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ENGL 1102 Quiz Review: Composition & Research

ENGL 1102: English Composition 2
Graded Quiz
Review Quiz
Final Exam (Proctored)Quiz
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Home My courses ENGL 1102 - AY2021-T3 Final Exam (Days 1 - 4) Review Quiz
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Question 1
Wednesday, 24 March 2021, 9:04 PM
Wednesday, 24 March 2021, 9:14 PM
9 mins 58 secs
98.00 out of 100.00
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: A proper APA In-Text Citation includes the author's last name
followed by the publication date.
Select one:
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is a correct reference for a book written by Kevin Smith in
2013 called I want it all:
Select one:
a. (Smith, 2013)
b. (Smith, 2013, p. 4).
c. Smith, K. (2013). I want it all
d. There is not enough information provided in the question.
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: Quantitative studies should be done on the fewest number of
people possible.
Select one:
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Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which is a correct paraphrase from the following text by Duncan Smithers in his
2010 book called Man Made Moon: The moon is no longer in orbit of the planet
Earth, rather the two celestial bodies share a gravitational orbit with each other.
Select one:
a. The Earth shares a gravitational pull with the moon.
b. The Earth shares a gravitational pull with the moon (Smithers, 2010).
c. The moon is no longer in orbit of the planet Earth, rather the two celestial bodies
share a gravitational orbit with each other.
d. "The moon is no longer in orbit of the planet Earth, rather the two celestial bodies
share a gravitational orbit with each other” (Smithers, 2010).
Your answer is correct.
Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
The keyword of the former Los Angeles Lakers star, ‘Magic Johnson’, would most
likely be in an abstract about:
Select one:
a. the Chicago Blackhawks
b. Mr. T: The ATEAM Years
c. the Cold War
d. a computer revolution
e. The Los Angeles Lakers
Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is a thesis statement?
Select one:
a. Birds
b. I like cake
c. Windows 7 can become more secure.
d. It is 7 pm.
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Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
What is true about the following text: The vile Duke of Sala gave little thought to
the people starving in his city. Each night he would take great joy from the cries
of the hungry children.
Select one:
a. This is an accurate and unbiased account of the Duke of Sala.
b. The author has a bias against the Duke.
c. The author is calling for the people to overtake the Duke and feed themselves.
d. The author thinks all royalty is bad.
Your answer is correct.
Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is NOT a proper keyword for research on the Ebola Virus?
Select one:
a. Bacterial Infection
b. Ebola
c. Ebola Virus
d. Ebola vaccine
e. Ebola death count
Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
APA is the only acceptable style UoPeople requires for in-text citations and
Select one:
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Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
The main purpose of a research paper is to:
Select one:
a. discuss a general topic.
b. examine a particular thesis via research.
c. give 100% positive answers to life’s most difficult question.
d. none of the above.
Question 11
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: Peer Reviewed sources are weaker sources and should not be used
in research.
Select one:
Question 12
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Does the year of your sources matter?
Select one:
a. Yes, it only matters because you have to put the year in the citation.
b. No, the APA does not require years for citations.
c. Yes, because information can become outdated quickly.
d. No, because only the non-sourced material matters.
Question 13
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
A sample size of 4 people is enough for a major quantitative study.
Select one:
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Question 14
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
What percent of the text do you need to change in order not to use quote marks?
Select one:
a. 10%
b. 50%
c. 0%
d. 100%
Question 15
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: The APA requests you use Keywords at the end of your Abstract in
order to help people research on their own subject easier.
Select one:
Question 16
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: A good abstract is an abstract that is easy to understand.
Select one:
Question 17
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Quantitative research is:
Select one:
a. something done with observations of people in their own homes.
b. mostly data that is found in stories.
c. research that focuses on surveys or other statistical items.
d. does not use tools to gather information.
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Question 18
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is a correct reference for a book written by Kevin Smith in
2013 called I want it all. It was published by Double Day in Berlin.
Select one:
a. (Smith, 2013)
b. (Smith, 2013, p. 4).
c. Smith, K. (2013). I want it all
d. Smith, K. (2013). I want it all. Berlin: Double Day.
Question 19
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is a correct In-Text citation for a paraphrase from a book
written by Kevin Smith in 2013 called I want it all. It was published by Double Day
in Berlin.
Select one:
a. (Smith, 2013)
b. (Smith, 2013, p. 4).
c. Smith, K. (2013). I want it all
d. Smith, K. (2013). I want it all. Berlin: Double Day.
Question 20
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: According to the APA, an abstract should be longer than 3 pages.
Select one:
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Question 21
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
What is true about the following text: The vile Duke of Sala gave little thought to
the people starving in his city. Each night he would take great joy from the cries
of the hungry children.
Select one:
a. This is an accurate and unbiased account of the Duke of Sala.
b. The author has a bias against the Duke.
c. The author is calling for the people to overtake the Duke and feed themselves.
d. The author thinks all royalty is bad.
Question 22
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
What is the purpose of quantitative research?
Select one:
a. To be able to study an exact question with either survey or other recording tools.
The data gained has a narrow focus but can be generalized via statistics.
b. To be able to study a broad topic with little ability to transfer to generalized
c. There isn’t a purpose to quantitative research since statics are always faulty.
d. To gather data without surveys or other recording tools.
