Concept Definition …professional Professionalism identity in nursing is defined as a sense of oneself in relation to others, that is influenced by characteristics , norms, and values of the nursing discipline, resulting in an individual thinking, acting and feeling like a nurse. (Giddens, 2021, p 363) Scope Identity formation Attributes/Criteria >Doing >Being >Acting ethically >Flourishing >Changing identities Objectives > Identifies the attributes and criteria in forming and fostering professional identity. Exemplars Standards of Nursing Practice Entry-Level Competencies Becoming a Registered Nurse in NS Continuing Competence and reflective practice Scope of practice, roles and responsibilities (RN ACT) Advocacy, integrity, compassion, courage, humility, human flourishing Comportment Jurisprudence Readings and Learning Activities READ: Godfrey, N., Young, E. (2021). Professional Identity. In J.F. Giddens (Ed), Concepts for Nursing Practice (3rd ed., pp.363-370). Elsevier. Concept 37 Potter,P. Perry, A.,Ross-Kerr J.C., & Wood, M., Astle, B.J. , Duggleby,W., (2019) Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing (6th ed.). Toronto,ON:Mosby Chapter 7 Nursing values and Ethics READ: Clickner, D.A. & Shirey, M.R. (2013). Professional comportment: The missing element in nursing practice. Nursing Forum48 (2). Pp.106-113. CNA (2015). Framework for the practice of registered nurses in Canada. Nova Scotia College of Nursing.(2017). Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses. Halifax, N.S. : Author Nova Scotia College of Nursing (2013). Entry-level competencies for registered nurses. Halifax, N.S.: NSCN (2020). Continuing Competence Program For Registered Nurses and NP’s .Halifax,NS.: author. RN Act NSCN (2018) Professional presence : A guideline for nurses Halifax, NS.:Author. NSCN (2013). RN Study Guide for Jurisprudence. Textbook Guided Reading questions What is your definition of nursing ? What is the NSCN definition of nursing? What is the difference between an association and a college ( ex. a nursing association versus a college ) Explore the LPN and RN standards on the NSCN website noting similarities and differences. Discuss Duty to care in relation to the COVID 19 pandemic . Discuss Fitness to practice. Describe the accreditation process for nursing education programs in Nova Scotia. Describe the continuing competency program for RN’s in Nova Scotia What is a jurisprudence exam ? Describe and compare the following documents : Standards of Nursing practice for Registered Nurses: Entry level competencies for Registered Nurses; Requisite skills and Abilities for nurses. View the following video on the NSCN website (see Link on Moodle ) h Interrelated Concepts : Describe how the concept of professional identity is related to the interrelated concepts as outlined in Figure 37.4 (Giddens, 2021, pp 366)