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ইংরেজি ব্যাকরণ: Adverb, Noun, Adjective Phrase

Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 74 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
Adverb Phrase
Rule: 54
01. 'He ran with great speed.' The underlined part of the sentence is a- [৪০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) noun phrase
(খ) adverb phrase
(গ) adjective phrase
(ঘ) participle phrase
উত্তর : খ
ব্যাখ্যা : Underlined অংশটু কু ঢেকে ধকে ব্ােী অংশটু কু পরেপূর্ণ অর্ণ প্রোশ েেকে underlined অংশটু কুকে adverb
phrase ব্ো হয়। এরট সাধাের্ত verb (ran) ঢে modify েকে।
02. He worked with all sincerity. [৩৭তম বিবিএি]
K. adjective phrase
L. Verbal phrase
M. Prepositional phrase
N. Adverbial phrase
DËi : N
Adverb Gi KvR K‡i A_©vr Verb ‡K modify K‡i| GB Phrase QvovI ev‡K¨i A_© cÖKvk cvq| Dc‡ii ev‡K¨
Underlined AskUzKz ev` w`‡jI A_© cÖKvk cvq (He worked− ‡m KvR K‡iwQj)| GQvovI Phrase wU (with
all sincerity) Verb (work) ‡K modify K‡i‡Q| myZivs GwU GKwU Adverbial Phrase. AviI D`vniY †`Lyb−
I want it at this moment.
Short-Cut : Verb ‡K How, Where, When, Why Øviv
cÖkœ Ki‡j Adverbial Phrase cvIqv hvq|
03. We were waiting for the bus. (28Zg wewmGm)
K. adjective phrase
L. Verbal phrase
M. Prepositional phrase
N. Adverbial phrase
‡bvU : hw` Ack‡b adverbial phrase bv _v‡K Zvn‡j Prepositional Phrase n‡e|
Preposition w`‡q ïiæ nq Ges m¤ú~Y©Uv wg‡j GKUv Preposition Gi g‡Zv
KvR K‡i| †hgb He stood in front of me. He could not come
on account of illness.
DËi : N
Noun Phrase
Rule : 55
Socrates is a man of letters.
Noun word থাকক। ‡hgb−
I have no kith and kin in this town.
Noun এর কাজ করর। ‡hgb−
His going home is uncertain.
Determiner, Preposition এর পর িরি| ‡hgb−
He likes to play tennis.
এই Phrase ছাড়া িারকের অর্থ প্রকাশ পায় না| ‡hgb−
01. ‘To win a prize is my ambition.’ The underlined part of the sentence is a/an- [41Zg wewmGm]
K. adjective phrase L. noun phrase
M. adverb phrase N. conjunctional phrase D. L
 e¨vL¨v : Gerund ev Infinitive phrase hw` †Kvb verb Gi subject/object nq Z‡e ‡mU noun phrase nq|
kU©KvU wUcm : Phrase wU Zz‡j w`‡q it emv‡j hw` A‡_©i mgm¨v bv nq Z‡e Zv n‡e Noun Phrase. Phrase wU‡K
replace K‡i It is my ambition G iƒcvšÍi Ki‡jI evK¨wU A_© cÖKvk K‡i|
Adjective Phrase
o Noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m noun ‡K modify K‡i| †hgb− The tree in front of my house has been cut
o GB Phrase QvovI ev‡K¨i A_© cÖKvk cvq| †hgb− The man in the street knows it. A man in great
difficulties came to me for help.
GQvovI Phrase wU‡Z Adjective word _v‡K|
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 75 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
Verb Gi mv‡_ Preposition wg‡j bZzb A_©‡evaK Verb ‰Zwi K‡i| †hgb: Habiba looks
after her parents. evK¨wU‡Z look GKwU verb hvi mv‡_ Preposition (after) hy³ n‡q bZzb
A_©‡evaK kã (look after− ‡`Lv‡kvbv Kiv) ˆZwi K‡i‡Q| †hgb−The Police look into the
Conjunctional Conjunction Gi b¨vq KvR K‡i| ev‡K¨ as well as, as soon as, as if/as though, as far
as, no sooner had___ than, scarcely had___ when, Hardly had ___ before, either
___ or, neither ___ nor, not only ____ but also BZ¨vw` _v‡K| †hgb−Come as soon
as you can. No sooner had he left the place than the fire broke. Not only he but
also his brothers were present. Fahim as well as his fridends had decided to
leave London.
Interjectional g‡bi g‡a¨ AvKw¯§K Av‡eM cÖKvk K‡i| †hgb− Good heavens ! What a pity ! the man is
dead. G‡`i c‡i Av‡eMm~PK wPý (!) _v‡K|
Verbal Phrase
Type: 56 [মু খস্থ বির্ভর বিষয়গুক াকক Type এিং িযাকরণ বির্ভর িযাপারগুক াকক Rule দ্বারা বিবিত করা হকয়কে।]
তকি Rule এিং Type emv‡bvi †ÿ‡Î µwgK bs GKB e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q|
Idioms & Phrases
ABC/ Three R’s
A baker’s dozen
A bed of roses
A bed of thorns
A black sheep
A bolt from the blue
A bull market
A fantasy
A fish out of water
A fool's paradise
A foregone conclusion
A gala day
A red letter day
A green horn
A man of letters
A rainy day
A round dozen
A short of miracle
A slow coach
A white elephant
A white lie/Pack of lies
Achilles heel
িাাংলা অর্থ
প্রার্বমক জ্ঞান
Meaning in English
Basic knowledge
A comfortable situation/ A life only of joy and happiness
A discomfort situation
Scoundrels, wicked man
বিনা মমরে িজ্রপাত
Unexpected something
মশয়ার িাজারর EaŸ©MwZ
Rising of share market [17Zg wewmGm]
কল্পকাবিনী/ রূপকর্া
অস্ববিকর অিস্থা
মূরখথর স্বর্থ
অনুবমত ফলাফল
আনরের বিন
¯§iYxq w`b
পবিত িেবি
পূর্থ এক ডজন
অলি িেবি
অকল্পনীয় িেয়
ডািা বমর্ো
দুিথল জায়র্া
an imaginary story [16Zg wewmGm]
An unsuitable environment
In a state of care free happiness
An anticipated result
A day of happiness
Memorable day
Trouble/ A difficulty day
A full dozen [14Zg wewmGm]
Extraordinary power
Stupid fellow
Costly/Troublesome possession
a small or harmless lie
A weak point
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 76 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
Acid test
Add insult to injury
After one’s own heart
An ordinance
An open secret
অবি পরীক্ষা
কাাঁটা োাঁরয় নুরনর বছটা
মরনর মত
Apple of discord
Apple of one’s eye
As a matter of fact
At dead of night
At finger’s end
At first sight
At home/Good at
At large
At one’s wit’s ends
At stake
বিিারির বিষয়
নয়রনর মবর্
প্রকৃ তপরক্ষ
র্িীর রারত
প্রর্ম মিখায়
ু রিিে/ িিাই জারন
এমন মর্াপনীয় বিষয়
A conclusive test
to worsen an uncomfortable situation
To one’s own liking [25Zg wewmGm]
A law [16Zg wewmGm]
a supposed secret that is in fact known
to many people
Subject of quarrel
Most favorite
At midnight
on first seeing
Expert, well up/Familiar with
In danger
cÖkœ mgvavb
01. Fill in the gap: Birds fly _____ in the sky. [43Zg wewmGm]
(K) random
(L) at large
(M) at a stitch
(N) are long
e¨vL¨v : Idioms & Phrases
evsjv A_©
Meaning in English
at large
Birds fly at large in the sky. (cvwLiv gy³fv‡e AvKv‡k D‡o)
at a stitch
Without break
Av‡iv `~‡i
are long
10. A soporific speech is likely to __________. [৩৯তম বিবিএি]
(ক) appeal primarily to emotions
(খ) put one to sleep
(গ) stimulate action
(ঘ) be incomprehensible
উত্তর: খ
িযাখযা : “A soporific speech” ি কত সি ধরকির িক্তৃতাকক সিাঝায় যা দর্ভককরাতার সিাকখ ঘু ম বিকয় আকি (Causing a person to
become tired and ready to fall asleep)| এ ধরকির িক্তৃতা শুকি সরাতারা ক্লান্ত হকয় পকেি এিং সিাকখ ঘু ম জবেকয় আকি|
11. The phrase ‘Achilles heel’ means- [৩৭তম বিবিএি]
K. a strong point
L. a permanent point
M. a weak point
N. a serious idea DËi: M
11. ‘A maiden speech’ means- [২৩তম, ২৪তম, ২৬তম এিাং ৩৪তম বিবিএি]
K. First speech
L. Final speech M. Middle speech N. Maid servant’s speech
DËi: K
12. The expression “after one’s own heart” means– [২৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) To be in low spirit
(খ) With complete devotion
(গ) To one's own liking
(ঘ) To be in high spirit
উত্তর: গ
িযাখযা : After one’s own heart ➨ কাকরা িকিভাত্তম পেকের অিু রূপ বকেু (of exactly the type one likes
13. A bull market means that share prices are– [১৭তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Falling
(খ) Rising
(গ) Moving
(ঘ) Static
উত্তর : খ
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 77 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
িযাখযা : Bull market ➨ ঊর্ধ্ভগামী (সর্য়াকরর সেকে), পবরবধ িােকে এমি িাজার।
14. ‘At daggers drawn’ means- (১৫তম বিবিএি]
K. to be in a state of understanding
L. to be in a state of hostility
M. to be in a state of friendship
N. none
15. What is the meaning of the idiom ‘a round dozen’? [১৪তম বিবিএি]
(ক) A little less than a dozen
(খ) A little more than a dozen
(গ) Round about a dozen
(ঘ) A full dozen
DËi: L
উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : A round dozen ি কত পূ ণভ ডজি (A full dozen) িা ১২টি সিাঝায়।
Phrase ÔAmicus curiae’ means− 9eg we‡RGm (mnKvix RR)
K. An Americus dream
L. A senior advocate
M. A friend of the Court
N. An arbitrator
DËi: M
A forgone conclusion means− gwnjv I wkï welqK gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb Dc‡Rjv gwnjv welqK Kg©KZ©v− 2006
K. An uneasy situation
L. False hope
M. An anticipated result
N. Quite familiar
DËi: M
The proverb ÔA snake in the grass’ means− (AvenvIqv Awa`߇ii mnKvix AvenvIqvwe` 07)
K. A sleeping snake
L. A dead snake
M. A poisonous snake
N. A hidden enemy
DËi: N
What is the meaning of Ôa while lie’?
K. Harmful lie
L. Harmless lie
M. Useless lie
N. Irrelevant lie DËi: L
When a person says he’s ‘all in’, it means- (১৩তম ও ১৭তম বিবিএি)
K. He is very tired
M. He has arrived
L. He has finished packing
N. He has got everything
DËi: K
Idioms & Phrases
evsjv A_©
Meaning in English
িীররের িরঙ্গ মমাকাবিলা করা
Face with courage, to challenge the
enemy with courage
Be winner, victorious
Avoiding the subject
To raise objection
Cannot be described
Difficult situation, in perplexity
Bear a brave face/Take the
bull by the horns
জয়ী িওয়া
Bear away the palm
Beat about the bush অয্র্া িকিক করা/ অন্ধকারর বিল মছাাঁড়া
অবিরয্ার্ করা
Beg the question
Beggars description
Benefit of doubt
উিয় িাংকট
Between two fires/ Between the devil
and the deep sea/Horns of a dilemma
Beyond all doubt
Beyond all questions
িারধ্ের িাবিরর
Beyond one's means
মনতৃস্থানীয়/ বিখোত িেবি
Big wig/bug/gun
খারিের তাবলকা
Bill of fare
িািািািা িৃবি
Bird’s eye view
িমচবররের মলাক
Birds of the same feather
Black and blue
Black and white
beyond one's income
Powerful man
a list of dishes at restaurant
To view in general/Rough
People of the same short
In writing
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 78 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
Blessing in disguise
Blue blood
Bolt from the blue
Bone to pick with
Book worm
Boot leg
Boring chore
Bosom friend
Bottom line
Bottom of my heart
Bring to book
Break butterfly on the wheel
অপ্রতোবশত Avkxev©`
Positive outcome in an apparent negative
Aristocratic birth
বিিা সমকঘ িজ্রপাত
রার্াবিত িওয়া
বিরবিকর কাজ
েবনষ্ঠ িন্ধু
মূলকর্া/ িারাাংশ
অন্তররর মকন্দ্রস্থল
বতরস্কার করা/Mvjg›` Kiv
মশা মাররত কামান িার্া
নীরিতা িাঙ্গা
Break the ice
পুনরুজ্জীবিত করা
Bring/Come to life
প্রকাশ করা
Bring/Come to light; Come
out/Give vent to
স্মরর্ করা
Bring to mind/ Call to mind
Bring to pass
Brow beating
Brown study/Build castles in আকাশ-কুসুম বচন্তা করা/
the air/ Utopian scheme
উন্নবত করা
Brush up
পদ্মিরন মিিিী
Bull in a china shop
সুস্থ িিল
Buoyant health
মিবিরিরি খরচ করা
Burn the candle
Burn the candle at both ends অবতবরি চাপ
তীব্র বিতরকথর বিষয়
Burning question
মীমাাংিা করা
Bury the hatchet
By any means/By all means, ময্ িারিই মিাক,
By fair means or foul
By and large
তু লনায়
By contrast
িািারয্ে/ িরল
By dint of/By virtue of
By fits and starts
মুখস্থ করা
By heart/Get by heart/ Learn by heart
By leaps and bounds
িািি অবিজ্ঞতা
By the rule and thumb
an angry
Person who is fond of reading
Tiresome job
Intimate friend
The essential point
Core of my heart
Insult, rebuke, take to task
To apply an excessive amount of force
to achieve something minor
To begin to overcome formality
To become alive
To disclose, publish
To remind
cause to happen
Showing surprise
Day dream, meditation, absent minded
Improve previous knowledge by study
Unbelievable something
Sound health
Expense without thinking
Overtaxing his energies
Vital issue/ an important question
Make peace
By all, By hook or by crook; Certainly
In any way, honest or dishonest
In comparison
with the help of, on account of
Commit something to memory
Quickly, rapidly, fast
Practical experience
cÖkœ mgvavb
17. ÔBy and largeÕ means – [44Zg wewmGm]
(K) everywhere
(M) mostly
(L) very large
(N) far away
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 79 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
e¨vL¨v: ÔBy and largeÕ idiom wUi A_© mostly (cÖavbZ, mvaviYZ)|
18. The bad News struck him like a bolt from the ______. [২৯তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Sky
(খ) Heavens
(গ) Firmament
(ঘ) Blue
উত্তর: ঘ
িযাখযা : ‘Bolt from the blue’ একটা idiom, যার অথভ বিিা সমকঘ িজ্রপাত। প্রদত্ত Sentence এর অথভ হকে দুঃিংিাদটি
(bad news) তাকক বিিা সমকঘ িজ্রপাকতর মকতাই আঘাত (Struck) করক া।
19. ‘By fair means or foul’ – phrase wUi A_© nj- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (wkDjx) : 2009]
K. without difficulty
L. in any way, honest or dishonest
M. without using common sense
N. Having been instigated
DËi: L
20. ‘By all means’ phrase- wUi A_© n‡”Q- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (Rev) : 2009]
K. Meaningless
L. Meaningful
M. Certainly
N. Uncertainty DËi: M
21. ÔBlack and blue’ A_© Kx? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. DËg ga¨g
L. i½xb
M. a~mi
N. Kvj I bxj
DËi: K
22. ‘Bottom Line’ means— (১৫তম বিবিএি)
K. The final step
L. The end of the road
M. The last of a book
N. The essential point
DËi: N
23. ‘Boot leg’ means— (১৫তম বিবিএি)
K. distribute
L. export
M. import
N. smuggle
DËi: N
24. Which one is the correct phrase to fill in the gap of ___ The teacher beat the student_____ (mnKvix
Dc‡Rjv wkÿv Awdmvi− 15)
K. One by one
L. Black and blue
25. ‘Bring to pass’ means—
M. Black & white N. One after another DËi: L
(২৭তম বিবিএি)
K. cause to destroy
L. cause to happen
M. cause to carry out
N. cause to convince
DËi : L
26. ‘Bill of fare’ means— (১৭তম বিবিএি)
K. a chart of bus fare
L. a price list
M. a valuable document
N. a list of dishes at restaurant
DËi : N
27. ‘Blue chip’s are- (১৭তম বিবিএি)
K. Securities issued by the government
L. Industrial shares considered to be a safe investment
M. Industrial shares considered to be a risky investment
N. Flast plastic counters used as money tokens
DËi : L
28. ÔBig bug’ means− (11Zg wkÿK wbeÜb)
K. Useful person
L. Important person
M. Unemployed person
N. Employed person
DËi : L
29. The price of rice is increasing ____ 11Zg wkÿK wbeÜb (¯‹zj ch©vq) −2012
K. By fits and starts L. By dint of
M. By virtue of N. By leaps and bounds DËi: N
30. The bad news struck him like a bolt from the_____[২৯তম বিবিএি]
K. sky
L. heavens
M. firmament
N. blue
DËi: N
31. The condition of most slum dwellers is so miserable that it cannot be described in words.
(১৪তম বিবিএি)
K. beggars description
M. boils down to this
L. cuts to the quick
N. keeps open house
DËi: K
32. You should show good manners in the company of young ladies. Which is appropriate phrase?
(১৪তম বিবিএি)
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 80 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
K. behave gently
M. behave yourself
L. practice manners
N. do not talk rudely
DËi: K
Idioms & Phrases
evsjv A_©
Meaning in English
Call it a day
Call names
Call to mind
Capital punishment
Carry the day
Castle in the air
Cats and dogs
Cat’s paw
Cat’s sleep
কাজ িন্ধ করা
র্াবল মিওয়া
স্মরর্ করা
ম ৃতু েিন্ড
জয় লাি করা
Finish work
To abuse
To remind
Death penalty
Fanciful schemes
a person who is used by another
Pretension of sleep
A worthy son of a worthy father
An absurd story/A false story
recover consciousness
To finish
actually happen
deal effectively
To deceive in accounts
False tears of sorrow
To want something impossible
Repent falsely
Obvious need
Dead end
Be favorite through flattery
Hand to hand fight
Apart from
Look over
AvKvk Kzmyg wPšÍv Kiv
অরের িাবতয়ার বিরিরি িেিহৃত িেবি
েুরমর িান
িাপকা মিটা
Chip of the old block, like father like son
Cock and bull story
Cold feet/feet of clay
Come round
Come to an end
Come true
Cope with
Cook the books
Crocodile tears
Cry for the moon
Cry over spilt milk
Crying need
Curry favour
Cut and thrust
Cut off
Cut someone dead
আজগুবি র্ল্প
আররার্ে লাি
মশষ করা
িরতে পবরর্ত িওয়া
তাল বমলারনা/ এাঁরট ওঠা
কারচু বপ করা
অপূরর্ীয় আকাঙ্ক্ক্ষা
ি ৃর্া অনুরশাচনা
অবত প্ররয়াজন
মতাষারমাি করা
িাতািাবত য্ুদ্ধ
না মচনার িান করা
cÖkœ mgvavb
33. omplete the following sentence choosing the appropriate option: It's raining cats and dogs,
so– [৩৭তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Watch out for falling animals.
