See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: A Review on Power Supply Induced Jitter Article in IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology · October 2018 DOI: 10.1109/TCPMT.2018.2872608 CITATIONS READS 37 5,364 3 authors: Jai Narayan Tripathi Vijender Kumar Sharma Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur Indian Institute of Technology Mandi 101 PUBLICATIONS 407 CITATIONS 20 PUBLICATIONS 91 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Hitesh Shrimali Indian Institute of Technology Mandi 60 PUBLICATIONS 264 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Power Supply Induced Jitter View project All content following this page was uploaded by Vijender Kumar Sharma on 04 July 2022. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. SEE PROFILE IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPONENTS, PACKAGING AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 9, NO. 3, MARCH 2019 511 A Review on Power Supply Induced Jitter Jai Narayan Tripathi , Senior Member, IEEE, Vijender Kumar Sharma, Graduate Student Member, IEEE, and Hitesh Shrimali, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract— The primary focus of this paper is to discuss the modeling of jitter caused by power supply noise (PSN), named power supply induced jitter (PSIJ). A holistic discussion is presented from the basics of power delivery networks to PSN and eventually to the modeling of PSIJ. The in-depth details and a review of several methodologies available in the literature for the estimation of PSIJ are presented. Index Terms— Power delivery network (PDN), power integrity (PI), power supply induced jitter (PSIJ), power supply noise (PSN), signal integrity (SI), time interval error (TIE). I. I NTRODUCTION N THE present high-speed systems, operating frequencies can attain values up to tens of GHz. Considering the scaled down supply voltages and the higher switching speeds, one of the most challenging tasks for the system designers is to maintain the integrity of power and signal in the deepsubmicrometer technologies. Moreover, due to interconnects, the large amount of switching current flowing through the circuits along with the scaled supply voltages may cause substantial impact on signal integrity (SI) and power integrity (PI). The high-speed systems consist of several subsystems. Apart from the on-chip circuits, various off-chip blocks, such as voltage regulator modules (VRMs), boards, packages, etc., are primarily responsible for noise in the power supply. In system level SI/PI simulations, these subsystems/blocks are simulated together to estimate the mutual effects of their switching and loading on common factors such as noise in power supplies. These kinds of SI/PI analyses are required for characterizing high-speed analog and mixed-signal systems. SI and PI correspond to the quality of signal and the quality of the power supply, respectively. In SI analysis of a system, the impact of the electrical properties of the interconnects on signals are analyzed to ensure an efficient propagation of signals. In PI analysis, the quality of power delivery in the system (throughout the board, package and chip) is analyzed [1]–[3]. The detailed discussion of SI and PI problems at the system level is presented in [4]–[8]. The I Manuscript received February 8, 2018; revised June 14, 2018 and August 10, 2018; accepted September 9, 2018. Date of publication October 1, 2018; date of current version March 13, 2019. This work was funded by MeitY, Government of India under SMDP-C2SD project and Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme. Recommended for publication by Associate Editor M. Cases upon evaluation of reviewers’ comments. (Jai Narayan Tripathi and Vijender Kumar Sharma are co-first authors.) (Corresponding author: Jai Narayan Tripathi.) J. N. Tripathi is with STMicroelectronics Pvt. Ltd., Greater Noida, U. P., 201308, India (e-mail: V. K. Sharma and H. Shrimali are with the School of Computing and Electrical Engineering, IIT Mandi, Himachal Pradesh 175005, India (e-mail:; Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCPMT.2018.2872608 major SI/PI issues are insertion loss, reflection, crosstalk, electromagnetic interference (EMI), intersymbol interference, ground bounce, simultaneous switching noise (SSN), etc. Power supply noise (PSN) in a system occurs due to SSN, ground bounce, EMI noise, etc. PSN is one of the major contributing factors for degradation in the circuit performance. The power supply fluctuations cause timing variations in the output response of the circuit. Higher supply noise increases the signal distortion and hence increases the probability of higher bit error rate (BER). Jitter is one of the important timing metrics in high-speed systems. It can be defined in terms of the timing variations in the transition edges from their ideal positions. Total jitter in a circuit or system can be categorized into two major categories as random jitter (RJ) and deterministic jitter (DJ) [9]. A component of jitter induced because of the PSN and the substrate noise is called power supply induced jitter (PSIJ). The PSIJ can be classified as a subcategory of DJ if the overall supply noise is having a negligible contribution from the thermal noise. It is desired to minimize the PSIJ to achieve strict jitter budgets in high-speed data links viz., USB, MIPI, DDR, PCIe, etc. [10]. For postsilicon validation, jitter can be measured by various commercial instruments available, such as a mixed-mode sampling oscilloscope, a jitter analyzer, a spectrum analyzer, and a BER tester [11], [12]. For pre-silicon validations, system level SI/PI simulations are required to estimate it. In this paper, various analytical, semianalytical, statistical, and numerical methods available in the literature for modeling of PSIJ are discussed. A brief introduction of a power delivery network (PDN) and its limitations for providing constant power supply to the load are also presented. Also, the basic important factors responsible for power supply variations are highlighted. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section II, a common and widely used model of the PDN and its design considerations are discussed. Also, main causes of PSIJ, the contributing factors for PSN, different PSN modeling techniques, and the effects of PSN on output are discussed briefly. In Section III, PSIJ is discussed in detail with various modeling techniques available in the literature to estimate it. Section IV concludes this paper. II. N OISE IN P OWER D ELIVERY N ETWORKS In this section, the basics of PDN and PSN are discussed. The basic building blocks of the PDNs are discussed using a typical PDN model. Next, PSN and its impact on the output response are discussed. The techniques for modeling PSN are also mentioned. 2156-3950 © 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. Authorized licensed use limited to: Synopsys. Downloaded on July 04,2022 at 05:00:57 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 512 Fig. 1. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPONENTS, PACKAGING AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 9, NO. 3, MARCH 2019 A typical PDN [15]. A. Power Delivery Network The primary objective of a PDN is to deliver a constant power to all the switching devices of a system under varying load conditions [2]. The robust design of PDNs has become a challenging task for the system designers in the present scenario of the constantly scaling technologies. The higher speed of operation, increased power consumption, and higher current transition density cause the fluctuations in a power supply [13], [14]. In addition to these, the high average current densities and reduction in switching speeds (due to electromigration as well as the excessive IR drop in the power supply) also affect the performance of a PDN. A typical PDN consists of a VRM, a package, a printed circuit board (PCB), and on-chip components (interconnects and loads), as shown in Fig. 1. The AC–DC rectification circuit converts an ac power supply to a DC power supply as an input for the VRM, which is usually the initial block of a PDN in the electronic systems. The major building blocks of a PDN are as follows. 1) Voltage Regulator Module: The VRM is commonly a DC–DC buck converter designed to provide a constant and regulated power supply. A conventional VRM consists of a power MOSFET (M0 ), a freewheeling diode (DVRM ), an inductor (LVRM ), a capacitor (CVRM ), a load, and a pulsewidth modulator circuitry, as shown in Fig. 1. The VRM has lower impedance at lower frequencies and is capable of delivering required transient current in these frequency ranges. On the other hand, at higher frequencies, it has high impedance because of inductive nature and fails to fulfill instantaneous current requirements [16]. 2) Boards and Packages: The packages and the boards are dominant in midfrequency ranges in the overall impedance of the PDN. The DC resistance of package and PCB traces causes a voltage drop (IR drop) across the package and the board. However, the effect of resistance may be negligible in some of the cases, but electromagnetic resonant cavities formed due to power and ground planes can cause some serious concerns. At their resonant frequencies, the power planes are the major sources of noise in the board and the packages [17]. As shown in Fig. 1, package and board can be modeled by their equivalent lumped models. 3) On-Chip Interconnects: The interconnects are present throughout the chip and are used to connect different on-chip components. Due to resistance and inductance of these interconnects, a voltage drop is developed across them when the current is drawn by the load. Additionally, these interconnects create radiated emissions because of the excessive current and high-frequency noise, which can cause EMI/EMC issues [18]. Fig. 2. The self-impedance of a practical PDN. In Fig. 1, the on-chip interconnects are shown by a lumped RLC model. 4) Decoupling Capacitors: The decoupling capacitors or bypass capacitors are used in the PDN to decouple the voltage regulator from the switching circuits. The decoupling capacitors are placed on the board and on the package as well as are designed on-chip as well. These capacitors facilitate an alternative way to reduce the output impedance to get desired impedance profile of the PDN. These capacitors typically have a small resistance called the equivalent series resistance (ESR) of the capacitor. Because of the magnetic field produced by varying current, an inductive effect is present that can be represented by an equivalent series inductance (ESL). The ESL may form a resonant condition by interacting with capacitance, causing the supply fluctuations at the resonant frequency. Another type of decoupling capacitors that are having very high capacitance, which prevent supply output drop when the current is unavailable, is called bulk decoupling capacitors. Typically, the bulk capacitors have high ESR values (2–100 m) [2]. An example is shown in Fig. 2 to depict the self-impedance, seen at the on-chip, of a practical PDN in a high-speed system designed in STMicroelectronics. This impedance consists of lumped models of VRM, S-parameters of a board as well as of a package, the on-board decoupling capacitors, the on-package decoupling capacitors, and the chip power module. As it can be seen in Fig. 2, there are various inductive and capacitive effects due to the nonideal behavior of the system. At the very low frequencies, the behavior of impedance profile is resistive, and at the higher frequencies, it is dominantly capacitive. To minimize the effect of noise, the impedance is desired to be as low as possible. Authorized licensed use limited to: Synopsys. Downloaded on July 04,2022 at 05:00:57 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. TRIPATHI et al.: REVIEW ON POWER SUPPLY INDUCED JITTER 513 Fig. 3. An example of power delivery to an inverter through a PDN having RP , LP , and CP as the equivalent lumped parameters. B. Noise in PDN Due to the nonideal impedance of the practical PDNs (as shown in Fig. 2) and several other factors, there are fluctuations in power supply in the form of the ripples, which is called PSN. The PSN is primarily dependent on the input bit patterns and rise/fall times of the switching devices in the system. The factors, such as increment in data rate, an increased number of I/O pins on the ICs, and faster rise/fall times, lead to higher PSN in the system. Analog circuits are comparatively more sensitive to supply noise, and their responses vary with frequency of noise. Therefore, PSN analysis is important for characterization and optimization of high-speed mixed-signal systems. In general, the PSN mainly consists of the IR drop and the L di dt noise [19]. 1) IR-Drop: The IR-drop is the DC voltage drop across a conductor due to its electrical resistance. It is linearly dependent on the magnitude of the current. The IR drop exists primarily because of the highly resistive on-chip wires in the on-chip power grids. The DC resistance of the PDN can cause detrimental effects on PI. The voltage drop across the PDN, denoted by Vdrop, can be calculated by its impedance at 0 Hz and multiplied by the average dc current of the system. In the low-voltage applications, this effect is very crucial. 2) Simultaneous Switching Noise: The SSN is mainly because of the switching activities of millions of transistors in the core circuit. The on-chip circuits generate high-frequency noise depending upon their input data rates. The switching of different blocks in a system creates fluctuations in power supply due to di dt effects. These fluctuations are more prominent when multiple blocks switch simultaneously for a very short duration of time. The SSN is dynamic in nature. To demonstrate an insight of noise due to switching in a system, an example is shown in Fig. 3. In Fig. 3, a CMOS inverter is getting a power supply (VDD ) through a PDN (having RP , LP , and CP as lumped parameters), hence acting as a load for the PDN. The input terminal of the inverter is at node IN, and the corresponding output terminal is at node OUT. Based on the input data pattern and current requirements of the transistor, there are fluctuations in the supply (VDD ) (or in other words, PSN), which are shown in Fig. 4. Also, a zoomed-in image of a sample time interval is shown to demonstrate the fluctuations clearly. As can be seen, there is a noise due to switching, which depends on the values of lumped components of the PDN. Fig. 4. Noise at supply (VDD ) in the PDN of Fig. 3 due to the switching of the inverter. C. Impact of Power Supply Noise on Output As mentioned earlier, PSN may cause performance degradation in a high-speed system. Because of the PSN, jitter, power supply rejection ratio, and noise margins may not be able to sustain themselves within the defined tolerance limits. In the present deep submicrometer technologies, the tolerance limits are typically ±5% to ±10% for the supply voltages, including the dc offset, ripples, and external noise (EMI). Because of the PSN, the major effects on output are as follows. 