and the vapour streams in the test circuit are cooled against the propane in the brine ci,rcuit. The propane is circulated by use of a pump a.nd cooled against evaporating methane in the main cooling circuit. The brine circuit is branched into three courses; one for cooling of liquid, one for cooling of vapour and one for recirculation of brine. The main cooling circuit operates by thermosyphon circulation. The methane is conde!lsed in a cryogenerator, which is the cold-supplier in the plant. The vapour- and the liquid flowrates are changed by means of frequency regulation on the gas blower- and the pump motor, and by means of recirculation of liquid from the pump to the separator. This system provides a smooth regulation of flow rate through the test heat exchanger. The flow rate in the brine circuit is changed by means offrequency regulation on the pump motor and by means of regulation of the split ratio between the different courses. The brine temperature is set by regulation of the cooling duty in the cryogenerator and by regulation of the electrical heat-input. The temperature in the test heat exchanger follows the brine t~mperature. The pressure in the test heat exchanger is a function of the temperature and the total composition of the nuid in the test circuit. The test facility may be operated at temperatures from 0 to -150 0 C, and pressures from 1 to 15 bar. The mass-flow velocity in the test section may be varied from 20 to 200 kg/m 2 s. The whole quality range from superheated. vapour flow to liquid film flow may be covered for a particular mixture, by changing the temperature and the flow rate of liquid and vapour in the test circuit. Pure-component or mixtures of nitrogen, methane, ethane and propane would normally be used as test fluid. 2 Test facility for LNG heat exchangers 33 2.3 Test heat exchanger The test heat exchanger consists of a gas-liquid mixing system, a two-phase flow distribution system and the test section. A sketch of the hea.t exchanger is gl1T<ln in Figure 2.2. The liquid- and the vapour strea!:lS have different temperature and composition before mixing into a two-phase fiow. The purpose of the mixing system is to bring the two-phase flow to thermodynamic equilibrium. The system consists of series of bends and T junctions. It is important to obtain uniform distribution of the two-phase flow in the test heat exchan~er. The :flow distribution system consists of a plate with 30 vertical tubes, placed in a circle over the central coil in test heat exchanger. Each tube has two slits, 0.5 mm wide and 100 mm long. The two-phase now is separated by gravity, and the liquid forms a level over the partition pla.te before it is drained through th.e slits in th.e tubes. The vapour is drained directly through the center of the tubes, and the two-phase flow forms an annular flow pattern through the distribution tubes. The expansion at the outlet of the tubes generates a uniform spray of liquid over the whole flow area in the test section. The distribution system and the heat exchanger were tested with air-water mixtures as test fluid. Visual observations were performed. The flow rate and the vapour quality were changed over a large range. Dye was added at different locations in order to observe the iluid :Bow through the d.istributi.on system and in the heat exchanger. The testing gave satisfactory results, both for two-phase distribution and for film flow down through the heat e.'Cchanger. The dye was traced around the whole periphery of the test excha.nger in a. distance of 6 to 8 rows downstream the injection point. The heat exchanger is normally operated with light hydrocarbon mixtures, where the density and the viscosity ra.tios are much smaller than for air and wa.ter. The degree of mixing and the :Bow distribution will therefore be better for such mixtures. The test section is a model of a coil-wound hea.t exchanger, and consists of one central coil and two half-tube coils on the inner and outer walls. The center coil consists of four parallel tubes and the inner and the outer coils consist of respectively three and five parallel half-tubes. The half-tabes on the walls are inserted in order to obtain right flow performance around the center coil where the heat-transfer coefficient is measured. Tha main layer is 2 Test facility for LNG heat excha'lgers 34 Figure 2.2: Test heat exchanger. (1)(3)(5)(7)(9)- Tubes with vertical slits Outer half-tubes Flow inlet Pressure tapping Partition plate (2)- Heated palt of test section (4)- Inner half-tubes (6)- Flow braker (8)- Separator plate 35 2 Test facility for LNG heat exchangers coiled to the right and the two half-tube layers are coiled to the left. Three longitudinal space bars are inserted between each of the layers. The tubes in the center coil are also separated by space bars in the longitudinal direction. The core and the half-tubes on the inner wall are cut on the lathe with high accuracy, from one piece of metaL Five parallel half-tube hollows with correct inclination and longitudinal distance were made on the outer walL The tubes was squeezed down into t:,~ hollows in order to form the ~uter half-tubes on the walL The test section consists of a flow stabilization zone, an isothermal zone and a heated test zone. The total heat exchanger consists of 24 succ~ing tubes in the flow direction. The flow-stabilizer zone consists of 6 succeeding tUDes where a correct velocity profile and flow distribution are esta.blished. The heated zone corresponds to one round for each tube in the coil, which again corresponds to four succeeding tubes in the flow direction. Outside tube diameter, heated area, longitudinal tube pitch, radial tube pitch and tube inclination have been measured directly or calculated from indirect measurements. The geometrical data are used in date reduction and in models for heat transfer and pressure drop. An uncertainty limit for each of the geometrical parameters is estima.ted. The geometrical data for the test section are cited in Table 2.1, and reflect a normal geometrical choice for a coil-wound heat exchanger. The determination of the different geometrical parameters and the relation between the different parameters are shown in Appendix B.1. Table 2.1: Geometrical data for the test heat excha.1ger. Parameter Outside tube diameter Longitudinal distance between tube center Radial distance between tube center Winding angle Heated tubelength Heated area Value 12.00 ± 0.05 13.94 ± 0.09 15.91 ± 0.06 7.938 ± 0.06 1688.5 ± 3.00 63655.0 ± 288 mm mm mm 0 !Ilm mm 2 Each of the four aluminium tub~ in the center layer is heated with electrical heating elements at the center of the tu bes. The heated test zone is separated 36 2 Test fadlity for LN G heat excha.ng~rs from the rest Cif the heat exchanger by PTFE plugs in order to prevent heat leakage. The heat flux from the tubes may be varied from 0 to 10 kW 1m2 • A mixing chamber is insta.lled after the heated test section in order to bring the fluid back to isothermal conditions before the temperature is measured. The mixing chamber consists of saddle pocking, as used in distillation columns. 2.4 Estim.ation and treatment of errors Measurement and calculation of physical properties involves errors. The main aim for the error analysis is to estimate uncertainty intervals ror the measured heat transfer, the measured pressure drop, the parameters used for modelling purposes and the models used for calcu lation of heat transfer and pressure drop. The uncertainty interval, UI, is defined as the range around a mean value, which can be expected to inclllde the true mean vabe of the property with a. specified confidence level or probability, P. A result may be stated as x±Ulp. x, Errors are divided into three main groups. Spurious errors, random errors or precision errors, E, and systematic errors, /3, also called fixed errors or bias errors. Spurious errors, such as human errors and instrument malfunction, are not incorporated into the uncertainty intervaL A statistical outlier test is used in order to detect and reject measurements affected by spurious errors. The Dixon outlier test [26] is described in Appendix B-3. The total uncertainty interval is estimated by a combination of j3 and E. The error analysis for the measurements involves ; L Identification of all independent sources of errors 2. Identification and rejection of spurious errors 3. Estimation of uncertainty associated with systema.tic errors 4. Estimation of uncertainty associated with random errors from repeatoo measurements a.nd statistical analysis 5. Estimation of uncertainty intervals for the measured results due to propagation of systematic and random errors 2 Test facility for LNG heat exchangers 37 6. Estimation of uncerta.inty interval for the calculated results due to propagation of errors The main sources for uncertainty in measured values are calibration, data acquisition and data reduction. Methods for estimation of errors and uncertainty interval are given in Appendix B.2. 3.5 Instrumentation, calibration and uncertainty 2.5.1 Temperature The locations of the different points for measurements of temperatures are shown in Figure 2.1. Fluid temperatures in the test section are measured at eight different points. All of these points are regarded as isothermaL Surface temperatures are measured in the tipper and lower parts of the heated test section, by four thermocouples on each of the four heated tubes. The location of the wall points and the fluid points are given in Appendix B.S. Temperatures in the test fluid are measured at three points along the liquid part of the circuit and at four points in the vapour part of the test circuit. A description of the different elements is presented in Table 2.2. The temperatures TIl to T 1., T31 to T~ and all of the surface temperatures are measured with sheathed and insulated thermocouple elements. The rest of the temperatures are measured with ba.re thermocouple elements. All of the thermocouples are of type E made with chromel-constantan wires. An ice ba.th is used as reference junction. An instrumentation diagram for the thermocouple element is given in Figure 2.3. The chromel-constantan wires in the thermocouple elements are connected to shielded and twisted copper wires at the reference jUilction. All of the copper wires from the reference junction are connected to an isothermal input connector on the data logger. The shield is connected to earth ground. The shield on the input connector is connected to earth ground through a 100 kQ resistance in order to prevent noise in the measuring chain. The signals from the thermocouple elements are converted to temperature by use of Equation 2.1, where the electrical signal is represented as a temperature 38 2 Test facility for LNG heat exchangers DATAE..OGGER VOLTMETER CONNECTOR MEASUREMENT + POINT G CONSTANTAN SHIELD 100 k Figure 2.3: Instrumentation diagram for temperature measurement. 39 2 Test facility for LNG heat exchangers Table 2.2: Thermocouple elements in the test circuit. Identifier TIl - T14 TSl - T 3• TZAl - TZAa T2Bl - T2B8 T4 Ts '1'6 T7 Ts T9 TIO Tn TI2 Tlcb Location Fluid temperatures before the heated test section Fluid temperatures after the mixing chamber Wall temperatures in the upper part Wall temperatures in the lower part Liquid temperature at the outlet of the separator Liquid tempera.ture at the outlet of the liquid cooler Liquid tempera.ture at the inlet of the mixing system Vapour temperature at the outlet of the separator Vapour temperature before tr.e orifice meters Vapour temperature at the inlet of the mixing system Propane temperature at the outlet of the p'lmp Propane temperature at the outlet of the liquid cooler Propane temperature at the inlet of the pl\mp Laboratory temperature function. E(T} = EreJ(T) + Ecalib(T} (2.1) Erei is the electromotive force, EMF, calculated from a standard thermocouple reference table. Ecalib is a correction for the EMF based on calibration data. The reference table is given by an equation in Appendix B.6. Equation 2.1 is solved by iteration. Six of the sheathed elements and the bare wire are calibrated off-site by a comparison method described in Appendix B.7. Individual equations for Ecalib are given. Total uncertainty, in EquatioI:. 2.1, due to off-site calibration of the elements is estiinated to be within ± 0.07 °e, both att~e calibration points and in the int€!"Val between the points. The calibration curve for the rest of the sheathed elements is estimated by bulk calibration as described in Appendix B.8. An equation for Eeelib is given. The elements are also checked on-site by use of isothermal me<lSurement. The uncertainty due to calibration for these elements is estimated to be v..':ithin ± 0.1 DC. The main error sources in the data acquisition system for temperature are summarized in Table 2.3. 2 Test facility for LNG heat exehangers 40 Table 2.:3: Error sources for measurement of temperature. Source Reference junction Data logger Function of reading Function of resolution Calibration Fluid temperature Wall temperature Uncertainty ± 0.01 °C ± 0.01 % ± 8.00 p.V ± 0.07 °C ± 0.10 °C Status Dependent Dependent Independent Dependent Dependent The inaccuracy for the data logger is based on a.n air temperature !n the range of 15 - 35°C and recalibration of the logger once a year. The total uncertainty limit for each measured. temperature is estimated by use of Equa.tkl !! B.17 without dependency between the different sources. The uncertainty limit will vary with respect to tem~rature. The total uncertainty interval for two thermocouple elements is given in Figure 2.4, as a funct!on of temperature. Element one corresponds to measur~ment of fluid temperature and element two corresponds to measurement of wall temperature. The last column in Ta.ble 2.3 describes dependency status for different error sources when different temperatures are combined into a result. The different sources a.re random with respect to each other for a single measurement. The small random part for the calibration error is neglected.. 2.5.2 Pressure The location of the different pressure transmitters is shown in Figure 2.1.· A further description is given in Table 2.4. The liquid level in the separator is measured in order to evalua.te plant sta.· bility. Specification data for the different pressure transmitters a.re given in Appendix B.9. An instrumentation diagram for the measuring chain is given in Figure 2.5. P sec, DPsl and DP52 are installed in the isothermal part of the test section. The lower pressure taps are located about 70 mm above the heated. part of 41 2 Test facility for LNG heat exchangers 0.25 , '- u 0.20 >. ~ -- ---:------_._------------'- 0.15 • .-j ttl t Element one Element two 0.10 Q) u § 0.05 0.00 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 o Temperature [C] Figure 2.4: Uncertainty interval for two thermocouple elements as a function . of temperature. Table 2.4: Pressure transmitters in the test orc!.lit. Identifier P sec DP s1 Por DP or - DPm.cr DP s2 Location Absolute pressure in the test section Differential pressures in the test section Absolute pressure before the orifice-meter Differential pressure through the orifice-meter Liquid level in the separator 42 2 Test facility for LNG heat exchangers DATALOGGER VOLlMETER P1 R + PorDP 4-20mA P2 Figure 2.5: Instrumentation diagram for pressure measurement. 2 Test facility for LNG heat exchangers 43 the test section. and about 126 mill above the end of the heated test section. The longitudir.al distance between the pressure taps is 126 ± 0.5 mm which corresponds to nine succ~ive tubes in the flow direction. The upper pressme taps are located about 84 mm below the entrance of the test section. which corresponds to si.... successive tubes in the flow direction. The difference in peripherical angle between DP.. 1 and DP.. 2 is about 90 0. p ..ec is connect~ to one of the lower tappings. The tappings are located between two parallei tubes in the outer half-tube layer. The tra.nsmi~ters ~;ve; a 4-2(1 !IlA outliut signal as a function of pressure. This signal is convc:-ted to a v"luge signal by use of a precision resistance, in order !!) achie....~ ('. higher degr~ C(~ accuracy in the data-Iogge!". The signal is regardl'"C! to be linear OVt:!i" the calibrated range. The measured voltage signal is converted to pressure or differential pressure by use of Equation 2.2. (2.2) a and b are constants estimated from individual of-site calibration. The constants and the precision resistances for the different transmitters are given in Appendi.x B.9, along with a detailed description of the calibra.tion procedure for the different transr.litters. The main error sources for the measurement of pressure and differential pressure are given in Ta.ble 2.5. The accuracy for the trans"itters is given in Table B.17. Table 2.5: Error sources for measurement of pressure. Uncertainty Source Data logger function of reading ±O.Ol % Function of resolution ±0.8 mV Precision resistance ±O.l n Transmitter I Table B.17 Status -1I Dependent Independent Independent Independent I The total uncert~inty limit for each measured pressure is estimated by us(' of Equation B.17 without dependency between the different sources. The sensiti ..;ty coefficients are calculated from Equation 2.2. The uncertainty 44 2 Test facility for LNG heat excha"\gers limit will vary with respect to measured pressure level. The uncertainty due to reading in the data logger is treated as dependent when pressure data are c~mbined. 2.5.3 Flow rate Vapour flow rate may be measured by use of one of the orifice meters at the point DPor in Figure 2.1. The choice between the different meters depends on the total vapour flow rate and the pressure drop through the orifice meters. The lower limit for differential pressure is set to about 500 Pa in order to adlieve a high degree of accuracy. Geometrical data for the orifice meters are presented in Appendix 8.10. Data for the different pressure transmitters are given in Appendix B.9. Flow rate through an orifice meter may be calculated by use of Equation 2.3. The differential pressure through the orifice and the upstream temperature and pressure are measured [30]. Mv = a: • E • i .D~ . ";(;:;.2-.'D"'P.;:::-or-·-p (2.3) ThE flow coefficient, 0:, is a function of the diameter ratio, m = Dor/Dtui, and the Reynolds number[31]. The equation used for calculation of 0: has a maximum deviation of 0.11 %. The expansibility coefficient, E, 3s a functio!l of diameter ratio, pressure ratio through the orifice and the isentropic coefficient for the fluid. The equation used for calculation of E has a. mean deviation of 0.11 % [31]. Equation 2.3 has to be solved by iteration. Uncerta.:nty in measured flow rate is calculated by numerical perturbation of the independant variables, given in Table 2.6. These variables are based on the analysis in Reference [26]. The sensitivity coefficients are calculated from Equation 2.3. The magnitude of the different error sources will vary with flow conditions. The liquid flow rate is measured by use of a turbine meter at the point ML in Figure 2.1. The measuring chain for the turbine meter is given in Figure 2.6. The turbine meter gives a pulse-rate signal as function of volume flow. This signal is converted to a 4-20 rnA signal by a pulse-rate converter, and to a voltage signal by a precision resistance. The turbine meter is calibrated from the factory and recalibrated in-site by use of water. The calibr.:.ted range 2 Test facility for LNG heat exchangers 45 Table 2.6: Independent sources of error in :Bow calculation through orifice meter. Variable To Ts Par DP ar J.L p K Dar Dtui E a I Variable name Reference temperature for diameters Fluid temperature before orifice Fluid pressure before orifice Differential pressure across orifice Fluid viscosity Fluid density Isentropic exponent for fluid Diameter in orifice plate Diameter in orifice tube Expansibility coefficient Flow coefficient DATALOGGER YOL"IIIETER FLOW R F'ULSE-RA1E CONVERTER 4-20mA Figure 2.6: Instrumentation diagram. for turbine meter. + 46 2 Test facility for LNG heat exchangers may be divided into different sections where the function between the 4-20 mA signal and the flow rate is assumed to be linear. The signal is converted t.o flow rate by use of Equation 2.4. (2.4) a and b are constants estimated from the calibration data. The constants in Equation 2.4 and the precision resistances are giver. in Appendix B.ll, along with a detailed description of the calibration procedure for the turbine mete!". The uncertainty limit for the turbine meter is estimated to be within ± 0.5 % of the reading. The limit includes precision and bias error from the data logger, the turbine meter, the pulse-rate converter and the precision resistance. The turbine is calibrated, and used within a narrow range, and the calibration is not affected by the full scale nonlinearity in the turbine meter. 