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Environmental Science Report: Water Quality Analysis

Map of Trinidad…………………………………………………………..3
Site Visit#1……………………………………………………………….4-6
Site Visit#2………………………………………………………………7-11
Problem Statement………………………………………………………….28
Purpose Of Project …………………………………………………………28
Method Of Data Collection………………………………………………...29
Literature Review………………………………………………………….30-31
Presentation Of Data……………………………………………………….32-42
Discussion Of Findings …………………………………………………...43-45
Recommendations …………………………………………………………47
Completing this Internal Assessment gave me a sense of fulfillment and I would
like to thank the following people for their contributions. Firstly, I would like to thank
God for giving me the blessings of wisdom and knowledge needed to complete this
project. My gratitude goes out to our Environmental Science teacher Mr.Cassie and Mrs.
Grant for their guidance and assistance in helping completing this project diligently.
Sincere thanks also go to my parents for supporting me and giving me the much help
needed for when it was necessary. Lastly, I pay thanks to the anonymous authors of the
various websites via the internet which allowed me to gain vital knowledge in order to
complete this I.A.
Entry Number: #1
Date: Tuesday February 14th, 2023
Site 1: Caura River (East–West Corridor of Tacarigua Northern Range, Trinidad)
To conduct field work by obtaining a water sample of the Caura River for
chemical analysis at the school’s laboratory
Upon arriving at the Caura River site, the students of form 6 were briefed by
the teacher in charge and instructions were given to carry out field work.
Each student spent 10-15 minutes taking notes, pictures and videos based on
the various aspects of the river that should be noted for further analysis in the
observation write up.
Students then took a bucket which was randomly thrown in the river, then an
adequate sample of the river water was tested using a oxymeter that tested both
(Dissolved Oxygen and Temperature) which after the results obtained were
A water sample was taken by a volunteer student using a 500ml sterilized
water bottle of the river water in the bucket was then placed in a cooler for
Observations:The weather was sunny and the water was warm. The river was shallow
having an estimated depth of 30cm ,wide with a width of approximately 15m and had a
fast water flow. The river bed was composed of gravel, small and big rocks, and leaves
were present in the river from the nearby trees. The water was murky and had a pungent
odor;eutrophication present in partial areas, This is due to agriculture waste and
commercial waste flowing into the river from higher up ,algae covering stones,
eutrophication is beginning to occur, high levels of BOD, garbage present also . There
was also no human activity in this part of the river but this river is close to buildings and
the Priority Bus Route so that may have contributed to having litter present.
Interpretative Comments: The location was not well-kept, and the riverbank was steep
and the students and teacher had difficulty accessing it. The field research was completed
without difficulty because it was done during the dry season, when water levels were low.
There was pollution which made it difficult for students to collect the sample water.
Thus, this site was not sustainable because it was difficult to access, safe because there
were no dangers present (in the water or on land), and simple to navigate because water
levels were low.
Follow-up Activities:Upon leaving the Caura River Site, the water samples were carried
back to the school laboratory. The following day instructions were given by the teacher in
charge for the chemical analysis of the water sample collected which was undergone
using a standard water quality testing kit. All materials used were disposed of after use.
Entry Number: #2
Date: Tuesday February 14th, 2023
Site 2: St.Joseph River (Farm Road. Curepe, Northern Range, Trinidad)
To conduct field work by obtaining a water sample of the St.Joseph River for
chemical analysis at the school’s laboratory
Upon arriving at the St.Joseph River site, the students of form 6 were briefed
by the teacher in charge and instructions were given to carry out field work.
Each student spent 10-15 minutes taking notes, pictures and videos based on
the various aspects of the river that should be noted for further analysis in the
observation write up.
Students then took a bucket which was randomly thrown in the river, then an
adequate sample of the river water was tested using a oxymeter that tested both
(Dissolved Oxygen and Temperature) which after the results obtained were
A water sample was taken by a volunteer student using a 500ml sterilized
water bottle of the river water in the bucket was then placed in a cooler for
Observations:The weather was sunny and the water was warm. The river was shallow
having an estimated depth of 45cm , with a width of approximately 10 m and had a
moderate water flow. The river bed was composed of gravel, small rocks, shrubs, and
leaves were present in the river from the nearby trees. The water was murky and had a
pungent odor;eutrophication present in partial areas, This is due to the river passing along
a lot of communities and housing areas which gives opportunity for waste water to flow
through this river eutrophication and garbage present also . There was also human
activity in this part of the river but this river is close to the St.Joseph Secondary School so
that may have contributed to having litter present.
Interpretative Comments: The location was not well-kept, and the riverbank was steep
and the students and teacher had difficulty accessing it. The field research was completed
without difficulty because it was done during the dry season, when water levels were low.
There was pollution which made it difficult for students to collect the sample water.
Thus, this site was not sustainable because it was difficult to access, safe because there
were no dangers present (in the water or on land), and simple to navigate because water
levels were low.
Follow-up Activities:Upon leaving the St.Joseph River Site, the water samples were
carried back to the school laboratory. The following day instructions were given by the
teacher in charge for the chemical analysis of the water sample collected which was
undergone using a standard water quality testing kit. All materials used were disposed of
after use.
Entry Number: #3
Date: Tuesday February 14th, 2023
Site 3: Caroni River (Adjacent of the Uriah Butler Highway, Northern Range, Trinidad)
To conduct field work by obtaining a water sample of the Caura River for
chemical analysis at the school’s laboratory
Upon arriving at the Caroni River site, the students of form 6 were briefed by
the teacher in charge and instructions were given to carry out field work.
Each student spent 10-15 minutes taking notes, pictures and videos based on
the various aspects of the river that should be noted for further analysis in the
observation write up.