(খ) Make sure you take an umbrella.
(গ) Keep your pets inside.
(ঘ) Keep the windows open.
DËi : L
িযাখযা : Cats and dogs A_© মু ষ ধাকর; প্রিুর পবরমাকণ (In great quantities)| মু ষ ধাকর িৃ বি হক অতযাির্যকীয় অিু ষঙ্গ
বহকিকি োতা দরকার| িু তরাং, িঠিক িাকয– “It’s raining cats and dogs, so make sure you take an
34. ÔCall it a day’ means--[cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. to be unhappy with the weather
L. to pay someone a visit
M. to raise doubts
N. to stop work since enough has been done DËi: N
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 81 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
28. Cock and bull story− (10g cÖfvlK wbeÜb I cÖZ¨qb− 2014)
K. Give a false alarm L. deal effectively
M. Dead end
N. A false story DËi: N
29. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
If we want concrete proof, we are looking for __________________. [২১তম বিবিএি]
(ক) clear evidence
(খ) building material
(গ) a cement mixer
(ঘ) something to cover a path
উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : Concrete Proof এর অথভ– িাস্তি/িঠিক প্রমাণ; Look for এর অথভ– সখাোঁজা| সিই অকথভ এখাকি “Clear
evidence”-ই প্রকযাজয|
30. ‘Cul-de-sac’ means- (২২তম বিবিএি)
K. dead end
L. selection
M. error
N. bubble
DËi: K
35. ‘Call to mind’ means- [৩৩তম বিবিএি]
K. fantasize
L. attend
M. remember
N. request
DËi: M
36. Not many people can commit such a heinous crime in ‘Cold blood’. (১৪তম বিবিএি)
K. in cool brain & calculated thoughts
L. so patiently & thoughtfully
M. so impatiently & thoughtlessly
N. stirred by sudden emotion
DËi: K
31. False tears of sorrow− Crocodiles tears (gvqvKvbœv) (Avbmvi I wfwWwc Awa`߇ii mv‡K©j A¨vWRy‡U›U− 15)
Idioms & Phrases
evsjv A_©
Meaning in English
Daggers drawn
Dark horse
Day dreams
Dead letter
De jure
Die in harness
Dilly dally
Dog days
Double jeopardy
অপ্রচবলত আইন
প্রকৃ তপরক্ষ
কমথরত অিস্থায় ম ৃতু ে
র্রম আিিাওয়া
একই মামলায় দুইিার বিচার
To be in a state of hostility
Unknown person
No longer in force/ Law not in force
First public appearance
By legal right, legally
Die while still working
Waste time
Hot weather
Judicating twice
cÖkœ mgvavb
32. ÔDog days’ means—
[cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019; 14Zg I 43Zg wewmGm]
K. a period of being care free
L. Hot weather
M. a period of misfortune
N. a time when dog roam the street
DËi : L
e¨vL¨v : ÔDog daysÕ idiom wUi A_© hot weather (DòZg AvenvIqv/ DòZg mgq)|
31. ‘Dilly-dally’ means— (২০তম বিবিএি)
K. wait impatiently L. to dilute
M. repeat
N. waste time
DËi: N
32. ‘Debut’ means— (২৩তম বিবিএি)
K. first appearance L. conclusion
M. gracious response
N. contradiction DËi : K
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 82 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
E, F
Idioms & Phrases
evsjv A_©
Meaning in English
Eat the humble pie
অপমান হজম করে ক্ষমা
make a humble apology and accept
Complete failure
To come to nothing
of major importance
Useless remnant
Impartial justice/ Hold the scale even
সম্পূর্ ব্যর্
Ended in Fiasco
পরের্ত হওয়া
Ended in smoke
যুগান্তকােী পদরক্ষপ
Epoch making
অপ্ররয়াজনীয় অংশ
Fag end
সৎ ও সেল
Fair and square
নযায় রব্চাে
Fair play/fair field and no favor
Person who ceases to be friend when one is in trouble
Fair weather friends
ভু ক্তরভাগী
Fall a victim to
রনষ্ফল হওয়া
Fall flat
Have no effect
fall from the clouds
Shattered dream
First language
Natural/ mother language
থ ালা পারনরত মাছ স্বীকাে
Fish in troubled water
Take advantage of disturbed situation
Fish out of water
Like one out of his element
Fare and fury
Few and far between
Few and widely scattered
cÖkœ mgvavb
35. Fill in the blank : You may go for a walk if you feel ---- it. [৪০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) about
(খ) on
(গ) like
(ঘ) for
িযাখযা : Feel like : To want something or to do something (সকাি বকেু র প্রতযার্া করা িা সকাি বকেু করার
প্রিণতা)| সযমি- I feel like a cup of coffee. I felt like I needed a walk. Do you feel like going for
a swim? িাকযিমূ হ হকত সদখা যায়- হাোঁটকত সযকত পারা, ইেু ক/আগ্রহী হওয়া অকথভ feel like িকি|
36. The saying 'enough is enough' is used when you want- [৪০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) something to continue
(খ) something to stop
(গ) something to continue until it's enough (ঘ) to tell instructions are clear
িযাখযা : ‘enough is enough’ একটি Phrase. It is used for saying that something must stop. এমি
একটা পবরবস্থবত িৃ বি হয় যখি প্রিঙ্গটাকক আর িামকি টািকত িাওয়া হয় িা তখি এটি ি া হয়|
37. I have not heard from him _________. [২৯তম বিবিএি]
(ক) long since
(খ) for a long time
(গ) since long
(ঘ) for long
উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : িাধারণত Positive sentence এ ‘for a long time’ িযিহার করা হয় এিং Negative sentence এ ‘for
long’ িযিহার করা হয়| বকন্তু কখকিা কখকিা ‘for a long time’ ও Negative sentence এ িযিহার করা যায়। অথভাৎ
‘for a long time’ ও ‘for long’ দকটাই িঠিক বহকিকি বিকিিিা করা যায়| তকি একেকে ‘for a long time’ ও ‘for
long’ এর মকধয িু ক্ষ্ম পাথভকয পবর বেত হয়| এ পাথভকয অিু যায়ী ‘for a long time’ দ্বারা িমকয়র িযবি সিবর্ প্রকার্ পায়|
িু তরাং এ যু বক্ত অিু যায়ী ‘for a long time’ শুদ্ধ|
38. ÔFag end’ means− [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (weUv): 14]
K. The last part
L. Foggy
M. Cut a bad figure
N. Unfair
DËi : K
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 83 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
36. ÔFall into lineÕ evMavivwUi A_© wK n‡e? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (hgybv) : 2012]
K. Disagree
L. Honest
M. Brave
N. Agree
DËi : N
38. ‘First language means the____Language.[২৫তম বিবিএি; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (wm‡jU wefvM): 07 ]
K. important
L. main
M. natural
N. official
DËi : M
39. Only those who are not serious to their success work____and starts. [৩১তম বিবিএি]
K. long odds
L. against time
M. every inch
N. fits
DËi : N
Idioms & Phrases
evsjv A_©
Meaning in English
ধীরে ধীরে উন্নরত কো
Gain ground
become more popular
Gain the day
Become victorious, winner
উৎসরব্ে রদন
Gala day
Victory day
মারনরয় থনওয়া
Get along with
To adjust/Tolerate
কাউরক রকছু থব্াঝারত পাো
Get his ideas across
Make his ideas understood
Get rid of
To do away with, become free
আরগে থর্রক ভাল
Get the better of
gain an advantage
ব্েখাি কো
Get the sack
To be fired from a job or task
Gift of the gab
Fluency of speech
ধমক থদওয়া
Give a cold shoulder
To scold
Giving someone the cold shoulder কাউকক এড়িকে চলা To ignore somebody
তযাগ কো
Give up
cease making an effort
Give upon the ghost
To die
অরনকদূে অরতক্রম
Go a long way
very successful
Go hand in hand
Together, in a body
Go sky high
to go very high
ভারলা করে পড়া
Go through
look at something very carefully
উঁচু দরেে
Golden mean
avoiding both extreme excess and extreme deficiency
সুব্র্ সু
ণ রযাগ
Golden opportunity
an excellent opportunity that is not likely to be repeated
Go in a body
থগাল্লায় যাওয়া
Go to the dogs
Be ruined
Greek and Latin
Good for nothing
Entirely without value
m¤§y‡L bZRvby nIqv/ bZ nIqv
To genuflect
To bend the knee
কাোব্ন্দীে থমৌরলক অরধকাে
Habeas corpus
Fundamental rights of prisoners
থেষ্ঠরেে ছাপ
Hall mark
Hang around
Loiter about
Hard times
a time of difficulty
Hard up
With insufficient money
Have a heart
To ask somebody to be kind
Head and ears
Head is in the clouds
A day dreamer
Head or tail
be quite confused
Heart and soul
Earnestly, tooth and nail
কঠিন কাজ
Herculean task
A very difficult task
লুরকাচু রে
Hole and corner
Secret, secrecy
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 84 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
Hot water
Hush money/speed money
হহ হচ/থশােরগাল
Hue and cry
Trouble, difficulty, problem
Loud outcry
cÖkœ mgvavb
40. The word Ôto genuflect’ means- [43Zg wewmGm]
(K) to be genuine (L) to refect
(M) to bend the knee
(N) to be flexible D : M
e¨vL¨v : ÔTo genuflect’ kãwUi A_© m¤§y‡L bZRvby nIqv, bZ nIqv; to bend the knee.
41. ‘Giving someone the cold shoulder’ means– [৪২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) to torture somebody
(গ) to appreciate someone
(খ) to ignore somebody
(ঘ) to harm someone
িযাখযা : কাউকক এবেকয় ি া অকথভ ‘Giving someone the cold shoulder’ িযিহৃত হয়।
42. Choose the word/phrase that best retains the meaning of the underlined word/phrase in the
given sentence: Despite being a brilliant scientist, he does not seem to get his ideas across.
[32Zg wewmGm]
(ক) make his ideas understood
(খ) get his ideas down pat
(গ) summarize his ideas
(ঘ) put together his ideas
উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : Get something across to somebody অথভ কাউকক বকেু সিাঝাকত পারা (Make something
43. Gala day (Rb¯^v¯’¨ cÖ‡KŠkj Awa`߇ii DcmnKvi©x cÖ‡KŠkjx− 15)
K. A day of festivity
L. Holiday
M. A day of judgement
N. None
DËi : K
44. He has gone to dogs. Gi mwVK Abyev` †KvbwU? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (Lyjbv wefvM): 07]
K. †m KzKz‡ii Kv‡Q †M‡Q
L. ‡m KzKyi Lye fv‡jvev‡m
M. ‡m †Mvjøvq †M‡Q
N. ‡m KzKzi †cv‡l
DËi : M
45. The weight was too much and the pillar gave way. Here Ôgive way’ indicates— [cÖv_wgK
we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (evwZj cixÿv): 02]
K. Bent down
L. Was changed
M. Was broken
DËi: M
46. Which is the appropriate meaning for ÔHush money’? (Rb¯^v¯’¨ cÖ‡KŠkj Awa`߇ii DcmnKvi©x cÖ‡KŠkjx− 15)
K. Silent money
L. Money given as bribe
M. Quiet money
N. Borrowed money
DËi : L
47. A person whose ‘head is in the clouds’ is- (২৩তম বিবিএি)
K. proud
L. a day dreamer
M. an aviator
N. useless
DËi: L
46. ÔHead over heels in love’ means− (10g cÖfvlK wbeÜb K‡jR mgch©vq− 2014)
K. Loving somebody
L. Disliking somebody very much
M. Hating love strongly
N. Loving somebody very much
DËi: N
47. ‘Hold water’ means- [11Zg wewmGm; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK: 92]
K. keep water
L. bear examination
M. drink water
N. Store water DËi: L
Idioms & Phrases
evsjv A_©
Meaning in English
In a nutshell
Briefly, In a word
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 85 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
In cold blood
In connection with
In full swing
In good faith
In lieu of
In order to
In pursuance with
In pursuit of
In quest of
In season and out of season
In spite of
In high spirits
In the event of
In the eye of
In the god book
In the grip of
In the guise of
In the long run
In the seventh heaven
In the teeth of
In the long run
In vain
Ins and outs
Iron will
Irony of fate
Jack of all trades
In the nick of Time
িান্ডা মার্ায়
সেল রব্শ্বারস
অনুপ্রারর্ত কো
সমরয় অসমরয়
উপকারে লাগা
পেম সুরখ
অগ্রাহয করে
ব্যর্ ণ
খুঠঁ টনাঠট
দৃঢ় সংকল্প
ভারগযে রনমমণ পরেহাস
Very active
In honest belief
In the place of
according to a particular sequence
Inspire, motivate
the action of pursuing
In search of, look for, search
At all times
Cheerful/ Joyful
if there should be
In someone's view
Become useful
affected by something undesirable
In disguise
Extremely happy
In defiance or regardless of
As a consequence
In details
Strong determination
By bad luck
Person who knows a bit of all
In the appropriate time, fixed
cÖkœ mgvavb
48. Of the four alternatives, find the one that best fits into the blank space:___________ his early
study, the Professor’s new study indicates a general warming trend in global weather. [৩১তম
(ক) In contrast of
(খ) In contrast to
(গ) In contrast by
(ঘ) In contrast as
উত্তর: খ
িযাখযা : In contrast to অথভ ত িা করা/ পাথভকয সদখাকিা।
49. “Trying unitedly we were able to have our project approved against strong oppositions.”
Which of the following says nearly the same as ‘against’ above? [১৪তম বিবিএি]
(ক) In the wake of
(খ) In the guise of
(গ) In the plea of
(ঘ) In the teeth of
উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : Against strong opposition অথভ র্বক্তর্া ী প্রবতপকের বিপরীকত (এখাকি, against অথভ কি , খপ্পর, বিপে,
বিপরীতক্রম); In the wake of- সপেি সপেি; In the guise of- েদ্মকিকর্ িক ; In the plea of- অজু হাকত,
ককবিয়কত; In the teeth of- প্রি র্বক্তর বিরুকদ্ধ, কাকরা র্ক্ত বিকরাবধতার বিপরীকত।
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 86 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
50. Not many people can commit such a heinous crime ‘in cold blood’. What does the quoted
idiom mean?[১৪তম বিবিএি]
(ক) In cool brain and calculated thought
(খ) So patiently and thoughtfully
(গ) So impatiently and thoughtlessly
(ঘ) Stirred by sudden emotion
উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : In cold blood- ঠাণ্ডা মাথায় বিন্তার্ািিা ককর, বিিা উকত্তজিায়। In cool brain and calculated thoughtঠাণ্ডা মাথায় এিং পবরকবিত বিন্তায় বহিাি-বিকার্। So patiently and thoughtfully- খু িই কধযভিহ এিং বিকিিিা িহকাকর।
So impatiently and thoughtlessly- খু িই অধধযভর্াকি এিং অবিকিিিা প্রিূ তর্াকি। Stirred by sudden emotionহঠাৎ আকিকগ সজকগ উকঠ িা উকত্তবজত হকয়।
51. The idiom ‘In black and white’- Gi A_©— [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (BQvgwZ) : 2010]
K. Temporary
L. False
M. Verbally
N. In writing
DËi: N
e¨vL¨v: ‘In black and white’ phrase— Gi A_©- wjwLZfv‡e| In writing— wjwLZfv‡e|
50. Trying unitedly we were able to have out project approved against strong oppositions.
(১৪তম বিবিএি)
K. in the wake of
M. in the plea of
L. in the guise of
N. in the teeth of
DËi: N
L. In the wrong time
N. After the just time
DËi: K
51. What do you means by ÔIn the nick of Time’?
K. In the appropriate time
M. Before the just time
K, L, M
Idioms & Phrases
evsjv A_©
Meaning in English
Keen on
Keep one’s head
Keep in the dark
Kith and kin
Know no bound
Lame excuse
Lay heads together
Leave no stone
unturned/spare no pains
Lend me ears
Let bygones be bygones
Let the cat out of the bag
Lingua franca
Lion’s share
Live on
Loaves and fishes
Look after
Look down upon
Look forward to
Maiden speech
Make a mess
Make both ends
Milk and water
চাবলরয় য্াওয়া/উৎিািী িওয়া
শান্ত র্াকা
To be enthusiastic
To keep calm
To keep someone uninformed
Blood-relations and kinsfolk
To be without limit, unlimited
Bad plea
To work together to come up
Use all available means
না জানারনা/লুকারনা
আত্মীয় স্বজন
িারজ অজুিাত
পরামশথ করা
মচিার ক্রবট না করা
মনরয্ার্ মিওয়া
অতীতরক িু রল য্াও
মর্াপন তর্ে ফাাঁি
িচরাচর িেিহৃত িাষা
মিবশর িার্ অাংশ/বিাংিিার্
মিাঁরচ র্াকা
মিখারশানা করা
ে ৃর্া/অিজ্ঞা করা
আশা করা
প্রর্ম িিৃতা
জর্াবখচু রী
কায়রেরশ জীিনয্াপন
GK‡N‡q, cÖvYnxb/`ye©j
Listen to me
Forget the past
To tell the secret
Common language
Major part
to depend on something for sustenance
Personal gain
Care for
await eagerly
The first speech
create a dirty or untidy state
To live in a fixed income
Lifeless, dull
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 87 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
cÖkœ mgvavb
53. We look forward ___ a response from you. [৩৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) to receiving
(খ) to receive
(গ) in receiving
(ঘ) for receiving
উত্তর : ক
54. Ôcixÿv LyeB wbKUeZ©xÕ Gi mwVK Bs‡iwR Abyev` †KvbwU? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (Lyjbv wefvM) : 07; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK: 02]
K. The examination is coming soon
L. The examination is with start soon
M. The examination is knocking at the door N. The examination is beginning soon
DËi: M
55. ÔLoaves and fishes’ means− [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK−12; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (wkDjx) : 2009]
K. Personal gains
L. Beautiful Bread
M. Tasty fishes
N. None
DËi: K
56. ‘Lingua Franca’ means- [24Zg wewmGm; cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (‡WjUv): 14]
K. The French Language
L. The common language
M. Language of brothers
N. The first language
DËi: L
57. Sher-e-Bangla was a__(12Zg wkÿK wbeÜb−15)
K. Man of sorrow L. Man of justice
M. Man of mark
N. Man of softheart DËi: M
e¨vL¨v : Man of mark A_© weL¨vZ e¨w³|
58. The idiom Ôlet things slide’ means— [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. ignore
L. set free
M. lose gradually
N. reveal a secret
DËi: K
59. ÔMilk & water’ means− [12Zg wkÿK wbeÜb− 15; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (‡ngšÍ): 10]
K. Brave
L. Timid
M. Daring
N. Courageous
DËi: L
60. ÔMan of straw Õ means- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2018]
K. respected person L. worthless man
M. gentleman
N. noted person DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : ÔMan of strawÕ— ¸iæZ¡nxb e¨w³ ev hv‡K mn‡R civ¯Í Kiv hvq| myZivs mwVK DËi worthless man.
61. I have a boat made of wood. The underlined phrase is—[cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. an adverbial phrase
L. perfect participle phrase
M. present participle phrase
N. past participle phrase
DËi : N
e¨vL¨v : verb Gi past participle hLb adjective wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq, ZLb Zv‡K past participle phrase
e‡j| D³ sentence G noun(boat) †K modify K‡i‡Q Ges Zv GKwU past participle phrase.
63. We must keep our finger____that the weather will stay fine for the picnic tomorrow. (২২তম বিবিএি)
K. raised
L. pointed dreamer
M. lifted
N. crossed
DËi: M
িযাখযা : Keeping fingers raised/ Keeping fingers pointed/ Keeping fingers lifted– এ জাতীয় Phrase
িিরািার সদখা যায় িা। বকন্তু “Keeping one’s fingers crossed” অথভ হক া আর্া সপাষণ করা, কামিা করা।
N, O, P
Idioms & Phrases
evsjv A_©
Meaning in English
Nota bene
Nouveau riche
Null and void
না িলরলই নয়
বিরশষ দ্রিিে
নতু ন ধ্নী
Nip in the bud
A¼z‡i webó nIqv
On behalf of
On easy terms
All the same, nevertheless
Mark well, note well
New rich
Rejected, invalid
Destory at the very beginning
as a representative of
Long term payment
িিজ বিলরে/বকবিরত
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 88 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
On foot
On no account
On the eve of
On the highest alert
On the increase
On the sky
On the spur of the moment
Out of date
Out of one's wits
Out of temper
Over head and ear
Over the years
Palmy days/good time
Pandora’s box
Part and parcel
Pave the way
Pivotal question
Play on a fiddle
Play truant
Point blank
Prima facie
Puppet in the hands of
Push somebody to the wall
Put the cart before the horse
Put up with
পারয় মিাঁরট
মকানক্ররমই না
িরিথাচ্চ িতথকতায়
ু আকারশ
উরেজনার মুহুরতথ
walking rather than travelling
By no means
In the beginning, just before
Concious, cautious
becoming greater
Open air
without planning in advance
Off fashion/Obsolete
অতযন্ত বিিব ত
িমরয়র বিিতথরন
With the passage of time
Days of prosperity and glory
বিড়েনাপূর্থ উপিার
Artificially good bt actually not
অবিরিিে অাংশ
An essential portion
পর্ ততবর করা
Make the way
গুরুেপূর্থ প্রশ্ন
The most important question
িময় অপচয়
To waste time
স্কুল পালারনা
stay away from school without leave or explanation
প্রর্ম িশথরন
At the first sight
িারতর পুতুল
A man without ego
পরাবজত করা
To defeat him
স্বািাবিক বনয়ম উল্টারনা
Reverse the natural order
িহ্য করা
cÖkœ mgvavb
64. Fill in the blank: ÔShe went to New Market…..’. [43Zg wewmGm]
(K) on foot
(L) on feet
(M) by foot
(N) by walking D : K
e¨vL¨v : Ôcv‡q nvuUvÕ A‡_© e¨eüZ nq Ôon foot’. ZvB evK¨wU n‡e- She went to New Market on foot (‡m
cv‡q †nu‡U wbD gv‡K©‡U wM‡qwQj)| Z‡e hvbevnb e¨envi Ki‡j n‡Zv- by bus/by boat/by train/air.
They travelled to Savar ________. [২৯তম বিবিএি]
(ক) on foot
(খ) by walking
(গ) on their feet
(ঘ) by foot
উত্তর : ক
The phrase “nouveau riche” means– [৩৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Riche rich
(খ) Well off
(গ) New high class
(ঘ) New rich উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : ‘Nouveau riche’ একটি French phrase যার অথভ সয িযবক্ত িম্প্রবত ধিী হকয়কে অথভাৎ new rich.
The idiom “put up with” means – [৩৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) stay together
(খ) tolerate
(গ) keep trust
(ঘ) protect
DËi : L
িযাখযা : ‘Put up with’ phrase টি দ্বারা িহয করা সিাঝায়|
Of the four alternatives, find the one that best fits into the blank space: While living in
poverty, the poet had to ____________ a great deal of sufferings. [৩১তম বিবিএি]
(ক) see through
(খ) put up with
(গ) pass by
(ঘ) fall back
উত্তর : খ
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 89 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
িযাখযা : see through অথভ িা াবক ধকর সি া; put up with অথভ িহয করা; pass by অথভ উকপো করা এিং fall back
অথভ পশ্চাদপিারণ, বপেু হটা| দাবরকের মকধয িিিাি করক অকিক সর্াগাবন্ত (sufferings) িহয করকত (put up with িা
tolerate) হয়|
69. Of the four alternatives given under each sentence, find the one that best fits into the blank
space: The horror movie scared them out of their ________. [৩০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) wits
(খ) seats
(গ) lives
(ঘ) funds
উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : Out of one's wits একটি idiom, যার অথভ অতযন্ত বিিব ত|
70. ‘Prior to’ means– [২৭তম বিবিএি]
(ক) after
(খ) before
(গ) immediately
(ঘ) during the period of
উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : Prior to ➨ পূ িিভ তী; পূ িভতি; পূ কিভ; আকগ ইতযাবদ|
71. ÔOut and out Õ means- [11Zg wewmGm; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2018]
K. Whole heartedly L. not at all
M. thoroughly
N. Brave
DËi: M
e¨vL¨v : ÔOut and outÕ— m¤ú~Y©iƒ‡c| thoroughly A_© m¤ú~Y©iƒ‡c| Whole heartedly A_© AvšÍwiKfv‡e|
72. You will fail in the exam, If you ____ from school. (12Zg wkÿK wbeÜb− 15)
KTake to task
L. Put off
M. Put out
N. Play trurant
DËi: N
73. Put an end to means –
K. Caused to happen L. Stopped
M. Spread
N. Confirmed
DËi: L
74. Puss the buck− to pass the blame to someone else. (G‡Ki †`vl A‡b¨i Dci Pvcv‡bv) – (wkÿv, WvK, ¯^v¯’¨ I A_©
gš¿Yvj‡qi cÖkvmwbK I e¨w³MZ Kg©KZ©v− 2015)
75. ‘Paediatric’ relates to the treatment of— (১৫তম বিবিএি)
K. adults
L. children
M. old prople
N. women
DËi: L
76. ‘Plebiscite’ is a term related to— (১৫তম বিবিএি)
K. medicine
L. technology
M. law
N. politics
DËi: N
Politicians often use students as— (12Zg wkÿK wbeÜb)
K. Cat’s paw
L. Cold water
M. Fresh blood
N. Kith and kin
DËi: K
‘Pass away’ means— [৩৩তম বিবিএি]
K. disappear
L. die
M. erase
N. fall
DËi: L
‘Parcel’ means— (২২তম বিবিএি)
K. Quarrel
L. Piece of land
M. unobstructed view
N. Postage
DËi: L
‘Pros and cons’ phrase wUi A_©— [‡iwR÷vW© cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (Rev) : 2011]
K. Good and bad
L. Advantage and disadvantage
M. Light and dark
N. In and out
DËi: L
NB-Gi c~Y©iƒc wK? [34Zg wewmGm; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (ewikvj wefvM): 07]
DËi: L
িযাখযা : N.B. হক া একটি Abbreviation (িংবেি রূপ) যার পূ ণভরূপ হক া– ‘Nota bene’। স খিীকত সকাকিা বকেু গুরুত্বপূ ণভ বহকিকি
তুক ধরার সেকে N.B. িযিহার করা হয়।
ÔPrior toÕ means- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2018]
K. before
L. during the period of
M. immediately
N. after.
DËi: K
83. ‘Once in a blue moon’ means- [৩৮তম বিবিএি]
K. always
L. very rarely
84. He is _____ a rogue. (12Zg wkÿK wbeÜb− 15)
M. nearly
N. hourly
DËi: L
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 90 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
K. Out of out
L. After all
M. One and every
e¨vL¨v: He (wZwb) is out of out (cy‡ivcywi) a rogue. (e`gvk)
N. Above all
Q, R, S
Idioms & Phrases
evsjv A_©
Meaning in English
Queer fish
Rank and fashion
A™¢zZ e¨w³
ন্য ূন্তম
Eccentric person
Required number
Aristocratic society
সাজসজ্জা/অভিজাত সমাজ
সাধারণ সসভন্ক
Rank and file
ভিশৃ ঙ্খলা
হাতত ন্াতত ধরা
Red handed
স্মরণীয় ভিন্
Red letter day
আমলাতাভিক জটিলতা
Red tape
পততন্র পতে অগ্রসর হওয়া
Riding for a fall
Right and left
Road block
Run counter to
দিাষী িূভি সন্াি করা
Saddle on the right horse
Safe and sound
দেষ্ঠ িূভি
Salt of the earth
প্রজ্বভলত করা
Set on fire
দুিভ াতযূ সান্ত্বন্া
Silver lining
Awbw`©óKv‡ji Rb¨
Sine die
Sit on the fench
বিরন্তি বি ীি হকয় যাওয়া
Sink into oblivion
Skin and bone
িাসা িাসা দৃতশূ
Skim through
দলখায় অসতকভ তািশত িুল
Slip of the pen
কোয় অসতকভ তািশত িুল
Slip of the tongue
ধীর ভথর িূভি
Slow and steady
সতেহ করা
Smell a rat
দযাপন্ শত্রু
Snake in the grass
Soft soap
দচষ্টার ক্রটি ন্া করা
Spare no pains
গুরুত্বপয ণভ
Stand out
পয িাভ িথায়
Status quo
িজভন্ করা
Steer clear of
তুমু ল উতেজন্া
Storm in a tea cup
জন্যতণর মতামততর জন্ূ দিসরকাভর দিাট
Straw vote
Stumbling block
The common soldiers
a noisy activity [24Zg wewmGm]
With proof
Memorable day
Excessive official formality
to act recklessly
On all sides
Identify the guilt
Quite safe
Famous person
To burn
Remain neutral, To be impartial
Very thin
Bird’s eye view
Mistake in writing
Mistake in speaking
Continuity, cold blooded man
Suspect, doubt
A hidden enemy
Flattery/ Flatter for self motives
Leave no stone unturned
State of affairs
A fuss about a trifling matter
Poll of public opinion
DËi: K
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 91 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
সু সমতয়র িন্ধু
Summer friends
A fraud person
দশষ রচন্া
Swan song
Last work [23Zg wewmGm]
cÖkœ mgvavb
85. The phrase Ôsine die’ means- [43Zg wewmGm]
(K) half-heartedly
e¨vL¨v :
(L) doubtfully
(M) fixed
(N) uncertain
Idioms & Phrases
evsjv A_©
Meaning in English
Sine die
Smell a rat
In the nick of Time
Awbw`©óKv‡ji Rb¨
m‡›`n Kiv
Doubt, suspect
In the appropriate time, fixed
127. Some writers sink _____ oblivion in course of time. (33Zg wewmGm)
(ক) on
(খ) from
(গ) under
(ঘ) into
উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : Sink into oblivion একটি phrase, যার অথভ বিরন্তি বি ীি হকয় যাওয়া| স খক সযকহতু বিস্মৃবতকত িা বিন্তার জগকত
বি ীি হকয় যায় তাই র্ূ িযস্থাকি into হকি|
86. Choose the appropriate meaning of the idiom ‘Swan song’? [২৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) First work
(খ) Middle work
(গ) Last work
(ঘ) Early work
িযাখযা : Swan song - অবন্তম গীত; সর্ষ কৃতয; সর্ষ কমভ (Last work)|
87. I have never seen such a slow coach like you. Which is appropriate phrase?
K. an irresponsible person
M. an unthoughtful person
উত্তর : গ
(১৩তম বিবিএি)
L. a careless person
N. a very lazy person
DËi: N
88. ‘Ruminant’ means- (২২তম বিবিএি)
K. cud chewing animal
L. soup
M. gossip
89. ‘Salarium’ means- (১৮তম বিবিএি)
K. salt
L. Salary
M. soldiers
90. He raised his eyebrow at my explanation means- [২৪তম বিবিএি]
N. noise maker
DËi: K
N. the Salt Road
DËi: L
K. Show surprise or disapproval
L. show agreement
M. show happiness
N. show indifference
91. What is the meaning of ‘Soft Soap’? [১৪তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Flatter for self motives
(খ) To speak ill of others
(গ) To speak high of others
(ঘ) To recognize other’s good deeds
Idioms & Phrases
evsjv A_©
Take into account
Take place
Take/feel the pulse
Take leave of (sb)
Teeth of opposition
The birds and the bees
ভিতিচন্া করা
to happen
Kv‡iv bvwoi ¯ú›`b Abyfe Kiv
we`vq †bIqv
To say goodbye
িাধার মু তখ
In the face of
মান্ি প্রজন্তন্র দমৌভলক
The basic facts about sex
Three times twenty
আসল কাজ করা
to perform a very dangerous task
Three score
To bell the cat
Meaning in English
DËi: K
উত্তর : ক
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 92 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
ন্তুন্ ভকছু করা
To blaze trail
To initiate word in a movement
একিার যরম একিার ঠাণ্ডা
To blow hot and cold
To be inconsistent
To bring to book
To compel to give an account
দসাজাসু ভজ কো িলা
To call a spade a spade
To speak bluntly
gvwb‡q †bIqv
To get along with
To adjust
To breathe one’s last/ To kick the bucket
e„_v Kvbœv Kiv ev wg_¨v wec` ms‡KZ †`qv
To cry wolf
To give a false alarm
অিাক হওয়া
To raise one’s brows
Surprise [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK: 15]
অেভ িু তে পিা
To read between the lines
to grasp the hidden meaning [17Zg I 30Zg wewmGm]
Toil and moil
Hard labour/ work
অন্ূাতয়র প্রভততশাধ
Tooth for tooth
Take revenge
যম্ভীর প্রকৃভতর
Tough cookie
a tough person
Turn a deaf ear
িভধর/কণভপাত ন্া করা
Turn over a new leaf
Tooth and nail
To lighten the atmosphere
To cut the crack
To break the ice
ন্তুন্ জীিন্ আরম্ভ
KwVb gyn~‡Z© ¯^vfvweK _vKv
K_v _vwg‡q KvR Kiv
wbieZv †f‡½ K_v ejv
Change for the better
To ease a tense situation
To stop talking and start
To start a conversation
cÖkœ mgvavb
91. ÔTo get along withÕ means – [28Zg I 44Zg wewmGm]
(K) to adjust
(L) to interest
(M) to accompany
(N) to walk
DËi : K
e¨vL¨v: ÔTo get along withÕ idom wUi A_© gvwb‡q †bIqv, to adjust.
92. Which one is a correct sentence? [41Zg wewmGm]
K. The doctor found my sentence?
L. The doctor took my pulse.
M. The doctor examined my pulse.
N. The doctor saw my pulse.
DËi: L
 e¨vL¨v : Take/feel the pulse GKwU Idiom hvi A_© Kv‡iv bvwoi ¯ú›`b Abyfe Kiv| The doctor took my
pulse A_© Wv³vi Avgvi bvwoi ¯ú›`b Abyfe Ki‡jb|
93. ‘Through thick and thin’ means– [২৭তম বিবিএি]
(ক) under all conditions
(খ) to make thick and thin
(গ) not clear in understanding
(ঘ) of great density
উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : ‘Through thick and thin’-এর অথভ ‘In spite of all the difficulties’ িা যা বকেু ই ঘটুক িা সকি| এখাকি
উত্তর হকি ‘Under all conditions’ িা সয সকাি অিস্থার মকধয|
94. ‘Three score’ is- (১৫তম বিবিএি)
K. Thirty times twenty
M. three times twenty
95. ‘Take into account’ means- [৩৩তম বিবিএি]
K. count numbers
L. consider
96. ‘To end in smoke’ means- [৩১তম ও ৩৭তম বিবিএি]
K. To create fire
M. To come to nothing
L. three hundred times
N. more than three
M. assess
DËi: M
N. Think seriously DËi: L
L. To go through suffering
N. To see five
DËi: M
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 93 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
in smoke অথভ ব্যর্ণতায় পর্ণব্রসত হওয়া (Come to nothing)।
97. To raise one’s brows indicates– [২৪তম বিবিএি ও ৩২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) annoyance
(খ) disapproval
(গ) indifference
(ঘ) surprise
িযাখযা : To ‘raise ones brows’ indicates– both disapproval and surprise.
ব্যাখ্যা : End
98. ‘To put the cart before the horse’ means-
উত্তর : ঘ
[৩০তম বিবিএি]
K. to offer a person what he cannot eat
L. to force a person to do something
M. to raise obstinate
N. to reverse the natural order of thing
DËi: N
িযাখযা : Put the cart before the horse অথভ সকাকিা বজবিকির স্বার্াবিক ক্রমকক পাকে সদয়া (Reverse the natural
order of things)|
99. Choose the one which best expresses its meaning: To read between the lines– [১৭তম ও ৩০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) to concentrate
(খ) to suspect
(গ) to read carefully
(ঘ) to grasp the hidden meaning
উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : To read between the lines ➨ অিযক্ত অথভ আবিষ্কার/উপ বি করা (To grasp the hidden meaning).
100. ‘To keep one’s head’ means- [৩০তম বিবিএি]
K. to save oneself
L. to be self respectful
M. to keep calm
N. none of these
িযাখযা : Keep one’s head অথভ মাথা ঠাণ্ডা রাখা (Keep calm).
DËi: M
101. ‘Take the bull by the horns’ means- [৩৮তম বিবিএি]
K. To challenge the enemy with courage
L. Force the enemy to submit
M. Surrender before the enemy
N. Out of one’s wit
DËi: K
িযাখযা : Take the bull by the horns অথভ িাহকির িাকথ র্ক্রর/বিপকদর সমাকাবি া করা (To challenge the enemy with
102. ‘To do away with’ means- [৩৬তম ও ৩৭তম বিবিএি]
K. To repeat
L. To start
M. To get rid of
To drive off
DËi: M
িযাখযা : To do away with অথভ সকাকিা বকেু িন্ধ করা, তযাগ করা, র্ধ্ংি করা| To repeat অথভ পু িরািৃ বত্ত করা| To start অথভ শুরু
করা| To get rid of অথভ মু ক্ত করা িা হওয়া; তযাগ করা; র্ধ্ংি করা এিং To drive off অথভ তাবেকয় সদওয়া, শুরু করা (গ ি সখ া)|
িু তরাং ‘To do away with’-এর অথভ হকে ‘To get rid of’|
110. ‘To get along with’ means-
[২৮তম বিবিএি]
K. To adjust
L. To accompany
M. To interest
N. To walk
111. ‘Through thick and thin’ means— [২৭তম বিবিএি]
K. under all conditions
L. to make thick and thin
M. not clear understanding
N. of great density
112. ‘To meet trouble half way’ means— (14Zg wewmGm; cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (Avjdv): 14]
DËi: K
DËi: K
K. To be puzzled
L. To get nervous
M. To be disappointed
N. To bear up
DËi: L
113. The invention of computer has turned over a new leaf in the history of modern technology. (১৪তম
K. created a new history
M. opened a new chapter
103. ÔTo flog a dead horse’ means−
K. To fight for a lost cause
M. To act in a foolish way
L. began a new civilization
N. created a sensation
DËi: M
L. To take interest in an obsolete subject
N. To treat an incurable patient.
DËi: L
104. ÔThe birds and the bees Õ means- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2018]
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 94 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
K. The basic facts about sex
L. The bird's eye view
M. The birds and bees are good workers.
N. The relation between the birds and bees
105. ‘The pros and cons’ – phrase wUi A_© n‡jv- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (kvcjv) : 2009]
K. Foul and fair
L. Good and evil
M. Before and after
N. For or against a thing
106. To cry wolf means−
K. To listen eagerly
L. To give false alarm
M. To be frightened
N. To keep off starvation
107. ÔThe shoulder died in harness’ means−
K. He died in business
L. He died in peace
M. He died in honor
N. He died in dishonor
108. What is the meaning of the Idiom ÔTake to one’s heels’.
K.To stand on one’s own feet
L. To wear expensive shoe
M. To escape
N. To reach
109. To take a leap in the mark.
K. To take risk
L. To hazard oneself
M. To do a task secretly N. To do a hazardous thing without any idea of the result.
110. ÔTo keep the wolf away from the door.’ Means- [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (ivBb) : 16]
K. To keep away from extreme poverty
L. To keep off an unwanted and undesirable person M. To keep arrive
N. To keep the difficulties and dangers in check
114. ÔThrow cold water on’ means—
K. Damp the spirits
L. Throwing of cold water
M. Ice water
N. None
115. ÔTo push somebody to the wall’ Gi A_©— [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (myigv): 13]
K. To defeat him
L. To heckle him
M. To humiliate him
N. To knock him
116. To catch of guard means− (Dc‡Rjv cjøx Dbœqb Kg©KZ©v – 15)
K. To neglect duty
L. To substitute a guard
M. To get someone when he/she is careless
N. To be on guard
117. “To have full hands” –Phrase-wUi A_© wK? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (wZZvm) : 2010]
DËi: K
DËi: L
DËi: L
DËi: K
DËi: M
DËi: N
DËi: K
DËi: K
DËi: K
DËi: M
K. To be rich
L. To be fully occupied
M. To lead an easy life
N. To be in lot of troubles
DËi: L
118. ÔTo see eye to eye with’ idiom wUi mwVK A_©— [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (cÙv): 12]
K. To agree
L. To stare fixedly
M. To be angry
N. To take revenge DËi: K
119. ÔTo see red’ phrase wUi A_©— [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (wZ¯Ív): 10]
K. To be very angry
L. To see the colour red
M. To find fault with
N. To criticize others
DËi: K
120. ÔHe was taken to task’Gi evsjv n‡jv— [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK : 15]
K. Zv‡K KvR †`Iqv n‡qwQj
L. Zv‡K Kv‡Ri Rb¨ ejv n‡qwQj
M. †m KvR wb‡qwQj
N. Zv‡K wZi¯‹vi Kiv n‡qwQj
DËi: N
121. Take one to task means− 10g cÖfvlK wbeÜb I cÖZ¨qb− 2014
K. Imitate
L. Rebuke
M. Resume
N. Restrain
DËi: L
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 95 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
Idioms & Phrases
Value judgment
Various from
Vice versa
A Verbose speech
Vote rigging
Wild goose chase
With a heavy heart
With flying colours
Without delay
Yellow dog
yeoman’s service
U, V, W, X, Y, Z
evsjv A_©
Meaning in English
িেবির্ত বিদ্ধান্ত
Judgement on personal views
Difference from
The terms being exchanged
A speech full of too many words
Making vote forgery
Useless pursuit
Feeling sad
Quickly, as soon as possible
Mean person
efficient or useful help in need
evMvo¤^ic~Y© e³…Zv
মিাট জাবলয়াবত
বিজয়ী িওয়া
িীন িেবি
বনিঃস্বার্থ কাজ
cÖkœ mgvavb
122. A speech full of too many words is- [১৪তম, 38Zg I 43Zg wewmGm]
(K) a big speech
(L) maiden speech
(M) a verbose speech
(N) an unimportant speech
e¨vL¨v : A verbose speech (evMvo¤^ic~Y© e³…Zv)
A speech full of too many words.
Maiden speech (cÖ_g e³…Zv)
The first speech.
123. What is the meaning of ÔWhite Elephant?’ [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019; 10g I 26Zg wewmGm] .
K. A very costly or troublesome possession
L. An elephant of white colour
M. A hoarder
N. A black marketer
DËi: K
124. ÔWear & tear’ means−
K. Clothing
L. Disbursement
M. Depreciation
N. Accumulation DËi: M
125. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (weUv): 14; cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (kxZjÿ¨v): 13]
K. He copied the answer word by word
M. He copied the answer word for word
L. He copied the answer word with word
N. He copied the answer word in word
DËi : M
126. ‘With open arms’ Gi A_© n‡”Q- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (kir) : 2010]
K. Warmly
L. With beautiful arm M. With long arm
N. With strong arm DËi: K
e¨vL¨v: ‘With open arms’ phrase wUi A_© ‘to accept/greet with, greet willingness and without any
hesitation. A_©vr to greet some-one warmly.
Noun Clause
Adjective Clause
Adverbial Clause
Principal Clause : ‡h Clause A_© cÖKv‡ki Rb¨ Ab¨
Clause Gi Dci wbf©ikxj bq A_©vr ¯^vaxbfv‡e A_© cÖKvk
Ki‡Z cv‡i Zv‡K Principal/ Independent Clause e‡j|
†hgb− I know the man who came here. (Avwg
†jvKUv‡K wPwb †h GLv‡b AvmZ)| GLv‡b Sentence−wUi 1g
AskwU ¯^vaxbfv‡e A_© cÖKvk K‡i‡Q| wKš‘ 2q AskwU ¯^vaxbfv‡e
A_© cÖKvk Ki‡Z cv‡i bv| myZivs cª_g AskwU Principal
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #96 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
Sub-ordinate Clause :
01. If you come, I will go there.
K. The Sub-ordinate clause
L. Dependent clause
M. Both
N. None
e¨vL¨v : GLv‡b Sentence−Gi cÖ_g AskwU ¯^vaxbfv‡e A_© cÖKvk Ki‡Z cv‡i| wKš‘ wØZxq AskwU ¯^vaxbfv‡e A_© cÖKvk
Ki‡Q bv| myZivs cÖ_g AskwU Sub-ordinate/Dependent Clause Ges wØZxq AskwU Principal Clause| †hgb−
He is honest though he is poor. (‡m mr hw`I †m Mixe)|
Sentence-Gi cÖ_g AskwU ¯^vaxbfv‡e A_© cÖKvk Ki‡Q| wKš‘ wØZxq AskwU ¯^vaxbfv‡e A_© cÖKvk Ki‡Z cvi‡Q bv|
myZivs 1g AskwU Principal Clause Ges wØZxq AskwU Sub-ordinate/Dependent Clause| GLv‡b jÿYxq †h,
Sub-ordinate/ Dependent Clause mg~n Sub-ordinating Conjunction (wb‡Pi e¨vL¨vq †`Lyb) w`‡q Principal
Clause Gi mv‡_ hy³ n‡q Complex Sentence MVb K‡i|
01. Sitting happily, the chicken laid eggs. The underlined part is a/an – [44Zg wewmGm]
(K) noun clause
(L) subordinate clause
(M) independent clause
(N) coordinate clause
DËi : L
e¨vL¨v: hw` GKwU Sentence Gi GKwU Ask ¯^vaxbfv‡e A_© cÖKvk Ki‡Z cv‡i, wKš‘ Aci AskwU ¯^vaxbfv‡e A_©
cÖKvk Ki‡Z cv‡i bv| ‡m‡ÿ‡Î GKwU Ask‡K Sub-ordinate/Dependent Clause Ges Aci Ask‡K e‡j
Principal Clause| cÖ‡kœi evK¨wU‡Z Ôsitting happilyÕ GKwU subordinate clause, KviY GwU Principal
Clause Ôthe chicken laid eggs’ ‡K Qvov cwic~Y© fve cÖKvk Ki‡Z cv‡i bv| ‡hgb- If you come, I will go
as…..as, as soon as, as/so long as, if, as if, after, before, because, though, although, as though,
even though, even if, lest, since, that, so…...that, so that, in order that, provided that, on condition
that, than, till, until, unless, no sooner…...than, hardly, scarcely, barely, who, which, what,
whatever, how, why, when, whenever, where, whereas, wherever, whether, while.
Classification of Sub-ordinate Clause
Noun clause
Adjective clause
Adverbial clause
Noun Clause
‡h Sub-ordinate/ Dependent Clause ¸‡jv Complex Sentence G Noun Gi KvR K‡i Zv‡`i‡K Noun
Clause e‡j| Giv mvaviYZ that, where, who, whom Øviv ïiæ nq| Z‡e †ÿÎwe‡k‡l when, where, whose,
why w`‡qI ïiæ n‡Z cv‡i|
kU©KvU wUcm : Clause Zz‡j w`‡q it emv‡j hw` A‡_©i mgm¨v bv nq Z‡e Zv n‡e Noun Clause.
Noun Clause ‡Pbvi Dcvqmg~n eY©bv Kiv n‡jv :
Subject position G e‡m Subject wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i| To ride well requires practices.
Object Position G e‡m Object wn‡m‡e Transitive Verb Gi Object wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i| I know that
he is honest. He asked whether I would help him.
g‡b ivLyb− Know, ask, enquire, discuss BZ¨vw` Transitive Verb Gi c‡i Noun Clause e‡m| Z‡e
†m‡ÿ‡Î Clause wU that Øviv ïiæ bv n‡q whether, why, where, how Ges if Øviv ïiæ n‡e|
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #97 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
Preposition Gi ci Object Position G e‡m Preposition Gi Object wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i| You
cannot depend on what he promises.
Linking verb Gi ci Subject Gi Complement wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i| This is what you want.
g‡b ivLyb− Be verb, seem, feel, look, become n‡”Q linking verb.
Dc‡ii D`viniY¸‡jvi Underlined Kiv Ask Zz‡j w`‡q It emv‡jI A‡_©i mgm¨v n‡e bv| A_©vr ¯^vaxbfv‡e A_© cÖ`vb
K‡i Zvn‡j eyS‡Z n‡e Clause wU n‡e Noun Clause.
It requires practices (To ride well requires practices)
I know it (I know that he is honest)
He asked it (He asked whether I would help him)
Adjective Clause
Rule : 57
‡h Sub-ordinate clause ¸‡jv Complex Sentence G Adjective Gi KvR K‡i Zv‡`i‡K Adjective Clause
e‡j| mvaviYZ Relative Pronoun (that, who, which, when, where, whom, whose, why) w`‡q ïiæ n‡q
c~e©eZ©x Noun/Pronoun ‡K modify K‡i| †hgb−
01. This is the book I lost. Here ÔI lost’ is− [37Zg wewmGm]
K. A noun clause
L. An adverbial clause
M. An adjective clause
N. None of the three
I know the man who came here.
The food which she cooked was very delicious.
The dog that bites does not bark.
She is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen.
I know
The man
the man
who works hard
who loves me
adjective clause
Succed finally
adjective clause
Adverbial Clause
Rule : 58
‡h Sub-ordinate/Dependent Clause ¸‡jv Complex Sentence G Adverb Gi KvR K‡i Zv‡`i‡K Adverbial
Clause e‡j| †hgb−
o You may go when you desire.
o Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
Underlined AskUzKz nvZ w`‡q †X‡K aiæb| Gici evK¨wU co–b| †X‡K ivLvi c‡iI hw` Aewkó evK¨UzKz
cwic~Y© A_© †`q ev m¤ú~Y© g‡bi fve cÖKvk K‡i, Zvn‡j Underlined Clause wU‡K ejv nq Adverbial
Clause. ‡hgb− Dc‡ii cÖ_g evK¨wU‡Z When you desire.
kU©KvU hw` Underlined AskUzKz †X‡K †i‡L cwic~Y© A_© cÖKvk bv cvq, Zvn‡j Underlined Clause wUi c~‡e©I
kã/k㸔Q‡K jÿ¨ Ki‡eb| †hgb− Dc‡ii 2q ev‡K¨ Where angels fear to tread ‡X‡K ai‡j evK¨wU
cwic~Y© A_© cÖKvk K‡i bv| Z‡e Gi c~‡e©i k㸔Q Rush in− To run or hurry into a thing or a place
(‡Kvb wKQz ev ¯’v‡bi w`‡K `ªæZ AMÖmi nIqv) Verb Gi g‡Zv AvPiY Ki‡Q| ZvB Underlined Clause
(Where angels fear to tread) wU‡K Adverbial Clause ejv nq|
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #98 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
Please wait here until I come back.
I saw her while she was cooking.
You can stay here as long as you wish.
Ten years have passed since his father died.
He worked hard so that he could prosper in life.
As she was ill, she could not take the exam.
I asked him why he had come.
The flight was delayed because the weather was foggy.
Unless you work hard, you cannot shine in life.
If you want, I will help you.
Go there if you want to meet him.
02. ÔStrike while the iron is hot’ is an example of – (38Zg wewmGm)
K. Noun Clause
L. Adjective Clause
M. Adverbial Clause
N. Subordinate Clause
Ans− M
Underlined AskUzKz †X‡K ai‡jI cÖwZ ev‡K¨B evKx AskUzKiz cwic~Y© A_© cÖKvk cvq, ZvB cÖwZwU ev‡K¨i Underlined
AskUzKz Adverbial Clause Gi D`vniY|
C. Co-ordinating Clause
`yB ev Z‡ZvwaK Principal Clause hLb Co-ordinating conjunction Øviv hy³ n‡q Compound Sentence MVb
K‡i ZLb Zv‡`i‡K Co-ordinate clause e‡j| †hgb−
He goes to school and he reads attentively.
Principal Clause
Principal Clause
His father is honest but he is very dishonest.
Principal Clause
Principal Clause
(‡m ¯‹z‡j hvq Ges g‡bv‡hv‡Mi mv‡_ c‡o)|
(Zvui wcZv mr wKš‘ †m LyeB Amr)|
FANBOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, otherwise, yet, so), else, whereas, either….or, neither….nor,
not only….but also, both….and.
Tense = Kvj
wµqv m¤úbœ nIqvi mgq‡K e‡j Tense ev Kvj|
Present Tense
Past Tense
Future Tense
Present, Past & Future Tense Gi cÖ‡Z¨KwU‡K Avevi
04 fv‡M fvM Kiv hvq| h_v—
1. Indefinite Tense
2. Continuous Tense
3. Perfect Tense
4. Perfect Continuous
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #99 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
Present Tense
Subject + V1 (g~j verb Gi Present Form) + Extension
Subject + am/is/are + V-ing + Extension
Subject + have/has + V3 + Extension
Perfect Continuous
Subject + have/has + been + V-ing + since/for + Ext.
Subject 3rd Person singular number n‡j Present Indefinite Tense Gi †ÿ‡Î verb Gi mv‡_ s/es ‡hvM nq|
Ͽ Present Indefinite Tense
wPišÍb mZ¨ (Universal Truth), HwZnvwmK NUbv (Historical event), Af¨vmMZ Kvh© (Habitual fact), ‰eÁvwbK
mZ¨ (Scientific truth) cÖf…wZ eySv‡Z Present Indefinite Tense nq| Bs‡iwR ev‡K¨ daily, everyday, always,
generally, normally, occasionally, often, sometimes, regularly, usually BZ¨vw` adverb _vK‡j mvaviYZ
Present Indefinite Tense nq| †Kvb Kvh© eZ©gv‡b m¤úbœ nq, wKš‘ Kvh©wUi mgvwß ev Amgvwß †KvbwUB wb‡`©k K‡i bv,
GgbUv eySv‡Z verb Gi Present Indefinite Tense nq|
Rule : 59
Ͽ Present Continuous Tense
Bs‡iwR ev‡K¨ now, still, at present, at this moment, at this time BZ¨vw` _vK‡j Present Continuous
Tense nq| Sentence G now _vKvq mn‡RB eySv hv‡”Q c‡ii evK¨wU present continuous tense n‡e| ‡h wµqvi
KvR eZ©gv‡b Pj‡Q wKš‘ †kl nqwb, GgbwU eySv‡j Verb Gi present continuous tense nq| ‡hgb- gyljav‡i e„wó
n‡”Q (It is raining cats and dogs)|
01. Just now he _______ his dinner but he says he will see you when he's finished. [২৪তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Is having
(খ) had
(গ) was having
(ঘ) has had
উত্তর : ঘ
Rule : 60
Ͽ Present Perfect Tense
eZ©gvb Kv‡j †Kvb wµqvi KvR GBgvÎ †kl n‡q‡Q wKš‘ Zvi djvdj GLbI we`¨gvb Giƒc †ÿ‡Î verb Gi Present
Perfect Tense nq| Bs‡iwR ev‡K¨ already, ever, just, just now, never, lately, recently, yet BZ¨vw` _vK‡j
mvaviYZ Present Perfect Tense nq|
02. She has _____ her hair a beautiful shade of brown. [২৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) colored
(খ) given
(গ) dried
(ঘ) dyed
উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : She has dyed (রঙ ককরকে) her hair a beautiful shade of brown.
03. “We (not have) a holiday since the beginning of the year.”– Which of the following verb
forms best completes the above sentence? [১৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) did not have
(খ) had not had
(গ) are not having
(ঘ) have not had
উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : since/for + time থাকক িাকযটিকত Present Perfect/Present Perfect Continuous Tense হয়।
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #100 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
Rule : 60
Ͽ Present Perfect Continuous Tense
‡Kvb KvR Awbw`©ó AZxZKv‡j ïiæ n‡q eZ©gvb Kv‡jI Pj‡Q eySv‡j verb Gi Present Perfect Continuous Tense
nq| MVb cÖYvjx : Subject + have/has + been + v-ing + for/since + ………| MVb Abymv‡i cÖ`Ë
Ackbmg~‡ni g‡a¨ ï× DËi- Ackb L|
04. I have been living in Dhaka ____ 2000. [২৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) since
(খ) from
(গ) after
(ঘ) till
উত্তর: ক
িযাখযা : ‡Kvb wbw`©ó mgq a‡i Pjgvb †Kvb Kv‡Ri †ÿ‡Î Present perfect continuous tense G since e¨eüZ
05. He has been ill ________ Friday last. [১১তম ও ২৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) from
(খ) on
(গ) in
(ঘ) since
উত্তর : ঘ
06. Julia has been ill ____ three months. [২৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) since
(খ) about
(গ) in
(ঘ) for
উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : Preposition ‘for’ িাধারণত word িা phrases-এর পূ কিভ ‘period of time’ সিাঝাকত িযিহার হকয় থাকক।
অিযবদকক ‘since’ prepositionটি ‘Point of time’ বিকদভ র্ ককর এমি word িা phrases-এর পূ কিভ িকি। সযমি: since
Monday. এটি িাধারণত present perfect tense- এর সেকে িযিহার হয়। তকি past perfect tense-এর সেকেও এটি
িযিহৃত হয়।
Past Tense
Subject + V2 (g~j verb Gi Past Form) + Extension
Subject + was/were + V-ing + Extension
Subject + had + V3 + Extension
Perfect Continuous
Subject + had been + V-ing + since/for + Extension
Rule : 61
Ͽ Past Indefinite Tense
‡Kvb KvR AZxZKv‡j msNwUZ ev m¤úbœ n‡qwQj, Giƒc †evSv‡j verb Gi Past Indefinite Tense nq| Bs‡iwR ev‡K¨
ago, as if, back, before, it is time, last, long ago, past, yesterday BZ¨vw` _vK‡j mvaviYZ Past Indefinite
Tense nq|
07. Identify the correct sentence? [৩৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Yesterday, he has gone home.
(গ) Yesterday, he had gone home.
(খ) Yesterday, he did gone home.
(ঘ) Yesterday, he went home.
Rule : 62
Ͽ Past Continuous Tense
AZx‡Z †Kvb KvR PjwQj, wKš‘ †kl nqwb, Giƒc eySv‡Z verb Gi Past Continuous Tense e¨eüZ nq|
উত্তর : ঘ
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #101 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
08. As the sun _____ , I decided to go out. [২৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) has shone
(খ) shine
(গ) shines
(ঘ) was shining উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : িাধারণ বিয়মািু যায়ী Principal Clause যবদ Past Tense -এ থাকক তাহক Subordinate Clause অির্যই
Past Tense হকি।
09. “Neela ______ her hand when she was cooking dinner.” [২৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) is burring
(খ) burnt
(গ) will burn
(ঘ) was burning উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : Sequence of tense (Principal Clause -এর verb -এর tense অিু যায়ী subordinate clause -এর
verb -এর বিয়ম বিধভাবরত হওয়ায় বিয়মই হক া sequence of tense)-এর বিয়মািু িাকর (বকেু িযবতক্রম োো) principal
clause -এর verb যবদ past tense হয় তকি subordinate clause-এর verb ও past tense হকি| উবিবখত
sentence টির subordinate clauses past tense এ রকয়কে| িু তরাং principal clause টিও past tense হকি|
02. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
As they waited, Rahim argued against war ___________________. [২২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) while his brother discusses the effects of pollution
(খ) while his brother discussed the effects of pollution
(গ) while his brother was discussing the effects of pollution
(ঘ) while his brother had discussed the effects of pollution
উত্তর: গ
িযাখযা: While দ্বারা সকাকিা Sentence িা Clause শুরু হক While এর পকরই subject থাকক Verb এর Past
Continuous হয়|
10. Choose the correct sentence. [২৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) I have looked for a good doctor before I met you
(খ) I had looked for a good doctor before I met you.
(গ) I looked for a good doctor before I had met you.
(ঘ) I am looking for a good doctor before meeting you.
উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : িাধারণত past perfect tense -এ দটি clause থাকক। এ দটি clause ‘before িা after’ দ্বারা যু ক্ত থাকক।
clause দটি before দ্বারা যু ক্ত হক , before এর পূ কিভর clause টি past perfect tense হয় এিং পকরর clause টি হয়
past indefinite tense.
Ͽ Past Perfect Tense
AZxZKv‡j `y‡Uv KvR msNwUZ n‡j, A‡cÿvK…Z ‡h KvRwU Av‡M ev c~‡e© msNwUZ n‡qwQj, †mwU Past Perfect Tense nq|
Avi †h KvRwU c‡i n‡qwQj †mwU Past Indefinite Tense nq| Past Perfect Tense G mvaviYZ before I after
e¨eüZ nq| before Gi c~‡e© Ges after Gi c‡i Past Perfect Tense nq| Dc‡ii evK¨wUi A_© jÿ¨ Kiæb- Ô‡m eBwU
wj‡LwQj Aem‡i hvevi c~‡e©Õ|
eBwU Aem‡i hvevi c~‡e© †jLvi A_© GwU Av‡Mi KvR ZvB Past Perfect Tense.
Aem‡i hvIqvUv A‡cÿvK…Z c‡ii KvR ZvB Past Indefinite Tense.
11. The doctor______ after the patient had died. evK¨wUi Rb¨ wb‡¤œ cÖ`Ë mwVK verb wbe©vPb Kiæb|
[cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (ewikvj wefvM) : 03]
K. had come
L. was come
12. It _______ for two days.
K. raining
L. rained
M. was coming
N. came
DËi : N
M. had been raining
N. was raining
DËi: M
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #102 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
Ͽ Past Perfect Continuous Tense
AZxZKv‡ji †Kvb KvR †Kvb we‡kl mg‡qi c~‡e© Avi¤¢ n‡q †mB mgq ch©šÍ PjwQj †evSv‡j Past Perfect Continuous
Tense nq| Dc‡ii cÖ‡kœ e„wó c~‡e© `yB w`b a‡i PjwQj Z‡e GLb n‡”Q bv|
Future Tense
Subject + shall/will + V1 + Extension
Subject + shall/will + be + V-ing + Extension
Subject + shall/will + have + V3 + Extension
Perfect Continuous
Sub + shall/will + have + been + V-ing + Ext.
Ͽ Future Indefinite Tense
fwel¨‡Z †Kvb KvR n‡e Ggb eySv‡j Verb Gi Future Indefinite Tense nq| D`vniY- Avwg iscy‡i hve (I will go
to Rangpur).
25. We shall return before the sun__[cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (ivRkvnx wefvM): 03; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (XvKv wefvM) : 02]
K. sets
L. will set
M. is setting
N. has set
DËi : K
e¨vL¨v : before hy³ `ywU clause Gi cÖm½ hw` `ywU AZxZ wb‡`©k bv K‡i, ZLb GKwU Future Indefinite Ges
Ab¨wU Present Indefinite Tense nq| GLv‡b †h KvRwU A‡cÿvK…Z Av‡M NUvi m¤¢vebv i‡q‡Q †mwU Future
Indefinite Tense G nq|
Ͽ Future Continuous Tense
fwel¨‡Z †Kv‡bv KvR wKQz mgq a‡i Pj‡Z _vK‡e Ggb eySv‡j Verb Gi Future Continuous Tense nq| †hgb- Avwg
Dcb¨vmwU cwo‡Z _vwKe (I shall be reading the novel). Avwg wµ‡KU †Lj‡Z _vwKe (I will be playing Cricket)
Ͽ Future Perfect Tense
fwel¨‡Z `ywU Kv‡Ri GKwU A‡cÿvK…Z c~‡e© m¤úbœ n‡q _vwK‡e eySv‡j Future Perfect Tense nq| Aci KvRwU eySv‡Z
Verb Gi Present Indefinite Tense nq| †hgb13. ‡Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (XvKv wefvM) : 06]
K. We shall reach the station before the train leaves the station
L. We will have reached the station before the train leaves.
M. We reach the station before the train leaves
N. We shall have reached the station before the train leaves the station
DËi: N
Ͽ Future Perfect ContinuousTense
fwel¨ZKv‡j `ywU Kv‡Ri g‡a¨ †h KvRwU Av‡M msMwVZ n‡e Ges `xN© mgq a‡i Pj‡Z _vK‡e Giƒc eySv‡Z Verb Gi
Future Perfect Continuous Tense nq| Aci KvRwU Verb Gi Present Indefinite Tense nq| †hgb- m~h©
IVvi c~e© ch©šÍ Avwg AsK Abykxjb Ki‡ZB _vKe (I shall have been doing sum before the sun rises).
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #103 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
Right form of Verb
Present Indefinite Tense Gi †ÿ‡Î Subject wU hw` 3rd Person
Singular Number nq, Zvn‡j verb Gi mv‡_ s/es ‡hvM Ki‡Z nq|
01. Teacher said, ‘The earth ____ round the sun.’ [৩৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) moves
(খ) moved
(গ) has moved
(ঘ) will be moving
DËi: K
িযাখযা : Universal truth িা বিরন্তি িতয িিভদা Present Indefinite Tense দ্বারা প্রকার্ করা হয়| একেকে third
person singular number হয়, তখি verb এর সর্কষ s িা es যু ক্ত হয়|
02. Telling lies ____ a great sin. [8g we‡RGm (mnKvix RR)−13]
K. am
L. is
M. are
N. were
DËi: L
Since Øviv hy³ `ywU evK¨vs‡ki †ÿ‡Î Principal
Clause Present Indefinite/Perfect Tense nq
Subordinate Clause wU
Past Indefinite Tense
03. They suffered much ____ tornado had hit their village. (31Zg wewmGm)
K. until
L. since
M. let alone
N. as if
DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : Past Indefinite Tense (Sub + V2 + Extension) + Since (Zvici †_‡K/ZLb †_‡K) + Past
Perfect Tense.
04. Much water has followed through the Ganges _____ I left you.
(a) Until
(b) since
(c) let alone
(d) as if
Ans- b
e¨vL¨v : Present Perfect Tense (Sub + have/has + V3 + Extension) + Since (ZLb †_‡K/Zvici †_‡K)
+ Past Indefinite Tense.
It is high time, it is time, wish, fancy
BZ¨vw` _vK‡j
Verb Gi Past
Form nq|
05. Choose the right form of verb: It is high time we (act) on the matter. [43Zg wewmGm]
(K) are acting
(L) acted
(M) have acted
(N) could act
06. “It’s time (you realize) your mistakes.”– Which of the following clause best fits in the above
sentence? [১৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) you realized
(খ) you would realize
(গ) that you realize
(ঘ) you have realized
উত্তর: ক
িযাখযা : It’s time, It is ligh time ইতযাবদ Sentence এর শুরুকত থাকক Principle verb past form এ হয়।
07. ÔIt is high time you _______ up smoking.’ ev‡K¨i k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (Mvgv): 14]
K. give
L. gave
M. have given
N. will give
DËi: L
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #104 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
As if, as though hy³ Sentence G Principal Subordinate Clause wU Past
Indefinite Tense nq|
Clause wU Present Indefinite Tense nq
08. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences by selecting the most appropriate alternative
from among the four choices given. Rishan walks as if he _____ lame. [৩০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) is
(খ) had been
(গ) has
(ঘ) were
উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : As if িা though এর পকরর clauseটি িিভদা past tense এ হয়, as if এর পূ কিভ present indefinite tense
থাকক past indefinite িিকি এিং িিভদাই এর plural form-এ িিকি|
09. He speaks _____ he knew everything. [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 15; 13Zg wkÿK wbeÜb: 16]
(a) as if
(b) because
(c) that
(d) so that
Ans− a
10. Correct the following sentence. ÔHe talks as if he (to be mad)’. [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (wgwmwmwc): 13]
K. He talks as if he were a mad
L. He talks as if he to he mad
M. He talks as if he is mad
N. He talks as if he be mad
DËi: K
Unreal (Aev¯Íe) wPšÍv n‡j
Be verb wn‡m‡e Were e‡m
11. Complete the sentence: If I were you, I ________ take the money. [৪২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) shall
(খ) will
(গ) would
(ঘ) may
উত্তর: গ
িযাখযা : Second Conditional এ if clause এরপর past simple tense িযিহার করা হক এিং তারপর main clause
-এ ‘would/could/should/mighট ইতযাবদ িযিহৃত হয়।
12. Fill in the blank with right form of verb. If I _____ a king! [34Zg wewmGm]
K. am
L. were
M. was
N. shall be
DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : If I were a king (Avwg hw` GKRb ivRv nZvg!) GwU GKwU Aev¯Íe (Unreal) wPšÍv|
13. ÔAvgvi hw` cvwLi g‡Zv Wvbv _vK‡Zv|Õ evK¨wUi mwVK Bs‡iwR Abyev` Ki- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK: 2000]
K. Had I the wings of bird
L. If I would have the wings of a bird
M. I wish that I would have the wings of a bird N. If I could fly like a bird
e¨vL¨v : Aev¯Íe wPšÍv ev Aev¯Íe AvKv•ÿv cÖKvk Ki‡Z wb‡¤œv³ Structure ¸‡jv e¨eüZ nq|
➢ I wish I were…… [I wish I were you]
➢ Had + sub + …… [Had I the wings of bird]
Insist on, refrain/forbid/prohibit/abstain/
prevent + from cÖf…wZ Appropriate
Gi ci v-ing e‡m|
14. Choose the correct sentence. [38Zg wewmGm]
K. He refrained to take any drastic action
M. He refrained in taking any drastic action
L. He refrained on taking any drastic action
N. He refrained from taking any drastic action D: N
e¨vL¨v : Insist Gi ci on Ges refrain/ forbid/ prohibit/abstain/ prevent Gi ci me©`v from e‡m|
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #105 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
15. Choose the correct sentence. [35Zg wewmGm]
K. He insisted on seeing her
M. He insisted for seeing her
L. He insisted in seeing her
N. He insisted at seeing her
DËi: K
16. Which of the following sentence is correct? [1৬তম ও ১৭Zg wewmGm; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (iwekvj
wefvM) : 07]
K. I forbade him to go
M. I forbade him not to go
L. I forbade him going
N. I forbade him from going
DËi: N
Admit, avoid, enjoy, deny, fancy, feel,
mind, finish, like, practice, prefer, see,
stop, cannot help, could not help
Gi ci verb Avm‡j v-ing
17. Cricket enjoys a huge ______ in Bangladesh. [৩৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) follow on
(খ) follow
(গ) fall out
(ঘ) following উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা: যবদ simple sentence এ মূ verb (enjoy, finish, avoid, fancy, feel, like, mind, give up, deny,
admit etc) এরপর আিাকরা verb আিক পরিতী verb এর িাকথ ing যু ক্ত হয়|
18. mwVK sentence ‡KvbwU? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK: 94]
