Template 4G NOKIA Wajdi BOUBAKER LTE Idle Mode Idle Mode Mobility Strategy: 4G->others Cell Selection RSRP > [LNCEL]qrxlevmin (-124dBm) Intra-freq Cell reselection Meas start @L1800 <= [LNCEL]Sintrasearch + [LNCEL]qrxlevmin (-72dBm) Trigger: RSRP (n) > [LNCEL]qrxlevminintraF (-124dBm) AND RSRP (n) > RSRP + [LNCEL]qHyst + [IAFIM]qOffsetCell ( RSRP(n)>RSCP+2dB) P6 LTE1800 Inter-freq Cell reselection Inter-freq Cell reselection Meas start: Always Trigger: L1800 > [IRFIM]qrxlevmininterF + [IRFIM]interFrqThrH (-110dBm) Meas start @L1800 <= [LNCEL]SNonIntrsearch + [LNCEL]qrxlevmin (-110dBm) Trigger: L1800 < [LNCEL]threshSrvLow + [LNCEL]qrxlevmin (-114dBm) AND L800 > [IRFIM]qrxlevmininterF + [IRFIM]interFrqThrL (-108dBm) LTE800 P5 UTRAN Cell reselection Meas start @RSRP <= [LNCEL]SNonIntrsearch + [LNCEL]qrxlevmin (-110dBm) Trigger: RSRP < [LNCEL]threshSrvLow + [LNCEL]qrxlevmin (-114dBm) AND RSCP > [UFFIM]qRxLevMinUtra + [UFFIM]utraFrqThrL (-109dBm) AND EcN0 > [UFFIM]qQualMinUtra (-16dB) P3 P4 3G GERAN Cell reselection Meas start @RSRP <= [LNCEL]SNonIntrsearch + [LNCEL]qrxlevmin (-110dBm) Trigger: RSRP < [LNCEL]threshSrvLow + [LNCEL]qrxlevmin (-114dBm) AND QrxLev > [GNFL]qRxLevMinGer + [GNFL]gerFrqThrL (-101dBm) P1 2G LTE Idle Mode Mobility Parameters Parameter Name Cell Selection Cell Reselection Object Class Setting actual qrxlevmin LNCEL cellReSelPrio LNCEL eutCelResPrio IRFIM uCelResPrio UFFIM gCelResPrio tReselEutr tResUtra tResGer qrxlevmin qrxlevminintraF qrxlevmininterF qRxLevMinUtra qRxLevMinGer Sintrasearch SNonIntrsearch threshSrvLow qHyst qOffsetCell qOffCell qOffFrq interFrqThrH interFrqThrL utraFrqThrL qQualMinUtra gerFrqThrL GNFL LNCEL UFFIM GFIM LNCEL LNCEL IRFIM UFFIM GNFL LNCEL LNCEL LNCEL LNCEL IAFIM IRFIM IRFIM IRFIM IRFIM UFFIM UFFIM GNFL -124dBm 6 : L1800 5 : L800 6 : L1800 5 : L800 4 : F1 3: F0 1: 2G 1s 2s 2s -124dBm -124dBm -124dBm -115dBm -105dBm 52 dB 14 dB 10 dB 2 (2dB) 0 dB 0 dB 0 dB 14 dB (L800 to L1800) 16 dB (L1800 to L800) 6 dB -16dB 4 dB Commentaire Level minimal de Selection Priorité de layers 4G, 3G, 2G Time to trigger pour Reselection Reference Level pour Reselection Start measurement Intra-freq @-72dBm Start measurement Inter-freq/inter-RAT @-110dBm Trigger Level Inter-freq/inter-RAT @-114dBm Intra-freq/inter-freq Ranking parameters Inter-freq (to higher layer) parameter : L1800 > -110dBm Inter-freq (to lower layer) parameter: L800 > -108dBm Inter-RAT (to 3G) parameters: RSCP > -109 dBm, EcN0 > -16 dB Inter-RAT (to 2G) parameter : Rxlev > -101dBm LTE Connected Mode Connected Mode Mobility Strategy: 4G->others A2&A1 Intra-freq HO Meas start: RSRP < [LNCEL]threshold1 (-70dBm) Meas stop: RSRP > [LNCEL]threshold1 (-70dBm) A3 Intra-freq HO A5 Intra-freq HO Trigger: RSRP (n) > RSRP + [LNCEL]a3Offset + [LNCEL]hysA3Offset (RSRP(n)>RSCP+3 dB) Trigger: RSRP < [LNCEL]threshold3 - [LNCEL]hysThreshold3 (-100dBm) AND RSRP(n) > [LNCEL]threshold3a + [LNCEL]hysThreshold3 ( -98dBm) LTE1800 A2&A1 Inter-freq HO A2&A1 Inter-freq HO Meas start: RSRP < [LNCEL]threshold2InterFreq - [LNCEL]hysThreshold2InterFreq (-108dBm) Meas stop: RSRP > [LNCEL]threshold2a + [LNCEL]hysThreshold2a (-104dBm) Meas start: RSRP < [LNCEL]threshold2InterFreq - [LNCEL]hysThreshold2InterFreq (-103dBm) Meas stop: RSRP > [LNCEL]threshold2a + [LNCEL]hysThreshold2a (-99dBm) A3 Inter-freq HO Trigger: RSRP (n) > RSRP + [LNHOIF]a3OffsetRsrpInterFreq + [LNHOIF]hysA3OffsetRsrpInterFreq (RSRP(n)>RSCP+6dB) A3 Inter-freq HO A5 Inter-freq HO Trigger: RSRP (n) > RSRP + [LNHOIF]a3OffsetRsrpInterFreq + [LNHOIF]hysA3OffsetRsrpInterFreq (RSRP(n)>RSCP+2dB) Trigger: RSRP < [LNHOIF]threshold3InterFreq - [LNHOIF]hysThreshold3InterFreq (-113dBm) AND RSRP (n) > [LNHOIF]threshold3aInterFreq + [LNHOIF]hysThreshold3InterFreq (-110dBm) LTE800 Redirection Trigger: RSRP < [LNCEL]threshold4 – [LNCEL]hysThreshold4 (-114dBm) 3G LTE Connected Mode Mobility Parameters Parameter Name Connected mode Object Class Setting actual enableBetterCellHo enableCovHo actIfHo actRedirect threshold1 a2TimeToTriggerActInterFreqMeas hysThreshold2InterFreq LNCEL LNCEL LNBTS LNBTS LNCEL LNCEL LNCEL threshold2InterFreq LNCEL a1TimeToTriggerDeactInterMeas hysThreshold2a LNCEL LNCEL threshold2a LNCEL a3TimeToTrigger a3Offset hysA3Offset a3ReportInterval a3TimeToTriggerRsrpInterFreq hysA3OffsetRsrpInterFreq LNCEL LNCEL LNCEL LNCEL LNHOIF LNHOIF 1 (Enabled) 1 (Enabled) 1 (Enabled) 1 (Enabled) 70 (-70dBm) 9 (480ms) 0 dB 32 (-108dBm) L1800 37 (-103dBm) L800 9 (480ms) 4 (2 dB) 34 (-106dBm) L1800 39 (-101 dBm) L800 8 (320ms) 6 (3dB) 0 dB 3 (640ms) 8 (320ms) 0 dB Commentaire Activation A3, A5, IFHO, Redirection A2&A1: Start&Stop Intrafreq measurement @-70dBm A2: Start Interfreq measurement @-108dBm (L1800)/-103dBm (L800) A1: Stop Interfreq measurement @-104dBm (L1800)/-99dBm (L800) A3 intrafreq: RSCP(n) > RSCP (s) + 3dB a3OffsetRsrpInterFreq LNHOIF 4 (2 dB) L800 to L1800 A3 interfreq: L800 to L1800 : RSCP(L1800) > RSCP (L800) + 2dB 12 (6 dB) L1800 to L1800 to L800 : RSCP(L800) > RSCP (L1800) + 6dB L800 a3ReportIntervalRsrpInterFreq LNHOIF 1 (240ms) LTE Connected Mode Mobility Parameters Parameter Name Connected mode Object Class Setting actual a5TimeToTrigger threshold3 hysThreshold3 threshold3a a5ReportInterval a5TimeToTriggerInterFreq hysThreshold3InterFreq LNCEL LNCEL LNCEL LNCEL LNCEL LNHOIF LNHOIF threshold3InterFreq LNHOIF threshold3aInterFreq LNHOIF a5ReportIntervalInterFreq cellIndOffNeigh cellIndOffServ offsetFreqIntra offsetFreqInter a2TimeToTriggerRedirect threshold4 hysThreshold4 LNHOIF LNREL LNCEL LNCEL LNREL LNCEL LNCEL LNCEL redirectPrio REDRT Commentaire 8 (320ms) 40 (-100dBm) A5 intrafreq: RSCP (s) < -100 dBm 0 dB RSCP (n) > -98 dBm 42 (-98dBm) 3 (640ms) 8 (320ms) 0 dB 27 (-113dBm) L1800 to L800 95 (-45dBm) L800 to A5 interfreq: L1800 to L800: RSCP (L1800) < -113 dBm & RSCP (L800) > -110 dBm L1800 L800 to L1800: RSCP (L800) < -45 dBm & RSCP (L1800) > -43 dBm 30 (-110dBm) L1800 to L800 97 (-43dBm) L800 to L1800 1 (240ms) 0 dB 0 dB Added Offsets added to RSCP 0 dB 0 dB 7 (256ms) 26 (-114dBm) 0 dB Redirection @-114dBm 2: F0 1: F1 Mobility from 2G&3G to LTE Mobility Strategy: others->4G LTE1800 LTE800 SMART LTE Layering (Connected to Idle) Trigger: DCH to CCH/ HSPA to DCH/ CS RAB Release Cdt: RSCP > [WCEL]SmartLTELayeringRSCP (-95dBm) LTE Interworking (Idle to Idle) Meas start: Always Trigger: RSRP > [HOPL]AdjLQrxlevminEUTRA + [HOPL]AdjLThreshigh (-114dBm) 3G 2G_LTE Interworking (Idle to Idle) Meas start: Always Trigger: RSCP > [ADJL]lteAdjCellMinRxLevel + [ADJL]lteAdjCellReselectUpperThr (-120dBm+8dB=-112dBm) 2G CSFB Idle Mode Mobility Parameters Parameter Name Object Class Setting actual CSFB csFallBPrio REDRT actCSFBRedir actCsfbPsHoToUtra LNBTS LNBTS 2: F1 1: F0 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled)