Home Search Collections Journals About Contact us My IOPscience Non-monotonic potentials and vector analyzing powers of 6,7Li scattering by 12C, 26Mg, 58Ni, and 120Sn This content has been downloaded from IOPscience. Please scroll down to see the full text. 2011 EPL 94 62002 (http://iopscience.iop.org/0295-5075/94/6/62002) View the table of contents for this issue, or go to the journal homepage for more Download details: IP Address: This content was downloaded on 19/05/2015 at 16:13 Please note that terms and conditions apply. June 2011 EPL, 94 (2011) 62002 doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/94/62002 www.epljournal.org Non-monotonic potentials and vector analyzing powers of 6,7 Li scattering by 12C, 26Mg, 58Ni, and 120Sn A. K. Basak1(a) , M. M. Billah2 , M. J. Kobra1 , M. K. Sarkar1 , M. Mizanur Rahman1 , Pretam K. Das1 , S. Hossain3 , M. N. A. Abdullah4 , A. S. B. Tariq1 , M. A. Uddin1 , S. Bhattacharjee1 , I. Reichstein5 and F. B. Malik6,7 1 Department of Physics, University of Rajshahi - Rajshahi, Bangladesh Department of Physics, Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology - Rajshahi, Bangladesh 3 Department of Physics, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology - Sylhet, Bangladesh 4 Department of Physics, Jagannath University - Dhaka, Bangladesh 5 School of Computer Science, Carleton University - Ottawa, ON K1S 5B6, Canada 6 Department of Physics, Southern Illinois University - Carbondale, IL 62901, USA 7 Department of Physics, Washington University - St. Louis, MO 63130, USA 2 received 14 February 2011; accepted in final form 27 April 2011 published online 9 June 2011 PACS PACS PACS 25.70.Bc – Elastic and quasielastic scattering 24.10.Ht – Optical and diffraction models 24.70.+s – Polarization phenomena in reactions Abstract – The data on the elastic scattering cross-section (CS) and vector analyzing power (VAP ) of 6,7 Li incident on 12 C, 26 Mg, 58 Ni and 120 Sn nuclei are analyzed in terms of an optical model (OM) potential, the real part of which is generated from a realistic two-nucleon interaction using the energy-density functional (EDF) formalism. The EDF-generated real part of the potential is non-monotonic (NM) in nature. This NM real potential part, without any renormalization, along with an empirically determined imaginary part and spin-orbit potential, embodying the underlying physics of projectile excitation, can successfully account for both CS and VAP data in all four cases. This investigation, for the first time, using the simple OM analysis accounts well for the opposite signs of the VAP data of elastically scattered 6,7 Li by 58 Ni at Elab ≈ 20 MeV and by 120 Sn at Elab = 44 MeV. The ramification of successfully describing the data by the EDF-generated potential to the equation of state of nuclear matter is discussed. open access c EPLA, 2011 Copyright Introduction. – An understanding of the interaction between lithium isotopes, the heaviest formed in primordial nucleosynthesis, and other nuclei is likely to be important for our understanding of stellar nucleosynthesis. Except in some recent studies [1–3], Li-nucleus potentials are usually phenomenological Woods-Saxon (WS) [4,5], squared WS (SWS) [6], or microscopic double folding (DF) [6]. However, it is difficult to obtain consistent global parameters of WS and SWS potentials and they suffer from discrete [7] and continuous [8] ambiguities. In the DF approach, potentials are generated from the two-nucleon (NN) M3Y interaction [9] which does not contain a tensor component that is critical to our understanding of deuteron magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moments. Moreover, the DF method neglects (a) E-mail: akbasak@gmail.com a proper consideration of the Pauli principle