Grab Service Manual for 24t Remote Control Grab Type: YK24[6-12]9.2-00 Product No.: JS228390N SHANGHAI JANUS GRAB CO., LTD. 2023.02 目录 Contents 1. 24t 无线遥控散货抓斗使用说明书 Grab Service Manua 2. 抓斗总图 3. General Drawing 抓斗零部件目录表 All the parts list 4. 易损件目录表 Spare Parts List 5. 易损件图纸 Spare Parts Drawing 6. 产品合格证 Certificate of Compliance 3 6-12m /24t 无线遥控抓斗 6-12m3/24T Remote Control Grab 使 用 说 明 书 Grab Service Manual 上海炯圣机械有限公司 Shanghai Janus Grab Co., Ltd. 2023.02 目录 CONTENT 1. 主要技术参数 Technical specification .............................................................................................................. 3 2. 操作守则 Operating rules ................................................................................................................................. 3 3. 抓斗构造 Grab structure ................................................................................................................................... 7 4. 工作原理 Working principles ............................................................................................................................ 9 4.1 抓斗闭合 Closing Cycle .................................................................................................................................... 9 4.2 抓斗开启 Opening Cycle .................................................................................................................................. 9 5. 使用说明 Operation instructions .................................................................................................................... 11 5.1 安全守则 Grab works rule.............................................................................................................................. 11 5.2 初次及日常使用 First time use and daily use ............................................................................................... 11 5.3 操作 Grab works ............................................................................................................................................. 12 5.4 停止使用 Stop work ....................................................................................................................................... 12 5.5 重新使用 Reuse.............................................................................................................................................. 12 6. 抓斗运输 Grab transportation ........................................................................................................................ 12 7. 保养和检修 Maintenance ............................................................................................................................... 14 7.1 日常保养 Daily maintenance ......................................................................................................................... 14 7.1.1 润滑脂型号 Lubrication grease brand ................................................................................................ 14 7.1.2 润滑铰点 Lubrication joints ................................................................................................................ 14 7.1.3 生锈处理 Rust remove ........................................................................................................................ 16 7.1.4 液压油更换 Change hydraulic oil ........................................................................................................ 16 7.1.5 液压件防松检查 Check condition of hydraulic system bolts ............................................................. 17 7.2 日常检修 Daily check ..................................................................................................................................... 17 7.2.1 导绳装置检修 Rope guide .................................................................................................................. 17 7.2.2 Hydraulic cylinder ................................................................................................................................. 17 7.2.3 铰轴检修 Rotatory shafts .................................................................................................................... 17 7.2.4 轴瓦 Bush............................................................................................................................................. 17 7.2.5 钢丝绳检修 Wire rope ........................................................................................................................ 17 7.2.6 液压油 Hydraulic oil ............................................................................................................................ 18 7.3 卸扣 Shackle ................................................................................................................................................... 18 7.4 液压阀组 Hydraulic valves ............................................................................................................................. 19 7.4.1 电磁换向阀 Solenoid Valve (180100148A001) .................................................................................. 20 7.4.2 溢流阀 Overflow Valve (180100148A002) ......................................................................................... 21 7.4.3 空滤器 Oil filling filter (180100148A003)...................................................................................... 21 7.4.4 两通插装阀 Pilot operated directional control valve (180100148A004) ..................................... 21 7.4.5 吸油单向阀 Oil suction valve (180100148A005) .......................................................................... 21 7.4.6 吸油过滤器 Oil suction filter (180100148A006) ........................................................................... 22 7.4.7 油管 Oil pipes................................................................................................................................. 22 7.4.8 液压系统配件清单 Spare parts list for hydraulic system ............................................................. 22 8 电气控制系统 Electrical control system ......................................................................................................... 23 8.1 概述 Summarization ....................................................................................................................................... 23 1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 电瓶的技术参数 Battery technical data ........................................................................................................ 24 电瓶使用说明 Battery instructions................................................................................................................ 25 充电器使用方法 Use method of charger ...................................................................................................... 25 遥控器的使用 Remote transmitter use ......................................................................................................... 