Students then took a bucket which was randomly thrown in the river, then an
adequate sample of the river water was tested using a oxymeter that tested both
(Dissolved Oxygen and Temperature) which after the results obtained were
A water sample was taken by a volunteer student using a 500ml sterilized
water bottle of the river water in the bucket was then placed in a cooler for
Observations:The weather was sunny and the water was hot. The river was shallow
having an estimated depth of 20m , with a width of approximately 30 m and had a rapid
water flow. The river bed was composed of trees, small rocks, shrubs, and leaves were
present in the river from the nearby trees and riparian vegetation. The water was murky
and had a fresh odor; no eutrophication was present, This is due to the fast flow of the
river . There was also no human activity in this part of the river but this river is close to
the Uriah Butler Highway so that may have contributed to having litter present.
Interpretative Comments: The location was well-kept, and the riverbank was accessible
and the students and teacher had no difficulty accessing it. The field research was
completed without difficulty because it was done during the dry season, when water
levels were low. There was no pollution which made it easier for students to collect the
sample water. Thus, this site was sustainable because it was easy to access, safe because
there were no dangers present (in the water or on land), and simple to navigate because
water levels were low.
Follow-up Activities:Upon leaving the Caroni River Site, the water samples were
carried back to the school laboratory. The following day instructions were given by the
teacher in charge for the chemical analysis of the water sample collected which was
undergone using a standard water quality testing kit. All materials used were disposed of
after use.
Entry Number: #4
Date: Wednesday February 15th, 2023
Site 1: El Mamoo River (3.25km Adjacent to Churchill Roosevelt Highway Northern
Range, Trinidad)
To conduct field work by obtaining a water sample of the El Mamoo River for
chemical analysis at the school’s laboratory
Upon arriving at the El Mamoo River site, the students of form 6 were briefed
by the teacher in charge and instructions were given to carry out field work.
Each student spent 10-15 minutes taking notes, pictures and videos based on
the various aspects of the river that should be noted for further analysis in the
observation write up.
Students then took a bucket which was randomly thrown in the river, then an
adequate sample of the river water was tested using a oxymeter that tested both
(Dissolved Oxygen and Temperature) which after the results obtained were
A water sample was taken by a volunteer student using a 500ml sterilized
water bottle of the river water in the bucket was then placed in a cooler for
Observations:The weather was cloudy and the water was warm. The river was shallow
having an estimated depth of 2m , with a width of approximately 8 m and had a slow
water flow. The river bed was composed of trees, small rocks, shrubs, and leaves were
present in the river from the nearby trees and riparian vegetation. The water was murky
and had an agricultural chemical odor; no eutrophication was present, This is due to the
area of the river . There was also no human activity in this part of the river but this river
is close to agricultural land so that may have contributed to having litter and chemicals
Interpretative Comments: The location was not well-kept, and the riverbank was not
easily accessible and the students and teacher had difficulty accessing it due to the river
being a good distance away. The field research was completed with some difficulty
because the oximeter could not sense the temperature results for this river, when water
levels were low. There was slight pollution which made it more difficult for students to
collect the sample water. Thus, this site was not sustainable because it was hard to
access,but safe because there were no dangers present (in the water or on land), and
simple to navigate because water levels were low.
Follow-up Activities:Upon leaving the El Mamoo, the water samples were carried back
to the school laboratory. The following day instructions were given by the teacher in
charge for the chemical analysis of the water sample collected which was undergone
using a standard water quality testing kit. All materials used were disposed of after use.
Entry Number: #5
Date: Wednesday February 15th, 2023
Site 1: Arima River (Pinto Arima, Northern Range, Trinidad)
To conduct field work by obtaining a water sample of the Arima River for
chemical analysis at the school’s laboratory
Upon arriving at the Arima River site, the students of form 6 were briefed by
the teacher in charge and instructions were given to carry out field work.
Each student spent 10-15 minutes taking notes, pictures and videos based on
the various aspects of the river that should be noted for further analysis in the
observation write up.
Students then took a bucket which was randomly thrown in the river, then an
adequate sample of the river water was tested using a oxymeter that tested both
(Dissolved Oxygen and Temperature) which after the results obtained were
A water sample was taken by a volunteer student using a 500ml sterilized
water bottle of the river water in the bucket was then placed in a cooler for
Observations:The weather was sunny and the water was warm. The river was shallow
having an estimated depth of 2m , with a width of approximately 10 m and had a normal
water flow. The river bed was composed of trees, and leaves were present in the river
from the nearby trees and vegetation. The water was murky and had an agricultural
chemical odor; slight eutrophication was present, This is due to the area of the river being
close to a housing development area and a chicken farm. There was also no human
activity in this part of the river but this river is close to an animal feeding factory so that
may have contributed to having litter and chemicals present.
Interpretative Comments: The location was well-kept, but the riverbank was easily
accessible and the students and teacher had no difficulty accessing the river. The field
research was completed with no difficulty because the water levels were low. There was
slight pollution which made it more difficult for students to collect the sample water.
Thus, this site was sustainable because it was easy to access,but safe because there were
no dangers present (in the water or on land), and simple to navigate because water levels
were low.
Follow-up Activities:Upon leaving the Arima River, the water samples were carried
back to the school laboratory. The following day instructions were given by the teacher in
charge for the chemical analysis of the water sample collected which was undergone
using a standard water quality testing kit. All materials used were disposed of after use.
Entry Number: #6
Date: Wednesday February 15th, 2023
Site 6: Guanapo River (East–West Corridor of Arima Northern Range, Trinidad)
To conduct field work by obtaining a water sample of the Guanapo River for
chemical analysis at the school’s laboratory
Upon arriving at the Guanapo River site, the students of form 6 were briefed
by the teacher in charge and instructions were given to carry out field work.
Each student spent 10-15 minutes taking notes, pictures and videos based on
the various aspects of the river that should be noted for further analysis in the
observation write up.
Students then took a bucket which was randomly thrown in the river, then an
adequate sample of the river water was tested using a oxymeter that tested both
(Dissolved Oxygen and Temperature) which after the results obtained were
A water sample was taken by a volunteer student using a 500ml sterilized
water bottle of the river water in the bucket was then placed in a cooler for
Observations:The weather was sunny and the water was warm. The river was shallow
having an estimated depth of 1m , with a width of approximately 12 m and had a normal
slightly fast flow. The river bed was composed of trees, stones and leaves were present in
the river from the nearby trees and vegetation. The water was clear but had an fresh odor;
slight eutrophication was present, This is due to the area of the river being close to a
leachate source higher up from the dump. There was also no human activity in this part of
the river but this river is close to squatting areas upstream so that may have contributed to
having litter and chemicals present.
