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Optimal VRR for Heavy Oil Reservoirs

SPE 165349
Optimal Voidage Replacement Ratio for Viscous and Heavy Oil Reservoirs
D. E. Delgado, Stanford University, E. Vittoratos, consultant to BP, and A. R. Kovscek, Stanford University
Copyright 2013, Society of Petroleum Engineers
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Western Regional & AAPG Pacific Section Meeting, 2013 Joint Technical Conference held in Monterey, California, USA, 19−25 April 2013.
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Historically a voidage replacement ratio (VRR) of 1 is assumed to be optimal for oil recovery regardless of
whether recovery occurs from an unconventional heavy oil reservoir or a conventional oil reservoir. That is, it is
assumed that of all scenarios, the most oil recovery occurs when the amount of fluids injected into the subsurface
equals the amount produced. Recent work publications have analyzed both field and core-scale data to conclude
that a VRR of 1 is suboptimal for certain viscous and heavy-oil reservoirs. In this work, we use numerical
simulation to seek an understanding of the conditions under which a VRR of 1 is suboptimal. Models are core-size
to enable better interpretation of mechanisms. We tested the sensitivity of the optimal VRR to the curvature of our
relative permeability relationships (i.e., Corey exponent), the critical gas saturation, the three-phase flow model,
potential chemistry of the oil, the statistics of permeability values, the connectivity of low and high permeability
regions, and the reference scale at which results are compared. Realistic relative permeability curves based off
rock and fluid interactions observed in the literature were developed and used in the majority of our simulations.
We find that gas mobility is an influential parameter in determining the optimal VRR at core scale. As the gas
mobility decreases relative to oil and water and/or the reservoir heterogeneity increases, a VRR below 1 becomes
more favorable. The heterogeneity and its connectivity also influenced the optimal VRR to a lesser extent.
The concept of using solution-gas drive to assist in waterflooding is certainly not new (Dyes 1954). Operating
below the bubblepoint pressure so that some gas evolves from the oil solution has been shown to improve
recovery during waterflooding by 7 to 12% compared to operating at or above the bubblepoint. It was suggested
there is an optimum reservoir pressure at which to operate a waterflood and that speeding up production rates
improves attainment of this optimum pressure.
Even with some experimental evidence pointing to increased recovery through combining waterflood and
solution-gas drive, many disadvantages are prescribed to dropping the pressure of a reservoir (or core) below the
bubblepoint pressure. The introduction of an additional phase may reduce the relative mobility of the oil. Also, in
heavy and viscous-oil reservoirs, when the reservoir pressure goes below the bubblepoint, gas evolves from oil
and the oil-phase viscosity increases, making the oil less mobile. This problem is compounded because gas flows
easily out of the reservoir thereby reducing reservoir pressure at a much faster rate compared to depletion above
the bubblepoint. Further problems occur when the rock compressibility is relatively large and subsidence occurs.
Employing operating strategies and heuristics from conventional settings to unconventional settings may lead
to erroneous procedures. The differences between conventional oil recovery and heavy-oil/viscous-oil recovery
mechanisms have been discussed extensively in the literature (e.g., Firoozabadi and Aronson 1999, Tang et al.
2006a, Vittoratos et al. 2006). Due to the unfavorable mobility of heavy oil relative to water, a substantial fraction
of waterflooded oil is only recovered after water breakthrough at high water cut (Tang and Kovscek 2011,
Vittoratos et al. 2007). Below the bubble point, the characteristic large viscosity of heavy oil and foamy oil effects,
or gas emulsions in the liquid oil, retard gas flow thereby maintaining reservoir (or core) energy. Gas retention
within the porous medium substantially extends the solution-gas-drive process in time and increases crude-oil
recovery (Tang et al. 2006 a,b).
Observations in the literature have led to reconsideration of the interaction between the three-phase system of
oil, water, and gas. For example in mixed-wet reservoir rocks, the residual oil saturation is lower in the presence
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of residual gas (Jerauld, 1997). Jerauld (1997) goes on to illustrate via coreflood measurements and qualitative
arguments of pore occupancy by each phase that the impact of trapped gas is to decrease the water to oil relative
permeability ratio. This decrease improves oil recovery efficiency. He points out that the reduced water mobility
drives the oil saturation lower than would be the case for waterfloods without gas present.