26 8.5.1 正常使用 Normal use .......................................................................................................................... 26 8.6 注意事项 Matters need attention: ................................................................................................................ 26 8.7 电器原理图 Electrical system drawing .......................................................................................................... 27 8.8 电器系统主要元器件 Electrical system main parts: ..................................................................................... 27 8.9 电瓶 Battery ................................................................................................................................................... 28 8.9.1 电瓶参数 Battery data ......................................................................................................................... 28 8.9.2 电瓶激活的方法 Activate step of battery .......................................................................................... 28 9 阀的调节及故障诊断 Valve adjustment and fault diagnosis ......................................................................... 30 9.1 阀的调节 Valve adjusting ............................................................................................................................... 30 9.2 故障诊断 Fault diagnosis................................................................................................................................. 30 9.2.1 故障:抓斗完全不能闭合 Grab cannot have any close operation. .................................................. 31 9.2.2 抓斗不能完全闭合,并且继续缓慢打开 The grab can’t close 100%, and it will automatically open slowly. ............................................................................................................................................................ 33 9.2.3 抓斗不能完全闭合,且开度不再继续增大 Grab cannot close 100%, and gap between scoops don’t become bigger. .............................................................................................................................................. 34 9.2.4 抓斗完全不能打开,没有任何打开动作 Grab cannot have any open operation. ........................... 34 9.2.5 抓斗打开速度很慢 There is serious impact when the grab opens ..................................................... 34 9.3 油缸的解体与维修 Hydraulic cylinder dismantlement and repair ................................................................ 35 9.3.1 油缸外泄 Hydraulic cylinder out leakage............................................................................................. 35 9.3.2 油缸内泄,油缸活塞密封损坏 Hydraulic cylinder inner leakage reason 1. ...................................... 36 9.3.3 油缸内泄,油缸活塞内的单向阀卡死 Hydraulic piston inner leakage reason 2.............................. 36 10 其它注意事项 Other matters need attention ................................................................................................ 37 11 维护表格 Table of Maintenance and Operation ........................................................................................ 38 2 1. 主要技术参数 Technical specification 起重机额定起重量 Crane SWL 斗 容(物料安息角 40°) Grab volume (Angle of repose:40°) 物料容重 Cargo density 抓斗额定负荷量 Grab SWL 抓斗自重 Grab dead weight 滑轮直径 Diameter of sheaves 钢丝绳直径 Diameter of wire rope 滑轮组倍率 Wire rope folds 开闭行程 Wire rope withdraw distance 闭合尺寸 Grab close dimension 张开尺寸 Grab open dimension 使用高度 Working height 起重机类型 Crane type 工作温度 Working temperature (t) (m3) (t/m3) (t) (t) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (m) 适用物料 Suitable for cargo >24 5/6.5/8/10/12 3/2.3/1.8/1.5/1 14.8 9.5 ∅ 650 ∅ 36 3 1480 3000×4307×3500 3758×4666×3500 10 Single hook crane -10℃ to 40℃ Bulk cargo, should be easy to be scattered and not sticky 2. 操作守则 Operating rules 避免抓斗打开时的冲击,按下遥控发射器的“OPEN/STOP”按钮后约 1-3 秒,抓斗打开。 In order to avoid serious impact, the grab will delay 1-3 seconds to open after press “OPEN”. 备注:在抓斗打开的过程中,再次按“OPEN/STOP”,抓斗将停止打开。 Remarks: During grab opening, if you press “OPEN/STOP” again, the grab will stop opening 本抓斗适用于具有单起升机构的起重机装卸散货之用。如果抓斗用于装卸很粘的物料,抓斗可能会不 能完全闭合,抓斗上承梁和滑移座之间会有很大的空隙。当按遥控器上的“打开”按钮后,抓斗会停 顿 3 秒钟左右再开始打开。建议可以在滑移座上增加铁板来减少停顿时间。 The grab is suitable for crane with single hook for loading and unloading bulk cargo. If the grab is used to load sticky cargo, the grab may not close completely. The moving board and top beam will have big space. So when you press “OPEN”, the grab will delay longer to open the grab. You can add a steel plate to reduce the space between moving board and top beam to open the grab faster. 抓斗工作时,偶尔会有油气从加油口渗出,少量渗油属于正常现象。如果有大量的油冒出,此时应检 查是否油箱内的吸油过滤器可能卡死。 When the grab working, a little oil will spray out from Oil filling filter, it is normal. But if too much oil sprays out from Oil filling filter, it is abnormal. Please check if the Check Valve in oil tank is jammed. 抓斗平衡架与起重机吊钩的联接有卸扣和长形环,抓斗在使用过程中抓斗平衡架应能自由摆动,吊 钩等构件不应限制平衡架摆动。平衡架在抓斗起吊垂直后应保持基本水平,如发现平衡架倾斜应及 时两根钢丝绳长度相等。否则会引起抓斗钢丝绳单根受力,造成油缸活塞杆受到较大侧向力变形。 3 The Balance Beam of grab is connected with the crane by a Shackle and a Master Link. During using grab, the balance beam should be free to swing, crane hook should not limit its swing. After the grab is lifted up, the balance beam should keep horizontal, if not, it will cause only one wire rope carry all the weight and cause the piston rod deform. So please adjust the length of wire rope by the rope wedge inside grab if the balance beam is not level. 抓斗在船舱内起升和下降时,千万注意抓斗不能碰擦钩住船舱舱口围,以免抓斗钢丝绳单根受力, 导致抓斗油缸活塞杆受测向力损坏(见附图一)。 When the grab is operating in the hatch, it is forbidden to hitch the hatch. If grab is hitched by hatch, it will make only one rope carry all the weight and cause the piston rod deform. (Please see Drawing I) 为避免抓斗损坏,不允许抓斗撞击物料、起重设备、船舷等物体。 Forbid to impact any material, hoist equipment, ship board etc. 为了使抓斗滑移座顺利下滑,确保抓斗油缸活塞杆完全缩进,抓斗作业时应保持抓斗基本垂直,抓斗 O O 两个方向的倾斜度应分别<30 和<15 (见附图二),并使抓斗在料堆上站稳。 In order to keep the Moving Board to slide down easily and the piston rod can retract completely, the grab should be kept vertical and tilt in two directions should be lower than 30° and 15° (Please see Drawing II), and make sure that the grab is placed steady on cargo. 新抓斗使用时每隔两小时应检查油缸活塞杆大螺母和其紧定螺钉的防松,如发现松动应及时旋紧。 抓斗使用时,应防止硬物碰坏油缸及油管。 For the new grab, please inspect the big nuts of cylinder and other bolts every 2 hours. If the bolts loosen, please tighten up them. When grab uses, hydraulic cylinder and oil hoses, should be avoid of hitting rocklike objects. 抓斗停放不用时,应将滑移座下滑到底部,以保护油缸活塞杆。抓斗使用前应检查电控系统,特别 是电器接插件,如发现受潮应作清洁干燥处理,以免短路。 When grab stops working, piston rods should be retracted completely, which can protect the piston rods. Please check the electrical system when reuses grab, especially the connection joints. If the electrical elements are soggy, please dry them to avoid short circuit. 