LIST EQUIPMENT 767MINIMUM MA-004 R E V I S I ON No . : 1 7 ISSUEDATE:MAY.30./2007. EFFECTIVEDATE:The Sthday after NTA CAA approval Preparedby: fttek o",".frr+I,4L.:lDJ] DeliCsaba MALEVcAMo Supervisor Supervisedr,AK\ Dale:lkfiy+Yl.c:c'* Szek6csKrisdian MALEVCAMOManager Accepted by: Date. ,l t:; t i Af t .i.'A 1 Accepted by: ,.,.,E/*r-Lr, Chief Pilot ox",.MHkt'2-oT LetterNo; Al crS! pagefor Revision No.17. MAY.30/2007 BOEING767 LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM Directorate lssuedby: MalevLtd.Technical Mfiszakilgazgat6sdg inessManagementOrganisation Continuing Ainrvorth FolyamatosLdgialkalmassdglrdnyfti Szeruezet FLEET MALEV B767.200/300 LIST of EFFECTM AIRCRAFT for MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Reqist. Model ll stl L/N v/N HA-LHA 8767-27GF,R 27048 475 vF 171 HA.LHB 8767-27GF,R 27049 482 vF 172 HA-LI{C 8767-306ER 28884 738 vs 136 Engine APU GE CT'680c2B4F GE CF680C284F CF680c2B6F GTCP3312OOER GTCP3312()OER GTCP3312OOER LEAC PAGE1 REV17 MAR10/2007 787 A?E'/YG ABBREVIATIONS: R - Revised A - Added Section TitleRev.Pages Section EICASMessages Inaaduction Page R/A 1 MAY30/07 Listof EffectiveA,/c 1 MAR10/07 Listof EffectivePages 1 .' .t Recordof Revisions ROR 1. Annex1 EICASMessage CrossReferenceList o MAY30/07 MAY30/07 MAY30/07 7 8 9 10 R MAR10/07 Recordof Temporary ROTR R Revisions MAR10/07 12 13 ATA ChapterList 1 MAR10/07 15 16 Highlights for Revisrons 17. 1 MAY30/07 MAY30/07 MAY30/07 MAR10i07 MAY30/07 MAY30/07 MAY30/07 1'' A 11 A it 4 6 7 Preamble 1 J 4 5 o 7 l' I 10 11 12 13 /tA 15 TemporaryFlight OperationLimitation andReporting Procedure 18 19 20 21 22 ZJ MAR10/07 MAR10/07 i( MAR10/07 R MAR10/07 t{ MAR10/07 t{ MAY30i07 R MAY30/07 R MAY30/07 R MAY30/07 MAY30/07 MAY30/07 MAY30/07 MAY30/07 MAY30/07 MAY30/07 R R 1 MAY30i07 25 lo 28 29 30 1 A A 32 34 35 JO 37 JO 39 R R AIRCONDITIONING 21-3 3 Annex1 A A t{ t{ MAR10/07 MAY30/07 MAR'10/07 21-5 21-6 MAR10/07 21-8 21-9 Date MAR'10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 3 Date Approvalpagefor Revision No.:17 t{ Page RIA t{ R R R MAR10i07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10i07 MAR 10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR 10/0; MAR10/C7 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR 1OlO; MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/C7 MAR10/C7' MAR10/07 MAR'10/C7 MAR10/07 MAR10/0t MAR10/07 MAR10/01 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10107 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 LEP PAGE1/3 REV 17 MAY30/2007 787' E?E,TYE PAGESOF REV17 LISTOF EFFECTIVE Section Paqe R/A 21-10 R 21-11 R 21-12 p 21-13 R 21-14 R 21-15 R 21-16 R 21-17 A 21-18 21-19 AUTOFLIGHT 224 22-5 zzp R R R R R 22-7 22-8 COMMUNICATION 23-1 R zc-z t{ zJ-5 t\ 234 R R zJ-c 23$ 23-7 zJ-6 tt R R 23-9 23-11 23-12 ELECTRICAL POWER EQUIPMENT/ FURNISHINGS 24-2 24-3 244 24-5 24-6 24-7 24-8 24-9 24-10 R R R R R R R n E l R 25-2 25-3 254 25-5 1{ Date MAR10i07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR 10/07 MAR 10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10i07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR 10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR 10/07 MAY30i07 MAR10/07 MAR10i07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 25-7 25-8 R R R R R R FIREPROTECTION 26-1 26-2 26-3 R R R MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 Date Page R/A R MAR10/0y' 264 lo-c R MAY30/07 lt)-b R MAR10/07 ,lo- I R MAR10/07 26-8 R MAY30/07 zo-v R MAY30/07 MAR10/07 26-10 MAR10/07 26-11 zo-tz MAR10/07 26-13 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 26-14 26-15 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 26-16 MAR10/07 26-17 26-18 MAR10/07 R R R R MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR 10/07 R R R R 28-5 R lu-o R 28-7 R 28-8 R 28-9 R 28-10 R 28-11 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10i07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR'10/07 MAR10/07 FLIGHTCONTROLS 27-1 274 27-5 FUEL 28-1 lo-f. zo-J MAR10/07 MAR10/07 POWER HYDRAULIC MAR 10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR'10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAY30/07 MAR10/07 MAR 10/07 MAR10/07 zc-o Section ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION zo-tz 29-1 zv-J lv-c 29-6 29-7 29-8 30-1 30-2 5U-J 304 30-5 30-6 INDICATINGAND RECORDING K R R R R R K R R R R R MAR 10107 MAR10i07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR'10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10i07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR't0/07 MAR10/07 31-1 R MAR10/07 31-2 R MAR10/07 31-3 R MAR10/07 MAR10/07 314 31-5 MAR10/07 LEP PAGE2/3 REV17 MAY30/2007 787 EAEAUG Scction Date Page R/A MAR10/07 31-6 36-14 MAR10/0.7 MAR10/O7 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/0/ MAR1O/O' MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAY30/0i WATERAND WASTE 38-1 MAR10/07 AIRBORNE 49-1 MAR10/07 R R JO-/ R JO-O R JO-V R 36-10 R 36-11 36-12 JO-C JO-O LANDINGGEAR 32-1 5t-z R R c4-c t{ J1-+ tt Jt-0 R R .JZ-A R 32-9 R 32-10 R JZ-O cz- | | 32-12 LIGHTS 33-1 33-2 55-J R R R 33-4 JJ-C 33-6 33-7 NAVIGATION 34-'l 34-2 34-3 344 34-5 u-a u-7 R R R R R R F{ 34-8 34-9 34-10 34-11 34-12 34-13 34-14 34-15 34-16 34-17 34-18 34-19 34-20 34-21 34-22 34-?3 34-25 R R R R R R R R R 35-1 JC-l R R JC-5 H u-26 OXYGEN PNEUMATIC 354 36-1 36-2 ?A-? 36-4 R R R R MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR 10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10i07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAY30/07 MAR10i07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10i07 MAR 10107 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR 10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR 10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 JO. IJ MAR10/07 POWER AUXILIARY UNIT MAR10/07 49-3 ct- | az-o MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/0i MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 WINDOWS 56-1 MAR10/07 ENGINEFUELAND CONTROL 73-1 73-2 73-3 DOORS 52-1 5?-2 52-3 524 5;1-5 52-6 73-5 73-6 R R R R R R R R R R R MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAY30/07 MAR1o/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 IGNITION 75-1 R MAR10/01 MAR10/07 ENGINE INDICATING77-1 R R MAR10/07 MAR10/07 78-1 78-2 78-3 784 78-5 It MAR10/07 MAR10i07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 79-1 79-2 80-1 R AIR BLEED ENGINEEXHAUST ENGINE OIL STARTING bu-l R R R MAR1o/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 MAR10/07 LEP PAGE3/3 ReV tZ lrlnY sOtZOOzI ttMlEV Hungarian Airlines,fi BOEIIUE 7Ez LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT RECORDOF REVISIONS Rev. No. L c. Rev. No. Mav14193 Jul 15/93 Oct 30/93 Sep 15/94 Nov15/95 Jun 15/96 '7 Nov01/96 Jun30/97 8. Aorl 5/98 9. 1 0 . Dec22199 1 1 . Auo0'll00 12. Aot 22102 1 3 . Aor 09/03 14. Jul21l03 1 E Apr 07/04 '16. Nov02/04 1 7 . Mar10/07 5. ROR PAGE1/1 REV17 MAR10/2007 tlU,EV Hungarian Airlines fi EAETTUE 787 LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM RECORDOF TEMPORARY REVISIONS , R e v . N o . . 1.,lsgue Date Diie lndertcd 1s-1. Mav.05./04. Mav.10./04. Aua.31./04. 15-2. Auo.31./04 16-1. Jan.06./05 Jan.06./05 ROTR PAGE1/1 REV17 MAR10/2007 7CF.SarEtjYGt LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM ATA CHAPTERSLIST SYSTEMNO. 21 22 z5 24 l5 to 28 ZY 30 J I 32 33 34 Jb 38 49 az ctt 73 74 75 77 78 80 SYSTEM PAGE Air Conditioning AutoFlight Communications ElectricalPower EquipmenVFurnishings FireProtection FlightControls Fuel Hydraulic Power lce andRainProtection Indicating/Recording Systems LandingGear Lights Navigation Oxygen Pneumatic WaterANaste AirborneAuxiliaryPower Doors Windows EngineFuel& Control lgnition BleedAir EngineIndicating EngineExhaust EngineOil Starting 2 1 - 1T H R U2 1 - 1 9 22-1THRU22-8 23-1THRU23-12 24-10 24-1.THRU 25-1THRU25-8 26-1THRU26-18 27-1THRU27-5 28-1THRU28-12 29-1THRU29-8 3G.1THRU30-6 31-1THRU31-6 32-1 THRU32-12 33-1THRU33-7 34-1THRU34-26 35-1THRU35-4 36-1THRU36-14 38-1THRU38-1 49-1THRU49-3 52-1THRU52-8 56-1 73-1THRU73-6 74-1 75-1THRU75-2 77-1THRU77-2 7&1 THRU78-5 79-1THRU79-2 80-1THRU80-2 ATACHAPTERS REV17 PAGE 1 MAR10/2007 EAEfiryE 787 LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM HIGHLIGHTS FORREVISION17. (lncorporated 8767-300MEL ltems)MinimumEquipment RevisionNo. 17 to MALEV8767-200/-300 Relevant of the FAAMMELRev.31.,and the applicable Listis a reissueof the document. changes partsof BoeingDDG Rev.26., and JAR-OPSI TGL LEAFLET26, issuedafterthe effectivedate of 16-1. Revision No.16,andMELTemporary theMALEV8767MELRevision a change. A verticalbar (changebar)in the marginindicates PREABMLE: ITEM DESCRIPTION Approvalpage Revision No.:17. Listof Effective Newaddedpages Paqes No.:17. Mar.10.2007. Recordof Revisions NewaddedRevision Recordof Temporary New addedTR-2of Rev.16. Revisions and GENERAL New added pages - added JAR-OPS1 requirements on boardthe of the MEL.;Installation PRINCIPLES for the DEVELOPMENT 8767 MEL DisoatchDeviationGuide"- referencedin MEL| new addeditems Preamble to RVSMoperationtable; limitationBRNAV/RNP,MNPS airspace;ETOPS of the Combustible Verification Flightand NON ETOPStable;description Material TemporaryFlight OperationLimitiation New added.TemporaryFlight OperationLimitationReportingProcedureat andReporting Homebase,andOutstation Procedure Annex1 EICASMessages New added.A cross referencelist of EngineIndicationand Crew Alerting lntraduction Mal6vMinimumEquipment System(EICAS)messagesand cirresponding Annex1 provided in thissection. List(MEL)itemsis EICASMessage CrossReferenceList Revisedtext in NOTE and new added EICAS STATUSMESSAGESand 21-25-1 PLACARD New addedEICASSTATUSMESSAGES 21-31-1 New addedPLACARD 21-31-2 New addedPLACARD 21-31-3 21-32-1 NewaddedPLACARD NewaddedPLACARD 21-33-1 NewaddedPLACARD andaddedmissingchart z t-Jc-z New PLACARD 21-33-3 added New added PLACARD 21-334 (O) andOPERATIONS PLACARD NewaddedEICASSTATUSMESSAGES, 2140-1 21-40-2 Revisedtext in item(addedand/) 21-45-1 NewaddedPLACARD 21-51-1 NewaddedEICASSTATUSMESSAGES 21-51-2 New added EICAS STATUS MESSAGES, PLACARD ANd TCViSEdtEXt iN OPERATIONS(O) HOR Pagel/7 REV 17MAY 3Ol2007 21-51-7 NewaddedPLACARD and and addedPLACARD, Newadded(O) and (M) markingin REMARKS, (O) fromNOTEto OPERATIONS chanqed (o) to OPERATIONS NewaddedPLACARD, andnewaddeditem8767-300 21-53-1 New added PLACARD 21-51-3 21-514 21-58-1 21-58-3 21-584 21-58-5 21-58-7 21-s8-8 21-58-10 21-58-11 21-61-1 21-61-2 21-61-3 21-61-4 21-61€ 21-61-7 21-64-1 23-10-1 23-11-1 23-12-2 z'-t t- | 23-22-1 23-25-1 23-31-1 zJ-J t-z 2340-1 2341-1 ?342-1 23-51-1 23-51-2 23-514 23-51-5 23-71-1 24-00-1 24-11-1 24-25-1 24-31-1 24-31-2 24-32-1 2441-1 Revisedtext in REMARKS(from modeto controlsystem),and New added PLACARD NOTE NewaddedNOTE,EICASSTATUSMESSAGES andMAINTENANCE New addedEICASSTATUSMESSAGES,PLAGARDand MAINTENANCE NOTE PLACARD NewaddedEICASSTATUSMESSAGES, NewaddedPLACARD NOTE NewaddedPLACARD andOPERATIONS New addedPLACARD NewaddedPLACARD NOTE NewaddedPLACARD andchangedfromNOTEto OPERATIONS NOTE NewaddedPLACARD andOPERATIONS New added PLACARD RevisedInstalledNumberand text in REMARKS,and new added NOTE, referring PLACARD anddeletedMAINTENANCE (added new item) Revisedtext in PLACARD NewaddedPLACARD NEWAddEdPLACARD data; Addedin linewithFM MMELRev31;AddedPLACCARD Newentryreferto JAA policy(TGL26); FAAMMEL Revisedreferto JAA policy(TGL26) (O)data RevisedOPERATIONS (O)data;AddedEICASSTATUSMESSAGE data; Revised OPERATIONS Addedremark(PLACARD) Deletedreferto confiouration (O)data; Revisedreferto JAA policy(TGL26); RevisedOPERATIONS (O)data; Addedremark(PLACARD) Revised OPERATIONS Revisedreferto JAA policy(TGL26); Deletedsub itemstheyare not portion of JAROPS Newentrv.referto FAAMMEL Newentry,referto FAAMMEL Addedin linewithFAAMMELRev31; Deletedin linewithFAAMMELRev30. Deletedin linewithFM MMELRev18. Addedremark(PLACARD) Revisedreferto JAA policy(TGL26); Revisedreferto JAA policy(TGL26); Revisedin linewithFAAMMELRev31;ChangeNOTEdata. "B " and Repahcategorywas changedfrom"A, threeflightdays"to category Addedprocedurefor bafterystart,acc to FAAMMELRev31. AddedremarkPLACCARD Revisedin linewithFAAMMELRev31; Revisedin linewithFAAMMELRev3'1; Revisedin linewithFAAMMELRev3'1; AddedNOTESin linewithFAAMMELRev31.AddedremarkPLACCRD Revisedin linewithFAAMMELRev31; HOR Page2/7 REV 17MAY 30/2007 25-11-1 25-11-2 25-25-1 25-25-2 25-28-1 25-38-'1 Changedaccordingto JAR-OPS1,730fGL Leeflet26. Changed according to JAR-OPS1.730TGLLeaflet26. according Changed to JAR-OPS1.730TGLLeaflet26. according Changed to JAR-OPS1.730TGLLeaflet26,and MMEL according to MMEL NewaddedsubitemandPLACARD (8767-300) Newaddeditem 1C-AO-t New addedOPERATIONS(O) 25-50-1 25-60-1 25-62-1 zJ-oJ-z zc-oJ-c 2s-64-1 26-10-1 26-11-1 26-11-2 26-14-1 26-'15-1 26-16-1 26-17-1 26-18-1 26-20-1 to-tu-t zo-zt- | 26-23-1 26-26-1 26-26-2 26-26-3 27-08-1 tt -va-t 27-O9-1 Revisedtext in item(addedFloorPanels,andWalkways)and REMARKS Newaddeditemaccording to JAR-OPS1.780TGLLeaflet26 Newaddeditemaccording to JAR-OPS1.825TGLLeaflet26 (O) NewaddeditemandOPERATIONS Newaddeditemaccording to JAR-OPS1.820TGLLeaflet26 Newaddeditemaccordingto JAR-OPS1.745,1.755JGL Leaflet26 Addednew item,and PLACARD and PLACARD AddedEICASSTATUSMESSAGES and PLACARD AddedEICASSTATUSMESSAGES AddedEICASSTATUSMESSAGES aNdPLACARD Neweddedsub item,andaddedNOTE1),and EICASSTATUSMESSAGES and PLACARD (O) AddedEICASSTATUSMESSAGES, and addedremad(OPERATIONS AddedremarkPLACARD accordinq to FAAMMELRev31(DDGRev26.) and added and revisedtext in REMARKS, New addedsub item (767-300), (o) PLACARD andOPERATIONS Revisedaccording to FAA MMELRev 31 (DDGRev26),and addedEICAS STATUSMESSAGES and PLACARD Revisedaccording to FM MMELRev31 (DDGRev26),and addedremarks NOTE"non-combustible materials" Revised in linewithFAAMMELRev31 (DDGRev26) AddedremarkPLACARD Revisedin linewithFM MMELRev31 (DDGRev26) Revisedreferto JAA Policy Revisedreferto JAA Policy Revisedreferto JAA Policv NewaddedNOTE NewaddedPLACARD and PLACARD New addeditemand NOTE, EICASSTATUSMESSAGES (O) andOPERATIONS 27-11-1 27-11-2 New added PLACARD Added(O) for REMARKS zI -Jt- | NewaddedPLACARD (addedstabilizer Revised textin REMARKS trimlevers) NewaddedPLACARD (O) and New added sub-item,Remarks,PLACARDand OPERATIONS limitation table NewaddedPLACARD Revisedtext in item(added/ Loss) NewaddedPLACARD Added(M)for REMARKS, andPLACARD 27-41-2 27-48-1 27-51-1 27-62-1 27-81-1 28-21-2 28-22-1 HOR Page3/7 REV t7 MAY 30/2007 26-za-3 Revisedtext in REMARKS(addedg) point)and addedsub itemsand added (O) PLACARD andOPERATIONS Revisedtext in REMARKSfromER to ETOPS (added(M)) Revised textin REMARKS NewaddedPLACARD and PLACARD NewaddedEICASSTATUSMESSAGES zo-c t-c New added PLACARD 2840-1 Revisedtextin REMARKSfromER to ETOPS Revisedtext in REMARKS(addedh) point)and addedsub item (AD, SB referring), and changedNoTE 1, and addedNOTE3,4, and addedEICAS STATUSMESSAGESand PLACARD,and correctedfuel imbalancedata of (O)4./Cpoint theOPERATIONS Newaddedsub-item(1), and addedd), e) pointto sub item 2, and added andPLACARD NOTE.EICASSTATUSMESSAGES NewaddedPLACARD Revisedtext in REMARKS((addedd) and e) point)),and addedNOTEand PLACARD 28-22-2 28-22-3 28-25-1 28-25-? 28-41-'1 2841-2 2841-6 2841-7 2843-1 New addedPLACARD 2 9 - 11 - 3 (o) AddedNOTEand PLACARD, andaddeditem4., 4/A./8.OPERATIONS (O) NewaddedNOTESandOPERATIONS Revisedtext in item,and sub item 1, 2, 3, and new addedNOTESand OPERATIONS NOTE tv-J IJ-JZ- t-t | 30-11-1 30-11-2 3Q-21-1 30-21-2 30-31-5 30-32-1 Revised andaddedPLACARD textin REMARKS, (O) NewaddedPLACARD,and revisedtext in OPERATIONS Revisedtext in REMARKS,and addedNOTES,EICASSTATUSMESSAGES and PLACARD. andaddedD, E, F. G subpointsfor2. (O) Newaddedsubitemc), andchangedtextOPERATIONS NewaddedPLACARD NewaddedPLACARD 30-33-1 New added PLACARD 30-41-1 3042-1 30-43-1 Changed in subitemnumber Revisedtext in REMARKS(changedfrom5 nauticalmilesto 5 statutemilet Newaddeditem Revisedreferto JAA policy(TGL26); Deleted1) and 2) in linewith NOTE2; data. datalAddedPLACCARD AddedEICASSTATUSMESSAGES Newentryin linewith FAAl\tlMEL Newentry in linewith FAA MMEL data; Revisedin linewithFAAMMEL|AddedEICASSTATUSMESSAGES AddedPLACCARD data 31-31-1 31-35-1 31.35-3 3141-1 31-5'1-1 31-61-1 31.61-4 32-30-1 32-31-1 Jl-Jl- | 3241-1 Added PLACCARDdata Deleted accto MMELRev31, data; Revisedin linewithFAAMMELAddedEICASSTATUSMESSAGES AddedPLACCARD data (O), NewaddedPLACARD, and revisedtext in 3.pointof the OPERATIONS (O) andadded4.oointto OPERATIONS (O) NewaddedPLACARD, andrevisedtextin 3.pointof the OPERATIONS (270 KIAS) Revised textin REMARKS (O),and changedfrom2.C , D to Revisedtextin 2.8./3of the OPERATIONS 2.C.and added-300/-80C2itemfor table HOR Page4/7 REV 17MAR 10/2007 32-41-2 3241-3 3242-1 32-42-2 3?42-3 32424 3244-5 3245-3 3246-1 32-51-1 32-61-1 32-61-2 32-71-1 52- | t-t 33-11,1 33-14-1 33-16-1 33-21-1 33-31-1 JJ-J I -Z oo-J t-o 33-3'1-4 33-37-1 33-41-1 3342-1 3342-2 33-42-3 33-43-1 33-44-1 33-45-'1 33-51-1 33-51-2 33-51-3 34-00-1 34-10-1 34-10-2 34-13-1 u-13-2 34-13-6 34-16-1 34-21-1 (O) (Ca),-b)),andaddedOPERATIONS Revised textin REMARKS pointofthe (O) NewaddedPLACARD, OPERATIONS andchanged1 Revisedtext in NOTE 1., and added EICASSTATUSMESSAGESand 1.,andrevisedtext2./bpoint PLACARD, andaddedd) pointto OPERATIONS of theOPERATIONS NewaddedNOTEand EICASSTATUSMESSAGES (O) Revised textin 1./bpointof theOPERATIONS NewaddedPLACARD New added PLACARD Newaddeditem(TPIS) Newaddeditem(BTMS) Changedrepair intervalfrom C to B, and added PLACARD,and added (O) CAUTION to OPERATIONS Revisedtext in REMARKS NewaddedEICASSTATUSMESSAGES Newaddeditemfiail Skid) Newaddeditem(TailSkidIndicationSystem) Revisedreferto FM MMELRev31; Newentry,referto FAAMMELRev31; AddedremarkPLACCARD: Newitem,referto FAAMMELRev3l Newitemaddedreferto FAAMMELRev31 Revisedreferto FM MMELRev31; Revised,referto JAA policv(TGL26) Addedremark(PLACARD) Addedremark(PLACARD) Addedremark(PLACARD) Addedremark(PLACARD) Revisedreferto FAAMMELRev31: Addedremark(PLACARD) Addedremark(PLACARD) Addedremark(PLACARD) Addedremark{PLACARD) Addedremark(PLACARD) Addedremark(PLACARD) Addedremark(PLACARD) Addedremark(PLACARD) Addedremark(PLACARD) Revised referto FAAMMELRev31;and Revised,referto JAA policy(TGL26) AddedremarkOPERATION NOTE (O)procedure step1.A,8;revisedtext; Addedinformation in OPERATIONS Newentry,referto JAA policy(TGL26) Newentry,referto JAA policy(TGL26) (O)procedure. in OPERATIONS Revised text;Addedmissinginformation Addedrelief,Dartiallv in linewithFAAMMEL RevisedRemarksin linewithJAA policy(TGL)Addedremark(PLACARD) Addedremark(PLACARD) Revisedreferto JM policy(TGL26) Edited in NOTE'1i theMELreference Addedan'(M)"requirement; Updated data ERto ETOPS:AddedOPERATIONS(O) HOR Page5/7 REV 17MAY 30/2007 34-22-5 34-22-6 34-22-7 34-24-1 34-24-2 34-25-1 u-31-1 u-32-1 34-33-1 3443-1 3446-1 3446-2 34-51-1 34-53-1 34-55-1 34-60-1 34-61-2 AddedEICASSTATUSMESSAGE data; Editedtitleof themainitemandsubitems1 and2. AddednewMELrelieffor howto obtain subitems datadescribing 3 and4. AddedOPERATIONS navioational information. AddedNOTEfor claritv. Revisedreferto JAA policy(TGL26) ModifiedMELin accordance with FAAMMEL;EditedER to ETOPS;Added OPERATIONS(O) data Addedin linewithFAAMMEL Revisedrepairintervalreferto JAA policy(TGL26);AddedOPERATIONS NOTEdata: Revised repairrnterval in linewithJAApolicy(TGL26)iAddedOPERATIONS NOTEdata: (O)in linewithFAAMMELentry;Added Revised OPERATIONS MAINTENANCE NOTE: Revisedin linewith FAAMMELentry;Revisedrepairinterval,referto JAA policy(TGL);AddedOPERATIONS(O) data;AddedEICASSTATUS MESSAGEdata;AddedPLACCARD| AddedNOTEwith ETOPS requirements. Revised,referto JAA policy(TGL26);AddedEICASSTATUSMESSAGES datal deleted data; Revisedreferto JM policy(TGL26);AddedPLACCARD data Revisedreferto JAA policy(TGL26);AddedPLACCARD data Revisedreferto JAA policy(TGL26);AddedPLACCARD Revisedreferto JAA policy(TGL26);AddedPLACCARD data Revisedreferto JAA policy(TGL26);AddedPLACCARD data;Added MAINTENANCE steo 35-11-2 35-20-1 35-21-1 35-31-1 Revised in linewithFAAMMELRev31; Revisedreferto JAA policy(TGL26); Revisedin linewithFM MMELRev31 Revisedreferto JAA oolicv 36-11-1 36-11-2 Revisedtextin REMARKS, and addedNOTE1, 2, and PLACARD andchangedOPERATIONS(O) NewaddedNOTE1,2, andPLACARD, andchangedOPERATIoNS(o) NewaddedNOTEandPLACARD, NewaddedPLACARD 3 6 - 11 - 3 36-114 36-11-6 36-11-7 36-11-8 36-12-1 JO- | Z-Z 50-zz- | 36-22-3 36-22-5 36-22-6 38-10-1 New addedPLACARD NewaddedNOTE (i. k. points),and addedNOTE1, 2, and changed Revisedtextin REMARKS (O) OPERATIONS Revisedtext in REMARKS(i. points),and addedNOTE1,2, and changed (O) OPERATIONS limited New added PLACARD'and added table of the reduceperf'ormance weiqhts (O), NewaddedNOTE,and addedsub pointsA, B to l.pointOPERATIONS and chanoedtrcm75VoN2 to 80o/o N2 New addedNOTE,and addedsub points1),2) to 1 A.pointOPERATIONS (O).and chanoedtrom75o/o N2 to 80oloN2 in 4.C Doint Newitemaddedreferto FAAMMELRev31 Newitemaddedreferto FAAMMELRev31 NewaddedPLACARD HOR Page6i7 REV 17MAY 30/2007 38-30-1 49-11-1 49-15-1 49-70-2 49-54-1 52-11-1 52-114 52-50-1 52-51-3 52-71-1 73-21-1 73-21-7 for Newaddedsubitem(767-300), andchangedfrom4 to 5 NumberRequired Disoatchfor 767-200 New added sub-item, Remarks,Notes and Placard parts Changed and ReDlacement Newaddedsub-item,Remarks,Notes,EICASSTATUSMESSAGES,Placard andOPERATIONS oartsChanoedandReolacement part Revised textin OPERATIONS Replacement EICASSTATUSMESSAGES Revisedtext in REMARKS Newaddedsubitem(2)for767-300 Newaddeditem(FlishtCrewRestDoor) Changedsub item from 1-5 to 1-11 accordingto JAR-OPS1.730TGL Leaflet26 NewaddedEICASSTATUSMESSAGES and PLACARD Revisedtexi in REMARKSand Reolacement EICASSTATUSMESSAGES and PLACARD Replacement and PLACARD NOTE.EICASSTATUSMESSAGES 73-21-8 Added (O) for REt\ilARKS(Minimumground idle) and added EICAS STATUS MESSAGESand PLACARD 73-31-'l Revised textin REMARKS b),c) andNOTE4, 5, 6 74-00-1 and PLACARD ReDlacement EICASSTATUSMESSAGES 7s-21-1 75-23-1 75-24-1 75-24-2 77-1?-2 Added (O) for REMARKSand added EICAS STATUS MESSAGES and PLACARDand OPERATIONS(O) Added(O)for REI\,IARKS and PLACARDand OPERATIONS(O) Revisedtext in NOTEand table NewaddedNOTE(+table) andEICASSTATUSMESSAGESANdPLACARD (O) Exceptfiom REMARKS Revised textin REMARKS 78-31-1 78-34-2 78-34-3 /o-Jo- | I6-50-t 78-36-3 79-31-1 New added NoTE and EICAS STATUS MESSAGES and OPERATIONS (O) and PLACARD New added EICAS STATUS MESSAGES and PLACARD and revised OPERATIONS(O) NewaddedPLACARDand OPERATIONS(O) NewaddedPLACARDand OPERATIONS(O) and Added(o) for REMARKS Newadded PLACARD New added EICAS STATUS MESSAGES and OPERATIONS (O) and PLACARD NewaddedPLACARD 79-33-1 79-34-2 79-35-'1 New added NOTE 80-00-2 80-11-2 (O) NewaddedPLACARD textin OPERATIONS and Revised (O) NewaddedPLACARDand Revisedtext in OPERATIONS Newaddeditem NewaddedNOTE,EICAS STATUS MESSAGESand PLACARD HOR Page7/7 17 REV MAY 3Ol2007 EAEhUE 787 PREAMBLE A. INTRODUCTION 1. JAR-OPS1.030requirethatMALEVshallestablish,for eachaircraft,a MinimumEquipment than,the List(MEL)approvedby NTACAA.Thisshallbe basedupon,but not lessrestrictive by NTACAA. relevant MasterMinimumEquipment List(MMEL),if thisexists,accepted prescribe 2. JAR-OPS1.630(aX2) thata flightshallnotcommence andJAR-OPS1.845(aX3) K andL arein operable unlesstheinstruments required undersubparts andequipment exceptas providedin the MEL. conditionfor the kindof operationsbeingconducted, 3. JAAAdministrative & GuidanceMaterialSectionFour:PartThree:TemporaryGuidanceLeaflet for No 26 is usedto giveMal6vthe guidancenecessaryto developthe MELprovisions 1 and JARin order that JAR-OPS equipment, andconditions for itsunserviceability, MMEL/MEL are properlycompliedwith.However,TGL26 is guidancematerialonly,and agreedwiththe operator's shouldnot be usedto oveMritethe MMELunlessspecifically Authority- referto Appendixfor e flowdiagramfor the useof TGL26 in a MEL. 1. EFFECTIVITY MALEVCAMOdevelopedthe MALEV8767 MELfor Boeing767 aircaftot theMALEVHungarian and Airlines.This MELtakesintoconsideration MALEVparticularaircraftequipmentconfiguration operationalconditions,routes being flown and establishedrequirementfor current regulation, of thosecountries by LocalAuthorities including JAROPS1 andanyotherrequirement demanded overwhichthe aircraftwillfly. 2, GENERAL LIST(MEL)for the MALEV'S By approvalof this MALEVBoEING767 MINIMUMEQUIPMENT 8767 airplanes,NTACM permitsdispatchof the airplanefor revenueand trainingflightswith certainitems or componentsinoperativeprovidedan acceptablelevelof safetyis maintainedby appropriate operation,by a transferof the functionto anothercomponent,or by referenceto other providingthe requiredinformation. instruments or components NOTES 1. The dispatchprovisionsof this MELare applicableuntilthe airplanecommencesthe flight. The commencement of flight is definedas beingthe pointat whichthe aircraffbeqinsto moveunderits own oower. The flightcrewtakinginto accountthis MEL shallcarefullyassessfailuresafterthat point and all otherrelevantfiactorsrelatedto the intendedflight. 2. For dispatch with secondary airframe or engine parts missing, refer to the CONFIGURATION DEVIATION LIST (CDL)which is a sectionof the AirplaneFlight Manual. Suitableconditionsand limitationsin the form of placards,maintenanceprocedures,crew operatingproceduresand otherrestrictionsas necessaryare specifiedin the MEL to ensurethat an acceptablelevelof safetyis maintained. of theMEL. 3. GENERAL PRINCIPLES forthe DEVELOPMENT 3.1 MELBasicformat The MELshouldincludethe following:a Listof EffectivePages,a Tableof Contents,the Preamble,Notesand Definitions, a sectionfor eachaircraftsystem,andamendment recordpage.The Preambleand Definitions shallbe basedupon,but no lessrestrictive PREAMBLE PAGE1 REV17 MAR10/2007 aOEfiUE 787 PREAMBLE Mal6vmustspecifytherevision than,therelevant MMELas perJARMMEUMEL.060(a). suchas a andanyotherdocuments statusof theMMELandJAAMMELSupplement, Deviations this MEL. Dispatch used in the development of Guide, 3.2 MELPageformat MELformatis at the discretionof the operator,providedthatit is clearand unambiguous. Mal€vMELpageformatfollowthe JM MMELpageformatof fivecolumns(seeAppendix MELitems,however, 1 to ACJJAR-MMEL/ME1.025). Thepagenumbering, andindividual shouldbe in accordance withtheATA2200codesystem. 3.3 Listof EffectivePages lt mustlist A Listof EffectivePages(LEP)is usedto ensurethateachMELis up-to-date, for eachpageof the MEL.The dateand revisionstatusof the dateof the lastamendment to that shownon the Listof EffectivePages. eachpageof the MELmustcorrespond 3.4 Tableof Contents TheTableof Contentspageshouldlistthe sectionfor eachaircraftsystemusingthe ATA 2200listingas foundin the MMEL.Pagesshouldbe numberedwiththe ATAsystem numberfollowedbythe itemnumberfor thatsystem(e.9.,the pagefollowing27-2-1would be27-2-2). 3.5 MELPreamble The purposeofthe MELPreambleis to providedirectionto companypersonnelon the philosophy and useof the MEL.An exampleMELpreamblewhichis acceptablefor useby An operatormay an operatoris publishedin Appendix1 to ACJ JAR-MMEL/MEL.065. chooseto developtheirown preamblebut it shouldcontainat leastthe information contained in JAR-MMEL/MEL. 3.6 NotesandDefinitions Notesand Definitions are requiredto allowthe userto interpretthe MELpropedy. andMaintenance Procedures 3.7Ooerational a) Dispatchwith inoperative itemsis oftenacceptableonlywiththe creationof special operational or maintenance Drocedures. b) Wherethe MELindicatesthatthis is the case,Mal6vmustestablishappropriate procedures. bythe TypeCertificateHolderin mostcases Proceduresrecommended for providingacceptable can be adoptedfor this purpose,but the ultimateresponsibility willensurethatan orocedures withthe MELrestswiththe operator.Theseprocedures The TypeCertiflcateHolderis requiredto acceptablelevelof safeg will be maintained. procedures produceoperational suchas DispatchDeviationGuides, and maintenance Theseproceduresmaybe inserted for useby operators(seeJAR-MMEL/ME1.035(a)). intothe appropriate MELpages,and submittedby the operator,to formpartof the MEL.DispatchDeviationGuidesis notapprovedby theAuthority,norcantheyreplace or maintenance the MEL.lf the TypeCertificateHolderhas not publishedoperational procedures, procedures and,if requested, the Malevshoulddevelopappropriate submitthemto theirAuthority. c) Mal€v,whencomparing theMELagainsttheMMEL,shouldensurethatwherethe (O) procedurehasbeendeveloped or maintenance or (M)symbolsappear,an operational personnelof the that providescleardirectionto the crewmembersand maintenance actionto be taken.This procedureshouldbe includedin the MELor associated Operator's Manual(seeACJJAR-MMEUMEL.075). in anotherdocumentthat is d) The onlyexceptionis whenthe procedureis contiained (for"(O)" 1.1045) Manual(JAR-OPS available, e,g.otherpartof theOperations "(M)' procedures) procedures). In the lattercases,the Manual(for or the Maintenance MELmayreferto a sectionof the appropriate documentie.g. - to thecabincrewmembers, Manualor CabincrewManual; suchas a Operations - to the maintenance ManualDeactivation an Aircrafr as Maintenance crew,such ControlManual, etc. Proeedures Manual), Maintenance PAGE2 PREAMBLE REV17 MAR10/2007 EAEIIUE 7Az PREAMBLE as these e) lt is notacceptableto onlyreferencethe JARSor similardocuments, documentsmaynot be carriedon boardthe aircraftand couldbe subjectto misinterpretation. The objectiveis to providepersonnelwithclear,concisedirectionon howtheyare to proceed.Wherethe MMELcolumn5 states''asrequiredby Operating of the Requirements", thiswordingshallnotappearin theMEL;rather,a synopsis Regulation shallappear. ManuelProcedures 3,8Ooeration MALEVmustestablishprocedures in the OperationsManualfor the useand guidance mustalignwiththosein the of crewmemberswhenusingthe MEL.The procedures Maintenance to JAR-OPS.1045, the MELis pertof the ControlManual. According Operations Manual, 3.9 MALEVMELDevelopment Policy: The MELfor MALEVaircraftoperatedin accordance withJAR-OPS1 shouldbe developedusingthe followingprinciples: or in accordance withJAR-MMEL/MEL a) Theprovisions of theMMEL,as approved with precedingnationalreguiation, shouldbe used. the operatofsparticular b) The contentof the MELshouldtake intoconsideration and operational conditions,routesbeingflown aeroplaneequipment,configuration Authority. and requirements set by the appropriate AiMorthinessDirectiveor any c) Thatthe MELdoesnot deviatefromanyapplicable thanthe MMEL. otherMandatoryRequirement and is not lessrestrictive for MELPolicymaybe Document d) lf no MMELexists,thecontentof theGuidance of the usedas a guideline theMEL,subjectto agreement forestablishing HungerianNTACM. e) Theflowdiagramin Appendix below,explains howto useTGL26 whenpreparing the MEL. PAGE3 PREAMBLE REV17 MAR10/2007 B?E TUG 787 PREAMBLE APPENDIX FLOWDIAGRAMFORTHE USEOF TGL 26 IN A MEL hlhisTGL26 €N€vi€lionp.@ided in lhis TG! 26 IGL 26or MMEL Note 1: All itemsrelatedto lhe airworthiness of the aeroplaneandnot includedin the list,are automatically requiredto be operative. is providedin the Note2: All itemsrequiredby JAR-OPS1 mustbe operativeunlessalleviation M[ilELor thisTGL26. Note3: Equipment obviouslynot requiredfor safeoperationofthe aeroplanemaynot be listed. for failuresthatare not listedto An effectivedecisionmakingprocessshouldbe established determineifthey are relatedto aiMorthinessand requiredfor safeoperation. Note4: Fornon-JAAMMELS, TGL26 shouldbe usedto oveMritethe IVMELentrywhereit is basedon non-JM policy(FAA)andnot designconsiderations, Note5: In non-JM MMELS,similarstalemenlssuchas 'As requiredby FARS"or ?s requiredby Regulations" "Asrequiredby OperatingRegulations' etc.shouldbe interpreted as meaningthe sameas PREAMBLE PAGE4 REV17 MAR10/2007 EZE TYG 787 PREAMBLE b OF MEL CONTENTS that may be inoperativepriorto The MEL containsonly those itemsof aiMorthinesssignificance provided procedures limitations are dispatch, observed. and appropriate such as wings,rudders,flaps,engines, Equipmentobviouslybasicto airplaneairworthiness landinggear, not listedand mustbe operativefor all is importantto notethat: AND NOT OF THEAIRPLANE ALL ITEMSWHICHARE RELATED TO THEAIRWORTHINESS REQUIRED INCLUDED ON THELISTAREAUTOMATICALLY TO BE OPERATIVE: Equipmentobviouslynot requiredfor safe operationof the airplanesuch as galleyequipment, passengerconvenience items,etc. is not listed. item. NOTE:Lavatorydoorashtrayis not considered a convenience FORDISPATCH CRITERIA The pilot in commandonly is authorizedto determinethat the flightin questioncan be continued safelywith inoperative equipmentand may requireequipmentto be operativeoverand abovethat underwhichthe flightis to be listed,when,in hisjudgement, suchis requiredfor the conditions below. continued,however,he shallneveracceptreouirements it mustbe checkedthatany Beforedispatching an airplenewith multipleMEL itemsinoperative, in in the levelof safetyandior not result degradation interrelationship betweeninoperative itemswill an undue increase in crew workload, lt is particulerlyimportantin this area of multiple discrepancies and especiallydiscrepancies in relatedsystems,that goodjudgement,basedon the circumstances of the caseincludingclimaticand enrouteconditionsmustbe used. Wheneverthe pilot in command and/or the respectivemaintenancestaff have any doubt mustbe Control(OCC)(SITA:BUDWWMA) concerning theapplication of thisMEL,the Operation contacted. to the pilot in Takinginto accountall relevantfactors,OCC will then releasea recommendation command. D. MAINTENANCE ACTION Every etfort shall be made by Maintenanceto correct all technicalirregularitiesas early as condition. practicable basein fullyoperational and that the airplanebe releasedfrom maintenance and to MEL requirement The decisionof the pilotin commandto complywith the appropriate postpone The pilotin commandmustbe maintenance activitywillsupersede any otherintention. shouldit be impossibleto repairthe inoperative informedby meintenance as soonas practicable, itemprlorto departure. the following for dispatchwith item inoperative, Wheneveran airplaneis releasedby maintenance is required: The Deferredltem Record(DlR) aboardthe airplanemust containa detaileddescriptionof the item(s),specialadviceto the flightcrew,if necessary, and informationaboutcorrective inoperative actionteken. PAGE5 PREAMBLE REV17 MAR10/2007 azE tue 787 PREAMBLE When they are accessibleto the crew in flight, the control(s)relatedto inoperativeunit(s)or paragraph (4). component(s) mustbe clearlvolacarded. SeeH- DEFINITIONS, produce must be renderedinoperative ff inadvertentoperationcould a hazardsuch equipment (physically) given in the appropriate Maintenance Procedure. as in all caseswherea The symbol"(M)"is printedin the column"REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS' specificmaintenanceprocedurebecomesnecessaryduringapplicationof certainMEL items.The '8767MELDisDatch in MELcanbe foundon board. Deviation Guide"referenced The 8767 MEL DDG (M) procedureis a referencewith AMM. All cases where a maintenance procedurebecomesnecessaryAMMtasksshellbe used. E. deletedFERRYFLIGHT F. PERMITTO FLIGHT (European Commission regulation (EC) No. 37512007) A Permitto Fly is generallyissuedwhen a certificateof aiMorthinessis temporarilyinvalid,for cannotbe issuedfor exampleas the resultof a damage,or when a certificateof airworthiness or for airworthiness instancewhen the aircraftdoes not complywith the essentialrequirements whencompliancewith thoserequirements has not yet beenshown,but the aircraftis nevertheless capable of performinga safe flight. EASA is responsible for the approval of the flight conditions on the basisof whicha permitto fly can be issuedby the NTACM. The EASA approvea the Flight Conditions in cases related to the safety of the design, definedas follows: 1. the aircraftdoesnotconformto an approveddesign;or or an AiMorthiness Maintenance Requirement 2, an Airworthiness Limitation, a Certification Directivehas not beencompliedwith;or 3. the intendedflight(s)areoutsidethe approvedenvelope; Caseswherethe EASAis not involved: Whenthe approvalof flightconditionsis not relatedto the safetyof the design,the EASAis not involved,but onlythe NTACAA.Examplesof suchconditionsare: previously acceptedbythe EASAfor the 1. demonstrating withthe stiandard continuingconformity -) certificateof aiMorthiness. for a (restricted aircraftor typeof aircraftto qualifyor re-qualiry 2. development; crewtraining; 3. designorganization or production organizations production 4. flighttestingfor the purposeof conformityestablishment; 5. delivery/export flightof a newaircraftthe designof whichis approved; 6. flyingthe aircraftfor Authorityacceptance; 7. flyingthe aircraftfor customeracceptance; or aiMorthinessrevieware to be performed, 8. flyingthe aircraftto a locationwheremaintenance or to a placeof storage; takeoffweightfor flight 9. flyingan aircraftat a weightin excessof its maximumcertificated where adequate landingfacilitiesor land areas beyondthe normalrangeoverwater,or over appropriate fuelis notavailable; requirements beforeconformityto the 10. flyingaircraftmeetingthe applicableairworthiness environmental reouirements hasbeenfound. aircraftor typesfor whicha 11. for non-commercial flyingactivityon individualnon-complex is notappropriate. or restrictedcertificateof airworthiness certificateof airworthiness PAGE6 PREAMBLE REV17 MAY30/2007 EAE,IUE 787 PREAMBLE Applicableproceduresfor obtaininga permitto flight to obtaina permitto fly, MALEVas an applicant,the MALEVCAMOhasto followthe Consequently, followingprocess: 1. Sendan electronicapplication formto EASAin orderto get an EASAapprovalof the flight conditionsproposedto supportthe issueof a permitto fly bythe MemberStateof Registry,or marks: EASAform 37. by theMemberStateprescribing the identification permittoflv.html) ( for a permitto fly to the 2. Simultaneously or followingEASAapproval,sendan application the Competent Authorityof the MemberStateof Registry,or of the MemberSteteprescribing marks,togetherwiththe EASAForm188 approvedby the Agency,usingEASA identification Authority. Form 21 or anyacceptable form prescribedby thatCompetent WITHTHESTATEDINTENTOF THEPREAMBLE, WHENUSINGTHISMEL,COMPLIANCE IN THISMELIS ANDTHECONDITIONS ANDLIMITATIONS SPECIFIED DEFINITIONS, REOUIRED. F. REGULATIONS FORCATEGORY OPEMTIONS IYIIIALL-WEATHER (Thispartetfectivependingon CATlylll operational approval.) (1)General MALEV8767 aircrafthavebeencertifiedto operateto CAT lllB LandingMinimaand will be to thisstandardunlessreclassified dueto a systemdefect. lf an airplanehas beenreclassified to non-CATlllB, the aircraftmayoperatein this conditionin accordancewith MEL requirementsprovidedthe aircraftis not requiredto land in CAT lllB weatherconditions. The instrumentand automaticflight control systems meet the associatedperformance if the listedminimumequipment is operative at the time the CAT lllB approachis standards initiated. (2)Procedureof the re-classification. (a)Failure occurson ground accordingto MALEV Dueto a systemdefectthe associatedairplanemustbe reclassified CPM, (b)Failureoccursin flight - followthe FlightManualandOperation ManualInstructions, - advirethe MALEVOperationConholaboutthe CATchanges. procedures (3)Categoryll/lllB operationsupplementary (a)General PREAMBLE PAGE7 REV17 MAY30/2007 7A7 EZEftUE PREAMBLE For maintaining safeall-weather op€rationsaccordingto FAAAdvisoryCircularsNo. 120-29 and 120-28Cspecial maintenanceproceduresare demandedfor certain components. arecalledCATlulllComoonents andaredefinedas follows. ThesecomDonents and thatareespecially for CATll/llloperation, Components required - thatdirectlyetfectthe performance or accuracyof a CATll/lll approach,and - for whichdeterioration or accuracycan not be excluded,and of the performance - forwhichan adjustment veluespossible. to thenominal (b) ldentification andStorageLimits(COSL) Operating CATlVlllcomponents areidentified in theComponent undercolumnCATby "C", Cat ll/lll components are markedwitha yellowplacardwithblueleftering: .ATTENTION CATIVIIICOMPONENT (c)Rulesof suspension of Category ll/llloperations lf e CAT ll/lll componentis substituted by a componentwhich has not a CAT ll/lll placardor/andAuthorizedReleaseCertificateor AiMorthinessApprovalTag identification (ARC/AAT,JM FormOne),the CAT lvlll OperationPermissionfor the affectedaircraftwill willbe installed. suspended, untila properCATll/lllcomponent NOTES: 1. lf a CAT lll componentsubstitutedby a non-CATlll componentthe affectedAutoflight Channelis not allowedto be used for CAT lll approaches.In this case no CAT lll approachescan be performed.The no affectedchannel of the AutoflightSystem, however,canstillbe used,for CATll Approaches. Department approval. 2, Allotherprocedures aresubjectthe MALEVEngineering procedureshouldmeet MALEVCPM and this MEL TemporaryFlight 3. Reclassification OperationLimitationand Reportingprocedure.. PAGE8 PREAMBLE REV17 MAY30/2007 tUiE 7Ez AOE PREAMBLE AIRBORNE EQUIPMENT LISTOF REQUIRED at the Followingtablesprovidethe listof the minimumequipmentthathasto be serviceable to checkMEL as e guidance of theCategory ll or lll approach. lt is provided commencement provisions thatreferto "approach minimums" specifications, of flight,referto Aftercommencement This listis not intendedto be a "NormalChecklistOperation". procedures perform AFM to a Categoryll or lll approach. FOR REQUIRED NUMBER CATIIIA CATIIIB CAT II 2 (INAPPMODE) 1 AUTOPILOT ANDFLIGHT AP CHANNEL 2(a) 2(a) 2(al DIRECTOR SYSTEM FLIGHTDIRECTOR 1 1 1 LIGHTS AP DISENGAGE 1 1 AURALWARNING AP DISENGAGE 2 AP DISENGAGE SWITCHES 2 1(b) AUTOLANDSTATUS (ASA) ANNUNCIATOR -(c) 1 A.iTINCLUDINGBOTH {c) COMPONENTS DISENGAGELIGHTS MODE FLIGHT ANNUNCIATOR ALPHAVANESENSOR ILS RIGHT(INCL.HEATER) LEFT (INCL.HEATER) RECEIVERS (COURSE BARAND INDICATIONS GSPOINTER) ALERT DEVIATION 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2(e) 1 2(e\ 2 2(e) 2(e) 2(e) 1 2(e) 2(d\ IRS EADI INDICATIONS ATTITUDE ATTITUDE COMPARATOR COMMBARS FLIGHT DIRECTOR TRANSCEIVER INDICATION DHWARNING LRRA DADC WIPERS WINDSHIELD ELECTRICAL POWER SOURCE HYDRAULIC SYSTEM (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 2 2(el 1 2(e\ 2(e) 2(e) 2 2(t) 2(s) 2(e) 2(e) 2 2(f) 3(f) 3 maybe selected. combinations Onlythe Leftand Rightor theCenterandRightFlightDirector Mustbe operativefor the captainaccordingto MALEVSOPpolicy. lf pilotcan keepapproachspeedwithint 5 knotslimitthe targetspeed withengagedautopilotin NAVmode. Associated Mustbe suppliedby separatesymbolgenerators. One maybe the APUgenerator. Associated withengagedautopilotchannels. PAGE9 PREAMBLE REV17 MAY30/2007 EAEUIUE 787 PREAMBLE FORRVSMOPERATION REGULATING (1)General unlessthey are MALEV8767 aircrafthavebeencertifiedto operateunderRVSMregulations, change reclassified dueto a fuselagedamageor configuration lf an aircrafthas been reclassified to Non-RVSMoperation,it is not allowedto operateunder RVSMregulations. (2)Procedureof the reclassification In case of fuselagedamageor configurationchange,associatedto RVSM regulation,the aircraftmustbe reclassified to Non-RVSM MALEVCPM. procedures (3)RVSMOperationsupplementary (l) To ensureaircraftabilityto operatesafelyunderRVSMrules,somesystemsand components (seetable)shouldbe installed (i,a.w.JAROPS1.872,leaflet26.) andoperable. EQUIPMENT LISTOF REQUIRED AIRBORNE COMPONENTS AIR DATACOMPUTER ALERTING SYSTEM ALTITUDE AUTOPILOT SYSTEM ATCTRANSPONDER PITOTHEATER STATICPORTHEATER NUMBER REQUIRED 1 1 1 NOTE: Fuselagedamageto the afeadefinedby the relevantSructuralRepairManualmust for operationin RVSM withthe requirements be assessedto ensurecompliance arrspace exceptADC, (a) All Components certifiedfor 8767AlrcraftsatisfywithRVSMrequirement, (b) ADCshouldbe P/N4040800-906 one. or upgraded (ll) ldentification Componentsrelatedto RVSMoperationare identifiedin 8767 MaintenanceProgramunder CATcolumnby Letter"R". PAGE1O PREAMBLE REV17 MAY30/2007 EOEIIUE 7A7 PREAMBLE H, REGULATIONSFOR BRNAV/RNPOPERATION (1) General MALEV8767 aircraffhavebeencerti{ledfor operationsin areaswith specifiednavigationperformance changeof (RNAV)(JAROPS 1.243) unlessthey are reclassified due to a configuration requirements, RNAVequipment. (RNP-5) Performance BasicRNAV(BRNAV)and RequiredNavigation JAA TGL2, BRNAVis definedas RNAV,includingthe functionsdescribedin ICAODoc 9613-AN1937, thatmeetsa trackkeepingaccuracyequalto or betterthan+/- 5 NMfor 95%of the flighttime.. (RNP)is a statementof the navigationperformancenecessaryfor RequiredNavigationPerformance operationwithin a defined airspace.(FAA AC No.: 90-96) RNP Types are establishedacc. to positionfxing. performance navigalional accuracyin the horizontalplane,that is, lateraland longitudinal The type is identified as an accuracy value expressed in nautical miles (e.9., RNP-s). (MNPS) Performance MinimumNavigation Specification MALEVoperatesaeroplanein MNPSairspaceequippedwith navigationequipmentthat complywith minimumnavigationperformance specificationprescribedin ICAO Doc 7030 in the form of Regional Procedures. Supplemenlary (2) Limitations are requiredfor theiruse ThefollowingnavigationsyslemshaveRNAVand MNPScapability,limitations whenconducting operationsin designated BRNAViRNP/ airspace. In the MNPSairspace referto: (MELATA) ln the BRNAV/RNP airspace referto: (MELATA) Inedial ReferenceSystem VOR DME GPS FMCS HF radio I. 34-21-1 34-51-1 34-55-1 34-60-t 34-61-1 X u-21X 34-60-1 34-61-1 23-11-1 DEFINITIONS Number100and items 1. Systemnumbersare basedon the Air TransportAssociation(ATA)Specification are numberedsequentially. (a) "ITEM"meansthe equipment, systemcomponentor functionlistedin the ,ITEM'column. (b) ,,NUMBER INSTALLED" is lhe number(quantity)of itemsnormallyinstalledin the aircraft. of ilemsrequiredfor (c) "NUMBERREQUIRED is the minimumnumber(quantity) FOR DISPATCH" columnare met OR EXCEPTIONS' operationprovidedthe conditions specifiedin ,,REMARKS or permittingoperationwith a (d) ,,REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS' includesa statementeitherprohibiting specificnumberof items inoperative,provisos(conditionsand limitations)for such operation,and appropriate notes. (e) A verticalbar (changebar) in the marginindicatesa change,additionor deletionin the adjacenttext for the currentrevisionof thatpageonly.Thechangebar is droppedat the nextrevisionof thatpage. PREAMBLE PAGE,11 REV17 MAY30/2007 EZE TUE 787 PREAMBLE Flight Manual"(AFM/RFM)is the documentrequiredfor type certillcationand ,Airplane/Rotorcraft approvedby ihe responsible Office.The FAAapprovedAFM/RFMfor Cenificate FAAAircraftCertification DataSheet. NOTE; Condition"As requiredby FAR" in the FAA Master MEL has been replacedby detailed requirements of the HungarianCAA(HgCAA)in thisdocument. 4 . Each inoperativeitem must be placardedto inform and remindthe crewmembersand maintenance personnelot equipmentconditionNOTE1: To the extentpractical,placardsshouldbe locatedadjacentto the controlor indicatorfor lhe item affected. wherenecessary. NOTE2: Placardwordingand locationwill be determinedby PLACARDinstruction, Whenplacardwordingnotdelermined, useof INOPplacardis sufficient. "NUMBER columnsindicates REQUIRED 5. '-'symbolin "NUMBER FORDISPATCH" INSTALLED" and/oT a variablenumber(quantity) of the iteminstalled. o. "DELETED'in the "REMARKS EXCEPTIONS' oolumnaftera sequenceilem indicatesthat the iiem OR waspreviously listedbut is nowrequiredto be operativeif installedin the aircraft. 'ETOPS"(+ "ER"referslo extendedrangeoperationsof a two-engineairplanewhichhas a typedesign of HungarianCAA. Boeing approvalfor ETOPSoperalionsand complieswith applicablerequirements 767-200/300ER aircraflof |\4ALEV havetypedesignapprovalfor ETOPS. Mal6vLtd.philosophyis thataircraftshallbe preparefor all flightsaccordingto ETOPSrules(if aircrafiis tit for ETOPSflighq. ETOPSmaintenance are regulatedin ETOPSMANUAL. andoperatingprocedures Mal6vETOPSMANIJALcontaintwo part: Part l. ETOPSMainlenanceProceduresand Part ll. Flight Operatingprocedures.Each parl has an individualapprovalprocess,becausethey have a different is performedstrictlyin one block. requirement and responsibility system,butthe distribution shall be maintain,and all To ensurecontinuosETOPSc€pabilityof the aircraflETOPSconflguration requirementsspecifiedin ETOPSMANUALregard,ngmainlenanceprogram,maintenanceplanning, maintenance accomplishment, and materialsupplymustbe fulfilled. Rulesdescribedin ETOPSMANUALappliesthe employeeof Mal6vLtdor Nlal6vcontractedpartner,who groundhandling,planning,etc.) relatedwith ETOPS are involvedin technicalactivities(maintenance, ofthe aircraft.Conientsof ETOPSMANUALshallbe trainedfor personnelinvolved. oDeraiion ETOPSMANUAL is valid for thefollowineairuaft: Reg.mark: HA.LHA Type: 8767-200ER Reg.mark: HA.LHB Type: 8767-200ER Reg.mark: HA.LHC Type: 8767-300ER S/N: 27048 S/N: 27049 s/N: UN: 475 UN: 482 U N : 738 Eng.type: cF6-80C2-B4F Eng.type: cF6-80C2-84F 28884 Eng.type: cF6-80C2-B6F in 31.August1998,and15.April2007. MalevLtd.hasreceived the 170minETOPSapproval PAGE12 PREAMBLE REV17 MAY30/2007l . E?E TUE 787 PREAMBLE Verification Flightshallbe initiatedin thefollowingcases. An ETOPS lrON EIOPS Veification Flight in case of engine change Verfiication Flight a// cases in caseof failurein ETOPSsignificant when the systemif detectcan not be pte reproducedon grcund,or afrerdefect disru d/mai ntai ned system rectificationsystemwotkingordercan has not direct, unambiguous indication in flight deck not be proved by systemcheck when the disrupbd/maintained syatem has direct" unambiguousindicationin flight deck dis ru pted/ mai ntained system has not direct, unambiguous indication in ttight deck when the disrupted/mainEined system has direct" unamhiguous indi cation in flight deck if duing maintenance check or defect rcctitication both duplicaled ETOPS significant systems were disrupted alonganydesired flight (RNAV).Thisis a method navigation whichpermiis aircraft 8. AreaNavigetion pathwithinthecoverage of selfnavigation aidsorwithinthelimitsofthecapability oftheassocialed contained aids,ora combination of thesemethods. awayfromland,wichis suitable overwaterat distance 9. 'ExtendedOveMaterFlight"meansoperation for makingemergency landing,greaterthan 120 minutesat cruisingspeedor 400 nauticalmiles, whichever is lesserby respective (FAR)in the FAAMasterMELhasbeenreplaced AviationRegulalions" 10.NOTE;"Federal requirements document. Time Coordinated Universal 11."Flight Day"meansa 24 now period(frommidnightto midnight) (UTC)duringwhichat leastone flightis initiatedfor the atfectedaircraft. meansan atmospheric environment 11."lcing conditions" thatmaycauseiceto formon theaircraft in the engine(s). or that must be or limitation) l2.Alphabetical symbolin Column4 indicatesa proviso(condition compliedwithfor operationwiththe listediteminoperative. to the extentthat it does not l3."lnoperative'meansa systemand/orcomponentmalfunctions accomplishits intendedpurposeand/or is not consistentlyfunctioningnormallywithin its approvedoperatinglimits(s)or tolerance(s). column Drovidesadditionalinformationfor 14."Notes:"in "REMARKSOR EXCEPTIONS" crewmemberor maintenanceconsideration.Notes are used to identifyapplicablematerial whichis intendedto assistwithcompliance, butdo not relievethe personnelof the responsibility Notesare nota partof the provisos. for compliance withall applicablerequirements. 'l5.lnoperative of a itemswhichare components components system:Inoperative of an inoperative systemwhich is inoperativ€are usuallyconsideredcomponentsdirectlyassociatedwith and PREAMBLE PAGE13 REV17 MAY30/2007 EOE 'YE 787 PREAMBLE systemsassociatedwith i havingno otherfunctionthanto supportthatsystem.(Warning/caution authorizedperthis MEL). the inoperative systemmustbe operativeunlessreliefis specifically procedure whichmust be for a specificmaintenance 16,"(M)"symbolindicatesa requirement accomplishedprior to operationwith the listed item inoperative.Normallymaintenance personnelaccomplishthese procedures;however,other personnelmay be qualifiedand authorizedto performcertainfunctions.Proceduresrequiringspecializedknowledgeor skill,or personnel. by maintenance requiring the useof toolsor testequipment shouldbe accomplished proceduresreferredaboveare generallyprovidedin the 8767 Dispach I NqtE: Maintenance DeviationGuidedocument.The 8767 DDG (M) procedureis referencewithAMM.All cases I procedurebecomesnecessaryAMMtasksshellbe used. wherea mainlenance I '17."