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Solar Charging Station with Sun Tracker Research

Global energy demand is accelerating almost daily, resulting in an energy crisis
and environmental pollution. Energy from fossil fuel remains non-sustainable owing to
their limited, exhausting supplies and the environmental impact (Krishnan et al., 2021).
The world is going to turn into a global village due to more energy requirements and
because of a fast growing population. It creates unsustainable situations and many
problems like depletion of fossil fuels, environmental and geographical conflicts,
greenhouse effect, global warming, and fluctuation in fuel prices. (Kumar, 2019).
Renewable energy technologies are considered clean energy as they do not release
pollutants such as carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases. They replace the non-renewable
forms of energy such as oil, gas, and coal. (Khalid et al., 2021). Solar energy-generated
electricity has been shown to be a feasible alternative for green energy generation. Solar
energy is a popular type of renewable energy as it is becoming an increasingly
cost-competitive alternative to non-renewable resources. (Acciona, 2020).
The development and effective application of renewable energy sources is crucial
to the Philippines' low-emission plan and is critical for addressing climate change, energy
security, and access to electricity. Only 1% of the nation's electricity was generated by
wind and solar energy in 2015, which makes up 25% of all renewable energy sources.
The nation is heavily dependent on imported fossil fuels, unexpected fluctuations in the
Dual Axis Sun Tracker (DAST)
price of fuels on the international market could eventually have an impact on the nation's
energy security. (Agaton & Karl, 2018).
The city government has implemented various energy or power conservation
measures to help reduce the area’s power consumption in the wake of the worsening
supply shortage in the Mindanao grid. Distribution utility South Cotabato II Electric
Cooperative (Socoteco II), which serves this city and parts of South Cotabato and
Sarangani provinces, is presently implementing two sets of daily rotating brownouts
lasting seven hours each or a total of 14 hours. The area’s power supplies are currently
short by 42 megawatts (MW) based on its daily peak demand of 112 MW. (Estaillo,
In relation to this study, the proposed charging station does not depend on the
power utility grid to generate the charging station. This charging station is powered by a
Photovoltaic (PV) solar system which the students can freely access the power needed to
charge their phone. Along with this, the researchers will use a solar tracker in order to
harvest the maximum amount of ultraviolet rays. Since, solar modules with solar trackers
move continuously throughout the day, making adjustments in order to increase their
exposure and power output, chances are it can boost the output from 10% to 25% since
they keep the panels perpendicular to the sun. (Samaulah et. al,. 2018)
Unlike stationary solar modules, it has less significant improvement in the amount
of energy harvested over time. But with the use of technological devices such as dual axis
trackers which can move a solar panel along an axis to track the sun as it moves
Dual Axis Sun Tracker (DAST)
throughout the days and years. There will be a big possibility that the generated amount
of energy is big enough to supply that demand load needed for the charging station.
Utilization of renewable energy is an effective solution for energy demand that
also minimizes the emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants. It also lowers the
electricity bills of consumers. Solar energy is one of the renewable energies that can be
used in order to reach the demand of electricity without using the electrical grid. It only
needs sunlight to generate the solar panels and convert it into electricity.
The design and development of this project is for the advancement and
improvement of the charging station at Notre Dame of Dadiangas University Glamang
Campus. This aims to solve the difficulty encountered by the students and other
personnel on how to charge their gadgets in a free and comfortable space. The researchers
come up with this idea to utilize the place wherein there is a high exposure to sun rays. It
also aims to continue the previous study about the development and implementation of
the solar charging station in Notre Dame of Dadiangas University Glamang Campus in a
more efficient way
Literature Review
Solar Tracker
In order to maximize the power generation from the sun is to integrate a solar
tracker that will provide constant alignment towards the sun to cause a potential 30%
increase of electricity production by the solar panel. The sun is precisely tracked by solar
Dual Axis Sun Tracker (DAST)
trackers by angling the solar panels to face moving sunlight during the day (Collins et al.,
2014). A dual axis tracker provides an excellent increase in power compared to a
stationary solar panel. The simplest way to boost a solar power system's overall
effectiveness for household or business users is by using a solar tracker. (Rizk & Chaiko
2008). Arduino Uno turned out to be an easy platform to implement the control strategy.
(Bawa & Patil 2013)
Solar Energy
The use of non-renewable energy resources, such as fossil fuels, deforestation,
natural gases, and oils, has an impact on the environment today. As a result, a solution
has been found where the use of renewable energy resources, including wind, water, and
the sun, may benefit the environment. Energy consumption is rising, and how we will
supply it is one of the global issues that we must address. (David et al., 2020). The use of
solar energy technology has the potential to significantly reduce emissions related to the
energy sector. It is anticipated that decreasing the overall amount of greenhouse gases
(GHG) in the atmosphere will lessen the likelihood of dangerous climate change. Solar
photovoltaic (PV) technology may be an excellent choice for a renewable energy source
in poor countries, particularly in isolated rural areas where grid extensions are neither
technically feasible nor economically feasible (Shahsavari & Akbari, 2018).
