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Teamwork Tracking Worksheet

How is Teamwork Going for You?
Use the following charts to help you keep track of team interactions that you experience as positive and those that posed a
challenge. Referring back to the work you did on Day 4, you’ll also try to identify any sources of team challenges among
members and what solutions were - or could be - helpful in resolving them. These records will help you with the final
assignment AND with your future job search as you will have great examples to share with potential employers during
Positive teamwork situations
Describe the
What was positive about
What did you learn from it?
All of my teammates
showed up on time on
the first day of group
What I learned was that all of
my teammates were dedicated
and disciplined, which made
me motivated to work even
My teammates
completed the weekly
deliverables the day
before the deadline.
I missed the group
meeting because I had
a doctors appointment,
however, my
teammates were able
to tell me what
happened in the group
meeting that I couldn’t
make to.
My teammates set a
A positive factor that I
found about this situation
was that I liked how all of
my teammates showed up
on time for the first meeting
of the work term. This
showed me that my all of
teammates were dedicated
to the position and work,
which motivated me even
A positive factor that I
discovered from this
situation was that my
teammates and I met with
each other online at a time
which worked for us all,
and we completed the
weekly tasks in the same
meeting. We all did our
parts and completed the
first weekly deliverable
under one hour.
A positive factor that I
found from this situation
was that I liked how my
groupmates were able to
tell me what happened in
the group meeting with the
team lead with full
description. Even though I
couldn’t make it to the
group meeting my
teammates were able to tell
me what happened that day,
which was very helpful of
A positive factor that I
What I learned from this was
that by working with
teammates and discussing
problems with each other, this
helped us complete the
assignment efficiently with
shorter amount of time.
What I learned from this was
that my teammates were not
gatekeeping from what
happened in the group
meeting, and this situation
showed me that they are here
to help me at times that I need
This showed me that
private group meeting
one hour prior to our
presentation hour, so
we can practice our
script and presentation
discovered from this
situation was that my
teammates set a time where
we could practice our
presentation scripts together
before our final
presentation date. This was
great for us all because this
allowed me to restart my
laptop just incase there
were no technical
throughout the entire work
term, my teammates worked
extremely hard and are
always making sure to
complete everything on time.
They also wanted to make
sure that everyone can
practice their script so there
would be no problems leading
to the final presentation.
Describe the
One of the teammates
was not able to stay in
the meeting for long,
and kept using leaving
without letting other
members knowing.
How did it make you feel?
I had to complete a
teammates part on the
weekend because she
was not available to
work on the weekly
deliverables that time.
There was technical
difficulties with a
couple of our group
meeting, so we
couldn’t continue the
meeting that day.
When we were
practicing our group
presentation, one our
teammates didnt
complete their script
so they couldn’t fully
One of our teammates was
on a trip were they had
access to no internet to
work on their part for the
weekly assignment. So I
had to take time out of my
own weekend to finish the
parts for her. I wasn’t mad
at her by any means.
This situation didn’t make
me mad, however, I
scheduled my time that day
so I could have time for the
group meeting, however
since the team had technical
difficulties, we were unable
to have a meeting that day,
and we had to set it for the
next day, which I already
made schedules for.
This situation made me
question their commitment
to the presentation part of
the work term.
Potential source of the
We made sure to tell that
teammate to please notify us
when you need to leave the
group meeting. After telling
him, he made sure to let us
know whenever he had to
leave the call. This helped us
make sure that one pf our
teammates was not in the call.
She made sure to help me out
with my part of the
assignment next week. So we
made our situation even.
Challenging teamwork situations
This didn’t make me sad,
however, it made me feel
confused because whenever
the team wanted to ask him
questions, he wasn’t able to
answer because he left the
group meeting.
I managed to reschedule my
time so I can have the
meeting at the exact same
time for the next day, and we
discussed our work and future
plan that day in the group
The team and I made sure to
give that person more time to
complete their presentation
script so they could easily
present their part of the
presentation without stress
explain their part of
the presentation.
and anxiety.