In other work, analysis of production data from numerous Canadian waterfloods shows a correlation between
a reduced voidage replacement ratio (VRR) and increased oil recovery (Brice and Renouf 2008). VRR measures
the ratio of injected to produced fluids at reservoir conditions. It is purely a volumetric ratio. Traditional waterfloods
are conducted at a VRR of 1 to maintain a steady volumetric flow and roughly constant pressure. The absence of
a waterflood, i.e., primary depletion, implies a VRR of 0. It is also possible to have a VRR between these two
values by adjusting injection rates relative to production. A VRR greater than 1 implies that more fluid is injected
than produced and this scenario is usually conducted to increase the reservoir pressure (Vittoratos and West
The examiners of the Canadian waterfloods concluded that performing primary depletion until recovery of a
certain fraction of oil followed by a waterflood is optimal for heavy-oil reservoirs (Brice and Renouf 2008). They
also concluded periods of reduced VRR are beneficial. The effectiveness of these reduced VRR methods was
shown to depend on the oil properties, specifically on °API gravity, and timing, that is, the stage in the life of the
reservoir in which the VRR was modified.
A later paper by Vittoratos and West (2010) builds upon the idea that when the pressure of the heavy oil is
reduced to some point below the bubblepoint pressure, gas bubbles evolve within the oil and oil emulsifies with
water, greatly increasing the relative mobility of the oil mixture. Gas bubbles only form given certain oil properties;
i.e., the oil must lie within a certain °API range for the effect to be significant. If the °API is too low, the oil remains
virtually immobile even with the aid of any emulsions. On the other hand for large °API, the chemistry of the oil
does not allow “partial” immiscibility between the dissolved gas and oil. Such alterations in oil chemistry
appreciably increase oil recovery in regions of significant heterogeneity that contain permeability “cul-de-sacs”. A
permeability cul-de-sac is a permeable region that is partially isolated by low permeability or impermeable rock. A
cul-de-sac is connected to main flow paths but itself does not experience significant flow through its permeable
There is still much uncertainty as to how heavy oil in porous media behaves for a VRR less than 1. Thus, a
comprehensive understanding of the three-phase behavior between the heavy oil, the dissolved gas and water is
required. In this paper, we explore modeling of such a recovery process and attempt to gauge whether production
at VRR less than 1 is as advantageous as claimed. We consider the fluid dynamics of viscous oil, water, and gas
under a number of situations that build upon the concepts of oil chemistry and rock heterogeneity brought up by
Vittoratos and West (2010). To accomplish this task, we developed a list of factors that may influence the
effectiveness of recovery at a VRR below 1:
 gas mobility,
 oil mobility,
 phase interference during three-phase flow, and
 rock heterogeneity and the distribution of permeable and impermeable regions.
Development of a Base Case
To test the sensitivity of recovery to a particular factor, we developed a base case for consistent comparison
among results from various models. We chose to model our base case after a homogeneous, rectangular core.
The reasons for using a core-sized model as our base case are plentiful. An analogue is easily extended to actual
experiments because one would start with core experiments before moving to a field study. We want to observe
how the factors influencing the optimal VRR act at core scale in isolation from one another before implementing
simulations on a large-scale model where a number of the factors are thrown into the mix and allowed to influence
one another. This process allows us to fine tune our understanding of the underlying mechanisms before
launching into a full-scale reservoir model.
The porous medium is modeled in three dimensions with 91 by 9 by 9 gridblocks that are 0.165 cm by
0.221cm by 0.221 cm. The bulk volume of the porous medium is 60 cm3. The homogeneous permeability and
porosity are 250 mD and 0.25, respectively. Delgado (2012) reports a grid-size sensitivity study that complements
this work. He compares recovery at a time of 0.6 days from the base case to systems of the same overall
dimensions but discretized with 15 by 2 by 2 gridblocks or by 121 by 11 by 11 gridblocks. Among the various
homogeneous scenarios simulated in this paper, he finds that predicted recoveries at 0.6 days from the coarsest
as compared to the finest grid differ by at most 2%. He also analyzed heterogeneous cases using a grid of 182 by
18 by 18 gridblocks compared to 91 by 9 by 9 gridblocks. This represents refinement by a factor of 8 and the
maximum difference in recovery was 4%. Accordingly, the grid with 91 by 9 by 9 gridblocks appears to offer gridsize convergence and the ability to model moderately small-scale features with reasonable run times.
