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Anytime Anywhere 8 Week Workout Plan

Anytime Anywhere
8 Week Plan
For Guys & Girls
Page 3
Intro from Ross
Page 4
Table of Contents
How to Run this
Page 7
Warm Up
The Workouts
Cool Down
Page 37
Page 36
Page 8
Intro from Ross
Welcome to my Anytime Anywhere 8 week progressive fitness program. This plan is aimed to take
your fitness to the next level, without joining a gym! Ideal for both guys and girls, based on
exercises that you can do at home with minimal equipment, away from home, in the park or wherever
you want. I built this plan to provide you a whole body blast targeting all muscle groups.
It is set up as circuit style routines, made up of two circuits per workout. Each workout targets upper
and lower body muscle groups, using bodyweight and dumbbells for improving strength, whilst
incorporating bursts of high intensity cardio to maximise fat burning potential and sculpting a lean
Week by week each circuit will introduce new progressive exercises that will constantly challenge
your body as it starts to adapt to the workload. The intensity will increase, pushing your body to its
limit in order to continually bring about desired change.
The programme has been specifically designed to burn fat and create all over body toning, with
descriptions and pictures to demonstrate exercises and technique, and my help along the way.
How to Run this Program - 1
8 weeks of training, comprising circuits that progress in difficulty and repeat every other week:
THREE workouts per week – Day1, Day 2 and Day 3
Perform your workouts any days during the week but with at least one day resting between sessions
Each Day comprises two circuits – Circuit 1 and Circuit 2
Each circuit is made up of 4 exercises
Perform Circuit 1 three times. then perform Circuit 2 three times
Then for a finisher complete Circuit 1 immediately followed by Circuit 2
Each days session will look like this:
Circuit 1
Circuit 1
Circuit 1
Circuit 2
Circuit 2
Circuit 2
Circuit 1
Circuit 2
EQUIPMENT NEEDED: For many exercises, no equipment is required, while for some you will require a mat, a chair, a
step and/or dumbbells suitable for your size and level of fitness. This will be something you have to judge for
yourself. Ideally you will have a few different sizes to use, as effective weights may vary by exercise and muscle
groups being worked. Aim to challenge yourself without causing injury!
How to Run this Program - 2
Each exercise is timed – so complete each exercise
as many times as you can in the time allotted (see
adjacent table) – no rest between exercises within
same circuit
Rest between Circuits (see adjacent table for rest
To increase the intensity and challenge each week,
increase the amount of time you spend on each
exercise vs resting (recommendation in adjacent
The workouts are arranged on the following pages,
showing the circuits you will be doing in Week 1 &
3 (the same workout but with increased intensity the
second time around); followed by Week 2 & 4; Week
5 & 7; and, Week 6 & 8.
Time on
❖ Rest
❖ To adjust to your own level of fitness, decrease or
increase rest time between each circuit
Important Terms used throughout Plan
Neutral Spine – Natural position of the spine when all the body parts are in alignment
Press up Position – Body facing the floor with arms extended (palms flat on the floor below the
shoulders) and feet in contact with the floor. Body aligned – ankles, knees, hips, shoulders and head
DBs – Dumbbells (weights)
Lateral – to the side
Engage the Core – The core is extremely important to stabilize the body during exercise and is made up
of a number of muscles within the mid section. The best way to think about engaging these muscles is to
imagine you’re bracing yourself for a punch in the stomach, stiffen the muscles to create a protective
cylinder around the abdomen
Glutes – The Glutes refer to the group of muscles that make up your bum, the ‘power house’ of the body
Any exercises listed with a star mean that you complete the whole exercise for the 30 second / 1 minute
time period (depending on which week you’re on) on the same side/leg and then repeat the exercise
immediately after on the opposite side
When you see this symbol, it means that the exercise requires the use of dumbbells
Warm Up
Heel Flicks
Across Body Leg
High Knees
Step Back Twist
Squat to Overhead
Arm Swing
Quadruped Extension
Before every workout it is important to complete a 5-10 minute warm up in order to improve blood flow around the body,
ensuring that energy production is efficient and to prevent injury to muscles, tendons and ligaments.
