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Carpool App SRS: Pakistan Requirements & Specifications

1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to outline the requirements and specifications for a Carpool in
Pakistan that takes gender concerns into consideration. The requirements specification for the
carpool application. Carpool application should also aim to reduce carbon emissions by promoting
shared transportation options. In addition to its environmental benefits, the carpool application can
also leverage social networks to increase its user base. The application can be designed to allow
users to connect with friends and colleagues who are also using the service, as well as to share
their carpooling experiences on social media platforms. This document will be used to describe
the features of the Application. The document is about a mobile application that is accessed via
the internet. It describes how the system operates and how users interact with the application. The
Carpool Project's design and development teams, who need to specify software designs, are
potential users for this document. In addition to the project manager, the quality manager and the
acquirer analyses this SRS document.
1.2 Document Conventions
This document follows the IEEE Standard for Software Requirements Specifications.
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1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
1.3.1 Definitions
Carpooling: The practice of sharing a car with others to reduce transportation costs and reduce
traffic congestion.
Gender concerns: considerations related to the experiences and needs of individuals based on their
Drive: Any person that owns a car and wants to go from one place to another and publishes his
trip on the application.
Passenger: Any person that doesn’t own a car and wants to join a driver in a trip he
posted and agrees to all the condition specified (price and general behavior).
Carbon Emission: The release of carbon dioxide and other gases into the atmosphere, causative
to climate change
Traveling: The act of traveling from one's side to their place of work or education, often done on
a regular basis.
1.3.2 Acronyms:
GUI: Graphic User Interface
GPS: Global Positioning System
API: Application Programming Interface
UI: User Interface
UX: User Experience
OS: Operating System
GIS: Geographic information system
1.4 Intended Audience
The intended audience for this document includes the development team that includes the technical
and programming information, stakeholders, who are likely invested in success of the app, will
also be addressed and users of the CP who will be interested in the app’s functionalities and
features. The aim of this document to engage the group invested in the CP’s success in Pakistan.
1.5 Scope
Carpooling offers a unique opportunity to connect with new people, fostering a sense of
community. With public transport systems frequently experiencing delays and private vehicles
often seen as a more luxurious option, a carpooling system can provide an additional layer of
security by only allowing identified individuals to participate. This helps to establish trust among
participants, as they know they are sharing a ride with people who have been verified by the
system. By allocating specific days for each registered drive to use their private vehicle,
inconvenience is minimized for daily commuters.
The proposed system will effectively reduce environmental pollution and improve individual and
social efficiency by bringing people together on shared trips. Not only does it reduce total travel
costs and driving stress for individuals, but it also benefits society as a whole by reducing fuel
usage, CO2 emissions, and traffic congestion, while promoting social interaction. The app will be
designed with gender concerns in mind to ensure that all users feel safe and comfortable while
using the service.
1.6 Overview
This document will cover the overall description of the CP, including product perspective, user
classes and characteristics, operating environment, and design constraints. It will also detail the
functional and nonfunctional requirements of the app, as well as any other requirements that need
to be considered.