装电瓶时应拧紧螺母,以免电瓶松动而损坏。 When fixing the battery, nuts must be tightened up to avoid the battery becoming loose. 抓斗打开垂直放置,吊钩挂住平衡架使滑移座下滑至最低位时,伸出抓斗上乘梁的钢丝绳有效长度 不应小于 600 毫米(导绳装置至平衡架钢丝绳生根的末端距离)。 Open the grab and put it on a level ground, crane hook connects with balance beam, make the Moving Board down to the lowest position, length of the two wire ropes above Top Beam should be more than 600 mm. 4 5 6 2 抓斗钢丝绳规格:直径 36, 6X36+FC,1770N/mm ,左右旋各一根。 2 Wire rope diameter: φ36, 6X36+FC,1770N/mm . One is Left hand, the other is Right hand. There are removable kick plates on grab two scoops, grab volume can change by removing kick plates. Kick plates removed quantity Grab volume Suitable for cargo density 0 12 m³ <1 10 m³ < 1.5 8 m³ < 1.8 st 1 row kick plates removed st nd st nd 1 +2 1 +2 row kick plates removed rd + 3 (All) row kick plates removed 6.5 m³ < 2.3 t / m³ t / m³ t / m³ t / m³ All row kick plates removed 5 m³ <3 t / m³ 抓斗斗瓣上打开开度限位块,若抓取货物太多导致抓斗超载,可以装上打开开度限位块,从而减少 抓货量。反之,若抓取货物量不足,可以拆下打开开度限位块。 There are Width-opening Limits on the scoops. If the grab is overload, you can fit the limits and decrease opening width. If grab can not load enough cargo, you can remove the Width-opening Limits. 抓斗使用时,若有颗粒状物料嵌入滑移座与下承梁接触处等妨碍抓斗正常工作之处,应及时清除, 以免影响抓斗正常工作。 If cargo piles on the cover of Lower Beam, and obstructs grab’s work, please clear the cargo. 为达到最大的抓取量,抓斗应从水平位置进行作业; To get the maximum cargo, it is advisable to load cargo on level position. 3. 抓斗构造 Grab structure 抓斗主要由平衡架 1、导绳装置 2、上承梁 3、撑杆 4、滑移座 5、油缸 6、下承梁 7、斗体 8、液 压系统 9、电气系统 10 等几大部分组成(见附图三)。 Grab is mainly made up of several parts: 1-balance beam; 2-rope guide; 3-Top Beam; 4- Steering arm; 5-Moving Board; 6-hydraulic cylinder; 7-Lower Beam; 8-scoop; 9-hydraulic system; 10-electrical system (Please see Drawing III). 平衡架承载着抓斗的起重量,使两根钢丝绳受力均匀。 The balance beam holds all grab weight, and it makes two wire ropes hold same weight. 导绳装置由导辊、销轴、轴承和支座等组成。 Rope guide are made up of roller, shaft, bearing and seat support. 上承梁为板壳结构,通过铰轴与撑杆联接,中间布置着二组滑轮组。 Top Beam is shell structure, Top Beam connects with Steering arm by shaft and bush. Two sheaves are fixed in the middle of Top Beam. 抓斗撑杆为变截面箱型结构,具有良好的抗弯、抗压性能,撑杆的上、下两端轴孔分别与上承梁及 斗体连接。 Steering arm has changeable cross section and trunk-like structure, it has high bending strength and compression strength. One end of Steering arm connects with Top Beam, the other end connects with scoop. 滑移座内安装着二组滑轮组,钢丝绳生根在滑移座上,缠绕在上承梁和滑移座内的滑轮组上。 Two sheaves are fixed in Moving Board. The free end of both wire ropes is fixed on Moving Board, and both wire ropes reel through sheaves located in Top Beam and Moving Board. 7 油缸由缸筒、活塞、活塞杆、单向阀等组成。两根油缸在对称分布,缸筒与下承梁固接,活塞杆与 滑移座固接。它通过活塞杆的伸缩来控制抓斗的开闭。 Hydraulic cylinder is made up of cylinder barrel, piston, piston rod, check valve, etc. Two hydraulic cylinders are symmetrically arranged. Cylinder barrel connects with Lower Beam, piston rod connects with Moving Board. Grab opening and closing is controlled by extending and extracting of piston rod. 下承梁为箱形梁,两端通过铰轴与斗体铰接。下承梁上装油缸、液压系统及电器系统。液压系统由 油箱、电磁阀、溢流阀、过滤器、油管等组成;电器系统由电瓶、遥控接收器、电线等组成。液压 系统和电器系统安装在下承梁中间。 Lower Beam is a tank beam, two ends connect with scoop by shafts. Hydraulic cylinder, hydraulic system and electrical system are fixed in Lower Beam. Hydraulic system is mainly made up of oil tank, solenoid valve, overflow valve, filter and oil hoses; Electrical system is made up of battery, remote transmitter, remote receiver, cable etc. Hydraulic system and Electrical system are fixed in the middle of Lower Beam. 颚瓣为板壳结构,通过销轴分别与下承梁及撑杆相连接,其主要由底板、侧板、竖刃口板及底刃口 板等焊接而成,为了增强刃口板的耐磨性,刃口板采用高耐磨材料。 Scoop is plate structure, it connects with Steering arm and Lower Beam by shafts. Each scoop is made up of bottom plate, side plate, side lip plate and bottom lip plate. The lip plate material is high strength wear resistant plate. 为使抓斗在有限的自重下具有足够的刚度和强度,抓斗结构件主要板材均采用低合金结构钢(Q355B) 制造。 Grab main structure plates are Q355B (Equal to St52-3) plate, it can ensure the grab have enough strength and stiffness with min dead weight. 8 4. 工作原理 Working principles 4.1 抓斗闭合 Closing Cycle 当抓斗打开时,滑移座与上承梁接触而与下承梁是完全分开的。此时电磁换向阀关闭,由于油缸的 活塞杆与滑移座固接,缸筒与下承梁固接,所以此时油缸活塞杆完全伸出。当要抓取货物时,起重 机吊钩下降,由于油缸活塞可单向导通,所以油缸活塞杆能够收缩,滑移座随之下降(见附图四图 A)。 当油缸活塞杆完全缩进后,滑移座也完全落下(见附图四图 B)。然后起重机吊索上升,滑移座随之 上升,由于油缸的电磁阀处于常关闭状态,此时,油缸有杆腔被锁住,油缸处于闭合锁紧状态,在 滑轮组的作用下,滑移座上升带动下承梁渐渐向上并带动颚瓣闭合(见附图四图 C)。 When the grab is opened, the Moving Board will touch with Top Beam and be separated with Lower Beam. And the Solenoid valve is off. And the piston rod extends out completely. When you want to load cargo, crane hook goes down. The piston rod can retract freely because of check valve in cylinder piston, and Moving Board goes down as well (Please see Drawing IV, A). When piston rod retracts completely, the Moving Board reaches the lowest position (Please see Drawing IV, B). Then the crane hook lifts up, the Moving Board goes up as well. The solenoid valve is off now, cylinder chamber is locked with piston-rod. With pulling from sheaves, the Moving Board goes up and drives Lower Beam to go up, and finally drives scoop to close (Please see Drawing IV, C). 4.2 抓斗开启 Opening Cycle 当需要打开抓斗时,只需按动遥控发射 器的开关,打开电磁换向阀,使油缸有 杆腔卸荷。油缸活塞杆分别在滑移座和 下承梁的作用下被拉出,滑移座和下承 梁分开,抓斗打开(见附图四图 D)。 当抓斗抓取比较粘的货物时,抓斗可能 不能完全闭合,按“打开”按钮后,抓 斗会停顿 3-5 秒后再快速打开。 When you want to open the grab, press the “Open” button on remote transmitter and Solenoid valve is on, it will make cylinder chamber with piston-rod relieve load. Piston rod will be pulled out by Moving Board and Lower Beam, the Moving Board and Lower Beam will separate, and grab will open (Please see Drawing IV, D). 油缸结构原理图见:附图五 Cylinder structure: please see Drawing V. 9 10 5. 使用说明 Operation instructions 5.1 安全守则 Grab works rule 使用抓斗时,必须遵守起重机安全操作规程。 When use grab, it must conform to crane safety work rules. 5.2 初次及日常使用 First use and daily use 检查起重机的安全负荷。 Check the safety load of crane. 检查钢丝绳斜楔、绳卡、卸扣和长形环是否正确安装,发现松动应及时紧固。如发现卸克和绳卡变 形、损坏、磨损超标等均需更换。 Check the condition of wire rope wedge and clip, check the condition of shackle and master link, and tighten them if loosen. If shackle and wire rope clip are deformed, damaged, or worn out, please replace them by new. 检查平衡架能否随意摆动,平衡架在抓斗起吊垂直后应保持基本水平,如发现倾斜应及时拆下滑移 座上的斜楔调整钢丝绳长度。否则会引起抓斗钢丝绳单根受力,造成油缸受到较大侧向力变形。 Check whether the balance beam can swing freely. When the grab was lifted up, the balance beam should be approximate level. If the balance beam is tilted, that means two wire ropes length are different, please adjust the wire ropes into same length by wedge, the wedge is fixed on the Moving Board. Otherwise it will cause only one rope to carry all the weight and make piston rod deformed by a large lateral force. 检查抓斗各紧固件连接是否牢固,各铰轴压板(防转板)是否松动。 