(o)"symbol indic€tesa requirementfor a specificoperationsprocedurewhich must be Normallythe flight accomplished in planningfor and/oroperatingwiththe listediteminoperative. crew accomplishesthese procedures;however, other personnelmay be qualified and authorized to performcertainfunctions. mustbe putintoan acceptable 18."Deactivated" component and"Secured" meanthatthesoecified conditionfor safeflight. is such that 1g."Visual Meteorological (VMC)meansthe atmospheric environment Conditions" wouldallowa flightto proceedunderthevisualflightrulesapplicable to theflight.Thisdoesnot preclude operating underInstrument FlightRules. containing waterin anyformthatcanbe 20."Visible Moisture" environment meansan atmospheric seenin naturalor artificiallight,for example,clouds,fog, rain,sleet,hail,or snow. comfort 21."Passenger convenienceltems"meanthose itemsrelatedto passengerconvenience, ash trays, movieequipment, or entertainment suchas, but not limitedto, galleyequipment, slereoequipment,overheadreadinglamps,etc. Note:Lavatorydoorashtrayis notconsidereda convenience 22,"REPA|RINTERVAL": All MALEVoersonneland, in the extentof their scopeof activity, personnel(2. g. subcontractors, handlingagents)must effectrepairs associatedorganization with this MEL,at or priorto the of inoperative deferredin accordance systemsor components, repairtimesestablished by the followingletterdesignators: CategoryA. ltems in this categoryshall be repairedwithinthe time intervalspecifiedin the "REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS" column. calendardays CategoryB. ltems in this categoryshallbe repairedwithinthree(3) consecutive (72 hours), excludingthe day the malfunctionwas recordedin the aircraft For example,if it were recordedat 10 a.m. on maintenancerecord/logbook. January26'n,the three-deyintervalwouldbeginat midnightthe 26th and end at midnight the29'". calendardays CategoryC. ltems in this categoryshallbe repairedwithinten (10) consecutive (240 hours), excludingthe day the malfunctionwas recordedin the aircraft For example,if it were recordedat. 10. a.m. on maintenance record/logbook. January26rh,the 10 d-ayintervalwould begin at midnightthe 26tnand end at February midnight 5'". PAGE14 PREAMBLE REV17 MAY30/2007 BAEfiUE 787 PREAMBLE CategoryD. ltems in this categoryshall be repairedwithin one hundredand twenty(120) consecutivecalendardays (2880hours),excludingthe day the malfunctionwas recordedin the aircraftmaintenance record/logbook. Theletterdesignators INTERVAL" column. arein the"REPAIR In a case, if the deviationcan not be fixed withinthe specifiedtime, TechnicalDirectorof MALEVPlc. can duplrcatethe intervalaccordingto the appropriatecategory(exceptfor levelof safetyis maintained. category"A")@, providedan acceptiable 23.Enginelndicatingand CrewAlertingSystem(EICAS)provideditferentprioritylevelsof system Any message (WARNING, messages STATUSand MAINTENANCE). CAUTION, ADVISORY, that affectsairplanedispatchabiliV will be displayedat a STATUSmessagelevelor higher.The indicates ADVISORY) CAUTION, absenceof an EICASSTATUSor higherlevel(WARNING, thatthe system/component is operatingwithinits approvedoperatinglimitsor tolerances. a Systemconditionsthat resultsonly in maintenancelevel message,i.e. no correlationwith "A at next repair level but it is suggested_to higher EICASmessage,do not affectdispatch, check,if the necessarymaterialand equipmentis available,exceptMALEV(operator)refuses repairdueto anyreason. was recordedin the aircraft 24. Day of Discoveryis the calendarday an equipmenVinstrument This day is excludedfrom the calendardays or flight days maintenancerecord/logbook. specifiedin the MEL for the repairof an inoperativeitem of equipment.This provisionis "A, B, C, andD" applicable to all MELitems,i.e.categories 25. Combustible Materialin remarkscolumnrefersto materialwhichis capableof catchingfire and (or flammableor burning.In particularif a MEL item prohibitsloadingof combustible inflammable) material,no materialmaybe loadedexceptthe following: ( unloaded, emptyor withballast) 1. Cargohandling equipment 2. Flyawaykits( excludinge.g.cansof hydraulicfluid,cleaningsolvents,batteries tyresare included,theyshouldonly capacitorschemicalgeneratorsand if serviceable be inflatedto a minimumpressurethatpreservestheirserviceability no 3. Inflightservicematerial(returncatering- onlyclosedcateringtrolleys/boxet, newspapers, no alcoholor dutyfreegoods PAGE15 PREAMBLE REV 17 MAY30/2007| lVadlEl/ EAE|IUE Hungarian Airlinesfi 7A7 EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM PROCEDURE TEMPORARY FLIGHTOPERATION LIMITATION and REPORTING AT HOMEBASE 1. GENERAL of This proceduredeterminestasks concerningthe temporarylimitation(reclassification) definitespecialflightauthorizations accordingto AOCof MalevLtd,suchas: E , l- C A T l l ; E 2 - C A T l l l A ;E 3 - C A T l l l B ;E 6 - M N P S ;E 7 - E T O P SE; 8 - B - R N A V ; E 9 - RVSM;E {0 - RNP,andotherMELbasedlimitation. PRESERVATION NOTE: THE OTHERTASKSRELATEDTO THE GONTINUING IN ETOPSMANUAL OF ETOPSAUTHORIZATION ARE PRESGRIBED PARTI. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE. 2. RECLASSIFICATIONPROCESS 2.1 Necessityof temporaryreclassification Defermentof defect rectificationsmay require the limitationof any type of operation and the rate (reclassification) detailedin paragraph.1. The defectsaffectingthe authorizations of reclassification are determinedby the approvedMinimumEquipmentList (MEL) of the relatedaircraft. 2.2 Accomplishmentoftemporary reclassification processshallbe carriedout by the employeedeferringthe rectification The reclassific€tion to the completionof Deferredltem of defectinfluencingthe authorization, simultaneously Record(DlR)in thefollowing order: causedby the defectto be 1. Referringto MELdefinesthe compliancedegradation defened. and i or AdditionalCrewand / 2. Recordthe rate of reclassification in block"LIMITATION or Maintenance Procedure" of the DIRform, ACTIONTAKEN" of the AFL 3. Recordthe rateof reclassification in field " CORRECTIVE form. ETOPSsigns(Non-ETOPS; 4. Informthe flightcrewand stickstemporaryreclassification pilot as well in command's, Y, OnlyCAT-Y;Non-RNAV; Non-RVSM; INOP;etc.)on the as on the flrstofficer'sinstrumentDanels. into the cockpit 5. Placethe red copy of the DIR containingthe causeof reclassification information file. document 6. Informthe Shift Leaderof AeroDlexLtd. who shell foMard the relevantDIR to the Malev/Aeroplex Maintenance Controlvja Fax (+36-1-296{928). 7. The Mal5v/Aeroplex Maintenance ControlshallforuardSlTAtelexto the belowlisted addressees AdMiNistlAtioN/ AUTHORITYGiViIAViAtiON BUDXTYF- NATIONALTRANSPORT lgazgat6seg NEMZETIKoZLEKEDESIHAT6SAGPolgariL6gikaizleked6si (ONLY the fo owing cases ,tust be repofted to the Authority: : 7- ETOPS; E 1 - C A T l l :E 2 - C A T l l l AE: 3 - C A T l l l BE: 6 - M N P S E E8-B-RNAV;E I - RVSM;E 10-RNPJ/ BUDNBMA- ShorthaulFlght BUDWWMA- OperationsControl Center DispatchSection BUDKFMA- Uzemeltet6sl16nyitisi BUDFOMA- GockpitCrew Dispatch Osztily / EDPFlight Preparatory - CockpitCrewPlanning BUDTDMA- UzemanyagOsztely/ BUDFPMA Diszp6cser PAGE:1/4 PROCEDURE TR. FL.OP.LlM.REPORTING REV 17 MAY30/2007 ./V'aAi'E/ Hungarian Airlinesfi 7Ez EZEI/VE - FlightPlanningSection BUDNSMA LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT BUDNFMA- LonghaulFllght DispatchSection ACE BUDMMMA. R<ividtivriKarbantart5stervezds BUDKBMA- ForgalmiOsztely,Forgalmi BUDFEMA- Arukezel6siOsztSly, Expod lroda T2A BUDFHMA- Arukezel6slOszt6ry, BUDPBMA UtasforgalmiOsziily / Jiratkiszolgil{si Csoport Jegyk€zel6sT2A BUDPCMA- UtasforgalmiOsdely , BUDWBMA- Forgalmilgazgat6sag/Terminal Control Szolg6latvezet6kT2A the information reclassification as follows: containing on the BUDDSMA- Repiil6sbiztonsagiOsztely Number: Registratron Defect: MEL: DIRNo: Limitation: 2.3 Terminationofreclassification should be done as followsby the employee Terminationof the temporaryreclassification or by the employee recordingthe rectification of the defeneddefectcausingreclassification, causeddefects recordingthe rectification of the lastdefectin caseof severalreclassification exrst: documentfile. 1. Repealand removesthe relevantDIRfromthe cockpitinformation 2. Removethe warningstickersfromthe pilots instrumentpanels. 3. Inform the Malev/AeroplexMaintenanceControl who forward a SITA-telexabout termination of the reclassiflcation to addresseslistedin the pointTof paragtaph2.2. 2.4 Validity of temporary.eclassificationreport Controlis valid The temporaryreclassification reportissuedby Mal6v/AeroplexMaintenance preliminary reclatsification date of untilrevocationadditionallythe reportcontainsthe expiry purpose butonlyfor information only. 3. ADDITIONAL REPORTING OBLIGATIONS 3.{ ETOPScompliance Malev/ AeroplexMaintenance Controlshallnotifyvia SITAtelexthe responsiblebelowlisted MALEVservicesand NTA CA'/AaboutETOPSstatusof aircraftas far as possible2 hours priorto the scheduled ETOPSflightfromBudapest. BUDXTYF- NATIONALTRANSPORT AUTHORITYCivil Aviation Administration/ lgazgat6sSg NEMZETIKOZLEKEDEsIHAToSAGPolgariL6gikaizleked6si BUDWWMA- Uzemeltet6s116nyitasi Osztily , OperationsControl Center - CockpitCrewPlanning BUDFPMA - LonghaulFlightDispatchSection BUDNFMA BUDNBMA- ShorthaulFlightDispatchSection - FlightPlanningSection BUDNSMA BUDMMMA- TechnicalDirectorate/ Karbantartistervez6siOszt6ly PAGE.,214 PROCEDURE TR . FL.OP.LIM.REPORTING REV17 MAR10/2007 /VadEV Hungarian Airlinesfi AZEZIIYE 787 LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT TEMPORARY FLIGHTOPERATION PROCEDURE LIMITATION and REPORTING AT OUTSTATION 1. GENERAL a). This proceduredeterminestasks of employeeof contractedoutstationmaintenance partnerconcerningthe temporarylimitation(reclassiflcation) of definitespecial flight authorizations accordingto AOCof MalevLtd,suchas: E 1 - C A T l l ;E 2 - C A T l l l AEi 3 - C A T l l l BE; 6 - M N P S E ; 7- ETOPS; E8-B-RNAV;E9-RVSM; E 10- RNP,andotherMELbasedlimitation. Control b). The chaptercontainsthe responsibility of Malev/ AeroplexMaintenance concerningto reportof operationallimitation. OF NOTE:THEOTHERTASKSRELATED PRESERVATION TO THECONTINUING ETOPS PART I. ETOPSAUTHORIZATION IN MANUAL ARE PRESCRIBED MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE. RECLASSIFICATION 2. PROCESS 2.' | Necessityof temporaryleclassification Defermentof defect rectiflcationsmay requirethe limitationof any type of operation (reclassification) and the rate of in paragraph1. The defectsaffectingthe authorizations reclassification are determined by the approvedMinimumEquipmentList (MEL)of the relatedaircraft. 2.2 Accomplishmentof temporaryreclassification processshallbe carriedout by the employeedefeningthe rectification The reclassification of defectinfluencingthe authorization, to the completionof "CORRECTIVE simultaneously ACTIONTAKEN'fieldAFLin thefollowing order: 1. Referringto MEL definesthe compliancedegradationcaused by the defect to be deferred. 2. Recordthe rateof reclassification ACTIONTAKEN' of the AFL in field" CORRECTIVE form. 3. Informthe flightcrew. NOTE:ETOPSNON-COMPLIANGE OF 8767, AIRCRAFTSHALL ALSO BE "NONDOCUMENTED IN THE AFL BLOCK 21lb CIRCLINGBLOCK ETOPS". in wriften 4. Informthe Malev/AeroDlex MaintenanceControlabout the reclassification formatvia one of the blowlistedmethod. Fax:+ 36 1 296 8928 Telex:BUDMCMA Usingthe aircraft'sAGARSsystem (if available) 5. The Malev/Aeroplex Controlshallfollowthe same procedureas describe Maintenance in the point 7 of paragraph2.2 ol procedure"Temporaryflight operationlimitation reportingprocedureat homebase". 2.3 Temination of reclassification shouldbe done as followsby the employee Terminationof the temporaryreclassiflcation or by the employee causingreclassification, recordingthe rectification the deferred defect of caused recordingthe rectificationof the last defect in case of severalreclassification defectsexist: ACTIONTAKEN''of the AFL 1. Recordthe correctiveactiondonein field .CORRECTIVE form. PAGE:3/4 PRoCEDURE TR. FL.OP.LlM.REPORTING REV17 MAY30/2007 /ltUaEV Hungarian Airlinesfi EOEtttYE 787 L]ST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT 2. Removethewarningstickersfromthe pilot'sinstrumentpanels. 3. Informthe flightcrew. Controlin writtenformatvia one of the below 4. lnformthe Malev/Aeroolex Maintenance listedmethod. Fax:+ 36 1 296 8928 Telex:BUDMCMA Usingthe aircraft'sACARSsystem (if available) 5. The Malev/Aeroplex Maintenance Controlshallforwarda SITA-telexaboutterminationof to addresseslistedin the point5 of paragraph2.2. the reclassification PAGE'.414 PROCEDURE TR . FL.OP.LIM.REPORTING REV17 MAR10/2007 tlallEW Hungarian Airlines,fi .74.- ,azTEtivzF LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT Annex1 EICASMessages lntraduction Cross ReferenceList and A crossreference litt of EngineIndication andCrewAlertingSystem(EICAS)messages TheMELlists in thissection. MalevMinimumEquipment corresponding List(MEL)itemsis provided equipment underwhichdispatchis the itemsof airplane thatmaybe inoperative, andtheconditions the properMEallowed.Thecrossreferencelist is intendedto assistoperatorin quicklyidentifying possible itemto consultfor dispatchrelief.All EICASmessagesal statuslevelor higherare listedby providedin eachcolumnof the messagetext in elphabeticorder.A description of the information crossreferencelistfollows. listseachmessageexactlyas it wouldappearon MessageText Thiscolumnalphabetically EICASLevel The appropriateEICASmessagelevelis listed:warning,caution,advisory,comm E. commF. or status. or of the message: basic,optional, Thiscolumnindicates theapplicability orovisional. Provisional messagesarethosefor whichprovisionshavebeenmadein EICAS, butthe messageis notyet available.'Optional'meanstheteitherthe messageor whilenotoptional, theassociated Somebasicmessages, equipment is optional. sincetheymayhavebeenadded,deletedor stillmaynotappearin allairplanes, revisedin laterEICAScomputers. In somecases,messagesare specificto particularMal6v8767fleet'sairframe versions or enginetypes: GE B0C2 engines GeneralElectric including engines, GeneralElectric CF6-80C2 FADEC80N2 GeneralElectricCF6-80Aand 8042engines Condition MEL -200 767-200 -300 767-300 Thiscolumnprovidesa description of the conditionor faultindicatedby the message. dispatch MELitem(s)to consultfor possible ItemThiscolumnliststheappropriate reliefwiththe associatedmessagedisplayed.EICASmestagesthatdo not have a specificMMELitemto allowdispatchare listedwithone of the followingcross references: N/A Notapplicable.Thereis no MELitemlistedbecausethe messagedoesnot indicatea systemfailure. indicated bythismessage. NoneThereis no MELitemfor thefailurecondition EICASlntraduction1/3 REV17 MAR1Ol2007 .t*MIEW Hungarian Airlines 4 .787 .?zEztyzF LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM Annex I EICASMessages lntraduction EICASMessaqes EICASconsolidates engineand subsystemindications and providesa centrallylocatedcrewalerting function. communication alerts,andstatus EICASdisplays systemale(s (warning, caution,andadvisory), on the arenormally displayed messages as described below.All of thefollowing EICASmessages upperEICASdisplay,exceptstatusmessageswhichare displayedon the statuspageof the lower EICASdisDlav. Waming A non-normaloperationalor systemconditiondisplayedin redtext accompanied of the masterwaminglightsandan by annunciation (bell, auralwaming siren,clacker,waileror voice).Immediatecrew awareness andcorrectiveactionis required. Caution A non-normaloperationalor systemcondition displayedin ambertext accompanied ofthe mastercautionlightsandan auralcaution by annunciation (voiceor beeper). Immediatecrew awarenessis requiredandcorrectiveactionmay be required. Advisory A non-normaloperationalor systemconditiondisplayedin ambertext and indentedone spaceto the right. Routinecrew awarenessis requiredand correctiveactionmay be required. CommE anda Medium-prioritycommunication requiringimmediatecrewawareness promptresponse. Displayedin whitetext with a bulletat the bottomofthe by an auralchime. message areaccompanied field, thesemessages Comm F Also andresponse. Low-prioritycommunication requiringtimely awareness E below the comm with a bullet, these messages are displayedin whitetext which messages andindentedonespaceto the right. StatusA systemcondition affectsairplanedispatch,displayedin white text on the statuspage.Status messages arecheckedpriorto enginestartandtheconditionshouldbe corrected perthe operator'sminimumequipmentlist (MEL). Thereareno or dispatched inflight crewprocedures associated with statusmessages. Status A systemconditionwhich affectsairplanedispatch,displayedin white text on the statuspage.Statusmessages arecheckedprior to enginestartandthe perthe operator'sminimum conditionshouldbe correctedor dispatched with associated equipmentlist (MEL). Thereareno inflight crewprocedures Statusmessases. levelmessagesare not includedin the crossreferencelist,sincetheydo not Maintenance affectthe aiMorthinessreleaseof the airplane.Systemfaultswhichresultonlyana message or maintenance actionpriorto maintenance do notrequireMELconsideration program. dispatch.Theyare addressedwithinan operator'sstandardmaintenance EICASIntraduction2/3 REV17 MAR10/2007 ;+UJEV Hungarian Airlines'fi .?zrEttvzF .787 LIST MINIMUMEQUIPMENT Annex1 EICASMessages lntraduction Considerations for DispatchwithDisolavedEICASMessaoes Any monitoredfaultsthat affectairplanedispatchabilitywill be displayedon EICASas a statusor alert level(warning,caution,advisory)message.Systemfaultsdisplayedat statuslevelor alertlevelshould be resolvedby MELcomplianceor maintenance actionpriorto enginestart.Afterenginestart,EICAS alert messagesare the primarymeans of alertingthe crew to non-normalconditionsor improper configuration. of the appropriatenon-normal Displayof any alert messagerequiresaccomplishment procedureby the crew. Upon completionof the procedureand priorto takeotf,the operator'sMEL should be consultedto determinetf relief is availablefor continuedoperationwith systemfeults displayedat the alertlevel(warning,caution,advisory). Dispatchcapabilitywith an invalidEICASmessagedependson the messagelevel. Dispatchwith invalidstatuslevelmessages is allowedby MMELitem31S1-4,providedthateitherthe associated equipmentis verifiedto operatenormallyor the dispatchdeviationsfor the associatedequipmentare observed.However,thereis no specificitemIn the MMELfor dispatchwith invalidalertlevel(warning, caution,or advisory)messages,since they are requiredfor inflightcrew awarenessor action as dispatchis allowed described at the beginning of Section1. Thus,if an alertmessageis displayed, only if thereis MMELrelieffor the associatedequipmentfaultor failure,and the applicabiedispatch deviationsare applied.lf system deactivationproceduresresult in an associatedalert message remalningoff, dispatehmay be acceptableif no inflightalertis neededfor the deactivatedequipment. placardsor flightlogentriesprovidesufficientcrewawareness. In mostcases,appropriate EICASIntraduction 3/3 REV17 MAR10/2007 :IMIEW Hungarian Airlines h ,azrEtjve -78.- EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM Annex 1 EICASMessages EICASMessageCross ReferenceList EICASMessaoes ACARS ACARS ACCESSDOORS AFTCABINTEMP AFTCARGODET1 AFT CARGODET2 AFT CARGODOOR Notes Condition MELltem NIA or ATCmedium Option Company priorityuplinkhasbeenreceived. NIA CommF Basic Lowpriorityuplinkhas been recetved. 52-71-1 Advisory Basic Fwdand E/Eaccessdoors unlatched. Advisory Basic Aft cabinsupplyducttemperature 21-61-l greaterthan88' C, or zone 21 -614 21-61-6 eft cabinchannel temperature failureor switched OFF. -204 26-16-1 Aft cargodetectorloopI Status -300 unsatisfectory testor smoke detected, Inhibited byAFT CARGOFIREor OVHT message. -200/ 26-16-1 Aft cargodetectorloop2 Status -300 unsatisfactory test or smoke detected.Inhibitedby AFT CARGOFIREor OVHT message. 52-71-1 Aft cargodoornotclosedand Basic Caution locked.Two or moreindividual Advisory willcause dooropenmessages CARGODOORmessage. CommE Basic Aft cargofire detected. zo- to- | AFT CARGOOVHT Warning Advisory Basic Aft cargooverheatdetected. ?140-1 AFT EQ EXH FAN 1 Status Basic 21-58-5 AFT EQ EXH FAN2 Status Basic AFT EQPTCLG FAN Status Basic AFT FUELX-FEED Advisory Basic Aft equipmentcoolingexhaust fan I failure. coolingexhaust Aftequipment fan 2 failure. Aft equipment coolingexhaust fansland2failure. Aft switch/valve disagreeinhibitsFUELCROSSFEED advisorymessagewhendual crossfeedsystemis installed. AFTCARGOFIRE Annex1-02-1 21-58-5 21-58-5 28-22-3 REV17 MAR 10/2007 rtMlEV Hungarian Airlines,fi .787 .S2rEttrYE LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM Annex 1 EICASMessages EICASMessageCross ReferenceList EICASMessaqes Level AFT GND EXHVAL Status AFT IFE COOLING Status AILERONLOCKOUT Advisory Status AIR/GNDDISAGREE Condition Notes MELltem Aft primaryor backupground coolingexhaustvalvedisagree position. withcommanded N/A Aft coolingsystemfan failure, actualsmokedetected,IFEcard failure,or inboardshutoffvalve failedclosed. 21-58-13 Basic Aileronlockoutfailure. tt- | t-z Basic SystemI and system2 air/ground None Prov'n disagree. AIR/GNDSYS ALTCALLOUT ALTCALLOUTS ALT DISAGREE ALTITUDE ALERT ALTNANTISKID Annex 1-02-2 SystemI or system2 airlground logicfailsto "aif' whileon ground(below80 KCAS),or the mainbatterybus is not powered causingthe lossof systeml. lf an RTOis required, or uponlanding, the followingstoppingsystems Thrust willbe inoperative: AutoSDeedbrake Reversers: Autobrakes; and deployment; groundspoilerposition for soeedbrakes. Advisory Option Groundproximitywarning comouterdetectsthe lossof the automaticaltitudecallout function. Lossof EnhancedGPWSaltitude Advisory Basic calloutsfunction. Altitudedifferenceof 200 feet betweencaptain'sand first officer'sair datasources. Inhibitedbelow400 feet radio altitudeor if samesourceis selected. Deviationfromselectedaltitude Caution by 300feet. Antiskidsystemdetectsfaultin alternatesystem. Advisory Basic None 3446-1 3446-1 None 34-16-1 3242-1 3242-? REV17 MAR'10/2007 IVUaEV Hungarian eir1nes,fi .zarEt/vaF .747 LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM Annex 1 EICASMessages EICASMessageCross ReferenceList EICASMessaqes Level ANTISKID Antiskidsystemdetectsfaultin normalsystem(oralternate,if selected). Parkingbrakevalveclosedwith Advisory Basic parkingbrakereleased,or lossof oowerto all fourantiskid channels. or ootionalantiskid switchoositioned OFF- inhibits message, ANTISKID advisory Option APU batterychargerfailurewith Status 90-minutestandbysystemby rightAC busoff. inhibited at 4 Advisory Option APU batterydischarging go-minute ampsor morewith standbysystem. Status Option APU batteryis not paralleledwith mainbatteryfor standbypower with90-minute whencommanded standbysystem. ANTISKID OFF APUBATCHGR APUBATDISCH APU BAT NO STBY Notes Condition Advisory Basic APUbleedvalvenotin position. commanded APU bottlelow pressure. APU BLEEDVAL Advisory Basic APU BTL Advisory Basic APUBTLI Advisory Option APU bottleI low pressure. MELltem 32-42-1 3242-1 3244-2 24-31-2 24-3'l-1 24-31-1 36-1'14 26-20-1 26-22-1 to-Lv- | 26-22-1 26-20-1 26-22-1 49-15-1 APUBTL2 Advisory Option APU bottle2 low pressure. APUDOOR Status APU FAULT Advisory Basic faultshutdown. APUautomatic 49-11-1 APUFIRE Warning Basic APUfire detectedin bothloops. 26-15-1 APUFIRELPI Status APUflre loop 1 fire or fault by APUFIRE output- inhibited 26-15-1 APU FIRE LP 2 Annex1-02-3 Status Basic Basic APU doordisagreewith selected position. message. APUfire loop2 fire or fault byAPUFIRE output- inhibited message. 26-15-1 REV17 MAR10/2007 .*MIEW Hungarian Airlines fi .GUZr,EttvaF .7aF? LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT Annex{ EICASMessageCross ReferenceList EIGASMessages EICASMessaoes Level Notes APUFUELVAL Advisory Basic APUGENOFF Advisory Basic APUISLNVAL Status Basic APUOILQTY Status Basic CommE ATCFAULT ATT DISAGREE ATT FAIL AUTOSPEEDBRAKE AUTOBRAKES AUTOPILOT Condition APUfuelvalvedisagreeswiththe commanded Dosition. generator auxiliarypower APU breaker(APB)openwithAPU runningand externalpower (EPC)openor APU contactor generatorcontrolswitchoff. APU fuelisolationvalve withcommanded disagrees position. APUoil quantitylow levelswitch detects30 hoursruntime withAPUrunning, or remaining APUoilquantity optional readsADD. indication Ootion ATCuplinkhas beenreceived. Air trafficcontroltransponder fault. comparatorunit Caution Option Instrument sensesleftand rightattitude disagreement-CAA-required message. Advisory Prov'n Instrumentcomparatorunit Ootion sensesinvalidattitudedata. Advisory Basic Autospeedbrakesystemdetects fault. Advisory Basic Autobrakesdisarmedor inooerative. Caution Basic Lossof ADC,FMC,stabilizer trim,ILSor RA inputsto active autopilot. Advisory Basic MELltem 28-25-2 24-OO'2 28-25-3 49-94-1 N/A 34-53-1 34-21-1 34-22-3 34-22-5 34-?5-1 27-62-1 324?4 22-10'1 34-31-1 34-33-1 34-61-1 DISC AUTOPILOT Warning Basic Lossof all engagedautopilots. ?2-10-1 AUTOTHROT DISC Caution Basic Manualor automatic or of autothrottle, disengagement power from remove failureto servo. autothrottle 22-30-1 Advisory Basic BATTERYOFF Annex1-024 Batteryswitchoff. N/A REV17 MAR10/2007 Hungarian Airlines ttMlEV fi .7Ez .AaTEtt'Ye LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM Annex I EICASMessages EICASMessaqes EICASMessageGross ReferenceList Level BODYDUCTLEAK Caution BODYDUCTLP I Status BODYDUCTLP2 Status BRAKESOURCE BULKCARGODOOR BULKCARGOFAN Advisory Advisory Status Notes Condition DuctleakbetweenAPUand centerisolation valve. Option Centerductleak loop1 overheat or faultcondition. Option Centerductleak looo2 overheat Basic Basic or faultcondition. Hydraulicbrakepressuresupplied by accumulator only. Basic Bulkcargodoorunlatched- two or morecargodoormessageswill causeCARGODOORSadvisory message, Option Bulkcargofan failure- fan messagesinhibitedwhen respectivebus unpowered. Option Bulkcargounderfloor greaterthan32"C temperature (90'F)andbulkcargoflow controlvalvefaalsto close. Prov'n CenterADIRUPitotHeatpower or continuitylossor incorrect powerlevel PW4, fault. CF6F, CenterAir Dataself-detected RR Centerbleedisolationvalvenot in Basic position. commanded BULKCARGOOVHT Advisory C ADIRUPITOT Advisory C AIR DATA Advisory C BLDISLNVAL Advisory C DEM HYD OVHT Advisory Basic Centerair-drivenpumpoverheat. Advisory Prov'n CenterGLShasfailed. CGLS C HYDI OVHT Advisory Basic CHYDzOVHT Advisory Basic Annex1-02-5 CenterelectricoumoI exceeds225"F. temperature Centerelectricpump2 temoerature exceeds225"F. MELltem 26-18'1 26-18-1 26-18-1 3241-2 52-71-1 2140-1 2140-1 None 34-26-1 36.11-7 29-32-1 34$0-3 None 29-1 1-2 zJ-J1- | REV17 MAR'10/2007 Hungarian Airlines rtMlEV fi .7Az ,?arEtllYG EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM Annex I EIGASMessages EICASMessageCross RefelenceList Condition MELltem EICASMessaoes Level Notes C HYDDEMPUMP Advisory Centerair-drivenpumpoutput pressurelow- inhibitedby C HYDSYSPRESScaution message. Prov'n CenterADIRUPitotHeatpower or continuitylossor incorrect powerlevel. generator option Centerhydraulic powered- memorylatchedin air only. Option Centerhydraulicgeneratorsupply valvenotfullyclosed. Basic CenterelectricalpumpI output pressure low- inhibited by C HYDSYSPRESScaution message. Basic Centerelectricalpump2 output pressure low- inhibited by C HYDSYSPRESScaution message, Basic Centerhydraulicreservoirlow quantity. Basic Centerhydraulicpressurebelow 2800psi with bothengines runnmg. Basic Centersystempressurelow. 29-11-3 29-31-2 C H Y D D E MS P D S N S R Status CHYDGENON Status C HYDGENVAL Status C HYDPRIMI Advisory C H Y D P R I M2 Advisory C HYDQTY Advisory Basic None N/A 24-25-1 24-25-2 None 29-11-2 29-31-2 29-33-1 29-33-2 29-11-3 C HYD SYS MAINT Status C HYDSYSPRESS Caution CILS Basic CenterILShasfailed. 34-31-1 C IRSDCFAIL Advisory Advisory Basic 34-21-1 C IRSFAULT Advisory Baric Centerinertialreferencesystem DCfailure. Centerinertialreferencesystem C IRSON DC Advisory CMLS C TAILHYDVAL Advisory Advisory Annex1-02-6 fault. Basic Centerine ial referencesystem on DC power. Prov'n CenterMLShasfailed. flightcontroltail Basic Centerhydraulic by FLT valveclosed inhibited message. CONTVALSadvisory : 29-11-2 29-11-3 34'21:l 34-?1-1 None 27-03-1 REV1i , MAR10/200 :tMlEW Hungarian Anfines 4 ,?zrEt'yaF .7e? LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT .i:' Annex 1 EICASMessages EICASMessageCross ReferenceLiil EICASMessaqes Level C WING HYDVAL Advisory Basic CABINALERT UOMME Basic CABINALTAUTOI Notes Basic Condition MELltem Centerhydraulicflightcontrol wingvalveclosed-inhibitedby FLTCONTVALSadvisory message. Alertcall hasbeenreceivedover cabininterohone. 27-O3-1 Automaticpressurization failure. controllerI self-detected Automaticoressurization failure. controller2 self-detected 21-31-1 None N/A 21-31-1 CABINALT AUTO2 Status Basic CABINALTITUDE Warning Basic above10,000feet. Cabinaltitude CABINAUTOJNOP Caution Basic CABINCALL CommE Basic 21-31-1 Lossof #1 and#2 automatic pressurization or controllers, manualselected, cellhasbeenreceived NIA Interphone frompassengercabin. Status Basic CAPT PJTOT Advisory Basic CAPTPVD Advisory Option Status Option CARGOA/C CONT Advisory option CARGOA/C CONT Status Option CARGOA/C TEMP Status Option CAPT INSTRXFER CAPTSTBYINV Annex1-02-7 instrument bus Captain's withleft mainbusstill transferred powered. mainpitotheaterpower Captain's loss,or incorect or continuity powerlevel. paravisual display Captain's (PVD)systemfault. Ceptain'sstandbyinverterselfdetectedfault. Packflowcargoair conditioning (PFCAC)controllerself-detected fault- provisionsfor firvdcargo conditioning system. Lossof datafromcargoA/C controller- orovisionsfor fwd system. cargoconditioning Forwardcargosupplyduct >88'C - provisions temperature for fwd cargoconditioning system. None 30-31-1 30-31-5 NIA None 21-28-1 21-28-1 21'28-1 REV17 7 MAR10/200 .ttU,EV Hungarian Airlines d .GrzrEttYZF .7Ez LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM ":' Annex{ EICAS Message Cross Referencc List EICASMessages EICASMessaoes CARGOBTLI Level Notes Advisory Basic Condition CargobottleI low pressure. MELltem 26-20-1 z0-ao- | CARGOBTL2 Advisory Basic Cargobottle2 low pressure. CARGODETAIR Status Basic CARGODOORS Advisory Basic CARGOEXH FAN Status Option CARGOEXHVALVE Status Option CARGOTRIM AIR Status Option CGOFLOOROVHT Advisory Option of Lowpressuredownstream forwardor aft cargosmoke detectorblower. Two or moredoorsnotclosedand locked. Forwardcargoexhaustfan failure - provisions for fwd cargo system. conditioning Forwardcargoexhaustvalve withcommanded disagree position- provisions for fwd system. cargoconditioning FoMardcargotrim/heatshutoff valvedisagreewithcommanded position- provisionsfor fwd system. cargoconditioning >32'C Underfloortemperature andfoMardcargoheatflow controlvalvefailsto closeprovisionsfor fwd cargo conditioning system. 26-20-1 26-23-1 26-14-1 26-16-1 52-71-1 21-28-1 21-28'1 21-28-1 21-28-1 E/EACCESSDOOR Advisory Basic E/E baydoorunlatched- bothgE and forwardaccessdoorsopen willcauseACCESSDOORS advisorymessage. EECCONFIG Status EICASCONTPNL Advisory -200/ -300 Leffand rightEECconfiguration 73-21-1 codesdisagree. 3141-1 EICASdisplayselectcontrol panelfault. Annex1-02-8 80c2 52-71-1 REV17 MAR10/2007 Hungarian Airlinesh ttElEV .7A.7 .EarEtwAF LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT Annex I EICASMessages EICASMessaaes EICASMessageCross ReferenceList Level Notes -200/ -300 EICASDISAGREE Status EICASDISPLAY / Advisory -200 -300 EICASSCC Status EICASSCC//F EICASSOFTWARE Status ELECFILTER Status ELEVFEEL Status ELTON Advisory EMERDOORS Advisory EMERLIGHTS Advisory -200 / -300 Condition faultcausingan engine Computer parameterdisagreementcode (betweenleftand rightEICAS or a computerfault computers) effectingthe cautionalerting -message willexistuntil function faultcodeis clearedfrom EICAS testpage. EICASupperor lowerpilots displayunitfailed,off,or blank due to computerfault. card EICASsignalconsolidation fault. self-detected Lossof datafromsignal card,or cardnot consolidation oowered. OPC/OPS lncompatible MELltem 3141-1 73-31-1 :31-41-1 31-61-4 31-61-5 31-614 31-61-5 None configuration. 24-51-2 Option Oneor morein-flight systemvoltage entertainment harmonicfiltershavefailed. Elevatorfeelsystemdetectsfault None - inhibited untilall hydraulic - latchedin systemspressurized aironly. locatortransmifterhas None Option Emergency beenactivated, 52-71-1 Two or moreemergencydoors Basic unlatched. lightswitchin OFFor Emergency None ON Dosition. ENGBTL1 Advisory Basic EnginebottleI low pressure 26-20-1 ENGBTL2 Advirory Basic Enginebottle2 low pressure 26-20-1 ENGINECONTROLS Advisory RR, CF6F Bothleftand rightengineshaveCl faultmessage. 7Z-21-1 Annex1-02-9 REV17 MAR10/2007 ;tfrlEV Hungarian Airlinesfi .78^.Ea7EtltYG LIST MINIMUMEQUIPMENT Annex I EICASMessages EICASMessaqes EICASMessageCross ReferenceList Level Notes F'OINSTRXFER Status Basic F/O PITOT Advisory Basic F/O PYD Advisory Option FASI/SLO14/ FAIL Advisory Prov'n Option FD COMMANDFAIL Advisory Prov'n Fl RE/OYHT SYS Advisory Basic FLAPLD RELIEF Advisory Basic FLAP/SLATELEC Status FLAPS Warning Basic FLT CaNT VALS Advisory FLT DATA ACO Status FLT DATAREC Status Annex1-02-10 Basic Basic Basic Condition Firstofficeis instrumentbus to alternatepower transferred sourcewith rightmainbus stiu powered. Firstofficer'smainpi tot heat poweror continuityloss,or incorrectpowerlevel. Firstotficer'sparavisualdisplay systemfault. Instrument comparatorunit sensesinvalidfasvslowcommand data. unit Instrument comparator sensesinvalidflightdirector com manddatia. systemfailure. Fireloverheat MELltem None 30-31-1 30-31-5 None 22-30-1 34-22-4 s4-13-10 J4-121 26-11-1 26-11-2 26-15-1 26 16-1 27-51-'l Flapsfail to relieveat proper airspeedor fail to recover. None Flapslatelectronicunitselfdetectedfailure- inhibitedby standbybusoff. None LE andTE flapsnot in takeoff positionfor a takeoffand takeoff on eitherenginethrustselected whentakeoffthrustis deselected, but warninglightis extinguished remains for message 10 seconds. approximately Twoor moreflightcontrolvalves 27-03-1 ctoseo. dataacquisition 31-31-1 Flightrecorder unitfaultwithbothengines running- latchedin air only. 31-31-'1 offwithboth Flightrecorder enginesrunning- latchin aironly. REV17 MAR10/2007 Hungarian Airlinesfi llaillEV .747 EtlvE .at LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM Annex 1 EICASMessages EICASMessaoes EICASMessageCross ReferenceList Level Notes MELltem Condition FLTDECKDOOR Advisory Option Flightdeckdoorunlocked. 52-71-1 FLTDECKHUMID Advisory Prov'n Flightdeckhumidifierswitchon on belowFL210 Option andhumidifier or off aboveFL210. Flightdecksupplyduct Advisory Basic greaterthan88'C temperature (190'F),or zonetemperature flightdeckchannelfailureor switchedoff. Advisory -2001 LandR FlightDeckWindowsare -300 open. Status Option Flightdeckcrewrestsmoke evacuationvalvenot in position. commanded N/A FLT DECKTEMP FLTDKWINDOWS FLT RESTSMKVAL CommE FWDACCESSDOOR Advisory FWD CABINTEMP Advisory FWDCARGOA/C Advisory FWD CARGODET 1 Status Annex 1-02-1'1 N/A None Option Flightdeckcrewrestshutoff position. valvenotin commanded FLTREST SOV FMC 21$1-2 21-614 21-61€ Basic Basic AOCuplinkhasbeenreceived. N/A FoMardaccessdoorunlatchedbothE/Ebayand foMarddoors openwillcauseACCESS message. DOORSadvisory Forwardcabinsupplyduct greaterthan88'C temperature (190'F);or zonetemperature fwd cabinchannelfailureor switched off. 52-71:l Option Self{etectedfaultin auxiliary or zonetemDselector/controller foMardcargoconditioning shutoffvalvedoesnot openafter for fwd 20 seconds- provisions cargoconditioning system. -2001 FoMardcargodetectorloop1 -300 unsatisfactory testor smoke detected- inhibitedby FWD CARGOFIREor OVHT message. 21-61-1 21-614 21-61-6 21-28-1 26-16-1 REV17 MAR10/2007 tta4lEV Hungarian Airlinesfi .7Ez .aZ7EtlUE EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM Annex I EICASMessages EICASMessaqes FWD CARGODET2 FWDCARGODOOR EICASMessageCross ReferenceList Level Notes Status -2001 -300 Advisory FWDCARGODOOR Caution FWDCARGOFAN Status FWDCARGOFIRE Warning FWDCARGOOYHT Advisory FWD CGO BACKUP Advisory FWD EQ EXH FAN Status FWDEQSUPFANI Status FWD EQ SUP FAN2 Status Annex1-02-12 Basic Condition FoMardcargodetectorloop2 testor smoke unsatisfactory detected- inhibitedby FWD CARGOFIREor OVHT message. FoMardcargodoornotcloted and locked. Option Largeforwardcargodoornot closedand locked. Option FoMardcargoventfan feilureprovisionsfor forwardcargo system. conditioning flre Forwardcargocompartment Basic detected. Basic Forwardcargounderfloor >32"C(90'F)and temperature iwd cargoheatflowcontrolvalve failsto close. Option Forwardcargofire bottlesnot armedw/FWDcargoselectorin AUTOand FWDcargoAJCnot (after30 minon gnd) inhibited moreof thefollowing: one or and cargoducttemp>88'C, temp compartmenVunderfloor >32"C,or FWDcargotrimmod valvefailsto closeafter60 sec, FWDtrim/heatshutotfvalve disagreesafter20 sec,or FWD sensor cargocompartmenuduct fault. fan I in zoneB hasfailed, Basic Forwardequipmentexhaustfan inhibited failure- fan messages whenrespectivebusunpowered cooling Basic FoMardequipment supplyfen I failure. cooling FoMardequipment Basic supplyfan2 failure. MELltem 26-16-1 52-71-1 21-28-1 26-16-1 2140-1 2140-2 21-28-1 21-584 21-58-3 21-58-3 REV17 MAR10/20C7 ztMlEW Hungarian Airlines fi ,aa}EtlYe .7Ez LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM ".' Annex I EICASMessages EICASMessaoes EICAS Message Cross Reference List Level Notes Condition MELltem FWDEOPTCOOLING Caution Basic No coolingair flowdetected. 21-58-1 21-58-2 21-58-3 21-58-4 FWDEOPTOVHT Advlsory Basic 21-58-1 21-58-2 21-58-3 21-584 FWD EQPTSMOKE Advisory Basic Lowflowsensedin flightdeckor coolingduct,or EiEcompartment temperature at fan outlet supply greaterthan55"C(systeminhibits for 5 LOWFLOWOVERHEAT minuteswhenmodeswitched fromAUTOto STBY). Smokein forwardequipment coolingexhaustducts. FoMardequipment supplyor exhaustvalvesdisagreewiththe commandedposition. FWD EQPT VAL Advisory Basic FWD FUELX-FEED Advisory FWD GND EXHVAL Status FWDIFECOOLING Status G/SDISAGREE Advisory G/SFAIL Advisory disagreeFoMardswitch/valve inhibitsFUELCROSSFEED message whendual advisory crossfeedsystemis installed. Option FoMardprimaryor backup groundcoolingexhaustvalve disagreewithcommanded Position. Option Forwardcoolingsystemfan failure,actualsmokedetected, IFEcardfailure,or inboard shutoffvalvefailedclosed. unit Prov'n Instrument comDarator Option sensesleftandrightglideslope disagreement. comparator unit Option Instrument sensesinvalidglideslopedata. GEARDISAGREE Annex1-02-13 Caution Basic Basic SystemsI and 2 bothindicateany geardisagreeup or nosegearnot downor bothsideand dragon eithermaingearnotdown. 21-58-16 21-58-6 21-58-7 21-58-8 21-58-10 21-64-2 28-22-3 21-58-14 21-58-13 34-31-1 None None REV17 MAR10/2007 tlanilEW Hungarian Airlines,fi .787 ,eZEtt'YAF EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM Annex1 EICASMessagecross ReferenceList EICASMec8ages EICASMessaoes GEARDOORS GEARNOT DOWN GND EXHVALS GNDPROXBITE GNDPROXSYS GPS GPSFAIL GROUNDCALL HOGDISAGREE HOGt<ntL HF DATALINK Annex1-02-14 Level Notes Condition Any landinggeardoornotclosed and locked(systemI and 2) exceptfor nosegeardoorswhen gearis down. Warning Basic Eitherthrottleat dle and below 800feet radioaltitudeand any gearnotdownand lockedor landingflapsandanygearnot downand locked. Advisory Option Bothprimaryand backupfoMard IFEcoolingsystemand/orboth primaryand backupaft IFE coolingsystemand/orforward air cargocompartment systemground conditioning exhaustvalvesarefailedopen (failedto closewhen commanded). -2001 Groundproximitysystemfault. Status -300 MELltem None Advisory Basic None 21-58-1 21-58-14 3446-1 34-33-1 3446-1 Advisory Basic Status BasicGPWSor enhanced featuresarefailed. J{ Advisory Option Advisory -2001 -300 BothleftandrightGPSfailed. 34€0-3 LeftandRightGPSfailure. 34-60-3 call receivedfrom Interphone APU remotecontrolpanelon nosegear. unit comparator Advisory Prov'n Instrument sensesleftand rjghtheading disagreement. unit comparator Advisory Prov'n Instrument sensesinvalidheadingdata. Advisory Option Failureof datafunctionof leftand by rightHF dataradios.Inhibited DATALINK advisorymessage SYS. CommE Basic JJ- | N/A 34-21-l 34-22-:i 34-22-5 34-25-'l 23-11-1 REV17 MAR10/2007 tt'AIEV Hungarian Airlinesfi .7Ez .?aTEtttUZF LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM Annex 1 EICASMessages EICASMessaoes EICASMessageCross ReferenceList Level Notes Condition HF DATALINKOFF CommF HI FLOWINHIBIT Status Option ACARSdetectsHF dataradionot selectedto datamode.Inhibited by advisorymessagesHF andDATALINK DATALINK SYS. -2001 Packhighflowmodeinhibited. Status -300 Option Eitherpackon highflowwith HI FLOWON bothenginesrunning. HUDALERT HUDEXCESSDEY HUDGUIDANCE HUD NO AII HUDNOAIII H U DN O G N D R O L L Annex1-02-15 HUDhasa systemfailureor guidance during modeloss/failure takeotfor a HUDsystemfeilure, or excessiveperformance deviation duringmodeAlllor takeoffmodeandthe altitudeis < 500ft,and the groundspeedis > 20 kts. Caution Prov'n Airplane flightpath,airspeed, verticalspeedor performance exceedspredefinedlimitswhile HUDis engagedin All or Alll modeapproach. loss/ Advisory Prov'n Alllor TO modeguidance in allflight failure.Displayed phasesexceptwhenHUDWARN is present. Advisory Prov'n Lossof HUDAll guidance capability.This messageprovides awarenessthatthe futureuseof modeis the HUDAll approach unavailable. Advisory Prov'n Lossof HUDAlll guidance capability.Thismessageprovides awarenessthatthe futureuseof modeis theHUDAlllapproach unavailable. Advisory Prov'n HUDdetectsa lossof the ground capability. rollguidance MELltem N/A 21-25-1 21-51-2 21-25-1 21-51-1 21-51-2 None None None None None None REV17 MAR10/2007 I*MIEV Hungarian AirlinesA .787 .a?Et/vaF LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT Annex 1 EICASMessages EICASMessaoes EICASMessageCross ReferenceList LEVEI Condition Notes HUDSYS Advisory Prov'n HUDSYS Status Prov'n HUDSystemfailurethatrenders theHUDunuseable. Partialor totalHUDSystem MELltem None None failure. Option Eitherautomaticice detectorunit detectsengineicingconditions witheitherleftor rightengine anti-iceswitchmanuallyselected otf (in air only)- for primaryice detectionsystem. Option Eitherautomaticice detectorunit with detectswingicingconditions switch manually thewinganti-ice selectedotf (in ak only)- for primaryice detectionsystem. Leftandrightengineminimum !JE idledisagree. idle/approach PW4 RR Option Any instrumentswitchedto ALTNsourceon bothcaptain's andfirstofficer'sinstrument sourceselectswitches. 30-80-1 ICINGENGINE Caution ICINGWING Advisory IDLEDISAGREE Advisory INSTRSWITCH Caution LACBUSOFF Caution Basic LeftAC mainbusunpowered. None L AFT EMERDOOR Advisory Option -200i Basic -300 Leftaft emergencydoor unlatched- two or moredoors openwillcauseEMERDOORS advisorymessage. 52-71-1 L AFT ENTDOOR Advisory Basic L AFT FUELPUMP Advisory LALTNT/R Advisory L ANALOGN2 Status Annex'1-02-16 Leftaft entrydoorunlatched. Basic Lowfuel pumpoutputpressureinhibited by L FUELSYSPRESS cautionmessage. Option Leftthrustreverseralternate hydraulicsourcevalvedisagrees withcommanded Dosition. Basic DigitalleftN2 aboveidleand analogleft N2 lessthan40ol0. JT9D 30-80-1 73-21-8 34-00-1 34-22-5 52-71-1 28-22-1 78-31-1 REV17 MAR10/2007 rtMlEV Hungarian Airlinesfi .aGrE-'UG .7e,- EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM Annex 1 EICASMessages EICASMessaqes L AOAPROBE EICASMessag€cross ReferenceList Level Notes Advisory Basic Condition 30-32-1 Leftangleof attackprobeheat poweror continuityloss- two or individual morewillreDlace messageswithadvisorymessage PROBEHEAT. 30-3'1-1 Leftauxiliarypi tot heatpoweror continuityloss,or inconectpower level- two or moreprobeheat failures willcausePROBEHEAT message. advrsory Ductleakbetweenleftengineand 26-18-1 valve. isolation 36-11-6 Leftbleedisolationvalvenot in position, commanded L AUX PITOT Advisory -2001 -300 L BLD DUCTLEAK Caution Basic L BLDISLNYAL Advisory Basic L BUSISOLATED Advisory Basic L COWLDUCTLEAK Status PW4 Leftisolationbustie locked or manually automatically open, Leftcowltempswitchon with CF6F engineerunning. L CTRENTDOOR Advisory L DATALINK SYS Status L OEM HYD OVHT Advisory LDRAGBRACE Caution L DUCTLEAKLP 1 Status L DUCT LEAKLP 2 Status Annex1-02-'17 Leftcenterentrydoorunlatchedtwo or moreopenleftentrydoors willcauseL ENTRYDOORS advisorymessage. Option Failureof leftACARSmonitor unitor its EICASinterface. Basic Leftelectricalpumptemperature exceeds2250F. Basic SystemsI and 2 bothindicate geardisagreeand leftdragbrace is not locked. Option Leftduct leakloop 1 overheator - inhibited by L faultcondition BLDDUCTLEAKOTL STRUT OCTLEAKcautionmessage. Option Leftductleakloop2 overheetor - inhibited by L faultcondition BLDDUCTLEAKoTL STRUT OCTLEAKcautionmessage. Basic MELltem None 30-21-1 52-71-1 23-22-1 29-32. 1 None 26-14-1 26-18-1 REV17 MAR10/2007 .tvAlEW Hungarian Airlines d .7A? .ezrEttruZF LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT Annex I EICASMessages EICASMessageCross ReferenceList EICASMessages L EECOFF L EICASCMPTR L EMER DOOR Caution Status Advisory JTgD, GE except CF6F -2001 -300 Basic Status Basic L ENGANTI-ICE Advisory Basic L ENG BLD OVHT Advisory L ENG BLEEDOFF Advisory PW4 RR 80C2 Basic L ENGCONTROL Advisory L ENGANALOGN2 Condition Notes PW4 CF6F RR LeftEECswitchedoff andfull foMardthrustleverposition selected. LeftEICAScomputerfailedor off. Leftemergencydoorunlatchedwill twoor moredoorsunlatched causeEMERDOORSadvisory message, LeftengineanalogN2 is lessthan 40%for morethan3 seconds whiledigitalN2 is aboveidle. Leftenginecowlanti-icevalve/ switchdisagreewithengine runmn9. Enginebleedair overheat; pressure valve(PRV) regulating closes. Leftenginepressure-regulating shutoffvalveclosedwithengine runnmg. LeftEECis in a nodispatch withcomputed configuretion airspeedlessthan80 knotsor invalid. MELltem N/A 3141-'l 52-71-1 77-12-2 30-21-1 30-21-2 None 36-1 1-1 None IJl( Status L ENG EEC L ENG EEC CI L ENG EEC MODE Annex1-02-18 RR CFOF Advisory JTgD GE except CF6F Status CF6F PW4 RR Advisory RR PW4 CFGF Left EECis in a no-dispatch None configuration. LeftEECfailureor switchedoff withenginerunning. 73-21-1 73-21-2 LeftEECfaultwithtime-limited dispatchconfiguration. 73-21-1 LeftEECchannelcontrolin an alternatemodewithengine runnmg. tJ-zt-l REV17 MAR10/2007 t|'lAlJiW Hungarian Airlines fi .7Ez .?aFEtlVE LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM Annex 1 EICASMessages EICASMessages EICASMessageCross ReferenceList Level Notes Condition MELltem Leftengineeleventhstagecooling valvefailedclosedwithengine runmng. Failureof the leftenginein flight. 75-24-2 L ENGESCV Status CF6F L ENG FAIL Caution L E N GF I R EL P I Status Basic, Option Basic LeftenginefireloopI flreor fault by L ENGINE output- inhibited L ENG FIRELP 2 Status Basic L ENG FUELFILT L ENG FUELVAL Status, GE Advisory PW4 RR Advisory Basic L ENGFWSOV L ENGPRV Caution -200/ -300 80c2 PW4 L ENGREVPOS Status L ENGRPIULIM L ENGSHUTDOWN L ENG SPEEDCARD PW4 CF6F Advisory CF6F PW4 RR Caution Basic FIREwarningmessage. Leftenginefire loop2 fire or fault by L ENGINE output- inhibited FIREwarningmessage. pressureacrossleft Ditferential enginefuelfilterapproaches bypass. None 26-11-1 26-11-1 Leftenginefuelvalvedisagrees withcommanded Dosition. Leftenginefirewallshutotfvalve closed. openwhencommanded 73-21-3 valvefailure regulating Pressure in a bleedsystem resulting condition,or failure overpressure of the PRVto closewhen commanded. Leftreverserttatus failurewith enginerunnrng. LeftengineNl or N2 is at red line limit. 36-11-8 Leftenginefire switchpulledor leftenginefuelcontrolswitchin CUTOFF. LeftengineN2/N3speedsensing None 36-11-9 78-36-3 N/A None relayfault. Annex1-02-19 REV17 MAR10/2007 tlanilEV Hungarian Airlines fi .-E.?aTEtjvaF LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM Annex 1 EICASMessages EICASMessages EICASMessageCross ReforenceList Level Notes L ENGSTARTER Advisory Basic L ENGTAIVALVE Status L ENGINE FIRE L ENTRYDOORS Warning Basic Advisory Basic L FLTDKWINDOW Advisory Basic PW GE L FMCFAIL Advisory Basic L FUELHEATVAL Advisory Option JT9D L FUELJET PUMP Advisory Option L FUELSPARVAL Advisory Basic L FUELSYSPRESS Caution L FWD EMER DOOR Advisory Option -200; Basic -300 L FWD ENT DOOR Advisory Basic L FWD FUELPUMP Advisory Basic Basic Condition disagree Leftstartervalve/switch - inhibited by L STARTER CUTOUTcautionmessage. of left Highpressuredownstream thermalanti-icevalve. Leftenginefire detected. Twoor moreleftentrydoors unlatched. L FlightDeckWindowis open. computer Leftflightmanagement fault. Leftenginefuel heatervalve withcommanded disagrees position. Leftfueljettisonpumplow pressurewithfueljettisonswitch in theON position. Leftsparvalvedisagreeswith position. commanded Bothleftmainpumpsandcenter tankleftpumplow auxiliary pressureand fuelcrossfeedvalve closed,or allsix pumpslow pressureor turnedoff. Leftforwardemergencydoor unlatched- two or moredoors openwillcauseEMERDOORS advisorymessage. Leftforwardentrydoorunlatched - two or moredoorsopenwill causeL ENTRYDOORS advrsorymessage. Lowfuel pumpoutputpressure- MELltem 80-00-1 80-00-2 80-'11'2 30-21-1 None 52-71-1 N/A 34-61-1 73-14-1 28-31..3 52-71-1 52-71-1 28-22-1 inhibited by L FUELSYSPRESS cautionmessage. Annex1-02-20 REV17 MAR10/2007 :tAdlEV Hungarian AirlinesA '7Ez ,?ZTE,,VE LIST EQUIPMENT MINlMUM Annex { EICASMessageg EICASMessagecross ReferenceList EICASMessaqes Level L FWDWINDOW Advisory Basic L GEN DRIVE Advisory Basic L G E NO F F Advisory Basic (Caution for cAA) L GLS L GPS L GPSFAIL L HF DATALINK L HYD DEM PUMP L HYDFUELPR L HYDGENON L HYDGENVAL Notes MELltem LeftfoMardwindowheatover or powerloss- two or temperature messages will moreindividual causeWNDOW HEATadvisory message. Leftgeneratordrivelow oil pressureor highoil temperature withenginerunning. Leftgeneratorcontrolbreaker (GCB)openwithenginerunning. 30-41-1 Advisory Prov'n LeftGLShasfailed. 34-60-3 Advisory Option LeftGPSor GPSSUlailureor GPSRF inputfailure. 34-60-3 2440-1 24-00-1 LeftGPSor GPSSUfailureor GPSRF inputfailure. Status Option Failureof datafunctionof left HF by advisory dataradio.Inhibited SYS. messageDATALINK Leftelectricpumpoutput Advisory Basic pressurelow - inhibitedby L HYDSYSPRESScaution message. Advisory Option Lefthydraulicfuelsystemlow pressure withenginerunning. JT9D Option LefthydraulicAeneratorpowered Status - memorylatchedin air only. 34$0-3 generator supply Lefthydraulic valvenotfullyclosed. pumpoutput Leftengine-driven pressure lowwithenginerunning - inhibited by L HYDSYS PRESScautionmessage. Lefthydraulicreservoirlow quantity. 24-25-1 24-25-2 None Advisory Option Option L HYD PRIM PUMP Advisory Basic L HYDQTY Advisory Basic Annex1-02-21 Condition 23-11-1 None N/A 29-33-1 zv-5c-a REV17 MAR10/2007 t'l:MIEW Hungarian AirlinesA ^azrEt/vaF .78- LIST MINIMUM ESUIPMENT Annex I EICASMessageg EICASMessaqes EICASMessageCross ReferenceList Level Notes Basic L HYDSYSMAINT Status L HYDSYSPRESS Caution Basic L ICEDETECTOR Status Condition Lefthydraulicpressurebelow 2800psiwithbothengines runmng. Leftsystempressurelow. L IOGFILTER Option Leftautomaticice detectionunit self-detected fault- latchedin air - for primaryice detectionsystem. bypass, Option LeftIOGfilterimpending L IOGOILTEMP Status JT9D JT9D L IOGTEMPSENS Status JT9D L IOGVALVE Status Basic LILS MELltem None None 30-80-1 24-00-1 LeftIOGoutlettempabove by L ISSaC(311 OF)- inhibited IOGTEMPSENSstatus message. 24-00-1 sensor LeftIDGtemperature failure(temprisereads>175"C). LeftIOGcoolingvalvefailure. 75-21-1 Advisory Basic LeftILShasfailed. 34-31-1 L IRSDC FAIL Advisory Basic LeftIRSDC failure. 34-21-1 L IRSFAULT Advisory Basic LeftIRSfault. 34-21-1 L IRSON DC Advisory Basic LeftIRSon DC power. 34-21-1 L JETXFRVALVE Advisory Option Leftfueljettisontransfervalve withcommanded disagrees positionand fueljettisonswitchis in theON position. 28-31-3 L MLS Advisory Advisory Prov'n LeftMLShasfailed. Option LeftenginerunningwithleftNl JT9D >16%andleftN1/N2mismatch L N1/N2MISIVIATCH L O I LF I L T E R L PACK OFF Annex1-02-22 Advisory Status Advisory Basic Basic detected. Leftengineoil filterdifferential pressureapproaches bypass. LeftpackswitchedOFFor compressoroutlettemPerature exceeds254'C. None None 79-35-1 79-35-2 21-51-1 21-51-2 21-51-3 REV17 MAR10/2007 ttU,EV Hungarian Airlines # .aa7Et/ve -787 LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT Annex 1 EICASMessages EICASMessaqes EICASMessagecross RefetEnceList Level Notes LPACKTEMP Advisory Basic L PRIM HYD OVHT Advisory Basic Condition Leftpackoutlettemperature exceedsSS'C,orcompressor exceed8 outlettemperature 254'C,or criticalsystemfailure detectedby left packcontroller. Leftprimaryhydraulicpumpcase MELltem 21-51-1 21-51-2 21-51-3 29-32-1 drainoverheat. L RECIRFAN Advisory Basic tan tailed. Leftrecifculation 2'l-25-1 L REV INTERLOCK RR PW4 CF6F Advisory Basic Status Leftthrustreverserinterlockfails to blockthrustlevermotion. 78-u-2 L REV ISLNVAL Status Leftthrustreverserisolationvalve 78-31-1 by LACBUS fault- inhibited OFFcautionmessage. Option ACARS/leftSATCOMinterface 23-22-1 23-25-1 faifure. 23-25-1 Option Lossof left SATCOMvoice left capabilitydue to failurein SATCOMhighgainsystem. L SATCOM DATA Status L SATCOMHI GAIN Status L SATCOMSYSTEM Status VOICE L SATCOM Advisory Option L SIDEBRACE Caution L SIDEWINDOW Advisory Easic L STARTER CUTOUT Caution Annex1-02-23 Option Basic Basic LeftSATCOMsystemfailure. 23-25-1 23-25-1 Lossof leftSATCOMvoice failure to in left capability due SATCOMhighgainsystem. Inhibitedby advisorymesseges SATCOMandSATCOMVOICE. None Syst€ms1 and 2 bothindicate geardisagreeand leftside braceis notlocked. 3041-1 Leftsidewrndowheatoverpower 30-41-2 or loss two or temperature messages will moreindividual causeWINDOWHEATadvisory message. 80-00-2 Leftenginestartervalveopen 80-11-2 aboveengineRPMatwhich cutoutshouldoccur. REV17 MAR10/2007 IIMIEV Hungarian Airlinesfi .787 EaTEIJVZF LIST MINIMUM ESUIPMENT Annex I EICASMessages EICASMessaoes L STRUTOCTLEAK L STRUTOCT LP 1 L STRUTOCT LP 2 L TAIL HYO YAL L TAT PROBE L UTILBUSOFF L WINGANTI-ICE EIGASMessageCross ReferenceList Level Caution Notes Condition RR PW4 80c2 Option closureofthe PRYdue Automatic to strutovertemperature. 36-11-8 26-18-1 26-18-1 Leftstrutduct loopI overheator by L faultconditioninhibited STRUTDCTLEAKCEUtiON message. 