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IB Exam Information Notice for Students

Notice to All IB Candidates: Examination Information
Dear Candidates,
Congratulations for all of your hard work over this school year. We know that studying and writing final exams is
a very important time for you as it is a crucial part of your IB Diploma. We offer the following advice:
• Aim to be appropriately prepared for each examination paper.
• Join study groups.
• Do not forget the friends who have helped you along the way. If you can share your skills with another who
may be struggling, offer some of your time. Assisting in another’s learning will strengthen your understanding
of the subject, and you will have helped a friend.
• Do not give too much study time to one exam over another.
• During your preparation, allot adequate time for leisure so as not to over-stress yourself; breaks are an
important part of any study schedule.
Finally, please remember to READ THE INSTRUCTIONS VERY CAREFULLY before you begin writing any exam.
Please review the information below. If you have any questions or concerns, speak with your teachers and/or
Good Luck!
You are responsible for your own transportation to the exam.
For information relating to late arrival, temporary absence, malpractice, and/or early departures please see the
attached IBO Conduct of the Examinations.
During the month of May, when exams are scheduled, students are expected to attend regularly
scheduled classes. Students will only be excused from classes during the times when they are writing an
After the exam schedule, classes will continue as usual. Students are expected to attend regularly
scheduled classes, where continued learning and enrichment opportunities will take place. Students will
also be required to participate in scheduled Extended Essay and Creativity, Activity, and Service
workshops, which will take place during class time.
Dates, Times and Location:
• All Bayview Secondary IB exams will take place in the Library
o Exception: The SL Chemistry exam will be held in the Small Gym
• Visit the exam room in advance to make sure you know where it is.
• Arrive 30 minutes before the exam
• Review exam times carefully and keep a copy at home for reference.
Important equipment:
Please note that all items will be inspected, NO equipment can be shared (i.e. bring your own), and any
inappropriate materials found may be confiscated by an exam invigilator.
What you should always have (in a clear plastic bag):
• Pens (several) that work: BLACK ONLY
• Pencils (several) and a sharpener
• Eraser
• Ruler and other geometry instruments (do not bring the case)
• Coloured pencils and/or highlighter pens
• Calculator (do not bring the case)
See an IB teacher for more information regarding the use of scientific and/or GDCs
• Text information must not be stored and calculators will be checked prior to the exam
• RAM must be formatted and apps must be removed, in accordance with conditions of
use of GDCs
• Bring extra calculator batteries
What you CANNOT have:
• No Food or Drink (water will be permitted)
• No WHITEOUT (neither liquid nor corrective tape)
• No dictionary and/or thesaurus
• No personal electronic devices
• No watches or personal clocks of any kind.
Exam Procedures:
• Students will enter the exam room 15 minutes prior to the starting time of the exam.
• Students should NOT bring any materials into the exam room that they are not permitted to have
at their desk (i.e. jackets, bags, study notes, etc.).
 If you must bring these items they are to be left at the back of the exam room
• At the beginning of all exams that have options you will have 5 minutes of reading time to
carefully read all instructions and to make choices on which questions to deal with
• During the 5 minute reading time period, you may not write/highlight anything.
• There is no reading time for multiple-choice exams.
• There will be a 30 minute warning and 5 minute warning before the end of the exam.
• Students are not permitted to leave the exam room within the first 60 minutes of an exam nor
the last 15 minutes of any exam.
• Students are not allowed to leave an exam early.
• Writing after the exam has ended is not permitted.
• Students are not allowed to discuss the exam with anyone outside of their school cohort for 24
hours following an exam (especially not on a digital platform).