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Organizational Behavior Syllabus - Trent University

5/8/23, 6:17 PM
ADMN-2220H-W: Organizational Behavior (2023SU - Online)
ADMN-2220H-W: Organizational Behavior
2023SU - Online
Instructor: Christine Brown
Email Address: cbrown@trentu.ca
Phone Number: 705-748-1011 x7492
Office: N/A
Office Hours: By appointment
Meeting Times:
This is an asynchronous course. Students are not required to meet, but must be prepared to work
with classmates on a group project.
Academic Administrative Assistant: Eddie Gluck
Email Address: schoolofbusiness@trentu.ca
Phone Number: 7492
Office: Enwayaang Building, Room 354
A conceptual and methodological analysis of the way individuals react to their employment
environment. Topics include motivation, job satisfaction, leadership, group dynamics, and
Learning Outcomes:
Learning Outcomes:
https://my.trentu.ca/portal/applications/syllabus/detailPrint.php?syllabusId=26711 (or short URL: https://my.trentu.ca/portal/s?Id=26711)
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ADMN-2220H-W: Organizational Behavior (2023SU - Online)
After completing the course, you should be able to:
- Define and describe key terms and concepts related to organizational behavior study
- Identify aspects of human behavior and performance in organizations and create action plans to
effectively interface with coworkers
- Change your behavior in dealing with others based on an understanding of perceptual
processes such as categorical thinking, stereotyping, and attribution
- Create beneficial performance practices for yourself and your organization by increasing
- Assemble and motivate teams for work projects
- Create effective communication plans for a variety of work situations
- Create action plans based on proven behavior theories that would deal with interpersonal
conflict within organizations
Macshane, S., Tasa, K, & Steen, S. (2021), Canadian Organizational Behavour, (11th
Edition). McGraw-Hill: Canada.
Note that this course will use "Connect", which is the software accompanying the textbook.
As assigned.
Assessments, Assignments and Tests:
Assessments, Assignments and Tests:
1. McGraw Hill Connect, 5%
You will be required to do several activities (such as online quizzes, self-assessments, simulations
etc) on McGraw-Hill Connect, an online portal. You are required to complete online quizzes on a
weekly basis. These quizzes will be based on weekly chapters, and are due the week
assigned. After the closing date, these quizzes will no longer be available. Note that the weeks run
Wednesday to Tuesday, starting on Wednesday May 3.
Please make sure you complete all the assigned tasks on time.
3. Participation: 10%
You will be asked to participate in activities throughout the term, including discussion forums,
small interactive assignments, discussion forums, and other activities as assigned throughout the
semester. 5% participation marks will apply to week 1 – 2, released by May 15, and 5%
participation will apply to weeks 3 – 5 released by June 13.
https://my.trentu.ca/portal/applications/syllabus/detailPrint.php?syllabusId=26711 (or short URL: https://my.trentu.ca/portal/s?Id=26711)
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ADMN-2220H-W: Organizational Behavior (2023SU - Online)
3. Mid-Term Exam: 25%
The exam will cover textbook readings and lecture material covered prior to the midterm exam.
The exam will be an open book test. No electronic devices are permitted. The exam will consist of
50 multiple choice questions and you will have 60 minutes to complete it.
The exam will be held on Wednesday May 13 between 5:00 and 7:00 PM EST.
4. Group Case Assignment (25%)
The written group case report will be limited to 15 double-spaced pages in length, and will be
worth 25% of your final grade. Groups will consist of 2-3 students. Each student in the group who
participates in the case assignment will receive the grade based on the peer evaluation. The case
will be assigned during the week of May 15. The report will be due at midnight (Eastern Time) on
Sunday June 11 . A peer evaluation will be due Tuesday June 13.
5. Final Exam (35%)
The final exam will include chapters covered since the Midterm exam (i.e., it is not cumulative).
The final exam will be an open book exam. The format of the final exam will be multi-format with
a combination of multiple choice questions and short essay questions.
The date and time of the final exam will be scheduled during the final exam period on a date TBA.