26-18-1 Status Option Leftstrutduct looo2 overheator - inhibited by L faultcondition STRUTDCTLEAKcaution message. 27-03-1 Lefthydraulicflightcontroltail Advisory Basic valveclosed inhibitedby FLT CONTYALSmessage. probe 30-31-2 Advisory Option Lefttotalair temperature -2001 30-33-1 heaterpoweror continuityloss -300; messages more individual twoor Basic willcausePROBEHEAT -400 advrsorymessage. 24-51-1 Basic Leftutilitybusunpoweredwith Advisory leftAC mainbuspowered. Status Advisory Leftwinganti-icevalve/switch disagree. flightcontrolwing Lefthydraulic Basic valveclosed inhibitedby FLT CONTVALSmessage. Basic Leftwingslidedoorunlatchedtwo or moreopenemergency doorswillcauseEMERDOORS advisorymessage. Leftyawdamperfailure,power Basic lossor switchedoff. Option Smokein lavatory. Basic L WING HYDVAL Advisory L WING SLIDE Advisory L YAW DAMPER Advisory LAVATORYSMOKE Caution Advisory LAV/COMPT SMOKE Advisory Option LDGGEARMONITOR Status Basic LESLATASYM Caution Basic Annex1-02-24 MELltem 30-11-1 30-1 1-2 27-03-1 52-71-1 20-zo-5 Smokein levatory/compartment, 26-26-3 32-61'2 Systemland system2landing gearpositionindications disagree. None Leadingedgeslat asymmetryor REV,17 MAR10/2007 :+MIEW Hungarian Airlines d .7Ez .garEtttYZF LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT Annex 1 EICASMessages EICASMessages LE SLATDISAGREE EICASMessageCross ReferenceList Level Caution Condition Notes Basic MELltem slat loss. Leadingedgeslatdisagreement None withselectedposition. LE SLATSHUTDOWN Status LaCDISAGREE Advisory LaCFAIL Advisory LOWCREWOXYGEN Advisory Leading edgeslatfailure protectionshutdown- inhibited by LE SLATASYMcaution message. unit comparator Prov'n Instrument right localizer Option sensesleft and disagreement. comparator unit Option lnstrument data. sensesinvalidlocalizer Option Crewoxygenpressureis below None 34-31-1 34-31-1 35-11-2 5UU OSI. LOWFUEL TRIM MACH/SPD Advisory Basic MAINBATCHGR Status Basic MAINBAT DISCH Advisory MID CABINTEMP Advisory NORMANTISKID Status Annex1-02-25 Advisory None Machspeedtrim systemfailure. Mainbatterychargerfiailure- None inhibited by R AC BUSOFF cautionor anyHYDGENON statusmessage. at 4 Mainbatterydischarging Basic ampsor more. Option Midcabinsupplyduct -2001 temperature >88'C,zone -300; midcabinchannel temoerature Basic failure,or switchedoff_400 Basic Antiskidsystemdetecttfaultin NOSEA/GDISAGRE NOSEA/G SYS Lowfuelquantityin maintanks (approximately 4,400lbs). Basic normatsyslem. SystemI and system2 noseair/ groundlogicdisagree. NoseairlgroundsystemI ON GROUND, and indicates noseairlgroundsystem2 lN AlR.Inhibited above indicates 80 KCAS,and by leftor rightAC busotf. None None 2l -61-1 21-61-4 2151-6 3242-1 None None REV17 MAR10/2007 ztadEV Hungarian Airlines # .827Et/ve .7e7 LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM '': Annex 1 EICASMessages EICASMessaoes EICAS Message Cross Reference List LEVEI Notes OVERSPEED Warning Basic PARKING BRAKE Warning Basic PARKING BRAKE Advisory Basic PASSOXYGENLOW Advisory Option PASSOXYGENON Advisory PILOTRESPONSE Warning Caution Advisory PRINTER CommE PROBEHEAT CommF Advisory Except 767F Prov'n Option Option Condition Aircraftspeed(L or R ADC) VMO/MMO. exceeds Parkingbrakeset and takeotf on eitherengine. thrustselected Parkingbrakeset (valveclosed) (inhibited on groundfor 767400). Passengeroxygenpressureis less than500psi. serviceunit OxygenpasEenger (PSU)latchenergized. radio No MCDU,EFIS/EICAS, panel, or MCPactivity control andno HFA/HFflightdeck detectedby airline's transmission timedelay;or, in requested coupledLNAV /NAV cruise operation,excessivedeviation fromlateralflightplan,cruise altitude,predictedthrustor target airspeedis detected;or reaching TODand no crewactivityfor timedelay. airline-requested Datalinkprintermessageis pnnrng. Twoor moreprobeheatfailuresprobeheatfailure individual messagesare suppressed. MELltem None N/A 3244-3 35-21-1 35'21-1 None N/A 30-31-2 30-31-5 30-32-1 30-33-1 30-34-1 R AC BUSOFF Caution Basic RightACmainbusunpowered. None RAFT EMERDOOR Advisory Option -200: Basic -300 52-71-1 RAFTENT DOOR Advisory Basic Rightaft emergencydoor unlatched- two or moredoors openwillcauseEMERDOORS message. Rightaftentrydoorunlatched two or moreentrydoorsopenwi causeR ENTRYDOORS advrsorymessage. Annex1-02-26 5?-71-1 REV17 MAR10/2007 t+UaEV Hungarian Airlines fi .eaTEttuG .7e7 EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM Annex 1 EICASMessages EICASMessages EICASMessageCrose ReferenceList Level Notes Condition R AFT FUELPUMP Advisory RANALOG N2 Status RALTNTIR Advisory RAOAPROBE Advisory RAUXPITOT Advisory R BLD DUCTLEAK Caution R BLDISLNVAL Advisory Lowfuel pumpoutputpressureinhibited by R FUELSYSPRESS cautron messa9e. Basic DigitalrightN2 aboveidleand JT9D analogrightN2 lessthan40% alternate Option Rightthrustreverser hydraulic sourcevalvedisagrees withcommanded Dosition. Rightangleof attackprobeheat Basic poweror continuityloss- two or moreprobeheatfailureswill causePROBEHEATadvisory message. -200/ Rightauxiliarypitotheatpower -300 or continuitylossor incorrect powerlevel- two or moreprobe heatfailureswillcausePROBE HEATadvisorymessage. Basic Ductleakbetweenrightengine valve. andisolation valvenotin Basic Rightbleedisolation Basic commanded oosition. isolation bustie Right locked or manually automatically ooen. switch Rightcowltemperature MELltem 28-22-1 77-12-2 78-31-'l 30-32-1 30-3'1-1 26-18-1 36-11-6 None R BUSISOLATED Advisory Basic R COWLDUCTIEAK Status CF6F RCOWLOVHT Caution PW4 RR ONwithenginerunning. 230'C Rightcowltemperature> (446'F). R CTRENTDOOR Advisory Basic R DATALINKSYS Status Option R OEM HYD OVHT Advisory Basic Rightcenterentrydoorunlatched 52-71-1 - twoor moreopenrightdoors willcauseR ENTRYDOORS message. advisory 23-22-1 Failureof rightACARSmonitor interface. unitor its EICAS 29-32-1 Rightelectricpumptemperature 30-21-1 30-2'1-3 exceeds225'F. Annex1-02-27 REV17 MAR10/2007 /VAIEV Hungarian Airlinesfi .azrEttUe .78,7 EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM Annex 1 EICASMessages EICASMessag€Cross ReferenceList LCVEI R DRAGBRACE None Systemsland 2 bothindicate geardisagree andrightdragbrace is notlocked, Status Option Rightduct leakloopI overheator 26-18-1 - inhibited by R faultcondition BLDDUCTLEAKoTR STRUT DCTLEAKcautionmessage. or 26-18-1 Status Option Rightductleakloop2 overheat - inhibited faultcondition by R BLDDUCTLEAKOTR STRUT DCTLEAKcautionmessage. N/A JT9D, RightEECswitchedoff and full position f,orward thrustlever \Jtr excepr selected. CF6F -200t failedor 31-41-1 RightEICAScomputer Status -300 oTT. - 52-71-1 doorunlatched Advisory Basic Rightemergency will twoor moredoorsunlatched DOORS advisory causeEMER message. 77-12-2 Status RightengineanalogN2 is less than40%for morethan3 seconds whale digitalN2 is aboveidle. R DUCTLEAKLP I R DUCTLEAKLP 2 R EEC OFF R EICASCMPTR R EMERDOOR R ENGANALOGN2 Caution R ENG ANTI-ICE Advisory R ENG BLD OYHT Advisory R ENG BLEEDOFF Advisory R ENG BLEEDYAL Caution Annex1-02-28 Notes Condition MELltem EICASMessaqes Basic 80C2 RR PW4 Basic 8oN2 JT9D 30-21-1 Rightenginecowlanti-icevalve/ 30-21-2 switchdisagreewithengine runnmg. Enginebleedairoverheat; pressure valve(PRY) regulating closes. 36-11-1 Rightenginepressure-regulating shutoffvalveclosedwithengine running. bleed 36-11-2 Rightenginehighpressure valveopenwhencommanded closed. REV17 MAR10/2007 aVUIEV Hungarian Airlinesd .78.?Z}Et/VZF LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT Annex 1 EICASMessages EIGASMessageCross ReferenceLi6t Condition MELltem EICASMessages Level R ENGCONTROL None RightEECis rna no-dispatch withcomputed configuration airsoeedlessthan80 knotsor RR invalid. OR RightEEC is in a no-dispatch None Status CF6F configuration. 73-21-1 Advisory JT9D, RightEECfailureor switchedoff I J-t t-z withenginerunning. GE except CF6F Status CF6F RightEECfaultwithtime-limited 73-21-1 PW4 dispatchconfiguration. RR 73-21-1 RightEECchennelcontrolin an Advisory RR PW4 alternatemode. CF6F 75-24-2 Status CF6F Rightengineeleventhstage coolingvalvefailure. None Caution Option Failureof the rightenginein Advisory Notes PW4 UTOT R ENG EEC R ENG EECC1 R ENG EEC MODE RENGESCV R ENGFAIL R ENGFIRELP I Basic R ENG FIRE LP 2 Basic R ENGFUELFILT R ENG FUELVAL RENGHPSOV flight. 26-11-1 Rightenginefire loopI fire or by R faultoutput inhibited ENGINEFIREwarningmessage. 26-11-1 Rightenginefireloop2 fireor by R faultoutput inhibited ENGINEFIREwarningmessage. pressureacrossright Dilferential enginefuelfilterapproaches bvpass. Advisory GERR Advisory Basic Rightenginefuelvalvedisagrees 73-21-3 withcommanded Dosition. -200 bleed 36-11'2 / Rightenginehighpressure Caution -300 valveopenwhencommanded PW4 closed. RR D(JUZ Annex1-02-29 REV17 MAR10/2007 /VAIEV Hungarian Airlinesfi 747 .AaEt'YZF EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM Annex 1 EICASMessages EICASMessages R ENGIGNITOR 1 EICASMessageCross ReferenceList LCVEI Status R ENGIGNITOR2 Noter CF6F RR CF6F RR Condition Rightenginefailsto lightusing by R ENG ignitorf - inhibited FUELVALadvisory message. Rightenginefailsto lightusing ignitor2 - inhibited by R ENG MELltem 74-00-1 74-00-1 FUELVALadvisory message. R ENGLIM PROT Caution RENGO/SGOV Status RENGOHLPI RR PW4 CF6F CF6F PW GE RENGOHLP2 Status GE PW R ENGOILPRESS Advisory (Caution for cAA) Basic RENGOVHT Caution PW RENGPRV Caution R ENGREVPOS pas RENGREV RENGRPMLIM Status GE -2OOl -300 80C2 PW4 hasfailedits initialization test. Rightenginenacelleoverheat detectorloop1 overheator fault by R ENG output- inhibited OVHTcautionmessage. Rightenginenacelleoverheat detectorloop2 overheator fault output- inhibited by R ENG OVHTceutionmessage. below Rightengineoil pressure limitwithenginerunning. Rightenginestrutor nacelle overtemperature. Pressureregulatingvalvefailure resultingin a bleedsystem condition,or failure overpressure of the PRYto closewhen commanded. Rightreverserstatusfailurewith PW4 CF6F englnerunnlng. Rightreverserstatusfailurewith RR deleted englnerunmng. Advisory CF6F RR PW4 Annex1-02-30 Thrustsettingexceedsmaximum ratingwithenginecontrolset to ALTNmode. governor Rightengineoverspeed RightengineNl or N2 is at red linelimit. None 73-21-7 26-11-2 26-11-2 79-33-1 None 36-11-8 78-36-3 78-36-3 N/A REV17 MAR10/2007 ttMlEW Hungarian Airlinesfi .7Ez .SZE''VZF EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM Annex 1 EICASMessages EICASMessageCross ReferenceList EICASMessaoes R ENGSHUTDOWN Notes Caution Basic R ENGSPEEDCARD R ENGSTARTER Advisory Basic R ENGTAIVALVE Status (JE Condition MELltem Rightenginetireswitchpulledor rightenginefuelcontrolswitchin CUTOFF, RightengineN2/N3speed sensingrelayfault. Rightstartervalve/switch - inhibited disagree by R STARTERCUTOUTcaution message. Highpressure downstream of valve. rightthermalanti-ice None .' None 80-00-1 80-00-2 80-11-2 30-21-1 R ENGINE FIRE Warning Basic Rightenginefiredetected. None R ENTRYDOORS Advisory Basic Twoor morerightentrydoors unlatched. 52-71-1 R FLT OK WINDOW Advisory Basic R FlightDeckWindowis open. None R FMCFAIL Advisory Basic R FUELHEATVAL R FUELJET PUMP R FUELSPARVAL R FUELSYSPRESS R FWD EMERDOOR Annex1-02-31 Rightflightmanagement computerfault. Advisory Option Rightenginefuelheatervalve JT9D disagrees withcommanded position, Advisory Option Rightfueliettisonpumplow pressurewithfueljettisonswitch in theON oosition. Advisory Basic Rightsparvalvedisagreeswith commandedposition. Bothrightmainpumpsandcenter auxiliary tankrightpumplow oressurewithcrossfeedclosed.or or allsix pumpslowpressure turnedoff. Advisory Option -200; Basic -300 RightfoMardemergencydoor unlatched- two or more emergencydoorsopenwillcause EMERDOORSadvisory messaoe. 34-61-1 73-14-1 28-31-3 None None 52-71-1 REV17 MAR10/20C7 .IIMIEW Hungarian Airlines B .78.AA}Et/YZF LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM Annex I EICASMessages EICASMessaoes EICASMessageCross ReferenceList Level Notes R FWDENTDOOR Advisory Basic R FWD FUELPUMP Advisory Basic R FWDWINDOW Advisory Basic R GENDRIvE Advisory Basic R G E NO F F Advisory Basic (Caution for RGLS RGPS R GPSFAIL R HF DATALINK R HYDOEM PUMP R HYD FUELPR RHYDGENON RHYDGENVAL Condition Rightforwardentrydoor unlatched- two or moredoors openwillcauseR ENTRY DOORSadvisorymessage. Lowfuelpumpoutletpressureinhibited by R FUELSYSPRESS cautionmessage. Rightforwardwindowheatover or powerloss- two or temperature messages will moreindividual causeWINDOWHEATmessage. Rightgeneratordrivelow oil pressure or highoiltemperature withenginerunning. Rightgeneratorcontrolbreaker (GCB)openwithenginerunning. cM) Advisory Prov'n RightGLShasfailed. Advisory Option RightGPSor GPSSUfailureor GPSRF inoutfailure. Advisory Option RightGPSor GPSSUfailureor GPSRF inputfailure. Status Option Failureof datafunctionof right by HF dataradio.Inhibited advisory messageDATALINK SYS. Advisory Basic Rightelectricpumpoutput pressure bYR low- inhibited HYDSYSPRESScaution message. fuelsystemlow Advisory Option Righthydraulic pressure withenginerunning. JT9D generator Status Option Righthydraulic powered- memorylatchedin air only' Status Option Righthydraulicgeneratorsupply valvenotfullvclosed. Annex1-02-32 MELltem 52-71-1 28-22-1 30-41-1 24-00-1 24-00-l 34€0-3 34€0-3 3460-3 23'11-1 None None None 24-25-1 24-25-2 REV17 MAR10/2007 z?MIEV Hungarian Airlines fi ,az7EtivzF .?a? LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM Annex I EICASMessages EICASMessaqes EICASMessageCross ReferenceLiat Level Notes R HYD PRIMPUMP Advisory Basic RHYDQTY Advisory Basrc R HYDSYS MAINT Condition Rightengineprimarypump outputpressurelowwithengine by R HYD running- inhibited SYSPRESScautionmessage. Righthydraulicreservoirlow quantity. pressure below Righthydraulic 2800psiwithbothengines runnig. Rightsystempressurelow. MELltem None 29-33-1 ZJ-JJ.Z None None R HYDSYSPRESS Caution Basic R ICEDETECTOR Status Option Rightautomaticice detectionunit fault- latchedin air self-detected - for primaryice detectionsystern 30-80-'1 R IOG FILTER Status Option JT9D RightIOGfllterimpending Dypass. 24-00-1 R IOGVALVE Status Basic RightIOGcoolingvalvefailure. 75-21-1 R ILS Advisory Basic RighttILShasfailed. 34-31-1 R IRS DC FAIL Advisory Basic RightIRSDCfailure. 34-21-1 R IRS FAULT Advisory Basic RightIRSfault. 34-21-1 R I R SO N D C Advisory Basic 34-21-1 R JET XFR VALVE Advisory Option RightIRSon DC power. Rightfueljettisontransfervalve disagreeswithcommanded positionand fueljettisonswitchis in the ON position. RMLS Advisory Prov'n RightMLShasfailed. None RNI/N2MISMATCH Advisory Option JT9D None R OIL FILTER Advisory Basic Rightenginerunningwithright N1 >'16%and rightN1/N2 mismatchdetected. Rightengineoilfilterditferential 79-35-l pressureapproachesbypass. 79-35-2 Status R PACKOFF Annex1-02-33 Advisory Basic 28-31-3 21-51-1 Rightpackswitchedoff or compressoroutlettemperature 21-51-2 21-51-3 exceeds254'C (489"F). REV17 MAR10/2007 Hungarian Airlines tuAlEV fi .-87 ,?27Et/v2F LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM Annex { EICASMessages EICASMessaoes EICASMessageGross Refer€nceList Level Notes R PACKTEMP Advisory Basic R PRIMHYD OY HT Advisory Basic Condition Rightpackoutlettemperature or exceeds88'C (190"F), compressoroutlettemperature exceeds254"C(489"F),or critical systemfailuredetectedby pack controller. Rightprimaryhydraulrcpump MELltem 21-51-1 21-51-2 21-51-3 29-32-1 casedrainoverheat. RRECIRFAN R REV INTERLOCK Advisory Basic Status RR PW4 Rightrecirculation fan failed. 11-25-1 Rightthrustreverserinterlock failsto blockthrustlevermotion. 78-34-2 Rightthrustreverserisolation valvefault- inhibited by R AC 78-31-1 UTOT R REV ISLNVAL Advisory Status Basic BUSOFFcautionmessage. Option ACARs/rightSATCOMinterface failure. Option Lossof rightSATCOMvoice capability dueto failurein right SATCOMhighgainsystem. 23-22-1 23-25-'l 23-25-1 R SATCOMDATA Status R SATCOMHI GAIN Status R SATCOMSYSTEM Option RightSATCOMsystemfailure. 23-25-1 R SATCOMVOICE Status Advisory Option 23-25-1 R SIDE BRACE Caution Basic R SIDEWINDOW Advisory Basic R STARTER CUTOUT Caution Basic Lossof rightSATCOMvoice capabilitydue to failurein right SATCOMhighgainsystem. messages Inhibited by advisory SATCOMand SATCOMVOICE. Systems1 and 2 bothindicate geardisagree andrightsidebrace is notlocked. Rightsidewindowheatoveror powerloss- twoor temperature messages will individual more causeWINDOWHEATadvisory message. Rightenginestartervalveopen aboveengineRPMatwhich cutoutshouldoccur. Annex1-02-34 30-41-1 30-41-2 80-00-2 80-11-2 REV17 MAR10/2007 ;'VlAlEV Hungarian Airlinesfi .-8.7 ,A27EttlYG MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST Annex 1 EICASMessages EICASMessaoes EICASMessageCroas ReferenceList Level R STRUTOCTLPI Status R STRUTOCT LP 2 Status R TAIL HYOVAL Advisory R TAT PROBE Advisory R UTILBUSOFF Advisory R WINGANTI-ICE Advisory R WING HYOVAL Notes Option Rightstrutductlooploverheator - inhibited by R faultcondition STRUTOCTLEAKCAutiON message. Option Rightstrutduct loop2 overheator - inhibited by R faultcondition STRUTOCTLEAKcaution message. flightcontroltail Basic Righthydraulic inhibited by FLT valveclosed CONTVALSmessage Option Righttotalair temperatureprobe -2001 heaterpoweror continuityloss-300; two or moreindividualmessages Basic will causePROBEHEAT -400 advisorymessege. Basic Rightutilitybus unpoweredwith rightAC mainbuspowered. valveiswitch Basic Rightwinganti-ice Advisory Basic R WING SLIDE Advisory Basic R YAW DAMPER Advisory Basic RA DISAGREE Advisory RADIOTRANSMIT Advisory RAT UNLOCKED Advisory Annex1-02-35 Condition disagree. Righthydraulicflightcontrol wingvalveclosed- inhibitedby FLTCONTVALSmessage. Rightwingslidedoorunlatched wo or moreopenemergency doorswillcauseEMERDOORS aovrsorymessage. Rightyawdamperfailure,power loss,or switchedoff. unit Prov'n lnstrument comoarator radio altitude left right and Option senses drsagreement. ODtion VHFor HFtransmitteris selected and a push-to-talkswitehis keyed for 30 secondsor longer, Basic Ramairturbineunlocked. MELltem 26-18-1 26-18-1 27"03-1 30-31-2 30-33-1 24-51-1 30-11-1 30-11-2 27-03-1 52-71-1 22-21-1 34-33-1 23-514 None REV17 MAR10/2007 tufilEW Hungarian Airlines fi .78= ^StTEttYAt LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM Annex 1 EICASMe6sages EICASMessaoes EICASMossageCross ReferenceList Level Notes Condition MELltem Eitherofthe two reservebrakes and nosewheelsteeringvalves disagreewithselectedPosition. Rudderratiosystemfailure. None Lossof bothSATCOMvoiceand dueto capability datalink gain (high failure equipment no lowgainantenna, antenna, SATCOMto ACARSbus activity). 23-25-1 Ootion ACARS/SATCOMinterface failure. Option Lossof SATCOMdatalinkdueto interface ACARS/SATCOM failure.lnhibitedby SATCOMor DATALINKSYSadvisory message. Option Lossof SATCOMvoice capabilitydue to failurein SATCOMhighgainsystemAccompanied by SATCOM message. VOICEadvisory Option Failureof SATCOMlowgain 23-22-1 23-25-1 23-25-1 RSVBRAKEVAL Advisory Basic RUDDERRATIO Advisory Basic SATCOM Advisory Option SATCOMDATA Stetus SATCOMDATALINK Advisory SATCOMHIGHGAIN Status SATCOM LOW GAIN Status None 23-25-1 23-25-1 antennasystem. SATCOMMESSAGE CommE SATCOMVOICE Advisory SATVOICEAVAIL CommF Advisory Annex1-02-36 Option SATCOMairto-groundcall failure. Option Lossof SATCOMvoice capability dueto failurein SATCOMhighgainsystem. Inhibitedby SATCOMadvisory message. Option Returnof voicecapabilityafrer logoffor aftertemporary reversionto low-gainantenna. MA 23-25-1 MA REV17 MAR10/2007 tlMlEW Hungarian Airlines A .787 .GraEtluE LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM Annex 1 EICASMessages EICASMessaqes SATVOICELOST EICASMessageCross ReferenceList Level Advisory SELCAL CommE SPEEDBRAKESEXT Caution Notes Condition Option Temporarylossof voice capabilitydue to logoff,or after temporaryreversionto low-gain callsfrom antenna.Ground-to-air will not air tratficcontrollers flight deck. reachthe viaVHF,HFor Option Callis received SATCOM. deployedbetween Speedbrakes or 15 and800feetradioaltitude, withlandingflapsabove15 feet radioaltitude. Spoilersnotdownfor takeoffand takeoffthrustselectedon either engine- whentakeoffthrustis warninglightis deselected, butmessage extinguished 10seconds. for approximately Spoilersystemhasdetected failureof oneor morespoiler pairs(electronic and electrical faultsonly). One-half drivespeedin flightor on ground. MELltem ,.. 23-25-1 MA 27-62-2 None SPOILERS Warning SPOILERS Advisory STABTRIM Advisory STABILIZER Warning Basic Stabilizernot in correctrangefor takeoffandtakeoffthrustselected on eitherengine- whentakeoff warninglight thrustis deselected, butmessage is extinguished 10 remainsfor approximately seconds. None STANDBY BUSOFF Basic Siandbybusunpowered. None STBYINVERTER Advisory Status Basic None T.R UNIT Status Standbyinvertervoltageoutput outsidenormallimitswithmain bafteryswitchon. Leftor righttransformerrectifier failure(DCbustieclosed). Annex1-02-37 None 27-41-2 29-24-1 29-31-1 29-33-1 None REV17 MAR10/2007 Hungarian Airlines tlElEV fi .7Ez .?a7Et/lYE LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM Annex I EICASMessages EICASMessageCross ReferenceList Level Notes TAILSKID Advisory -300/ -400 TAILSTRIKE Caution Basic TAILSTRIKEAHEAD Caution Prov'n EICASMessages Condition MELltem 32-71-1 Tail skidnot in commanded position. LandingGear#1 and#2 body contactsensorsdetectaft body contactfromtailstrike. HUDsystempredictsa tailstrike N/A on approacn. comparatorunit Instrument Option sensesinvalidtrackdata. Basic Trimair valveselectedclosed packmode (75'F temperature selected). Option Requirednavigationperformance accuracynot met.Caution messageset if duringRNP-based approach. Basic Uncommandedstabilizermotion trim in autopilot or Mach/speed mooes. Option VHF radiois selectedto voice andACARScannotcommunicate viaVHF. Basic Warningelectronicssystemsingle powersupplyfailureor stall warningunitfailure. Advisory T R I MA I R Advisory UNABLERNP Caution Advisory STABTRIM UNSCHD Caution VHF DATAOFF CommF WARNELEX Status WHEELWELL FIRE Basic Wheelwellfire detected. 26-17-1 WINDOWHEAT Warning Advisory Basic 3041-1 PRED WINDSHEAR Status Basic WINDSHEAR REAC Status Basic Two or morewindowheater or powerloss. overtemperature Predictivewindshearfunctionof theWeatherRadarunitis failed. Reactivewindshearfunctionhas WINDSHEARSYS Annex1-02-38 Advisory Prov'n 34-25-1 TRACK FAIL Basic 21-61-3 21-614 N/A None NiA 27-3?-2 34-61-1 3443-1 3446-1 failed. U46-1 Eitherthe predictiveor the reactivewindshearfunctionshave 3443-1 failed,and theirassociated alertingis no longeravailable. REV17 MAR10/2007 .ttElEW Hungarian eirlines4 .zarEttue .787 LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM Annex 1 EICASMessages EICASMessageCross ReferenceList EICASMessaoes Level Notes WNSHRALERTSYS Advisory WXRSYS Status YSM Status Option Goundproximitysystemdetects -200t lossof windshearmonitor -300 function. Basic WXRdisplayis not pretentwhen WXRselectedon EFIScontrol panel. Failureof oneYSM. Annex1-02-39 34-46-1 34-43-1 2749-1 REV17 MAR10/2007 .tt'AIEV Hungarian Airlines4 EOE TUE 787 MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST 21.AIRCONDITIONING REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 21-24-1GasoerFan Fans C 2l-25-1 Recirculation 2 1 C 2 0 Both may be inoperativeprovidedboth packs operate normally. NOTE1: With a recirculation fan failed,or turnedoff, the oppositea/c packgoesto the highflowmode. 1.0%. NOTE2: For-200 Withbothrecirculation fansoff the fuelflowwill increaseapproximately 0.6%, NOTE3: For-300 Withbothrecirculation fansoff the fuelflowwill increaseapproximately EICASSTATUSMESSAGES:Hl FLOWlNHlBlT HI FLOWON - L(R)RECIRCFANINOP PLACARDT As appropriate 21-25-2 RecirculationFan INOPLights PLACARD:Affectedlight- LIGHTINOP 21-31-1AutoCabin PressureControl Systems C 2 providedthe manualmodeand One maybe inoperative oneautopilotoperatenormallY. provided: (M) (O) Bothmaybe inoperative a) Flight is conducted in an unpressurized and configuretion b) Cargo compartmentsremainempty, or ontynonmaterialsare carried. combustible (M) (O) Bothautoand manualpressurecontrolsystems provided: maybe inoperative a) Flight is conducted in an unpressurized configuration, and b) ExtendedOverwaterFlightis prohibited, c) Cargo compartmentsremainempty, or only nonmaterialsc€rried. combustible PAGE21-1 MAR10/2007. REV.17. .tt'lAlEV Hungarian Airlines4 787 B?EUIUE MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST 21.AIRCONDITIONING REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERRESUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS EICASSTATUS MESSAGES: CABINALTAUTO1 CABINALTAUTO2 PLACARD - ALTITUDE panelas appropriate On the instrument LIMITED TO 10,000FEETMSL OPERATIONS {OI Unpressurized Flight '1. Ensurethatforward,aft and bulkcargocompartments areempty,or containonlynon-combustible materials. 2. E/E cooling system is configuredfor smoke removal.The Non-Normalprocedure"Forward "FWD and EICASmessage, Equipment Annunciator Smoke"is not used.E/E cooling'VALVE" EQPTVAL"Shouldbe ignored. 3, Limitenroutealtitude to lessthan10.000feetif Dossible. NOTES: A. At or above10,000feet,be prepared andauralwarning for CABINALT (red)lightto illuminate to sound.Auralwarningcanbe silenced. are satisfiedfor flight B. Flightabove10,000feet is allowedonly if specialoxygenrequirements crew,cabincrewand passengers. packs. pack.Do not usetwo air conditioning 4. Usezeroor one air conditioning 5. To avoidpessengerdiscomfort,aftertakeotfobstacleclearancehasbeenassured,limitclimband descentto 500fpm. In orderto avoidE/Ecoolingductdamagelimitclimbto 2000fpm. NOTE:With bothpacksoff, thereis adequateventilationin the flightdeckand passengercabinto shouldbe given ensurethat COzconcentrations levels.Consideration do not reachunacceptable with high control,particularly to passengercomfortdue to lack of air circulationand temperature lf both recirculation fans are densityloadsand with extremelyhot or cold ambienttemperatures. operative, bothshouldbe used. 6. Flightanendantsshouldbe notifiedthatfoMardgalleychilleris inoperative. 7. Ditching Requirements. A. Flightcrewmustnot changeoutflowvalvepositionexceptfor ditching. PAGE21.2 MAR10/2007. REV.17. tlElEW Hungarian Airlinesfi EOE IUE 787 MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREOUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS B. In caseof ditching, equipment coolingOUTBDVALVEcircuitbreakermustbe pushedin. extendedoveMaterflight is C. lf outflowvalvetool is installedor outflowvalve is inoperative, prohibited. D. lf outflowvalveMAN modeoperatesnormally,extendedoverwaterflightcan be conducted. Flight crew should not changeoutflowvalve positionwith the manualcontrolexcept as requiredfor non-normal orocedures. 21-31-2 ManualCabin PressureControl System C 1 0 provided: (M) (O) Maybe inoperative a) Flight is conducted in an unpressurized configuration, and b) ExtendedOveMaterFlightis prohibited, c) Cargo compartmentsremain empty,or only nonmaterialscarried. combustible PLACARD CabinAltitudeControlModeSelect- MANMODEINOP OPERATIONS {Ol (lf flightis to be unpressurized) (O) - Unpressurized Flight See 21-31-1Auto Cabin PressureControlSystem,OPERATIONS procedure. (M)21-31-1 MAINTENANCE 21-31-3 OutflowValve (OI OPERATIONS C 1 0 provided: (M) (O) Maybe inoperative a) Flight is conducted in an unpressurized configuration, and b) ExtendedOverwaterFlightis prohibited, c) Cargo compartmentsremainempty, or only nonmaterialscarried. combustible See 21-31-1Auto Cabin PressureControl System,OPERATIONS(O) - UnpressurizedFlight procedure. PLACARD CabinAltitudeControlpanel(P5)- OUTFLOWVALVEINOP PAGE2,1-3 REV.17.MAR 10/2007. zt'lAlEW Hungarian Airlines4 A?E TUE 787 MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST 21.AIRCONDITIONING REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXGEPTIONS (M)21.31.1 MAINTENANCE 21-32-1 PositivePressure ReliefValves C 2 closed. 1 (M) One maybe inoperative 1- 2 provided: 0 (M) (O) Maybe inoperative a) Flight is conducted in an unpressurized configuration. b) ExtendedoveMaterflightis prohibited, c) Cargo compartmentsremain empty, or only nonmaterials carried, combustible d) Manualcabin pressurecontrol systemsoperates normaIy. PLACARD INOP CabinAltitude Controlpanel(P5)- POSPRESSRELIEFVALVE(S) (OI OPERATIONS Flight (O) - Unpressurized See 21-31-1Auto Cabin PressureControlSystem,OPERATIONS Drocedu re. 21-33-1 CabinRateof ClimbIndicator C May be inoperativeprovidedboth automaticpressure controlsystemoperatenormally. |- provided: (MXO)Maybe inoperative a) Flight is conducted in an unpressurized and configuration, remainempty,or only nonb) Cargocompartments combustible materialscarrieo. PLACARD - CABINRATEINOP CabinRateof Climblndicator (O) OPERATIONS Flight (O) - Unpressurized See 21-31-1Auto Cabin PressureControlSystem,OPERATIONS orocedure. PAGE214 REV.17. MAR10/2007. tlfrlEV Hungarian Aitlinesfi EAEfiUG 787 MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST 21.AIRCONDITIONING REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS (M)21-31-1 MATNTENANCE C 21-33-2CABINDIFF Pressurelndicator 0 provided: (O) Maybe inoperative normally, and operates a) CABINALTindrcator b) A chartis providedto convertcabinaltitudeto cabin differentialpressure. 0 provided: (M) (o) Maybe inoperative a) Flight is conducted in an unpressurized configuration. b) Cargo compartmentsremain empty, or only noncarried. materials combustible PLACARD (P5)panel- CABINDIFFINOP CabinDitferential Pressure Indicator -31 -1 (M) MAINTENANCE 21 OPERATIONS IOI Flight (O) - Unpressurized See 21-31-1Auto Cebin PressureControlSystem,OPERATIONS procedure. pressure: Usefollowingchartto convertcabinaltitudeto cabindifferential u- IJJ o f E F z ot 10 15 CABIN ALTITUDE 1000FT PAGE21-5 REV.17. MAR10/2007 tt#lEW Hungarian Airlinesfi EOE TUE 787 MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST NUMBERINSTALLED REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 21.33.3 CABINALT Indicator 0 provided: (O) Maybe inoperative e) CABINDIFF pressureindicatoroperatesnormally, and b) A chart is providedto convert cabin differential oressureto cabinaltitude 0 provided: (M) (O) Maybe inoperative a) Flight is conducted in an unpressunzeo configuration, and b) Cargo compartmentsremainempty, or onrynonmaterialscarried, combustible PLACARD (PS)panel- CABINALT INOP CabinAltitudeIndicator (OI OPERATIONS PRESSURIZED FLIGHT Indicator". withMELitem"21-33-2 CabinDIFFPressure Usethechartorovided UNPRESSURIZED FLIGHT See 21-31-1Auto Cabin PressureControl System,OPERATIONS(O) - UnpressurizedFlight procedure. (M)21-31-1 MAINTENANCE 2{-33.4 OutflowVALVE Position lndicator C 1 PLACARD CabinOutflowValve PositionIndicator(P5) panel- VALVEPOS IND INOP PAGE21-6 REV.17. MAR'10/2007 t*AlEW Hungarian Airlines fi EAE TUE 787 MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST 21.AIRCONDITIONING REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR'ANDEXCEPTIONS 21-33-5AUTOINOPLight (CabinAltitude Control) C 1 0 provided: (O) Maybe inoperative pressure controlsystemsoperate a) Both automatic normally,and b) CABINALT or CABINRATE of Climb indicator operatesnormally. PLACARD Affected light- LIGHTINOP (OI OPERATIONS Ear discomfortor unscheduled changein cabinaltitudeare indicationsof both automaticpressure controlsystemsfailure.In the eventof a dualfailure,selectMANUALon CabinAltitudeControlMode SelectPanel.Manually controlcabinaltitude andrateof change. 21-33-6cabinAltitude WarningSystem c 1 0 May be inoperativeprovidedflight remainsat or below 10000feetMSL. PLACARD - ALTITUDE panelas appropriate TO 10,000FEETMSL LIMITED On theinstrument 21.f0-1 CargoHeating Systems 1) FwdandAft c 2) Bulk c a) BulkCargoVent c Fan 2 0 (M) Maybe inoperative deactivated. l l 0 (M) Maybe inoperative deactivated. (O) May be inoperativeprovided Bulk Cargo Heat remainsin NORMposition. Selector U temperaturemay drop below NOTE'1:With cargoheat inoperative, associatedcargocompartment freezing. disengage the valveselectrically, NOTE2: To inhibitEICASmessagesgeneratedfromdisconnecting the assocrated CARGOHEATswitch. mayexceed32C,causingthe NOTE3: Duringhotweathergroundoperationsthe cargotemperature OVHTlightto illuminateand EICASmessageassociatedCARGOOVHTto display. EICASSTATUS MESSAGES: BULKCARGOFAN l-t\\re z t-I MAR10/2007. REV.17. )+'AIEV Hungarian Airlinesfi AAEfiUE 787 MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST 21.AIRCONDITIONING REPAIR INTERVAL NUII'BERREQUIREDFORDISPATCH REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS PLACARD - FWD(AFTor BULK)CARGOHEATINOP AssociatedCargoHeatswitchlight as appropriate (O} OPERATIONS with the BulkCargoHeatingSystem Animalsshouldnot be caniedin the BulkCargoCompartment is givento heat, humidity,and CO2 and/orBulk CargoVent Fan inoperativeunlessconsideration for flight. conditions 2140-2 CargoHeat IndicatingSystem (OVHTand/orON light) (M) May be inoperativeprovidedoverheatprotective system(s)is verifiedto operatenormally. 1) FwdandAft May be inoperativeprovidedassociatedcargo heat systemis selectedOFF, (M) May be inoperativeprovidedoverheatprotective system(s)is verifiedto operatenormally. 2) Bulk May be inoperativeprovidedbulk cargoheatsystemis selectedOFF. PLACARD Affectedlight- LIGHTINOP 2145-l FlightCrew Auxiliary Heat System(Footand Shoulder) c 4 0 Maybe inoperativeprovidedsystemis selectedOFF. c 4 0 (M) May be inoperativeprovidedassociatedsystem otf. deactivated NOTE:Any portionwhich operaiesnormallymay used. PLACARD - FOOTHEATER(HyLOW)INOPand/orSHOULDER HEATER(HyLOW)INOP As appropriate PAGE21.8 MAR10/2007. REV.17. ttAlEV Hungarian Airlines A EOEIIUE 7Az MINIMIJMEQUIPMENTLIST REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS (O) Except for ETOPS operations,one may be providedthe airplaneremainsat or belowFL inoperative 2l-51-1 AirConditioning Packs c 2 provided: (M) (O) Maybe inoperative in an unpressurized is conducted a) Flight configuration, funsoperatenormally,and b) Bothrecirculation remainempty,or only nonc) Cargocompartments materialscanied. combustible EICASSTATUSMESSAGES: HI FLOWINHIBIT HI FLOWON PLACARD - ALTITUDE panelas appropriate LIMITED TO FL 350 On theinstrument -1 (M)21-31 MAINTENANCE (OI OPERATIONS - lf the secondpackfailsduringthe flight,ventilation will be very A. ONE PACKINOPERATIVE limited,and cabintemperatures may becomeexcessiveand relativehumiditylevelscouldexceed information theflight: 80%.Thefollowing shouldbe usedin planning messagemaydisplay 1. Associated EngineBleedOFFlightand L(R)ENGBLEEDOFFadvisory duringperiodsof low bleed air demand,for example,with L(R) Pack Flow ControlShutoff when bleedair demandincreaseto Valve(s)closed.The lightand messagewill extinguish openthe PRSOV. 2. lf thesecondpackfailsduringflight,do thefollowing: a, Closecabinwindowshades. cabinelectricalpowerincludinggalleychillers,lights,tv monitors, b, Shutotf all nonessential andvideoolavers. Keeprecirculation fanson. Manual d , Slowairplaneto Mach0.4,or slowestsafeoperatingspeed.SeeOperations table. section23.10HoldingPlanning andsection23.20Holding Selectcabinpressureselectorto manual(MAN). t, Selectoutflowvalve(OFV)to fullyopenposition. 3. Somelimitedventilation willbe available in thecabinandflightdeckdueto air beingdrawninto the airplanethruthe negativepressurereliefvalveand exhaustedout thruthe outflowvalve PAGE21-9 REV.17. MAR10/2007. fu'lAlEV Hungarian Airlines 4 EZE TUE 787 MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST 2I, AIRCONDITIONING REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS for flightfollowing 4. UseTable1 belowto estimateexpectedCabinand Flightdecktemperatures proceduresin pack. 1 in Table assume The temperatures enroutefailureof the remaining number1 and2 abovearefollowed. B. BOTHPACKSINOPERATIVE 1. See 21-31-1Auto Cabin PressureControlSystem,OPERATIONS(O) procedurefor unpressurized flight, 2. Someventilation will be availablein the cabindue to air beingdrawnintothe outflowvalveand exhausted outthroughtheE/Ecoolingexhaustvalve. do the following: 3. To furtherlowercabinand flightdecktemperatures, a, Closecabinwindowshades galleychillers, power,including lights,tv monitors, b, Shutoff all nonessential cabinelectrical andvideoplayers. c, Keeprecirculation fanson. d, Slow airplaneto Mach 0.4, or slowestsafe operatingspeed. See OperationsManual table. section23.10HoldingPlanning andsection23.20Holding 4. Use Table '1 below to estimateexpectedCabin and Flight deck temperaturesfor flight followingenroute failure of the remainingpack. The temperaturesin Table 1 assume in number2 and 3 abovearefollowed. orocedures TABLE,1 AFTER30 MINUTES FLIGHTDECKANDPASSENGER CABINTEMPERATURES ESTIMATED INOPERATIVE BOTH PACK OF FLIGHTAT 95OO FT MSLWITH Enroute AmbientTemperature (Celsius) ISADev tsA-10c ISA ISA+10C 6 tsA+20c 16 ISA+25C 21 Cabin % PassengerFlightDeckTemp Passenger (Celsius) Temo(Celsius) Load zc 18 26 18 100 21 zc 28 100 zo ZJ 27 29 100 29 31 25 31 100 31 lc 100 JJ 32 33 32 flighttime. NOTE1:Add5C to abovevaluesfor unlimited NOTE2: Flightdecktemperatures basedon maximumsolarradiation.For nighttimeflight,expected will be 4C lower. temperatures PAGE21-10 REV.17. MAR10/2007. ztMlEV Hungarian Airlines A EOE IUE 787 MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST 21,AIRCONDITIONING REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 21-51-2 PackFlow ControUShutoff Valves 0 closed (M) (O) Exceptfor ETOPS,may be inoperative pack(s). for associatedinoperative 1 One may be inoperative provided the remaining (opposite)packoperatesnormally, 1) Hi FlowMode EIGASSTATUSMESSAGES: HI FLOWON HI FLOWINHIBIT PLACARD - L (R ) PACKINOPor HIGHFLOWMODEINOP PackControlSelector as appropriate OPERATIONS {O) procedure for pack(s) 1. See item,21-51-1(Air Conditioning Packs),for requiredOPERATIONS Valvesinoperative. inoperative whendispatching withone or bothPackFlowControl/Shutoff 2. Associate EngineBleedOFF lightand L(R)ENG BLEEDOFF advisorymessagemaydisplay during periodsof low bleed air demand,for example,with L(R) Pack Flow ControlShutoff Valve(s)closed.The lightand messagewill extinguish whenbleedair demandincreasesto open thePRSOV. 21-51-3 PackTemperatureC ControlSystems 1) AutoMode 2) StandbyMode C 2 2 0 May be inoperativeOFF for an associatedinoperative pack(s). May be inoperativeprovidedassociatedStandbyMode operatesnormally. May be inoperativeprovidedassociatedAuto Mode operatesnormally. PLACARD Pack control selectoras appropriate- AUTO (STBY) PACK CONTROL INOP PAGE21-11 REV.17. MAR10/2007. ;+UaEV Hungarian Airlines fi EOE TUE 787 MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST 21.AIRCONDITIONING NUMBERINSTALLED REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 21-514 PackTemDerature C ControlValves (M) (O) One may be inoperative deactivatedin the mid positionprovided: a) Associatedpackis operatedin STBY,and b) Remaining(opposite)pack operates normally in AUTO, 2 (M) One may be inoperativeclosedin STBY provided the remaining(opposite)pack operatesnormallyin AUTO. C 2 0 Both may be inoperativefor an associatedinoperative pack(s). PLACARD Packcontrolselectoras appropriate- L (R) PACKTEMP CTR VLV INOP MID (CLOSED)POS OPERATIONS{O} For Pack TemoeratureControlvalve deactivatedin the Mid-Position:Place associatedPACK Control Selectorto STBY. 21-51-5PackAltitude Switch 21-51-7AirCycleMachine (M) (O) Except ETOPS operations one may be inoperative Drovided: a) Associatedpackis operatedin STBYWARM, b) Flowcontrolvalvein the associatedpack is verified to operatenormally, c) Remaining(opposite)packoperatesnormally,and d) Associatedpack is turnedOFF at TAT abovezero degreesC (0C). NOTE: In case of fiailureof the remaining(opposite) pack, the associated pack (pack with inoperativeACM) may be turned OFF below 10000feet MSL lf necessaryto controlcabin temoerature. PAGE21-12 MAR10/2007. REV.17. :fr4lEV Hungarian Airlines fi EZEITUE 787 MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST 21,AIRCONDITIONING REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS PLACARD - L ( R) ACMINOP- OPERATElN STBYW Associatedpackcontrolselectoras appropriate (O) OPERATIONS ACM may be turnedoff below 1- lf failureof the other packoccurs,the packwith the inoperative 10,000feei if necessaryto controlcabintemperature. 2. Temperaturesin the 767-300flightdeck, c€bin and cargo compartmentsmay become at the listedflightlevels: uncomfortably warmabovethe followingoutsideair temperatures -29C FL 350 FL 370 -51C FL 390 -57C FL 430 lf comfortabletemperatures insidethe airplanecannotbe maintainedat altitude,descendto a lowerflightlevelto improvecooling. 3. Associated EngineBleedOFFlightand L(R)ENGBLEEDOFFadvisorymessagemaydisplay during periodsof low bleed air demand,for example,with L(R) Pack Flow ControlShutoff to open whenbleedair demandincreases Valve(s) closed,The lightandmessage willextinguish the PRSOV. 2I.52.1 PACKRESET Switches 21-52-2 PA'CKINOP Lights C 2 1 One may be inoperativeprovidedboth packs operate normally. c 2 0 Both may be inoperativefor associatedinoperative pack(s). 1 PLACARD Atfectedlight- LIGHTINOP 21-52-3AirConditioning PackOFFLights (M) One may be inoperativeOFF providedassociated EICASmessageand all other pack indicationsoperate normallv. PLACARD Affected light- LIGHTINOP PAGE21-13 MAR10/2007. REV,17. .:tElEV Hungarian Airlines,fi EAENYE 787 MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST 21.AIRCONDITIONING REPAIRINTERVAL NUMBERINSTALLED FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 21-53-1 RamAir InleuExit C DoorSystems l 2 ^ . 0 (M) May be inoperativeprovideddoors are secured openwithpack(s)operating. 0 pack(s). for associatedinoperative Maybe inoperative PLACARD - L (R) PACKAUTOMODEINOPor L(R)PACK Associatedpackcontrolselectoras appropriate INOP NOTE OPERATIONS A. DoorsSecuredOpen(affectedpackoperational) then connector 1. lf Maintenance hasnot installed a shortingplugin ramair inletdoorelectrical pack inoperative). cabin temperature (AUTo will be in sTBY-w mode MODE operateaffected performance and/orduringhotday maybe degraded duringhotday (32C)groundoperations highaltitude operation. connector then 2. lf Maintenance has installeda shortingplug in rem air inletdoor electrical operateaffectedpackin STBYmode(AUTOmodewill be inoperative). B. DoorsIn Any Position(affectedpackdeactivated) withonepackinoperative. 1.See21-51-1foroperations information whendispatching 21-58-1 Forward C Equipment Cooling AUTOSystem 1 0 May be inoperativeprovidedSTBY controlsystem isl used I I OneSupplyFanInstallation: cooLlNG DURINGGRoUNDOPERATIONS' cAUTloN:TOENSUREADEQUATE EQUIPMENT ABOVE29"C(85"F). TEMPERATURES OPERATE BOTH(2)PACKSAT AMBIENT PLACARD II Equipment CoolingControlpanel- AUTOMODINOP NOTE OPERATIONS avoidextended To minimizeriskof equipmentcoolingoverheatat highambienttemperatures, groundoperationsin this configuration. PAGE21-14 REV.17. MAR10/2007. ttMlEW Hungarian Airlines rt EOEU^UE 787 MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST 21.AIRCONDITIONING REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 21-58-3 Forward EquipmentCooling SupplyFan C 1 0 provided: Maybe inoperative a) FoMard equipmentcoolingexhaustfan operates normally, b) STBYcontrolsystemis used,and c) For groundoperationabove29C (85F)OAT, main air. withconditioned cabinis suDDlied at high riskof equipment coolingoverheat To minimize NOTE:G200/-300) OneSupplyFanInstallation: ambienttemperatures, avoidextendedgroundoperationsin thisconfiguration. EICASSTATUSMESSAGES: FWDEOSUPFAN1 MAINTENANCENOTE Optional procedurefor all 767-200/300installations.ReferenceSSM 2l-58-04. Pull and collar the forwardequipment This will deactivate circuit breakersC331,C332,C654,C655asappropriate. coolingsupplyfan andextinguishthe associated FWD EQ SUPFAN I statusmessage. C 21-58-4 FoMard Equipment Cooling ExhaustFan 1 0 provided Maybe inoperative a) FoMard equipmentcoolingsupplyfan operates normallv. and b) For groirndoperationabove29C (85 F) OAT,main air. withconditioned cabinis supplied EICASSTATUSMESSAGES: FWD EQ EXHFAN PLACARD Equipment CoolingControlpanel- FWDEQEXHFANINOP MAINTENANCENOTE ReferenceSSM21-58-05.Pull andcollarcircuit Optionalprocedurefor all767-2001300 installations. breakersC335 on the P6 panel and C687 on the Pll-6 panel.This will deactivatethe forward equiprnent coolingexhaustfan andextinguishthe FWD EXH FAN statusmessage. 21-58-5 Aft Equipmenulav/ C GallevVentFans 2 PAGE21-15 REV.17. MAR10/2007. :h'AIEW Hungarian Airlines 4 EOE IUE 787 LIST MINIMUMEQUIPII'IENT NUMBERINSTALLED REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS EICASSTATUSMESSAGES: AFTEQPTCLGFAN AFT EQ EXHFAN1 PLACARD Equipment CoolingControlpanel- AFT EQPTCLGFANINOP C 21-58-7 FoMard Equipment Cooling OverboardExhaust Valve 1 0 (M) Maybe inoperative securedclosedprovided: a) STBYcontrolsystemis used,and b) For groundoperationabove29C (85 F) OAT,main air. withconditioned cabinis supplied OneSupplyFanInstallation CAUTION:TO ENSUREADEQUATE EQUIPMENT COOLINGDURINGGROUNDOPERATIONS, ABOVE29"C(85"F), TEMPERATURES OPERATE BOTH(2)PACKSAT AMBIENT PLACARD Equipment CoolingControlpanel- FWDEQPTOVBDEXVALINOP OPERATIONS NOTE When maintenanceutilizes procedure2 (Shorting receptacleconnector NOT installed)the shouldnot be The AUTOposition Equipment CoolingSelectorshouldbe set to STBYfor dispatch. ManualNon-Normal position in theOperations as identified used.TheOVRD canbe used,if needed, Checklist. 21-58-8 FwdEquipment CoolingInboard SupplyValve C I 0 (M) Maybe inoperative securedclosedprovided: a) STBYcontrolsystemis used,and b) For groundoperationabove29C (85 F) OAT,main air. cabinis suppliedwithconditioned PLACARD Equipment CoolingControlpanel- FWDEQTCLGINBDSUPVLVINOP NOTE OPERATIONS avoidextendedground To minimizeriskof equipmentcoolingoverheatat highambienttemperatures, operationsin thisconfiguration PAGE21.16 MAR10/2007. REV.17. IIMIEV Hungarian Airlines,fi 787 EOETE MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST 21.AIRCONDITIONING REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 21-58-9AvionicsCooling Refrigeration Unit (ACRU) PLACARD Equipment CoolingControlpanel- ACRUINOP 21-58-10 ACRUSupply Valve 0 (M) Maybe inoperative securedclosed. CAUTION:TO ENSUREADEQUATE EQUIPMENT COOLINGDURINGGROUNDOPERATIONS, OVER32C(gOF) TEMPERATURES OPERATE AT LEASTONE(1) PACKAT AMBIENT (115F). ABOVE46C ANDBOTH(2)PACKAT AMBIENT TEMPERATURES PLACARD Equipmentcoolingcontrolpanel- ACRU SUPPLYVLV INOP 21-58-11ACRUlsolation Valve 0 (M) Maybe inoperative securedopen. PLACARD Equipment CoolingControlpanel- ACRUISLNVLVINOP (M) Mey be inoperative for ETOPSoperationsprovided availabilityof adequateair flow is verifiedbeforeeach departure. 21-58-12 Instrument CoolingMonitor System Exceptfor ETOPS,maybe inoperative. TEMP 21.61.1 COMPT ControlSystems (FWD/MID/AFT) U J 0 (M) May be inoperativeprovidedassociatedzone trim valve(s),or trim air regulating/shutoff air modulating remains closed. valve PLACARD Associated zonetemDerature controlselector- DO NOTOPERATE- LEAVEOFF is eithertoo hotor too cold,selecttrim air OPERATION NOTE:lf cabincompartment temperature switchto OFF. P A G E2 1 - 1 7 REV.17 MAR 10/2007. rtAAlEV Hungarian Airlines # EAEfiUE 787 MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST 21.AIRCONDITIONING NUMBERINSTALLED REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS C 1 0 (M) Both auto and manualmodesmay be inoperative providedassociatedzone trim air modulatingvalve or valveremainsclosed. trimair regulating/shutoff 1) AUTOMode C 1 0 May be inoperativeprovidedthe MAN mode operates normally. 2) ManualMode C 1 0 May be inoperativeprovidedthe AUTO modeoperates normally. 21-61-2 FlightDeck Temperature ControlSystem PLACARD - FLTDKTEMPAUTO(MAN)MODEINOPor FLT Flightdecktempcontrolselectoras appropriate DKTEMPCONTROL SYSINOP (M)21.61.1 MAINTENANCE closed,flightdeck trim air is not OPERATIONNOTE: lf the flightdecktrim air valveis deactivated directly fromthemixmanifold is available. Cabintrimair remains available. Flightdeckair supplied 21{13 TrimAir Regulating C /ShutoffValve System(s) 0 providedassociatedtrim air (M) May be inoperative regulating/shutoff valveis securedclosed. - 0 (M)Maybe inoperative closed - o provided thetrimairf inanvposition $?:no:"'*:or"Jative I 1 PLACARD Trim air switchlieht- TRIM AIR INOP C 2l-61-4 ZoneTrimAir Modulating Valves c I I valves NOTE:767-200has3 trimair modulating valves,767-300has4 or6 trimair modulating I PLACARD I - FLT DK (FWDCAB,MIDCAB or AFT CAB) | Associatedzonetemperatureselectoras appropriate TRIMAIRINOP 2l-61-5 TrimAir oFF Light L PLACARD Affectedlight- LIGHTINOP PAGE21.18 MAR10/2007. REV.17. )+UIEV Hungarian Airlinesfi AOEUIUE 7Ez MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST 21.AIRCONDIT]ONING REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREOUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXGEPTIONS (M) May be inoperativeprovidedassocietedtrim air modulating valveremainsclosed. 21.61.6 COMPTTEMP INOPLights c (M) May be inoperativeprovidedtrim air regulating /shutoffvalveremainsclosed, 3 PLACARD Affectedlight- LIGHTINOP For -200/-300,associated zonetemperature controlselector- DO NOT OPERATE- LEAVE OFF (M)21-61-1 MAINTENANCE 21-61-7TrimAirCheck Valves C 2 0 provided (M) Maybe inoperative onefailedcheckvalve is securedclosed. PLACARD - L (or R) TRIM AIR INOP Trim air switchasappropriate 21{4-1 TrimAirValve Position Indicator C 1 0 PLACARD Trim air valvepositionindicator- POSIND INOP 21.65.1COMPTTEMP Indications PAGE21-19 REV.17.MAR10/2007. .;?MIEV Hungarian Anrfines B .7Ez ^8278//YAF LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM 22. AUTOFLIGHT REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 22-10-1AutopilotSystems c provided: (M) One maybe inoperative a) AssociatedFCC SERVOcircuit breakeris pulled andcollared, b) AutopilotSystemis verifiednot in a singlesource priorto eachdeparture,and configuration to CategorylllA Landing c) The aircraftis re-classified Minima. provided: (M) Two maybe inoperative, a) At leasttwo FCCpowercircuitbreakersremainlN, b) AssociatedFCC SERVOcircuit breakeris pulled andcollared, c) AutopilotSystemis verifiednot in a singlesource priorto eachdeparture,and configuration d) The aircraftis re-classifiedto Categoryll Landing Minima, NOTE:One FCCis requiredfor RVSMoperation. Exceptfor ETOPSand RVSMoperations,all mey be provided: inoperative a) At leastone FCCpowercircuitbreakerremainlN, b) All three FCC SERVOcircuitbreakeris pulledand collared, minimums do notrequiretheiruse,and c) Approach and segmentdurationis d) Numberof flightsegments acceptable to flightcrew. PLACARD INOP' Autopilot ModeControlPanelas appropriate - ,L(C,R)AUTOPILOT - ,,cATr(il)oNLY" panel P1-3Captein's maininstrument - "DONOTSETDHBELOW100(200) FEET" Pg foMardelectroniccontrolpanel 22-11-1 ConholWheel Disengage Switches ,- One may be inoperativeprovidedautopilotis not used altitude. belowinitialaooroach PLACARD Associatedswitch - INOP Pege22-1 Rev17 MAR10/2007 Hungarian Airlinesfi tuElEV .7Az ^g2rEtlUAF LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM 22.AUTOFLIGHT REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 22-11-2 NP DISCLight C 1 0 provided: Maybe inoperative a) Autopilotis not usedbelow1,500feetAGL,and b) All other A'lP ditengagement alerts operate normaV. 22-11-3 ModeControl PanelSelector 1)VERTSPD C Selector(DN& UP) 1 0 providedFL CH modeoperates (O) May be inoperative normallv, C 1 0 (O) Maybe inoperative. B 1 1 I 0 0 0 (O) Maybe inoperative. (O) Maybe inoperative. providedprocedures or en-route (O) May be inoperative operationsdo not requireits use. PLACARD Ar appropriate 2) BANKLMIT Selector 3) Selector Push Functions a) IAS/MACH b) ALT c) HDGSEL NOTE:The rotationalfunctionof these selectorsmust operatenormally. PLACARD AffectedMCPselecto(s)- INOP (O) oPERATTONS lf VERTSPDSelectoris inoperative, targetedverticalspeedin VerticalSpeedmodecannot be adjusted. VerticalSpeedmodemaystillbe usedto holdairplaneverticalspeedat timeof engagement lf BANKLIMITSelector is inoperative, Heading Selectbankanglelimitcannotbe changed. Thereis no flightcrewimpactif stuckat AUTO(NORMin someMCPconfigurations). Selectmodemay changesin Heading lf stuckat a lowbankanglevalue,largeheading greatertimeto complete thannormal.lf stuckat a highbankanglevalue, requiresignificantly at cruise aggressive largeheadingchangesin HeadingSelectmodemaybe undesirably conditions. Page22-2 Rev17 MAR10/2007 .t'lrAlEV Hungarian Airlinesfi .78EzTEtttvZF EOUIPMENT MINIMUM LIST 22,AUTOFLIGHT REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS c€nnotbe invoked.lf lf IAS/MACHPushFunctionis inoperative, V NAVSpeedIntervention continuedV NAVoperationis desired,speedentriescan be madevia the CDU. cannotbe invoked.lf lf ALT PushFunctionis inoperative,V NAVAltitudeIntervention can be deletedvia the CDU. continuedV NAVoperationis desired,altitudeconstraints Heading (engage Selectmodecannotbe lf HDGSELPushFunction switch)is inoperative, in L NAVor in manualflight,or usingAPP,LOC,or engaged. Turnsmustbe accomplished B/CRSif appropriate. 22-114 ModeControl PanelSwitches May be inoperative provided associated autopilot systemis consideredinoperative. 1)A/PEngage C Switches/Paddles (L CMD,C CMD,R CMD) 3 0 2) A/P CWS EngageSwitches C 3 O 3) A/T ARMSwitch C 1 0 systemis OFF providedautothrottle May be inoperative consideredinoperative. 