Interpretative Comments: The location was well-kept, but the riverbank was easily
accessible and the students and teacher had no difficulty accessing the river. The field
research was completed with no difficulty because the water levels were low. There was
slight pollution which made it more difficult for students to collect the sample water.
Thus, this site was sustainable because it was easy to access,but safe because there were
no dangers present (in the water or on land), and simple to navigate because water levels
were low.
Follow-up Activities:Upon leaving the Guanapo River, the water samples were carried
back to the school laboratory. The following day instructions were given by the teacher in
charge for the chemical analysis of the water sample collected which was undergone
using a standard water quality testing kit. All materials used were disposed of after use.
LAB #1:
TITLE: Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Concentration of six freshwater river streams
AIM: To determine the Total Dissolved Oxygen in the water samples collected at Six
River Sites.
APPARATUS & MATERIALS: (30ml) Manganous Sulfate Solution, (30ml) Alkaline
Potassium Iodide Azide, (30ml) Sulfuric Acid, (60ml) Sodium Thiosulfate, (30ml) Starch
Indicator Titrator , Direct Reading Titrator, Test Tube w/cap, Sample Solutions.
1. The sample bottled solutions were labeled accordingly
(Caura,St.Joseph,Caroni,El Mamoo, Arima, Guanapo,Tap Water)
2. The sample tap water bottle cap was removed and Immediately 8 drops of
Manganous Sulfate Solution was added along with 8 drops of Alkaline
Potassium Iodide Azide.
3. The bottle was capped and mixed by inverting several times until a precipitate
4. The precipitate was allowed to settle until it reached the shoulder of the bottle
5. 8 drops of Sulfuric Acid was added
6. Then the bottle was capped and gently inverted to mix the contents until the
precipitate and the reagent was totally dissolved.
7. It was observed for a clear yellow-orange color to determine if dissolved
oxygen was present.
8. Steps 1-7 were repeated for the (Caura,St.Joseph,Caroni,El Mamoo, Arima,
Guanapo) site samples
9. The titration tube was filled to the 20ml Line with the fixed sample and the
tube was capped
10. The Titrator plunger was depressed then inserted into the titrator and plugged
in the top of the Sodium Thiosulfate.
11. The bottle was inverted and slowly withdrew the plunger until the large ring on
the plunger was opposite the zero (0) line on the scale.
12. The bottle was turned upright and the Titrator was removed
13. 8 drops of Starch Indicator Solution was added to the sample
14. The titration tube was then capped and inserted into the tip of the Titrator into
the opening of the titration tube cap.
15. The solution was titrated until the blue color disappeared and the solution
became colorless
The test results were directly read from the scale where the large ring on the
Titrator meets the Titrator barrel. (ppm) was recorded as Dissolved Oxygen.
EMA Standard Value (ppm)
Tap Water
More than or
equal to 3.0
When the
Sulfate Solution
and Alkaline
Potassium Iodide
were added a
black precipitate
was formed then
the sulfuric acid
was added and
the bottle was
shocked. After
titrating a
precipitate was
The BrownishOrange
indicates that
oxygen is present
in the water
Caura River
More than or
equal to 3.0
When the
Sulfate Solution
and Alkaline
Potassium Iodide
were added a
black precipitate
was formed then
the sulfuric acid
was added and
the bottle was
shocked. After
titrating a
precipitate was
The BrownishOrange
indicates that
oxygen is present
in the water
St.Joseph River
More than or
equal to 3.0
When the
Sulfate Solution
and Alkaline
Potassium Iodide
were added a
black precipitate
was formed then
the sulfuric acid
was added and
the bottle was
shocked. After
titrating a
precipitate was
The BrownishOrange
indicates that
oxygen is present
in the water
Caroni River
More than or
equal to 3.0
When the
Sulfate Solution
and Alkaline
Potassium Iodide
were added a
black precipitate
was formed then
the sulfuric acid
was added and
the bottle was
shocked. After
titrating a
precipitate was
The BrownishOrange
indicates that
oxygen is present
in the water
El Mamoo River More than or
equal to 3.0
When the
Sulfate Solution
and Alkaline
Potassium Iodide
were added a
black precipitate
was formed then
the sulfuric acid
was added and
the bottle was
shocked. After
titrating a
precipitate was
The BrownishOrange
indicates that
oxygen is present
in the water
Arima River
More than or
equal to 3.0
When the
Sulfate Solution
and Alkaline
Potassium Iodide
were added a
black precipitate
was formed then
the sulfuric acid
was added and
the bottle was
shocked. After
titrating a
precipitate was
The BrownishOrange
indicates that
oxygen is present
in the water
Guanapo River
More than or
equal to 3.0
When the
Sulfate Solution
and Alkaline
Potassium Iodide
were added a
black precipitate
was formed then
the sulfuric acid
was added and
the bottle was
shocked. After
titrating a
precipitate was
The BrownishOrange
indicates that
oxygen is present
in the water
Dissolved Oxygen (DO) is found in microscopic bubbles of oxygen that are mixed in the
water and occur between water molecules. DO is a very important indicator of a water
body's ability to support aquatic life. Fish "breathe" by absorbing dissolved oxygen
through their gills. Oxygen enters the water by absorption directly from the atmosphere
or by aquatic plant and algae photosynthesis. Oxygen is removed from the water by
respiration and decomposition of organic matter. From this experiment it can be seen that
out of the six sites tested the St.Joseph River had the highest amount of (DO) with a value
of (8.5ppm) and Caura River having the lowest amount of (DO) with a value of (3.0ppm)
which all were acceptable to E.M.A standards but, this is due to factors affecting
dissolved oxygen in certain areas, In fast-moving streams, rushing water is aerated by
bubbles as it churns over rocks and falls down hundreds of tiny waterfalls. These streams,
if unpolluted, are usually saturated with oxygen. In slow, stagnant waters, oxygen only
enters the top layer of water, and deeper water is often low in DO concentration due to
It can be concluded that the determined levels of Dissolved Oxygen in the experiment
was analyzed and concluded to be in a range of (8.5ppm-3.0ppm) which are accepted by
E.M.A standards for all six rivers.