Check each fastener part is fastened or not, and check each lock plate is fastened or not. 检查油箱油位。首次使用,应检查油箱的油位。在下承梁中间位置一侧安装有油位计,打开外部盖 板,可直接观察到油位。正常情况下油位应处于油位计的 70%位置。若发现油位低于规定位置,应适 当补油。油位也不能过高,否则油会从加油口冒出。加油时应通过空气滤清器向油箱内加油,此时 活塞杆应完全缩进油缸。初次抓斗使用 10 个开闭循环后,应及时再检查油箱油位,若发现油位低于 油位计中间位置时,应再次及时补油。加油时,活塞杆应完全缩进,否则加油过多抓斗闭合时会导 致液压油溢出。 For the first use, check the oil level in oil tank, oil level gauge locates on one side of Lower Beam. Open the external cover, you can check the oil level. Normally oil level should be at 70% position of oil level gauge, please add oil if oil level is lower than this position. Please add oil into oil tank through air filter. Please make the piston rod retract into cylinder completely. Oil level should not be too high, or oil might emit from oil mouse when grab working. When adding oil, piston rod should retract completely. If too much oil is added, the oil will spur out from air month. 检查电瓶上的插线是否牢固。 Check if the connection on the battery is firm or not. 打开下承梁上的电源开关。 Turn on the power switch on battery. 将抓斗长环挂在起重机的吊钩上。 Connect the master link on crane hook. 11 进行空载试验,各转动部位应灵活,抓斗开启、闭合时启闭机构动作准确,开闭自如,液压系统无 明显渗油,缓冲效果良好。 Carry non-load test, all the moving parts should run smoothly. The opening and closing mechanism should act accurately and smoothly. Be sure no oil leakages and grab opens smoothly. 抓斗各铰轴需注满润滑脂。 Lubricate all rotatory joints. 5.3 操作 Grab works 抓斗作业时,如发现抓斗启闭有阻碍时,应停止作业,待查明原因再使用。 If grab opening or closing has problem, it’s advisable to stop working and re-use it after examination. 5.4 停止使用 Stop work 抓斗停用时,抓斗应采用清水冲洗干净,清除下承梁面板上、滑移座内及各转动部件间隙中的物料, 清除抓斗斗体内的物料、垃圾和杂质,以免斗体、滑移座积物、积水,引起生锈、腐烂。抓斗各铰 接点应加足润滑脂。应将抓斗滑移座落下,使油缸活塞杆完全缩进,以免活塞杆外露而腐蚀。抓斗 须切断电源。用防雨布将整个抓斗罩住(用户自备),防止海水腐蚀抓斗内的电器和液压系统。以 免海水腐蚀抓斗内的液压和电器等设备;或将电控装置拆下保管,待再次使用前装上,以免损坏。 When grab stops work, it must be cleaned with water, and all cargo on Lower Beam surface, inside Moving Board, and inside joints gap should be cleared out. If grab scoop and Moving Board has sea water inside, it will cause rusty and decay, so please clear out cargo, rubbish and impurity in grab scoop. Lubricate all rotatory joints. The Moving Board must go down and make the piston rod to retract completely, or it may cause erosion on piston rod. The power switch in battery must be turned off. Use water-proof cover (prepared by user) to overspread grab to protect the hydraulic system and electrical system, or user can take out all electrical system and put it back when use grab again. 抓斗使用前应检查电控系统,特别是电器接插件,如发现受潮应作干燥处理,以免短路。 To avoid power short out, please check the electrical elements before using grab. If the electrical elements are wet, please dry them. 5.5 重新使用 Reuse 请遵守 5.2 中的所有说明事项。 Please obey all rules in 5.2. 检查抓斗以防意外事故的发生。 Check the whole grab carefully to avoid potential accident. 6. 抓斗运输 Grab transportation 抓斗闭合后将抓斗放倒后将两个斗体用连接板连接后才能运输(见附图六)。 The grab must be closed, and connect two scoops with a plate (Please see drawing VI). 抓斗水平放置运输车辆时,由于液压系统有空滤器,应当将有油位计的一面朝上,放倒抓斗。 Grab must be transported in level, because hydraulic system has air filter, grab should be put down, the oil level gauge and electrical system door should face up. 抓斗运输时,可能会有部分油溢出。 When the grab is transported, little oil will go out from air month. 12 Oil filling filter (180100148A003) Connect two holes with a plate 附图六/Drawing VI 13 7. 保养和检修 Maintenance 7.1 日常保养 Daily maintenance 7.1.1 润滑脂型号 Lubrication grease brand 抓斗工作前后各铰接点应加注润滑脂,润滑脂型号为长城 3#或长城 2#。 Lubricate every rotatory joint before and after use. Lubrication grease brand is Great wall 3# or 2#. 7.1.2 润滑铰点 Lubrication joints 抓斗加油点 Grease Points for Janus Remote Control Grab 描述 Description 序号 Mark Quantity Grease Frequency No. 1 Contact point of Master link and Shackle S 1 Grease every two days 2 Contact point of Rope End and Shackle S 2 Grease every two days 3 Wire Rope S 2 Grease every two days 4 Pins of rope guider A 8 Grease before and after use 5 Pins of Top Steering arm B 4 Grease before and after use 6 Pin of Top sheave C 2 Grease before and after use 7 Pin of Lower sheave D 3 Grease before and after use 8 Pin of Center E 4 Grease before and after use 9 Pins of Lower Steering arm F 4 Grease before and after use Total Grease Points 30 Remarks: If the grab stops use for 30 days, please grease all above points. 14 S S S S S A A B B C D E E F F 附图七/Drawing VII 15 7.1.3 生锈处理 Rust remove 如发现抓斗局部生锈,应及时清洗干净,除锈后再补涂油漆。抓斗出厂时的油漆是环氧富锌底漆, 氯化橡胶中途漆和丙烯酸改性氯化橡胶面漆。 When finding any part of grab gets rusty, please paint them after removing the rusty. Paints: 1st coating is Epoxy Zinc rich primer, 2nd and 3rd are Epoxy coating. 7.1.4 液压油更换 Change hydraulic oil 抓斗首次工作 1000 小时后,建议换液压油。以后,每工作 5000 小时换一次。换油时,油缸活塞杆 应处于完全缩进状态。 It is advisable to change hydraulic-oil after first 1000 working hours; then change the oil every 5000 working hours. Keep the piston rod retracted completely when changing hydraulic-oil. 放油 Emit hydraulic oil 首先将废油桶置于下承梁中部,打开加油过滤器(180100148A001),见阀组总成俯视图。打开底部 盖板及油箱放油螺栓,将油箱内液压油放出。 First, put a waste oil container under the Lower Beam, open the oil filling filter cover (180100148A001), open the cover and bolt of oil tank locating in the bottom of Lower Beam, then release the hydraulic oil. 按下遥控发射器的“OPEN”按钮,提升吊钩,使活塞杆完全伸出,排出有杆腔内的液压油。然后再 放下吊钩,使活塞杆完全缩进。连续几个循环即可排空油缸内的液压油。 Press the “Open” button on remote transmitter, lift up the hook, make piston rod extend out completely, discharge hydraulic oil in top tank. Then drop down the hook and retract the piston rod completely. The hydraulic oil will be emitted out after several recycles. 加油 Add hydraulic oil 液压油为 46#或以上抗磨液压油,品牌不限。抓斗交货时已加好长城牌 46#抗 磨液压油。 The oil should be #46 or better anti-abrasion hydraulic oil. The grab is full of #46 hydraulic oil when delivery, the brand is The Great Wall. You can also choose Mobil or Shell. 所需的液压油总量为 120 升。 The total capacity of hydraulic oil is 120L. 加油时一定要保持油缸活塞杆处于完全缩回状态。通过加油过滤器上口向油 箱加油,加油时应使用加油泵加油,并经过 5~10µm 精度的滤油器滤去油中 的微小杂质,以免油中的杂质卡住单向阀的阀芯,使抓斗不能工作。加满油 后,按下遥控发射器的“OPEN”按钮,提升吊钩,使活塞杆完全伸出,排出 有杆腔内的空气。然后再放下吊钩,使活塞杆完全缩进。连续几个循环即可 排空油缸内的空气。排气后,检查油位,油面就处于油位计的中间部位,若 不足应适当再补油,此时活塞杆应完全缩进油缸。油位显示如右图 Make sure keep piston rods retracted completely when adding oil. Add hydraulic oil into oil tank through the oil filling filter. The hydraulic oil is transfused by oil pumps and small impurities should be filtrated through an oil filter with a precision of 5~10μm, otherwise the impurities may lock the Check Valve in cylinder, which will make the grab cannot close. After adding oil, press the “Open” button on remote transmitter, lift up crane hook, and make the piston rod extend out completely and discharge 16 air from the top tank. Then drop down the crane hook, and make piston rod retract completely. Air will be discharged completely after several recycles. After discharging air, check the oil level, the oil level should be in the middle, see above photo. If oil is lower than this level, please add oil. At this time, piston rod should retract completely. 