The parameters used to construct a base model were derived from literature describing various areas of
Schrader Bluff and Ugnu (Strycker et al. 1999, Stryker and Wang 2000, Mohanty 2004, Rangel-German et al.
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2004). We extracted relative permeability data for oil, water, and gas from curves reported for the Schrader Bluff
field (Strycker et al. 1999, Stryker and Wang 2000). Two-phase relative permeability curves were constructed
using Corey curves (Corey, 1956) for water and oil as
 S  S
n w
k rw  k rw
 w
1  Swc  Sor 
n o
o 1 S w  S wc
k ro  k ro
1 Swc  Sor 
and for gas and liquid as
n g
krg 
1 Swc  Srg  Sgc 
 1 S  S
n l
krl  krl 
1 S  S  S 
gc 
Sg  Sgc
where kri is relative permeability and ni is the exponent appropriate to each phase.We chose connate water
saturation (Swc=0.30), residual oil saturation (Sor=0.10), and irreducible gas saturation (Sgr=0.40) based on the
literature. We use various values of the critical gas saturation (Sgc). The oil-water and the liquid-gas relative
permeability curves for the base case as well as a number of other Corey derived curves are shown in Figures 1
and 2, respectively. Base case Corey exponents are nw = 2.3, no = 5.5, ng = 1.5, and nl = 3.4. We used the Stone
II model for three-phase model calculations (Stone, 1973; Settari and Aziz 1979).
Fluid properties and K-values were derived to represent an oil with characteristics similar to those of Schrader
Bluff. The initial molar and mass fractions of each component in the oil were also determined by these K-values.
The proportion of gas components and heavy-oil components is consistent with the literature (Mohanty 2004,
Rangel-German et al. 2004, Strycker et al. 1999; Strycker and Wang 2000). Figure 3 presents the resulting blackoil properties for simulation including solution gas oil ratio, Rs, formation volume factor, Bo, and oil-phase viscosity,
µo. Initial oil viscosity is about 25 to 30 times larger than that of water at reservoir conditions.
All simulations were conducted at essentially isothermal conditions (injected fluid temperature was the same
as the initial reservoir temperature). The simulator used was STARS (CMG, 2010). It uses a correlation for the
gas-oil equilibrium ratio, K, to represent the gas–liquid phase behavior as a function of pressure and temperature.
For our specific case, this correlation reads
 1583.7 
T  446.8 
where T is temperature (K) and p is gas phase pressure (kPa).
Injection/production occur in the center of the upstream/downstream face of the model. For all cases, the
production rate constraint was 1/10th the pore volume of the system per hour. Thus, the injection rate was
determined by the VRR we desired to model. For further discussion of the base-case model see Delgado (2012).
We consider first the results of various cases for a range of VRR: 1, 0.9, 0.7, 0.5, 0.2 and 0. For consistency,
recovery is obtained at a time of 0.6 days. This time was chosen because 0.6 days lies at a point in time far after
water breakthrough, and in the cases of a VRR less than 1, after pressure depletion in the core model. Also, 0.6
days corresponds to about 100% pore volumes injected for the VRR of 1 case. The recovery is then plotted as a
function of the VRR. Although this VRR spread might appear to be coarse, the relationship between VRR and
recovery tends to follow a smooth trend due to the dependence of recovery on the pressure gradient at different
VRR. Due to the diffusive nature of pressure, there are never sharp or abrupt changes in recovery values for
adjacent VRR. Thus, for our purposes interpolating recovery between these six sets of VRR values is appropriate.
Interpolation between VRR recovery values was done using a polynomial curve fit to obtain smooth lines.