LAB #2:
TITLE: pH of six fresh water river streams
AIM: To Determine the total pH in the water samples collected at Six River Sites.
APPARATUS & MATERIALS: 2x(30mL) Wide Range pH Indicator, 2 Test Tubes
(2.5-5-20mL) w/caps, Wide Range pH Octa-Slide 2 Bar (3.0-6.5), Wide Range pH OctaSlide 2 Bar (7.0-10.5), Octa-Slide 2 Viewer, Sample Solutions
1. A test tube was filled to the 10mL line with the sample Tap Water.
2. 10 drops of Wide Range pH Indicator solution was added
3. It was then capped then mixed in a circular motion
4. The Wide Range pH Octa-Slide 2 Bar was inserted into the Octa-Slide 2
5. Then the test tube was inserted into the Octa-Slide 2 Viewer
6. The results obtained were then matched to a sample color standard and then
recorded as pH.
7. Repeat Steps 1-6 for the(Caura,St.Joseph,Caroni,El Mamoo, Arima,
Guanapo,Tap Water) sample sites.
EMA Standard
Ph value
Tap Water
The solution
Green indicates
changed color
the pH value
from colorless to
Green when
Caura River
The solution
changed color
from clear to
when shaken
indicates the pH
value obtained
St.Joseph River 7.0
The solution
changed color
from clear to
when shaken
indicates the pH
value obtained
Caroni River
The solution
changed color
from clear to
indicates the pH
value obtained
El Mamoo River 7.0
The solution
changed color
from clear to
indicates the pH
value obtained
Arima River
The solution
changed color
from clear to a
indicates the pH
value obtained
Guanapo River
The solution
changed color
from clear to a
indicates the pH
value obtained
pH is a measure of the hydrogen ion concentration of the water as ranked on a scale of
1.0 to 14.0. The lower the pH of water, the more acidic it is. The higher the pH of water,
the more basic, or alkaline, it is. pH affects many chemical and biological processes in
the water and different organisms have different ranges of pH within which they flourish.
The largest variety of aquatic animals prefers a pH range of 6.5 - 8.0. pH outside of this
range reduces the diversity in the stream because it stresses the physiological systems of
most organisms and can reduce reproduction. Low pH can also allow toxic elements and
compounds such as heavy metals to become mobile and "available" for uptake by aquatic
plants and animals. Again, this can produce conditions that are toxic to aquatic life,
particularly to sensitive species. From this experiment it can be seen that these Six river
sites had a pH value varying from a pH of (7.0-9.0) which is the pH of water to slightly
alkaline which may be caused from the types of rocks surrounding the stream affecting its
alkalinity like; phosphates, limestone, and borates give the water a higher alkalinity and
the chemicals that are deposited into these rivers via all the factories,housing
developments and quarries.
It can be concluded that the determined levels of pH in these Six River Sites were
analyzed and concluded to be in a pH range of (7.0-9.0) which is the range of Water to
Slightly Alkaline.
TITLE: Nitrate Concentration of six freshwater river streams
AIM: To determine the Total Nitrates in the water samples collected at Six River Sites.
APPARATUS & MATERIALS: 1 Nitrate #1 Tablets, 1 Nitrate #2 CTA Tablets, 2 Test
Tubes (2.5-10mL) w/caps, 2 Protective Sleeves, Nitrate-Nitrogen Octa-Slide 2 Bar (015ppm), Octa-Slide 2 Viewer, Sample Solutions.
1. A test tube was filled to the 5ml line with Tap Water
2. One Nitrate #1 Tablet was added
3. The solution was capped and mixed until the tablet disintegrated
4. One Nitrate #2 CTA Tablet was added and then immediately slid into the test
tube Protective Sleeve.
5. The solution was then capped and mixed again for 2 minutes to disintegrate the
The tube was removed from the Protective Sleeve after waiting 5 minutes
7. The Nitrate-Nitrogen Octa-Slide 2 Bar was inserted into the Octa-Slide 2
8. The Test Tube was inserted into the Octa-Slide 2 Viewer
9. The sample solution was then matched to a color standard and recorded as
(ppm) Nitrate-Nitrogen.
10. Steps 1-9 were repeated for the(Caura,St.Joseph,Caroni,El Mamoo, Arima,
Guanapo,Tap Water) sample sites.
EMA Standard
Nitrate value
Tap Water
Less than 1.0
The color of the The Light Brown
water was a faint color indicates
brown and
that a trace of
contained brown nitrates are
sediments/alluviu present
m within the
Caura River
Less than 1.0
The color of the The colorless
water was
color indicates
colorless and
that a lot of
contained black nitrates are
sediments/alluviu present
m within the
Less than 1.0
The color of the The Faint Brown
water was a faint color indicates
brown and
that a trace of
contained brown nitrates are
sediments/alluviu present
m within the
Caroni River
Less than 1.0
The color of the The colorless
water was
color indicates
colorless and
that a lot of
contained black nitrates are
sediments/alluviu present
m within the
El Mamoo
Less than 1.0
The color of the The colorless
water was
color indicates
colorless and
that a lot of
contained black nitrates are
sediments/alluviu present
m within the
Arima River
Less than 1.0
The color of the The colorless
water was
color indicates
colorless and
that a lot of
contained black nitrates are
sediments/alluviu present
m within the
Guanapo River
Less than 1.0
The color of the The colorless
water was
color indicates
colorless and
that a lot of
contained black nitrates are
sediments/alluviu present
m within the
Nitrate is a water soluble molecule made of nitrogen and oxygen. It is formed when
nitrogen from ammonia or another source combines with oxygenated water. Nitrate is
naturally found in plants. Nitrates are in fertilizers, animal waste, human sewage,
decaying plant debris, and industrial waste. Nitrates in excess can cause eutrophication in
downstream river waters by stimulating excessive growth of algae and other aquatic
plants (when nitrogen is the limiting factor for growth) and indirectly causing oxygen
deficiency in the bottom waters and reduced biodiversity. High concentration of nitrates
also represents a health risk in drinking water. From this experiment it can be seen that
the results from these Six River Sites the St.Joseph River was the only one that had a
result of over (2.0ppm) which exceeds the EMA standards but the others ranged from
(0.0-1.0). The St.Joseph River nitrate readings are majorly caused by; high levels of
nitrate in water can be a result of runoff or leakage from fertilized soil, wastewater,
landfills, animal and also urban drainage.