among the nucleons. As a consequence, the DF potentials are able to explain, using an empirical energy-dependent renormalization factor, the elastic scattering data of 6,7 Li [10] only. Sakuragi and his group [11] demonstrated elegantly that the renormalization may be done away with through the generation of a repulsive dynamic polarization potential (DPP) using a coupled discretized continuum channels (CDCC) method [12] in conjunction with the DF potential. Alternatively, nucleus-nucleus potentials have been derived [2] from a realistic NN potential using the energy-density functional (EDF) [13] approach. As noted in [1,2], the basic ingredients for deriving nucleus-nucleus potentials using this method are: i) a realistic NN potential, ii) experimental density distribution (DD) functions for each of the colliding nuclei, and iii) local 62002-p1 A. K. Basak et al. density approximation to determine the nucleonic mean field that incorporates the Pauli principle. In the sudden approximation version of this method, the functional form of the nucleus-nucleus potential is non-monotonic (NM) as a consequence of the Pauli principle. The latter principle is not explicitly considered in other forms of the EDF theory existing in the literature, such as those based on the Skyrme type of the NN interaction [14]. The coupled-channels (CC) and CDCC analyses in [3] demonstrated explicitly that the NM aspect of the real central potential in conjunction with an optimum imaginary part triggers the correct DPP leading to an adequately effective SO potential to reproduce simultaneously the CS and VAP data of the 6 Li-28 Si elastic scattering without any need for renormalization or adjustment of the parameters of the real part [3]. This motivated us to extend the applicability of the optical model (OM) analyses of the 6 Li-28 Si elastic scattering data in [1,2] to examine the 6,7 Li elastic scattering by a wide mass range of targets, 12 C, 26 Mg, 58 Ni and 120 Sn, at different incident energies. The prime focus of the present investigation is to address the challenging situation of the opposite signs of available VAP data of 6 Li and 7 Li elastic scattering on 58 Ni at Elab ≈ 20 MeV [15,16] and on 120 Sn at 44 MeV [12,17] in addition to accounting for their CS data. Only at our selected energies, complete angular distributions of the CS and VAP data of both the 6,7 Li elastic scattering are available currently. The large difference in deformations of 6 Li and 7 Li is likely to produce drastically different DPP effects through their excitation process, as stressed in the work of Nishioka et al. [18]. The very distinctive dynamics in the excitation process of 6,7 Li may stimulate a large difference in the correct SO potentials if the nature of the central potential is chosen properly. A successful application of potentials to determine the elastic scattering CS as well as VAP data may provide important information on the equation of state (EOS) of nuclear and nucleonic matter as a function of density, as noted in [19], including that at the saturation density. This contrasts with the fact that the excitation of breathing modes of nuclei [20] provides a knowledge of incompressibility modulus K at the saturation density. K at the saturation density for the EDF-generated potentials herein and in [19] is 187 MeV. Both the studies use the realistic NN potential of Gammel and Thaler [21]. Background. – Since the installation of the polarized Li beams in Heidelberg [22] in the 1970s, studies of the polarization effect in 6,7 Li-induced reactions have drawn considerable attention. In particular, measured VAP magnitudes of the 6,7 Li elastic scattering are found large compared to the expected size of their spin-orbit (SO) potentials. In the case