Vol. 44, No. 4 DUKE MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL(C) December 1977 THE RANK OF ELLIPTIC CURVES ARMAND BRUMER AND KENNETH KRAMER 1. Introduction Classically, methods of descent to obtain an upper bound for the rank of the Mordell-Weil group of an elliptic curve have depended on the existence of isogenies of degree two or three and explicit equations, or on the construction of coverings in ways suitable for computer calculation. (See [1], pp. 265-274 for a general survey.) In [5], Mazur introduced an elegant and effective method of descent using only mild information about the N6ron minimal model, but requiring the existence of a rational isogeny. This paper grew out of an effort to compute the rank of some elliptic curve factors of the Jacobians of modular curves left undone by Mazur in [6, 7] because they do not admit rational isogenies. It revolves around the general question of what can be said about an elliptic curve, given only its conductor and perhaps some supplementary information about the N6ron model. After some preliminaries in the next section, this paper splits into three parts. The first part, in section 3 and 4, contains the local descent. The remaining parts treat global questions. The second part, in sections 5 and 6, may be read independently and performs a dual task. An analysis of two and three-division fields of a hypothetical curve, based on 16], gives information about the N6ron model for use in the descent. This simultaneously provides criteria for the non-existence of elliptic curves having certain square-free conductors, extending nonexistence results due to Ogg 14], Coates [2], Setzer [ 17], Neumann [12], and others. The novelty here is that Diophantine considerations arising in the usual treatments are thrown back in a natural way to the arithmetic of certain number fields. As a result, we succeed in showing that for all primes N < 1000 where there is no known curve of conductor N, in fact no such curve exists, except for 8 values of N where the situation is still undecided. Since the writing of this paper R. B611ing has eliminated N 211 and N 397 by ad hoc methods. The third part, in section 7, gives a rather precise upper bound for the Selmer group and hence for the rank of elliptic curves. We illustrate our results by obtaining bounds for the rank of all known and unknown curves of prime conductor N < 1000. (See Table III). These bounds are at most 1, except for 8 conductors where the bound is 2. Our bounds suggest that, in general, curves of prime conductor have the smallest rank compatible with the parity predictions of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer. Received February 3, 1977. Revision received May 26, 1977. Research partially supported by grants from the National Science Foundation and the Faculty Research Award Program of the City University of New York. 715 716 ARMAND BRUMER AND KENNETH KRAMER We exhibit in section 8 curves of high rank, including one of rank 5 with prime conductor, and one of rank 9. In view of our bounds, the latter curve also provides an example of a cubic field whose ideal class group has a 2-Sylow subgroup of rank at least 5. (The previous record was 2.) In an appendix we consider the following question, suggested by our study of two and three-division fields. If the discriminant of a semi-stable curve E defined over the rationals is an eth power, does E admit an e-isogeny (so that e <- 7, by recent work of Mazur)? We answer this affirmatively for e <_ 19. If it were true in general then a curve of prime conductor N would have discriminant __.N (aside from the well-known exceptions). This would be useful both for finding and for eliminating curves of prime conductor. We wish to express our gratitude to Barry Mazur for a number of helpful comments on this work. We also wish to acknowledge our use of unpublished tables of Godwin, Smadja, and Barrucand on class numbers of cubic fields. 2. Preliminaries Let E denote an elliptic curve defined over a field of K of characteristic different from 2. Let be an algebraic closure of K, and let G Gal(//K). Multiplication by 2 on the group 0-- E(/) yields the exact sequence of G-modules - - E(R)z E(/) E(/) - O. Passing to cohomology, one obtains the Kummer exact sequence (1) 0 E(K)/2E(K) H’(G, E(R)2) - Hi(G, E(R)). Suppose now that E is given in the form y fix), where fix) is a monic cubic polynomial with coefficients in K. Let An be the K-algebra An K[T]/(f(T)) and denote by A} the multiplicative group of invertible elements of An. Then Ha(G, E([(),) can be identified with the kernel of the map from A/A2 to K*/K * given by the norm. (See [1], p. 240, and other references given there). Let x(P) denote the x-coordinate of a point P in E(K). If P1, P2, P3 are three points in E(K) whose sum is zero, they lie on a straight line, say y rx + s, and a simple calculation shows that in An (x(Pa)- T)(x(Pz)- T)(x(Pz)- T)= (rT + s) 2. Hence there is a homomorphism A*/A*2 defined by extension from hn(P) coset{x(P) T} whenever x(P) vertible in An. Clearly hn induces a homomorphism E(K)/2E(K) A*/A*2 n/n T is in- 717 THE RANK OF ELLIPTIC CURVES which we also denote by hu, and which is injective. (See [10], p. 142 for an elementary proof). This corresponds to the map of exact sequence (1). ([ 1], p. 269-271, contains a discussion of the map h and its role in the classical treatment of rational points on elliptic curves). The algebra A and the map h do not depend on the choice of model for E, as can be seen from the transformation rules for elliptic curves ([18], p. 180). There are three cases describing the structure of At, depending on the number of roots off(x) 0 in K, and hence on the number of points of order two of E defined over K. 1. Then Ar is a cubic extension field of K and hr(P) is Case 1. IE(K)I represented by an element of Ar whose norm down to K lies in K *z. Case 2. IE(K) I- 2. Then A--K K(A/2), where A is the discriminant of E (or of the polynomial f). Let N be the norm from K(A1/2) to K. Then h(P) has a representative of the form (Na, a) with a in K(A1/2). Case 3. [E(K)2[ 4. Then A K @ K @ K and X(P) has representative of the form (a, b, ab). From now on, we view A as the appropriate direct sum of fields described above, and speak of the components of an element of A; in this direct sum decomposition. 3. The local picture Let K be a complete field under a discrete rank one valuation v. Let ff be its ring of integers, 13 its prime ideal, and k its residue field. Let E be an elliptic curve defined over K. We shall describe the subgroup hr(E) of A./A.2 in the semi-stable case only, though one could similarly handle the case of additive reduction. We have not done this here, for the benefits would be outweighed by the disadvantage of greatly increasing the number of cases. Since we shall variously capture hr(E) from above or below, the following well-known fact is essential. LEMMA 3.1: We have Thus Ix (g)l [E(K)2I if char (k)# if char (k) 2. 