Computer & Internet Basics Test

Chương 1: Giới thiệu
1. Which of the following is true about cloud computing? (9)
a. Google Docs includes software products available for online use.
b. Storing and sharing fi les online is an example of cloud computing.
c. Cloud computing users only need a browser and an Internet connection on their
d. all of the above
2. A(n) is a standard or set of rules that computer network devices follow when
transmitting and receiving data. (2)
a. FTP
b. network
c. WAN
d. protocol
3. A(n) is a software program used to view Web pages. (5)
a. browser
b. FTP client
c. search engine
d. Web authoring package
4. FTP is used for . (8)
a. e-mail
b. chatting and instant messaging
c. uploading and downloading fi les
d. Web conferencing
5. Web pages can be created using codes or tags. (5)
a. backbone
d. Wi-Fi
6. The B2C e-business model is when . (10)
a. customers interact with an online business
b. fi rms conduct business online with other fi rms and businesses
c. businesses stay in contact with consultants
d. businesses connect with their employees
7. was a network linking four major universities that created the foundation for
the Internet as we know it today. (12)
a. Mosaic
b. Gopher
8. The person who is credited with inventing hypertext is . (16)
a. Tim Berners-Lee
b. Marc Andreessen
c. Vinton Cerf
d. Leonard Kleinrock
9. A telephone Internet connection that provides a high-speed, dedicated, and
alwayson connection to the Internet is . (19)
a. cable
b. regular dial-up
d. high-speed dial-up
10. refers to the capacity of a communications channel. (18)
a. bps
b. bandwidth
c. broadband
d. baseband
1. An online dictionary that you can use to defi ne terms on a Web page is an
example of a(n) . (71)
a. RSS feed
b. Accelerator
c. Internet filter
d. favorite
2. Top-level domains include . (43)
a. .com for commercial fi rms
b. .gvt for government
c. .net for nonprofi t institutions
d. all of the above
3. A Web site that offers links to a wide range of content and services and is often
used as a default starting Web page is called a(n) . (39)
a. home page
b. server
c. Web portal
d. FAQ
4. To revisit a Web page without having to type the entire URL, you can . (63–71)
a. click the URL in the Address bar drop-down list
b. click a link in the History list
c. click a favorite in the Favorites list
d. all of the above
5. To pin a Web page to the taskbar, drag its to the taskbar. (80)
a. favicon
b. cookie
c. URL
d. FAQ
6. When you add a favorite to the Favorites list, you can . (63)
a. change the name of the favorite
b. specify an existing folder in which to store it
c. create a new folder in which to store it
d. all of the above
7. A Web server with a permanent Internet connection needs a(n) IP address. (41)
a. dynamic
b. private
c. static
d. assigned
8. PII stands for . (98)
a. private Internet information
b. personally identifi able information
c. portal for Internet information
d. personal InPrivate portal
9. The Internet Explorer browser feature that helps protect you against malicious
Web sites as you browse the Web is . (100)
a. Cookies
b. SmartScreen Filter
c. Tracking Protection
d. InPrivate Browsing
10. is a general name for any technology that accesses your computer system
without your knowledge or approval to gather information. (99)
a. Adware
b. Gatherware
c. Spyware
d. Privacyware
1. For the most effective search results, choose keywords that are . (113) a.
Boolean b. specifi c c. general d. stop words 2. To search for a Web page that
contains a specifi c phrase, . (114) a. no special action is required b. surround the
phrase with brackets c. insert the word, AND, between every word d. surround the
phrase with quotation marks 3. A list of hits typically contains . (116) a. a link to
each Web site b. a description of the Web page or a sample of text from the page
c. Web sites that are sponsored or have paid to have their pages placed at the top
of the list d. all of the above 4. The most popular search engine in the United
States is . (129) a. Google b. Bing c. Yahoo! d. Internet Explorer 5. A shopping
collects information about consumer products or services, and helps online
shoppers compare models, prices, shipping costs, and other variables from
various sellers. (152) a. consolidator b. search engine c. aggregator d. crawler 6.
Googlebot is an example of a(n) . (124) a. metasearch engine b. Web crawler c.
search directory d. aggregator
7. is an example of a metasearch engine. (129) a. Dogpile b. Googlebot c.
StumbleUpon d. Shopzilla 8. To search the contents of the Web page you are
currently viewing, press to display the Find Bar. (147) a. ALT+F b. ALT+ENTER c.
