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Making Green a Gray City Essay

De la Cruz 1
Luis De la Cruz
English 101
Professor Kimberly Ramirez
03 April 2018
Making Green a Gray City
Have you ever thought for a long time about what you want to become, and then you
realize that your dream major was always in front of you? I’ve always faced a dilemma
concerning my future. I have feared that I would never be professionally satisfied. However, this
period of confusion ended when I realized that I was always involved, and surrounded by my
real passion – civil engineering. I did not want to be that kind of professional who only lives to
get more money every single day. I really needed an inspiration, and I found it when I walked
around my neighborhood for more than twenty minutes looking for a park. I realized this city has
been invaded by buildings, which reduces a great quantity of green space. Also, I saw how
construction projects wasted resources without any regulation. I believe I can make some
changes within my community using civil engineering, which will waste fewer resources and
help keep a balance between buildings and green spaces.
Edification is taken control of the city and need to be regulated. I’ve seen it since I was
an adolescent, how construction companies begin to construct and remodel buildings in my
neighborhood. I used to observe how workers handle different construction tools from the other
side of the street because I found their job interesting. Also, my stepfather worked for a
constructing company, and he taught me basic knowledge about it. After I finished High School,
I started to look for a similar job and worked as a laborer for 6 months. During those months, I
watched how my supervisors ordered us to destruct small portions of green spaces in order to
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extend the space of the new building we were putting up. In addition, they used to waste huge
volumes of water for unnecessary things. I also discovered similar issues, that made me realize
that I needed to do something. It seems people do not see these problems because they are
focused in their own problems. For that reason, I want to become a civil engineering specialized
in the environmental field. I do not care to be a hero; I only care to find a solution to the problem
that will affect the future of my neighborhood.
Education is an important tool that teaches us to solve problems that affect our society.
For that reason, I chose to study in LaGuardia Community College in order to gain more
knowledge related to my major. I am taking courses from different fields such as chemistry,
physics, mathematics, and technology. Also, I use books from the library due to books are
expensive. One of the biggest organizations that keeps me informed and interested in my major
is American Society of Civil Engineers. In The Vision for Civil Engineering in 2025, ASCE
states “Civil engineers have helped raise global expectations for sustainability and for
environmental stewardship” (American Society of Civil Engineers 14). This information clearly
shows what Civil Engineers have intended to do for years. In order to improve the quality of life
for humans and animals, civil engineers focus on not wasting resources nor damaging the
environment. However, this is not the only reason that motivates me to reach my goal as a civil
engineering, but it for sure keeps me looking for other ways to construct without destructing.
My plan is to keep the same objective along my life in order to protect the environment. I
will focus all my attention in similar problems that might affect the ecosystem. In addition, I will
continue studying and learning more courses to be informed and updated. Moreover, I plan to
create a small community of engineers with the same perspective as mine in the future, or be part
of one that already exist. This group will have to have the purpose of finding out new
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environmental methods to reduce the waste of resources and offering more regulation to keep
green spaces. Because a city with big buildings does not mean is a great city whether you cannot
enjoy a peaceful time in a park or take your kids to a green space. In other words, I want to make
a change in this modernization, even whether is a small change.
Environmental sustainability is what I want to offer to my city – to live well, now and in
the future. It is very likely that I will find complications, but I will be persistent and positive.
Learning different courses and fields in college, keeping me informed steadily and looking for
colleagues with the same objective as mine are my resources to reach my goal. Thus, I want to
offer a different option to this modern city where the gray color of the buildings and the green
color of the trees can be mixed to offer a better quality of life.
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The Vision for Civil Engineering in 2025. American Society of Civil Engineers, 2007.