MID SEMESTER 2 SCHEDULE AND TEST MATERIAL JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL / ACADEMIC YEAR 2022 – 2023 GRADE 7 Day/Date Materials for Theory Test Subject Time Mon/13 Mar Economics: Social - Demand and Supply 07.30 – 09.00 - Business Entity Materials for Practical Test Social Studies: ● Kinds of Human in Pre Era ● Stages of Society Life in Pre Era ● Megalithic Age Tue/14 Mar English 07.30 - 09.00 Reading: ● Information Text ● Writer’s Intention ● Reading Techniques (Skimming and Scanning) Grammar: ● Word Family ● Clause ● Root Word Vocabulary: ● Words with affixes (prefix and suffix) ● Reading Techniques Wed/15 Mar Keberagaman dalam Bingkai Bhinneka CME Tunggal Ika 07.30 – 09.00 Thu/16 Mar Math Core: Math Chapter 4: 2D shapes and 3D solids 07.30 – 09.30 (perimeter, area, surface area, and volume) Math Enrichment: Chapter 10: Statistics, chart and diagrams (mean, median, mode, range, table of frequency, bar chart, line graph, pie chart) English E: Reading Aloud & creating a Class Activity based on the novel ‘The Prisoner of Zenda’ Fri/17 Mar Bab IV: Membangun Persahabatan Sejati Religion Bab V: Tumbuh dan Berkembang Seturut 07.30 – 09.00 Teladan Yesus Mon/20 Mar Biology: Science - Ecosystem 07.30 – 09.00 - Pollution Tue/21 Mar German / Mandarin 07.30 – 09.00 Biology: Pollution Observation Physics: - Temperature Scales - Specific Heat Capacity - Heat Transfer Physics: Calorimetry Practical Experiment Chemistry: - Counting Atoms - Properties of Metals and Nonmetals - Periodic Table Chemistry: Periodic Table Challenge German: Lektion 4-5 (Verbkonjugation (finden, haben, sprechen, möchte), Ja/ Nein/ Doch, Nominativ: Schreibwaren, Stundenplan: Wochentage, Schulfächer) German: Sprechen über Stundenplan Mandarin: Chapter 1 - 7 Mandarin Amos, Ruth & Micah: Answering 25 questions) Joel & Zephaniah: 1. Read & Translate Text 2. Answer the question based on the text Fri/24 Mar Bab 5. Puisi rakyat Bahasa - pantun, syair, gurindam, pantun Indonesia kilat, 07.30 – 09.00 - bahasa imaji, kalimat tunggal Bab 6. Cerita rakyat / dongeng - fabel, legenda, mitos - unsur intrinsik dan struktur cerita Mendongeng dengan alat peraga Subject Period Culture Art Music: Perform in group of 4 (max) Play: 1. Someday My Prince Will Come 2. Don’t Get Around Much Anymore 3. Free song Subject Period PE Subject Period IT-Preneur Volleyball Rally Race Mug Production MID SEMESTER 2 SCHEDULE AND TEST MATERIAL JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL / ACADEMIC YEAR 2022 – 2023 GRADE 8 Day/Date Subject Time Materials for Theory Test Materials for Practical Test Mon/13 Mar Economics: Social - Tax 07.30 – 09.00 - Employment Social Studies: ● The Arrival of Europe Nations in Indonesia ● Condition of Indonesia Society during Colonial Period Tue/14 Mar Reading: Extract and Article English Vocabulary: Synonym and Antonym 07.30 – 09.00 Grammar: Adverbials for emphasis and contrast Writing: Essay English E: Sustainable Packaging and Design Presentation Project Wed/15 Mar Kebangkitan / Pergerakan Nasional CME 07.30 – 09.00 Thu/16 Mar Ch. 7: Multiplicative reasoning Math (subtopics 7.3, 7.4 and 7.5) 07.30 – 09.30 Ch. 8: Scale drawing & measures (all subtopics) Ch. 6: Collecting & analyzing data (all subtopics) Fri/17 Mar Religion 07.30 – 09.00 - Peran Roh Kudus bagi Murid Yesus Gereja sebagai Paguyuban Orang Beriman Mon/20 Mar Biology: Science - Musculoskeletal System 07.30 – 09.00 - Digestive System Biology: Food Test Tue/21 Mar German / Mandarin 07.30 – 09.00 Physics: - Types of Force - Net Force and Acceleration Physics: Net Force Project Chemistry: - Reactivity Series - Redox Reaction - Periodic Table Chemistry: Periodic Table Challenge German: Lektion 13 - 14 (Reisen, Präposition zu+Dativ person, Präposition nach + Städte & Länder, Adjektiv nächst, offizielle Uhrzeit, Possessivartikel Ihr/Ihre), (Kleidung, Geschenke, gefallen + Dativ, Präposition für + Akkusativ) German: Sprechen über Kleidung. Mandarin: Chapter 9 - 12 Mandarin: 1. Reading & Translate Text 2. Answer the Question Based on Text Fri/24 Mar Bahasa Indonesia 07.30 – 09.00 Subject Period Culture Art Teks Eksplanasi Teks Ulasan Kebahasaan Ulasan film Music: Perform in group of 4 (max) Play: 1. Take The “A” Train 2. The Bare Necessities 3. Free song Art: Drawing illustration vignette Subject Period PE Subject Period IT-Preneur Volleyball Visual