McGraw-Hill Connect (5%) - Weekly
Midterm Exam (25%) - Due date: May 17 between 5:00 and 7:00 PM EST
Group Case Assignment (25%) Due Date: June 11, 11:59 pm ET and Peer Evaluation due June 13,
11:59 PM ET
Final Exam (35%) - To be held during the Final Examination Period
Participation (10%) - Released May 15 (5%) and June 13 (5%)
Week 1 (May 3 - May 9)
Topic: Introduction to the course: Review of the course syllabus. An introduction to
Organizational Behaviour, Individual Differences: Personality and Values, Perceiving Ourselves
and Others in Organizations
Readings: Chapter 1, 2, 3
Connect Activity due June 9
Week 2 (May 10 - May 16)
Topics: Workplace Emotions, Attitudes, and Stress, Decision Making and Creative Problem Solving
Readings: Chapter 4, 7
https://my.trentu.ca/portal/applications/syllabus/detailPrint.php?syllabusId=26711 (or short URL: https://my.trentu.ca/portal/s?Id=26711)
5/8/23, 6:17 PM
ADMN-2220H-W: Organizational Behavior (2023SU - Online)
Connect Activity due May 16
Week 3 (May 17 - 23)
Topic: Team dynamics, Midterm Exam
Readings: Chapter 8, Chapter 6
Connect Activity due May 23
Week 4 (May 24 - May 30)
Topic: Motivation at Work, and Communication in Organizations, Power and Influence
Readings: Chapter 5, 9, and 10
Connect Activities due May 30
Week 5 (May 31 - June 6)
Topic: Conflict and Negotiation in the Workplace, Organizational Culture
Conflict Management - Self Assessment
Reading: Chapter 11, and 14
Connect Activity due June 6
Week 6 (June 7 - June 13)
Topic: Leadership, Organizational Change
Reading: Chapter 12, 15
Connect Activity due June 13
Course Guidelines:
All due dates are 11:59PM ET on the date listed. Penalties for late submissions is 10% per day, with
a maximum of 3 days late, after which the submission will be marked 0.
University Policies:
Academic Integrity
Academic dishonesty, which includes plagiarism and cheating, is an extremely serious academic
offence and carries penalties varying from failure on an assignment to expulsion from the
https://my.trentu.ca/portal/applications/syllabus/detailPrint.php?syllabusId=26711 (or short URL: https://my.trentu.ca/portal/s?Id=26711)
5/8/23, 6:17 PM
ADMN-2220H-W: Organizational Behavior (2023SU - Online)
University. Definitions, penalties, and procedures for dealing with plagiarism and cheating are set
out in Trent University’s Academic Integrity Policy. You have a responsibility to educate yourself –
unfamiliarity with the policy is not an excuse. You are strongly encouraged to visit Trent’s
Academic Integrity website to learn more: www.trentu.ca/academicintegrity.
Access to Instruction
It is Trent University's intent to create an inclusive learning environment. If a student has a
disability and documentation from a regulated health care practitioner and feels that they may
need accommodations to succeed in a course, the student should contact the Student
Accessibility Services Office (SAS) at the respective campus as soon as possible.
Sharing and Distribution of Course Content
Students in this class should be aware that classroom activities (lecture, seminars, labs, etc.) may
be recorded for teaching and learning purposes. Any students with concerns about being
recorded in a classroom context should speak with their professor. If a student shares or
distributes course content in any way that breaches copyright legislation, privacy legislation,
and/or this policy, the student will be subject to disciplinary actions under the relevant Academic
Integrity Policy, the Charter of Student Rights & Responsibilities, or the Policy on the Protection of
Personal Information, at a minimum, and may be subject to legal consequences that are outside
of the responsibility of the university.
Student Absenteeism, Missed Tests and Examinations
Students are responsible for completing all course requirements, including attending classes and
meeting assignment deadlines as specified on their syllabus.
Adjustments and deferrals to dates for participation, assignment submissions, tests, midterms and
final examinations are not automatic. It is the student’s responsibility to email their instructor
immediately if they are unable to fulfill academic requirements.
Courses delivered remotely may involve student participation in scheduled (synchronous) classes
via web-based platforms, such as Zoom. Students unable to participate (i.e., by video and/or
audio) should email their instructors to request alternative arrangements for participation in these
scheduled (synchronous) classes.
Students are required to be available for all tests, midterms and exams that are listed in their
course syllabus and scheduled by their instructor or the Office of the Registrar. Depending on
their program, the instructor or the chair/director may decide on alternative arrangements for
exams and tests. Normally a doctor’s note or supporting documentation is not required; however,
when a student’s success in the course or program is in jeopardy as determined by the instructor
or chair/director, documentation may be requested.
Specific SAS accommodations can be implemented for students registered with Student
Accessibility Services (SAS), but it is the responsibility of the student to make these arrangements
in advance as per SAS guidelines, and to discuss accommodations of due dates with their
https://my.trentu.ca/portal/applications/syllabus/detailPrint.php?syllabusId=26711 (or short URL: https://my.trentu.ca/portal/s?Id=26711)
5/8/23, 6:17 PM
ADMN-2220H-W: Organizational Behavior (2023SU - Online)
Students can notify the Office of the Registrar of their wish to observe cultural or religious
holidays during scheduled examination periods by the deadline set in the Academic Calendar.
Personal travel plans are not acceptable reasons for missing tests or exams.
https://my.trentu.ca/portal/applications/syllabus/detailPrint.php?syllabusId=26711 (or short URL: https://my.trentu.ca/portal/s?Id=26711)