1) Propagation Delay: Propagation delay of a circuit can change because of its intrinsic capacitors. The charging and discharging times of these capacitors change with power supply fluctuations, and hence, the propagation delays are changed due to the PSN. 2) Output Slope: The rising and the falling edges of a circuit are largely affected by the PSN. Delay, rising/falling time, and the slope of the output signal are dependent on the RC timeconstant and power supply of the circuit. 3) Bias Point: The variations in the power supply voltage can disturb the biasing point of the transistors, which can result in threshold voltage variations. The duty cycle of the output signal is dependent on the threshold voltages of the transistors. 4) Time Interval Error: The time interval error (TIE) is the difference between an ideal transition edge and an actual transition edge at the zero crossover point, as shown in Fig. 5. The main causes of the TIE are the changes in output delay and transition edge slope, shift in bias point of transistors, etc. Due to the TIE, the timing margins are affected and there may Authorized licensed use limited to: Synopsys. Downloaded on July 04,2022 at 05:00:57 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 514 Fig. 5. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPONENTS, PACKAGING AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 9, NO. 3, MARCH 2019 An example of TIE and peak-to-peak jitter. Fig. 6. An example of power supply fluctuation due to the PDN on the load output. Fig. 7. An example exhibiting the impact of PDN noise on the output of the circuit shown in Fig. 6 [46]. be violations in setup/hold times of the system. The TIE can be analytically calculated by modeling the output response of the circuit [20], [21]. An example is shown in Fig. 6 to demonstrate the effects of PSN on the output. A differential driver is considered in this example, which is widely used for scalable low-voltage signaling applications. This driver is having complementary differential inputs (DP and DN), and the differential output is denoted by v Rn (t). As shown in Fig. 6, it is sharing the power supply with another subsystem, which is drawing a current d i (t) i (t) from the same power supply. Because of the PDN, dt effects will cause the voltage fluctuations at VDD , which will eventually affect the output of the differential driver. Fig. 7 shows PSN and its effects on output for this case, where v n (t) represents the fluctuations in VDD (also called PSN). The right y-axis, dotted line represents the noisy supply (VDD + v n (t)) and the left-y axis, solid line represents the differential output (v Rn (t)) in the presence of noise. After modeling the PSN, the estimation of the PSIJ can be done using various methodologies available in the literature. The knowledge of the characteristics of the PSN in the system can subsequently be used to model the PSIJ. Some of the PSIJ estimation techniques are discussed in Section III. D. Methods to Model Power Supply Fluctuations As shown in Fig. 7, PSN affects the output of a circuit. This effect can be in terms of both the amplitude (as shown in the zoomed-in image of Fig. 7) and timing (rise/fall times) of the output. The variations in rise/fall times (or jitter) induced by power supply variations can be estimated by knowing the characteristics of these fluctuations in the PDN [10]. Various methods have been introduced in the literature to model PSN. These methods are the finite-difference method [22]–[24], the linear programing method [25], methods based on frequency- and time-domain formulations [26]–[28], radial basis function modeling [29]–[31], spline function based on finite-difference methods [32], adaptive circuit block methodology [33], recurrent neural network models [34], [35], and the vector based approach [36]. For the scope of this paper, the details of these methods are not discussed. III. P OWER S UPPLY I NDUCED J ITTER In this section, various methods to estimate PSIJ are discussed in detail, using corresponding analytical/semianalytical relationships and the details of statistical and numerical techniques. Also, some flowcharts are presented for the purpose of a quick understanding for the readers. A. Frequency-Domain Analysis Frequency-domain analysis is explained in [37]–[40] based on two factors. The first one is the switching activitydependent supply noise spectral content (V ( f )), and the second one is the operating mode dependent jitter sensitivity profile (S( f )). The jitter spectrum J ( f ) can be expressed as [39] J ( f ) = V ( f ) · S( f ). (1) The supply noise spectrum V ( f ) is a product of the current spectrum Inoise ( f ) and the PDN impedance profile Z PDN ( f ) V ( f ) = Z PDN ( f ) · Inoise ( f ). (2) The impedance of off-chip PDN can be extracted by EM tools as Z-parameters, and the on-chip PDN can be modeled either by the lumped modeling or by the distributed modeling. Furthermore, the current profile is extracted by simulating the circuit in the nominal power supply conditions. The extracted current profile is used as the current sources to provoke the PDN of the system. Fig. 8 explains (2) by demonstrating this for a practical system on chip (SoC). This SoC was designed in STMicroelectronics and was having multiple power supplies. Authorized licensed use limited to: Synopsys. Downloaded on July 04,2022 at 05:00:57 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. TRIPATHI et al.: REVIEW ON POWER SUPPLY INDUCED JITTER 515 Fig. 10. Steps used for the extraction of jitter sensitivity at a frequency f 1 . Fig. 11. Frequency-domain analysis-based method for the PSIJ estimation. Fig. 8. A practical case study using an SoC to demonstrate (a) impedance of the PDN, (b) current spectrum of a subsystem in the SoC, (c) corresponding noise spectrum, and (d) noise in time domain. Fig. 9. Output of the SoC without PSN (solid) and with noise (dotted) for two sample bits. Fig. 8(a) shows the impedance of the PDN for one of the power supplies from 10 MHz to 500 MHz, and Fig. 8(b) shows the current profile of a subsystem of the SoC using the same power supply. The current profile in Fig. 8(b) is extracted in a nominal or ideal power supply condition and can eventually be used to estimate the PSN in the PDN by multiplying itself with the impedance of the PDN. This helps in saving the design cycle of the SoC by providing an estimation of the PDN noise if there is any change in the PDN design. Fig. 8(c) shows the PDN noise in frequency domain corresponding