K. Will you mind to go there?
L. Would you mind going there?
M. Will you mind going there
N. Would you mind to go there?
DËi: L
19. Would you mind ________ the window? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (Lyjbv wefvM): 05]
K. to open
L. to have opened
M. opening
N. to be opened DËi : M
20. Choose the correct sentence—[cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. I finished reading the book.
L. I have finish reading the book.
M. I have finish read the book
N. I have finished reading the book. DËi : K
Bear, notice, see, smell, watch BZ¨vw` Object Gi ci verb Avm‡j
verb hw` ev‡K¨ _v‡K Ges Gi ci object Av‡m
V+ing Gi cÖPjb †ewk|
37. He watched the boat ________ down the river. [২৯তম বিবিএি]
(ক) to float
(খ) floating
(গ) was floating
(ঘ) had floated উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : সকাকিা simple sentence এ দটি main verb িযিহার করা যায় িা। তাই একটি verb– এর িাকথ ing সযাগ করকত
হয় অথিা verb টি পূ কিভ to িিাকত হয়। উকের্য সিাঝাকত verb টির পূ কিভ to িিাকত হয়। অথভাৎ infinitive িযিহার করা হয়।
উপকরাক্ত sentence– এ সকাকিা উকের্য সিাঝায় িা। সর্কি থাককত সদকখকে। সযকহতু এখাকি সকাকিা একটি কাজ ঘটকত থাককে
তাই ing সযাগ হকি। to float র্ু এিং floating ঠিক।
Infinitive VS. Gerund
Infinitive (To + verb)
Gerund (V + ing)
িাকযটি Purpose, order, request, advice, suggestion িাকযটি Cause, habit, activity সিাঝাক
সিাঝাক Infinitive হকি।
Gerund হকি।
38. I heard the baby _______ for his/its food. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK: 93]
K. cry
L. crying
M. cried
N. is crying
DËi: L
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #106 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
Astonish, believe, belong, consist, cost, Continuous tense Gi cwie‡Z©
doubt, fear, feel, forget, hate, hope,
Indefinite tense nq Ges
know, like, love, mind, please, process,
Perfect continuous tense Gi
prefer, smell, sound, surface, wish Gi
cwie‡Z© Perfect tense nq|
ci Continuous Tense nq bv|
21. Which one is a correct sentence? [41Zg wewmGm]
K. The doctor found my sentence?
L. The doctor took my pulse.
M. The doctor examined my pulse.
N. The doctor saw my pulse.
DËi: L
 e¨vL¨v : Take/feel the pulse GKwU Idiom hvi A_© Kv‡iv bvwoi ¯ú›`b Abyfe Kiv| The doctor took my
pulse A_© Wv³vi Avgvi bvwoi ¯ú›`b Abyfe Ki‡jb|
22. ‡Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (K‡cvZvÿ) : 2010]
K. I feel hungry
L. I feel myself hungry
M. I am a man of words
N. The sheeps are quite healthy
DËi : K
23. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [‡iwR÷vW© cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (‡Mvjvc) : 2011]
K. I saw his pulse
L. I felt his pulse
M. I found his pulse
N. I examined his pulsede
DËi: L
e¨vL¨v: ÔAvwg Zvi bvox cixÿv KijvgÕ A‡_© ‘feel’ verb e¨envi Kiv nq| I felt his pulse evK¨wU mwVK| ‡Kbbv,
bvoxi ¯ú›`b †`Lv hvq bv, Abyfe Ki‡Z nq|
24. Which one is correct sentence? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK: 2019]
K. I examined his pulse
L. I saw his pulse
M. I found his pulse
N. I feel his pulse
DËi: N
could not help/cannot help, be + used cÖf…wZi c‡i verb -Gi m‡½
to, get used to, worth, mind, with a view
ÔingÕ ‡hvM nq| ‡hgbto, be addicted to, prefer, committed to
25. We look forward ___ a response from you. [৩৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) to receiving
(খ) to receive
(গ) in receiving
(ঘ) for receiving
উত্তর : ক
26. Fill in the blank with right option. “I am looking forward _____ you.” [২৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) to seeing
(খ) seeing
(গ) to see
(ঘ) to have seen
উত্তর : ক
33. I went to the library with a view to ___________ knowledge. [12Zg ¯‹zj wkÿK wbeÜb (2) : 15]
K. gain
L. gaining
M. gained
N. be gained DËi: L
34. She was used to ________ the poor. [‡m Mixe‡`i `vb Ki‡Z Af¨¯Í wQj) [16Zg wkÿK wbeÜb: 19]
K. help
L. helped
M. helping
N. to help
DËi: M
35. Identify the correct sentence from the options: [7g cÖfvlK wbeÜb : 11]
K. she prefers dancing more than singing
L. She prefers to dance than to sing
M. She prefers dancing to singing
N. She prefers dance to sing.
DËi: M
36. The old man cannot help _____ a cup of tea. [e„× †jvKwU GK Kvc Pv bv †L‡q cv‡i bv) [13Zg
wkÿK wbeÜb: 16]
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #107 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
K. take
L. drink
e¨vL¨v : †Kvb wKQz cvb Kiv A‡_© drinking e‡m|
M. to drink
N. having
DËi : N
Cannot help Gi c‡i v + ing em‡jI cannot but Gic‡i base form e‡m|
Had better, had rather, would rather,
let cÖf…wZ
Gi c‡i verb Gi Present
Form n‡e|
➢ You had better visit him. I would rather wait.
37. Choose a suitable word/phrase ro fill in the blanks of the given sentence:Travelers
___________ their reservation well in advance if they want to visit the St. Martins
island. [৩২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) had better to get
(খ) had to better get
(গ) had better get
(ঘ) had better got
উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : Had better এর পর verb এর base form িকি। সযমি: You had better hurry now.
38. You had better _____ him at once. [12Zg cÖfvlK wbeÜb: 15]
K. to ring
L. ring
M. ringing
N. rung
DËi: L
N. then beg
DËi : L
39. I would rather die __________. [11Zg cÖfvlK wbeÜb: 14]
K. to beg
L. than beg
M. for beg
GQvovI Modal Auxillaries (can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must,
need, dare, ought to, used to) Gi ci g~j verb Gi base form nq|
Lest – Ôcv‡Q wKQz N‡U GB f‡qÕ A‡_©
Lest e¨eüZ nq| extension.
ev‡K¨i MVb : ______ + lest + Sub
+ should/might + verb +
40. Run fast, ____ you should miss the train. [26Zg wewmGm; cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (Mvgv) : 14]
(a) if
(b) lest
(c) because
(d) nor
Ans− b
e¨vL¨v : Lest – Ôcv‡Q wKQz N‡U GB f‡qÕ A‡_© Lest e¨eüZ nq| ev‡K¨i MVb : ______ + lest + Sub +
should/might + verb + extension. ‡hgb− Hurry up lest you might be late for examination.
41. The old man walks slowly lest______ [11Zg wkÿK weÜb (¯‹zj ch©vq) : 14]
K. he fails
L. he may fail
M. he fell down
N. he should fail DËi : N
Behold, bid, dare, feel, hear, help,
make, let, need, know, watch BZ¨vw`
hw` active voice G hw` _v‡K-
G‡`i ci bare infinitive nq A_©vr
Ôto’ Dn¨ _v‡K|
42. The teacher failed to make the students _____ to him. -k~b¨¯’v‡b †KvbwU em‡e?
K. to listen
L. listening
M. listen
N. listened
DËi : M
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #108 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
No sooner had ... than, scarcely ➢ Past perfect Tense (1st Clause)
…when, Hardly …. when BZ¨vw` ➢ Past Indefinite Tense (2nd Clause)
Øviv `y‡Uv Clause hy³ n‡j
43. Hardly had we taken shelter under a big tree, __________. [12Zg ¯‹zj wkÿK wbeÜb (2)-15]
K. then the storm started
L. when the storm starts
M. then the storm starts
N. when the storm started
DËi : N
44. Scarcely had he came ______ it started? ev‡K¨i k~b¨¯’v‡b em‡e- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (XvKv wefvM) : 08]
K. then
L. at once
M. when
N. after that
DËi : M
AZxZKv‡j msNwUZ †Kvb KvR before
A‡cÿvK…Z c‡i †h KvRwU nq ZvØviv hy³ n‡j, A‡cÿvK…Z Av‡M †h KvR ➢ Past Indefinite Tense n‡e|
msMwVZ nq- Zv Past Perfect Tense
45. Identify the right tense: ÔMy father ______ before I cameÕ. [44Zg wewmGm]
(K) would be leaving
(L) had been leaving
(M) had left
(N) will leave
DËi : M
e¨vL¨v : AZxZKv‡j `y‡Uv KvRB msNwUZ nq| Avwg Avmvi c~‡e© Avgvi evev P‡j wM‡qwQ‡jb| GLv‡b Avgvi evevi hvevi
NUbvwU A‡cÿvK…Z c~‡e© N‡UwQj| ZvB wbqgvbyhvqx, Main Caluse wU A_©vr evevi hvevi NUbvwU Past Perfect
Tense Ges before hy³ Sub-ordinate Clause wU A_©vr Avgvi Avmvi NUbvwU Past Indefinite Tense G n‡e|
46. He had written the book before he ______ . [২৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) retired
(খ) had retired
(গ) has retired (ঘ) will be retired
উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা: Main Clause (Past perfect) + before hy³ Sub-ordinate Clause (Past Indefinite). িঠিক উত্তরHe had written the book before he retired (বতবি অিিকর যািার পূ কিভ িইটি ব কখবেক ি)।
47. Choose the correct sentence. [২৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) I have looked for a good doctor before I met you
(খ) I had looked for a good doctor before I met you.
(গ) I looked for a good doctor before I had met you.
(ঘ) I am looking for a good doctor before meeting you.
উত্তর : L
িযাখযা : Main Clause (Past perfect) + before hy³ Sub-ordinate Clause (Past Indefinite).
48. The path _______ paved, so we were able to walk through the park. [২২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) was
(খ) being
(গ) has been
(ঘ) had been
উত্তর: ঘ
িযাখযা : িাককয past tense এ দটি clause রকয়কে এিং এখাকি অতীতকাক র দটি কাকজর কথা বিকদভ র্ করা হকয়কে। বিয়মািু যায়ী
পূ কিভ িংগঠিত কাজটির হকি indefinite past perfect tense আর পকররটি হকি past perfect tense. আমরা রাস্তাটিকত
হাটকত িমথভ হকয়বে াম (So, we were able to walk through the path) সযকহতু ইবতপূ কিভ রাস্তাটি পাকা করা হকয়বে ।
িু তরাং পাকা করার কাজটি আকগ হকয়বে (The path had been paved)|
49. The intensive search was conducted by the detectives to locate those criminals who
_____________. [২০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) have had escaped
(খ) had escaped
(গ) are escaping
(ঘ) have been escaping
উত্তর : খ
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #109 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
িযাখযা : এখাকি Who দ্বারা দটি Clause যু ক্ত হকয়কে। প্রথম Clause টিকত সযকহতু Past Tense িযিহৃত হকয়কে কাকজই
অপর clause টিকতও Past Tense িযিহার করা আির্যক। এখাকি শুধু মাে অপর্ি (B) সত Past Tense িযিহার করা হকয়কে
(had), অপর বতিটিকত Present Tense িযিহার করা হকয়কে। তাই িঠিক উত্তর (B)|
fwel¨ZKv‡ji `ywU KvR before Øviv hy³
A‡cÿvK…Z c‡i †h KvRwU n‡e Zvn‡j, A‡cÿvK…Z Av‡M †h KvR msMwVZ n‡e- ➢ Present Indefinite Tense n‡e|
Zv Future Perfect/Indefinite Tense
50. We shall return before the sun________. (m~h© †Wvevi c~‡e©B Avgiv wd‡i Avme) [cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK: 05]
K. sets
L. will set
M. is setting
51. The train ______ before we reach the station.
K. will be left
L. has left
M. will have left
N. set
DËi : N
N. had left
DËi : M
Subject−Verb Agreement
Rule: 78
Subject−Verb Agreement n‡jv Number & Person Gi Dci wbf©i K‡i Verb Gi mwVK Form
(Present/Past/Past Participle) Gi cÖ‡qvM| †hgb− I am a doctor, You are a teacher, He reads a book
01. ÔSubject−Verb Agreement’ refers to− [33Zg wewmGm]
K. Person only
L. Number, person and gender
M. number and person
N. number only
DËi : M
িযাখযা : Subject-Verb Agreement হকে subject এর number ও person অিু যায়ী verb এর পবরর্বতভ ি| সযমি:
Subject 3rd person singular number হক Present Indefinite Tense এ Verb এর িাকথ s/es যু ক্ত হয়|
Subject Singular n‡j verb Singular
Subject Plural n‡j Verb Plural
Subject Gi AvPiY
Singular n‡j Verb
Singular nq
02. Three fourths of the work __________ finished. [২৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) have been
(খ) has been
(গ) had
(ঘ) were
03. Choose the correct sentence. [37Zg wewmGm]
K. All of it depend on it
L. All of it depends on you
M. All of it are depending on it.
N. All of it are depended on it.
04. Choose the correct sentence. ‡`o NÈv `xN© mgq| [‡mvbvjx e¨vsK wjwg‡UW (Awdmvi)−18]
K. One and a half hours is a long time.
L. One and a half hour is a long time
M. One and a half hour is a long time
N. One and half hour is a long time.
উত্তর : খ
DËi : L
DËi : K
wKQz noun AvKv‡i Plural n‡jI A‡_©i w`K †_‡K Singular nIqvq Singular verb ‡bq| †hgbCultural studies, civics, ethics, billiards, news, athletics, bowls, gymnastics, innings,
darts, dominoes, draughts, measles, mumps, shingles, gallows
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #110 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
The hy³ ev‡K¨ GKB e¨w³ `ywU Avjv`v c`exi AwaKvix n‡j Singular verb
`yBRb Avjv`v e¨w³ And Øviv hy³ n‡j Plural verb nq|
05. The chairman and secretary _______ present at the last meeting. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK: 18]
K. were
L. is
M. have
N. was
DËi : N
06. The Headmaster and the Principal _______ present in the last meeting. [16Zg wkÿK wbeÜb : 19]
K. was
L. were
M. Had been
N. have been DËi: L
And Øviv `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK Subject hy³ n‡j Verb wU Plural nq
wKš‘ ev‡K¨ No/not _vK‡j verb wU Av‡Mi Subject Abymv‡i nq|
07. ‘He and I ---- well’ ev‡K¨i k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. are
L. is
M. was
N. am
DËi: K
e¨vL¨v: `ywU wfbœiKg pronoun ‘and’ Øviv hy³ nIqvq Gi c‡ii verb wU plural nq|
08. Which one is correct? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2018]
K. You, he and I am present.
L. He, you and I am present.
M. I, you and he are present.
N. You, he and I are present.
DËi: N
e¨vL¨v: ev‡K¨ †`vl bv eySv‡j cÖ_‡g 2nd person, 3rd person, 1st person e‡m| mnRfv‡e g‡b ivLv hvq- 231
(2nd, 3rd, 1st person)| wZbwU wfbœ iKg pronoun ‘and’ Øviv hy³ nIqvq Gi c‡ii verb wU plural nq|
e¨w³, eB, g¨vMvwRb, msev`cÎ, gywf, bvUK, cÖwZôvb, bvUK BZ¨vw` Gi ci
Verb wU Singular nq, GgbwK Subject ‡`L‡Z Plural n‡jI|
09. ÔThe Arabian Nights’ (be) my favourite book. [26Zg wewmGm, 7g cÖfvlK wbeÜb−11]
K. is
L. were
M. are
N. has
DËi: K
AviI wKQz D`vniY➢ e¨w³— Charles Dickens, John Keats
➢ eB— The Arabian Nights, Great Expectations, Physics
➢ ‡`k— The United States of America, United Arab Emirates
Some Every
cÖ_g mvwi + wØZxq mvwi = bZzb
kã Gi ci Singular verb nq|
10. Identify the correct sentence. [26Zg wewmGm]
K. Everybody have gone there.
L. Everybody are gone there.
M. Everybody has gone there.
N. Everybody has went there.
DËi: M
e¨vL¨v : Anybody, anyone, anything, somebody, someone, something, everybody, everyone,
everything, nobody, none, nothing k㸇jv Singular.
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #111 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
G¸‡jv Øviv hy³ Noun ev
Including, excluding, along with, together
with, but, except, accompanied with, as Pronoun Gi †ÿ‡Î verb e‡m cÖ_g
well as, with, in addition to
Noun/Pronoun Abymv‡i
11. Everything including the books ________ bought. [Avbmvi I wfwWwc Awa`߇ii mv‡K©j A¨vWRy‡U›U−10]
K. were
L. was
M. have
N. had
DËi: L
12. Karim as well as Nayeem – praise evK¨wUi k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [‡iwR÷vW© cÖv. we`¨v. mnKvix wkÿK (UMi) : 11;
cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (Lyjbv I PÆMÖvg wefvM) : 2008]
K. are deserving
L. deserve
M. deserves
N. is deserving
DËi: M
13. Choose the correct sentence.
K. You as well as I were there
M. You as well as I have there
L. You as well as I was there
N. You as well as I have there
DËi: K
e¨vL¨v : as well as, with, along with, together with, accompanied by, in addition to w`‡q `yBwU
Subject hy³ n‡j cÖ_g Subject Abymv‡i Verb e‡m|
Or, Nor, Either……or, Neither……nor,
Not only….. but also BZ¨vw` Øviv hy³ n‡j
Verb wU ‡k‡li Subject Gi
Number I Person Abyhvqx e‡m|
14. Neither Rimi nor Simi_____ qualified for the job. [29Zg wewmGm]
K. is
L. were
M. had
N. are
DËi: K
15. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (wkDjx) : 2009]
K. Honour and glory are his reward
M. This is the same book which he lost
L. Either you or he is to blame
DËi: L
N. He has written no less than four letters
Mathematical Calculations hw` GKwU
djvdj cÖ`k©b K‡i
Ges Zv hw` Word G cÖKvk Kiv nq
Zvn‡j Verb Singular nq|
16. Two and two _____ four. [wkÿK wbeÜb−11]
K. make
L. makes
M. made
N. are
DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : Mathematical Calculations hw` GKwU djvdj cÖ`k©b K‡i Ges Zv word G cÖKvk Kiv nq Zvn‡j
Singular Verb e¨eüZ nq| ‡hgb−Twenty multiplied by Five equals One Hundred.