7.1.5 液压件防松检查 Check condition of hydraulic system bolts 抓斗每次使用后,应清理抓斗上的物料及灰土。检查液压零部件上的安装螺栓的紧固状况,如发现 螺栓已松动应及时紧固。以免引起漏油等故障。 After using grab, please clean-up cargo and dust on the grab in time. Check bolts on hydraulic parts. If blots are loose, please tighten them, which will avoid oil leakage and other failures. 7.2 日常检修 Daily check 7.2.1 导绳装置检修 Rope guide 各导辊转动灵活,发现卡阻现象应予以修复,导辊严重磨损应予更换。 Every running roller should rotate smoothly, repair them if found block. If running roller is found over-abrasion, please change it. 7.2.2 Hydraulic cylinder 检查油缸固定用的中间法兰联接的 6×2 个螺栓、螺母防松。检查活塞杆大螺母防松。检查油缸密封 有否较严重渗油。 Check 6 bolts and nuts for fixing the hydraulic cylinder. Check the big nut on the top of piston rod. All nuts and bolts must be firm. Check if hydraulic cylinders have serious leakage. 7.2.3 铰轴检修 Rotatory shafts 各铰轴油道应畅通,若油孔堵塞应予以疏通清洗注油,轴外径磨损大于原尺寸 20%应予以更换。 Every grease channel must be unobstructed. If grease channel is obstructed, clean and lubricate them. If pin dimension were worn more than 20% of the original, please change them by new. 7.2.4 轴瓦 Bush 各轴瓦磨损量大于原尺寸 20%应予以调换。 If bush dimension is worn more than 20% of the original, please change it by new. 7.2.5 钢丝绳检修 Wire rope 钢丝绳要及时检查、加油,达到报废标准要及时更换。 The wire ropes must be checked and lubricated in time, and change by new if it gets condemning limit. 更换钢丝绳时,请确保平衡架两端露出的钢丝绳长度相等。 When changing wire rope, please confirm the length of rope two sides is same. 17 长度相同 Same Length 长度相同 Same Length 7.2.6 液压油 Hydraulic oil 抓斗液压系统采用抗磨液压油,现采用的是中国产牌号为长城的 46#抗磨液压油(相当于 ISO HM-N46)。 The hydraulic oil used for hydraulic system should be the anti-friction type. We adopt No.46 anti-friction hydraulic oil, the brand is Great Wall, made in China, it is similar with the ISO HM-N46. 7.3 卸扣 Shackle a. 发生以下情形,卸扣必须更换: When finding any conditions below, change the shackle by new. 卸扣任何一处发生裂缝; Cracks on any part of the shackle; 卸扣变形超过 5%。 Deformation is beyond 5%; 横销不能转动; Shaft of shackle cannot rotate; 卸扣本体和横销任何一处截面磨损量超过 5%。 The abrasion in any section of shackle or its shaft is beyond 5%. b.卸扣不能重新加热、焊接等,不能修复。 The shackle can't be re-heated or welded, and can't be reused after repairing. 18 7.4 液压阀组 Hydraulic valves 抓斗液压阀组安装在抓斗下承梁中间,油箱上部。抓斗液压系统主要阀件均安装在阀组上。各阀件 见下图: Grab hydraulic system is installed in the middle of Lower Beam, and it is on the top of oil tank. The main valves are installed on the hydraulic block. All the valves see below drawing. 空滤器 Oil filling filter (180100148A003) 溢流阀 Overflow Valve (180100148A002) 电 磁 插 装 阀 Solenoid Valve (180100148A001) 接头 Connector (180100148A007) 接头 Connector (180100148A008) 液 控 插 装 阀 Pilot operated directional control valve (180100148A004) 液压阀组共包含以下几个组件:1)电磁插装阀阀(型号:180100148A001);2)溢流阀(180100148A002); 3) 空滤器(180100148A003); 4) 液控插装阀及盖板 (180100148A004); 5) 吸油单向阀 (180100148A005); 6) 吸油过滤器(180100148A006); The hydraulic system includes the following parts: 1) Solenoid Valve (180100148A001); 2) Overflow Valve(180100148A002); 3) Oil filling filter (180100148A003); 4) Pilot operated directional control valve (180100148A004); 5) Oil suction valve(180100148A005); 6) Oil suction filter(180100148A006); 19 吸 油 过 滤 器 Oil suction filter (180100148A006) 吸 油 单 向 阀 Oil suction valve (180100148A005) 液压系统正视图 Above picture is front view of hydraulic system 7.4.1 电磁换向阀 Solenoid Valve (180100148A001) 功能:该阀控制液控单向阀的开闭。 Function: This valve controls the opening of pilot operated directional control valve; 电磁换向阀 Solenoid Valve (180100148A001) 20 7.4.2 溢流阀 Overflow Valve (180100148A002) 功能:该阀控制抓斗的打开速度; Function: This valve can adjust the impact on the crane when the grab opens. 7.4.3 溢流阀 Overflow Valve (180100148A002) 空滤器 Oil filling filter (180100148A003) 功能:加油时防止灰尘进入; Function: This filter can prevent rubbish from entering cylinder when sucking oil. 7.4.4 两通插装阀 Pilot operated directional control valve (180100148A004) 两通插装阀功能:控制抓斗的打开。 Pilot operated directional control valve Function: This valve controls the grab opening. 7.4.5 液控插装阀 Pilot Operated Directional Control Valve(180100148A004) 吸油单向阀 Oil suction valve (180100148A005) 功能:该阀是控制滑移座下降即油缸活塞杆缩回时,下腔的油不会直接回油箱,而是在上腔充满后 才会返回油箱。吸油单向阀(180100148A006)阀芯卡死时,滑移座下降时,油缸下腔的油会直接通 过此阀回油箱,从而导致加油过滤器(180100148A003)有油冒出。 Function: When the Moving Board goes down and piston rod retracts, this valve ensures oil in down-piston chamber will not enter into oil tank directly, oil will enter into oil tank after top chamber is full. If the oil suction valve core is jammed, when the Moving Board goes down, oil in down-piston chamber will enter into oil tank, which will make oil emit from oil filling filter (180100148A003). 21 7.4.6 吸油过滤器 Oil suction filter (180100148A006) 功能:吸油过滤器的作用是保证吸油时油箱内的垃圾不会进入油缸。 Function: This filter can prevent rubbish from entering cylinder when sucks oil 7.4.7 油管 Oil Hoses 抓斗有两种油管,其中两根是高压油管(180100148A009),两根低压油管 Low Pressure Hose。 The grab has two types of oil hose, two hoses are High Pressure Hose(180100148A009), the other two are Low Pressure Hose(180100148A010). 高 压 油 管 High Pressure Hose(180100148A009) 低 压 油 管 Low Pressure Hose(180100148A010) 7.4.8 液压系统配件清单 Spare parts list for hydraulic system No. Name Part No. 1 Solenoid Valve 180100148A001 2 Overflow Valve 180100148A002 3 4 Oil Filling Filter Pilot operated directional control valve 180100148A003 180100148A004 5 Oil suction valve 180100148A005 6 Oil suction filter 180100148A006 7 Connector 180100148A007 8 Connector 180100148A008 9 High Pressure Hose 180100148A009 10 Low Pressure Hose 180100148A010 22 Remarks 8 电气控制系统 Electrical control system 8.1 概述 Summarization 遥控抓斗电控系统通过控制液压抓斗的电磁阀的通断来控制抓斗的开闭。 当需要打开抓斗时,请按遥控器功能键说明操作。 Grab opening and closing is controlled by on or off of solenoid valve. When grab needs to open, please see following button explanation on remote transmitter. Power lamp Frequency lamp 1 Frequency lamp 2 “电源 Power”键为遥控发射器的电源开关,点按该按钮,指示灯绿闪,电源为开,抓斗可以工作。 再次点按该按钮,指示灯为红,电源关闭。如果发射器超过 3 分钟不工作,发射器电源自动关闭。 “POWER” button is transmitter’s power button, TOUCH press this button, the light shines green color, power is on, and grab can work. TOUCH press this button again, the light shines red color, power is off. If no action on the transmitter for 3 minutes, transmitter will power off by itself. “开斗 Open”按钮为抓斗的正常工作按钮,点按此按钮 1-3 秒后,抓斗开始打开。在抓斗打开的过 程中再次点按“开斗 Open”按钮,抓斗停止打开。 “OPEN” button is grab normally working button, the grab will open in 1-3s after TOUCH press this button. Press “OPEN” button again, solenoid valve switches off, the grab stops opening. “点动 Step”按钮为点动打开,长按该按钮,抓斗缓慢打开。松开后,抓斗停止打开。 “STEP” button is grab step open button, press “STEP” button continuously, the grab opens step by step, if stop pressing this button, grab stops opening. 