You could start by foam rolling the whole body and then complete a short cardio warm up followed by these warm up
and mobility exercises for 30 seconds each, two times.
Workout: Weeks 1 and 3
WEEK 1 + 3
Squat to bench
Regressed Burpee
Shoulder Press
Star Jumps
DAY 1 – Circuit 1
• Feet shoulder width apart
• Bend from hips and knees maintaining a neutral
• Lower under control
• Drive through the heels and thighs to lift
• Bend at the knees crouching down to the floor –
palms flat on the floor
• Step one foot back and then the other into
press up position
• Step one foot in at a time and return to standing
• Position DBs inline with ears
• Press DBs to ceiling – elbows extended but
• Lower under control
• Neutral spine, core engaged
• Start feet together hands by the side
• Jump to extend feet and arms out wide to form
a star shape body position – arms at 45 to your
• Jump feet and hands back together to start
DAY 1 – Circuit 2
WEEK 1 + 3
Regressed Push
Step up - knee
Mountain Climber
Forward Lunge
Prone position with arms extended and knees
on the floor
Bend elbows to lower chest to the floor
Extend elbows to return to start position
Body aligned, engage core
Step right foot onto step
Lift left foot 90 deg angle, then lower the left
foot to step onto the floor
Lower the right foot to the floor
Repeat by stepping the left foot onto step
Starting in press up position - weight
supported by hands and toes
Bend one knee in towards the chest,
crunching the abs.
Extend leg back to start position and repeat
on opposite leg
Stride one leg forward and lower hips until the
front knee is bent to 90 deg
Push off on front foot back to starting position
Repeat on the opposite leg. Keep shoulders
back and neutral spine
Keep knees, hips and shoulders all facing
DAY 2 – Circuit 1
WEEK 1 + 3
Sprints (on the
Alternating Side
Pencil Hops
Tricep Dips
Start with right leg bent at hip height and
opposite arm bent
Jump on to the left leg, changing arms as you
Change the feet as fast as possible, staying
light on the toes in a sprinting motion
Start tall, feet together, lunge right leg out to
side while still facing forward.
Bend the right knee, pushing the hips back –
DB either side of the right leg.
Drive through the bent leg back to start
position and repeat on the opposite leg
Standing tall, feet together and arms straight
above the head with palms together
Jump up and down on the spot as fast as you
Land lightly on the feet and maintain a
straight back throughout
Palms flat on step, fingers facing forwards,
elbows facing backwards - feet should be flat
on the floor
Bending from the elbows drop the body down
to the floor as low as possible and then push
straight back up
DAY 2 – Circuit 2
WEEK 1 + 3
Lateral Raise
Power Lunge
Hip Lifts
Neutral spine, abdominals engaged
Raise DBs out to the side to shoulder height,
rotating them slightly so they are parallel to
the floor
Elbows slightly flexed
Lower under control and repeat
Lunge forward on the right leg bending the
knee to a 90 deg angle and dropping the left
knee as close to the floor as possible
From this position jump and swap feet to land
with the left leg in the lunge position and right
knee close to the floor. Repeat
Lying on your back with knees bent, feet flat
Push down through the feet to lift your bum
high in air, keeping shoulders on the floor
Slowly lower to an inch above the ground and
thrust the bum back up, squeezing the glutes
at the top
Forearms on the ground with elbows below
Maintain a neutral spine with head, shoulders,
hips, knees and ankles aligned
Engage core and hold
Don’t let your hips drop
DAY 3 – Circuit 1
WEEK 1 + 3
Side Shuffle
Sumo Squat
Renegade Row
Start knees bent slightly in a crouched
Perform three quick steps to one side, body
facing forwards the whole time
Touch the floor on the outside foot and repeat
back in the opposite direction
Legs wider than hip width apart, toes pointing
Bending from the hips, knees push the hips
back, squatting down as low as you can
Use your heels to dig into floor drive back up
to starting position – don’t let knees come in!
Stand tall, feet together, arms by your side
Jump the feet apart landing with right foot
forward and left foot back – at the same time
extend opposite arm to leg.