Photovoltaic (PV) System Design
Photovoltaic (PV) solar technology grew rapidly and continuously leading to 400
GWp installed capacity globally, and reduced the price of energy. The strength of the
technology is its modular design, and PV power plants range from a few PV modules (1
Dual Axis Sun Tracker (DAST)
kWp) to millions (250 MWp). For residential, the systems are roof-based which can be
flat or tilted, while the large systems allow design for maximum annual yield but also
require intricate electrical layouts with multiple inverters and connections to
medium-voltage transmission networks (Sark, 2019). In addition, the PV system has
better performance if it is inclined and placed on a white soil (Mhiri et al., 2018).
Photovoltaic (PV) cells are the most common and the cheapest technology. The
PV cells are devices that convert solar radiation energy directly into electrical energy.
Solar energy could supply all the consumed energy regardless of its cost. The amount of
power produced by the PV cell was higher than the demand. PV cells produce the
maximum amount of energy when the most radiation is available (Alayi and Jahanbin,
Lead-Acid Battery
Lead-acid batteries are popular for use in renewable energy sources (RES), power
smoothing, and other stationary applications due to their cheap cost and ease of charge.
Lead-acid batteries lose a significant amount of capacity when the discharge current rate
is raised, according to the research (Kebede et al., 2021). The lead-acid batteries had a
service life from about 3 years (Yu et al., 2020).
Solar Charge Controller
The solar charge controller is one way to protect the battery from overcharging. It
avoids major damage to the battery caused by overcharging. It regulates the current and
the voltage that is being stored in the battery that will also be channelled to the load.
Dual Axis Sun Tracker (DAST)
Compared to the battery, the solar charge controller is much cheaper than the battery
which is why it is an important component to give protection to the battery. Solar charge
controller battery charging by means of a quick charging mode (bulking) when the
voltage is below 13.5 V and will be floating when the voltage equals 13.5V until 13.85V.
In addition, when the voltage is above 13.85V, the battery charging process will be
stopped and this condition will be called bypass. (Sofijan et. al., 2020).
Conceptual Framework
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework
As shown in Figure 1, the solar panel with a solar tracking device will be used as
a source to the charging station. Then the conversion system will go next, which is
composed of different components that will do the work in order for the system to be
usable as it produces the needed energy intended for the load usage. After this conversion
has been done, it will directly go through the charging station which is the overall system
itself. It is the final output of the study after the conversion process has been completed.
Dual Axis Sun Tracker (DAST)
Statement of the Problem
The purpose of this study is to design a solar charging station with sun tracker that
serves as a venue where the users can charge any electronic gadgets, particularly the
study will:
1. Create a dual axis solar tracker;
2. Provide Universal Serial Bus (USB) Port
Scope and Delimitation
This study focuses on the design and implementation of Charging Station with
Sun Tracker located at Notre Dame of Dadiangas University Glamang Campus,
Polomolok South Cotabato.
The system produces electrical load and will use two USB PORT (5V, 2A). The
study limits on a solar photovoltaic (PV) system in the charging station which the solar
panel will be using is 60 Watts Sunri Monocrystalline and dual axis sun tracker which
uses Arduino UNO microcontroller. The solar charge controller isSODER PWM 10A and
the battery-operated Lead Acid Battery 12V, 33 Ah. The voltage converter DC-DC from
12V to 5V.
The solar module (60W) will harvest the maximum amount of sunlight from the
area with the use of a sun tracker which is composed of an Arduino uno microcontroller,
LDR sensor and linear actuator. The LDR sensor will detect where the maximum sunlight
is located and the Arduino will command the actuator to move for the solar panel to be
positioned directly to the sun that will harvest the maximum sunlight. Then the harvested
Dual Axis Sun Tracker (DAST)
sunlight will pass through the Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) solar charge
controller to keep the battery from overcharging by regulating the voltage and current
coming from the solar panel.
The Lead Acid Battery (12V, 33Ah) will store energy and convert it to electrical
energy to be discharged with 50% depth of discharge (DOD). The stored energy from the
battery will be discharged and will pass through the converter DC-DC (12V-5V) that can
supply USB ports that the students will use to charge their devices.
Significance of the Study
This study will be beneficial and will have a significant contribution to the
Department of Energy (DOE)
The proposed study complies with the Department of Energy's most recent
Memorandum Circular No. MC2020-05-0001 since it will be carried out at the newly
built Notre Dame of Dadiangas University Glamang Campus. All designated buildings in
the Commercial, Industrial, and Transportation (CIT) sectors are required by the DOE to
develop and implement projects that advance energy efficiency, sustainability, and
self-sufficiency, including the use of renewable energy technologies.
Electrical Engineers
The study can be used as a guide for performing a similar or related study by
electrical engineers and by young electrical engineering aspirants of the next generation.
Dual Axis Sun Tracker (DAST)
The outcomes may be used by the school as a guide for data collection, user
acceptance, and implementation. The research can aid in specific areas, like with
electricity, students, and development issues, to help the school thrive in the future.
Students will benefit from this study for their regular activities at school by being
able to charge up their gadgets in emergency situations and when they have low battery
levels. Students can also utilize the solar charging station in their free time for personal or
academic objectives.
Researchers and Future Researchers
The study gives the researchers the chance to improve their knowledge, cognition,
reading comprehension, and research abilities. The investigation's findings will be
supported by evidence from the study. Future researchers will greatly benefit from the
study's findings since they can use them as a guide and a point of reference while
collecting data for their own research.