The reference point chosen was 0.6 days for our core models because 0.6 days lies at a point far after water
breakthrough, and in the cases of a VRR less than 1, after pressure depletion in the core model. Also, 0.6 days
corresponds to about 1 pore volumes injected for the VRR of 1 case. The pressure at the production end was
allowed to drop to essentially atmospheric pressure in these base case simulations. Every simulated case on this
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particular grid reached atmospheric pressure long before 0.6 days, except for the cases where there was a VRR
of 1. For the cases where the VRR was equal to 1 there were only small pressure deviations over time as
expected for two phase flow of water and oil.
The response of the base case to changes in water mobility is shown in Figure 4. The optimal VRR never
changes as the water-phase relative permeability exponent is adjusted. Oil recovery either increases or
decreases as water mobility decreases or increases, respectively. The inverted S-shaped recovery curve tells us
a lot about this specific case. Deviating from a VRR of 1 causes a large drop in recovery, and injecting no water at
all yields a recovery substantially smaller than that of the case of a traditional waterflood. Changes to the oil
mobility stimulate a similar effect as shown in Fig. 5. The effectiveness of using a VRR of 1 decreases as the oil
mobility decreases. The relative mobility of liquid as a function of gas saturation has virtually no effect for cases
with VRR less than 1.
Recall that the pressure depletion in our models is of important consequence. In the cases so far, the pressure
is depleted relatively rapidly except for VRR equal to 1. In every case simulated, the VRR constraint is only
maintained until the model is pressure depleted. Pressure depeletion occurs when the producer reaches a
minimum pressure constraint. After pressure depletion, a VRR of 1 takes place for the remainder of the
simulation. The production rate, however, is lower by a factor reflecting the particular VRR, as compared to VRR
of 1, due to the smaller injection rate.
Gas Mobility
We performed numerous studies of the sensitivity to the relative permeability curves to isolate the dominant
factors influencing the optimal VRR. Figure 6 summarizes the role of the gas mobility as the Corey exponent is
varied. Note that the larger is ng, the lower is the gas mobility. The figure teaches that the optimal VRR is very
sensitive to the mobility of the gas in the model. As gas mobility decreases, the difference between a VRR of 1
and those slightly below 1 becomes less significant. A VRR below 1 becomes optimal if the mobility of gas is
small. This result is rationalized by considering the fact that the gas retained in the simulation model stabilizes the
average system pressure. Low mobility gas accumulates within the system displacing oil as it expands. The
slower the gas is produced, the longer it takes for the pressure to deplete.
Another way to impact gas mobility is to vary the critical gas saturation, Sgc, for the initiation of gas flow.
Results are shown in Figs. 7 and 8 for Sgc of 0.05 and 0.10, respectively. The effect of increasing the critical gas
saturation is similar to that of increasing the relative permeability exponent ng. This is expected because it is the
mobility of the gas that is of primary importance. Because both the critical gas saturation and the curvature of the
relative permeability to gas curve impact the mobility of the gas, the recovery profiles are nonunique and could be
generated using a multitude of combinations of relative permeability curves.
Oil Chemistry
Strictly speaking, we do not model any chemistry effects in this paper. Crude oil/water/gas systems exhibiting
foamy oil and emulsions, in some cases, exhibit characteristic relative permeability behavior and we use relative
permeability as a surrogate for oil-phase chemical effects. In the literature, foamy-oil effects are noted in viscous
and heavy oils that are characterized by different oil compositions, fluid-fluid interactions, and rock-fluid
interactions (e.g., Bora et al., 2000; Firoozabadi, 2001; Tang et al. 2006b; Vittoratos and West 2010). A partial
explanation for foamy-oil behavior is that gas mobility remains low due to the dispersed nature of gas. A
significant fraction of the gas remains in the porous medium and the effective compressility of the rock/fluid
system remains high for a significant period of time. The greater compressibility enables greater recovery.
A wide variety of recovery profiles have already been shown for arbitrarily constructed relative
permeability curves. We shift our attention to the implementation of relative permeability curves that might be
characteristic of foamy oil and emulsified systems. We use our base case relative permeability curves with critical
gas saturations of 0%, 5%, and 10%. Such critical gas saturations are representative of medium gravity oils,
many heavy oils, and some particular heavy oils, respectively, as discussed in the literature (Firoozabadi and
Aronson 1999, Treinen et al. 1997, Kumar et al. 2000, Strycker and Wang 2000, Mohanty 2004, Sahni et al.
