L4 Core Terminology English Term Standard Spanish Translation Definition 1 acid reflux Reflujo acídico, reflujo gástrico, This happens when some of the acidic stomach contents go back up into the esophagus. 2 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Síndrome de la Inmunodeficiencia Humana (SIDA) A disease in which there is a severe loss of the body's cellular immunity, greatly lowering the resistance to infection and malignancy. 3 acute pain dolor agudo Very sharp and severe pain. 4 Advance Directive directriz médica anticipada / adelantada Legal document that allow you to spell out your decisions about end-of-life care ahead of time. They give you a way to tell your wishes to family, friends, and health care professionals and to avoid confusion later on. 5 advise aconsejar, recomendar To give an opinion or suggestion to someone about what should be done, to give advice to (someone). 6 allergic (ser) alérgico Characterized by or caused by allergy; "an allergic reaction. 7 alleviate aliviarse To reduce the pain or trouble of (something) to make (something) less painful, difficult, or severe. 8 amniocentesis amniocentesis A medical procedure in which a small amount of amniotic fluid and the fetal DNA is examined for genetic abnormalities. 9 amputation amputación The surgical removal of all or part of a limb or extremity such as an arm, leg, foot, hand, toe, or finger. 10 anesthesia anestesia Loss of feeling in a person's body or part of the body through the use of drugs. 11 anesthesiologist anestesiólogo, anestesista A doctor who specializes in anesthesia and anesthetics. 12 aneurysm aneurisma A localized, blood-filled balloon-like bulge in the wall of a blood vessel. 13 angina pectoris angina de pecho A condition marked by severe pain in the chest, often also spreading to the shoulders, arms, and neck, caused by an inadequate blood supply to the heart. 14 antibiotics antibióticos A drug that is used to kill harmful bacteria and to cure infections. 15 armband brazal, brazalete A band worn around the arm, especially one that is worn around the upper part of a sleeve to show who you are. 16 arrhythmia arritmia An arrhythmia is an abnormal heart rhythm. LanguageLine Solutions© Confidential and Proprietary Information 17 arteriosclerosis arterioesclerosis Thickening, hardening, and loss of elasticity of the arterial walls result in impaired blood circulation, typically occurring in old age. 18 arthritis artritis A disease causing painful inflammation and stiffness of the joints. 19 asthma asma A condition in which your airways narrow and swell and produce extra mucus. This can make breathing difficult and trigger coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath. 20 bed sore escaras, úlceras por presión, llagas de cama A sore that people get from lying in bed for a very long time when they are sick or injured. 21 bedridden postrado en cama Forced to stay in bed because of illness or weakness. 22 bilirubin bilirrubina An orange-yellow substance made during the normal breakdown of red blood cells. 23 biopsy biopsia The removal of tissue, cells, or fluids from someone's body in order to check for illness. 24 birth control pill píldora/pastilla anticonceptiva Any of various preparations that usually contain a combination of a progestogen (as norethindrone) and an estrogen (as ethinyl estradiol) but sometimes only a progestogen, are taken orally especially on a daily basis, and act as contraceptives. 25 bladder vejiga The organ in the body that holds urine after it passes through the kidneys and before it leaves the body. 26 blister ampolla A raised area on the skin that contains clear liquid and that is caused by injury to the skin. 27 blistering ampollarse The formation of blisters. 28 blood clots coágulos de sangre A thick and sticky clump of dried blood that stops blood from flowing through a blood vessel in a person. 29 blood donor donante de sangre A person who gives his or her blood to be used for transfusion. 30 blood glucose glucosa en la sangre, glucemia The principal sugar produced by the body from food, especially carbohydrates, but also from proteins and fats. Glucose is the body’s major source of energy, is transported to cells via the circulation. 31 blood in the stools sangre en las heces The presence of visible or clinically detectable hemoglobin in feces. Bright red blood in stool is known as hematochezia. It may be produced by anorectal disorders, such as hemorrhoids, or by bleeding from diverticuli, cancers, some forms of dysentery, or angiodysplasia of the bowel (among other causes). 32 blood pressure presión arterial The force with which blood moves through a person's body. 33 blood sample/test/specimen muestra de sangre A small amount or piece of something that can be tested or examined. 34 blood sugar (blood glucose) azúcar en la sangre (Glucosa sanguínea, glucemia) The concentration of glucose in the blood. 35 blood test análisis de sangre, muestra de sangre A test of the blood especially to learn if a person has any diseases or conditions. LanguageLine Solutions© Confidential and Proprietary Information 36 blood thinner / anticoagulant diluyente sanguíneo, anticoagulante A drug used to prevent the formation of blood clots by hindering coagulation of the blood. 37 blood-poisoning (sepsis) envenenamiento de la sangre (septicemia) The presence of microorganisms or their toxins in the blood, causing a diseased state; septicemia. 38 blood-sugar reading lectura de la glucosa sanguínea A reading of the blood sugar concentration or blood glucose level which is normally done in the morning before eating. 39 blood-thinning, anticoagulant anticoagulante A substance that prevents blood from forming clots. 40 blue (to feel) triste, deprimido Sad or unhappy. 41 booster dosis de refuerzo, vacuna de refuerzo An extra amount of a substance (called a vaccine) that is injected with a needle into a person or animal to help protect against a particular disease. 42 borderline en el límite, al borde Not quite as severe as what is usual or expected, having some but not all characteristics of something. 43 bowel movement evacuación, deposición, defecación, movimiento intestinal An act of passing usually solid waste through the rectum and anus. 44 braces (dental) aparatos dentales, frenos, correctores ortodónticos A device that is attached to teeth to make them straight. 45 brain injury lesión cerebral, daño cerebral. Mild to serious injury to the brain. 46 breastfeed, to amamantar, dar el pecho, lactar, To feed a baby from a mother's breast. 47 breech Delivery parto de nalgas A delivery of a baby which is so positioned in the womb that the buttocks or feet are delivered first. 48 bronchitis bronquitis An illness in which your bronchial tubes become sore or damaged and you cough a lot. 49 bruises moretones, contusiones, cardenales, magulladuras, hematomas, golpes corporales. A dark and painful area on your skin that is caused by an injury. 50 bulb syringe pera de goma, jeringa de succión, jeringa de pera A syringe with a bulb on one end; compression of the bulb creates a vacuum for gentle suction of small amounts of bodily drainage, such as oral and nasal secretions. 