e TRANSFER HEAT TOPIC mutkr Hau tas eoto fto hee oyh t Dm a hgh fempeale cq Chof bds) a r looem-cdu.e Ccold ) . MODES OF HEAT TEANISFE re ve Threo ags by ohd, kaat can be Tansered manel Conduglion Cbnveclupn ud Kadalen hKplan to pccis made soe u i sop dn tLe haa-tin lea an r teat encg eugy b nsfered on tLe dbve elent Sawcepans Heat bEm by Condueln. As tho bstm kacePan geh het e m a up sop b Cncdluedlon he soop patiele begin pand Gnd Sprazd o te pan acess the bollbm kO beeme la Sunce Dinco thae botmSoup layoo oe hst into contae dense and rie. As ta riseta Come tto oole dbip pocket aLpuulac| And sfP sler Pockao tLs saupa h a Sdes becavns Ha k e saycepan by conclieion e osler, rend e gnd, nix wut fto iom soup 1le wamc Soup hc Pukecls Hhe ante b A Conreen wneuf is Crestec D p . JLe p« trasjeec] ng a koe 6 haa be Conhm cess om Ito elena eripoa Savcapan md o e o no or Sou ont a t e SoDp Uu e s tte Sadpay lou I SOLDS nhe A alon -CandleC Soorc Het) gHear ka melalc LOwe at one end D Chsewe Pms as you os Conclle uo cX near he -Mekl ed Caclboael A, 6 d C oPhzad pins, at poiub 6 h Condle uoca Heaanser bu ConduclLon h a Pins re us Poadue ' aD Aach tnd nvesinin Surco ghen t a reeleclana Canned by thoe eregy heat o r dolder ean k e exeas Hear tanse Ssls dccus as aesut xcess ewgy Vbrsns ben Paused from dne cubm COADUCTID m meenka Sstona e hta Loefore, Conducoi maleee ConJcue cano|Lor molecudo. Packeo sohds becape to parhclos ae e e l bes anc ODst lqurcs and gaue saely spacac palhelsa). d1ezt rtad lanerec tempsatue D thegug maler fem a d h s t o,, hgh denyosalure, b aq ohsle. a a Maemo , malk 0s a reult n,Conchuclwri, haaouos hs &o fae the CONDUCTION PP.ENO. mglreD Pi ecas heeore EXPlane klka D o .ldabsorle hec Concs pa am nCore o r qu CDnducLon n_a marel (dc u Knehic thec Ona ona ec msleela T emalecles e eInereaed maler mgrel a i lem(oelue heg ec t i hesSoorincreccs empcae creaAeA He Kinhi epcA morel naar teban t vbrel haSe moleclea t a t collae sh tLe neoa/bu Vlet Valet ePeess conmuls dnel malecles Tnsinc hee o,tLem motocilos a e stor enc Th Iranslered hea o t Solp thus ea Nste C) Ha u r COnduclian molecalos hsleculo aclua bu hea maeeu Jelp or ybrlp mem cOm be Th helweon duika maezl that Cene CIDConduetain aser Conducog lea Pla a goe concuefoothan ibac PAGENO.: DATE KATES OF HEAT TRANSF alos Vanps malec hae got dueet hO man air a ood m o , Cofton eomple tor haat,t ncelk apc the ale TLe c aneal bar deodo abne ane ae fauerishgh,ohan tlogd tmalera j Shor Smice moch thanskan te maezd D CeKSecla ea to Ma hane imtalon hea han CID maen ho wt ranaeed a h h te mao brqes-Socfu ngdure o maulesd males uyec s Se Shal Orea haar malla ke here ha era dlaaa dea aa Last toe Caclueht fhema dueec Lele ools Ha staeec Gucbl phen embale difra belseen to ench e Conpysdagytisukckes edgeknakel O CDucToLs .hee ae Maleels Hom easy io tha ncuer ca eu PAPER AD GOANDuclaes CINSuLA TOes.) hOe e Pass nal h Ho Ae al lashs Ca n non- he wd Rhay el e e bac anchchs Apphl CFpoCocluctos hea ae waec Sauepa Das hush i , ulensel allbus kea ctbad cancducss ' kette de boae tt Tne meo gkikale becaso he doaof alowhect to Kingc_ctensu COS mau Pass Thoxh then ueslians 1plan ehq a moa feals cold when Tched on a caldl day M o is aga Candaslor of hot. Jt aoncuc allt het ha aoa om ko ha ques a Senucdton 2pla alhy a hon e u, hands Cenented coldar Ho puour fr en a candnte. l , we pu Canluct y t e for feab Since t a jck. Condus g d onduclar lheefse our ft se ha nd bocome qld hea a hands lose hea and eoldneas a ho he asa fvon our f heat our ouL fea owm heree our f 0 on a Caekedfoxr doendt Sincs do not gonchicfo PAGE NO ni nDescwho djieé Sheb opke oncuchat an expenmed t Conpa.e He ae. hac one m duleret Conduebo -W Mluminum Lon Coppor en hca els dGeeat