遥控器选用瑞典“Tele-radio”工业遥控器,电池为锂电池,充满电后可连续工作 180 小时左右。(新 电池、20℃时) Remote control system is imported from Sweden “Tele-radio”, Battery is lithium battery, battery can work about 180 hours after charged fully under 20℃. 遥控发射器有 16 个频率可调,具体如下: 23 The remote transmitter has 16 frequencies, please see below table, frequency can be adjusted. 频道 Channel 频率 Frequency (MHz) 11 2405 12 2410 13 2415 14 2420 15 2425 16 2430 17 2435 18 2440 29 2445 20 2450 21 2455 22 2460 23 2465 24 2470 25 2475 26 2480 遥控器频率的调节方法: Frequency adjustment method: 1. 按“电源”键,电源指示灯为绿色; Press “Power” on, the power indicator lamp flashes green color. 2. 再次长按“电源”键,电源指示灯为红色,此时同时按“打开”或者“点动”键,即完成调频. 如 果上述动作按的是“打开”按钮,此时频率增加 5MHz; 如果上述动作按的是“点动”按钮,此 时频率减少 5MHz; Press ”Power” lamp for long time, red lamp flashes, at the same time, If press “OPEN” button for 2 seconds, “Frequency lamp 1” flashes green color, it represent frequency has been ADDED 5 MHz. If press “STEP” button for 2 seconds, “Frequency lamp 2” flashes green color, it represent frequency has been REDUCED 5 MHz. 3. 此时频率指示灯 1 和频率指示灯 2 会跳闪,闪动的次数即为频道。比如频率指示灯跳闪 2 次,频 率指示灯跳闪 1 次,即为 21 频道,频率为 2455MHz; Channel No. is represented by combination of “Frequency lamp 1” & “Frequency lamp 2”. For example, Channel No. 26, “Frequency lamp 1” flashes 2 times, “Frequency lamp 2” flashes 6 times. 8.2 电瓶的技术参数 Battery technical data 1. 工作电压:24V DC Working voltage : 24V DC 2. 遥控距离:大于 100 米(直线距离) Remote control distance : > 100m (beeline) 3. 遥控频率:2405 MHz ~2480 MHz Remote control frequency : 2405-2480 MHz 4. 充电器输入电压: 110-220 伏; 24 Battery charge voltage : 100-220V AC; 5. 电池容量:24Ah Battery capacity: 24 Ah. 8.3 电瓶使用说明 Battery instructions 抓斗使用前请先将电池充足电,也可平时充足电量备用,但电池组充足电量储备三个月后,必须再 次补充电量,以延长电池组使用寿命。充满后的电瓶一般可以使用 180 小时; Recharge battery 100% before using grab. If the battery doesn’t use, please recharge it 100% every 3 months to elongate battery lifetime. 将电池组放入抓斗电池仓内; Put battery into the battery storehouse inside the Lower Beam. 开机:插头插入电瓶,按下电池上的电源开关, 指示灯亮,电控设备进入工作状态 Make plug connect with battery, and turn on the power, red lamp in the left shines, grab is ready to work. The right 4 green lights show the power quantity. 100% - four lights green; 75% - three lights green; 50% - two lights green; <25% - one light green. When battery power is lower than 5%, battery will outage automatically for protecting battery. 当需打开抓斗,请按一下发射器上的“电源 Power”按钮,指示灯绿闪,抓斗可以工作; When grab needs to open, press “POWER” button on transmitter, grab light shines green color, grab is ready to work, then press “OPEN” button, grab will open. Press “STEP” button continually, grab will open up to stopping press “STEP” button. 工作完成后,请及时关闭电源开关。 Please turn off battery power after using. 8.4 充电器使用方法 Use method of charger 把充电器输入端插到 AC110-220V 电源上,输出接到 24V 电池上。注意:充电器插头上的数字应与电 瓶上的数字一一对应,并将充电器上的黄色指示位置对应电瓶插座的槽。 Connect charger input terminal with power source (110-220 V AC), connect charger output terminal with 24V DC battery. Please be noted: Numbers on charger plug should be Charger Plug Battery Socket matched one to one on battery socket, then make the yellow mark on plug out circle aim to hole on charger socket, rotate it to make it connect with socket. 正常连接后,充电器上的红色指示灯亮, 此时表示电瓶开始充电。充满电后,充 电器上的指示灯为绿色。 After connection between plug and socket, light on charger is red color, it means it is charging. After fully charged, the light will turn green. 充电时间 12 小时左右,电量接近充满时,自动以脉冲方式缓冲,长期充电不会对电池产生不良影响。 详见充电器说明书。 Normally charging time is 12 hours, battery will change to pulse model when battery is nearly full. Long time charging will not influence battery quality. 25 Indicator Light 注意事项 Attention: a. 充电器不能进水。 Make the charger away from water. b. 谨防爆炸性气体、火焰或火花。充电过程中要通风良好 Be careful of any explosive gas, blaze or flame. Keep aeration is good during charging. c. 建议在 10℃—25℃间充电,过高或过低的温度,会影响充电的效率和电池的使用寿命。 We suggest charge between 10℃~25℃, lower or higher temperature will influence efficiency of charging and battery lifetime. 8.5 遥控器的使用 Remote transmitter use 8.5.1 正常使用 Normal use 发射器需使用 3 颗 7 号碱性电池。当电池电压充足时,发射器指示灯为绿色闪烁,若指示灯不闪烁, 表示电池电量不足,应更换电池。 3 pcs NO.7 alkaline cells inside transmitter. If alkaline cell power is too short, press “POWER” button, light will not shine, grab cannot work, please replace alkaline cell. 8.6 注意事项 Matters need attention: 设备长期不用时,请取出电池 When grab stop working for long time, please take out battery. 在高温、低温环境下,电瓶的容量会降低,连续使用时间会缩短。使用时注意保温或散热。 In low or high temperature environment, battery capacity will become small, working time will be shorten. Please note to keep heat preservation and heat emission. 电瓶闲置不用,每 3 个月需保养充电一次。 If the battery doesn’t use for 3 months, please charge it again. 若电瓶长时间缺电,电瓶会自动锁死。锁死后,电瓶将不能再充电,需解锁方能再次使用。 If the battery is kept for long time in lack of power, the battery will be locked. Please active it according to 8.9.2. 26 8.7 电器原理图 Electrical system drawing 序号 No. D1 遥控接收器 Remote receiver 型号 Type PN-T7-5 D2 电磁阀 Solenoid valve 180100148A001 1 D3 电瓶 Battery 1 L1 多芯电缆 Multi-core cable EVH12150 RVV4X0.2 多芯电缆 Multi-core Cable RVV3X0.3 1 L2 名称 Name 数量 Quantity 1 1 8.8 电器系统主要元器件 Electrical system main parts: 01A- 发射器 Remote transmitter 03-连接器 Coupler 01B-接收器 Remote receiver 04-电磁阀插头及接线 Cable with plug 27 02-电瓶 Battery 05-充电器 charger 遥控系统 Remote control system 元器件名称及型号如下 Above parts name and model: 序号 No 名称 Name 型号 Model 01A 遥控发射器 Remote transmitter PN-T7-5 01B 遥控接收器 Remote receiver PN-T7-5 02 电瓶 Battery JANUS-18650 03 连接器 Coupler YDK20 04 电磁阀插头及连线 Cable with plug 24 V DC 05 充电器 Charger JANUS-18650 8.9 电瓶 Battery 8.9.1 电瓶参数 Battery data 备注:每一个电瓶箱内有 72 个电池单元。 Remarks: Each battery tank has 72pcs lithium cell. 型号 Model:18650; 电压 Voltage: 24 V DC; 电流 Limited Current: 5 A; 容量 Capacity: 24 Ah; 8.9.2 电瓶激活的方法 Activate step of battery 若电瓶长时间缺电存放,电瓶会自动锁死。锁死后,电瓶将不能充电。若想再次使用,需按下述方 法激活电瓶: If the battery is kept for long time in lack of power, the battery will be locked. You need to activate it. The activation step is below: a. 打开电瓶盖; Open the cover of battery; 28 b. 拔出 1 号插头,并将插头插入 3 号插孔内; Take out the 1# plug, and insert it into #3 socket; Activate plug c. 连接后即可开始充电。一般充电 10 分钟后,电瓶将被重新激活。激活后即可按正常方法充电。 29 After connected, you can charge the battery. After 10 minutes, the battery will be activated successfully. Then change the plug back to the former socket. Then you can charge the battery normally. 注意:禁止长时间以激活方式充电,否则将降低电瓶的使用寿命。 Notice: It is forbidden to charge in Activate Model, it will decrease the nature life of battery. 9 阀的调节及故障诊断 Valve adjustment and fault diagnosis 9.1 阀的调节 Valve adjusting 一般各电磁阀不需要调节,如果出现故障需要调节,请按以下方法调节。 Normally all valves don’t need adjustment, if grab has problem and need adjustment, please adjust them as following steps. 9.1.1 溢流阀(180100148A002):顺时针拧紧,然后逆时针旋转 2 到 3 圈,调节完毕后请拧紧螺母。 