2. Proof. There is a subgroup M C E(K) of finite index and isomorphic to 6 by a result of Lutz. We then use the Euler characteristic of the kernel-cokernel exact sequence of multiplication by 2 on 0 to obtain the desired result. M ---> E(K) ---> E(K)/M ---> 0 718 ARMAND BRUMER AND KENNETH KRAMER Let/20 be the connected component of the reduction of the Neron minimal model for E. We denote by Eo(K) the subgroup of points of E(K) whose reduction is non-singular, and by El(K) the kernel of reduction mod 1). This gives us the exact sequence - - 0---> El(K) Eo(K) o(k) O. (2) The group E(K)/Eo(K) is the group of connected components of the N6ron minimal model, and is finite ([ 19], p. 41). LEMMA 3.2. Suppose that E has good or multiplicative reduction. Let F be the maximal unramified extension of K. Then hv(Eo(F)) hv(Ea(F)). If, in addition, char(k) # 2, this group is trivial. Proof. From the exact sequence (2) we obtain - - eo(F)/2eo(F) :0(k)/2:0(k) 0 where / is the algebraic closure of k. Hence the last term vanishes, and h(E0) v(E). When char(k) is odd, this group is trivial because Ea(F) is diel(F)/2e(F) visible by 2. COROLLARY 3.3. Suppose that both char(k)and [E(K) Eo(K)] are odd. Then the image of i in A/A: consists of those elements for which (a) each component can be represented by a unit and (b) the appropriate norm condition is satisfied. Proof. The fact that [E(K) E0(K) is odd implies that h/(E) h(E0). The previous lemma then implies that every element in the image of h/ becomes trivial in A/A 2, in view of the commutative square K/.t-K $ (3) $ But the elements of A/ which become squares in A must satisfy condition (a). Let IE(K)2] 2 n. Then A has n + components, so that the subgroup of A/A satisfying (a) and (b) has order 2 n. It follows from Lemma 3.1 that hu(E) must fill out this subgroup. IE Remark. The index E01 is in case of good reduction, and is odd in case of multiplicative reduction with v(A) odd (Type Iv, with t, odd). The results of Lemma 3.2 and Corollary 3.3 also apply, for char(k) # 2, in the cases of additive reduction of Types II, II*, IV, IV* of Kodaira’s classification. ([19], p. 46). For the rest of this section we assume that char(k) 2. We make the standing assumption that K is unramified over q2 to facilitate closer analysis of the 719 THE RANK OF ELLIPTIC CURVES - formal group structure on El. We recall ([18], p. 183) that there is a formal group law for addition on p which gives rise to an isomorphism El(K). We denote this map by z P(z). Let E be given in minimal form by - y2 + a lxy + a3y x + a2x + a4x + a6. Then the x-coordinate of P(z) is given by (4) x(P) z - al z-l- a, + O(z) and the law for multiplication by 2 by zg- 2azz + (alaz- 7aa)z 4 + O(z 5) where O(s) means that V(ts -1) --> 0. PROPOSITION 3.4: Suppose that E has supersingular reduction. Then AI is a totally ramified extension field of K. Let r be a prime element in AI;. The image of hl is the subgroup of A/A: consisting of the cosets of + uZr 4 where u runs through coset representatives for / k. d/(z) 2z a Since E is supersingular, the formal group has height 2; hence a is in 2 (K is unramified) and a3 is a unit. By a suitable translation, we can 0 and a2 0 while keeping the model minimal. Thus assume that a p Proof. yZ + azy + x a4x + a6 or (Y + aa/2) 2= x + a4x q- (a6 + a/4). Let a be a root of the right hand side; that is, the x-coordinate of a point of order two. Then zr 2a satisfies the Eisenstein polynomial zr + 4a4zr + 2(4a + a) 0 so A/; K[a] is a totally ramified cubic extension of K with prime element r. Using the formal group parametrization (4) with a az 0 and a a unit we find that (modulo Az) - x(P(z)) -= x(/’) z But z a ing z + O(z) , az + O(z). 0(8) and units congruent to (mod 4zr) are squares in At. Hence tak- 2aau yields hz(P(z)) =- 2a](2a)u =- 1 2azr u 4- upon using the equation for zr. "lT41d 720 ARMAND BRUMER AND KENNETH KRAMER Clearly the coset of + 7/’4//9. in r/ra*/a,2 depends precisely on the coset of u in /p. The subgroup of a,/a,2 r/r obtained by letting u vary over a set of coset representatives for 6/p therefore has order 16" p[ [" 2[. By Lemma 3.1, this is the size of h/c(E), since E(K)2 is trivial. Hence the proposition is proved. Note further that the subgroup of /r consisting of cosets of + 7r4u as u varies does not depend on the choice of prime element For some calculations it is convenient to note that + 2zr2u (mod A2). LEMMA 3.5. Suppose that E has ordinary good reduction or multiplicative reduction. Then there is a unique point of order two in Ea(K). In the decomposition of A, let the first component correspond to this point. If P is any point in El(K), then hr(P) is represented by an element of A: with in the first component and a unit of the form / 0(2)in the other component (or components). Proof. By assumption, the formal group El(K) has height one. Hence al is a unit. We may therefore obtain a new minimal model of the form y2 + xy x + a2x + a4x + a6. 1 Remark. + zr4u The x-coordinates of points of order two satisfy f(x) x + (a2 + 1/4)x2 + a4x + a6 O. By Hensel’s lemma we can find one root a in K having the expansion -1/4 a az 4a4 + O(16). The other two roots lie in K(A 1/) and are both easily seen to be 0(2). We compute hr(P(z)) for z in p by looking at the component of Ar corresponding to one of these latter roots, say/3. Using (4) with a get z z x(P(z)) a2 + 0(2) z-2(1 z a.z 2 + 0(8)) -- 1, aa 0 we (mod squares). Since K is unramified over (2 this is / 0(2) as desired. Moreover, since the second coordinate does not depend on/3, the norm condition makes the first coordinate of hi(P(z)), corresponding to a, trivial. PROPOSITION 3.6. Suppose that E has ordinary good reduction. Then the image of h consists of those elements of ak/ac2 for which (a) the first component is in + 4c and the other component or components are in + 21c11), up to multiplication by a square and (b) the appropriate norm condition is satisfied. Proof. Let F be the maximal unramified extension of K. Then hF(E(F)) hF(E0(F)) Xv(Ea(F)) with the first equality coming from good reduction and z a2z 721 THE RANK OF ELLIPTIC CURVES the second from Lemma 3.2. Hence Lemma 3.5 provides us with a description of the entire group X(E(F)). It follows via diagram (3) and Lemma 3.5 that if P is in E(K), then the first coordinate of hie(P) becomes trivial in F*/F*. Hence it must be represented by an element of + 4t7. Let L K(A/z). It follows, as above, that any representative for the second coordinate of Xr(P)must lie in L* (1 + 2F(al,))F(A1/2) .2 (1 + 2)L *. We must now distinguish three cases. Case 1. L K. Equivalently, IE(K).I 4. The image XK(E) is contained in the group, mod squares, of elements of the form (a, b, ab) with a in + 4K and b a unit in K. But this group has order 21U U[ 41 2c1 Ix (g)l. So this case is done. Case 2. L/K is an unramified quadratic extension. Hence [E(K).[ 2. Let be defined to make the sequence o -o -o u/u__.u,,/u?, -o o exact, where is the map induced by norm. The second coordinate of X(P) must lie in the pre-image under of the group (1 + 4) U/U of order 2. But Hence this pre-image has order 2 26 26 [h(E)[. Since the first coordinate of (P) is determined from the second by the norm condition, the second coordinate must entirely fill this pre-image. Case 3. L/K is ramified. Again IE(K)= 2. Let (rood )}. Then the second coordinate of h(P) must {x in Ulx lie in the group " (1 + 2)L * whose order is z,/(l)) [1): (1,)2[ / [1, 2)[ 21e : 2e.l /le : 2e l 21e : 2e l The first coordinate is determined by the norm condition and we win again When the curve E is defined over the real numbers N by the equation or N accordx), then the algebra A is isomorphic to ing to whether the discriminant A of E is negative or positive. In the latter case, we choose the first coordinate of A to coespond to the smallest root of fix) 0. The following description of h(E(N)) is clear from a sketch of the real locus of E. yZ . PROPOSITION 3.7: (a) If A < O, then h(E) is trivial in A/A (b) If A > O, then h(E) has order two, generated by the class of (1, 1, 1) in A/ANZ. 722 ARMAND BRUMER AND KENNETH KRAMER 4. The local picture: multiplicative reduction When E has bad reduction, careful analysis is required to determine any nontrivial contribution