Water Sanitization STEM Project-Based Lab Small Town USA had another legendary flooding causing pipes to burst and significant damages to houses and roads. The Small Town Water Association just issued a boil recommendation on all water due to possible contamination. Farmlands, house foundations, and sinkholes are forming on the streets. Local heavy equipment is damaged and stuck in fields and the blocked and damaged roads prevent the shipping of new materials and equipment to the impacted area. There is a shortage of bottled water, hand sanitizer, and antibacterial wipes. They are projecting it will be 7-10 days before pipes and supplies will be fixed. Small Town High School Hornets are in a crucial part of the school year academically, socially, and athletically. The only hope for STHS Hornets is their science and STEM students. They must develop a water purification system for the entire school district, and their teacher promised to reward them with a good grade for their effort. The Hornet students have access to lab equipment, supplies, basic household cleaning supplies, sand from the long jump pit, household charcoal, and supplies from both the nurse’s station and the health department. Also, the students will have access to Ti-84 graphing calculators. The authorities and teachers do not foresee any other materials arriving in the next 2 weeks. The students must research the amount of water required using correct scientific units, and they must be able to design the purification model. The students must check the gas content with gas pressure sensors, pH sensors, and a color transparency test. The learners will be given a sample of contaminated water for testing. The instructor will check the efficacy of the project by running a biological oxidation sensor test, pH test, and a color clarity test. The test must pass all checks to receive full credit for efficacy. Also, all calculations and procedures must be written in the lab report. The learners will have 2 class periods(47 minute slots) to develop and research a procedure, 2 class periods to test their sample, and 1 class period to write their lab report. The learners must write their own lab report, but they may work in pairs to develop and test a procedure. The lab is written for on-level chemistry, physical science, and STEM related classes. The learners will use previous knowledge of the scientific method, unit conversions, separating mixtures, solutions, varying concentrations to complete their work, and critical thinking to complete their work. Also, students must document their work on a paper handout or a Google Doc. Project Rubric for Grading Category 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Presentation, Communicati on, and Organization. No errors Only 1 or 2 spelling errors Only a handful of spelling errors Multiple spelling errors and organizati on Multiple spelling errors and poor organizat ion Writing and organizatio n or too bad to follow. Data Data is correct and easy to follow Data is correct but missing examples Data has a few errors including missing units Data is poorly organized and missing units Most of the data is missing and it is poorly organize d There are too many errors to follow the data. Calculations Calculation s are shown with correct Units are missing but correct Some Calculatio Multiple calculation ns errors in errors omitted every plus way. Too many errors to follow. units Efficacy Science and sanitation are 100% accurate! errors It is effective, but the science is not accurate. It contains a significant procedure error. Multiple errors in procedur es. Multiple errors in procedur e and science It's all around poor. Procedure: Student Data and collection area(All calculations and conversions must be shown):