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Full ICT 0417 Note Theory update

ICT 0417
Theory Notes
From Chapter 1 to 10
Syllabus 2023-2025
Mr. Ayman Al-Nahhas
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Section 1
ICT Theory
Chapter 1
Types and components of a computer system
1.1 Hardware and software
Chapter 2
Output devices and their uses
Optical media and optical storage devices
Solid-state media and solid-state storage devices
The future of storage devices
Network issues and communication
Potential health problems related to the prolonged use of ICT equipment
ICT applications
6.1 Communication
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Direct data entry (DDE) devices
The effects of using ICT
5.1 Microprocessor-controlled devices in the home
Chapter 6
Emerging technologies
Networks and the effects of using them
4.1 Networks
Chapter 5
Types of computer
Storage devices and media
3.1 Magnetic media and magnetic storage devices
Chapter 4
Operating systems
Input and output devices
2.1 Input devices and their uses
Chapter 3
Main components of computer system
Modeling applications
Computer controlled systems
School management systems
Booking systems
Banking applications
Computers in medicine
Expert systems
Computers in die retail industry
Recognition systems
Satellite systems
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Chapter 7
Systems life cycle
7.1 Analysis
Chapter 8
Security of data
Additional security of data online
9.1 Audience appreciation
Chapter 10
Development and testing
Safety and security
8.1 Physical security
Chapter 9
Legal, moral, ethical and cultural appreciation
10.1 Communication with other ICT users using email
10.2 Effective use of the internet
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1. Types and components of computer system
Hardware and Software:
Hardware : is a Physical Components that makes a computer system
Software : is a general term of Programs that control the computer system
and processing data, there are two types
Internal Hardware:
Random access memory (Ram)
Read only memory (Rom)
Video Cards
Sound Cards
Internal Hard storage devices
Video Card
External Hardware:
Sound Card
Hard Disk Drive
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Solid State Drive
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Internal hardware:
 Printed circuit board in all computers.
 It allow the processor and other hardware to function and communicate with
each other
 It is central to any computer system
 All components plug into the motherboard
(CPU) Central Processing Unit or (Microprocessor):
 CPU is brain / heart of the computer and consists of :
o Control unit – Coordinates input and output devices and carries out
program instructions
o Arithmetic and logical Unit ( ALU) – performs calculations and logical
o Immediate access store ( IAS) – Holds data and program instructions in
current use
 CPU Interprets , execute the commands and handle calculations, data
processing and movement data to and from system memory
Random Access Memory (RAM):
Data stored temporarily
This memory can be Written and Read
Content lost when computer is turned off
Volatile memory
Read only memory (ROM):
 To store permanent information
 Only read
 Data cannot be changed or lost when the power off
 Non-volatile memory
 Used to store BIOS instructions
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Video card:
 Allow the computer to send graphical information to video display like monitor
or television, made of memory unit, cooling mechanism and connection to
display unit.
Sound card:
 Integrated circuit to board to provide a computer with ability to produce
Network interface card (NIC)
 NIC is a component that allows a computer or other devices to be connected to
a network.
Internal Hard Disk Drive (HDD) / Solid State Drive (SSD):
 Main internal storage
 The main advantage is fast data transfer
 Magnetic in nature and one from the methods to store the information
Software: there are two types of software (application & system)
Application software: Program that allow the user to do specific task:
• Word processing: software to manipulate text documents, the user can
create, save, edit the documents, copy and paste, importing photos, translate
• Spreadsheet: software to manipulate numerical data in columns and rows,
use formula to carry out calculations, create graph and modeling the
• Database: software to organize, manipulate, analyze data, each database
consists of one or more tables, and can carry out query, add modify data
and create report.
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• Control and measuring software: designed to allow a computer or
microprocessor to interface with sensors to measuring temperature ,
control application like chemical process (pH)
• Apps and Applet: : Apps it is applications which run on mobile phones or
tablet , An applet is a small application ( software program ) designed to run
within another application and runs in a web browser
Audio Editing software : allow to edit and manipulate and generate audio
• Video editing software: software allow to manipulate videos and can do
editing, rearrange, adding, removing section, do color correction and
• Graphics manipulate software : software allows bitmap and vector images
to be changed
System software : Program that allow the hardware to run properly and allow the
user to communicate with the computer
• Compiler : computer program that translate program written in high level
language as a whole into machine code, the original program called the
Source Code and the program after compilation called the Object code,
Examples of high level language is Java, Python, C++ , Fortran .
• Interpreter: computer program that translate program written in high level
language , translation as one statement at a time ( step by step )
• Linkers: computer program that takes one or more object files produced by
compiler and combine them into a single program. Different pieces of code
called module and the linker put all together.
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• Device driver: the name of software that enable one or more hardware
device to communicate with the operating system and without driver the
device unable to work.
• Operating systems (OS): software running in the background of a computer
system , without operating system the computer will not user friendly, OS
• Input / Output operation
• User communicate with the computer
• Error handling
• Managing of security ( log in – password – user account )
• Utilities : software to carry out specific tasks on a computer, and to help to
maintain and control computer resources include :
• Antivirus, Anti-spyware, Backup files, Disk repair, File management,
Security , Screensavers, Disk defragmentation
Analogue and digital data:
Computers can understand only data which formatted as a binary as base is 2 and
value only 0 and 1 which referred as digital data and real data is called Analogue
If the analogue data sent to the computer it should be converted to digital by using
hardware known as ADC ( analogue digital converter ) and if the computer is
controlling a device like a motor , data should be converted from digital to analogue
by using DAC ( digital analogue converter ).
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Main components of computer system
Computer system consists of:
1. Input devices
2. Output devices
3. Secondary storage devices
Internal hardware devices:
1. The central processing unit (CPU)
2. Internal hard disk drive
3. Random access memory ( RAM)
4. Read only memory ( ROM) :
 Boot files: Code tells the computer what to do when the first
start up referred as BIOS (Basic input/output system.
 CMOS : Chip that BIOS stored the data ( date & time and
system configuration) in non-volatile chip called CMOS
(complementary metal oxide semiconductor) this is battery
Operating systems:
Operating systems: to enable computer system to function and allow users to
communicate with computer systems
General tasks for Operating systems:
Controls operation of input & output & backing storage devices
Supervising running , loading, running and storage applications programs
Deals with errors may occur in applications programs
Maintain security of computer system
Maintain computer log
Allow to communicate between the user and computer system
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User Interfaces:
• Operating systems offer various types of user interface , will consider 4
1. Command line interface (CLI) – used by programmers, analyst,
somebody need direct communication with the computer for
development. as MSDOS
2. Graphical User Interface ( GUI) – used by end-user who doesn’t need
to know the computer works or who need to play games, handle the
pointing device .. as Windows
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3- Dialogue- based user interface
Use human voice to give commands to computer system as example new
luxury modern cars , and can say some certain commands like (Hey BMW,
drive me to the nearest airport ) , also by giving some voice commands (ON/off
light) , Apple SIRI.
4- Gesture- based interface
Moving hand, head or feet , gesture recognition allow human to interface with
the computer in a more natural fashion , this type of interface is using
computer vision and image processing
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Types of computers
PC ( personal computer /desktop computers)
Lower cost because spare parts and
connections tend to be standard
Better specification (fast processor..)
No much heating
Less damaged can be happened
because fixed in one location
Internet access is also stable because
not moved around
• Not portable.
• You need to copy files if you
do some work outside.
• More complicated than
Mobile computers:
1- Laptop / Notebook computer
Laptop in single unit then no trilling
Can take full advantage of Wi-Fi.
Low power consumption.
Portable, can be taken anywhere and
can connect with multimedia system
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• Easier to steal.
• Battery is limited life.
• Keyboard and pointing devices
can sometimes be not suitable
to use.
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2- Tablets
Advantages compared to laptops
• Very fast to switch on
• Fully portable, small, light can be
carried any where
• Built in camera & video
• Touchscreen , no need input
• Long battery life
• Can use several Apps as standard
(example : MP4 player)
• Don’t generate any heat
• When power button is pressed it
will be standby but remain
connected to the internet
Disadvantages compared to laptops:
• Less storage space and memory
• Typing in touch screen can be slow
and can have some errors
• Transferring files has to be done
through App store
• Laptops support type file format
more than tablets
3- Smartphone
Allow normal phone calls and also have OS ( iOS, Android, Windows)
functions of smartphone :
Send/receive email
Surf internet
Global positioning system GPS
Calendar functions
Telephone banking using banking Apps
VIOP – voice over internet protocol using internet
Streaming of video
Streaming of music
Social networking
 Instant message
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Easy to carry (very small in size
and lightweight )
Used to make phone calls and
also connect to internet while on
Used anywhere sine have Wi-Fi
Have hundreds of Apps
Have reasonable battery life
compared to laptop
The small screen make pages
difficult to read
Small keyboard make difficult to
type things and slow also, but this
solved in large screen
Web browsing can consume
battery quickly
Memory is not large when you
compare with laptop
Not all websites compatible with
smartphone operating system
Easier to lose or stolen since small
The data transfer rate using mobile
phone networks is slower with WiFi
4- Phablets
Hybrid between tablet and smartphone , they have much larger screen than
smartphone and smaller than tablet but have all features as smartphone and
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Emerging Technologies:
Impacts of Emerging Technologies:
Artificial intelligence AI biometrics:
AI it is a machine or application which carries out a task which required
some degree of intelligence for example:
Recognizing person's face
The use of language
Ability to operate machinery such as a car , airplane, train
Analyzing data to predict the outcome of a future event ( weather
 AI duplicate the task made by human which require decision making
and problem solving ( many tasks replaced human with robots)
The impact of AI on everyday life:
 Driverless vehicle ( train , autopilots , also cars on the future)
 Robots help disabilities people
 Robots can carry heavy things and welding cars body and entering
disaster area like ( fire , nuclear area , volcanos , bomb )
Negative impacts of AI
 Lead to job losses in a number of area (taxi drivers , train drivers .. )
 Dependency on technology can be issue on the future
 Loss of skills because human replaced by machines.
Extended reality (XR) :
XR refers to real and virtual environment and common examples as
 Augmented reality (AR)
 Virtual reality (VR)
 Mixed reality (MR)
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Augmented reality (AR)
The features of AR includes:
 Allow the user to experience the relationship between digital (virtual)
and physical (real) worlds
 The real world enhanced with the digital details.
 The user can experience the AR world through special goggles or
 The user is not isolated from the real world
 Examples include Pokémon Go game
Impacts in the future of AR in the following area:
 Safety and risk operations
 Entertainment AR takes the user to virtual environment that the user can
interact with the characters
 Shopping and retail
 Healthcare : the doctor can use AR to have better understanding of a
patient's body ( CT scan)
Virtual reality (VR)
The features of VR
Ability to take the user out of the world environment to the digital world
The user are immersed in the simulated digital world
The user wear VR headset to view 360 degree
This technology can be used for medicine, construction, and military.
VR hardware : headphone, head mounted display, speakers, the tactile
glove, VR goggle, joystick, driving wheel
Impacts in the future of AR in the following area:
 Military applications – training pilots
 Education – training surgeons
 Healthcare ( as diagnostic tool )
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 Entertainment ( games when wear gloves with helmet , with sound to
make very real
 Fashion show to see the clothes on people
 Heritage ( to see the mountains)
 Business ( Training course )
 Real state ( people can look around the house )
 Engineering ( to show how design of the building will look )
 Media ( special effects of movies( The matrix ) )
 Scientific visualization ( to see molecular structure in chemistry
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2- Input and output devices
Input devices and their used:
1- Keyboards :
Uses :
Input of data (text, number,..) into applications software
Typing commands to the computer ( Ctrl P + Ctrl S … )
Mostly QWERTY keyboard is used
Ergonomic keyboard is used to reduce the health-related problems
like ( carpal tunnel syndrome – RSI )
• Fast text entry into the document • Can be difficult to use if the user
• Easy to use
has limited arm/wrist use.
• Easier to do verification checks as • Slow method when compared
the data is entered.
with direct data entry
• Large device.
2- Numeric keypads
Used to enter number only
 Automatic teller machines (ATMs).
 Mobile phones.
 Point-of-sale (POS)
 Chip and PIN devices when paying by credit/debit cards
 Fast entry of numeric data into a spreadsheet
• Faster than standard keyboard
• Very easy to carry around
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• Sometimes have small keys, input
more difficult.
• Sometimes the order of the numbers
on the keypad isn’t intuitive.
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Pointing devices:
1- Mouse
By moving mouse around, you can control the
position of the pointer on the screen
The optical mouse and wireless mouse are in use in
modern computer and the advantage mouse has no
moving parts
 Opening, closing and minimizing software.
 Grouping, moving and deleting files.
 Controlling the position of a pointer on the screen
• Faster way than using a keyboard.
• Very quick way to navigate
applications and internet
• No need large desk area.
• More difficult for people with
restricted hand
• Easy to damage
• Difficult to use if no flat surface
2- Touchpad
Used in many laptop as a pointing device
• Faster than a keyboard
• No need for a separate
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• People with limited hand/wrist movement
find the device difficult to use.