17. Three−Fourths of the work ___finished. [23Zg wewmGm; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK: 2019]
K. have been
L. was
M. were
N. has been
DËi: N
18. All of the people at the conference are --.[cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK: 2019]
K. mathematic teacher
M. mathemetics teacher
L. mathematics teachers
N. mathemetic’s teacher
DËi: L
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #112 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
Time, Money, Weight, Length,
Distance Gi GKK Singular/Plural
n‡jI verb singular nq|
19. Choose the correct sentence. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK: 2019]
K. Fifty miles are a long distance
M. Fifty miles has a long distance
L. Fifty miles were a long distance
N. Fifty miles is a long distance
DËi: N
20. Fifty kgs_____ really a heavy weight to carry. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK: 2019]
K. are
L. was
M. is
N. were
DËi: M
Subject wn‡m‡e One/either/neither/any/each + of + Plural
noun n‡j Singular verb nq|
21. The only error in the sentence “One of the recommendation made by the committee was
accepted by the authorities” is– [৩৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) recommendation
(খ) was
(গ) accepted by
(ঘ) committee উত্তর: ক
22. Which one is correct? [16Zg wewmGm I cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. One of my friends is a lawyer
L. One of my friend are a lawyer
M. One of my friends are a lawyer
N. One of my friend is a lawyer
DËi: K
23. At least one of the students __ full marks every time. [24Zg wewmGm]
K. gets
L. get
M. are getting
N. have got
DËi: K
L. Each of the three boy got a prize
N. Each of the three boys got a prize
DËi: N
24. Choose the correct sentence. [10Zg wewmGm; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK: 2019]
K. A few of the three boys got a prize
M. Every of the three boys got a prize
The number of + Plural noun +
Singular verb
A number of + Plural noun +
Plural Verb
25. Choose the appropriate option to complete the sentence. Today ............people who enjoy
cricket is bigger than that of thirty years ago. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2018]
K. a great deal of L. many
M. the number of
N. A number of
DËi : M
e¨vL¨v : evK¨wU‡Z wb‡¤œv³ MVb †`Lv hvqToday + the number of + Plural noun (people who enjoy cricket) + Singular verb (is)
AviI wKQz D`vniY jÿ¨ Kiæb-
A number of teachers were present in the meeting.
Plural noun
Plural verb
The number of students was present in the class.
Plural noun
Singular verb
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #113 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
Many a + Plural Noun + Singular
A number of + Plural noun +
Plural Verb
26. ‡Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (ivRkvnx wefvM) : 2008]
K. Either he or me is mistaken.
M. Everyone of the girls love to dance
L. Many a man has done so.
N. He gave me an advices.
Cattle, aristocracy, clergy, folk, gentry,
nobility, police, mob, people, vermin,
DËi: L
cÖf…wZ Plural nIqvq Gi ci
Plural verb nq
27. Fill in the gap with the correct form of verb: The police ___ informed yesterday. [৪২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) is
(খ) are
(গ) was
(ঘ) were
উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : Sentence টি passive form এ আকে| এই িাককযর subject, The police হক া plural. এ কারকণ এরপর
plural verb (were) হকি|
28. Choose the correct sentence. [১২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) The matter was informed to the police.
(খ) The matter has been informed of the police.
(গ) The police was informed of the matter.
(ঘ) The police were informed of the matter.
উত্তর: গ
িযাখযা : Inform এর পকর of + িস্তু/ঘটিা িকি থাকক| তাোো, police র্ব্দটি collective noun (িমবিিািক
িামপদ) িক singular verb (was) গ্রহণ ককর|
29. Find out the correct sentence. [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK cixÿv : 2016]
K. Over abillion people uses Microsoft Windows Operating Systems.
L. Over a billion people use Microsoft Windows Operating Systems.
M. Over a billion peoples use Microsoft Windows Operating Systems.
N. Over a billion people using Microsoft Windows Operating Systems.
30. The mob_____ dispersed. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (W¨v‡dvwWj): 12]
K. is
L. are
M. have
N. has
DËi : L
DËi : L
Relative Pronoun (who, which, that) Gi
Antecedent (c~e©eZ©x noun/pronoun)
Abymv‡i verb nq
31. Which of the following sentence is correct? [16Zg wewmGm; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK: 2019]
K. That shirt which he has bought is blue in color. L. The shirt that which he bought is blue in color.
M. which shirt he bought is blue in color.
N. The shirt which he bought is blue in color. DËi : N
32. Choose the correct sentence. [26Zg wewmGm]
K. The man was tall who stole my bag
L. The man stole my bag who was tall
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #114 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
M. The man who stole my bag was tall
N. The man stolen my bag who was tall
DËi : M
L. The man who said that was a fool
N. The man which said that was a fool
DËi : L
33. Choose the correct sentence. [10Zg wewmGm]
K. The man that said that was a fool
M. The man that said who was a fool
Gi ci Plural verb nq
The + adjective = Common noun
34. Choose the correct sentence. [11Zg wewmGm]
K. Rice is not always happy
L. The rich is not always happy
M. The rich is not happy always
N. The rich are not always happy
DËi: N
35. Choose the correct sentence-- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK: 2019]
K. The poor are not always dishonest.
L. The poors are not always dishonest.
M. The poor is not always dishonest
N. Poors are not always dishonest
DËi: K
36. ‡Kvb ï× evK¨?
Introductory There Gi w`‡q evK¨ Avi¤¢
n‡j verb wU Singular/Plual nIqvi
wbf©i Ki‡e Subject Gi Dci
[cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (gyw³‡hv×v/knx` gyw³‡hv×vi mšÍvb) : 2010]
K. There is book and pen on the table
L. There are a book and a pen on the table
M. There are a book on the table
N. There is a book and a pen on the table DËi : L
e¨vL¨v: GLv‡b, evK¨¸‡jv introductory ‘There’ w`‡q ïiæ nIqvi GB ev‡K¨i verb-Gi number wbf©i Ki‡e
cieZ©x kãØq book I pen-Gi Dci| †h‡nZz GB ev‡K¨i g~j subject book and pen plural, ‡m‡nZz verb n‡e
plural. G‡ÿ‡Î, cÖ_g I PZz_© Ack‡b verb singular nIqvq Zv mwVK bq| Avevi Z…Zxq Ack‡b verb plural
n‡jI subject Av‡Q GKwU Zv n‡jv a book, G Kvi‡Y verb wU singular nIqv DwPZ| wKš‘ wØZxq Ack‡b
subject Ges verb-Gi agreement mwVKfv‡e n‡q‡Q|
37. ‡KvbwU ï× evK¨?
[cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (kir) : 2010; ‡iwR÷vW© cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (Rev) : 2011]
K. There is no room for doubt in it
L. There is no misunderstanding in it
M. There is no place for doubt in it
N. There is no suspension in it
DËi : K
e¨vL¨v: GLv‡b g~jZ evK¨wU Øviv †evSv‡bv n‡q‡Q †h- ÔGwUi g‡a¨ †Kv‡bv m‡›`‡ni AeKvk ev ¯’vb †bB| GLv‡b
m‡›`‡ni AeKvk ev ¯’vb †evSv‡Z ‘room for doubt’ k㸔QwU e¨envi Kiv nq| GLv‡b Introductory ÔThere’
Gi e¨enviwU g~j Av‡jvPbvi e¨vcvi bq|
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #115 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
Rule : 95
01. Which one is a correct sentence? [২৭তম ও ৩৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) paper is made of wood
(খ) paper is made from wood
(গ) paper is made by wood
(ঘ) paper is made on wood
উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : যখি সকাকিা উৎপাবদত িস্তুর উপাদাি সিাকখ সদকখ র্িাক্ত করা যায়, তখি সিকেকে ‘made’-এর পর ‘of’ িযিহৃত হয়
যবদ, আর সিাকখ সদকখ তার উপাদাি র্িাক্ত করা িা যায়, তাহক ‘made’-এর পর ‘from’ িযিহৃত হয়|
Rule : 96
02. Slow and steady ____ the race. (Fill in the gap) [৩৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) win
(খ) wins
(গ) has won
(ঘ) won
উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : দইটি noun, and দ্বারা যু ক্ত হকয় যবদ একই র্াি িা অথভ প্রকার্ ককর, তকি verbটি singular হয়| এজিয র্ূ িযস্থাকি
‘wins’ হকি|
Rule : 97
03. One of the four sentences, given below is grammatically wrong. Choose the wrong sentence.
[৩১তম বিবিএি]
(ক) The land is belonged to an old lady.
(খ) They parted from one another suddenly.
(গ) The leader expressed himself forcibly.
(ঘ) Mother bought me an ice-cream.
উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : Passive Voice এ Belong িযিহৃত হয়িা| িাকযটির িঠিক রূপ হকি: The land belongs to an old lady.
Rule : 98
04. One of the four sentences, given below is grammatically wrong. Choose the wrong sentence.
[৩১তম বিবিএি]
(ক) He was always arguing with his brother.
(খ) His failure resulted for lack of attention.
(গ) When will you write to him about your plan?
(ঘ) Who was the boy you were all laughing at.
িযাখযা : সকাি ঘটিার সপ্রবেকত অিয একটি ঘটিা ঘকটকে সিাঝাকত Result to িযিহৃত হয়|
Incorrect: His failure resulted for lack of attention.
Correct: His failure resulted to lack of attention.
উত্তর : খ
Rule : 99
05. select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive (or Active) voice:
A lion may be helped even by a little mouse. [৩০তম বিবিএি]
(K) A little mouse may even help a lion.
(L) Even a little mouse may help a lion.
(M) A little mouse can even help a lion.
(N) Even a little mouse ought to help a lion.
উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : প্রদত্ত িাকযটি passive voice এ আকে| Passive িাককয may be + V3 থাকক, active িাককয may + V1 িকি|
passive িাককয ‘even’ a little mouse এর পাকর্ িিায় Active িাককযও ‘even’ র্ব্দটি ‘a little mouse’ এর পাকর্
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #116 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
Rule : 100
06. One of the four sentences given in each question is grammatically wrong. That alternative is
your answer. [৩০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Neither you nor I am in a sound position.
(খ) Laziness is detrimental for success.
(গ) He begged the favour of my granting him leave.
(ঘ) Your action is not in conformity with the law.
উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : Detrimental এরপর preposition ‘to’ হয়| িাকযটির িঠিক রূপ হকি– Laziness is detrimental to
Rule : 101
07. One of the four sentences given in each question is grammatically wrong. That alternative is
your answer. [৩০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) He has no desire for fame.
(খ) I intend going to Rajshahi.
(গ) He is too miserly to part with his money.
(ঘ) He has invited me for dinner.
উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : Intend এরপর gerund (verb + ing) সদওয়া আকে| অথি intend এরপর infinitive অথভাৎ to + verb এর
base িকি| িাকযটির correct form হকি I intend to go to Rajshahi.
Rule : 102
08. Which of the following sentences is correct? [১৬তম ও ২৭তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Why have you done this?
(খ) Why you had done this?
(গ) Why you have done this?
(ঘ) Why did you done this?
উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : Sentence টি প্রশ্নকিাধক িা হক হকতা ‘You have done this’. এিি sentence সক why দ্বারা
interrogative করকত হক বিকির sentence অিু যায়ী করকত হকি| Why + auxiliary verb + subject +
principle verb + objective or others. িু তরাং why have you done this?- sentence টি িঠিক|
Rule : 103
09. Identify the correct sentence. [২৩তম বিবিএি]
(K) She had faith in and hopes for the future
(L) She had faith and hopes in future
(M) She had faith and hopes for the future
(N) She had faith and hopes in the future.
উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : Faith এিং hope এ দটি noun এককে in অথিা for preposition িহ িযিহৃত হক অথভ যথাথভ হয় িা| িরং faith
in অথভ হক া সকাকিা বকেু কত বিশ্বাি রাখা| অিযবদকক hope for এর অথভ হক া- সকাকিা বিষকয় আর্া প্রকার্ করা|
Rule : 104
10. Choose the correct tense. [২৩তম বিবিএি]
(K) Javed was so exhausted that he was lying down for a sleep
(L) Javed was so exhausted that he lain down for a sleep
(M) Javed was so exhausted that he had lain down for a sleep
(N) Javed was so exhausted that he will lay down for a sleep
DËi: K
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #117 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
িযাখযা : উপকরর িাকযগুক াকত দটি ককর past tense এর clause রকয়কে, যা that দ্বারা যু ক্ত হকয়কে| িু তরাং উর্য় clause
একই tense এর হকি| এখাকি অপর্কি ‘lie’ verb এর past participle- lain িযিহার করা হক ও তাকত lain- এর পূ কিভ
যথাযথ have verb (had) িিাকিা হয়বি| laid down িযিহার করা হকয়কে, যার অথভ হক া বডম পাো িা সকাথাও বকেু রাখা
(lay). িু তরাং এর িাকথ sleeping এর সকাকিা িম্পকভ সিই| Tense এর র্ু িযিহার এিং verb এর যথাযথ িযিহার হয়বি|
Javed was so exhausted that he was lying down for a sleep সযখাকি উর্য় সেকেই যথাযথর্াকি past
tense এিং 'lie' verb এর যথাযথ রূপ িযিহৃত হকয়কে|
Past Participle
Lay (wKQz ivLv/ wWg cvov/ KvD‡K ï‡q ivLv)
Lie (ï‡q _vKv)
Lie (wg‡_¨ ejv)
Rule : 105
11. Identify the correct sentence. [২৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Rahim ate almost the whole fish.
(খ) Rahim almost ate the whole fish.
(গ) Almost Rahim ate whole fish.
(ঘ) Rahim ate the whole fish almost.
উত্তর : ক
A) Rahim ate almost the whole fish.
িযাখযা : এখাকি almost একটি adverb যা সকাকিা verb, adjective এর পূ কিভ িকি তার সদাষ-গুণ প্রকার্ ককর| এ সপ্রবেকত
Almost Rahim ate whole fish এিং Rahim ate the whole fish almost র্ু | এিার Rahim almost ate
the whole fish. সত almost ate অথভাৎ ‘প্রায় সখ ’একটি র্ু Impression. Rahim ate almost the whole
fish. সত (রবহম প্রায় িম্পূ ণভ মােটি সখ ) এটি যথাথভ অথভকিাধক|
Almost র্ব্দটি Adjective/adverb/number/ all of/all এর পূ কিভ িকি।
Dinner is almost ready(adj).
I almost never (adv) stay out late.
We talked to almost fifty (number) people on Friday.
Almost all of my friends speak Bangla.
Almost all my friends speak Bangla.
Almost all the students forgot to study.
Almost all of the students forgot to study.
Rule : 106
12. Which of the following is a correct sentence? [১৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) He was too clever not to miss the point
(খ) He was so clever to miss the point
(গ) He was too clever to miss the point
(ঘ) He was too clever to grasp the point উত্তর : গ
Rule : 107
13. Can you tell me where ________? [১৪তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Mr. Ali lives
(গ) Mr. Ali does live
িযাখযা : একই িাককয Double interrogative nq bv|
(খ) Does Mr. Ali live
(ঘ) Lives Mr. Ali
উত্তর : ক
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #118 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
Rule : 108
14. How many eggs have your hens _______ this month? Which of the following words best
completes the above sentence? [১৪তম বিবিএি]
(ক) lain
(খ) laid
(গ) lay
(ঘ) lied
উত্তর: খ
িযাখযা: Have এর পর verb এর past participle হয়। আর সযকহতু কতভ া মু রগী, কাকজই বিষয়টি বডম পাোর িাকথ িম্পৃ ক্ত|
এখি, Lay- বডমপাো, Past – laid, past Participle – laid, Lie – বমথযা ি া, Past – Lied, Past Participle –
Lied| সযকহতু বডম পাো (Lay) এর Past Participle হকি, তাই িঠিক উত্তর Ackb L|
Past Participle
Lay (wKQz ivLv/ wWg cvov/ KvD‡K ï‡q ivLv)
Lie (ï‡q _vKv)
Lie (wg‡_¨ ejv)
Rule : 109
15. Choose the correct sentence. [১১তম বিবিএি]
(K) He had been hunged for murder
(L) He has been hunged for murder
(M) He was hanged for murder
(N) He was hunged of murder
উত্তর : M
C) He was hanged for murder
িযাখযা : খু ি করার অকথভ for murder িযিহৃত হয়, of murder িয়| তাই (খ) সক িাদ সদয়া যায়|
িাোঁবি সদয়া ইংকরবজ hang, যার past হকে hanged এিং past participle হকে hanged| বকন্তু ঝু াকিা অকথভ hang এর
past হকে hung এিং past participle হকে hung (hunged িয়)| তাই (ক) ও (খ) সক িাদ সদয়া যায়|
Rule : 110
16. Choose the correct sentence. [১০ম বিবিএি]
(K) I asked Javed had he passed
(L) I asked Javed if he had passed
(M) I asked Javed if you had passed
(N) I asked Javed that had he passed
উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : Interrogative sentence এর sentence এর direct namation সক indirect narration এ পবরিতভ ি করার
িময় reported speech এর পূ কিভ if িা whither িকি|
Conditional Sentence
Zero Conditional
Third Conditional
If/Unless hy³ Sentence = Conditional Sentence
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #119 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
02 wU cv‡U©i GKwU Ask‡K ejv nq Conditional, Aci AskwU‡K ejv nq Result Ask
Zero conditional : If + Present Indefinite Tense, Present Indefinite Tense
1st conditional :
If + Present Indefinite Tense, Sub + shall/will/may/can + V1 + object.
2nd conditional :
If + Past Indefinite Tense, Sub + would/could/might + V1 + object.
3rd conditional :
If + Past Perfect Tense, Sub + would/could/might + have+ V3 + object.
AviI wKQz Structure
2 Conditional
If + subject + were/had + object, Subject +
would/could/might + V1 + object.
Had + Subject + others…, sub + would/could/might +
V1 + object.