of a composite projectile of mass number AP , only a small fraction of the nucleons do not form spin-zero pairs and the net SO interaction [18]. Hence to is expected to be proportional to A−1 P 6,7 describe the measured VAP, it is conjectured [22,23] that the effective SO potential of 6,7 Li stems from the resultant of static and dynamic spin-dependent interactions. The relative importance of these two spin-dependent interactions and its energy dependence are subjects of considerable interest [12,23]. The work of Basak et al. [3] demonstrates that the effective SO potential, generated through DPP alone, can account for the 22.8 MeV VAP data of the 6 Li-28 Si elastic scattering well without having a static SO term. This indicates that the static SO potential is small at this energy. Complete 6,7 Li potentials should include spindependent parts along with the central one. While 6 Li, with spin S(6 Li) = 1, has both first- and second-rank SO terms; 7 Li with S(7 Li) = 3/2, bears up to third-rank SO terms in the total potential. The works of refs. [18,24] suggest that while the tensor analyzing power (T AP ) data of the 6,7 Li elastic scattering on 58 Ni at Ecm (Li) = 12.7 and 18.1 MeV can be well accounted for by static tensor potentials, the VAP data cannot be reproduced by static SO potentials. In particular, the puzzling situation of the iT11 data of the 6,7 Li elastic scattering on 58 Ni, which are of opposite signs, is not expected to be reproduced by static SO potentials. However, the iT11 data of the 6,7 Li-58 Ni systems could be reproduced in the CC calculations [18,24] through the generation of DPP in the projectile excitation process. In both the works, the analyses have been accomplished using the projectile-target potential derived in the cluster folding (CF) model. The need for using NM potentials is further substantiated in the investigation of Pakou [25], who demonstrated explicitly that a CDCC calculation induces DPP, Upol (R) = Vpol (R) + iWpol (R), having a repulsive real part which effectively renormalized the real part obtained in the DF method. The total effective 6,7 Li-28 Si potential, U (R), is obtained by adding to the calculated DF potential, Ubare (R), generated using the BDM3Y1 NN interaction potential [26], an empirically determined DPP Upol (R). The NM potential, U (R) = Ubare (R) + Upol (R), thus obtained, can reproduce the 13 MeV CS data of the 6,7 Li elastic scattering by 28 Si. Without the inclusion of Upol (R), the DF Ubare (R) potential needs a renormalization factor of 0.5 to 0.6 to fit the data. The effect of DPP, arising from CDCC calculations, on the 22.8 MeV VAP data of the 6 Li +28 Si elastic scattering has been shown explicitly in [3]. The very distinctive dynamics in the excitation process of 6,7 Li, as noted in [18], may stimulate a large difference in the correct SO potentials if the nature of the central potential is chosen properly. It is, therefore, of great interest to investigate whether the unadjusted EDF-generated NM potentials, with empirically searched imaginary and effective SO terms, in the simple OM framework, succeed in describing particularly the opposite signs of VAP data, observed for the 6,7 Li elastic scattering by 58 Ni at Elab ≈ 20 MeV and by 120 Sn at 44 MeV in 62002-p2 Non-monotonic potentials and vector analyzing powers etc. 7 Li+12C EDF Parametrized 10 Parametrized 0 0 -10 -10 -20 -20 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 -30 10 10 10 26 Li+ Mg 7 26 Li+ Mg EDF EDF Parametrized Parametrized 0 0 -10 -10 -20 -20 -30 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 -30 10 10 10 6 58 Li+ Ni 7 58 Li+ Ni EDF EDF Parametrized 0 Parametrized 0 -10 -10 -20 -20 -30 -30 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 Li+120Sn Li+120Sn 