4) A,/TSPDMode EngegeSwitch C 1 0 (O) May be inoperativeprovided proceduresand minimums do notrequireitsuse. approach 5) F/DSwitches C 2 0 May be inoperativeOFF provided Flight Director inoperative. displaysare considered 6) |AS/MACHSEL Switch C '1 0 May be inoperativeprovided IAS is displayed in window. associated 7) APPSwitch C 1 0 providedapproachminimumsdo not Maybe inoperative requirethe useof autopilotor flightdirector. 8) LOCSwitch C 1 0 (O) Maybe inoperative. 9) B/CRSSwitch C 1 0 (O) Maybe inoperative. 10)v NAV,FL, CH,V/S,ALT HOLDSwitches C 4 3 (O) One may be inoperativeprovidedproceduresor enrouteoperationsdo not requireits use. Page22-3 Rev17 MAR10/2007 tlUaEV .&ZE.'YZF Hungarian Airlines A .78- LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 11)L NAV,HDG HOLDSwitches provided: 1 (O) one maybe inoperative normally, and a) HDGSELoperates b) Proceduresor enrouteoperationsdo not requireits use. 12)EPR/N1/THR Switch 0 May be inoperativeprovidedboth thrust levers are operatedmanuallyfor takeoff. NOTE: complywith ltem22-10-1. lf one or moreA,/PEngageSwitchesis inoperative, lf A/T ARMswitchis inoperative OFF,complywithltem22-30-1. OFF,complywithltem 34-224. lf one or moreF/DSwitchesis inoperative PLACARD - INOP AffectedMCPswitch(es) (O) oPERATTONS Speedmodecannotbe manually Autothrottle lf A/T SPDmodeengageswitchis inoperative, modeuponexitof FL CH or V NAVor selected.A"/TSpeedmodeis the defaultautothrottle SPDswitch.V NAVnormallycommandsthe G/A,whichis notaffectedby an inoperative FMC, whichis alsonotaffectedby an inoperative autothrottle to speedsdeterminedby the SPDswitch. lf LOCswitchis inoperative, the Localizermodeis notavailablefor useduringa localizerLDA,or SDF)or (examples: localizer backcourse, dependent approach localizer-only, departureprocedure.L NAV,HDGSEL,or manualflightmaybe used. modefor backcourselocalizer Backcourse lf eitherthe LOCor B/CRSswitchis inoperative, is notavailable. L NAV,HDGSEL,or manualflightmaybe used. approach flightcrewsmustconsiderusageof lf a pitchand/orroll modeengageswitchis inoperative, otherautopilotmodesappropriate for the plannedroute,The defaultautopilotmodeis VerticalSpeedand HeadingHold.Thesemodesmaybe usedto holdverticalspeed(or V/S = 000)and headingevenif the associatedmodeengageswitches altitudewithtiargeted transitionto FlightLevelChangeandVerticalSpeedmodesautomatically are inoperative. AltitudeHoldevenif the ALT HOLDswitchis inoperative. eitherV NAV,ALTHOLD,or VERT holdcapability, Forenroute operations requiring altitude SPDmaybeused. Page224 Rev17 MAR10/2007 ;+UIEV Hungarian Airlinesfi .78'7 .AZrEt'YaF LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT 22. AUTOFLIGHT NUMBERINSTALLED REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 22-11-5ModeControl PanelWindows 1)Airspeed (IAS/MACH) c 1 0 (O) May be inoperativeprovidedcommandairspeed bug on airspeedindicator(and ADI speed tape, if installed)operatesnormallyon bothsides. (HDG) 2) Heading C 1 0 (O) May be inoperativeprovided selected heading indications on bothHSI'soperatenormally. 3) VerticalSpeed (VERTSPD) C 1 0 providedVerticalSpeedmodeis (O) Maybe inoperative notselected. PLACARD MaskaffectedMCPwindow(s)- INOP (O) oPERATTONS lf IAS/MACHend/orHDGwindowsare inoperative, associatedtargetvaluesmaystillbe set on ADIand/orHSI(PFDfor indications andappropriate autopilot modesusedby observing 400ER). lf VERTSPDwindowis inoperative, do not manuallyselectVerticalSpeedmode.Vertical Speedmodemayengageas the defaultautopilotmode,butanotherpitchmodeshouldthen be selected. 22-11-6 ModeControl PanelSwitchLights 1)Autopilot C EngageSwitch Lights(CMD) 2) ModeSelector SwitchLights 22-14-1 AutolandStatus Annunciators C 3 2 - The lightsfor anytwo switchesmaybe inoperative. NOTE:A switchwithone lampoperationalis considered to be operatingnormally. C 2 0 provided do not minimums approach Maybe inoperative requiretheiruse. PLACARD As appropriate Page22-5 Rev17 MAR'10/2007 .ttMlEV Hungarian Airlines fi .78'7 .?arEttUZF EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM 22.AUTOFLIGHT REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 22-14-2 AutomaticLanding System (AUTOLAND) 1)Triple Channel (LAND3) Autoland 0 providedThe aircraftis re-classified May be inoperative ll LandingMinima. to Category 0 providedThe aircrafris re-classifled May be inoperative Minima. ll Landing to Category is notedpriorto NOTE:lf a NO LAND3 annunciation departureand if no otherindicationsor messagesare present, the aircraft may be dispatched with no actionprovidingat leastone autopilotwill maintenance engageand approaehminimumsdo not requiretriple channelautoland.The groundautopilotengagement is parked. shouldbe donewhiletheairplane PLACARD As appropriate: AUTOLANDINOP,TRIPLECHANNELAUTOLAND- INOP 22-21-1 Ya\NDamoers C 2 1 (M) One may be inoperativeprovidedremainingYaw Damperis verifiedto operatenormally. equivalent or production NqIE: ff ServiceBslletin767-22-7hasnot beenincorporated Yaw Damper lf remaining (FCC limit exists: installed 5241T100-102 is installed), an AFM failsdo notoperateautopilotat speedsgreaterthan230 knotsor 0.6M. PLACARD As appropriate 22-30-1 Thrust Management System(lncluding Autothroftle System) 1) Autothrottle Servo 2) Autothrottle Disconnect Switches c 2 0 providedapproachminimumsdo not Maybe inoperative its use. require 0 provided: (M) Maybe inoperative and aredeactivated, a) Autothrottles b) Approach minimums do not require use of autothrottles. 1 0 provided: (M) Maybe inoperative Page22{, Rev17 MAR'10/2007 Hungarian airfinesfi ttallEV .78,.aaTEtjYZF LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT 22. AUTOFLIGHT REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS and are deactivated, a) Autothrottles b) Approach minimums do not require use of autothrottle. 3) ThrustMode SelectPanel a) DerateSwitches b)TEMPSEL Selector c) TO/GASwitch C C d) CLBSwitch 1 1 0 0 e) CONSwitch C 1 0 f) C 1 0 CRZSwitch 0 U (O) May be inoperativeprovided Automatic Climb ThrustSelectoptionin installedandoperatesnormally. providedMaxContinuous Thrust (O) Maybe inoperative if required, is setmanually Systemwill be inoperative Computer,the Autothroftle NOTE:With an inoperative ThrustManagement following EICAS will be affected: andthe displayson inhibited during whicharenormally 1. EGT(andN1,N2,N3for RRengines) amberindications takeoffor go-around willnotbe inhibited, 2. Reference EPRwillnotbe available, (if used)will not be available, 3. Assumedtemperature 4. Thrustreferencemode(TO,CLB,etc.)willnot be available. 5. Airplanesthatdo not havespeedtape:the SPDflag mayremainin viewon the EADI PLACARD As appropriate: AffectedTMSPswitch(es)- INOP (OI OPERATIONS lf CLBswitchis inoperative, AutomaticClimbThrustSelectoptionmustbe installedand uponselectionof operatenormally.Takeoffthrustreductionwill be performedautomatically by is required, ClimbThrustmustbe set manually anypitchautopilot mode.lf a go-around Manual/QRH data. usingOperations UseOperations Thrustmustbe setmanuallylf CONswitchis inoperative, MayContinuous Thrustis required. ManuayORH dataif MaxContinuous Page22-7 Rev17 MAR10/2007 Hungarian Airlinesfi ttElEV .78? .gzrEtttyzF LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT 22. AUTOFLIGHT REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 22-30-2 Go-Aroundand Takeoff/Go-Around Switches 1) Go-Around C Switches provided: (M) Onemaybe inoperative do notrequireitsuse,and minimums a) Approach Switchis verifiedto operate Remaining Go-Around b) normally. provided: Maybe inoperative a) Both thrust levers are operatedmanuallyfor goaround,and b) Autopilotand FlightDirectorare not usedbelow500 feet AGL or applicableapproach minimums, whichever is higher. 22-34-1 Autothrottle Disconnect (A/TDISC)LiSht 0 NOTE: Flight DirectorGo-aroundand Windshear guidance are not available with boih Go-Around switchesinoDerative. provided: Maybe inoperative operatesnormally, a) AssociatedEICASannunciation and b) Associatedauralalertoperatesnormally. PLACARD (A/T DISC)Light- INOP Autothrottle Disconnect 22.41-1 Maintenance ControlDisplay Panel Page22-8 Rev17 MAR10/2007 nYUIEV Hungarian Airlines4 EOEIaUG 7ez MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST 23, COMMUNICATIONS REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS Movedto 23-51-5. 23-00-1 BoomMicrophones 23-10-1 RadioTuning Panels (DigitalRTP's) c 3 2 One may be inoperativeprovidedleft Radio Tuning Paneloperatesnormally. PLACKARD PANELINOP Associated Communic€tion ControlPanel(P8)CONTROL i.a.w.JAROPS1.865,leaflet26. 23-11-1Communications Systems 1)VHFComm D 3 2 a) Frequency TransferLight C 3 0 b) Frequency C TransferSwitch 3 0 c) Frequency SelectorKnob C 3 2 d) Frequency Indication C 3 2 Right or Center may be inoperativeprovided Left operatesnormally. May be inoperative provided associatedVHF active frequencycanbe selected. NOTE:Havingan AFMlimitation stating"DonotusecenterVHFforATCcommunications controlsystems,suchas withACARSoperational", deactivation of nonessential do possible Someairplanes ACARS,maybe to meetminimumradiorequirements. not havethisAFMlimitationdue to a VoiceModeProtectioninstallation. NOTE MAINTENANCE 1. 2. lf the VHF radiosrequiredfor the routebeingflownincludethe radioassociatedwith ACARS,thentheACARSsystemmustbe deactivated by openingandcollaringboth ACARSAC and DCcircuitbreakers. Forairplanes notequipped witha C-RCP (ACARSIntegratedDisplayUnit/lDu/controlled C-VHFradio)the C-VHFcan not be usedto meetthe minimumradiocriteriadueto ACARSdeactivation (continued) PAGE23-1 REV17 MAR1Ol2007 tiMlEW Hungarian Airlines,fi EOEIIUE 787 MINIMUMEOUIPMENTLIST 23.COMMUNICATIONS NUMBERINSTALLED REPAIRINTERVAL NUMBERREQUIRED FORDISPATCH REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS i.a.w.JAROPS1.865,leaflet26. 2) HighFrequency (HF) Communication System D 2 Any in excessof thoserequiredfor the routeto be flown,and not poweredby an emergencybus,maybe inoDerative. for not (o) Any in excessof one maybe inoperative morethan3 calendardaysfor flighton a routethat System,(in requirestwo LongRangeCommunication MNPSairspace)provided: a) ACASis operative;and b) appropriate alternatecommunication and used. orocedures areestablished Note: Whentherouteentersa FIRin whichan In Procedure exists,select FlightBlind Broadcast l.F.B.Frequency andapplythe theappropriate re oroceou OPERATIONS {O) Requirements for communication systemsmustbe determinedby eachoperatorand procedures items,if required. to be usedwithinoperative appropriate established 121.351 andJAROPS1.865. Reference FAR121.345 through Mal€v must have determinedcommunicetions requirementsdependingon their type of (VFR/IFR) operation route system. See FAR121.345through121.351and JAR and their OPS 1 regulations.Deactivationof nonessentialcontrolsystems,such as ACARS is permissible to meetminimumradiorequirements. PAGE23-2 REV17 MAY30/2007 .tt'lAlEW Hungarian Airlines4 EZE,IUE 787 MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST 23. COMMUNICATIONS REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS i.a.w,JAROPS1.820,leaflet26. 23-12-2EmergencyLocator (ELT) Transmitter - May be inoperativeprovidedrepairsare madewithin6 furtherflightsor 25 flyinghours,whicheveroccursfirst. 2 (M) For extendedoverwaterflights,any survivalELT in excess of the two required may be missing or inoperativeprovided the inoperativeequipment is placarded inoperative,removed from the installed locationand placedout of sightso it cannotbe mistaken unit.(i.a.w.JAROPS1.830,leaflet26) fora functional (O) May be inoperativeprovidedalternateprocedures are established and used. 23-21-1 SelectiveCall System(SELCAL) May be inoperativeprovidedproceduresdo not require its use. (O) OPERATIONS or when whenthe SELCALis inoperative MALEVmustusedevelopedalternateprocedures individual channels of SELCALareinoDerative. 23-22-1 ACARSSystem C 1 0 May be inoperativeprovidedalterneteproceduresare estiablished and used. D 1 0 May be inoperativeprovidedproceduresdo not require its use. NOTE:Any mode which operatesnormallymay be used. '1) ACARSPrinter C 1 0 May be inoperativeprovidedalternateproceduresare andused. established D 1 0 May be inoperativeprovidedproceduresdo not require Itsuse. (continued) PAGE23-3 REV17 MAR1Ol2007 :fr4lEW Hungarian Airlines h EOE IUG 787 MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST 23.COMMUNICATIONS NUMBERINSTALLED REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATGH NUMBERREOUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS EICASSTATUSMESSAGES SATCOMDATA L SATCOMDATA R SATCOMDATA L DATALINK SYS R DATALINK SYS PLACCARD As appropriate (O) OPERATIONS Developedalternateproceduresshouldbe usedwhenthe ACARSSystemor ACARSPrinter are inoperative. 23-25-1 SATCoMSystems Deleted 23-31-1 Passenger AddressSystem i.a.w.JAROPS1.695,leaflet26. 0 provided: (O) Maybe inoperative a) Alternate,normalandemergencyprocedures areestablished and and/oroperatingrestrictions useo,ano system / cabininterphone b) Flightcrewcompartment (including chimesystem)areoperative. NOTE: Any station function(s)that operate normally maybe used. NOTE: Any stationfunction(s)that operatesnormallymay be used- a) Lavatory Speakers - (O) May be inoperativeprovidedalternateprocedures areestablished and used. b) CabinSpeakers - May be inoperativeprovidedinoperativespeakersare not adjacentto eachother. PLACARD Associatedcontrolpanelsas appropriate PAGE23-4 REV17 MAR10/2007 IIMIEV Hungarian Airlines,rt EOE,TUE 787 LIST MINIMUM EGIUTPMENT 23. COMMUNICATIONS REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS OPERATIONS {OI 1. Passenger AddressSystem: whenthe passenger a) MALEVmusthavedevelopedalternateprocedures announcement systemis inoperative. b) Priorto flight,the pilotin commandmustbraefcabincrewmemberson the emergency whichwill be used. orocedures 2. LavatorySpeakers: Developed alternateprocedures shouldbe usedwhenlavatoryspeakersare inoperative. 23-31-2 Prerecorded Passenger Announcement System C 1 0 (O) May be inop€rativeprovidedalternateprocedures andused. areestablished D 1 0 May be inoperativeprovidedalternateproceduresdo not requireits use. PLACCARD As appropriate (O) OPERATIONS passengerannouncement system Developedalternateprocedures shouldbe usedwhenpre-recorded is inoperativePriorto flight,the pilotin commandmust briefcabincrew memberson the emergency orocedures whichwill be used. and 23-31-3 Headsets Microohones Movedto 23-51-5. PAGE23-5 REV17 MAR10/2007 s!'AIEW Hungarian Airlinesfi AOE1IUE 7Az MINIIUUMEQUIPMENTLIST 23. COMMUNICATIONS REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXGEPTIONS i.a.w.JAROPS1.690,leaflet26. 23.40-1 Crewmember Interphone System (FlightDeck Intercommunicalion) a) FlightDeckto Cabin,Cabinto FlightDeck Functions B 4 provided: (O) Maybe inoperative a) Flightdeckdoor keypad(whereinstalled)is verified to operatenormally, b) Flightdeck door automaticlockingsystem(where installed)is verifiedto operatenormally, c) Alternatecommunicationproceduresbetweenthe and affectedflightattendantstationsareestablished useo. d) The PA systemis operative. NOTE: Any stationfunction(s)that operatesnormelly maybe used. b) Cabinto Cabin Function C 2 provided: (O) Maybe inoperative a) Alternate normal and emergency procedures betweenthe affectedflight attendantstationsare and used,and established b) The PA systemis operative. NOTE: Any station function(s)that operate normally mavbe used. c) FlightCrewto Ground/ Groundto FlightCrew Function to (O) Flightinterphone flightdeck to ground/ground providedi flightdeckfunctionmaybe inoperative a) Alternatenormal and emergencyproceduresare andused. established b) Nose gear service interphone jack operates normallv to (O) Serviceinterphoneflight deck to ground/ground providedl flightdeckfunctionmaybe inoperative c) Alternatenormal and emergencyproceduresare andused. established d) Nose gear service interphone iack operates normally (continued) PAGE23-6 REV17 MAR10/2007 I*MIEW Hungarian Airlines 4 EZE IUG 787 MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST 23. COMMUNICATIONS REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS d). LargeTurbojet PoweredAirplanes Operatingunder FARPart121 Ma MELREV17 2. All Other Aircrafuoperations deletedaccto Ma MELREV17 OPERATIONS IO) 1. FlightDeckto Cabin,Cabinto FlightDeckandCabinto Cabin to be followedduring Briefthe Crewbeforeflightregardingthe normaland emergencyprocedures flightusingthePA Systemor othermeansof communication. 2. FlightDeckto Ground Establishalternateprocedures(e.9. HandSignals)to communicateto GroundPersonnelbefore anysignific€nt action(doorclosing, enginestart,etc. 3. FliohtAftendant Chime: tvtAUEV snoutOdevelooalternateoroceduresbasedon the use of the alternativecommunication procedure Priorto flight,thepilotin command whenthePassenger AddressSystemis notfunction. to be used. shouldbriefcabincrewmemberson the alternateemergencyprocedures D 23.40-2 CrewRest Interphone System and PA Announcement (if installed) 1 0 provided: (M) Maybe inoperative and Associatedcrewrestis not usedby personnel, Associated crew rest door is locked closed and DO NOTUSE- COMMINOP. olacarded, PLACKARD Door- DO NOTUSE- COMMINOP (M) MAINTENANCE Securedoorto associatedcrewrestareaand DlackardDO NOTUSE- COMMINOP PAGE23-7 REV17 MAR10/2007 tVUIEV Hungarian Airlines fi EAE IUE 787 MINIMUMEAUIPMENTLIST 23. COMMUNICATIONS REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 23.41-1 AlertingSystem (AudioA/isual) (if installed) a) FlightDeckCall VisualAlerting System May be inoperativeprovidedthe flight deck audio alertingsystemoperatesnormally. b) FlightAttendant VisualAlerting System provided: Maybe inoperative a) PA systemoperatesnormally, b) lf affectedvisualalertingsystemis usedfor lavatorysmokedetectoralerting,an alternate lavatorysmokedetectoralert(audioandvisual) normally, and is installed andoperates for contactingflight c) Alternateprocedures attendantsareeskblishedand used. to AftendantCallSystemis NOTE1: Passenger item. a passengerconvenience considered that systemfunction(s) NOTE2: Anyvisualalerting operetesnormallymaybe used. c) FlightAttendant AudioAlerting System NOTE:The flghtdeckaudioalertingsystemmust alwaysbe operative. 0 provided: (O) Maybe inoperative a) PA systemoperatesnormally, b) lf atfectedvisualalertingsystemis uted for lavatorysmokedetectoralerting,an alternate lavatorysmokedetectoralert(audioand visual) is installedandoperatesnormally,and for contactingflight c) Alternateprocedures and used. are established aftendants Call Systemis 1: Passenger to Attendant IlqtE item. considered a passengerconvenience that NOTE2: Anyvisualalertingsystemfunction(s) operatesnormallymaybe used. (O) OPERATIONS Developed alternateprocedures shouldbe usedfor flightattendantalertingthat maybe basedon the useof remainingoperativefunctionsof the alertingsystemor on useof the Passenger AddressSystem.Priorto flight,the pilotin commandshouldbriefcabincrew memberson the alternateorocedures to be used. PAGE23.8 REV17 MAR10/2007 rlMlEW Hungarian Airlines fi EAE lUE 787 MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST 23. COMMUNICATIONS REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 2342-1 FlightDecldcabin Handsets a) FlightDeck Handset provided: (O) Maybe inoperative operates a) Flightdeckto cabincommunication normally, and and used. are established b) Alternateprocedures May be inoperativeprovidedproceduresdo not require its use. b) CabinAttendant Handset(s) (continued) provided: (O) Maybe inoperative e) Fiftypercentof cabinhandsetsoperatenormally, b) One handsetmustoperatenormallyat each pairof exit doors,and proceduresbetweenthe c) Altematecommunications affectedFlightAttendantsstation(s)are established andused. NOTE 1: An operativehandsetat an inoperativeflight attendantseat shall not be countedto satisfythe fifty percentrequirement. NOTE2: Any handsetfunction(s)that operatenormally maybe used. PLAGGARD As appropriate (O) OPERATIONS MALEVshoulddevelopalternateproceduresbasedon the use of the PassengerAddressSystem shouldbriefcabincrewmembers and/orGabinInterphone System.Priorto flight,thepilotin command on the alternateemergencyprocedures to be used. normallyconductedusing the flight deck handsetcan be conductedusing the Communication andheadset or flightdeckspeakers headseUboom microphone or usingthehandmicrophone r'il,tr zJ-Y REV17 MAR,10/2007 zt'AIEV Hungarian Airlines 4 EZE TUE 787 MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST 23.COMMUNICATIONS REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMEERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 23.43-1 GroundCrewCall System 1) GroundCrew CallHorn C 1 0 (O) May be inoperativeprovidedalternateprocedures are established and used. C 1 0 (O) May be inoperativeprovidedalternateprocedures are established and used. (O) OPERATIONS 1. Providefor continuouscommunicationbetweenFlight Deck and appropriateGround Crew systemduringgroundoperation membersthroughinterphone 2. Providefor continuousmonitoringof the FlightDeck(whenflightcrewis not at dutystationduring groundoperations)to ensureappropriate actionin the eventa faultdevelopsduringoperationof E/ECoolingSystem. 3. Ensurethe InertialReferenceUnitis notoperatingon DC power. 23-51-1 FlightDeck Interphone System DeletedRev.30. 23-51-2AudioSelector Panel DeletedRev18 NOTE1: Thereis no MMELrelieffor the capatain'sand firstofficer'saudioselectorpanel. NOTE2: The audioselectorDanelassociatedwiththe firstobserversseatcan be perMMELitem25-11-2. inoperative level panelin theEE bayis considered maintenance NOTE3: Theaudioselector equipment anddoesnotrequireMMELrelief. NOTE4: Referto FAAMMELPolicyLetter56 and the revisionhighlightsof 767 MMEL "ltem '18.Therevision wereas follows: for item23-51-1 revision 18 highlights deleted.Observer'saudiopanelmovedto ATA25.Thereis no relieffor flight is a maintenance crewaudiopanels.Relieffor audiopanelin E&Ecompartment controlitem." 23-51-3 FlightDeck Speakers C 2 0 provided: Maybe inoperative not requiretheiruse,and do a) Procedures normally. andoperating areinstalled b) Headsets PAGE23-10 REV17 MAR10/2007 ttElEW Hungarian Airlinesfi EOE TUE 787 MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST 23,COMMUNICATIONS NUMBERINSTALLED REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 23-51.4 Push-To-Talk (PTT)Switches (M) Onemaybe inoperative: a) AssociatedAudio Control Panel PTT switch or and handheldmikeis operative, associated b) Affectedcontrolwheelswatchis deactivated. 1)ControlWheel PTTSwitches 2) FlightCrew AudioSelector PanelPTT Switches C provided: (M) One maybe inoperative a) Associated control wheel PTT switches or associatedhandheldmikeis operative, b) Affectedaudioselectorpanelswitchis verifiedfailed oDen. 2 PLACCARD As appropriate i.a.w.JAROPS1.650& 1.652,leaflet26 23-51-5FlightCrew Communication Equipment must be One headset(includingboom microphone) Any in deck duty. on flight requiredcrew member required may be inoperative. of those excess Maybe inoperative or missingprovided: a) Associated hand microphone is installed and operatesnormally, b) FlightDataRecorder(FDR)operatesnormally,and c) Repairsare madewithinthreeflightdays. 1) Boom Microphones 2) Hand Microphones 0 D 3) Headset Earphones 0 May be inoperativeor missing providedassociated boommicrophone operatesnormally. May be inoperativeor missingprovidedproceduresdo notreouireitsuse. JAA policy PAGE23.11 REV17 MAR10/2007 :+UaEV Hungarian Airlinesfi EAEttE 7A7 MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST 23. COMMUNICATIONS REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKORJANDEXCEPTIONS 23-71-1 CockpitVoice RecorderSvstem A 1 0 provided: Maybe inoperetive a) The airDlanedoes not exceed8 furtherconsecutive flightswiththe cockpitvoicerecorderunserviceable, b) Not more then 72 hours have elapsedsince the cockpit voice recorder was found to be and unserviceable, c) FlightDataRecorder(FDR)requiredto be carriedis ooerative to combined is not applicable Note: This alleviation For those combinedsystems,see CVRyFDRS. the entries for combination recorders in (if installad) item3'1-31 PAGE23-12 REV17 MAR10/2007 ,*MIEW Hungarian Airlinesfi 7ez .eZEt'YE EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM POWER 24. ELECTRICAL REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 24-00-1 EngineDriven Generator Channels B 2 1 (M) (O) Except for ETOPS operationsbeyond 120 provided: minutesone maybe inoperative a) To make sure the APU operatesnormally,do the followingtasks:MMTASK49-11-00-802402,TASK and 1, TASK 24-21-00-715-001, 49-16-00-206-01 TASK24-21-00-735-008. b) APU-drivengeneratoroperates normally and is used to supplybussesof the inoperativechannel theflight. throughout c) All generatorcontrol units, includingthe APU, operatenormally, at leastone HydraulicMotor d) For ETOPSoperations, Generators(HMG)is verifiedto operatenormally. e) lf the APU is to be used as an alternatepower source and has been operatingfor an extended period of time in heavy falling or blowingsnow, beforedepartureinspectthe inlet plenumto verifi/ of snowor ice are not present. thataccumulations EICASSTATUSMESSAGE L IDGFILTER R IDGFILTER L IDGOILTEMP R IDGOILTEMP L IDGTEMPSENS R IDGTEMPSENS PLACCARD - L (R) GENCONTROLINOP Electricalsystemcontrolpanelas appropriate (O) oPERATTONS 1. J. Leaveinoperative GENCONTswitchin the OFFposition. StartAPU. After APU Start,observethat amberBUS OFF, APU GEN OFF and UTILITYBUS OFFLightsarenotilluminated. NOTE:Average fuel consumptionfor APU operation is 90 kg (200 lbs) per hour. AFMperformance decrementsneedto be appliedwhenoperatingthe APU inflight (continued) Page24-1 REV17 MAR1Ol2007 :*MV\V Hungarian Airlines'fi ^ea?al'yat .78.7 LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT POWER 24. ELECTRICAL REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 24.00-2 APUOriven Generator C 0 Exceptfor ETOPS,maybe inoperative. B 0 (M) Exceptfor ETOPSoperationsbeyond120 minutes, provided: maybe inoperative a) Bothenginedrivengeneratorsoperatenormally, b) At least one HydraulicMotor Generator(HMG) is verifiedto oDeratenormallv. PLACCARD - APUGENINOP(REMOVED) Electricalsystemcontrolpanelas appropriate OPERATIONS NOTE: 1, lf APU generatoris removed,accountfor effecton airplaneweightand balance. 2, Leaveinoperative APUFENswitchin theOFFposition. 3. lf externalpoweris not available,accomplishbatterystartprocedure: ElectricalPowerUp A. Accomplishthe normalExteriorInspectionandSupplementary procedure to: Establish B. ElectricalPower................. NOTE:Groundair sourcemustbe used. ON C. RightHydraulicElectricPumpSwitch................................................. .........I or2 D. EngineIgnitionSelector . OFF .............. E. PackControlSelectors NOTE: Packvalves,ifnot closedduringpreviousairplaneshutdown,mustbe closedby groundcrewprior to enginestart. ON ............... F. lsolationValveSwitch DOWN ......................... G. Speedbrake Lever.................. ........................ CLOSE H. ForwardThrustLever.............. DOWN ................... I. Reverse ThrustLever................... SET ............................... J. FlapLever Positionflap leverto agreewith flap position. """" """""""""""' sET K ParkBrake CUTOFF L. FuelControlSwitches.............. SET .......... M. Left AudioSelector Panel N. Startoneengineusingusingstandbyengineindicator.ObserveEGT startlimit. O. ContinuenormalPREFLIGHTorocedures. Page24-2 REV17 MAR10/2007 ..yUlEV Hungarian Airlinesfi .787 ^sZEjvaF EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM POWER 24. ELECTRICAL REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS DRIVE 24-{1-1 Generator Lights o z (M) Maybe inoperative OFFprovidedassociatedEICAS messageis verifiedto operatenormally. (M) Maybe inoperative OFFprovidedassociatedIDGis disconnected. PLACARD - L (R)GENDRIVELIGHTINOP systemcontrolpanelas appropriate Electrical or L (R)IDGDISC 24-25-1 HydraulicMotor (HMG) Generator 1)AirData C (ADC) Computer Equipped Airplanes maybe inoperative. (O) Exceptfor ETOPSoperations, and normally, IRS operates a) Center b) Firstotficer'sIRSinstrumentsourceselect EwitchoperatesnormallY. for maybe inoperative Exceptfor ETOPSoperations, dayVMCflight. (O) For ETOPSoperations,up to 120 minutes,may be provided: inoperative a) Both engine driven generators and the APU generatoroperatenormallY, b) CenterIRSoperatesnormally,and c) Firstofficer'sIRSinstrumentsourceselectswitch operatesnormally. beyond120minutes, (M)(O)ForETOPSoperations provided: maybe inoperative andthe a) Bothenginedrivengenerators APUgeneratoroperatenormallY, b) APU is startedbeforereachingthe ETOPS untilwithin60 segment,thenoperatedcontinuously minutesof an adequateairport, c) CenterIRSoperatesnormally, d) Firstofficels IRS instrumentsource selectswitchoperatesnormally,and are limitedto not morethan e) Operations threeflightdaysbeforerepairis made. (continued) Page24-3 REV17 MAR10/2007 :tMlEW Hungarian Airlines,f .ea7Et/ut= .78.- EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM 24. ELECTRICAL POWER REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREOUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 2) Air DataInertial C ReferenceSystem (ADIRS)Equipped Airplanes (Continued) 0 a maybe inoperative. Exceptfor ETOPSoperations, (M) For ETOPSoperationsup to 120minutes,may be and inoperativeprovidedboth enginedrivengenerators the APU generatoroperatenormally. may (M) ForETOPSoperations up to'120mrnutes, provided: be inoperative a) Both engine driven generators and the APU generatoroperatenormallY, b) APU is staredbeforereechingthe ETOPSsegment, untilwithin60 minutes then operatedcontinuously of an adequateairport,and c) Operationsere limitedto not morethan threeflight daysbeforerepairis made. PLACARD - L @GENDRIVELIGHTINOP Electricalsystemcontrolpanelas appropriate orL@IDGDISC (O) OPERATIONS for ooerationof APU. For ETOPS.observeMELreouirements software(APM,INFLT)or the Flight To determineAPUfuelflowutilizeBoeingperformance Manual.Alternatively, a conservative averagefuelflowfor normal PlanningPerformance altitudes is cruise 75 kg perhour. G2001300) RDMIinformation maybe lost.Captain's lf allAC poweris lost,Captain's RDMIinformation SourceSelector maybe recoveredby selectingALTNon the FirstOfficedsIRS Instrument Panel. EICASSTATUSMESSAGES HYDGENVAL C HYDGENVAL L HYDGENVAL R HYDGENVAL Page24-4 REV17 MAR10/2007 ;+'LA|'EV Hungarian Airlines4 .ezEt'yzF '78'7 EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM 24. ELECTRICAL POWER REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 24-25-2 HydraulicMotor GeneratorValves 1)Air Data C Computer(ADC) Airplanes Equipped L 0 maybe inoperative. Exceptfor ETOPSoperations, for maybe inoperative Exceptfor ETOPSoperations, dayVMCflight. (O) For ETOPSoperations, up to 120minutes,maybe provided: inoperative a) Both engine driven generators and the APU generatoroperatenormallY, b) CenterIRSoperatesnormally,end sourceselectswitch c) Firstofficer'sIRS instrument operatesnormally. (M) (o) For ETOPS operations,may be inoperative orovided: a) Both engine driven generators and the APU generatoroperatenormallY, b) APU is started before reaching the ETOPS untilwithin60 segment,then operatedcontinuously adequate airport, minutesof and normally, c) CenterIRSoperates d) First officefs IRS instrumentsourceselect switch operatesnormally,and e) Operationsare limitedto not morethan threeflight daysbeforerepairis made. (continued) Page24-5 REV17 MAR1Ol2007 Hungarian Airlines .ttfrlEV fi .7Ez .?A7Et/|YG LIST MINIMUM EOUIPMENT POWER 24. ELECTRICAL REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXGEPTIONS 2) Air DataInertial C ReferenceSystem (ADIRS)Equipped Airplanes c 1 1 0 maybe inoperative. Exceptfor ETOPSoperations, maybe (M)ForETOPSoperations up to 120minutes, providedbothenginedrivengenerators inoperative operatenormally. andtheAPUgenerator (M) (O) For ETOPSoperations beyond120 minutes, provided: maybe inoperative a) Both engine driven generatorsand the APU generatoroperatenormally, b) APU is staredbeforereachingthe ETOPSsegment, untilwithin60 minutes then operatedcontinuously of an adequateairport,end c) Operationsare limitedto not morethan threeflight daysbeforerepairis made. EICASSTATUSMESSAGES HYDGENVAL C HYDGENVAL L HYDGENVAL R HYDGENVAL (O) OPERATIONS ObserveMELrequirements for operationof APU (ETOPSonly). 24-27-1 BUSOFFLights C 2 1 (O) One may be inoperativeprovidedassociatedBUS TIE ISLN Lightsand GEN CONT OFF light operate normaly. PLACARD Affectedlight- LIGHTINOP (O) OPERATIONS 1. Afterstarting enginesverifythatBUSTIEISLNlightsarenotilluminated. 2. VerifythatGENCONTOFFlightsarenotilluminated. the bus is 3. lllumination of boththe ISLNand GENCONTOFFlightsfor a bus indicates for "Ac BusOff', FollowOperations unpowered. Manualprocedures Page24-6 REV17 MAR10/2007 tuMlEW Hungarian Airlinesfi ,azEtjve.TE'7 LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT 24. ELECTRICAL POWER REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 24-27.2 GENCONTOFF Lights B 2 '1 Onemaybe inoperative generator. for an inoperative PLACARD Affectedlight- LIGHTINOP 24.27-3 APUGENOFF Light C 1 (M) May be inoperativeprovided EICAS message APU GENOFFverifiedto operateno.mally. c 1 May be inoperativeprovidedAPU generetoris not required forflight. PLACARD Affectedlight- LIGHTINOP 24-27.4 BUSTIE ISLN Lights c 2 May be inoperativeprovidedthe associatedBUS OFF lightoperatesnormally. PLACARD Affectedlight- LIGHTINOP 24.27-5 UTILITYBUSOFF Lights C 2 PLACARD Affectedlight- LIGHTINOP 24-27-6 GenetatorFIELD OFFLights D 3 PLACARD Affectedlight- LIGHTINOP 24-30-1 StandbyPower BusOFFLights C 1 PLACARD Affectedlight- LIGHTINOP provided: (M) (O) Maybe inoperative a) BothEICASsystemsoperatenormally,and b) All other StandbyBus indicationsare verified to operatenormally. (continued) Page24-7 REV17 MAR10/2007 tuGlEW Hungarian Airlines fi .78'7 ,?aTEtttVZF EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM 24. ELECTRICALPOWER REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREOUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS (O) OPERATIONS standbypowerbus Substitutethe STANDBYBUSOFFadvisorymessagefor the inoperative the STANDBY BUS OFFlight.WhenSTANDBY BUSOFFmessagecomeson,accomplish OFFnon-normal orocedure. 24-31-1APUBattery C 1 0 provided: (M) Maybe inoperative and a) APU is consideredinoperative, b) APU batteryis not required. NOTE:APU batteryis requiredif theAPU generatoris required. TheAPU,andAPUgeneratorare requiredfor ETOPSdispatch EICASSTATUSMESSAGES APU BATNO STBY 24-31-2APUBattery Charger C 1 0 (M) May be inoperative or deactivatedprovidedAPU is not required. NOTE1: Procedures tor an operational APUgeneratorrequirean operativeAPU,thereis no MEL reliefbeyond120 minutesETOPSwithoutthe APU available.For more informationon reliefwithoutAPU generatoravailable,regardingto ETOPS,see MELitem24-00-2NOTE2: Understandard dayconditions, up to 3 APUstartsmay be madewitha fully chargedAPU battery. PLACCARD As appropriate Page24-8 REV17 MAR10/2007 .ryAAlEV Hungarian Airlinesfi '787 ,SZEt'yaF LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM 24. ELECTRICAL POWER REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 24-32-1 APUTransformer Rectifier D 1 0 thenstartingand usingthe APU NOTE1: lf theAPUTransformer Rectifieris inoperatwe, requires theopeningandcollaring of a circuitbreakerin theEE bay.TheAPU, APU pneumatics, andAPUgeneratorare requiredfor ETOPSoperations. NOTE: MAINTENANCE the followingstepis requiredto start WhentheAPUTransformerRectifierUnitis inoperetive, theAPU. 1. Openthe TRUAPUSTARTcircuitbreaker(C303)on the P32rightgeneratorpower identifier. oanelandattachDO-NOT-CLOSE PLACCARD As appropriate Page24-9 REV17 MAR10/2007 Hungarian Airlines ;IMIEV B .7Ez .?2TEI/VZF LIST MINIMUM EOUIPMENT POWER 24. ELECTRICAL REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREOUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 2441-1 ExternalPower System 0 (O) May be inoperativeprovidedaltemate procedures areestablished andused. I) EXT PWR AVAIL Light (Flight Deck) 0 (O) May be inoperativeprovidedaltemateprocedures areestablished andused. 2) EXT PWRON Light (FlightDeck) 0 (o) May be inoperativeprovidedaltemateprocedures 3) EXTERNAL POWER CONNECTED Light (Externalpower panel) 0 (o) May be inoperativeprovidedalternateprocedures 4) EXTERNAL POWERNOT IN USELight (Extemal power panel) 0 andused. areestablished andused. areestablished providedalternateprocedures (O) May be inoperative and used. areestablished PLACARD As appropriate (O) oPERATTONS procedures flightdeckto ground usinghandsignals, 1. Operators mustestablish alternate lightsor system. for inoperative communication systemsor othermeansto compensate whenone (or more)external 2. Electricalloadsmaybe shedduringgroundoperations power systemis inoperative. Forexample,if a singleexternalpowersourceis usedfor groundoperations, electricalpowermaynot be availablefor galleys,injlight entertainment, etc. Page24-10 REV 17 MAR 1Ol2007 :*'l/lIEV Hungarian Airlinesfi 787 EZEIIYE LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM 25.EQUIPMENT/FURNISHINGS REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS D 25-00-1 Crewmember Shoulder Herness 4 2 1.730TGLLeaflet26 i.a.w.JAR-OPS 25-11-1 FlightCrewSeats 1 ) PowerAdjustment Any in excess of those requiredfor flight deck crew members (including official observer in foMard observer'sseat)maybe inoperative. 0 for eachflightcrewmember. Maybe inoperative - Mustbe operativefor eachflightcrewmember. system(if installed) tl ManualAdjustment System a) Horizontal Adjustment b) Verticaland ReclineAdjustment provided,for (M) Oneor moremaybe inoperative eachflightcrewmember: (a) The associatedpowercontrolis operative. OR (b) The associatedseatis securedor lockedin a positionacceptable to the flightcrewmember. c) Other Adjustment providedthe (M) Oneor moremaybe inoperative associatedseatis securedin a positionacceptable to the flightcrewmember. armrestwill hinderan Note:lf an inooerative evacuation or anyotherflight emergency dutiesit shouldbe removed. Thigh d) Lumbar, Supports,and Headrests (M) May be inop€rativeprovidedseat is acceptableto affectedcrewmember. 25-11-2 ObserverSeats i.a.w.JAR-OPS1.730TGLLeaflet26 providedthe seat Oneor moremaybe inoperative is not requiredand is correctlystowed. NOTE : The pilot in commandwill determineif the minimumsafety equipmentis functionalfor other personsauthorized to occupyanyobserverseat. Page25-1 REV 17.MAR10/2007 t+MaEV Hungarian Airlines fi 787 EOE'YE LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM 25,ESUIPMENT/FURNISHINGS REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 25-25-l CebinCrew Seats i.a.w.JAR-OPS1.730TGLLeaflet26 (M)(O)Oneseator seatassemblymaybe provided: inoperative (a) Inoperative seator seatassemblyis not occupied, (b) Cabincrewdisplacedby inoperative seat occupiesthe passengerseat mostaccessible exits, to hisor herassigned (c) Alternateprocedures / are established approvedand usedfor displacedcabin crew, (d) Foldingtypeseatis stowedor securedin the retractedDosition. and (e) Passengerseatassignedto cabincrew "FORCABINCREWUSE is placarded ONL\/". or missingseat NOTE1:A seatwithan inoperative beltor harnessis consideredinoperative. useof doesnotpreclude NOTE2: Thisrequirement passengerseatsby cabincrew memberscaniedin excessof the required cabincrewcomplement. NOTE3: Anyaeroplanewhichis subjectto the direct may viewrequirements of JAR25.783(h), haveone of the requiredcabincrew providedthe aeroplane seatsinoperative, base doesnotdeoarta maintenance can be wherereoairsor replacements maoe. NOTE 4: lf one side of a dual seat assemblyis inoperativeand a flightattendantis displacedto the adjacentseat,the adjacentseatmustoperate normaIy. 2) ExcessFlight AttendantSeats provided: (M) Maybe inoperative a) Affected seat position or seat assembly is not and occuDied. or is secured b) Foldingtype seat stowsautomatically in the retractedoosition. Page25-2 REV 17 MAR10/2007 .tufilEV Hungarian Airlines 4 787 EZEU,UE LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM 25,EOUIPMENT/FURNISHINGS REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS NOTE 1: An automaticfoldingseat that will not stow is consideredinoperative. automatically or missing NOTE2: A seat positionwith an inoperative restraintsystemis consideredinoperative. PLACARD lnoperativeseat- INOP - FORFLIGHTATTENDANT USEONLY Passenger seat(s)as required (O} OPERATIONS The cabinattendantassignedto the affectedseat mustoccupya passengerseatas closeto or closer thanthe nearestseatedpassengerto the associatedexit.The cabinattendantmustbe ableto reach assigned seat,i.e.,a 2 theassigned emergency exitin essentially thesametimeas fromthe normally "essentiallv the sametime". or 3 secondtimediffer€nceis considered i.a,w.JAR-OPS1.730TGLLeaflet26 25-25-2 PassengerSeats 1) Underseat Baggage Bars Restraining D (M) Oneor moremaybe inoperative securedin the uprightposition. D providedthe (M) Oneor moremaybe inoperative inoperative seat: (a) Doesnot blockan emergencyexit, (b) Doesnot restrictanypassengerfrom aisle,and accessto themainaeroplane (c) ls blocked andplacarded "DONOTOCCUPY". or missingseat NOTE:A seatwithan inoperative beltrsconsideredinoperative. provided: (O) Maybe inoperative (a) Baggageis not stowedunderseatwith restraining bar, inoperative "DO (b) Associated seat is placarded NOT UNDERTHISSEAT",ANd STOWBAGGAGE (c) Procedures to alertcabin areestablished bar. restraining crewof inoperative Page25-3 REV.'17.MAR10/2007 :'|:'tAlEV Hungarian Anrlines 4 BZET'UE 787 LIST MINIMUM EOUIPMENT 25.EQUIPMENT/FURNISHINGS REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREOUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 2) Armrest D - - (M) (O) May be inoperativeor missing and seat occupiedprovided: Exit, a) Armrestdoesnot blockan Emergency b) Armrestdoesnot restrictany passengerfromaccess to the mainaircraftaisle,and c) For an armrestwith a reclinemechanism,seat is securedin theuprightposition. PLACARD Atfectedseat- DO NOTOCCUPY UNDERTHISSEAT Baggage Restraining Bars- DO NOTSTOWBAGGAGE Underseat (O) OPERATIONS 1. Foran inoperative RESTRAINING BAR,ensurecabincrewis UNDERSEAT BAGGAGE notifiedof the inoperative restraining barandthat baggageis notto be placedunderthe associatedseat. armrestand 2. Foran inoperative ARMREST,ensurecabincrewis notifiedof the inoperative MEL remarks that are met. C 5 0 25-25-5 CrewrestBunk Restraint PLACARD Bunk- DO NOTOCCUPY Associated I (M) May be inoperativeprovidedassociatedbunk is - DO NoT USE. INOPERATIVE blocked andDlac€rded 25-28-1 OverheadStorage Bin(s)/Cabin and GalleyStorage Compartment€,/ Closets C - - provided: (M) Maybe inoperative to securecompartment a) Proceduresare established CLOSED, is not usedfor storageof emergency b) Compartment equipment, and is not usedfor storageof any c) Affectedcompartment affixed. item(s)exceptfor thosepermanently NOTE:lf no partitionsare installed,the entireoverhead one bin. areconsidered storagecompartments '1)Multi Latch/Ouarter Turn Lug Installations C - - One latch./lugper compartmentmay be inoperative provided: affected Remaining latch(es/lug(s) on a) compartmentsoperatenormally, and is usedfor a galleycart,the b) If affectedcompartment cart rcmainsempty. PLACARD COMPARTMENTINOPERATIVE- DO NOT USEFOR STORAGE Page254 REV.17.MAR10/2007 ;*'HIEW Hungarian Airlines 4 EZETUE 787 EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM 25. EQUIPMENT/FURNISHINGS REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREOUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 25-38-1 LavatoryDoor Ashtrays B767-200 8767-300 a t 7 - ? o J - 25-38-2 GelleyWaste Access Receptacle Doors/Covers provided: (M) (O) Maybe inoperative a) Containeris empty and the access is securedto preventwaste introductioninto the cimpartment, ano b) Proceduresare esteblishedto ensure sufficient galley waste receptacles arc available to accommodate all wastethat may be generatedon the flight. (OI OPERATIONS all wastethatmaybe Ensurethatsufficientgalleywastereceptacles are availableto accommodate generatedon the flight. 25-d1-1 LavatoryWaste Container Flapper/Access Doors 4 provided: (M) Maybe inoperative a) Associatedlavatorywaste containeris emptyand into accessis securedto preventwasteintroduction thewastecontainer, and b) Lavatoryis onlyusedby crewmembers, c) Associatedlavatoryentrancedoor is lockedclosed - DO NOTENTER. and placardedINOPERATIVE NOTE: These provisionsare not intendedto prohibit by crewmembers. lavatoryuseor inspections PLACARD As appropriate C 25-50-1 LowerCargo Compartment LiningPanels,Floor Panels,and Walkways - or missingprovidedprocedures May be damaged remalnsempry a) Associatedcompartment OR arecarried. materials b) Onlynoncombustible 25-53-1 CargoLoading System 1 NOTE:Any portionof system(s)that op€ratesnormally mavbe used. D Page25-5 REV.17.MAR10/2007 ,.+'LA,EV Hungarian anrfines 4 7A7 E?EtlvE LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM 25. EQUIPMENT/FURNISHINGS REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS (M) May be inoperative or missingprovidedacceptable cargo loadinglimitsfrom an approvedsource,i.e., an ApprovedCargo LoadingManual, Cargo handling Manual, or Weight and Balance Documentare observed. May be inoperativeor missing providedassociated remainsempty. cargocompartment 25-54-1CargoRestraint System/Devices 25-60-1 PortableProtective D Breathing Equipment (PBE) - - i.a.w.JAR-OPS1.780TGLLeaflet26 (M)Any in excessof thatrequiredmaybe inoperative or missingprovidedthe inoperative removedfromthe PBEis placardedinoperative, location, andplacedoutof sightso it installed cannotbe mistakenfor a functionalunit. i.a.w.JAR-OPS1.825TGLLeaflet26 Any in exessof the minimumrequiredmay be missing provided: or inoperative, lifejacketis placarded a) Inoperative removedfromthe installed inoperative, locationand placedout of sightso it cannot unit,and fora functional be mistaken 25-62-1 FlotationEquipment (Crewand Passengers) (b) Requireddistribution of serviceable lifeiacketsis maintained- 25-63-1Megaphones D . Any in excess of the required quantity, may be inoperative or missingprovided: a) Inoperative megaphone is removed from the passenger cabin,and b) Requireddistributionis maintainedthroughoutthe entirepaxcabin: - one in the fwdwardrobetop box,and - one in the aft zoneof f,^,dDaxcabin, 25-63-2 Emergency Evacuation Signal System D 1 May b€ inoperativeprovidedalternateproceduresare used as the primarymeansof initiatingan emergency evacuation. Page25-6 REV.17.MAR10/2007 t!#lEW Hungarian Airlinesh EZElUE 7A7 LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT 25. EQUIPMENT/FURNISHINGS REPAIRINTERVAL NUiNBERREQUIREDFORDISPATCH REMARKOR/ANDEXGEPTIONS NOTE OPERATIONS Evacuationproceduresvary considerably betweenoperators.The individualoperatorshoulddevelop procedureswith the EmergencyEvacuationSignal System inoperative.These procedureswould probablymake use of the P.A. and/orCabin/Service Interphonesystems.Priorto flightthe pilot an thatwill be used. commandshouldbriefcabincrewmemberson the emergencyprocedures - 25.63-3 FASTENSEAT BELTWHILE SEATED Signsor Placards 25-634 Flightattendant Flashlight Holder Assemblies U C Locator 25-63-5 Emergency (LTD) Transmifter D - 25-64-1 EmergencyMedical Equipment One or more signs or placardsmay be illegibleor missingprovideda legiblesign or placardis readable fromeachoccupiedpassengerseat. May be inoperativeor missingprovidedcrewmember assigned to associated seat has a flashlight of readilyavailable. equivalentcharacteristics i.a.w.JAR-OPS1.820TGLLeaflet26. providedrepairsare made Maybe inoperative within6 furtherflightsor 25 flyinghours,whichever occursfirst. Any in excessof thoserequiredmaybe inoperative. 1.755TGLLeaflet26. i.a.w.JAR-OPS Any in excessof thoserequiredmaybe inooerative. i.a.w.JAR-OPS1.745TGLLeaflet26. lf morethanone is required,onlyone of the for a requiredflrstaid kits maybe incomplete days. maxrmum of 2 calendar 1) FirstAidKits A 3 2) Emergency MedicalKits A 1 i.a.w.JAR-OPS1.755TGLLeaflet26, The requiredemergencymedicalkits maybe whererepairs for flightto a destination incomplete not to exceeda made but replacements can be or days. maximum of 2 calendar 3) Automated A External (AED) Defibrillators and/orAssociated Equipment 1 maybe The requireddeflbrillator whererepairs for flightto a destination incomplete can be madebut notto exceeda or replacements days. maximum of 2 calendar Page25-7 REV.17.MAR10/2007 ,I*MIEW Hungarian Airlinesfi .AAEIIYE Zez LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM 25.EQUIPMENT/FURNISHINGS REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 25-66-3 OverwingEscape A SquibTestSystem 1 0 provided: (M) Maybe inoperative a) The overwingescapesystemis verifiedto operate normally, and b) Operationsare limitedto not more than 50 flight hoursbeforereDairsare made. Page25-8 REV.17.MAR10/2007 ;*'AIEW Hungarian Airlines 4 .787 .azrEtlvGF EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM 26. FIREPROTECTION REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 26-10-1CrewRestSmoke C DetectionSvstems 2 0 provided: (M) Maybe inoperative a) Associatedcrew rest area is not usedand personal itemsare removed,and b) Associatedcrewdooris lockedclosedand placarded - DO NOTENTER INOPERATIVE NOTE:Theseprovisosare not intendedto prohibitcrew by crewmembers. restareainspections PLACARD Associateddoor- INOPEARATIVE 26-11-'l EngineFire DetectionSystem 2 Exceptfor ETOPSoperationsbeyond120 minutes,one loopperenginemaybe inoperative. 4 2 Exceptfor ETOPSoperationsbeyond120 minutes,one loopperenginemaybe inoperatlve. 4 4 ETOPSbeyond120minutes. 1) DetectionLoops EICASSTATUSMESSAGES L ENGFIRELP .1 L ENGFIRELP2 R ENGFIRELP 1 R ENGFIRELP2 PLACARD As appropriate 26-'ll-2 EngineOverheat DetectionSystems 1) DetectionLoops C EICASSTATUSMESSAGES (R) L ENGOH LP 1 (R) L ENGOH LP2 Page26-1 REV.17. MAR10/2007. Hungarian Airlines /lMlEV B .7Az .ZZTGt''YZF MINIMUM EOUIPMENT LIST 26, FIREPROTECTION REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS PLACARD As appropriate 26-14.1 CARGODETAIR C IndicatingSystem 1 (M) Indicationmay be inoperetiveprovidedthe smoke sampling system integrity is verified before each deoarture. EICASSTATUSMESSAGES CARGODETAtR (-200/-300) PLACARD As appropriate 26-15-1 APU FireDetection System 1), Detection , Looos c 2 c 2 Exceptfor ETOPSbeyond120minutes,one loopmay be inoperative. provided: (M) Maybe inoperative a) APU is operatedon the groundonly, monitored, b) APUis continuously c) APUexternalcontrolsystemoperatesnormallyand d) APU is shutdownbeioretaxi. for ETOPSdispatch, NOTE: 1.TheAPUandAPUgenerator, maybe required 2. Proceduresfor an operationalAPU generatorrequirean operativeAPU,thereis Formore no MELreliefbeyond120minutesETOPSwithoutthe APUavailable. informationon reliefwithoutAPU generatoravailable,regardingto ETOPS,see MELitem24-00-2. EICASSTATUSMESSAGES APUFIRELP ,1 APUFIRELP2 PLACARD NearEICAS- APUFIRELOOP1 (2)INOP Page26-2 REV.17MAR10/2007. :!'l/iIEV Hungarian Airlines4 .garEtt'vzF .7Ez LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM 26. FIREPROTECTION REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS C 26-16-1 LowerCargo Compartment Fire DetectionSystems (FWDandAFT) 2 0 provided: Oneor bothsystemsmaybe inoperative remains empty. a) The associated compartment or materialsare carried. b) Onlynon-combustible (M) One may be inoperativein each compartment provided remainingdetector is verified to operate normallybeforeeachdeparture. in eachcompartment. Onemaybe inoperative 1) Detectors C 4 2 2) DetectorFans C 4 2 EICASSTATUSMESSAGES AFT CARGODET,1 AFT CARGODET2 CARGODETAIR FWDCARGODET,1 FWDCARGODET2 PLACARD As appropriate (O) oPERATTONS procedures remainsemptyor Usethe established to verifythe associatedcompartment (ballast maybe loadedin ULDs), equipment contains onlyballast, emptycargohandling or fly awaykits.The operator'sMELmustdefinewhichitemsare approvedfor inclusion in the fly awaykitsandwhichmaterialscan be usedas ballast.