to the switching activity [see Fig. 8(b)] and the PDN impedance [see Fig. 8(a)]. Supply noise in time domain, as shown in Fig. 8(d), can be obtained by applying IFFT to this spectrum. To further demonstrate the impact of supply noise on TIE, Fig. 9 shows the output of the SoC without supply noise and with supply noise of Fig. 8(d) for two sample bits. It can be seen that in addition to the amplitude noise, the supply noise also introduces variations in the rising/falling edges of the output causing TIE at midpoints, which can be collectively called PSIJ. Fig. 10 shows a flowchart to explain the traditional approach to determine the jitter sensitivity profile S( f ). In this approach, a low-amplitude sinusoidal signal of a particular frequency is applied at the voltage supply node over a DC supply. The maximum TIE obtained at output is recorded for that particular frequency. Similarly, this procedure is repeated for various frequencies, and S( f ) is obtained in terms of ps/mV. Fig. 11 shows the steps involved in frequency-domain approach to predict the PSIJ. The supply noise spectrum indicates the highest effects of jitter over the frequency range. The worst peak-to-peak jitter that can be derived from the jitter spectrum profile is given as [39] ∞ J ( f )d f . (3) jpp = 2 0 The accumulated jitter percentage, which can be used to evaluate the highest jitter components over the frequency range, can be given as f η( f ) = 0∞ 0 J ( f )d f J ( f )d f × 100%. (4) Next, time-domain jitter j (t) can be derived by taking IFFT of (1) as ∞ j (t) = J ( f )e j 2π f t d f . (5) 0 Authorized licensed use limited to: Synopsys. Downloaded on July 04,2022 at 05:00:57 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 516 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPONENTS, PACKAGING AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 9, NO. 3, MARCH 2019 Fig. 13. Fig. 12. Jitter sensitivity calculation based on propagation delay. rising edge. Next, the magnitude jitter sensitivity is given as TP,max,dc + TP,min,dc |S( f )| = β × sinc π f 2 B. Delay Based Methods As discussed in Section II, due to PSN, there are variations in the switching transitions of the circuits. Using this phenomenon, a few methods are introduced in the literature, which will be covered in this section. The basic idea behind all delay based methods is to model the perturbation in the rising/falling edges due to supply noise. 1) Jitter Sensitivity Based on Propagation Delay: A method for the calculation of PSIJ sensitivity function based on the propagation delay is discussed in [41] and is explained by a flowchart in Fig. 12. The jitter sensitivity (S( f )) is used to calculate the PSIJ using (1). Reference [41] discusses the power supply jitter sensitivity calculation despite knowing the architecture of the buffer chain and its electrical parameters. A chain of buffers is considered as a test case. The total delay of the buffer chain is given in [41] (6) where T P0 refers to the nominal propagation delay and is obtained by an equivalent RC model of the buffer [42]. T P , VDD , and K buff are the delay change, supply variations, and a static coefficient, respectively. The estimation of T P is based on a small-signal equivalent delay gain model. It is assumed that the delay of each stage is constant and the buffer chain is modeled by N small sections. Since the total delay is a function of propagation delays of each of the small sections, the propagation delay can be expressed as [41], [43] N N K buff T P0 + θ) T P0,i + TP ≈ Vn cos ω(i − 1) N N i=1 β = TP,max,dc − TP,min,dc VDD,max − VDD,min i=1 (7) where Vn represents the supply noise amplitude, ω is the noise angular frequency, and θ is the phase of noise present at input (8) where f corresponds to the frequency of input signal of the buffer chain, and TP,max,dc and TP,min,dc are the propagation delays for the maximum and the minimum dc supply voltages, respectively. Reference [41] concludes that jitter depends on the propagation delay. Having the higher number of stages, jitter is increased by the same factor of PSN. The minimum and maximum propagation delays occur at the maximum and the minimum values of the PSN, respectively. 2) α-Factor Method: This method incorporates the evaluation of a normalized factor (called α-factor) derived from the circuit simulations. An α-factor is the “ratio of the normalized delay and supply voltage variation” [44]. Thus, α can be expressed as α= T P = T P0 + T P T P = K buff VDD PSIJ calculation based on the α-factor method. td /td VDD /VDD (9) where td is the propagation delay of the circuit at nominal supply voltage, VDD is the offset voltage to nominal supply, and td is the change in propagation delay because of a small variation in the supply voltage. This is also a dependent parameter of technology and device. The PSIJ can be calculated for DC offset to nominal power supply and for ac noise, at low frequencies. It can be expressed as VDD PSIJ = αtd V t +tDD d V DD (t) PSIJ = α dt VDD t =t (10) where VDD (t) is the magnitude of noise signal. The complete flow is shown in Fig. 13. This method is best suitable for noise with low frequencies (below GHz) and smaller amplitudes (less than 10% of the supply). However, transistor nonlinearities increase at high frequency and add further inaccuracy in the model. Authorized licensed use limited to: Synopsys. Downloaded on July 04,2022 at 05:00:57 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. TRIPATHI et al.: REVIEW ON POWER SUPPLY INDUCED JITTER 517 The final expression (11) of Jr is a function of the timeconstant (τ ), β( f ), v n (t), and VOH . 4) PSIJ Model Based on Recursive Expressions: A recursive method for the PSIJ modeling has been developed in [47] and [48]. A simplified clock distribution topology of spine-based global binary clock tree architecture [49] is used for the analysis. The propagation delay for a single cell of clock tree architecture is calculated by two quadratic equations as follows: t p L H (Vn ) = aVn2 + bVn + t p L Hn t p H L (Vn ) = cVn2 + dVn + t p H L n Fig. 14. Midpoint delay based estimation of TIE. 3) Midpoint Delay Based Estimation of Time Interval Error: As discussed in Section II, the TIE is the instantaneous jitter at a particular edge (refer to Fig. 5). Based on TIE calculation, a semianalytical relationship between TIE and PDN noise, depending on the midpoint delays at the transition edges of the output response, is derived in [45]. A linear and approximated relationship between periodic PDN noise and the TIE is derived for differential signaling as a function of magnitude of PDN noise. The approximated expression is given as TIE = Jr ≈ ∞ τ (βi pi sin (2π fi t))tm VOH (11) i=0 where τ is the effective time constant of rising and falling edges (assuming same rise and fall times), βi represents the transfer function corresponding to the i th frequency component of the PDN noise, VOH is output HIGH across the differential output terminals, and pi refers to the Fourier coefficient of i th frequency component ( f i ). The expression for TIE, as mentioned in (11), is derived for a current-mode driver circuit. The expression is validated in different technologies, such as 130-nm BiCMOS technology, 55-nm