3rd Conditional
Had + subject + V3 + object, Subject
+ would/could/might + have + V3 +
Conditional Sentence
Rule : 111
01. Complete the sentence: If I were you, I ________ take the money. [৪২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) shall
(খ) will
(গ) would
(ঘ) may
উত্তর: গ
Zero conditional : If + Present Indefinite Tense, Present Indefinite Tense
1st conditional :
If + Present Indefinite Tense, Sub + shall/will/may/can + V1 + object.
2nd conditional :
If + Past Indefinite Tense, Sub + would/could/might + V1 + object.
3rd conditional :
If + Past Perfect Tense, Sub + would/could/might + have+ V3 + object.
AviI wKQz Structure
2 Conditional
3rd Conditional
If + subject + were/had + object, Subject + Had + subject + V3 + object, Subject
would/could/might + V1 + object.
+ would/could/might + have + V3 +
Had + Subject + others…, sub + would/could/might +
V1 + object.
02. Fill in the gap with the right tense: When water _______ it turns into ice. [৩৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) will freeze
(খ) freezes
(গ) would freeze
(ঘ) froze
DËi: L
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #120 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
িযাখযা : 1st Conditional Sentence এ if/when যু ক্ত clause দ্বারা বিরন্তি িতয এিং কিজ্ঞাবিক িতয সিাঝাক Present
Indefinite হয় এিং পরিতী clause-টিও Present Indefinite হয়|
This could have worked if I ____ been more cautious. [৩৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) had
(খ) have
(গ) might
(ঘ) would
উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : 3 Conditional Abymv‡i, If + Past Perfect Tense, Sub + would/could/might + have + V3 +
object. mwVK DËi: This could have worked if I had been more cautious.
This could have worked if I _____ been more far-sighted. [৩৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) had
(খ) might
(গ) have
(ঘ) would
উত্তর: ক
িযাখযা : 3 Conditional Abymv‡i, If + Past Perfect Tense, Sub + would/could/might + have + V3 +
object. mwVK DËi: This could have worked if I had been been more far-sighted.
What would have happened if _________________? [২৭তম বিবিএি]
(ক) the bridge is broken
(খ) the bridge would break
(গ) the bridge had broken
(ঘ) the bridge had been broken
উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : 3 Conditional Abymv‡i, If + Past Perfect Tense, Sub + would/could/might + have + V3 +
object. mwVK DËi: What would have happened if the bridge had broken.
Fill in the blank with the correct phrase. “He _________ arrested if he had tried to leave the
country.” [২৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) would
(খ) could be
(গ) would have been
(ঘ) must be
উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : Conditional Sentence এ if যু ক্ত অংর্ যবদ past perfect tense এ হয়, তাহক অপর অংর্টিকত would
have/could have/might have িিকি|
Shaheen would never have taken the job if __________ what great demand it would make on
his time. [২৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) he knew
(খ) he had been knowing
(গ) he had known
(ঘ) he was knowing
উত্তর: গ
িযাখযা : 3 Conditional Abymv‡i, If + Past Perfect Tense, Sub + would/could/might + have + V3 +
object. mwVK DËi: Shaheen would never have taken the job if he had known what great demand
it would make on his time.
Complete the following sentence.
If I had known you were coming ________________________. [২৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) I would go to the station.
(খ) I had gone to the station.
(গ) I would be going to the station.
(ঘ) I would have gone to the station.
উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : 3rd Conditional Abymv‡i, If + Past Perfect Tense, Sub + would/could/might + have + V3 +
object. mwVK DËi: If I had known you were coming, I would have gone to the station.
Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentence. "He _______________ to see us If
he had been able to." [১০ম বিবিএি]
(ক) would have come
(খ) would come
(গ) may have come
(ঘ) may come
উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : If যু ক্ত clause-টি past perfect tense থাকক অিয clause-এ would/could/might + have + past
participle form হয়|
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #121 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
10. Complete the following sentence: ‘Had I known you were waiting outside, I ____
(ক) would invite you to cone in
(খ) would be inviting you to come in
(গ) would have invited you to come in
(ঘ) had invited you to come in
উত্তর: গ
িযাখযা : Had + subject + V3 + object, Subject + would/could/might + have + V3 + object. িঠিক
উত্তর : Had I known you were waiting outside, I would have invited you to come in.
11. If I _______ you, I would never do it. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (PÆMÖvg wefvM) :07]
K. was
L. were
M. had been
N. have been DËi : L
e¨vL¨v : 2nd Conditional Gi wbqgvbymv‡i, If + subject + were/had + object, Subject +
would/could/might + V1 + object.
12. “If I were you, I (handle) the situation more carefully.”– Which of the following verb forms
best completes the above sentence? [১৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) handled
(খ) would have handled
(গ) will handle
(ঘ) would handle
উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : Conditional sentence- এ If দ্বারা িূ বিত Clause টিকত ‘were’ থাকক অপর Clause টিকত
would/could/might + verb word িযিহার করকত হয়।
13. Choose a suitable word/phrase ro fill in the blanks of the given sentence: After food has been
dried or canned __________ for later consumption. [৩২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) it should be stored
(খ) that it should be stored
(গ) should be stored
(ঘ) which should be stored
উত্তর : ক
Rule : 112
14. If a ruby is heated it ________ temporarily loose its color. [১৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) would
(খ) will
(গ) does
(ঘ) has
িযাখযা : If + present indefinite + future indefinite.
উত্তর : খ
wb‡Pi evK¨¸‡jv jÿ¨ Kiæb
The dog is faithful animal.
Dhaka is on the Buriganga.
He is a European.
Honesty is the best policy.
He speaks English like the English.
You are an MBBS.
Dc‡ii evK¨¸‡jvi †KvbwU‡Z a, ‡KvbwU‡Z an, ‡KvbwU‡Z the e‡m‡Q| Bs‡iwR ev‡K¨ e¨eüZ GB a, an, the ‡K
e‡j Article. Article ¸‡jv mvaviYZ Noun ‡K modify K‡i| ZvB Parts of Speech Gi we‡ePbvqG¸‡jv‡K e‡j Adjective. Bs‡iwR Article `yB cÖKvi| h_vo Indefinite Article : a/an Øviv mvaviYZ †Kv‡bv e¨w³/e¯‘/cÖvYx‡K Awbw`©ófv‡e eySvq| †hgb- A
man, a boy, a European, an Oxford student, an egg, an apple.
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #122 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
o Definite Article : the Øviv †Kv‡bv e¨w³/e¯‘/cÖvYx‡K wbw`©ófv‡e eySvq| †hgb- The sun is up,
The lion is ferocious animal.
Rule: 113
Article (a, an) k‡ãi D”Pvi‡Yi (Pronunciation) Dci wfwË K‡i e¨eüZ nq Ges the e¨eüZ nq †Kvb
wKQz‡K wbw`©ó K‡i †evSv‡Z| ZvB ÔThe’ ‡K Definite Article ejv nq|
Bs‡iwR k‡ãi ïiæ‡Z vowel Av‡Q, bv Consonat Av‡Q, Zv wPšÍv bv K‡i ïay evsjv ¯^ie‡Y©i (A, Av, B, D, I,
G) gZ D”PviY (Pronunciation) ï‡bB Articles (A, an) wbY©q Kiv hvq|
01. Use the appropriate article: I saw ______ one-eyed man when I was walking on the road. [৩৭তম
(ক) a
(খ) an
(গ) the
(ঘ) no article is needed DËi: L
িযখযা : িাধারণত Vowel (a, e, i, o, u)-এর পূ কিভ article ‘An’ িকি | বকন্তু Vowel ‘U’-এর উচ্চারণ যবদ ‘ইউ’ এিং
‘O’-এর উচ্চারণ যবদ ‘ওয়া’-এর মকতা হয় তাহক ‘An’-এর পবরিকতভ ‘A’ িকি। তাই One (ওয়াি)-এর পূ কিভ ‘a’ িিকি|
02. Which sentence is correct? [২৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) This is an unique case
(খ) This is a unique case
(গ) This is a very unique case
(ঘ) This is the most unique case
উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : িাধারণত noun-এর প্রথম অের a, e, i, o, u হক িা vowel-এর মকতা উচ্চারণ হক তার আকগ article
'an' িকি। সযমি: He is an MA. বকন্তু noun-এর প্রথম অের vowel থাকা িকেও তার উচ্চারণ যবদ ew
(ইউ)-এর মকতা হয় (সযমি: unique, university) তকি ঐ noun-এর আকগ a িকি|
03. ‡Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (ewikvj wefvM) : 2006]
K. He speaks English like English.
L. My brother is an M. A.
M. Look up the word in the dictionary book. N. I feel out of sort today.
e¨vL¨v : M. A. Gi ïiæUv evsjv ¯^ieY© ÔGÕ-Gi gZ| ZvB Gi Av‡M an e‡m‡Q|
DËi: L
04. Which sentence is correct? [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (wgwmwmwc) : 13]
K. You are an MBBS.
L. He was an MA.
M. He is an LLB.
N. All of them
DËi : N
e¨vL¨v : mswÿß (Abbreviation) k‡ãi cÖ_g Aÿi ¯^ie‡Y©i (A, Av, B, D, I) g‡Zv D”PvwiZ n‡j Zvi
c~‡e© an e‡m|
05. Which is the correct article? Metre is – unit of length. [cÖv_wgK we`¨v mn wkÿK (wm‡jU wefvM) : 07]
K. a
L. an
M. the
N. no article
DËi: K
e¨vL¨v : ÔBDÕ Gi gZ D”PviY nIqvq Gi c~‡e© a e‡m‡Q| A_©vr k‡ãi ïiæ‡Z vowel _vK‡jB an n‡e bv|
06. ÔI saw ____ begger.’ ev‡K¨i k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã n‡e- [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (`vwbqye) : 13]
K. an one-eyed
L. an one-eye
M. a one-eye
N. a one-eyed DËi : N
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #123 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
AviI wKQz
What w`‡q ïiæ nIqv Exclamatory ev‡K¨ a/an e‡m| †hgb- What a beautiful
house! What an interesting story you told!
ev‡K¨i A_© Abymv‡i a/an e‡m| †hgb- Sumaiya saw a most wonderful sight.
(mygvBqv GKwU AZ¨šÍ PgrKvi `„k¨ †`L‡jv|)
‡Kv‡bv adjective Gi c~‡e© so/too _vK‡j Gi c‡i noun Gi c~‡e© a/an e‡m| †hgbThis is too terrible an accident for him.
‡Kv‡bv Plural noun (‡hgb- Cows, dogs, men, cats, umbrellas) BZ¨vw`i c~‡e© a/an e‡m bv|
07. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (Lyjbv wefvM) : 03]
K. A dog is faithful animal.
L. The dog is a faithful animal.
M. The dog is faithful animal.
N. Dog is a faithful animal.
08. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (myigv) : 10]
K. A lion is ferocious animal.
L. The lion is ferocious animal.
M. The lion is a ferocious animal.
N. Lion is a ferocious animal.
wKQz wKQz
nq bv
DËi : L
DËi : M
‡Ljvi bvg (Cricket, football, hockey BZ¨vw`) Ges Lvev‡ii bvg (Breakfast,
lunch, dinner BZ¨vw`) Gi c~‡e© a/an e‡m bv|
wKQz wKQz Uncountable noun (advice, information, work, baggage BZ¨vw`) Gi
c~‡e© a/an e‡m bv| Your information is false. He gave me a lot of information.
‡Kvb †Kvb material noun (water, rice, milk, salt, gold, iron, oil, paper
BZ¨vw`) Gi c~‡e© a/an e‡m bv| ‡hgb- Gold is a precious metal.
Rule : 114
RvwZ ev m¤úª`v‡qi bv‡gi c~‡e© Ôthe’ e‡m|
09. ‘The French’ refers to– [৩৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) the French people
(খ) the French language
(গ) the French manners
(ঘ) the French society
িযাখযা : র্াষার িাকমর পূ কিভ কখকিা Article ‘the’ িকি িা| জাবত সিাঝাকত তার পূ কিভ the িকি| সযমি: The
English (ইংকরজ জাবত), The French (িরাবি জাবত) ইতযাবদ|
10. Choose the correct sentence. [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 15]
K. He speaks the English like the English. L. He speaks English like English.
M. He is speaks the English like English. N. He speaks English like the English.DËi : N
e¨vL¨v : He speaks the
English like the English. (‡m Bs‡iR‡`i g‡Zv K_v e‡j|) GLv‡b
cÖ_g English Øviv fvlv Ges wØZxq Øviv RvwZ‡K †evSv‡bv n‡q‡Q| A_©vr fvlv‡K eySv‡j the e‡m bv, wKš‘
RvwZ eySv‡j the e‡m|
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #124 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
11. Choose the correct sentence. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2018]
K. Airport is a busy place.
L. Airport is busy place.
M. The airport is a busy place.
N. Airport is busy place.
DËi : M
Adjective-Gi Superlative degree-Gi c~‡e© Ôthe’ e‡m|
12. Articles: Honesty is _____ best policy. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 92]
K. the
L. on
M. a
N. an
DËi : K
¯ªóvi m„wói g‡a¨ †h mKj wRwb‡mi Aw¯ÍÍZ¡ ïay GKwU, Zv‡`i bv‡gi c~‡e© The e‡m| †hgb- Moon, sun,
earth, sky, world, universe BZ¨vw`|
13. Which of the following sentences is incorrect? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 13]
K. The sky is blue.
L. The earth is round.
M. The moon shines at night.
N. A sky is blue.
DËi : N
GKwU gvÎ ce©Z, Øxc, AšÍixc, n«‡`i bv‡g c~‡e© Article e‡m bv| e¨wZµg : The Cape of Good Hope
(DËgvkv AšÍixc)| Z‡e Lvj, b`x, mvMi, DcmvMi, ØxccyÄ, RvnvR BZ¨vw`i bv‡gi c~‡e© The e‡m|
14. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [‡iwR÷vW© cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (UMi) : 2011]
K. Lake Chilka is in Orrisa
L. Lake Chilka is in the Orrisa
M. The lake Chilka is in the Orrisa
N. The lake Chilka is in Orrisa
e¨vL¨v : Lake Chilka bv‡g c„w_ex‡Z GKwUB †jK i‡q‡Q|
DËi: K
15. _____ Mount Everest is the highest peak in the Himalays. [15Zg cÖfvlK wbeÜb : 19]
K. No Article
L. on
M. a
N. an
DËi : K
e¨vL¨v : Mount Everest bv‡g c„w_ex‡Z GKwUB ce©Z i‡q‡Q| ZvB Gi c~‡e© †Kvb Article e¨eüZ n‡e bv|
Proper noun, Material noun, Abastract noun Gi c~‡e© mvaviYZ The e‡m bv|
16. Which one is correct? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (PÆMÖvg wefvM) : 03]
K. Dhaka is on the Buriganga.
L. Dhaka is on Buriganga.
M. The Dhaka is on the Buriganga.
N. Dhaka is on a Buriganga.
DËi : K
Abstract noun Gi Av‡M †Kvb Article e‡m bv| Z‡e wbw`©ó K‡i emv‡j ÔThe’ e‡m|
17. ________ Honesty of Rahim is enviable. [12Zg cÖfvlK wbeÜb : 15]
K. The
L. A
M. An
N.No article
DËi : K
18. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (eywoM½v) : 13]
K. The more he gets, more he wants.
L. More he gets, the more he wants.
M. The more he gets, the more he wants. N. More he gets, more he wants.
DËi : M
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #125 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
Rule- 115
19. He went to ____ hospital because he had ____ heart attack.[৩৯তম বিবিএি]
(ক) a, an
(খ) the, no article
(গ) no article, a
(ঘ) no article, an
িযাখযা : িাধারণত School, College, Hospital, Mosque ইতযাবদ স্থািগুক াকত মূ উকেকর্য সগক এিি
স্থাকির পূ কিভ Article িকি িা| সরাকগর িাকমর পূ কিভ Indefinite Article বহকিকি ‘a’ িকি|
Rule- 116
15. The correct sentence of the followings– [১৭তম বিবিএি]
(ক) The Nile is longest river in Africa
(খ) The Nile is longest river in the Africa
(গ) Nile is longest river in Africa
(ঘ) The Nile is the longest river in Africa
উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : সয সকাকিা িদীর িাকমর পূ কিভ The িকি| আিার longest র্ব্দটি superlative িক এর পূ কিভও the িিকি|
অপর্ি (D) সতই The Nile এিং the longest আকে িক এটিই িঠিক উত্তর|
Road ev iv¯Ívi bv‡gi Av‡M the e‡m, wKš‘ Street ev Avenue Gi c~‡e© the e‡m bv| †hgb- The book is
bought from Bangbandhu Avenue. The car is running on the college road.
HwZnvwmK ¯’vb, hy³ †`k /¯’v‡bi bv‡gi Av‡M the e‡m| †hgb- The USA, The Tajmahal, The Uk BZ¨vw`|
wKQz wbw`©ó eB‡qi Av‡M the e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| †hgb- The Holy Quran, The Bible BZ¨vw`|
cvwb‡K MYbv Kiv hvq bv, ZvB cvwbi Av‡M the e‡m bv| ‡hgb- Water has no color. Z‡e cwigvc Kiv m¤¢e n‡j
the e‡m| †hgb- The water of this pond is lucid.
Proper noun G c~‡e© Adjective _vK‡j D³ Adjective Gi c~‡e© the e‡m| †hgb- The great Omar was
the second caliph of Islam.
HwZnvwmK `wjj, weL¨vZ `vjvb, weL¨vZ cÖvmv` BZ¨vw` Gi c~‡e© the e‡m| †hgb- The Magna Carta, The Twin
Tower BZ¨vw`|
Adjective Øviv ‡Kvb RvwZ ev m¤úª`vq‡K †evSv‡j Zvi c~‡e© the e‡m| ‡hgb- The rich are not always happy.
Singular Designation (c`ex/Dcvwa) Gi c~‡e© the e‡m| †hgb- The Headmaster, The Prime Minister, The
ev`¨h‡š¿i bv‡gi c~‡e© The e‡m| ‡hgb- He can play the piano.