6 8 10 7 6 0 EDF 0 EDF Parametrized VN (R) (MeV) VN (R) (MeV) 6 addition to a wide range of CS and other VAP data in terms of both target masses and incident energies. VN (R) (MeV) EDF VN (R) (MeV) VN (R) (MeV) Binding energy Calc. Expt. 33.2 32.0 39.2 39.5 92.0 92.2 219.6 216.6 506.4 506.5 1023.2 1020.5 Optical potential parameters. – The real parts of the central nuclear potentials for 6,7 Li are generated using the DD functions in the EDF calculation, the details of which are given in [2]. The energy-dependent part of the mean field calculated using the NN potential [21] can be represented by density-dependent polynomials [13,19] with the coefficients, a1 = −0.2, a2 = 0.316, a3 = 1.646, b1 = −741.28, b2 = 1179.89 and b3 = −467.54, which correspond to K ≈ 187 MeV [19] for symmetric nuclei. The nonhomogeneity parameter η = 8 [2] has been used for correction to the kinetic energy due to the finite size of the nuclear matter and correlation effects, not included in the mean field. The EDF calculations also involve the sudden approximation ρ(r) = ρP (r) + ρT (r) with P and T referring to the projectile and target, respectively. The sources of the DD functions are [27] for 6 Li; [28] for 7 Li; [29] for 12 C; and [30] for 26 Mg, 58 Ni and 120 Sn. These DD functions are transformed to the two-parameter Fermi (2pF) function, ρ(r) = ρ0 [1 + exp((r − c)/z)]−1 , for use in the EDF calculations. The reduced parameters along with a comparison between the calculated and experimental binding energies are given in table 1. The EDF-derived real parts of the 6,7 Li NM potentials are shown in solid dots in fig. 1, wherein these potentials are parametrized in terms of solid lines with the simple analytic expression −1 R − R0 V (R) = −V0 1 + exp a0 2 R − D1 +V1 exp − . (1) R1 Li+12C -30 VN (R) (MeV) Li Li 12 C 26 Mg 58 Ni 120 Sn 7 20 6 10 VN (R) (MeV) 6 2pF DD parameters c z ρ0 1.333 0.577 0.2118 1.501 0.578 0.2006 2.294 0.434 0.1752 3.050 0.523 0.1695 4.154 0.553 0.1644 5.315 0.576 0.1710 20 Parametrized -10 -10 -20 -20 -30 -30 -40 0 2 4 R (fm) 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 VN (R) (MeV) Table 1: The parameters of the equivalent 2pF DD function for the nuclei with the sources given in the text. c and z are in fm, ρ0 in fm−3 (see text for definition of the parameters) and the binding energy in MeV. -40 10 R (fm) Fig. 1: Parametrization in terms of the solid lines with the analytical expression given in (1) fitting the nuclear part VN (R) of the EDF-generated Li potentials (solid dots). radius RC is added to obtain the total real part of the potential. The parameters of the parametrized form of the nucleus-nucleus potential, derived in the above-mentioned way from the EDF-generated 6,7 Li potentials, are given in table 2 along with the volume integrals JR /(AP AT ) (AT being the target mass number) and RC . The imaginary part of the 6,7 Li potential is taken phenomenologically to be composed of volume and surface terms as 2 R W (R) = −W0 exp − RW 2 R − DS −WS exp − . (2) RS The effective SO part of 6,7 Li potentials is assumed to have the standard WS form with only the real part as VSO d −1 [1 + exp((R − RSO )/aSO )] · I. R dR (3) Here, and I are, respectively, the partial wave and spin of 6,7 Li. The depth parameter VSO , and the geometry parameters RSO and aSO have been adjusted for the best possible fit to the iT11 data. USO (R) = 2 The differences in the nuclear interior up to about 2.0 fm between the EDF-derived potentials (solid dots) and the analytic lines for the cases of 58 Ni and 120 Sn are not expected to have a significant impact on the angular distributions of the elastic scattering, which, at the considered Analysis and results. – The optical model analyses incident energies, are primarily determined