• Difficult to control when compared to a
• Difficult in certain operations such as drag
and drop.
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3-Tracker ball
 Used in applications where the user has disability
 Used in a control room /faster than a mouse
 Used in some luxury cars to select functions such
as radio, telephone, music
Easier than a mouse.
• Not supplied with computers as
More accurate positioning.
More robust than a mouse.
• User may need training
Needs less desk space than a mouse
4-Remote Control
Uses :
 Televisions, satellite systems, most of systems
use remote controls.
 Control multimedia systems.
 Used in industrial applications to remotely
control processes.
• Operated from any reasonable
• Some chemical processes are
hazardous, can select operation
from distance
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• Difficult to use if the operator has
limited hand/wrist movement.
• It is easier to block the signal.
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Uses :
 Used in video/computer games.
 Used in simulators
• Easier than a keyboard to
navigate the screen
• Control is more realistic than
using a mouse
• More difficult to control the onscreen pointer
6- Driving wheel
Uses :
 Used in video/computer games.
 Used in simulators (car-driving
• Easier than a keyboard or
• Expensive input device.
• Movements too sensitive.
• Actual steering wheel and other
controls operate in real life.
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6-Touchscreens ( input and output device)
Uses :
Point-of-sale terminals
Airports, railway stations, tourist offices
Personal digital assistants (PDAs), mobile
phones and satellite navigation systems
 Interactive white boards in education.
 Computer-based training (CBT) - on-screen testing.
 Used as an output device
Faster entry.
• Limited number of options
Very easy method.
• Can lead to problems.
Option to expand the size if
• The screen can get very dirty,
reduce its responsiveness
7- Scanners:
There are two types of scanners, The most common is
flatbed scanner, also barcode scanner is another type
• Scan documents.
• Scan in old/valuable documents/books.
• Scan in photographs.
• Scan in barcodes at POS terminals.
• Images can be stored for editing • Quality can be limited depend on
at a later date.
resolution of the scanner.
• Much faster and more accurate. • Slow at scanning if color scanning
• Recovery damaged documents
and photographs.
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8- Digital Cameras
Digital cameras replaced with traditional based film ,
now the images stored digitally on solid state
memory , and can be transferred to computer by:
 Directly reading the memory card.
 Connecting to the computer using a USB port.
 Using wireless data transfer (Wi-Fi or Bluetooth).
Easier to produce better-quality
Easier and faster to upload
photographs to a computer reader.
No need to print out photographs.
Can store several hundred
• The quality of photographs
depends on the number of pixels.
• Images compressed to reduce
the memory used.
10- Microphone
Microphone connected directly with the computer,
Sounds converted to an analogue signal then converted
into a digital signal
Uses :
 Presentations.
 Input in voice-recognition software
 As a sensor to pick up sound.
 Used in video conferencing or Voice over Internet Protocol
• Faster to read text instead using
• Sound files is big.
• Voice-recognition software not
• Manipulate sound.
• Voice-activation system, Advantage
of improving safety. – driving cars
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 Sensor is a device to input data into a computer, the data is physical
quantity like temperature, light, moister, this data is analogue in nature
 Computer can read only digital data , then the data from sensor should
be converted to digital using an analogue digital converter ADC
Type of sensors:
More accurate than human
• Faulty sensors can give spurious
Readings are continuous - no break • Most sensors are analogue , they
Any necessary action or warning will
require conversion by using ADC
be initiated immediately
Systems can be automatic, removing
the need for human intervention.
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12- Light pens
Light pens contain sensors that send signals to a
computer whenever light changes are detected,
and only work with CRT monitor
Uses :
• Selecting objects on CRT screens
• Drawing on screen ( as example CAD Package)
 Greater accuracy than touch screen  Problems with delay when
drawing on screen.
 Small
 Only works with CRT monitors.
 Easy-to-use
 Not accurate when drawing.
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Direct data entry ( DDE ) devices:
Devices for reading information from cards
Card readers:
Magnetic stripe readers
Used to read information on the magnetic stripe
founded in back of credit/debit card
 On credit/debit cards for use at ATMs or EFTPOS
(Electronic Funds Transfer at Point Of Sale)
 Security devices to allow entry to buildings,
(as in hotel rooms)
Fast data entry
• If the magnetic stripe gets
Error free
damaged the data is lost.
• Doesn’t work at a distance.
Prevents access to restricted areas • Not human readable.
Not affected by oil, water, moisture
Very robust.
Contactless card readers
Contactless debit or credit cards allow customers to pay
for items worth up to $25 without entering their PIN
The steps are taken to pay :
 Costumers look out for the contactless symbol on
the payment terminal
 The shop assistant enter the amount
 The reader inform the customer to present contactless card
 The customer hold the card in front of the reader
 The terminal display the card has been read
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Faster transaction.
No typing errors.
Retailers will not access to the
customer’s card.
The chip in the contactless credit
card responds with a unique
number used for that transaction
More expensive than normal cards.
A thief with a suitable reader could
monitor contactless card
Can take money twice.
Transactions are a small
Chip and PIN readers
Similar to smart card reader but used in EFTPOS terminal
 Payments using card in (restaurants, supermarkets, travel,
 Read information on the Chip founded in front of
credit/debit card
• More secure
• Need to be careful to ensure PIN isn’t
• More robust
read by somebody else while typing it in.
Radio frequency identification (RFID) readers
Use radio waves to read and capture information stored on tag
RFID tag is made up of two components:
 A microchip stores and processes information
 An antenna receive and transmit data
 Livestock tracking ( each animal in farm will be known)
 Retail ( like barcode but without scanning )
 Admission passes (parks RFID cards )
 Libraries ( book can tracked )
 Electronic passport ( read information from the chip )
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No direct line
Very robust
Very fast read rate and reuse.
Bulk detection is possible
(hundred tags/s .
Tag collision.
Easy to jam or interrupt.
Easy to hack.
More expensive than barcode
Optical Mark recognition / Reader (OMR) Read
Read marks written in pen or pencil
 Read questionnaires, multiple-choice
examination papers and other forms
• Very fast way of inputting the
• The forms need to be carefully
results of a survey.
designed and correctly positioned
• More accurate.
which can make problem for result.
Optical character recognition/reader (OCR)
The new system in processing of passport and ID cards
 Processing of passports and identity cards
 Converting printed documents to an editable
electronic format
 Read car number plate
• Much faster data-entry system
• Difficulty reading handwriting
• The number of errors is reduced
• Not very accurate
• Can read handwriting
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Comparison between OCR and OMR
Because this method reads handwriting, it
is possible for customers to extend their
answers to questions
poor handwriting may cause reading
OCR is used for converting printed
documents to an editable electronic
OCR requires a complex recognition
Fewer 'how to fill in' instructions are
needed for forms designed to be
completed and then read by OCR
While OCR is more accurate than data
entered into a computer by keyboard,
there are still problems recognizing
all types of handwriting, leading to
Since use shading to answer, the
information obtained is limited to the
choices offered in each question
OMR relies on simply detecting where
marks have been made on a page; the
position of the marks is compared to
a template stored in memory
OMR simply reads the position of marks,
so it is ideal for multiple-choice exam
This method requires complex (and
expensive) forms to be
completed; but the recognition system is
simpler than OCR
While this method requires more 'how to
fill in' instructions, it is easier and faster
for customers to complete OMR forms
than to complete OCR forms
OMR is essentially a more accurate
method for reading data than OCR
Barcodes readers ( portable scanner )
 Supermarkets and shops
 Libraries to keep track of books
 Safety function - electrical equipment checking
regular basis.
Much faster
Way of recording data
Allow automatic stock control.
Trusted technology.
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• Expensive system to administer.
• Not foolproof.
• Easily damaged than RFID tags or
magnetic strips.
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Quick Response (QR) code
• Is made of matrix of filled in dark square on light
background, normal barcode can have 30 digits but
QR can hold over 7000 digits.
• Smartphone with camera can read QR code which
can be website link or advertising
No need to write down a key or
QR can store the website address
on business card or on the
magazine, train, bus
Can be used for multiple elements
Fast access to additional
Can be linked into a website and
The QR code is unique
More robust than bar codes
Secure as the code cannot be
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Output devices and their uses
Monitors (screens)
CRT monitors
Cathode ray tube (CRT) monitors
 Output device
 Used with light pens
• The angle of viewing is still better
than with most TFT monitors
• They work with light pens in
CAD/CAM applications
Present a safety hazard if not
supported properly
Run very hot and can cause fires
They consume more power than
modern TFT
They can flicker, can lead to
headaches and eyesight problems
LED and LCD screens
Made up of thousands of tiny pixels.
Uses :
 Output device
 Laptop computers.
• The angle of viewing a TFT is
Produce less glare than CRT monitors
fairly critical.
Less radiation
• Definition is sometimes not as
Consume less power / don’t generate
good as a CRT monitor.
much heat
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LCD and LED monitors
• CRT monitor almost gone
• Most monitors become LCD ( Crystal Liquid display / diode
• Modern monitors are backlight using light emitting diode LED
which give the monitor better contrast and brightness
• LED no need warm up to reach to full efficiency
• LED produce brighter light
• LED consume very little power / produce less heat
• OLED is new technology , which is very thin, flexible, lighter
Multimedia projectors
Uses :
 Training presentations
 Advertising presentations
 Home cinema systems
• Many people can see a presentation
without crowding
• No networked computers
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• Images can sometimes be fuzzy
• Expensive
• Setting little difficult to setup
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Laser Printers
Produce high-quality, high-volume printing
Uses :
 When low noisy required
 High-quality, high-volume printing
Low noisy
Fast if several copies
Handle very large print jobs
High quality
Long time toner
• Color laser is expensive
• Produce ozone and volatile
organic compounds.
Inkjet printers
 Low volumes are required
 For single pages are ideal
 3-D inkjet printers to produce prototypes
 Working by using two technologies :
• Thermal bubbles
• Piezoelectric
• High-quality
• Slow output if several copies
• Cheaper than laser printers.
• Can't do large print jobs
• Very lightweight and a small
• Printing can (smudge) if user is
• Don’t produce ozone and volatile
not careful
organic compounds
• Can be expensive
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Dot matrix printers
type of impact printer head : this type of printer is
slow, noisy and the output is not good,
 Used in noisy environments
Used in environments that would be
a problem to laser or inkjet printers
Carbon copies or multi-part outputs
can be produced
Very cheap
Easy to use
• Very noisy
• Actually cost more than an inkjet
• Very slow, poor-quality printing
3 D printers
 Primarily used in computer aided design CAD
applications, can produce
solid objects and use inkjet
print heat
 Use additive manufacturing
The manufacturing of items much easier • None original items
than ever before
• Dangerous or illegal activities.
Take a short length of time for designs to • Due to job losses
be converted into working prototypes
less costs
Medical benefits , producing artificial
organs, prosthetics and medical
products ,tissue engineering, artificial
blood vessels, designs of medical tools.
Parts for machinery manufactured using
3D printers
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• To create a solid object using 3D printers :
• A design is made by computer aided design software ( CAD)
• The finalized drawing is imported into some special software that
prepared it in a format that is understand by 3D printer
• The 3D printer is setup to allow the solid to be made
• The solid object is built up layer
• The object is removed from the printer and then prepared
4- ( Graph) plotters
 Used to produce large drawings e.g. blueprints of
buildings; are often used with CAD applications
 Used to produce large pictures for use on
billboards or giant posters
 They can also print on plastic coated paper
 The most common types are pen plotters
Can produce huge printouts
Print quality is extremely high
Able to print on many variety of
Slow in operation
Expensive to buy and maintain
Have very large physical
Uses :
• Output sound
• Play downloaded sound files
• Audio output helps disabilities user.
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 They allow remote
 They inexpensive
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• Used to take signals from a
computer and convert
them into a form of motion
as example operating
motor, pumps and valves, switches , buzzers
• Usually convert from digital to analogue (DAC)
 They are additional device in the system that
could be wrong
 The signal should be converted to DAC to enable
computer control
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3- Storage devices and Media
Backing of data concept:
Backing of data is refers to copy files or data to different medium ( disk, tape,
flash drive .. ) in case of problem with the main secondary storage device,
copying should be in regular bases.
Why back up data?