Question 23
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
You need both the reference and the in-text citation to avoid plagiarism.
Select one:
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Question 24
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: A conclusion should only restate the thesis.
Select one:
Question 25
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is the correct In-Text Citation for a quote from the 2nd
page of David Jones's 1985 book, Stardust?
Select one:
a. There is no dust in space (Jones, 1985).
b. "There is no dust in space" (Jones, 1985, p. 2).
c. According to Jones (1985), "There is no dust in space" (p. 2).
d. B and C are correct.
e. You do not need an In-Text Citation.
Question 26
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
If the text you want to use doesn't have a date or author listed, then you should:
Select one:
a. Just claim it as your own work.
b. Don't use it because it probably isn't a strong resource.
c. Use it, but only put the URL at the end of the page so your teacher knows you
used something of a source.
Question 27
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: An Abstract contains only the thesis of a paper.
Select one:
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Question 28
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Not giving proper APA Citations and Reference is plagiarism and will result in a
zero for the assignment and maybe further action.
Select one:
Question 29
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following should you ask yourself when reviewing a piece of
Select one:
a. Who is the author and when did the author write it?
b. What is the author’s point of view?
c. Does the author support the point of view?
d. Have you seen anything like this or something that goes against the point of view?
e. All of the above.
Your answer is correct.
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Question 30
Not answered
Marked out of 1.00
The graph of a function is given. Choose the answer that represents the graph of
its derivative.
Select one:
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e. None of these
Your answer is incorrect.
Question 31
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
If you change all of the words in a text, you do not have to give an In-Text Citation
and Reference at the end.
Select one:
Question 32
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
The purpose of putting non-fiction into a narrative structure is to:
Select one:
a. make things up about people that you can’t say in the news.
b. reach a greater number of people by allowing a story to build around true events.
c. there isn’t a purpose. Nobody ever uses narrative other than to tell fictions.
d. none of the above.
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Question 33
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Qualitative research is:
Select one:
a. Used only with larger surveys.
b. a method that includes observation and other reviews where the data is not easily
set into statistical information that can apply a large pool of people.
c. the number one choice for scientists testing drugs against disease.
d. none of the above.
Question 34
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
The main purpose of a conclusion is to:
Select one:
a. introduce new concepts.
b. give closure to a paper.
c. thank your readers.
d. none of the above.
Question 35
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: When writing a literature review you never include your own
Select one:
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Question 36
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is a correct APA in-text citation for a quote of a book by
Bill Hadings from page 4. The book was published in 1977 by Penguin in Boston:
Select one:
a. (Bill Hadings, p. 4)
b. (Hadings, Boston, 1977, page 4)
c. (Bill, 1977, p. 4)
d. (Hadings, 1977, p. 4)
Question 37
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is a proper APA style reference for a book written by
Cadwell Jimson, published in 1933 by Penguin Publishers of Chicago? The book is
titled Jenjon and the Elder Son.
Select one:
a. Jimson, Cadwell, 1933, Jenjon and the Elder Son.
b. Cadwell, J. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Penguin Publishers: Chicago.
c. Jimson, C. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Penguin Publishers: Chicago.
d. Jimson, C. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Chicago: Penguin Publishers.
Question 38
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Qualitative research is:
Select one:
a. Used only with larger surveys.
b. a method that includes observation and other reviews where the data is not easily
set into statistical information that can apply a large pool of people.
c. the number one choice for scientists testing drugs against disease.
Your answer is correct.
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Question 39
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is the correct In-Text Citation for a quote from the 2nd
page of David Jones’s 1985 book, Stardust.
Select one:
a. There is no dust in space (Jones, 1985).
b. “There is no dust in space” (Jones, 1985, p. 2).
c. According to Jones (1985), “There is no dust in space” (p. 2).
d. B and C are correct.
e. You do not need an In-Text Citation.
Your answer is correct.
Question 40
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: Peer Reviewed sources are weaker sources and should not be used
in research.
Select one:
Question 41
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Your experiment did not go the way you planned. Is it a failure?
Select one:
a. Yes, the only point of an experiment is to prove something.
b. No, because you can always change the results.
c. Yes, because you are not wise enough to do an experiment.
d. No, it is not a failure because you can still make claims on why the experiment did
not go as planned.
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Question 42
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
It is okay to just put references at the end of the paper and not include any intext citations.
Select one:
Question 43
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: A conclusion can introduce the concept for future studies.
Select one:
Question 44
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
What is ‘56’ mean in this Reference: Hardings, K. (2012). What Makes People
Sneeze. Science Today, 56, 812-815.
Select one:
a. The page number the article is on.
b. How many times the reference is cited in your paper.
c. The volume number of the magazine the article is in.
d. There is not enough information provided in the question.
Question 45
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: You should use the UoPeople Library whenever possible for
research instead of Google.
Select one:
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Question 46
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
A Literature Review:
Select one:
a. Summarizes all of the literature you’ve read on a topic.
b. Never includes any personal analysis or synthesis.
c. Should focus only on the literature that can contribute to the study and has
original analysis and synthesis.
d. A and B
Your answer is correct.
Question 47
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: Analysis of the material is not needed for a proper book review.