to the image of hK from the group E/Eo. This problem can be handled for reduction of multiplicative type using parametrization by p-adic theta functions. ([4], p. 197). Suppose first that E has rational tangents at its node modulo p; that is, E Eq is a Tate curve. To the j-invariant there corresponds a unique q in K* with v(q) > 0 such that +744+ j= The discriminant of E is A (1 q qK,. We have the theta function q")Z4, so that v(A) (1 qnz-i) =0 qnz) =1 which is holomorphic on K*, has simple zeros at the "lattice" else, and satisfies the functional equation 0(g -1) v(q) and A is in n (1 O(g) . ’ cnq --gO(Z). O(q-lg) By the theorem of Jacobi-Abel, the divisor D on E if and only if it has degree zero and q and nowhere x m(x) is a principal divisor belongs to q. Moreover, if x 0(zxS), = g(z) is a rational function on E defined over K(x, x). That is, g(z) has multiplicative period q. POPOSlTON 4.1" Suppose that E is a Tare curve. Then there is a unique point of order two in E(K) whose reduction is non-singular. In the decomposition of A, let the first coordinate correspond to this point. For each z in K* we then then have _ kn(P(z)) [ (1,(1, z)z, z) if if IE (K) I Proof. The three points of order two in E (m/q 2 4, are given by the cosets of and of qa/Z. As the points whose reduction is non-singular are representis the only point of order two which does not ed by units mod p the coset of reduce to the node. From the fact that the divisor of x e is 2(e) 2(0) we verify immediately that 723 THE RANK OF ELLIPTIC CURVES x(z) x(- 1) x(z) x(+-q 1/2) Cl O(-z) z O(z) -z () c20(+-z q-1/2) O(+__z ql/2) O(Z)-9.. By using the functional equation for 0 we find that O(+_z q-1/2) w-z ql/20(+_z ql/2). In order for (5) to give a homomorphism to n/-na*/a*z we must therefore have c in K * and c2 in -W-qa/2K(AV2) .2, yielding the desired formula for hr. Next we assume that E has twisted multiplicative reduction. Hence, over the unramified quadratic extension F K(rtl/2) of K, E becomes isomorphic to the Tate curve E having the same j-invariant. For convenience we take to be a unit. If y f(x) is a model for Eq defined over K, then we obtain a model Y F(X) for E defined over K via the substitution X=-0x and y=3/2y. Let Eq(F) --. E(F) be the isomorphism defined by this substitution. Clearly i(P) lies in E(K) precisely when r(P)= -P, where r generates Gal(F/K). Thus, for z in F*, the point Q i(P(z)) lies in E(K) precisely when NF/rz is a power of q. LEMMA 4.2. Suppose that NlmZ qm, so that i(P(z)) Q is a point in E(K). Then the first coordinate of X/(Q) is represented by TIm in K*/K .2. Let L K(A/2), and n mv(A)/2. Then n must be an integer, and a representative for the remaining coordinate (or coordinates) of hr(Q) may be chosen from 7rUL. If in addition K is an unramified extension of (2, the representative may be taken from 7r(1 + 2L). Proof. Let h(z) 0(-z)O(z) By formula (5) the first coordinate of h(Q) is -. . the coset of X(z) x(- ) nx(z) nx(- ) cnh(z) But h(z) = h(z-lqm) -(-1) m+ h(z), using the functional equation for 0. Hence h(z)rl tm + / is fixed by r, so belongs to K. Hence X(z) X(-1) is an element of rlmK *z, since we have shown that c is in K *z. Now let c be an element of L* which represents the second coordinate of hr(Q). Let M F(A /) FL. (We allow the possibility that L K or L F). By going up to F, where E becomes isomorphic to the Tate curve E and the map h is given by Proposition 4.1, we see that c must also lie in zM.2. Since M is unramified over L, the prime 7r of L also serves as a prime element for M. Hence, correcting c by an appropriate multiple of we may as- _ rr sume that c is in L* z U. Since F is an unramified extension of K and N/nz qm, we see that mvr(q) mvl(A) is even. Hence n mvn(A)/2 is an integer and v(z) n. Now the prime rx also serves as a prime element for F. Hence z is in 7rUe and c is in L* rUU; n rU. 724 ARMAND BRUMER AND KENNETH KRAMER If in addition K is an unramified extension of (, then UIU C_ Hence we can actually choose c from r(1 + 26L), as desired. + 26u. PROPOSITION 4.3. Suppose that E has twisted multiplicative reduction and that either char(k) is odd or else K is an unramified extension of q2. Then Lemma 4.2 and the norm requirement provide necessary and sufficient conditions for membership in hc(E). Proof. To facilitate the counting argument which we shall use, we distinguish four cases. Case 1. v(A) is odd. Then IE(g)l 2 and IX <ESI 216r: 2 I. Since F/K is unramified, m must be even in Lemma 4.2. Hence the first coordinate of hc(E) is trivial and the second lies in U L *z. It follows from the norm condition that hr(E) is contained in the subgroup S of Ac/Ac represented by the cosets of (1, u) with u in U and Nr/u u in K *z. The kernel of the map induced by the norm has order 21 :2c because L/K is ramified. Hence isi 21: 2 IX(E)I and h(E) S. Note that in this case the index E01 is odd. Hence we get the same result from Corollary 3.3 when char(k) is odd or from the arguments in Case 3 of Proposition 3.6 when K is an unramified extension of IE Case 2. A in K .2. Then L K and IE(K)zI 4. The image of Xc must be contained in the subgroup S of Ac/Ac consisting of the cosets of (7] m, 7r U, Ur and n mvlc(A)/2. Now iSl 2 iuc 41 2e7 S Hence hu(E). Ih/c(E)l. Case 3. L F. Then IE(K)[ 2. By Lemma 4.2 and the norm condition h(E) is contained in the subgroup S of a,/a,z / consisting of the cosets of (’0 m, "gt’UnU) where n mvr(A)/2, NL/rUo r, and Nz/ u is in U. Since L/K is now where u is in unramified, the kernel of the map u,/ has order [6r 26r1. Hence isi u/u, 21: 2 IX(E)I and S hr(E). Case 4. v(A) even, but L # F and L # K. This only occurs, of course, if char(k) 2. By Lemma 4.2, h(E) is contained in the subgroup S of consisting of the cosets of (m, 7.t.Knu) 725 THE RANK OF ELLIPTIC CURVES where n mVldA)/2, u is in + 2L, and NL/r u is in .qm K.,. ., Since we assume here that K is an unramified extension of we have N(1 + 2z) C_ + 4. Furthermore, since F K( 1/2) is unramified, generates the group (1 + 4/0/(1 + 2r) of order 2. The case of odd m is allowed here, so that the map (1 + 2z) / (1 + "rrz)z _.> (1 + 4,x) / (1 + 2) z is surjective. Hence [Ker l I 2,1 and iSl-- 21,, 2, --IX(El Therefore S hr(E). Finally, we note that these descriptions of hr(E) do not depend on the choice of prime element rrr, nor on the choice of u0 in Case 3. 5. Criteria for the existence of semi-stable elliptic curves Throughout this section we consider only semi-stable elliptic curves E defined over the rationals. Equivalently, these are the curves of square-free conductor. We denote conductor and discriminant by N and A respectively. For a prime (, we denote by Ee the group of points of order ( defined over the algebraic closure. Let L Q(Ee) be the field obtained by adjoining the coordinates of all points in Ee. Then L is a Galois extension of Q whose Galois group G is a subgroup of Aut (Ee) GL2(IFe) since Ee has rank two over IFe. We quote from Serre ([16], pp. 273-277) the following important information. PROPOSITION 5.1. Suppose E is semi-stable. Let v be a valuation of L extending the p-adic valuation of (. Denote by Gv and Iv the decomposition and inertial groups of v. Then (1) L contains the group tXe of gth roots of unity, and we have the commutative diagram Gal(L/t) res $ -- Gal(((/ze)/) Aut(Ee)- GL(IFe) $ det Aut(/ze) Ie . in which the vertical maps are restriction and determinant, respectively. (2) if p does not divide teA, then v is unramified over (3) If p divides A, so that E has multiplicative reduction, then where c6 is the usual modular invariant. ,(x/ -c6 is unramified over (p and we have the following