Blood Chemistery (Chem 20 Panel) Test: Sodium Potassium Normal Value 135-145 mEq/L 3.5-5.0 mEq/L Interpretation ↓vomiting, diuretics, excessive admin of dextrose and water, prolonged low sodium diet, excessive water intake ↑tube feedings, diarrhea, hyperventilation, diabetes insipidus, OTC drugs s/a Alka-Settzer, near drowning in salt water, inadequate H2O ingestion ↓vomiting, gastric suction, diuretics, steroids, inadequate intake ↑renal failure, K+ supplements, burns, crushing injuries Chloride CO2 BUN Creatinine Creatinine Clearance 100-110 34-45 mm/Hg 10-20 mg/dL 0.7-1.4 mg/dL 1.42- 2.08 mL/min ( 125 ml/min ) Glucose Serum Calcium 70-110 8.6-10.2 ↑ As levels rise renal function worsens Estimates glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of kidney Lower levels indicate renal insufficiency ↓Hypoparathyroidism, pancreatitis, renal failure, steroids, loop diuretics, inadequate intake, post thyroid surgery ↑malignant neoplastic diseases, hyuperparathyroidism, excessive intake, carbonate antacids (TUMS) Ionized Serum Calcium Phosphorous Magnesium 4.5-5.1 2.3- 4.7 1.3-2.3 mEq/L ↓ alcoholism, GI suction, diarrhea, intestinal fistuals, abuse of diuretics or laxitives ↑renal failure, excessive Mg admin (antacids, cathartics) May cause ventricular dysrhythmias, EKG changes Serum Bilirubin direct 0.1-0.4 mg/dL Abnormal liver and gall bladder disorders e.g., with jaundice *Direct bilirubin ↑ in obstruction Total Bilirubin 0.3-1 mg/dL Protein studies Serum albumin 3.5-5.5 g/dL Detect presence of bilirubin due to hemolytic or liver disease Proteins are produced by the liver Levels ↓ with hepatic disease *severely ↓ albumin causes edema! (AST) Aspartate aminotransferase (ALT ) Alanine aminotransferase Alkaline Phosphate 10 – 40 units ↑ liver disease, hepatitis 10- 40 units 50- 120 units/L LDL 90 – 176 units /L Blood Ammonia 15-45 mcg/dL Amylase 6-160 U/dL Lipase < 200 U/d/L ↑ liver disease, hepatitis Evaluates liver function, NPO 8-12 hrs prior Blood draw usually part of liver panel Used to manage Paget’s disease and osteoporosis With damage to liver enzymes are released into the bloodstream The liver converts ammonia to urea with liver disease ammonia levels ↑ Diagnose pancreatitis and acute cholecystitis NPO 8 -12 hr prior to test Diagnose acute/chronic pancreatitis, biliary obstruction, hepatitis, cirrhosis Total Protein Albumin Uric Acid 6.7-7.7 3.5-5.5 Anti-nuclear antibodies ANA ↓ Nutritional Deficit Blood draw - Used to detect Gout Blood test used to screen for autoimmune disease such as systemic Lupus, Sjogren’s , scleroderma Complete Blood Count (CBC) Test: White Blood Cells (WBC) Normal Value: Adult: 4500 - 11,000 /mm3 Child: 5000 – 13000 / mm3 Red Blood Cells M: 4.6 – 6.2 million/mm3 F: 4.2 – 5.4 million/ mm3 C: 3.2 – 5.2 million / mm3 M: 13 – 18 g/dL F: 12 – 16 g/dL C: 11 – 12.5 g/dL Hemoglobin (HGB) Interpretation: ↑ infection, inflammation, malignancies s/s lymphoma, leukemia, (e.g. UTI WBC in urine) ↓ leucopenia, bone marrow suppression, chronic disease, leukemia Anemia, hemorrhage, blood loss Measures the O2 carrying capacity of RBC ↓ Anemia, hemorrhage, hemodilution, ↓O2, fatigue, weakness M: 42% - 52% F: 35% - 47% C: 35% - 45% ↓ HCT – blood loss ↓O2, fatigue, weakness 150,000- 450,000 / mm3 Used to diagnose hemorrhagic diseases such as Thrombocytopenia Test: Bleeding Time Normal Value: 1.5- 9.5 minutes Partial thromboplastin time (PTT) 20-40 seconds Or (1.5-2.5 x control) e.g. Patient PTT = 250 sec (control = 38 sec) would indicate clotting!!! 