51 burning ardor A type of pain that's distinct from dull, stabbing, or aching pain. A burning pain is often related to nerve problems. 52 callus callo A hard and thickened area on the skin and especially on the hands or feet. 53 carbohydrates carbohidratos, hidratos de carbono, glúcidos Any one of various substances found in certain foods (such as bread, rice, and potatoes) that provide your body with heat and energy and are made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. 54 Cardiac arrest Paro cardíaco The sudden loss of cardiac function, when the heart abruptly stops beating. LanguageLine Solutions© Confidential and Proprietary Information 55 cardiac arrest paro cardíaco Temporary or permanent cessation of the heartbeat. 56 catheter sonda, catéter A thin tube that is put into the body to remove or inject a liquid or to keep a passage open. 57 cervix cuello del útero, cérvix The narrow end at the opening of a woman's uterus. 58 chapped lips labios agrietados, labios partidos Skin or lips red, dry, and cracked usually because of cold air or wind. 59 cheek mejilla, cachete The part of the face that is below the eye and to the side of the nose and mouth. 60 chemotherapy quimioterapia The use of chemicals to treat or control a disease (such as cancer). 61 chest pain Dolor en el pecho A pain felt anywhere in the chest area from the level of your shoulders to the bottom of your ribs. 62 Chickenpox varicela Infectious disease causing a mild fever and a rash of itchy inflamed pimples which turn to blisters and then loose scabs. 63 child safety seat asiento de seguridad para niños Seats designed specifically to protect children from injury or death during collisions. 64 chills escalofríos A cold feeling, a degree of cold that can be felt and that is usually unpleasant. 65 choking estar atragantado, estar ahogándose To become unable to breathe usually because something gets stuck in your throat or because the air is not good for breathing. 66 cholesterol colesterol A substance that is found in the bodies of people and animals that regulates membrane fluidity. 67 chronic conditions enfermedades crónicas, afecciones crónicas Continuing or occurring again and again for a long time. A chronic disease. 68 circulatory disease enfermedades circulatorias Of or relating to the circulation of blood through the body. Circulatory failure/problems 69 circumcision circuncisión To cut off the skin (called the foreskin) at the end of the penis. 70 clavicle, collar bone clavícula A bone that connects the shoulder to the base of the neck. 71 colic, cramps cólico A sharp sudden pain in the stomach. 72 Collodion Colodión An ether-based substance used for gluing electrodes to the skin. 73 colonoscopy colonoscopia A medical procedure in which a special tube-shaped instrument is used to take pictures of the inside of someone's colon. 74 colostrum colostro, calostro A thin white opalescent fluid, the first milk secreted at the termination of pregnancy; it differs from the milk secreted later by containing more lactalbumin and lactoprotein; colostrum is also rich in antibodies that confer passive immunity to the newborn. 75 colposcopy colposcopía A procedure to closely examine your cervix, vagina and vulva for signs of disease. During colposcopy, your doctor uses a special instrument called a colposcope. LanguageLine Solutions© Confidential and Proprietary Information 76 compression stockings medias de compresión Compression stockings are elastic garments worn around the leg, compressing the limb designed to help prevent the occurrence of and guard against further progression of venous disorders. 77 Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT scan) Tomografía Axial Computarizada Technique that uses a computer that takes data from several X-ray images of structures inside a human's or animal's body and converts them into pictures on a monitor. 78 Computerized Tomography (CT scan) Tomografía Computarizada Technique that uses a computer that takes data from several X-ray images of structures inside a human's or animal's body and converts them into pictures on a monitor. 79 condom preservativo, condón A thin rubber covering that a man wears on his penis during sex in order to prevent a woman from becoming pregnant or to prevent the spread of diseases. 80 consent form autorización, formulario de consentimiento A legal document dated and signed by a patient and his or her health care provider, designating that the patient has been advised about the care about to be received. 81 constipation estreñimiento The condition of being unable to easily release solid waste from your body; the condition of being unable to have a bowel movement easily. 82 contraception/birth control anticonceptivo, control de la natalidad Intentional prevention of ovulation, fertilization of an egg cell, or implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterine wall through the use of various drugs, devices, sexual practices, or surgical procedures. 83 contractions contracciones A movement of a muscle that causes it to become tight and that is sometimes painful.; especially a movement of muscles in the womb when a woman is giving birth to a child. 84 contrast dye medio de contraste, colorante de contraste, líquido de contraste A solution that is used to accentuate specific structures when looking at a body image. Radiocontrast agents are substances that are used in studies such as x-rays, fluoroscopy, and computed tomography (CT) scans. 85 cough syrup jarabe/remedio para la tos Usually sweet liquid that contains medicine used to stop coughing. 86 cracked agrietados Having deep lines in the surface. 87 cramp calambre muscular A painful muscle spasm caused by an involuntary muscular contraction. 88 cramps retorcijón o cólico estomacal o intestinal Sharp pains in the stomach and the area near it. 89 crawling sensation sensación de agitación nerviosa Sensation sometimes felt in the legs by individuals with Restless Legs Syndrome. 90 crib death muerte de cuna, fallecimiento en la cuna del bebé, muerte en la cuna The death of a healthy baby that happens for no known reason while the baby is sleeping. 91 C-section cesárea A surgical operation for giving birth in which a cut is made in the mother's body so that the baby can be removed through the opening. LanguageLine Solutions© Confidential and Proprietary Information 92 cubic centimeters (“cc’s”) centímetros cúbicos A volume that is made by a cube that is 1 centimeter on each side. Its symbol is cm3. It can also be abbreviated as cc. 93 cystitis cistitis Cystitis (sis-TIE-tis) is the medical term for inflammation of the bladder. Most of the time, the inflammation is caused by a bacterial infection, and it's called a urinary tract infection (UTI). 94 dehydrated deshidratado(a) A person's body that has lost a large amount of water. 95 Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) ácido desoxirribonucleico (ADN) The molecule that carries genetic information in all living systems. 96 diagnosis diagnóstico, dictamen médico The act of identifying a disease, illness, or problem by examining someone or something, a statement or conclusion that describes the reason for a disease, illness, or problem. 