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Grade 11 Biology Exam Paper

Beijing No. 55 High School ISS Grade 11HL Final Exam Biology Paper
2023 ๅนด 1 ๆœˆ
Chinese name:
English name
Teacher: Sunping
paper one
1. [1 mark]
What is the minimum number of nucleotides needed to code for a
polypeptide composed of 210 amino acids?
A. 70
B. 210
C. 420
D. 630
2. [1 mark]
The graph shows the changes in lactate measured in an athlete’s blood
during exercise.
Which hypothesis provides the most likely explanation for the curve?
A. As exercise intensity increases, lactate is converted back to glucose.
B. Anaerobic exercise results in high levels of lactate.
C. Lactate provides energy for intense exercise.
D. Under anaerobic conditions the body produces less lactate.
3. [1 mark]
Chromosome numbers vary between species. Which statement refers to
A. An egg cell has 22 autosomes.
B. A sperm cell has 23 autosomes.
C. An egg cell has two X chromosomes.
D. A zygote has two autosomes.
4. [1 mark]
What is produced by meiosis in a cell of a male animal?
A. Four gametes, each with the same number of chromosomes
B. Two gametes, each with the same number of chromosomes
C. Four gametes, each with different numbers of chromosomes
D. Two gametes, each with different numbers of chromosomes
5. [1 mark]
Which reaction occurs when a dipeptide is formed from amino acids?
A. Hydrolysis
B. Condensation
C. Transcription
D. Oxidation
6. [1 mark]
The graph shows enzyme activity plotted against temperature.
What is the reason for the drop in enzyme activity above 40 °C?
A. A decrease in the enzyme concentration
B. Reaction is saturated because active sites are occupied
C. Insufficient activation energy for the reaction to proceed
D. Changes to the conformation of the enzyme
7. [1 mark]
A molecule of DNA is found to contain 200 guanine bases, representing
25 % of the total number of bases. How many phosphate groups does this
molecule of DNA contain?
A. 50
B. 200
C. 800
D. 1000
8. [1 mark]
Cell metabolism involves anabolic and catabolic reactions. Which process
directly involves anabolism?
A. Active transport of ions
B. Release of energy from glucose
C. Production of intracellular enzymes
D. Breakdown of worn-out cell organelles by lysosomes
9. [1 mark]
The apparatus shown was used to investigate the effect of varying carbon
dioxide concentration on the rate of photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide
concentrations were varied by adding different amounts of sodium hydrogen
carbonate (NaHCO3) to water.
What is the dependent variable in this investigation?
A. Temperature
B. Light intensity
C. Amount of NaHCO3 added
D. Volume of oxygen produced
10. [1 mark]
Which statement defines alleles?
A. They are the different forms of a gene that have the same effect on the
B. They are the similar forms of a gene in different positions of a
C. They are the various forms of a gene with slight differences in their base
D. They are the different forms of a gene coding for identical polypeptide
11. [1 mark]
The karyogram shown belongs to a human being.
[Source: Reproduced from Tennakoon J, Kandasamy Y, Alcock G, Koh TH.
Edwards syndrome with double trisomy. Singapore Med J. 2008
Jul;49(7):e190-1. PMID: 18695855.]
What can be deduced from this karyogram?
A. The person is a male with Down syndrome.
B. The person is a female with Down syndrome.
C. The person is a male with a genetic disorder.
D. The person is a female with a missing chromosome.
12. [1 mark]
The pedigree chart shows the inheritance of hemochromatosis, a genetic
disease which causes an excessive accumulation of iron in the body.
What can be deduced about this genetic disease from the pedigree chart?
A. It is sex-linked.
B. It is autosomal dominant.
C. It is autosomal co-dominant.
D. It is autosomal recessive.
13. [1 mark]
Lipids are more efficient energy stores than carbohydrates. What is a reason
for this?
A. Lipids are bigger molecules than carbohydrates.
B. Lipids release more energy per gram than carbohydrates.
C. Lipids can be more easily mobilized than carbohydrates when needed.
D. Lipids can be used in aerobic and anaerobic respiration when needed.
14. [1 mark]
The data shows part of the genetic code for mRNA. Which anticodon could
be found on a tRNA molecule bonded to lysine?
15. [1 mark]
A respirometer is used to measure the oxygen consumption of germinating
seeds. The distance that the oil drop moves is measured at 15-minute
[Source: © The Royal Society of Biology.]
What is the function of chemical X?