cases: (a) Iv is cyclic of order te if ordp(A) 0 (mod ) and p re. (b) Iv is trivial if ord(A) 0 (mod ) and p re. 726 ARMAND BRUMER AND KENNETH KRAMER - (c) Iv is conjugate to the group of order ( 1) if p ( and 0 ordp(A) 0 (mod (). (d) I is conjugate to the group and of order if p 0 ordp(A) 0 (mod ). and E has ordinary good reduction at p then G is conjugate to a (4) If p and Iv is as in (3c)or (3d)above. However, the criteria for subgroup of 0 deciding which case holds do not apply. and E has supersingular good reduction at p, then L, is isomor(5) If p 1, and Gv is the normalizer of Iv, of phic to IF}, hence cyclic of order order 2( 1). Remark. Only the assertion about Lv in (3) above is not explicitly stated in 16]. It is however readily proved by using the Tate model to which E is isomorphic over t(x/-c6 ). We now make some observations about the two-division field of E. PROPOSITION 5.2. (1). If E has supersingular reduction at 2 then O(E) is a cyclic cubic extension of ((A 1/2) unramified outside 2 and totally ramified at 2. Moreover, 2 remains prime in ((A1/2). (2). If the formal group of Lover (zhas height one then either E has a rational point of order two or else ((Ez) is an unramified cyclic cubic extension of ((A1/Z) in which the primes dividing 2A split completely. Proof. This is an immediate consequence of the ramification data recalled in the previous proposition. It suffices to note that GLz(IF,) $3, the symmetric group on three letters, and that (A1/z) is the subfield of (Ez) cut out by the alternating group A3. COROLLARY 5.3. Suppose that the curve E has no rational points of order two. (1) If E has ordinary good reduction or multiplicative reduction modulo 2, then three divides the order of the ideal class group of ((A l/z) modulo the subgroup generated by the classes of ideals lying above 2. (2) If E is supersingular modulo 2, then: (a) A 5 (mod 8) and (b)for every element a in (A 1/) for which the ideal (c) is the cube of an ideal prime to 2, we have a-- (mod 2). (3) Neither of +_A is a perfect square. follows from Proposition 5.2(2) upon using the class field theoretic description of the extension (E2) over ((A1/z). we (2) Since ,(A 1/2) is an unramified quadratic extension of A sufficient and a have 5 (mod 8). The assertion about c gives necessary condition for the existence of a cyclic cubic extension of K (A) having Proof. (1) , THE RANK OF ELLIPTIC CURVES 727 the ramification properties in Proposition 5.2(1). In fact, let J denote the group of ideles of K. The normic subgroup of J corresponding to the maximal elementary 3-extension of K unramified outside 2 is given by NI= K*JZ( v#2H Uv x (1 + 2G,)) while the normic subgroup corresponding to the maximal elementary 3-extension of K unramified everywhere is N2 K*J3 []v U. The index [N2: Na] is or 3, and the second condition in (2) is precisely that required for N (3) is now clear in view of (1) and (2). . Remark. This corollary provides information about the cubic field obtained by adjoining a point of order two of the curve E to Given the conductor of E, it can usually be used to determine this field uniquely. It can also be viewed as a criterion for the existence of an elliptic curve of given square-free conductor. As such it yields a generalization and strengthening of results of Setzer[ 17] and Hadano [3]. To make a similar analysis for the three-division field L (E) we recall that GL.(IF) is a group of order 48 3 24 and that G Gal(L/) may be identified with a subgroup of GL2(IF) as in [16], p. 305. The field L contains (A/, p), where p is a primitive cube root of unity. In particular, G is a 2-group if and only if A is a perfect cube. Let K (A a/). From Proposition 5.1 (2) and consideration of the Tate model it is clear that extension L/K is unramified outside 3 and when E is semi-stable. LEMMA 5.4. One of the following holds: (1) E admits a three-isogeny defined O onto an elliptic curve E’. Either E or E’ contains a rational point of order three. (2) Gal(L/) GL.(IF3) and in particular A is not a perfect cube. . Proof. Suppose A is a perfect cube. Then L is a 2-extension of (, unramifled outside 3 and But there is only one such quadratic extension of t. The Burnside basis theorem for p-groups then implies that Gal(L/) is cyclic, since its maximal elementary quotient is. Hence L is a subfield of some cyclotomic field (/z3,). In fact, n since L is a 2-extension. Let r generate Gal(L/). Since the determinant map in Proposition 5.1 (1) must be surjective, both eigenvalues _+ 1 must occur for or. Thus there must be a rational point of order 3 on E in this case. If A is not a perfect cube we may apply Proposition 21 of 16] to complete the proof. 728 ARMAND BRUMER AND KENNETH KRAMER For the rest of this section we assume that E is a semi-stable curve which does not admit a rational three-isogeny. By an appropriate choice of basis, we have Gal(L/K) (G,r) where 0 G 0 and r The relations are cr 1, r 1, and r r o" ra. We have the lattice of fields in Figure 1. Note that both cr and r have determinant -1 and thus Gal(L/KOa)) (oT, r), the kernel of the determinant map of GaI(L/K). L. L .(E) L (Figure l) PROPOSITION 5.5. Suppose E is supersingular at 3. Then (1) A +_ (mod 9) and the ideal (3)factors as ] in K ((A1/a). (2) There exists a quadratic extension L of K which is ramified precisely at and the real prime. (3) For every element c in K of positive norm for which () is the square of an ideal prime to loa we have a (mod 0a). This applies for instance to the fundamental unit of K. Proof. (1) The congruence A _+ (mod 9) may be seen from the formula for A, since E is supersingular at 3 if and only if b 0 (mod 3). It may also be proved by noting that by Proposition 5.1(5) the decomposition group of any prime above 3 in L has order 16, so is a 2-Sylow subgroup of GL(IFa), conjugate to G (tr, r). Hence there exists more than one prime above 3 in K, the fixed field of G. As there is ramification over 3 in the normal closure K(,o) of K we must have (3) 0]p in K. Now/x _= _+ (mod 9), else 3 would be totally ramified in K. (2) Let P’ be the prime over 3 in L whose decomposition group is Gp, (tr, r). Then the inertial group Ip, is (r), the unique cyclic subgroup of Gp, of order 8. Let L be the fixed field of r. Since there is no ramification below P’ from to L., p must be the prime lying below P’ in K, and 10 remains prime in 729 THE RANK OF ELLIPTIC CURVES Let 3/ (, 1) 0 so that T has order three and T-lz2T (r’5. Then 3/carries P’ to a prime P of L lying over 133, and the inertial group I(P/P3) (y-lzy) f’l (o-, ’) Hence I(P/P3) does not fix L2 and P3 ramifies in The inertial group for a prime lying over the real prime of K acts non-trivially on K(p). Hence it is generated by an element of order two having determinant 1. But the only element of order two which fixes L2 is z 4, of determinant + 1. Hence the real prime of K ramifies in L.. Thus L. is a quadratic extension of K ramified precisely at P3 and the real prime. Now the normic subgroup of the idele group J of K corresponding to the maximal elementary 2-extension of K in which only P3 and ramify is N=K*J( 1-I U x (1 + :P3) x IR+ x while the normic subgroup of the maximal elementary 2-extension of K which is unramified everywhere is Comparison of the two shows that the desired quadratic extension L2 can exist if and only if we have the property indicated in (3). PROPOSITION 5.6. Let E have either multiplicative or ordinary good reducof K (A 1/3) must be even. tion at 3. Then the class number Proof. From Proposition 5.1 one readily sees that the extension L of L1 (p, A1/a) is everywhere unramified. The inertial group of the real prime or of any prime above 3 in L/K must be contained in a subgroup or order two, _ generated by an element of determinant -1 because of the ramification in (p)/(. The only such elements in (or, z) are of the form 0-7-2i. Hence the fixed field La of (0-, 72) yields a quadratic extension of K which is everywhere unramifled. Hence our claim. Remark. If in addition A (mod 9) then the above proposition may be refined to assert that the order of the ideal class group of K modulo the classes of primes over 3 remains even. To see this, note that the ideal (3) factors as pp in K. Let P’ be a prime of L lying above p. Then I(P/p) C_ (trz) for some i. But in fact I(P’/3) (o-z2i) because there is ramification in (p). The decomposition group G(P’/3) is contained in the normalizer (z4, o-zZ). Let F be the fixed field of z4 -1. Then there is no residue extension between 3 and P’ f3 F. But F is a Galois extension of t. Hence there is no residue extension between 3 and any prime over 3 in F. In particular, L3/K is split at the primes over 3, as desired. 