97 dialysis diálisis The process of removing some of a person's blood, cleaning it, and then returning it to the person's body 98 dietitian dietista, nutricionista, nutriólogo A person whose job is to give people advice about what to eat in order to be healthy. 99 digestive system sistema digestivo The organs and glands in the body that are responsible for digestion. The digestive system begins with the mouth and extends through the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, ending with the rectum and anus. 100 Dilation and Curettage (D & C) Dilatación y Curetage /Legrado/Raspado A minor operation in which the cervix is dilated (expanded) so that the cervical canal and uterine lining can be scraped with a curette (spoon-shaped instrument). 101 Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus (DPT) Difteria, Tosferina y Tétanos A combination of vaccines against three infectious diseases in humans: diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), and tetanus. 102 discharge instructions instrucciones para darle de alta Written discharge instructions or other documentation of educational material given to patient/caregiver addressing all discharge medications. 103 discharge (from hospital) dar de alta To allow (someone) to leave a hospital 104 discomfort malestar, molestia An uncomfortable or painful feeling in the body 105 disorder trastorno A physical or mental condition that is not normal or healthy 106 distracted distraído Unable to think about or pay attention to something unable to concentrate. 107 diverticulitis diverticulitis The inflammation or infection of a diverticulum of the colon that is marked by abdominal pain or tenderness often accompanied by fever, chills, and cramping. 108 Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Orden de No Resucitar A medical order written by a doctor. It instructs health care providers not to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if a patient's breathing stops or if the patient's heart stops beating. A DNR order is created, or set up, before an emergency occurs. 109 dosage dosis The amount of a medicine, drug, or vitamin that should be taken at one time or regularly during a period of time LanguageLine Solutions© Confidential and Proprietary Information 110 dosage button botón de la dosis, dosis pulsando un botón, botón dosificador The quantity to be administered at one time, as a specified amount of medication activated by pushing a button. 111 douching duchas vaginales, lavados vaginales A liquid that a woman squirts into her vagina to wash it. 112 drain drenar, supurar To flow into, away from, or out of something. 113 drainage, discharge drenaje, secreción, supuración Exit of fluids or purulent material from a cavity, wound, or infected area. See also wound healing. 114 dull pain dolor sordo, apagado, dolor leve Pain lacking in force, intensity, or sharpness. 115 Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare poder legal duradero para cuidados de salud Is a legal document that gives someone you choose the power to act in your place. In case you ever become mentally incapacitated, you'll need what are known as "durable" powers of attorney for medical care and finances. 116 Ear, nose and throat doctor (ENT) Otorhinolaryngologist otorrinolaringólogo Physicians who are trained in the medical and surgical management and treatment of patients with diseases and disorders of the ear, nose, throat (ENT), and related structures of the head and neck. 117 ectopic ectópico gestation elsewhere than in the uterus (as in a fallopian tube or in the peritoneal cavity 118 Electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG) Electrocardiograma There are 2 electrodes placed on the patients chest for monitoring this channel. 119 electrocardiogram, EKG electrocardiograma A tracing representing the heart's electrical action derived by amplification of the minutely small electrical impulses normally generated by the heart. 120 Electroencephalogram (EEG) Electroencefalograma Recording of electrical activity generated by the brain. 121 electroencephalography electroencefalografía A technique for studying the electrical currents within the brain. Electrodes are attached to the scalp. Wires attach these electrodes to a machine, which records the electrical impulses. The results are either printed out or displayed on a computer screen. 122 electrolyte replacement solution - An oral or IV solution suero - Una solución oral o intravenosa For severe dehydration, hospitalization is (sometimes) necessary to rehydrate a child intravenously. In most cases, all that may be necessary is to give the child an oral electrolyte replacement solution according to the pediatrician’s directions. 123 electromyogram (EMG) Electromiograma These electrodes are placed on the chin and legs. 124 Embolism embolia, embolismo A sudden blocking of an artery. 125 Emergency Room (ER) Sala de emergencias A hospital room or area staffed and equipped for the reception and treatment of persons with conditions (as illness or trauma) requiring immediate medical care. 126 emotions sentimientos, emociones A strong feeling (such as love, anger, joy, hate, or fear) 127 emphysema enfisema A pathological condition of the lungs marked by an abnormal increase in the size of the air spaces, resulting in labored breathing and an increased susceptibility to infection. It can be caused by irreversible expansion of the alveoli or by the destruction of alveolar walls. LanguageLine Solutions© Confidential and Proprietary Information 128 encephalitis inflamación cerebral o encefalitis inflammation of the brain 129 endoscopy endoscopia Is the looking inside and typically refers to looking inside the body for medical reasons using an endoscope, an instrument used to examine the interior of a hollow organ or cavity of the body. Unlike most other medical imaging techniques, endoscopes are inserted directly into the organ. 130 engorgement congestión, ingurgitación, hinchazón Swollen and filled completely with a liquid 131 epidural epidural, la raquea, raquídea An injection of a substance into a person's spine to cause the lower part of the body to become unable to feel pain 132 esophagus Esófago The tube that connects the pharynx (throat) with the stomach. The esophagus lies between the trachea (windpipe) and the spine. 133 excrement, feces excremento, heces fecales Solid waste passed out of the body 134 eye specialist oculista A medical doctor specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the eye 135 fainting spell desmayo, desvanecimiento to suddenly become unconscious 136 false labor trabajo de parto falso, falsos dolores de parto pains resembling those of normal labor but occurring at irregular intervals and without dilation of the cervix 137 family counselor consejero familiar A person who provides advice as a job a person who counsels people, families 138 fast (to) ayunar, en ayunas to eat no food for a period of time 139 Flu shot vacuna de la gripe The flu vaccine protects a person against getting influenza , caused by the influenza virus. It is administered either by injection or by inhalation. 