Select one:
Question 48
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following should you ask yourself when reviewing a piece of
Select one:
a. Who is the author and when did the author write it?
b. What is the author’s point of view?
c. Does the author support the point of view?
d. Have you seen anything like this or something that goes against the point of view?
e. All of the above.
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Question 49
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: An Abstract is a concise, often no longer than 250 words, retelling
of an entire research paper.
Select one:
Question 50
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Qualitative research:
Select one:
a. Uses surveys or other tools to gather information.
b. is weaker than Quantitative research.
c. puts the researcher as part of the experiment.
d. can easily be put into re-testable generalizations.
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Home My courses ENGL 1102 - AY2021-T3 Final Exam (Days 1 - 4) Review Quiz
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Question 1
Wednesday, 24 March 2021, 8:50 PM
Wednesday, 24 March 2021, 9:03 PM
13 mins 22 secs
96.00 out of 100.00
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
The keyword of the former Los Angeles Lakers star, ‘Magic Johnson’, would most
likely be in an abstract about:
Select one:
a. the Chicago Blackhawks
b. Mr. T: The ATEAM Years
c. the Cold War
d. a computer revolution
e. The Los Angeles Lakers
The correct answer is: The Los Angeles Lakers
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is NOT a proper keyword for research on the Ebola Virus?
Select one:
a. Bacterial Infection
b. Ebola
c. Ebola Virus
d. Ebola vaccine
e. Ebola death count
The correct answer is: Bacterial Infection
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Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Qualitative research is:
Select one:
a. Used only with larger surveys.
b. a method that includes observation and other reviews where the data is not easily
set into statistical information that can apply a large pool of people.
c. the number one choice for scientists testing drugs against disease.
d. none of the above.
The correct answer is: a method that includes observation and other reviews where the
data is not easily set into statistical information that can apply a large pool of people.
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Does the year of your sources matter?
Select one:
a. Yes, it only matters because you have to put the year in the citation.
b. No, the APA does not require years for citations.
c. Yes, because information can become outdated quickly.
d. No, because only the non-sourced material matters.
The correct answer is: Yes, because information can become outdated quickly.
Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: A conclusion should only restate the thesis.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
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Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is the correct In-Text Citation for a quote from the 2nd
page of David Jones's 1985 book, Stardust?
Select one:
a. There is no dust in space (Jones, 1985).
b. "There is no dust in space" (Jones, 1985, p. 2).
c. According to Jones (1985), "There is no dust in space" (p. 2).
d. B and C are correct.
e. You do not need an In-Text Citation.
The correct answer is: B and C are correct.
Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is a proper APA style reference for a book written by
Cadwell Jimson, published in 1933 by Penguin Publishers of Chicago? The book is
titled Jenjon and the Elder Son.
Select one:
a. Jimson, Cadwell, 1933, Jenjon and the Elder Son.
b. Cadwell, J. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Penguin Publishers: Chicago.
c. Jimson, C. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Penguin Publishers: Chicago.
d. Jimson, C. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Chicago: Penguin Publishers.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Jimson, C. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Chicago: Penguin
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Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: Qualitative methods are ones that rely heavily on numbers and
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
What is the purpose of quantitative research?
Select one:
a. To be able to study an exact question with either survey or other recording tools.
The data gained has a narrow focus but can be generalized via statistics.
b. To be able to study a broad topic with little ability to transfer to generalized
c. There isn’t a purpose to quantitative research since statics are always faulty.
d. To gather data without surveys or other recording tools.
The correct answer is: To be able to study an exact question with either survey or other
recording tools. The data gained has a narrow focus but can be generalized via statistics.
Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: The APA requests you use Keywords at the end of your Abstract in
order to help people research on their own subject easier.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
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Question 11
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is a proper APA style reference for a book written by
Cadwell Jimson, published in 1933 by Penguin Publishers of Chicago? The book is
titled Jenjon and the Elder Son.
Select one:
a. Jimson, Cadwell, 1933, Jenjon and the Elder Son.
b. Cadwell, J. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Penguin Publishers: Chicago.
c. Jimson, C. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Penguin Publishers: Chicago.
d. Jimson, C. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Chicago: Penguin Publishers.
The correct answer is: Jimson, C. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Chicago: Penguin
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Question 12
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00
The graph of a function is given. Choose the answer that represents the graph of
its derivative.
Select one:
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e. None of these
Your answer is incorrect.
The correct answer is:
Question 13
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
A sample size of 4 people is enough for a major quantitative study.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
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Question 14
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00
The company has a large supply of 8-inch by 15-inch rectangular pieces of
cardboards, and they make boxes by cutting a square from each corner and
folding up the sides (see below). What size square should be cut from each
corner to make boxes of largest volume?
Select one:
a. Square of size 4-inch by 4-inch
b. Square of size 3-inch by 3-inch
c. Square of size 1/3-inch by 1/3-inch
d. Square of size 5/3-inch by 5/3-inch
Your answer is incorrect.
The correct answer is: Square of size 5/3-inch by 5/3-inch
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Question 15
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which is a correct paraphrase from the following text by Duncan Smithers in his
2010 book called Man Made Moon: The moon is no longer in orbit of the planet
Earth, rather the two celestial bodies share a gravitational orbit with each other.