2.5.4 Heat flux The heat flux in the test sectio!l is measured by use of a wattmeter and by use of voltage measurement and effect calculation as a control method. The measuring chain for heat flux is given in Figure 2.7, where both met;hods are illustrated. The control method uses the measured voltage and a temperature-corrected resistance in order to calculate the effect. The control method is described in Appendix. B.12. The wattmeter is calibrated and the observed value is corrected as given in Equation 2.5. The W ca.lib function is assumed to be linear between the different calibration points. Calibration data for the wattmeter are given in Appendix B.12. Vl' = Wm + W calib (2.5) The different error sources for measurement of heat flux are given in Table 2.7. The sources are regarded to be independent. 47 2 Test facility for LNG heat exchangers Q1 Q2 R3 Q3 R2 Q4 R1 DATALOGGER VOLTMETER WATTMETER U R4 - + Figure 2_7: Instrumentation diagram for heat-flux measurement_ 48 2 Test facility for LNG heat exchangers Table 2.7: Error sou:-ces for measurement of heat Dux. Calculation from resistance Source Uncertainty D,\ta logger Function of reading ±O.O2 Function of resolution ±4 Pr,.rision resistances Table B.21 Heating elements Table B.22 V\Tattmeter Source Uncertainty Calibration and nonlinearity ±O.5 Resolution/reading ±O.05 times scale factor % mV W W I 2 Test facility for LNG heat exchangers 49 2.5.5 Composition The fluid refered to as pure propane has a composition of 99.71 %-propane, 0.22 % n-Butane and 0.07 % i-Butane. The composition is measured by use of gas chromatograph. The influence f!"om the contaminations of butanes is taken into account by use of the PR-EOS, as given in Appendix A.3. 2.6 Data acquisition and data reduction 2.6.1 Data acquisition Voltage signals from temperature, pressure and flow measurements are collected by use of a FLUKE 2280B data. logger, and transferred to a VAX-730 computer by means of the LABSYS data sampling system. The data from the wattmeter is transferred manually. The measured data a.re combined with geometrical data and thermophysical data by use of a computer program in order to calculate output data such as heat-transfer coefficient and pressure drop. The calculation of different output data from measured data will be described along with an estimation of uncertainty limit. 2.6.2 Pressure drop in section The total pressure drop through the test section is a combination of pressure drop by friction, static head and acceleration. The mea.n total pressure drop is calculated from the measurements in DP sl and DP s2, by use of Equation 2.6. DPf = 0.5· (DPs1 + DPs2 ) - DPCOT'T" - DPe. - DPg (2.6) The measured pressure drop is corrected fOT static head. due to a difference in location of pressure taps, by using Equation 2.7. DPcorr = 0.126· g. p(P.. ec , Tlcsb. Y) (2.7) 50 2 Test facility for LNG heat exchangers The uncertainty in the correction is calculated. from the uncertainty in the longitudinal distance between the pressure taps and from the uncertainty in ~alculated density. The pressure drop due to a change ir. static head m;::.y be calculated by use of Equation 2.8. DPg = 0.126· g. (e:. pv + (1- e:) . PL) (2.8) The pressure drop due to acceleration may be calcula.ted by use of Equation 2.9. The ch~Jlge in conditions through the test exchanger is small and the pressure change due to acceleration or evaporation is smalL _ .. 2 . ..!!:..[~ D p... - 0.126 m dX Pv'c (1 - X)2 1 + (l-c) 'PL J (2.9) The void fraction may be calculated by use of Equation 2.10. e:= 1 ------~~~- 1 + E::!... p, (1-:-;;) . S (2.10) ~ The slip factor, S, is defined as the ratic between vapour- and liquid velocity. The slip will be small at small vapour fractions with a liquid film fow on the wall and a small amount of vapour :flOwing in the free space between the tubes. As the vapour quality increases the vapour velocity will be higher than the liquid velocity and 5 > 1. At high vapour quality the shear rate will be high a.nd the flow will tend to flow at homogeneous conditions with 5 = 1. P_ slip rat!o of 1 ± 0.5 is used for data reduction. 2.6.3 Fluid temperature in section The fluid temperature may vary througho::.t the heated test section due to variations in enthalpy and pressure. A representative mean value is estimated at the center of the heated test section. The heat transfer COefficient calculated from the measured data is based on the assumption of thermodynamic equilibrium in the fluid. It is impos..,.jble to measure a representative mean fluid temperature in the heated part of the test section, and the majority of 2 Test facility for LNG heat exchangers 51 computer programs use the assumption of fluid equilibrium in design of heat exchangers. A representative mean ftuid temperature, T:b may be calculated from the measured values Til to Tl4 and T3 l to T34 directly. The mean fluid temperature before the heated test section and after the mixer may be estimated by use of Equation 2.11 and 2.12. "1\ = 1 4 LT -. 4 .=1 1, (2.11) (2.12) The temperatures may vary due to random error in the measuring chain and due to actual variation in temperature in the section. The standard deviation for the mean value may be estimated using Equation B.lS where the covariance between the measurements is taken into account. The total uncertainty interval is estimated by a combination of bias and random error. Common bias errors for each of the measured temperatures are considered. The cha.nge in temperature from point 1 to point 3 is a function of pressure drop, heat input in the test section and heat leakage from the surroundings. The pure propane temperature is only affected by pressure drop. For nit~en gas and two-phase mixtures the change in temperature is also affected by heat input. The length from point 1 to the outlet of the section is about 240 mm. The height of the mixer is about 160 mm. The total length which creates pressure drop is about 400 mm, and the pressure drop profile is assumed to be linear. The total length between point 1 and point 3 is about 700 mm. The length from point 1 down to the center of the section is about 210 mm. The profiles for heat input and temperature in the heated part of the test section are assumed to be linear. The mean fluid temperature in the center of the test section may be estimated by use of Equation 2.13. (2.13) The constant L Jra.c ma.y be set to 0.5 due to pressl!re drop and heat input from the test section. The influence from heat leakage will require a lower constant, 2 Test facility for LNG heat exchangers 52 but this !nfiuence is smaller than for the other two, and the constant is set to 0.5 ± O.L The standard deviation for the mean value may be estimated by use of Equation B.15. The mean temperature may also be estimated from equilibrium calculation with specified pressure, vapour quality and total composition as described in Equa.tion 2.14. The method is only used as a. control method. (2.14) The bias error for the mean temperature is estimated by a combination of bias errors for each element. 2.6.4 Wall temperature in section The mean wall temperature in the test section, Tw, is based on measurements at 16 different points. A mean wall temperature is estimated in the upper and the lower part of the heated test section, and the temperature approach is assumed to be linear between these two points. A representative mean wall temperature may therefore be estimated by Equation 2.15. _ Tw 1 8 1 8 8 ;=1 8 i=l = 0.5· [_. :L T 2A. + - . LT2BJ (2.15) Figure 2.8 shows a plot of the measured wall temperatures in serie B7 where the heat flux is varied. The repeated measurements for each point may be regarded as normally distributed, but the total distribution of each mean value has bias errors with respect to the grand average. An uncertainty limit for each point may be calculated by a combination of bias error and precision error for each point. The actual wall temperature will vary due to : - Maldistribution of heat flux. - Variation of heat transfer coefficient around the tube. . Variation of fluid temperature through the section. 2 Test facility for LNG heat exchangers 58 .-. u c 0 .r-i JJ C1l .r-i 0-4 0.2 ;> (l,) '0 0.0 Q) l-i =' JJ -0.2 !G l-i Q) 0. 5: OJ E-t -0.4 0 2 4 6 8 1u - 12 14 16 Wall point Figure 2.8: Measured wall temperature in serie B7. 2.6.5 Total flow rate The total flow rate may be calculated by use of Equation 2.16. The equation is set up from a mass balance around the test section and the separator. The vapour and liquid holdup in the system ma.y be neglected as long as the level in the separator is constant, and the temperature and the pressure are constant. (2.16) The vapour flow rate is calculated directly from the measurements by use of EG1;ation 2.3. The density in the turbine meter is calculated from the estimated temperature and pressure after the pump. The temperature is me-"l.Sured at Ts, located 3.2 m downstream the turbine meter, and corrected due to heat input from the surroundings. The corrected temperature Tst is estimated from Equation 2.li, by use of a maximum heat fluX. The A -value for the insulation is estimated to be 0.05 ± 0.02 W jmK. The tube diamete~ 2 Test facility for LNG heat exchangers 54 is 40 mm and the outside insulation diameter is about 140 mm. 'T' _ 'T' .LS'-.LS- 16.0 . ). • (11lab- Ts + Ts') ML-CPL 2 The differential pressure over the pump is about 0.5 ± 0_1 bar during operation. The pressure will decrease from point 1, where the section pressure is measured, to point :3, and increase from point 3 to point 5 at the pump suction_ The total pressure variation will be within 0_01 bar_ The pressure in the turbine meter may therefore be estimated from Equation 2_18. The uncertainty in total flow rate is calculated during data reduction. 2_6.6 Vapour quality The vapour quality in the test section may be estimated on weight basis by use of Equation 2.19. MV2 is the local vapour flow rate in the test section . . - MV2 X=-M tp The local vapour fiow rate may diiler from the measured vapour flow rate, and a heat and a mass balance is set up around the test section in order to estimate the local vapour quality_ The heat balance is given in Equation 2.20_ Point 6" is the recirculated liquid from the pump. lvlL-z - hL-z + Afv2 . hV + Ms" - h 6, + Q;ec + Qlo$$ 2 Mv . h7 + M4 . h4 = (2.20) The mass balance is given in Equation 2.21. M4 = Mstl+ML Ah + Mv = M~ M tp = + MV2 (2.21) 2 Test facility for LNG heat exchangers 55 The different equations may be combinf:d to Equation 2.22. The different constants are given in Equa.tion 2.23 to Equation 2.23. (2.22) c _ h4 , 2 - c , 4 - hL2 !:lhLv Q""+Q 2 loss !:l.hLv (2.23) The correction for vapour flow rate depends on the heat input and the variation in fluid condition from the test section to the separator. The constant C3 may be set to 0.0. This assumption depends on the variation in fluid temperature from point 4 to point 6", and it is made due tG the fact that Ms" is unknown. The liquid at point 4 and the vapour at point 7 are regareled to be in equilibrium. The change in fluid condition between point 2 and point (4,7) depends on pressure drop. The measured condition downstream,the mixer is used in order to estimate change in fluid conditions. The heat loss is estimated from Equation 2.24, where the). -value is 0.05 ± 0.02 W /mK. (2.24) 2.6.7 Heat-transfer coefficient The local heat-transfer coefficient in the test section may be calculated from Equation 2.25. Qsec is measured as described in Chapter 2.5.4. A temperatu.Te difference based on the fluid temperature aft2r the section, and the mean wall temperature in the lower part may also be used. (2.25) The total uncertainty in the measured hea.t-transfa- eoeflicientisa ftmctian of uncertainty in estimated heat supply, estimated heat transf€! area and estimated temperature difference. 3 Heat transfer and pressure drop 3.1 Introduction The two-phas~ flow distribution system in coil-wound heat exchangers is gravity-drained, as described in Chapter 1. The vapour quality in the top of the cold bundle is normally low, in the range of 0.02 % to 0.07 %, and the iiuid iiow in this part of the exchanger ",ill mainly be annular with a liquid film on the tube wall and a vapour iiow in the annular space between the tube layers. The low-quality liquid film :flow on the tube wall is gravity-driven. As the quality a.nd vapour velocity increase down the exchanger, the shear force between the liquid and the vapour increases. This shear force will enha.nce both the velocity of the liquid film and the entrainment rate. At the hot end, in the bottom of the heat exchanger, the fluid is superheated a.bout 5 tc 20 °C. No obsen-ations on shell-side flow patterns in coil-wound heat exchangers have been reported :'n the literature, and no observations have been performed iLl the test exchanger. The description of fluid hydrodynamics in coil-wound heat exchangers is therefore based on the limited work published on observing flow patterns in ordinary shell and tube heat exchangers used for shell-side condensers or shell-side evaporators. The compu:!sons are restricted to unbafBed devices with horizontal or inclined tubes where there are a continuous downflow of :fluid film on shell side. Effects of pa.rticular importance for fluid flow are tube inclina.tion, inundation, vapour shore ana entrainment. The description of different heat-transfer mechanisms is based on the fillid hydrodynamics. A coil-wound heat exchanger may be divided into four different zones according to the ma.in driving force for fluid liow. The fluid entrainment increases in zones 2 and 3 as the slip rate increases. 56 3 Heat transfer and pressure drop 57 Zone 1 Gravity-drained environment, with a liquid film on the wall and low-va.pour velocity in the annular space between the tubes. Zone 2 Transient environ~ent where both gravity force and vapour-share force contribute t~ the fluid flow. Zone 3 Share-controlled environment, with a high-vapour velocity which enhances the !iuid flow and the entrainment ra~<:. Zone 4 Superheated vapour-tlow. Different m~thoJ5 for calculation of heat transfer and pressure drop are reviewed from the li~eratl>.e. 3.2 Sr...""&~ '. ~·.·'1ated 3.2.1 Test vapour flow condit:~~ns Heat-transfer coeffir...;l :s and frictional pressure gradients in vapour flow are measured r.y use of pure nitrogen. Two different series are performed. The test cO!lditions are given in Table 3.1, with now v::]ocity calculated from i;t-line flow area... Table 3.1: Test conditions for vapour flow. Temperature [0C) Series VI Series V2 -10.8 - -11.8 -11.7 - -18.3 I P!"essure Flow velocity [Bar} [kgjm2 s] 27 - 56 4.6 - 4.71 8.9 - 9.1 29 - 95 The Pr number is about 0.7 for both series. The dimensionless Re, Nu and Pr numbers are used for presentation, as givei' in Equa.tion 3.1. The in-line area is used for measured and calculated values in the presented graphs. The d::tferent calculation models may employ other definitions. R e= m·Dt... p. _ , .Nu _ (X • Dt'U. Cp· J1 ,\.' Pr=-,\.- (3.1) 58 3 Heat transfer and pressure drop 3.2.2 Heat-transfer coefficient Measured and calculated Nu numbers are given as function of Re number, in Figure 3.1. The difference between the two series of measurements is negligible. 300 2S0 l-l IV -§ - 200 - ;l Z 150 - 100 10000 Vl Vl ¢ V2 V2 + ..•....~ ......<i-+- .~ ........ + .....++ /~* ;l s: I I Series HEDH Series HEDH / - I I 30000 SOOOO 70000 Re number [-] Figure 3.1: Measured and calculated heat-traIJsfer coefficients. A model developed by Gniellinski et ale for calculation of the heat-transfer coefficient for single phase -fiO\\i in a tube bank is given in Equation 3.2 [40]. (3.2) The turbulent and laminar Nu numbers are given in Equation 3.3 a.nd E<;.uatio!! 3.4. N Ula.m = 0.664 . v'['i; . Pr1 / 3 . ]v Uturb (3.3) 8 0.037· ReO. . Pr = -----.....".~...,.-__:_:~-1 + 2.443· Re-O•1 • (Pr(2/3) - 1) (3.4) 3 Heat transfer and pressure drop 59 The Re number is given in Equation 3.5, and the characteristic length is defined by X = Dtt< ·,,/2 which is the stream 1ength of a single tube. u is the veiocity in the empty cro~ section of the channel, and the void fraction "'I is used to calculate the average velocity between the tubes. Re = _'l£_'_X_'-,-P (3.5) 'Y'p. -y for an in-line tube bank and the arrangement factor fA, are given in Equation 3.6, where Pr and PI denotes the radial and longitudinal distances be- tween tube centers. 1i • D tu "'1=1- 4.0.Pr' 0.7· (PIj Pr - 0.3) fA=l+ 'Y 1.5 .(PljPr+O.7)2 (3.6) Deviations between measured and calculated values are given in Figure 3.2. There is a small increase in deviation as a function of increased flow rate, but the overall deviation is small, generally within 5 %. The estimated uncert2inty for the measured values is given in Figllre 3.3. Th~ uncertainty is generally within ± 2 %. Th-e method is expected to predict heat transfer within 10 %. 60 3 Heat transfer and pressure drop 10.0 dfJ s.o - Series 'Vl Series V2 , ~ + - t:; -' •..-i oW 0.0 ............................................................. III . g>- -5.0 ..-\ ~ ¢ot-~ <)~ .f;1 ~~ -++ + -10.0 10000 - +++=t , I 30000 50000 70000 Re number [- ] Figure 3.2: Deviation between measured and calculated heat-transfer coefEdents. 10.0 . Ser~es dfJ >. oW .t: 8.0 ~ 6.0 f- 4.0 ... ..-\ Ct\ .:...J \..I 'Vl Series V2 u <> - + - + - + OJ t: =:J , 2.0 f- 0.0 10000 <)K><>~~~+~ ++ + ++=+ I I 30000 50000 70000 Re number [-] Figure 3.3: Uncertainties in measured heat-transfer coefficients. 61 3 Heat transfer and pressure drop 3.2.3 Pressure drop Measured and calculated frictional pressure gradients are given in Figure :~.4, as functions of Re number. The free flow area is calcuiated by use of the method from Gilli [14J for the calculated pressure drop. 6000 + :r.-t. . o J.J § 4000 i ~ 2000 f ~' 10000 Co. +,:1=..... .. :it ... ~/ 4 t-:f... "Series ¢/ ~."'." Q>'" •.••~... + .., 0 ______ ~ -b.... 0,,- ¢,/ . ~~ VI EARBE VI Series V2 E.z:~RBE V2 ______ 30000 ~ ¢ + ______-L__ 50000 ~ 70000 Re number [-] Figure 3.4: Measured and calculated pressure drop. The pressure drop for single phase flow in a tube bank may be calculated by use of Equation 3.7. . (3.7) Barbe et al. [32] have developed a method for calculation of single-phase pressure drop in coil-wound heat exchangers. The friction factor, F, is calculated as a weighted value betwe~n the friction factors for in-line and staggered configurations as given in Equation 3.8. F = 2 1 1 ..n:r;.