10-16 seconds Interpretation: Duration of bleeding after standardized skin incision 3+7=10 (HEPARIN) Monitors effectiveness of Heparin Hematocrit (HCT) MCV MCHC RDW Platelets (PLT) Neutrophil % Bands % Lymphocyte % Monocyte % Eosinophil % Basophil % Coagulation Studies Prothrombin time (PT) International normalized ratio (INR) Sedimentation Rate (ESR) 1.0 2-3 for therapy in arterial fibrillation, DVT, & PE 2.5-3.5 for therapy in prosthetic heart valve M: 15- 20 F: 25 – 30 *Test that measures how long it takes blood to clott 2 + 8 = 10 (COUMADIN) Monitors effectiveness of Coumadin Monitors the effectiveness of an Warfarin/Coumadin therapy therapy Speed at which RBCs settle in well mixed venous blood ↑ Indicates inflammation, fatigue, weakness Miscellaneous Test: Test: Troponin I Troponin II Creatine Kinase (CK) Normal Value: Interpretation: MB bands present heart muscle damage Used to diagnose MI Detected 3-5 hrs post MI A1C Glucose tolerance test 4% - 6% Fasting 60-110 mg/dL 1 hr – 190 mg/dL 2 hr 140 mg/dL 3 hr 125 mg/dL 3 month review of glucose Determines the ability of the body to secrete insulin in response to Hypoglycemia Total Cholesterol 150-200 mg/dL Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL) 100-160 mg / dL High- Density Lipoproteins (HDL) M: 35-70 mg/dL F: 35- 85 mg / dL 100- 200 mg/dL 1.010 – 1.030 Determines the risk for athlerosclerosis Depends on risk factors in pt has increased risk s/a CAD LOL <100 required Delermines if elevated cholesterol is due to HDL or LDL Determines elevated cholesterol levels caused by HDL or LDL Detect risk for atherosclerosis < 1.010 FVO Decreased concentration of solutes in urine -renal failure, pylonephritis, diabetes insipidus, acute tubular necrosis , nephritis, excessive intake of fluids FVO, polydipsia Triglycerides Specific Gravity >1.030 concentrated FVD Increased concentration of solutes in urine -dehydration, diarrhea, emesis, excessive sweating, heart failure, SIADH As a patient looses edema fluid the urine specific gravity will ↓ pH of Urine FSerum Osmolality TSH T3 T4 4.5- 8 275-295 ↑ Hypothyroidism ↓Hyperthyroidism ↓Hypothyroidism ↑Hyperthyroidism ↓Hypothyroidism ↑Hyperthyroidism Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) Test: pH Normal Value: 7.35 – 7.45 PaCO2 35– 45 mm/Hg HCO3 22-26 mEq/L Metabolic Alkalosis Metobolic Acidosis Respiratory Alkalosis Respiratory Acidosis PaO2 SaO2 pH ↑ CO2↑ HCO3↑ pH ↓ CO2↓ HCO3 ↓ pH ↑ CO2 ↓ HCO3 ↓ pH ↓ CO2 ↑ HCO3 ↑ 85 – 95 mm/Hg 95% - 99% pH Urine pH Gastric aspirate 4.5- 8 5.0 -7.5 Interpretation: < 7.35 Acidosis >7.45 Alkalosis >45 Respiratory Acidosis < 35 Respiratory Alkalosis < 22 Metabolic Acidosis >26 Metabolic Alkalosis < 5 overly acidic ↑ ulcer risk (e.g. patient with burn! Need to report to HCP if pH 5) Therapeutic Range Test: Digoxin Normal Range: 0.5-2 ng/mL Phenytoin Theophylline Lithium 10-20 10-20 1 – 1.5 mEq/L Interpretation: Low K+ increases risk of toxicity *assess HR prior to admin HR<60 HOLD Check serum levels 2-3 times wk when therapy starts then monthly while on maintenance ● Causes ↓ Na Hyponatremia Tylenol Toxic > 4000 mg/day or 4g/day Pressure Reading: Test: Central Venous Pressure (CVP) Normal Range: Interpretation: 3-12 mm Hg in H20 It reflects RIGHT-SIDED filling pressures. It is primarily used to monitor fluid volume status IF normal may indicate desired response to fluid replacement! Blood Pressure Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) 120/80 – 120-139/ 80-89 ⮚ 65 Newborn: Respiratory Rate RR Blood Glucose BP Temp 30 – 60 / min 40 – 69 60-80/ 40-50 Should not be less than 97.6 or 36.5