Select one:
a. The Earth shares a gravitational pull with the moon.
b. The Earth shares a gravitational pull with the moon (Smithers, 2010).
c. The moon is no longer in orbit of the planet Earth, rather the two celestial bodies
share a gravitational orbit with each other.
d. "The moon is no longer in orbit of the planet Earth, rather the two celestial bodies
share a gravitational orbit with each other" (Smithers, 2010).
The correct answer is: The Earth shares a gravitational pull with the moon (Smithers,
Question 16
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: You should use the UoPeople Library whenever possible for
research instead of Google.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 17
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: A good abstract is an abstract that is easy to understand.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
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Question 18
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
You need both the reference and the in-text citation to avoid plagiarism.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 19
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
What percent of the text do you need to change in order not to use quote marks?
Select one:
a. 10%
b. 50%
c. 0%
d. 100%
The correct answer is: 100%
Question 20
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following should you ask yourself when reviewing a piece of
Select one:
a. Who is the author and when did the author write it?
b. What is the author’s point of view?
c. Does the author support the point of view?
d. Have you seen anything like this or something that goes against the point of view?
e. All of the above.
The correct answer is: All of the above.
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Question 21
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: An Abstract is a concise, often no longer than 250 words, retelling
of an entire research paper.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 22
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Quantitative research is:
Select one:
a. something done with observations of people in their own homes.
b. mostly data that is found in stories.
c. research that focuses on surveys or other statistical items.
d. does not use tools to gather information.
The correct answer is: research that focuses on surveys or other statistical items.
Question 23
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: When writing a literature review you never include your own
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
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Question 24
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
What is true about the following text: The vile Duke of Sala gave little thought to
the people starving in his city. Each night he would take great joy from the cries
of the hungry children.
Select one:
a. This is an accurate and unbiased account of the Duke of Sala.
b. The author has a bias against the Duke.
c. The author is calling for the people to overtake the Duke and feed themselves.
d. The author thinks all royalty is bad.
The correct answer is: The author has a bias against the Duke.
Question 25
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Not giving proper APA Citations and Reference is plagiarism and will result in a
zero for the assignment and maybe further action.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 26
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: Peer Reviewed sources are weaker sources and should not be used
in research.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
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Question 27
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is a correct In-Text citation for a paraphrase from a book
written by Kevin Smith in 2013 called I want it all. It was published by Double Day
in Berlin.
Select one:
a. (Smith, 2013)
b. (Smith, 2013, p. 4).
c. Smith, K. (2013). I want it all
d. Smith, K. (2013). I want it all. Berlin: Double Day.
The correct answer is: (Smith, 2013)
Question 28
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is a correct reference for a book written by Kevin Smith in
2013 called I want it all. It was published by Double Day in Berlin.
Select one:
a. (Smith, 2013)
b. (Smith, 2013, p. 4).
c. Smith, K. (2013). I want it all
d. Smith, K. (2013). I want it all. Berlin: Double Day.
The correct answer is: Smith, K. (2013). I want it all. Berlin: Double Day.
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Review Quiz: Attempt review
Question 29
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
If you change all of the words in a text, you do not have to give an In-Text Citation
and Reference at the end.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 30
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
A study has shown that when ice-cream sales go up, babies are born more. This
means that:
Select one:
a. ice-cream sales cause babies.
b. the study is trying to show something correlated that isn’t valid.
c. the study is reliable but not valid.
d. the study is not reliable.
e. Both B and C
The correct answer is: Both B and C
Question 31
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: Qualitative methods are ones that rely heavily on numbers and
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
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Review Quiz: Attempt review
Question 32
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
The main purpose of a research paper is to:
Select one:
a. discuss a general topic.
b. examine a particular thesis via research.
c. give 100% positive answers to life’s most difficult question.
d. none of the above.
The correct answer is: examine a particular thesis via research.
Question 33
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: Analysis of the material is not needed for a proper book review.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 34
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
APA is the only acceptable style UoPeople requires for in-text citations and
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
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Review Quiz: Attempt review
Question 35
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is a correct reference for a book written by Kevin Smith in
2013 called I want it all:
Select one:
a. (Smith, 2013)
b. (Smith, 2013, p. 4).
c. Smith, K. (2013). I want it all
d. There is not enough information provided in the question.
The correct answer is: There is not enough information provided in the question.
Question 36
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is a thesis statement?
Select one:
a. Birds
b. I like cake
c. Windows 7 can become more secure.
d. It is 7 pm.
The correct answer is: Windows 7 can become more secure.
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Review Quiz: Attempt review
Question 37
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is a correct APA in-text citation for a quote of a book by
Bill Hadings from page 4. The book was published in 1977 by Penguin in Boston:
Select one:
a. (Bill Hadings, p. 4)
b. (Hadings, Boston, 1977, page 4)
c. (Bill, 1977, p. 4)
d. (Hadings, 1977, p. 4)
The correct answer is: (Hadings, 1977, p. 4)
Question 38
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: Only people with degrees can perform synthesis, so students
should never use it in a literature review.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
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Review Quiz: Attempt review
Question 39
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
What was the fundamental flaw in the Stanford Prison Study?
