Calcutta Seventh-day Adventist Primary School Teacher: Subject: Class: Unit Topic: refer to the specific unit plan Number of Students: Sub-Topic: refer to the specific unit plan Date: Lesson Topic: formulate as skilled-based and specific Time: check timetable (0:00 a.m. – 0:00 a.m.) Duration: in minutes Background: Introductory or Continuation Learning Outcome: The specific grade level learning outcome for the subject contained within the National Curriculum (include the number to identify the LO) Previous Knowledge A description of the knowledge, skills, and/or attitudes that students already have about the topic of the lesson to be used as a basis for designing the introductory hook. Do not use “KNOW”. Instead make use of the skill. Example: Students are able to describe… Students can identify… Students can differentiate between… Where a P.K. is based on experiences alone especially in an introductory lesson, then the following is also acceptable: Students have visited… Students are aware of… Students have seen… Students are familiar with… Objectives(s) Must be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound). Start the wording with a: Condition (Provided with…Given a…After having…) Followed by: Behaviour/Performance (students will be able to correctly identify/describe/explain/arrange/differentiate …the choice of skill depends on the skill in the sub-topic selected from the learning outcome. Provide details to accompany the skill in the behaviour. What is expected to be done. Then: Be sure to add a phrase or specific words to depict Extent or Degree. This will indicate the extent to which the behaviour/performance is expected to be carried out. This can be written in numeric form and/or words as in the case of accurately, correctly, appropriately. Example: ...accurately explain, in no less than 3 sentences Sample Objective: After having visited information stations, students will be able to accurately explain, in no less than 3 sentences, Materials Specific lists of instructional materials and aids to help in delivery of lessons. Not just “worksheets” but “worksheets on/with. Not just “flash cards” but “flashcards with sight words”. Not just “handouts” but “handouts with Mundo Maya information” what is meant by the term Mundo Maya territories. References Hard Copy: Specific name of book with page numbers, of books you used to inform your planning as a teacher. This list must include at least 2 hard copy references with page numbers. Example: The Mundo Maya Territories Book 5 pages 25 & 26 Online Source: APA style referencing for websites and not just cutting and pasting of URLs from the search engine. Jackson, P. (2019). Mundo maya territories. Retrieved from: https://mundo-maya-territoriesdoi/11470. Content Provide details and descriptions of concepts to be taught. These must be relevant and in alignment with the lesson topic and objective(s). Include statements defining WHAT will be taught. Ensure that statements are clearly expressed with the use of proper grammar and mechanics. Break down details and descriptions into manageable statements that can translate into information and concepts that students can understand. Ensure that vocabulary and words are appropriate for the class level. Include: Numbered steps to follow, if applicable. Suggested Activities/Procedures Hook: Must be in alignment with the P.K. Whatever skill, knowledge or concept is described in the P.K. must be reviewed here. Select a strategy and provide brief but clear details of an activity to be carried out. It will introduce the lesson based on P.K. Do not begin to teach a new concept here. The Hook serves as a bridge from the known to the unknown. Make it captivating and interesting but meaningful. Pictures/images that can be helpful in bringing the concepts across to students. Examples to illustrate the concept. Development: Step by Step procedures of HOW the lesson will be taught. Include teaching/learning strategies and activities. First state the strategy (at least 2) then provide step by step details of the activity in each case. All activities must be geared towards Competency Area #__: Gotten from the specific unit plan that you will extract from helping students to develop the key skills and to grasp the intended concepts. Strategies and the 501 Academy. Ensure that it is activities must be implemented to help achieve applicable to your lesson and activities. the lesson’s objective(s). Skills: At least 2 skills each written as a short phrase. Examples: 1. Organizing information 2. Explaining information gathered 3. Differentiating between ascending and descending orders 4. Identifying Mundo Maya territories Skills must be based on the lesson topic and what is to be covered in the lesson itself. Think of essential skills that stand out in the lesson. Think of what students will be doing as you reflect on your activities. Dispositions/Affective Attributes: At least 1 phase is to be included here that expresses a value you would want students to develop as a result of the lesson’s concept. Examples: 1. Value the benefits of a balanced diet 2. Appreciate the contribution of national heroes 3. Linkage(s): Refers to topics in other subject areas than can be integrated into the specific lesson being taught. State the area of study and the related sub-topic. If you are planning to teach about a balanced diet, then a linkage would look something like… All strategies and activities must be appropriate for the developmental level of students. Include suitable/appropriate activities to support teaching and learning. Where possible, engage students using online teaching/learning tools and multimedia. Example: Kahoot, Power Point Presentations, Padlet, MentiMeter, Jeopardy, YouTube, Wheel of Names, laptop, tablet, projector, etc. Cater for different learning styles and multiple intelligences. Incorporate music, poetry, stories, puppet theater, cinema box, games, etc. Make use of real objects as much as possible. Have students discover and experience rather than being told. Make use of well formulated questions to evoke critical thinking. Guide them to arrive at the intended outcome. Culmination/Closure: Brings the lesson to a close and wraps up in preparation for the assessment. Briefly state how closure will be brought to the lesson. Make use of a creative way to have students share concepts they have learnt from the lesson. Assessment: Evaluates learning and provides evidence that the lesson’s objective has been met. Linkage: Mathematics (Measurements) If you are planning to teach about Explaining what the term Mundo Maya territories, then… Linkage: Language Arts (Writing Sentences) Whatever the linkage stated, it must be evident within the lesson development. It’s integration must be clearly seen in the development of the lesson. Must be in alignment with the objective. Reword the objective to describe the assessment strategy/activity. You cannot assess what was not covered during the development of the lesson. Make use of authentic assessment techniques or innovative strategies to assess students. These can be alternative forms of assessment such as: anecdotal records, checklists, journals, projects, self-assessment, exit ticket, and portfolio. Spirituality: Make connection to a relevant and applicable Bible verse, story or thought. What spiritual lesson can be obtained from the lesson being taught. Real-Life Application: Clear and brief explanation as to how this lesson can be applied to real life. It’s usefulness to students. Extended/Enrichment Activity: Briefly describe an activity that students can carry out for the lesson’s concept to be reinforced. Students should be able to complete this task with little to no assistance. Accommodation Strategy Briefly state what specific modifications or adjustments will be made and for whom (a single student or groups of students) based on how advanced they are in work, attention needed, etc. Lesson Evaluation Strength: Which strategies did you use to help facilitate learning? Consider teacher’s strengths. Weakness: What didn’t’ work? What didn’t go so well? Why? Improvement: What do you plan to do as a result of what happened during the lesson? How do you plan to help those students who did not learn the content? How do you plan to address those students who are ahead of the others in the class?