140 flu, influenza Gripe, gripa Is the imple Definition of influenza: a common illness that is caused by a virus and that causes fever, weakness, severe aches and pains, and breathing problems. 141 follow-up seguimiento Some further action taken after a procedure is finished, such as contact by a health care agency days or weeks after a patient has undergone treatment. 142 Formulary Medication medicamento que está en la lista de medicamentos aprobados A drug formulary is a list of prescription drugs, both generic and brand name, used by practitioners to identify drugs that offer the greatest overall value. A committee of physicians, nurse practitioners, and pharmacists maintain the formulary. 143 foul-smelling maloliente, olor fétido Having a very unpleasant smell 144 fracture an ankle fracturarse un tobillo To cause a crack or break in (something hard, such as a bone, ankle) 145 frequent urination frecuencia en orinar Needing to urinate more often than usual. Urgent urination is a sudden, strong urge to urinate, along with discomfort in your bladder. A frequent need to urinate at night is called nocturia. 146 gagging sensación de náuseas, reflejo nauseabundo To vomit or feel as if you are about to vomit to feel as if what is in your stomach is going to come up into your mouth LanguageLine Solutions© Confidential and Proprietary Information 147 gait con un andar, con andar, su paso, su caminar A particular way of walking 148 gall bladder Vesícula, Vesícula biliar A membranous muscular sac in which bile from the liver is stored— called also cholecyst. 149 gangrene gangrena Refers to the death of body tissue due to a lack of blood flow or a bacterial infection. Gangrene most commonly affects the extremities, including your toes, fingers and limbs, but it can also occur in your muscles and internal organs. 150 gastroenterologist gastroenterólogo Refers to a specialist in a branch of medicine concerned with the structure, functions, diseases, and pathology of the stomach and intestines. 151 gastroenterology gastroenterología The medical specialty devoted to the study, diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the digestive system. These disorders may affect the esophagus (swallowing tube), stomach, small intestine, large intestine (colon), rectum, liver, gallbladder, or pancreas. 152 gastrologist gastroenterólogo A physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system. 153 German measles sarampión alemán, rubeola An acute contagious disease that is milder than typical measles but is damaging to the fetus when occurring early in pregnancy and that is caused by a togavirus (species Rubella virus of the genus Rubivirus)—called also rubella. 154 germs microbios, gérmenes A very small living thing that causes disease. 155 gestational diabetes diabetes gestacional A condition in which women without previously diagnosed diabetes exhibit high blood glucose levels during pregnancy. 156 gingivitis gingivitis Inflammation of the gums. 157 glaucoma glaucoma A disease in which pressure inside the eye causes gradual loss of vision 158 glucose readings lecturas de glucosa, resultados/mediciones de glucosa Numbers that are shown on a glucose measuring instrument. 159 groggy aturdido, atontado, grogui Unsteady and dazed; shaky. 160 groin ingle The area of the body where your legs come together, the fold or depression marking the juncture of the lower abdomen and the inner part of the thigh. 161 healed curado, sanado To become healthy or well again. 162 health care provider proveedor de atención médica, proveedor de cuidados de la salud A person who helps in identifying or preventing or treating illness or disability. 163 hearing audiencia, oído The sense through which a person is aware of sound: the ability to hear. LanguageLine Solutions© Confidential and Proprietary Information 164 hearing aids aparatos auditivos, prótesis auditivas, audífonos A small electronic apparatus that amplifies sound and is worn in or behind the ear to compensate for impaired hearing 165 hearing loss pérdida auditiva, pérdida de la audición Partial or complete loss of hearing. 166 Heart attack ataque al corazón, infarto, ataque cardíaco Occurs when the blood supply to part of the heart stops and thus causes a section of the heart muscle to begin to die. 167 heart failure insuficiencia cardíaca Heart failure can occur if the heart cannot pump (systolic) or fill (diastolic) adequately. 168 heartburn acidez estomacal, ardores de estómago, [agruras MX only] A burning sensation in the stomach, typically extending toward the esophagus, and sometimes associated with the eructation of an acid fluid. 169 heel prick punción del talón, pinchazo en el talón, prueba del talón The neonatal heel prick or Guthrie test is a screening test done on newborns. It consists in making a pinprick puncture in one heel of the newborn and soaking the blood into pre-printed collection cards. 170 hemorrhoids hemorroides, almorranas An itching or painful mass of dilated veins in swollen anal tissue. 171 Hepatitis B (vaccine) vacuna de la hepatitis B, A vaccine developed for the prevention of hepatitis B virus infection. 172 high blood pressure presión sanguínea alta A condition in which the force of the blood against the artery walls is too high. 173 High blood sugar hiperglicemia, azúcar alta en la sangre, Hyperglycemia is the technical term for high blood glucose (blood sugar). It happens when the body has too little insulin or when the body can't use insulin properly. 174 High Density Lipoproteins (HDL) (good cholesterol) Lipoproteínas de Alta Densidad (Colesterol bueno) Known as the "good" cholesterol because it helps remove other forms of cholesterol from your bloodstream. Higher levels of HDL cholesterol are associated with a lower risk of heart disease. 175 hives urticaria, ronchas A transient eruption of large, itchy wheals on the skin usually caused by an allergic reaction. 176 home care cuidado(s) en casa /en el hogar Health care or supportive care provided in the patient's home by licensed healthcare professionals. 177 hormonal hormonales Of, relating to, utilizing, or produced by hormones; hormonal changes; hormonal disorders; hormonal contraceptive methods. 178 hot flashes sofocos, sofocones, fogajes, bochornos, calorones A sudden brief flushing and sensation of heat caused by dilation of skin capillaries usually associated with menopausal endocrine imbalance. 179 Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) The human immunodeficiency virus is a lentivirus that causes HIV infection and over time acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. 180 Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Virus del Papiloma Humano An infection that causes warts in various parts of the body, depending on the strain. 181 hyperglycemia Hiperglicemia, alza de azúcar en la sangre An excess of glucose in the bloodstream often associated with diabetes mellitus. LanguageLine Solutions© Confidential and Proprietary Information 182 hyperventilation Hiperventilación Over-breathing, resulting in reduced levels of CO2 in the blood. 