Select one:
a. It did not go the full proposed length.
b. The subjects should not have been paid.
c. There weren’t any flaws in the study.
d. The lead researcher did not cancel the experiment when the first subject had a
physical or psychological trauma.
The correct answer is: The lead researcher did not cancel the experiment when the first
subject had a physical or psychological trauma.
Question 40
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is a correct APA in-text citation for a quote of a book by
Bill Hadings from page 4? The book was published in 1997 by Penguin in Boston:
Select one:
a. (Bill Hadings, p. 4)
b. (Hadings, Boston, 1997, page 4)
c. (Bill, 1997, p. 4)
d. (Hadings, 1997, p. 4)
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: (Hadings, 1997, p. 4)
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Review Quiz: Attempt review
Question 41
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
If the text you want to use doesn't have a date or author listed, then you should:
Select one:
a. Just claim it as your own work.
b. Don't use it because it probably isn't a strong resource.
c. Use it, but only put the URL at the end of the page so your teacher knows you
used something of a source.
The correct answer is: Don't use it because it probably isn't a strong resource.
Question 42
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: Quantitative studies should be done on the fewest number of
people possible.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 43
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Your experiment did not go the way you planned. Is it a failure?
Select one:
a. Yes, the only point of an experiment is to prove something.
b. No, because you can always change the results.
c. Yes, because you are not wise enough to do an experiment.
d. No, it is not a failure because you can still make claims on why the experiment did
not go as planned.
The correct answer is: No, it is not a failure because you can still make claims on why the
experiment did not go as planned.
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Review Quiz: Attempt review
Question 44
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: An Abstract contains only the thesis of a paper.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 45
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
The main purpose of a conclusion is to:
Select one:
a. introduce new concepts.
b. give closure to a paper.
c. thank your readers.
d. none of the above.
The correct answer is: give closure to a paper.
Question 46
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is a correct reference for a book written by Kevin Smith in
2013 called I want it all:
Select one:
a. (Smith, 2013)
b. (Smith, 2013, p. 4).
c. Smith, K. (2013). I want it all
d. There is not enough information provided in the question.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: There is not enough information provided in the question.
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Review Quiz: Attempt review
Question 47
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is a strong thesis?
Select one:
a. Sugar tastes good.
b. It is 6 o’clock.
c. The sun.
d. The Lakers are a great basketball team.
e. Although some say sugar tastes good, Smith (1998) stated that sugar is bad before
you because it can lead to diabetes and weight gain.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Although some say sugar tastes good, Smith (1998) stated that
sugar is bad before you because it can lead to diabetes and weight gain.
Question 48
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
The best place to find sources for your research is:
Select one:
a. Facebook
b. Wikipedia
c. The UoPeople Library and Google Scholar
d. Google
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: The UoPeople Library and Google Scholar
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Review Quiz: Attempt review
Question 49
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: According to the APA, an abstract should be longer than 3 pages.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 50
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: An Abstract is a concise, often no longer than 250 words, retelling
of an entire research paper.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
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Self-Quiz Unit 1: Attempt review
Home My courses ENGL 1102 - AY2021-T3 28 January - 3 February Self-Quiz Unit 1
Started on
Completed on
Time taken
Question 1
Thursday, 4 February 2021, 5:06 AM
Thursday, 4 February 2021, 5:17 AM
10 mins 40 secs
10.00 out of 10.00 (100%)
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
If you change all of the words in a text, you do not have to give an In-Text Citation
and Reference at the end.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
What percent of the text do you need to change in order not to use quote marks?
Select one:
a. 10%
b. 50%
c. 0%
d. 100%
The correct answer is: 100%
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Self-Quiz Unit 1: Attempt review
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is the correct In-Text Citation for a quote from the 2nd
page of David Jones's 1985 book, Stardust?
Select one:
a. There is no dust in space (Jones, 1985).
b. "There is no dust in space" (Jones, 1985, p. 2).
c. According to Jones (1985), "There is no dust in space" (p. 2).
d. B and C are correct.
e. You do not need an In-Text Citation.
The correct answer is: B and C are correct.
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which is a correct paraphrase from the following text by Duncan Smithers in his
2010 book called Man Made Moon: The moon is no longer in orbit of the planet
Earth, rather the two celestial bodies share a gravitational orbit with each other.
Select one:
a. The Earth shares a gravitational pull with the moon.
b. The Earth shares a gravitational pull with the moon (Smithers, 2010).
c. The moon is no longer in orbit of the planet Earth, rather the two celestial bodies
share a gravitational orbit with each other.
d. "The moon is no longer in orbit of the planet Earth, rather the two celestial bodies
share a gravitational orbit with each other" (Smithers, 2010).
The correct answer is: The Earth shares a gravitational pull with the moon (Smithers,
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Self-Quiz Unit 1: Attempt review
Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Not giving proper APA Citations and Reference is plagiarism and will result in a
zero for the assignment and maybe further action.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
It is okay to just put references at the end of the paper and not include any intext citations.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is a proper APA style reference for a book written by
Cadwell Jimson, published in 1933 by Penguin Publishers of Chicago? The book is
titled Jenjon and the Elder Son.