Land softly, then immediately repeat the
scissor motion, switching feet and arms
Start in push up position, DBs in each hand
Row one hand up to the body, keeping elbow
in to the side whilst balancing on the other
hand and feet - Alternate arms, whilst holding
the body in alignment, engage the core
Regression – from the knees
DAY 3 – Circuit 2
WEEK 1 + 3
Front Raise
High Knees
Squat Jump
Neutral Spine, core engaged
Raise right arm to shoulder height in front of
Elbows slightly flexed throughout – don’t lock
out elbows
Lower under control and repeat on left
Stand straight, head looking forwards
Jump from one foot to the other bringing knee
up as high as you can each time before
changing feet
Engage core and pump arms with the
Start with feet shoulder width apart
Drop down into a squat position and then
engage core and explosively jump up, lifting
feet off floor
Land lightly on feet, back down into a squat
position and repeat straight into jump
Bend forwards from hips and walk hands out
in front until shoulders are above your hands
Reverse direction back to starting position
Brace your core, squeeze glutes and keep
back straight
Workout: Weeks 2 and 4
DAY 1 – Circuit 1
WEEK 2 + 4
Squat narrow –
Squat wide
Starfish Press up
Broad Jump
Russian Twist
Start with feet shoulder width apart - squat
down bending at knees pushing the hips back
Jump feet out to a wide squat stance (feet
wider than hips) and squat down
Jump feet to narrow squat stance position
and repeat
Press up position with arms and legs wider
than normal press up, finger tips pointing
Bend from the elbows, lower the chest
towards the floor, while maintaining body
Straighten the elbows to push up and repeat
Feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart,
swing arms back as you lower in to a squat
Then drive through the heels exploding
forward to land lightly back into a squat.
Turn and repeat jump back to start position
Sitting with bum and feet flat on the floor,
knees bent.
Holding a ball/DB with both hands, lean back
slightly to engage the abs and then twist the
upper body all the way around to the left, and
then around to the right
DAY 1 – Circuit 2
WEEK 2 + 4
Alternating Step
Back Lunge
Squat Thrust
T Raise
Oblique Mountain
Standing tall with shoulders back.
Take a large step backwards with the left foot
Lower the back knee towards the floor to form
a 90deg angle at the right leg.
Push off the back foot to return to start
position and repeat on the opposite leg.
Starting in push up position, jump both feet in
to the chest to land in a crouched position
with palms still flat on the floor.
Jump feet back out to push up position
(neutral spine – hips down) and repeat the
whole exercise as fast as you can.
Stand feet wider than hip width, raise the DBs
straight in front of the body to shoulder height
Take the DBs out to the side keeping in line
with the shoulders and then lower under
control to the start position.
Slight bend at the elbow throughout
Starting in push up position, in one quick
movement bend the left knee under the body
bringing it across, crunching in towards the
right shoulder.
Straighten back the leg, hopping onto the foot
and repeat the action on the opposite leg.
DAY 2 – Circuit 1
WEEK 2 + 4
Standing Knee to
Bent over Row
Lateral Sprints
Oblique Heel
Start facing forwards - feet wide, with both
arms extended towards the right.
Bring the left knee up diagonally across the
body as you bend the elbows down to meet
the knee and crunch in the middle.
Return to start position and repeat other side
Bend knees slightly, hinge from the hips and
bend forwards keeping back straight.
Lift DBs, bending from the elbows - keeping
the arms into the sides.
Squeeze shoulder blades together at the top
and then lower under control and repeat
Start with right leg bent at hip height.
Change the feet as fast as possible in a
sprinting motion moving towards the right for
6 steps – body facing forwards.
Sprint back towards the left, pumping the
arms with the feet. Repeat
Lying on your back, knees bent, feet flat.
Lift the shoulders off floor and engage abs.
Bend from the upper body reaching the right
hand towards the right toe
Change sides reaching towards the left and
repeat the motion.
DAY 2 – Circuit 2
WEEK 2 + 4
Ski Jumps
Arnold Press
Bunny Hops
Walking Lunges
Hop on the right leg, taking the extended left
leg behind without touching the floor.
Tap the left hand down to the right toes.
Repeat on the other side by hopping onto the
left leg and taking the right leg behind, tap the
right hand down to floor
Hold DBs in front of you at chest level with
palms facing towards the body.
Extend arms and press the DBs above the
head turning the palms outwards.