• To safeguard against loss of data due to the failure of the original
secondary storage
• To safeguard damage caused by hackers
• Backup can be made to use the files elsewhere
• Backup also taken to protect data files from virus
Three different types of storage media:
 Magnetic
 Optical
 Solid state
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Magnetic media and Magnetic storage media - direct access
Magnetic storage media depend on magnetic properties of certain
1- Hard disk drives - Fixed (HDD)
Uses :
 To store the operating systems, software
 To store applications software
 Real-time systems ( robots, control of a
chemical plants) and online systems
 Used in File Servers for computer networks
How HDD works:
 Actuators are used to move the reads / write heads
 A read/write arm swings the read/write head back
 Each read/write head contains a tiny magnet which allows the
data on the platter to be read
 Platters are made of glass , ceramic or aluminum which are
coated in iron oxide
 There are two read/write heads
 Data is stored in track , each track broken into sectors
 A map of the sectors is stored on HDD and known as file
location table
• Very fast data transfer and fast access • Easily damaged
• Have many moving parts
• Very large capacities
• Their read/write operation can
be quite noisy
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2- Portable hard disk drives
Connected to a computer using USB ( Universal
Serial Bus) port
 Backup systems
 Transfer data between computers
 Access time of data is very fast
 Large memory capacity
 Transferring data between computers
• Easily damaged if dropped or
subjected to a strong
magnetic field; an incorrect
shut-down procedure could
also lead to loss of data
Magnetic Tapes derives
Data is read from the tape using serial access, this way is useless in real-time or
online applications because is very slow method
 In applications where batch processing is
used, for example, clearing bank cheques,
utility billing (gas, electricity, water)
 Backup media
 Used in long-term archiving of data.
Less expensive.
Very robust technology.
Huge data storage capacity.
The data transfer rate is fast.
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• Very slow data access times.
• When updating, another tape is
• They are affected by magnetic
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Optical media and optical storage devices
CD/DVD optical disks
Laser light is used to read data and write
( R - Write once only) – (ROM - only read ) – ( RW - written or read
many times)
DVD have different technology from CD to increase storage capacity
 CD-ROMs are used to store
music files, software, computer
games and reference software , they can't be written over
 DVD-ROMs have much larger storage and used to store films and
• Store more data than floppy disks
• Less expensive than hard disk
• The data transfer access time is
slower than hard disks
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2- CD-R and DVD-R
R letter means the disk is recordable once only
 Home recordings of music (CD-R) and
films (DVD-R)
 Store data to use later or to be transferred to another computer
• Cheaper than RW disks
• CD-R/DVD-R can only be
• Once burned they are like a ROM
recorded on once.
• Not all CD/DVD players can read
2- CD-RW and DVD-RW
RW means the disk is rewritable media
and can be written several times
 To record television programs
 Data can be added to at a later.
 Used in CCTV systems
• Can be written over many times.
• Can use different file formats
each time it is used.
• Relatively expensive.
• It is possible to accidentally
overwrite data.
3- DVD – RAM
 In recording devices such as satellite
receivers to allow simultaneous recording
and playback
 Used in camcorders to store movies
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• Long life
• A rewrite operation over 100000
• Writing on DVD-RAMs is very
• Very fast access
• No need to finalize the disk
• Very large capacity
• Ability to read data at the same
time written
• Not as compatible as R or RW
• Expensive.
4- Blu-ray discs
The main differences are:
 A blue laser, carry out read and write operations
 Blu-ray can store up to five times more than DVD
Home video
Storing and playing back movies.
Data storage or backing up
Camcorder to store movie footage
• Very large storage capacity
• Very fast data transfer rate
• Data access speed greater than
other optical
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• Expensive
• Encryption problems
• Fewer movie titles on Blu-ray
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Solid state media and solid – state storage device
Solid State drives (SSD)
There are some advantages of using SSD rather than HDD
 More reliable
 Lighter
 Lower power consumption.
 Run much cooler than HDDs
 Very thin.
 Data access faster than HDD
1- Memory sticks/pen drives
Store several gigabytes of data and use the
solid state technology
Uses :
 Transporting files between computers /
 Security device to prevent software piracy ( dongle)
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• Very compact and portable media
• Very robust
• Doesn’t need additional software
to work on most computers
• Not affected by magnetic fields
• Small
• Can’t write-protect the data/files
• Easy to lose
• The user needs to be very
careful when removing a
memory stick from a computer incorrect removal may damage
the port and memory stick
2- Flash memory cards
 Storing photos on digital cameras
 Used as mobile phone memory cards
 Used in MP3 players to store music files
 Used as a backup store in hand-held
computer devices
• Very compact and can be easily
removed and used in another
• Very robust.
• Expensive per gigabyte.
• Have a limited life.
• Lower storage capacity than
hard disks.
The future of the storage devices:
 Recently many computers come only with USB without CD/DVD
player, flash memory now is using to transfer files between
 Many people now store data or music on fixed hard disk or tablet ,
mobile , IPod or cloud which data can be accessed anywhere, they
can streaming the music from internet.
 Many TV now setup as smart TV which can steaming movies without
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4- Networks and the effects of
using them
Computer Network:
A network is two or more computers or other device connected together so
that can exchange data, share resources and files. Network created using
cables or wireless signal
Advantages of using Network:
 Easily share files and data
 Share resources (printers, internet..)
 Communicate with other network users
 Store data centrally by using file server
 Keep all setting centrally
Disadvantages of using Network:
 Greater risk of hacker
 Greater risk of viruses
 Cost of extra equipment
 Printer queues developing, which can be depressed
 When the main server breaks down, network will not function or using
as standalone computers
Network Devices and terms:
Network interface card (NIC)
Allow to connect device to the network
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Internet protocol (IP) and media access control ( MAC ) addresses
 Each device on the internet given unique address called internet
protocol (IP) address and the form is ( )
 Home computer when connect to internet given IP assigned by ISP
(internet service provider )
 This IP can use instead of using full URL (
Media access control (MAC)
 MAC Address is used to ensure the physical address of computer. It
uniquely identifies the devices on a network.
 Made of 48 bits shown in 6 groups of hexadecimal digits
Internet protocol IP
• IP address is logical address and used to uniquely identify the
connection of network with that device take part in a network.
• IP changed if you change your area while MAC remain constant.
Data Packets:
Data is moving around the network as data packets, data have header
 Sender IP address
 Receiver IP address
 Identify number of the packet
 The packet size
 How many data packets make up the whole message
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Hubs are hardware devices that can
have a number of devices or
computers connected to them to
make LAN and not very high secure
of data distribution / suitable for
home network, the main task is to
take data packet received at one of
its port and broadcast it to every computer in the network
Similar to hub, distributing data
packet but more efficient,
connect a number of devices or
computers together to form a
LAN, Switch checks the data
packet and sends to an
appropriate device this makes using switch more secure
• A device that converts analogue signal from telephone line to
digital signals which can be ready for the computer
• Also converts a computer’s digital signal into an analogue
signal for transmission by telephone line.
• Dial-up modems, transmission speed 60 kb/s
• ADSL (asymmetric digital subscriber line) modems operate at
up to 100 Megabits /s
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Bridges are devices that connect
one LAN to another LAN that
uses the same
Connect network/computer to the internet
Connect LAN/network together
Transfer data between networks
Router can connect two devices using
cables or wireless signal
How the data from a router is routed
Data is sent in data packets
Each data packet contains an IP address of the next router
The router reads/checks/inspects the IP address
It checks the IP address against its routing table
Data packet is sent to the router with the IP address
The router uses the IP address to work out the best route/destination
• The router stores the IP addresses in routing table
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Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
Both provide wireless communication and
uses radio signals
Wi-Fi: is wireless networking technology
make it possible to connect devices
with a wireless connection to a network or to a single computer
• Easier to connect many devices to the network
• Better range up to 100 m
• Reduced cost of cabling / better security/ needs password
• Limited area of network
• Strength of signal is weaker
• Possible slow data transfer speeds
• Easier to hack into/Less secure
• Sometimes physical devices can interfere with signal
which due to disconnection
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Bluetooth: is wireless networking technology designed for very short
range connections
• Connecting wireless devices such as mouse, phone, which are very
close to a computer
• Transferring files between devices
• Printing wirelessly from a Tablet or Mobile phone
• Very slow data transfer speed
• Short distance of coverage, less than 30 meters distance
• Less secure since no password required
• Support limited number of devices
• Low-bandwidth
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Differences between Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
Cloud computing storage
• This method to store data remotely to access from anywhere at
any time
• This data stored in different servers in case of maintenance or
repair this is called data redundancy.
There are three common systems:
1. Public cloud: Storage environment where the client and cloud
storage provider are different companies
2. Private cloud: Storage provided by a company protected by
3. Hybrid cloud: Combination of the two previous, sensitive data
will be stored in private cloud and less sensitive data will be
stored in public could
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Advantages from using cloud computing (storage):
 No need to carry memory sticks
 You don’t have to pay for large storage capacity on your
computer/tablet or mobile phone
 Cloud will ensure that your files are backed
 Ability to synchronize files ( automatically updated )
 Cloud storage is ideal for collaboration purposes ( several users
can edit a single file or document)
 All devices tend to work with the cloud
 Access files anywhere
 Files is centrally stored
Disadvantages from using cloud storage:
 Security aspects
 If the user have slow internet connection it will be a problem
How to configure small network:
Suppose you asked to setup and configure small network, you have to do
the following:
• Setup an account with ISP
(Internet service provider )
to receive internet
• Setting an IP account if
internet access is required
• Buy appropriate hardware
and make setup for all
• Configure all hardware with software correctly to allow wireless
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• Put all software into the server with its license
• Setup privilege (each user can access only on their own area)
• Setup network manager level of privilege to monitor the network
uses and can change the password
Purchase hardware and software:
to connect your LAN to the
Switch /
to connect Network devices
together using cables
to connect physical
it can be hardware of
software , to protect the
network against hacking
To manage network
functions such as network
security, network file
storage, share resource
courses, etc.
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2- Software
to browse the internet
to send and receive e-mail
including attachments
Anti-virus /Spyware software
to protect your computer
from external threats
(Viruses / Hackers )
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Common Network Environments
Internet, intranet and Extranet,
Network types
Local area networks (LANs)
 Covers small area (one building) or within close
 LAN consists of number of computers and
devices that usually connect to a Switch/Hub
which is connected to the router
• Sharing of resources
(printer, internet...)
• Ease of communication
between users.
• A network administrator
to control and monitor all
aspects of the network
• Easier spread viruses to whole network.
• Printer queues developing, which can be
• Slower access to external networks
• Increased security risk compared to
stand-alone computers
• If the main server breaks down mostly
network will not function
Wide area networks (WANs)
 Used where computers or networks are
situated a long distance from each other
 WAN is often created by joining several
LANs together
 Router is used to connect LAN networks
to form a WAN network
 The most common example of WAN is Internet
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Wireless LANs (WLANs)
 (WLANs) are similar to LANs but there are no
wires or cables
 Devices known as Access Points (AP) are
connected to wire network at fixed locations.
 These devices provide wireless access to
devices on the network.
 It is much more convenient to use wireless
connections instead of running long wires all
over the building
• All computers can access the
same services and resources
(such as printers, scanners,
• Increased flexibility.
• Adding new computers and
devices is very easy
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• Security a big issue
• Affect the signal by any problem.
• The data transfer rate is slower
than in a wired LAN.
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Network issues and communication:
Security issues:
• How hackers can affect your data and network
• Threats of data:
 Data could be deleted,
edited, corrupted or
 Data could be passed to
other people
 Accessing your email
 Carrying out online banking
• Threats of network:
 Network could be shut down or infected by virus
 Could stop production , cost a lot of money
Methods of Authentication (username and password)
• Authentication: it is a technique to ensure only authorized
users are able to gain access to the network via
Username/Password or Biometrics, Magnetic Card, Digital
ID and Password as authentication method:
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Password can be guessed especially if week password.
Password can be seen by others
Password can be stolen and used by others
Spyware may be used to get the password
Password can be hacked by using password generating software
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Some ways to protect your password:
 Run anti-spyware software
 Change passwords on a regular basis
 Passwords should not be easy to guess or break, Strong
passwords should contain:
• At least 8 characters, one capital letter.
• At least one numerical value.
• At least one other keyboard character.
 Strong password Exp. (Syl2@#TT90kj=0 )
 Week password Exp.( white, ahmed ,,,, )
Other authentication methods
 Zero login and biometric
Zero login can do by using a device being smart and secure based on
 Biometric (finger print , face recognition)
 Behavioral patterns( how you walk , typing speed , your normal
location, there are some disadvantages that need consideration
 How do users know when they are being monitored
 How do you know if/when he logged out
 How well protected it in reality
 Magnetic strip cards:
• Swiping card through card reader, data as name, ID, number,
already stored in the card.
• Some cards use holographic which is more secure
Advantages of magnetic strip cards
 Easy to use
 Not expensive technology
 Can be remotely deactivated if lost
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 Card can be multi-purpose ( door key , network access and
can be used in vending machine to buy food or drink)
Disadvantages of magnetic strip cards
 Less secure than biometric method
 The card wear out with a lot of use
 The reader often fail in the first attempt
 Smart cards
• By adding chip and antenna into a security card it will work as
smart contactless card which have name, ID, date, security
Physical token (hardware)
• As in banking, when the user get access to web
page some authentication required to prove
who they are, they need physical token supplied
by the bank
Electronic token
• A software or App. installed in user's device as smartphone
• When the user need access to internet and an website require
electronic token
• This software generate OTP for short time to use it with login
name and password to get access
• Computer virus is a piece of programming code/ software which can
install and replicate itself on the computer system without the user’s
permission which can cause:
 Crash the computer ( become slower)
 Can delete the files
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 Data files can be copied by hacker
 Can stop the production
Anti-malware software:
• Antivirus software will check for virus attacks.
