Uploaded by Alexandra Perez

Marital Property Review Session Notes

Marital Property – Review Session
Cutoff for questions: Day of final
Logistics: 20 MC, 2 fact patterns and within those there will be a total of 9 questions (some short
some longer)
- Some of the essay questions are designed to not have a specific answer – so when you
read it just explain both ways (hedge on both sides)
- Some will have an exact answer
Formulas: Be familiar with:
- Huge/Nelson rules (when you use and how you calculate)
- Moore/Marsden calculation
- How to value a business and how to calculate goodwill
- How to do the time rule (re: pensions/deferred compensation)
- There are about 4 or 5 formulas you need to know
You don’t need to know:
- When 2581 was adopted it referred to JT and not specific type of CP and then legislature
fixed it a couple of years later – don’t need to know what happens during that interim
period (when 850 transmutation statute came up)
- Apportionment at acquisition (BonVino case)
Week 1:
- Characterize
- Valuation
- Divide
- Reimbursement
- Taxes (didn’t spend too much time on this – primarily in the context of what happens
what someone wants to home & capital gains taxes)
Basics of Characterization:
- Community or Separate (or Quasi-community) Property
Most important codes to know:
- FC 760 – CP Presumption – most of the class was about establishing and rebutting it
- FC 770/771 – SP codes
Week 2:
Issues re: Characterization:
- Has the CP presumption been rebutted
o Evidentiary presumptions
o Standards of proof
- Title to property
o 1 persons name:
 Wont rebut just on the fact that title in 1 person’s name
 Exception: women pre-1975
 If it is in 1 spouses name, then FC 2581 does not apply
o Jointly titled:
 Acquiring pre-1984 – Lucas
 Oral agreements or conducts could be used to rebut CP
 Tracing cannot be used to overcome gift presumption when SP is
used to acquire or improve CP – presumed gift and can only be
rebutted by an oral, implied, written K (no tracing)
o So need agreement for reimbursement
 Acquired post-1984 – covered by 2581
 Tracing cannot be done
 Needs to be an agreement in writing or clear statement in a
deed/title to rebut CP presumption
 Also no more gift presumption – partially protect person who made
SP contribution by giving a reimbursement IF its to an acquisition
(down payment, reduction of principal on loan, improvements that
increase value of property)
o Partially protected because no compensation for increased
value to property (its $ for $) any increase is CP
o Reimbursement is automatic unless there is a waiver – no
agreement necessary for reimbursement (vested property
 Common scenario that triggers FC 2640 and 2581:
 I have a house before marriage, get married, and I choose to
change title into JT with spouse
 (1) 2581 (joint title) now applies
 (2) Spouse who had SP asset before it was converted, the CP
acquired this interest the day the new deed was signed
o so I as SP spouse have a right to reimbursement under 2581
for my contribution to the acquisition to the property (the
equity the day I gave it to the community)
 FC 2640 only applies in 1984 and after for SP  CP
o and only applies in 2005 for SP  SP
Week 3:
Actions that could impact characterization/rebut CP presumption:
- Premarital K
o before 1986 – K law governed
o 1986-2002 – UPAA which said they had to be in writing and determination of
unconscionability would be determined on the date of execution
 BUT Zucker – judge has discretion to find unconscionability on the date
of enforcement (so date of execution is not the case anymore) – at
divorce/dissolution/punitive spouse/nullity
 Applies to all times after 1986 (despite UPAA)
o 2002 – burden is now on the party seeking enforcement to show it was voluntarily
entered into (statutory requirements)
 7 day period
 Represented by counsel or waiver etc.
o 2020 – clarified that the 7 day waiting period applies even if have a lawyer
o Support limitations – no consensus . . . just don’t overreach and it should be ok,
stingy likely unconscionable
Marital agreements/post marital agreements – completely unclear if law will allow it
o highly suspect even if permitted by statute even if it is a very equal transaction
o interspousal agreement to change the character of property to SP or CP
o always determine characterization first before you can decide if its been changed
o As of 1985:
 (1) Is it valid as to form: clear statement in writing to change the character
– no magic words just has to be clear you’re changing it
 wills are not transmutations
 trusts can be
 (2) Fiduciary duty: should it be set aside because it advantaged one spouse
 Presumption of undue influence that will arise if one spouse has
gotten an advantage over the other
 Rebut: show other spouse entered into transmutation freely and
voluntarily, with full knowledge of the facts, and an understanding
of the effects
o FC 2640: if see transmutation, determine if any 2640 if going from SP to CP
o FC 852(C) – transmutation with different rules (narrow gifts)
 No necessity of a writing
 Acquired during marriage (probs CP)
 Tangible articles of a personal nature used only/primarily by the spouse it
was given to and not of a substantial value taking into account the
circumstances of the marriage
- Valuation:
o Equal division absence an agreement to the contrary
 Unless exception for debts
o Value unless dividing in half:
 Typically requires an appraiser
o Court will only consider immediate and specific cost of sale and tax consequences
when dividing CP
 Immediate and specific is subject to argument but typically means right
o Date of valuation: as near as practicable to the time of trial
Unless you can show there’s good cause for early valuation date
(necessary to accomplish an equitable division of the estate)
 Most common reason: CP business where my efforts have caused
value to go up  value at the time of separation
o Equal unless you agree otherwise
o Can’t divide unless you’ve characterized it
o Confirms SP, awards CP, and can order reimbursements
o If parties so request, court can determine SP issues
 Ex. Both jointly own a property before marriage and never put in CP and
now disagreement about how it should be divided
 Not necessarily 50/50
o Exceptions to equal division:
 CP PI damages
 Educational loans
 Tort liabilities (depending on what you were doing and why)
 Post separation debts (necessaries and common necessaries of life)
 If CP debts > CP assets
 Ct finds CP weas deliberately misappropriated and mismanaged – high bar
(conscious thievery)
 Negligence doesn’t apply
o But if you said to me you can take $1M and invest it and I
lost it so then if you invest the rest of savings without me
knowing, then that is calculated thievery
Week 5:
Fiduciary duties:
- 4 specific circumstances, when need to be aware of fiduciary duties:
o Premarital agreement
 Fiduciary duties of being married don’t apply but the ones for confidential
relationship may apply
o Management and control issues
 FC 1100 et seq
 As of 1975 – equal control (includes power of disposition)
o Exceptions:
 Don’t have equal control when it comes to gifts or
disposing of CP for lower than FMV (need written
consent to do so or they must be jointly given)
 Cant without written consent, sell, encumber, or
convey certain types of CP (home, furnishings,
clothing/apparel of spouse or children)
 Primary management control of business – can act
alone but must give written notice to other spouse
for major actions (like disposing of assets of the
CP real property when written joinder is required to
sell it or lease it for > 1 year
o Interspousal transactions
 FC 721 (including 3 corp codes – need to know them)
 You can enter into transactions with each other if you’re married
but general rules of fiduciary duties will apply
o Highest GF and fair dealing
o Same rights and duties as for corp Ks
 Access to books records
 Upon request vs. Without demand – not
clear which applies
 Other rules
o Post-separation disclosures
 FC 2100 acts in conjunction with 1101 & 721
Remedies for breach of fiduciary duties: FC 1101
o 100% remedy: if found guilty of malice oppression or fraud by CCE for impairing
my right to my ½ interest in CP
 **not sure if applies to all above**
o Fiduciary Duties apply until asset is divided – could be years after divorce (ie.
 Fiduciary duties will continue until then
- A key tool to rebutting CP presumption
- When have commingling you can trace
- Reminder: not available in certain situations
o 2581 situation (JT during marriage)
o Lucas (pre-1984 when agreements controlled)
- Available in JT deposit accounts
- 2 methodologies:
o Exhaustion methodology:
 Start with presumption of family expenses paid with CP – then see was CP
on hand when this purchase was made
 No, then rebut CP presumption
o Direct tracing methodology:
 At time of purchase see if was there CP available – if was then have to
prove intent to withdraw SP funds to buy the property claiming was SP
 Got to have the records
Family Home:
- Absent court order n either can be excluded from the home dwelling
- Family home
o Characterize it
o Value it (exception where homeowner can prove value don’t need expert)
o Speculative expenses – most often when tax issue comes up
If we are going to divorce today, we will equally divide the cost of sale,
brokers fee, capital gains tax if any
 But if you want the property, then it’s yours (all things includedincluding capital gains tax)
o Divide – sometimes asked to divide at some point before the judgment
 Can do it if you can prove there is a risk
CP contribution to SP asset:
- Acquisitions:
o Moore/Marsden reimbursement:
 Applies to anything the same way 2640 can
 But typically see when comes to homes
 Apportionment issue:
 Determine the reimbursement: CP entitled to reimbursement for
payments made on behalf of SP
 % of Interest in increase in value
 Add the 2 together
 Only applies to payments that increase equity
 Don’t forget refinance – when having during marriage, getting a new loan
 First thing that happens is that you pay off the old loan
 Drastically changes the calculation in favor of the community
o Possible new loan can be found as SP (wont impact
 Highly unlikely because the “lender intent doctrine”
says have to prove that lender was not relying on
the community to pay off the loan – and unless you
have a premarital K saying wages are not CP that
isn’t gonna happen (because every lender first asks
how much do you make)
- Improvements with CP to SP:
o Have to figure out issue of fiduciary duties and consent
o If use CP to improve own SP:
 Without consent – reimbursement (highest number)
 With consent – as late as 1986 gift presumption applied absent agreement
to the contrary
 2001 – said that’s ridiculous because no reasonable person would
think they’re making a gift
 No guidance so go both ways
o If use CP to improve other spouse SP:
 As late as 1986 gift presumption applied absent agreement to the contrary
 2001 – said that’s ridiculous because no reasonable person would
think they’re making a gift
 No guidance so go both ways
- No improvements:
o Ex. Insurance, paying for gardner, taxes
o No reimbursement if the community benefited from the use
 “benefited” unclear have to convince the judge but its fact by fact
o Possible reimbursement if the community did not benefit from the use
 Was there consent/no consent
 Who knew
 How much
 What’s reasonable
Equitable remedy: Watts
o Ex. I leave, you’re in the house, we could be renting it but instead you’re living in
it – its just equity
 What’s fair?