Return to start position turning the palms in
towards the body and repeat.
Crouch down to the floor, body weight on
Push up off the floor from the toes in a
hopping motion to lift both feet off the floor a
few inches and land back lightly on the toes.
Repeat as many times as possible
Lunge left leg forward bending knee to 90
deg, lifting back foot onto the ball of the foot
Push through and lunge forward on to the
right foot.
Repeat forward motion, maintain neutral
spine, push shoulder blades back, chest out
DAY 3 – Circuit 1
WEEK 2 + 4
90 Degree Squat
Push ups
Curtsey Lunge
Squat down, bend knees and push hips back.
Drive through heels, explode to jump up and
turn the body 90 degrees to the right.
Land softly on the feet, drop straight back
down into a squat and repeat the explosive
jump in any direction
Prone position with arms extended, palms
below shoulders and toes on the floor.
Bend elbows to lower the whole body as low
to the floor as you can.
Extend from elbows to return to start position
Ensure body is aligned, engage abdominals
Step right foot out to the side and step behind
with the left foot, thighs crossing.
Bend both knees in a curtesy motion pushing
the hips back and ensuring upper body is
facing forward at all times, shoulders back.
Return to standing and switch sides.
One DB in both hands, arms extended above
the head to the right, feet wide.
In one motion sweep the DB down and
across the body towards the left knee.
Keep the back and arms straight and twist
through the torso, bending the knees
DAY 3 – Circuit 2
WEEK 2 + 4
Around the World
Spotty Dog
Stiff Leg Deadlift
Quick Feet on Low
Feet wider than shoulder width, arms
extended - palms facing outwards.
Brace the core, keep arms straight, raise the
arms out to the sides, then all the way up to
the top to meet in the middle above the head.
Slowly lower back down
Stand tall, feet together and arms by your side
Jump the feet apart landing with right foot
forward and left foot back – at the same time
extend right arm forward, left back.
Land softly, immediately repeating the motion,
switching feet + arms
Feet hip width apart, hinge forwards from the
hips – slight bend in the knees, pushing your
bum backwards.
Maintain a neutral spine, look forward and
lower under control until you feel stretch in
the backs of the legs.
Drive through the thighs and bum to stand up
Start with one foot on a low step, the other
foot on the floor.
In a quick hopping motion alternate the feet
from step to floor in a fluid movement.
Workout: Weeks 5 and 7
DAY 1 – Circuit 1
WEEK 5 + 7
Sumo Squat –
Shoulder Press
Lateral Touch floor
Wide elbow Bent
Over Row
Side Plank*
DBs shoulder height; feet wide toes point out
Squat down pushing the hips backwards
As you rise up to standing extend the arms
and shoulder press the DBs.
Lower the DBs back to shoulder height as
you return back to the squat
Jump both feet at the same time to the right,
body facing forwards.
Bend knees to touch right hand down to floor
Explode to jump straight back up and down to
the left - repeat
Land softly on the feet, toes - heels
Bend knees slightly, hinge from the hips and
bend forwards keeping back straight.
Lift the DBs, bending from the elbows out
wide to a 90deg angle
Squeeze shoulder blades together at the top
Lower under control and repeat
Lie on right side, forearm on floor with legs
straight, feet stacked one on top of the other
Engage abs and lift hips until body forms a
straight line from ankles to shoulders.