 They check software or files before they are run or loaded
 Checking of software and indicate a possible virus.
 Any possible files or programs that are infected are put into
quarantine that allows automatically deleted or ask the user to
make the decision about deletion.
 Antivirus software should up to date
 Full system should checks once a week.
To avoid virus look at security indicator https or padlock symbol
To avoid virus and spyware when using internet:
 Don’t download any files from
untrusted source
 Don’t install illegal software
 Don’t click any link from unknown
 Ensure antivirus is up-to-date
 Always look at security indicator
https or padlock symbol
 It is possible to pick up virus from any device plugged into your
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Electronic conferencing
Type of
Video Conferencing
• Video conferencing uses
both video and audio
using an internet
• It can be used for
business meeting when
people are in different
Web Camera| Screen
|Speakers| Microphone
Software :
• software is very important in successful conference
• webcam and microphone drivers
• Coder-DECoder to coding and decoding digital data
• Echo cancellation software
• Much easier to access important
documents or bring experts.
• It is possible to hold conferences
at short notice.
• Not travelling to meetings
reduces costs:
 Reduced travelling costs.
 No need to pay for hotel
 Reduces transportation.
• Technical problems with the internet
can affect the quality
• Setup cost and purchase hardware
• Lack of personnel contact
• Different time zone could difficult to
find suitable time
• Not possible to sign document
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 When have delegates need
travel to unsafe places
around the world.
Type of
Audio conference can be done
over the telephone network or
using a computer making use of
• The organizer of the phone
conference is given unique Pin which
can be shared participants to join
Telephone (VOIP) –
they have to dial the conference
phone number then they would have Microphone – speakers
enter a PIN
Web conferencing can be done using
internet connection
(webinar or webcasts) • Very similar to video conferencing
as the participants can see Video
and hear Audio
• Participants can join to the
conference by clicking on the link
provided by the organizer.
• Instant message available to
communicate with another
Web Camera|Screen
|Speakers| Microphone
• Business meetings
• Presentations.
permission to speak and can share
• Online education /
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5- The effects of using ICT
Microprocessor – controlled devices:
Effects of using microprocessor-controlled devices in the home
The effects can be positive and negative effects in our:
 Lifestyle
 Leisure time
 Physical fitness
 Data security
 Social interaction
The devices that uses computer to control its functions, this devices
fall in main two categories:
1- Labor – saving devices:
 Automatic washing machines
 Microwave ovens
 Cookers
 Automatic dishwashers
 Robotic vacuum cleaners
 Bread making machines
 Smart fridge and freezer
This allow people to get on with other things while the device carries
out their tasks
2- Other type of devices
 Alarm clocks
 Television sets
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 Central heating and air conditioning systems
 Home entertainment systems
 Mobile phones and tablets
Lifestyle, leisure, time and physical fitness
Benefits from microprocessor-controlled devices in modern home:
Microprocessor controlled devices do much of the housework
Do not need to do many things manually
Do not need to be in the house when food is cooking
Do not need to be in the house when clothes are being washed
Can leave their home to go shopping/work at any time of the
Greater social interaction/more family time
More time to go out/more leisure time/more time to do other
Are able to do other leisure activities when convenient to them
Can encourage a healthy lifestyle because of smart fridges
analyzing food constituents
Do not have to leave home to get fit
Advantages and disadvantages of microprocessor-controlled laborsaving devices
Reduces number of manual task at
Give people time to do some
activities (shopping – hobbies ) while
devices cooking foods or washing
Smartphone can make control to
switch on/off oven / central heating
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Can lead to unhealthy life styles
because readymade meal
Tend to make people lazy since they
are depend on devices
People become less fit if the people
just lie around at home while the
devices carry out the tasks
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Automatic burglar alarms give people Losing household skills
sense of security
Smart fridges and freezer can lead to
healthy lifestyle
Advantages and disadvantages of other of microprocessor-controlled
devices (not related to lifestyle)
Save energy since the device can
switch off themselves
Some people not familiar with this
technology , it will be difficult to use
It is easy to program the device by
using QR codes instead of press
buttons manually
Leaving devises on stand-by like TV +
receiver ) is very wasting of electricity
Some electronic devices can’t repair
specially circuit board ( just thrown
away )
Social interaction
Positive aspects:
 Easier to make new friends using chat rooms
 Easier to find a friends who share similar interests
 Less expensive to keep in touch by using VOIP
Negative aspects:
 Social isolation
 A lack of social interaction
 People behave differently when interacting online
Monitoring and controlling transport
 Social monitoring of traffic on motorway
 Automatic number plate recognition ( ANPR)
 Automatic control of traffic lights
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 Air traffic control systems
 Railway signaling systems
Control of smart road systems and smart signs
 Smart motorway : monitoring and control of the traffic and the
information displayed on the sign
 If an accident smart motorway signs can control traffic to
redirect or keep moving
 If the system hacked imagine what will happen
Rail and airline network control system
Advantages and disadvantages of transport monitoring and control
Smart motorway reducing traffic jam Hacker can gain access to the
Transport systems are more efficient
If the computer system fails then
all system will stop
Traffic offences can automatically
Poorly designed will compromise
penalized using ANPR
Computerized system reduce human
ANPR system keep all people
Stolen car can be tracked
Autonomous vehicles in transport
 Driverless are increasing through very complex robot
 Autonomous cars use sensors , cameras, actuators and
microprocessors to carry out actions safety:
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 Change gear
 Apply the brakes
 Turn the steering wheels
Advantages and disadvantages of autonomous vehicles
Safer , human error is removed ( few Very expensive system
Vehicle will operate more efficient
Can be hacked
Reduce traffic congestion
Security and safety issues
Increase lane capacity
The need to make secure system
Reduce travel times
Driver and passenger may be
dislike this technology
Vehicle will find car-park and self-park Reduction in the need of taxis
Angoumois train
This system use system called LiDar (Light detecting and ranging)
Advantages and disadvantages of autonomous train
Improve punctuality of the trains
Reduced running cost
Improved safety
Minimize safety consumption
Possible to increase frequency of the
Easier to change train schedule
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System possible to hack
System will not work well with
busy system
High cost ( train – control
equipment – train staff )
Ensuring passenger behavior is
Passenger dislike new system
Needs CCTV to monitor railway
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Autonomous (pilotless) airplanes:
Advantages and disadvantages of pilotless airplanes
Improving of passenger comfort
Reduced running cost
Improved safety
Improved aerodynamics
Security aspects
Emergency situation during the
flight be difficult to deal with
Hacking into the system
Passenger reluctance
Software mistakes
Potential health problems related to the prolonged use of IT equipment
Health risk
Causes of health
Elimination or reduction of
health risk
Back and neck
Cause by sitting in • Use fully adjustable chairs to
problem/strain front of a computer
give the correct position
screen for long • Use foot rests to reduce
period in the same
position problem
• Use screens that can be
tilted to ensure your neck is
at the correct angle
Repetitive strain Damage fingers or • Ensure correct position is
injury / RSI :
wrist by using
• Make proper use of a wrist
keyboard or mouse
rest when using a mouse or a
click buttons
• Take regular break and do
some exercise
• Use ergonomic keyboard
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Eyestrain :
Headaches :
Ozon irritation:
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• Use voice- activated
Caused by looking • Ensure there is no screen
at the screen for
flicker which can lead to eye
long time or having
incorrect lighting
• Change screen to LCD which
flicker are less
• Take a regular break
• Use screen anti-glare if the
lighting in the room is not
correct or use window blinds
to reduce sunlight reflecting
from the screen.
Caused by
• Use anti-glare screen or
incorrect lighting,
window blinds to cut out
screen reflections,
flickering screen.
• Take a regular break
• User should check his eyes
on a regular basis
Caused by laser
• Proper ventilation should
printer in the office
exist to remove the ozone
gas as quickly.
• Laser printers should be
housed in a designated
printer room
• Change to the other type of
printer if necessary
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6- ICT Applications
6.1- Communication:
6.1.1 - Communication media
Posters and Newsletters
Newsletter and posters can easily created by word processor , and
have photos may be taken by camera or download from internet,
How to creat posters or newsletter :
 Run Microsoft word
 Insert photos from camera, internet, clouds, hard disk or scan
 Photos can uploaded from memory card of camera
 You can crop the photos , edit or resize
 Text could be typed using keyboard
 Spelling should be checked
 Names will be highlighted as error and may be acceptable
Newsletter is a very useful method to getting important
information which can be useful for company, which depends on
target audience
Guidelines to produce attractive newsletter:
 Don’t squeeze all information on one page
 Use easy and readable fonts
 Avoid to use capital letters , means " shouting"
 Use bold text in headings
 Use real photos
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Posters: is a good way for publishing and advertising
 Can be for movies, and some events
 Can be printed with high quality
 Large poster for eye catching
 Companies uses websites
for advertising and
communicate the customers
 Websites can easily updated
and can provide relevant
and up-to-date information
 Websites can use for online shopping, research, social
networking, banking..etc
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Video/ sound can be added
Can add hyperlink to another websites
Can have navigation buttons
Can have hit counter
Seen by global audience
Much easier to update
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Websites can be hacked
Risk of pharming
You should have a computer and internet
It's not portable like paper-based
Website maintain is expensive
Because its global, difficult to target the correct audience
You have to find a way for people to know your website
Multimedia presentations:
Presentations that use animation, video and
sound or music are generally much more
interesting than a standard presentation
and can be displayed on the projector to
keep the audience see.
Video/ Sound/Music can be added
Can add hyperlink to the presentation
Can have transition effects
Presentation can be interactive
• It needs special equipment which can be expensive
• Equipment failure can be disaster
• Wherever presentation you need internet connection
Media streaming
User can watch movies or listen to the music through internet, streaming is
a continuous videos or audio files. Buffering make sure the video plays
back smoothly without freezing
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Material can be also available electronic for examples:
• E-books
• Digital magazines
• Digital newspapers
• Digital libraries
Publications can be download from internet, can increase the size and
include media.
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1.2- Mobile communication:
Mobile service allow to:
 SMS : allow quick way to communicate with others at anytime
 Phone calls : make call on the move
 Voice over internet protocol (VIOP) : make calls through internet
 Video calling: use software as facetime and zoom
 Internet access: access to internet through mobile
6.2 Modeling applications:
6.2.2 Computer modeling:
Simulation is the creation of a model of a real system in order to study
behavior of the system.
Advantages of using models:
 Less expensive than to build real thing
 Safer to build model ( chemical process)
 Allow to try different scenarios
 Sometimes impossible to try some tasks in advance
 Faster to use a computer model
Disadvantages of using models:
 Sometimes computer model can be expensive
 People reactions to the result of simulation mat be not positive
Computer modeling fields:
 Personal finance
 Bridge and building design
 Flood water management
 Traffic management
 Weather forecasting
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Personal finance: uses spreadsheet model
Bridge and building design:
 Before buildings are constructed, simulator take place to make sure
the building fit the requirements
 When building a bridge the modeler should consider number of
scenarios :
 The amount of traffic
 The effect of strong winds
 The effect of earthquakes
 The effects of tidal waves and ice floes
 The effects of vibration
Similar scenarios are used when designing new building
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Computer modelling provide the following features
 Possible to zoom into images to find details
 Design can be rotated
 Build bridge and buildings are expensive , modeling can
detect any mistakes before construction starts
 Various scenarios can be tried
 Flood water management:
To identify source of flooding and predict (water levels – water
flows – flood depth) and how protection measures could work
Inputs to the system:
 Cross section of the river
 Dimensions of the bridges
 Factors that can affect water flows
 Starting and finishing date
 Observation of actual flooding
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Traffic management
To repair and find the best solution for traffic flow
Traffic light simulation
• Traffic light simulator look at the flow of traffic ( data
captured from the sensor
• The simulator will adjust the best control for the
flow of traffic
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The following data may be collected to make the model
 The number of vehicle passing
 The time of the day needs to be recorded
 How many vehicles build up the junction at different times
 How long it takes a vehicle to clear the junction
Weather forecasting:
Weather stations setup automatic system by using variety of sensors to
Wind speed
Wind direction
Barometric pressure ( air pressure )
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6.3 Computer controlled systems:
Robotics in manufacturing:
• Robots are used in many areas of
manufacturing like, paint spraying
of car bodies, welding bodywork
on cars, manufacturing of
microchips, manufacturing
electrical goods and automatic
• Robots include (built-in)
microprocessors or linked to a
computer system
Work in a bad environments
Work non-stop (24/7)
Less expensive
Don’t need holidays, etc.)
Greater consistency
NO boring, repetitive tasks
Difficult to do unusual tasks.
Cause higher unemployment.