interactive novel games using PowerPoint SCHOOL EXAM SCHEDULE AND TEST MATERIAL JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL / ACADEMIC YEAR 2022 – 2023 GRADE 9 Day/Date Materials for Theory Test Subject Time Mon/13 Mar Economics: Social Grade 7 07.30 – 09.00 - Economic Introduction - Human as Social and Economic Being Materials for Practical Test Grade 8 Demand and Supply Grade 9 - Types of Business - Types of Leadership - Management - Business Plan - International Economic Social Studies: ● The Early Period of Independence ● Liberal and Guided Democracy Era ● Indonesia role in International Cooperation Tue/14 Mar Reading: Edexcel text types English Vocabulary: general knowledge 07.30 – 09.00 Grammar: mixed tenses (simple present, present continuous, present perfect, simple past, past continuous, past perfect, simple future, modal auxiliaries), questions, question tags, inversion, prepositions of time and place (in, on or at) and conditionals Wed/15 Mar CME 07.30 – 09.00 - Globalisasi Potensi Diri English E: Public Speaking: Speaking Demonstration on a Student-Selected Topic Thu/16 Mar Math Core Math Grade 7: 07.30 – 09.30 - Integers (BIDMAS) - Fractions - Area and Perimeter of 2D Shapes (square, rectangle, triangle, parallelogram, trapezium, kite, rhombus, and circle) - Surface Area and Volume of 3D Flat Shapes (cube, cuboid, general prism, and pyramid) - Venn Diagram Grade 8: - Expressions and Formulae (expressions, expanding and simplifying brackets) - Ratio (direct and inverse ratio) - Pythagorean Theorem - Simultaneous Linear Equation Two Variables - Circle (parts of circle) Grade 9: - Indices and Roots (Laws of indices and working with roots) - Social Arithmetic (profit, loss, tax, discount, loan and interest) - Surface Area and Volume of 3D Curved Shapes (cone, cylinder, and sphere) - Linear Function (gradient, graph and inverse of linear function) Math Enrichment - Statistics (mean, median, mode, range, table of frequency, chart and diagrams) - Probability - Inequality - Geometry (basic angles properties, angles in parallel lines, polygon, circle) - Transformation (translation, reflection, rotation) Fri/17 Mar Grade 7: Religion - Manusia Sebagai Citra Allah 07.30 – 09.00 - Aku Diciptakan Sebagai Perempuan dan Laki-laki - Membangun Persahabatan Sejati - Tumbuh dan Berkembang Seturut Teladan Yesus Ibadat singkat sesuai topik yang ditentukan Grade 8: - Pribadi Yesus - Yesus Mewartakan Kerajaan Allah - Panggilan dan Perutusan Murid Yesus - Konsekuensi Pewartaan Yesus - Peran Roh Kudus Bagi Murid Yesus Grade 9: - Orang Beriman Menanggapi Karya Keselamatan Allah - Orang Beriman Hidup di Tengah Masyarakat - Orang Beriman Menghargai Martabat Manusia - Orang Beriman Menjaga Keutuhan Alam Ciptaan Tuhan dan Membangun Persaudaraan dengan Semua Orang Mon/20 Mar Biology: Science - Microscope 07.30 – 09.00 - Organization of life - Classification of living thing - Naming organism - Ecosystem - Interaction - Adaptation - Photosynthesis - Plant movement - Structure of plant - Cell respiration - Respiratory, circulatory system - Nutrition - Digestive system - Inheritance - Plant growth and development - Biotechnology Physics: - Density - Heat and temperature - Velocity - Force and energy - Simple machine - Pressure - wave and Vibration - Sound - Mirror - Electrostatic Biology: Biotechnology: Making food product Physics: Heat - Electrodynamic Electrical Energy Chemistry: - Acid and base - Element and compound - Atom and ion - State of matters - Food additive - Addictive and psychotropics Chemistry: Acid and Base Tue/21 Mar German: Modul Nico, Kati, Anna, Fabio German / Mandarin 07.30 – 09.00 German: Eine Nachricht vorlesen (Das Auto: Ende eines Statussymbols) Mandarin: Chapter 1 - 15 Mandarin: Obadiah, Isaiah & Hosea: Live Drama Performance Joshua & Habakkuk: Making Chinese Drama in a Movie Fri/24 Mar Kelas 7 Bahasa - Teks Fabel Indonesia - Teks Prosedur 07.30 – 09.00 Kelas 8 - Teks Eksposisi - Teks Puisi - Teks Ulasan Kelas 9 - Teks Cerita Pendek - Teks Tanggapan Kritis - Teks Diskusi - Ejaan dan Tanda Baca Pilihan Ujian Praktik: - Bercerita dengan alat peraga - Deklamasi puisi Subject Period Culture Art Art: Making Scrapbook Subject Period PE Subject Period IT-Preneur Volleyball Digital Advertisement: making digital video ads for a product and service using video editor to be put on a website