2004). We also include two other curves arising from experiments for foamy oil and oil emulsion systems. These
are drawn from experimental data in the literature. The relative permeability curves for our five cases are shown in
Figures 9 and 10.
Next, consider what is meant by oil emulsions. Oil and water are generally immiscible and an interface
forms between the two fluids when in contact. Given certain conditions, such as low interfacial tension, oil can
emulsify in water and vice versa. One phase is continuous and the second is dispersed. A water-in-oil (water
dispersed and oil continous) emulsion might alter phase viscosity dramatically. On the other hand, an oil-in-water
(oil dispersed and water continuous) allows oil to be transported with water at an effective viscosity similar to
water. The conditions at which water in oil emulsions form in heavy oils have been studied in the literature
(Jerauld et al., 2008; Schembre et al. 2006; Zhao et al, 2013).
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Next consider further the concept of a foamy oil. Foamy oils have been observed in the literature for some
time (Kumar et al. 2000). The idea of a foamy oil was developed to characterize reservoirs with abnormally high
recoveries due to solution gas drive alone (Maini 1995, Bora et al. 2000). These oils have unusually low gas oil
ratios during production below the bubble point. A foamy oil is thought to develop when an oil with particular
properties is brought below the bubblepoint and gas is allowed to evolve in the form of bubbles within the oil.
These bubbles are thought to be retained within the rock matrix, essentially trapping the evolved gas and allowing
the oil to flow uninhibited. Due to the retention of some of the evolved gas in the form of bubbles, the resulting
foamy oil maintains a reduced viscosity as well. The foaminess of an oil is thought to be associated with the oil’s
viscosity, and this phenomena seems to be characteristic of heavy oils only. Vittoratos and West cited foamy oil
as an underlying mechanism to improved oil recovery through operating at a VRR less than 1 (2010). Further
discussion on foamy oils is available in the literature (Kumar et al. 2000). Our liquid-gas relative permeability
curves for our foamy oil case are based off the experimental data presented in Tang et al. (2006b).
Using the five relative permeability scenarios outlined above, we have simulated results for performance
in our homogeneous permeability model. Recovery is plotted as a function of VRR in Figure 11. The recovery
values at a VRR of 1 are essentially consistent because the oil-water relative permeability curves are virtually
identical in all but the emulsions case, but the results are quite dissimilar below a VRR of 1. The greatest recovery
is obtained with the so-called foamy oil curves. Tang et al. (2006b) measured significant recovery in the
laboratory. The curves obtained from the experiments feature relatively low gas relative permeability and relatively
high oil relative permeability. Such conditions lead to favorable recovery over a significant range of VRR. The
optimal recovery is about 0.7. The cases with increasing critical gas saturation exhibit interesting behavior.
Increasing Sgc to 0.05 increases the recovery relative the base case over a wide range of VRR, but optimal
recovery is obtained at a VRR of 1. As Sgc is increased to 0.10, the optimal VRR for recovery shifts to about 0.9.
The emulsion case has recovery somewhat less than the Sgc = 0.10 case. Interestingly, the emulsion case
displays larger recovery values, as compared to the waterflood base case, for each particular VRR up to 1. While
the optimum recovery is at a VRR of about 0.9 for the emulsion case, the difference in recovery with respect to
the waterflood base case is greatest at a VRR of 0.5.
Reservoir Heterogeneity
We have thus far only considered performance in a homogeneous core model. Given the widespread
heterogeneity existing in hydrocarbon reservoirs, it is important to consider the effect of perturbations to the
permeability field of our base case model. Heterogeneity plays an important role in our particular study for a
number of reasons. When we consider the mechanisms underlying a traditional waterflood, this fact becomes
obvious. During a field-scale waterflood, water pierces its way through the reservoir from an injector well
associated with a high pressure to a producer well associated with a lower pressure. The water is driven by this
pressure gradient but flows according to the path of least resistance. That is, water moves where its mobility is
greatest. Oil in the large pores within the reservoir along the path of the injected water is swept out. If we consider
times far into the future, we see that water travels along this “backbone” path for the remainder of the waterflood.