183 immunization inmunización, vacunación The creation of immunity usually against a particular disease; especially: treatment (as by vaccination) of an organism for the purpose of making it immune to a particular pathogen. 184 implants implantes An object or material inserted or grafted into the body for prosthetic, therapeutic, diagnostic, or experimental purposes. 185 incision incisión, corte A cut or a wound made by a sharp instrument. 186 incontinence incontinencia The inability to hold urine in the bladder because voluntary control over the urinary sphincter is either lost or weakened. 187 inhaler inhalador An inhaler is a device holding a medicine that you take by breathing in (inhaling). Inhalers are the main treatment for asthma. 188 insulin injection/shot inyección de insulina An injection used to control blood sugar in people who have diabetes. 189 Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos A special department of a hospital or health care facility that provides intensive treatment medicine. 190 interact interactuar To act on or in close relation with each other. 191 Intrauterine Device (IUD) Dispositivo Intrauterino(DIU) A contraceptive device fitted inside the uterus and physically preventing the implantation of fertilized ova. 192 Intravenous (IV) Intravenosa The infusion of liquid substances directly into a vein. 193 itching picazón, comezón To have or produce an unpleasant feeling on your skin or inside your mouth, nose, etc. that makes you want to scratch. 194 IV intravenosa(o) Through, in, or into a vein: entering the body through a vein. 195 jaundice ictericia A condition in which a person's skin and the whites of the eyes are discolored yellow due to an increased level of bile pigments in the blood resulting from liver disease. 196 joints articulaciones Junctions between bones whether or not obvious movement is possible. 197 kidney failure insuficiencia renal A condition in which the kidneys lose the ability to remove waste and balance fluids. 198 Kidney stones (renal calculi) cálculos renales, piedras en los riñones Solid masses made of crystals. Kidney stones usually originate in your kidneys, but can develop anywhere along your urinary tract. 199 lactation consultant especialista en lactancia, consultora en lactancia A health professional that provides breastfeeding support and education. They can be found in hospitals, physician or midwife practices. 200 lice piojos Small, wingless, insect parasites of humans. 201 listless sin ánimo, sin ganas de hacer nada Lacking energy or disinclined to exert effort; lethargic: felt tired and listless. 202 liver hígado A large organ of the body that produces bile and cleans the blood. LanguageLine Solutions© Confidential and Proprietary Information 203 liver function test prueba/ exámenes/análisis de la función hepática One of several tests used to evaluate various functions of the liver, including metabolism, storage, filtration, and excretion 204 Living Will Testamento vital, Instrucciones de no prolongar la vida artificialmente. A document that lets people state their wishes for end-of-life medical care, in case they become unable to communicate their decisions. It has no power after death. 205 loose suelto, flojo, holgado Containing a larger than normal amount of fluid, loose stools. 206 Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL) (bad cholesterol) Lipoproteínas de Baja Densidad (Colesterol malo) Elevated LDL levels are associated with an increased risk of heart disease. Lipoproteins, which are combinations of fats (lipids) and proteins, are the form in which lipids are transported in the blood. 207 low- sodium baja/o en sodio No more than 140 mg of sodium per serving; a syndrome resulting from salt restriction and use of diuretics in treatment of congestive heart failure and hypertension, 208 lungs pulmones The two organs of respiration, filling most of the chest cavity inside the rib cage and above the diaphragm. 209 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Imágenes de Resonancia Magnética A noninvasive medical test that physicians use to diagnose and treat medical conditions. MRI uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to produce detailed pictures of organs, soft tissues, bone and virtually all other internal body structures. 210 mammogram mamograma X-ray picture of the breast. It can be used to check for breast cancer in women who have no signs or symptoms of the disease. 211 mastectomy Mastectomía Surgery to remove all breast tissue from a breast as a way to treat or prevent breast cancer. 212 mastitis mastitis Inflammation of a mammary gland or udder, usually caused by infection 213 measles sarampión A disease that causes a fever and red spots on the skin. 214 Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) sarampión, paperas y rubeola Immunization vaccine against measles, mumps, and rubella (German measles). 215 medical history historial médico/clínico Information obtained from the patient to aid in establishing a medical diagnosis and developing a treatment plan. 216 medical record expediente médico A record of a patient's medical information (as medical history, care or treatments received, test results, diagnoses, and medications taken). 217 menstrual cramps cólico menstrual Low abdominal pain that may range from a colicky feeling to a constant dull ache. The pain may radiate to the lower back and legs. Menstrual cramps are often associated with the beginning of menses 218 menstrual period menstruación, periodo mensual A single monthly occurrence of menstruation 219 metastasis metástasis The development of secondary malignant growths at a distance from a primary site of cancer. LanguageLine Solutions© Confidential and Proprietary Information 220 micrograms microgramos A unit of mass or weight equal to one millionth of a gram. 221 midwife partera The midwife conducts the delivery independently, cares for the newborn, procures medical assistance when necessary, executes emergency measures as required, and may practice in a hospital, clinic, maternity home, or private home. 222 migraine migraña, jaqueca A severe recurring headache, usually affecting only one side of the head, characterized by sharp pain and often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and visual disturbances. 223 milk pump (breast) extractor de leche, bomba de leche, sacaleches, A device for extracting and collecting milk from the breast during lactation. 224 milligrams miligramos One thousandth of a gram. 225 milliliters (“ml’s”) mililitros A unit of volume equal to one thousandth (10-3) of a liter, 1 cubic centimeter, or about 15 minims. 226 miscarriage aborto natural, aborto espontáneo, mal parto, A condition in which a pregnancy ends too early and does not result in the birth of a live baby. 227 mucous mucosa, mucosidad, moco Thick fluid produced by the moist membranes that line many body cavities and structures. 228 mumps paperas An acute infectious and contagious disease caused by a mumps virus of the genus Rubulavirus and characterized by fever, inflammation and swelling of the parotid gland, and sometimes of other salivary glands. 