Hold position for whole time, then complete
on the opposite side
Progression – drop hip to touch floor then
back up to start position (repeat motion)
DAY 1 – Circuit 2
WEEK 5 + 7
Step Up with
Backwards Lunge*
Step right foot onto step and lift left foot 90
Lower the left foot onto the floor and take the
right foot back into backwards lunge
Push off right foot and step right foot back
onto the step to repeat exercise on same leg
Wide Leg Squat
Start in push up position
Jump the feet to the outside of the hands
Jump the feet back to press up start position
and repeat
Wide to Narrow
Press Up
Push up position with hands slightly wider
Complete one full push up then jump the
hands in closer to a narrow position
Complete one full push up in this position and
return to wider stance to continue alternating
Start from the knees if you find this too
difficult and aim to progress to a full push up
Stand tall with feet together
Crouch down to the floor, palms flat
Jump the feet backwards to push up position
Jump the feet back in to the body in a squat
thrust motion and jump back up to standing
Repeat exercise in one fluid motion, no rest
DAY 2 – Circuit 1
WEEK 5 + 7
Press up – Squat
Tuck Jumps
Alternating Side
Lunge with Jab
One Arm Row*
Start in push up position
Complete one full push up
Jump feet in towards the chest while keeping
palms flat on the floor
Jump feet back out to push up position and
repeat from start
Feet slightly wider than hip width apart
Squat down to bend the knees
Drive through heels and explode feet off the
ground tucking the knees into chest
Land lightly on the feet
As soon as feet touch the floor explode
straight back into tuck jump
Body facing forward,
Lunge right leg out, pushing hips back and
bending right knee to 90 degrees
Punch DBs diagonally in front (left then right)
Push off the bent leg, return to start position
Repeat on the left leg
Standing knees slightly bent, one hand flat on
chair, neutral spine
Pull the DB in the free hand towards the
armpit keeping elbow into the body
Squeeze back and then lower to straight arm
DAY 2 – Circuit 2
WEEK 5 + 7
One Leg Pistol
Squat to Bench*
10 Star Jumps + 2
Tuck Jumps
Seated Rear Delt
Plank Pendulum
Stand on one leg with the other foot extended
in front
Bend the knee pushing the hips backwards to
lower the body to the chair
As soon as your bum touches the seat, drive
through the glutes to return to standing
Repeat on the same leg for the whole time
Start with feet together, arms by your side
Jump the arms and legs out at the same time
to perform star jump
Complete 10 repetitions immediately followed
by 2 tuck jumps
Return to start; repeat
Sit on the edge of a chair hold DBs at the
side of the body
Tilt forward from the hips
Raise the DBs out to the side at shoulder
height, slight bend in elbow
Lower under control and repeat
Start in a plank position.
Engage the core, slight bend in the knees
Jump both feet at the same time over to the
right keeping the upper body in place.
Jump feet back to the middle and then jump
them over to the left
DAY 3 – Circuit 1
WEEK 5 + 7
Backwards Lunge
with Upright Row
Burpee with
Lateral Touch
Floor Jump
Renegade Row
with T-raise
Step right foot backwards and drop knee to a
lunge position
As you take foot back bend elbows and raise
DBs up keeping elbows high out to the side
Step the right foot in as you lower DBs and
repeat on left leg
Complete one full burpee
When jumping back up to standing – jump
both feet to the right touch right hand down
Jump both feet to left touch left hand down
Repeat exercise – straight back into burpee
Start in push up position holding DB in each
hand feet slightly wider for stability
Engage abs and row one DB back - bending
from the elbow keeping the arm into the side
Lower DB back to the floor
Using same arm twist body into a side plank
position, extending DB over the head
Return to start position and alternate sides
Jump feet apart landing with right foot forward
and left foot back – at the same time extend
opposite arm to leg
Land softly
Immediately repeat the scissor motion,
switching feet and arms
DAY 3 – Circuit 2
WEEK 5 + 7
Single Leg
Oblique Mountain
Bicep Curl Arnold
Lower Leg Raises
Standing on right leg hinge forward from hips
Lower the upper body parallel to the floor
while straightening the left leg backwards
Slight bend in supporting leg, lower DBs as
low as you can. Feel stretch in the hamstring
Return to standing and repeat on same leg
Start in push up position
In one quick movement bend the right knee
under the body bringing it across, crunching
in towards the left shoulder
Straighten back the leg, hopping onto the foot
Repeat the action on the opposite leg
Palms facing outwards, contract bicep and
curl DBs up towards the shoulder
Press DBs up to ceiling - as you raise them,
