Uploaded by Shokoor Amini

System Integration Testing Report

Name: Abdul Shokoor
LastName: Amini
Group: IT-2104
Control questions:
1.What are the different types of interfaces and interface errors?
There are several types of interfaces, such as user interface, application programming interface (API),
network interface, and hardware interface. Interface errors can occur when there is a mismatch between
different interfaces or when data is transferred incorrectly.
2.What is the granularity of a system integration testing system?
The granularity of a system integration testing system refers to the level of detail at which the testing is
performed. It can range from testing individual components to testing the entire system.
3.What are the different integration techniques? Explain each one.
The different integration techniques are big bang integration, top-down integration, bottom-up
integration, and sandwich integration. Big bang integration involves combining all the components at
once, while top-down integration starts with the highest-level components and gradually adds lowerlevel components. Bottom-up integration starts with the lowest-level components and gradually adds
higher-level components. Sandwich integration is a combination of top-down and bottom-up integration.
4.What is hardware and software integration and why is it important?
Hardware and software integration refers to the process of combining hardware and software
components to create a functional system. It is important because hardware and software components
must work together seamlessly to ensure the system functions correctly.
5.What is an off-the-shelf component and why is testing important?
An off-the-shelf component is a pre-built component that is purchased and integrated into a system.
Testing is important to ensure that the component functions correctly within the system and does not
introduce any errors or vulnerabilities.
6.What is built-in testing and when is it performed?
Built-in testing refers to the testing that is performed by the system itself during operation. It is
performed continuously or periodically to detect any errors or faults in the system.
7.What is a hardware and software compatibility matrix and why is it important?
A hardware and software compatibility matrix is a document that outlines the compatibility of different
hardware and software components. It is important because incompatible components can cause errors
or malfunctions in the system.
8.What is a test plan for system integration and what does it include?
A test plan for system integration is a document that outlines the testing approach and strategies for the
integration phase of a system development project. It includes information on the scope of testing,
testing objectives, testing schedule, testing environment, test cases, and testing resources.