229 murmur (heart) soplo (cardíaco), soplo en el corazón Sounds other than the normal heart sound emanating from the heart region. They are often heard as blowing or hissing sounds as blood leaks back through diseased and malfunctioning valves or as blood is pushed through narrowed or stenotic valve orifices. 230 myocardial infarction infarto al miocardio, un infarto (MI) death of the cells of an area of the heart muscle (myocardium) as a result of oxygen deprivation, which in turn is caused by obstruction of the blood supply; commonly referred to as a “heart attack.” 231 name tag etiqueta con el nombre, etiqueta para el nombre, A piece of paper, cloth, plastic, or metal that has a person's name written on it and that is attached to the person's clothing. 232 nape nuca The back of the neck. 233 navel, belly button ombligo (Anatomy) the scar in the center of the abdomen, usually forming a slight depression, where the umbilical cord was attached. Technical name: umbilicus. 234 Nervous System Sistema nervioso The network of nerve cells and fibers which transmits nerve impulses between parts of the body. It includes the brain, spinal cord, nerves. 235 Neurological System sistema neurológico The system in the body that controls internal functions of the body and receives, interprets, and responds to stimuli. 236 Non Formulary medicamento que NO está en la lista de medicamentos aprobados Drugs that are not covered by your plan even if the doctor declares that it's medically necessary. You can still have a non-formulary medication filled, but you will have to pay the full price of the drug. LanguageLine Solutions© Confidential and Proprietary Information 237 normal delivery/birth parto normal (nacimiento), parto natural, alumbramiento normal/vaginal The act or process of giving birth. 238 numb entumecido, adormecido Insensible; lacking in feeling. 239 numbing pain dolor entumecedor, entumecido A loss of the sensation of feeling in an area of the body. Numbness results from damage to, or impaired function of, the nerves that supply the affected area. 240 nursery (baby) guardería, The department in a hospital where newborn infants are cared for. 241 nurse practitioner enfermera facultativa highly qualified and autonomous nurse, who treats certain medical conditions without the direct supervision of a doctor. 242 nutrients nutrientes A constituent of food necessary for normal physiologic function. nutritionist nutricionista, especialista en nutrición One who is trained or an expert in the field of nutrition. 243 ob-gyn gineceo-obstetra A doctor who deals with the birth of children and with diseases that affect the reproductive system of women. 244 obstruction obstrucción Something that blocks something else and makes it difficult for things to move through. 245 oedema, edema edema An abnormal infiltration and excess accumulation of serous fluid in connective tissue or in a serous cavity —called also dropsy. 246 ointment ungüento, pomada, A smooth substance that is rubbed on the skin to help heal a wound or to reduce pain or discomfort. 247 oncology oncólogo The branch of medical science dealing with tumors, including the origin, development, diagnosis, and treatment of malignant neoplasms. 248 on-duty de turno, de guardia, en servicio Working at a particular time, shift or schedule. 249 ophthalmologist oftalmólogo A doctor who studies and treats problems and diseases of the eye. 250 oral oral, bucal Of or relating to the mouth./used to describe something that you eat or swallow. 251 outgrow superado, dejar atrás, sobrepasar algo To grow too large for (someone or something). 252 outlet una salida, un escape, un desahogo A passage for escape or exit; a vent, something that people use to express their emotions. 253 outpatient paciente de ambulatorio, paciente externo A person who goes to a doctor's office or hospital for treatment but who does not spend the night there. 254 over the counter medication (OTC) medicamentos sin receta, medicamentos/medicinas que se compran sin receta Drugs/medications that can be purchased by a person without a prescription. 255 pacemaker marcapasos A small electrical machine put inside a person to make the heart beat evenly. 256 pain medication, analgesic calmantes, medicamentos para el dolor, analgésico A drug that relieves pain. LanguageLine Solutions© Confidential and Proprietary Information 257 pap smear test prueba de Papanicolaou, Papanicolaou A test for the early detection of cancer of the uterus and cervix. 258 PCP médico de cabecera, médico de atención primaria, doctor principal Primary care physician; primary care provider. 259 peak flow meter medidor de flujo máximo A device that measures the patients’ pulmonary function, by analyzing how much oxygen is the patient able to inhale with every breath. 260 pediatrician pediatra A doctor who treats babies and children. 261 perineal perineal, perineo Pertaining to the lower part of the pelvic cavity between the genitals and anus. 262 Periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD) Trastorno de movimiento intermitente de las extremidades A disorder characterized by repetitive movements during sleep, usually seen most prominently in the legs. 263 perspiration transpiración, sudor, sudoración The clear liquid that forms on your skin when you are hot or nervous: sweat. 264 Pharyngitis Faringitis An infection or inflammation of the pharynx. 265 physical exam examen físico, reconocimiento físico, exploración física A medical examination by a physician or nurse practitioner to determine the state of a person's health, identify risk factors for disease, and devise strategies for disease prevention 266 pills píldoras, pastillas A usually medicinal or dietary preparation in a small rounded mass to be swallowed whole. 267 pinched nerve nervio pinchado, nervio comprimido Compression of a nerve or nerves resulting in nerve damage. 268 pins & needles (sensación de) hormigueo A tingling sensation in a limb recovering from numbness. 269 PKU test Prueba/examen de Fenilcetonuria A phenylketonuria (PKU) test is done to check whether a newborn baby has the enzyme needed to use phenylalanine in his or her body. Phenylalanine is an amino acid that is needed for normal growth and development. 270 pneumonia neumonía Lung inflammation caused by bacterial or viral infection, in which the air sacs fill with pus and may become solid. Inflammation may affect both lungs or only one. 271 podiatrist podólogo, podiatra A doctor who treats injuries and diseases of the foot. 272 polio polio, parálisis An infectious viral disease that affects the central nervous system and can cause temporary or permanent paralysis. 273 portions porción, ración, porciones, raciones The amount of food that is served to a person at one time. 274 Positron Emission Tomography (PET scan) Tomografía de Emisión de Positrones An imaging test that reveals how your tissues and organs are functioning. A PET scan uses a radioactive drug (tracer) to show this activity. 