Any “dangling ends” with remaining oil are bypassed. Along with capillary pressure, bypassing of oil contributes to
residual oil in our reservoir. It has been theorized that combining a solution gas drive with water drive leads to
increased oil recovery by activating flow out of these dangling ends (Vittoratos and West 2010). If we wish to
consider the full potential of improved recovery from a VRR less than 1, we must consider heterogeneity and its
Here, we consider a highly idealized case where there are so-called cul-de-sacs in our model. Cul-desacs are small pockets of relatively permeable media that are poorly connected to the backbone. To construct this
kind of model, we place cells impermeable in the direction perpendicular to flow at every depth in between a
series of cells that are impermeable in the direction of flow running along the center of the model, as shown in
Figure 12. Recovery as a function of VRR is plotted in Figure 13 using the distribution of permeability shown in
Fig. 12. It may at first seem that there is little difference in the curvature of the results when compared to the
homogeneous base case, though recovery values are far different. This difference is highlighted when
considering the difference in magnitude between recoveries at the various VRR and a VRR of 1. The difference in
recovery is easy to explain. Fluids prefer to flow along a direction of decreasing pressure, so when there are
boundaries preventing flow in this direction, the oil remains trapped for the most part between these walls. Only a
small amount of oil that manages to flow in a direction perpendicular to primary flow flows into the “backbone”
channels where it is produced.
Focus on the performance of scenarios with a VRR of 1 and compare to the performance of those with a
VRR of less than 1. Considering the homogeneous base case model, a VRR of 1 produces 12.5% and 4.8% more
incremental oil than a VRR of 0.7 for the base case with 0% and 5% critical gas saturation, respectively, as shown
in Figure 14. With the 10% critical gas saturation base case and the foamy oil case, incremental recovery is
actually 2.2% and 17.7%, respectively, lower with a VRR of 1 than a VRR of 0.7, as shown in Figures 14 and 15.
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Recovery for the emulsions case is essentially the same with a VRR of 1 and 0.7. That is, we obtain identical
recovery with 30% less injection.
Consider the cul-de-sac model performance at a VRR of 1. There is only 6.4% more incremental recovery
when performing at a VRR of 1 as opposed to that of 0.7 with the base case and no critical gas. For the 5%
critical gas case and the emulsions case, there is slightly negative incremental recovery for VRR of 1. For the
10% critical gas and foamy oil cases, 6.7% and 23% incremental recovery, respectively, are missed if a VRR of 1
is employed. The trend is similar for other VRR values when compared to a VRR of 1. Thus, even if it is not overly
apparent from the recovery curves in Figure 13, the recovery with a VRR of 1 is far less advantageous in the culde-sac model than the homogeneous cores, as seen in Figures 14 and 15. We can see that for the case of 5%
critical gas saturation, the optimal VRR has actually switched to 0.9 from 1 in the homogeneous model, and even
a VRR of 0.7 performs better than a VRR of 1 in the cul-de-sac case. It is also worth noting that given the smaller
recoveries in the cul-de-sac model, such changes in incremental recovery are more significant than similar values
resulting from the homogeneous core.
The results of our simulations on the cul-de-sac models show the impact of large heterogeneous features
on the optimal VRR. The role of a heterogeneous permeability distribution, high permeability streaks,
impermeable streaks, and an alternative cul-de-sac geometry distribution is presented elsewhere (Delgado 2012).