+"ff;; {3.8) 3 Heat transfer and pressure drop 62 The in-line and staggered pa.rt of the function may be calculated by use of Equation :3.9. The equations must be solved by iteration. (3.9) The friction factors for in-line or staggered tube bank may be calculated by use I)fa method dev~loped by Idel'cik [29J, given in Equation 3.10 to Equation 3.12. The 30w area and the Re number are calculated by use of the method developed by Gilli [14]. Pr Pi a=-, b=D tu D tu m = 0.27 (3.10) (3.12) If Pr :5 PI : If Pr FiTVJ = 1.52· (a - 1)-0.7. (b - 1)0.2. Re- n (3.13) n=O.2 (3.14) > PI : (3.15) b-1 a-I n=0.2· [--] 2 (3.16) Deviations between measured and calculated values are given in Figure 3.5. The deviation is generally within 15 %. The estimated uncertainty for the measured values are given in Figure 3.6. The uncertainty varies as a function of:fl.ow rate, and increases rapidly at low rate, due to lower measured pressure drop. The method is expected to predict pressure drop within ± 20 %. 3 Beat transf~,'t'and 63 pressure drop 20.0 r-------~--------~------__, 10.0 riP c o 0.0 ·M .w n:! ·M > ~ Series Vl <) Series V2 + -10.0 -20,0 10000 30000 50000 70000 Re number [- 1 Figure 3.5: Deviation between measured and calculated pressure drop. 20.0 dP ~ 15.0 r- >. .w C ·M co 1!)'0 r- .oJ Q) u c => Series Vl <:>Series V2 + - <:>- + ¢ + <> \...0 5.0 t0.0 10000 I I ++ ++-\.r <:> O 00 ++ + I I 30000 50000 - ++ of 70000 Re numbey [-] Figure 3_6: Uncertainty in weasured pressure drop. 64 3 Heat transfer and pressure drop 3.2.4 Heat leakage -:'he heat leak-d.ge into the test section is estima.ted from the nitrogen data, as a deviation between the heat input to the test section and the j;:~...ased temperature or enthalpy for the iluid. /~ The :esults are given in Figure 3.7, as a function of tl.ow fa."te. The leakage increases 3S a function of fio,~' rate, t1~,~ to increased .!ie~.t transfer. Tne leakage may be estimated fmm Equation 3.17. Thp equation may also be used to estimate the effective leak area in the section, Aler:.;;. (3.17) 30 ::: Q) til 25 20 /'Cl ~ u t!l Q) .-i 15 10 LJ /'Cl OJ 5 I II + [ ~ [ ...L.4> +* ++ 00 *0 .J..~ +t.' * +-i + Series V1 <;> Series V2 + :J:; 0 10000 30000 50000 Re nu.'Tlber [-] Figure 3.7: Heat Jeakage in test section. 70000 3 !Ieat transfer and presSUI"e drop 65 3.3 Film flow 3.3.1 Parameters in gravity-controlled flow Studies performed on falling-fUm h;;>.at transfer outside horizontal tubes have shown that the :Bow regime and the ho~dup in the vertical space between the tubes changes with the liquid load. At low-liquid :Bow rate the film faUs from one tuc.e to a.nother as droplets. The drip-off points are located with very regular spacing. .~ the liquid rate increases the droplets become stable columns of liquid now; a-ad :at extremely high -fiow rates the film is expected to fall from on~ tube to th-=- next as a continuous sheet [35}, [36J, [44], [41]. The tubes in coil-wou:ad heat excllangers have a inclination of about 5 to 10 O. The inclination entails a horizontal flow of liquid film along the tubes, and the film will no longer drip off from the tubes as a stable column or as a sheet, as for horizontal tubes. The main rearrangement on :flow regime with respect to inclination takes place in the bottom layer of each tube, whera the inclined flow involves a thickening of the the fihll, held at the underside by surface tensions [461The const<>.nt radial tube spacing is obtained by longitudinal spacers. These spacers may act as a restrain on the longitudinal :flow along the tubes, a.nd drain the liquid from one tube to another. This may also form maldistribution in bundle, as the liquid tend to :flow down along the spacers instead of a.long the tubes. Some reports of la.rge liquid columns :flowing down the heat excha.r,ger may be caused by such effects which may be obtained a.t high turndow!l ratios_ The inunda.tion effect, ;>.5 reported on horizontal shell-side condensers, will be reduced due to the tube inclination, as the liquid drip-off from tlibe to tube occurs a.t fewer places [41]. The fluid flow will also be influenced by the alternated coiling dire..::tior! for each layer in a coil-wou~d heat excha.nger_ Bennett et al. [34] performed a study on an in-line tube bundle, v..ith R-ll as test fluid. They used a gravity-drained distribution system and observed the fluid flow in the test section. No flow pattern map was given, but they reported to have a thin-film :flow boiling with an increasing entrainment rate at increasing vapour quality. The film flow may be described with similar parameters as single-phase flow. 66 3 Heat transfer and pressure drop The Reynolds number for the liquid film is defined in Equation 3_18_ 4-r ReL=-J.LL r is the mass 'ffow rate pro unit length, calculated from Equation 3.19. The liquid is distributed on both sides of the tubes. (3.19) The total tube-iength in a coil-wound heat exc..lJ.anger, perpendicular to the fiow direction, may be calculated by use of Equa1;iQn 3.20. Xt'l.! = "ii • Nca.y • [Dco +2 Dsh] (3.20) The now in the film wiD var'J from laminar through wavy-laminar to turbulent as a function of How ra.tE:. The transitiOn range from laminar to turbulent ;nay be observed for a Re,L number in the range from 1000 to 20GO for a fiat plate [44}. A ReL number of 1600 has been used as transition criterion. The Re number for the film flow in an LNG heat exchanger will normally be :n the range of 1,000 - 10,000, which is in the laminar-wavy or slightly turbulent region. The drip-off from tube to tube may also create agitation effects for the film f!O"il!, which enhance the heat-transfer coefficient. The heat-transfer coefficient for film flow may be described by the Nusselt number as ce:finecl by Equation 3.21 where the ·111m thickness equals the characteristic lec.gth. a·§ iVUL • 1 =>"1.,- (3.21) The real fillL thickness may be difficult to estimate and the Nu number is often chara.cterized by the reference film thickness, as given by Equation 3.22. Both representations have been :.Jsed in the liter::.ture in order to characterize the Nusselt number in the :film flow. (3.22) 3 Heat transfer and pressure drop 67 The reference nlm thickness is defined in Equation 3.23. (3.23) The dimensionless tube diameter and the dimensionless vertical tube spacing is defined in Equation 3.24. (3.24) (3.25) The real film thickness and the film velocity may be difficult to estimate, because they are a function of parameters as total flow rate, quality, vapour share and entrainment. The thickness will also vary around the tube. The liquid holdup in the vertical space between the tubes will also affect the film thickness. The average -film thickness for laminar film flow on a vertical plate may be calculated by Nusselt film analysis a.E given :n Equation 3.26 [42]. 5Iam =[ 3· VL· r g·PL I ]3" 3 ! = [-]3"·5 c · Ret 4 I (3.26) The film thickness for wavy laminar or turbulent "flow is difficult to predict and a normal approad, is to use an analogy as given in Equation 3.27, as reviewed by Seban [43]. Most previous studies have been performed on vertical plates and the results may not be transferred to horizontal tubes, where the i11m is redistributed for each tube row. o b --=a·ReL - . li1am (3.27) 3.3.2 Test conditions Heat-tra.nsfer coefficients for film flow have been measured by use of pure propane and of mixtures of propane and ethane. Film flow has been obtained by circulation of liquid or low-quality two-phase !low through the test section. 68 3 Heat transfei" and pressure drop The main objective has been to vary the Reynolds number for the film by varying the flow rate. Some series performed at low vapour quality have also Qeen classified as film !low. Test conditions for the measurements with pure propane are given in Table 3.2. The test section is too short to measure pressure difference in film flow. The flow velocity refers to the in-line flow a.rea. and it is used to compare film measurements to shear fiow measurements. The variation in Prandtl number was only within 10 %, due to the variation in temperature and pressure. Table 3.2: Test conditions for fjim-flow with propane. Series Fl . F2 F3 I I F4 F5 !I Temperature [0C] -5.0 - -5.1 -9.9 - -10.1 -19.9 - -20.0 -29.9 - -30.0 -9.8 - -ID.1 II I Pressure Flow velocity Heat flux Vapour quality [Bar] (kg/m 2s] [kW/m:!] [kg/kg] 4.u 33 - 108 64 - 99 28 - 120 33 - 115 53 - 98 3.96 3.9E> 3.li -3.97 3.18 3.17 - 3.98 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.05 - 0.09 3.4 2.4 1.6 3.4 I I . Test conditions for the measurements with binary propane-ethane mi.xtures are given in Table 3.3. Series BFl to BF3 have been performed with mixtures of 10 % ethane and 90 % propane. Series BF4 has been performed with a mixture of 15 % ethane and 85 % propane. The pressure is given as a mean value and may vary within ± 0.1 bar for a series. All of the measurements are without nucleate boiling heat transfer. Table 3.3: Tpst conditions tor film-tlow with propane-ethane mixtUies. Series Temperature [0C] I BFI BF2 BF3 L BF4 -14.6 -]8.9 -29.5 -]6.9 - -14.8 -19.4 -29.7 -18.7 Pressure [Bar] 3.6 3.2 2.3 3.6 Flow velocity [kg/m2s] 36 - 93 43 - 92 43 - 97 33 - 85 Vapour quality Heat flux [kW/m2] 3.18 3.18 3.18 5.54 (kg/kg] I 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.05 - 0.06 0.01 0.02 0.11 69 3 Heat transfer and pressure drop 3.3.3 Heat-transfer coefficient The measured heat transfer coeffici.ents for pure propane a.re given in Figure :3.8 by the Nu~ number as a function of the ReL number. The measured heat-transfer coefficients for propane-ethane mixtures are given in Figure 3.9. Some of the measurements at low Re number may be very close to the laminar transition range with decreasing influence from liquid flow rate. The overall uncertainty for the measured Nu numbers are given in Figure 3.10. The estimated uncertainties are within 5 to 10 % and increase with increasing flow rate. 0.40 I I Xl G X I ~ 0.35 El&¢ I- ~ ~ (j) ~0.30 I~ s:: ~ 0.25 z- - 0.20 0 ~ ¢ + Fl ¢ F2 + F3 8 F4 X F5 A I I I 2000 4000 6000 8000 Re numbar [-] Figure :t8: Nusselt number in film :Bow for propane. The heat transfer in film flow is influenced by different parameters. A general model, of;;en used for film flow outside orizontal tubes, is given in Equation 3.28 [42], [41], [44], [34J. (3.28) The tube number, n, is included in order to cover the thermal developing range [44]. The heat transfer will be greatest for the top tube a.nd will 70 3 Heat transfer and pressure drop 0.40 I ~ 0.35 H W ..q 0.30 -. -5 I I ~ - 0.20 0 - )¢J+ ~ - I xa+0 ~ BF1 BF2 BF3 BF4 0 + G X I I I 2000 4000 6000 Re number 8000 [-] Figure 3.9: Nusselt number in film Bow for propane-ethane mixtures. 15.0 a;; 12.5 + + + :1-+ 0+. <) + ~~~+ ~ >. 10.0 .w c 7.5 ~-r~~() H III 5.0 0 00 C 2.5 • ..-j rtl .w Propane U ::> I () ¢ () 1 Mixtures + 0.0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Re number [-] Figure 3.10: Uncertainty in measured Nusselt number for film flow. 3 Heat transfer and pressure drop 71 decrease until the thermally fully-developed region is reached. The film Sow is treated similar to single phase flow, as a combination of heat conduction and heat convection. The cOD:?tants w!l] therefore vary from region to region. The Nu. number decreases with an increasing Re number for laminar flow, wnere heat conduction and film thickness govern the heat transfer. ..0\5 the flow becomes turbulent the Nu number a.ugments with an increasing Re number and convection governs the heat transfer. The heat-transfer is also increased v.ith a growing Pr number as for single phase flow. The dimensionless group Dc: reiates the flow length over one tube to the heat transfer; and Lc: relates the holdup 'in the free vertical space and the inertia. effect for the falling film between the tubes to the heat transfer. Bennett et al. hav ~ developed a model for calculation of heat-transfer coefficient for downward film flow in a tube bank with horizontal tubes [34]. The equation "''as developed by use of Rll with one heated tuDe. The original model is given in Equation 3.29. All of the thermo-physical properties are calculated for the liquid. 2 Q = 0.886. [ ' A2 .;./3 .P •g 2/3 ... Dtv. . 1-'1/3 . C 4 r P]i/3. [.£..]lJ4. [_·_]1/9 JLw jJ- (3.29) The ratio between the bulk and the wall viscosity may be set to l.0, due to low tempera,ture difference. The equation may be re-structured to its general form by introducing the Pr numb~r and the dimensionless tube diameter. Kocamustafaogullari et al. have also developed models for calculation of the heat-transfer coefficient for dowm....ard film How in a tube bank with horizontal tubes [45]. A model was developed from hydrodynamic and thermal theoretical analysis by a finite difference method. The model was used to generate data fOT pazameter variation. The results were :fitted in order to estimate the constants in the general equation 3.28. The constants from Bennett et al. an~ Kocamustafaogullari et al. are given in Table 3.4 for different conditions. Only turbulent flow is consi.dered. All of the thermophysical properties are calculated for the liquid. The transition Re number is used to choose between the constants in the thermal developing region, and constants for fully develo~d flow for the Kocamustafaogullari equation. The Ku number for fully developed fio ....; is used as asymptotic value in the thermai dev~loping region. The transition Re number is calculated by use of Equation 3.30. The two equatioIls are equal for n in the range of 8 - 9. 72 3 Heat transfer and p:ressure drop Benn'=!tt et al. also investigated the thermal developing length by using three heated tubes in the experiments. They concluded with a reduction of about 2. - 4 % for the third tube. (3.30) Table 34: Constants -f"or ~r,ation 3.28. Bennett Kocamustafaogullm I a b c d e f 0.7622 -0.3.3 0.0 0.33 0.111 0.0 Re < Fhtr 0.033 -0.28 0.08 0.46 0.39 -0.28 Re > Retr 0.018 -0.28 0.08 0.46 0.39 0.0 KocamuStafaoguUa.ri et al. used numerical solution in combination with linear regression in order to establish the values for different constants for horizontal tubes [44], [45]. Their results were also compared to measured data. from different sources. Bennett et aL performed measurements by use of pure RII and developed a model which included all of the terms except Lc and n. Influence from inclination has been investigated for conde:asation outside tubes [41] [46]. The influence is within 1 % "!"or angles bellow 18°, and may therefore be neglected. A full fit of the constants a, b, c, d, e and f requires extensive experiraental data- The conSl:ants are also interconnect.ed. The use of b and c will change the ,ralue for a and e, and the range for the Pr number will also influence the constants. The mea.stlrements in the test facility are on1y varied v.ithin a narrow range for the Pr number, the Dc number and the Lc nU!llber. All of the heat-transfer coefficients are calculated from data in the lower part of the test section. The difference between the upper a.nd lower value lies in the range of 5 to 10 % and increases with reduced flow rate. Tne measurements 3 Heat transfer and pressure drop 73 are tho::refore assumed to be in the fully developed region even though Kocamustafaogullari et aL predicted a higher thermal developing rang~ [44J. The measured values aiso correspond to the measurements taken by Bennett et al. All of the measured values have been compa.red to the two models, and the results are given in Figure 3.11. The overall agreement with the Bennett model is good but the influence from Re number is underestimated, ar,d the deviation is also influenced by variation in Pr number. The deviation from the Koca.mustafaogullari is higher, and the moriel underpredicts for all of the measurements. This model includes more effects and the de"iation is ne?-rly constant. A new a constant is developed from thE: measured data. The constant is set to 0.031 and does not V'dory between data measured ""-ith pure propane and data measurw with binary mixtures. The results are presented in Figure 3.12. The agreemem l;es generally v,.;thin ± 10 %, ill accord with the uncertainty for the measurements. The slope for the Nu numbe!" as a function of the Re number is low, and the uncertainty will propagate into a fit for the constants. 50 B (pure) dP ::: .....0 "-' ..... '"> Ql 0 ~"T"+ R K K 2000 4000 30 ..... 10 (mix) (pure) (mix) 0- + [] X ..............~... ~;~.~~......... . -10 -30 -50 0 6000 8000 Re number- [- ] Figure 3.11: Deviation between measured and calculated Nl.lsselt number for film flow. B = Bennett. K = KocamustafaoguJlari. 74 3 Heat transfer and pressure drop 20 dP t: 0 ·ri .u I o 10 - 0 + <f' -¢,.. ..... > Q) - ~ ~ .... :t-~ 00 0 - .......... -H-+..~..... ~~ .................- ttl Q I I -10 ~ i- 8 0 0 + Pure Mix. <:> - + -20 ~----~I~----~I------~I----~ o 2000 4000 6000 8000 Re number [-] Figure 3.12: Deviation between measured and calculated Nusselt numbers for film BotJ.t with modified Kocamustafaogullari model. 75 3 Heat transfer and pressure drop 3.4 Onset of nucleate boiling The onset point for nucleate boiling must be detected in order to establish a total heat transfer modeL In the state of nucleate boiling vapour bubbles are produced over cavities on the hot surface. The bubbles enlarges to a certain diameter, depart from the surface and rise to the liquid-vapour interface. The initiation and growth of the bubbles require a superheated surface with respect to the saturation temperature at a given pressure. The flow around the tubes has a laminar sublayer near the tube wall, and the heat :flux in this layer may be expressed using Equation 3.31. (3.31) Wall temperature and temperature gradient increases with increasing heat flux. An increasing heat-transfer coefficient reduces the wall temperature and the superheat, and increases the minimum heat :flux for the onset of nucleate boiling. The temperature gradient may be regarded as linear with respect to the distance X, from the wall in the sublayer, and the temperature in the sublayer may be calculated by use of Equation 3.32. (3.32) The necessary superheat, in order to produce a bubble from a cavity with radius r, ma.y be calculated by use of Equation 3.33, established by Davis et al. [38]. The equation is derived from ideal gas law and the ClausiusClapeyron equation. 'T' J. oh _ T _ Ru . Tol-. • Tsa.t.l [1 0 sa.t - "h !..l. LV n . + P2··rCT] (3.33) . The two equa.tions are visualized in Figure 3.13. Equation 3.33 represents the minimum liquid temperature which maintains a bubble with radius r. The touch point between the two equations may be calculated from (dToh!dr) = (dTL/dX). The equation gives the necessary cavity radius in order to maintain a growing bubble. The heat flux for the onset of nucleate boiling 76 3 Heat transfer and pressure drop TSClt I I • I Bubble equ.librium It-'"'" I Figure 3.13: Visual presentation of equations for onset of nudeate boiling [40]. 