 Make any equitable argument about whats fair
o Whos paying mortgage?
o Are there little kids there?
o Have I offered to pay the mortgage?
o Paying support?
 Make the other party look bad basically
- Businesses just like any other asset are presumptively CP if acquired during the marriage
o When formed - operating as a business
o Characterize first
- How to value:
o Start by looking at fixed assets
o Liabilities, minority interest, accoutns receivable etc.
o Goodwill
 Expectation of continued public patronage
 How do we value?
 Most common way: normalize the income (which includes figuring
out the right time frame, adding back bogus tax reductions, to
determine what business actually earned during a representative
period) and then deduct the reasonable compensation of a similarly
situated person
o Take that number and capitalize it based on risk (between
1-5 in CA)
 Can convince its higher but that’s traditional
- Can rarely divide a company
o Typically given to operating spouse even if doesn’t want it
- What if the business is SP?
o Community efforts towards SP will be compensated
Don’t use Moore!!
o Use Van Camp or other one because those are for efforts
 Equitable apportion for increased value
 If no increase, this doesn’t matter
 If primary reason for increased value was community efforts – use Pereira
If primary reason is external factor is primary contributor to increased
value – use Van Camp
Employee benefits & stock options:
- Vested or unvested is immaterial to the characterization
o All that matters is that community’s share of the benefits reflects the community
efforts to that contractual right
- Use Time rule to determine what % community gets of that contractual right
- Exceptions
- Main thing to keep in mind – if enhanced benefits are derived from benefits earned
during the marriage, CP
o If not SP
- Disabilities and severance pay may be different if job is to replace post-separation income
o If replace retirement then may be CP
- Stock options:
o 2 formulas : Houge & Nelson (not limited to these 2 but primary)
 Nelson: when primarily incentive for future services
 Houge: primarily compensation for future services
 Know calculations!
Additional reimbursements (exception to equal division rules):
- Before marriage – nothing without an agreement
- Student loans (know the 2 rules)
o Presumption 1: assigned to spouse that incurred
o Presumption 2: community will be reimbursed for contributions that substantially
enhance the spouses earning capacity
 With interest at the legal rate (10%)
o Exception to general rule
 Community substantially benefitted
 10 year rule presumptions
o Subject to express agreement to the contrary
- PI awards assigned to injured party unless justice interest to the contrary
- Debts
o Presumption 1: CP liable for debt incurred before or during marriage
o Presumption 2: SP liable for own debt before or during marriage
o Exception:
 Necessaries of life before separation & common necessaries of life after
 Shield earnings FC 911(a)
 Spousal support obligations – treated as premarital debt that CP liable for
 Tort – if acting in benefit of community (CP first SP second) if not for
benefit of community (SP first CP second)
- CP debts after separation – probably get reimbursed unless circumstances make it
unreasonable (gift, discharge of support obligation, if Watts)
Punitive spouse doctrine:
- Fraud issue ??
- Need to have good faith belief in valid marriage (need license)
Domestic partnerships:
- 2000 and 2005
- By 2005 – treated as marriages for property
o Likely retroactive to before 2005
Marvin agreements:
- Ks between unmarried persons written oral or implied that deal with support and property
- Is it a maritricious situation?
o Gotta be cohabiting at-least part time because this is an exchange of money for
 Need be for household services and acting like a family