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Introduction to Robotics: History, Types, and Applications

The term “Robot”
The term Robot was first introduced to the public
by Czech writer Karel Capek in his play
(Rossum’s Universal Robots), which was
published in 1920.
 The word Robot comes from the Slavic
word Robota, which means Obedient Servant.
 Karel Capek himself did not coin the word. He
wrote afterwards that his brother Josef Capek is its
actual originator.
 Robot – is a reprogrammable manipulator to
perform specific mechanical functions such as moving
material or parts, welding, painting, ………..etc., and
even recently has been utilized in medical surgeries.
 Robotics – is the science dealing with design,
construction and operation of robots.
Historical Review on Robot Development
 The first electro-mechanical position-control device was invented
around 1938 for spray painting.
 The first digitally-operated and programmable robot was installed in
1961 “The unimate” to lift hot metallic pieces from a die casting
machine and stack them.
Historical Review on Robot Development
 In the 80’s, the robot industry grew very fast because of:
 The huge investments in the Automotive industry to augment
production rates to meet market demand.
 The huge advancements in Autonomous guidance of rockets, and
Historical Review on Robot Development
 Robots appeared as a result of a combination of two technologies:
1. Tele-operators to handle radioactive materials.
2. Computer Numerical Control (CNC) of milling machines to
machine complex geometries.
 Robots are widely used nowadays in almost all applications:
manufacturing, assembly, welding, painting, packaging, transport,
aerospace, surgery, and weaponry.
Advantages of Robots
 Lower operational cost: Robots don’t need healthy working
conditions (lighting, air conditioning, noise protection or
health insurance).
 Higher productivity: Work continuously without fatigue or
boredom. Do not get mad or need vacation.
 Higher accuracy/quality for products: Robots and their
accessories and sensors are beyond the capabilities of humans.
 Higher safety: Utilization of Robots relaxes of industrial
hazards that are exposed to human workers.
 Performance wise, Robots can do 4A performances:
Automation, Augmentation, Assistance, and Autonomous.
 Operation wise, Robots operate in 4D environemental
conditions: Dangerous, Dirty, Dull, and Difficult.
Disadvantages of Robots
Robots replace human workers, which increases the
unemployment rates.
Lacking human smartness that are needed to response to
emergency situations, unless the situation is predicted and
the response is preprogrammed in the system.
Higher initial cost regarding the cost of equipment,
installation, peripherals, training, and programming.
Limited craftsmanship capabilities in (DOF, Dexterity,
Sensors, Vision System, Real time response, and …..etc).
Types of Commercial Robots
Key element in industry that
are used to perform tasks in
dirty, dangerous, hot, and
hazardous environments.
Humanoid is a robot that is
constructed mimicking the
outer general structure/profile
of humans, i.e. has two arms,
two legs and a head.
It can fly autonomously
and perform several tasks
such as: imaging, EW, and
even ground targets attack.