(seeCombustible Materials) 26-17-1WheelWellFire DetectionSystem 8767-300 C 1 0 providedBrakeTemperature (M)(O)Maybe inoperative (BTMS)operates normally. lndications of retracttngan overheated NOTE: Avoidthe possibility wheel by monitoring brake temperature indications. (continued) Page26-3 REV.17. MAR10/2007. t!'lAlEV .AZEttlYZF Hungarian Airlines,fi .7Ez LIST MINIMUM EOUIPMENT 26. FIREPROTECTION REPAIR INTERVAL NUMBERREQUIRED FORDISPATCH REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 8767-200 C 1 0 providedan accepted (M) Maybe inoperative orocedureis usedto ensurebrakesare cool beforeenginestart. of retractingan overheated NOTE: Avoidthe possibility wheelby leavingthe landinggearextendedfor ten minutesaftertakeoff.In caseof engine gearshouldbe failureafterV1, landing retracteduntiltakeotfobstaclesare cleared. of ice Pilotsmustconsiderthe possibility gearextended during withlanding accumulation winterooerations. PLACARD then,placardadjacentto WHL In the eventall fourfiredetectorsensorsare inoperative, lf of sensorsare WELLFIRElight WHLWELLFIREDETINOP. any thefiredetector FIRE lightwill the WHL WELL operative, thenthatsensorwill normally, and operate illuminateif that sensordetectsa fire. OPERATIONS NOTE 1. A conservalive deltafuel burnincreasefor leavingthe landinggearextendedfor 10 minutesis 970k9. whendispatching adjustments 2. lt is not necessary to applygeardownperformance underthisitem. Page264 MAR10/2007. REV.17. I+U,EV Hungarian Airlines,fi EarEtjuaF .74- LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM 26, FIREPROTECTION REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 25-18-1 DUCTLEAK DetectionSystems 1) L or R Loop C 1 1 4 2 Oneloopin eachsystemmaybe inoperative. - 1 provided: M) (O) Maybe inoperative ENGBLEEDswitchremainsOFF, a) Associated b) Associatedbleed ISLN valve remainsclosed exceptfor enginestart, c) Airplaneis not operatedin known or forecast icingconditions, remainsat or belowFL 270 d) Airplane e) APUis usedas an air sourceduringtakeoffand landing. f) Onebodyloopsoperatesnormally,and fan air modulation g) For GE engines,associated position, valveis securedin the intermediate h) For GE engines, appropriate performance and areapplied, adjustments i) Operationis limitedto one flight only, before repairsare made. provided: (M) (O) Maybe inoperative a) Associated ENGBLEEDswitchremainsOFF, b) AssociatedbleedISLNvalveremainsclosedexcept for enginestart, c) Airplaneis not operatedin knownor forecasticing conditions, remains at or belowFL270, d ) Airplane penalties areapplied ADPinoperative f) Center HydraulicMotor Generatoris considered inoperative, One bodyloopoperatesnormallY, s) h ) For GE engines, associatedfan air modulation position, valveis securedin the intermediate performance appropriate D For GE engines, and adjustments are applied, i) Operationis limitedto oneflightonly,beforerepairs aremaoe. Page26-5 REV.17. MAY30/2007. tVUaEV Hungarian Airlines fi 78.7 EArEtjve LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM 26. FIREPROTECTION REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS A - 1 provided: (O) Maybe inoperative switchremainsOFF, Associated ENG BLEED a) b) AssociatedbleedISLNvalveremainsclosedexcept for enginestart, c) Airplaneis not operatedin knownor forecasticing conditions, remainsat or belowFL270, d ) Airplane e) APU is used as an air sourceduringtakeoffand randrng One bodyloopoperatesnormally, 0 g) For GE engines, appropriate performance adjustmentsare applied for an open fan air modulation valve,and h) Operationis limitedto one flightonly,beforerepairs aremade. 1 provided: (O) Maybe inoperative ENGBLEEDswitchremeinsOFF, a) Associated b) AssociatedbleedISLNvalveremainsclosedexcept for enginestart, c) Airplaneis not operatedin knownor forecasticing conditions, d ) Airplaneremainsat or belowFL 270, penaltiesare applied, ADP inoperative f) Center HydraulicMotor Generatoris considered inooerative, s) Onebodyloopoperatesnormally, performance h ) For GE engines, appropriate adjustmentsare applied for an open fian air valve,and modulation i) Operationis limitedto one flightonly,beforerepairs aremaoe. (continued) Page 26-6 REV.17.MAR 10/2007. :fr4lEW HungarianAirlines,rt .AarEtlUZF .78- EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM 26. FIREPROTECTION REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 2) BodyLoop provided: (O) Maybe inoperative a) APU is not usedas a pneumaticsourceexceptas requiredfor enginestart, b) APU bleedair switchremainsoff exceptrequiredfor enginestart, c) CenterbleedISLNvalveremainsclosedexceptas requiredfor enginestart, penaltiesare applied, performance d) ADP inoperative e) Both center system electric pumps operate normally, f) Airplaneremains at or belowFL270, g) Center HydraulicMotor Generatoris considered inoperative, and h) OneL andone R loopoperatenormally. 3) TestFunction (M) May be inoperativeprovideddetectionsystem is verifiedoperativeonceeachflightday. NOTE1: The 767airplaneshaveeithera singleloopor dualloopDuctLeakDetection system.Bothsystemshavea testfunction. NOTE2: On the singleloopsystem,MMELreliefexistsfor (a) up to threeof the four loopsin the (1, R) system,(b) bothbodyloops,and (c) the testfunction. NOTE3: On the dualloopsystem,MMELreliefexistsfor (a) up to threeof the four loopsin the (1, R) system,(b) bothbodyloops,and (c) the testfunction. valve(FAMV)canbe (1) NOTE4: ForL or R loopInoperative: Thefanair modulation position,or (2) allowedto be drivenfull securedby maintenance in the intermediate BLEEDswitchoFF - no Regulating Valve(ENGINE openbytheclosedPressure penalty withthe FAMVin the maintenance). The performance associated positionis lessthanthe penaltyassociated withthe FAMVin the full intermediate openposition. is inoperative. NOTE5: TheHMGis required for ETOPSroutesif an IDGor APUgenerator The HMGis notrequired for nonETOPS: NOTE6: The HMGis requiredfor ETOPSroutesif an IDGor APUgeneratoris inoperative. The HMGis not reouiredfor non-ETOP Page26-7 MAR10/2007. REV.17. .;*MLEV Hungarian Airlines B .7Ez ^aaTEttlYZF LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS EICASSTATUSMESSAGES L STRUTDCTLP 1 L STRUTDCTLP2 L DUCTLEAKLP 1 L DUCTLEAKLP 2 BODYDUCTLP 1 DUCTLEAKLP R STRUTDCT LP ,I R STRUTDCT LP 2 R DUCTLEAKLP 1 R DUCTLEAKLP 2 BODYDUCTLP2 PLACKARD - DUCTLEAKDETLOOP/TEST INOP As appropriate OPERATIONS {OI Valvesecured maintenance has FanAir Modulation 1. For Leftor RightLoopsinoperative, position, in intermediate andAPUis available: off,thereforeusetheAPUas the A. The affectedENGBLEEDvalvemustbe maintained airsourcefortheADP. B. CF6:Reduceperformance limitedweightsfor takeoff,landingand enrouteclimbin (O) procedurefor a FAMVsecuredin the withltem 36-12-2Operations accordance position. intermediate Valvesecured hasFanAir Modulation maintenance 2. For Leftor RightLoopsinoperative, position, in intermediate andAPUir notavailable: off,thereforeapplyADP A. The affectedENGBLEEDvalvemustbe maintained penalties (available inoperative in ltem29-11-3). andenrouteclimbin limitedweightsfor takeoff,landing B. CF6:Reduceperformance for a FAMVsecuredin the withltem 36-12-2Operations(O) procedure accordance intermediate oosition. C. TheADPwill notoperate,thereforethe HMGwill notoperate.ETOPSflightsrequire threeelectricalsourcesto be available.The HMG cannotbe countedasoneofthe ETOPSelectricalsourcesin this MEL situation. (ENGINE BLEEDswitchOFF- no maintenance 3. ForLeftor RightLoopsinoperative, actiontaken),andAPUis available: off,thereforeusetheAPU as the A. The affectedENGBLEEDvalvemustbe maintained air sourcefor the ADP. B. CF6-80C2:TheFanAir ModulationValveis drivenfull openby a closedPressure limited RegulationValve(ENGINEBLEED s\i/itchOFF).Reduceperformance withltem 36-12'2 weightsfor takeoff,landingandenrouteclimb in accordance (O) procedurefor a full openFAMV. operations Page26-8 MAY30/2007. REV.17. ,;*EIEW ^aarEtlve Hungarian Airlines 4 .787 LIST EQUIPMENT MINTMUM 26. FIREPROTECTION REPAIRINTERVAL NUMBERREQUIRED FORDISPATCH REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS (ENGINE BLEEDswitchOFF- no maintenance 4. ForLeftor RightLoopsinoperative, actiontaken).andAPUis notavailable: off, thereforeapplyADP A. The affectedENGBLEEDvalvemustbe maintained penalties (available inoperative in ltem29-11-3). B. CF6-80C2:The FanAir Modulation Valveis drivenfull openby a closedPressure limitedweights Regulating Valve(ENGINE BLEEDswitchOFF).Reduceperformance with ltem36-12-2operations(O) for takeoff,landingand enrouteclimbin accordance procedure for a full ooenFAMV. C. The ADPwillnot operate,thereforethe HMGwill notoperate.ETOPSflightsrequire threeelectricalsourcesto be available.The HMGcannotbe countedas one of the ETOPSelectricalsourcesin this MELsituation. 5. For BodyLoopinoperative: penaltiesin accordance with A. TheADPwill notoperate,applyADP inoperative (O) procedure. Item29-11-3Operations B. TheAPUshallnot be usedas a pneumaticsourceexceptas requiredfor enginestart. The APUcan be usedas an electricalsource. C. TheADPwill notoperate,thereforethe HMGwill notoperate.ETOPSflightsrequire threeelectricalsourcesto be available.The HMGcannotbe countedas one of the ETOPSelectricalsourcesin this MELsituation,Thetwo lDGsandAPUgeneratordo fulfillthisETOPSreouirement. D. With bothbodyloopsinoperative, the APU BLEEDair valveis OFFand Centerbleed ISLNvalveis closedso heatis notavailableto theAFT and BULKcargo maybe impacted. compartments. Carriage of animalsand/or perishables Page26-9 MAY30/2007. REV.17. tyUaEV Hungarian Airlines 4 .?aTEt'yzF -a.7 EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM 26. FIREPROTECTION REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREOUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS FireBTLDISCH Lights (M) May be inoperativeprovidedthe test procedureis used once each flight day to verify that associated bottle(s)is properlycharged. 1 ) Engine, APU, LowerCargo Compartments providedfire extinguisher systemfor Maybe inoperative is inoperative. lowercompartment z l LowerCargo Compartments (O) May be inoperative provided procs),.edores established and used to ensure the associated compartmentremainsempty,or is verifiedto contain ballast(ballast only emptycargohandlingequipment, associated Fly Away and/or in ULDS) may be loaded Kits.0 materials"in the Preamble NOTE:see"non-combustible 3) APU c 2 C 2 0 providedAPU is not used. Maybe inoperative Procedures may be requiredfor ETOPSdispatch. NOTE: The APU,and APU generator, I APU,thereis no MELreliefI requirean operative APUgenerator for an operational For moreinformation on I beyond120minutesETOPSwithoutthe APU available. reliefwithoutAPUgeneratoravailable,regardingto EToPS,see MELitem24-00-2 PLACARD Atfectedlight- LIGHTINOP 26-20-2 FireExtinguisher SQUIBTEST System 1 ) APUSquibLight 0 (M) May be inoperativeprovidedthe squib circuit is verifiedto operatenormallyonceeachflightday . 0 May be inoperative provided APU is considered and not used. inoperative I (continued) Page26-10 REV17.MAR10/2007. I*MIEW Hungarian Airlines fi .7e,7 .??Et'yzF EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 2) CargoSquibLights C 3 0 C 3 0 C 1 0 3) CargoSquibTest system systemis May be inoperativeprovidedfire extinguisher inoperative. (O) May be Inoperativeprovidedassociatedcargo remainsemptyor only non-combustible compartment materialsarecarried. (O) May be inoperativeprovided proceduresarel established and used to ensure the associated I compartmentremainsempty,or is verifledto containI ballast(ballast only emptycargohandlingequipment, I maybe loadedin ULDS,and /or FlyAwayKits. I "non-combustible materials"in the MELI \!qlE: see Preamble I Procedures for ETOPSdispatch. NOTE: The APU,andAPUgenerator, maybe required I for an operational APU generatorrequirean operativeAPU,thereis no MELreliefI beyond120 minutesETOPSwithoutthe APU available.For more informationon I regarding to ETOPS, reliefwithoutAPUgenerator available, seeMELitem24-00-2. PLACARD - INOP Testswitchat P61whenthe systemis inoperative Affectedlight- LIGHTINOP 26-22-1APUFire Extinguisher System 0 A Except for ETOPS operations,may be inoperative Drovided theAPUis notused. (M) Exceptfor ETOPSoperationsbeyond12ominutes, provided: maybe inoperetive a) APUis notused, b) Bothenginedrivengeneratorsoperatenormally, c) At leastone HydraulicMotorGeneratoris verifiedto operatenormally,and d) Repairsare madewithinthreeflightdays. (continued) Page26-11 MAR10/2007. REV.17. rtElEW Hungarian Airlines4 ^az7EtjvzF .747 LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXGEPTIONS for an may be requiredfor ETOPSdispatchProcedures NOTE: The APU, and APU generator, '120 operationalAPU generatorrequirean operativeAPU, there is no MEL reliefbeyond minutesETOPSwithoutthe APU evailable.For more informationon reliefwithoutAPU generatoravailable,regardingto ETOPS,see MELitem24-00-2. PLACARD As appropriate 26-23-1 LowerCargo Fire Compartment Extinguisher System (Meteredor Non MeteredSystem) 1) TwoandThree BottleSystems 0 providedprocedures are (O) Maybe inoperative and usedto ensurethe lowercargo established remainempty,or are verifledto contain compartments materials. onlynon-combustible "non-combustible materials"in the MEL AIqtE: see Preamble - (O) Extinguisherbottle No. 2 or 2A and associated indicationsmay be inoperative,with cargo carried in compartmentsprovided: and a) Airplaneis operatedpressurized, provided determine the timethe airline to A chart is b) to a suitable airport.. mustremainin proximity PLACARD As appropriate (O) oPERATTONS to verifythe associatedcompartment I . Operatorsmustestablishand use procedures (ballast equipment cargo handling empty remains emptyor contains onlyballast, maybe loadedin ULDs),or fly awaykits.The operator'sMELmustdefinewhich itemsare approvedfor inclusionin the fly awaykitsandwhichmaterialscan be used as ballast. NOTE1: The 767 passengeraircrafthavetwelvedifferentLowerCargo The followingpages FireExtinguisher SystemCombinations. Compartment The DESIGNATED systems operate. the various haveinformation on how whichmaydifferfromthe NAMEcolumnhasthe assignednomenclature, TIME PROTECTION actualcertified timelimitsin theFAAAPPROVED BOTTLE column(seeDDG# C, F, G, H, andJ).TheBOTTLENUMBER, howa fully METHOD columnsindicate TYPE,andDISCHARGE bottle operational systemworks,The lastcolumnindicatesthe inoperative Page26-12 REV.17. MAR10/2007. tVUIEV Hungarian Airlines 4 .7Ez .?ZEtrtYZt LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS airport. andmaximumnumberof minutesa flightcanbe froma suitable rangetime(AFM NOTE2: ForETOPSairplanes, theAFMhasan approved *'* Limitation sectionstatesthatthe flightshallremainwithin minutesof a a 15 minute rangetimeconsiders TheAFMapproved suitable airport). Timeequatesto diversion,thusa 157minuteFAAApprovedProtection (157-15\142minuterangetimefroma suitable airport. NOTE3: The BOTTLEryPE columnrefersto threetypesof bottles.KNOCK agentthroughan open DOWNbottlesprovidea dischergeof suppression nozzlefor initialfire knockdown.DUMPbottlesarethe sameas KNOCK DOWNbutareactivatedaftera timedelay.METEREDbottlesmaintaina prescribedlevelof suppression througha metered agentconcentration nozzlesystemfor noteddurationof fire suppression. NOTE4: The tablesarewrittenfor airplaneswithoutforwardcargoair conditioning (in DESIGNATED NAMEcolumn) otherwise unlessspecified JCErql&lE& LliEr8n.[hd Hunc 3 t ll||nui. lystcrn Bsttlc Typ. )y5Etr Appmvcd Pmtc tion Iirnc Trpc I SFtcm g0 MiDuler (ll Du.tlSwihh Dirchrgc 55 LBS. Knoclt Do*n Llunl Sr'.lEt Dircftrryc I l3 LBS. Dump Scc,lrrdBsttlc Dirche€c Sv.itch 30 MinutcrshcrKnelc Dcvm Dircharge (.4 - 10 Minub6 TA J5 LBSDunp Ttitd Botdc Dirchrrgc-t0 Minute Timc Dcl.ry aftcr SccondEottlc DircIrrgc (?A) - 60 Minutcr Macrcd I B ll0 Mituk llopsriv. gdttE { r Prtnhcris - Fligllt Rcmrins rA'ithin3 Minutsr b SuiEblc AuFofi lt Lus. Knock Do*n 3t LBS. D*"p 6U It{inntcs DlschEBc M.thod NonMdclEd lnd Dischtgc S$/iht lrl lvliourca aftcr Kaock Dornt Dirdrrtgs lJj - l0luiltuEi (lt Page26-13 MAR10/2007. REV.17. .ttfrLEW Hungarian eirfines4 .7A7 .?zrEttyaF LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT 26. FIREPROTECTION REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIREO REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 767.lmflooEn l..l'crlgfthd Narnc !3 C IJU Mmrdc Syrhlm BsttL fyp( FAA li',!tm Trp Approrcd PrDfrcctio]r Timc t:/ M inucs MrErcd I :A 2 D lvf M nutc t9: Syrlcm Minutcc IUct!rcd l E l9l Mnuc SI"t"- Mctcr(d I MinrE! On A irplanc: Dirdargc Mcthod J! Ltss. KnocL Down 55LBS. Ntctcrrd ll LBs. McEr€d Erlglc 5*tch Dischugc l5 L BS. Knock Down lrurlc Ss tch DireItgc All Bctdc! (KrocL Dovm tnd Botlr Mctcrcd Eoftlcsl DircluEc d thi SsrncTlrnc 80 LBS, All EottLc, (Xno{k Ir{ctcced Do*a sJd Bot[ M.rscJ Botrl.r) t3 LBti. Disctr+c t rhc McErrd Ss!. Timc :: Ltts. Knoclc Dovn 5irg]. Swdch I For*srd Cigo Conditioncd Ar All Bonlcr(Knock Dcpn urd Eoth M€ldrd Bottlcai _11LBS. llircluE d th. Mcrtftd Ssnc Trmc E;I!!4!!IB urrrSndkd I5 Nffi. Bottlc TyF l)sEm Apguwd PrpEcti,:n Dischrgc Mcdrod Trr. l B F 60 Mrnuk sl'!tEm PRR Bl186-r.5 incorpontrd 9u Minuica MctEr.d 2 TUL 85. Krlod( Dowr 3:TLBS. IMcEtd (ll-N,A (lA)-60 Minutcr (2) - 90 Minutr NrA (2A)-60Minutt (!) - 110Minrncr r) Dirchrrgc 92 LBS. McierEd \rt$ ldopaarirwBot r#r! Purn}crb - Flight Rcfleill' Withitr # Mirlrtcg ts Suitrbh AttFofi Si'lgh S\r'nch Dirchr4e Mctred Bottl< Dirclcgcs l0 M inttcr Trmc Dclay aft6 First Bottlc r.?A)- -t0Miruut (21-110Minucr InoFcrriv. got{c # ln Parrdrcris - Flight Rcmrinr Within # MituEi io Suitrbl€ futFort (l) - NJ (21. -10Miruts Page26-14 MAR10/2007. REV.17. ztElEV Hungarian Airlines,fi .787 .?27Et/u2F LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM 26. FIREPROTECT]ON REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATGH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 76?-300/r{10m Ir.l€n.rt6d Nlrne { - Approwd P!!bction Timc flJ Mmulc S'rEm Bottl€ Typ( SysEm Trpc I Mctcftd Minutct PRR B I1863-5 1A UULBs. luglt le tch Knock Dirclffg. Down 33LBS. lrleercd Eonlc McicrEd incorFord.d H l,al.lMlntrc Slstcm tvl rflmutc Sltten Metcrcd Minutca l9: hlinuter Mct$rd I : ]A 6l Mrmrtc Syatcm 9U McErtd Minrte! On A irplancs DirchsE. M.drod l 6{JLB5. Knoclr Down SirylE St tch Diachugc !t LBS. Mcicrcd Mclcrcd Botth Discl a4sr !0 Min1n.6 Timc D.lry en<r Fird Batth 5ULEs. Knocl Dov'n Si|rgL Sl* ch t0LBs. tr{ctccd BottLcs TULIiI. Knoch Do*n SinAL$n'ltch Dirchlgc tr LBs. It{emd Bottlc Dirchrrgrs10 Minucr Tim. Dclsy aftcr Firet Bonlc Farv/Erd Carfo Conditioncd l (2Ai - l0Mirutt (ll - NIA (l) - 30Ilinuus (r) - NrA DircIrrgc lvhtcrEd Dirclrrgc -10 Minrtcr Trmt Dclay ]ILBS. aficr Firn Botlc Mcte$d MCEtld \+lth Disc[ffgcr !0 Minrtcr linc Dchy rftcr First Botttc lnoFcrrhtt tsollE # ln PrlEdcair - Flight Rcmaiu Withia# MinuE b SuitEblc Aipst (! - 70Mirurer llA) - Lr0Minutcr (tl-NrA (D - 10 Minuts Ar K 195 Mmuc SFtcm Oh Airplsncs \thh Caqs Conditiorcd Air l9: Miottcl Mctercd ? :A EOLtts. Knocl Down q: LBS. Mct€ttd tt LBs. MGEIEd SinglcS$"nch Diechrrgc Mccrrd Bottlcr Dbchugc -10 Minutir lirDc Dckv sfis Fir* BcttL {l) - NrA (l! -60 Minutr (3Al - ll0 Minucr Page26-15 MAR10/2007. REV.17. :!M)EV Hungarian Airlinesh .ezrEtttYaF .787 LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT 26. FIREPROTECTION REPAIR INTERVAL NUMBERREQUIREDFORDISPATCH REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS PLACARD - FWDor AFTCARGOFIRE Associated CargoFirePanel(P5)CargoFireArmswitch(es) ARMINOP 26-26-1 PortebleFire Extinguishers (8767-200) (B767-300) i.a.w.JAROPS1.790 D 6 or missingprovided: Onemaybe unserviceable for the flight is available a) One Halonfireextinguisher deck, is availablefor each of three b) One extinguisher galleyarea,and c) The inoperative extinguishe(s) is tagged inoperative,removedfrom its locationand placed outof sight. D 10 8 or missingprovided: one maybe unserviceable for theflight is available a) One Halonfireextinguisher deck,and must be locatedin, or readily b) One extinguisher in, for use eachgalley,and accessible c) The inoperative extinguishe(s) is tagged inoperative,removedfrom its locationand placed outof sight. Page26-16 MAR10/2007. REV.17. .ltMlEV Hungarian Airlines,fi .78.gz}EttryAF LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREOUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 26-26-2 LavatoryFire Extinguisher System systemI For each lavatory,the lavatoryfire extinguisher may be inoperativeprovidedlavatorysmoke detectionI systemoperatesnormally. I (M) (O) For each lavatory,the lavatoryfire extinguisher provided: systemmaybe inoperative a) Lavatorywastereceptacleis empty, b) Lavatorydoor is locked closed and placarded, "INOPERATIVE - DO NOTENTER", and purpose. for any c) Lavatoryis not used 1) 8767-200 2) 8767-300 C 6 5 (M) (O) For each lavatory,the lavatoryfire extinguisher provided: systemmaybe inoperative d) Lavatorywastereceptacleis empty, e) Lavatorydoor is locked closed and placarded, 'INOPERATIVE - DO NOTENTER", and Lavatoryis not usedfor any purpose. NOTE 1: These provisosare not intendedto prohibit by crewmembers. lavatoryuseor inspections NOTE 2: A lavatoryfire extinguishersystem is not requiredfor all cargooperations. PLACARD Placardatfectedlavatorydoor- INOPEMTIVE- DO NOTENTER (O) OPERATIONS lf lavatorysmokedetectorsystemdoesnotoperatenormally,ensurethatthe associated lavatorydoorremainslockedand is not enteredexceptfor inspectionby crewmembers. Page26-17 MAR10/2007. REV.17. ;+U,EV Hungarian Airlines fi .7Ez .?SrEtttUE MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST NUMBERINSTALLED REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREOUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 26-263 Lavatory Smoke Detection System For each lavatory,the lavatorysmokedetectionsystemI may be inoperativeprovidedlavatoryfrre extinguisherl systemoperatesnormally. I 1) 8767-200 c 7 2) 8767-300 C 6 (M) (O) For eachlavatory,the lavatorysmokedetection provided: systemmaybe inoperative is empty, receptacle Lavatory waste a) b) Lavatorydoor is locked closed and placarded, 'INOPERATIVE - DO NoT ENTER", and c) Lavatoryis not usedfor anypurpose. 5 (M) (O) For each lavatory,the lavatorysmokedetection provided: systemmaybe inoperative is empty, waste receptacle Lavatory d) e) Lavatorydoor is locked closed and placarded, 'INOPERATIVE - DO NOTENTER". and f) Lavatoryis not usedf,oranypurpose. NOTE 1: These provisosare not intendedto prohibit by crewmembers. lavatoryinspections NOTE2:: A lavatorysmokedetectionis not requiredfor all cargooperations PLACARD Placardaffectedlavatorydoor- INOPEMTIVE- DO NOTENTER OPERATIONS {OI lf lavatorysmokedetectorsystemdoesnotoperatenormally,ensurethatthe associated lavatorydoorremainslockedand is notenteredexceptfor useor inspectionby crewmemDers. Page26-'18 MAR10/2007. REV.17. t*AdEW Hungarian Airlines fi .7A'7 ,AzrEttvZF LIST MINIMUM EOUIPMENT 27. FLIGHTCONTROLS REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS c 27{'3.1 FLTCONTROL SHUTOFF VaIVes 6 0 (M)Maybe inoperative open. c 6 0 providedthe associatedvalveis (M) May be inoperative verifiedopenbeforeeachdeparture. 0 (M) May be inoperativeprovideda visualflight control beforeeachdeparture. checkis accomplished 27-03-2 FLTCONTROL SHUTOFF OFF ValveLights PLACARD Affectedlight- LIGHTINOP 27-08-1 ControlSurface Position Indicating System NOTE:For-200i300,this itemcoversthe flightcontroldisplayon the EICASStatuspage. 27-08-2 FlaoPosition IndicatorSystem 1) Position Needles C 2 1 PLACARD - L (R)FLAPPOSINDINOP Nearindicator(-200l-300) as appropriate 27-09-l YawDamDer Trim Stabilizer Module(YSM) B 2 1 (M) (O) Onemaybe inoperative. NOTE: YSM's replaceStabilizerTrim AileronLockoutModules,Yaw DamperModules,andRudder new functionality. YSM's alsoincorporate RatioChang€rModuleson tlese airplanes. EICAS STATUSMESSAGES YSM PLACARD AirplaneFlight Log - L (R) YSM INOP Page27-1 REV'17MAR10/2007. :*MIEV ,azrEt'Ye Hungarian Airlinesfi .7ez LIST MINIMUM ESUIPMENT REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREOUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS OPERATIONS(O) An inoperativeYSM will result in inability to manuallyselectthe associated(L or R) autopilot whenusingoneof tle remainingchannels channel.This channelis still ableto engageautomatically in Approachmode,so autolandstatusis not affected. 27-ll-1 AileronTrim System C I 0 provided: (M) Maybe inoperative a) Oneautopilotoperatesnormally,and b) Ailerontrim systemis verifiedcentered. PLACARD -AILERONTRIMINOP Ailerontrimswitches Aileron 27-11-2Outboard LockoutSystem 1) Indication System C 1 0 (M) (O) May be inoperative unlocked provided is limitedto 270 KIASor 0.73Mach, maximum airspeed whicheveris less. C '1 0 (MXO) May be inoperativeprovidedaileron lockout system is verified to operate normally before each deDarture. PLACARD Pilot'spanels- DO NOTEXCEED 270KIASOR 0.73MACH INOP Pilot'scenteroanel- OUTBOARD AILERONLOCKOUT OPERATIONS {O) DO NOTEXCEED 270KIASOR 0,73MACH Avoidlargeor abruptaileroncontrolinputsabovemaximumflapextensionspeed.Excersizecaution to preventexcessiveroll response. 27-21-1 RudderRatioLight C 0 (M) Maybe inoperative OFFprovided: a) RUDDERRATIOmessageon the EICASis verified to operatenormally,and b) Bothcontrolchannelsoperatenormally. Page27-2 REV17 MAR10/2007. Hungarian Airlines :tMlEV B .7Az ^SaTEttYat LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS the amber NOTE:One channelmust operatefor dispatch.lf both channelsare inoperative, permitted. is not RUDDERRATIOmessage willappearanddispatch PLACARD Affectedlight- LIGHTINOP 27-32-1 StallWarningTest Systems C 2 0 providedoperationof associated (M) Maybe inoperative systems is verifiedto operate normallybefore each deoarture. PLACARD - L (R) STALLWARNINGTEST INOP As appropriate 27.41-1 ControlWheelTrim B SwitchSystems 2 on the non-flyingpilot'sside 1 (M) One maybe inoperative providedstabilizertrim system is verifiedto operate normallv. 2741-2 Horizontal StabilizerPrimary TrimChannels 2 1 C provided: (M)(O)Onemaybe inoperative a) Horizontalstabilizertrim operatesnormallyusing stabilizer trim levers (Alternate Stabilizer Trim Switches), to CategorylllA Landing b) The aircraftis re-classified Minima. c) No arm or controlvalvesare failedin the energized position. OPERATIONS {OI rate. to halfthesignaled willbe reduced trimming STABTRIMlightmayilluminate. lf lightilluminates, alternete trim system procedure from the (M) rate is available full trim NOTE:Maintenance confirms priorto dispatch. 2748-1 STABTRIM lndicators 1 One may be inoperativeprovidedfaultyindicetoris not visible. PLACARD - STABTRIMINDICATOR INOP indicator Overassociated Page27-3 REV17 MAR10/2007. ,y'lAaEV Hungarian Airlines 4 .7e.7 .?ZEtJUE LIST MINIMUM EOUIPMENT 27. FLIGHTCONTROLS REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 27-51-1 AutomaticFlap LoadRelief Retraction 1) -200/-300 (ActuatorRodEnd Down) c 2) -300(ActuatorRod C EndUp) 1 (M) May be inoperativein the normal (actuator extended)positionprovidedflaps30 are not used. 1 NOTE:Flaps25 may be used to maximumlanding weight. (M) (O) May be inoperativein the normal (actuator retracted)positionprovidedthe flaps 25 and flaps 30 adjustedmaximumlandingweightsareobserved. 0 PLACARD Near flap handle- AUTO FLAP LOAD RELIEF INOP - DO NOT USEFLAPS30 As appropriate OPERATTONS(O) Maximumlandingweightmustbe equalto or lessthanthe valueslistedin the followingtable: Model (md end 767-200ER down) 767-3008R(rodend up) 27-62-1 AutoSpeedBrake Svstem 25MLW seeAFM 30 MLW Not used 257,400 lbs. (116,760 kgs) 236,600lbs. (107,320 kgs) C 1 0 20 MLW not applicable not applicable (MXO) May be inoperative provided system is areappliedif landing andAFMdecrements deactivated, performance requiresuseof autospeedbrakes. PLACARD Auto speedbrake light - AUTO SPDBRK INOP Nearsoeedbrake handle- AUTO SPDBRK INOP (OI OPERATIONS 1. The FAA ApprovedAirplaneFlightManualprovidesperformancepenaltiesfor airplanescertified withlandingfieldlengthcreditfor autospeedbrakes, 2. Forlandingdeployspeedbrakesmanually. Page274 REV17 MAR10/2007. .ah'AIEW Hungarian AirlinesB ,sarEtjve .787 EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM 27. FLIGHTCONTROLS REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 27-62-2 Speedbrake CautionLight System a 1 27-63-1AUTOSPDBRK, C SPOILERS, and STABTRIMLights PLACARD Affectedlight- LIGHTINOP 3 0 (M) May be inoperativeprovidedassociatedEICAS messageis verifiedto operateonceeachflightday. 27-81-1 Leading edgeSlat Skew/ Loss DetectionSystem 1 0 (M) May be inoperativedeactivatedprovidedleadingI edgeslatsystemis verifiedto operatenormally. I C Page27-5 REV17 MAR'10/2007. I+UIEV Hungarian Airlinesfi EOEIaUG 7Az MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST 28. FUELSYSTEM REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREOUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 28-11-1SumDDrainValves C 8 7 (M)Onemaybe inoperative closed. (M) May be inoperativeprovidedalternateprocedures andused. areestablished 28-21-1 PressureFueling System 1) FuelShutoffValves C 6 0 (M) Maybe inoperative closed. c 6 0 (M) May be inoperativeopen if fuel iettisonsystemis deactivated. 28-21-2 FuelingReceptacle C Cao 2 0 (missing)provided (M) Maybe inoperative a) Refueling receptacle is vitually checked for beforeeachrefuelingand contamination b) No leakage can be detected after refuelingis complete. PLACARD Fueling panel door - FUEL CAP MISSING 28-22-'l MainTank Fuel Pumps C 4 3 (M) (O) Except for ETOPS operations,beyond 120 provided: deactivated minutesone maybe inoperative quantity indications operate a) Both main tank normally, and b) The followingminimumfuel quantitiesare retained in the affectedtankfor the flightconditionshown: - 4,540kg (10,000lbs) TAKEOFF LANDING-2,270kg ( 5,000lbs) 1) AutomaticFunction C of LeftFWDPump 1 0 (O) May be inoperativeprovidedalternateprocedures and used. are established maintank providesutficient fuelto ensuretheoperable NOTE:The minimum fuelquantities specified pump'sinletand suctionbypassinletwill remaincoveredat expectedpitchattitudesduring takeoffandlanding. PLACARD Associatedswitch as appropriate- L (or R) FWD (or AFT) PUMP INOP PAGE28.1 REV17 MAR10/2007 :IMIEW Hungarian Airlines,fi E?E'IUE 787 MINIMUMEOUIPMENTLIST 28, FUELSYSTEM REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREOUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS (O} OPERATIONS 1. Foran inoperative maintankfuelpump: for takeoffandlanding: minimum fuelvaluesareavailable a) Ensurethefollowing - 4,540kg (10,000lbs) TAKEOFF LANDING- 2,270kg ( 5,000lbs) unusable. b) Thelandingminimum fuelquantity mustbe considered 2. Foran inoperative automaticfunctionof the leftforwardfu€lpump: Startthe APU. selecttheleftfoMardfuelpumpON. b) OncetheAPUis running andAC poweris available, NOTE: Fuel for the APU operationis suppliedfrom the left main tank. When AC poweris by a DCfuelpump.WhenAC poweris applied, unavailable, fuelpressure is provided the left forwardAC fuel pumpis signaledto start regardlessof its is this automaticfunctionwhichmaybe inoperative. 28-22-2 CenterTankFuel Pumps C 2 I provided: (M)Onemaybe inoperative a) Centertankremainsempty,and b) Associatedcentertankfuelpumpis deactivated. 1 (M) (O) May be inoperativewith center tank fueled provided: a) Fuel quantityin main tanks is adequateto reach pumpfailsat anytime, airportif remaining suitable b\ Zero fuel weight calculationsare adjustedby the weightof centertank fuel, c) The effect on airplanebalance,in the event fuel cannotbe used,is accountedfor, d) Low PRESSlightoperatesnormallyon remaining pump, e) Centertankquantityindicationoperatesnormally, f) One crossfeedvalve is open priorto take off and remainsopenuntilcentertank is selectedOFF,and g) Associatedcentertankfuel pumpis deactivated. PAGE28-2 REV17 MAR10/2007 ;+UIEV Hungarian Airlines4 EAEIIYE 787 MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST 28, FUELSYSTEM REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS provided: (M) Maybe inoperative a) Centertankremainsempty, b) Centertank quantityindicationoperatesnormally, and c) Centertankpumpsare deactivated. provided: (M) Maybe inoperative C 2 l) Airplaneswith tank empty, a) Center remains ServiceBulletins system operatesnormally, tank b) Center scavenge 767-28-0052 or ano 767-28-0062 c) Centertank Pumpsare deactivated. installed NOTE: for Malev8767-200ER. SB 767-28-0062had beenaccomolished 2) Airplanes subjectto Airworthiness Directive200115-08in effect C 2 0 (M) May be inoperativeprovided: a) Boeing Alternate Means of Compliance to AirworthinessDirective2001-15-08arefollowed, b) Centertank containslessthan 5000poundsof fuel, c) Centertankfuel is not used,and d) Aflected pump(s)is deactivated. NOTE: ER. AD 2001-15-08 hadbeenaccomplished for Malev8767-200 PLACARD - L (R) PUMPINOP Centertankpumpswitch(es)asappropriate (O) OPERATIONS -Ensurethat grossweightandfuel limitationhavebeensatisfied. A. Adjustthezerofuel weightofthe airplaneby includingthe weightofcentertank fuel, or adjustthemaximumzerofirel weightby subtracting the weightofcentertankfuel. empty. NOTE:130to 230kgsof fuelin centertankis considered PAGE28-3 REV 17 MAR 1Oi2OO7 ,*'lAlEW Hungarian Airlinesfi 787 BAEfiUE MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST 28, FUELSYSTEM REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 28-22-3 DualFuel CrossfeedValves C 2 provided: 1 (M) (O) Maybe inoperative a) Atfectedvalveis securedclosed, valveoperates normally and b) Remaining c) For ETOPS operations, remaining valve is duringthe lasthourof flight. exercised OPERATIONS {OI Duringthe last hour of cruiseon all extendedrange flights,exercisethe operativevalve per the following. 1. Selectthe crossfeedvalveswitchON.VerifyVALVElightilluminates and extinguishes. and extinguishes. 2. SelectcrossfeedvalveswitchOFF.VerifyVALVElightilluminates 28-224 Centerfank Float OoeratedShutoff Valves c 2 0 May be inoperativeprovidedthe centertank remains empty. PLACARD Indicating FuelQuantity SystemCenterTank- CENTERTANKUNUSABLE 28-25-'l APUFuelPump (Dc) 28-25-2 APUFuelShutoff Valve C 1 0 (M) May be inoperativedeactivatedprovidedboth bft | whenAPU is I fueltank boostpumpsoperatenormally, requiredfor dispatch. I 0 provided: (M) Maybe inoperative APU is not used, and a) b) Valveis securedclosed. PLACARD APU controlpanel- APU FUEL VLV INOP 28-25-3APUFuellsolation C Valve (if installed) EICAS STATUSMESSAGES APU ISLN VAL (M) May be inoperativeprovidedthe valve is secured closed. PAGE284 REV17 MAR,10/2007 :!frlEV Hungarian Airlinesfi BOE TUE 7A7 MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS PLACARD APU controlpanel- INOP NOTE:Withthe APUfuel isolationvalveinoperative closed,the DC FuelPumpwill not be availablefor inflight enginestart. 28-26-1 DefuelValves r . e 0 (M) Maybe inoperative closed. 28-313 FuelJettison System C 0 provided: (MXO)Maybe inoperative a) Jettisonnozzlevalvesare securedclosed,and b) Jettisontransfervalvesare securedclosed. 1 '1) CenterTank 0 (MXO) May be inoperativeprovidedboth centertank C 2 Jettison Pumps fuelpumpsoperatenormallyif centertankis used. PLACAR,D - FUEL JETTISONSYSINOPor CTR JET PUMP(S)INOP Fueljettisonpanelasappropriate (O) OPERATIONS and both centertank fuel pumpsoperative,fuel NOTE:With centertank jettisonpumpsinoperative jettisoncapabilityremainsavailableat 50%normaljettisonrate. and by using normallandingprocedures 1. OveMeightlandingsmay be safelyaccomplished techniques. associatedwith heavierthan normal landing 2. There are no adversehandlingcharacteristics weights. autolands. 3. Boeingdoesnotrecommend overweight 4. Referto the BoeingFlightCrewTrainingManualfor furtherinformationconcerningOveMeight Landing Autoland Policy. and/orOveMeight 2840-l CrossfeedVALVE Light(s) 1)SingleVALVE Installation 2) DualVALVE Installation (M) Exceptfor ETOPSoperations may be inoperativel providedcrossfeedvelve and both main fuel quantityl indications operatenormally. I C 1 0 C 2 provided: 1 (M) On€maybe inoperative valve is verified to operatenormally, a) One crossfeed and PAGE28-5 REV17 MAR10/2007 :|'lAlEV Hungarian Airlinesfi EAEaUE 787 MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST 28. FUELSYSTEM REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS operatenormally. b) Bothmainfuelquantityindications C 2 0 (M) Exceptfor ETOPSoperationsmay be inoperative provided: a) Crossfeedvalvesare verifiedto operatenormally, ano operatenormally. b) Bothmainfuelquantityindications 0 providedsparvalveoperationis (M) May be inoperative flight day verifiedonceeach PLACARD Affectedlight- LIGHTINOP 28"{0-2 SPARVALVE Lights PLACARD Affected light- LIGHTINOP 28-41-l FuelOuantity Indication System (FlightDeck) 1) MainTank lndicators c 2 (M)(O) Except for ETOPS operationsone may be provided: inoperative a) Fuel quantityin associatedtank is verifiedby an means, alternate b) FMC CALCULATED fuel quantity operates normally, and c) FMC FUEL is initializedwith the knowntotal fuel quantity, to identifycontainan inflightenginefuel d) Procedures leakareused e) Both boost pumps in associatedtank operate normally, and. 0 Fuel pump Low pressure warning lights in associatedtankoperatenormally. g) Centertankremainsempty. operatenormally, h) Fuelflowindications NOTE:FUEL CONFIGadvisorymessagefor lateral maybe inhibited. imbalance PAGE28-6 REV17 MAR10/2007 t+UaEV Hungarian Airlines,fi EoEttUE 7Az MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST 28. FUELSYSTEM REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS provided: 2) CenterTank 0 (M) Maybe inoperative empty, lndicator a) Centertankremains b) Center tiankscavengesystem operatesnormally, (Airplaneswith ano ServiceBulletins c) Centertankfuel pumpsare deactivated. -28-0052 767 or 767-28-0062 installed) NOTE: for Malev8767-200ER.(LHA,LHB) SB 767-28-0062had beenaccomolished 3) CenterTank C lndicator (Airplanessubject to Airworthiness Directive2001-l508) 0 provided: (M) May be inoperative a) Boeing Altemate Means of Compliance to AirworthinessDirective2001-15-08is followed, b) Centertank is verifiedto havelessthan5000pounds of fuel, c) Centertankfuel is not used,and d) Centertankfuel pumpsaredeactivated. NOTE: AD 2001-15-08 hadbeenaccomplished for Malev8767-200ER.(LHA,LHB) 4) FuelQuentity Densitometers a) Honeyruell b) B.F. Goodrich (Simmonds) c 3 0 c 3 0 (M) May be inoperative provided densitometer{s)is deactivated. associated NOTEI: Subitem 3: Fuel Quantity Densitometershave in the past caused l) blanking of the flight deck fuel quantity indicators and, 2) fluctuation of flight deck fuel quantity indicators. Ifa FQIS processorunit will utilize densitcmeteris inoperative or deactivated,the Honey"rrvell to indications from another firnctional densitometer or revert an intemal density standard of 6.7 lb per gallon. B. F. Goodrich (Simmonds) FQIS system, with an inoperative densitometerwill revert to an intemal densif standardof6.725 lb per gallon. Both systems will continually meet accuracyspecificationswith failed densitometers. maybe equipment of FQISandanotherinoperative NOTE2:MELreliefforthefollowing combinations limitedor notallowed. Referto eachMELitem. PAGE28-7 REV 17 MAR 10/2007 ztAlEV Hungarian Airlines rrt EAETG 787 MINIMUMEAUIPMENTLIST 28. FUELSYSTEM REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 2841-1 FuelQuantityIndication System(FlightDeck) (continued NOTE2) FQIS& 28-22-1 MainTankFuelPumps FQIS& 28-22-2 CenterTankFuelPumos FQIS& 2841-2FuelQtyProcessor Channels FQIS& 73-31-1 FuelFlowIndications Limitedor not allowed Limitedor not allowed Notallowed Notallowed-(thisresultsfromthe FMC fuelquantityrequirement) CALCULATED NOTE 3: ServiceBulletin767-28-0052, andproductionequivalentPRRB 12778,is the FuelPumpWithout Installationof a CenterAuxiliary TankOverridePumpor Ovenide/Jettison an Inlet Diffuser.ServiceBulletin767-28-0062, andproductionequivalentPRRBl277E-2, is the Fuel-Installation ofa CenterAuxiliary TankOverridePumpor Override/Jettison ManualBulletinsfor Fuel PumpWith a Cast-inlnlet Diffuser.The BoeingOperations SystemImbalanceAnomalyprovidefurtherinformation. NOTE 4: TheFMC OperationalProgramSoftware(OPS)partnumberis displayedon the FMC IDENT page. EICAS STATUSMESSAGES FUEL QTY BITE FUEL QTY IND PLACARD Fuel Quantity Indicator- ToTAL FUEL QUANTITY INOP - L (R) TANK FQISINOP or CTR TANK FQISINOP FuelQuantityIndicatorasappropriate - CTR TANK FUEL PUMPSDEACTIVATED CenterTankFuelPumpSwitchesasappropriate (O) OPERATIONS Reviewthe Log book to verify that FMC calculatedfuel quantityis operatingnormally.Total fuel page.Flight quantity Initialization mustbe calculated initialized on the FMCPerformance andmanually crew should monitor FMC Fuel Used an CalculatedFuel and the op€rativefuel tank quantity indications to ensureusageare normal. 1. Operatethe flightwiththe fuelcrossfeedvalve(s)closed(unlessdirectedotherwisebelow) PAGE28-8 REV17 MAR10/2007 rtMlEW Hungarian Airlines,fi EZE'TUE 7A7 MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST 28. FUELSYSTEM NUMBERINSTALLED REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 2. Comparethe FMC CalculatedFuelwith the flightplanfuel remainingat eachway-pointor fix for whichpredictedfuel useis available. Monitorfuel usagefor anyunusualdecreasein fuelquantityand/ora fuel imbalance. 4 . A fuelleakmaybe evidencedby one or moreof the following: rate. A. Fuelquantity decreasing at an abnormal B. Excessivefuelflow. 900kg perhour(2000lbihr)or An increasing fuelimbalence of approximately C. Fuelimbalance. moreshouldbe considered a fuelleak. NOTE: "FUELCONFIG"advisorymessegeor lightwill not displayfor a fuel imbalance condition whenIeftor rightFQISis inoperative. one unit D. Excessive lateraltrim- an imbalance of 1,800kg (4,000lb)willrequireapproximately level. of ailerondisplacement to holdthewings E. Visualobservation of fuelsprayfromthe struVengine. F. An engineflameout. 5. For operationwith centertank fuel, when centertank fuel is depleted,verifythat airplaneat the pointpredicted bytheflightplan. NOTE:lf centertankexhaustionprecedesthe pointpredicted,a fuelleakshouldbe suspected. 6. lf an enginefuel leak is confirmed,shutdownthe affectedengineto stop the leak.After engine engine. fuelmaybe usedfortheoperating shutdown, all remaining 28.41-2 FuelQuantity ProcessorChannels 1) Hone)ryrell FQIS B 2 1 (M) (O) Exceptfor ETOPSoperations onechannelmay be inoperativeprovided: by measuringsticks a) Total fuel quantityis determined or other acceptablemeansafter each refueling, and agreeswith the fuel quantityindications, by an acceptable b) Inoperativechannelis deactivated procedure, c) All flight deckfuel indicationsoperatenomally, d) FMC calculatedfuel quantity operatesnormally, e) Fuelflow indicationsoperatenormally, PAGE28-9 REV17 MAR10/2007 ;tUlEV Hungarian AirlinesB AOEIIUE 7A7 MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST 28. FUELSYSTEM REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 0 FMC TOTALIZER FUEL quantitya$ees with tuel quantityindications,and g) For PegasusFMC installationswith Operational or ProgramSoftwarepart number3418-HNP-02C-0E System operates normally. earlier,ThrustManagement 2) Simmonds FQIS B 2 I (O) Exceptfor ETOPSoperations,one channelmay be provided: inoperative operates normally, a) All flightdeckfuelrndications b) FMC CALCULATED fuel quantity operates normally, and operatenormally c) Fuelflowindications d) FMC TOTALIZERFUEL quantityagreeswith the fuelquantityindications. e) For PegasusFMC installationswith Operational ProgramSoftwarepart number3418-HNP-02C-08 or earlier, Thrust ManagementSystem operates normallY. IDF*'- | --" is urrPr4Jwu displayed-on the * tFMC * numberrJ NOTE: The FMC OperationalProgram uBlall Dultw'llr' Software(OPS) (vrD/ part P4rr uurlrusr page. I EICAS STATUSMESSAGES FUEL QTY BITE FUEL QTY CHANNEL PLACARD Fuelquantityindicator- PROCESSOR CIIANNEL INOP OPERATIONS {OI '1. Prior to each enginestart, confirmthat the FMC Performance Page, FUEL is Initialization quantity. (i.e. boxes appear), DO NOT lf not, fuel automatically initializedwith the knowntotal manuallyenterfuelquantity,repairsmustbe madebeforedispatch. 3. Priorto each enginestart,confirmthat fuel flow systemInputsare valid on the FMC SENSOR STATUSPage1 (PlP FMC- LEFTand RIGHTEICASOK or NON-PIPFMC- Leftand Right FUELFLO). PAGE28.10 REV17 MAR10/2007 tlMlEV Hungarian Airlines fi EAEflUE 787 MINIMUMEAUIPMENTLIST 28. FUELSYSTEM NUMBERINSTALLED REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATGH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS C 28.11-6 FuelOuantity (Fueling Indications Panel) 0 (M) May be inoperativeprovided alternate fueling and used. are established orocedures PLACARD -RIGHT(LEFTand/orCENTER) ,UEL artl Fuelingcontrol panel indication(s)asappropriate INOP 2841-7 TotalFuelQuantity C lndication 1 0 provided: (O) Maybe inoperative withthe knowntotalfuelquantity, a) FMCis initialized b) FMC CALCULATEDfuel used for each engine operatesnormally, c) BothFMC's operatenormally. operatenormally,and d) Fuelflowindications e) For PegasusFMC installationswith Operational ProgramSoftwarepart number3418-HNP-02C-08 or earlier, Thrust ManagementSystemoperates normallY. NOTE:The FMC OperationalProgramSoftware(OPS)partnumberis displayedon the FMC IDENT page. PLACARD FuelQuantityIndicator- TOTAL FUEL QUANTITY INOP (O) OPERATIONS 1. Total fuel quantitymust be calculatedand manuallyinitializedon the FMC Performance Pagepriorto enginestart. Initialization 2 lt total fuel quantityis inoperativeas a result of an individualtank quantityindication,MEL restrictions for that itemmustbe observed. 3- Priorto eachenginestart,confirmthat fuel flowsysteminputsare validon the FMCSENSOR STATUSPage1 - LEFTandRIGHTEICASOK . FUELOTY.Forflightsnot 4. (Optional) Priorto eachengineshutdown,recordFMCCALCULATED totalfuelquantity. means of determining requiring fuel,thisvaluemaybe usedas a additional PAGE28-11 REV17 MAR10/2007 I!'AIEV Hungarian Airlinesfi EZE IUE 787 MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST 28. FUELSYSTEM REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR'ANDEXCEPTIONS with the fue lf it is necessaryto jettisonfuel enroute,FMCtotalfuel quantitymustbe reinitialized quantityremainingat the completionof jettison. In caseof enroutefailureof the FMCcalculatedtotalfuelquantity,flightcrewmustkeepa fuel log for the remainderof the flight. NOTE:The PROGRESSpage 1 displayof FUELquantityand ATA at the LastWaypointpriorto page2 FUEL failuremaybe usedas a startingpoint.In somefailuremodes,PROGRESS USEDdatamaybe available. NOTE:Ailerontrim indicationon the controlwheelcan be usedto determineif a fuel imbalance of 1,800kg (4,000pounds)will require condition exists.At cruisespeedsan imbalance to holdthewingslevel. approximately oneunitof ailerondisplacement 28-42-l FuelPumpLow PRESSLights c 6 pump. for an associatedinoperative Maybe inoperative c 6 (M) May be inoperativeprovidedassociatedEICAS messageis verifiedto operateonceeachflightday. C 1 PLACARD Affectedlight- LIGHTINOP 28.43-1 FUELTEMP Indicating System 0 (O) May be inoperativeprovidedTotalAir Temperature (TAT)is usedas an indicationof fueltemperature. NOTE:StaticAir Tempereturemay be used provided ram risefactoris applied. appropriate PLACARD Airplaneflight log - FUEL TEMP IND INOP (O} OPERATIONS (TAT)for fueltemperature. UseTotalAir Temperature (SAT)conversion. SeeMEL3413-7 for StaticAir Temperature 28-44-1 MeasuringSticks C 16 0 May be inoperativeprovidedfuel quantityis determined means. byotherapproved PAGE28-12 REV 17 MAR 1Ol2007 ;?MIEV Hungarian Airlinesfi EOETE 787 MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST POWER 29. HYDRAULIC REPAIRINTERVAL NUMBERREQUIREDFORDISPATCH REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 29-11-1 EngineDriven Hydraulic Pumps 1) Depressurization c Function 2 C 29-11-2 CenterSystem (Electric) Hydraulic Pumps 2 providedthe Air 1 (M)onlypumpNo.2maybe inoperative DrivenPumpoperatesnormally. 29-11-3Air DrivenPump (ADP) 1 0 C provided: (M) (O) Maybe inoperative (HMG)is notrequired, Motor Generator a) Hydraulic pumps operate system electric Both center b) normally, and c) Takeoffand landingperformancelimitedweightis (40,0001b) OR 318k9(7001b) reducedby 18,143k9 are when specialobstaclecl€arancerequirements meI. The NOTE: TheHMG is requiredfor ETOPSroutesif an IDG or APU generatoris inoperative. HMG is not requiredfor non-ETOPS. PLACARD - ADP INOP Hydrauliccontrolpanelasappropriate (OI OPERATIONS andC HYDSYSMAINTstatus NOTE:Duringperiodsof highdemand,C HYDSYSPRESScaution, messagemay display.lf centerhydraulicsystempressureremainsbelow2800 psi for 60 willlatch. thentheC HYDSYSMAINTmessage secondsor more,withbothenginesrunning, 1. lt is normalfor the landingGEAR DISAGREEmessageto be displayedif the gear is not retracted/extended within the time delay on the landinggear monitorcircuit,With the ADP 2y2tines inoperative, the landinggear retraction/extension times will increaseto approximately normaland mayexceedthe timedelayresultingin displayof the GEARDISAGREEmessageuntil gearretractionis complete. 30%. 2. Flapretractionand extensiontimeswillincreaseby approximately PAGE29-1 REV17 MAR10/2007 z!'lAlEW Hungarian Airlines4 AOE TUE 7A7 MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST POWER 29. HYDRAULIC REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS The ADP will not operate,thereforethe HMG will not operate. Specialobstacleclearancetiakeoffperformance: timeswhich,in turns,causesa NOTE:An inoperative ADP causeslongerlandinggearretraction degradedflight profile.Beforeapplyingthe appropriatesmallertakeoffweight penalty, ensurethat no obstaclesexist abovethe obstacleclearanceplanedefinedby the table below. a) Reduceperformancelimitedweightby 18,143k9if an obstacleprotrudesabovethe obstacle clearanceplaneas definedbythe tablebelow,OR b) Reduceperformancelimitedweightby 318kgif NO obstacleprotrudesabovethe obstacle clearanceolaneas definedbv thetablebelow. PLANE OBSTACLECLEARANGE *Horizontal distance (in feet)fromreferencezero 0 5.000 6.500 7.000 8.000 10.000 20.000 30.000 40,000 50,000 60.000 66,000 andon ' Height (in feet) above referencezero cF6-80c2 0 29 cz 37 50 195 340 484 630 775 854 854 *This tableassumes referencezerois locatedat the departureendofthe runway(clearwayis not usedfor takeoff analysis).Altematelythe Airplane Flight Manual may be usedto determine referencezeropoint. t'ttttc, zJ-z REV 17 MAR 1Oi2OO7 ^rYUaEV Hungarian Airlines 4 EOEfrE 787 MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST NUMBERINSTALLED REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS planeas definedby the tableabove,reduce A. If an obstacleprotrudesabovethe obstacleclearance performance limitedweishtasfollows: Model/ Enqine IAKEOII -200&-300/-cF6-80c2 18143kq /40.000lb planeasdefinedby the tableabove,reduce B. Ifno obstacleprotrudesabovethe obstacleclearance performance limitedweightasfollows: Model/ Enqine I aKeofi -200&-300/-cF6-80c2 318 kq / 700 lb 29-11.4 ADPController 1) AUTOFunction C '1 0 provided: (O) Maybe inoperative a) Controlis ON for takeotfand landing. b) HydraulicMotorGenerator(HMG)is not required,or whenHMGis required, controlis ONcontinuously c) Takeoffand landingclimblimitedgrossweightsare reducedby 1,633kg(3,6001b). d) OFFpositionoperatesnormally,and 2) ON Function C 1 0 provided: Maybe inoperative a) The AUTO and OFF functionsof the ADP operate normally,and b) HMGis notreguired. The NOTE: The HMG is requiredfor ETOPSroutesif an IDG or APU generatoris inoperative. HMG is not requiredfor non-ETOPS. (O} OPERATIONS 1. WithAUTOinoperative turntheADPon at thefollowingtimes: a) On the groundpriorto takeoff. priorto flapextension. b) Inflight c) At all timesif hydraulicdrivengeneratoris requiredfor dispatch. by 1,633kg(3,6001b). 2. Takeolfandgo-around climblimitedgrossweightsarereduced PAGE29.3 REV17 MAR10/2007 z*MIEV Hungarian Airlines fi EOE IUE 7A7 MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST POWER 29. HYDRAULIC NUMBERINSTALLED REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 29-11-5 ElectricDemand Pump(ACMP) 1) AUTOFunction 29-18-1 ReservoirService Indication Quantity B 2 provided: 1 One maybe inoperative and normally, a) Pumpoperates b) Associatedpumpis selectedON and remainson. U LowSYS 29-31-1 Hydraulic PRESSLights 1) LeftLowSYS PRESSLight provided: (M) Maybe inoperative a) Pump low PRESS lights and all HYD PRESS in the leftsystemoperatenormelly,and indications signalwireof the PTUsystem The left low-pressure b) is cappedand stowed. 2) RightLowSYS PRESSLight May be inoperativeprovidedpump low PRESSlights in the right system and all HYD PRESSindications operatenormally, PLACARD Affected light- LIGHTINOP 29-31-2 PumpLowPRESS Lights 1) Left,Center, RightandAir DrivenPump, provided: (M) Onein eachsystemmaybe inoperative a) Associated low SYS PRESS light operates normally, and b) Associatedpump operationis verifiedbeforeeach departure. 2) Centersystem No.2Electric Pump provided: Maybe inoperative Driven Pump operatesnormally,and Air a) b) Associatedpumpis selectedOFF. PAGE294 REV17 MAR10/2007 ;VUIEV Hungarian Airlinesfi EAE lYG 787 MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST POWER 29. HYDRAULIC REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREOUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 3) Air DrivenPump C (ADP) I 0 provided: (O) Maybe inoperative Electric Pumps operate Both center system a) normally, OFF, b) ADPis selected c) Center HydraulicMotor Generator(HMG) is not required. and performance adjustments areapplied. d) Appropriate NOTE 1: Crew shouldbe aware,in case of emergency,that the CenterSystemNo.2 ElectricPumpandAir DrivenPumphavebeenselectedOFF as a precautionary lowpressure measureto precludeun-announced NOTE2: The HMGis requiredfor ETOPSroutesif an IDGor APUgeneratoris inoperative. The HMGis notrequiredfor non-ETOPS. PLACARD -_ LOW PRESSLIGHT INOP Hydrauliccontrolpanelasappropriate OPERATIONS (O) normallyasfollows: 1. Checkaffectedpumpandverifo SYSPRESSlight operates CAUTION: TO PREVENT HYDRAULIC PUMP DAMAGE FROM OVERT{EAT, DO NOT OPERATE PUMPS WITHOUT MINIMUM QUANTITIES OF FUEL IN TANKS (REF.AMM 29-11-00). NOTE l:The pumpbeingtestedmustbe the only pumpoperatingwithin the relatedhydraulicsystem at the time of thetest. below varies NOTE 2:Thesourceof EICAShydraulicpressurereadingsrequiredin the procedures -200f300, HYD PRESSreadingsare availableon the ELEC/IIYD by model. For pageor optionallyon the EICASstatuspage. maintenance A. Air DrivenPump(ADP): l) Associated SYSPRESSlight mustbe illuminated. 2) Ensurethatpersonnelareclearof flight controls. turn air 3) With electricalpoweron the airplaneand pneumaticsystemprcssurepressurized, pumpswitchto AUTO or ON. 4) C HYD PRESSreadingon EICASmustbe 2800to 3200psig. 5) SYSPRESSlight mustextinguish. 6) Restoreairplaneto its requiredconfiguration. PAGE29.5 REV17 MAR10/2007 ttUViV Hungarian Airlines4 EOE IUE 7A7 MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST POWER 29. HYDRAULIG REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS B. EngineDrivenPump(EDP): NOTE: An activebrakesourceis requiredwhenoperatingan engine. I ) Associated SYSPRESSlight mustbe illuminated. 