Select one:
a. Jimson, Cadwell, 1933, Jenjon and the Elder Son.
b. Cadwell, J. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Penguin Publishers: Chicago.
c. Jimson, C. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Penguin Publishers: Chicago.
d. Jimson, C. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Chicago: Penguin Publishers.
The correct answer is: Jimson, C. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Chicago: Penguin
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Self-Quiz Unit 1: Attempt review
Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
If the text you want to use doesn't have a date or author listed, then you should:
Select one:
a. Just claim it as your own work.
b. Don't use it because it probably isn't a strong resource.
c. Use it, but only put the URL at the end of the page so your teacher knows you
used something of a source.
The correct answer is: Don't use it because it probably isn't a strong resource.
Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
APA is the only acceptable style UoPeople requires for in-text citations and
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
You need both the reference and the in-text citation to avoid plagiarism.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
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Self-Quiz Unit 2: Attempt review
Question 1
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is a correct APA in-text citation for a quote of a book by Bill
Hadings from page 4. The book was published in 1977 by Penguin in Boston:
Select one:
a. (Bill Hadings, p. 4)
b. (Hadings, Boston, 1977, page 4)
c. (Bill, 1977, p. 4)
d. (Hadings, 1977, p. 4)
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: (Hadings, 1977, p. 4)
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is a thesis statement?
Select one:
a. Birds
b. I like cake
c. Windows 7 can become more secure.
d. It is 7 pm.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Windows 7 can become more secure.
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Self-Quiz Unit 2: Attempt review
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following should you ask yourself when reviewing a piece of literature?
Select one:
a. Who is the author and when did the author write it?
b. What is the author’s point of view?
c. Does the author support the point of view?
d. Have you seen anything like this or something that goes against the point of view?
e. All of the above.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: All of the above.
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: Analysis of the material is not needed for a proper book review.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: When writing a literature review you never include your own thoughts.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
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Graded Quiz Unit 3
Home My courses ENGL 1102 - AY2021-T3 11 February - 17 February Graded Quiz Unit 3
Question 1
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00
Which of the following is the correct In-Text Citation for a quote from the 2nd page
of David Jones’s 1985 book, Stardust.
Select one:
a. There is no dust in space (Jones, 1985).
b. “There is no dust in space” (Jones, 1985, p. 2).
c. According to Jones (1985), “There is no dust in space” (p. 2).
d. B and C are correct.
e. You do not need an In-Text Citation.
Clear my choice
Question 2
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00
A Literature Review:
Select one:
a. Summarizes all of the literature you’ve read on a topic.
b. Never includes any personal analysis or synthesis.
c. Should focus only on the literature that can contribute to the study and has original
analysis and synthesis.
d. A and B
Clear my choice
Question 3
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00
True or False: Peer Reviewed sources are weaker sources and should not be
used in research.
Select one:
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Graded Quiz Unit 3
Question 4
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00
Which of the following is a proper APA style reference for a book written by
Cadwell Jimson, published in 1933 by Penguin Publishers of Chicago? The book
is titled Jenjon and the Elder Son.
Select one:
a. Jimson, Cadwell, 1933, Jenjon and the Elder Son.
b. Cadwell, J. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Penguin Publishers: Chicago.
c. Jimson, C. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Penguin Publishers: Chicago.
d. Jimson, C. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Chicago: Penguin Publishers.
Clear my choice
Question 5
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00
Which of the following should you ask yourself when reviewing a piece of
Select one:
a. Who is the author and when did the author write it?
b. What is the author’s point of view?
c. Does the author support the point of view?
d. Have you seen anything like this or something that goes against the point of view?
e. All of the above.
Clear my choice
Question 6
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00
The best place to find sources for your research is:
Select one:
a. Facebook
b. Wikipedia
c. The UoPeople Library and Google Scholar
d. Google
Clear my choice
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Graded Quiz Unit 3
Question 7
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00
Which of the following is a strong thesis?
Select one:
a. Sugar tastes good.
b. It is 6 o’clock.
c. The sun.
d. The Lakers are a great basketball team.
e. Although some say sugar tastes good, Smith (1998) stated that sugar is bad before
you because it can lead to diabetes and weight gain.
Clear my choice
Question 8
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00
True or False: Qualitative methods are ones that rely heavily on numbers and
Select one:
Question 9
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00
Which of the following is a correct APA in-text citation for a quote of a book by Bill
Hadings from page 4? The book was published in 1997 by Penguin in Boston:
Select one:
a. (Bill Hadings, p. 4)
b. (Hadings, Boston, 1997, page 4)
c. (Bill, 1997, p. 4)
d. (Hadings, 1997, p. 4)
Clear my choice
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Graded Quiz Unit 3
Question 10
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00
Which is a correct paraphrase from the following text by Duncan Smithers in his
2010 book called Man Made Moon: The moon is no longer in orbit of the planet
Earth, rather the two celestial bodies share a gravitational orbit with each other.
Select one:
a. The Earth shares a gravitational pull with the moon.
b. The Earth shares a gravitational pull with the moon (Smithers, 2010).
c. The moon is no longer in orbit of the planet Earth, rather the two celestial bodies
share a gravitational orbit with each other.
d. "The moon is no longer in orbit of the planet Earth, rather the two celestial bodies
share a gravitational orbit with each other” (Smithers, 2010).
