Uploaded by Mark Aquino

Construction Case Studies: Netherlands, Citicorp, Burj Khalifa

938 Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City
CE 018-CEC41S2 - Construction Methods and Project Management
Case Studies
Submitted by:
Aquino, Mark Joseph B.
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Aquino, Mark Joseph, B.
Living with Sea-Level Rise and Climate Change: A Case Study of the Netherlands
Main Problem
A huge part of the land area in the Netherlands is below sea-level. As a result, the country is prone
to flooding which can destroy livestock, property, and even death. In addition, some of the land is
submerged completely which makes it unusable. To make matters worse, due to global warming the sea
water level rises even more which leaves the Netherlands at a huge risk. With that being said the engineers
are finding solutions on ways on how to prevent the country to be completely underwater and reclaim
some of its land.
The Objective of this case study is to enumerate the actions that the engineers and constructors
of Netherlands made to be able to save its land in being submerged in water and even reclaiming the land
that already is underwater.
Facts of the Case
1. While the Netherlands is a small country (some 34,000 km2), it is densely populated (some 460
inhabitants/km2) and has a large active economy.
2. Geologically, the coastal zone largely consists of a sequence of deltas and flood plains of the rivers
Scheldt, Meuse, Rhine, and Ems, flanked by coastline barriers (in the north in the form of barrier
islands), a large Lagoon, tidal inlets, and coastal plains.
3. The Dutch coastline, which spans over 400 kilometers, can be categorized into three distinct
sections: the southern tidal inlets and estuaries that are now primarily regulated by open or closed
barriers, and the unbroken duned coast of Holland and the Wadden Sea area (featuring a series
of barrier islands) in the north.
4. Currently, a significant portion of the country lies below the average sea level, comprising almost
one-third of the total area. An additional one-third of the land must be safeguarded from river
flooding during times of high discharges.
5. Due to their geographical features, countries with low elevation, including the Netherlands, are
particularly susceptible to the impacts of severe weather conditions such as storm surges and
intense periods of precipitation.
6. For the initial hundreds of thousands of years in the Pleistocene epoch, the majority of the
Netherlands remained submerged and, therefore, constituted a segment of the North Sea Basin.
Analyze the facts
1. It goes to show that managing the water levels goes way back even in in the Pleistocene era
2. Another reason why the Netherlands is prone to submerging and flooding is because it has a
huge coast line with three distinct sections
3. The government of Netherlands would really want to prevent their lands on being submerged
and even reclaiming some of the submerged land is because they are densely populated
1. 1600s: To successfully reclaim land, it was crucial to establish a well-organized administrative
structure to oversee the maintenance of the drainage system and the construction of dikes.
Through the implementation of bylaws and regular inspections, landowners were held
responsible for maintaining the drainage canals and dikes. In certain areas, a dedicated board
of representatives was established to manage these tasks, and the responsibility for building
and upkeeping the drainage system was delegated to the local community.
2. 1700s: The success of water management, especially land reclamations, was heavily reliant on
a variety of technical advancements in drainage techniques and enhanced capabilities for
water management. These innovations included larger windmills, improved pumps, and
better integration of drainage components. With the help of these developments, it became
feasible to reclaim more extensive and deeper lakes and broader meres. During the late 1700s,
initial experiments with steam engines were also conducted.
3. 1800s: Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, land reclamation efforts continued on a large
scale. One of the most notable reclamation projects of the 1800s was the Haarlemmermeer,
which covered an area of more than 18,000 hectares. Alongside this, significant coastal
reclamations were carried out, including the Wilhelminapolder (1809) in Zeeland, the Koegras
(1817) and Anna Paulowna (1835) polders in Noord-Holland, and the accretions along the
Dollard and Wadden coasts, which covered an area of 6,700 hectares. Between 1833 and
1911, a total of 350,000 hectares of land were reclaimed for cultivation, of which 100,000
hectares were gained from the sea or drained lakes.
4. 1950s: During the initial years of the Delta Project, substantial research was conducted to
examine the technical feasibility of the pioneering engineering involved in the project. This
research included investigations into the hydrodynamics and morphology of the coastal zone
to ensure the stability of the structures.
Citicorp case study
Main Problem
The Citicorp building which was built in New York city has a unique trait were in it was built on
stilts. As the structure had been finished, some engineers have noticed that the structure is unstable
because of the stilts. If it were hit by a somewhat strong hurricane, it could fall and cause casualties in the
city of Manhattan.
The objective of the case study is to enumerate the possible cause on why the stilts are the main
culprit on the possible failure of the Citicorp structure. In addition, the study would enumerate the
solutions that the engineers had made.
Facts of the Case
1. The silts were built to accommodate a church next door that stated that they could buid a
skyscraper on the property as long as it did not block the church.