2) Ensurethatpersonnelareclearofflight controls. 3) With affectedenginerunning,turn ENG pumpswitchON. 4) IIYD PRESSreadingon EICASmustbe 2800to 3200psig. 5) SYSPRESSlight mustextinguish. 6) Restoreairplaneto its requiredconfiguration. C. Alternatingcunentmotorpump(ACMP): l) AssociatedSYSPRESSlight mustbe illuminated. 2) Ensurethat personnelareclearofflight controls. 3) With electricalpoweron the airplale,pressaffectedELEC pumpswitchto ON. 4) I{YD PRESSreadingon EICASmustbe 2800to 3200psig 5) SYSPRESSlight mustextinguish. 6) Restoreairplaneto its requiredconfiguration. 2. WhentheADP is OFF: A. Seeitem 29-11-3for ADP OFF (inoperative)performancepenalties,landinggearextensiot/ retractionaffects,and flap extension/retructionaffects. B. The HMG is poweredby the centerhydraulicsystem.The ADP hasbeenselectedOFF dueto the (inoperative)indicationsystemsinability to identifr a potentialproblem.If a complete electricalfailureoccurs(an emergencysituation),the HMG will operateif the ADP is selected oN. D 29-3I-3 HYDPRESS (EICAS) Indication 3 O 7 4 29-32-1 PumDOVHT IndicationSystem 1) Left,Center,Right C andAir Driven PumpOVHTLights provided: (M) Onein eachsystemmaybe inoperative pump low light or PRESS Associated low SYS a) normallY, and PRESSlightoperates b) Associatedpump operationis verifiedbeforeeech deoarture. PAGE29.6 REV 17 MAR 1Ol2007 IIMIEV Hungarian Airlinesfi E?E IUE 787 MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST POWER 29. HYDRAULIC REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 2) CenterSystem No.2ElectricPump lndicationSystem provided: Maybe inoperative normally, and a) Air DrivenPumpoperates b) Associatedpumpis selectedOFF. 3) Air DrivenPump (ADP)lndication System provided: (O) Maybe inoperative a) Both center system Electric Pumps operate normally, OFF, b) ADPis selected c) Center HydraulicMotor generator(HMG) is not reouired. and performance adjustments are applied d) Appropriate that the CenterSystemNo.2 ElectricPump NOTE 1: Crew shouldbe aware,in caseof emergency, measureto prccludea and Air Driven Pumphavebeen selectedOFF as a precautionary potentialoverheat. NOTE 2: The HMG is requiredfor ETOPSroutesif an IDG or APU generatoris inopetative.The HMG is not requiredfor non-ETOPS. PLACARD - _ PUMPOVHT LIGHT(S)INOP Hydrauliccontrolpanelasappropriate OPf,RATIONS NOTE 1. WhentheADP is OFF: penalties,landinggearextension/ A. Seeitem 29-11-3for ADP OFF (inoperative)performance retractionaffects,and flap extension/retractionaffects. B. TheHMG is poweredby the centerhydraulicsystem.The ADP hasbeenselectedOFFdueto the (inoperative)indicationsystemsinability to identif, a potentialproblem.If a complete electricalfailure occurs (an emergencysituation),the HMG will operateif the ADP is selectedON. 29-33-1 HydraulicSystem LowQTY providedHYDQry indication(s) (M) Maybe inoperative operatesnormally. provided: (M) Maybe inoperative a) Reservoir level(s) ve fied normal before each departure, b) The associated SYS PRESS lights operate normally, and t'r\\tE zY- | REV17 MAR10/2007 TYMIEV Hungarian Airlines fi EZE TYE 787 MINIMUMEQUIPMENTLIST REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS c) With the left hydraulicsystem low QTY lights inoperative,the left low quantitysignalwire of the PTUsystemis cappedand stowed. NOTE:With the centerhydraulicsystemlow QTY light inoperative,placethe ReserveBrakesand positionpriorto SteeringRESET/DISABLE switchon the P61 panelto the RESETiDISABLE valves. isolation Hydraulic system This of the Center dispatch. inhibitsautomaticclosure PLACARD Affectedlight- LIGHTINOP 29.33-2 HYDQTY lndications C 3 0 provided: (M) Maybe inoperative level is verified normal before each Reservoir a) deDarture. b) Associated low SYS PRESS lights operate and normally, c) On PTU equippedairplanes,with the left hydraulic the left systemlow QTY or RSVRlightsinoperative, is quantity PRU system wire of the low signal caooedand stowed. NOTE:With the centerhydraulicsyslemlow QTY light inoperative,placethe ReserveBrakesand positionpriorto SteeringRESET/DISABLE switchon the P61 panelto the RESET/DISABLE dispatch.Thisinhibitsautomaticclosureof the CenterHydraulicsystemisolationvalves. PAGE29-8 REV17 MAR10/2007 Hungarian Airlinesfi .I!'AIEV .787 .?A7Et/YZF EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM NUMBERINSTALLED REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 30-11-1WingAnti-lce Valves 0 (M) Exceptfor ETOPSoperationsbeyond120 minutes, may be inoperativeclosedprovidedthe airplaneis not operatedin knownor forecesticingconditions. PLACARD - L (R) WAI VLV INOP Anti-icecontrolpatrelasappropriate 30-11-2WingAntilce VALVELights C 2 0 (O) May be inoperativeprovided associatedvalve operatesnormally. C 2 0 providedassociatedvalve(s) (OXM)Maybe inoperative is inooerative. PLACARD - L(R) WAI VLV LIGHT INOP Anti-icecontrolpanelasappropriate (O} OPERATIONS 1. Valve operates normally:Observe pressure indicatorwhen repositioningswitch. Pressure fluctuationis an indicationof valvemovement. 2. Valveinoperative closed:EnsureWingAnti-lceswitchis selectedoff.. 30-11-3WingAnti-lce GroundTest 30-21-1 EngineAnti-lce Valves 1)CowlValves Closed 2) CowlValves Open(CF6-80C2) c 2 (M) Exceptfor ETOPSoperationsbeyond120 minutes, one may be inoperativeclosedprovidedthe airplaneis notoperatedin knownor forecasticingconditions, openprovided: (M) (O) Maybe inoperative pressure valve is securedclosed, shutoff a) High engineremainsOFF for associated Bleed air switch b) exceptwhenTATis lessthan10Celsius(50F), c) Remaining(opposite)enginebleedsystemoperates normarry, '10,000feet d) A minimumof 70% Nl (557obelow enginein icing on associated MSL) is maintained conditions, Page30-1 REV17 MAR10/2007. Hungarian Airlinesrfi I*MIEV .787 EZTE'|VGF EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM 30. ICEAND RAINPROTECTION REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS operatesnormally, AssociatedPRV/FWSOV generator is not required, hydraulic motor Center D s) Associatedthrustreverseris securedin the forward and thrustoosition. performance adjustments are applied. h ) Appropriate The NOTE: TheHMG is requiredfot ETOPSroutesif an IDG cr APU generatoris inoperative. HMG is not requiredfor non-ETOPS. f,ICAS STATUSMESSAGES L (R) ENG TAI VALVE L (R) COWL DUCT LEAK PLACARD - L(R) TAI COWL VLV INOPOPEN(CLOSED) Anti-icecontrolpanelasappropriate - L(R) HPSOVINOP panel Pneumatic control asappropriate OPERATIONS {OI 1 . Forcowlvalvesclosed,avoidflightintoknownicingconditions. 2. Forcowlvalvesopen: A. Selectengineanti-ice switchOFF. will nottakeintoaccountEPR NOTE1: Withthe engineanti-iceOFF,the autothrottle reductions for the cowlvalveoDen. NOTE2: The anti-icecapabilityis addressedby useof bleedair switchpositionand engineN1 speeo. limitweightreductions. B- Observethe followingperformance Model/Enqine Takeoffand Landino Climb En-route -200&-300icF6-80c2 1,497kq (3,300lb) 1 , 8 6 0k q ( 4 , 1 0 0l b ) hasbeenlockedout. 1)On CF6-80C2 enginestheassociated thrustreverser a) Takeoffperformance for FAArulesdoesnot providefor anythrustreversecredits. penaltyis zero. The performance performance for the acceleratestopscenanoundersome Wet runway takeoff b) for zerothrust regulatory agencyrules,otherthanthe FAArules,mustbe calculated Performance reversecreditratherthanone thrutt reverser.Referto the JAAOperational Supplement or BoerngPerformane€ Software. Page30-2 REV17 MAR10/2007. ;lGlEW Hungarian Airlinesh EarEttrvaF '78.7 EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM 30. ICEAND RAINPROTECTION REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS C, Planfor fuel burnincreaseas follows: Model/Enqine FuelBurnlncrease -200& -300/cF6-80c2 1.0 o/o F): D. For CF6-80C2,andTAT equalto or greaterthan 10degreesC (50 degrees 1l For CF6-80C2.selectBleedAir SwitchOFF. AC packwill 2) The bleedair switchOFFpositiondrivesthe PRV closedandthe associated andconditionthe airplane. not receiveair. Theremaining(opposite)AC packwill pressurize Altematively,selectAPU ON to drivethe AC pack.SelectAPU OFFafterthe BleedAir SwitchoN is available. F), selectBleed 3) After flap retraction,andafterTAT is lessthan 10degteesC (50 degrees Air SwitchON. E. ForCF6-80C2,andTAT lessthan 10 degreesC (50degreesF):selectBleedAir SwitchON. MSL,exceptas F. lf icingconditions maintain 70%Nl (55%below10,000feet areencountered, requiredfor landing)on affectedengineto ensurethatadequatebleedair is availablefor antircesysEms. G. With the High Stage BleedValve or HPSOVlockedclosed,it is normalfor the Pressure at idle.Consequently, Regulating andShutotfValve(PRSOV) to closeduringengineoperation whenever the PRSOis closed. theassociated EngineBleedAir OFFlightwillilluminate the 75% N2 will open the PRSOVand extanguish Advancingpoweroff idle to approxrmately EngineBleedAir OFFlight. 30-21-2 a) EngineAnti-lce VALVELights b) I providedvalveoperationis (M) One may be inoperative verifiednormalbeforeoDerationin knownor forecast icingconditions. 1 (MXO) One may be inoperativeprovidedassociated valveis inooerative. 1 One may be inoperativeprovidedassociatedEICAS Advisory messagef../R ENG ANTI-ICE operates normally. PLACARD Anti-ice control panelasappropriate- L (R) EAI VLV LIGHT INOP Page30-3 REV17 MAR10/2007. I*MIEW Hungarian Airlines fi ^aarEttye .7e,7 EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM NUMBERINSTALLED REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS OPERATIONS(O) 1.-200l-300 procedurehas beenaccomplished A. Engineanti-icevalve operative:Ensuremaintenance prior to eachdepartureinto knownor forecasticing. MEL restriclions B. Engineanti-icevalveinoperative:Referto item 30-21-1for appropriate andprocedures. Probe 30-31-1 Pitot-Static HeaterSystem - HeaterElement B 4 3 Exceptfor ETOPSoperationsbeyond120 minutes,a heater element in one probe may be inoperative orovided: a) RVSMoperationsare notconducted,and b) The airplaneis not operatedin visiblemoisture,in knownor forecasticingconditions. 30-31-2 ProbeHeatLights (ExceptCAPTand F/O PrTOT) B 4 0 May be inoperativeprovidedassociatedprobe heater operatesnormally. 1) DualTATLights C 2 I 2 0 PLACARD Affectedlight- LIGHTINOP 30-31-5CAPTPITOT,and F/OPITOTHeat IndicatingSystem (HeaterOFF Monitor) B (O) Exceptfor ETOPSoperationsbeyond120 minutes, provided: maybe inoperative a) All other elements of the Pitot heat systems normally, and operates b) The airplaneis not operatedin knownor forecast icingconditions. PLACARD - CAPT(F/O)PITOTHEAT IND INOP NearEICASasappropriate (OI OPERATIONS Avoidicingconditions. Page30-4 REV17MAR10/2007. )V'AIEV Hungarian Airlinesfi .eZrEt'YGt .7Az EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXGEPTIONS 30-32-1 Angleof Attack SensorHeater Systems c 2 1 provided: (M) Maybe inoperative a) AssociatedAOAvaneis verifiedintact,and b) Airplaneis not operatedin knownor foreeasticing conditions. PLACARD - L(R) AOA IIEAT INOP Overheadpanelasappropriate (TAT) C 30-33-1 Temperature ProbeHeater System 1 0 (O) Exceptfor ETOPSoperationsbeyond120 minutes, providedthe airplaneis notoperated maybe inoperative in knownor forecasticingconditions. oPERATTONS(O) (RefMELitem22-30-1). Observe MELexceptions fromthe TAT to NOTE:Whenthe TAT heatersystemis inoperative, the TMCconsiderstemperature be invalidand disconnectsthe autothrottle. Sinceproceduresfor operatingto CategorylllB LandingMinimarequireoperativeTMC,there is no MEL relieffor operationto CategorylllB LandingMinimafor inoperative TAT probeheater. 30-41-1 FlightDeck WindowHeat Systems 1) No.l (n/vd) Windows 2) No.2 (side) Windows 2 C 2 provided: (M) One maybe inoperative a) Both No.1 (fwd)windowheatersoperetenormally, ano b) Associated windowheatis deactivated. (M) May be inoperativeprovidedassociatedwindow heatis deactivated. c 4 (M) May be inoperativeprovidedassociatedwindow heatsystemis verifiedto operatenormallybeforeeach deoarture. 3) No.3 Windows 30.{1-2 WindowHeat INOPLights 1 (M) Exceptfor ETOPSoperationsbeyond120 minutes, providedl one maybe rnoperative a) Airplaneis not operatedin knownor forecasticing conditions, b) BothNo.2(side)windowheatersoperatenormally, c) Associatedwindshieldpneumaticanti-fogsystem operatesnormally,and windowheatis deactivated. d) Associated C Page30-5 REV17 MAR10/2007. .r+'lAlE|l/ Hungarian Airlinesfi .aarEtjve 787 LIST MINIMUM EOUIPMENT 30, ICEAND RAINPROTECTION REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS C 4 1 May be inoperativeprovidedassociatedwindol heat systemis inoperative. MELrestrictions. NOTE:lf windowheatis inoperative, referto item30.41-1for appropriate PLACARD Affectedlight- LIGHTINOP 30.413WTNDOWPROBEC HEATGroundTest Svstem 1 30.f2-1 Windshield Wipers C 2 0 providedthe airplaneis notoperatedI Maybe inoperative within 5 statutemiles of the airportof I in precipitation landing. takeoffor intended I 1) HighSpeed May be inoperativeprovidedassociatedlow speed operatesnormally. 2) LowSpeed May be inoperativeprovidedassociatedhigh speed operatesnormally. 30-{3-1 RainRepellent System D 30-71-1 DrainMastHeaters C NOTE:lf is installed. I (M) May be inoperativeprovidedwater supplyto the associatedgalley,lavatorysink and drinkingfountainis securedOFF. 30-72-l WasteSystem Heaters 1) DrainCapGasket Heater 2) RinseHoseHeater Boot Page306 REV17MAR10/2007. /hAlEV Hungarian Airlines fi .?A7EI]IYAF .78? EOUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 31-25-1 Clocks 31-31-1 FlightData (FDR) Recorder System (includes Digital FlightData Acquisition Unit) C 2 26. i.a.w.JAROPS1'715& 1.720,leaflet provided: Maybe inoperative a) The aeroolanedoesnotexceed8 further flightswiththe flightdatarecorder consecutive unserviceable, b) Notmorethan72 hourshaveelapsedsincethe flightdatarecorderwasfoundto be unserviceable, and c) Anycockpitvoicerecorderrequiredto becarriedis ooeratve. to be Note1: The flightdatarecorderis considered whenanyof the following inoperative conditionsexist: a) Lossof the flightrecordingfunctionis evidentto the means flightcrewduringthe pre-flight of a systemstatusmonitor;or has beenidentifiedby b) The needfor maintenance the systemmonitors,whereavailable,withthe settingof an indicatorand the causeof thatsetting or hasnot beendetermined; actions c) Analysesof recordeddataor maintenance haveshownthat morethan5oloof the totalnumber (variableand discrete) of individualparameters requiredto be recordedfor the particularaircraft, are not beingrecordedproperly. Note2: Whereimproperrecordingaffects5oloof the parameters or less,timelycorrectiveactionwill needto be takenbythe aeroplaneoperatorin withapprovedmaintenance accordance procedures. (continued) Page31-1 REV17 MAR10i2007. ztallEV Hungarian Airlines fi .?ZE''YZF .787 LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT SYSTEMS 31. INDICATING/RECORDING REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 1) FDRRecording Parameters requiredby FAR (see31-31-1NOTE2) Deleted 2) DFDR Recording ParametersNOT requiredby FAR (see31-31-1NOTE2) Deleted 3) QuickAccess Recorder(QAR) D 1 0 EICASSTATUSMESSAGES FLT DATAACQ FLTDATAREC PLACARD As appropriate MAINTENANCE NOTE Installonboardan Instrument Readingformbook. (O) OPERATIONS UsestandardInstrumentReadingformsfor recordingengineparameters. and 31-35-1 Performance Maintenance (PMR) Recorder D 1 0 31-35-2 AirplaneIntegrated D DataSystem (AtDS) 1 0 NOTE:AirplaneIntegratedData System is the storing,computingand reportingfunctionof the DFDAUCPU2with its floppy disk drive and also known as AircraftConditionMonitoring System(ACMS). 3'l-353 AircraftCondition Monitoring System (ACMS) Page31-2 REV17 MAR10/2007. :*'AIEV Hungarian Airlines fi .78? .A2}Et/vZF EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM SYSTEMS 31. INDICATING/RECORDING REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 31-,f1-1EngineIndication andCrewAlerting Systems(EICAS) 1) DisplayUnit(DU) Airplane A 2 (MXO) Except for ETOPS, one may be inoperative orovlded: operatenormallyand a) StandbyEngineInstruments areturnedON, test is performedbeforeeach b) CargoFIRE/OVHT depafiure, system c) ElectronicEngineControlor autothrottle operatesnormally, d) At leastone autopilotoperatesnormally, e) All EICAScomputersoperatenormally,and are madewithinoneflight f) Repairsor replacements day. DU failureenroute, NOTE:In the eventof an additional the flight crew should considerlandingas soon as oractical. 2) Computer (M) XO) Exceptfor ETOPS,one may be inoperative orovided: areturnedON, EngineInstruments a) Standby b) ElectronicEngineControland autothrottleopeftltes normafiy c) At leastone autopilotoperatesnormally, sensorsareinstalled, d) Dualoiltemperature and e) Bothdisplayunitsoperatenormally, 0 Repaksor replacementare madewithinone flight dav. NOTE:In the eventof an additionalenroutecomputer failure,flight crew shouldconsiderlandingas soon as oractical. sensors. NOTE'1: HA-LHA,HA-LHB,HA-LHCareconfigured withdualoil temperature (continued) Page31-3 REV17 MAR10/2007. ;|EIEV Hungarian eirinesh .ezEttvaF .787 LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT SYSTEMS 3I. INDICATING/RECORDING REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREOUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS (version on the numbernotindicated NOTE2: Forahplanes containing the Non-PlPFMCinstallation inoperative, the FMC'swillnotbe ableto FMCIDENTpage),withoneEICAScomputer fuel comparefuelflowdatabetweenthe EICAScomputers.Thiswillcausethe calculated quantityvalue,normallydisplayedon the progresspage(212),to go blank.Airplaneswith PIP rather,thePIPandPegasus do notexhibitthisblanking; or Pegasusinstallations installations will utilizethe remainingEICAScomputerfuelflowdataandwill providethe calculatedfuelquantity. the FMCmaydetermineflight NOTE3: Followinga flightwithone EICAScomputerinoperative, groundspeedto setat completion duringhighspeedtaxi.ThismaycausetheIRUresidual greater. thresholdto identifya knots as the The FaultlsolationManualuses21 21 knotsor replacement. Manualmaypreclude faultylUR.TestingtheIRUpertheMaintenance EICASSTATUSMESSAGES EICASDISAGREE L EICASCMPTR R EICASCMPTR PLACARD Associateddisplayunit(CRT)or computerselectswitchas appropriate. (OI OPERATIONS 1. c. 4. Foran EICAScomputerinoperative, beforetakeoff,withenginesrunning,compareenginedisplay enginedisplaycross-compare TheEICAS/SEI on EICASwiththeStandbyEngineInstrument. tolerancesareas follows: Er8r|re Disphy ElcAS/SEIEn8ineDi6phy Cros3-Comlere Tder!nc€ EPR .0t ECT l:.0'c NI .t.!i N2 l.Oir'i' Powersettingfor Takeoffmustbe madewith EICAS. lf remaining EICASfails: A. UseSEIto observeengineparameters. panelfor possible indications. abnormal B. Priorto descent- scanoverhead Performthe cargoFIRE/OVHT testpriorto eachflightby pushingthe ENG/APU/CARGO switchon theAft ElectronicControlPanel. Page31'4 REV17 MAR10/2007. I*MIEV Hungarian AirlinesB ^aa-Ettve .747 LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM NUMBERINSTALLED REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS / 31-51-1 MasterCaution WarningSyslems 1) MasterWarning Lights(Pilot'sGlare Shield) providedmasterwarningaural One may be inoperative system,and all discretewarninglightsoperatenormally. 2) MasterCaution Lights(Pilot'sGlare Shield)l One may be inoperativeprovidedmastercautionaural system,and all discretecautionlightsoperatenormally. PLACCARD As appropriate deletedaccto MMELRev31. 3141-1 CockpitDoor Surveillance System(CDSS) 31-61.4 EICASStatus Messages C C 0 - 0 (M) (O) May be inoperativeprovided associated equipmentis verifledto operatenormallybeforeeach deoarture. provideddispatchdeviations (M) (O) Maybe inoperative for associatedequiomentare observed. MAINTENANCE/OPERATIONS NOTE (nuisance)Statuslevelmessagesis allowedby the provisionsof this MEDispatchwithinoperative Item. fault.lf suchan whenthereis no actualequipment An inoperative messageis onewhichis displayed equipment verifying that the by EICASmessageis suspected,dispatchmaystillbe accomplished (proviso if MMEL a); or, normally operates associated withthe inoperative EICASstatusmessage for the associatedinoperative reliefis available,by observingthe MMELremarksor exceptions equipment(provisob). The EICASCrossReferenceList(Section1) can be usedto locatethe itemfor possibleMMELrelief. appropriate (M) procedures Maintenance are presentedto verifynormaloperationof equipmentfor selected The messagelistthatfollowsis not intendedto be all inclusive: nuisancestatusmessages. EICASSTATUSMESSAGE EICASSCC EICASSCCUF (continued) Page31-5 REV17 MAR10/2007 .tYUlEV Hungarian Airlines fi .azEttue.7e7 LIST MINIMUM EQUIPIIIENT SYSTEMS 31, INDICATING/RECORDING REPAIRINTERVAL NUMBERINSTALLED FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS PLACCARD As appropriate C 31-61-5 EICASSignal Consolidation Card (scc) provided: (M) Maybe inoperative a) Fuel quantity indication is verified to operate normallybeforeeachflight,and b) Dispatchdeviationsfor associatedequipmentare observed. EICASSTATUSMESSAGE EICASSCC EICASSCCUF PLACCARD As appropriate Page31-6 REV'17MAR10/2007. ,/VUaEV Hungarian Airlines,$ .787 .sQuEtwzF LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM 32. LANDINGGEAR REPAIRINTERVAL NUIIIIBER REQUIREDFORDISPATCH REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 32-30-1 LandingGear C RehactingSystem 1 0 provided: (M) (O) Maybe inoperative components are properlysecuredby an a) Inoperative procedure, and approved b) The airplaneis dispatchedin accordancewith the AFMGearExtendedAppendix. appropriate PLACARD Landinggearlever- LANDING GEARLOCKED DOWN (O) OPERATIONS NOTE:Dispatchrequiresauthorization by theAFM LandingGearExtendedAppendix. limits. and operational 1. ObserveAFM LandingGearExtendedcertificatelimitations 2. Baseflightplanon landinggearextended. 3. TheALT Vmo/Mmoswitchto the Air DataComputethasbeensetto providegeardown Vmo,4VImo datafor displayon airspeedindicators.The auralwaming,redwaminglightson the glareshield, andthe RED OVSPDwaminglight on thecaptain'spanelwill comeon whenthe geardownVmo/I\{mois exceeded. 4. The followingflight deckaffectswill occurwhile the gearis extended: A. Geardown liglts (NOSE,LEFT, RIGHT)will remainilluminated. ALT Vmo,4Umo hasbeenselected). B. Altitudealertingwill be available(because GPWSMode3("Don't Sink") and C. If flapsareloweredflaps30 (retumto base),Enhanced Mode4 ("Too Low Terrain")will not be available. D. CollinsTCAS lowerantennawill not switchto omnidirectional. E. AlliedSignalTCAS lowerantennawill switchto omindirectional. F. HoneywellTCAS lowerantennawill switchto omnidirectional.. Gear 32-31-1 Landing LatchSolenoid C 1 0 (M) (O) May be inoperativein the latched position providedthe overridemechanismoperatesnormally. PLACARD Landinggearlever- GEARLATCH SOLENOIDINOP (OI OPERATIONS Forgearretractionusethe followingprocedure: gearLOCKOVRDswitch. 1. Pushlanding 2. Position landinggearleverto UP. position gearleverto OFF. landing 3. For-200f300afterGEARLightextinguishes, Page32-1 REV17 MAR10/2007, tVUaEV Hungarian Amines fi .zez .gZTEtjUZF LIST MINIMUM EOUIPMENT 32. LANDINGGEAR REPAIRINTERVAL NUMBERINSTALLED FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 32-32-1MainGearDoor UplockSprings B 4 3 (M) (O) One springon one door uplockmechaniusm maybe missingprovidedspeeddoesnotexceed 270 KIAS/ 0.82Mach. OPEMTIONS(O) Observegearextendedplacardspeedlimit. 32-41-1WheelBrakes c 8 C 8 (MXO)(PREFERRED) One brakemay be deactivated tool provided: witha deactivation a) Performancecomplieswith AFM for ONE BRAKE and DEACTIVATED, b) Anti-skid operates normally on the remaining wheels. 7 (MXO)(OPTIONAL)One brakemay be deactivatedby cappingoffthebrakelineprovided: a) Takeoff performanceis based on LandingGear Extended, complieswiththe b) Takeoffand Landingperformance AFMfor one brakeinooerative. c) After takeoff, gear remains extended for two minutespriorto retraction, and wheels. normally on remaining operates d) Anti-skid OPERATIONS IOI 1. BrakeDisconnect Toollnstalled: Adjustlakeoffand landing Stoppingdistanceswill be increased witha brakedeactivated. performance in comoliance withtheAFMdatafor BrakeDeactivated. 2. BrakeLineCapped: A. Aftertakeoff,leavethe landinggearextendedfor a minimumof two minutesto allowthe wheelsto spindownpriorto gearretraction. Thefollowingflightdeckaffectswilloccurwhilethe gearis extended: Geardownlight(NOSE,LEFT,RIGT)willremainilluminated. Altitude willnotbe available. alerting lf flapsare loweredto flaps30, EnhancedGPWSMode3 ("Don'tSink")and Mode4 ("Too LowTerrain") willnotbe available, 4) CollinsTCASlowerantennawill notswitchto omnidirectional. 5) AlliedsignalTCASlowerantennawillswitchto omindirectional. 6) Honeywell TCASlowerantennawill switchto omnidirectional. B. 1) 2) 3) Page32-z REV17 MAR10/2007. .ttMlEV Hungarian Airlinesfi .ezEtze.787 MINIMUMEQUIPMENT LIST 32. LANDINGGEAR REPAIRINTERVAL NUMBERREOUIRED FORDISPATCH REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS C. Takeoffperfomance:for all 767airplanes, the allowabletakeoffweightis the lowestof the brakedeactivated field length,adjustedclimb or the adjustedobstaclelimitedweight. l) Adjusttakeoffandlandingfield lengthperformance in compliance with AFM datafor one BrakeDeactivated. Do not useimprovedclimb performance. 2) ReduceAFM secondsegment(gearup) climb limitedweightwith the Climb Limit Decrementshownin thetablebelow. 3) Reducethe obstacleclearance shownin the limitedweightby the ObstacleLimit Decrement use of extended segment tablebelow.Obstacleclearance assume second adjustments procedures with MCT cleanup.All obstacles mustbe clearedby the heightachievedat the in endof extendedsecondsegmentclimb.Adjusttakeoffand landingfiledperformance comoliance withAFM datafor BrakeDeactivated. Model/Enqine -200i-cF6-80c2 -300/ cF6-80c2 32-41.2 BRAKESOURCE Lioht 1 TakeoffClimb 5 1. 0 0 0l b ( 2 3 , 1 3 4k q ) 44.000lb (19.959ko) TakeoffObstacleClearance kq) 51.000lb (23,134 15 37.000lb (16,784kq) ko) 39.000tb (17,69'1 32.000lb (14.516kq) 36.000lb (14,516kq) l) ke) s3.000 lb (24,041 lb (19.9s9 ks) 44.000 s4.000lb (24.495ke) ke) lb (22,680 50.000 20 38"000lb (17,237ks) 45,000lb (20,412kg) Flap 5 44.000lb {19,959kq) 0 providedassociatedEICAS (M) (O) May be inoperative advisorymessageis verifiedto operatenormally. 0 provided: (M) Maybe inoperative a) C and R hydrauliclow SYS PRESSlightsoperate normally, and b) Brakehydraulicsourceand alternatesourcesystem are verifiedto operatenormally. PLACARD Affectedlight- LIGHTINOP OPERATIONS(O) Usethe EICASadvisorylevelBRAKE SOURCEmessage for the non-normalchecklistprocedurein lieuof theBRAKESOUCElishl. Page32-3 REV17 MAR10/2007. :tMlEV Hungarian Airlines A .aa7Et/vaF .7A.7 LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM 32. LANDINGGEAR REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 3241-3 GearRetraction BrakingSystem C 1 0 provided: (O) Maybe inoperative a) After takeoff, gear remains extended for trrvo and minutespriorto retraction, b) Takeoff performanceis based on LandingGear Extended PLACARD Near gearhandle- INFLT WHEEL BRAKING INOP (O) OPERATIONS 1. Takeoffperformancemust be basedon the AFM Gear DownAppendixperformancedatiafor limited reduceperformance TakeotfClimband ObstacleClearance.In lieu of theseadjustments, (O) procedurefor BrakeLine Capped. weightsasshownin the Item32-41-1Operations 2. After takeoffthe landinggear must be left extendedfor a minimumof 2 minutesto allowthe wheelsto spindownpriorto gearretraction. 3242-1 ANTISKIDSystem C 1) Channels C 1 0 (O) May be inoperativeprovidedAFM decrementsare operations. appliedfor antiskidinoperative 8 7 brakemay be (MXO)One channeland the associated (brakedeactivated or linec€pped)provided: inoperative a) Brake is deactivatedby an acceptableprocedure, ano b) AFM decrementsare applied for the selected orocedure. NOTE 1 : For antiskidsystem inoperativedispatch,it is recommendedthat inoperativeantiskid channelsare deactivatedand that operativechannelsremainoperativeMAINTENANCE (M) step2 is providedto deactivateonly the inoperativechannelsfor dispatch.Altemately, the entireAntiskid System MAINTENANCE(M) step3 is providedto deactivate NOTE 2: MEL ltem 3242-1 covers all Normal and AlternateAntiskid System faults (including transducerfaults)exceptfor AlternateAntiskidValve Faults.For AlternateAntiskidValve faults,consultMELitem3242-2 tor possibledispatchrelief. EICAS STATUSMESSAGES ALTN ANTISKID NORM ANTISKID Page32'4 10/2007. 17 MAR REV Hungarian Airlines,f fuAlEV .78.7 .?zEtjyzF LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT 32, LANDINGGEAR REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS PLACARD Autobrakesswitch as appropriate- AUTO BRAKES INOP (O) OPERATIONS (twoor morechannelsinoperative) 1. Forantiskidsysteminoperative withAFMfor antiskidinoperative. mustbe in compliance a) Takeoffand landingperformance b) SelectAUTOBRAKESOFF. c) Whenstoppingafterlandingand for refusedtakeoffs: - Closethrustleversand raisespeedbrakes. - Initietewheel brekingusing light pedal pressureand increaseas groundspeed oecreases. d) CategoryIII weatherminima operationsmay requirean operativeautobrakesystem. (oneantiskidchannelinoperative) 2. Forone brakedeactivated Adjusttakeotfand landing a) Stoppingdistanceswill be increasedwith one brakedeactivated. performance in compliance withtheAFMfor One BrakeDeactivated. b) lf a brakeline is capped,aftertakeoffthe landinggearmustremainextendedfor a minimum of two minutesto allowthe wheelto spin down priorto gear retraction.Takeoffclimb and obstructionclearanceperformancewill be limited by the requirementto keep the gear extended.Adjust takeotf and landingperformancein compliancewith the AFM for both reducel In lieu of theseadjustments, LandingGear Extendedand One Brake Deactivated. performancelimited weightsas shownin the Item 32-41-1Operations(O) procedureforl BrakeLine Capped. NOTE:lf a transducer fault exists,EICASstatusmessageALTN ANTISKIDwill remain displayed.Flightcrewsshouldbe awarethatlossof the righthydraulicsystemenroute will resultin annunciation of the ANTISKIDlightand message.Brakingetfectiveness on the alternatesvstemis reduced- brakewithcaution. 3242-2 AlternateAntiskid c Valves 4 0 provided: (M) (O) Maybe inoperative a) Manual brakingcapabilityon the alternatebrake systemis verifiedon associatedwheels,and b) lf failure affects normal antiskid system, AFM antiskid inoperative performance decrements applied. Page32-5 REV17 MAR10/2007. ,VU,EV Hungarian Airlines,fi .azEtjyaF .7e7 LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT NUMBERINSTALLED REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS NOTE: For NormalandAltemateAntiskid SystemfaultsotherthanAlternateAntiskidValvefaults, consultMMEL iten32-42-1for possibledispatchrelief. EICAS STATUSMESSAGES ALTN ANTISKID OPERATIONS {O} 1. Inop€rativeAlternateAntiskidValvesdo not affectthe normalbrakingsystem.However,flight of crewsshouldbe awarethat lossof the righthydraulicsystemenroutewill resultin illumination on the alternetesystemis the ANTISKIDLightand message,indicatingbrakingeffectiveness reduced.lf thisoccurs,brakewithcaution. 2. lf anti-skid systemis inoperative: performance a ) UseAFMAnti-skidInoperative decrements as applicable. b) SelectAUTOBRAKESOFF. for stopping. c) Usemoderatebrakingaction,consistent withrunwayconditions, Light 3242-3 ANTISKID C 1 0 (M) May be inoperativeprovidedantiskid system is verifiedto operatenormally. C 1 0 (O) May be inoperativeprovidedAFM decrementsare operations. appliedfor antiskidinoperative PLACARD Affectedlight- LIGHTINOP OPERATIONS {O} 1. Forantiskid systeminoperative a) Takeoffand landingperformance mustbe in compliance withAFMfor antiskidinoperative. (all with all antiskid channels deactivatedor Antiskid Switchl bi s=ystem channelsinoperative OFF), the autobrakesystemis also inoperative.Do not use autobrakes.Select AUTOI BRAKES OFF. c) Whenstoppingafterlandingand for refusedtakeotfs: - Closethrustleversand raisespeedbrakes. - Initiatewheel brakingusing light pedal pressure and increase as ground speed oecreases. 3242.4 Autobrakesystem provided: Maybe inoperative AUTO BRAKES light is not illuminatedwith the a) autobrake switchOFF,and minimums do notrequireitsuse. b) Approach Page32-6 REV17 MAR10/2007. ;*'lAlEW Hungarian Airlines4 ^eaTEt'YZt .78.7 EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM 32. LANDINGGEAR REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS n (M) May be inoperativewith AUTO BRAKES light andthe autobrakeswitchOFFprovided: illuminated a) Autobrakesolenoidvalve must be verifiedclosed, and do notrequireitsuse. b) Approach minimums (M) May be inoperativewith AUTO BRAKES Light illuminated andthe autobrakeswitchOFFprovided: a) Module is deactivatedin accordancewith an and acceptedprocedure, b) Approachminimumsdo not requireits use. PLACARD Auto brakesselector- AUTO BRAKESINOP 32-,42-5TaxiSpeed Indication 32-44-2 ParkingBrake Valve C 1 0 (M) (O) May be inoperativeclosed providedAFM areapplied. decrements antiskidinoperative PLACARD ParkingBrakelight- INOP Autobrakeswitch - INOP (O) OPERATIONS 1. Takeoffandlandingperformance withAFMforantiskidinoperative. mustbe in compliance 2. Se|ectAUTOBRAKESOFF. 3. Whenstoppingafterlandingand for refusedtakeoffs: a) Closethrustleversand raisespeedbrakes. b) Initiatewheelbrakingusinglightpedalpressureand increaseas groundspeeddecreases 32.44-3 ParkingBrake Lights provided: (M) Maybe inoperative a) Parkingbrakevalveoperatesnormally,and b) Antiskidlight is verifiedoperationalonceeachflight day. (O) May be inoperatrveprovided AFM Antiskid decrements are applied. inoperative Page32-7 REV17 MAR10/2007. :IMIEV Hungarian Airlines4 .78.7 .?zEtjvat MINIIIIIUM EQUIPMENT LIST 32. LANDINGGEAR REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS C 1 0 (O) May be inoperativeprovided EICAS message normallY. BRAKEoperates PARKING PLACARD Affectedlight- LIGHTINOP (O) OPERATIONS 1. Whenparkingbrakeis set,ensureadvisory PARKING BMKE is displayed. EICASmessage parkingbrake: 2. Whenreleasing a) CheckthatANTISKID indicator lighton P5 panelis extinguished. b) lf ANTISKIDlight is illuminated, but leave dispatchwill be with the antiskidinoperative, antiskidswitchselectedON. 3. Forantiskidsysteminoperative: a) Takeoffand lendingperformance withAFMfor entiskidinoperative. mustbe in compliance b) Initiate wheelbrakingusinglightpedalpressure. 3244.4 BrakeAccumulator C Pressure Gauge (WheelWell) I 3244.5 BRAKEPRESS Gauge (FlightDeck) 0 May be inoperetiveprovidedassociatedflight deck indicationoperatesnormally. 0 provided: (M) Maybe inoperative a) Brake accumulatorair charge is verified normal onceeachflightday,and normally. b) RightlowSYSPRESSlightoperates PLACARD Parkbrakeindicatorlight on quadrantstand-PARK BRAKE LIGHT INOP 32*45-'l Tire Pressure Indicators D 1 0 0 3245-2 NoseWheelSDin C Brakes(Snubbers) 2 0 32.f5-3 Tire Pressure IndicationSystem 1 0 D (M)Maybe damaged or missing. (rPrs) NOTE: For -2001300, this item coversthe tire pressureindicationson the lowerEICASdisplay. Page32-8 REV17 MAR10/2007. Hungarian Airlines I!'AIEV rt ,78.7 .?a7Et/vaF EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM 32. LANDINGGEAR REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREOUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS D 32.46-1 Wheel Brake Temperature Monitoring System (BTMS) 1 0 NOTE: Brakecoolingfanswill be inoperativewhenall eight braketemperaturereadingsare inoperative. NOTE: For -2001300, this item coversthe braketemperature indicationson the lower EICASdisplay, aswell asthe BRAKE TEMP light abovethe landinggearhandle. 32-51-1 RudderPedal NoseWheel Steering 0 provided: (M) (O) Maybe inoperative a) Operationof other systemson the airplaneis not impaired, minimums do notrequireitsuse,and b) Approach c) All takeoffsand landingsare madeby the pilotwith accessto an operatingtiller. PLACARD Neareachpilot's airspeedindicator- RUDDERPEDALNOSEWHL STEERINOP OPERATIONS {OI CAUTION: PILOTS MUST USE CAUTION WHEN USING TIIE NOSE WHEEL STEERING TILLER (WHEEL) ABOVE 20 KNOTS TO AVOID OVER-CONTROLLINGTIIE NOSEWHEELSRESULTINGIN POSSIBLELOSSOF DIRECTIONALCONTROL. procedures shallbe used. Flightcrewmemberwithaccersto thetillerwillbeflying,andthefollowing Takeotf: The crewmembershouldsteer the airplane,manipulatingthe steeringwheel controlwith his notflying 40 to 50 kts).The crewmember hand,untilthe rudderbecomesetfective(approximately on the controlcolumnuntil shouldassistby keepingthewingslevelanda lightfoMardpressure forsteering. thetilleris no longerrequired Landing: with accessto the tiller shoulduse the rudderand steeringwheelcontrolas The crewmember shouldassistby keepingthewingslevel required duringthe landingroll.The othercrewmember andforwardpressureon the controlcolumn. Page32-9 REV17 MAR10/2007. t!'lAlEV BzrEttyzF Hungarian Airlinesfi .787 LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM 32. LANDINGGEAR REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS Gear 32-61-1 Landing DOORSLight System 0 (M) May be inoperativeprovided EICAS Advisory| messageGEARDOORS(LevelC) is verifiedto operateI normally. I PLACARD Affectedlight- LIGHTINOP GearDoor 32-61-2 Landing LatchProximity Sensor 1) SystemOne C 4 provided: (M)(O)Onemaybe inoperative a) Appropriateperformanceadjustmentsare applied, and b) RemainingSystem One and all System Two sensorsare verifiedto operatenormallybeforeeach deoarture. 2) SystemTwo C 4 provided: (M)(O)Onemaybe inoperative a) Manualfunctionof the PassengerNoticeSystem operatesnormallyand proceduresfor its use are andused,and established b) RemainingSystem Two and all System One sensorsare verifiedto operatenormallybeforeeach deoarture. NOTE:An inoperativeSystem2 sensorwill renderthe FlightDeckAutomaticFunctionof the PassengerNotice Systeminoperative. to display. LDGGEARMONITOR NOTE:Oneor moreinoperative willcausestatusmessage sensors Two or more inoperative sensorswill causeNo DispatchadvisorymessageGEARDOORS and cautionmessageGEAR DISAGREEto display,Note that nose gear door sensorsare inhibited withoearextended. EICAS STATUSMESSAGES LDG GEARMONITOR Page32-10 REV17 MAR10/2007, ttU,EV zzrEtlvzF Hungarian Airlinesfi .787 EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM 32. LANDINGGEAR REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS (O) OPERATIONS 1. ForSystemOneinoperative: withthe NOTE: lf a SystemOne(SYS'1)sensoris inoperative, theADPwilloperatecontinuously ADP switchin the AUTODosition. A. Reduceperformance limitedweightsas follows: Takeoff,En-routeClimband Landing Model/Enqine -200& -300/All 3 . 6 0 0l b ( 1 , 6 3 3k q ) B. The enrouteclimbweightpenaltieslistedaboveare basedon singleengineoperatingspeeds meximumlift-to-drag thatapproximate ratiospeed.To accountfor the differencein leveloff altitudewhenoperatingat otherspeeds,multiplythe enrouteclimbweightpenaltylistedabove SPEED in theENROUTE DIVERSION bytheappropriate factorlistedon page3-01-0.0 paragraph. EFFECTS for use eachoperatormustestablishprocedures lfa SystemTwo (SYS2) sensoris inoperative, of the flightdeckmanualfunctionof the PassengerNoticeSystem. 32-7'l-1 TailSkid (767-300) 0 provided: (M) (O) May be inoperative a) Tail skidis securedin the extendedposition, b) Water suppliesassociatedwith aft drain mast are securedOFF,and adjustments areapplied. c) Appropriateperformance PLACARD Tail Skidlight - TAIL SKID INOP Affected lavatorydrains,sinksand fountainsasappropriate- INOP OPf,RATIONS (O) limitedweightsasfollows: 1. Reduceperformance Model / Engine -300/ Alt TakeoffandLandine 1.400lb (635ksi EnrouteClimb ( l,l 79kg ) 2,6001b Page32-11 REV17 MAR10/2007. Hungarian Airlinesfi ttAlEW .787 .azTEtjyzF LIST MINIMUM EOUIPMENT 32. LANDINGGEAR REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 2. The enrouteclimb weightpenaltieslistedabovearebasedon singleengineoperatingspeedsthat approximate maximumlift-to-dragratio speed.To accountfor the differencein level off altitude when operatingat other speeds,multiply the enrouteclimb weight penaltylisted aboveby the appropriatefactor listed on page3-01-0.1in the ENROUTE DIVERSION SPEEDEFFECTS paragraph. 3. Enroutefuel consumption will increaseby 1.4%with thetail skid securedin theextendedpositron. 32-71-2 fatl Skidlndication C System (767-300) 'l (M) May be inoperative provided tail skid function is verified to operatenormally extend/retract onceeachflight day. c l (M) (O) May be inoperativeprovided: a) Tall skid is securedin the extendedposition, b) Water suppliesassociatedwith aft drain mast are securedOFF,and areapplied. adjustments c) Appropriateperformance 1) TAIL SKID Light (-300) C 1 May be inoperative provided altemate indication normally. operates 2) ProximirySwitch System c 1 (M) May be inoperative provided tail skid extend/retractfunction is verified to operatenomally onceeachflight day. PLACARD TAIL SKID light (abovelandinggearlever)TAIL SKID LIGHT INOP Affected sinksand drains- INOPERATIVE OPERATIONS(O) For tailskidextended, reduceperformance limitedgrossweightsasshownin l1em32-7l-l Operations (O) procedure. Enroutefuel consumptionwill increaseby approximately1.4% with the tailskid securedin the extendedoosition. Page32-12 REV17 MAR10/2007. tlHlEW Hungarian Airlines4 .?zEtjYE.787 LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT 33. LIGHTS NUMBERINSTALLED REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 33-11-1 Flight C Compartment and Instrument Lighting System - for nightoperations Individuallightsmay be inoperative provided remaining lightsare a) Sutflcientto clearlyilluminateall requireinstruments, control,andotherdevicesfor whichit is provided, b) Positionedso direct rays are shieldedfrom flight eyes,and crewmembers and intensityis acceptableto c) Lightingconfiguration the flightcrew. 1) Crewentrylight PLACCARD As appropriate 33-14-1Supernumerary Reading Lights PLACCARD As appropriate 33-16-1MasterDimand TestSystem providedthe intendedfunctionof (M) Maybe inoperative light(s) is verified. associated PLACCARD As appropriate 33-21-1CabinInterior lllumination System 1) Passenger Configurations WithIncandescent Emergency EscapePath MarkingSystems i.a.w,JAROPS1.815,leaflet26. provided: Individuallightsmaybe inoperative a) Remaininglightingis sufflcientfor cabinattendants to Derformtheirduties.and b) For night ETOPSoperations,at least 75% of the NightLightsmustoperate. (continued) Page33-1 REV17 MAR10/2007. rtailEW Hungarian Airlines,fi .aa7EtlvaF .78? LIST MINIMUMEQUIPMENT 33. LIGHTS REPAIRINTERVAL NUMBERINSTALLED FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 2) Passenger Configurations With PhotoLuminescent Emergency EscapePath MarkingSystem Everytwoadjacentgenerallightingceilingfluorescent provided: tubesmaybe inoperative a) At leasttwo tubesare operativebetween, and adjacent b) The tubesatthe samebodystation in otherceilinglightsstripare operative, and adjacent c) The tubesatthe samebodystation in othersidewalllightsskip areoperative. Everytwo adjacentgenerallightingsidewallfluorescent provided: tubesmaybe inoperative a) At leasttwotubesareoperativein between, b) The tubes at the same bodystationin all other sidewalllightsstripare operative. General lighting window fluorescenttubes may be inoDerative. a) For night ETOPS,et least 75oloof the Night Lightsmustoperate. PLACCARD As appropriate 33-24-1 PassengerNotice System ('NOSMOKTNG, FASTENSEAT BELT, RETURN TO cABlN")Signs (M) (O), No passengerseat, cabin attendantseat, "No lavatory, or may be occupied from which a to Cabin"sign i3 not Seat BelUReturn Smoking/Fasten visible.(Theseet,lavatory,or bunkmustbe blockedand - "DONOTOCCUPY'). placarded (o) "No Smoking/Fasten Seat Belv Return to Cabin' signs may be inoperativeand the atfectedpassenger seat(s),cabin attendantseat(s),lavatoriesor crew rest areabunkmaybe oc.upiedprovided: PA System operates normally and cen be a) the cabinduringflight, clearlyheardthroughout and PA systemis usedto alertthe cabincrewand to b) and crewrestareaoccupants notifypassengers when seat belts should be fastened, and smokingis prohibited. (continued) Page33-2 REV17 MAR10/2007. ;+UIEV Hungarian Airlinesfi .earEttuzt .787 LIST MINIII,IUM EQUIPMENT 33. LIGHTS NUMBERINSTALLED REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 1) AuralToneSystem c l 0 2) FlightDeck c AutomaticFunction 1 0 provided: (O) Maybe inoperative a) Manualcontrolfunctionoperatesnormally,and and used. b) Procedurefor its useare established PLACARD Blocked seat- DO NOTOCCUPY OPER.ATIONS {OI whenseat beltsshouldbe fastenedand smoking Whenthe pilotin commandshallnotifypassengers prohibited. on takeoffwhenthe landinggearis retracted NOTE:The NO SMOKINGsignsnormally extinguish gearis extended. TheFASTENSEATBELTsigns andilluminate duringlandingas thelanding whenthe normally extinguish on takeoffwhentheflapsandlandinggearareup andilluminate flapsor landinggearareextended. 33-31-1WheelWell Lights C 6 0 D - 0 C I 0 9 0 PLACCARD As appropriate 33-31-2 ExteriorCargo Loading Area Lights PLACCARD As appropriate 33-31-3ServiceLights PLACCARD As appropriate C 33-31.4 Electrical Equipment Center Lights PLACCARD As appropriate Page33-3 REV17 MAR10/2007. ,',/aA|'EV Hungarian Airlines'fi .eaTEttvaF .78- LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM 33. LIGHTS REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 33-37-1 Cargo Compartment Lights(Lower) 1) StillLights 0 2) LowerCargo Compartments 0 3) LightLens providedprocedures do (O) Maybe inoperative not reouiretheiruse. providedassociatedlightis (M) Maybe broken/missing deactivated. PLACCARD As appropriate (O) OPERATIONS materialis carriedin accordance with FAR 25.857,US HMR 175.25 Ensurehazardous regulations. through175.90andotherappropriate Page334 REV 17 MAY30/2007. :*MIEW Hungarian Airlines fi .78,?z7Et'ye LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM 33. LIGHTS REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREOUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 33.41-1 Winglllumination C Lights 2 0 (O) May be inoperativeprovided ground de-icing do not requiretheiruse. orocedures PLACCARD Winglllumination Lights- WINGLIGHSINOP (O) OPERATIONS Ensurethatde-icing is complete, whenused. 33.f2-1 LandingLights c 4 One nosegearand/orone wingmountedlightmay for nightoperations. inoperative c 4 for dayoperations. Maybe inoperative PLACCARD As appropriate 3342-2 TaxiLight PLACCARD TaxiLightswitch- INOP RunwayTurnoff Lights PLACCARD Associatedlight switch(es)- INOP 33.43-1 PositionLights (Bulbs) c c 8 all exceptthe followingminimum For nightoperations, maybe inoperative: b) Onestationaryredwingtip bulb, greenwingtip bulb,and c) Onestationary whitebulbperwingtip. d) Onestationary for dayoperations. Maybe inoperative PLACCARD As appropriate Page33-5 REV'17MAR10/2007. Hungarian Airlines4 IIMIEV .787 ,Z2TEI]VJF EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM 33. LIGHTS REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREOUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 33.44-1 Anti-Collision Lights (RedStrobes/ WhiteStrobes) C 4 0 for dayoperations. Maybe inoperative For night operations,upper and lower red fuselage providedwingtip whitestrobe lightsmay be inoperative lightsoperatenormally. C 4 D 4 wingtip whitestrobelightsmay be For nightoperations, providedupperand lowerredfuselagelights inoperative ooeratenormallv. PLACCARD As appropriate 3345-1 LogoLights PLACCARD As appropriate Light assembliesinstalled above either main aisle (curved edge of stowage bins) may be inoperative providedno two adjacentoppositeside lightassemblies are inoperative. 33-51-1 InteriorEmergency LightingSystem (BatteryPowered) PLACCARD As appropriate 33-51-2Exterior Emergency LightingSystem i.a.w.JAR OPS 1815,leaflet26, 0 May be inoperativefor daylightoperations. 1) EscapeSlide Lighting PLACCARD As appropriate Page33S REV17 MAR10/2007. .I+UIEV ,ezrEttve Hungarian AirlinesB .78,7 LIST MINIIII|UM EQUIPMENT 33. LIGHTS REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 33-51i EmergencyEscape PathMarking System 1) Incandescent LightingSystem C 2) Photo-Luminescent C Lighting System - May be inoperative provided approved minimum acceptablelightinglevelsspecifiedbeloware complied with: a) FloorMarkerLights- MainAisle: (1) Allarrowlightsmustbe operative. (2) All lights adjacentto arrow lights must be operatlve. lightsmust (3) Lightadiacentto an inoperative operatenormally. b) FloorMarkerLights- CrossAisle: (Electroluminescent) Mustbe operative. c) SidewallExitIndicator At least two of five lamps in each exit indicator mustbe oDerative. d) At least one light must be operativeevery meter betweenthe farthestandfarthestaft pathlights. - stripsof an aisle may Each of the Photo-Luminescent be partlyinoperativeup to a lengthof 0,25m provided partsare not directlyoppositeeachother the inoperative than2,0m. andarenotclosertogether partsare allowed. No morethan4 suchinoperative PLACCARD As appropriate OPERATIONS NOTE forthe BoeingDesigned requirements 1. Thefollowing arethe minimumFAAdispatch systems: on thecabin NOTE'1:Thenumberof floormounted aislemarkerlightsmayvarydepending mayhavelightedanowsin placeof red lenses configuration, Someconfigurations at the midcabinexits. of floor NOTE2: Emergency EscapePathMarkingSystemsareoftena combination mounted,seatmounted,and monumentmountedlights.Eachsystemmayvary due to ditferingcabinconfigurations. Page33-7 REV17 MAR10/2007. I+UIEV Hungarian AirlinesB .azrEttvat .787 LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM 34. NAVIGATION REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS Source C 34-00-'l Instrument SelectSwitches - provided: (O) Maybe inoperative a) Associated instruments operate from isolated sources, switchesare not movedin flight, b) Inoperative at leastone FMC,EFISand c) For ETOPSoperations, IRSswitchmustoperatenormally. PLACARD Associatedswitch- INOP (OI OPERATIONS Ensureinstruments areoperatingfromisolatedsourcesas follows: NOTE:Do notmoveinoperative switchduringflight. 1. FMCSwitch: WarningSystem(EGPWS) A. PIPand PegasusFMC'SwithoutEnhancedGroundProximity upgrade: circuitbreaker(P'11) panel. 1) OpencircuitbreakerFMCR on theoverhead 2) Observe thatmapdisplayfailson rightHSIonly. circuitbreaker(P11) panel. 3) ClosecircuitbreakerFMCR on theoverhead WarningSystem(EGPWS)upgrade: B. Pegasus FMC'swithEnhanced GroundProximity NAV select switch to the offsideFMC. 1) Positionan operative source will 2) lf bothpilotsareoperating fromthesameFMC,a greenFMCL or FMCR annunciation appearin the lowercenterportionof the HSl. 3) Returnthe NAVsourceselectswitchto the originalselection, 2. EFISSwitch side,ILSmodeon FirstOfficer's A. UsingHSIcontrolpanels,selectVORmodeon Captain's side. modesaredisDlaved on eachHSl. B. Observe thatselected 3. IRSSwitch A. Placeonlythe centerIRS modeselectorswitchin ALIGNposition. (shadedsky andground)lf B. Observethatat Leastone ADI hasa normalbackground the shadingis loston bothADI's,bothare using centerIRS background 4. AIR DATASwitch A. Ptacethe L AtR DATACOMPTRTESTSWITCH(P61)in the testpositionand observethat testdata(airspeed,altitude,etc.)are displayedonlyone pilot'sinstruments. Page34-1 REV17 MAR10/2007 .ttMlEW .aarEttve Hungarian Airlines fi .7e- LIST IIIINIMUMEQUIPMENT 34. NAVIGATION REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 34-10-1 AirsoeedIndicators C 2 Any in excessof one may be inoperativeprovidedthe side operativeairspeedindicatoris on the commander's NOTE: For aeroplanesfittedwith EFIS, both airspeed indicatordisplays(tape)mustbe operative. 1) Standby airspeedindicator 34-10-2 Altimeters 0 May be inoperativeprovided both main airspeed indicatorsareoperative. 2 provided: Any in excessof two maybe inoperative a) Onealtimeteris operativefor eachpilot. and b) The requiredaltimetersoperateindependently, or servo c) At lleastoneof the aboveis pneumatic, pneumaticaltimeter. fiftedwith EFIS,the altimeter NOTE: Foraeroplanes displays(tape)mustbe operative. measurement altitude NOTE2: Twoindependent systemsare requiredto be operativefor RVSM ooerations. 34-13-'l Mach/Airspeed lndicators 1) MachIndicators 1 c 2 0 providedEFISMachindications are May be inoperative installedand operatingnormallyat the respectivepilot's station. provided: Maybe inoperative remainsat or belowFL 300,and a) Theairplane b) A placard with this limitationis affixed to the panel. instrument 2) Command AirspeedCursors 3) AirspeedIndicators May be inoperativeprovidedEFISAirspeedindications operatenormallyat the respeclivepilot'sstation. (continued) Page34-2 REV17 MAR10/2007 .:lMlEW Hungarian AirlinesA .78? .?aTEtJUZt LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM 34, NAVIGATION NUMBERINSTALLED REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 4) ExternalAirspeed Markers(Bugs) C 0 (O) May be inoperativeor missingprovidedalternate and used Drocedures areestablished PLACARD - INOP. Appropriate indicator lf bothmachindications are inoperative attacha placardon the instrumentpanel - ALTITUDE LIMITED TO FL 3OO placardnearairspeedindicator lf the CommandAirspeedcursoris inoperative, - COMMAND AIRSPEED CURSORINOP (O) OPERATIONS Usealternateprocedures to assureflightcrewawarenessof operationalreferencespeeds. This mayincludeuseof takeoff cardsor placards, 34-13-2 Mach/Airsoeed WarningSystems (VisualandAural) B 2 1 (Ol May be inoperativeprovidedan autopilotwith an holdis ooerative. altitude NOTE: One altitudealertingsystemis requiredto be ooerativefor RvSM operations, PLACARD As appropriate 34-13-6 StandbyAltimeter Vibrator providedVMC existat the departure Maybe inoperative and arrivalairports. PLACARD As appropriate 34-'l3-7 TotelAir Temperature (TAT) Indication providedone othertemperature (O) May be inoperative (RATor SAT)is available. indication PLACARD NearEICASdisplay- TATINOP (continued) Page34-3 REV17 MAR10/2007 .tt'VIEV Hungarian Airlines4 .az7EtivzF .787 LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM 34. NAVIGATION REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS OPERATIONS IOI See SAT/TATconversionchart (SAT is availableon FMC ProgressPage 212)BoeingOperations Manualperformance section4.1 page25 or the tablebelowshoesto convertSATto TAT. SAT 40 35 25 20 15 10 c 0 -5 -15 -20 -25 -JU -35 40 TAT M.50 M.60 M.68 M.70 M.72 M.74 M,76 M.78 M.80 M.82 M.84 M.86 0z 70 56 69 70 51 57 64 65 66 68 oo oc 6T OJ 45 52 58 59 61 68 OJ 66 64 6'1 40 52 54 56 57 59 6e 60 c l 53 55 41 47 48 CU 51 f,J ac 57 51 49 JO 42 43 44 46 48 30 49 51 44 46 J O 3 I 40 24 31 38 43 45 40 4 1 I J 35 37 38 19 31 JO 40 38 33 34 zo 31 13 20 25 28 34 29 30 32 zo 27 14 8 20 21 o to 28 ZJ lc 20 3 14 15 17 19 -2 IJ 19 21 13 14 16 10 11 3 I 15 10 12 13 o 4 7 't1 -7 -c o 8 J 5 u 1 n -2 -18 .U o 4 1 2 4 -2 -9 -tt -25 -17 -13 -10 0 4 -Y -11 -13 -28 -18 -16 -15 € Page 344 REV 17 MAR 10/2007 t%lEV Hungarian Airlines fi .EZEtttyaF .7A.7 LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT NUMBERINSTALLED REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS i.a.w.JAROPS 1.660,leaflet26. 