It can be concluded that the determined levels of Dissolved Oxygen in the experiment
was analyzed and concluded to be (2.0ppm) for the St.Joseph River and (0.0-1.0ppm) for
the five remaining rivers which passed the EMA standards unlike the St.Joseph River
which this river course is deemed to be highly concentrated in nitrates.
TITLE: Phosphate Concentration of Six freshwater river streams
AIM: To determine the total phosphates in the water sample collected at Six River Sites.
APPARATUS & MATERIALS: 2 x 30mL Phosphate Acid Reagent, Phosphate
Reducing Reagent, 5g Phosphate Reducing Reagent, 2 (10mL)Test Tubes w/cap, pipet
(1.0mL), Spoon (0.1g), low range comparator, Phosphate Low Range Comparator Bar
(0.0-2.0 ppm), Water Samples
1. The test tube was filled to 10mL using tap water
2. The (1.0mL) pipet was used and (1.0mL) of Phosphate Acid Reagent was
added, capped and mixed.
3. (0.1g) spoon was used to add one level of measured Phosphate Reducing
Reagent, it was then capped and mixed until dissolved for a time of 5 minutes
4. The cap was removed from the test tube, then the test tube was placed in the
Low Range Comparator with the Low Phosphate Range Comparator Bar. One
test tube was then filled to the 10mL line with the tap water and was placed in
the Low Range Comparator. The sample color was then matched to a color
standard and was recorded as ppm Orthophosphate
5. A test tube was filled to the 10ml line with tap water and inserted through the
rear hole on top of the Low Range Comparator
6. Another test tube was filled with the tap water and the test procedure above
was followed, then remove the cap and insert the tube in the front hole on the
top of the Low Range Comparator
7. The Low Range Comparator Bar was slid into the Low Range Comparator and
it was positioned till the light shines down the test tubes. The color of the
reaction was then matched to the color standards, The results were read from
the Low Range Comparator Bar.
8. Repeat Steps 1-7 for (Caura,St.Joseph,Caroni,El Mamoo, Arima, Guanapo,Tap
Water) samples.
Phosphate value Observation
Tap water
Less than 0.5
The color of the
water changed
from colorless to
dark purple and
the unit obtained
was 0.3 below
EMA standards
The purple color
indicated that the
endpoint is
Caura River
Less than 0.5
The color of the The Light blue
water changes
color indicated
from colorless to that the endpoint
light blue and the is achieved
unit obtained was
0.1 below EMA
St.Joseph River Less than 0.5
The color of the The Light blue
water changed color indicated
from colorless to that the endpoint
light blue and the is achieved
unit obtained was
0.1 below EMA
Caroni River
Less than 0.5
The color of the The Deep blue
water changed color indicated
from colorless to that the endpoint
deep blue and the is achieved
unit obtained was
0.1 above EMA
El Mamoo River Less than 0.5
The color of the
water changed
from colorless to
a faint blue and
the unit obtained
was 0.3 below
EMA standards
Arima River
Less than 0.5
The color of the The Light blue
water changed color indicated
from brown to that the endpoint
light blue and the is achieved
unit obtained was
0.3 above EMA
Guanapo River
Less than 0.5
The color of the
water changed
from colorless to
a faint blue and
the unit obtained
was 0.3 below
EMA standards
The Faint blue
color indicated
that the endpoint
is achieved
The Faint blue
color indicated
that the endpoint
is achieved
Phosphates are chemical compounds containing phosphorus. Phosphorus is a nonmetallic element which is necessary for life and is found in rock as inorganic phosphates.
As water runs over and through rocks it carries off small amounts of minerals such as
calcium, magnesium, and phosphates. Inorganic phosphates are a plant nutrient and are
taken in by plants with water and incorporated into organic phosphate compounds.
Animals obtain their essential phosphorus from phosphates in water and plant material.
Natural waters have a phosphorus concentration of approximately 0.02 parts per million
(ppm) which is a limiting factor for plant growth. On the other hand, large concentrations
of this nutrient can accelerate plant growth.Phosphates enter waterways through
manmade sources also. The addition of large quantities of phosphates to waterways
accelerates algae and plant growth in natural waters; enhancing eutrophication and
depleting the water body of oxygen. This can lead to fish kills and the degradation of
habitat with loss of species. Large mats of algae can form and in severe cases can
completely cover small rivers. As a result, water can become putrid from decaying
organic matter. Man Made sources of phosphate include human sewage, agricultural runoff from crops, sewage from animal feedlots, pulp and paper industry, vegetable and fruit
processing, chemical and fertilizer manufacturing, and detergents.Total phosphorus in
rivers, lakes, and oceans occurs in many forms, but which have widely differing
availability for biological growth. The free orthophosphate ion component is readily
available for plant (including algae) growth. The polymeric and adsorbed inorganic and
small molecular weight organic forms are available on short time scales. Phosphorus
contained within the crystalline structure of complex mineral forms is available through
weathering. It can be observed from the testing above in the table that all the rivers
except the Caroni and Arima rivers were in E.M.A standard range.
It can be concluded that the determined levels of Total Phosphates in the experiment was
analyzed and concluded to be (0.6ppm) for Caroni River,(0.8ppm) for Arima River and
the other rivers were in the ranges of (0.2ppm-0.4ppm).