2. The building’s designers decided to start most of the of the tower nine stories up
3. They designers knew that such a tall building with so little on its bottom floors is prone to
toppling over on strong winds. Consequently, they added an extra weight to the top of the
tower that moved in the opposite direction of any lean the wind might cause
4. Unfortunately, the designers’ countermeasures are still not enough since they fail to check all
the factors that could break the structure
5. In 1978, a college engineering student figured out just how unstable the building was.
6. Calculations showed that storms strong enough to topple the tower hit Manhattan about
every sixteen years
7. The incident was not publicized even when it was already occupied
1. The Citicorp Tower should have been checked for quartering winds because building codes
require consideration of the most severe loading case.
2. The decision to change welded joints to bolted joints was an important change that should
have been considered more carefully.
3. LeMessurier had a duty to publicize the problem with the building.
Effective Project Management in Contemporary Developments: Case Study Burj Khalifa Tower
Main Problem
Dubai is a desert country. For this reason, there are a lot of problems in constructing the tallest
building in the world. Its soil properties are mostly composed of sand which is the least ideal soil in
creating a structure on top of it because of its shifty nature. In addition, Sands storms are common in
Dubai which makes it even more hard in constructing a tall structure.
The objectives of the study are to state the solutions that the engineers made to overcome the
obstacles in creating a somewhat impossible building.
Facts of the Case
1. The primary benefit of implementing Project Management techniques is the ability to
effectively and efficiently manage projects. Given that time and money are often limiting
factors in any project, Project Management provides a means to address issues quickly and
avoid mistakes throughout the project lifecycle. By utilizing formal and appropriate Project
Management approaches, businesses can enhance productivity, quality, customer
satisfaction, profit margins, and employee morale while reducing costs and saving time.
Conversely, the absence of a structured process to manage projects may result in wasted time,
money, and decreased productivity. Therefore, implementing effective Project Management
practices can assist in managing project resources and constraints more efficiently.
2. When evaluating this project concept, the primary factors taken into account were its capacity
to endure the scorching summer temperatures in Dubai and its ability to withstand the impact
of wind forces at a significant altitude. The Structural Health Monitoring Program and Network
(SHM) were used to evaluate the durability of the tower both during its construction process
and after its occupancy. The building was engineered with a high degree of safety, able to
withstand the impact of wind and gravitational forces throughout all stages of construction.
Additionally, multiple cameras were installed to detect unsafe conditions and monitor the
number of individuals present within the building.
3. The tower was made up of 160 stories and was scheduled to be completed within given
periods. The project adopted a new construction technology called the “3-day cycle”, a
method which aims to raise the entire construction one story per every three days
1. Through this research, Project Management has been demonstrated to be one of the primary
drivers of project success. As such, the researchers recommend that readers place significant
emphasis on the field of Project Management and work to develop their project management
skills to achieve better outcomes in business projects.
Main problem
The Hyatt Regency Hotel in Kansas City experienced a tragic event on July 17, 1981 when two
suspended walkways within the atrium collapsed. At the time, this was the most fatal incident of a
structural collapse in the history of the United States. Around 2,000 individuals had gathered within the
atrium to observe or participate in a dance contest, with dozens standing on the suspended walkways.
Tragically, the collapse of the walkways led to the death of 114 people.
The objective of the study is to pinpoint the errors that cause for the catastrophe that has happen.
Facts of the case
1. Spring 1978: Hyatt awards building contract and hotel construction begins.
2. December 1978: The general contractor on the enters into subcontract with steel contractor to
erect the atrium steel.
3. January–February 1979: Events and communications between the structural engineers and the
steel contractor determine a design change from a single to a double hanger rod box beam
connection for use at the fourth floor walkways.
4. Alleged telephone calls concerning this proposed change were later disputed by the structural
engineers; however, because of alleged communications between engineer and fabricator, Shop
Drawing 30 and Erection Drawing E3 are changed.
5. February 1979: The structural engineers receive 42 design shop drawings (including Shop
Drawing 30 and Erection Drawing E-3) and returns them to steel contractor, with engineering
review stamp approval on February 26.
6. October 14, 1979: Part of the atrium roof collapses while the hotel is under construction.
Inspection team called in. Their contract dealt primarily with the investigation of the cause of
the roof collapse and created no obligation to check any engineering or design work beyond the
scope of that investigation and contract.
7. October 16, 1979: Owner retains an independent engineering firm, to investigate the cause of
the atrium roof collapse.
8. October 20, 1979: The structural engineer firm writes the owner, stating they are undertaking
both an atrium collapse investigation, as well as a thorough design check of all the members
comprising the atrium roof.
9. October–November 1979: Reports and meetings from structural engineer to owner/architect,
assuring overall safety of the entire atrium.