Overflow valve (180100148A002): Clockwise rotation to tighten, then anticlockwise rotate 2 or 3 circles. After adjusted the overflow valve, please tighten the nut. 9.2 故障诊断 Fault diagnosis 空滤器 Oil filling filter (180100148A00 溢 流 阀 Overflow Valve (180100148A002) 液 控 插 装 阀 Pilot operated directional control valve (180100148A004) 电 磁 插 装 阀 Solenoid Valve (180100148A001) 30 吸 油 过 滤 器 Oil suction filter (180100148A006) 吸油单向阀 Oil suction valve (180100148A005) 9.2.1 故障:抓斗完全不能闭合 Grab has no any closing action. 1) 故障描述 Fault description: 抓斗油缸活塞杆能正常伸缩,但每次起重机吊钩起吊时,活塞杆直接被拉出,抓斗不能闭合。 The piston rod can extend and retract smoothly, but when lifting up crane hook, the piston rod will extend out, and grab has no any closing action. 2) 故障诊断与排除 Solution: a. 打开下承梁上的防护罩,检查是否电磁换向阀(1810016A001)上的指示灯一直长亮,若长亮,证明 电器系统出现故障,请更换电器控制盒或电器开关盒;若信号灯正常,请进行下一步 b ; Open the cover on the top of Lower Beam, check whether solenoid valve (180100148A001) lamp is always shining. If so, it means remote control system has problem, please replace remote control system. If lamp is not shining, please go to step b. b. 检查滑移座放下时是否有油从加油口冒出,若有大量液压油冒出,证明油箱内的吸油单向阀 (180100148A005)被卡住,请按照以下步骤更换油箱内的吸油单向阀;若没有大量液压油冒出,请 直接进行下一步 c。 When the Moving Board goes down, please check if there is lots of oil going from oil adding mouth. If so, it means the oil suction valve (180100148A005) in oil tank is jammed. Please clear or replace the oil suction valve as following steps. If there is no oil emission, please go to step c. 更换吸油单向阀的步骤: Oil suction valve replacement has two methods: - 首先拧开加油帽放气; Remove oil adding cover and make air emit out; - 拧开阀体与油管连接的四个油管上的大螺母; Loose the four big nuts between oil hoses and valves; - 拧开阀体与油箱连接的 8 个内六角螺栓; Remove eight inside hexagonal bolts between valve block and oil tank; 31 - 将阀块整体取出即可看到阀块下面与钢管连接的吸油单向阀,拧下吸油单向阀,检查里面是否有 垃圾或内壁是否起毛,一般如果出现故障,修好后工作若干小时还会出现同样故障,建议更换。; Take out valve block completely, you will see oil suction valve. Screw out this suction valve, check if there is rubbish inside or its inner wall has some scratch. If so, we suggest to replace this valve by new one. c. 检查电磁插装阀(180100148A001)和液控插装阀(180100148A004)是否有垃圾卡死。若正常,请 进行下一步 d ; Check if there is dust inside the solenoid valve (180100148A001) and Pilot operated directional control valve (180100148A004). If there is no dust, it means cylinder has problem, go to step d. d. 检查油缸是否有泄漏。从 A 处拆开两根高压管的其中一根,用堵头堵住油管。起升吊钩,同时按下 “OPEN”按钮,如果油缸活塞杆仍然伸出,证明这根油缸出现泄漏。如果油缸活塞杆不伸出,证明 另一根油缸有内泄漏。需要拆开油缸维修(见油缸的解体与维修 9.3) Check which cylinder has problem. Disconnect High Pressure hose from Position A connection, and use the end cap to plug up the High Pressure Hose and the connection. Lift up the hook and press “Open” key, if the piston rods still extend out, it means the cylinder whose hose was disconnected has problem. If the piston rods don’t extend out and the grab tries to close, it means the other cylinder has problem. It needs to dismantle cylinder and repair it (for cylinder dismantle and repair details, please refer to 9.3). 32 Position A 9.2.2 抓斗不能完全闭合,并且继续缓慢打开 The grab can’t close 100%, and it will automatically open slowly. 1) 故障描述 Fault description: 抓斗完全打开后将滑移座完全放下,然后将吊钩起升后,抓斗能闭合,但活塞杆有缓慢被拉出的现象。 抓斗完全吊起后,滑移座与上承梁已经接触,但抓斗没有完全闭合。或者虽然抓斗开始时完全闭合, 但会慢慢打开。 Make the Moving Board go down when grab is fully opened, and then lift up crane hook, grab can close, but piston rod will extend out slowly. When grab is fully lifted in the air, the Moving Board touches Top Beam, and grab cannot 100% close or grab can close 100% at first, but it will open slowly. 2) 故障诊断与排除 Solution: a. 打开下承梁上的防护罩,检查是否漏油,若漏油,请更换密封;若不漏油,请进行下一步 b ; Open the cover on the top of Lower Beam, check if oil leaks from valves, if yes, please change seals. If no, please go to step b. b. 检查电磁换向阀(180100148A001)和液控插装阀(180100148A004)的阀芯是否灵活,是否有 垃圾。若正常,请进行下一步 c; 33 Check if there is dust inside the solenoid valve (180100148A001) and Pilot operated directional control valve (180100148A004). If there is no dust, it means cylinder has problem. Check which cylinder has problem, dismantle c. 检查油缸是否有泄漏。 Check if the cylinder leak. 9.2.3 抓斗不能完全闭合,且开度不再继续增大 Grab cannot close 100%, and gap between scoops don’t become bigger. 1) 故障描述 Fault description: 抓斗完全张开放到物料上,滑移座完全放下,吊钩起升时,活塞杆被拉出一段距离,但不再继续增 加。抓斗完全离地后,抓斗不能完全闭合,并且滑移座已经与上承梁接触。 Make the Moving Board go down when grab is fully open state, and then lift crane hook. Piston rod is extended for some constant distance. When grab is lifted in the air, grab cannot close 100% and the Moving Board touch Top Beam. 2) 故障诊断与排除 Solution: a. 请检查油箱内液压油是否充足。 Please check if the oil is enough. Add more oil; 9.2.4 抓斗完全不能打开,没有任何打开动作 Grab cannot have any open operation. 1) 故障描述 Fault description: 按下“Open”、“Step Open”等键后,抓斗均不能打开; Press any button of “OPEN” and “STEP OPEN”, grab still cannot open. 2) 故障诊断与排除 Solution: a. 请确认抓斗内的电源已经打开,遥控发射器的电源指示灯是否绿闪,请确认电瓶电量充足。如以 上均正常,请进行下一步 b ; Please be sure battery is power-on, and you have pressed “POWER” button on transmitter, be sure battery and alkaline cell is full. If all above has no problem, please go to the step b; b. 打开下承梁上的防护罩,按“Open”键,检查电磁插装阀指示灯是否正常得电。如不能正常得电, 请进行下一步 c ; Open the cover, press “OPEN” button, check whether Solenoid valve (180100148A001) lamp is shining. If not, please go to step c; c. 请顺时针旋转溢流阀(180100148A02)一到两圈,检查抓斗是否能正常开启,如果还是不能打开, 请进行下一步 d;; Please screw Overflow Valve(180100148A002) in clockwise and try again, if the grab still can not open, please go to step d; d. 检查电磁换向阀(180100148A001)和液控插装阀(180100148A004)的阀芯是否灵活,是否有 垃圾。如果没有垃圾,请进行下一步 e ; Check if there is dust inside the solenoid valve (180100148A001) and Pilot operated directional control valve (180100148A004) and its cover. If there is no dust, please go to step e; e. 依次遥控接收器和发射器、连接线,每更换一个均按“Open”键检查电磁阀指示灯是否正常得电, 如能正常得电,则不用继续更换。 Please change following parts one by one: remote transmitter, multi-core cable (L1). After each time change, please press “OPEN” button to check whether Solenoid valve (180100148A001) lamp is shining, If lamp is shining, please stop change new part. 9.2.5 抓斗打开速度很快 There is serious impact when the grab opens 1) 故障描述 Fault description: 34 按下“Open”键后,抓斗打开速度非常快,并有猛料的冲击。 After press “OPEN” button, the grab opens quickly and has heavy impact. 2) 故障诊断与排除 Solution: a. 打开下承梁上的防护罩,请顺时针旋转溢流阀(180100148A02)一到两圈,检查抓斗是否能正常 开启,如果还是很慢,请进行下一步 b ; Open the cover on the top of Lower Beam, screw Overflow Valve(180100148A002) in clockwise and try again. If the problem still exists, please go to step b; b. 检查电磁换向阀(180100148A001)和液控插装阀(180100148A004)的阀芯是否灵活,是否有 垃圾。 Check if there is dust inside the solenoid valve (180100148A001) and Pilot operated directional control valve (180100148A004) and its cover. c. 依次更换更换溢流阀(180100148A02)、电磁换向阀(180100148A001)和液控插装阀 (180100148A004)。 Change Overflow Valve(180100148A002), solenoid valve (180100148A001) and Pilot operated directional control valve (180100148A004). 