730 ARMAND BRUMER AND KENNETH KRAMER The criteria we have given so far are concerned with the behavior of primes dividing 3A. They may be viewed as requirements for the existence of an extension L over with Galois group contained in GL2(IF3) and having specified ramification. The next criteria depend on information forced on the unramified primes by the fact that L is the three-division field of an elliptic curve. When E has good reduction modulo p, we denote its reduction by/. Then IFp(/3) denotes the 3-division field of/. LEMMA 5.7: Let p be prime to 3A and assume that A is a cube modulo p. Then IFp(a) is a cyclic extension of IF of degree f dividing 8. Let a be the trace of Frobenius. Then more precisely: (1)/f p (mod 3), then f 2 if and only if a =- 0 (mod 3). Otherwise (2)/f p -= (mod 3), then f <- 2 if and only if a 0 (mod 3). Otherwise f=4. Proof. If the characteristic polynomial of Frobenius is given by X a + p (X to1) (X- o2), then the number of points Np, of/ over the field IF, is Nv. where (1 wT)(1 o) I (2 a + p) runs through the n th roots of unity. In particular, we have Nv =p+ 1-a Np2 (p + 1) 2- 1) q- a]N,2 [(p- ) + (a 2p)]N.4. Np4-- [(p N; a 2 Since A is a cube mod p and p is prime to 3A, the extension IFv(/z) of IF is cyclic of order dividing 8. Now N,/N,, is prime to three unless p (mod 3) and av 0 (mod 3). Moreover Nv,/N, is prime to 3 unless p (mod 3) and ap 0 (mod 3). Since all nine points of are defined over IFv in any case, the claim follows immediately. z COROLLARY 5.8. Suppose that E has good reduction at p--- (mod 3) and that ,(IF) does not contain a point of order three. Let I9 be the prime of degree one lying over p in K ((A1/z). (1) If E has ordinary good reduction or multiplicative reduction at 3 then the class of is not a square in the ideal class group of K. (2) If E is supersingular at 3 then splits in the extension L2/K described in Proposition 5.5(2). THE RANK OF ELLIPTIC CURVES 731 + p ap ig not divisible by three, we have av 0 Proof. Since ]/(IFp)] (mod 3) so that [IFv(E3) IFI 8 by Lemma 5.7(1). The decomposition group of a prime lying over p in L must therefore be cyclic of order 8, hence must be (r). Therefore p splits in the fixed field L2 of z and remains prime in the fixed field L3 of (o-, z2), as desired. Remark. By explicitly listing the five elliptic curves (up to isomorphism) defined over IF2 we find that/(IFz) contains a point of order three if and only if / is isomorphic to the curve yZ + y xz. Hence the conclusions above apply for p 2 when / is not that curve, and in particular when/ is not supersingular at 2. If 5 splits completely in the two-division field ((E), so that/(IF) contains all the points of order two, then the inequality 2 _< I/(IFs)I _< 10 of the "Riemann hypothesis" shows that/(IFs) cannot also contain a point of order three. The conclusions of the above corollary then apply with p 5. COROLLARY 5.9: Suppose that E is a semi-stable curve with no rational three-isogeny and having discriminant A (modulo 7). Then one prime, 7, lying over 7 in K (A1/z) splits in both the fields Lz and Lz of Figure 1, while the other two primes over 7, and remain prime in Lz and in L3. , in Proof. Since A is not a square modulo 7, we must have a point of order two /(IFT). The degree f= 1IF7(/3) IFT] cannot satisfy f<_ 2. Otherwise, a 64 0 (modulo 9), so that a7 -+ (modulo 9) and 8 ar 0 or 7 (modulo 9). But N7 must be even and satisfy the inequality 3 -< N7 <- 13 of the "Riemann hypothesis," a contradiction. Hencef 4 by N72 Nr Lemma 5.7(2). Let P be a prime over 7 in L. The decomposition group Gp is a cyclic subgroup of order 4 contained in Gal(L/L) (o-z, z 2) since 7 splits completely up to L1 ((p, A1/3). Hence Gv is one of the conjugate subgroups (r), (O’Z), Only (zz) fixes Lz or Lz. Hence one prime 7 over 7 in K splits in both L and La, while the others each remain prime in L and La. PROPOSITION 5.10. Suppose that 3 splits completely in the two-division field of E and that E has good reduction modulo 3. Then E is supersingular at 3. Proof. We may write E in the form 4y f(x) x’ + bzx + 2b4x + b6 = with minimal discriminant. Since 3 splits completely in the field obtained by adjoining a root off(x) 0 to t, and the discriminant of the polynomialfis not divisible by 3, we must have f(x) =- x(x 1)(x + 1) (modulo 3). Hence bz -= 0 (mod 3) and this makes E supersingular at 3. 732 ARMAND BRUMER AND KENNETH KRAMER 6. Tossing out prime conductors Throughout this section, N denotes a prime. As an application of the results of section 5 we now show that there exists no curve of conductor N for 108 of the 168 primes less than 1000. In Table I we prove non-existence by three-division field criteria. Note that if a semi-stable curve E admits a rational three-isogeny b E E’ then E or E’ contains a rational point of order three. Miyawaki [8] has shown that for prime conductor this occurs only if N 19 or 37. If E does not admit a rational threeisogeny, then Q(A1/3) ((N1/3) by Proposition 5.4, and we may apply the resuits of Proposition 5.5 or 5.6. Where 19 appears in Table I, we refer only to a curve not admitting a rational three-isogeny. - TABLE I: Reduction Modulo 3 N ORDINARY SUPERSINGULAR 2, 5, 7, 13, 23, 29, 31, 41, 59, 97, 103, 137, 157, 167, 173, 193,227,239,241,257, 263,283,311,313,317,349, 367,401,419,439,457,461, 479, 491,547, 569, 607, 617, 619, 641, 661, 691, 751, 769, 787, 821,823,839, 853,907, 929, 967, 977,983 19", 107, 251,379,523, 683,971 Eliminated by Eliminated by Prop. 5.6 Prop. 5.5 (1) Eliminated by Eliminated by Prop. 5.6 Prop. 5.5 (3) We apply the two-division field criteria of section 5 to those prime conductors not eliminated by Table I. Neumann [12] and also Setzer [17] have shown that there exists a curve of prime conductor N with a rational point of order two if and only if N 17 or N is of the form u + 64. *For the starred primes in Table Ii we refer only to curves not having a rational point of order two. TABLE II: Reduction Modulo 2 N 3, 17", 47, 71, 73*, 113", 127, 151, 191, 199, 271,281,337, 353", 383,409,449,463,487, 521,577,599,601,631,647, 719, 727,761,809, 857,863, 881,887,911,919, 937,953, ORDINARY Eliminated by Cor. 5.3 (1) SUPERSINGULAR Eliminated by Cor. 5.3 (2a) 991 149, 181,421,541,613,653, 773, 941 Eliminated by Cor. 5.3 (1) Eliminated by Cor. 5.3 (2b) 1Using the same criteria, the reader will readily explain the prevalence of isogenies of degree two or three for curves of low square-free composite conductor in Table of [9]. THE RANK OF ELLIPTIC CURVES 733 There