10. July 1980: Construction of hotel complete, and the Kansas City Hyatt Regency Hotel opened for
11. July 17, 1981: Connections supporting rods from the ceiling that held up the second and fourth
floor walkways across the atrium of the Hyatt Regency Hotel collapse, killing 114 and injuring in
excess of 200 others.
12. November, 1984: The structural engineers were found guilty of gross negligence, misconduct
and unprofessional conduct in the practice of engineering.
13. Subsequently, the structural engineers lost their licenses to practice engineering in the State of
Missouri, and had its certificate of authority as an engineering firm revoked.
14. American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE) adopts a report that states structural engineers
have full responsibility for design projects.
15. The structural engineers subsequently were allowed to be practicing engineers in states other
than Missouri.
1. This building’s failure illustrates the importance of good communication among the project
participants, since any engineer or architect who took the time to review the impact of this change
could have seen the possibility of a structural problem.
2. Unfortunately, it appears that each reviewer stamped the submittal but assumed that someone
else would complete the review.
3. According to the specifications for the project, no work could start until the design shop drawings
for the work had been approved by the structural engineer.
4. The judge held the structural engineering consultants liable for the accident.
Collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge: A case study
Main Problem
A powerful storm swept through the river where the Tacoma Narrows Bridge was located on the
night of November 6th. The following morning, authorities closed the bridge to traffic after detecting
significant undulating movements. The bridge's cables on the west side were broken and swaying in the
By November 7th, wind speeds had increased to 68 km/h and the bridge was oscillating at a rate
of 40 cycles per minute, with a maximum oscillation amplitude of 1 m. Unexpectedly, the center stay cables
broke, causing the bridge to violently bend into two sections. The deck's edges moved over 8 m vertically
as the bridge rotated to an angle of 450 degrees. The motion even exceeded the acceleration due to gravity
at that time.
The wind velocity on the day of the incident was the strongest ever recorded since the Tacoma
Narrows Bridge was constructed. Although researchers had predicted that the bridge might experience
smaller waves with nine to ten twists, the movement observed was much more violent.
The intensity of the movement was such that it transformed the smaller waves into two dominant
torsional waves, causing the bridge to rotate up to a maximum angle of 450 degrees, which had not been
predicted in wind tunnel tests.
The collapse began with the sidewalks and curbs, followed by the twisting of the main stiffening
girder, indicating an impending collapse. The main cables eventually broke, and the entire roadway section
gradually dropped into the river below.
Loud noises were heard by nearby residents, sounding like gunfire. The weight of the hogging side
spans pulled the towers towards the shore by 4 m, and the collapsing bridge finally came to a halt. As a
result, the side spans dropped 20 m before settling into a permanent sag of 10 m, no longer balanced by
the main span.
The objective of the case study is to enumerate the reasons as to why the structure failed and
cause a disaster. The study also aims to provide the solutions that had been made to save the structure.
Facts about the case
1. The bridge was well planned and designed. In spite of the fact that it could safely resist all the
static loads, the wind load caused extraordinary undulations, leading to the failure of the bridge.
2. The designers of the bridge made efforts to control the oscillation amplitude of the bridge.
3. No one thought that the Tacoma Narrows Bridge's excellent flexibility, combined with its inability
to assimilate dynamic loads, would make the severe motions that would ultimately wreck the
4. Vertical motions of the bridge were caused only due to wind load and caused negligible damage
to the structural parts.
5. The collapse of the cables on the north side caused the catastrophic torsional movement of the
bridge. These cables were connected to the center ties, thus the center span twisted with higher
angular movement. Due to the twisting movements, shear stresses developed throughout the
span of the bridge and these stresses led to the failure of the main span.
6. The bridge was designed for static and dynamic loads using the same method. However, the
rigidity against static and dynamic loads couldn't be found using the same method.
The failure of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge highlighted the importance of damping, rigidity in the
vertical direction, and resistance to torsion in suspension bridges for structural designers and the world.
Once the danger of twisting was recognized, there were various ways to prevent the tragedy of the bridge
collapse. The following changes could have been adopted to avoid the collapse of the Tacoma Narrows
1. The collapse of the bridge could have been prevented if open stiffening trusses were used instead
of plate girders. This would have allowed the wind to pass freely through the bridge.
2. Increasing the width/span ratio could have improved the stiffness of the bridge.
3. Increasing the weight of the bridge would have led to an increase in the bridge's natural frequency.
4. Improving the damping ratio of the bridge could have helped absorb oscillatory motions and limit
5. The utilization of a dynamic damper could have limited the motion of the bridge.
6. Greater stiffness against torsional motion could have been achieved by increasing the depth of
plate girders.
7. The formation of a wake zone due to wind forces could have been reduced by streamlining the
deck of the bridge.
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