LAB #5:
TITLE: Alkalinity of a Six fresh water river streams
AIM: To determine the alkalinity levels in the water sample collected at Six River Sites
APPARATUS & MATERIALS: 50 BCG-MR Indicator Tablets, (60mL) Alkalinity
Titration Reagent B, 1 Test Tube (5-10-15mL) w/cap, 1 Direct Reading Titrator (0-200
Range), 1 Alkalinity Endpoint Colour Chart.
1. The titration tube was filled to the 5mL line with the tap water
2. One BCG-MR Indicator Tablet was added
3. The bottle was capped then swirled to mix until the tablet solution dissolved
and the solutions turns blue-green
4. The Direct Reading Titrator was filled with Alkalinity Titration Reagent B
5. The Titrator was inserted into the center hole of the test tube cap
6. The tube was gently swirled and the plunger was pressed slowly until the
solution color changed from blue-green to purple then consult with alkalinity
end-point color chart
7. The test result read from the scale directly where the large ring on the titrator
meets the titrator barrel was recorded in ppm Total Alkalinity.
8. Repeat Steps 1-7 for (Caura, St.Joseph, Caroni, El Mamoo, Arima, Guanapo)
River samples.
Alkalinity value Observation
21 - 141.1
As the substance
was titrated, its
color changed
from blue green
to dark purple,
indicating the
end point of the
The Dark Purple
color solution
indicates the end
point of the
Caura River
21 - 141.1
As the substance
was titrated, its
color changed
from blue green
to blue then dark
back to blue
indicating the
end point of the
The Blue color
solution indicates
the end point of
the titration
As the substance
was titrated, its
color changed
from blue green
to blue then dark
back to blue
indicating the
The Blue color
solution indicates
the end point of
the titration
St.Joseph River 21 - 141.1
end point of the
Caroni River
21 - 141.1
As the substance
was titrated, its
color changed
from blue green
to blue then dark
back to blue
indicating the
end point of the
The Blue color
solution indicates
the end point of
the titration
El Mamoo River 21 - 141.1
As the substance
was titrated, its
color changed
from blue green
to blue then dark
purple indicating
the end point of
the test
The Dark purple
color solution
indicates the end
point of the
Arima River
As the substance The Dark purple
was titrated, its color solution
color changed
indicates the end
from blue green point of the
to blue then dark titration
purple, indicating
the end point of
the test
21 - 141.1
Guanapo River
21 - 141.1
As the substance
was titrated, its
color changed
from blue green
to blue then dark
purple indicating
the end point of
the test
The Dark purple
color solution
indicates the end
point of the
Alkalinity is water's capacity to resist acidic changes in pH, essentially alkalinity is
water's ability to neutralize acid. This ability is referred to as a buffering capacity. A
water body with a high level of alkalinity which is different from an alkaline water body
has higher levels of calcium carbonate, CaCO3, which can decrease the water's acidity.
Therefore, alkalinity measures how much acid can be added to a water body before a
large pH change occurs. Aquatic life requires a certain pH range and because alkalinity
buffers against rapid pH changes, it protects the living organisms who require a specific
pH range. Higher alkalinity levels in surface water will buffer acid rain and other acid
wastes, preventing pH changes that are harmful to aquatic life. Alkalinity is also
important considering the treatment of wastewater and drinking water because it
influences cleaning processes such as anaerobic digestion. Water may also be unsuitable
for use in irrigation if the alkalinity level in the water is higher than the natural level of
alkalinity in the soil. It can be observed from the testing above in the table that the Six
River Sites Total Alkalinity levels were up to appropriate EMA standards.
It can be concluded that the determined levels of Total Alkalinity in the experiment was
analyzed and concluded to be all in the appropriate ranges which were up to EMA
LAB #6:
TITLE: Turbidity of a Six fresh water river streams
AIM: To determine the turbidity levels in the water sample collected at Six River Sites
APPARATUS & MATERIALS: (60mL) Standard Turbidity Reagent, 2 Turbidity
Columns, 1 Brush, 1 Test Tube, 1 Pipet (0.5mL). plastic w/cap, 1 Plastic Stirring Rod.
1. One Turbidity Column was filled to the 50mL line with the sample water
2. A sufficient amount of water was poured ensuring the black dot on the bottom of
the tube was not visible when looking through the column of the liquid which was
3. The second Turbidity Column was filled with an amount of turbidity free water
that was equal to the amount of the sample being measured into the clear water
4. The two tubes were then placed side by side and the difference in clarity was
denoted then if the black dot was equally clear in both tubes it would be denoted
as zero but if not step 5 was proceeded to.
5. The Standard Turbidity Reagent was vigorously shook and 0.5mL was added to
the “clear water” tube and a stirring rod was used to stir both tubes to equally
distribute turbid particles.
6. Each 0.5mL addition to the 50mL size sample is equal to 5 Jackson Turbidity
Units (JTUs). If a 25mL sample size is used, each 0.5mL addition of the Standard
Turbidity Reagent is equal to 10 Jackson Turbidity Units (JTUs).
7. Steps 1-6 were Repeated for the remaining sample solutions
No. of
Amount in mL
Caura River
St.Joseph River
Caroni River
El Mamoo
Arima River
Guanapo River
DISCUSSION: Turbidity is the measure of the relative clarity of a liquid. It is an optical
characteristic of water. It is a measurement of the amount of light that is scattered by
material in the water when light is shined through the water sample. The higher the
intensity of scattered light, the higher the turbidity. Material that causes water to be turbid
includes clay, silt, tiny inorganic and organic matter, algae, dissolved colored organic
compounds, plankton, and other microscopic organisms. High concentrations of
particulate matter affect light penetration and ecological productivity, recreational values,
and habitat quality, and cause lakes to fill faster. In streams, increased sedimentation and
siltation can occur, which can harm habitat areas for fish and other aquatic life. Particles
also provide attachment sites for other pollutants, notably metals, and bacteria. For this
reason, turbidity readings can be used as an indicator of potential pollution in a water
Water quality in rivers is a critical issue affecting the health and well-being of both
humans and aquatic life. The increasing levels of pollution, particularly from industrial
and agricultural activities, have led to degradation of water quality in many rivers in
Trinidad, leading to serious ecological and health consequences. This is to address the
various factors that contribute to water quality degradation in rivers, including the
identification of pollution sources, the impacts of climate change, and the effectiveness of
current water quality management strategies. The goal is to develop effective solutions to
improve water quality in rivers and mitigate the negative impacts of pollution on human
health and the environment.My home country, Trinidad and Tobago, has not been spared
from this threat to its aquatic biodiversity, and several measures and approaches are
currently in place to address it.
As a student of Environmental Science, I intend to investigate the water quality of the six
largest rivers in Trinidad to learn more about the procedure done in order to expand on
research of the water quality in the rivers of Trinidad and Tobago in the future and to
gain valuable knowledge and experience.
On Site Data Collection:
● Water Sample:
1. A bucket was thrown into the river to obtain sample water
2. A sterile water bottle was uncapped under the surface of the water
3. The bottle was held at a 45 degree angle without disturbing the river
4. When the bottle was filled, it was capped under the water
5. The bottle was labeled and placed in a cooler filled with ice until it was
returned to school for further observation
6. All steps were repeated at each of the 6 sites
Off Site Data Collection:
Alkalinity Test
Dissolved Oxygen Test
pH Test
Nitrates Test
Phosphates Test
Turbidity Test
● Secondary sources of data was also consulted
This study focuses on water quality in six freshwater river streams. The first river stream
is located in Caura River (East–West Corridor of Tacarigua Northern Range,
Trinidad),The second river stream is located in St.Joseph River (Farm Road. Curepe,
Northern Range, Trinidad), The third river stream is located Caroni River (Adjacent of
the Uriah Butler Highway, Northern Range, Trinidad), The fourth river stream is located
El Mamoo River (3.25km Adjacent to Churchill Roosevelt Highway Northern Range,
Trinidad), the fifth river stream is located in Arima River (Pinto Arima, Northern Range,
Trinidad) , the sixth river stream is located in Guanapo River (East–West Corridor of
Arima Northern Range, Trinidad).
Trinidad is an island nation in the Caribbean with an abundance of rivers and waterways.
These rivers and waterways are vital to the livelihoods of the local population and the
economy of the country. As such, the quality of the water in these rivers is of great
importance. This review examines the research conducted on the water quality of rivers
in Trinidad.
The surface water sources exploited in Trinidad and Tobago by WASA, 80% originate
within the Northern Range (WRA, 2002). On the south-facing slopes, several major
tributaries contribute to the Caroni River above the intake of the Caroni–Arena Water
Treatment Plant, which supplies 51% of the nation’s potable water (WRMU I, 2001).
Other major sources include the North Oropouche intake and the Hollis Reservoir
although several smaller intakes occur on the Aripo, Guanapo, Caura, Acono, and
Maraval rivers (WRMU I, 2001). Estimates of Safe Yield indicate that 72% of the total
potential yield of surface-water sources and 58% of ground-water sources for the island
of Trinidad occur in the Northern Range (H. Phelps, pers. commun., 2003).
Rivers and other natural waters are used for both solid and liquid waste disposal as
communities are generally sited along rivers and watercourses. Solid wastes range from
household garbage to vehicles and appliances while liquid wastes include sewage and
household gray water and industrial effluents. Due to the lack of adequate regulations and
alternatives for waste disposal, rivers are informally providing the role of a low-cost
liquid-receiving and transportation system (Lucas and Alkins-Koo 2004). Examples of
this are extremely high BODs and low dissolved oxygen found in the Lower Caroni, San
Juan, and St. Joseph rivers resulting from the release of untreated industrial effluents into
these rivers. Industries contributing to the high BOD loading of these rivers were
brewing, food processing, and distilling (IMA 2001).
With respect to solid waste, there are four landfill sites in Trinidad which are located at
Beetham, Guanapo, Felicity, and Forres Park. According to the Solid Waste Company of
Trinidad and Tobago, in 1991, an estimated 1,000 tonnes of waste was generated daily,
for Trinidad and Tobago. However, the main sites receive only 800 tonnes of waste per
day; as a result it was assumed that the remaining 200 tonnes was disposed of at smaller
dumps or in watercourses. These aquatic systems have a natural capacity for assimilation
and degradation of wastes largely through the action of algae, micro-organisms, and
decomposer food webs. Wastes can be absorbed so long as their quantity does not exceed
the assimilative capacity of a healthy aquatic ecosystem and that they are biodegradable,
e.g., sewage and other organic matter. Many lower-course rivers of the Northern Range
show symptoms of moderate nutrient enrichment as they absorb and incorporate nonpoint source runoff and domestic wastes into enhanced organism biomass and abundance
(Turner 2003). Under certain conditions, however, wastes may overload this natural
capacity for self-purification resulting in ecological degradation
A healthy river ecosystem is one that is intact in its physical, chemical, and
biological components and their interrelationships, such that it is resilient to withstand
change and stressors. An ecosystem is composed of plant and animal communities and
the physical environment in which they live. A healthy Ecosystem is balanced and
maintains a state of equilibrium and a healthy ecosystem has lots of species diversity and
is less likely to be seriously damaged by human interaction or natural disasters as long as
all the components are in place (Lisbdnet 2022).
River ecosystems perform numerous valuable environmental functions. They
recycle nutrients, purify water, attenuate floods, augment and maintain streamflow,
recharge ground water, and provide habitat for wildlife and recreation for people (A.D.
Bradshaw, 1983).
Healthy river ecosystems clean our water, purify our air, maintain our soil,
regulate the climate, recycle nutrients and provide us with food. They provide raw
materials and resources for medicines and other purposes. They are at the foundation of
all civilisation and sustain our economies. It's that simple: we could not live without these
“ecosystem services”. They are what we call our natural capital (Prof. E. O Wilson 2010).