rotate palms to face outwards and press up
Lower DBs, rotating palms to face inwards
towards the body; at chest height, extend
from elbows and lower
Lie on back, arms straight out to side for
Lift legs straight up 90 degree to the hips
Push lower spine into ground; engage core
Slowly lower straight legs as close to ground
as possible without touching
Raise legs back to start position and repeat
Workout: Weeks 6 and 8
DAY 1 – Circuit 1
WEEK 6 + 8
*Split Squat
Power Star Jump
Front Raise –
Lateral Raise
Plank knee - elbow
Place one foot on the step
The other foot forward in a staggered stance
Bend the front leg (aim for 90 degrees) to drop
the back knee as low to the floor as you can
Push through quad back up to start position
Keep shoulders pushed back throughout
Start in a crouched position
Explode to jump up into the air, extending feet
and arms out wide to form a star shape body
position – arms at 45 degrees to your head
Land back down into the crouched position
Immediately explode back up to repeat
Neutral Spine, core engaged
Raise both DBs to shoulder height in front of
body – then lower, under control
Raise arms out to side in line with shoulders
to a lateral raise – lower to start, and repeat
Elbows slightly flexed throughout
Start in plank position on forearms
Keep the core engaged and maintain body
alignment throughout
Bend the right knee bringing the leg around
the outside, aiming to touch the knee to elbow
Return to start position and repeat on left leg
DAY 1 – Circuit 2
WEEK 6 + 8
Lying Chest Press
Jump Jump Squat
Single Leg Glute
Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat
on the floor
Hold DBs with elbows bent in line with chest
Extend arms pushing through the chest,
keeping DBs directly over chest position
Lower under control back to start position
For a harder workout, raise feet in the air
Start with feet together, perform two fast
jumps on the spot
Explosively jump the feet apart, landing in
wide squat position. Push hips back and land
as low as your range of motion allows
Push through the feet, using the quads and
glutes to jump the legs back together
Lie on back right foot flat on chair, left leg
straight up in the air
Push down from foot and shoulders to lift bum
high in air. Keep left leg as straight as you can
Squeeze glutes together at the top
Lower to an inch above the ground – repeat
Lie on back with feet flat on floor
Curl up and forwards, lifting shoulders, neck
and head off the floor (upper body)
Maintain gap between neck and chin
Slowly lower to floor and repeat
Progression – legs straight up in the air and
repeat the crunching motion
DAY 2 – Circuit 1
WEEK 6 + 8
180 Degree Burpee
Complete a full burpee to start
On the jump up, drive through the heels and
explode to jump up and turn the body a full
half circle (180 degrees) to face the back.
Drop straight back down to burpee and
continue to repeat the explosive jump to turn
back around to face the front
Kickbacks *
Start on all fours
Keep the spine neutral
Kick one leg back and up towards the ceiling
Lower back down and change legs
Engage the core and power the leg back firing up the glutes
Climbing Plank
Start in push up position
Drop right arm down to rest on to the forearm,
followed by the left arm (plank position)
Return the right palm to the floor directly
below the shoulders and straighten the arm
Do same with left arm to return to start
Wall Sit with
Hammer Curl
Standing with back pressed flat against a wall
Sink down so legs are bent to 90 degree angle
– hold position for whole time period
Hands at sides of the body, palms facing in
Contract bicep to bend elbow and pull DB up
towards the shoulder; elbows locked in to side
of body and lower under control
DAY 2 – Circuit 2
WEEK 6 + 8
Side to Side Push
Woodchop Squat
Plank Jacks
Start in push up position with hands together
Take the left hand out to the side and perform a
push up – taking chest to the floor
Bring the left hand back to centre
Take the right hand out to side perform push up
Repeat push ups from left to right
Start with feet together, arms extended above
head holding a DB
Jump the feet apart to a wide squat whilst
swinging the DB between the legs
Push hips back, maintain neutral spine, head up
Swing the DB back above the head with
extended arms and jump feet together
Seated position, fingers by ears, feet off floor
Engage the abdominals - crunch the upper body
and raise legs 45 degree at the same time to
fold in to form a ‘V’ shape body position
Lower to start position under control, repeat
Lift legs from hips not by bending knees in
Start in push up position, palms flat or hold DBs
Maintain neutral spine, tighten core for stability
and jump feet out wide, then back to the middle
Try not to lift the hips whilst jumping the feet
