Jobby McJobface (555) 555-5555 City, State WORK EXPERIENCE Sheets & Giggles (you wish) Oct. 2017 – Present Paronomasia Engineer Denver, CO Building a pun-based bedding empire with eco-friendly fabrics. Something something “sustainable business.” o Spot for more detail if needed, a key performance stat, or even the website ( Core responsibility #2. Pretend this is where they stop reading your resume. Whether Work or Education is your top section, the first 3 things they see better be your most impressive stuff, period. Core responsibility #3. Core responsibility #4. Core responsibility #5. Company Name Job Title Core responsibility #1. Core responsibility #2. Core responsibility #3. Month Year – Month Year City, ST Company Name Job Title Core responsibility #1. Core responsibility #2. Month Year – Month Year City, ST Company Name Job Title Core responsibility #1. Month Year – Month Year City, ST Company Name Job Title Core responsibility #1. Month Year – Month Year City, ST EDUCATION University Name Graduation Month, Year Degree (e.g., BS), Majors (e.g., Computer Science) City, ST List your honors like summa cum laude or Economics Honors Society; 3.X/4.0 GPA (list only if GPA is over 3.3) Studied abroad in City, Country during spring/fall 20YY semester (University Name) Any other fun stuff like varsity sports, fraternity/sorority, or something that gives you a little color SKILLS & INTERESTS Skills (plug in your own): Strategic planning; strategic partnerships; revenue modeling & forecasting; retail partnerships, sales, & distribution; lead generation; contract negotiations; account management; Amazon channel setup, management, and marketing (incl. AMS); channel marketing; copywriting; Keynote / PPT Interests (make your own): Meeting new people; politics; hot yoga; traveling; fishing; Reddit; beer; Seinfeld Made for you with love by Sheets & Giggles™ (/u/SheetsGiggles). There’s more detailed resume advice on our blog at If you’re feeling grateful and need new sheets, save the world and try some of our sustainable, softer-than-cotton eucalyptus bed sheets at You can also follow @SheetsGiggles on Insta, FB, and Twitter for more useful posts like this and occasionally decent content. Just delete this footer, plug in your info, and go get your dream job. If you share this resume template, please give S&G credit by linking to