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Max Weber Sociological Notes

Sociological Imagination
Attended University of Heidelberg and studies law, history and economics
Served in the military
Died of pneumonia June 14, 1920
Social World
Lived in an environment with unprecedented economic growth and state expansion
Weber was concerned with the continued growth of German nationalism
German economics provided framework for Webers distinction between traditional and
rational capitalism
Traditional Capitalism: motivated by immediate material concerns
Rational Capitalism: motivated by the acquisition of money (capital) in order to make more
Industrialized rational capitalism brought raid economic growth
Weber developed theory of the state and global relations that still forms the basis
sociological analysis of national and international politics
Weber created theory theory of modern bureaucracy
Weber saw that great society-wide tasks required an “appeal to the collective sentiments of
the whole nation”
Weber saw particularized interests working against class consciousness (Marx) or collective
consciousness (Durkheim)
Central point of Webers theory of charismatic, traditional, and rational legal authority is
that the major task after any significant social change is routinization: society must make
the changes routine so that they can be carried out differently
Weber was politically active during WWI
Weber argued that there are structural barriers with participatory democracy
Also argued that modern government is different from others that came before it
Modern state is defined by the “monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force within a
key to his theory of the the state is legitimacy
Legitimacy: our belief in the right of others to rule; explains when and why people obey
Three kinds of legitimacy…
1. Charismatic
2. Traditional
“Personal devotion and personal confidence in … qualities if individual leaders”