3 Heat transfer and pressure drop 11 may be calculated with Equation 3.34, which is obtained by setting T oh = TL in Equation 3.33 and introducing the necessary cavity radius [38]. . _ .6..hLv . Pv . :XL . (T _ T )2 8 T 'UJ sa.t qonb - . (3.34) sd·" Equation 3.32 represents a set of curves as a function of distance from wall, with increasing gradient at increasing heat :fiux. A major assumption is that the surface contains cavities with various sizes. A.s the heat flux increases, T L and T ok become equal; and the superheat is then sufficient to prod uce bubbles from the cavities with radius rcrit. As the heat flux increases more and more cavities grow active. The active size range is represented by the interval between the cross points for the two lines, rmin and I m =. At low heat-transfer coefficient, as for film flow, the heat :fiux and the- temperature gradient will be low, and the predicted cavity size may be larger than the largest available cavity size of the surface. The superheat qonb is then underestimated and the equation may be regarded as a lower limit for the onset of nuclea.te boiling. Frost et al. [39] used the same theory but assumed that two temperature curves share a touch point at distance PrL· rc instead of at rc. The minimum temperature difference between the wall and the saturated :fi uid for onset of nucleate boiling may be calculated using Equation 3.35. The equation was tested on a wide range of boiling :fluids. (3.35) Equation 3.35 may be rewritten to Equation 3.36 in order to introduce the heat-transfer coefficient. The suppression of nucleate boiling caused by:fluid flow is taken into account in Equation 3.36 by applying the convective heattransfer coefficient a = IJ/(Tw - TSC1t). (3.36) Eight ~ries with varied heat ftux ha.ve been ca.rried out in order to estimate the onset point of n!lcleate boiling. Pure propane has been used as test fluid. The heat-transfer coefficient varies among the different series due to 78 3 Heat transfer and pressure drop variation in flow rate and vapour quality. The measurements have been divided into film flow and shear flow, and the results are presented in Table 3_.5 as a function of vapour quality and flow velocity. The measured results a.re also compared with the :predicted value by use of Equation 3.36. The measured and predicted results are in good agreement for shear flow, but the method underestimates the minimum heat flux for film flow. These results a.re generally in agreement with the theory. Table 3.5: Measured and calculated onset point for nucleate boiling. Series B1 B2 [ B3 B4 I B5 B6 B7 B8 x [kg/kg] 0.00 0.00 0.00 I 0.05 0.:35 0.38 0.38 0.47 m [kg/m 2s] 70 70 70 53 110 62 63 48 i T q<mo,c 1]-0,,,. [0C] [WJ [W] -10.0 -20.0 -30.G -10.0 2400 3500 5200 2300 17700 5900 6200 3700 5500 - 6000 6500 - 7000 > 8000 4500 - 5000 > 8300 6000 - 6500 6000 - 6500 3900 - 4200 -10.0 -10.0 10 0 . -5.0 1- The variation in heat-transfer coefficient with respect to heat flux is given in Figure 3.14 for film flow and in Figure 3.15 for shear flow. The measured onset point for nucleate boiling may be estimated v.1thin a limit of ± 500 [W /m2]. The nucleate boiling part of the heat transfer is up to 20 % of the total heat transfc_ 'or the measurements. The measurements are in the transient region betw( L\· convective boiling and fully nucleate boiling. The maximum heat flux in the test facility is about 10 kW 1m2 and the results may not be used for development of nucleate boiling heat-trcllsfer models. The onset points for pure propane, estimated by use of Equation 3.36, are given in Figure 3_16 for different fluid conditions. Two lines for constant heattransfer coefficients are also give!l. These two curves represent the minimum and maximum values for the heat transfer on the shell side. The onset points are given at the cross-point between the curve ca.iculated by \\1th Equation 3.36, and the curve for constant heat transfer. The nucleate boiling v..ill occur for heat flux higher than for the cross-point. The minimum point for the onset of nucleate boiling will increase as the heat transfer increases, for 79 3 Beat transfer and pressure drop 0.25 ~ 81~ 0.20 0.15 c o -.-I .w 82 -+-- 83 -E}- 0.10 (tl -; C. 05 (]) o 0.00 -0.05 o 2500 5000 7500 10000 Heat flux [W/m2] Figure 3_14: heat flux. \I~u-jation in heat-transfer coefficient for iilm flow with varied 0.4 0.3 c 0 -.-I S4 B5 ~ -+-- B6 -EJ-B7 -x--B8 ~. 0.2 JJ ~ ..... 0.1 :> (]) 0 0.0 0 2500 5000 7500 10000 Heat flux [W/rn2] Figure 3.15: Variation in hear-transfer coefficient for shear flow with varied heat flux_ 80 3 Heat transfer and pressure drop a given fluid condition. The onset point will aiso increase for decreasing pressure. 10000 C"l E '- / 7500 I 3 ,, I , I x ::s 5000 ! .-l ~ .w ttl , . . . ... , 2500 (1.' ::I: o 0.0 1.0 2.0 0 C -20 C -40 C H = 2000 E. = 8000 , ,, ,, . 3.0 4.0 5.0 DT [C] Figure 3.16: Predicted onset point for nuclea.te boiling for pure propane. The same method has been used for calculation of onset point for a rnulticomponent mixture used as a refrigerant in an LNG heat exchanger. The results are given in Figure 3.17 as a function of vapour quality. The probability for nuc1~te boiling is reduced for increasing vapour quality as the heat transfer increases, and necessary superheat increases. The method overestimates at !ow heat transfer. and the conclusion is that the nucleate boiling part ofthe heat-transfer coefficient is insignifica!'t in an LNG heat exchanger. 81 3 Heat transfer and pressure drop lOOOO N ........ E 3: 7500 5 5000 I .-i oW I'll OJ -- i ~ , I 2500 I /x x 0.2 = 0.5 x = 0.9 = 2GOO :r: 8000 0 0.0 1.0 2.0 DT 3.0 ·LD 5.0 [el Figure 3.17: Predicted onset point for nucleate boiling in a refrigeration .:nixtur-e '?lith different vapour qualities. Pressure 3 bar. 82 3 Heat transfer and pressure drop 3.5 Shear flow 3.5.1 Param.eters in shear-c.ontrolled flow Is is important to distinguish between a sheer-controlled em·ironment and a gravity-controlled one, as both liquid d~abing and inundation may differ a lot in the two environm~ts. At low vapour shear the ftow tends to separate into two distinct phases, and at high vapour shear the gravitatjoIlal effect is negligible and the two phases tend toilu''; together. The heat transfer and the pressure drop models differ a lot iil the two regimes, and parameters which identify the different regimes must be established. The variation of vapour velocity and vapour '!Jow rate over the cross section are cor. .trolled by the pressure drop. The pressure-drop per unit length is assumed constant over the cross section. The mean thickness of the liquid film is small acd the vapour velocity in the heat exchanger may be represented by the superficial velocity defined in Equation 3.37. The velocity is based on a mean cross section. Uv3 z·m (3.37) =-Pv The Wallis dimensional gas velocity parameter is given in Equation 3.38 [41]. This parameter is a measure of the relative importance on gravity and vapour shear en the :flow conditions. x·rn iv= JDtu.pv'9'(PL-pV) (3.38) The Froude number for the flow at liquid-only conditions is given in Equa.tion 3.39 (33]. ..., m- .c'rlo Figure = """"-2--- :~"'8 PL' 9 ·D t 1.J. (3.39) shows principal sketches of the now down the heat exchanger. 3 Heat transfer and pressure drop 83 GRAVITY DOMINATED FLOW: TRANSrENT FLOW: SBEAR DOlfl"!NATED FLOW GrPity dnmed film !ow. Shea: .... d gn~ c:nmed!ow. Mist flo.... Low ,-..pour velocity. Hig!> _pour vcIocity. c::;rl .~ ), Figure 3.18: Principal sketches of the shell-side flow. 3 Heat transfer and px-essure drop 84 The energy- and mass transfer between the liquid film and the gas is strongly affected by the entrainment and deposition rate in the :Bow. The geometry on t.he shell-side ~th successive contraction and enlargement may also enhance the entrainment due to vapour velocity accelerating in the contractions. Ishii et al. [37J proposed start criteria for droplet entrainment in two-phase concurrent film flow. They reported four different entrainment mechanisms with respect to concurrent flow. The four types are shown in Figure 3.19, and described. below. 1. Roll wave, where the tops of large amplitude roll waves are sheared off from the wave crests by the turbulent gas flow. 2. Wave undercut, where the gas flow undercutting the liquid film and tears off droplets of liquid. 3. Bubble burst, where fine droplets are generated. when bubbles rise to the interface where they burst. The bubbles may result from gas injection, turbulent wavy motions or heavy nucleate boiling. 4. Liquid lmpingement, where drops of liquid impinge the film surface ana. -produce new droplets. This mechanism may also be related to inundation effects when the liquid film falls from one tube to another. ~he first and second mecb.a.n.isIIis are the most important for concurrent flow, and the analysis on inceptio~ from Ishii et al. [37j is based on these two mechanisms. The fourth mechanism ma;~· also be important in film flow on shell-side where the liquid falls from one tube to the next. The phenomenon is well known in shell-side condensers as a splashing or inundation effect. The minimum gap between the tu bes is small, and the successive contraction and enlargement play an important part in the detection of entrainment and deposition rate. . The phenomenon of inception of entrainment was examined. by Ishii et al. who plotted the critical gas velocity ag?inst the liquid film Reynolds number. Three different regimes were reported; 3. minimum Reynolds number regime, a transition regime and a rough turbulent regime. The minimum gas velocity for the onset of entra.inment decreases as the film Reynolds number increases . for the three regimes. 85 3 Heat transfer and pressure drop TYPE 1 ROLL WAVE 77>'>'~'»»»»'»»'; TYP£2 WAVE UNDERCUT TYPE 3 BUBBLE BURST TYPE 4 LIQUID IMPINGEMENT Figure 3.19: Different entrainment mechanisms [37}. In the tr<tnsition regime between the fully laminar and fully turbulent flow the film interface becomes very rough. The onset of entrainment in this region is a function of the film Reynolds number, which indicates that the momentum exchange between the phases is affected by the liquid flow in the film. In the rough turbulent regime where the :film Reynolds number exceeds 1500 to 1750, the critical gas velocity becomes constant. This creates a lower gas velocity limit for :fihr. e.."l.trainment, una.ffected by the film Reynolds number. The hydrodynamics of the film flow in this region are controlled by the interf~al conditions between ~he gas and the liquid. 86 3 Heat transfer and presSlU'e drop 3.5.2 Test conditions Heat-transfer coefficient and pressure drop in shear 'flow have been measured by use of pure propane. The vapour quality, the flow rate and the pressure have been varied. The different test. runs were arranged in series, as a function of the three main parameters mentioned above, in order to visualize and plot the results. Some of the measurements for TIlm 'flow are also included in the series. Ali of the measurements are \\ithout nucleate boiling heat transfer. Test conditions for different series with varied vapour quality are cited in Table 3.6. The variations in temperature are within ± 1.0 °C and the variations in mass velocity lie within ± 4 kg/m 2s, for these series. Table 3.6: Test conditions for shear flow at constant- pressure and t10w rare. I Series Xl X2 X3 X4 XS' X6 Temperature [0C] -9.8 -9.7 -9.7 -9.4 - -Hl.3 -10.1 -11.6 -10.4 I -10.0 - -10.5 i -9.6 - -10.7 I Flow veiocity I [kg/m 2 s] 47.6- 55.1 62.i - 65.6 74.6 - 79.9 88.9 - 93.2 102.1- 107.9 115.6 - 121.7 Heat flux [kW/m2] 3.19 - 7.87 3.19 - 7.87 3.19 - 7.S7 3.97 - 7.87 7.87 7.87 I Vapour quality [kg/kg] il.05 - 0.74 0;04- 0.89 0.07 - 0.91 0.22 - 0.67 0.24 - 0.48 0.20 - 0.40 I Test conditions for different series with varied mass 'flow rate are listed in Table 3.7. The variations in temperature are within ± 0.5 °C and the variations in vapour quality are within ± 0.02 kg/kg, for these series. Test conditions for different series with varied pressure are given in Table 3.8. The variations in mass velocity are within ± 1 kg/m 2s a.nd the variations in vapour qUality a~ within ± 0.01 kg/kg, for these series. A total of 107 meas~reILents have been performed for the heat-transfer coefficient and 136 measurements have been taken for pressure drop. Some of the measurements do not fit into the series, but are used in the total analysis for different models. 3 Heat transfer and pressure drop 87 Table ;~.7: Test cO!lditions for film tfow a.t constant- pressure and vapour quality. Series Temperature [0C] M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 -10.0 - -10.7 -9.6 - -IDA -9.8 - -IDA -9.7 - -10.6 -9.8 - -10.3 Flow velocity [kg/mls] 50.7 - 118.8 51.2 - i17.9 47.6 - 104.5 53.9 - 85.4 55.1 - 79.0 Heat flux [kW/m2J 3.19 - 7.87 3.19 - 7.87 3.97 - 7.87 6.33 - 7.87 6.33 -.7.87 Vapour quality [kg/kg] 0.24 - 0.28 0.36 - 0.40 0.44 - 0.49 0.60 - 0.65 0.71- 0.75 Table 3.8: Test conditions for shear tfow at constant- :flow rate and vapour quality. Series PI P2 P3 P4 - Pressure [Bar] 1.68 - 4.01 1.99 - 4.00 2.86 - 3.94 1.63 - 3.40 Flow velocity [kg/m2s] 46.8 - 48.1 61.7 - 63.7 76.1- 78.2 63.2 - 63.5 Heat flux: Vapour quality [kg/kg] [kW /m2] 3.96 - 7.87 0.46-0048 3.97 - 7.87 0.45 - 0.47 7.87 0.47 - 0.48 3.97 0.32 - 0.34 ., ,. ... tl.33 - {l.34 . 1.0;) - 3.~41 (.~ (8.3 ~.~o3.-9~'~ ( . 2.41 - 3.39 _ 93.6 - 94.1. ._ 0.33 I -~- --{ -- I ~~ I ~ 3 Heat transfer and pressure drop 88 3.5.3 Heat-transfer coefficient The measured heat-transfer coefficient in the series Xl to X6 is illustrated in Figure 3.20 and Figure 3.21. The heat transfer increases with increasing vapour quality due to increasing vapour velocity and shear ra.te. The increase in heat transfer is therefore initiated at a lower vapour quality for the highest flow rate. The series Xl has a constant heat-transfer coefficient up to a vapour quality of about 0.3. The maximum vapour quality is approximately 0.9. No dryout effects have been observed. The heat-transfer coefficient will drop down to the vapour value when the quality approaches 1.0. The dry-out range may be very narrow, especially for high How-rate, where the mist :How creates a very effective wetting on th~ wall. ';2 12000 I + I I I N ~ 10000 - ;- 3: l-I OJ "-I til s:: 8000 6000 ++ + fo- 0 fo- co l-I .l..J 4000 f0- G + .l..J co OJ X + [J + ++ <> + 8 2000 ~ 0.0 I $ 0.2 ~ $ Xl X3 $ ~ $ X5 I I 1 0.4 0.6 O.B $ + 8 1.0 Vapour quality [kg/kg] Figure 3.20: Measured heat-transfer coefficient as a function of vapour quality. The variations of heat transfer with respect to mass flow velocity are shown in Figure 3.22, for four of the series. The gradient for increase in heat transfer due to increased flow rate is highest for the highest vapour quality. The variations in heat-transfer coefficient with respect to pressure are gi"~n in Figure 3.23 for some of the series. The measurements show that the heat- 3 89 Heat transfer and pressure drop ~ 10000 ¢ ('oJ .....E 3: \.l (l) "-4 8000 + t:: ~ \.l @ :000 E:J .u .u ~ (l) * e+ 6000 til + ++ ¢ ¢ 0 ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ X2 X4 + X6 Ei 1000 :J: 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.8 0.6 LO Vapour quality [kg/kg] Figure 3.21: Measured heat-transfer coefficient as a function of vapour qual- ity. :.:: 9000 ~ ........ 3: 7000 OJ 5000 - ~X E:J 0 0 f- .p- C (t! ~ 3000 f-+ .u ¢ ¢ ~ ~ 1000 40 I XX \.l "'-l til I I I M1 + 8 M4 G p+ ¢ M3 0 + ++ MS X <P ¢¢ ¢ - 0 I ~ I I 60 80 100 120 140 Flow velocity [kg/rn2s] Figure 3.22: Measured heat-transfer coefficient as a function of:B.ow velocity. 3 Heat trailSfer and pressure drop transfer coefficient' increases with increasing density ratio. The variation in increase due to flow ra.te a.nd vapour quality is low. :.:: 6000 I I I N e ...... ~ 5000 - X El + + 1-1 OJ ~ til 4000 f- s:: D <> X :f ~t IV 1-1 ~ .u 3000 - X P4 <:> P2 ~P5 El P3 X - +. - ¢ (> IV OJ ::c c 2000 1..0 I I I 2.0 3.·.0 4.0 5.0 Pressure [bar] Figure 3.23: Measured heat-transfer coefficient as a function of pressure. The estimated uncertainties in the measured heat-transfer coefficiant are given in Figure 3.24 to Figure 3.25 as a function of the vapour quality and heat transfer coefficient itself. The increase in uncertainty is due to a reduced temperature difference at increased heat-transfer coefficient. All of the measurements are within ± 20 %. The heat transfer in saturated two-phase filni.:.:Oow evaporation consists of four mechanisms, but only the first two are included in this study. • Heat transfer by gravity-drained filmfow • Heat transfer by enha.ncement due to shear flow & Heat transfer by nucleate boiling • Heat transfer reduction due to mixture effects The model should match the film-flow correlation at low varour quality and forced convection flow at high vapour quality. Few ccrrelaiions have been 91 3 Heat transfer and pressure drop 25 ! ! · . . . - ..........;............ j...........+............~.....4>.. · .. .. . · Of' 20 >. .u 15 ~ ~ C .........+......~... j............~.~~...~... - .0-1 ctl .u l-I Q) u c :::::> :~: ~<;> ~ ... 0: .. *:.~ i:.......... _ 10 ~ ......... l~....~ . ~M..<;> : . · . . . . """':: : • ~~ .........~............ ~.. ........ ~.......... - ..:.......... 5 ··· ... - j i j i o L.-_....L.._--iL........._-'-_ _L-._...J 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Vapour quality [kg/kg] Figure 3.24: Estima.ted uncertainty in measured heat-transfer coetlicient a.s a function of vapour quality. . proposed for the calculation of. heat transfer in combined gravity-drained and shear-enhanced flow. McNaught [41J proposed a method fo!" shell-side condensers, given in Equation 3.40. (3.40) a J is heat transfer in gravity-drained film flow and Cis is heat transfer in forced-convection shear flow. A coefficient n=2 v.as used. The forced convection heat-transfer coefficient is given in Equation 3.41. (3.41) Xu is the Lockhart-Martinelli parameter given in Equation 3.42. als is the one-phase flow heat-tra.nsfer coefficient based on the liquid phase flowing alone in the section.. (3.42) 92 3 Heat transfer and pressure drop 25 riP >. .u c -..... <tI .u l-I Q) u c => ·~ .~ ·: .: .~ 20 I---------~--------------.-+--.--.----------~.--.--------~ 15 1---------~--~.----~-.---~.-4----.-~-.----------· a.. '<).' ~: .A. V(;)<): ~"V 10 I-~.-----~ :<i>: - . <): . : • -. -----.. ----.----~.--.----------- : .: : .: :-------- -- -------;------------ --- --~- -- ---- -------5 1------ ---~ · . 0 i . 3000 6000 i 9000 12000 Heat transfer coefficient [W/m2K] Figure 3.25: Estimated uncertainty in measured heat-transfer coefjjdent as a function of heat-transfer coefficient_ = McNaught correlated data to find a = 1.26 and b 0.78. The measured and calculated data for series Xl are given in Figure 3.26_ The film-flow correlation dominates at low vapour quality, and the shear-iiow correlation dominates at high vapour quality. The shear-flow correlation will approach 00 as the vapour quality approaches 1.0. One way to avoid this is to reduce the heat-transfer coefficient when the vapour quality 1s in the range of 0.95 to 0.98. This creates a smooth transaction towards the vapour value. A corrected heat-transfer coefficient is given in Equation 3.43. No measurements have been performed in order to verify such an approach. Otp,c = 0tp,(=O.95) . [1.0 -:-- x] + 0V,(=1.0}· x (3.43) The deviation between the measured and the eakulated -v--.:du.es as a function of vapour quality is given in Figure 3.27. The method tends to overestimate heat transfer at low vapour quality due to an early influence from the shear flow correlation. A higher n coefficient in Equation 3.40 may reduce this problem_ The method tends to underestimate at high vapour quality; but the uncertainty in :neasured value is also high and the number of points are 93 3 Heat transfer and pressure drop ~ 7000 ~ :s: 5000 ~ Meashred I / - 1'5 /~ ~ 3000 r J.J ,~ ~ ~ I til Film flow Shear flow ---~Total w ~ I ¢ - ....•.-"6 ..