is an interplay between the two-division field and three-division field criteria of section 5 which we can exploit to rule out a few more conductors. N 223,293,509" For these conductors, a curve must be ordinary at both 2 and 3 by Corollary 5.3(2) and Proposition 5.5(1). By the remark after Corollary 5.8, condition (1) of that corollary applies: the ideal class of the prime P2 of degree one lying above 2 in (N l/a) must not be a square. But one can check that it is, contradiction! N 883" A curve of conductor 883 must be supersingular at 3 by Proposition 5.6, and ordinary at 2 with (V) (x/-883) by Corollary 5.3. Let 883 and K (a). Since the class number of K is odd, there is a unique c quadratic extension L2 of K with the ramification properties in Proposition 5.5(2). A Kummer generator for L is (a 17)(ct 12)(c 5). One checks that all the primes over 7 in K split in L. But this contradicts Corollary 5.9. N 587, 743: A curve of conductor 587 must be ordinary at 3 and supersingular at 2 with ((x/) (x/-587). Since the class number of ((x/-587) is not divisible by three, the normic subgroup corresponding to the extension (E)/@(V/-587) is N1 as given in the proof of Corollary 5.3. One checks by class-field theory that the primes over 3 in ((/ 587) split in (E). But this contradicts Proposition 5.10. We find that a curve of conductor 743 must be ordinary at both 2 and 3, with (() ((x/" 743). One checks that the ideal classes of the primes over 3 in ((x/-743) are cubes. Hence 3 splits completely in (E2) and we again have a contradiction of Proposition 5.10. 7. Rank calculations Let E be an elliptic curve defined over ( and let A be the corresponding algebra defined in section 2. For each completion (p of @ we have the homomorphism We denote by S the Selmer group, consisting of those elements of A*/A * which are in k(E) for all primes p including oo. In view of exact sequence (1) of section 2, the identification of the map with the map h and functoriality, this agrees with the usual definition of S as the elements of Hi(G, E(()2) which are trivial in HI(G, E(()) for all p. The Tate-Shafarevitch group _lZt_ is defined to make the following sequence exact: (6) If V is an IF-vector space, we denote its dimension by [V]. Let r be the rank of the Mordell-Weil group E(). Then r + [_LLL2] + [E()] [S] and calculating [S] from a knowledge of h,(E) for all p is referred to as doing a two-descent. 734 ARMAND BRUMER AND KENNETH KRAMER We now consider the case in which E does not have a rational point of order two. Then the algebra A may be identified with a cubic subfield F of the twodivision field of E. We shall need the following symbols" r rank of Mordell-Weil group E(). set of rational primes at which E has additive reduction. set of rational primes at which E has multiplicative reduction with ord A even. F cubic subfield of two-division field of E. dimension of ideal class group of F modulo squares. if A<0 2 irA>0 number of primes lying over p in F. a m g u n PROPOSITION 7.1. Suppose that E has no rational point of order two. Then r+[lllz]_<g+ u+ e+ (np- 1). P dP Proof. Every clement of S can bc represented by an clement s in F* with NF/S in (2. Let H bc the subgroup of F*/F.2 consisting of those coscts represented by elements h in F of positive norm for which the ideal (h) is a square. Let Up(E) bc the subgroup of hp(E) whose elements have coordinates in A*/A*2p which can bc represented by units. Then the sequence (7) 0-- H S --> S - @ Xp(E)/Up(E) is exact. For primes p not in (I) m I") (I:) a the local criteria of sections 3 and 4 show that [X(E)/U(E)] 0. For primes p in (I) m the criteria of section 4 show that by the [hp(E)/Up(E)] _< 1. For primes p in we have [hp(E)/Up(E)] <- np norm condition of section 2. It is clear that [H] g + u. The desired inequality now follows from counting dimensions in the exact sequences (6) and (7). a Remark. If E has a rational point of order two, similar arguments yield the bound obtained by Mazur ([5], p. 257, Proposition 9.8(b) with p 2). The description in sections 3 and 4 of what is permitted locally in hp(E) when p 2 or when p is in (I9 m can often be applied to improve the bound in Proposition 7.1 without having a model for E at hand. One first narrows the possibilities for the field F, as follows. Given the conductor of E, we consider what sort of reduction modulo 2 and what values of the discriminant A up to multiplication by a square are permitted by Corollary 5.3. The class-field theoretic description of the extension ((E2)/((X/) then limits us to only finitely many possible twodivision fields for E. For example, we have the following "uniqueness" result: 735 THE RANK OF ELLIPTIC CURVES PROPOSITION 7.2. Let E be a hypothetical semi-stable curve which does not have a rational point of order two. Suppose its discriminant is specified up to a square. Let I be the three-Sylow subgroup of the ideal class group of ((x/) modulo the classes of ideals over 2. Then there is at most one candidate for the two-division field of E if (1) E has ordinary or multiplicative reduction modulo 2 and I is cyclic o?" (2) E has supersingular reduction modulo 2 and I is trivial. We illustrate below how the bound of Proposition 7.1 can be improved for prime conductor. Examples involving square-free composite conductor may be treated similarly, though there usually exist more cases. _ Curves of prime conductor. Let E be a curve of prime conductor N which does not have a rational point of order two. Then its discriminant A has the form ___N with s odd. The sign must be chosen to satisfy the ideal class group criterion of Corollary 5.3(1) if E is ordinary modulo 2, or the congruence A 5 (mod 8) if E is supersingular modulo 2. Let F be a cubic subfield of the two-division field of E. The ramification data in Proposition 5.2 imply that the discriminant of F is 2nN, with the same sign as A. Moreover, n 0 if E is ordinary at 2 and A (mod 4); otherwise, n=2. We now perform the two-descent for E. Let H be the subgroup of F*/F.2 consisting of those cosets which can be represented by elements h in F of positive norm such that the ideal (h) is a square. Now OrdN(A) and hence [E(N) E0(IN)] is odd. It follows from Corollary 3.3 and from Proposition 3.4 or 3.6 that the Selmer group S of E is contained in H. There are no further local requirements for membership in S except possibly at p 2 or p Let H’ be the subgroup of H whose elements satisfy all the conditions arising from the local descent over and let e [H] [H’]. It is clear that if E is supersingular at 2, one needs to know only the field F to decide whether an element of H meets the requirements of Proposition 3.4 to be in H’. If E is ordinary at 2 and A (modulo 8) one again needs to know only F to decide whether an element of H meets the requirements of Proposition 3.6. If, however, A (modulo 8), a model for E is required to calculate ez. We illustrate this difficulty in Example 1 after Table III. In any case, one sees that e is zero or one. To complete the descent at p we note that there are no further conditions in Proposition 3.7 if A < 0, so that S H’. Since [H’] + g e2, it follows from (6) that if A <0. r+ [2_K] + g(8) . z , If A > 0, then Proposition 3.7 provides an additional condition which may cut down the dimension of H’ by at most one. Let e= [H’] IS]. Then (9) r+[_l_U_2]=2+g-2- if A>O. 736 ARMAND BRUMER AND KENNETH KRAMER As Example 2 after Table III illustrates, a model for E seems necessary to determine e=. TABLE III. In the first column of Table III we list the 60 primes N > 1000 for which a curve of conductor N may exist, according to the