You will work the core more by keeping the
upper body as still as possible
DAY 3 – Circuit 1
WEEK 6 + 8
Alternating Single
Leg Wide Squat
Tricep Extension
Hop Over
Bicycle Crunch
Push up position, weight on palms of hands
Scissor jump the feet apart so that the right foot
jumps out to land next to the right hand, the left
foot should still be in the same place
Jump the right foot back to starting position
whilst scissoring the left foot to the left hand
Stand tall, hold DB in both hands, arms
extended above head
Bend from the elbows, dropping the DB down
between shoulder blades as low as you can
Extend arms to take DB back to start position
Keep elbows close in to the ears throughout
Stand tall shoulders back
Jump onto the right leg, lifting the left knee into
the chest – touching right elbow to knee
Change position by hopping out to the side (as if
hopping over something on the floor) onto the
left leg, lifting the right knee
Repeat continuously from right to left
Lie on back, bend right knee into chest while
twisting from torso to touch left elbow to right
knee; Straighten left leg keeping foot off floor
Repeat on the opposite side – straighten the
right leg while bending the left knee towards the
chest, twisting to touch right elbow to left knee
DAY 3 – Circuit 2
WEEK 6 + 8
Walking Lunges
Double Pulse
Burpee to
Shoulder Press
Crunch with
Plank – Front
Lunge left leg forward bending knee to 90 deg
Start to straighten leg to 45 degrees and then
bend back to 90 degrees in a pulsing motion
Lift the back foot onto the ball of the foot push off
the toes and lunge forward on the right foot
Repeat forward motion, maintain a neutral spine,
pushing shoulder blades back
Holding DB in each hand complete full burpee
On jumping out of burpee straighten up to
standing with feet shoulder width apart
Immediately shoulder press the DBs to the
Drop straight back down to repeat the burpee
Lie on back, arms and legs extended off floor
Crunch up lifting shoulders off floor and reach to
touch opposite fingers to toes in the middle
Lower legs and arms to start position without
letting hands and feet touch the floor – repeat
alternating sides. Use DBs to make harder
Hold onto DBs in push up position
Lift one hand off the floor to extend out in front of
the body, raising DB to shoulder height
Lower under control to place DB back to the floor
and change arms
Cool Down
Immediately after this type of exercise, your heart rate will still be high. It is important to bring the
heart rate down slowly, and to get blood circulating normally to stop any risk of dizziness/fainting.
Cool downs are also important to help reduce the effects of delayed onset muscle soreness and get
rid of waste products as a result of exercise (e.g. lactic acid) from the muscles.
Perform the following static stretches at the end of each session:
Hold in seconds/each side
Lying Hamstring stretch
Lying Glute stretch
Standing Quadricep stretch
Standing Chest stretch
Standing Shoulder and Bicep stretch
Tricep stretch
MARCH 31ST 2020
Access to my 10 Years of Experience in 1 Plan!
Over 90 PAGES!!
All NEW training regime - for proven lean muscle
and definition results
Challenging workouts for maximum gains - adapt to
every experience & fitness level;
Clickable links to short videos on every exercise;
My Signature Carb Cycle - Flexible to manage your
weight loss throughout 12 weeks;
Full Q & A PLUS support from me via email along
the way!!
Access to my 10 Years of Experience in 1 Plan! Over 75
All NEW training regime - for maximum SIZE and
STRENGTH results:
Varied challenging workouts for maximum results;
Clickable links to short videos on every exercise;
Lean bulking diet - Simple but Effective;
Detailed instructions, Flexible Daily Meal Plans
Hard Gainer Advice, Vegetarian Options
Detailed instructions; 3 different Carb Cycles
for Adaptable Weight Management
Full Q & A PLUS support from me via email along the
DRPhysique Limited accepts no liability for any injury, loss or damage resulting from
physical exercise. By following this guide you voluntarily assume the inherent risk of
physical/ resistance training. Should you suffer from any medical conditions, injuries
or allergies, or should you be in any doubt whatsoever, we advise you seek
medical/professional advice immediately and do NOT perform any exercise
recommended in this plan. Always ensure your technique is correct and train within
your own capabilities and observe any safety practices/code of conducts present
within your own gym.
As with all our products my Anytime Anywhere plan is subject to our standard terms
and conditions, disclaimer and protected by copyright, and as such any attempts to Copy or duplicate; Issue copies; Sell, rent or lend; Show or communicate this guide to
other members of the public, is strictly prohibited.