A. Absorbs carbon dioxide so the oxygen released by the seeds can be
B. Absorbs carbon dioxide so the oxygen absorbed by the seeds can be
C. Absorbs oxygen so the carbon dioxide released by the seeds can be
D. Absorbs oxygen so the carbon dioxide absorbed by the seeds can be
16. [1 mark]
In humans, male pattern baldness is caused by a recessive sex-linked gene
found only on the X chromosome.
If a father who does not have male pattern baldness and a mother who is a
carrier for it have a child, what is the probability that the child will develop
male pattern baldness in adulthood?
A. 0 %
B. 25 %
C. 50 %
D. 75 %
17. [1 mark]
The image shows the result of DNA profiling of a mother, a child and four
men. Which man is most probably the father of the child?
18. [1 mark]
The diagram shows a type of fatty acid.
What type of fatty acid is shown?
A. Trans unsaturated
B. Cis unsaturated
C. Trans saturated
D. Cis saturated
19. [1 mark]
The children in a family have blood groups A, B and O. What are the
genotypes of their parents?
A. I I and I i
B. I i and I i
C. I I and ii
D. I I and I i
20. [1 mark]
What do DNA replication, transcription and translation have in common?
A. Take place in cell nucleus
B. Require free nucleotides
C. Catalysed by polymerase
D. Complementary base pairing
21. [1 mark]
Where in the mitochondrion does the formation of acetyl CoA occur?
22. [1 mark]
Which products of the light-dependent reactions are used in the Calvin cycle?
A. O2 and hydrogen ions
B. ATP and CO2
C. Electrons and reduced NADP
D. ATP and reduced NADP
23. [1 mark]
Where are protons pumped, to allow chemiosmosis in aerobic respiration to
A. From outside the mitochondrion through the double membranes
B. From carrier to carrier in the inner mitochondrial membrane
C. From the matrix of the mitochondrion to the space between the
D. From the space between the membranes to the cytoplasm outside the
24. [1 mark]
Which equation is an example of decarboxylation?
A. Pyruvate → Acetyl CoA + CO2
B. CO2 + H2O H2CO3
C. CH4 + 2O2 CO2 + 2H2O
25. [1 mark]
What molecule functions as the final electron acceptor in the mitochondrial
electron transport chain?
A. Oxygen
C. Reduced NAD
D. Reduced FAD
paper two
1a. [3 marks]
DNA research, involving biotechnology, has led to benefits for society but
has given rise to some controversy.
Outline how translation depends on complementary base pairing.
1b. [4 marks]
Describe the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), including the role of Taq DNA
2a. [1 mark]
The diagrams represent the structure of a protein before and after it has
become denatured.
[Source: Dean Williams, L., 2019. Molecular Interactions. [online] Available at:
structure/molecular_interactions/mol_int.html [Accessed 20 August 2019].]
State how many different types of amino acid there are, which can become
part of a polypeptide when mRNA is translated.
2b. [1 mark]
Outline one cause of denaturation in proteins.
3a. [3 marks]
Draw a labelled diagram to show the structure of a single nucleotide of RNA.
3b. [5 marks]
Distinguish between the processes of meiosis and mitosis.
4a. [3 marks]
Describe anaerobic respiration in humans and in yeast.
4b. [2 marks]
Methane can be the product of anaerobic respiration in some organisms.
Distinguish between the thermal properties of water and methane.
5. [3 marks]
A family has a history of hemophilia that is caused by a sex-linked recessive
allele. A woman from this family is a carrier and marries a man who does not
have the allele. Showing your working, determine the probability of their
children having the disease.
6a. [1 mark]
The diagram shows some of the metabolic processes taking place in a plant
Identify the process Y and state the name of the organelle where it takes
place in a plant cell.
Process Y:
Name of the organelle:
6b. [1 mark]
Identify the molecule Z.
6c. [1 mark]
State the type of reaction which converts excess monosaccharides to
6d. [1 mark]
The process X uses oxygen and produces ATP. Identify the process X.
6e. [2 marks]
Outline the uses of ATP in plant cells.
6f. [1 mark]
With reference to the diagram, identify one example of catabolism.
7 [7 marks]
Plants have developed efficient methods for transport and for synthesis of
Explain how the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis rely on the
light-dependent reactions.
8. [4 marks]
Proteins carry out many important functions in cells and in organisms.
Distinguish between competitive and non-competitive enzyme inhibition.
9. [5 marks]
Describe the role of oxygen in aerobic cell respiration.