There is a real risk of certain skills being lost
Set-up and maintenance is expensive
Production line control
Production line control is using robots in industry as examples:
 Filling bottles with liquid and adding labels
 Filling metal cans and adding labels
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Using robots leads to:
 Faster operations
 Greater productivity
 Automatic testing
 Reducing cost
How robots could be used:
 Sensor 1 ( pressure sensor – light sensor – camera ) detects of presence
of bottle
 Sensor send signal back to computer
 When the signal from sensor 1 indicates bottle present
 The computer send signal to actuator to open valve to flow the liquid to
the bottles
 Sensor 2 ( level sensor) detect the correct level liquid height
 This sensor sends continuous signals back to the computer
 When sensor 2 indicates that the bottle is filled send signal to the
actuator to close the valve
 Then sensor send another signal to move to the next bottle
 The whole process continuous
6.4 School management systems:
Daily tasks:
• Registration and attendance records of the students
• Student performance
• Computer-aided learning
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Registration and attendance records of the students
The traditional way for student's attendance consume 10 minutes
from each session the beginning. There are number of possible ways
of automating the registration
Method 1 :
 Issue each student with an ID card.
 ID card contain a magnetic stripe on
the rear of the card.
 The student would have to sign the
card and also write his unique
student ID on the back of the card.
 The magnetic stripe would contain the name of the school
and other details, date of birth.
 Each morning the student should swipe his ID card using
magnetic card reader.
 The data now stored on a database.
 On leaving the school he will swipe card again
Method 2 :
 A second method could make
use of biometrics.
 Each student would have their
fingerprint taken and store on a
 When the student enter the
school he would asked to put his
finger on a scanner to read his
 Advantages of finger print:
• Finger print are unique, impossible to sign in with another
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• ID could be easily lost
• ID can be affected by magnetic field
• It is easier to make copy of ID card but you can’t with
Disadvantages of finger print:
• It would take long time to collect
• The equipment to take and read fingerprint is expensive more
than ID reader
• If the student cut his finger will prevent him to enter.
• May be the parents object to take finger print for their children
Student performance:
• Teacher are able to enter students data ( grades /reports /
applications / behavior) into the school management system
• This data stored in central storage which will be available for
any one from the staff
• The data can be analyzed and make a report.
Computer-aided learning
• Using computer-based system to assist academic teaching of
 Students can learn when they want
 Allow to use virtual reality
 The students can stop at any time
 It's possible to re-take test
 CAL can make learning interactive
 CAL makes use of various multimedia
 CAL cannot give the students laboratory experience
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Expensive and time consuming
Students can be districted while online
Can lead to isolation
CAL cannot answer unusual questions
6.5 Booking systems:
1-Online booking system
Example uses:
 Transport : Flight, Trains, Buses
 Entertainment : Theater, Cinema, Stadium
 Accommodation: Hotels, Apartments, Villas
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Events (Theatre and cinema booking systems)
(How the system works)
The customer clicks on the performance they wish to see.
A date and time is typed in
The required number of seats is also entered.
The seating display in the theatre is shown on the screen.
The user selects their seat(s) by highlighting the actual seats on the
screen, display and then clicks CONFIRM to go to the next part of the
• The database searched to check the availability of the selected seats
• If the seats are available, the total price is shown + the seat numbers
• If the customer is happy with this, they select CONFIRM on the
Booking sporting system will be the same
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Advantages of online booking systems
 Prevent double-booking.
 The customer gets immediate feedback on the availability of
 The customer can make bookings at any time of the day.
 The customer can receive any special offer by e-mail
 Easier to browse the seating plans to choose the best seats
 No printed tickets which saves costs
 Online booking allows to use modern smartphone and tablet
apps technology.
 Confirmation message sent once payment approved has been
Disadvantages of online booking systems
Setup and maintenance is expensive.
Service need a computer and internet
Difficult to cancel the booking and get your money back
If the server is down or systems breaks down, it will impossible
to book seats.
 If the websites are not well designed, it is difficult to make
exactly the booking
 Booking online does not allow to build a personal relationship
with the travel
6.6 Banking systems
Banking Applications:
The application of computers in the banking sector have enhanced
productivity regarding account management in this part we will
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1. The use of automatic teller
machine ATM
2. Internet banking
3. Telephone banking
4. Chip and Pin technology
5. Clearing of cheques
6. Electronic fund transfer
1- Automatic teller machines (ATMs)
ATM cash machines can be used for various purposes including (cash
withdrawal / deposit / checking / printing statement)
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The computer processing involved in depositing a cheque at an ATM
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Customer is asked to enter their debit card in the ATM
Customer’s bank computer is contacted
The card details are searched in the bank database
Card is checked to see if valid/in date/stolen
Customer is asked to enter their PIN
PIN is compared to the PIN stored on the chip
Customer is asked to deposit cheque
The system checks whether the cheque is valid
The cheque is scanned/read by the ATM
Amount is scanned
Bank account is checked for sufficient funds
The image of the scan is saved
The customer is asked to select the account to deposit money
Money is deducted from the bank of the cheque
Money is added to the account of the payee
A receipt is sent to the printer at the ATM
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Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)
Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) allow money to be transferred
electronically from one account to another, an example of EFT is when
an employer pays their employees their salaries
• No actual money is transferred, the whole system relies on
electronic transfer of money between accounts. When an
EFT instruction is received, the computer system
automatically transfers the specified amount from one
account to another
• Very secure payment method
• Very quick payment method
• Less expensive
• Once the amount transferred , the bank cannot reverse the
• The customer needs to have funds available
• Cannot guarantee receipt
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Credit/debit card transaction
Many credit cards equipped with Chip &
Magnetic strip which have key
information like PIN
• What is happening when the
customer go to restaurant to
pay bill for meal using a chip
and PIN card
• The PIN is entered using a keyboard
• The card is checked if it is valid
• The PIN is read from the chip on the card and compared
to the one entered in
• If the same, the transaction can proceed
• If three times PIN attempt to enter, the transaction
• The restaurant’s bank contact to the customer’s bank
• The check is made on whether they have enough funds
• If everything checks out (OK) then the transaction is
• An authorization code sent to the restaurant
• The price of the meal deducted from the customer
• The same amount is added to the restaurant bank account
• A receipt is produced as proof of purchase
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Cheques :
Processing bank cheques uses batch processing, and the first step called
"out clearing"
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6.7 Computers in medicine:
Information system in medicine:
Patient and pharmacy records:
• By keeping data of patient records in a database, correct
diagnosis can be given according to patient's medical
• Database allow to easy and quick search for patient records
• The data can be , patient ID , name , address, date of birth,
gender, medical history, blood group
Using 3-D printers:
o Surgical and diagnostic aids: the patient is scanned using:
• CT (computed tomography ) - which involves
producing images of the internal parts of the body
• MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) - this uses strong
magnetic fields and radio waves to produce a series
of images of the internal organs in the body
o Prosthetics:
• 3D printer can print
prosthetics (false arms,
hands, and legs)
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o Tissue engineering:
• Produce multilayered skin tissue, bone tissue,
heart/artery grafts and tracheal splints
o Artificial blood vessels:
• 3D printing of artificial blood vessels using human
cells , this bio-printer tissue working much as
natural blood vessels
o Customized medicine:
• 3D printing can allow the scientists to customize
medicines known as "patient centric medicine" or
• Can have effects on different people
• Possible to create the most effective medicine
release profile for the patient
• Save money
• Better targeting
• Less chance for overdose
6.8 Expert systems:
Expert system is a computer software that attempts to act like a
human expert on a particular field.
Examples of using Expert System:
 Diagnosing a person’s illness
 Diagnostics, finding faults in a car engine.
 Helping to discover locations to drill for water / oil
 Strategy games (chess)
 Identification of items such as plants / animals/ rocks
 Road scheduling for delivery vehicles.
 Providing financial advice
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Elements of expert system
An expert system is made up of three parts:
1. User interface - allow a non-expert user to query (question)
the expert system, and to receive advice.
2. Knowledge base - collection of facts and rules. The
knowledge base is created from information provided
by human experts
3. Inference engine – this is the problem solving part , this acts
rather like a search engine, examining the knowledge base
for information that matches the user's query, this use
inference rules in Rules base
4. Explanation system – this informs the user of the reasoning
behind the expert system conclusions and recommended
actions and provide conclusion and suggested action
5. Rules base – this is set of inference rules , they provide
logical thinking
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How to setup an expert system?
• Data is gathered/collected from experts to create knowledge
• The rules base is designed/create a based on the information
from the knowledge base.
• A user interface screen is designed / created which would
provide the user with the ability to interact with the system
• An explanation system is also developed
• The inference engine is designed / created as link between the
user interface and the knowledge base
• The system is tested.
• Experts are interviewed about how the expert system effective
Advantages of Expert systems:
High level of expertise
High accuracy
The result are consistent
Ability to store big amount of ideas and facts
Provide traceable solutions and diagnostics
Much quicker than human expert
Provide unbiased reporting and analysis
Indicate probability of any suggested solution
Disadvantages of Expert systems:
• User of the system need training
• High cost to setup the system
• Not flexible response which is not suitable for some medical
• Good only as information and facts entered to the system
• User sometimes make very dangerous assumption
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Using an expert system:
• The non-expert user queries the expert system. By asking a
question, or by answering questions asked by the expert system.
• The inference engine uses the query to search the knowledge
base and then provides an answer or some advice to the user.
Examples of expert system:
Example 1: medical diagnosis
Example 2: Oil prospecting
Example 3: rout scheduling for delivery vehicles
6.9 Computers in the retail industry:
Point-of-sale POS terminal:
• Barcodes allow quick
identification of product details
and retrieve the price once the
barcode has been scanned by a
barcode reader
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• A number of the barcode usually consists of four parts
(a country code, manufacturer’s code, product code and
a check digit.)
• The check digit is a form of validation which is used to make
sure no errors occurred during the reading of the barcode.
• Point of sale is the place a transaction take place and the
customer can pay by cash or can
use debit/credit card
• Stock control system can
automatically update stock
records when item is purchased
at the POS
Electronic Point Of Sale
How barcodes are used to automatically control stock levels in a supermarket.
 Barcode is scanned at the POS/barcode number entered manually
 Barcode is searched for in the stock file until the record is found
 Details of the product are read
 Stock level of the item reduced by 1
 New stock level written back to the file
 Item is flagged to state order in place
 If less than the re-order level then the item is automatically reordered
Barcode used in the following applications:
 Library book system
 Administration systems
 Passport / ID cards
 Some burglar alarm systems
 Equipment checking systems
 Automatic stock control systems
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Electronic fund transfer at point-of-sale (EFTPOS):
 When payment made by card or electronic device at POS
terminal, this process check credit and debit card, will consider
chip and PIN , contact less card and near field communication
Chip and PIN:
Already discussed in this chapter
• More secure than magnetic strips cards
• Quicker system than magnetic strip cards
• The risk of fraud when typing the PIN
• Some countries do not accept the PIN
Contact less cards:
Already discussed
Near field communication (NFC)
• The electronic device as a mobile is held close to NFC
• When payment initiated the NFC and mobile pass
encrypted data back
• This is very secure
• To improve security by using tokenization
Use tokenization with mobile phone:
Tokenization is used when setup smartphone wallet by taking
image for bank who issued the card then the bank replace the
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details on the card with a series of randomly generated numbers
called (tokens) then send back to smartphone manufacturer
then they program this numbers in the smartphone.
Internet banking and Internet shopping:
• Using internet banking requires good security. It allows the
transfer of sums of money between accounts, payment of bills,
ordering of statements, and so on.
• Online shopping and banking means that more and more people
are staying at home to buy goods and services
Advantages of online shopping and online banking
 No need to travel / reducing costs and time-wasting.
 Users have access to a worldwide market and can look for
products that are cheaper.
 Disabled and elderly people can access any shop without to
leave home.
 Shopping and banking can be done at any time 24/7
 Shopping from the supermarket probably took up a lot of time
than online.
 No face-to-face discussion with staff.
 Internet banking saves time.
 The shops and banks save money , not having as many staff
working for them
Disadvantages of online shopping and online banking
 There is the possibility of isolation and lack of socialization
because people stay at home.
 Health risks associated with online shopping or banking (lack of
 Security issues.
 It is necessary to have a computer and to pay for the internet
 Unlike high street shopping, it is only possible to see a picture
of the goods.
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 High street shops and banks are closing because of the increase
in online shopping or banking and this is leading to "ghost
towns’ forming
 It is easier to make errors with online banking and transfer
money incorrectly to different accounts
Effects on companies due to the spread of online shopping and banking:
 Companies can save cost by hiring fewer staff and no need to
have many shops or banks in high street.
 Because the internet is global the customers is increased.
 Some will increase to retrain the staff and the need to employ
more staff in dispatch department
 More cost will be added to setting up and maintaining of
websites to enable online shopping and banking.
 Because there is no interaction between customer and
employee this can lead to drop loyalty of customers and cause
loss of customers.
 Robberies are less because decreases of number of high street
 Bank also need to employ fewer security staff which is
reducing cost.