275 post-partum posparto, después del parto Relating to or happening in the period of time following the birth of a child. LanguageLine Solutions© Confidential and Proprietary Information 276 Pregnancy embarazo The state of carrying a developing embryo or fetus within the female body. 277 Prenatal Care cuidados prenatales Refers to a type of preventive healthcare with the goal of providing regular check-ups that allow doctors or midwives to treat and prevent potential health problems throughout the course of the pregnancy while promoting healthy lifestyles that benefit both mother and child. 278 prescription prescripción, receta A written order, especially by a physician, for the preparation and administration of a medicine or other treatment 279 procedure procedimiento A medical treatment or operation. 280 prognosis pronóstico, A doctor's opinion about how someone will recover from an illness or injury. 281 prostate (gland) próstata An organ found in men and male animals that produces the liquid in which sperm is carried. 282 pump bomba A device that forces liquid, air, or gas into or out of something. 283 radiology radiología The science dealing with X-rays and other high-energy radiation, especially the use of such radiation for the diagnosis and treatment of disease. 284 Rapid eye movement (REM) Movimientos ocular rápido Rapidly shifting, continuous movements of the eyes beneath closed lids during the stage of sleep characterized by dreaming. 285 record registro An official written document that gives proof of something. 286 recovered recuperado To become healthy after an illness or injury; to return to normal health. 287 recovery (room) recuperación (sala/cuarto de) A room in a hospital where patients are taken for special care after an operation. 288 redness enrojecimiento, rojez Having a reddish skin color such as, redness around the site of the bee sting. 289 referral remitir, referir, remisión (paciente referido o remitido) The act of sending someone to another person or place for treatment, help, advice, etc. 290 referral remisión, referencia. The act of sending someone to another person or place for treatment, help, advice, etc. 291 refills resurtidos, resurtir A prescription drug that is provided again. 292 regular mantenerse regular, ir al baño con regularidad, [context dependent] The ability to have normal bowel movements, not constipated. Eating plenty of fiber helps me keep/stay regular. 293 release (from hospital) dar de alta To allow (someone) to leave a hospital; the release of someone from a hospital. 294 respiration respiración The act or process of breathing. LanguageLine Solutions© Confidential and Proprietary Information 295 Respiratory System sistema respiratorio The set of organs that allows a person to breathe and exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the body. An example of respiratory system is the human's nasal passages, larynx, trachea, bronchial tubes and lungs. 296 Rubella Rubeola A usually mild contagious viral disease characterized by fever, mild upper respiratory congestion, and a fine red rash lasting a few days. 297 salpingectomy salpingectomia Removal of the Fallopian tubes 298 scar cicatriz A mark that is left on your skin after a wound heals. 299 screening test prueba evaluatoria A simple test performed on a large number of people to identify those who have or are likely to develop a specified disease. 300 seasonal allergies alergias estacionales An allergic reaction to pollen and other forms of airborne dust, often seasonal. 301 seizure un ataque convulsivo, un episodio de convulsión An abnormal state in which you become unconscious and your body moves in an uncontrolled and violent way. 302 Sexually Transmitted Infection/Disease (STI/STD) Infección/Enfermedad de Transmisión Sexual; enfermedad venérea Diseases that are passed on from one person to another through sexual contact, and sometimes by genital contact. 303 shake agitar, sacudir To move sometimes violently back and forth or up and down with short, quick movements 304 sharp pain dolor agudo Painful as if caused by a sharp instrument; marked by severity or intensity. 305 Sharp Pain dolor agudo Acute and severe physical discomfort. 306 shooting pain dolor punzante, dolor fulgurante Pain that seems to travel like lightning from one place to another. 307 shot inyección, vacuna The act or process of forcing a liquid medicine or drug into someone or something by using a special needle. 308 side effects efectos secundarios, efectos colaterales An often harmful and unwanted effect of a drug or chemical that occurs along with the desired effect. 309 sleep apnea apnea del Sueño A sleep disorder characterized by repetitive cessation of breathing during sleep (most often caused by upper airway obstruction). 310 sole of the foot la planta del pie The sole is the bottom of the foot. In humans the sole of the foot is anatomically referred to as the plantar aspect. 311 sonogram sonograma The visual image produced by reflected sound waves in a diagnostic ultrasound examination. 312 sore throat dolor de garganta, garganta irritada A condition marked by pain in the throat, typically caused by inflammation due to a cold or other virus. 313 spine espina dorsal, columna vertebral The line of linked bones running down the back of humans and many animals; the backbone. 314 spit out escupir Spit up in an explosive manner. LanguageLine Solutions© Confidential and Proprietary Information 315 spleen bazo (órgano del cuerpo) A large organ behind the stomach. It filters and stores blood. 316 splint entablillar, A rigid device used to prevent motion of a joint or of the ends of a fractured bone. 317 sprain torcerse, sufrir una torcedura To injure (a joint) by a sudden twisting or wrenching of its ligaments. 318 stabbing/shooting pain dolor punzante Penetrating; piercing pain. 319 staples grapas U-shaped stainless steel units with sharp points used for surgical fixation. 320 stiffness rigidez A feeling of tension and contraction in the muscles. 321 stool softener ablandador de heces, ablandador fecal A type of laxative (docusate) which adds fluid to stool thereby softening it. 322 strep throat Infección de la garganta por estreptococos/ estreptococos en la garganta/Faringitis estreptocócica Throat infection caused by streptococcus bacteria. Symptoms include fever, redness of the throat, and inflammation of the tonsils. 323 strict regimen régimen estricto A strictly regulated scheme of diet, exercise, or other activity designed to achieve certain ends. 324 stroke derrame cerebral, apoplejía, ataque de apoplejía, embolia, derrame isquémico A serious illness caused when a blood vessel in your brain suddenly breaks or is blocked. 325 stroke, or cerebrovascular accident (CVA) derrame cerebral, o accidente cerebrovascular (ACV) Occurs when blood supply to part of the brain is disrupted, causing brain cells to die. When blood flow to the brain is impaired, oxygen and glucose cannot be delivered to the brain. 326 stuffed up estar constipado, tener la nariz o el pecho congestionado/tapado Blocked with fluid (such as blood or mucus) a congested nose (a nose blocked with mucus). 327 sty orzuelo, divieso A painful, swollen red area on the edge of an eyelid. 