In this work, we have not varied the three-phase model for relative permeability to oil, water, and gas as the
saturation of each phase changes with time. We chose to use exclusively the Stone II three-phase model (Stone,
1973; Aziz and Settari 1979). Given the importance of the relative permeability to gas in all results, it might be
argued that the three-phase model is of great importance. Hence, we consider briefly three-phase relative
permeability. In this work, the two-phase relative permeability curves are constructs, loosely based off real data,
but in no way used to match some particular fluid and rock properties. It can be argued then, that the two-phase
relative permeability curves can take into account any inaccuracies in the three-phase model. We note that there
are alternate three-phase models in the literature that may represent multiphase flow more accurately (Blunt
To test the sensitivity of our results to the particular three-phase model, we implemented Baker’s linear
interpolation model (Baker, 1988) in addition to Stone II (Stone, 1973). Figure 16 shows the recovery prediction
obtained for each of the five sets of two-phase relative permeability curves applied to our base case core model
and using Baker’s three-phase model. There is an obvious similarity with the results of our previous results shown
in Figs. 4-8. The difference in recovery between the results found using Stone II and Baker’s model at various
VRR is less than 1% except for the foamy oil cases. For the foamy oil case, the difference varies from about 1 to
5% and is greatest for VRR equal to 0.7 where recovery is optimum.
We speculate that the ternary diagrams that display the oil relative permeability with changes to the oil,
water, and gas saturations, are useful as a screening tool for deducing whether or not reducing the VRR below 1
is effective. Given the influence of the optimal VRR on the gas mobility, there is potentially a correlation between
the ternary diagram describing a system and the effectiveness of a reduction in the VRR below 1. Figure 17
displays the ternary diagram for oil-phase relative permeability using the foamy-oil conditions that display the
greatest difference between simulated recoveries using different three-phase models. The circled region
highlights the average saturations of each phase after pressure depletion. As shown, there is a much larger area
encompassing the greatest oil-phase relative permeability values for the Baker model. The Baker model,
however, has much shallower gradients relative to Stone II and the area of interest lies in a more favorable
position within Stone II. These differences in oil-phase relative permeability appear to explain, at least partially,
the differences in recovery. Further study of the influence of the three-phase relative permeability model where
other parameters are known with relative certainty would be useful. A full analysis of hysteresis in the three-phase
relative permeability relationships is also warranted. These topics are left for future work.
Another topic that is left for future work is the timing of changes to the VRR. All simulations here employed a
constant VRR from the start of production until the system was pressure depleted when the VRR was then set to
1. Permeability heterogeneity, and its distribution, undoubtedly influences recovery for VRR less than 1.
Hysteresis may also occur when switching between one or more VRR’s. Any hysteresis that takes place likely is
unique to the reservoir model, so such a study is only conducted on a case-by-case basis. Optimization tools that
deal in finding optimal recovery paths would greatly benefit such a pursuit.
We have considered oil chemistry in our study, but only through the use of static relative permeability
curves. Considering static relative permeability effects oversimplifies the role of oil chemistry. Chemical effects
occur in response to some stimulus, e.g., pressure decline, so having foamy oil or emulsion behavior initially
present in the relative permeability curves may be an inaccurate approximation. A better approach for field-scale
calculation may be rate dependent relative permeability curves that take into account the conditions observed. For
example, a combination of flow rate conditions and oil composition could instill foamy effects in particular portions
of a model. By developing a mechanistic model, reservoir geology and pressure conditions could trigger
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emulsions. In order to incorporate rate dependent relative permeability curves, a better core-scale and field-scale
of understanding of how such oil chemistry effects evolve is required.
Finally, the scale of investigation here is focused on the core and sub-core. Clearly, further understanding
of the role of VRR at a larger scale is needed. While this is largely a topic of future work, Delgado (2012) did
begin to consider the role of relative permeability and VRR on recovery at field scale. He used the reservoir model
of Li (2008) that consisted of large-scale channel belts with multi-scale architecture, middle-scale individual
channels and small-scale channel infill components. Permeability cul-de-sacs, or regions of poor connectivity with
limited access to the water swept area, are shown to influence the optimal VRR, similar to results at core scale.
Further, it was suggested that large heterogeneous features may serve to help make a VRR less than 1 more
favorable in comparison to traditional waterflood.
From this simulation analysis, we conclude that the VRR is a factor in obtaining optimal oil recovery at core scale.