triple-gate oxide BiCMOS technology, and 28-nm FD-SOI technology (all technologies from STMicroelectronics). Also, it is shown that both the delaybased method [45] and the slope based method [efficient modeling of power supply induced jitter (EMPSIJ)] [46] are fundamentally and analytically same in the case of small values of noise. Fig. 14 shows a flowchart to obtain the relationship between TIE and noise, as mentioned in (11). The TIE at the midpoint of a transition edge is calculated by both large-signal and small-signal analyses. The output response without PDN noise (v R (t)) is a function of time, device/circuit parameters (β), and load (Z L ). It has been obtained using 1-bit simulation of the circuit. The noise at output (vrn (t)) is obtained by a transfer function (β( f )) from power supply to the output using smallsignal analysis. (12) where t p L H (Vn ) and t p H L (Vn ) are the propagation delays because of supply noise (represented by Vn ) for low-to-high and high-to-low transition edges, respectively. The coefficients (a, b, c, and d) in the equation are calculated using the least square error method (by curve fitting of SPICE results). The propagation delays at nominal supply for both low-to-high and high-to-low edges are denoted as t p L Hn and t p H L n . The n th period jitter (or in other words, cycle-to-cycle jitter) at the k th stage of the clock is given by PSIJn,k = tn+1,k − tn,k (13) where tn+1,k and tn,k are the arrival time of the (n+1)th and n th leading edges at the k th clock stage, respectively. The arrival time is estimated on the basis of propagation delay. The arrival time of the n th and (n + 1)th leading clock edge for a k stage clock distribution is expressed as tn,k = t p L H (v n (tn,k−1 )) + · · · + t p H L (v n (tn,1 )) + tn,1 (14) tn+1,k = t p L H (v n (tn+1,k−1 ))+· · ·+t p H L (v n (tn+1,1 ))+tn+1,1 (15) where t p L H (v n (tn,k−1 )) and t p L H (v n (tn+1,k−1 )) are the propagation delays due to power supply variation of the n th and (n + 1)th leading edges at the (k − 1)th clock edge. 5) α-Power Law Model Based Approach for Inverters: For modeling the delay of inverters, an extensive literature is available [50]–[58]. From the very initial development in 1952 by Burns [50] to the recently developed models incorporating short-channel effects of present technologies, the modeling of inverter delay has been of interest to the researchers. The α-power law1 based models are very effective for modeling the delay of the short channel devices [60], [62]. As mentioned in Section II, the propagation delay of any circuit is affected by the power supply fluctuations [59]. Moreover, the optimal stages of the circuit majorly depend on the buffer delay, clock, and timing circuit (which may be affected by supply fluctuations). Therefore, higher fluctuations may affect the optimal solution for the circuit. The high-tolow propagation delay (t p H L ) and the low-to-high propagation delay (t p L H ) for a single buffer based on the α-power law 1 The α-power law is the analytical formulation of drain-current of short channel MOSFETs. This method is the extension of Shockleys’ method [57] with the inclusion of velocity saturation effects of carriers. Authorized licensed use limited to: Synopsys. Downloaded on July 04,2022 at 05:00:57 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 518 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPONENTS, PACKAGING AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 9, NO. 3, MARCH 2019 model can be expressed as [55] 1 1 − vT C L VDD − tpH L , tpL H = tT + 2 1+α 2IDD VTH vT = (16) VDD where the propagation delays are the linear combination of the output capacitance (C L ) of the CMOS inverter and the input waveform transition time (tT ). Differential mode noise, common mode noise, and the loading effects are some of the factors that affect the propagation delay [59]. The change in buffer delays depending on the polarity of the power and ground noise (VDD and VSS , respectively) is given as [59], [60] t p H L = K 3n VDD + K 4n VSS CL tr (17) K 3n = , K 4n = I D0 VDD (1 + α) t p L H = K 3 p VDD + K 4 p VSS CL tr (18) K3 p = − , K4 p = − I D0 VDD (1 + α) where I D0 , tr , and α are the drain current (at VGS = VDS = VDD ), input transition time, and velocity saturation index, respectively. The above mentioned equations are valid for small power supply variations and nondominant nonlinear effects of transistor. C. Statistical Methods 1) Probability Density Functions Based Methods: The BER of an I/O link is dependent on the supply voltage in terms of amplitude uncertainty and timing variations in the output response. An analytical approach to obtain output amplitude uncertainty probability density function (PDF) because of supply fluctuations for single-ended buffers has been presented in [61] and [62]. The obtained PDF helps in the calculation of standard deviation, which is used for the root mean square (rms) jitter calculation. In [62], the effects of external load (i.e., parasitic inductance because of wire bond or solder bumps) are also included. In [63], analytical expressions for output response and PSIJ estimation derived in [62] are extended to two-stage buffers. The modeling and calculation of output response have been done using a stage by stage approach with appropriate load considerations. This analysis is also based on the I−V characteristics of MOSFETs in both saturation and linear regions of operations. Nonlinear MOSFETs in both the stages are modeled as piecewise linear models. In the saturation region, the drain current (I D p (t) and I Dn (t)) for both the pMOS and nMOS transistors can be modeled as a linear function of gate-to-source (VGS ) and drain-to-source (VDS ) voltages as [61] I D p (t) = G mp VGS + gmp v GS (t) + λ p VDS (t) (19) I Dn (t) = G mn VGS + gmn v GS (t) + λn VDS (t) (20) where the commonly used modeling parameters, such as G mp , gmp , G mn , gmn , λ p , and λn , are procured by SPICE simulations. In the linear region of operation, both the nMOS and the pMOS can be modeled by their ON-resistance ronn and ron p , respectively. For an analysis in the first stage, the input capacitance of the second stage is combined with the load capacitance of the first stage. For the calculation of the input capacitance of the second stage, several sinusoidal sources ranging from 0 V to VDD with different oscillating frequencies are applied to the gate terminal. The equivalent input gate current (Ia ) and voltage (Va ) waveforms at different frequencies are used to obtain the value of capacitance (C). The equivalent capacitor (Ceq ) is the average value of C at different oscillating frequencies as C= Ia . 