results of section 6. In the second and third columns we give all possibilities for the sign of the discriminant A and for the type of reduction modulo 2 (ordinary ord; supersingular ss) which a curve of conductor N is permitted to have. These are determined by using Corollary 5.3. In the fourth column of Table III we list the type of reduction modulo 3, based on Propositions 5.5 and 5.6, although this would be needed only for a three-descent. According to Remark 3 after the table, there corresponds to each line of Table III a unique possible two-division field (except, of course, for the Setzer-Neumann curves!). Let F be a cubic subfield of this field. In the fifth column we give the two-rank g of the ideal class group of F. The sixth column of Table III contains the number 2 defined in the paragraph before formula (8) above. In some sense, e2 measures the sharpening of the bound for the rank r of E(() accomplished by applying the precise local information from the descent over The seventh column contains an upper bound for r, determined by formula (8) if A < 0, or by formula (9) and the fact that e= >- 0 if A > 0. This bound is best possible in the sense that there exists an elliptic curve of conductor N, with the specified behavior modulo 2 and 3, whose rank equals the bounds, except where we have noted: (a) There exists an elliptic curve whose rank is one less than the bound, and for which an explicit model is required to complete the two-descent at (See Example 2). We do not know of a curve whose rank equals the bound. (b) We do not know whether any curve of conductor N having the specified behavior modulo 2 and 3 exists. See Remark 2 after the table. We note in the remarks those curves which have a rational point of order two, as determined by Setzer [17] and Neumann [12], and those curves which admit a rational three-isogeny, as determined by Miyawaki [8]. . N Sign of A 11 17 19 37 37 43 53 61 67 73 79 83 89 89 101 109 113 131 139 163 179 197 211 229 233 *One gets r At 2 At 3 g ss ord ss ord ss ord ord ss ord ord ss ord ord ord ord ord ss ord ord ord 0 ord + + + ss ss ss ss ord ord ss ord ord ord ord ord + + + ss ord ord ss ord ss ss ss ord ord ord ss ss ss ord ord ord 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e2 Remarks 0 0 0 Miyawaki 1" Miyawaki, (a) 0 0 Setzer-Neumann 0 Setzer-Neumann 0 0 Setzer-Neumann Setzer-Neumann 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bound for r 0 0 0 0 (b) 0 0 from a three-descent ([5], Corollary 9.10). 0 (b) 737 THE RANK OF ELLIPTIC CURVES TABLE III Continued Bound N 233 269 277 307 307 307 307 33 347 353 359 373 389 397 431 433 443 443 467 499 503 557 557 563 571 593 593 643 659 659 673 677 677 701 709 733 739 757 797 811 827 829 Sign of A + + + + + + + + + + + + At 2 At 3 ord ss ord ss ss ss ord ord ss ord ord ss ss ord ord ord ss ord ss ord ord ord ss ord ss ord ord ord ss ord ord ord ss ss ss ord ss ss ord ord ss ord ss ss + 859 877 ss ss + 947 997 + ss ss ss ord ord ord ss, ord ord ord ss ss, ord ord ord ord ss ord ss, ord ord ord ord ord g 0 0 0 0 0 0 ss ss for r Remarks 0 Setzer-Neumann 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 Setzer-Neumann (a) (b) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ord ord ord ord ord ord ord ord ord ord 2 0 or 0 0 0 0 0 or 0 2 0 or 0 both occur (a) (b) both occur (a) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 or 0 2 2 2 0 2 0 Setzer-Neumann 0 (b) 0 (b) (a) 0 2 (a) 0 (b) ord ss ss ss 0 0 0 ord ord ord ord 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 (b) (b) (b) Remark 1. Table III is consistent with an unpublished list of SwinnertonDyer’s containing curves of prime conductor less than 1000. However, we did run across the curve 738 ARMAND BRUMER AND KENNETH KRAMER y +y-x3+ 34x2 + 13x+ A -659 which is not in that list. Remark 2. For the 108 prime conductors N eliminated in section 6, we can actually say a bit more: any semi-stable curve of discriminant +_Nsd6, and where s and d are prime to 6, must have a rational point of order two or a rational three-isogeny. On the other hand, our methods cannot eliminate a conductor N when there does exist a semi-stable curve with discriminant as above. Remark 3. For the values of N in Table III, it follows from Proposition 7.2 that the two-division field @(E2) is uniquely determined by N and the specified behavior modulo 2, except for N 307. The case of 307 falls into the general situation in which A 5 (modulo 8) and, in the notation of Proposition 7.2, I is a non-trivial cyclic group. The proof of Corollary 5.3 then shows that when the criteria of that corollary are met there are three possible two-division fields with supersingular reduction and one with ordinary reduction. For N 307 there is in fact a curve corresponding to each of these four fields. Thus, Table III is arranged so that there is only one possible two-division field for each line of the table, although there may be many curves with that two-division field. When A < 0 and A (mod 8) our rank calculation depends only on the two-division field. Hence, where we have forced negative discriminant A (mod 8), the rank of S is r for every curve with that conductor and behavior modulo 2. Remark 4. Table III shows in particular that every curve of conductor 67, 109, 139, 179 has rank 0. This answers a question of Barry Mazur and permits the complete determination of the rational points of the modular curve Xo(N) for these cases. ([6], [7]). N It is only when A is positive or when A is congruent to modulo 8 that the Selmer group cannot be evaluated solely from the two-division field. If A > 0 one must know the real completion corresponding to the smallest root of the cubic giving the points of order two. If A (mod 8) one must know the 2-adic embedding corresponding to the point of order two in the formal group. The following examples illustrate these observations. Example 1. All curves of conductor 431 have the same two-division field. The two curves both with A for N 503. 9x- 8 E: y + xy + y x3 x E’: y / xy x -431, have ranks 0 and respectively. A similar situation arises Example 2. The following curves, for which N groups of rank 2 and respectively. A 443 have Selmer THE RANK OF ELLIPTIC CURVES E: yZ + xy + y E’: y + xy x 739 x: 84x- 301 3x- 2 The first curve is particularly interesting in that it appears to have rank 0 while _l__z has rank 2. This is the only non-trivial 2Ll_ we have run across for prime conductor N < 1000. Example 3. The cubic subfield of the two-division field of all curves of prime conductor 18097 has class number 2. The curves E: yZ + 15xy + y x:- 49x E’: y + 9xy + y x:- 7x have A 18097 and ranks 3 and respectively. This shows the combined effect of the fact that A is positive and congruent to modulo 8. To illustrate how our methods apply for composite conductors, we consider the semi-stable curves in Table of [9] for which computer calculation did not yield the rank. For example, all curves of conductor 170 with discriminant of the form 170d must have the same two-division field, its cubic subfield F has class number one. A calculation requiring only an equation for F and the results of Corollary 3.3, Proposition 4.1, and Proposition 4.3 then shows that the Selmer group S of every such curve is trivial. Hence r [_z] 0. Amusingly, since the curve 170C in [9] had been shown by computer calculation to have S 0, the same had to be true for 170F and 170G which were left undecided. Similar arguments show r [_z] 0 for the curves 106E, 142G, 174I, 182J, 195J also left undecided in [9], although a model must be used to complete the descent at for the curve 142G, which has positive discriminant. We note that for the two curves above with a rational point of order three, Mazur’s techniques ([5], Proposition 9.8(b)) give r 0, but for the curve 170F which also has a rational point of order three, [5] yields only the bound r -< 1. 