328 suction succión, aspiración, the force with which the air, water, etc., in a space is removed 329 supplements suplementos Dietary substances used to augment, enhance, or enrich the nutritional status of a patient. 330 surgery cirugía, operación. Medical treatment in which a doctor cuts into someone's body in order to repair or remove damaged or diseased parts. 331 surgical wound incisión quirúrgica, herida quirúrgica A surgical incision to any of the tissues of the body. 332 swab, cotton swab hisopo, bastoncillos de algodón A small piece of soft material sometimes on the end of a small stick that is used for applying medicine, cleaning a wound, etc. 333 swelling hinchazón An area on someone's body that is larger than normal because of an illness or injury. 334 syringes jeringas, inyectadoras, A device made of a hollow tube and a needle that is used to force fluids into or take fluids out of the body. LanguageLine Solutions© Confidential and Proprietary Information 335 tablet pastilla, tableta, comprimido The solid unit dosage form of medicament or medicaments with or without suitable diluents and prepared either by molding or by compression. 336 TB skin test prueba cutánea de tuberculosis A test done through the skin that determines if you suffer from tuberculosis (TB). 337 tearing desgarramiento, desgarro, ruptura To cut or injure (skin, a muscle, etc.); a torn leg muscle. 338 tenderness sensibilidad Pain or discomfort when an affected area is touched. 339 Tetanus tétanos A dangerous disease that is caused by bacteria that usually enters the body through a cut or wound; Tetanus causes muscles and especially muscles in the jaw to become stiff. 340 throbbing pain dolor palpitante, dolor punzante To feel a pain that starts and stops quickly and repeatedly. 341 thyroid gland glándula tiroides, glándula tiroidea, tiroides A small gland in the neck that affects growth and producing especially the hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine. 342 tiptoes, toes puntillas de los pies, dedos de los pies Standing with your toes touching the ground and your heels raised up. 343 tissue tejido Part of an organism consisting of an aggregate of cells having a similar structure and function; any part of an organism such as an organ or extremity. 344 to admit (hospital) ingresar, hospitalizar The act or process of accepting a patient in a hospital for treatment. 345 tonsillitis amigdalitis An infection and swelling of the tonsils, which are oval-shaped masses of lymph gland tissue located on both sides of the back of the throat. 346 tonsils amígdalas, [ 'anginas' is a regionalism only used in MX and is not Standard] The two oval-shaped tissues at the back of the throat that lie between the mouth and the pharynx. The tonsils are thought to prevent infections of the breathing passages but often become infected themselves. 347 tonsils amígdalas (no anginas) Either of two small masses of lymphoid tissue in the throat, one on each side of the root of the tongue. 348 tracheotomy traqueotomía To cut a temporary opening into the wind pipe. 349 triage nurse enfermera de clasificación de emergencias A process for sorting injured people into groups based on their need for or likely benefit from immediate medical treatment. 350 triglycerides triglicéridos Fatty compounds synthesized from carbohydrates during the process of digestion and stored in the body's adipose (fat) tissues. High levels of triglycerides in the blood are associated with insulin resistance. 351 Tuberculosis (TB) Tuberculosis A contagious and an often severe airborne disease caused by a bacterial infection characterized by the growth of nodules (tubercles) in the tissues, especially the lungs. 352 ulceration ulceración The formation or development of an ulcer. LanguageLine Solutions© Confidential and Proprietary Information 353 umbilical cord cordón umbilical A long, narrow tube that connects an unborn baby to the placenta of its mother. 354 uneasy, fussy inquieto(a), intranquilo(a), incómodo(a) Causing or feeling anxiety; troubled or uncomfortable, restless, anxious. Commonly used by moms to describe how the child is behaving when sick. 355 Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (URI) Infección de las Vías Respiratorias Superiores Illnesses caused by an acute infection which involves the upper respiratory tract including the nose, sinuses, pharynx or larynx. This commonly includes tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, otitis media, and the common cold. 356 urinalysis análisis de orina Analysis of urine by physical, chemical, and microscopial means to test for the presence of disease, drugs, etc. 357 urinary problems problemas urinarios Problems pertaining to the urine; containing or secreting urine. 358 Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Infección de las Vías Urinarias An infection in any part of your urinary system — your kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. 359 urine orina Waste liquid that collects in the bladder before leaving the body 360 urine culture cultivo de orina A test to find and identify germs (usually bacteria) that may be causing a urinary tract infection (UTI). 361 urine test examen de orina Urinalysis is a diagnostic physical, chemical, and microscopic examination of a urine sample (specimen). 362 uterus útero, matriz A hollow muscular organ located in the pelvic cavity of a female in which the fertilized egg implants and develops. Also called womb. 363 vaccination/vaccine vacuna, inmunización The introduction of vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease. 364 vaginal delivery parto vaginal, parto natural, parto normal, The act or process of giving birth through the vagina. 365 vaginal spotting manchado vaginal 366 varicose veins las várices 367 vision visión, vista Light bleeding from your vagina. It's similar to a period, but much lighter. The color of the blood can be anything from red to brown. A vein that is abnormally swollen or made larger or wider; dilated, superficial veins that are usually seen in the legs The ability to see; sight or eyesight. 368 vital signs signos vitales, constantes vitales 369 wart verruga 370 whooping cough / pertussis tosferina, pertusis 371 wound, injury herida 372 X-rays Rayos X 373 yeast infection Candidiasis/ infección de hongos Important body functions (such as breathing and heartbeat) that are measured to see if someone is alive or healthy. A small, hard lump on the skin caused by a virus. A highly contagious respiratory tract infection. In many people, it's marked by a severe hacking cough followed by a high-pitched intake of breath that sounds like "whoop." An injury; usually a physical one; any physical injury involving a break in the skin, usually caused by an act or accident rather than by a disease. A photographic or digital image of the internal composition of something, especially a part of the body, produced by X-rays being passed through it and being absorbed to different degrees by different materials. A usually localized infection, as of the vagina or mucous membranes of the mouth, caused by fungi of the genus Candida. LanguageLine Solutions© Confidential and Proprietary Information