See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: CHAPTER THREE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.0 Introduction Chapter · February 2020 CITATIONS READS 0 92,808 1 author: Emmanuel Mollel University of Arusha 6 PUBLICATIONS 0 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: THE ROLE OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY TO THE PERFORMANCE OF PRIVATE COMPANIES IN ARUSHA View project All content following this CHAPTER THREE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.0 Introduction This chapter deals with the methodological procedures by which the data pertinent to the research problems were collected. It presents the description of the research design, study area, sample and sampling techniques. The details are as described down below. 3.1 Selection of the area of study Arusha Municipality is chosen as study area because the Coastal Aviation and Air Excel has been based in Arusha for a long time and they have good reputation since they have been around. 3.2 Research Design Research design intends to provide an appropriate framework for a study. This design always focuses more on what of the research subject rather than the why of the research subject (Babbie, 1990). 3.3 Research Approach The study employed both quantitative and qualitative data collection techniques. According to Winberg (1997) case studies are primarily conducted using qualitative techniques, but do not exclude quantitative research methods. Qualitative research methods and non-numerical focus on discovering and understanding the experiences, perspectives, and thoughts of participants. It is subjective in nature. It is useful when you want to determine skills, opinions and knowledge capability of people. Quantitative approach is a numerical based approach and it is objective in nature. The reason for employing both approaches is due to the fact that some findings needed personal assessment of the information obtained from people, while some conclusions needs statistical and mathematical approaches such as percentages, mean, graph and tabulation. 3.4 Population of the Study Population of the study covers all individuals or things or elements that fit a certain specification, that means all the items under consideration in any field of inquiry to contribute. The population for this study was about of 50 respondents, which includes, scholars and employees of Coastal aviation and Air excel based in Arusha city. 3.5 Sampling and Sample Size 3.5.1 Sample Size For the purpose of study, aviation private company in Arusha municipality have been selected. The sample size included 50 respondents in total. 40 aviation stakeholders and 10 scholars. 3.5.2 Sampling Technique Sampling technique is a procedure used to select some elements of a population in such a way that it represents actual characteristics of the total population (Cohen, 2000). The managers and operations were selected due to the fact that they are the ones who makes decisions. Simple sampling was also employed to ask employees in the company. 3.6 Data Collection The aim of this research is not to generalize but to understand the complexity of the phenomenon; therefore, a qualitative research approach fits most. The strict separation of quantitative and qualitative research is evolving and research with different methods is more common (Morgan, 2007 in Boeije 2010). A combination of different methods can fully capture phenomena. In this way it is possible to get a full understanding of the research problem and to answer the main research question. A quantitative part will add value and give a wider and fuller. Regarding the number of air operators in Arusha municipality, choices had to be made. A selection of Air operators was made for conducting interviews. Interviews give the opportunity for participants to “share their story, pass on their knowledge and provide their own perspective on a range of topics” (Hess-Biber and Leavy, 2006 in Boeije, 2010; p. 62). The second part of this research involved surveys. Questionnaire will be sent out to Coastal aviation and Air Excel. These companies were chosen as both registered private companies and do the same kind of operation. 3.6.1 Interviews Interview is a method of collecting data through verbal communication between a respondent and a researcher. A well-structured interview was employed to obtain information from the air operators chosen. The aim was to get factual information on what are the factors for the establishment of CSR program, what are the CSR activities practiced by Coastal Aviation and Air Excel, what are the role of CSR on the influence of private company performance, what are the constriction facing CSR program in achieving the company goals. 3.6.2 Questionnaires A questionnaire is a set of questions in which each person is asked to respond to the same set of questions in a predetermined order. The questionnaire thus permitted the respondents to use whatever words and expression they wanted in order to present what they had to say. The questionnaires were distributed to staffs who are managers and operations to obtain information about Corporate Social responsibility and its effect on the performance of their companies. 3.7 Validity and Reliability 3.7.1 Reliability Reliability is usually referred to as “the consistency of the measures used in social research” (Boeije, 2010: p. 169). This means that measuring the same phenomena should lead to similar outcomes if the research would be repeated with the same methods. A maximum level of objectivity, neutrality and impartiality were the aim of the researcher. 3.7.2 Validity Validity is being specific about what you set out to assess. Measurement validity refers to “whether the measure that is formulated for a particular concept really does reflect the concept that it is supposed to measure” (Bryman, 2008 in Boeije, 2010: p. 169). All questions were pre tested in the relevant study areas. Some modifications were made before data collection to see if the concepts and not ambiguous. 3.8 Data Analysis Qualitative part Data needs to be sorted, categorized, connected and interpreted (Boeije, 2010). The in-depth interviews were taken down analysed. Quantitative part The survey consists of a part that was analysed in a quantitative manner and a part that was analysed in a qualitative way. The open questions were coded and analysed accordingly. 3.9 Ethical Consideration. Aviation sector is one of sensitive sectors and usually have a lot of compliances to the authority. They usually respond to the formal cases only so as to keep their reputation claean. In the context of the research, ethics refer to the appropriateness of one’s behavior in relation to rights of those who become the subject of the work or are affected by it (Sunders et al, 2003). Ethical procedures in this study were observed. This included obtaining research clearance letter that formalized the carrying out of the study and introduce the researcher to the respondents. Clearance letter were obtained from the office of Vice Chancellor of The University of Arusha. Respondents were informed about the purpose of the research and humbly requested to participate freely. Respondents were given an assurance that all information obtained from them would be confidential and will be used only for the study purpose. 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