Uploaded by Dr Taat Htun Thu

Characteristics of Living Things Presentation

Dr Taat Htun Thu
• The ability of an organism, or part of it, to
change position or place.
• By the action of muscles in animals, and
slow growth movements in plants
• Movement in pant is non locomotion, related
with to growth
• Released energy from their food
• The chemical reactions that break down nutrient molecules in living cells to
release energy for metabolism
• Many organisms have gaseous exchange systems that supply their cells with from
their environment.
• Release energy, use in stay as alive
Sensitivity (Response to stimuli)
• Sensitive to change their environment
• The ability to detect or sense stimuli in the
internal or external environment and to make
appropriate responses
• There are two main types of stimulus –
External stimulus (Pain and touch, Vision, Taste,
Smell, Sound, Balance)
• Internal stimulus (Blood Pressure, Homeostasis)
Growth and development
• Increase and size and complexity,
using materials from their food
• Every living organisms increase in
size and cell numbers
• As the numbers of cell increase, the
increases also
• Produce the offspring (the same kind)
• the processes that make more of the same
kind of organism
• Removal from organisms of toxic materials, waste products of metabolism and
substances in excess of requirements
Control their internal conditions
• Maintain the study state inside the body.
• The condition inside our body are know as its
internal environment.
• Our body have to keep this conditions are called
• In this conditions involve chemicals are called
• In this control also involved Nervous system.
• Taking of nutrients which are organic molecules and minerals and oils
 plants makes their own
food (Autotrophic) require
light, carbon dioxide, water
and ions;
1.2 The biological classification system
- Putting things into the same groups
- Classified into small groups
- a group of organisms that reproduce with each other
- Produce offspring
- That offspring can also reproduce
- Offspring are fertile
The binomial naming system
- scientific names always have two words
- therefore called the binomial system
- ‘Bi’ means two, and ‘nomial’ means to do with names
- In the two-word name, the first name is genus, always
written with a capital letter.
- The second name was species, always written with small
- When printed as Italic
- When writing, underline
1.3 KEYS
Dichotomous key
- means branching (dividing) into two.
- is a way of leading you through to the name
of your organism
- giving you two descriptions at a time and
asking you to choose between them.
- Each choice you make then leads you on to
another pair of descriptions, until you end up
with the name of your organism.