by the surface geometry of the nucleus-nucleus potential derived. The have been carried out using the code SFRESCO, which Coulomb potential VC of a uniformly charged sphere with incorporates the coupled-channels code FRESCO 2.5 [31] 62002-p3 A. K. Basak et al. Table 2: Analytic parameters in (1) of the EDF-generated NM projectile-target (system) potential along with the Coulomb radius RC and the volume integrals JR /(AP AT ). The incident energy (ELi ) and depth parameters are in MeV, the geometry parameters in fm and JR /(AP AT ) in MeV fm3 . System 6 12 Li- C Li-12 C 6 Li-26 Mg 7 Li-26 Mg 6 Li-58 Ni 7 Li-58 Ni 6 Li-120 Sn 7 Li-120 Sn 7 ELi V0 R0 a0 V1 D1 R1 RC JR /(6A) 20.0 21.10 44.0 44.0 20.0 20.3 44.0 44.0 28.71 29.81 43.87 41.11 38.62 35.52 39.21 38.71 4.17 4.27 4.830 4.95 6.00 6.10 7.29 7.39 0.691 0.705 0.780 0.783 0.792 0.804 0.780 0.776 31.06 32.38 28.82 27.36 16.50 13.31 16.88 16.19 0.138 0.093 0.811 0.687 2.275 2.167 3.173 3.211 2.211 2.158 2.923 2.679 2.208 2.081 2.308 2.283 7.8 8.0 8.5 8.6 9.6 9.7 10.7 10.9 124.1 123.2 120.8 115.4 100.1 87.10 84.81 73.75 Table 3: Empirical imaginary and SO parameters, respectively, in (2) and (3), of the projectile-target (system) potential along with the total χ2 per point on combined fits to both CS and iT11 data. The incident energy (ELi ) and depth parameters are in MeV, and the geometry parameters, in fm. System 6 Li-12 C Li-12 C 6 Li-26 Mg 7 Li-26 Mg 6 Li-58 Ni 7 Li-58 Ni 6 Li-120 Sn 7 Li-120 Sn 7 ELi W0 RW WS DS RS VSO RSO aSO χ2 20.0 21.10 44.0 44.0 20.0 20.3 44.0 44.0 3.257 13.50 35.48 31.12 84.86 200.0 95.32 300.9 6.10 4.595 4.279 4.527 4.078 4.067 4.433 4.372 24.96 8.918 7.029 6.00 169.42 200.0 6.831 12.458 3.663 4.419 4.574 5.332 5.748 6.232 8.084 7.300 0.310 0.241 0.500 0.54 0.15 0.200 0.787 0.327 +1.008 +1.800 −0.240 −0.272 +1.304 −1.111 +1.393 −0.458 4.121 3.434 3.851 3.570 5.617 6.193 5.460 7.917 0.980 0.450 1.10 0.900 1.091 0.90 0.938 0.613 5.93 8.17 13.0 5.81 4.08 1.97 0.70 0.52 coupled with the χ2 -minimization code MINUIT [32]. The experimental CS and iT11 data are taken from [33] for 6 Li-12 C at the lab energy 20.0 MeV; [34] for 7 Li-12 C at 21.1 MeV; [35] for 6 Li-26 Mg and [36] for 7 Li-26 Mg both at 44.0 MeV; [15] for 6 Li-58 Ni at 20 MeV; [16] for 7 Li-58 Ni at 20.3 MeV; and [12] for 6 Li-120 Sn and [17] for 7 Li-120 Sn both at 44.0 MeV. A systematic error of 15% has been assumed for the experimental CS data normalized to the Rutherford cross-sections (σ/σR ) for the angular points without the error bars. In the simultaneous analysis of the CS and iT11 data, the EDF-generated parameters for the real part of the 6,7 Li-target potentials, given in table 2, have been held fixed. In the first step of the analysis, the parameters of the imaginary part of the 6,7 Li potentials have been obtained from fitting the CS data only. In the second step, the parameters of the SO potential have been optimized to fit the iT11 data alone. Then the depths of the imaginary and SO parts have been optimized by minimizing the χ2 in fitting the CS and VAP data simultaneously. Final fits have been done visually after taking guidance from the χ2 fits, since it is more important to reproduce the features, e.g., positions of the peaks etc., of the angular distributions than naively minimizing the χ2 only [37]. The final parameters for the imaginary and SO potentials are noted in table 3. One can see that the effective SO strengths are either attractive with positive sign of the depth VSO or repulsive with negative depth. The OM fits to the CS and VAP data of the 6,7 Li elastic scattering are shown by solid lines in fig. 2 for 12 C and 26 Mg and those in fig. 3 are for 58 Ni and 120 Sn. Both the CS and VAP data are reproduced simultaneously well with the unadjusted real