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Hose vs Bucket Water Filling Experiment

Intro: Hi my name is Mary Katrice Anne M. Fausto. A grade 7 STE student from Pambujan National high
school. One of the world’s largest studies has found that doing household chores can be just as effective
as running or working out when it comes to cutting risk of heart disease and extending one's life. And as
child participating household chores like sweeping, watering plants, cooking, doing laundry, washing
dishes, ironing clothes, pitching water and more can help me or us become active and more responsible.
But Is there any way to make household chores safe and easy? The answer is YES!
Problem: Today i am going to conduct an experiment on filling water using a hose, "can hose really save
time on pitching or filling a water?" Why do i conduct this experiment, it is because there are some
problems I see in fetching water from our water pump. first is when the pathway is narrow and far ,
second is using buckets take a lot of time going back and forth specially when the bucket is small, lastly
there are possibilities that you might slip while carrying it. A a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a
a a a a a a a a a a a a aa a a a a a
Hypothesis: If we use hose when filling water then we could save time because we don't need to walk
back and forth from our water sources to where we to stock our water. A a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a
aaaa aaa a
Hose(7.5 meters)
Faucet or water pump
Stop watch
Procedure: For set A, First, prepare the materials needed. Second, attach the hose in the head of the
faucet. Then, place the basin to the place where the water is stocked. Then, turn on the faucet and start
the stop watch. Then, turn off the faucet when the basin is filled with water. Record the time.
For set B, First prepare the materials needed. Second, place the bucket under the head of the faucet.
Then, turn on the faucet and start the stop watch. Then, wait for the bucket to be filled with water or
enough to be carried. Repeat till the basin is filled with water. Record the time.
Results and Discussion: As I finish the experiment i have observe that the time in set up A took 4
minutes and 2 seconds, for set up B it took 5 minutes and 9 seconds. I also observe that there are more
splashes in set up B than set up A. In set up B the bucket was a bit too heavy for me to carry. This is
another advantage for the hose since you don't need to carry a bucket. As you can see both time and
energy are save at set up A. It's more efficient to use hose because just just like i said earlier it can save
time, energy and it can prevent accident. It is better to use hose when your in a rush, pathway's are far
and narrow. When your filling up deep and large bucket or basin.
Tips: This are some tips you could use when using this experiment.
1. When the water source is far away to where you stocked your water or the pathway is narrow.
2. When filling up deep basins.
3. Use pitcher pump with the hose when you have no faucet. This can save the electric bills.
Outro: That's all thank you for watching I hope this experiment helps. God Bless.