6.10 Recognition systems:
 Recognition systems are used directly to enter data into computer
 Recognition systems more accurate and quicker method of
entering data into a computer system compared to manual
• MICR: magnetic ink character recognition the number on
the bottom of the check is scanned by MICR reader
• OMR: optical mark reader:
o Pencil or pen mark scanned (MCQ) read by OMR ,
also registering student
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 Advantages : fast way to enter the result and
more accurate
 Disadvantages: form should carefully
designed, the form or MCQ should filled
correctly , working only with black pen or
Barcode reader: already discussed in chapter 2
QR code readers : already discussed in chapter 2
OCR: scanned text is converted into format which can be
edited ( already discussed in chapter 2 )
Sensor plats: Sensors used to detect car and signal will be
send to the microprocessor to take the image for the
number plate
Multiple-choice question (MCQ) papers
o Multiple-choice form is using OMR and compare the
position filled by pen with the original answer
Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) System:
• Automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) systems are
used to read the number plates on cars, car parking is an
example of ANPR as the following steps:
o STEP (1)
 Sensor detect vehicle and send signal to
microprocessor to instruct the camera to
capture image of the vehicle
o STEP (2)
 An algorithm used to isolate number plate
 The bright and contract of the number plate is
adjusted to be clearly read
 Each character is on the number plate is
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 Each character recognized by OCR software
then character converted into a string of
editable text by the software
 This text string stored in the database
Number plate is segmented
o STEP (3)
 Once step (1) and (2) happened the car park
barrier is raised
 The ticket is issued to the vehicle driver ,
shows date and time entering the car park
o STEP (4)
 When the vehicle
driver returns to the
car park they insert
the ticket into a
machine which calculate charges
 The payment registered on the database
 The driver then drives to exit the barrier and
the ANPR again reads the number plate
 If the number plate is recognized and payment
is done the barrier is raised
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Advantages of ANPR:
• Automatically monitor average speed of vehicles
• No need to employ car park security guard
• Much faster system
• Automatically control the entry and exit
Disadvantages of ANPR:
• Lack of manned security, crime could happened because
nobody checking.
• Damaged of dirt plates will not recognized by the system
• ANPR is detecting only number plate not the car
Radio frequency identification devices (RFID)
• Use radio waves to capture and store information on a tag
Advantages of RFID:
No direct line
Very robust
Very fast read rate and reuse.
Bulk detection is possible (hundred tags/s.
Disadvantages of RFID:
Tag collision.
Easy to jam or interrupt.
Easy to hack.
More expensive than barcode system
Tracking of the stock:
RFID can read up to 50 meters, tracking the stock can also livestock in farm,
good in a shop, supermarket or distribution center.
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Livestock tracking used to:
• Keep track of each animal
• Allow farmers identify each animal owned by whom
• Keep the information of each animal in each tag
Retail make use of RFID:
• Like barcodes but can have much information and do not require
manual scan
• Several tags can read at the same time
USE RFID in Passports:
Tags can be embedded in passports
When passports presented to RFID scan
Chip store broadcast information
This information sent to the computer
The chip can contain security data
The data encrypted
RFID in passport can read from 6 meters
Use RFID in vehicles
• The tags allow or deny access to parking
• Tags can be used for Lorries and vans to ensure the vehicles is not
carrying too much weight
• RFID can be used in car production line
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Contactless credit/debit cards using RFID
The chip in RFID tag is passive and emits low-power radio wave
An antenna is built into the card
Allow connection with contactless card
The RFID pick up the signal from the ship to initiate the payment
Near field communication NFC
• NFC operates required sender and receiver very close proximity
which make communication more secure
Three modes of operations with NFC
Peer to peer mode:
 Two smartphone exchange information with each other
 Both devices switch between being active and being
Read write mode:
 One way transmission of data
 The deice link to another device and read data from it
Card emulation mode:
 NFC device can function as smart or contactless card
 Allow the cards to make payments
 NFC has range up to 5 cm
 NFC very fast connectivity
Biometric recognition systems
This systems include:
 Face recognition
 Iris and retina recognition
 Finger recognition
 Hand recognition
 Voice recognition
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6.11 Satellite systems:
Global positioning satellite (GPS) systems and satellite navigation
1- Global positioning systems and satellite (GPS)
GPS can determine specific location using satellite navigation
 Cars, Ships, Plans can use GPS when navigating specific
 Walkers to locate position on
hills / mountains
 Used by runners to calculate
 Four satellites must be visible to
the driver
 Calculates the distance from the
receiver to the satellite
 Calculates the position of the receiver
 Drivers doesn’t have to use maps.
 GPS can re-rout to find quickest routes
 The system can warn the driver about the location of
speed cameras
 The system can estimate the time of arrival.
 The system can also give useful
information such as location of petrol
 Loss of satellite signals can cause problems
 Maps should be kept up to date, they can give incorrect
instructions if not up-to-date
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 If an incorrect start point or end point is keyed in the
system will give incorrect information
2- Geographic information system (GIS):
Geographic information system (GIS) is a computer system that allows
us to map, model, and query and analyze
large amounts of data according to their
GIS uses:
 Road network
 Teachers can use GIS in
geography, science lessons
 Biologist use GIS to protect
animals life and plants
3- Media communication systems:
Communication media is the methods of delivering
and receiving information using telecommunication
 There are many media to send and receive
information (Fiber Optics, Copper Cables, WiFi, Satellite )
 Satellitia can send signal from part to another
any wherein long distance on the earth
 Once the data received from the earth by the
satellite, send back to earth and collected by
 Satellites systems are used to transmit
television, telephone and internet data
around the world
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7- System life cycle
The main stages of system life cycle to develop a new computer
Collecting information about the current system and identify the problems
Designing a new system to correct the problems identified in the analysis stage
Development and Testing
Developing and testing new system
Replacing old system with the new system
Writing technical and user documentation for the new system
Evaluate if the new system meets the requirements and client expectation
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1- Analysis :
The basic step of analysis:
 Research to collect data from the current
 Describe the current system (establishing input
and outputs and processing
 Identify the problems with the current system
 Agree the objective with the clients
 Identify and agree customer requirements
 Interpret customer requirements
 Produce a cost- benefits analysis
 Identify suitable hardware and software
 Produce a data flow diagram
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The first step in analysis stage is researching an existing system and there
are four common methods for fact finding:
1- Observation
 Watching personnel using the existing system to find out how it
• The analyst obtains reliable data • People uncomfortable being
• Possible to get an overall view
watching, may work in a different
of the system
• Inexpensive method
• If workers perform tasks that
against standard procedures,
they may not do this while being
 By distributing questionnaires to the workforce, clients or users to
write their view for the existing system
• The questions can be answered • The number of returned
quit quickly
questionnaires often low
• Inexpensive method
• The questions not flexible
• Individuals can be anonymous if • Not immediate way
they want
• This method allow quick
analysis of data
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3- Interviews
 This method involves one to one question and answer between
analyst and employee or /customer and good if the analyst want
to go deeply into specific aspects of the existing system
• Its open opportunity to
motivate interviewee to give
open and honest answer to the
• Open for more feed back
• Possible to modify question as
• Time consuming
• Expensive method ( by using
analyst time )
• Interview can’t remain anonymous
4. Looking at existing documents :
 This method allow the analyst to see how the paper files are kept
and look at operating instructions and training manuals and get
some idea about scale of the problems of existing system
• Allow the analyst to collect
information which can’t be
collected by another method
• The analyst can see how the
paper system operate
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• It can be time consuming process
• Costly method because the
amount of time needed
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Data Flow Diagram (DFD):
 DFD help the analyst by showing the data flows input and output
requirements, processing and type of data storage needed.
Example of reserving seat on a flight:
DFD used to describe:
 The need to identify inputs, outputs, processing of the current
 The need to identify problems with the current system
 The need to identify the user and information requirements for the
new system
 System specification :
 Identify and justify suitable hardware for the new system
 Identify and justify new software for the new system.
 Storage requirements ( size and type of storage)
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2- Design:
Next stage is to design a new system based on the information from
analysis system.
The basic step of design:
 Design the data capture form / input forms
 Design the screen layout
 Design outputs in the form of screen displays
and the printed report
 Produce system flowcharts
 Design validation rules that need to be used
 Design / agree on file structures
 Produce any algorithms or program flowchart
 Design a testing strategy / plan
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• Data capture forms:
This form allow to enter the data into the system either paper-based or
electronic based form must include:
1. Clear heading and instruction
2. Use of text boxes to collect
information such as name, date of
birth, gender..
3. Use of tick box to make choice
4. Clear fonts and text styles
5. Make sure there is sufficient space to input data or answer the
Example of data about can manually completed for input later into the
computer system:
On screen forms should have:
 Appropriate spacing for each field
 Screen filled/not too much white space
 Clearly defined input area for each field
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An easy to read font/font size
A sensible font color and background color
Drop down list and tick boxes
No overlapping items
Navigation buttons
Form title
Drop down list: to
choose option
Save/ Close /
Navigation button
Tick box /
Radio button
Before entry form created, the database should be created and the
following details should be considered:
• Type of data which will be captured
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• Different tables and its relationships
• Different fields including keys
• Data types for each field :
1. Text
2. Integer (numeric)
3. Boolean
4. Data & Time
5. Object
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Output formats – screen layouts and report layouts:
The output form should be designed:
1. Make sure all the output fields is correct
2. Instructions or description are clear
3. Avoid large area without nothing
4. Font color and size are clear
5. Output report should include report type ( header ,
footer , fitting page correctly)
As Example of printed report :
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System flow chart:
 Flow chart used to show data flow through a system and how
decision are made by using special symbols to represent input /
output/ processing/ decision and data storage.
 System analysts use this chart to show overall the proposed
Verification is a way of preventing errors when data is copied from
one medium to another, there are two ways for verification check:
• Double entry : data is entered twice, using two people,
and is then compared
• Visual check : checking for errors by the person who is
entering the data; compare the entered data with the
original document
Validation routines :
This is a process where data is checked to see if it satisfies certain
criteria when input into a computer
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Validation technique:
 Range check :
• Check weather data within given acceptable value
• Example : check person age >0 and <150
 Look-up check :
• Check the data entered exists and stored in a table of data
• Example : check “ Training manager “ exists in the option”
 Length check :
• Check the input data contains the required number of
• Example : If a field needs six digits inputting five or seven
digit number , should cause a problem
 Character type check :
• Check input data doesn’t contain invalid characters
Example: Person /employee name shouldn't have any numbers
 Format / picture check :
• Check the data in specific format
• Example : date should be in date format dd/mm/yyyy or
identification number for a person xnnnnn ( single letter
followed by five digits)
 Presence check :
• Check the data already present and not missed
• Example : in some forms telephone # required if not entered
the system give error message
 Consistency check :
• Check if the fields correspond with each other
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• Example : If Mr. typed in a field the gender should be Male (M)
 Check digit :
• This is an extra digits added to the telephone number
• Example : if two number transposed during entry like ( 13597
instead of 13579
• Example : if number enter twice 13559 instead of 13579
• Example :if one number missing 1359 instead of 13579
• The last digit of a barcode number is a calculated check digit
File Structures:
 Analyst should take the following into account :
• Field length
• Field name ( suitable names )
• Data type
 A data dictionary is used to show suitable field names
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Design and testing strategy plan:
When producing a software for the new system it is very important to test
it thoroughly in order to:
 Make sure that meets the clients requirements
 Remove any bugs or error from the system
 Make sure that produces the required output
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3- Developing and testing:
Once design stage is completed, the system should be created and fully
 Create the file structure ( Field names, data type)
 Validation rules
 User interface, check if the user interface is friendly
File structure
User interface
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Validation rules
Test designs:
Testing data structures
Testing the file structures
Testing the input methods
Testing the output methods
Testing the validation rules
Testing strategies:
 Software is often developed in modular form. This method allows
the software to be broken down into smaller parts called module
this means each part developed separately.
 Once the development of each module is completed, the whole
system needs to be tested
 Testing take place to ensure all components of system are working
correctly before the system is implemented.
Four categories of testing :
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 Data that is acceptable /reasonable and has an expected outcome;
for example, the Month in the range 1 to 12
 Data at the limits of acceptability, for example, the extreme values
of month can be either 1 or 12
 Data outside the limits of acceptability, or the wrong type of data,
and should be rejected or cause an error message; values are not
allowed as example inputs for the month: -15 or -1 or any value
>12 or letters or non-integer 10.34 all abnormal
Live :
 Data is entered into the new system and the results compared
with those produced from the existing system.
