ሶሶሶሶሶሶሶ ሶሶሶ Section: sociodemographic data 1. Age: __________ 2. Area of residence 3. 4. 5. ii. Rural i. Male ii.Female Gender Marital status i. Married ii. Single iii.Separated iv.Widowed Education level i. 6. i. Urban Illiterate ii. Primary school iii. High school iv. Diploma v. Degree vi. MSC and above Religion i. Muslim ii. Orthodox iii.Protestant iv. Catholic v. v. Others (specify) _______________________ 7. 8. Ethnicity I . Oromo ii.Hareri iii. Amhara iv. Tigray v.Others (specify) ___________ Occupation i.Student ii. Unemployed iii. Civil servant iv. Farmer V.Housewife vi. Merchant vii. Others (specify) ____________ 9. 10. Monthly income in ETH birr i. < 500 ii. 500-999 iii. 1000-1499 iv. 1500-2499 v. >2500 Number of visit to Gondar hospital pharmacies. I. 1x II. 2-4x III.>4x Section 2:- patients satisfaction Indicate 1 to 5 on the scale for the answer that most corresponds to your opinion 1. Very Poor 2. Poor 3. No comment (neutral) 4. Good 5. Very good 1. The pharmacy location is convenient 12345 2. The private counseling area is comfortable and convenient 12345 3. The pharmacist explains how to take my medication 12345 4. The pharmacist mention enough information about medication side effects 12345 5. The pharmacist mention enough information about drug-drug interaction and drug-food 12345 interaction 6. The pharmacist treated me with dignity and respect 12345 7. The pharmacist is available at the time of visit 12345 8. I get written information about medication use whenever I need 12345 9. The pharmacist keep my privacy 12345 10. The pharmacist serve me equally with other patients 12345 11. The pharmacist gives me information on how to solve medication side effects if occur at 12345 any time 12. The pharmacist answer my questions properly 12345 13. The language used by the pharmacist is easy and understandable 12345 14. The pharmacist label my medicine in readable and understandable instruction 12345 15. The pharmacist gives me the medicine with appropriate packaging 12345 16. The pharmacist told me information about proper storage of medication 12345 17. I get all drugs I need 12345 18. The waiting area is comfortable and convenient 12345 19. The pharmacy is clean 12345 20. Medications I need are available 12345 21. The cost of the medication is fair 12345 22. The staff numbers are enough to provide the service 12345 23. Counseling time was enough 12345 24. The politeness and interest of the pharmacist were good 12345 25. Clarity of the voice and tone of the pharmacy personnel 12345 26. The pharmacist ask any concerns about medication 12345 27. Your pharmacy services overall 12345