2π f Va (21) Both the low-to-high transient response using a pullup network and the high-to-low transient response using a pull-down network are calculated using the following expressions [61], [62]. Expression 1: The low-to-high transient response (V L H1 (t)) for the first stage can be derived by modeling the buffer in both saturation and triode regions, separately as V L H1 (t) = VDD + Vnp1 cos(ω(t + ts ) + φ p1 − ψ 2 r2 2 Ceq on p1 ω + 1 ψ = arctan 2(Ceqron p1 ω, 1)) (22) (23) where Vng1 , Vnp1 and φg1 , φ p1 are the peak-to-peak amplitude and phase of the ground and PSN, respectively. Expression 2: The high-to-low transient response (V H L 1 (t)) for the first stage can be derived by modeling the buffer in both saturation and triode regions, separately as V H L 1 (t) = Vng1 cos(ω(t + ts )+φg1 −a tan 2(Ceqronn1 ω, 1)) 2 r 2 ω2 + 1 Ceq onn1 (24) where ts and t refer to the input transition time and the time elapsed after ts , respectively. These voltages (V H L 1 (t), V L H1 (t)) are the input transitions for the second stage. In the second stage, the input voltage fluctuations because of the first stage along with the power and ground fluctuations are considered. The output response analysis is the same as that of the first stage with inclusion of input voltage fluctuations. t p H L 1 and t p L H1 , which are the input delays for the second stage, have been calculated and used for the second-stage delay analysis. Finally, PSIJ can be estimated using the PDF plot of last-stage delay variations at 0.5 VDD . The complete flow of the methodology is shown in Fig. 15. 2) Latin Hypercube Sampling: The Latin hypercube sampling (LHS) is a statistical method to generate controlled random samples. The response surface methodology (RSM) is a set of mathematical and statistical techniques that helps for optimization and modeling of the output response [64]. The LHS method combined with the RSM is used to characterize and to model the PSIJ in [65]. The LHS method is used to get jitter values at different sampling points. Resulting jitter Authorized licensed use limited to: Synopsys. Downloaded on July 04,2022 at 05:00:57 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. TRIPATHI et al.: REVIEW ON POWER SUPPLY INDUCED JITTER 519 Fig. 16. Slope based EMPSIJ method. a result of PSN is determined using (25). The LHS method is widely used as a tool to compute the uncertainties in the computer models [67], [68]. D. Slope Based Methods As described in Section II, one of the effects of PSN on output signal is a change in the slope of its output voltage. Thus, the slope can also be used to model the PSIJ. A couple of methodologies to model PSIJ based on the slope of the rising/falling edge are discussed in this section. 1) Efficient Modeling of Power Supply Induced Jitter: A recently introduced methodology based on the calculation of the slope of the output, named EMPSIJ, is explained in [46]. This methodology is based on the separate analyses for largesignal and small-signal voltages and subsequently by adding them to get the system response in the presence of PDN noise. Using 1-bit simulation, an accurate value of the slope at the midpoint is evaluated, which is used for the estimation of TIE (represented by Jr ), by the following relationship: Jr = Fig. 15. Output response and PDF calculation for a two stage buffer. values are used to model the response surface model on these sampling points. A second-order response surface model (RSM) can be represented as [66] y = a0 + n i=1 ai x i + n i=1 aii x i2 + n n ai j x i x j (25) n=1 j =1 where x i and x j are the input design variables and a and n are the tuning parameter and the number of independent input variables, respectively. The input variables (x i ,x j ) in (25), such as power supply, power supply standard deviation, and ground supply standard deviation, can be obtained by applying the LHS method to system input parameters. Considering these input variables, total built-in-jitter (rms) as (vrn )tm γ (26) where γ is the slope of the output rising or falling edge without any PSN and (vrn )tm is the amplitude of the small-signal noise response at midpoint. Next, the PSIJ can be calculated as the difference between the maximum and minimum values of TIE as PSIJ = max Jrk n k=1 − min Jrk n k=1 (27) where Jrk is the TIE at the k th rising/falling edge. In [46], the details of the derivation of the above relationship are provided with the physics-based insights of the PSIJ. The expressions are derived for a voltage-mode (VM) driver circuit but are not limited to VM driver circuit and can be used for other circuits as well. The complete flow of the slope-based EMPSIJ method is shown by a flowchart in Fig. 16. In [69]–[71], EMPSIJ is extended and validated, including the effects of ground bounce and transmission media on PSIJ. It is also extended and validated for substrate noise-induced jitter in [72]. Authorized licensed use limited to: Synopsys. Downloaded on July 04,2022 at 05:00:57 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 520 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPONENTS, PACKAGING AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 9, NO. 3, MARCH 2019 2) Slope Based PSIJ Calculation for an Inverter: In [73], an analysis of the PSIJ for a single-ended inverter is discussed. The supply-to-jitter transfer function is obtained analytically. The analysis for low-to-high and high-to-low transitions is based on I–V characteristics in the saturation region of pMOS and nMOS transistors, respectively. The output voltage (Vout ) is a sum of the voltage at nominal VDD and the voltage at ac fluctuations as Vout (t) = Vout,0 (t) + Vout,n (t) (28) where Vout,0 (t) and Vout,n (t) are the output voltages at nominal VDD and at the sinusoidal supply fluctuations, respectively. The small-signal analysis is used to calculate the supply fluctuations response (Voutn (t)) and the large-signal analysis is used to calculate the output response (Vouto (t)) due to the dc voltage (VDD ). The output response of an inverter can be expressed as λ Gm Vout,o (t) = VDD 1 + 1 − exp − t (29) λ C λ + gm Vout,n (t) = 2 Vn0 (A(t) cos ωtdk + B(t) sin ωtdk ) λ + C 2 ω2 (30) λ A(t) = λ sin ωt − Cω cos ωt + Cω exp − t C λ B(t) = λ cos ωt + Cω sin ωt − λ exp − t (31) C where G m , gm , λ, ω, Vn0 , C, and tdk are the large-signal gain, small-signal gain, transconductance gain, angular frequency, amplitude of supply noise, load capacitor, and the timing offset between circuit transition and PSN, respectively. A straightforward calculation of peak-to-peak jitter can be obtained by estimating multiple low-to-high transitions with respect to time. At low-to-high transition edges, the maximal difference at the midcrossing voltage is peak-to-peak jitter Vout,n (32) Slope Vout,n (t p L H ) = max(Vout,n (t p L H )) − min(Vout,n (t p L H )). Jitter = (33) PSIJ can be calculated using (32) only when the magnitude of Vout,n is trivial compared to 0.5 VDD . Finally, the jitter transfer function (Hjitter( f )) can be obtained as Jitter Hjitter( f ) = (34) Vn0 where Vn0 denotes the amplitude of PSN. A complete flowchart for the PSIJ estimation for the singleended buffer by the method described in [73] is shown in Fig. 17. The supply fluctuations are considered as white noise. It is assumed that supply fluctuation has the same effect on both the rise and fall times. E. Piecewise Linear/Nonlinear Modeling The PSIJ can also be estimated by piecewise linear or nonlinear modeling of MOSFET I–V characteristics [21], [74], [75]. As discussed in Section II, the TIE is calculated at the Fig. 17. Slope based PSIJ calculation for single-ended buffer. Fig. 18. Piecewise nonlinear modeling of the output rising edge for a voltagemode transmitter driver circuit in ideal power supply. midpoint