Lesson plan: TALKING ABOUT TRANSPORTATION ASKING ABOUT HOW TO TAKE A BUS Teacher Slide Action Introduction (5 minutes) Students Aims To let students get to know each other and their teacher To introduce the lesson To let students Class rules (30 understand the seconds) class rules To let students practice structures they Teacher have learned in Student LS classes and (13 minutes 30 express their seconds) ideas about the topic with the teacher. Suggestions Teacher: - reveals some information about him/herself. - asks all students to introduce themselves using the suggestions in the slide - Welcome class! My name is.. I’m … years old and I’m your teacher for this class. - Now I would like you guys to take turn and introduce yourself using the following information: - Nice to meet all of you! During the lesson, if you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you! - Teacher introduces the topic of today’s lesson Today we will have a discussion about Asking about how to take a bus. - I hope after today’s lesson you will be able to communicate more confidently when you are in this kind of context. - Teacher reads the rules Before starting today's lesson, here are three rules I for students want you guys to follow: … Question 1: Teacher:explains the game, - gives students some new words. Timing Performance - Introduce yourself using the following information. 1 minute Timing 35 seconds/stude nt 30 seconds 30 seconds Vocabulary game: Put the words into the boxes to have the correct pronunciations. • /s/: Bus, Minutes, Thanks, Tickets, Stops • /z/: Terminals, Commuters, Comes 1 minute 45 seconds/stude nt And here is the question number 2: Do you like Question 2: Teacher: - asks all students in the traveling by bus? Why/ why not? class to answer Suggestions: - knows when to stop students when they go off - I don’t like traveling by bus, because topic. there’re a lot of people on it, and it smells - uses suggestions in I like traveling by bus, because it’s very brackets to train students cheap and convenient to speak one short paragraph. - I have my own car, motorbike, so I don’t have to travel by bus, In case the student could not answer the question, teacher can choose and ask some questions below: - - Fixes common grammatical mistakes arise for students. Student Student (21 minutes) Question 3: Teacher: - Lets students work in pairs - Stops students politely when they speak more To let students than the allowed amount express their of time. ideas relating to - Gives suggestions if the current and necessary (write in chat the previous box). contexts Each student talks 3-5 sentences 1 minute/student 1 minute What do you like/not like about traveling by bus? Do you travel by bus often? Why/why not? Is it cheaper and safer to travel by bus? Why/why not? After listening to your talks, I could see some common mistakes that you need to correct it and now I will correct them 1 minute Ok let's start with question 3: you guys will work in pairs. Listen and take note of teacher’s comments. Have a short conversation with a partner. Discuss with your partner things you should and should not do on a bus Suggestions: 45 seconds Should: - Save seats for elders, children and pregnant women - Respect other people’s space - Be careful with your belongings Should not: 1 minute 30 seconds /student - Talk loudly - Write anything on the bus - Eat, drink smelly food - Annoy other people In case the student could not answer the question, teacher can choose and ask some questions below: - What should you do/not do while traveling by bus? Should you save seats for elders, children and pregnant women? Why/why not? Is it necessary to watch out for your belongings? Why/why not? What food should you not eat on a bus? - Corrects most common Instead of using “..” , you can say “..” mistakes Question 4: Role-play: Teacher: - Explains the situation. - Lets student practice with their partner - Gives suggestions if necessary - Corrects most common mistakes Listen and take 45 seconds note of teacher’s comments. In the last question, you guys will also work in pairs. Let’s choose one role and act it out with your partner in 3 minutes. - Read the situation for students Summarize what you have learnt in last lessons to practice with a partner A: Ask your friend which bus you should take to get to the place you want to go to. B: You’re A’s friend. Give him/her some advice. 1 minute 30 seconds Suggestion: A: - I’m planning to go to … this weekend/next week/tomorrow/tonight Do you know which bus I should take? I’ve never traveled by bus 1 minute 30 seconds /student B: - Where exactly are you going? I think you should take the bus number 9 Get off at street … You can go to the bus station and look up the map. It shows all the numbers and destinations You will have a conversation about Asking about how to take a bus, remember to use the structures and words that you have learnt in previous lessons. Teacher can suggest students some structures to ask and answer: Which one is better? I think… Sounds great. That’s fine. - Give comments on ** Teacher has to remind students about their biggest students’ performance in strength and 1-2 mistakes that they need to improve. detail (which words they ASSESSMENT ( sandwich method) Give feedback to pronounced incorrectly…) S each student (3 minutes) - Evaluate each student’s -Write down students’ feedback in the assessment form. performance Wrap-up 2 minutes - Summarize the knowledge learnt in the lesson; To let students - Remind students to do understand what homework. they learnt after the lesson - Take note of teacher’s comments; 3 minutes - Today you guys did pretty great job in using structures in last lessons - In pronunciation part, you have understood the difference between /s/ and /z/ 2 minutes - Remind students to find the lessons to practice at home with Native Life - Ask the teacher questions (if necessary) 30 seconds/stude nt