Due to our lifestyle, it is believed that a “sixth extinction” is approaching because
of humans. However, others believe that it has not begun yet to this belief, changes can
be made to prevent or delay the occurrence of this, and the maintenance of species
diversity, has a huge role in this. Increasing species diversity can influence ecosystem
function; such as productivity, by increasing the likelihood that a particular productive or
efficient species is present in the community (Elsa E, Cleland, 2011). More research on
species diversity is thus not only necessary, but also advantageous to humans and the
ecosystem in which we coexist with other organisms.
Graph 1:
This graph depicts the results of the dissolved oxygen test and their comparison to the
EMA dissolved oxygen standard. All 6 sites, as can be seen, exceed the EMA criteria.
However, by comparing the upper and lower courses, it can be shown that the upper
channel has more dissolved oxygen. This is due to the movement, temperature, and
sunshine exposure.
Graph 2:
This graph compares and contrasts the pH readings acquired by testing in segments of the
rivers. The pH of the bottom site was greater, as can be observed. This could be caused
by chemicals, minerals, and other impurities that interact with the lower area's water
supply, causing pH imbalances in the water.
Graph 3:
The nitrate content of some of these locations is depicted in this Smooth Line Graph. This
abundance could be as a result of runoff or leakage from fertilized soil, landfills, septic
systems, and urban drainage systems. It's also worth noting that the nitrate levels in both
locations exceed the EMA's recommended content threshold of less than 2.0ppm.
Graph 4:
The phosphate content in the river waters is seen in this stacked bar graph.. This excess
could be owing to the significant algae bloom in this particular body of water. Both
levels, however, remain within the EMA's suggested range.
Graph 5:
The alkalinity content of both sites is depicted in this Bar Chart. As a result, it requires
more buffering capacity than the higher site. This could be owing to the fact that the
lower route interacts with chemical waste, runoff from landfills, and surrounding fields
more than the higher stream.
Graph 6:
Many factors can have an impact on water quality which can also be reflected in a
river. There were a few things that were alarming during the field and laboratory work for
these six rivers in Trinidad, and they will be covered below.
Firstly, the vegetation on all of the river bank sides were examined. The Caroni, El
Mamoo and Guanapo River has lush and healthy riparian vegetation growing along its
banks, whereas Caura, St.Joseph , Arima River banks have little or no riparian vegetation.
There is a discrepancy in the results obtained for each of the individual locations based
on the laboratory reports (the values for dissolved oxygen, pH, phosphates, nitrates, and
alkalinity). Based on these water tests collected in these six locations, it is evident why
the riparian vegetation differs.The Caroni, El Mamoo and Guanapo River provides a
more idyllic environment for plants to thrive in. Plants can acquire enough nitrates,
phosphates, and nutrients from the soil on the river's banks. The test findings also suggest
that the water is of excellent quality, implying that plants on this bank will have a
substantial supply of water. Because there is no excessive shade, the plants on the bank
receive adequate sunshine.The Caura, St.Joseph , Arima River, on the other hand, is a
less idealized habitat for plants. This is evident from the site's test results. It is clear that
there is an abundance of nitrates and phosphates. Plants require only trace amounts of
both. High nitrate and phosphate levels can promote eutrophication, which generates
dense plant growth and algal blooms that create hazardous algal toxins. These factors
explain why the Caroni, El Mamoo and Guanapo Rivers support healthy riparian
vegetation whereas the Caura, St.Joseph , Arima River cannot.
Secondly, there is eutrophication. This refers to an oversupply of nutrients in a
body of water, which, as previously said, can produce dense growth in plants and an
increase in phytoplankton productivity (algae growth).The algae feed on the nutrients and
multiply. As a result, there is less dissolved oxygen in the water since algae consume a
large amount of oxygen. The stream bed has significant eutrophication with little
eutrophication on the bank, but the stream bed and bank have no eutrophication. This
can be explained by the test results for the water samples obtained from these sites. The
Caroni, El Mamoo and Guanapo Rivers have better water quality. The test findings show
good levels of both nitrates and phosphates, which contribute to the dissolved oxygen
levels, which are 8.4ppm according to the data derived. The Caura, St.Joseph , Arima
River results show high levels of nitrates and phosphates, resulting in a low level of
dissolved oxygen. This means that there are too many nutrients in the water, which
reduces the quality of the water at this location. This explains why there is apparent
eutrophication in the Caura, St.Joseph , Arima Rivers but none in the Caroni, El Mamoo
and Guanapo Rivers.
In conclusion, the Caroni, El Mamoo and Guanapo Rivers had a water quality
value within the E.M.A Standards, whereas the Caura, St.Joseph , Arima River had water
quality values not within the E.M.A Standards for most of their testing. In addition, the
necessary water tests were done. The water quality of these sites was evaluated by the
amount of dissolved oxygen, nitrates, phosphates, pH, alkalinity and turbidity the water
The presence of an excessive amount of these nutrients in the Caura, St.Joseph ,
Arima River damaged the water quality, leading to eutrophication, which negatively
affected species diversity, whereas the Caroni, El Mamoo and Guanapo Rivers.
influenced the water favorably, which also positively affected species diversity.
● Fertilizers should not be used in excess by farmers.
● To see if seasonal differences affect the river's water quality, research should
be conducted in both the wet and dry seasons.
● Other sample methods should be used to ensure that the sampling method is
not the source of the water quality estimates.
● Conduct further in-depth testing on water samples from these sites to learn
more about the water quality and, as a result, to gain a better understanding of
the environmental demands in these areas.
(WRMU I, 2001),”Millenium Assessment Trinidad Final Report”
Prof. E. O Wilson, 2010, “How Our Health Depends on Biodiversity” Global
Lisbdnet, 2022, “What Does an Ecosystem Need To Be Healthy”
A.D. Bradshaw, 1983, “Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems”
Public Policy
Trinidad Biodiversity, 2020, “Trinidad and Tobago's Biodiversity”
Collaborating Network of Partners Facilitating Scientific and Technical Cooperation
Damian Carrington, 2022, “What is biodiversity and why does it matter to us?”
News Article