34-16-'l AltitudeAlerting System B 1 0 (O) Except for RVSM operation,may be inoperative Drovided: a) Autopilotwithaltitudeholdoperatesnormally, 1 1 One altitudealertingsystemis requiredto be operative for RVSMoperations. OPERATIONS IOI The PilotNonFlying(PNF)should The PilotFlying(PF)shouldfocusattention on flyingthe airplane. focusattentionon airspeed,verticalspeed,altitude,altitudedeviation,pitchattitudeand thrust.lf any calloutdeviation. the PNFshouldimmediately fromnormalindication is detected, significant deviation 34-21-1 InertialReference Systems 1) IRU a) Without Hydraulic Motor (HMG) Generator Installed b)with HMG Installed C 3 2 provided: (M) Centerof Leftmaybe inoperative minimums do notrequireits use,and a) Approach centeris selectedand isolation b) lf left is inoperative, day. flight is verifiedoneeach C 3 2 (Hl Right may be inoperativefor day VMC flight providedcenteris selectedand isolationis verifledonce eachflightday. C 3 2 provided: (MXO)Leftor rightmaybe inoperative itsuse, not require do minimums a) Approach b) Centeris selectedand isolationis verifiedone each flightday, c) First officer'sIRS instrumentsourceselectswitch operatesnormally,and d) For RNPoperations,Left and Centermustoperate (RNP-10, PRNAV,BRNAV,and MNPS)in normally NAVmode. (Refer to AFM Section 3.1 for demonstratedRNP caPability) 2 for dayVMCflight. Centermaybe inoperative \ - J (continued) Page34-5 REV17 MAR10/2007 I*IHiIEV Hungarian Airlinesfi aez Z?EtttUZF LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM 34. NAVIGATION REPAIRINTERVAL NUMBERINSTALLED FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARK OR/AND EXCEPTIONS 2) IRSModeSelector C Panel- Display and Keyboard Functions - 0 For ETOPSoperationsmay be inoperative,provided bothFMCSCDU'Soperatenormally. C - 0 For non-ETOPS operations, may be inoperative providedone FMCSCDUoperatesnormally. NOTE'1:lf the left IRU is inoperative, Windshear and AlertingSystemwill be inoperative. Guidance See MEL 34'46-2 dispatchrequirementsfor an inoperativeWindshearGuidenceand AlertingSystem. NOTE2: IRSunitsare interchangeable. NOTE3:Followinga flightwithone EICAScomputerinoperative or onefuelflowindicationinoperative, high may determine flight completion speed taxi.Thiswillcausethe IRU theFMC during residualgroundspeedto set at 21 knotsor greater.The FaultlsolationManualuses21 Manual knotsas the thresholdto identitya faultylR. Testingthe IRUperthe Maintenance maypreclude replacement. PLACARD AssociatedIRS ModeSelector- INOP OPERATIONS {O) 1. ComplywithMMELremarks. maybe 2. lf the airplaneis operatingon stendbybafterypower,thenthe Captain'sRDMIinformation lost.lf the centerIRUis operatingnormally,the captain'sRDMIcan be restoredby switchingthe firstofficer'sIRS instrument sourceselectswitchto the alternate(ALTN)position. selectthe centerCMDswitchto engagethe 3. Whendispatching witha rightor left IRUinoperative, autopilot. 34-22-3 RadioDistance C Indicators Magnetic (RDMr) v 2 z 1 Rightmaybe inoperative. Left may be inoperativeprovidedflight is restrictedto dayVMC. Right and left may be inoperativeprovidedstandby po\,\,er systempo\\,ersthe Captain'sinstrumentbus. PLACARD As appropriate Page34-6 REV 17 MAR 1Oi2OO7 I!'t/lIEV Hungarian Airlines,fi ,azEtlvaF .7A? LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM NUMBERINSTALLED REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS providedapproachminimumsdo not Maybe inoperative requiretheiruse. 34-224 FlightDirector Systems providedapproachminimumsdo not Maybe inoperative requiretheiruse. 1) Displays guidance maybe unavailable. NOTE:Windshear (M) Except for ETOPS, one may be inoperative providedsymbol generatorisolationis verified once eachflightday. C 34-22-5 ElectronicFlight lnstrument (EFIS) Systems SymbolGenerators (M) For ETOPS,L or R may be inoperativeprovided symbolgeneratorisolationis verifiedonce each flight day. f- NOTE:Symbolgenerators areinterchangeable. EICASSTATUSMESSAGES COMPARATOR BITE PLACARD - EFI NORMINOP placardcaptain'sEFIswitch lf leftEFISSymbolGeneratoris inoperative, placardcaptain'sandfirstofficer'sEFIswitches EFIALTNINOP lf centerEFISSG is inoperative, placerdfirstotficer'sEFIswitch - EFINORMINOP lf rightEFISSymbolGeneratoris inoperative, 34-22-6 EFISControlPanel 1) MAPSwitches C (NavAid /ARPT/RTEDATA ^/VPTAA/XR/TERR) - One switch for each function may be inoperative providedprocedures do not requiretheiruse. 2) Decision Height Indication 2 provided: Maybe inoperative displayon bothEADIdisplays a) DHnumerical and operatenormally, b) BothDH selectorsoperatenormally. C (continued) Page34-7 REV 17 MAR 1Oi2OO7 :*MIEV Hungarian Airlinesfi .ezEttuaF .78- LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT 34. NAVIGATION REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS c 2 providedapproachprocedures do Maybe inoperative not reouireits use. a) MAPPosition B 2 provided: (O) Maybe inoperative normally,and FMCS operate a) Both and used. are established b) Alternateprocedures b) PLANposition B 2 provided: (O) Maybe inoperative al BothFMCSoperatenormally,and and used. are established b) Alternateprocedures HSIModeSelector PLACCARD: As appropriate (O) oPERATTONS 1. Useappropriate HSImodeandFMCCDUpageto displaydesiredflightinformation. 34-22-7 EFISMach/Airspeed lndications 1) Machindications C 2) Airspeed lndications 2 1 u May be inoperativeorovided Mach indicatorsare normallyat the respectivepilot's installed andoperating station. v z C 2 0 provided: Maybe inoperative remainsat or belowFL 300,and a) Theairplane b) A Dlacardwith this limitationis affixed to the panel. instrument C 2 0 May be inoperativeprovidedairspeedindicatorsare installedand operatingat the respectivepilot'sstation. indicators(rounddials).Some767airplaneshave NOTE: Some767airplaneshaveMACH/Airspeed and havebothindicators (EFISspeedtape).Some767airplanes MACH/Airspeed indications only.Seeitem34-13-1for reliefof indications. This reliefis f,orthe speedtapeindications (rounddial)MACH/Akspeed indicators. PLACARD On the instrumentpanelas appropriate- ALTITUDELIMITEDTO FL 300 Page34-8 REV17 MAR10/2007 ttMlEW Hungarian Airlinesfi .787 ^g2rE-/YAF LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM NUMBERINSTALLED REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 34-22-8 PitchLimit lndicators c 2 (O) May be inoperativeprovided three INS (lRS) operatenormally. 34-23-l MagneticCompass B (Standby) B 1 provided: (O) Maybe inoperative a) Two INS(lRS)Systemsare operative,and b) Airplane is operated with dual independent navigation capability and under positive radar controlby ATCon enrouteportionof flight. for flightsthat are entirelywithin (O) May be inoperative providedat leasttwo INS areasof magneticunreliability (lRS) systemsare operative,and used in conjunction techniques. withapprovednavigation (O) OPERATION Flightcrewmustinsurethetplennedroutescomplywithlimitations. 34-24-1 StandbyAftitude/ ILSlndicator 1) AttitudeDisplay 2) Approach Mode i,a.w. JAROPS1.650and1.652 May be inoperativefor day VMC only providedboth attitudeindicatorsareoperative. B C 1 PLACCARD: As appropriate Page34-9 REV17 MAR10/2007 ttMlEW Hungarian Airlines4 787 .a27Et/v2F EOUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM 34. NAVIGATION REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 34-24-2 lnte$ated Standby FlightDisplay (ISFD)System 1)AttitudeDisplay B provided: Maybe inoperative are a) Operations conductedin DayVMConly,and b) Operationr are not conducted into known conditions. forecastover-the-too 2) ApproachMode C 0 3) HeadingDisplay C 4) MetricAltimeter C Display 0 (O) May be inoperativeprovidedalternateprocedures areestablished andused. D 0 May be inoperativeprovidedoperationsdo not require its use. 0 May be inoperativeexcept for ETOPS operations beyond120minutes. 5) Dedicated Battery Charger System C I PLACCARD: As appropriate OPERATIONS {OI guidance regulatory 1. Inoperative attitude display: seeFAR121.305 andJAR-OPS1.650/1.652 material.. conversion 2. Inoperative metricaltimeterdisplay:flightcrewsshouldbe providedwithconvenient tablesfor correctingaltimeterreadingin feetto meters. Page34-10 REV17 MAR10/2007 rt'AIEW aarEttvaF Hungarian Airlinesfi .78.7 EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM 34. NAVIGATION REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 34-25-1 Instrument Comparator Unit (if installed) D 1 0 B 3 2 The left or right may be inoperativeprovidedthe lllA LandingMinima. reclassified to Category airplane 1 The left and right may be inoperativeunlessapproach minimums do notrequiretheiruse. EICASSTATUSMESSAGE BITE COMPARATOR 34-31-1 ILSSvstems PLACARD As appropriate OPERATIONS NOTE at their ILSSystemrequirements depending on weatherminimums aredetermined byoperators airport. SeeApproved AirplaneFlightManual,FAR121.347through121.349,or JAR-OPS1.865 regulations. 34-32-1 MarkerBeacon System B 1 0 providedapproachminimumsdo not Maybe inoperative reouireits use. PLACARD As appropriate OPERATIONSNOTE Airlines must determinemarker beacon requirementsdependingon their route system. See FAR 121.349 or JAR-OPS 1.865regulation. 34-33-1 RadioAltimeters (RA) 1) SingleSource Datalink to GPWS A 1 0 provided: (O) Maybe inoperative do not a) Approachminimumsor operatingprocedures reouireits use.and b) Repairsare madewithintwoflightdays- RA C b) Center/Right 2 0 providedapproachminimumsor (O) Maybe inoperative do not requireits use. operatingprocedures e)LeftRA Page34-11 REV17 MAR10/2007 Hungarian Airlines tt'AIEV B .78^?27E2/tvzF LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT 34. NAVIGATION REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 2) Multi-Source C Datalink to GPWS 3 provided: (O) Maybe inoperative withaltitude data,and a) GPWSis supplied procedures or operating b) Approach minimums do not requireits use. provided: (O) Maybe inoperative minimums or operatingprocedures a) Approach do notreouireitsuse.and b) Repairsare madewithintwoflightdays. EICASMESSAGES GNDPROXBITE GNDPROXSYS PLACCARD As appropriate MAINTENANCE NOTE lf left radioaltimeteris inoperative, operationof the testswitchfor the landingconfiguration modesof the landing warningwill showthe functionto be faulty.However,flap-basedmonrtoring configuration remainoperational and can be verified,if desired,as follows: A. OpenLDGGEARPOSSYS1 and 2 circuitbreakers. B.Withlandingflaps,allwarningindications willbe activated. willilluminate EICASmessage C. Withflapsup,theconfiguraiion warninglightandassociated withat leastone throttleat idle. D. CloseLDGGEARPOSSYS1 and2 circuitbreakers. 2. Certainfailuresof the radioaltimetersystemwillcauseone or moreof the followingmessagesto bedisplayed: A. AUTOPILOT B, R/ADISAGREE C. GNDPROXBITE(leftR/Aonly) 3. lf the GroundProximityWarningSystemwithmulti-source datalinkis not receivingradioaltitude information fromanyradioaltimeters, the GNDPROXSYSstatusmessagewill be annunciated 1, (O) OPERATIONS 1.ObserveMELexceptions. 2. lf the left radioaltimeteris failed,the flightcrewshouldexpectto seethe followingflightdeck effects: A. lf the landinggearis notdownand locked,the flapsare retracted,and eitherenginethrottleis Page34-12 REV17 MAR10/2007 tVUaEV Hungarian Airlines fi .78.AzEt'YaF LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT 34. NAVIGATION REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS at idletheCONFIGwarninglightwillilluminate andtheGEARNOTDOWNEICASwarning message willannunciate; however, thesirenwillnotsoundandthemasterwarninglightswillnot illuminate. B. lf the landinggearis notdownand locked,the flapsare notfullyretractedandeitherengine Thatis,theCONFIGwarning throttleis at idle,thegearnotdownwarningwilloperatenormally. message willannunciate, thesiren warning lightwillilluminate, theGEARNOTDOWNEICAS willsoundandthe masterwarninglightswillilluminate. C. lf the landinggearis notdownand locked,the flapsare set at 25 or 30, andthe throftlesareat TheCONFIGwarninglightwill anyposition, thegearnotdownwarningwilloperatenormally. thesirenwillsound willannunciate, illumiate, theGEARNOTDOWNEICASwarningmessage andthe masterwarninglightswillilluminate3. TCASrequiresonlyone radioaltimeterfor operation.lf one radioaltimeterfails,the flightcrewwill see no effecton TCAS. 3443-1 WeatherRadar System C 2 0 providedthe Oneor moresystem(s)maybe inoperative weatherreoortsor forecastsavailableto the cloudsor commander indicate thatcumulo-nimbus which weetherconditions, hazardous otherpotentially couldbe detectedby the system(s)whenin working on the intended order,are unlikelyto be encountered routeor anyplanneddiversiontherefrom. D 2 1 providedone weatherradarsystem May be inoperative operatesnormally. NOTE Required for ETOPSbeyond120minutes 1)Autotilt c /Multiscan Function l providedmanualtilt function Maybe inoperative operatesnormally. 2) WXRON Light 2 providedalternate (O) Maybe inoperative procedures and used. are established D (continued) Page34-13 REV17 MAR10/2007 ttAilEV .AArtttrYZF Hungarian Airlines fi .78? LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT 34. NAVIGATION REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR'ANDEXCEPTIONS 3) Predictive WindshearAlert provided: (O) Maybe inoperative and used, are established a) Alternateprocedures and System b) WndshearWarningandGuidance normally, operates provided: (O) Maybe inoperative and used, areestablished a) Alternateprocedures and b) Takeoffsand landingsare not conductedin knownor forecastwindshearconditions. EICASSTATUSMESSAGES WINDSHEAR PRED WXR SYS PLACCARD As appropriate (O) OPERATIONS (VFR/IFR) and 1. Aidinesmustdetermine radarrequirements depending on theirtypeof operation regulations. reportedweather.See FAR12'1.357 or otherappropriate Windsheer,the Operatormustdevelopand 2. lf normalprocedures are basedon usingPredictive altitudeand usealternateprocedures to increaseflightcrewawarenessof airplaneconfiguration, path. flight (reactive windshear, autopilot, Thismayincludeflightcrewuseof all airplane systemsavailable Altitudes andaltitude callouts Enroute autoland, lLS,FMCS)andflightcrewreviewof Minimum for Windshear). (referto OperationsManualSupplementary NormalProcedures 3. WhenWXRON lightsare inoperative or not installed,determinestatusof theweatherradarby GAIN,MODE,andTILTon the viewingthe EHSIdisplay. Someweatherradarsannunciate are notavailable,WXR statusmay displaywhenthe weatherradaris ON. lf theseannunciations lf no returnis indicated be determinedby observingthe EHSIfor rastorand returnindications. andthereis doubtaboutthe statusof the radar,the antennamaybe tilteddownwardto determine if groundreturnis indic€ted on theEHSI. Modeof theGround of theWindshear 4. Thewindshear warningandguidance systemconsists ProximityWarningSystem(item3446-1),Go-AroundSwitches(item22-30-2)and FlightDirector System(item34-22-4).Faultsin anyof thesesystemsmeyetfectthe operationof the windshear warningandguidance system. Page34-14 REV17 MAR10/2007 ;+AIEV Hungarian Airlines fi .7e- .aauEtlvaF LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT 34. NAVIGATION REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS i.a.w.JAROPS1.665,leaflet26: providedrepairsor replacements Maybe inoperative are carriedoutwithin6 furtherflightsor 25 flyinghours or 2 calendardays,whicheveroccursfirst. 34"16-1 GroundProximity WarningSystem NOTE: lf anyof theTenainAvoidanceModes1-4or the Test thenthe GPWSis considered Modeare inoperative, inoperative. 1) Glideslope Deviation(Mode5) Maybe inoperative or c 2 2) Advisory Callouts c (Mode6) 1 0 for dayVMConly Maybe inoperative 0 (O) May be inoperativeprovidedalternateprocedures andused. areestablished NOTE: approach minimums. CheckFIightManuallimitations 3) WindshearAlert Mode (Reactive) (Mode7) provided: (O) Maybe inoperative and used,and are established a) Alternateprocedures WindshearDetectionandAvoidance b) Predictive Systemoperatesnormally. provided: (O) Maybe inoperative and used,and are established a) Alternateprocedures b) Takeoffsand landingsare notconductedin known or forecastwindshearconditions.. 4) TerrainAwareness andWarning System(TAWS) (Enhanced GPWS) provided: Maybe inoperative a) The GPWSfunctionsare operative,and arecarriedoutwithin10 b) Repairsand replacements calendar days. EICASSTATUSMESSAGE GNDPROXBITE GNDPROXSYS WINDSHEAR REAC (continued) Page34-15 REV 17 MAR 1Oi2OO7 ;+EIEV Hungarian Airlines,fi .7Ez .?ZEtjYE LIST MINIMUMEQUIPMENT 34, NAVIGATION REPAIRINTERVAL NUMBERINSTALLED FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS PLACCARD As appropriate OPERATIONS {OI a) Inoperative TerrainAvoidanceMode1-4 The flightcrew makessharpbriefingfor everypart of flightespeciallywhen relationof terrainis factor.They must knowthe placesof the highestobstaclesduringboth departureand arrival. and belowMSA Do Systematically checkthe aircraftaltitudeby radioaltimeterjust approaching not hesitateif necessaryfor makean escapemaneuveraccordingto 8767SOP. b) Inoperative GlideslopeDeviationMode +1 dotfromGS/LOCduringapproach, ThePNFcallanyexcessive deviation Inoperative AdvisoryCallouts PNFwill announcerequiredRadioAltimetercalloutin additionto otherspecifiedcalls.Thesecalls out havedeterminedin 8767 SOP. 0) lnoDerative Windshear under34-46-2termination. SeeOoerationProcedures Page34-'16 REV17 MAR10/2007 *MIEV Hungarian AirlinesA ,zaEttve.7E7 EOUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM 34. NAVIGATION REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 34106-2Windshear Guidance and AlertingSystem Deleted,FAAMMELRev25 under3446-1(5) Reliefalreadyavailable (OI OPERATIONS lf windshearGuidanceand AlertingSysteminoperative,crews shouldbe preparedto executethe recommendedrecoveryprocedureimmediatelyif deviationfrom targetconditionin excessof the followingoccur: - Takeoff 1) 115knotsindiceted airspeed, 2) 1500FPMverticalspeed, 3) 15opitchattitude, - Approach 1) tl dotglideslope displacement, 2) Unusualthroftlepositionfor significantperiodof time. on flyingthe airplane.The PilotNon Flying(PNF) 1, The PilotFlying(PF)shouldfocusaftention shouldfocusattentionon airspeed,verticelspeed,altitude,pitchattitude,glidepathdeviationand thrust. lf any significantdeviationfrom normal indicationare detected,the PNF should immediately cellout deviation. 2. The recoveryprocedureas follows: on ADl.Smoothly fullthrust.PNFcheckFMAannunciation a. PF pushG/Aswitchand advance doesnot provide15" rollwinglevel.lf autopilot adjustpitchaftitude15' and simultaneously attitudeor groundcontactis factortake over the airpleneand fly by manually.PNF observe the recoverymaneuverand callfor anydeviation. to windshearfeature WARNING:lf WindshearGuidanceand AlertingSysteminoperative mode does not work that is why not use F/D pitch indjcation,only the roll mode works ProPerlY. b. lf groundfactor is effect increasepitch as desired.Stick shakermust be respectedat all times.lf stickshakeris activeted,pitchattitudeshouldbe reducedjust enoughto silencethe stickshaker. Page3417 REV17 MAR10/2007 :tMlEV Hungarian Airlines fi .aarEtjvzP .78.7 LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 34-51-l VORNavigation C Systems 2 i,a.w.JAROPS1.865leaflet26. 1) Aeroplane C Equipped withOne OperativeFMS 2 provided: (O)Any in excessof one maybe inoperative (a) BothADF(whererequired)and DMEare and ooerative, (b) The aeroplaneis equippedwithalternative for the routebeingflown, equipmentauthorized, bythe Authority. NOTE:Operatorsshouldconsiderif the in-flightfailure withthe of anyFMSsensorallowssafe navigation sensorsand equipment. remaining serviceable Aeroplane C EquippedwithTwo OperativeFMS - wherenavigational (O) Oneor moremaybe inoperative can be assuredand the approachprocedures capability are not requiredto be baseduponVORsignals (seeNOTEabove). (RNP-10& PRNAV)oneVOR NOTE For BRNAVor RNPoperations NAV not powered by a StandbyBus may be inoperative provided1 GPS is operative(if installed)(Referto AFM Section RNPcapability). 3,1for demonstrated - 2 2 (RNP-10)and BRNAVin Required for RNPoperations not installed. or caseGPSnotooerative For RNP-10the duretionof the non radio updating sectormustnotexceed6,2 hours. then the NOTE:lf a powersupplyanomalycausesthe L VOR navigationsystemto be inoperative, Marker See MEL 34-32-1for an inoperative markerbeaconsystemmay also be inoperative. BeaconSystem. PLACCARD As appropriate Page34-18 REV 17 MAR 1Ol2007 :IMIEW Hungarian Airlines4 azEtjvaF .7A.- LIST MINIMUM EOUIPMENT 34. NAVIGATION REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 34-53-1 ATCTransponder AutomaticAltitude Reporting Function i.a.w.JAROPS1.866.leaflet26. D Any in excessof thoserequiredfor the intendedroute, provided: maybe inoperative a. En-routeoperationsdo not requireits use,and b. Prior to flight, approvalis obtainedfrom ATC facilitieshavingjurisdictionoverthe plannedroute of flight. Requiredto be operativefor RVSMoperations. providedpermissionis Oneor moremaybe inoperative ServiceProvide(s) obtainedfromtheAir Navigation whenreouiredfor the intendedroute. NOTE1: An ooerativeATC ModeS transponder is definedas a transponderwhichcan provideat least capability. Surveillance Elementary Altitudereporting,providedby an ATC NOTE2: is requiredfor ACASll operation. ModeS Transponder, tor flight with ACAS/TCAS ll Refer to 34-61-2 inooerative. Altitude reporting, provided by ATC EIEI: Mode S Transponder,is requiredfor flight into RVSM arrspace. Referto MELJ34-01for flightintoRVSMairspace. Enhanced Surveillance Capability (DAP's), AircraftParameters Oneor moreDownlinked maybe Surveillance, whichprovideEnhanced inooerative whennot requiredfor the intendedroute. (DAP'S), AircraftParameters Oneor moreDownlinked provide maybe EnhancedSurveillance, which whenrequiredfor the intendedroute. inoperative PLACCARD As appropriate Page34-19 REV17 MAR10/2007 .*MIEV Hungarian Airlines fi aarEttuat .7a7 LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT 34. NAVIGATION REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 34-55-1 Distance Measuring Equipment Systems(DME) i.a.w.JAROPS1.865,leaflet26. provided: Oneor moremaybe inoperative (a) Alternative equipment approvednavigational and is oDerative. (b) The DMEis not requiredfor the plannedroutes to be flown. if thein-flight failure shouldconsider NOTE:Operator safe navigation with allows of any FMSsensor sensorsand the remainingserviceable equipment. (RNP-10),PRNAVand Requiredfor RNP operations BRNAVin caseGPSnotoperativeor not installed. of thenonradioupdating ForRNP-10theduration sectormustnotexceed6,2 hours PLACCARD As appropriate 34-57-1 RadioCompass (ADF)Systems PLACCARD As appropriate Page34-20 REV 17 MAR 1Oi2OO7 Hungarian Airlinesfi tlElEV .78? ,AarEttYZF LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM 34. NAVIGATION REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 34-60-1 GlobalPositioning C System(GPS) 2 providedalternate (O)Maybe inoperative procedures and used. are established D 2 providedprocedures do not Maybe inoperative requireits use. (RNP-10) notrequired NOTE:ForRNPoperations orovided: a. TwoVORandtwo DMEareoperative,and b. The durationof the non radioupdatingsector doesnotexceed6.2 hours. Twoare requiredfor RNPoperations(RNP-10& PRNAV)in caseVORand DMEcoveragefor the selectedrouteis not availablefor morethen6,2 hours. NOTE: Referto AFM Section3.1for demonstrated RNPcapability. c 2 (RNP-10 & PRNAV) for RNPoperations Oneis required in caseVOR and DMEcoveragefor the selectedroute is available. NOTE: Referto AFMSection3.1for demonstrated RNPcapability. PLACCARD As appropriate 34-61-1 FlightManagement ComputerSystems (FMCS) 1) FMC (including CDU/MCDU and HMCDU) C 2 (O) Except for ETOPS operations,one may be inoperativeprovideden-routeoperationsdo not require its use. NOTE: For BRNAV& PRNAVoperationsone FMC is reouired. (continued) Page34-21 REV 17 MAR 1OI2OO7 Hungarian Airlines ttElEV 4 .78? .?2rEt/YZF EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM 34. NAVIGATION REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS (M)(O) Except for ETOPS operations, may be provided: inooerative a) Both Fuel Quantity Indicating System (FQIS) processorchannelsoperatenormally, b) All flaghtdeck fuel quantity indicationsoperate normally, and c) BRNAVoperationsare notallowed. one Navigation operations, (O) For ETOPS/Long-Range may be inoperativeprovidedotherappmvedmeansof areavailable. navigation NOTE:An associatedHMCDUor MCDU,if operative, requirements. maybe usedto meetnavigation (RNP-10)may be (o) For MNPSand RNPoperations inoperativeprovided two HMCDU or MCDU are operative. NOTE Refer to AFM Section 3.1 for demonstratedRNP capability (O) Maybe out of currencyprovided: 2) Navigation Databases 3) FMCAnnunciator C Light a) Current aeronauticalcharts are used to verify navigation fixespriorto dispatch, b) Proceduresare establishedand used to verify statusand suitabilityof navigationfacilitiesusedto definerouteof flight,and c) Approachnavigationradiosare menuallytunedand identified. d) P-RNAVoperationsare notallowed 1 0 providedthe CDU MSG light (M) May be inoperative 'FMC MESSAGE" are and EICASadvisorymessage normally. verifiedto operate NOTE: For those airplaneswith the advancedstall warning computerand speed tape display, dispatchwith a "WARN ELEX" status messageis allowedprovidedthe P51 WEU BITE moduledisplaysonly faultcode D7 (FMC Invalid).This shouldbe checkedpriorto each departure. Page3/'-?'2 REV17 MAR10/2007 Hungarian Airlines ttMlEV 4 .78? ,?zTEt'yzF LIST EOUIPMENT MINIMUM REPAIRINTERVAL NUMBERINSTALLED FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS EICASSTATUSMESSAGES WARNELEX PLACCARD As appropriate OPER.ATIONS IOI 1. Foralloperations withoneFMCinoperative: moves. A. IRSalignment muste completed beforeairplane NOTE: Some aircraftare configuredwith IRS'swithoutkeypads.When this type of airplaneis dispatchedwithone FMCinoperative and the secondFMCfails,therewill no longerbe a meansto alignthe IRSoncethe electricalpoweris removedfromthe airplaneor the IRS modeselectorswitchis movedfromthe NAVDosition. B. Useof LNAVandVNAVwithflightdirector: 1)Airplanes withHMCDU/MCDU: FMC,selectthe oppositeFMCor the on-sideCDUwiththe a) On the sidewiththe inoperative NAVsourceselectswitch. b) LEFTFMCINOPEMTIVE- Whenoperatingin flightdirectormodewithbothF/Dswitches ON, LNAVandVNAVwill engageif the Captein'sNAVsourceswitchis selectedto R FMC or L CDUposition.Otherwise,LNAVandVNAVwillengageif the rightautopilotis engaged or onlythe right F/D is ON. Turningoff the lefr F/D switchwouldallowuse of LNAVand VNAV,butonlythe rightflightdirectorwouldoperate. Procedure: After liftoff(withF/D in TO mode),use HDGSELand FL CH modesas desired untilCaptain'sNAVselectoris movedto an alternatesource,or rightautopilotis engaged. ThenuseLNAVandVNAVas desired. - Whenoperatingin flightdirectormodewithbothF/Dswitches c) RIGHTFMCINOPERTIVE ON, LNAVandVNAVwill engage.lf the FirstOfficer'sNAVsourceswitchis selectedto the L FMC or R CDU position,LNAVand VNAVwill engagewith any autopilotengaged. OtheMise,LNAVand VNAVwill engageif the left or centeris engagedor the rightF/D is oN. (continued) Page34-23 REV17 MAR10/2007 :t'lAlEV Hungarian Airlinesfi .azrEttvzt .78.7 LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM 34, NAVIGATION REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS Procedure: After liftoff(withF/D in TO mode)use HDGSELand FL CH modesas desired untilFirstOfficer'sNAVselectoris movedto an alternatesource,or leftor centerautopilot ThenuseLNAVandVNAVas desired. is engaged. C. With a singleoperationalFMC,monitoringof VOR rawdata is requiredno laterthenthe final displayedon one EHSIin theVOR approachfix. Useof theVORcourseand DMEinformation modesatisfiesthis requirement. FordispatchwithbothFMC'sinoperative, enterairplanepresentpositionusingIRSModeSelector Panel (reference Operations Manual, SupplementaryProcedures- Flight Management, Navigation). Forlong-rangenavigation operations withone FMCinoperative: mustbe installed. NOTE1: FMCNAVSourceSelectSwitchwithCDU-LandCDU-Rpositions modeandtwo HMCDU'S withtwo IRSsystemsin navigation NOTE2: One FMC,in conjunction AirplaneFlightManual, for dispatch(reference or MCDU'swill meetthe requirements Section3, FMCS). the followingas appropriate: A. In additionto step 1 above,priorto kkeotf accomplish 1) Foran inoperative leftFMC: a) Selectthe FMC-Rpositionwiththe Captain'sFMCNAVSourceSelectSwitchto loaddatafromthe rightFMCintothe leftCDU. NOTE:The FMC switchshouldremainin this positionfor at leastone minute after flight planningis completedor after any flight plan modificationspriorto takeotf. 2) b) Aftera minimumof one minute,selectthe CDU-Lpositionwith the Captain's FMCNAVSourceSelectswitch. c) routedisplay Observethat Captein'sHSI Map displaychangesto a simplified "CDU-L"shouldbe displayedon withoutnormalnavigationdatabasesymbology. system Navigation of theAlternate the HSI/ND, Thisconfirms availability d) Priorto takeoff,selectthe FMC-Rpositionwith the Captain'sFMC NAV Source selectSwitch. Foran inoperative rightFMC: a) Selectthe FMC-Lpositionwiththe FirstOfficer'sFMCNAVSourceSelectSwitch to loaddatafromthe leftFMCintothe rightCDU (continued) Page34-24 REV17 MAR10/2007 t+UaEV ,azEtlyE Hungarian Airlines fi .78.7 EQUIPMENT MINIMUM LIST 34. NAVIGATION REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS NOTE:The FMCswitchshouldremainin this positionfor at leastone minute after flight plenningis completedor after any flight plan modifi€tions prior to takeoff. b) Aftera minimumof one minute,selectthe CDU-Rpositionwiththe FirstOfficer's FMCNAVSourceSelectswitch. c) Observethat FirstOfficer'sHSI Mapdisplaychangesto a simplifiedroutedisplay 'CDU-R'shouldbe displayedon withoutnormalnavigationdatabasesymbology. system. of the AlternateNavigation the HSI/ND.Thisconfirmsavailability d) Prior to takeoff,selectthe FMC-L positionwith the First Officefs FMC NAV SourceSelectSwitch. out of currency,observeMELrestrictions. FordispatchwithnavigationDatabases 4. A. navigation database. CheckNOTAMSand chartsagainstthe out-of-date B. Manuallyinputroutestructure,if needed- 34-61-2 TrafficAlert Collision Avoidance System (ACAS/TCAS il) A i.a.w.JAROPS1.668,leaflet26. 1 0 provided: (MXO)Maybe inoperative and secured,and a) Systemis deactivated b) lf the airplaneis intendedto be flownin airspacein whichACASoperationis requiredit may not fly for more than 10 calendardays with the equipment completelyinoPerative. may imposea more NOTE: Localairspacerequirement interval. restrictiverectification 1) Combined Traffic C Alert(TA) andResolution Advisory(RA) DualDisplay 2 pilotside Maybe inoperative on the non-flying orovided: are andaudiofunctions a) TA andRAelements pilot side, and on the flying operative arevisibleto thenonb) TA andRA displayindications flyingpilot. (continued) Page34-25 REV17 MAR10/2007 :?MIEV Hungarian Airlines A .ezEttutt .787 EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM 34. NAVIGATION REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS (O) One maybe inoperative on the nonflyingpilotside 2) (RA)Resolution AdvisoryDisplay System(s) provided: (O) Maybe inoperative (TA) displayelementsandvoice a) TrafficAlert commandaudiofunctionsare operative,and b) TA onlymodeis selectedbythe crew. 3) (TA)TrafficAlert C DisplaySystem(s) providedall (O)Oneor moremaybe inoperative installedRA displayandaudiofunctionsare operative. 2 PLACCARD As appropriate (O) OPERATIONS Monitorthe operativeindications and advisoriesand respondas appropriate. i.a.w.JAROPS1.872,leaflet26. ReducedVertical SeparationMinima (RVSM) 1 ) Altimeters 3) 4) 5) o.l AltitudeAlerting System Autopilot SSRTransponder PitotHeater StaticPortHeater I I NOTE:An automaticaltitudecontrolsystemis required ,l NOTE:Fuselagedamageto the areadefinedby the relevantStructuralRepairManualmustbe assessedto for operation withthe requirements ensurecompliance in RVSMairsDece. Page34-26 REV17 MAR10/2007 ."+UaEV Hungarian Airlines fi .a?Ettve.7e7 EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM 35. OXYGEN NUMBERINSTALLED REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 35-11-2CrewOxygen System 1) Pressure lndication (ErcAS) provideda procedureis usedto (M) May be inoperative verifythatoxygensupplyis abovethe minimumrequired beforeeachdeparture. 2) BoftleGage (oneboftlesystem) May be inoperativeprovidedthe pressureindication (EICAS) normally operates BottleGage (twobottlesystem) 4) Supernumerary c 2 providedthe pressureindication (M) May be inoperative (EICAS) operates normally C - May be inoperativeprovidedassociatedseat is not occuoied, OxygenMask May be inoperativeprovidedflight is not conducted above10,000feetMSL. provided: (M) One maybe inoperative PressureRegulator (twobottlesystem) pressureregulatoris a) Lineto inoperative disconnected andplugged. b) Bottlegageon remainingboftleoperates and normally, c) Oxygensupplyis verifiedto be abovethe minimumrequiredbeforeeachdeparture. o,| OxygenThermal ReliefIndikator 0 (O)Maybe damaged or missing. PLACCARD INOPe NearEICAS- 02 PRESINDICATION (continued) Page35-1 REV17 MAR10/2007. IIMIEV Hungarian Airlines fi .78? .aa7Ett'vaF EOUIPMENT MINIMUM LIST 35. OXYGEN REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS (O) OPERATIONS Verifythatoxygenpressureis adequatefor dispatch: 1. SelectEICASstatuspage;noteoxygenpressure. switch. 2. Select100o/o on the NORMAL/100% SLIDElever. 3. Pushdownandholdthe RESET/TEST in FLOWindicator. 4. Observeyellowcrossappearsmomentarily selector. 5, Pushandholdthe EMERGENCY/TEST A. WhileholdingRESET/TEST SLIDEleverdown,puth EMERGENCY TESTselectorandobserveyellowcrossappearsin FLOWindicator. B. Observeoxygenpressuredid notdecreaseduringtest. 35-20-1 PBESmokeHoods i.a.w.JAROPS1.770. C 10 - One requiredfor everyattendantcrewmemberon duty. 0 provided: (O) Maybe inoperative wherethe minimumenroute a) Flightis notconducted altitudeis above14,000f,eetMSL, packsoperatenormally, b) Bothairconditioning system c) All other componentsof the pressurization operatenormally, remainsat or belowFL 250, d) Theajrplane e) Portableoxygenunitsare providedfor 10% of the passengers, ano are appropriately briefed. f) Passengers 0 May be inoperativeprovidedflight is conductedat or below10,000feetMSL. - (M) May be inoperative with no flightaltituderestriction provided: a) Affected seats are blocked and placarded to preventoccuPancY, and b) Units operatenormallyfor all usablelavatoryand flightattendantlocations (continued) PLACCARD As appropriate 35-21-1 PassengerOxygen System 1) Passenger Service Units(PSU) Page35-2 REV17 MAR10/2007. ;+UIEV .?arEttye Hungarian Airlinesfi 7E? LIST MINIMUMEQUIPMENT 35. OXYGEN REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS Automatic Presentation System 0 provided: (M) Maybe inoperative manual deployment systemoperatesnormally, a) The ano remainsat or belowFL 300. b) Theairplane NOTE. UseMELitem25-25-1,FlightAttendantSeatAssembly,for dispatchwhenan inoperative oxygenserviceunitrendersa flightattendantseatunusable. PLACARD Placardthe blockedseat(s)- DO NOTOCCUPY - DO NOTENTER - INOPERATIVE Placard theblockedlavatory(s) Withautomaticdeploysysteminop,placardnearthe upperEICASdisplay- PASSOXYAUTOINOP - ALTITUDE panelas appropriate TO FL 300 LIMITED On the instrument panel LIMITED TO FL 250 ALTITUDE the instrument as appropriate On - ALTITUDE panelas appropriate TO 10,000FEETMSL LIMITED On theinstrument (O} OPERATIONS PassengerOxygenSystemInoperative: equalto or lowerthan14,000feet 1. Planflightoverroutewithminimum enroutealtitude F1250. 2. Maximum flightaltitude shallnotexceed 3. Priorto flight,the pilotin commandshallbriefcabincrewon the alternateemergency procedures thatwill be used. Systemlnoperative: AutomaticPresentation 1. Be preparedto deploypatsengermasksmanuallyusingthe PASSOXYswitch. 2. Fliohtaltitude is limitedto F1300. Page35-3 REV17 MAR10/2007. tVUaEV Hungarian Airlines f .?ZEtIIYE.78.7 EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM 35.OXYGEN REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS i.a.w. JAROPS1.760 35-31-1 1) PortableOxygen Dispensing Units (Bottleand Mask) 8767-200 D 2) PortableOxygen Dispensing Units (Bottleand Mask) 8767-300 D 9 or missingprovided: Maybe unserviceable bottlesis of serviceable a) The followingdistribution maintained: - 2 in the emergencyequipmentstowageunit, - 1 at aft zoneof fwd passcabin, - 2 at midgalleyarea, - 3 at aft zoneof afr passcabin, b) Bottlesnot properlyserviceare replaced,serviced or removed at the next available maintenance facility. 't7 15 a) Maybe unserviceeble or missingprovided: 1) The following distribution of serviceable bottlesis maintained: 2) ?haolille bottlesin the emergencyequipment stowageunit,(G1) bottlesat aft zoneof and 1i310litre 3) 1/120litre fwd Dasscabin. 4) 1l120litrcand 3/310litrebottlesat mid galley area, 5) 2ll2olitre and 5/310litrebottlesat aft zoneof aft oass.cabin, b) Bottlesnot properlyserviceare replaced,serviced or removed at the next available maintenance facility Page35-4 REV17 MAR1012007. tt'AIEV Hungarian Airlines,fi .ezrEtt'vZF .78.7 EQUIPMENT MINIMUM LIST 36. PNEUMATIC REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATGH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 36-1I-1 ENGBLEED Pressure Regulating and ShutoffValves (PRSov) 1 (M) (O) Except for ETOPS operationsbeyond 120 provided: minutes,one maybe inoperative a) PRSOVis securedclosed, b) AssociatedEngineBLEEDswitchremainsOFF, c) Associatedbleed isolationvalve is opened after takeoff,and closedbeforeapproachand landing, d) Airplaneis not operatedin knownor forecasticing conditions, e) APU is usedas air sourcefor the ADPfor takeoffor penaltiesareapplied, ADP inoperative f) The remaining opposite engine bleed system operatesnormallY, The s) airplaneremainsat or belowFL 350, MotorGeneratoris not required,and h ) Hydraulic r) For CF6-80C2 engine appropriateperformance adjustmentare appliedfor either of the following conditionsareapDlied: (1) The associatedfan air modulationvalve is securedin the intermediateposition,and takeoff and landing performancelimited weights OR reducedby2,270k9(5,0001b), (2) The associated fan air modulation valveis open, and takeoff and landing performancelimited by3,180k9(7,0001b). weightsarereduced NOTE l: Securingthe PRSOVcloseddisablesthe forwardcargoair conditioning. The NOTE 2: The HMG is requiredfor ETOPSroutesif an IDG or APU generatoris inoperative. HMG is not requiredfor non-ETOPS. PLACARD - L(R) PRSOVINOP CLOSED Pneumatic controlpanelasappropriate OPERATIONS {OI NOTE:At approximately17,000feet APU may be used to operateone pack to supplypneumatic powerpressurization. Averagefuel consumptionfor APU operationis 90 kg (200 lbs) per nour. Airplanetakeotfand landingweightpenaltiesare requiredby thefan air valvedeactivation. 1. Turnoff packon affectedside 2. The centerisolationvalvemustbe closedwhen usingAPU air duringtakeoffand landingand ooenedwhenAPUis shutdown. Page36-1 REV17 MAR10/2007. .IIMIEW Hungarian Airlinesfi .74.7 .?zrEtl'YZF LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM 36, PNEUMATIC REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 3 , The affectedbleedisolationvalve must be openedenrouteto pressurizethe hydraulicreservoir procedures will requirethe subsequent closingof thisvalve. Somenon-normal 4 . lf remainingbleedsourcefails,do the following procedure. (O)- BothPacksinoperative Packs,OPERATIONS See21-51-1AirConditioning penalties. 5. Referto item29-11-3forADPinoperative HIGH 36.11.2ENGINE STAGEBleed Valves(HPSOV) provided: 1 (M) (O) Onemaybe inoperative a) Valveis securedclosed, b) A minimumof 70%(55 % below10,000feet MSL) enginein icing on the associated N1 is maintained conditions, c) The remainingoppositeengine bleed system operatesnormally, d) HydraulicMotorGeneratoris not required,and engines, e) ForCF6-80C2 1) Associatedthrust reverser is secured in the foMardthrustoosition,and 2) Appropriate performance adjustments are apPlied. NOTE I : For GE, the HPSOVhasthe samepart numberasthe pressureregulatingvalveandthetwo valvesareinterchangeable. Seeitem 36-11-8. NOTE 2: The HMG is requiredfor ETOPSroutesif an IDG or APU generatoris inoperative.The HMG is not requiredfor non-ETOPS. PLACARD - L(R) HPSOVINOP Pneumatic controlpanelasappropriate (O) OPERATIONS tlrust reverserhasbeenlockedout. 1. On CF6-80C2enginesthe associated A. For airplaneperformancecalculationsthat include the effect of reversethrust, adjust performanceto accountfor the inoperativethrust reverser. duringapplicationof thrustreverse. may annunciate B. The IDLE DISAGREEadvisorymessage to high idle to insureadequate is commanded reverse is selected, the engine When thrust reverserdrives its respective one pneumaticpressureto run the reverseractuation.Since engineto high idle andthe otherreverseris lockedout, with its respectiveenginein ground annunciates. idle,theIDLE DISAGREEmessage maintain70% (55% below 10,000feet MSL - exceptas 2. If icing conditionsare encountered requiredfor landing)Nl on affectedengineto ensurethat adequatebleedair is availablefor antiicing systems. Page36-2 REV17 MAR'10i2007. .I+UIEV Hungarian AirlinesB .ezrEttyaF 7A? LIST MINIMUMEQUIPMENT 36. PNEUMATIC REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 3. With thehigh stagebleedvalve/HPSOVlockedclosed,it is possiblethatthe enginebleedair OFF light andPACK OFFlight may illuminatewith the engineat idle undercertainconditions.To extinguishthe enginebleedair OFFandPACK OFFlights: A. Verify manifoldpressureon affectedsideis lessthan 10 psi. B. Verifo isolationvalveon affectedsideis closed. C. Veri! air conditioningpackon affectedsideis not selectedOFF(for -200f300,selectAUTO or STBY). D. Advancethe throttle off idle to approximately80% N2 to openthe PRSOVand PackFlow ControlValve.This will extinguishtheenginebleedair OFFlight andPACK OFF light. When poweris reducedthe enginebleedOFFlight andPACK OFFlight may illuminateagain' 4. The followingflight deckeffectsmayoccur:. A. CF6-80C2,The engineBLEED light may illuminateand L/R ENG HPSOV messagemay annunciate at hiehthrustsettinss. 36-11-3 Intermediate PressureCheck Valves (LowPressure) 1 openprovided: (M) (O) One maybe inoperative a) Associatedhigh stage bleed valve / HPSOV is securedclosed (55o/o below10,000feet MSL) b) A minimumof TOoA N1 is maintainedon affected engine in icing conditions, The remaining opposite engine bleed system operatesnormally, MotorGeneratoris notrequired,and d ) Hydraulic engines. ForCF6-80C2 1) Associatedthrust reverseris secured in the forwardthrustposition,and 2) Appropriate performance adjustments are applied. NOTE: The HMG is requiredfor ETOPSroutesif an IDG or APU generatoris inoperative' HMG is not requiredfor non-ETOPS. PLACARD - L(R) ENGIIPSOV INOP CLOSED Pneumatic controlpanelasappropriate Page36-3 REV17 MAR10/2007. /VAIEV Hungarian Airlines fi .7Ez .CzZEtjtYAF LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM 36. PNEUMATIC REPAIRINTERVAL NUMBERREQUIREDFORDISPATCH REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS (O) OPERATIONS 1. On enginesthe associated thrustreverserhat beenlockedout. For airplaneperformancecalculationsthat include the effect of reversethrust, adjust performanceto accountfor the inoperativethrust reverser. duringapplicationof thrustreverse. mayannunciate B. The IDLE DISAGREEadvisorymessage to high idle to insuteadequate When thrust reverseis selected,the engineis commanded pneumaticpressureto run the reverseractuation.Sinceone reverserdrives its respective engineto high idle andthe otherreverseris lockedout, with its respectiveenginein ground idle,the IDLE DISAGREEmessage annunciates. A. 2. lf icing conditionsare encounteredmaintain707oN1 (557obelow 10,000feet MSL exceptas requiredfor landing)on atfectedengineto ensurethat adequatebleedair is availablefor anti-icing systems. thatthe EngineBleedAir OFFlight 3. Withthe HighStageBleedvalvelockedclosed,it is possible To extinguish the enginebleedair with idle certain conditions. mayilluminate the engineat under OFFlight: A. B. c. D. Verifymanifoldpressureon affectedsideis lessthan 10 PSl. Verifyisolationvalveon affectedsideis closed. packon affectedsideis not selectedOFF(selectAUTOor STBY). Verifyair conditioning Advancethe throttleoff idle to approximately 80% N2 to open PRSOVand extinguishthe enginebleedeir OFFlight. 4. The followingflight deckeffectsmayoccur:. may A. CF6-80C2,:The engineBLEED light may illuminateandL/R ENG HPSOVmessage at hieh thrustsettines. annunciate 36-11.{ APUBLEEDValve C '1 0 provided: (M) Maybe inoperative and a) Valveis closed, b) BleedswitchremainsOFF. NOTE:TheAPU maybe usedfor electricalpower. PLACARD Pneumaticcontrol nanel - APU BLEED VALVE INOP CLOSED Page36-4 REV17 MAR10/2007. t+U,EV Hungarian Airlines fi .?aEttve.787 LIST MINIMUM EOUIPMENT 36. PNEUMATIC REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS May be inop€rativeprovidedthe APU bleed valve remainsclosed,exceptfor enginestart. 36.11.5 APUBLEED CheckValve 0 36-11-6LandR Bleed ISLNValves 1 (M) Exceptfor ETOPSoperationsbeyond120 minutes, one maybe inoperative Provided: a) Valveis closedexceptfor enginestart, b) The airplaneis not operatedin knownor forecast and icingconditions, c) Bothenginebleedvalvesoperatenormally. PLACARD - L(R) ISLN VALVE INOP Pneumatic controlpanelasappropriate 36-11-7CenterBleed lsolationValve C 1 0 provided: (M) (O) Maybe inoperative a) Valveremainsclosedexceptfor enginestart, b) The APU is used as an air sourceduringtakeoff and landing, or ADP inoperativepenaltiesare applied, c) Both center electrical hydraulic pumps operate normally, remainsat or belowFL270,and d) Theairolane e) HydraulicMotorGeneratoris not required. NOTE: The HMG is requiredfor ETOPSroutesif an IDG or APU generatoris inoperative.The HMG is not reouiredfor non-ETOPS. PLACARD - ALTITUDE panelas appropriate TO FL 270 LIMITED On theinstrument On the oneumaticcontrolDanelthe affectedswitch- INOP OPERATIONS {O) penalties. 1. Referto item29-11-3for ADP inoperative 17,000feet,APUbleedair maybe usedas a sourcefor aftandbulk(if 2, Up to approximately maybe impactedabovethisaltitude. installed)cargoheat.Carriageof animalsand/orperishables NOTE:lf APU air is to be used for startingan enginethe centerisolationvalve must be manually openedpriorto enginestartand manuallyclosedafterthe engineis started.Accessto valveis throughthe leftwheelwell. Page36-5 REV17 MAR10/2007. ttadJEV ,sarEtjve Hungarian Airlinesfi .787 EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM 36. PNEUMATIC REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 1 36-118 EnginePressure Valves Regulating (PRV) C 2 (M) (O) Except for ETOPS operationsbeyond 120 minutes,one may be inoperativesecured CLOSED provided: a) Associatedbleedvalveswitchremainsclosed, b) Associatedbleed isolationvalve is opened afier takeoff,and closedbeforeapproachand landing, c) The airplaneiE not operatedin knownor forecast icingconditions, d) APU is used as air source for takeoff, or ADP penalties areapplied, inoperative e) The remaining opposite engine bleed system oPeratesnormallY, remains at or belowFL 350, f) Theairplane g) HydraulicMotorGeneratoris not required,and h) Associatedthrustreverseris securedin the foMard and thrustpositron, i) Approirriateperformanceadjustmentsare appliedf I for eitherof the followingconiitions: valve is modulation fan air 1) The associated securedin the intermediateposition,and takeoff and landing performancelimited weights reducedbY2,270kg (5,000lbs.),or valveis open 2) The associatedfan air modulation and takeoff and landing performancelimited weightsarereducedby3,180kg (7,000lbs). 1 (M) (O) Except for ETOPS operationsbeyond 120 OPENprovided: minutes, onemaybe inoperative a) Associated high stage bleed valve is secured ctose0, D ) Associatedbleed isolationvalve is opened after takeoff,and closedbeforeapproachand landing, c) Asrociatedpressureregulatingvalvewill open fully pneumatically d ) APU is used as air source for takeoff, or ADP penalti€sare applied, inoperative AssociatedEngineBleedSwitchremainsOFF, 0 Airplaneremainsat or belowFL350, s) A minimumof 70oA(55o below10,000feetinMSL) engine icing on the associated Nl is maintained conditions, MotorGeneratoris not required, h ) Hydraulic i) Associatedthrustreverseris securedin the foMard thrustposition, Page36€ REV17 MAR10/2007. :|MIEV ,aarEf'ytt Hungarian Airlines'fr .78? LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT 36. PNEUMATIC REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS j) Bleed system on remainingopposite engine operatesnormallyand k) Appropriateperformanceadiustmentsare applied for eitherof the followingconditions: 1) The associatedfan air modulationvalve is secured in the intermediateposition, with limitedweights takeoffand landingperformance by2,270k9(5,000lb),or reduced valveis open 2) The associatedfan air modulation and takeoff and landingperformancelimited weightsarereducedby3,180kg (7,000lbs). NOTE 1: The PRV hasthe samepartnumberasthe enginehigh stagevalveandthetwo valvesare interchangeable. Seeitem 36-11-2. NOTE 2: The HMG is requiredfor ETOPSroutesif an IDG or APU generatoris inoperative.The HMG is not requiredfor non-ETOPS. PLACARD - ALTITUDE panelas appropriate TO FL 350 LIMITED On the instrument (OI OPERATIONS 1).PRVCLOSED A. Performance and limit weightadjustments: full openor penaltiesarerequiredwhenfan air modulationvalveis deactivated l) Performance position.Reduceperformance limitedweightsasshownin item36-12-2' in intermediate 2) On CF6-80C2enginesthe associated thrustreverserhasbeenlockedout. a). For airplaneperformancecalculationsthat includethe effect of reversethrust,adjust performanceto accountfor the inoperativethrust reverser. b). The IDLE DISAGREEadvisorymessagemay annunciateduring applicationof thrust to high idle to insure the engineis commanded reverse.Whenthrustreverseis selected, pneumaticpressureto run the reverseractuation.Sinceone reverserdrivesits adequate respectiveengineto high idle and the otherreverseris lockedout, with its resp€ctive annunciates. enginein groundidle,the IDLE DISAGREEmessage penalties. 3) APU bleedair canbe usedto avoidADP performance for APU operationis 200 lbs (90 Kg) perhour' a). For -200l-300,averagefuel consumption penaltiespet item 29-11-3 4) If APU bleedair is not available,applyADP performance B. Selectassociated L/R ENG bleedair switchOFF. Page36-7 REV17 MAR10/2007. Hungarian Airlinesfi :tMlEV .78.7 .Az7Ett'UaF LIST MINIMUM EOUIPMENT 36.PNEUMATIC REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATGH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS A/C packswitchto OFF. C. Selectassociated the hydraulicreservoir. D. Associated bleedisolationvalvemustbe openedenrouteto pressurize Openthe affectedbleedisolationvalveaftertakeoffandcloseit prior to approach.Somenonnormalprocedures will requirethe subsequent closingofthis valvewhile enroute. E. SelectAPU ON andAPU BleedAir VALVE on for takeoff,ifpossible.F. After gearup and flap retraction,theAPU BleedAir VALVE andAPU canbe selectedOFF. G. Remainclearof icing conditions. H. Limit altitudeto FL350or below. 2), PRV OPEN A. Performance andlimit weightadjustments: -2001300: penaltiesarerequiredwhenfan air modulationvalveis deactivated l) Performance position.Reduceperfomancelimitedweightsasshownin item full openor in intermediate 36-12-2. 2) The associated thrustreverserhasbeenlockedout. that includethe effectofreversethrust,adjust a). For airplaneperformance calculations performance thrustreverser. to accountfot the inoperative b. The IDLE DISAGREEadvisorymessagemay annunciateduring applicationof thrust to high idle to insure the engineis commanded reverse.Whenthrustreverseis selected, reverserdrivesits one pneumatic pressure actuation. Since run the reverser adequate to with its respective respectiveengineto high idle and the otherreverseris lockedout, annunciaies. enginein groundidle,theIDLE DISAGREEmessage penalties. 