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OneDa Reform Agenda: Agriculture Sector Continuity

In my opinion, the OneDa Reform Agenda should definitely continue to the next Agriculture Secretary as
this will maintain the flow of progression of our agriculture sector. It also serves as a guide for the sector
as well as the foundation of it. Other than that, the reform agenda comprises a lot of areas that are not
only beneficial to the economy, but to our environment as well. Through setting various strategies, the
reform agenda has made exceptional gains. From addressing our current crises which are the pandemic,
problems caused by the occurrences of typhoons, viral diseases of meat like the African swine fever, food
security, and even the global problem of climate change, to the agendas regarding support and systems
about agribusiness management, logistics & marketing, communication, and also youth and women
engagement, the OneDa Reform Agenda should definitely become a continuing legacy for the sake of our
major economic and development contributor, which is the agriculture sector. Dissolving this will only
lead to lost opportunities and innovations.
Cudis, C. (2022, March 8). Da Reform Initiatives Spell Future Success: Dar. Philippine News
Agency. Retrieved June 4, 2022, from https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1169325
DA Communications Group. (2022, April 7). Sec. Dar campaigns for continuity of "Oneda"
reform agenda. Official Portal of the Department of Agriculture. Retrieved June 4, 2022,
from https://www.da.gov.ph/sec-dar-campaigns-for-continuity-of-oneda-reform-agenda/
to will continue to flourish and aid those who are under the Key Strategies which are the Bayanihan
Agri Clusters (BACs), Collective Action/Cooperatives Development, Province-led Agriculture & Fisheries
Extension System (PAFES), Diversification, Credit Support, Technology & Innovation Including Digital
Agriculture, Farm Mechanization & Infrastructure, Climate Change Adaptation & Mitigation Measures,
Food Safety & Regulations, Agri-industrial Business Corridors, Global Trade, Export Development &
Promotion, Post-harverst, Processing, Logistics & Marketing Support, Agriculture Career System,
Education & Training: Agribusiness Management, Youth & Women Engagement, Ease of Doing Business
& Transparent Procurement, Strategic Communication