-:;~ ~- •• ~' 1000 ~ • 0.0 .. -=-----------------* - ---' I 0.2 I I I 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Vapour quality [kg/kg] Figure 3.26: Measured and calculated heat-transfer coeiIicient, as function of vapour quality, for series Xl. few. Therefore it is difficult to make a clear conclusion on these phenomena. The Olean deviation is within 1 % for all of the points. The deviations between the measured and the calculated values as a functicn of mass flow velocity are given in Figure 3.28. There is a clear trend which indicates that the calculated single-phase liquid superficial value does not reproduce all of the effects due to variations in :flow rate. The deviations between the measured and the calculated values as functions of the Wallis parameter ( Equation 3.38) are given in Figure 3.29. One observes clear trend 'with respect to this parameter. An direct use of this parameter in the correlation may therefore have reduced the deviation. The a and b parameters in Equation 3.41 have also been adjusted in order to fit the measurement. The !Lew parameters produces change in deviation, as illustrated in Figure 3.30. The fit gave the new parameters a 1.32 and b 0.76, which is a very small adjustment compared to the original parameters. The maximum deviation is about 30 %, and .. ost of the <:lata lie within ± 20 %. The total uncertainty in the measured ,·~lues is also estimated to be within ± 20 % in general. = = 94 3 Heat transfer and pressure drop 40 ciP 20 c:: 0 .,-j .l.J ~ ! > -20 0 - ~<>i~··········­ ~~, It! <I) ~ ,·-t::~···t·:r····l---·- 0 -~·······T··~· ..-f l ! .. ~~ ~ -------~-------:-~-----~-----~---.------.~----------- -40 ~---~I-----~I:----~I-----~I----0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Quality [kg/kg] Figure 3_27: Deviation between measured and calculated heat-transfer coefficient as a function of vapour quality. 40 r-----!~~-.--~--~~-----~!:-----T!:~ ~: : ~ -,-i ~ o 20 0 : : : ~·i~Ii"~····~t·-,;·:r·······+···- e-.<>.~: "-?~i~~::::~---·r··-·: ' , ~~~Q7'" -20 ~.- ... -----.~ .. ---...... :.: .. -.. -.... ---~ .......... -.~ .. -.-40 40 i 60 i 80 i 100 i 120 Mass flow velocity [kg/r02s] Figure 3.28: Deviation between measured and calculated heat-transfer coefficient as a function of mass flow velocity. 95 3 Heat transfer and pressure drop 40 ! ! ! ~~~~ <:H> 20 s:: 0 '.-i .w <tl 0 -.-I > -20 Q) Q ~ ! !¢!o ~ ~ ~ I i ~i ": "i f-__ •.•..~ •.•.~••.•.•.• ~ •.•.•.•. ~ ..•.•..• ~ ..•...•. ~ .....•- ~-----+------:: --- ·;·~o;-----··-~¢·~··-·--- ft : :~:: ~o :: :: f- .•.•.. : ....----:.----.. -: .. ---.. - : ,.•: •....... : .. - .. : : : : : : : : . : : ~ -40 ~~~___~I·__~i___~I·__~i___.i:__~ 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Wallis parameter [-] Figure 3.29: Deviation between measured and calculated heat-transfer coefficient as a. function of the Wallis parameter_ 40 <:H> 20 s:: 0 •.-i .w <tl 0 ! ~ ¢ 1 ~: ! ! . : <» 7t;~~:ji:··c····-r·-- - -'....~~ ...- ... •..-i > -_.. _.-... : _._- -_ ..._. --.,. --.- .. .. -..... -.C!) -20 .............-;-.. .. ·· .. -~ Q ··· ... ... ~ ... -40 ~---~I·----~I·----~I·----'~--~ 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Quality [kg/kg] Figure 3.30: Deviation between measured and calculated heat-transfer coef· ficient as a. function of vapour quality, with adjusted coefficients. 96 3 Beat transfer and pressure drop 3.5.4 Pressure drop The pressure drop is measured in the isotheIllJ.al part of the test section and is not influenced by the heat flux. When the vapour quality is reduced the pressure drop will approach zero. Measured values of pressure drop at low vapour quality are rejected from the analysis. The measured frictional pressure gradients in the series Xl to X6 are given in Figure 3.31 and Figure 3.32. E ...... , 6000 4000 - l-I ::I B 0 2000 - til til 0 + Q) l-I c.. + X3 + X5 0 '0 Q) , Xl ¢ ItS c.. % l-I , , 0 0.0 ,<:> 0.2 r::J + ++ <:> 0 +++ - <:> - + + <:>¢ <:> I I I 0.4 0.6 0.8 - LO Vapour quality [kg/kg) Figure 3.31: Measured frictional pressure drop as function oiva.pour quality. The pressure drop increases as the vapour velocity increases, and is produced both from friction and from drag force. The pressure drop in a two-phase flow is normally represented by an enhancement factor. The enhancement factor in Equation 3.44 is preferred in a How where both the single-phase liquid and vapour phase may be represented, due to the fact t.hat this factor will appi"oach both single-phase liquid and vapour pressure drop. as the vapour quality varies from 0 to 1. .' (3.44) 97 3 Heat transfer and pressure drop 6000 I E ....... I I I Q. ... 'U 0 III ... :l 4000 ...III e r§I 2000 .... ++ G + til til 0.. 0 +X2 co 0.. + <> 0 0.0 jr + <> <> I I 0.2 -J.4 <) <:> i 0.6 X4 + X6 G <:> <:> <:> - I 0.8 1.0 Vapour quality [kg/kg] Figure 3_32: Measured frictjonal pressure drop as function of varied va.pour quality. Barbe et al. applied an enhancement factor based on liquid superficial flow, as given in Equation 3.45 [32]. This factor will approach DC as the vapour quality approaches unity. (3.45) Barbe et al. correlated the factor against the Lockhart-Martinelli parameter, a.s gi,,-en in Equation 3.46, with a = 1.0. The deviation between the measured-and the calculated frictional pressure drop is given in Figure 3.33, as a function of now rate. The dependency on ilow rate in the deviation indicates that the liquid superficial, reference value, does not predict the correct rate dependency. (3.46) 98 3 Heat transfer and pressure drop 40 dP 20 ~ ~8~ ·~ ..~...... . ';.: .¢. ~ .................. ~.~ ... ~'$>" ....: : t: 0 •..-1 .LJ !.~ ! <) . ' . . ~(!j ~ V" : : ..............[..................... · .............. .................... ..................- 0 ~·········iJ·· .~ ItS •..-1 > Q) -20 ~ 0 -40 . : ~ ~ " .. ~ ~ 40 ....... h . ~ ~. .: · _________ ____________ ~i 70 Flow rate .. ~I· __________ 100 130 [kg/~s] Figure 3.33: Deviation between measured and calculated frictional pressure drop as function of flow rate, by the method of Barbe et al. The variations for the measured enhancement factor <)13, as function of vapour quality, are given in Figure 3.34 and Figure 3.35 in a log-log scale. The enhancement factor is a function of both mass ~ow rate and vapour quality. Grant et al. [33] proposed the use of the FrIo number to calculate the dependency on flow rate. The a factor in Equation 3.46 is given in Figure 3.36 as a function of FrIo for the series Xl to X6. The a function is a straight line with log x scale. The FrIo contains only data for mass flow velocity and density, and reflects a liquid velocity. This information has been used to modify Equation 3.46 into Equation 3.47. The two constants have been fitted using the measured data, and may therefore be influenced by uncertainty in measurements. <Pis 02S [1.0 + Xtt]2 = [0.05 + 1.6· Frl~ ]. X tt (3.47) The deviation between measured and calculated pressure drop by use of 99 3 Heat transfer and pressUI'e drop 100.0 ': '1 '1 ~ I ~ oW oW :< ....... ~. 10.0 ~ .u oW :< + ~ ~fr ~ .-I 1.0 10.0 ~+ $' -: Xl X3 X5 ¢> + B . •1 100.0 1000.0 Figure 3.34: Measured enhancement factor for pressure drop as a. function of vapour quality. Equation 3.47 is given in Figure 3.37. Most of the dat(!, aTe within ± 10 %. The estimated uncertainties in measured frictional pressure drop are given in Figure 3.38 as a function of the vapour quality....0\11 of the measurements are within ± 25 %. 100 3 Heat transfer and pressure drop 100.0 ...., I .w .u x ...... 10.0 ~ ~ .w .w x + , , ""i ' , ""i ~ 'j ~ <:> p+ or ..... X2 ~ X4 x6 r::J + LO 10.0 100.0 1000.0 DP_tp/DP_Is [-] Figure 3.35: Measured enhancement factor fer pressure drop as a function of vapour quality. 1.4 L2 ...., I LO 0.8 0.6 0.01 . 0.10 LOO Figure 3.36: a factor in Equation 3.46 as a function of Froude number. 101 3 Heat transfer and pressure drop 20.0 r-----~----_T----~r_--~ 10.0 ttl .ii~i:~;:,·~i~=-;~:~· ¢.» .. > .. ~ § .r-i 0 _0 .LJ <:> • .-1 g-10.0 (>'8 ~ ~¢: ~O~ ~ . .' ~ ¢~..¢".~ ... -....o .. ~.. -............ ;............. <:> 0 :'J' : : . ;. ~ ~ -20.0 ~.----~----~~----~----~ 60 80 40 100 120 Flow velocity [kg/m2s] Figure 3.37: Deviation between measured and calculated pressure drop as a function of flow rate. 30 <if' 25 .! ~· !. !. ::::::::::t::::::~l!:::::t:::::::::L:::::::~ · . . -_ >. 20 t: 15 r---••••.• -+-.----.-tf>-¢~-.~ ...-----..-~--.-----.-- .LJ • .-1 til .w l-I Q) : 0 0 t: ~. .0: ,... o<;t~:o~~: : : ........ 10 ~- ... ~~~. .Q..,j. <)9 ~ v ..... ~ . .... - ... () ~ : 5 ~ __ ._m •• o 0.0 · :_ i 0.2 . '.: ' . <§> :¢ ~: ~m __ ~___ ~___ _ i i~ 0.4 - . 0.6 i 0.8 ~ 1.0 Vapour quality [kg/kg] Figure 3.38: Estimated uncertainty in measured pressure drop as a. function of vapour quality. Bibliography [1] Anderson, P.J., Daniels, E.J., An overview of LNG operations, Na.tural Gas Symposium, Nigeria., Sep. 198!. [2] DiNapoli, R.N., Evaluation in,!-NG project costs cmd estimation techniques Jor new projects., 8th International Conference on liquefied natural gas, June 1986. [3] Air Products and Chem., LNG Capabilities, 1984. [4] Newton, C.L., Kinard G.E., Liu, Y.N., C3 -MR processes for baseload liquefied naturul gas. 8th International Conference on liquefied natural gas, June 1986. [5] Newton, C.L., Process fOT liquefying methane. United States Patent no. 4445916, May 1984. [6] Kreith, F., Black, W.Z., Basic heat transfer. Harper &. Row, Publisher, New York, 1980. 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[43] SeDa.n, R.A., Transport to falling film, 6.th Int. Heat Transfer Conference, vol. 6 , pp. 417 - 428, Toronto 1978. [44] Kocamustafaogullari, G., Chen, LY., Falling film heat transfer analysis on a bank of horizontal tube evaporator, AIChE Journal, VoL 34, No.9, pp. 1539 - 1549, September 1988. [45] Kocamustafaogullari, G., Chen, LY., Horizontal tube evaporators. Part I : Theoretically based correlations, Int. Com. Heat Mass Transf., Vol. 16, No.4, pp. 487 - 499, 1989. 106 Bibliography [46] Shklover, G.G., Buevich, A.V., Investigation of steam ;;ondensation in an inclined bundle of tubes, Thermal Eng., Vol. 25, No.6, pp. 49 - 52, 1978. A Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers A.1 Geometrical data Figure A.I shows the location of the tube center.for two neighboring layers as a function of peripherica.I angle 9, between 0 and 360 degrees. Tubes with coiling direction to the right assume a positi~e inclination. The two layers have four and five parallel tubes, indicated with solid lines. The dotted lines indicate the same tubes in different coils. The crossing of two lines indicates in-line configuration. Staggered configuration is obtained at angles between two crossings. The minimum radial distance between two neighboring tubes will vary as a function of 9. The longitudinal distance between each occurrence ofa given tube in a layer, at a constant peripherical angle, may be calculated from Equation A.I, where i denotes the layer number. (A.I) flLtu..i = Ntu,i . PI The location of each tube may be described by a spiral line in cylindrical coordinates. Figure A.2 shows a spiral line for a tube center viewed. in cartesian coordinates. The Hne is drawn for a layer with four parallel tubes. The diameter on a general layer i may be calculated from Equation A.2. The layer number starn. from one, but only the layers with diameters greater than Dco are active. D/a.y,i = 2 . Pr . i (A.2) The first active layer is numbered n and the last layer is numbered m, n 107 > A Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers 108 ~ ~ 100 (l) (J I:: III oW Ul --I 80 60 "0 .-I III c: 40 --I '0 ::l .u 20 ..-I 01 c: a 0 0 ...:I 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 peripherical angle Figure A_I: Location of tube center for two layers as a fun ction of peripherical angle.. ~ 250 (l) (J I:: III 200 oW to --I 150 '0 .-I ttl I I ~ :: 100 r- I:: ! I I :I - :::>- c::: --I "0 ::l -01.... c: a ...:I >- 50 rc::::::: oW 0 , -' -60 -40 -20 • 0 20 40 60 X projection Figure A_2: Spiral line for a tube center viewed in cartesian coordina.tes. 109 A Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers 1. The number of parallel tubes in a layer i is C<l.lculated from Equation A.3. !II . - Ll NT . . _ !l.NT· Dlay,; - tu,. Z 2 . Pr (A.3) The difference in number of parallel tubes from one layer to the next, LlNT, is normally equal to 1. The inclination is constant for all of the tubes in the different layers, and may be calculated from Equation AA. The inclinatioil. is set up as the ratio between longitudinal and peripherical displacement for a tube in a coil. tan Ct = <} Nt':!. i . PI l!J.NT . PI . = ---7r • Dlr:zy,; 2 . 7r • Pr (AA) The longitudinal and radial tube pitches a!ld the tube inclination cc.nnot be chosen independently, as indicated in Equation A.4. The distances between the core and the first tube layer, and the outward jacket and the last tube layer are normally chosen to be Pr/2 in order to a.void bypass flow. The core and the jacket diameters are calculated by Equation A.5 and A.6, whe:-e n and m are the layer numbers for the first and the last la.yers. Dco = (2· n -1)· Pr Dsh (A.5) = (2· m+ 1)· Pr (A.6) The total number of tubes and layers may be ca.lc111ated by use of Equation A.7 and A.8. . (N '" _ N- N lay =m- n+ I 1Vt" - lay t..,n _.Ll N-T) - +....."NT. Nl ay - (Nlay 2 + 1) (A.7) (A.8) Equation A.7 combines with Equa.tion A.3 to give Equation A.9. Nt" = ~~T . (m - n + 1) . (m + n) (A.9) 110 A Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers The connection between the inclination angle a and peripherical angle 9 is given by Equation A.1O. 9.DIa.lI,i=~ 2 tan(a) (A.I0) = = () is given in radians and z 0.0 when (} 0.0. Equations A.4 and A.I0 may be combined to give Equation A.ll for calculation of longitudinal displacement for a layer i as a function of 9. The angle is converted to degrees in the equation. Ntu.,i . PI . () Zi = (A.ll) 360 The tubes in la.yer i will incline a longitudinal distance az.; and th~ tubes in layer i + 1 will decline a longitudinal distance LlZi+1 between two in-line conngurations, as shown in Figure A.1. The total displacement is equal to PI. Equation A.l1 may be used to calculate this displacement as described in Equation A.12 to A.14. dz; I -dZO+1 I ·.6.8· = I -dB I ·Lll)·+ • dB • PI . Ntu..i . ~9' 360 •+ (A.12) Pl Pi . (Ntu..i + 6.NT) . 6.(}. = Pl d(}. = 360 • 2 . Ntu..i + flNT 360 • (A.13) (A. 14) d(}i gives the peripherical angle between two identical configurations for layer i a.nd i + I. If the configuration is in-line at e = 0, the in-line configuration will be repeated at angles j . 6.9i and the staggered configuration at :angles j. flBi/2 where j goes from 1 to (2· Ntu.,i + 6.NT). The minimum distanCE between tubes in two la.yers will vary with fJ. The path for minimum distance between two neighboring layers is located along lines through the points of tube-crossing shown in Figure A.1. These lines are in the following called tube-crossing lines. The geometrical layouts for A Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers 111 four tubes at peripnerical angles of 0, 20 and 40 0 are shown in Figure A.3. Layer 2 is coiled to the left apd declines with positive (), and layer 3 is coiled to the right and hlclines with positive fJ. The position for observing minimum distance alternates between different pair of tubes at the point w!.:. ~ the configuration is staggered. The distance between tube 3 and tubp. 6 lV• .is a minimum distance at 0 0 _ The layout becomes staggered when the angle is increased to 20 0, and the distar..ces between tube 3 and tube 6 and between t-r.:oe 2 and tube 6 become equal. When the angle :'ncreases further, the minimum distance is obtained between tube 2 and tube 6. The path for the minimum distance between these two layer.; is drawn in Figure A.4. The minimum distance path forms a zig-zag pattern alternating between two tube-crossing lines. Equation A.I5 may be used to calculate the longitudinal distance between tube centers in layer i and i + 1, for a tube-crossing line, where j varies from 1 to (2· Nt ....i + flNT); and change values for angles equal to j . flO . The line starts in the middle between two cross points. 1\ ~ ..z,.,..in ° .+ .;) I = 2 '';'-"<. ":£:.9 - J 0-) (A.I5) The tube-crossing lines incline or decline and the inclination mz.y be calculated from Equation A.I6. This equation gives a constant, longitudinal displacement for all of the minimum path lines and for all of the tube-crossing lines. (A.I6) Fig-<.lre A.5 shows the minimam distance between two tube centers as a function of 0, along the tube-crossing line. The distance is drawn for two crossing tlnes, and the path for minimum distance follows the minimum. of the two lines. The layer dia.meter may vary from 2 to 5 meters in a CWHX and the inclination of the pa!h line for miniIllum distance may be neglected. The minimum and the maximum points in the curves are located for in-line configuration, and the crossing point for the two curves is located for sta.ggered configaration. The tu!:le disknce varies from maximum to minimum for a constant angle 0, and the minimum distance path, shown in Fi!;Ure AA, a.lters locatiO:l_ The fluid flow will be forced by this change in restrictions, and the flow velocity will change in radia.! direction. A 112 Thermal design of LNG heat 40 degrees i::: .....0 J.J 0 (]) ....lo< 'U ...... 60 0000 0000 0000 lIS i::: ....'U :I J.J ..... ljl i::: 0 ..J o degrees exchanger~ d.~grees OG\~)O 00 6 o0~8 20 degrees 0000 0000 0000 8~~8 00 0 Radial direction Figure A.:3: Geometrica1lay-out at different angles. 113 A Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers ~ ~ OJ () s:: <0 .L> rfJ 60 50 40 .,-i ~ 30 .-j <0 s:: .,-i 't:l ....=' .I...l 20 10 0'1 s:: 50 0 :J 1.00 1.50 200 .250 300 350 Peripherical angle Figure A.4: Path for minimum distance between two neighboring layers. 24 22 20 18 16 14 o 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Peripherical angle [deg] Figu.re A.5: Minimum distance between tube centers as a function of peripherical angle along a tube-crossing line. 114 A Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers A.2 Reference flow area Different methods have been proposed for calculation of the shell-side flow area in a CWHX. The cross-flow area may be calcul~.ted by use of Equation 1.11, where SreJ is calculated from one of the different methods reviewed in this chapter. . The simplest methods involve using the minimum or maximum radial distance between two neighboring tubes as the reference length. The minimum distance is located for the in-line configuration, as given in Figure A.3 at 8 = 0.0, and ma.y be calculated from Equa.tion A.17. The in-line connguration is only obtained for a small part of the exchanger and is located at the minimum points of the curves in Figure A.5. Sin = Pr- (A. 17) D tu The maximum distance is located. for the staggered connguration as given in Figure A.3. The distance for ~ staggered configuration may be calculated from Equation A.18. The connguration in an CWHX will alternate regularly between in-line and staggered as shown in Figure A.5 and Figure A.3. (A.I8) Glaser proposed a method for calculation of the net cross-flow area based on a mean gap width Sg!a.s as given.in Equation A.19 [13]. PI Sg!r:..s = :1' loT S·dX == 2 Pl' 10 {JX2 + Pr2 - PI 2 D:.. } . dX (A.19) X equals the longitudinal distance between the tube centers in two neighboring layers. The configuration varies from in-line at X = 0 to staggered at X = ~l. The gap widt!! is integrated between these two configurations in order to calculate a mean gap width. The equation integrates th.e minimum-distance path line froc a minimum point to a cross point, and this gives the referenC2 distance for the minimum path line. Th2 minimum p.ath line consists of A 115 Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers many equal curve elements, as identified by the Glaser equation. The result is given in Equation A.20 [13]. Sgla.