Sitemizin işlemesini sağlamak için teknik çerezler kullanılmaktadır. Çerezler hakkında detaylı bilgi almak için Özdöken Tarım Makineleri Sitesi Çerez Aydınlatma SEEDING İnternet SEED BED WEED SOILOkudum Metni CORPORATE MEDIA CONTACT Metni’ni rica ederiz. incelemenizi GROUP PREPARATION CONTROL PREPARATION Informations Product Equipment Technical Specifications Product Pictures reffO nA teG MEDIA CONTACT Product Equipment SEEDING GROUP Technical Specifications SEED BED PREPARATION WEED SOIL CONTROL PREPARATION Product Pictures Informations CORPORATE reffO nA teG CPM CHISEL CULTIVATOR CPM series is a chisel plough which allows shallow tillage but also possible to use for deep soil tillage Optimum row spaces between tines gives perfect soil loosening and mixing even on high quantity of crop residues. CORPORATE MEDIA Product Equipment Product Equipment SEEDING GROUP SEED BED PREPARATION Technical Specifications WEED SOIL CONTROL PREPARATION Product Pictures Informations CONTACT reffO nA teG The Quality of Profile The quality and thickness of the profile is visible to naked eye. Safety Pin System Thanks to the safety pin which is developed by Özdöken for the first time, it operates without harming the leg even in the hardest conditions due to the break of the pin placed before the leg when the legs are extremely forced. CORPORATE CONTACT Product Equipment SEEDING GROUP SEED BED PREPARATION Technical Specifications WEED SOIL CONTROL PREPARATION Product Pictures Informations MEDIA reffO nA teG Cast Iron Legs Optional Roller System The casting legs which are 32 kg in weight, operate perfectly even in the heavy soil conditions. The roller attached on the back of the chisel is made of walled-pipe and breaks up the clods on the soil surface perfectly with the help of the sequential and spiral notches which are welded on it. CORPORATE MEDIA Product Equipment SEED BED PREPARATION WEED SOIL CONTROL PREPARATION Technical Specifications Product Pictures Informations SEEDING GROUP CONTACT reffO nA teG Wings Blade Wings blades on the legs help to cultivate all of the soil Technical Specifications Models Number of Tines Distance Between Tines (cm) Max Weight (kg) Total Lenght (cm) Total Height (cm) Total Width (cm) Working Width (cm) CPM-5 5 60 590 200 140 170 150 40-60 hp 30-45 kw CPM -7 7 220 200 60-80 hp 45-60 kw 720 Power Requirements CPM -9 CPM -11 9 CORPORATE 11 Informations MEDIA 860 CONTACT 270 SEEDING GROUP 1075 320 Product Equipment 250 SEED BED PREPARATION 300 Technical Specifications 80-100 hp 60-75 kw WEED SOIL CONTROL PREPARATION 100-120 hp 75-89 kw Product Pictures 13 1265 370 350 120-140 hp 89-104 kw CPM -15 15 1455 420 400 140-160 hp 104-120 kw CPM -17 17 1650 470 450 160-180 hp 120-134 k CPM -13 reffO nA teG Product Pictures CORPORATE Informations MEDIA SEEDING GROUP CONTACT Product Equipment SEED BED PREPARATION WEED SOIL CONTROL PREPARATION Technical Specifications Product Pictures reffO nA teG CORPORATE PRODUCT MEDIA SOCIAL MEDIA About Us Production Line Seeding Group Seed Bed Preparation Weed Control Soil Preparation News Gallery Documents Facebook Instagram Youtube Whatsapp © 2022 Ozdoken A.S. | Made with Atlıkarınca