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TOK Essay Outline: Replicability in Knowledge Production

TOK Essay Outline
Is replicability necessary in the production of knowledge? Discuss with
reference to two areas of knowledge
Introduction (100-150words)
Comment on Topic of Question (30 words)
AOK’s and rephrase Question (31 words)
Definitions (58 words)
Why AOK’s were chosen + Thesis Statement (31 words)
AOK 1: Mathematics (600 words)
BP1 (300 words) Argument (FOR): Replicability is necessary in the
production of knowledge
BP2 (300 words) Counter-argument (AGAINST): Replicability is not
necessary in the production of knowledge
Claim: However, it is possible to come to different conclusions looking at
different aspects of AOK1
Knowing what does not work
AOK 2 Natural Science (600 words)
BP3 Argument (300 words) (FOR): Replicability is necessary in the
production of knowledge
Claim: In AOK the Natural Sciences replicability is necessary in the
production of knowledge because ________
BP4 Argument (300 words) (AGAINST): Replicability is not necessary in
the production of knowledge
Claim: Similarly to Mathmatics, it is possible to come to different
conclusions looking at different aspects of the natural sciences
Conclusion (200-250words)
Evaluation: of the different points of view or arguments presented in the
Conclusion: based on evaluation
Implications: What does it mean for society? What does it mean for
different stake holders?
TOK Essay - Introduction & Body Paragraph 1
Replicability is important in everday life. The replicability of our steps is
what allows us to walk. Our ability to replicate sounds is what allows us to
talk. The replicability of us as a people is what allows the population of
humans to grow. The question does replecability also help towards the
production of knowledge and if then is it even necessary? A good way to
look at this question is through different areas of knowledge and see
whether replicability is necessary in their respective areas. The areas
analysed in this essay will be Mathematics and the Natural Sciences.
Replicability will be defined as “the quality of being able to be exactly
copied or reproduced.” Necessary will refer to sine qua non, “needed to be
done, achieved, or present.” Production will describe “the provision of
something for consideration, inspection, or use.” Lastly, knowledge will be
known to mean “facts, information, and skills acquired through
experience or education.”
In Mathematics replicability is necessary in the production of knowledge
because when producing mathematical knowledge, i.e identities, laws and
rules (IRL) the IRL will need to be able to be replicated. For example in
mathematics we have proof by induction to check the replicability of IRL.
In proof by induction we say that if the IRL is true for the base value,
and, assuming it is true for any value, if it is found to be true for any
value’s next value then it is true for all values. After proving the IRL with
this proof people are able to produce more knowledge by applying the IRL
to all mathematical areas that the IRL applies to and further the world’s
mathematical knowledge. For example with the binomial identity allows
for people to be able to create new codes, new software, and new
applications that would otherwise not be possible without the replicability
of the identity. In this way we can see how replicability is necessary in the
production of knowledge in not only mathematics but also all that
mathematics applies to.