$ = .or Pl (1+--)2+ 2· Pr Pi (1 + 2. Pr)2} - (A.20) Dt", GilIi proposed a similar methoo for calculation of the net cross-ilow area [14], but he used both the sma!lest and largest diagonal distance between tube centers in two neighbori!l!S iayens in the integration. ':fhe reduction in free space due to the tube inclination was also taken into account. The result is given in Equation A.21 [14]. a, b , Q and P are defined in Equation A.22. Sgilli = ~'Dn{b+2'P}-2'I.ln{ b+2·Pl }]+ b 2 . (b + Q) 2.a ~. [po (0.5-1) +2. I .Q+~' (a3 _Q3) -1] (A.21) p_R~2 a + , 2 (A.22) 3·P a pr a=-, D tu _cos{a).PI , b_ D tu Q~ - va + OM M I is an interpolation factor between the smallest and largest diagonal freeflow gap. Gilli employed this factor in order to convert heat transfer and pressure drop obtained for straight tubes to coil-wound !leat exchangers. This factor take into consideration the variation in velocity due to the alternating minimum path line. Gilli proposed a factor I = 0.3 ± 0.1 for calculation of mean flow area and mean velocity, for use in heat-transfer coefficients and pressure-drop correlations for tube bundles with straight tubes. The equation reduces to the Glaser equation when I 0.0, and it is only valid for the case where b S;; .J4 . a + 1. The transversal spacing is then large compared to the iongitudinal spacing, which is the normal case for LNG heat exchangers. = The two methods produce different results and they are closely related to the chosen heat-transfer and pressure-drop methods. It is therefore not possible to say tha.t one of the methods is more correct than the other. 116 A Thermal. design of LNG heat exchangers ----------------------------- A.3 Vapour pressure for pure propane Four calcula.tion methods have been compared to experimental data collected by Goodwin [22]. 138 data points from 12 different sources are collected. The calculation methods are the Peng-RobinSQn equation-of-state (PR-EOS), a modified Soave equation-of-state (SRK-EOS), a vapour-pressure method given by Younglove [18] and a vapour-pressure method by Goodwin [22]. The last method is represented by the zero deviation line. The SRK-EOS and the PR-EOS method may also be used for mixtures. The deviations between the different methods are large, in pa-:ticular at high and low vapour pressure. The de"lations between the different data sources collected by Referen~ [22] a.re also high, and it is difficult to validate the quality of the different data. The deviatior..s between the pure component data and the different methods a.re cited in TabJe A.I. The mean deviation (BIAS) and the maximum deviation (MAX) are given. Restricted comparisons have been made within the temperature range from 230 K to 350 K. The accuracy for calculation of saturation temperature for pure propane by the PR-EOS is estimated to be ± 0.2 °C within this temperature range. The PR-EOS method is chosen because of multicomponent application and low deviation for pure propane, whicll is of importance for data reduction in the test facility. Figure A.6 shows the difference between the satur;;.tion temperature for pure propane and the bubble-point and the dew-point t·emperatT.re for the contaminated propane-butane mixture in the test facility. The deviation is calculated by use of the PR-EOS. A Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers 117 Ta.ble A.I: Deviation between calculated and measured saturation temperature for pure propane. BIAS Method °C -0.043 NBS -0.174 PR-EOS SRK-EOS -0.333 Younglove -0.077 -0.060 NBS for restricted range PR for restricted range -0.098 -0.413 SRK for restricted range Younglove for restricted range -0:140 0.5 I· I I MAX °C -0.903 -0.863 -1.274 0.942 -0.903 -0.863 -1.274 0.942 I Boiling-point Dew-point ---- - u 0.4 I- oC 0.3 1------------------------------- 0.2 I- 0.1 tr__- - - - - - - - - l • .-1 JJ <0 • .-1 - :> (J) Q 0.0 -40 I I I I 1 -30 -20 -10 o 10 20 Temperature [C] Figure A.6: Deviation between saturation temperature for pure propane and bubble- and dew-point temperature for contaminated propane, calculated by use of the PR-EOS. U8 A Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers AA Corresponding state method for density The corresponding state method, as given by Ely et al. [16], relates the compressibility for a fluid to the corresponding compressibility for a pure :fluid, and is claimed to be very accurate. Methane is used as a pure reference fluid in the model. Calculated density is compared to reference data for pure methane vapour and liquid in Figure A.7. The reference data are given by Buhner et al. [20] and Younglove et aI. [19]. Both sources claim to have data accur-...cy within ± 0.5 % for reduced temperature below 1.0. Calculated density is also compared to reference data for pure ethane in Figure A.8, and for pure propane in Figure A.g. All of the data are given by references [20] and [19]. s:: .,.,o 0.0 .l.J .,.,tIS-1.0 f- o -2.0 I- + > Q) -3.0 + Liq-Bubner Liq-Younglove Vap-Bubner vap-Younglove ~~I--~I~--~I----~I--~I--~ 100 120 140 160 180 200 TemperaturE [K] Figure A.7: Density calculations for pur': methane. Calculated density is compa.red to reference data for different LNG mixtures in Figure A.lO. The reference data is given by Haynes eta.l. [21]. The data a.ccuracy is claimed to be within ± 0.05 %. The corresponding 5tate method is expected to predict density within ± 2 % for light hydrocarbon vapour A Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers 119 6.0 r-~I-~.--+r-~.---~.--~r-X-~~X--~ Of' 3.0 c o • .-1 .w 0.0 XX + ~ X +X - x+ +++++:. ~ ~ f-·~-9-·@·~~·~-@·~·6·a·"fr·g··~···x. cd ~ X . Liq-Bubner • .-1 ~ -3. a .... Q • I Liq-Youngl. + Vap-Bulmer \3 VfP-Y~ungf· ~ G 0 - I - 6 . 0 '--""--.....".--........- -....--~-""--.........-~ 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Temperature [K] Figure A.S: Density calculations for pure ethane. 6. 0 '---L-i-q"T_.Buhn.--er-...,.r---.-~-T'"" .---,.r--"1¢ <1P 3. 0 ~ c: O. 0 (!) -3 _ 0 Cl ¢ ++ .....o w .....cd :>- + Liq-Younglove + Vap- Bulmer D Vap- Younglove X -6.0 ¢¢x f-········ce~~~g"tlG~·xX ~ ~ 150 ___ xX _______ ~~ 200 ~I 250 ~ ____~'____i~ 300 350 Temperature [K] Figure A.9: Density calculations for pure propane. 120 A Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers and liquids. 2.0 aP 1.5 s:: .....0 1.0 .I.J I I - ~ -- .~~ , •• Ii3 ..... > QJ 0.5 Q 0.0 17 I I - 8 •• I I I ~ 18 19 20 21 22 Molecular weight. Figure A.lO: Density calculations for LNG mixtures. 121 A Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers A.5 Corresponding state method for viscosity The corresponding state method given in Section A.4 is also used to calculate physical properties as dynamic viscosity ond thermal conductivity. Dynamic viscosity data for methane, ethane and propane given by Younglove et al. [19] are compared to calculated data in Figure A.11, Figure A.12 and Figure A.11. Data accuracy is claimed to be within ± 2 % for reduced temperatures below 1.0. 2. 0 dP r - - r - -........--.,...,.~oft--.....,~-..., <> ~¢ ~+ 1.0 ¢ +++ <> ++t++++ ¢ ++ <> ++ c: 0.0 •••=F •..••••.••••••••••......... -.............-.-..... --o ++ <> ..-j <0-1.0 ¢ <> ..-j :>- OJ r:l -2.0 -3.0 Liquid· data Vapour data <> + 1 ~~_o_~_~__~__~___~ 100 120 140 160 180 200 Temperature [K] Figure A.11: Viscosity calculations for pure methane. 122 A Thermal design of LNG heat exchangers tiP 4.0 0 s:: .....o J,.l III -rl 2.0 <:> + ++ ¢ + <:> O¢<:> + •.....,f.........................•......................... 0.0 :> + ~ -2.0 -4.0 + + 0 + + Liquid data Vapour data ¢ + L...._L-.....J'----'_--L_--L_--L..... 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Temperature (K] Figure A.12: Viscosity calculations for pure ethane. r--"" 2.0 .----...,Ir----T"T"""----r- tiP 1.0 +¢ o 0.0 -········O:·~;-O·¢.-~·"$";-·-·~+········-····-- §-1.0 - ¢ - 'rl ~ -2.0 ..... ~ -3.0 - o ++ + + +-rF + - - Liquid data <:> VaI:-our data + -4.0 - - -5.0 ,--_ _-,I_ _ _L-I_ _-,'_ _- - , 200 240 280 320 360 Temperature [X] Figure A.13: Viscosity calculations for pure propane. B Test facility for heat exchanger B.l Geometrical data The outside tube diameter, D t .. , was measured to be 12.00 ± 0.05 mm. The diameter was not affected by the coiling. The length for each tube in the heated part of the test section was measured after coiling. The results are given in Table B.l, together with a mean tube l-ength for each tube and a total mean tube length. The mean value is regarded equal to th~ length along the center line. The estimated accuracy is a maximum limit for the combined bias and random errors. The error propagation to the total length is calculated by use of Equation B.17 without dependency between the variables. Table B.1: Measured tubelengths in the test section [mmJ. Coil 1 2 3 4 Total Inside 382± 2 379 ± 2 375 ± 2 335± ~ Outside 467 ± 2 465 ± 2 459 ± 2 465 ± 2 Mean value 424.5 ± 1.4 422.Q ± 1.4 4i7.0 ± 1.4 425.0 ± 1.4 1688.5 ± 3.0 The total heated area is calculated by use of Equation B.I to be 63655.0 ± 288 mm 2 • The estimated accuracy is about 0.5 %. The error propa.gation is calculated by use of Equation B.17. (B.1) The mean radial distance between the tubes is calculated from measurements of the coiling diameter on the inner and the oute. half-tube layers. The 123 124 B Test facility for heat E:xceanger diameter at the tube top on the inner half-tube layer, Di, was measured to be 108.0 ± 0.05 mm. The inner-layer diaIileter on the outer half-tubes ~as measured at nine different places around the heated part of the test section. The accuracy for each value may be regarded as a bias limit due to uncertainty in the measurements. The layer diameter varies from tube to tube, and each of the measurements represents a ....'3lue for the diameter. The results are given in Table B.2. Table B.2: Measured inside-layer diameter on the outher half-tube layer [mm). Point 1 2 3 Angle 1 141.7 ± 0.5 147.6 ±Q.5 147.8 ± 0.5 Angle 147.6 ± 147.6 ± 147.7 ± 2 0.5 0.5 0.5 Angle 3 147.6 ± 0.5 147.6 ± 0.5 147.5 ± 0.5 The mean inner-layer diameter may be calculated by use of Equation 8.2. 1 Do= 9 '9 ~Do.i (B-2) =1 The uncertainty in thE' mean layer diameter is influenced by the variation in the measured values. The random error is estimated by use of Equation B.5 to Equation B.8, and the total inaccuracy is estimated by a combination of bias error- on each measurement a.nd random errors due to variation in diameter. The mean value for Do is estimated to be 147.63 ± 0.2 mm. The radial distance between the tube centers, Pr, is calculated by use of Equation B.3, to be 15.9] ± 0.06 mm. Pr = Do - Di 4 1 D + 2' tu (E.3) The longitudiul distance betwE!--:!n tubes is kept constant by use of spacer rings, with a diameter of 1.85 ± 0.15 rem. The longitudinal distances between the tubes in the teSt se-ction are measured at eight points, perpendicular to four and nve parallel tubes:_ The longitudinal distance ma.y vary from one B 125 Test facility' for heat exchanger tube pair to another as a function of peripherical angle. The longitudinal. distance perpendicular to the tube centers, PIp, may be calculated by use of Equation B.4, where L is the measured distance and N is the number of parallel tubes in the measurement. PI = L-Dtu p N-1- (BA) The results are given in Table B.3. The error limit for each L represents a bias error due to uncertainty in measurements, and not a random error due to actual variatic..n in tube distance. The uncertainty in Pip is estimated as a random error from the eight measurements by use of Equation 8.5 to Equation 8.8. The longitudinal distance is corrected due to inclination by the relation PI = Plp!cos{et), where 7.928 0 is used as inclination angle. The mean value for PI is estima.ted to be 13.94 ± 0.09 mm. The longitudinal tube distance oX! the inner and the outer half-tube layers is measured to be 14.0 ± 0.05 mm. The center diameters for the three layers are given in Ta.ble B.4. The tube inclina.tion has been estimated by use of Equation A.4 to be Ct = 7.938 ± 0.06 o. Cross-flow area, estimated from the different methods described in Chapter lA, is given in Table B.5. The area is corrected for longi!:udinal spacers and tubes used for temperature instrumentation. The total correction is estimated to be 109.0 ± 0.2 mm 2 • Table B.3: Measured longitudinal tube distances [mmJ. Point 1 2 3 4 Five tubes PIp L 67A ± 0.5 13.85± 0.13 67.7± 0.5 13.93± 0.13 67.4± 0.5 13.85 ± 0.13 66.8 ± 0.5 \13.70 ± 0.13 Four tubes PIp L 53.3±0.5 13.77± 0.18 53.3 ± 0.5 13.77± 0.18 53.5±0.5 13.83± 0.18 53.4±0.5 13.8!J± 0.18 126 B Test facility for heat e.xchanger Table B.4: Estimated center diameter for each layer [mmJLayer Inner half tubes Central tube layer Outer half tubes Diameter 96.0±O.O7 127.82 ± 0.11 159.63 ± 0.21 Table B.5: Cross-flow area in test section [mm 2J. Method In-line area Staggered area Gilli's method Glaser's method Flow area 3031.2 ± 63.0 4203.6 ± 62.0 3428.9 ± 62.0 3637.9 ± 62.0 B Test facility for heat exchanger 127 B.2 Estimation and treatment of errors B.2.l Random errors Random errors a.re alwa.ys estima.ted from replicated measurements a.nd the errors will show up as a scatter around the mea.n value for the measurements. The data points are assumed to deviate from the mean in accordance with the laws of chance in such a way that the distribution approaches the normal distributio!l when the number of replicated measurements is increased. The scattp.r may be caused by cha.racteristics of the measuring system and by changes or instability in the quantity being measured. The random uncertainty is derived by statistical analysis of repeated measurements as described in ref~rences [23J, [25], [26]. The best value for a. property, x, in a series with N replicated measurements is the average value x calculated by Equation B.5. (B.5~ The uncertainty from random erroiS is quantified by the estimator for the standard deviation, S, often called the precision index. For a single set of measurements with a small N, S may calculated by Equation B.6. s= "N (. -'-'j=l X, - N-l x-)2 (B.6) For a small sample it is necessary to correct the statistical results based on normal distribution by use of Student-t values. The Student-t values are gi ....en in Appendu.: B.4 as functions of probability, P, and degrees offreedom, v. The value tv,P . S give the uncertainty interval for a single observation, x, which includes the true mean value, p., with a given probability. The 95% probability is normally used for physical experiments. The random error is always reduced by taking replicated measurements and using the mean value as the best estimate for the true value. The estima.ted standa.rd deviation for mean value may l:..e calculated from Equa.tion B.7. sr;;;r s- = vN (B.7) 128 B Test facility for heat exchanger The vclue tv,P . 5 gives an uncertainty interval arounci. the estimated mtan value, x, which includes the true mean value, f.L, with a given probability. The best interval which contains the true average is th~n given from Equation B.B. The degree of freedom is given by v = N - 1. _ x±tv, p 5 (B.8) .IN .-- Use of different instrumentation for measurements of the same property is ca.lled multi-sample measurements. The best value for a measured value where multiple sets of instruments are used is the grand average, calculated by Equation B.9. M is the number of sets involved. It is assumed that the number of observations is common for each set. x = _ X- ~M L.Jj=l N j ' Xj - M 2:j=1 Nj ~M - _ L.Jj=l Xj _ - - M ~M·N L.Ji=l Xi (B.9) !vi . N The precISIOn index, or the estimator for the standard devia.tion in the multiple-set experiment, may be calculated from Equation B.IO. ,\,M L.Jj=l N j ' (=x - Ef=,l Nj -)2 Xj ,\,M (= L.Jj=l X - M - .)2 x] (B.IO) The estimated standard deviation for mean value from multiple set experiments is given by Equation B.Il. -=- 5 Sm. 5 = -.jM- = --:.JM=.N=- (B.ll) A weighted average of the estimated standard deviations in Equation B.ll is often used. This average may be represented by Equation B.12 in case of N common observations in all sets. (B.I2) B Test facility for heat exchanger 129 Tl!<! best interval which contains the true average with a given probability for a mUltiple set experiment is now given from Equation B.13. The de,~ee offreedom is v = M·N - M. (B.13) B.2.2 Syst~!Datic errors Systematic errors are fixed errors and give a measured result which either are constant-to-high or constant-to-low with respect to the true value. Systematic errors may be constant or variable, and can be of unknown sign and magnitude, known sign but unknown magnitude, or known sign and magnitude. Systematic errors may be reduced by calibration r such as for thermocouple element wire. Systematic errors are estimated by non-statistical methods as described in references [23], [25] and [26]. Uncertainties from systematic errors may be quantified by maximum limits or by the 95 % confidence level. These limits may be distributed symmetrically or non-symmetrically around the true value of the measurement. The treatment of systematic errors depend on the nature of the error itself and may be classified into four different groups; L Errors with known magnitude and sign. The measurements may be corrected, and the uncertainty limit set to zero. An example of such errors is the calibration of a single thermocouple element, where the results are corrected with respect to a standard curve. 2. Errors with known sign and estimated magnitude. The error may be estimated 'within an interval with a upper and a lower limit. The results are corrected with the mean value of the error, and the uncertainty limit is taken as one-half of the error interval. An example of such error is the heat leakage into the test plant. 3. Errors with experimentally assessed magnitude. Such errors are treated as random errors, with a statistically estimated uncertainty. An example of such an error is the calibration of a batch of identical thermocouple elements by use of a selected number of the elements. A mean value and a standard deviation for the batch are calculated from the calibration. 130 B Test facility for heat exchanger 4. Errors with unknown sign and magnitude assessed by judgement. The results are not corrected with respect to such errors. This is the normal type of systematic errors in data acquisition- and data reduction systems. Systematic errors in instruments and data acquisition system are generally stated at a 95 % confidence level [27]. B.2.3 Propagation and combination of errors Measured and derived parameters are in most cases combined by functional relationships into the results. The estimated errors for each parameter must therefore also be propagated into the results. A result, R, is derived from J number of variables with different average values, Xj, as given by Equation B.14. Each Xj may contain both systematic and random errors. The a.im is to estimate a total uncerta.inty interval for the resul;;, ?.nd the variables should, as fa.r as possible, be independent of ea.ch other. (B.14) Propagation of random errors is calculated by estimation of the standard deviation for th~ result. It is often impractical or impossibJe to use only independent variables, and the formula for calculation of the standard deviation must take into account dependency or covariance between variables. The estimated standard deviation for the result may be calculated from Equation B.15, [26]. (B.15) The covariance may be calculated by use of Equation B.16, [26]. (B.16) B Test facility for heat exchanger' 131 The covariance is zero for independent variables. The function R and its derivatives with respect to the different varia.bles have to be continuous around the given values .. The sensitivity ~~ may be estimated analytically or numerically. Propagation of systematic errors is treated in the same way, as given in Equation B.l7. The covariance between variables is neglected. B:&j is the estimated uncertainty due to systema.tic errors for the variable Xi. (B.17) Two different approaches are recommended for combination of errors. The Root Sum Square approach as given by Equation RI8 and the Add '..:.' approach as given by Equation B.19 [23], [24]. (B. IS) (B.19) B is the estimated total error from systematic error sources, ~d S is the estimated total standard deviation from random errors. The two types of errors are kept separated until the final result. The 95 % probability is recommended to be used for the Student-t value. The degree of freedom for the final result may be calculated by use of the Welch-Satterthwaite formula in Equation B.20 [25]. (B.20) 132 B Test facility for heat exchanger B.3 Test for outliers in measurements The Dixon test is used in order to detect outliers in the measurements [26]. The test may only be used for normally distributed populations. The observations are ranked and function values for each observations are calculated. The function depends on the sample size. The function value is compared to a critica.l value and the data point is rejected if the calculated value is higher than the critical value. The test function and the critical values are given in Table B.6 and Table B.7. The measured data are ranked by increasing values when high values are tested and by decreasing values when low values are tested. Table B.6: Test functions for the Dixon method. Sample size Test functions 3-7 (xn - xn-d/(z" - Xl) (x,.. - %"-1)/(%,, - X2) (x" - %"-2)/(%,, - X2) (z,.. - %"-2)/(Z,, - X3) 8 - 10 11 - 13 14 - 25 Table B.7: Critical values for the Dixon method. N 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Critical value 0.941. 