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4- Implementation stage:
There are four common methods used for changing over from the old system
to the new system:
 Direct
Direct changeovers
 Old system stopped overnight
then replaced with the new
Old System
system immediately
• The benefits are immediate
• Cost are reduced because one system is
• Less possibility of a malfunction of the
system once new system tested
 Parallel
 Old system and new system
running side by side for a time
until new system take over
• If the new system fails the old
system still running
• Possible to train staff gradually
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New System
• May will be disaster if
new system failed
Parallel changeovers
• More expensive than direct,
because extra staff needed
• Time consuming since the
data entered into 2 systems
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 Pilot
Pilot changeovers
 The new system introduced
in one branch or a part of
company before to introduce
for whole company
Old System
New System
• If the new system failed only one
part is affected
• Possible to train staff one area
• The cost will be less than parallel
• It will take time to
implemented across all
 Phased
 Only one part from the system
introduce when its proved to
work satisfactory, then introduce
next part until to fully replaced
whole system
Phased changeovers
Old System
New System
• If a part fails, can go to failure
point ( failure is not disaster )
• Possible to ensure the system
working properly before
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• More expensive than direct
because each phase will
evaluate separately
• Time consuming because each
part will be evaluated
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5- Documentation:
When the system is fully developed amount of documentation needed. To
introduce for (the end user – people who may need to develop the system in
the future, there are two types of documentation:
User Documentation and Technical Documentation
1- User documentation
To help the user to learn how to use the new system
How to load/install/run the software
How to save files / search/sort data
How to do print outs
How to add, delete or amend records
The purpose of the system/ program/ software package
Limitations of the system
Screen layouts / Print layouts
Hardware requirements
Software requirements
Sample runs (with results and actual test data used)
Error handling/meaning of errors
Troubleshooting guide/help lines/FAQs
How to log in/log out
Error messages/meaning of error messages
Glossary of terms.
2- Technical documentation:
To help the programmers / analysts to repair and maintains the system and
can consist of any of :
 Program listing/coding
 Programming language used
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Program flowcharts/algorithms
Systems flowcharts
Purpose of the system/program/software
Limitations of the system
Input formats
Hardware requirements
Software requirements
Minimum memory requirements
known ‘bugs’ in the system
List of variables used (and their meaning/description)
File structures
Sample runs (with results and actual test data used)
Output formats
Validation rules
Meaning of error messages
The final stage of the system life cycle is to evaluate the system which has been
implemented, the main purpose is to see if the new system resolved the issues
of the previous system and met the requirements in the design stage and the
following list is some of the main evaluation points considered when evaluating
the new system:
Compare the final solution with the original task requirements
Identify any limitations of the system
Identify any necessary improvements needs
Evaluate the user’s responses
Compare results from new system with old system
Compare performance of new system with old system
Interview users to gather responses about new system
Give out questionnaires to gather responses about the ease of use of the
new system.
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The results from the evolution may due to two things happening:
Update of hardware because:
• Feedback from end user
• New hardware comes in the market
• Changes within the company require new devices to be added of
Update of software because:
• Feedback from end user
• Changes to the company structure that may need modification
• Changes in legislation that may require modifications to the
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8- Safety and security
Physical Security:
Safety issues:
Safety concerned with dangers that could lead to series injury or loss of life
Safety risks:
Safety risk
Ways to eliminating or minimizing risk
(1) Electrocution
(2) Trilling wires
• Use cable ducts to keep the wires save
• Cover wires under table
• Use wireless connection wherever possible
(3) personal injury (Heavy
equipment falling and
causing injury)
• Use strong desks and tables to support
• Use large desk and tables so that hardware
isn't too close to the edge, where it can fall
(4) Fire hazard
• Have Co2/dry fire extinguishers
• Don’t cover equipment
• Make sure electrics used in hardware is
fully maintained
• Ensure good ventilation in the room
• Don’t overload socket with many items
• Change to low voltage hardware if possible
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Use residual current breaker RCB
Check insulation on wires regularly
Don’t allow drinks near to computers
Check equipment on regular basis
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Strategy to minimize safety risks to check in a regular basis:
 Check the state of the wires and cables and plugs and make sure the
plug is not broken or damaged.
 Make sure any drinks are well away from the computer
 Fix wires along wall or behind the desks wherever possible
 Don’t cover the computer with paper, plastic, tissue paper, towels or
any fabric, which can block ventilation holes
 Don’t plug too many devices into an electric outlet socket overloading can cause a fire
 Make sure you exercise every hour to prevent health risk
E- Safety:
Refers to safety while using internet and devices (keep your data in safe
while using:
 Mobile phone
 Computer or tablet
 Games console
 Wireless technology.
Data Protection Act ( DPA ) :
• Most of countries have some
form of Data Protection Act, these are designed to protect
individuals and to prevent incorrect or inaccurate data being stored
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(8) Principals of the Data Protection Act :
1. Data must be fairly and lawfully processed
2. Data can be only processed for the stated purpose
3. Data must be adequate, relevant and not excessive.
4. Data must be accurate.
5. Data must not be kept longer than necessary.
6. Data must be processed in accordance with the data subject's rights.
7. Data must be kept secure.
8. Data must not be transferred to another country unless they also have
adequate protection
Personal data:
Personal data like (name, birth date, address, medical history, banking
details, photographs)
• Some personnel data referred to as (Sensitive personnel data )
includes ethnic origin, political views, religion, sexual orientation,
criminal activity, medical history .
Some idea of E-safety issues:
 Don’t give out any personal information to people who are
unknown to you.
 Don’t send people photos of yourself either online or via a
mobile phone unless the person known to you.
 Always maintain your privacy settings
 When accessing the internet make sure
the websites being visited can be
 Only use recommended websites by
 Only open emails from known sources.
 Only send email people you know
 Using social networking sites, instant messaging or chat room
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You must be conscious when you are using social media networking
sites or chat room:
 Block or report anybody who acts suspiciously or who uses
inappropriate language
 Be very careful with the language used in chat rooms
 Always use a nickname and never use your real name
 Keep private and personal data secret
 Don’t enter private chat rooms, stay public
 Never arrange to meet anyone for the first time on your own
 Always tell an adult first and meet the person in a public place
 Avoid the misuse of images
 Always use appropriate language
 Always respect people’s
Some risks from playing online games:
 Violence in the game, can lead to
violent behavior in reality
 Predators (animal that eats other
 Cyber-bullying
 Use of webcams
 Voice-masking technology to change voice or age or accent.
 Online games is a source of cyber-attack like (viruses –
phishing – spyware )
Security of data:
There are a number of security risks associated with any electronic device
as the following list:
 Hacking
 Phishing
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Card fraud
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(1) Hacking:
What is hacking? : Unauthorized access to the computer system
without permission
Effects of hacking:
 Hacker can delete,
corrupt, edit, files or
change data or personnel
 Hacker can steel user identity
 Hacker can stop production
Method to avoid or remove:
 Using firewall
 Using strong password
 Using protection software
 Use user ID and password
 Use encryption
(2) Phishing:
What is phishing? : a method of trying to gather personal
information using deceptive e-mails and websites by sending request
from bank or a note from someone in their company.
Effects of phishing:
 The sender can gain personnel data such as credit card
number, this can lead to fraud or theft.
Method to avoid or remove:
 Many ISP or web browsers filter phishing e-mail.
 User always be cautious when opening email or attachment.
 Don’t click on executable files attachment end with exe,
com, php, bat as example.
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Phishing example:
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(3) Smishing ( SMS phishing):
What is Smishing? : Uses SMS system of mobile phones to send out
Fake text message which often including URL or telephone number
The user will be asked to log into the website or make telephone call
and supply personnel information like credit card number and
password (example : you won a prize or contact with your)
Effects of Smishing :
 The effects are similar to Phishing and
Pharming where personnel details will
be obtained from users
Strategies to avoid smishing :
 Avoid clicking on any unknown texts
with links
 Double check the SMS message, check for spelling mistakes
 Contact your bank directly if you are requested to change
some details
 Do not reply to text messages that have asked you about any
of your personal finances/details.
 Never call back a phone number that was associated with the
text from an unknown source
 If the text message was sent at an unusual time, this is sign for
4- Vishing:
What is vishing? Short for voice mail phishing , uses voice mail
message to trick the user into calling the telephone number contained
in the message, The user will be asked to provide personnel data
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5- Pharming:
What is pharming? Malicious code installed in the user computer to
direct the user to fake website
Effects of pharming :
 The creator of malicious code can gain personnel data like bank
account information, this can lead to fraud or theft.
Strategies to avoid pharming :
 Some anti-spy software can identify and remove Pharming
 Always double check the URL to see if is the same one you
typed in
6- Viruses and malware:
There are many forms of malware
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What is the computer virus? : Program code or software which can
replicate or copy itself to do something like deleting or corrupt the
files or operating system, virus need active host program on the target
Effects of virus :
 Viruses can crash the computer , stop
functioning or run slowly
 Viruses can delete files or data
 Viruses can corrupt the operating
system files
Strategies to avoid viruses:
 Install Ani-virus software and update regularly
 Don’t use any software from unknown source
 Don’t open attached file by e-mail from unknown sender
 Always backing up the files
Worm are type of standalone virus which replicate by itself , it can spread
to other computers and no need active host program to do damage , worm
arrive as attachments and the user should open this email
Trojan horse:
This is malicious program contains malicious instructions embedded within
it , they need to execute by the user and arrive as attachments message ,
once installed on the user computer Trojan horse will give cyber criminal
access to personal information
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key-logging software
Key logging is a form of spyware
What is Spyware? : software to collect data by monitoring key presses
on the user’s keyboard, the data send back to the user who sent the
Effects of spyware:
 Spyware gives the originator access to all data entered using a
keyboard on the user's computer.
 The software is able to install other spyware, read cookie data
and also change a user's default browser
Strategies to avoid spyware:
 Use anti-spy software
 The user should always alert and check any activity on the
keyboard monitored.
 Enter password by using drop-down menu to reduce risk
Adware :
Type of malware, it is least dangerous it will flood at end user with
advertising as example to redirect user to face website
It is programs that encrypt data on the user computer , the malware
restricts access to the computer, when ransomware executed encrypt the
files straightaway
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Protection of data:
Authentication is used to verify the data comes from secure
and trusted source this is working parallel with encryption,
some methods to protect and security of data:
Digital certificates
Secure sockets
Two-factors authentication
Password and used ID
Biometric is a method of authentication, it relies on certain unique
characteristics of human beings and examples include:
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Fingerprint scans
Signature recognition
Retina scans
Iris recognition
Face recognition
Voice recognition
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Fingerprint scans
Images of fingerprints are compared against
previously scanned fingerprints stored in a
database, if they matched then access allowed
 Fingerprint for each person is unique and this technique will
improve the security since to be difficult to replicate person’s
 Other security devices such as (magnetic card) can be lost or
 It's impossible to sign in by somebody else since the fingerprint
match one person only
 Fingerprint can’t be misplaced; a person always has them.
 Expensive to install and set up
 If a person’s fingers are damaged through an injury, this can
have an effect on the scanning accuracy
 Some people may regard it as an infringement of civil liberties
Retina scans
 Retina scans use infrared light to scan the
unique pattern of blood vessels in the
 It is very secure because no way to
duplicate blood vessels patterns
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Comparison between six common biometric techniques
Digital certificates:
• A digital certificate is a pair of files stored on a user’s computer ,
each pair of files divided into:
 A public key (which is known by anyone)
 A private key (known to the computer user only).
• When sending an email, the
message is made more secure by
attaching a digital certificate.
When the message is received,
the recipient can verify that it
comes from a known or trusted
source by viewing the public key
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The digital certificate is made up of six parts:
The sender’s email address
The name of the digital certificate owner
A serial number
Expiry date ( validity of certificate)
Public key
Digital signature of certificate authority (CA)
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
 SSL type of protocol that allows data to be sent and received
securely over the internet.
Examples of using SSL
 Online banking and transitions
 Online shopping
 Sending and receiving email
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Using cloud storage
Intranet and extranet
Voice over internet protocol VOIP
Instant messaging
While using social media
 Encryption is used to protect data in case it has been hacked or
accessed illegally
 Encryption is the method by which information is converted into
secret code that hides the information's.
 The science of encrypting and decrypting information is called
cryptography. In computing, unencrypted data is also known as
plaintext, and encrypted data is called cyphertext.
 The key used to encrypt is called encryption key and the key used
to decrypt called decryption key
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 Can be Hardware or Software
 Its sites between the user’s computer and external network
Tasks which can be carried out by firewalls:
1. To examine the traffic between a user’s computer
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2. Checks whether incoming or outgoing data meets a given set of
3. If the data fails the criteria, firewall will block the traffic and give
the user a warning about security issue.
4. The firewall can be used to log all incoming and outgoing traffic
to allow later interrogation by the user.
5. Criteria can be set so that the firewall prevents access to certain
undesirable sites
6. it is possible for firewalls to help prevent viruses or hackers
entering the network
7. The user is warned if some software on their system is trying to
access an external data source
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Two factors authentication:
Way of authentication which require two methods of authentication when
makes online purchase or use credit/debit card to pay
Three common factors used in authentication
1. Password or PIN code
2. Mobile phone or tablet
3. Biometric
User ID and password:
 Strong passwords should contain upper case and lower case
characters, as well as numbers and other keyboard symbols as
example: R_tool$29/!
 Passwords should be changed on a regular basis
 If the password not matching with the user ID that access will
be denied.
 Many systems asking to enter password three times as a
maximum before user lock out.
 It's important to prevent others people to gain access to your
password through spyware or viruses.