parameters, generated from the EDF calculations except for the CS data for 7 Li +12 C. Interesting features for 58 Ni and 120 Sn are that very similar CS distributions for the 6 Li and 7 Li elastic scattering and the opposite signs of their iT11 data are well accounted for by the imaginary and effective SO potentials, the latter representing the combined effect of the static and dynamic potentials. The latter, as shown explicitly in the work of [3], is generated from the projectile excitation processes and the imaginary potential provided the real part of the 6,7 Li potential has the appropriate NM nature. Figure 4 shows the plot of the volume integral per −1/3 which includes the nucleon pair JR /(6AT ) vs. AT integral value for the EDF-generated 6 Li-28 Si potential from [1,2]. The plot is primarily linear with the rela−1/3 tionship JR /(6AT ) = 49.49(1 + 3.852AT ). Because of the Pauli blocking effect, as noted in [5], the contribution to the volume integral is expected to be small from the nuclear interior and the resulting effect leads to the −1/3 proportionality of JR /(6AT ) to AT . Discussion and conclusion. – The investigation delineates, for the first time, that a physical process that 62002-p4 Non-monotonic potentials and vector analyzing powers etc. Li + 12C, 20.0 MeV 0.2 6 Li + 58Ni, 20.0 MeV 0.6 0.4 0.2 10-1 0.0 6 Li + 58Ni, 20.0 MeV 100 0.0 10-1 iT11 Li + 12C, 20.0 MeV σ/σR 6 6 iT11 σ/σR 101 0.8 100 -0.2 -0.4 10 Expt -0.6 Expt OM (EDF+SO) OM (EDF+SO) -0.8 20 40 60 7 12 80 100 120 140 20 40 7 12 60 80 100 120 140 20 Li + C, 21.1 MeV Li + C, 21.1 MeV 0.0 σ/σR -0.2 Expt Expt OM (EDF+SO) 100 120 140 160 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Li + 58Ni, 20.3 MeV 0.0 10-1 10-2 -0.4 Expt Expt OM (EDF+SO) OM (EDF+SO) -0.6 20 40 60 6 26 80 100 120 140 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 20 100 Li + Mg, 44.0 MeV Li + σ/σR 0.6 Expt Expt 0.4 OM (EDF+SO) OM (EDF+SO) 0.2 10-2 0.0 10-3 60 80 100 20 7 40 60 80 -0.6 100 0.6 101 0.4 0 0.0 Expt 20 40 60 80 Angle Θc.m. (deg) 100 20 40 60 80 80 100 120 140 Li + -0.2 160 0.1 Sn, 44.0 MeV OM (EDF+SO) 60 80 10 20 40 60 80 0.1 7 Li + 120 Sn, 44.0 MeV 10-1 0.0 10-2 Expt OM (EDF+SO) 10-3 -0.4 OM (EDF+SO) 60 120 Expt 40 -0.2 10-3 Sn, 44.0 MeV Li +120Sn, 44.0 MeV 0.2 OM (EDF+SO) 40 -0.1 20 10-1 10-2 20 6 7 Expt 160 Expt 26 iT11 σ/σR Li + 26Mg, 44.0 MeV 140 OM (EDF+SO) Li + Mg, 44.0 MeV 7 120 0.0 10-2 σ/σR 40 100 100 -0.4 100 80 120 10-1 -0.2 20 60 6 26 iT11 σ/σR Li + Mg, 44.0 MeV 10-1 40 101 0.8 6 -0.2 160 0.2 7 100 iT11 σ/σR 0.2 80 58 Li + Ni, 20.3 MeV 0.6 10-1 OM (EDF+SO) 60 7 0.4 10-2 40 101 0.8 100 iT11 Expt OM (EDF+SO) iT11 Expt OM (EDF+SO) -2 iT11 10 -2 Expt OM (EDF+SO) 10-4 -0.6 100 -0.1 20 40 60 80 20 Angle Θc.m. (deg) Angle Θc.m. (deg) 80 58 Ni and 140 JR/(6AT) for 6Li 130 JR/(6AT) MeV.fm 6 leads to the opposite signs of the VAP data of Li and 7 Li elastic scattering on 58 Ni at Elab ≈ 20 MeV and on 120 Sn at Elab = 44 MeV. These along with the respective CS data can be well accounted for in the simple picture of an OM analysis. Both the CS and VAP data of the 6,7 Li elastic scattering on 12 C, 26 Mg, 58 Ni and 120 Sn are simultaneously reproduced using the EDF-generated parameters of the real central potential, and empirical imaginary and effective SO parts of the 6,7 Li potentials. However, it can be seen in table 3 that in some cases, e.g., 7 Li-26 Mg, 58 Ni, 120 Sn and 6 Li-26 Mg, the SO potentials needed to fit the iT11 data are repulsive with negative VSO . This is not surprising in the light of the findings of [ 3,18,23], that demonstrate explicitly that the dynamic part of the SO potential stems from the excitation process of the projectile. The dynamic SO potential and its influence on the predicted VAP depend on the number of inelastic channels considered in the CDCC calculation and hence on the absorption process. The present study shows that after imaginary parts of the 6,7 Li potentials are fixed using only the CS data, the VAP data are taken care of by the effective SO potentials, arising from the static and DPP potentials. 