8. Curves of high rank and class groups N6ron 11] proved that there exist elliptic curves of rank 11 over ( although no explicit examples are known. Recently Penney and Pomerance [ 15], through a computer search, found three curves of rank 7. While in a particularly masochistic frame of mind, one of us has attempted to find further examples. Unlike the previously known ones, ours do not have rational points of order two and are nearly semi-stable. It seems that there are such examples with very small coefficients but some new techniques would be needed to locate them. The crude bound of Proposition 7.1 can be used to get examples of cubic fields for which the rank g of the two-Sylow subgroup of the ideal class group is and g 2 for real fairly large. The best results known previously were g and complex fields respectively. The smallest prime which is the conductor of a curve of rank three is 5077. We have the curve 740 ARMAND BRUMER AND KENNETH KRAMER y2 + y 7x + 6 A 5077. The next two curves have rank at least four and prime conductor: y 4xy + 13y =x3-x A -812011 x3 y2 + 8xy + l ly + 2x - 3x A y2 + 14xy + 29y =x3 + 2x2- 15x A x3 The curve -953243. 177858971 has prime conductor and rank at least five, while the curve y2 22xy + 41y x3 + 2x2 63x A 44887.331171 is semi-stable of rank at least six. Their corresponding cubic fields (whose discriminants are 4A) contain (/27Z) 4 in their ideal class groups. The curve y2 + 525xy x3 + 228x 14972955x + (856475) is a twist by -3 of a semi-stable curve. It has rank at least nine and discriminant A -36. 213. 52. 75217. 1420015714498561. Alan Candiotti has shown that the last factor above is a prime. Hence the rank of this curve is odd according to the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjectures (if the curve is a Weil curve!). For the convenience of the reader we list the xcoordinates of 9 independent points x 0, 11336, 2538, -2242, 1330, -5314, -7674, -3538, -4330. The corresponding cubic field has (7Z/2) 5 in its ideal class group by Proposition 7.1. We wish to thank Farley Mawyer for the factorizations of discriminants and for independent verification. 9. Appendix: The discriminant and isogenies The following problem was suggested by the results on two and three-division fields in section 5. Problem. Let E be a semi-stable curve defined over the rationals, with discriminant A. if A is an tn power, then e _< 7 and E admits a rational ’-isogeny. Serre 16] has shown that if E is semi-stable and admits an e-isogeny onto E’, then E or E’ has a rational point of order e. Mazur has recently shown that there are points of order e defined over the rationals only if e _< 7. Hence it suffices to verify that if A is an th power, then E admits a rational ’-isogeny. We now do this for f < 19. 741 THE RANK OF ELLIPTIC CURVES LEMMA 9.1. Suppose that K is an unramified extension of (e and that E is an elliptic curve defined over K, with ordinary good reduction. Suppose, moreover, that (k), the reduction modulo re, contains a point P of order re. Then either: (i)/5 lifts to a point of order in E(K) and K(Ee) K(tze) or: (ii) the extension K(Ee) over K is totally and wildly ramified, and if d is the discriminant of this extension, then orde(d) 2 2. Proof. In the notation of section 3, we have the exact sequence Let P be a point in E(K) whose reduction is/5. Then gP is in El(K) and we may write gP (x(z), y(z)), where z is in the prime ideal (() of K and (x(z), y(z)) is the formal group parametrization of El(K). To correct P by an element Q (x(t), y(t)) in E so that P Q is a point of order g, one solves the equation (x(z), y(z)) e(x(t), y(t)) for t. In the formal group, this amounts to solving z die(t) tet + + cete+ where e gives the power series for multiplication by Since E has ordinary . good reduction, Oe modulo e is a power series in and Ce the Weierstrass preparation theorem we may write te tOe(t) z (te + ae-1 :-1 + + alt + ao)U(t) 0 (mod e). Thus, by R(t)U(t) where the coefficients ai belong to the ideal (e) and the constant term of U(t) is a unit in K. One sees readily that orde(a0) orde(z) and orde(al) 1. If orde(z) >- 2 then Hensel’s lemma guarantees that there is a solution in K to R(t) 0, and (i) holds. If orde(z) 1, then R(t) is an Eisenstein polynomial, so that K(t) over K is totally ramified of degree g. The discriminant of this extension is (N(R’(t))) (e) since orde(al) 1. Moreover, K(Ee) K(t, tze). But which is totally ramified, and so K(Ee) over K(t) is an extension of degree e is tame. Transitivity of the discriminant now gives our claim in (ii). PROPOSITION 9.2. If the discriminant A of a semi-stable curve E defined over the rationals is an gth power for some prime <- 19, then E admits a rational isogeny of degree Proof. Suppose that E admits no rational e-isogeny. Then Gal(((Ee)/t) GL2(IFe) according to Serre [16]. Since A is an eth power, ((Ee) is unramified outside (, as one sees from the Tate parametrization for primes dividing A. If e divides A, then e(Ee) is obtained by adjoining /ze to the unramified field ). Let d be the discriminant of the extension ((Ee) over (, and let n IGL(Fe)[ (gz 1)(z g). Case by case consideration then shows that [d[ TM aa with 742 ARMAND BRUMER AND KENNETH KRAMER if g[A or if case (i) of Lemma 9.1 holds 2 2 2_ 2 4 if case (ii) of Lemma 9.1 holds if the reduction mod ( is supersingular. Odlyzko 13] recently improved Minkowski’s lower bound for the discriminant to give in our case Id[ 1/’ > (22.2) exp (-254/n) and [d[ 1In > (21.8) exp (-70/n) These contradict the existence of the extension Q(Ee) over for (<_ 19. For instance, when 19, the largest choice for a gives 21.9946 while the first lower bound of Odlyzko is at least 22.15. Idl Remarks. (1) In case of prime conductor, there exists a rational isogeny of prime degree g > 2 only for conductor 11 ( 5), 19 ( 3), or 37 (( 3), according to [8]. There exists a rational point of order two only for the SetzerNeumann curves ([17] and [12]). In general there are infinitely many semistable curves with A an (th power if ( --< 7. (2) One may use Odlyzko’s improved estimates under the extended Riemann hypothesis to get a conditonal affirmative solution to the problem for -< 31. (3) It might be noted that if A z e, the related Diophantine equation xa y2 1728z e, which looks improbable, has in fact infinitely many rational solutions, since the surface it defines is birationally isomorphic to a plane. Cf. Reviews in Number Theory, Vol. II, pp. 103ft. Added in proof" In a letter dated July 22, 1977, R. B611ing informs us that he has now succeeded in eliminating the lines marked (b) in Table III. REFERENCES 1. J. W. S. CASSELS, Diophantine equations with special reference to elliptic curves, J. London Math. Soc. 40(1966), 193-291. 2. J. COATES, Verification of Well’s conjecture on elliptic curves over Q in some special cases, Proceedings of Amer. Math. Soc. Number Theory Conference held at Boulder, Colorado, 1972. 3. T. HADANO, Conductor of an elliptic curve with a rational point of order two, Nagoya Math. 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BRUMER: DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS, FORDHAM UNIVERSITY, BRONX, NEW YORK 10458 KRAMER: DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS, CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK, QUEENS COLLEGE, FLUSHING, NEW YORK 11367