0.764 0.620 0.560 0.507 0.554 0.512 0.477 N 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Critical value 0.576 0.546 0.521 0.546 0.525 0.507 0.490 0.475 N 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Critical value 0.462 0.450 0.440 0.430 0.421 0.413 0.406 133 B Test facility for heat exchanger B.4 Student's-t statistics. The values for the Student's-t statistics are given in Table B.8 as a function of degree of freedom and confidence level for a normal distribution. The 95 % confidence level is used in this thesis. Table B.8: Student-t Sta.tistic for a. nor.mai distribution as a function of degree offreedom v. v tgo'70 1 6.314 2 2.920 3 2.353 4 2.132 5 2.015 6 1.943 7 1.895 8 1.860 9 1.833 10 1.812 11 1.796 12 1.782 13 1.771 14 1.761 15 1.753 tgS'70 tgg'70 12.706 4.303 3.182 2.776 2.571 2.447 2.365 2.306 2.626 2.228 2.201 2.179 2.160 2.145 2.131 63.657 9.925 5.841 4.604 4.032 3.707 3.499 3.355 3.250 3.169 3.106 3.055 3.012 2.977 2.947 v 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 30 40 60 120 00 tgo'70 1.746 1.740 1.734 1.729 1.725 1.721 1.717 1.714 1.711 1.708 1.697 1.684 1.671 1.658 1.645 tss'70 too% 2.120 2.921 2.110 2.898 2.101 2.878 2.093 2.861 2.086 2.845 2.080 2.831 2.074 2.189 2.069 2.807 2.064 2.797 2.056 2.787 2.042 2.750 2.021 2.704 2.000 2.660 1.980 2.617 1.960 2.576 134 B Test facility for heat exchanger B.5 Location of thermocouples The thermocouples for measurement of fluid temperature in ~he isothermal part of the test section are installed in 1.8 mmOn prob2S, inserted from the end of the test section. The distance from the end of the probe down to' the heated part of the test section extends about 180 mm. Two probes are installed in each of the two free spaces between the layers. Two of the thermocouples balow the mixing chamber are also installed in probes inserted from the end of the test section. The other two elements are installed in probes inserted through the tube wall. The distance from the end of the mixing chamber down to the four points is about 200 mm. A sketch of the tubes in the test section, before and after coiling, is given in Figure B.l. The bending of the tubes entailed a displacement of the instrumentation points, as shown in Figure B.l. The elements on the inside were twisted downwards and the elements on the outside were twisted upwards. The points at the lower end have been twisted about 15 0, and the points at the upper end have been twistee. about 45 o. HEATED iUSE tt---- t\ +r~~ .12 , t=- 107.6:0.~ 216.1 ~-~ =r ~ ~a-- 98.4:0.7~ r-~---------422.1·1.4 -------~---! uPPER PA!lT LOWER PART Figure B.l: Tube in the heated part of test section, before and after bending. The location of points for measurement of wall temperatures is given in Table B Test facility for heat exchanger 135 B.9. The points are located about one-fourth of the total tubelength from the upper and lower end. The mean value is calculated both for each tube and for all of the tubes. The uncertainty in the mean value is estimated from the bias error only. The distance between the mean value for the upper and the lower points is 216.1 mm. Table B.9: Location of points for measurement of wall temperature [mm]. Measured from lower end Coil Inside Outside Mean value 1 99.5 89±2 1l0±2 2 96.0 87±2 105±2 107±2 98.5 3 90±2 10S±2 4 91±2 99.5 Mean value for all tubes 98.4± 0.7 Measured from upper end Coil Inside Outside Mean value 1 101±2 115±2 10S.0 2 101±2 116±2 lOS.5 105.0 3 93±2 117±2 4 109.0 101±2 117±2 Mean value for all tubes 107.6± 0.7 B Test facility for heat exchanger 136 B.6 Thermocouple reference equation The reference table for the E-type thermocouple wire is given as a power series equation, based on IPTS-68 [28]. The equation represents the defined true temperature. Equa.tion B.21 gives a. relation between the temperature in °C and the EMF in /LV. 13 E.rlClna. = 2: aj . Tj (B.21) i=l The constants aj are given in Table B.I0 for a temperature range from -270 to 0 ae. Table B.IO: Constants for type-E thermocouple in Equa.tion B.21. j 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a; 5.8695857799E+01 5.1667517705~02 -4.4652683347E-04 -1.7346270905E-05 -4.8719368427E-07 -8.8896550447E-09 -1.0930767375E-1O j 8 9 10 11 12 13 a; -9.1784535039E-13 -5.2575158521E-15 -2.0169601996E-17 -4.9502138782E-20 -7.0177980633E-23 -4.3671808488E-26 The numerical representation is very accurate due to the degree and the number of significant figures in the constants for Equation B.21. The number of significant figures in the calculated temperature is therefore higher than the actual accuracy in IPTS-68. The equation is used because it gives a smooth representation for the temperature-E:M:F relation, and because it is recommended as a standard reference [28]. B 137 Test facility for heat exchanger B.7 Thermocouple off-site calibrat.ion Off-site calibration of th€ thermocouple elements is done by use of a comparison method. A reference temperature, T ref, is established by the cooling of an insulated copper block. The thermocouples are installed in the CO]r per block. T reJ is measured by use of a platinium resistance thermometer, and the EMF in the thermocouple elements is measured by use of a digital voltmeter. An ice bath is used as a reference junction for the thermocouple elements. Different elements are connected to the voltmeter by way of a manual switch. The difference between the measured EMF a.nd the standardized EMF is calculated as a function of measured reference temperature in every calibration point i by nse of Equation B.22. (B.22) The uncertainty for the calibration is caused by errors in the measured temperature and errors in the measured voltage. The result from the calibration is given in Table B.ll. 1'r ef = 0.0 °C has not been measured, and this point will not re:fl.ect the uncertainty in the calibration loop. Table B.U: Off-site calibration results for the thermocouple elements. Calculated ~ Tref EstanC: Tl Tl 0.0 -37.85 -62.61 -89.00 -124.11 -141.07 0.0 -2138.11 -3438.78 -4730.16 -6277.26 -6947.47 0.0 -20.81 -:33.48 -44.36 -66.06 -76.67 0.0 -21.11 -33.78 -47.16 -65.86 -77.97 T3 0.0 by use of Equation B.22. -25.01 -39.38 -50.46 -69.86 -81.27 T.;. 0.0 -24.51 -38.58 -51.96 -72.96 -84.17 Ts T6 0.0 0.0 -24.21 -21.61 -37.98 ' -34.78 -50.46 -45.46 -69.86 -64.66 -81.27 -75.57 Wire 0.0 -3.81 -7.38 -4.76 -6.06 -8.87 The uncertainties for the measured E and T ref are divided into bias error and precision error. The precision errors are affected by temperature instabilities in the copper block, and by random errors in the measuring chains for temperature and voltage. The measurement have not been repeated for every calibration point, and the uncertainty is therefore estimated asa bias limit. The uncertainty interval is dependent on the temperature and the total uncertainty is estimated by use of Equation 8.17. 138 B Test f <lcility for heat exchanger A list of the different error sources, with an estima.ted uncertainty interval, is presented in Table B.12. The total uncertainty is estimated at -140.0 °C, 'l/'hich is reg<>,rded to be a minimum value. The voltage errors are converted to temperature errors by use of the reference equation. Table B.12: Uncertainty interval [oroff-site calibration of E-type thermocou- ple element. Uncertainty in the measured reference temperature Source Uncertainty Platinum resistance thermometer ±0.05 Bridge for measurement of resistance ±O.OO125 Temperature stability of copper block ±0.01 Uncertainty in the measured voltage Source Uncertainty Reference junction ±O.Ol Digital voltmeter Function of reading ±0.005% or ±O.35 Function of full scale ±0.0005% of 100 m V or ±().5 Function of resolution ±1.0 Scanning system ±l.G Combmed errors from all sources ± 3.;) JLV or :::t: 0.07 - Of"' 'V °C °C °C p,V j.LV j.LV .uV °C The polynomial equation for Ec<>iib is generated hy using the least Squar~s technique, from the sets of calibration points given in Table B.11. The degree for the equation is chosen in such a way that the number of distiact calibration points available is greater or equal to 2 . ( degree + 1 ) [28]. All of the experimental data points must also be held within theunc~-tainty interval when the interval is centered around the most probable interpolation equation. Ecalib is given by Equation B.23, with values for b o, b l and h:! given in Table B.13. All of the calibration points are within the estimated uncertainty interval. 2 ECtllib =L j=O bj . Ti (B.23) B IZ9 Test facility for beat e..xchaPgcr Table B.13: Constants in Equation B.23. Element Tl T2 T3 T4 Ts T6 Wire bo -7.30.10- 1 -5.1:~ .10- 1 -9.23.10- 1 -6.47 -10-1 -7.24 -10- 1 -7.05.10- 1 -4.67.10- 1 b1 4.83 .10- 1 5.12.10- 1 6.06.10- 1 6.03 ·lO-l 5.97 ·lO-l 5.25 ·lO-1 9.76 ·lO-2 b2 -3.59.10-1 -2.03.10-4\ 2.57 ·10-4 1.22 ·lO-4 2.42 ·10-4 1.40 ·lO-5 3.36·10- 140 B Test facility for heat exchaDg~ B.8 On-site calibration of thermocouples All of the thermocouple elements were delivered at the same time and it is assumed that all of the elements come from the same reel. 7 of the 23 elements were calibrated individually. 6 of the calibrated elements are used in the test facility_ The results from the individual calibratio:l are used to estimate a mean calibration curve. This curve represents the 16 elements used for measurements of wall temperatures. The !Dean deviation from the standard curve is calculated from the results in Appendix B.7. The standard deviation for the mean value is also calculated. The results are given in Table B.14. Table B.14: Mean calibration result for the therm0couple TreJ 0.0 -37.85 -62.61 -89.00 -124.11 -141.07 ! Estc.nd. ~E S 0.0 -2138.11 -3438.78 -4730.16 -6277.26 -6947.47 0.0 -22.77 -36.32 48.56 0.0 0.66 0.90 1.09 1.21 1.23 -68.75 -80.00 elem~ts. The uncertainty in the mean value depends on the total bias uncertainty in each point and the random uncertainty due to variation from element to element. Most of the different error sources in Table B.12 are not independent, because the elements are calibrated at the sar::J.e time. A common bias error is therefore used for the mean value. The total random uncertaiety is estimated from the standard deviation for the mean value. The total uncertainty interval is estimated to be within 0.1 °C at -140.0 0 C. The equation Ecalib for the mean value is generated by the procedure described in Appendix R7. The constants for Equation B.23 are given in Table B.15. Isothermal checks have been performed with propane as the test fluid in twophase flow. The r::lea.n fluid temperature and the deviation from the mean were calculated for each point in the test section. The results are given in Figure B.2. Point numbers 1 to 4 represent the fluid temperatures prior to B 141 Test facility for heat exchanger Table B.15: Constants in Equation B.23 for the mean calibration curve. 1 bo 15.55~\0 -3.2~~ 10 61 the test section, point numbers 5 to 12 represent the waIl teClperatures in the upper part, point numbers 13 to 20 represent the wall temperatures in the lower part and point numbers 21 to 24 correspond to the fluid temperature after the mixing chamber. The deviation from the mean reflects all of the different error sources in the. temperature measurements. CJ 0.20 a c:: 0.15 .&.J 0.10 ? 0.05 .,-i ...,ttl III 'd .. ~ ~ ~ $ .~ •• ' .....• " •...•x.:L:t!....................... . 0.00 ~-O.05 ~ ~ series series -0.10 ~ + <) ~ (> ~ t~ ~ -0.15 p. al Eo< -0.20 0 5 10 15 20 25 Point Figure B.2: Deviation from mean temperature for each point in the test section at isothermal conditions. H.9 Pressure transmitters The different pressure transmitters are described in Table B.16. The cali· brated span is the initial range set by the manufacturer. The accuracy is 142 B Test facility for heat exchanger often related to this range, especially for the Honeywell transmitters. Table 8.16: Technical description for pressure transmitters. Identifier P sec Por DPs1 DP s2 Fabrication Honeywell Honeywell Honeywell Honeywell DPor DP=cr NAF NAF Type STG150 STA140 STD120 STD120 ETD-14 ETD-14 Calibrated span [Bar] 0-35.0 0-8.6 0-0.25 0- 0.25 0.05 - 0.25 0.015 - 0.075 Two different reference pressu.res are used for calibration of the transmitters. For pressures or differential pressures greater than 0.01 bar a dead weight cell is used. For lower pressures a static water column is applied. The signal from the trar.smitter is measured by use of a precision resistance and a voltmeter. The Jp.w. weight cell has a accuracy of 0.03 % of reading and the water column u.., accuracy of about 0.5 mm or 5 Pa. The accuracy for the voltmeter is high a.nd will not be regarded in the total uncertainty. The upper range value ( URV ) is adjusted in order to obtain a given range. The zero point or the lower range value ( LRV ) is adjusted on the transmitters during calibration. The linearity may also be adjusted for some of the transmitters in order to obtain the specified accuracy. The reference chara.;:teristic, given by Equation 2.2, is estimated from an end peint 4.<ijustr.:lent based on the linear cha.racteristic. The constants are only dependent on the lower and upper range value and their signals; and will not be changed by re-calibration. The residual for each calibration point is checked against the reference characteristic. Equation B.25 c:.::!Q Equation B.24 are used to estimate the cc.nstants a and b in Equation 2.2. The equations are used both for absolute pressure and differential pressure. b = PURV - PLRV JURV - hRV a = PLRV - hRV • b (8.24) (B.25) B 143 Test facility for heat exchanger The accuracy for a and b depends on the accuracy for the calibration equipment, and on the ra.ndom pa.rt of the accuracy for the transmitter itself. The adjusted end points may. therefore drift due to hysteresis and repeatabilil;y error in the transmitter. The accuracy for a and b due to calibration may be estimated from Equation B.17 without dependency between the variables, where the sensitivity is estimated from Equation B.25 anu B.24. The accuracy for a and b dua to ra.ndom transmitter error is not estimated, but included in the data reduction; by the specified accuracy for the transmitters. This accuracy involves combined effects of linearity, hysteresis and repeata.bility. The constants in Equa~ion 2.2 are given in Table B.17. The lower range value is zero for a.l.l of the differential transmitters, and 1 bar for the other two. The specified. transmitter accuracy is also given in the table. Table B.17: Precision resistances a.,d constants in Equation 2.2. Identifier i P sec P"r DPsl DPs2 DP"r DPmcr a,- -3.72814 . 10:-3.74653.10 5 -3.74977.10 2 -3.75047. 102 -3.75117.103 -1.87617· 10 3 Ri [Q] b·• 9.38999. 10 7 401.0 9.37364. lOi 399.8 9.37441.10 4 [400.3 9.37617· 104 400.7 9.37606 . 10~ 400.6 4.69041 . 10" 400.1 I Accuracy 5300 1500 25.0 25.0 37.5 18.8 Unit Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa The maximum deviations for DP"r, DP 51 and DP s2 are well within the specified 2.ccuracy. It has been observed that the zero point for these two transmitters may drift within ± 10 Pa due to variations in line pressure on one or both sides. Such drift ma.y be observed. directly after a re-calibration. The specified accuracy is used in order to establish an upper maximum limit. The maximum deviations for P sec and P or fall within the specified accuracies. B Test facility for heat exchanger 144 B.lO Geometrical data for the orifice meters Geometrical data for the three ori~lce meters and the orifice tubes are cited in Table B.18. The tube diameters are measured at four points in the large orifice and at eight points in each of the other two orifices. The uncertainty in the mean tube diameter is estimated from a combination of estimated standard deviation from the mean value and bias deviation for each measurement. The bias deviations for all of the measurements are regarded to be independent. The rest of the geometrical data for the orifice meters lie within the recommended values in DIN1952 [30]. Table B.18: Geometrical data for orifice meters and orifice tubes [mm]. Meter size Measurement 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mean Orifice diameter DOT Small Medium 10.000 ± 0.05 27.997 ± 0.005 Tube diameter, Dtui Small Medium 21.35 41.07 21.40 41.08 41.07 21.32 21.31 41.07 21.29 41.09 21.29 41.07 41.09 21.32 21.32 41.07 21.33 :i: 0.04 41.08 ± 0.01 Large 51.993 ± 0.005 Large 81.26 81.26 81.33 81.22 81.27 ± 0.073 The tube and the orifice diameters are corrected with respect to temperature by use of Equation B.26. Dcorr = D· (1 +1" (T - TreJ)} (B.26) Both the orifice plates and the orifice tubes are made of stainless steeL The reference temperature, Trej, is 20.0 °C, and the expansion coefficient, 1', is 15.10- 6 iPC B Test facility for heat exchanger B.II Calibration data for turbine meter The liquid flow rate is measured. with a turbine meter from manufactorer Flow Technology, inc. type FT-16W50-LB. The meter and the pulse-rate converter were calibrated. in factory by use of a liquid with specific gravity of 0.761 and viscosity of 1.2 cSt. The calibration was performed at 20°C. The bearings in the turbine had to be replaced after a few hours of operation, and an on-site recalibration was carried out in order to check drift and onrite ir.stallation effects. Water ';Vjth a specific gravity of 1.0 and viscosity of about 1.5 cSt was used. The re-calibration was performed a.t a temperature of about 6°C. A drift of approximately 2 % was observed, over the whole range, between the two calibrations, and the data from the recaIibration have been used. for calculation of :Bow rate. The total measuring chain. was used for the on·site calibration. The 4 - 20 mA signal is transfe:-red to a voltage signal by use of a 400.5 ± 0.1 n resistance. The turbine meter is regarded to have a linear correspondence between volume :Bow rate and signal within the 10:100 % range of the maximum-designed :BoWTate. The characteristic tends to be nonlinear at lower :Bow rate. The change in