The empirical observations support that VRR < 1 is optimal on a macro scale for some oils and permeability
distributions. Among the effects investigated, gas mobility at VRR below 1 and heterogeneity appear to be most
influential. In general, the less mobile the gas and more compartmentalized the system, the more favorable a
VRR below 1 becomes. Proper characterization and uncertainty quantification of the liquid-gas interactions
through relative permeability curves, the critical gas saturation, and the oil composition are essential when
modeling. While this work has employed a particular set of relative permeability curves, various fluid and rock
combinations lead to similar results in recovery as shown elsewhere (Delgado 2012). The role of chemistry on the
optimal VRR, as indicated through relative permeability, was investigated through both emulsion and foamy oil
relative permeability curves arising from the literature. Thus, we have shown a physical basis by which the optimal
VRR varies substantially.
Optimal VRR is a relative term because we have only considered oil recovery. If water for injection is a
source of concern, then different reference metrics are useful to quantify the optimal VRR. The metrics we have
discussed are applicable on a case-by-case basis depending on the economics of a situation.
Through the use of our core-scale model, we have shown the role of heterogeneity in influencing the
optimal VRR. While the randomness associated with Gaussian distributions of permeability and porosity
distribution is not believed to influence the optimal VRR, analogues to faults and fractures have been shown to
impact results. Permeability cul-de-sacs, or regions of poor connectivity with limited access to the water swept
area, are shown to influence the optimal VRR. In general, large heterogeneous features were shown to make a
VRR less than 1 more favorable. The role of heterogeneity was shown to tie to connectivity.
We thank the Heavy Oil Flagship of BP. This work would not have been possible without their financial support.
Zhouyuan Zhu advised and helped build our simulation models and gave critical feedback. Brian Vanderheyden
provided the inspiration for the cul-de-sac model that greatly helped build our understanding of the role of
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Figure 1: Range of Corey derived oil-water relative permeability curves (base: nw=2.3, no=5.5).
Figure 2: Range of Corey derived liquid-gas relative permeability curves (base: ng=1.5, nl=3.4).
SPE 165349
Figure 3: Black oil properties: (a) live-oil viscosity, (b) oil formation volume factor, and (c) solution gas-oil ratio.
Figure 4: Recovery as a function of VRR for different values of the Corey water exponent (ng=1.5; nl=3.4;
SPE 165349
Figure 5: Recovery as a function of VRR for different values of the Corey oil exponent (ng=1.5; nl=3.4; nw=2.3).
Figure 6: Recovery as a function of VRR for different values of the Corey gas exponent (nl=3.4; no=5.5; nw=2.3).
Figure 7: Recovery as a function of VRR for different values of the Corey gas exponent (nl=3.4; no=5.5; nw=2.3;
SPE 165349
Figure 8: Recovery as a function of VRR for different values of the Corey gas exponent (nl=3.4; no=5.5; nw=2.3;
Figure 9: Oil-water relative permeability curves for five base cases; all krw and krow curves overlay one another
except for krow-emulsion.
SPE 165349
Figure 10: Liquid-gas relative permeability curves for five base cases; krl and krg for Sgc=5% and emulsion overlay
one another.
Figure 11: Recovery as a function of VRR at 0.6 days for five cases developed from real data.
Figure 12: I-J slice of model with cul-de-sacs; the model is identical to the case with that of the one with
impermeable walls perpendicular to flow except for the inclusion of cells that are impermeable (white
shading) in the j-direction.
Figure 13: Recovery as a function of VRR at 0.6 days for five cases in a model with cul-de-sacs.
SPE 165349
Figure 14: Difference between the recovery at a specified VRR and the recovery at a VRR of 1 for three cases.
The darker colors correspond to results using the homogeneous core-model, while the lighter colors
correspond to results using the cul-de-sac model.
Figure 15: Difference between the recovery at a specified VRR and the recovery at a VRR of 1 for two other
cases. The darker colors correspond to results using the homogeneous core-model, while the lighter
colors correspond to results using the cul-de-sac model.
Figure 16: Recovery as a function of VRR at 0.6 days for five base cases in base case core model using the
Baker (1988) linear interpolation three-phase model.
SPE 165349
Figure 17: Ternary diagram of relative permeability to oil for the foamy oil case using (a) the Stone II three-phase
model (Stone 1973) and (b) the Baker (1988) model. The intersection point highlighted with the red
circle indicates the average saturations of each phase after pressure depletion.