60 Fig. 3: Same as in fig. 2 for the elastic scattering on 120 Sn. 3 Fig. 2: The OM predicted σ/σR and iT11 (solid lines) for the 6,7 Li elastic scattering on 12 C and 26 Mg using the parameters of the EDF-generated real central potential (table 2), and the empirical imaginary and effective SO potentials (table 3), are compared with the experimental data. The sources of the data are given in the text. 40 Angle Θc.m. (deg) 120 110 100 EDF Fit Curve 90 80 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 AT-1/3 −1/3 Fig. 4: Plot of the volume integral JR /(6AT ) vs. AT for the central real part of the 6 Li potential. The point for 28 Si is taken from [1]. Aside from providing the underlying physical process responsible for the opposite signature of the VAP data of 6 Li and 7 Li, this analysis furnishes some insight to density dependence of the EOS of the nuclear and nucleonic matter. This is because the nucleus-nucleus potential, explaining the experimental data, has been derived by the superposition of the observed DDs of the colliding nuclei. The nuclear DD functions used by us also generate proper binding energies of the nuclei considered herein. As noted earlier, K at the saturation density for this EOS is 187 MeV, for the symmetric nuclear matter, which is at the lower end of currently considered values [38]. Considering 62002-p5 A. K. Basak et al. the yet unresolved uncertainties in the determination of K [39], it would be interesting to study the sensitivity of fits in this approach to the concerned values of K. A preliminary investigation indicates that changing the mean field slightly can still reproduce the elastic scattering CS and VAP data reasonably with a slightly different value of K and a potential differing in the interior. Since the elastic scattering data at the considered energies are primarily determined by the geometry of the potential near the surface region, which in turn is generated by the overlap of densities of the two nuclei, we have some information of EOS from very low to at least saturation density. But K-sensitivity to the data is likely to become more prominent at higher energies where the effects of the nuclear interior become more prominent. Furthermore, as noted in [40], the CS and VAP data of systems with relatively low absorption at higher energies are needed to extract information on EOS at higher densities. In conclusion, as was the case in [1,3], the NM nature of the real part of the central 6,7 Li-nucleus potential, along with the dynamics of the projectile excitation, seems to play a significant role in producing the proper DPP responsible for generating the actual effective SO potential. Therefore, this approach merits further investigation with the CS and VAP data at higher energies. ∗∗∗ We are indebted to Prof. K. Rusek of Heavy Ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw for his helpful suggestions in the work. We would like to thank Prof. I. J. Thompson, now at Lawrence Livermore Lab, for his encouragements and helping us with the latest version of his code FRESCO. A research grant from UGC of Bangladesh and financial support to one of us (MJK) from an MOSICT fellowship as well as another two of us (MMR and PKD) from the M. A. Bary and Feroza Bary scholarships, respectively, are also thankfully acknowledged. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] Hossain S. et al., EPL, 84 (2008) 52001. 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