characteristic correspond to change between laminar and turbulent :Bow pattern and is therefore a function of Reynolds number. The :Bow starts to get turbulent at a Reynolds number of about 2300. As the rate increases the :Bow becomes more and more turbulent, and the How is regarded to be fully turbulent for a Reynolds number greater than 10,000. The fullydeveloped turbulent :Bow corresponds to a :Bow rate of about 0.3 Ijs or a signal of 2.12 V or 5.3 mA for the recalibration. The :Bow rate may be calculated by use of Equation 8.27. ML = [a+ b· E]. PL (B.27) Two linear characteristics Ci.re estimated, one for :Bow rate up to O.3ljs and one for flow rate higher than 0.3 lIs. The least squares technique is used to estimate the constants a and b. The constants a.re given in Table 8.19. The hydrocarbon fluid has a kinematic viscosity in the range of 0.25 to 0.4 cSt. A viscosity of 0.4 cSt a.nd a Reynolds number of 10,000 correspond to a :Bow rate of about 0.07 lis in the test facility. The fiow will therefore be turbulent at a much lower How rate during operation than during calibration. The high-range equation is therefore extrapolated to be used for the whole 146 B Test facility for heat exchanger Table B.19: Consta.nts for turbine meter in Equation B.27. Range Low High a -0.934291 -0.922246 b 0.581332 0.576161 turbulent regime, even though the constants are estimated for higher flow ra.tes. The test fa.cility is not operated in regions where the flow through the turbine meter tends to be laminar. The volume How rate was calculated by use of Equation B.28 during reca.libration, where G is the measured weight of water, t is the time and PL is the water density. G v=-t· PL (B.28) The different error sources for ;:he reca.libration are given in Table B.20. The error sources for the volume flow rate are given by judgement. The time used is about 300 seconds for ea.ch measurement, and the total measured weight va.ries from a.bout 20 kg for the lower How rate to about 400 kg for the higher flow rate. Each error source is rEogarded to be independent. The uncertainty interval is estimated to be ± 0.5 %" B Test facility for heat exchanger 147 Table B.20: Error sources for reca1ibration. Volume flow rate Source Uncertainty Weight Function of reading ±O.l Function of resolution ±O.l Time ±l.O Density ±l.O Voltage signal Source Uncertainty Data logger Function of reading ±O.Ol Function of resolution ±O.8 Repeatability for turbine meter ±{).O5 Resistance ±O.l % kg sec. kgjm 3 % mV % % 148 B Test facility for heat exchanger B.12 J\1easurement of heat flux The heating elements are connected in series, and the voltage is measured by use of precision resistances parallel to the heating elements as shown in Figure 2.7. The voltage between A and B may be calculated from Equation R29, where El is the measured voltage. The resistance w1.ain is used in order to adjust the output voltage to the range for the data logger. (B.29) The values for the different resistances are given in Table B.2!. Ru" is the resistance for the wires between A and B. Ru4 is the resistance for the wires to the wattmeter. The uncertainty is estimated from measurement of resistances and from judgement of installation errors. Table B.21: Precision resistances for heat :flux measurements [Q). Identifier Ru, RU2 RUJ Total between A a.nd B Ru. Resistance 999.2± 0.2 999.6±O.2 2.2±O.4 2001.00 ± 0.5 2.5±0.2 The resistance for the heating elements are measured at two different temperatures. The results are given in Table B.22. The resistance is assumed to be linear between the two temperatures. The accuracy for the temperatures is assumed to be within ± 2 ac. The resistance for an intermedia.te temperature T is calculated by interpolation. The total heat input in the elements ma.y be calculated from Equation B.:30 and B.31 . (B.30) (B.31) B Test facility for heat exchanger 14:9 Table B.22: Resistances for heating elements [Q). Elemen"t Rql Rq2 R q3 Rq. Total Tu = 20°C 3.840± 0.01 3.905 ± 0.01 3.904 ± 0.01 4.004±0.01 15.653 ± 0.08 TL = -196°C 3.753± 0.01 3.824±0.01 3.833 ±0.01 3.910±0.01 15.32±0.08 The total uncertainty interval for W Q may be calculated by using Equation B.15 to Equation B.18 where the sensitivities are calculated from Equation B.29 to Equation B.31The wattmeter may be used in different ranges with different scale factors for current and voltage. Each range is calibrated individually. Four different ranges have been used for this application. The measured values are corrected by use of a linear interpolation between the values. The uncertainty due to calibration and nonlinearity is set to 0.5 W. The uncertainty due to resolution ( reading) is set to [0.05 . scale factor]. C Examples of measured data. 150 C 151 Examples of measured data. C.l Superheated vapour flow SHELL - SIDE TEST PAGE: ?IJ\lI'I' DAte Pi:ase 15;03:13 ns=n 4-=-1989 Ti:Ir. 2 ·.r-fac:t ~ 31.40 O·fakt: 1.00 I-falct Measured .me. combined variabe1es Siglld1 20 1 5.00 Orifice _ Med.i_ Min Mean RAndcm Bias 186. 103. 5305. 1517. 25. 25. 38. .0185 .16 .16 T_f1uid after seetiOl1_______C_ T_vap af~er seper4~or_______C_ C_ T_vap before o:rifice C_ T_V4P af:er coole: C_ '1'_~...p before mixer 5.4615 907128. 905U4. 906071. 5.5135916387. 915404. 915453. 302. 29B. 300. 2.8832 2.8979 304. 302. 303. 7919. 5.03BB 8226. 8042. 24.7624 49.598 49.588 49.589 -.7994 -13 .90 -13.94 -l3.93 -.7996 -13.93 -13.97 -13.94 -.7982 -13.92 -13.96 -13.94 -.7978 -13.91 -1.3.95 -l3.93 -'l.B3 -7.84 -.4511 -7.81 -7 .~Z -7.98 -.4585 -7.93 . ; .6~ -7.65 -7.69 -.4424 ';7.69 -7'.72 -.4434 -7.67 -1.53 -7.51 -7.55 -.4343 -7,55 -7.53 -7.56 -.4350 -1.47 -7.53 -.4323 -7.50 -7.65 -7.69 -7.66 -.4416 -7.04 -1.02 -7.00 -.4051 -6.97 -6.96 -.4014 -6.94 -6.96 -6.94 -.4001 -6.92 -6.a7 -6.83 -6.85 -.3948 -7.12 -7.11 -7.14 -.4107 -7.00 -7.06 -7.03 -.4056 -6.B7 -6.85 -6.83 -.3~53 -6.71 -6.69 ·.3856 -6.67 .-.7466 -13.01 -13.03 -13.02 -.7476 -13.01 -13.03 -13.02 -.7513 -12.98 -13.00 -12.99 -.7561 -13.07 -1!.09 -13.08 -.7388 -12.76 -12.79 -12.77 -8.34 -S,34 -8.33 -.4843 ·.8227 -1'.23 -14.27 -14.24 -14.17 -.81a7 -14.14 -14.19 Pa_ DP..;oean in sect-ion before sec~io,,-C_ C_ '1'-="ea;, in sect.ion C_ '1'..,:;Ie= Aft.e= seccion C_ T.:",a11 eo~ect.ion C_ Tto:_"",an upper C_ Tto:..;oeal1 [ce=ect:ed) C_ 'iW~an lower C_ OT' :neasu.::-ed Q calcula.ted w_ Q lOeasured C_ '1' l&borate:y 301.64 -13.94 -13,48 -13.03 .04 -7.71 -7.34 -6.97 6.14 lS7,71 158.69 17.87 P4_ P sect-ion ? orifice p .... Pa_ DP se~ion OP se~ion DP erifice O_vol:: seCl:icn P,,Pa_ be~ore sec:tioD-C_ T_fluic::! v_ '1'_fluid befe= s~io,,-c_ '1'_~luid before s~io,,-C_ '1'_fcuid befere sectio,,-c_ '1'.:... 11 tube 1 Opper-outside_C_ ':~_11 t:ube 1 ~per-Inside__C_ T_wal1 cube 2 Upper-OUtside_c_ '1'_",al~ tube 2 Opper-Inside--,-_ T_wall tube :3 Opper-OUtside_C_ '1'_101411 tube 3 ~per-Inside__C_ T_wa11 tube 4 Opper-OUtside_C_ T_:.:all eube 4 Opper-Inside__C_ '1'_101411 tul:>e 1 Lower-OUtside_c_ '1'_"",11 tube 1 Lower-Inside__C_ '1'_wall tube 2 Lower-OUtside_C_ ~_wa11 tul:>e 2 LOwer-Inside__c_ '1'_101..11 cube 3 Lower~t.side_C_ '1'_wal1 eube 3 !,.ower-~ide_C_ T_wal1 eube 4 Lcwer-outside_C_ '1'_10...11 cube <- Lower-Inside__C_ T_~luid after seetio,,-C_ T_fluid ~~~er T_!luid after sec~io~c_ se~io~c_ M<IX T~an "'- COMPOSI'1'!ON '1'ot:al N2 1.00000 W1~ Cl .00000 (;2 .00000 C3 .00000 NC4 .00000 IC4 .00000 l.. C!. 33. .0014 .01 .01 .01 .01 .00 .00 .01 .01 .01 .00 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .00 .:0 .00 .00 .00 .00 .01 .01 .35 .02 .01 .01 .00 .02 .01 .02 .01 .1S .00 .50 _!.6 .16 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 .11 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 .16 .16 .1C .26- .16 .16 .:'i .16 17.6B .10 .09 .10 .01 .12 .11 .12 .12 1.61 .68 2.00 152 C Examples of measured data. SHELL - S:D:£ TEST PACE P!.A.>r.' 2 Bias D_tube ::':0 seC1::i.otl. R.ldial ccl>e pi cc:h c "'_ Lang~cudi:l4l cube picc~_ aea~ed cube leagch m Tube coiling dia=e~re~_ FlOiIi' a.:ea in seccion .012000 .015910 .000050 .000060 .000090 .003000 .0139~0 1.6BBSOQ .127820 .OOn10 .000063 .000288 _ SeAted are<>. in section-",_ .003031 .063655 DI_orifiee-plate .027997 .04.1080 .126000 .000005 .000010 .11727:£.02 .161196:£-04 .14248:£.. 01 .118UE+02 .16542E-04 .25072:£-01 .10610:£.04 .23453E.00 .13511E-05 .71239E-Ol '" D!_orifice_~ube Ois~ce be~ee~ Density i~ ~ DP tapping~_ orifice______kg/~_ Viscosity in o=ifice~sJ~_ cp/CV ~ orifice____~~~~~ v",O'Our de=. in sect:i0l>..kglJ:U_ Vapou= vise_ i~ seceion~/~_ V4PQur cOlld. ill section_W/mlL V",pour Cp i.!I Sec::iOD_ _J/kgl';.. Entha1~ before section--J/kg_ Ent~py .26595:£.06 .26643:£.. 06 ~"b41~ .26oSlE.. 06 in sec"ig~J/kg_ after seccioD___J/kg_ V",pour mo1ewei~c___kg/kmole_ Vapour flow rate kg/s_ Total flow =at:e kg/s_ F1~ velo=icy kej~s_ _~ae_ before see~i~kglkg_ lo.nac. ...c. ~n ae~~ l.ll sect:io,,-kglkg_ after se~io~kglkg_ leLkage i= seeti0D-----ft_ B"l'C-Pe4SUX"cd DP_tot.ol DP~a~ity W/mlK.- Pa_ Pa_ Pa_ DP_frictioD DP_tot ... l 1=adient________P4/~ DP_fr1ctig~ g=... d~eDt _____ Pa/~ ~Rf~~~r--------------------- ~ ~~~-------------------- .000500 .2368lE.00 • 13314:£-OS .20058:£-02 .S172.E+02 • 13298E+OS .13322E+OS • 13346E+05 .00000:£+00 .28013E.02 .1814 .181; S9.8~S8 .0004 .0004 .1211 .0000 .0019 .0019 1..3905 .0000 1.0000 l.OOOO l.0000 15.73 ;06.11 288.61 24.6' .0000 .0000 4.7929 .8266 .3502 27.3089 B.4964 17.6785 303.25 2290.58 24J6.74 .3502 2.7794 2.7793 140.6265 140.6433 .2218 .0009 .0000 87.3203 .70 43152.77 194.37 .oon .3~S7 .OGOC .0000 .3107 17.Ge06 .0160 .0868 3610.2664 16.1.173 153 C EX3Jllples of measured data. C.2 Film :How = SHELL • SIDE Da~e Phase = ?LAN'r :!'~-OCT-l!1H 1 ~-fact TilDe = 25.00 15:21:15 DScan 2.00 I-f~ O-fAkt 20 5.00 Orifice MiD MeASU=ed. and combined variabe.!.es Signal i" se<:t:ion P,a.. o~ifi~e p~ p~ p DP seCl: ion_ DE' se~ ion P4.DP ori~i~e P4.5ep4re:or lev.. :i._______ ,,~ LiQuiC: volu:;l. rlltl@ U_vol:: B.e1:iotL 1/s_ v_ T_fluid be=~=e ~e~ioD______C_ 'T_fluic! T'_f.!.u:'d. b.?~o::, ....: s~~ior'l, ~_!l~id before T;.~ T_wal! sec~i~~ :ide_C_ __C_ :>per-OUtside_C_ Jpper-!r.:i~e .~< ,,:_w411 ______C_ upp~,,,"-("·:':. 1 '.-' T_w~11 T_wU1.- '.:.r:x T_wall _ _C_ be=~=e .!~io~ _ _C_ ... ~IJe=--Icr1de_c_ ~c _ Oppe~~~si~e_C_ tube 3 Opper-rcside__C_ T_w~l T_wa!! ~ube ~ Oppe~~Jeside_C_ T_w4!l cube 4 Oppe=-lAside__C_ 7'_W'all T_wal1 ... ~" -r.:",.o.il T.-wa.ll tube ::;. Lowe- • __.;Jt:side_C_ 'tuDe 1 Low"~., ~ ..lSide-_C_ t.c.be 2 Low&-, .:lutsideo C I:w." 2 I.ov, - ':nsicle":C: ':,uQe 3, Lo1_ ,;--OU~sid.e_C_ T_w411 Lube 3 Lawer-~side_C_ :sias 3.3021 400918. 39!1811. 400415. 3.3168 401U5. 40H45. 401U5. (,. -14. 1.5::110 -2. -15. 1.5398 -11. -:<:1. 1. nos 261. 240. 252. 609. 450. 536. 2. 0578 2.5453 .5456 .5426 • 5442 31. 356!1 62.US 62.768 62.7!15 -5.07 -5.12 -.2!151 -5.11 -.2!161 -5.H -5.14 -5.12 -.2945 -5.08 -5.U -5.11 -.2942 -5.0S -5.12 -S.lO -.1851 -3.17 -3.25 -3.20 -.1930 -3.31 -3.39 -3.34 -.1903 -3.25 -3.36 -3.29 -.1942 -3.33 -3.42 -3.36 -.1926 -L31 -3.36 -3.33 -.1975 -3.39 -3.44 -3.42 -.1655 -3.18 -3.24 -3.2l -.1978 -3.42 -3.44 -3.42 -.1928 -3.25 -3.39 -3.34 -) .27 -3.42 -3.36 -.1943 -.1898 -3.25 -3.34 -3.2B -3.20 -.1848 -3.17 -3.24 -.1709 -2.92 -3.00 -2.96 -.~740 -3.01 -2.!18 -3.0S -3.1'; -.1828 -3.13 -3.24 ~-~l~ Cube 4 ~=-OU~s~de_C_ T_w.o.ll ~ube 4 LoWer-I~ide __C_ . -.1802 T_fluid dfter s~io~C_ -.29 .. 7 -.2912 T_fluid after seec:o=---C_ -.2929 'I"_flwt1. cr:e:- Se-c:t.iOi,-C_ -.2973 T_f1u~d d=ter sectio~C_ T_liq afte~ seperator_______C_ -.2995 -.3097 T_liq ... f= .. r cooler C_ T_l:'q before mixe: C_ T_vo&p a.~te: Sepe::-Clt.O::,_ _ _C_ -.2970 -.1070 _______C_ .4291 C_ C_ -.3003 -.2996 -3.08 -3.18 -5.03 -5.02 -5.0! -5.07 -5.0B -5.1! -5.30 -5.08 -5.06 -5.13 -5.17 -5.34 -5.~B -5.11 -1.80 7.34 -5.13 -5.11 -1.99 7.18 -5.17 -5.17 237. O. 2. 2. 3. 19 • .00035 .007) .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .02 .01 .Ol .01 .Ol .00 -3.!2 _02 .02 _01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 5304. 1514. 25. 25. 38. 19. .00272 .0225 .H ~~6 .l6 .16 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 .:1.7 .17 -5.0'; -S.li4 .01 .Ol .17 .17 .17 .17 .16 .16 -5.05 -5.11 .01 .15 .01 .15 -5.14 .01 -5.32 -5_10 .01 .15 .15 .1.5 -1.84 7.27 .01 .00 .15 .lS .15 .15 -5.16 -5.14 .02 .01 .01 -8.57 -5.ll 1.69 .02 17.53 T~4::. .02 .02 .09 T~ -5.0:# -5.06 .06 -3.39 .00 .01 .12 .ll .1.2 T_~AP be~o=~ o=ifi~~ T_V4P 4!"te: coole::T_VAP be!o:e ~e= ::':0 ,'ee=i.oc P,,-be!'or@ s e c t i o c - C _ T-=ea.c in $.e~ion C_ DP~ 4!~e~ s~c~ioc _______C_ ,!,,_1rial!. co~eC1:ion "r.....~a.n uppe~ n;-"",,,,, Ic¢__ ect:ecl) lower DT ....... =e<1 ~~l1!l Q ~c:u1at:e<1 Q me",,=ed T l4borato:y COMPOS!'I':!:OI' 1oo"I'I'H N2 Total .00000 [.iqtlici .00000 Vapour .00000 C_ C_ C_ e_ C_ W_ w_ C_ Cl .00000 .OOO~O .00000 Q .00000 .00000 .00000 C3 .9971.2 .99712 .99920 NC4 .002l7 .00217 .00054 -3.32 .02 .02 -3.24 .02 1.82 252.51 252.40 .02 23.85 .50 Ie, .C0072 .00072 .00026 .18 .00 ~lO .10 .14 2.1.7 .!1' 2.00 C Examples of measured data. 154 P:\GE: 2 va.riabo!l D_t:ube i.e sec'l:ion m Radial cube pi cch "' Locgitudinal !:\!be piceh--"L aeated Cube lengtb "'. "I'UQe c:oilillg cl.imcel:.:'e ::I -Flow .a:ea. in seceioll m a.aced are... in $ec:t:':'on~ DI.ori!ice-pl ... ce "' DI.orifice_tube m Dist:oO.Dce becwee:l DO' tappin9JDV.a~ dens. in seC'tion..kg 1!!13_ V...pou= visco in sec:t:io~/=2_ v ...pou: cocd. in sect:ion_\<"~ Vapou: cp ;." seeeioD-J/JcqK... Liquid decs. in sectioVg 1m3_ :'ic;u..j.d vise. in seet:ion....Ns/m2_ ~~d coca. in s~iO~W/mX­ !.iqt!.id Cp 1:> seeeioIl_ _J IJcqK... ZIlChalpy be!o:e sect:io,,-J!kg_ ED~py ~ sec:ioo_ _ _~/kq_ Enthalpy afee: sectioc__~/kg_ Liquid dellS. in 'Cu=bine.kg 1m3_ Total moleweighc ___kg/kmcle_ V...pou: mo1eweignt ___kg/kmcle_ Liquid mo!eweigct _ _kg/kmcle_ Liquid flc:;J' ra'te 'l'oea.l t2.000 =a~e FlQIJ vel.ocicy T_~l1.!ic estUla1:ed T_dif! est.i.:lKI.ceO. H'l'C....me.o.s=ed DP_eou1 DP..s;r...v.::. t:;( Icg/s_ kg/s_ kg/..:zs_ C_ C_ W/m2K..,. P,,P,,- DP_f=ic~ion P4_ DP_'Cocal g:.adie:l:: ?a/DL DP_f=ictioc g:4dient ____.Pa/=. ~ ~~~:::::::::::::::::::: N'O' ncmbe: .012000 .015910 .013940 1.688500 .127820 .003031 .063655 .010000 .021330 .126000 .000050 .000060 .000090 .003000 .000110 .000063 .000288 .000050 .000040 .u00500 .87378£.01 ."792£-05 .16419£-01 .16284£.04 .53423£-03 .!2463£-03 .10938£.00 .246291::.0':' - .11043£·05 - .11000£_06 -.10957E.06 .53432£.. 03 .44137£.. 02 . 44108E·02 .44137£.. 02 .17476£_00 .59834£-06 .ln35E-02 .79380£.. 02 .10685£+02 .9970SE-OS • 8750SE-02 .12315E+03 -.55210E.c.:.4 -.55000E+0' -.S4783Z.. 04 .10686E.02 .00000;;:.00 .OOOOOE.OO .OOOOOE+OO .2908 .2908 95.9351 -5.31 2.00 2180.87 -18.0':' 660.34 642.30 .0002 .00C2 .0623 .0186 .0186 27.7159 2.6871 . 0257 -14'.~0 13.3897 13.3912 .0001 3.8917 .0045 5097.59 2.81 5810.37 .35 1.6873 .001S .~015 2.0510 .4162 .41&2 169.1436 17.bi88 2.6242 17.8568 140.3076 14o.n12 .G003 29.5203 .0274 C Examples of m.easured data. 155 C.3 Shear flow SHEll. - SIDE PLAIn'· TEST 2·J1JL-1990 Date Phase o ~-fac't = NUMBER - AF900702_6 Measured e.:'.": combined vari,u,eles SigDAl P se~ion P~ p ori~ice p~ Pa_ !)P SeC1:.io:l DP seeeioll P~ DP orifice P~ SeparAtor level p~ l.iquid ·~o1_ rate I/s_ V_ O_volt section T_fluid b<>fore se=ion_ _ _C_ T_fluid b<>fore seccio~C_ T_fl'-1id before sectio,,-C_ T_fluid b<>fore sectio,,-c_ T_wal1 tube 1 Opper-Ou~ide_C_ T_wall tuDe 1 Opper-Insic:le_C_ T_wall tUb4 2 Opper-Outside_C_ T_wall tube 2 Opper-Insic:l,,--c_ T_wall tube 3 Opper-Outsic:le_C_ T_wall tube 3 Opper-Inside_C_ T_wall tube 4 Opper-Outside_C_ T_wall tube 4 Opper-"Inside_C_ T_wall tube 1 Lower-Outside_C_ T_wall tuDe 1 Lower-"Inside_C_ T_wall tube 2 I.ower-Outside_C_ T_wall tube 2 Lower-Inside_C_ T_wall tube 3 Lower-Outside_C_ T_wall tube 3 Lower-"Inside_C_ T_wall tube 4 Lower-Outside_C_ T_wall tube 4 Lower-"Inside_C_ T_fluid After section_ _ _C_ T_fluid after section______C_ C_ T_fluid after seet:ion T_fl~id After section ______C_ T_liq after seperAt:or_____C_ C_ T_liq After cooler T_liq before mixer c_ T_'-....p After seperator______C_ c_ T_vap before orifice C_ 'T_vap a!'te::- cooler C_ T_'-"'P before miXer DP~an in section T-=eAll before section l'.JDeAIl in secc.ioa T,JDe&!l a...ft:.e= section T_.... ll co::ec:cio:l T'Jl_aean upper lW-"",= (co=e=ed) 'I'W-""' .... lower O'I' llleas=ed Q calculated Q :z>easured or COHPOS~TION ~TH VApour N2 .00000 .00000 .00000 = Medium RAndom Bias 3.0520 342816. 341809. 341S59. 3.0795 346551. 345545. 345947. 70. 1.SS35 60. 66. 73. 1.9054 6S. 71. 1605. 1714. 1695. 2.3<171 835. 642. 2.2501 762. :"'8499 .1450 .1420 .lU6 31.3165 62.71S 62.70S 62.7H -.5743 -~.9S -9.98 -9.97 -.574S -9.97 -10.00 -9.9S -.5733 -9.9S -10.00 -9.98 -9.97 -.5733 -9.97 -9.99 -.4970 -S.60 -8.67 -8.63 -B.70 -.4983 -B.61 -8.65 -.5016 -8.68 -8.74 -B.71 -8.77 -.5063 -S.B2 -8.79 -.4680 -S.14 -8.11 -8.12 -B.21 -.4719 -S.16 -B.19 -S.;';O -8.25 -.4734 -8.22 -8.47 -.4866 -8.42 -8.4S -.4722 -S.lB -8.23 -8.20 -.4750 -S.21 -S.26 -6.24 -.4S22 -S.35 -S.40 -9.37 -.4759 -8.23 -8.33 -9.26 -S.25 -S.33 -.4769 -8.<18 -.4S06 -S.30 -S.38 -8.3' -S.51 -8.60 -8.56 -.49<19 -8.56 -S.61 -.• 4946 -B.59 -.5697 -9.90 -9.91 -9.91 -~.90 -.5694 -9.S7 -~.B9 -9.8S -.5719 -9.S4 -9.S6 -9.93 -.5755 -9.91 -9.92 -9.97 -9.9S -.5785 -9.97 -.5901 -10.16 -10.19 -lO.lS -9.79 -.56S6 -9.81 -9.S0 -9.69 -.5617 -9.67 -9.6S --:'.97 -5.01 -S.OO -.2914 -9.37 -9.71 -9.64 -.5595 -.4716 -S.lO -B.13 -8.12 105. 237. 1. 5304. 1513. 25. 25. Hi" 68."5 -9.91i -9.94 -9.90 .06 P~ C_ C_ C_ C_ C_ C_ c_ C_ Cl .00000 .00000 .00000 1 Hean Max -8.53 -8.4S -8.42 1.'S 251.98 <152.40 2'.19 ""C_ l~rat:o::y Total Liquid P:.GE T:iJDe 1;:17:<10 D.S= : 20 25.00 O-fAkt <1.00 I-falc: = 5.00 Orifice C2 .00000 .00000 .00000 NC4 0 .99J,,2 ·.00791 .9a749 .01041 .99677 .0024S 1C4 .00168 .0021~ .00075 o. 23. 22. .00036 .0023 .00 .00 .00 .00 .01 .01 .01 .01 .00 .01 .01 .00 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .01 .04 .00 .6S .01 .01 .01 .00 .01 .01 .02 .01 .12 .00 .50 38. 19. .00072 .0225 .16 .16 .16 .16 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 .16 .16 .1'; .16 .!& .16 .16 .16 .15 .16 .16 17.68 .10 .09 .10 .01 .12 .13 .1<1 .14 2.29 .54 2.00 C Examples of measure'l data. 156 SHE!.L - SIDE TEST NOMBER - PUNT A-~00702_6 Me_ v.o.::iabe1 D_tube in section ~ube piech a:rea in sect.io~_ DI_ori!ice-p1ace 111DI_orifice_cuQe III .012000 . 015910 .01394-0 1.699500 .127820 .003031 .063655 .027997 .041080 OisUlnce bet.ween DP tapping-=- .126000 RAdial '" '" Locgicudinal cube picch-",_ lI_ced t:ube 1engt:l: .Tube ~oiling III d~e=e~_ s~iQn Fla..r a:ea in. m SeAt.ed oe~i~ i~ ori:ice______ kg/m3_ .74406E~01 o=ifice~slm2_ .74492E-05 .1l812E.. Ol .7S217E.01 .73106£-05 .15844E-01 .15976E.04 .54155E+03 .i3192E:-03 .11222E:+OO .24139E+04 .56294E+05 .57168E.05 .5S043E+OS .54143E.03 .4423lE+02 • 44149E+02 .U302E+02 viscosity in ~ orifi~e vapour dellS. in se~ioD_kg/=8_ Cp/Cv 'vapour Vapour Vapour Li<:JUid Liquid vise:. in sec:tion.-Ns/:rU._ cond. in seccio,,-W/mK.Cpin seccio~J/k~ dellS . in sect:io"_~/m3_ i~ sec~iQ~s/m2_ vis.e. "~quid condo in seccio,,-W/mIt. !.i<:JUid Cp i~ seccio,,___J IkgK.... 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""Pa/m_ g:adiellc_____?a/~ .lU3 47.6085 -9.89 1.42 .4559 .4582 .4621 2684.14 60.46 19.80 80.26 .9841 479.82 636.96 2.81 1476.1S .44 PAGE R4ndcm 2 Bias .000050 .000060 .000090 .003000 .000110 .000063 .00028a .000005 .000010 .000500 .1498lE·00 .59594E-06 .59059E-01 .15043E+00 .58485E-06 .12676£-02 .7798lE+02 .1093lE.02 .10S53E:-C4 .89772E-02 .12070E:~03 .28147E.04 .28584E+04 .2902lE:.04 .10S29E+02 .00000£+00 .OOOOOE+OO .OOOOOE+OO .0005 .0002 .0005 .1623 .0090 .0090 .0018 .0018 .00lS 1~.176S .6825 .0'749 .6966 .0001 5.4166 5.4488 .0003 3.6813 .0023 .0010 .0004 .0011 1-0527 .2548 .2548 .0032 .0032 .0039 256.48:0 17 .6787 .5387 17.6840 .000S 140.3234 140.3654 .0085 14.2993 .0417