TAB+F d. CTRL+F 9. For academic research, specialized information collections,
such as LexisNexis or Dialog, are good resources because they . (156) a. are free b.
are available only to librarians c. can provide information on business, news,
government, medical, and legal topics d. require a subscription 10. Which of the
following Google search engine queries will return PDF fi les containing one of the
following words — horses or burros — in a Web site published in the educational
domain? (135) a. “horses or burros” .com b. horses OR burros fi letype:pdf
site:.edu c. horses.pdf NOT burros.pdf site:.com d. horses AND burros fi letype:pdf
1. The B in Bcc stands for . (174) a. before b. the letter, b, as in the second choice
in a list c. blind d. benefi ciary 2. Which of the following is not a communications
protocol used to send e-mail? (172) a. IMAP b. HTML c. SMTP d. POP 3. To keep email organized in your Inbox, you can . (198) a. print out each message b. create
folders for different topics and move messages to them c. add a fl ag to each
message d. attach electronic sticky notes to the messages
4. A valid e-mail address includes . (171) a. html://, the user ID, an @ symbol, and
the host name b. http://, the user ID, the password, and the mail server name c.
the user ID, an @ symbol, the password, and the mail server name d. the user ID,
an @ symbol, and the host name 5. Examples of asynchronous communication
include all of the following except . (235) a. IRC chat b. e-mail c. mailing lists d.
newsgroups 6. A(n) handles the job of directing messages to all mailing list
subscribers. (209) a. HTTP server b. IMAP server c. list server d. host server 7.
Which of the following is a photo-sharing Web site? (241) a. Wikipedia b. Delicious
c. Epinions d. Flickr 8. comp.*, news.*, rec.*, sci.*, soc.*, talk.*, misc.*, and alt.*
are associated with . (233) a. Usenet newsgroups b. list servers c. Web-based chat
d. instant message chat 9. is an example of a social bookmarking Web site. (239) a.
Reddit b. Epinions c. Evri d. Twitter 10. The use of spam to attempt to collect
personally identifi able information, credit card numbers, bank account numbers,
and so forth is called . (208) a. spoofi ng b. phishing c. hacking d. a “Nigerian Sting”
1. File-sharing networks that allow users to transfer files between individual
personal computers located on the same LAN or between Internet-connected
individual computers are called networks. (316) a. FTP b. P2P c. C2C d. NPR 2. A
portal can provide employee or client access, and can be used to manage a
company’s human resources or accounting activities. (265) a. corporate b.
horizontal c. vertical d. customer 3. Which of the following is true about online
gambling? (310) a. It is illegal in the United States. b. It is less open to fraud than
other types of gambling. c. It is legal for banks to transfer money to online gaming
sites. d. It is legal in more than 50 countries. 4. is an example of a Web site where
you are likely to find financial calculators. (301) a. PASS Online b. MFG.com c.
CardRatings.com d. Merriam-Webster Online 5. FTP stands for . (312) a. File
Transfer Protocol b. Free Transfer Portal c. Full Torrent Protocol d. Forward
Telephone Packet
6. A reserve price is often used with . (308) a. consumer-to-consumer sales b.
discount shopping c. brick-and-click sites d. online auction sites 7. is an example of
a company that provides online course management tools. (304) a. eSchool b.
Blackboard c. Peterson’s d. iTools 8. When evaluating a health care Web site, if it
includes the symbol, it is likely a credible source for general health information.
(290) a. CAPHIS b. HONcode c. URAC d. either b or c 9. A public FTP site also is
called a(n) . (312) a. anonymous FTP site b. open FTP site c. nameless FTP site d.
unknown FTP site 10. Audio and video content transmitted continuously from a
Web server to a Web browser is called media. (272) a. downloaded b. virtual c.
freeware d. streaming
1. The transmission media of choice for MANs and WANs is ________. (339) a.
coaxial cable b. infrared (IR) c. fiber-optic cable d. radio frequency (RF) 2. The
Shared Registration System of domain name registrars is overseen by ________.
(352) a. ISPs b. accredited registrars c. NSPs d. ICANN
3. ________ transmissions use light-wave signals as a short-range transmission
medium. (336) a. radio frequency (RF) b. Wi-Fi c. infrared (IR) d. none of the above
4. The process of translating readable data into unreadable data to prevent
unauthorized access or use is called ________. (373) a. decryption b. encryption c.
tunneling d. private key 5. A ________ is an intelligent connectivity device with
one input port and one output port that connects two network segments or two
LANs. (343) a. bridge b. data switch c. router d. gateway 6. MAN stands for
________ area network. (333) a. megabyte b. managed c. multiple d.
metropolitan 7. ________ is when a hacker accesses a network in order to set up
a fake Web site or send mail that looks like it is coming from an internal server.
(365) a. war driving b. LAN jacking c. spoofing d. cracking 8. Large modern
networks often are broken up into ________, or multiple groups of computers
that share a common function. (340) a. LANs b. segments c. VPNs d. servers
9. The IPv6 standard lengthens IP addresses to ________ bits. (347) a. 128 b. 32 c.
106 d. 8 10. A ________ is a kind of virus that spreads across a network, such as
the Internet, by replicating itself. (367) a. Trojan horse b. worm c. backdoor d.