of the output transition edges. Hence, the output transition edges (both rise and fall) can be modeled in pieces using different polynomials for each time interval. This makes the nonlinear output response modeled into the approximate piecewise linear/nonlinear response. In [21], a VM driver is used for the PSIJ analysis. The output response is considered to be a sum of the noise response and the large-signal response [refer to (28)]. The midpoint calculation for PSIJ is based on both the small-signal and the large-signal analysis. The voltage contributed by the noise source at midpoint is calculated using the small-signal analysis. The large-signal analysis is used to model output response in the absence of supply noise. Next, a piecewise nonlinear model or polynomial is used to fit the rising edge at nominal supply voltage. Fig. 18 shows the piecewise nonlinear modeling of the differential output voltage (rising edge) for a VM driver circuit [46]. The modeling of a rising edge is done using five different quadratic polynomials. For PSIJ calculation, the particular polynomial having the midpoint (tm 0 ) in its time range is considered for further calculations. Next, the midpoint (tm 0 = (tmid )v in =0 ) of the output rising edge can be Authorized licensed use limited to: Synopsys. Downloaded on July 04,2022 at 05:00:57 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. TRIPATHI et al.: REVIEW ON POWER SUPPLY INDUCED JITTER obtained as (tmid )v in =0 = − a1 ± 521 a12 − 4a0 a2 . (35) 2a2 Similarly, the midpoint of the rising edge in the presence of PSN can be evaluated as a1 + a12 − 4a2 (a0 + βv in ) tmid = − . (36) 2a2 Finally, peak-to-peak PSIJ can be calculated using the following expressions: Jr = (tmid )v in =0 − tmid 2 a1 − 4a0 a2 ± a12 −4a0a2 − 4a2 βv in ttotal = n tn (39) 1 I D = pVGS + qv GS + sv DS k tm(n+1) (37) 1 ± (38) 2a2 where a0 , a1 , and a2 are the polynomial coefficients, β corresponds to the noise transfer function, v in is the input noise source voltage, and tmid and (tmid )v in =0 are the midpoints of the output rising edge with and without PSN, respectively. In [74] and [75], MOSFET I − V curve is modeled by a piecewise linear (PWL) approximation. A chain of inverters, having linear delay, is used for the analysis. The transfer function of PSIJ for a single-stage inverter is calculated by the PWL approximation of the MOSFET I − V curve. The complete transfer function of PSIJ for a chain of inverters is then obtained by accumulating PSIJ of all the stages. The total delay of the number of inverters is given by [74] Jr = supply to output transfer function at f = f n , Td corresponds the bit period of input data, ã = pi |β( f )| f i , φi = ( β( f )) fi , and pi is the Fourier coefficient of the i th frequency component of the supply noise. Note that, F(t) in (41) represents the modeling for just a rising/falling edge, where the first two terms represent the large-signal response and the third term represents the smallsignal response. Now, based on the root-finding approach, the roots of (41) are evaluated for different transition edges. The expression for evaluation is as follows: (40) where p, q, and s are the coefficients of different operating modes for an MOSFET, tn corresponds to the single stage inverter, VGS is large-signal gate-to-source voltage, and v GS and v DS are the small-signal gate-to-source and drain-tosource voltage, respectively. Using (40), the rising and falling edges of each inverter stage are modeled for their respective operating modes. Finally, the peak-to-peak PSIJ is calculated as a difference of maximum and minimum delay of the inverter chain, which is a function of phase and a particular frequency of the supply noise. i=1 Bi edi (t −2(k−1)Td ) + k F tm(n) ∞ (41) where A, Bi , and di are the constants, k is the k th bit, f i corresponds to the frequency of noise, β( f ) represents (43) G. IBIS Model Based Approach The input/output buffer information specification (IBIS) models are the standard models used to provide the electrical characteristics of an intellectual property without disclosing other details of it, such as the schematic, process information, etc. [77]. The IBIS model based method to estimate the jitter transfer function is introduced in [78] by assuming that the characteristics of supply noise are known in advance. In [78], based on the I/V characteristics and pin package parameters of the I/O buffer, a second-order differential equation is used to formulate the jitter transfer function. The formulation of the second-order differential equations can be accomplished using nodal analysis and IBIS model files for a given circuit. The expressions for both low-to-high and high-to-low transitions in the presence of power and ground voltage fluctuations are obtained by solving the second-order differential equations. The low-to-high transition (Vout(t L H )) for an inverter (with inclusion of package parameters) can be expressed as (44) where Vout0 (t) is the output response without power/ground noise and is a function of VDD , pull-up I/V fitting parameters (Pu1 /Pu0 , Pd1 /Pd0 ), switching time (ts ), device, and package parameters (R, L, and C). The approximated solution for Vout0 (t) can be expressed as Vout0 (t) ≈ ã sin(2π f i t + φi ) i=0 (42) k k and tm(n) are the (n + 1)th and n th iterations, where tm(n+1) k respectively. F(tm(n) ) is the output response because of the k . After a few iterations, TIE at the k th PSN at t = tm(n) bit is calculated, which can eventually be used for the PSIJ estimation by (27). Vout (t L H ) = Vout0 (t) + Voutn (t) Recently, a numerical method is proposed to estimate the PSIJ using a root-finding approach by classical Newton’s method [76]. In this paper, an equivalent circuit of the VM driver is analyzed as an example. A function for differential output response of the VM driver (the same circuit as used in [46]) is formulated. The driver output in the presence of a noise with single tone is modeled as 3 − k F tm(n) Jrk = tmk 0 − tmk F. Numerical Method F(t) = A + = k tm(n) s p2 (Vout(ts )) − VDD − pu0 / pu1 s p1 t e s p2 − s p1 + (VDD + pu0 / pu1 ) (45) where s p1, p2 = (C/ pu1 − RC) ± (RC − C/ pu1 )2 − 4LC . (46) 2LC Authorized licensed use limited to: Synopsys. Downloaded on July 04,2022 at 05:00:57 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 522 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPONENTS, PACKAGING AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 9, NO. 3, MARCH 2019 Finally, TIE due to ground and power supply fluctuations can be calculated as ground TIE L H (ω) = H L H ground H L H (ω) power (ω)Vg (ω) + H L H (ω)V p (ω) (53) power H L H (ω) and are the jitter transfer funcwhere tion for low-to-high output transition edge with ground and ground power PSN, respectively. H L H (ω) and H L H (ω) can be obtained by solving (51) and (52). Vg (ω) and V p (ω) are the spectrum of ground and PSN, respectively. Likewise, TIE for high-to-low transitions can be determined in the same way. A complete flowchart of TIE estimation methodology using the IBIS model is shown in Fig. 19. Unlike previous methods, this method is useful for large systems even without knowing their circuit details. IV. C ONCLUSION Fig. 19. This