nalea oated wh oax a dped hat eala -pler smalinéa, tewax Stat to maon ta ds a mels aole alsaa be p Ly red and sloees alsne wbod od h Shoua wsd COpa sko ws Cncucor Conduehr a haa hos oSs that wod Descabe Gn Cnduelbr at Chane Unchared h \Coppor tpar A a poor hptle odis made bpnin a uoselen ud &y. aCopper_od arounc Grtwnc Ho Pint r te sooden and cop Ae e Shae PAGE NO.: DATE Rofo ually hebus shosgn bebu a yhe compasfe oiPayecl hoah Bunsen buinar dlama Seveadties CbseNlon e fle w kee paro u Puper plaaluon dop, 1 Gq CopL onducts Ho ood es dared bund on op( Pa n bombD on remais undhaned cohcluclar pt haat . hoepe ,ppse uoa hoat quck fam to Pa hos duoay emaLns tla Lempale .Henco pw 6 pale an Copl doe pof dhar Cboras U d a a po Pndudo at heat hreige, _wood de nit Ccucuoahaa m tpaper th nLGAlre a te papo on o CONDUCTo das Cbums) IN JQUIDS AND ASES qucs an d gase ana erelhsl renaunshgh: Hena, apat p ea a Cocdo0 a vey slblo ele a .Th h e modelo ae apa heat Steam Te EL Cee PAPER Heat -lce waptad adre qaZ e beu PAGENO. DATE Poui, Ico maire gau2 and placa ut ma tesl uo. O e qau2o med to La he hethg CDha lbaer Ha hed at bsl5m we end ta les ho Obsewedsy daler a Re upuv enc ta lat ho slad bstom ta/o ho shaos 1 p to te bstsm Paoy Conclueor kea thal Hee eime nelt He, conduphs, b a a honca uoe Shoo l morc ahe G Conceclu nbescibe G psna be tncuelsr ea HoGn R hek CopK Menu) kloa mers and releae Cerk loD les b matun e l C ae fled ioh eual aumss wer ae PACE NO.: IDATE A peco g onck copor d eus euls are are pu pul lelet labo be tovo anees ad repehwaly, as shan h denan opraurod sheaed such tha ha m -T Conduched equally into Leater amd mesuun penoe a l estbes Wax _On ae melts nd cerk alswhle Rad t e oer 0s as Emauinsaaad a lone Pene g wa fasser reaeles.t houas ak heoco hc befer edudor kaaf Han LOae CONVECION! Ihis to ranulerg hca eao enoqy fm theh lucona hgh empoclueto a b reqon L emisyaluuE MaemonaE Oneelan. n does nst a acumbeeauwno matena mocluum ortranmGsvon re OCCLG m al s Conveeluon uds ohaller i lqurel orgas becaae tay Can oLs eau Conuec n Planala indluids Ht,les deme oala n -Csld, more dense oaler sms Conelon Uret klhon hul a s hadec Suound ehled llee ulh At Cpane sd e PAPER ke Sunandhy expamds and beeDe ess dens sesufQad cold dluid and te spaea lejtu m ucd risas & gwes heat o to (umind9 a yor mre Morent alled ton Hps m Camecrsn Cunen ai bohuna lomene e CDnyeclwaa drul donu n uch ej jucel bajuci Randbotanedk Conreeluna Curouts FPleslr um Cmanaanate Gyskl eclui dh aan waer Ptasunpermanedunfe ae pluazcl a d bmacl flauk A ys lled lask -The bols flauk i gekalee -Jt Lsoagenel Puple Puple colsur otaPotauuuwo Penanqpng S Seen movn ,puocuelS d Hen Spreds Oes On rcaehs bp doLonoaces fomeConueclu wweG n te Soluoun a pomd hwnue Chon av Gnd om lin Volum& b be cope les hs i n wpoev dense us ma cloes s tan Sunyund Svuoun dmg told and den Loes hos bus eluea ko risen loe e, Oate Cvtdle m a a hene dom - Conveelona Cunet Conveclu Taes enme tdemanslrrte ConyeelLsn qayes Smste bv/n Cqtas chmney Po GHaas oebo Lghhecl Canclle Smsko - i t fiod qlas chinneys t Ho top box cok aglaas LOInJOLO Lght a Candle and place tbabuo ch nlocice Smeka int te lbX bplacor piecc Smauldens ObsenaLs Jdhs@yed t tu t box Bplancs amd beeamos lesS all hogh Chmn mo fn Chmnmovd aadle A above fe Candhe air ao-e e Cavll.ehcae elense Han Hogh chm -Sm te Sudu to Sunondiea fiSen hos thus rses ses A aurCmo) Cosler a ehere HoreeiSins wtk boxthroagh dhuinoy APER epands deser to replas 2 PAGE N0. DATE deeckhmiag -Tk dpia. p c Coee CD CCum Omueclo1 becaus rogal much TC p c mech APPLICATio and 0uyrern DF mare reacily more g uhen han quels COVTOAL CwARRTS heote c IN DAY LfE Sea breazes nel Sea bree2o os air that.blsos Yld airfan Se yTwn ai aSea F uig cday hma