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7- Online Credit Fraud:
 Hackers access to the computer through the use of spyware (phishing
or pharming), the user can be tricked into giving personal and
financial details that enable the hacker to gain full access to a user’s
 By breaking of passwords through a number of techniques if
passwords are weak or no encryption is used.
 Always type in a web address or URL rather than copy and paste it
from an email or other website.
 If you are using wireless network, it is very important to access
through password.
 Public Wi-Fi can be found in popular public places like airports, coffee
shops, malls, restaurants, and hotels and it allows you to access the
Internet for free, there is always a risk that somebody is monitoring
internet usage in the area.
Number of simple precautions users can take:
 Always use varied and complex passwords.
 Check the accuracy of bank accounts continually
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 Only provide personal information on sites that have ((https)) in the
web address
 Don’t provide personal information to any unsolicited requests for
 Don’t open emails or attachments from unknown senders
 Delete any messages from your spam folder on a regular basis
 Report any suspicious phishing activity to the company that is used
by the perpetrator
 Only download software from sites that can be trusted.
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9- Audiences
Audience appreciation
When planning or creating ICT solution, you have to consider audience who
will use or take part in the system
Giving presentation to an audience
The list of factors should be considered:
 The age of the target group (the response is different between
children and mature)
 The experience of the audience (between company manager and
school children)
 The expectation of the audience ( If you advertise your business in
a restaurant older people expect coffee or tea but children expect
pizza or fast food )
 Knowledge of the audience (graduated in media would expect
different approach.
How to find audience target:
 Interviewing the target group to find out how to engage the
 Giving out questionnaires to people in the target group to find
out their background, interests, and so on
 Carrying out market research by using interviewing and
questionnaires techniques
Giving a sample presentation to an audience
Consider Mobile Phone Company decided to do two presentations, one for
sales and features of the 4 different mobile phones the market and sell:
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1. One presentation to sales team who will receive bonus for the
phone sold (they will be interested with technical knowledge and
profitability of each sale).
2. Other presentation for the potential group of customers or enduser (end user will be interested with features for each phone and
the price.
The key factors when you are writing the presentation:
(1) Language used:
 No vulgarity or use inappropriate language , it can offend people
 The use of technical terms should be only for experienced or
technical audience
(2) Multimedia used:
 Use photos, video, sound and animation always will catch the
attention of the audience
 A young audience is more likely high music and sound in addition
to videos clips.
 Complicated description better to use graph or animation or
(3) Length of presentation:
 Long presentation will only work if they are interesting and
engage the audience
 A very young audience quickly will get bored.
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(4) Interactive presentation:
 Asking questions but be careful because not everyone wants to
take part
(5) Examples used:
 When using examples to illustrate ideas ( don’t give examples
to meet products while your audience is vegetarian
Audience characteristics (when developing new ICT solutions)
As example developing new website, we need to consider:
 Audience characteristics
 The need of the audience
 Why you need to consider the needs of your audience
Audience characteristics:
 Age range: young age interested with animations while old age
interested with actual contents
 Income levels: suppose website for selling cars , then you have to
consider audience income levels
 Interests : suppose your developing music website you have to
consider interests
 Disabilities or impairments: if the website to be used by people who
are visually impaired.
Needs of audience:
 Young children : bright , cheerful colors , animation and sound , more
pictures, large fonts , user friendly interface
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 Adults and older children: attractive display, interesting contents,
good images and interesting contents appropriate language level, use
bullets to make text easy to read.
 Older people: contrasting colors , large font size , easy to read , don’t
use too much technical words , display consistent
Software copyright and piracy
Software, Music CDs, videos, articles from magazines and books is
protected by copyright laws, piracy is illegal copying of software
It is illegal to:
 Make a software copy and then sell it
 Use software on a network or in multiple computers without a
 Rent out a software package without permission
 Use the name of copyrighted software without agreement
Ways to protect software installation:
 Before installation of software the user will be asked to enter
Product Key
The user will be asked OK/I Agree to the license agreement before
The original software always come with the sticker informing the
purchaser it is illegal to make copy ( hologram form)
Some software required to be original CD/DVD available in the drive
Some software run only if dongle is plugged into USB port
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10 - Communication
Communication with other ICT users using email:
Email is very popular for communication between people, however many
countries have laws to protects people against misuse of email.
The following is some laws and guidelines for the countries and companies
they required:
It is important that emails are not
false or misleading subject lines
Organizations must include valid
postal address
Organizations not allowed to capture
or store list of email address
Organizations required to ask
permission before they can send
email to individuals
They should be clear with recipients
to unsubscribe from receiving email
Organizations must insure privacy
policy are clear and that subscribers
are made aware of such policies
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Acceptable language:
 When sending an email
Example of using inappropriate language:
the language and
• Absence images
content must be
• Abusive, profane, inflammatory
• Violent message
• Use illegal material in messages
 If the email is being
sent to an employee
within a business the language must be formal
Email terminology:
 Attachment: any type of file sent along with an email message,
Attachments can include anything from photos and documents
to zipped files, folders, mp3, and more.
 CC : Stands for Carbon copy, that recipients who else is getting
a copy
 BCC: Similar to CC, Blind Carbon Copy sends a copy of a message
for the information of a large number of people. It is used if you
are sending someone a copy of an email, and you don’t want the
other recipients to see that
 Forward: This sends a message that has been received to
another email address
 Group: This is a group of email addresses that are given a group
name so that the sender only needs to type in one name to send
an email to several recipients at once
 Subject : it’s a short description of the message. Keeping this
short and informative will give people incentive to open your
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 Copying or forwarding email is legal unless the sender indicate
clearly that the message is confidential
 Recipient should check the email before copying or forwarding it
 Some companies set out their rules for sending and receiving
Senders should consider
what they write as content
in an email could be
misunderstood or taken
out of context
Sender should check for
spelling and grammatical
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Netiquette is the rules
of etiquette that apply
when communication
over computer
networks especially
Avoid humor as some
people may not
understand the joke
Do not plagiarize and
obey the copyright law
Do not chaptalize all
Respond quickly to an
email message
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What is spam email?
Spam or junk email is sent out to the recipients from mailing list, the
email could be part of phishing scam or to promote certain product,
usually unwanted email
Effects of spam email:
 If a spam email is part of a phishing scam then there is a
chance your details could be obtained.
 The network could also become slower or unresponsive if
there is a lot of unnecessary traffic flooding the network.
Email group :
 Are contacts grouped together to send email to multiple
Strategies to prevent spam email:
• Use a junk email filter to stop spam email
coming into the inbox.
• Do not sign up for any commercial mailing lists.
• Do not reply to spam email.
• Untick the check box if you are asked to give
your email to a third party.
Effective use of the internet:
The internet:
Internet is a worldwide collection of networks that
allows users to:
 Send and receive e-mail
 Chat online
 Transfer files from computer to computer
 Browse the web
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WWW (World Wide Web):
 Is a part of the internet
 Collection of web pages has been
based on the hyper text transfer
protocol (http)
 Can access by web browser
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Intranets and extranets:
• Intranet is defined as a computer network based on internet
technology but designed to meet the internal needs for sharing
information within a single organization
• Extranets can be created that allow intranets expand to outside
of the organization with the same advantages of the intranets
What are the differences between internet and intranet?
 Intranets are safer, less chance of hacking/viruses.
 It is possible to prevent external links
 Companies can ensure that the information available is specific
to their needs.
 It is easier to send out sensitive messages
 Intranets offer better bandwidth than the internet
 It is possible to create extranets that allow intranets to be
extended outside the organization
What are the differences between the internet and an intranet?
 Internet is " international network"
 Intranet is "internal restricted access"
 Internet covers topics of global or general interest, whereas Intranet
is used to give local information relevant to the organization
 Internet possible to block certain websites but more difficult where
as in intranet easy to block certain websites
 Internet can be accessed from anywhere but Intranet requires
password and user ID entry
 Internet access is open for hackers , but intranet is behind a firewall,
which gives some protection against hackers
 Internet is public access, whereas intranets can be private access
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Blog: web
 A blog is based on personal experiences
and usually updated by one author.
 Blog entries are in order (most recent
entries are shown first).
 Blogs cannot be changed by other users of
the internet.
 Bloggers can be prosecuted for posting
offensive material.
 A wiki is a collaboration from users (many
authors) to create content.
 Wiki is can be edited by anyone (content
can be edited or deleted).
 Wikipedia is an example use of Wikis
Moderated and unmoderated forums:
Moderated forums:
Refers to online discussion forum in which all the posts are
checked by an administrator before posting
Moderator can prevent spam, filter out any posts are
inappropriate, rude or offensive
Unmoderated forums:
No one owns the internet
Not policed
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Social Networking sites allow users to interact and
communicate with each other.
The features of social networking sites:
 You can connect with people with similar interests.
 Users are able to share content such as photos,
video and status updates.
 Each member can build public and private profiles
 Members are given free instant messaging and
video chatting
 It is possible to email other members within the
 It is possible to invite people to become friends
 Members have control over who can access to
personnel data
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 Another version short for business blog which
is used by businesses to promote themselves
 n the internet.
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Searching the internet for information
There are two ways to find the information:
 When using the internet you can
either type in a URL address or use
a search engine to find specific data.
 Normally keywords would be typed
in to a search engine to find
particular information.
Search engines:
 Search engines are useful if you don’t
know the URL
 Search engines using variety of methods
to search
 The more specific search you will get
accurate result
 You can narrowing your search by typing
(+) between words (ICT+past+paper+2019)
 You will find thousands of hits, then you can save it
Using the internet
 Information on the internet is up-to-date
 The internet limitless of information
 Searching using a search engine is fast and easy.
 People can look for information from home
 Information on the internet is usually free of charge.
 Pages on the internet can have multimedia elements , which
can make learning is interesting
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 Anything can be posted on a web page and information may be
 There is always the risk of accessing inappropriate websites
 It is too easy to be distracted when searching on the internet
 There is always the risk of information overload if the user lacks
the necessary experience
 Some research skills are lost when using the internet as search
engines do all the work for you
Effective use of internet:
Why internet search to find relevant information is not always fast?
 Unless the user narrowing the criteria it will take long time to
find the relevant information
 It is possible to find millions of relevant web sites matching with
given criteria
 If the user uncertain what he needs it will take long time to find
the relevant information
Why it is not always easy to find reliable information on the internet?
 Content on the internet is not regulated.
 Anybody can make a website and post any content which is not
factually correct.
 Wikis can be edited to contain false information.
 Information may be biased depending on who was the author.
How can you evaluate information found on the internet?
There are 6 criteria when evaluating information on the internet:
1. If the author of the website is good credential, then the
information is more likely reliable
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If you compare the information on the web site with another
source or with the information in the book, this will help to
show if the information reliable also spelling and grammar
correct or NO.
Check if the website linked to reliable or unreliable web sites
If the last update was long time ago , this mean the
information is not reliable
Check if the website have a testimonials or recommendation
this can indicate reliability
It is good idea to see if responsible bodies endorsed (support
and permit ) the website
Internet protocols:
 Is a set of rules which are followed when
Hypertext transfer
protocol (HTTP) &
transferring information across the internet?
 Rules are agreed between the sender and
recipient when data is being transferred
 When the protocol changed to seen as
padlock symbol
or letter “s” after http
this is refer to “secure”
 A web browser allows the user to display a
locator (URL)
& web
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 A web browser will use URLs to access specified
 URLs are represented by numbers
( not user friendly.
 Therefore an alphanumeric format
 Web browser translate HTML from websites to
show the result, it can be images, videos, or
Last update: 1/7/2023
Mr. Ayman Al-Nahhas - Cambridge IGCSE OL ICT Theory | http://www.mytutor-helpme.com
The format is protocol://www.website address/path/filename,
website address:
1. domain host (WWW)
2. domain name ( name of website)
3. domain type (.com or .gov or .net or .org)
4. Sometimes includes country code like kw, eg or uk ..
5. path which is a webpage
6. filename is the item on the webpage
What is the process a web browser to load a web page?
 When entering URL or clicking the link address request made
 Retrieve code from the server/resources then downloaded
 Interprets the code as a webpage or page resources to build the
web page
 The web page is displayed
 FTP is a network protocol when transferring
File transfer
Protocol (FTP)
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files from one computer to another over the
 FileZilla is popular FTP application which
issued to upload webpages so that they can
be hosted and viewed on the internet.
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Mr. Ayman Al-Nahhas - Cambridge IGCSE OL ICT Theory | http://www.mytutor-helpme.com
Provider (ISP)
 ISP is a company which provides internet
access to users.
 Normally the users would have to pay a
monthly fee.
 Broadband connections tend to use fireoptic cables for increased bandwidth.
Internet risks
Should internet be policed?
• To protect vulnerable users
• It would be extremely difficult
gaining access to undesirable
and expensive to police the
• To prevent illegal material be
• Infrastructure and staff would
opened or shared by web users
have required
• It will stop incorrect information • It is difficult to push roles in
being published on websites
different countries
• This will be against freedom
• Who to deiced which
information is illegal or offensive
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