paper discusses the basics of PSIJ and its modeling approaches available in the literature. The relevant discussions on PDNs, PSN, and their effects on the output are also presented. Various PSIJ modeling techniques, such as frequencydomain analysis, delay based techniques, statistical methods, recursive methods, slope based methods, numerical methods, and IBIS model based methods, are discussed. IBIS model based PSIJ calculation for single-ended buffer. Similarly, Voutn (t) can be expressed as Voutn (t) ≈ Vnp (A(t) cos(ϕ) + B(t) sin(ϕ)) (s p1 − s p2 ) (1 − LCω2 )2 + (RC − C/ pu1)2 ω2 (47) where A(t) = s p2 es p1 t + s p1 cos(ωt) − s p2 cos(ωt) B(t) = ωes p1 t − s p1 sin(ωt) − s p2 sin(ωt) ϕ = ωts + φ p − arctan 2((RC − C/ pu1 )ω, 1 − LCω2 ). The TIE at 0.5 VDD for low-to-high transition edge due to ground fluctuations can be obtained by ground TIE L H = tpL H − tpL H0 (48) where t p L H and t p L H 0 are the propagation delay with ground fluctuation at 0.5 VDD and can be expressed as (0.5VDD + pu0 / pu1 )(s p2 − s p1 ) 1 (49) tpL H = ln s p1 s p2 (VDD + pu0 / pu1 − Vout(ts )) (0.5VDD + pu0 / pu1 )(s p2 − s p1 ) 1 tpL H0 = ln (50) s p1 s p2 (VDD + pu0 / pu1 ) cos(ωts + φg − θ ) ground TIE L H = (1 − LCω2 )2 + (RC + C/ pd1 )2 ω2 Vng (51) × s p1 (VDD + pu0 / pu1 ) where Vnp , Vng and φ p , φg are the amplitude of power fluctuations, ground fluctuations, and phase of both the power and ground fluctuations, respectively. Similarly, TIE due to power supply fluctuations can be evaluated as V A(t p L H 0 )2 + B(t p L H 0 )2 np power TIE L H = s p1 (s p1 − s p2 )(0.5VDD + puo / pu1) cos(ωts + φ p − θ ) . (52) × (1 − LCω2 )2 + (RC − C/ pu1 )2 ω2 ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank Prof. R. Achar from Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada, Prof. M. Swaminathan from the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA, and Prof. J. E. Schutt-Aine from the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, IL, USA, for their valuable suggestions to improve this paper. R EFERENCES [1] S. H. Hall, High–Speed Digital System Design: A Handbook of Interconnect Theory and Design Practices. New York, NY, USA: Wiley, Sep. 2000. [2] M. Swaminathan and A. E. Engin, Power Integrity Modeling and Design for Semiconductors and Systems. Reading, MA, USA: Addison-Wesley, 2010. [3] Z. Mu, “Power delivery system: Sufficiency, efficiency, and stability,” in Proc. Int. Symp. Quality Electron. Design, San Jose, CA, USA, Mar. 2008, pp. 465–469. [4] E. Bogatin, Signal Integrity: Simplified. Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA: Prentice-Hall, 2004. [5] J. N. Tripathi, R. K. Nagpal, and R. Malik, “Signal integrity and power integrity: A system perspective for high speed serial link systems,” in Proc. Int. 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He received the B.E. degree in electronics and communication engineering from the Manikya Lal Verma Textile and Government Engineering College, Bhilwara, in 2007, the M.Tech. degree in information and communication technology from the Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, Gandhinagar, India, in 2009, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India, in 2014. He was a Visiting Scientist with the Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy, in 2016 and 2017, where he was also a Visiting Post-Doctoral Fellow in 2016. He is currently a Technical Leader with STMicroelectronics, Greater Noida, India, where he has been involved in the design issues of high-speed systems, such as serial links. He has authored/coauthored over 50 research papers in refereed journals and proceedings of international conferences. His current research interests include signal integrity, power integrity, electromagnetic interference/electromagnetic compatibility, metaheuristic optimization, and RF circuits. Dr. Tripathi has also served as a TPC member for several international conferences. He was a recipient of the Young Investigator Training Program Research Award by the Associazione di Fondazioni e di Casse di Risparmio Spa, Italy, in 2016 and 2017, consecutively. He is currently serving as a TPC Co-Chair for IEEE EDAPS 2018. He was an Invited Speaker at IEEE Electrical Design of Advanced Packaging and Systems 2015 held in Seoul, South Korea, where he also served as a Session Co-Chair for the session High-Speed Channels and Interconnects. He has served as a reviewer for many international journals, such as IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON V ERY L ARGE S CALE I NTEGRATION S YSTEMS , Progress in Electromagnetics Research, IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON E LECTROMAGNETIC C OMPATIBILITY, IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON P OWER E LECTRONICS , and Microelectronics Journal. He has delivered invited talks at various universities, including IIT Bombay, IIT Mandi, IIT BHU, and IIIT Delhi. Vijender Kumar Sharma (S’13–GS’13) received the B.Tech. degree from Rajasthan Technical University, Kota, India, in 2011, and the M.Tech. degree from the Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India, in 2014. He is currently a Ph.D. Research Scholar at IIT Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, India, in collaboration with STMicroelectronics, Greater Noida, India. He has authored/coauthored 10 papers in IEEE conferences. His current research interests include jitter, signal integrity, and high-speed serial links. Mr. Sharma was one of the recipients of the Best Poster Award at the 14th International System-On-Chip Conference 2017 held in Seoul, South Korea. Hitesh Shrimali (S’09–M’13–SM’18) was born in Ahmedabad, India. He received the B.E. degree in instrumentation engineering from the Nirma Institute of Technology, Ahmedabad, the M.Tech. degree in instrumentation engineering from IIT Kharagpur, Kharagpur, India, and the Ph.D. degree in mixed signal VLSI design from IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India. After completing his education, he was a Senior Design Engineer with the Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) Team, STMicroelectronics, Greater Noida, India. He was also a Post-Doctorate Researcher with the Università degli Studi di Milan, Milan, Italy, from 2013 to 2014. Since 2014, he has been serving as an Assistant Professor with IIT Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, India. His areas of expertise include design and testing of radiation hard circuits (CMOS silicon detectors), analog and mixed signal VLSI design (ADCs), modeling of radiation effects on analog and mixed signal circuits, and on-chip instrumentation. Dr. Shrimali has served as an Organizing Committee Member and a TPC Member for IEEE EDAPS 2018. He was a recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Award in 2017 for the Instrumentation Engineering Department, Nirma University, Ahmedabad. He has served as a Reviewer for IEEE T RANS ACTIONS ON V ERY L ARGE S CALE I NTEGRATION S YSTEMS , the Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing (Springer), IETE, IEEE ISCAS, IEEE EDAPS, IEEE VLSID, and MWSCAS. Authorized licensed use limited to: Synopsys. Downloaded on July 04,2022 at 05:00:57 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.