3) APU bleedair canbe usedto avoidADP performance -200l-300, for APU operationis 200 lbs (90 Kg) perhour. a).For averagefuel consumption penaltiesper item 29-11-3 4) If APU bleedair is not available,applyADP performance B . Selectassociated L/R ENG bleedair switchOFF. A/C packswitchto OFF. C . Selectassociated D , The centerisolationvalvemustbe closedwhenusingAPU air duringtakeoffandlandingand openwhenAPU is shutdown. E. The affectedbleed isolation valve must be openedenrouteto pressurizethe hydraulic reservoir.Openthe aflectedbleedisolationvalveaftertakeoffandcloseit prior to approach. closingofthis valve. will requirethe subsequent Somenon-normalprocedures F. Limit altitudeto FL350or below. Page36-8 REV17 MAR10/2007. I!'AIEV Hungarian Airlinesd ^?zrEtlvaF .7A7 LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM 36. PNEUMATIC REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXGEPTIONS G. If icing conditionsare encountered maintain70To(55o/obelow 10,000feet MSL exceptas bleedair is availablefor requiredfor landing)N1 on affectedengineto ensurethat adequate anti-icingsystems. non-normal associated H. In the eventof oppositesidebleedsystemfailure,afteraccomplishing checklists,accomplishthe followingsteps: select: l) To providefor continuedpressurization ENGINEBLEEDswitchfor PRV failedopenside..........................................ON .. AUTO PACKCONTROLselector for PRVfailedopenside..........................'. valve, Wing Anti-ice preclude isolation opening the 2) If the non-normalchecklistdoesnot capabilityis availableby selecting: ..............ON ISOLATIONswitchfor opposite side................... 36-12-1 Pre-coolers 1 (M) (O) Except for ETOPS operationsbeyond 120 minutes,the aircrafrmay be dispatchedwith damageto one precoolerand associatedducting between the Pressure RegulatingValve (PRV) and Pressure provided: Regulating andShutoffValve(PRSOV) a) The associatedPRVis securedclosed, b) The associatedPRSOVis securedclosed, c) Airplaneis not operatedin knownor forecasticing conditions, d) Associatedbleed isolationvalve is opened after takeoffand closedbeforeapproachand landing, e) The remaining opposite engine bleed system operatesnormally, remainsat or belowFL 350, f) Theairplane is as air source for takeoff, or ADP APU used s) penaltiesare applied, inoperative n) HydraulicMotorGeneratoris not required,and i) Associatedthrustreverseris securedin the foMard and thrustposition, j) Appropriateperformanceadjustmentsare applied for eitherofthe followingconditions: 1) The associatedfan air modulationvalve is securedin the intermediateposition,and tekeoff and landing performancelimited weights reducedby 2,270kg (5,000lbs),or valveis open 2) The associatedfan air modulation and takeoff and landing performancelimited weightsarereducedby 3,180kg (7,000lbs). Page36-9 REV17 MAR10/2007 tlMlEW Hungarian eirlinesA .AZTEttUZt .7Ez LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM 36. PNEUMATIC REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS NOTE 1: Securingthe PRSOVcloseddisablesthe forrvardcargoair conditioning. NOTE 2: The HMC is requiredfor ETOPSroutesif an IDG or APU generatoris inoperative.The HMG is not reouiredfor non-ETOPS. PLACARD - ALTITUDE panelas appropriate TO FL 350 LIMITED On theinstrument (OI OPERATIONS 1. Performancepenaltiesare requiredby the fan air valve deactivation.Reduceperformance (O) procedure. limitedweightsasshownin Item 36-12-2Operations 2. On CF6-80C2enginesthe associated thrustreverserhasbeenlockedout. that includethe effectofreversethrust,adjust A. For airplaneperformance calculations performance thrustreverser. to accountfor the inoperative B. The IDLE DISAGREEadvisorymessagemay annunciateduring applicationof thrust to high idle to insure reverse.Whenthrustreverseis selected,the engineis commanded adequatepneumaticpressurcto run the reverseractuation.Sinceone reverserdrivesits respectiveengineto high idle and the other reverseris lockedout, with its respective annunciates. enginein groundidle,the IDLE DISAGREEmessage 3. Remainclearof icins conditions. 36-12-2 FanAir (Precooler) C ControlSvstems (M) (O) Except for ETOPS operationsbeyond 120 provided: minutes,maybe inoperative a) The associatedfan air modulationvalveis secured position, and in an intermediate b) Takeoff and landingperformancelimitedweights by2,268kg (5,000lbs). are reduced maybe (M)(O)Exceptfor ETOPSbeyond120minutes, provided: inoperative a) Associatedfan air modulationvalve is securedfull open, b) Takeoff and landing performancelimitedweights arereducedby3,176kg (7,000lbs),and c) The airplaneis not operatedin knownor forecast icingconditions. PLACARD - FAMV INOP OverheadBleedAir Controlpanelasappropriate Page36-10 REV17 MAR10/2007. Hungarian AirlinesB .:tMlEW ,TarEttve .787 LIST MINIMUMEQUIPMENT 36. PNEUMATIC REPAIRINTERVAL NUMBERINSTALLED FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS OPERATIONS {OI L Reduceperformance limitedweightsasfollows: Model / Engine -200& -300cF6-80c2 FAMV Position Intermediate Full Open Takeofl Landing & Enroute Climb 2.268ke (5,000lb) 3.176ke (7,000lb) valvein the intemediateposition, A. Fuelburnwill increaseapproximately 0.6%per inoperative position. and1.2%perinoperative full valvein the open speeds listedabovearebasedon singleengineoperating B. Theen-route climbweightpenalties that approximatemaximumlift-to-dragratio speed.To accountfor the differencein level otf altitudewhenoperatingat otherspeeds,multiplythe enrouteclimbweightpenaltylistedaboveby DIVERSION SPEEDEFFECTS the appropriate factorlistedon page3-01-0.0in the EN-ROUTE paragrapn. On engine, is degraded. Winganti-ice capability 2. Airplane is notto be operated in icingconditions. thenacelleanti-ice is degraded. capability 36-21-1 BleedAir DUCT PRESSIndication Systems 36-21-2 EngineBleedAir OFFLights PLACARD Affectedlight- LIGHTINOP 36-22-1 BLEEDLights provided: (M)(O)Onemaybe inoperative a) Associated high stage bleed valve/HPSOVis securedclosed, b) A minimumof 70%(55 % below10,000feet MSL) enginein icing on the associated Nl is maintained conditions, c) The remaining opposite engine bleed system operatesnormally, Page36-11 REV17 MAR10/2007. tlAlEV ,?aTEtjyE Hungarian Airlinesfi .78.7 LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT 36. PNEUMATIC REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS d) HydraulicMotorGeneratoris not required,and engines. e) ForCF6-80C2 1) Associatedthrust reverseris secured in the foMardthrustpoisition,and 2) Appropriate performance adjustments are aPPlied. NOTE: The HMG is requiredfor ETOPSroutesif an IDG or APU generatoris inoperative'Thel HMG is not requiredfor non-ETOPS. I PLACARD Affectedlight- LIGHTINOP (OI OPERATIONS 1. On enginesthe associated thrustreverserhas beenlockedout. A. For airplaneperformancecalculationsthat include the effect of reversethrust, adjust performance thrustreverser. to accountfor the inoperative duringapplicationof thmst reverse. may annunciate B. The IDLE DISAGREEadvisorymessage When thrustreverseis selected,the engineis commandedto high idle to insureadequate pneumaticpressureto run the reverseractuation.Sinceone reverserdrives its respective engineto high idle and the otherreverseris lockedout, with its respectiveenginein ground idle,the IDLE DISAGREEmessage annunciates. for landing) Nl on 2. Maintain a minimumof 70 o/ol55Vobelow10,000feetMSLexceptas required affected enginein icingconditions. thatthe EngineBleedAir OFF 3. Withthe HighStageBleedvalve/HPSOV lockedclosed,it is possible theenginebleed To lightmayilluminate withthe engineat idleundercertainconditions. extinguish airOFFlight: A. B. C. D. Verifymanifoldpressureon affectedside is lessthan 10 PSl. Verifyisolationvalveon affectedsideis closed. packon affectedsideis notselectedOFF(selectAUTOor STBY). Verifyair conditioning 807oN2 to open the PRSOVand eack FlowI Advancethe throftleoff idle to approximately ControlValve,Thiswillextinguish the enginebleedair OFF lightand packOFFlight.WhenI again. poweris reduced OFF lightandpackOFFlightmayilluminate theenginebleed Page36-12 REV17 MAR10i2007. I?MIEV ,aarEttve Hungarian Airlinesfi .787 LIST MINIMUMEQUIPMENT 36. PNEUMATIC REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 36-22€ OVHTLights C 2 1 provided: (M) (O) One maybe inoperative a) Associated high stage bleed valve is secured closed, b) A minimumof 70%(55% below10,000FeetMSL) enginein icing on the associated N1 is maintained conditions, c) The remaining opposite engine bleed system operatesnormally, d) HydraulicMotorGeneratoris not required,and engines: e) ForCF6-80C2 1) Associatedthrust reverseris secured in the forwardthrustPosition,and 2) Appropriate performance adjustments are applied. NOTE: The HMG is requiredfor ETOPSroutesif an IDG or APU generatoris inoperative'Thel HMG is not requiredfot non-ETOPS. I PLACARD Affected light- LIGHTINOP OPERATIONS {OI A. On CF6-80C2enginesthe associatedthrustreverserhasbeenlockedout l) For airplane performancecalculationsthat include the effect of reversethrust, adjust performance thrustreverser. to accountfor the inoperative duringapplicationof thrustreverse. may annunciate 2) The IDLE DISAGREEadvisorymessage When thrust reverseis selected,the engineis commandedto high idle to insureadequate pneumaticpressureto run the reverseractuation.Since one reverserdrives its respective engineto high idle and the otherreverseris lockedout, with its respectiveenginein ground idle,the IDLE DISAGREEmessage annunciates. N1 on for landing)' B. Maintain a minimumot 70%(55o below10,00feetMSLexceptas required when in icing conditions. affectedengine lockedclosed,it is possiblethatthe enginebleedair C. Withthe highstagebleedvalve/HPSOV To withtheengineat idleundercertainconditions. OFFlightandpackOFFlightmayilluminate extinguish theenginebleedair OFFandpackOFFlights: 'l) 2\ 3) 4) Verifymanifoldpressureon affectedsideis lessthan 10 psi. Verifyisolationvalveon affectedsideis closed. packon affectedsideis notselectedOFF(selectAUTOor STBY). Verifyair conditioning I N2 to openthe PRSOVand PackFlow 80o/o Advancethe throtlleoff idleto approximately I theenginebleedairOFFlightandpackOFF lightWhen I ControlValve.Thiswillextinguish again. poweris reduced theenginebleedOFFlightandpackOFFlightmayilluminate Page36-13 REV17 MAR10/2007. tlMlEV .azEtlvzF Hungarian Airlinesh .78.7 EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 36-224 Land R Bleed ISLNValveLights C 2 1 (O) One may be inoperativeprovidedassociatedduct pressureindicatoroperatesnormally. PLACARD Atfectedlight- LIGHTINOP OPERATIONS {O) lf properoperationof an lsolationValve is in question,refer to the ECS synopticpage on EICAS andiorDuctPressureindications. 36-22-5C BleedISLN VALVELight PLACARD As appropriate 36-22-6APUBleedISLN VALVELight PLACARD As appropriate Page36-14 REV17 MAY30/2007. Hungarian Airlinesfi ttMlEV .78.?zrEtjyaF EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM 38. WATER/WASTE REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 38-10-1 PotableWater System C 2 C 2 provided: maybe inoperative 1 (M) Individualcomponents are deactivated or isolated, a) Associatedcomponents ano b) Associatedsystemcomponentsare verifiednot to haveleaks. NOTE:Any portionof systemwhichoperatesnormally maybe used. provided: 0 (M) Maybe inoperative a) Systemts drained,and to ensurethat systemis are established b) Procedures notserviced. PLACARD - INOP- DO NOT USE For deactivated or isolatedcomponents, asappropriate For inoperativepotablewater system,Aft PotableWaterServicePanel- POTABLE WATER SYS INOP. DO NOT FILL 38-30-1 LavatorySystems 767-200 C 767-300 C 7 6 5 5 767-200 767-300 c 6 5 provided: (M)Individual maybe inoperative components isolated, or are deactivated a) Associatedcomponents ano b) Associatedsystemcomponentsare verifiednot to haveleaks. NOTE:Any portionof systemwhichoperatesnormally mavbe used. (M) Associatedlavatorysystem(s)may be inoperative Drovided: -Associatedcomponentsare deactivatedor isolatedto preventleaks, -Associatedlavatorydoo(s) is secured closed and .INOPERATIVE - DO NOTENTER". placarded NOTE: These provisionsare not intendedto prohibit by crewmembers. inspections PLACARD - DO NOTENTER Placardatfectedlavatorydoor- INOPERATIVE 38-32-1 Tank Precharge ControlSvstem 0 (M) May be inoperative provided the applicable prechargecontrolvalveis securedin the open position. Page38-1 REV17 MAR10/2007. t?adlEW Hungarian Airlinesfi .azEtjvaF .747 LIST MINIMUMEQUIPMENT REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 49-l'f-l AuxiliaryPower Unit C 1) Pneumatic function C 1 1 0 46 ns11sc":--l May be inoperativeprovidedprocedures its use. 0 (M) Exceptfor ETOPSoperations beyond120minutes, provided: maybe inoperative operatenormally,and a) Both enginedrivengenerators b) Hydraulic Motor Generator(HMG) is verified to ooeratenormallv 0 do not reQuire May be inoperativeprovidedprocedures I itsuse. I NOTE l: The APU, andAPU generator, maybe requiredfor ETOPSdispatch.For moreinformation generator available,regardingETOPS,seeMEL 24-00-2. on relief withoutAPU NOTE 2: APU may be removedper AMM 49-11-02.Whenremovingthe APU for dispatch,ensure that (1) the equipmentremovedis weighedand(2) that the weightand balanceis updated. With APU removed,the APU FAULT light may remain illuminated,and the EICAS messages APU BLD VAL, APU FUEL VAL, andAPU GEN OFFmay displayafterengine start. NOTE 3: The pneumaticfunctionof the APU is controlledby the APU BleedValve MEL item 36I l-4. If the pneumaticfunctionis not working,the APU BleedValve must be closedvra proceduredescribedin 36-11-4. NOTE 4: Referto item OPERATIONSNOTE 24-00-2for a batterystartprocedureif a groundair cart is not available. PLACARD As appropriate 49-15-1 APUAir Intake DoorActuation System 1) DoorClosed 2) DoorFullyOpen (-200/-300) (M) May be inoperativesecuredclosedprovidedAPU inoperative. is considered (M) (O) May be inoperativefully openprovidedAFM areapplied. performance decrements Page49-1 REV17 MAR10/2007. tlailEV Hungarian AirlinesB zaTEt/vzF .78? LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM 49. AIRBORNEAUXILIARYPOWERUNIT REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREOUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 3) DoorPartially Open C (-200/-300) 1 0 (O) May be inoperativepartiallyopenprovided: decrements areapplied,and a) AFM performance inoperative. b) APU is considered NOTE 1: TheAPU, andAPU generator, maybe requiredfor ETOPSdispatch. NOTE 2: A Door Partially Open may sausereverserotationof the APU with lessthan normal bearinglubrication.Therefore,it may be desirableto limit the time in this configuralion. Reverserotationis not presentwith the doorin the fully openor closedposition. EICAS STATUSMESSAGES APU DOOR PLACARD APU MasterSwitch- INLET DOORINOP(OPEN/CLOSED) (O) OPERATIONS 1. (2001300)DoorFully Open: A. APU maybe usedon the groundandin flight. B. Increaseplannedfuel bum by 0.7%. C. Airplaneswith CF6-80C2,engineshavezero (takeoff,enrouteclimb, approachclimb and landingclimb)performance decrements. D. Buffetingmayoccurwhendooris in the openposition. 2. (200f300) Door PartiallyOpen: A. Do not useAPU. B. Increaseplannedfuel bum by 0.7o%. C. Airplaneswith CF6-80C2,engineshavezero(takeoff,enrouteclimb,approachclimb and landingclimb)performance decrements. D. Buffetingmayoccurwhendooris in the partiallyopenposition. 49-61-1APUExternal ControlSvstem and APU used,provideda qualified May be inoperative operatorremainsin the vicinityof the flightdeckAPU conrol. (M) May be inoperative and APU used,providedan and systemis installed fireextinguishing APUautomatic normally, verifiedto operate Page 49-2 REV17 MAR10/2007. r*'lAlEV Hungarian Airlines4 .7a.7 .?zrEtjyzt LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM NUMBERINSTALLED REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 49-70-1 APU FAULTLight C 1 0 C 1 0 PLACARD Affected light- LIGHTINOP 49-70-2 APU RUNLight (O) May be inoperativeprovidedanotheracceptable is available andused. meansto verityAPUcondition PLACARD Affectedlight- LIGHTINOP (OI OPERATIONS APUStartuo Monitor APURPMand EGTon EICAS,loadAPUwhenAPURPMis 95%or greater. APUShutdown 1. PositionAPUVALVEswitchto OFF.Checkto seethatAPUVALVELightdoesnot illuminate 2. Wait120secondsforAPUcooldown. 3. TurnAPU selectorswitchto OFF. to indicate APUfuelvalveis illuminates 4. Wait20 seconds, observeAPU FAULTlightmomentarily in transitto closed. 49-71.1 APUEGT Indication C 1 O 49-72-1 APUHourmeter System C 1 0 (M) May be inoperativeprovidedalternateprocedures andused. areestablished D 0 May be inoperativeprovidedproceduresdo not require |ts use. 49-73.1 APURPM lndication D 0 49-94-1APUOILQTY Indication C May be inoperativeprovided APU is considered inoperative. D (M) May be inoperativeprovidedoil quantityis verified bv alternatemeans. EICAS STATUSMESSAGf,S APU OIL QTY Page49-3 REV17 MAR10/2007. I+UIEV Hungarian Airlines fi .?zEttuzt .7A,- LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT 52. DOORS REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS C 52-11-{ MainEntry/ ServiceDoor EMERGENoY oNLY ArmedIndicators - 0 provideda procedureis usedto (M) May be inoperative mechanismis in the "SLIDE mode select verifythat the and in the "SLIDE ARMED"mode beforedeDarture opening. DISARM'modebeforea non-emergency OPERATIONS NOTE Slidearming/disarming can be verifiedby checkingboththe positionof slidearmingleverand visual indicationof girt bar lockdown.Door must be armed prior to departurefrom the blocks and not disarmeduntilblockarrival. 52-11-2 MainEntry/Service DoorArmingLever HingedCovers 0 52-11-3 EntryDoorPower Assist Opening 0 or missing. Maybe damaged 52-114 MainEntry/ Service Doors/Slides/ Exits Emergency 1) 767-200) or slide missing (M) (O) One may be inoperative provided: arefullyoperational, a) All othermainentrydoors,/exits b) Atfecteddooris not usedfor passengerloading, c) A conspicuousbarrierstrap or rope and a placard stetingthat the door is inoperativeshall be placed door, acrossthe inooerative d) Emergencyexit sign and floor proximitylights associated with the inoperativeexit must be coveredto obscurethe signsand lights, e) Passengersmustbe briefednot to usethe affected door, 0 All passengerseatshalfwayto the nextexit in each directionfrom the inoperativedoor, across the entirewidthof the airplane,shallbe blockedoff with conspicuoustapes or ropesthat contrastwith the interiorpriorto loadingpassengers.Onlythe seats in these areas shall be blocked;main passenger Page52-1 REV17MAR1Ol2007 .t?UaEV Hungarian Airlinesfi .7Az ,AZTEtttYZt EQUIPMENT MINIMUM LIST 52. DOORS REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREOUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS g) h) i) j) k) aisles,cross aisles,and exits areas must not be forwarddoor/slide,the blocked.(For an inoperative blockedseatingareashall extendfrom the foMard cabin en, rearwardto a line halfwaybetweenthe inoperativefoMard door and the next set of doors aft of the inoperativeone. For an inoperativerear door/slide,the blockedseatingarea shall extend foMardfrom the aft cabinto a linehalfwaybetween the Inoperativedoor and the next set of doors one). foMardof the inoperative shallbe placedin signsand placards Conspicuous appropriatelocationsindicatingtheseseatsare not to be occupiedby passengers, Seatedcapacitymust not exceedratedcapacityof pairof exits, remaining For extended range/overwater operations, occupancy shall not exceed the normal rated capacityof the slide/raftsor the remainingslide/rafts or the rated overloadcapacityof the slides/ratfs remainingafter loss of one additionalslide/raftof greatestcapacity,whicheveris least, Blockedseatinglayoutsand evacuationprocedures must be developedand approved by the FAA certificate holding office for inclusion in the manual.and oDerator's Repairsaremadewithinoneflightday. NOTE1: Weightand balancemanifestmustbe revised as necessaryto ensure proper loading limits are observed. may be stationedin vicinity NOTE2: Cabinattendants of eachdoorwithinblockedarea. Page 52-2 REV17 MAR10/2007 :tUlEV Hungarian airlines,fi .aatEtlvzF .7A.7 EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM 52. DOORS REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 2\ 767-3OO A 6 5 (M) (O) One may be inoperativeor slide missing provided: l) All othermainentrydooryexitsarefullyoperational, m) Affecteddooris not usedfor passengerloading, n) A conspicuousbarrierstrap or rope and a placard statingthat the door is inoperativeshall be placed door, acrossthe inoperative o) Emergencyexit sign and floor proximity lights associated with the inoperativeexit must be coveredto obscurethe signsand lights, p) Passengers mustbe briefednot to usethe affected door, q) All passengerseatshalfwayto the nextexit in each direction from the inoperativedoor, across the entirewidthof the airplane,shallbe blockedoff with conspicuoustapet or ropesthat contrastwith the Onlythe seats interiorpriorto loadingpassengers. in these areas shall be blockedimain passenger aisles, cross aisles,and exits areas must not be foMard door/slide,the blocked.(For an inoperative blockedseatingareeshall extendfrom the foMard cabin en, rearwardto a line halflr/aybetweenthe inoperativefoMard door and the next set of doors aft of the inoperativeone. For an inoperativerear door/slide,the blockedseatingarea shall extend forwardfromthe aft cabinto a linehalfwaybetween the inoDerativedoor and the next set of doors one). foMardof the inoperative shallbe placedin signsand placards Conspicuous appropriatelocationsindicatingtheseseatsare not to be occupiedby passengers, s) Seatedcapacitymust not exceedratedcapacityof pairof exits, remaining r) For extended range/overwater operations, occupancy shall not exceed the normal rated capacityof the slide/raftsor the remainingslide/rafts or the rated overloadcapacityof the slidevratfs remainingafter loss of one additionalslide/raftof greatestcapacity,whicheveris least, u) Blockedseatinglayoutsand evacuationprocedures must be developedand approved by the FAA Page52-3 REV,17MAR10/2007 t?AlEW Hungarian Airlines4 .?87 ,a27Et/v2F LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM 52. DOORS REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS certificate holding office for inclusion in thel manual, and operator's I v) Repairsaremadewithinoneflightday, I NOTE1: Weightand balancemanifestmustbe revised as necessaryto ensure proper loading limits are observed. NOTE2: Cabinattendantsmay be stationedin vicinityI of eachdoorwithinblockedarea. I (O) OPERATIONS mustbe briefedpriorto takeoffand landingregardingexitthat Flightcrewmembersand passengers cannotbe usedfor emergencyevacuation. PLACARD Affecteddoor- INOP 5230-1 LowerCargoDoors 1) CargoDoor LifULatch Mechanisms (Standard DoorAft) C 2 1 Eithermanualor electricmode on each door may be inooerative. C 2 0 (M) Manualand electricmodes may be inoperative providedthe associateddoor is verified closed and lockedbeforeeachdeparture. 2) CargoDoorHinge PowerUnitsand ManualHinge DriveSystems (Standard DoorAft) C - 0 3) CargoDoorHook- C LatchSystem Electrical Function (LargeDoor- Fwd) - 0 provided: (M) Maybe inoperative a) Manualfunctionoperatesnormally, b) Thereis no damageto thehooklatchmechanism, c) Thereis no damageto the latchlockmechanism, d) Door is closed and locked using an accepted and manualprocedure, maintenance e) All latch cams are visuallyconfirmedto be in the closedpositionbeforeeachdeparture. Page524 REV17 MAR10/2007 t+U,EV Hungarian Airlines fi .?zEtjve.787 LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM 52. DOORS REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 4) CargoDoorLift C System (LargeDoor- Fwd) 0 52-30-3 CargoDoorControl PanelIndicating Systems 1) DoorOpenLight (Std.DoorAft) May be inoperativeprovidedthe door closed light operatesnormally. provided: (M) Maybe inoperative for associateddoor is System a) Door Indication verifiedto operatenormally,and b) Dooris visuallyverifiedclosed,latchedand locked beforeeachdeDarture. (M) May be inoperativeprovidedthe door is visually verified closed, letched and locked before each deoarture. 2) DoorCloseLight (Std.DoorAft) 3) DoorOpenand DoorCloseLights (LargeDoorFwd) 52-34-1 CargoDoorStop FittingBearing Plates(4ft Cargo Door) (M) May be inoperativeprovidedthe door is verified closed,latchedand lockedbeforeeachdeparture. - C One on the foMard and aft side of each cargo door framemaybe missing. MAINTENANCE NOTE: Item52-34-1dispatchdeviationallowsfor two missingbearingplatesper cargodoor (oneon the forwardframe,and oneon the aft frame). 52€5-1 BulkCargoDoor Balance Mechanism 52-50-1 Flight CrewRest Door C 1 0 (M) May be inoperativeprovideda safety hold open deviceis usedwhendooris in ooenposition. 0 (M) May be inoperativeprovided: a) Door is removed,and b) Crew restareais not usedfor requiredcrewmember rest. Page52-5 REV17 MAR10/2007 Hungarian Airlinesfi t!'tAlEV .?E? ,a27Et/u2F LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM 52. DOORS NUMBERINSTALLED REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARXOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 52-51-3 BoeingEnhanced FlightDeck SecurityDoor 26 NOTE:JAR-OPS 1,1255TGLLEAFLET (MXO)May be inoperativefor a maximumof 4 flights provided: and (a)Automaticlockingsystemis deactivated, and (b)Alternateprocedures established are thedoor,using usedfor lockingandunlocking restraintsystems. deadboltsor supplementary 1)Automatic LockingSystem Note:Thesedispatchconditionsonlyapplyto to andfromcountrieswhich operations requiresecureddoors. B provided: (OXM)Maybe inoperative and (a) Automaticlockingsystemis deactivated, no otherlockingsystemis used,and and (b)Alternateprocedures are established usedfor accessto the flightdeck. 2) LockControl Selector/ Switch 1 Anysystemin excessof one maybe inoperative. 3) LOCK/ DENY Function provided: (O)(M)Maybe inoperative (a) Flightdeckaccessdevice[keypador pushbuttonl is deactivated, (b) Automaticlockingsystemis verifiedto and operatenormally, and (c)Alternateprocedures areestablished usedto lockthe door,and for accessto the flightdeck. 4) UNLOCK Function provided: (O)(M)Maybe inoperative (a)Automaticlockingsystemis verifiedto operatenormally,and and (b)Alternateprocedures areestablished usedto lockthe door. Page52-6 REV17 MAR10/2007 ;!'AIEV Hungarian Airlines fi .AZE'jYZF .78,7 LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT 52. DOORS REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 5) NORM/AUTO Function 6) DoorRelease Mechanism / Door Strike(if installed) - 1 D 3 provided: (O)(M)Maybe inoperative (a) Flightdeckaccessdevicelkeypador pushbuttonl is deactivated, (b) Automaticlockingsystemis verifiedto operatenormally,and (c) Alternateprocedures are established and usedfor accessto the flightdeck. with Referto the dispatchconditionsassociated part (1). see automatic locking system the Onemaybe inoperative. 7) FlightDeck Access DevicesIKeypad/ Pushbuttonl provided: (OXM)Maybe inoperative and (a) Flightdeckaccessdeviceis deactivated, and (b) Alternateprocedures are established usedfor accessto theflightdeck. 8) LEDson keypad or controlpanel providedalternate (O) Maybe inoperative and usedfor accessto areestablished orocedures theflightdeck 9) DoorLockFAIL/ FAULTLight May be inoperativeprovidedthe automaticlock controlsare verifiedto operatenormally. 10)DoorLock AUTO UNLK/ OPEN Light provided: Maybe inoperative (a)Automaticlockcontrolsareverifiedto operate normally, and normally. (b)Doorchimeor buzzeroperates 11) Buzzer/ Chime provided: (OXM)Maybe inoperative (a) Flightdeckaccessdevice[keypador pushbuttonl and is deactivated, (b)Alternateprocedures and are established usedfor accessto the flightdeck. (O) OPERATIONS NOTE:lf the keypadhas beendeactivated, makesurethe FlightDeckAccessSystemswitchis in the OFFposition(guardextended)whenflightdeckdooris closedand the flightdecknotoccupied. Page52-7 REV17 MAR 10/2007 I!'IALEV .zz}Ettve Hunga rian Airlinesfi .787 EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM 52. DOORS REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED OR/ANDEXCEPTIONS REII,IARK 52-51,4 BoeingEnhanced C FlightDeck SecurityDoorDead Bolt(FAR25.795 Compliant) 0 May be inoperativeprovidedautomaticlock controls operatenormally. 52-71-1 DoorIndication System 0 providedan alternatemethodto (M) Maybe inoperative verify that associateddoo(s) is closedand lockedis andused. established C EICAS STATUSMESSAGES AFT CARGODOORIND FWD CARGODR IND MN CARGODR IND PLACARD Associatedlight (Pilot's OverheadPanel)- LIGHT INOP Near EICAS DOOR INDICATION INOP 52-73-1 Entry/ServiceDoor SlideArmed Indicating Light System Page52-8 MAR1Ol2007 REV,17 tlElEV .e?Ettvat Hungarian Airlines,fi .7.e- LIST MINIMUM EOUIPMENT 56.WTNDOWS REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 5611-1 Flight Compartment Windows A 6 5 (M) One FWD (No. 1) windowouterglassply may be crackedprovided: a) Visibility through the affected windshield is acceptable to the captain,andvisionis not impaired windshield, on theremaining areobserved, b ) AFMwindowheatlimitations AirsDeedis limited to 280 KIAS or less below 10,000feetMSL,and 0 ) Operationsare limited to one flight only before reoarrsare maoe. This itemappliesonlyto the No. 1 windowand cracksor damageto the outer(non NOTE1: and56-11-01, layer-Foranyotherconditions referto AMM56-11-00 structural) Door 56-31-1 Entry/Service ViewportHeated Pane(s) B 0 (M) May be inoperativeprovidedheated panes are deactivated. Page56-1 REV17.MAR10/2007 Hungarian Airlines,fi :tHlEV .78^g2rEtt'UaF LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM 73 ENGINEFUELANDCONTROL NUMBERINSTALLED REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS Engine 73-21-1Electronic ControlSystem(EEC) 1) EECNORMMode (CF6FADEC) C (O) May be inoperativeprovidedboth engines are operatedin the alternate(ALTN)mode. 2) EECFaults (cF6 FADEC) A withC1, C2 faultsprovided: Maybe dispatched a) Repairsere madewithinoperatingintervalfor: cl - 300HRS. c2 - 2000HRS, b) The messageis recorded(at first occurrence)in AFL and filled a DIR with appropriateintervalat the PIMUmessages, homebase,recording c) At following Home Station Check inspect PIMU history for new message(s)and check previous to DIR-SSon board, DlRsaccording d) Inform Power Plant Engineeringof new Fault Messaoe occurrence. EICAS STATUSMESSAGES EEC CONFIG L (R) ENG EEC C1 PLACARD As appropriate MAINTENANCE NOTES: Operatingintervalwith L (R) ENG EEC C1 messagedependson the EEC softwareverslon.C1 and C2 faultsare definedby faultswhichoccuron two of last threeflight legs.lf time and manpoweris perapplic€bleFlM. available(notto interferewith revenueflight)performtroubleshooting as follows: TherearefourEECfaultlevelsannunciated, Level c t\1 c2 - EICASFaultAnnunciation L(R)ENGCONTROL (C) (S,M) L(R)ENGEECC1 L(R)ENGEECC2 L(R)P|MU (M) (M) lnterval Maximum Ooeratinq IS NOTALLOWEDI DISPATCH Dispatchallowedfor 300 HRS. (withEECsoffware8.2.Oand on) DisDatch allowedfor 2000HRS. Disoatchallowedwithno limit. Page73-1 REV17 MAR10/2007. t+UaEV Hungarian Airlines fi .7e.7 .?a7Etjya LIST EQU]PMENT MINIMUM REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS (O} OPERATIONS ForSubitems 1, EECNORMMode(L(R)ENGEECMODE): - SelectbothEECModeSwitchesto Alternate(ALTN). - ForCFo FADEC,autothroftle maybe usedif desired. - Useof theAssumedTemperatureReducedThrustMethodmayor maynot be allowed.Referto page. theAFMappendix applicability ForSubitems 2, EECC1 Faults(L (R)ENGEECC1): - GE FADECmaybe dispatched withstatusmessageL (R) ENGEECCl displayedon one or two enganes, - Thereis no OPERETIONS L (R)ENDEEc (O)procedure for dispatch withassociated required Cl message displayed. 73-21-2 ElectronicEngine ControlSystems (EEc)Lights 1) EECNORM/ALTNC Lights 2 0 (O) May be inoperativeprovided both EEC'S are switchedto the alternate(ALTN)mode. OPERATIONS IOI item73-21-1. SeeEECALTERNATE Modeprocedure, 73-21-3 FuelControlENG VALVElndication System 1) FuelControl C ENGVALVELights 2) FuelControl ENGFUELVAL Indication System C 2 (M) May be inoperativeprovrdedthe associatedEngine FuelValveis verifiedto operatenormally. 2 provided: (M)(O)Onemaybe inoperative AssociatedEngineValveis verifiedto operatenormally, and AssociatedEICASmetsageis deactivated. PLACARD ENGVALVELight(s)- ENGVALVELIGHTINOP Page73-2 REV17 MAR10/2007. t!'tAlEV Hungarian Airlines4 ,aza7/uaF .78? LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM NUMBERINSTALLED REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS (O) OPERATIONS (M) procedurefor EngineFuel 1. Verifyoperationof the enginefuelvalverepeatingMAINTENANCE shouldbe notedin airplane valveVerification at eachshutdownof the affectedengine.Verification logbook,by recordingtimeelapsedfromselectionof fuelCUTOFFto initiationof engineshutdown by rapiddecrease in N1,N2,andEGT. as indicated 2. Startthe affectedengineusingnormalstartprocedures. )a-rr-rrrororechanicatc 2 1 N2 Speed Governors L(R) ENG O/S GOV was deletedand NOTE: In EEC softwareupdate8.2K, statuslevel message are levelmessages Maintenance replacedwith maintenance levelL (R) ENG EEC C2 message. per item with this MMEL be dispatched can not dispatchcritical.Airplaneswith oldersoftware statuslevelL(R) ENG OiS GOV message displayedon EICAS. f,ICAS STATUSMf,SSAGES L (R) ENG O/S GOV PLACARD As appropriate ldle/ 73-21-8Approach Minimum ldle Systems provided: (M) (O) Maybe inoperative a) Flap actuatedapproachidle is verifiedto operate normally, and b) Takeoffand landingperformancelimitedweightis reducedby 1,406kg (3,100lbs). 1) Minimum Groundldle 2) Continuous lgnitionActuated Approach ldle c 2 (M) (O) One may be inoperativeprovidedflap actuated flightidleis verifiedto operatenormally. Page73-3 REV17 MAR10/2007 tu'lAlEV Hungarian Airlines4 .ezEt'YG.TE? LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT REPAIR INTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREOUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS EICAS STATUSMf,SSAGES IDLEDISAGREE PLACARD As appropriate (O) OPERATIONS CF6FADECEngine lf the continuousignition actuated idle system is inoperative,utilize operatinginstructionsof HGA-4. ODerations ManualBulletin To the Flightshouldbe conductedto avoidthunderstorm activityby over flightor circumnavigation. maximumextentpossible,heavyrain or hailshouldalso be avoided.Weatherradar,pilotreportsand flight crew observationsmay be used by the flight crew to determinewhen heavy rain or hail is accomplishthe following or anticipated, anticipated. Shouldflightin heavyrainor hailbe encountered procedure: CONT ENGINESTARTSELECTORS lf TAT is 10Cor below: ON ANTI-ICE SWITCHES (Maintains a minimum thrustsettingof flightidle.) lf TAT is above10C: DISENGAGE AUTOTHROTTLE (Preventsautothrottle reductionbelowdesiredsettingduringdescent duringtakeoff,climbandcruise.) Autothrottles mayremainengaged SET THRUSTLEVERS of 50%N1 at or above10,000ft. 45%N'l below10,000ft exceptfor landing. Seta minimum a noticeabledrop NOTE:In heavyprecipitation engineparameterfluctuationmay occur,particularly, uponleavingthe areaof heavy in EGT. Engineparameterswill returnto normalimmediately precipitation. 73-31-1 FuelFlow lndications C 2 1 provided: (M) (O) Onemaybe inoperative operatenormally, a) AssociatedN1 and N2 indications and operatesnormally, b) Maintankfuelquantityindicator and c) For ETOPSoperationleftand rightmaintank are disconnected. densitometers withSimmonds densitometers On airolanes PN S345N001-032 Page73-4 REV17 MAY30/2007. :*AIEV Hungarian Airlinesfi .?zEttve.7e7 LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM REPAIRINTERVAL NUMBERINSTALLED FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS NOTE1: Thefollowingcombinations of inoperative equipmentare notallowed: (28-41-1) Indication FuelFlowIndications and FuelTankQuantity (28-41-2) Channels FuelFlowIndications and FuelQtyProcessor aredependent on fuelflow. NOTE2: FMCCALCULATED fuelquantities NOTE3: Ailerontrim indicationon the controlwheelcan be usedto determineif a fuel imbalance conditionexists.At cruiseairspeeds,an imbalanceof 1,800kg (4,000pounds)will require to holdthewingslevel. approximately oneunitof ailerondisplacement NOTE4: In caseof en-routefailureof FQIS,the flightcrewmustkeepa fuel log for the remainderofl I NOTEbelowfor samplefuellog. the flight.Referto OPERATIONS flight the FMC may determine inoperative, NOTE5: Following a flightwith a FuelFlowIndication groundspeedto set at duringhighspeedtaxi.Thiswillcausethe IRUresidual completion 21 knotsor greater.The Faultlsolationmanualuse21 knotsas the thresholdto identifya Manualmayprecludereplacement. faultylRU.Testingthe IRU perthe Maintenance to the partnumberslistedin the MELapplies The requirement to disconnect densitometers NOTE 6: part numbers. with other This doesnot applyto densitometers NOTE OPERATIONS failure Bothenginesoperating; FOISinflight SampleFuelLog:Condition: TIME 1200uT 1300uT 1400uT EICASFUELFLOW 5000 4900 TOTALFUELBURN (bothenqines) 10000 9800 TOTALFUELREMAINING 109000 99000 89200 1 . Startingtimefor the fuellog is the timeat the lastknownwaypoint,foundvia FMC. displayor EICAS EICASFUELFLOWis in lb/hr(orkg/hr)as shownon EICASsecondary compactdispleys.This is the fuelflowindicatedfromthe operativefuelflowsensor' Page73-5 REV17 MAR10/2007. Hungarian Airlines,fi ;*EIEV .787 .gzrEttyaF LIST MINIMUM EOUIPMENT REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS by2. Assumefuelflowon eachengineis 3. TOTALFUELBURNis EICASFUELFLOWmultiplied thesame. 4. TOTALREMAINING FUELstartsat the lastknownrecordedtotalfuelremainingdatapoint,found progresses, is startfuelminusTOTALFUELBURN. via FMC.As time TOTALFUELREMINING The startingdatapointfor thisfuel log is recordedby the FMCat the lastwaypointpriorto FQIS failure.Thisis foundas follows: page: 1, POSREPORT A. Line'1displays: 1) LastWaypoint zt Time Altitude B. Line5 displays: displayed on line1. at the lastwaypoint 1) POSFUEL.Thisis theTotalFuelRemaining Page73-6 REV17 MAR10/2007. :VU,EV Hungarian Airlines,fi 7E.SZEttvzP LIST MINIMUM EOUIPMENT 74.TGNtTtON REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 74-00-1 lgnitionSystems A 4 3 provided: (O) Onemaybe inoperative selectorremainsin BOTHposition, a) lgnition b) Engineanti-icesystemsoperate normallyon the associated engine,and c) Repairis madewithinoneflightday. c 4 2 (O) Exceptfor ETOPSoperations,one per enginemay provided: be inoperative and selectorremainsin BOTHposition, a) Ignition b) Engineanti-icesystemsoperate normallyon the engine(s). associated EICAS STATUSMf,SSAGES L (R) ENG IGNITOR I L (R) ENG IGNITOR 2 PLACARD As appropriate OPERATIONS {OI Ground:Selectoperative ignitor(1 or 2) or selectBOTHto startengine. AfterenginestartselectBOTH. in the BOTHposition. Inflight: Maintain lgnitron Selector Page74-1 REV17 MAR10/2007. t+U,EV Hungarian Airlines fi ,?z7Etre.787 EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM 75, BLEEDAIR REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 75-21-1 IDGAir/OilCooler C Valves 2 0 provided: (M) (O) Maybe inoperative open,and a) Valve(s)is deactivated b) For each inoperativevalve, performancelimited weightsare reducedby 905 kg (2,000lbs). EICAS STATUSMESSAGES L (R) IDG VALVE PLACARD As appropriate (O} OPERATIONS cF6-80C2: limit weightsasfollows:. A. For eachinoperativevalve,reduceperformance Model / Engine Takeoff. EnrouteClimb and Landing -200& -300/All 905ke (2000lb) B. The enrouteclimb weightpenaltieslistedaboveare basedon singleengineoperatingspeeds that approximatemaximumlift{o-drag ratio speed.To accountfor the differencein level off multiply the enrouteclimb weightpenaltylistedabove altitudewhenoperatingat otherspeeds, page by the appropriatefactor listed on 3-01-0.1in the ENROUTE DIVERSION SPEED EFFECTSparagraph. 0.25Yofor onevalveinoperativeand0.504for two valves C. Fuelburnwill increaseapproximately inooerative. 75-23-1 CoreComoartment C Cooling Valve 2 0 provided vatve associateO (M) (o) May be inoperative remarns open. I PLACARD L (R) CORECOMPARTMENTCLNG VLV INOP I (O) OPER,ATIONS tot two valves for one valveinoperativeopen and O.4Vo Fuefburnwill increaseapproximately O.2o/o inoperative open. Page75-1 REV17 MAR10i2007. Hungarian Airlines fi tt'AIEW .78'7 .AaTEttYE LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM 75.BLEEDAIR REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 75-24-l TurbineCase CoolingSystems (cF6 FADEC) 0 (M) May be inoperativeprovidedassociatedturbine casecoolingvalveremainsclosed. fuelburnpenalties: airplane NOTE:Inoperative TCCsystemswillresultin thefollowing NUMBER of TCCSYSTEMS INOP ENGINETYPE CF6FADEC 75-24-2 TurbineCoolingAir System EleventhStage CoolingValves (ESCV)(CF6 FADEC) a C 2 0 FUELBURN ESTIMATED PENAL]'T 1 . 0% 2.0 o/o (M) May be inoperativeprovidedassociatedturbine coolingvalvesremainopen. will resultin the followingairplanefuel NOTE 2: For CF6,inoperativeTurbineCoolingAir Systems burnpenalties: EECSOFWARE AIR OFCOOLING NUMBER INOP SYSTEMS 8.2Jor Earlier 1 2 8.2K-8.2M 8.2Nor Later 1 2 notinstalled) N/A (ESCV'S ESTIMATEDFUELBURN PENALTY o.4yo 0.8o/o 0.2%o 0.4% N/A EICAS STATUSMESSAGES L (R) ENG ESCV(CF6FADECENGINES) PLACARD As appropriate Page75-2 REV17 MAR10/2007. ;+U,EV Hungarian Airlinesfi .?zEt'ye.7A7 LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT 77.ENGINEINDICATING REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 77-00-1TargetParameter lndications 0 (O) May be inoperetiveprovidedan alternatemeansof andused. desiredvaluesis available achieving (O) OPERATIONS Observethat desiredvaluesere achieved.Only itemsindicatedby arrowsmay be inoperative(may notappearon display). Autothrottle maystilloperate,butare set at maximumthruston takeotfand climb. NOTE:For Nl referencereadout,see MELitem22-30-1for possiblerelief. TAT + l2c Page77-1 REV17 MAR10/2007. Hungarian Airlinesfi rfrllEV -7e? .ZaTEZ/YE LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM 77. ENGINEINDICATING NUMBERINSTALLED REPAIRINTERVAL FOROISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 77-12-2 N2 Tachometer Systems(EICAS) B 2 providedonlyl (M) One N2 indicationmaybe inoperative the indicationfunctionis inoperative, I provided: 1 One maybe inoperative I operates normally, a) EICASEGTindication I indications forl b) Nl and N2 (EICASand STANDBY) bothenginesoperatenormally. I 77-21-1 EGTIndications (Standby Engine Indicator) Indicating c 77-31-1Vibration Systems 1 2 4 Page77-? REV17 MAR10/2007. rtMlEW Hungarian Airlines fi .7aF7 .?z7EttvzF LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM 78, EXHAUST REPAIRINTERVAL NUMBERINSTALLED FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 78-31-1 ThrustReversers C 2 provided: 1 (M) (O) Onemaybe inoperative reverseris securedin the foMardthrust a) Inoperative oosition. and performance adjustments are applied. b) Appropriate brakingmay NOTE:Duringlandingroll-out,differential control. be reouiredto maintaindirectional action to NOTE: The following flight deck effectsare the result of maintenance certaincircuitbreakersat the endoftheir task: REV ISLN light illuminatedon ground(inhibitedin air) (inhibitedin air) L(R) REV ISLN VAL advisorylevelEICASmessage L(R) REV ISLN VAL statuslevelEICASmessage *U-l Ort*O EICAS STATUSMESSAGES L ENG REV POS R ENG REV POS L REV ISLN VAL RREV ISLNVAL PLACARD - L or R REVERSERINOP As appropriate OPERATIONS (O) 1. For airplaneperformance calculationsthat includethe effectof reversethrust,adjustperformance to accountfor the inoperativethrust reverser. an IDLE DISAGREE 2. Airplaneswith CF6-80C2engines(bothPMC and FADEC)may experience advisorymessage arnunciationduringapplicationof thrustreverse.Whenthrustreverseis selected, the engineis commandedto high idle to insureadequatepneumaticpressureto run the reverser actuation.Sinceonereverserddvesits respectiveengineto high idle andthe otherreverseris locked annunciates. enginein groundidle,the IDLE DISAGREEmessage out,with its respective Page78-1 REV17 MAR10/2007. rtMlEW Hungarian*irlines4 .7A.7 ,?z7EttuaF LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT 78. EXHAUST REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 0 (M) (o) May be inoperativeprovidedthe reverser vaNeano reverserunlockindicationsoperate isolation normally. 78-34-1 REVISLNValve Light PLACARD Affectedlight- LIGHTINOP (O) OPERATIONS Withoutthe REVISLNlightto warnthatoneor bothisolationvalvesare in thewrong(openor closed) position,flightcrewshould: 1. In flight,assumethat reversersmaybe armed:do not movereverseleverc. 2. Be awarethata subsequent systemfailurecouldrendera reverserinoperative. 78-34-2 EngineReverse LeverInterlock (cF6 FADEC) C 1 (O) one may be inoperativeextendedor retracted provided appropriateperformanceadiustmentsare aoolied. NOTE: Associatedreverserthrustis limitedto reverse retracted. idlewheninoperative I,ICAS STATUSMf,SSAGES L REV INTERLOCK RREV INTERLOCK PLACARD As appropriate - (R) REVERSE THRUST L EXTENDEDiRETRACTED LEVER INTERLOCK INOP (O) OPERATIONS Inoperative extended When selectingreversethrust,pull both reverseleversup to the normalinterlockpositionand apply reversethrustas requiredwhenthe operativeinterlockreleases. Page78-2 REV17 MAR10/2007. t+UaEV Hungarian Airlinesfi .ea}EttvaF .747 EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM 78. EXHAUST REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATGH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS NOTE:lf the interlockis inoperativeextended,therewill be no physicalstop for that reversethrust leverwhenit is pulledup to the interlockposition.The EECwill still protectthe engineby not lettingreversethrust increaseabove idle until the thrust reversersleevesare sufficiently deployed. Inooerative retracted Whenselectingreversethrust,pullbothreverseleversup to the normalinterlockposition.Usenormal thrust reversingtechniqueon the operativesystemand if it appearsthat the rudderauthorityis becoming limitedduringdeceleration, returnleverto reverseidledetent. NOTE:lf the intedockis inoperativeretracted(lnterlockposition),it will not be physicallypossibleto movethat reversethrustleverbeyondreverseidle,evenwhenthe reversersleevesare fully deployed. For airplaneperformance calculations that includethe effectofreversethrust,adjustperfomanceto accountfor lhe inoperativethrustreverser. 78-34-3 ThrustReverserAir System ThrustReverser C PRSOV 2 provided: 1 (M)(O)Onemaybe inoperative Associatedthrust reversedis securedin the foMard and thrustoosition. performance are applied. Appropriate adjustments PLACARD - L (R) REVERSERINOP As appropriate OPERATIONS(O) 1. For airplaneperformance calculationsthat includethe effectof reversethrust,adjustperformance to accountfor the inoperativethrust reverser. an IDLE DISAGREE 2. Airplaneswith CF6-80C2engines(both PMC and FADEC) mayexperience advisorymessage annunciationduringapplicationof thrustreverse.Whenthrustreverseis selected, the engineis commandedto high idle to insureadequatepneumaticpressureto run the reverser actuation.Sinceonereverserdrivesits respectiveengineto high idle andthe otler reverseris locked annunciates. out, with its respectiveenginein groundidle,theIDLE DISAGREEmessage Page78-3 REV17 MAR10/2007. :tAlEV EZEtFtyaF Hungarian Airlinesfi .78,7 LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM 78. EXHAUST REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 78-36-1 REVUnlock lndications C 2 provided: 1 (M) (O) Onemaybe inoperative a) No thrust reverser damage exists which would adverselyaffectairplaneoperation,and b) Thrust reverser for the associated engine is deactivatedand locked in the stowed (forward thrust)position. performance adiustments are applied. c) Appropriate PLACARD - L (R) REV IJNLOCKINDICATION INOP As appropriate - L (R) REVERSERINOP As appropriate OPERATIONS(O) 1. For airplaneperformance calculationsthat includethe effectofreversethrust,adjustperformance to accountfor the inoperativethrustreverser. an IDLE DISAGREE 2. Airplaneswith CF6-80C2engines(bothPMC and FADEC)may experience reverseis selected, reverse. When thrust advisorymessage annunciationduringapplicationof thrust pressure to run the reverser the engineis commandedto high idle to insureadequatepneumatic actuation.Sinceonereverserdrivesits respectiveengineto high idle andthe otherreverseris locked annunciates. out,with its respectiveenginein groundidle,the IDLE DISAGREEmessage 78-36-2 FullREVPosition Indications C 2 0 May be inoperativeprovidedthe associatedreverser unlockindicationoperatesnormally. PLACARD - L (R) FULL REV INDICATIONINOP As appropriate 78-36-3 ReverserPosition SensingSystems (CF6FADEC) 1 provided: (M) (O)One maybe inoperative a) Associatedthrustreverseris securedin the foMard and thrustposition, performance are applied. adjustments Appropriate b) EICAS STATUSMESSAGES L ENG REV POS RENGRXV POS Page784 REV17 MAR10/2007. .tlElEW .?ZE]IIVZF Hungarian Airlinesfi .7e'7 EQUIPMENT LIST MINIMUM 78. EXHAUST REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS PLACARD - L (R) REVERSERINOP As appropriate OPERATIONS (O) 1. For airplane perlormancecalculationsthat include the effect of reversethrust, adjust performalce to accountfor the inoperativethrust reverser. 2. Airplanes with CF6-80C2 engines(both PMC and FADEC) may experiencean IDLE DISAGREE advisory messageannunciationduring application of thrust reverse.When thrust reverseis selected, the engineis commandedto high idle to insure adequatepneumaticpressureto run the reverser actuation.Since one reverserdrives its respectiveengineto high idle and the other reverseris locked out, with its respectiveengine in ground idle, the IDLE DISAGREE messageannunciates. 3. During landing rollout, differential braking may be required. Page78-5 REV17 MAR10/2007. :!'WIEV Hungarian Airlinesfi .78'7 .AzrEtjVZF LIST EQUIPMENT MINIMUM 79.ENGINEOIL REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATGH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 1 (M) Except for ETOPS, one may be inoperative orovided: a) The oil tank is filled to recommendedcapacity beforeeachdeoarture, b) There is no evidence of above normal oil or leakage, and consumption ENGOILPRESS,OILTEMPindications c) Associated andlowENGOILPRESSlightoperatenormally. 79-31-1 oll QTY Indications PLACARD - L (R) OIL QTY INDICATIONINOP As appropriate 79-33-1 LowENGOIL PRESSLight Systems C 2 1 (M) One may be inoperativeprovidedassociatedOIL operatenormally. PRESS.TEMP.andQTYindications NOTE: The EngineLow Oil PressureSwitchtriggersthe L/R ENG OIL PRESSlight and L/R ENG The low ENG OIL PRESSindicationsystemincludesthe light, OIL PRESSeicasmessage. message, andswitch. PLACARD Atfectedlight- LIGHTINOP 79-34-2 ENG OIL TEMP SensingElements C 2 2 (O) One sensingelement on each engine may be inoperativeprovided both Engine Oil Temperature indicationsareavailablefrom oneEICAScomputer. PLACARD As appropriate- L and/orR ENG OIL TEMP SENSINGELEMENT INOP OPERATIONS(O) Position the EICAS computerselectoron the forward electronicspanel to AUTO, L, or R as at the sametime. necessary to displaybothengineoil temperatures Page79-1 REV17 MAR10/2007. tt'lAlEW Hungarian anrines4 .aa7Etlve .78.7 LIST MINIMUMEQUIPMENT 79.ENGINEOIL REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS 79-35-1 Oil FilterBypass WarningSystem B 2 0 provided: (M) Maybe inoperetive a) lt is verifiedthat the malfunctionis in the alerting sysem,ano b) The mainoil screenis checkedfor the presenceof beforeeachdeparture. contiaminants L(R) OIL FILTER NOTE: The pressuredifferentialswitchwhich activatesEICASadvisorymessage I is associated with the scavenge oil filter. I EICAS STATUSMESSAGES L OIL FILTER R OIL FILTER PLACARD - L or R OIL FILTERBYPASSALERTINGSYSTEMINOP As appropriate Page79-2 REV17 MAR10i2007. Hungarian Airlines :tUlEV fi 7E? ,az7EtttVZF MINIMUM EOUIPMENT LIST 80. STARTING REPAIRINTERVAL FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS provided: 1 (M) One maybe inoperative a) Startvalveis verifiedclosed,and b) Enginestart selectorswitch is returnedto AUTO afterenginestart. 80-00.1 EngineStart VALVELights PLACARD Affectedlight- LIGHTINOP 80-00-2 EngineSiart Valves C 2 1 provided: (M) (O)One maybe inoperative a) The associatedstartVALVElightoperatesnormally, ano are used. b) Manualoverndestartprocedures PLACARD panel)- STARTVALVE INOP Associated startselector(overhead (O) OPERATIONS MANUAL OVERRIDE START Performnormalenginestartprocedureexcept: '1. Announce "OPENSTARTVALVE".Position to GND. startselector "CLOSESTARTVALVE." Veriry thatthe enginestartselectorreturnsto 2. At 50%N2 announce panelmomentarilyilluminates,then AUTO, andthatthe startVALVE light on the overhead extinguishes. AIR START start(see lf en in flightrestartbecomesnecessary, ensurethatairspeedis sufficientfor a windmilling FAAApprovedAirplaneFlightManualspeedrequirements). 80-11-2 StarterSwitch Holding/Cutout Systems C 2 0 (O) May be inoperativeprovidedalternateprocedures andused. areestablished PLACARD Associated ENG STARTselectoron P5 oanel- HOLD and/orAUTO CUTOUTINOP Page80-1 REV17 MAR10/2007 z!fllEV Hungarian Airlinesfi .787 .aaTEtjvzF LIST MINIMUM EQUIPMENT 80. STARTING REPAIRINTERVAL NUMBERINSTALLED FORDISPATCH NUMBERREQUIRED REMARKOR/ANDEXCEPTIONS OPERATIONS {O): Startthe associatedengine(s)using normal enginestart procedureswith the flight crew manually holdingand/orreleasingtheENG STARTselector. 1. Positionthe ENG STARTselectorto the GND positionandhold if required. 2. PositiontheENG STARTselectorto theAUTO positionat 50%N2 CAUTION: DELAYING ROTATION OF TI{E ENG START SELECTORTO TI{E AUTO POSITIONCAN CAUSESTARTEROVERSPEEDAND DAMAGE. 3. Verifi that the start VALVE light on the overheadpanel momentarilyilluminates,then extinsuishes. Pege80-2 REV17 MAR10/2007