9.3 油缸的解体与维修 Hydraulic cylinder dismantlement and repair 若抓斗油缸出现内泄或外泄,此时需要更换油缸密封或油缸内单向阀. If hydraulic cylinder has inner or out leakage, it needs to replace hydraulic cylinder seal or check valve in cylinder. See Drawing V. 9.3.1 油缸外泄 Hydraulic cylinder out leakage 1) 故障描述:油缸头部有液压油缓慢渗出,需更换油缸头部活塞杆的密封。 Fault description: on the top of hydraulic cylinder, there is oil leakage, it needs to replace cylinder seal. 2) 故障排除 Solution: a. 将抓斗完全打开,放在地面上,并将滑移座放在下承梁上,完全放松吊钩; Make grab fully open and on a level floor, make the Moving Board go down completely, crane hook is relaxed. b. 将活塞杆头部大螺母上的两个紧定螺栓拆下,拆下活塞杆头部的大螺母; Take out two stopper bolts on top of piston rod, then, dismantle the bigger nut。 c. 按下遥控发射器的 “Open”按钮,提升滑移座,使拆下大螺母的油缸活塞杆与滑移座分离; Press the “OPEN” button on remote transmitter, lift the Moving Board, and make the Moving Board away from piston rod. d. 推动滑移座旋转,使活塞杆可以从上承梁的工艺孔中吊出,固定住滑移座; Push the Moving Board to other room and fix it, and be sure piston rod can be lifted from hole on Top Beam. e. 用内六角扳手将缸筒头部的一圈内六角螺栓(5)拆下; Use spanner to dismantle all bolts (5). f. 将缸筒头部的缸盖(7)抬高并取下; Lift and take out the Cylinder Cover(7). g. 取下卡键(8); Take out the Lock Key(8). h. 再拧上两到三个缸头的内六角螺栓(5); Screw on two or three bolts(5); i. 取下缸头(10); Take out the Cylinder Top(10). j. 检查损坏的密封圈并更换,更换密封时最好先在密封上涂上胶水; 35 Check broken sealing and replace it, it is better to coat some glue on sealing surface. 9.3.2 油缸内泄,油缸活塞密封损坏 Hydraulic cylinder inner leakage reason 1. 1) 故障描述 Fault description: 抓斗不能完全闭合,并且根据前述的故障诊断断定为活塞密封圈损坏。 Grab cannot close 100%, and it is diagnosed piston sealing broken. 2) 故障排除 Solution: a. 将抓斗完全打开,放在地面上,并将滑移座放在下承梁上,完全放松吊钩; Make grab fully open and on a level floor, make the Moving Board go down completely, crane hook is relaxed. b. 将活塞杆头部大螺母上的两个紧定螺栓拆下,拆下活塞杆头部的大螺母; Take out two stopper bolts on top of piston rod, then, dismantle the bigger nut。 c. 按下遥控发射器的 “Open”按钮,提升滑移座,使拆下大螺母的油缸活塞杆与滑移座分离; Press the “OPEN” button on remote transmitter, lift the Moving Board, and make the Moving Board away from piston rod. d. 推动滑移座旋转,使活塞杆可以从上承梁的工艺孔中吊出,固定住滑移座; Push the Moving Board to other room and fix it, and be sure piston rod can be lifted from hole on Top Beam. e. 用内六角扳手将缸筒头部的一圈内六角螺栓(5)拆下; f. g. h. i. j. Use spanner to dismantle all bolts (5). 将缸筒头部的缸盖(7)抬高并取下; Lift and take out the Cylinder Cover(7). 取下卡键(8); Take out the Lock Key(8). 再拧上两到三个缸头的内六角螺栓(5); Screw on two or three bolts(5). 取下缸头(10); Take out the Cylinder Top(10). 将刚刚拆下的活塞杆大螺母拧到活塞杆上; Put the dismantled bigger nut(9) back to piston rod. k. 按下遥控发射器的 “Open”按钮,用绳子从上承梁的工艺孔将活塞杆几乎全部伸出; Press the “OPEN” button, and lift almost all the piston rod out of the Top Beam hole by a rope. l. 将活塞杆拉出,此时就可以更换活塞密封了,更换密封时最好先在密封上涂上胶水。 Lift the piston rod out, and then can replace the piston sealing, it is better to coat some glue on sealing surface. 9.3.3 油缸内泄,油缸活塞内的单向阀卡死 Hydraulic piston inner leakage reason 2 1) 故障描述 Fault description: 抓斗完全不能闭合,并且根据前述的故障诊断断定为活塞内的单向阀卡死。 Grab cannot close 100%, and it is diagnosed the one-way valve in piston has problem. 2) 故障排除 Solution: a. 按上述 9.3.2 将活塞杆完全吊出后,将活塞底部的紧定螺钉(30)取出; By above 9.3.2 procedures, when the piston rod is all lifted from Top Beam hole, take out holding screw (30). b. 拧下活塞 26,更换油缸单向阀(22); Take out piston (26), and then replace one-way valve (22) in piston. 36 10 其它注意事项 Other matters need attention 10.1 抓斗上承梁面板上的吊耳仅可在抓斗维修时垂直起吊,切不可作吊运抓斗之用; The lifting ear on Top Beam can be lifted only when repairs grab, not for usual lifting grab. 10.2 抓斗在使用和停放过程中,平衡架切不可碰撞抓斗油缸,特别不可碰撞油缸活塞杆; When grab is not in use, the balance beam shall not hit hydraulic cylinder, especially the balance beam shall not hit piston rod of hydraulic cylinder. 10.3 拆卸油缸时,请保护液压系统的电磁阀和活塞杆,以免损; During dismantling hydraulic cylinder, please prevent valves and piston rod of hydraulic system from damage. 10.4 抓斗停用,应将抓斗上的防雨布盖好,并适当固定,以免大风吹落; When grab is not in use, overspread the water-proof cover and fix it. 10.5 抓斗闭合后,若按下遥控发射器后不能打开抓斗,可能是下承梁内的电控系统出现故障,此时应打 开液压系统盖板通过手动方式使电磁阀打开。这样当抓斗再被提起时,抓斗就可以打开。此时抓斗 应停止使用,待修复后再重新使用; After grab closing, if the grab can’t open when pressing remote transmitter, it is maybe the electrical problem in Lower Beam. It is advisable to open hydraulic system cover power-on solenoid valves by hand. Grab will open again when it is lifted. Now grab should stop using, and start use again after repair. 10.6 抓斗油缸活塞杆受测向力损坏不属于产品质量免费保修范围; Grab oil cylinder piston rod bear force damage does not belong to product quality guarantee range. 10.7 连接器,插头、插座、电缆、外壳等受外力损坏不属于产品质量免费保修范围。 Coupler, plug, cable, some box damaged by external elements does not belong to product quality guarantee range. 37 11 维护表格 Table of Maintenance and Operation 11.1 Maintenance & Inspection table– before using of grabs Check & inspect visually damages on grab Check Master link and shackles visually, in case of any serious damage, replace it by new ones. Check the wire ropes visually, in case of any serious damage, replace it by new ones. Grease all the grease points. Check the battery power level. Turn on the power. Check oil level. Oil level should be 70% -80% lever when the cylinder piston rod is inside cylinder. If less, please add oil. Fit the Master link to crane hook. Lift up the grab in air, and press “Open”, test the grab in empty. Now the grab is ready to operate. 11.2 Maintenance & Inspection table– in working of grabs – per 12 hours working 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Check & inspect visually damages on grab, wire ropes, shackles and master link if any. If damaged, replace by new ones. 11.3 Maintenance & Inspection table – after working of grabs (complete loading or discharging) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Check & inspect visually damages on grab, wire ropes, shackles and master link if any. If damaged, replace by new ones. To wash the grab by pressured water, clean all the cargo on grab as well as sheaves and narrow places. Then to wash by fresh water. If possible, paint the scoops. Grease and keep grease covered all lubrication nipples Take out the battery. Take to parking the grabs and secure 11.4 Maintenance & Inspection table – after 10 times vessel operations 1 2 3 4 5 Replace the oil and suction filter of grabs Replace the wire rope 38 6 7 8 9 10 11.5 Maintenance & Inspection table – every 3 months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Make tests for grabs if not used for 3 months 11.6 Maintenance & Inspection table – every 2 years 1 2 3 4 5 6 Replace the batteries, solenoid valve and overflow. If in good condition, continue to use them. 11.7 Maintenance & Inspection table – every 5 years Replace the bushes, pins and lips plates. If in good condition, continue to use them. 39