Clear my choice
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True or False: Peer Reviewed sources are weaker sources and should not be used in research.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is a strong thesis?
Select one:
a. Sugar tastes good.
b. It is 6 o’clock.
c. The sun.
d. The Lakers are a great basketball team.
e. Although some say sugar tastes good, Smith (1998) stated that sugar is bad before you because it can lead to
diabetes and weight gain.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Although some say sugar tastes good, Smith (1998) stated that sugar is bad before you because it can
lead to diabetes and weight gain.
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which is a correct paraphrase from the following text by Duncan Smithers in his 2010 book called Man Made
Moon: The moon is no longer in orbit of the planet Earth, rather the two celestial bodies share a gravitational
orbit with each other.
Select one:
a. The Earth shares a gravitational pull with the moon.
b. The Earth shares a gravitational pull with the moon (Smithers, 2010).
c. The moon is no longer in orbit of the planet Earth, rather the two celestial bodies share a gravitational orbit with each
d. "The moon is no longer in orbit of the planet Earth, rather the two celestial bodies share a gravitational orbit with
each other” (Smithers, 2010).
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: The Earth shares a gravitational pull with the moon (Smithers, 2010).
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is a correct APA in-text citation for a quote of a book by Bill Hadings from page 4? The
book was published in 1997 by Penguin in Boston:
Select one:
a. (Bill Hadings, p. 4)
b. (Hadings, Boston, 1997, page 4)
c. (Bill, 1997, p. 4)
d. (Hadings, 1997, p. 4)
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: (Hadings, 1997, p. 4)
Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
A Literature Review:
Select one:
a. Summarizes all of the literature you’ve read on a topic.
b. Never includes any personal analysis or synthesis.
c. Should focus only on the literature that can contribute to the study and has original analysis and synthesis.
d. A and B
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Should focus only on the literature that can contribute to the study and has original analysis and
Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is the correct In-Text Citation for a quote from the 2nd page of David Jones’s 1985
book, Stardust.
Select one:
a. There is no dust in space (Jones, 1985).
b. “There is no dust in space” (Jones, 1985, p. 2).
c. According to Jones (1985), “There is no dust in space” (p. 2).
d. B and C are correct.
e. You do not need an In-Text Citation.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: B and C are correct.
Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
The best place to find sources for your research is:
Select one:
a. Facebook
b. Wikipedia
c. The UoPeople Library and Google Scholar
d. Google
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: The UoPeople Library and Google Scholar
Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: Qualitative methods are ones that rely heavily on numbers and statistics.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is a proper APA style reference for a book written by Cadwell Jimson, published in 1933 by
Penguin Publishers of Chicago? The book is titled Jenjon and the Elder Son.
Select one:
a. Jimson, Cadwell, 1933, Jenjon and the Elder Son.
b. Cadwell, J. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Penguin Publishers: Chicago.
c. Jimson, C. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Penguin Publishers: Chicago.
d. Jimson, C. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Chicago: Penguin Publishers.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Jimson, C. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Chicago: Penguin Publishers.
Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following should you ask yourself when reviewing a piece of literature?
Select one:
a. Who is the author and when did the author write it?
b. What is the author’s point of view?
c. Does the author support the point of view?
d. Have you seen anything like this or something that goes against the point of view?
e. All of the above.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: All of the above.
Graded Quiz Unit 3: Attempt review
Home My courses ENGL 1102 - AY2021-T3 11 February - 17 February Graded Quiz Unit 3
Started on
Completed on
Time taken
Question 1
Wednesday, 17 February 2021, 1:23 PM
Wednesday, 17 February 2021, 1:28 PM
4 mins 29 secs
100.00 out of 100.00
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is the correct In-Text Citation for a quote from the 2nd page of
David Jones’s 1985 book, Stardust.
Select one:
a. There is no dust in space (Jones, 1985).
b. “There is no dust in space” (Jones, 1985, p. 2).
c. According to Jones (1985), “There is no dust in space” (p. 2).
d. B and C are correct.
e. You do not need an In-Text Citation.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: B and C are correct.
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: Peer Reviewed sources are weaker sources and should not be used in
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
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Graded Quiz Unit 3: Attempt review
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is a correct APA in-text citation for a quote of a book by Bill
Hadings from page 4? The book was published in 1997 by Penguin in Boston:
Select one:
a. (Bill Hadings, p. 4)
b. (Hadings, Boston, 1997, page 4)
c. (Bill, 1997, p. 4)
d. (Hadings, 1997, p. 4)
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: (Hadings, 1997, p. 4)
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is a proper APA style reference for a book written by Cadwell
Jimson, published in 1933 by Penguin Publishers of Chicago? The book is
titled Jenjon and the Elder Son.
Select one:
a. Jimson, Cadwell, 1933, Jenjon and the Elder Son.
b. Cadwell, J. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Penguin Publishers: Chicago.
c. Jimson, C. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Penguin Publishers: Chicago.
d. Jimson, C. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Chicago: Penguin Publishers.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Jimson, C. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Chicago: Penguin
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Graded Quiz Unit 3: Attempt review
Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
A Literature Review:
Select one:
a. Summarizes all of the literature you’ve read on a topic.
b. Never includes any personal analysis or synthesis.
c. Should focus only on the literature that can contribute to the study and has original
analysis and synthesis.
d. A and B
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Should focus only on the literature that can contribute to the study and
has original analysis and synthesis.
Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is a strong thesis?
Select one:
a. Sugar tastes good.
b. It is 6 o’clock.
c. The sun.
d. The Lakers are a great basketball team.
e. Although some say sugar tastes good, Smith (1998) stated that sugar is bad before
you because it can lead to diabetes and weight gain.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Although some say sugar tastes good, Smith (1998) stated that sugar
is bad before you because it can lead to diabetes and weight gain.
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Graded Quiz Unit 3: Attempt review
Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
The best place to find sources for your research is:
Select one:
a. Facebook
b. Wikipedia
c. The UoPeople Library and Google Scholar
d. Google
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: The UoPeople Library and Google Scholar
Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: Qualitative methods are ones that rely heavily on numbers and
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following should you ask yourself when reviewing a piece of literature?
Select one:
a. Who is the author and when did the author write it?
b. What is the author’s point of view?
c. Does the author support the point of view?
d. Have you seen anything like this or something that goes against the point of view?
e. All of the above.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: All of the above.
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Graded Quiz Unit 3: Attempt review
Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which is a correct paraphrase from the following text by Duncan Smithers in his 2010
book called Man Made Moon: The moon is no longer in orbit of the planet Earth,
rather the two celestial bodies share a gravitational orbit with each other.
Select one:
a. The Earth shares a gravitational pull with the moon.
b. The Earth shares a gravitational pull with the moon (Smithers, 2010).
c. The moon is no longer in orbit of the planet Earth, rather the two celestial bodies share
a gravitational orbit with each other.
d. "The moon is no longer in orbit of the planet Earth, rather the two celestial bodies
share a gravitational orbit with each other” (Smithers, 2010).
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: The Earth shares a gravitational pull with the moon (Smithers, 2010).
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Graded Quiz Unit 3
Home My courses ENGL 1102 - AY2021-T3 11 February - 17 February Graded Quiz Unit 3
Question 1
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Marked out of 1.00
True or False: Qualitative methods are ones that rely heavily on numbers and
Select one:
Question 2
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Marked out of 1.00
Which of the following should you ask yourself when reviewing a piece of
Select one:
a. Who is the author and when did the author write it?
b. What is the author’s point of view?
c. Does the author support the point of view?
d. Have you seen anything like this or something that goes against the point of view?
e. All of the above.
Clear my choice
Question 3
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Marked out of 1.00
Which of the following is a strong thesis?
Select one:
a. Sugar tastes good.
b. It is 6 o’clock.
c. The sun.
d. The Lakers are a great basketball team.
e. Although some say sugar tastes good, Smith (1998) stated that sugar is bad before
you because it can lead to diabetes and weight gain.
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Graded Quiz Unit 3
Question 4
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Marked out of 1.00
True or False: Peer Reviewed sources are weaker sources and should not be
used in research.
Select one:
Question 5
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Marked out of 1.00
Which of the following is the correct In-Text Citation for a quote from the 2nd page
of David Jones’s 1985 book, Stardust.
Select one:
a. There is no dust in space (Jones, 1985).
b. “There is no dust in space” (Jones, 1985, p. 2).
c. According to Jones (1985), “There is no dust in space” (p. 2).
d. B and C are correct.
e. You do not need an In-Text Citation.
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Question 6
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Marked out of 1.00
The best place to find sources for your research is:
Select one:
a. Facebook
b. Wikipedia
c. The UoPeople Library and Google Scholar
d. Google
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Graded Quiz Unit 3
Question 7
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Marked out of 1.00
A Literature Review:
Select one:
a. Summarizes all of the literature you’ve read on a topic.
b. Never includes any personal analysis or synthesis.
c. Should focus only on the literature that can contribute to the study and has original
analysis and synthesis.
d. A and B
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Question 8
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Marked out of 1.00
Which of the following is a proper APA style reference for a book written by
Cadwell Jimson, published in 1933 by Penguin Publishers of Chicago? The book
is titled Jenjon and the Elder Son.
Select one:
a. Jimson, Cadwell, 1933, Jenjon and the Elder Son.
b. Cadwell, J. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Penguin Publishers: Chicago.
c. Jimson, C. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Penguin Publishers: Chicago.
d. Jimson, C. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Chicago: Penguin Publishers.
Clear my choice
Question 9
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Marked out of 1.00
Which of the following is a correct APA in-text citation for a quote of a book by Bill
Hadings from page 4? The book was published in 1997 by Penguin in Boston:
Select one:
a. (Bill Hadings, p. 4)
b. (Hadings, Boston, 1997, page 4)
c. (Bill, 1997, p. 4)
d. (Hadings, 1997, p. 4)
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Graded Quiz Unit 3
Question 10
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Marked out of 1.00
Which is a correct paraphrase from the following text by Duncan Smithers in his
2010 book called Man Made Moon: The moon is no longer in orbit of the planet
Earth, rather the two celestial bodies share a gravitational orbit with each other.
Select one:
a. The Earth shares a gravitational pull with the moon.
b. The Earth shares a gravitational pull with the moon (Smithers, 2010).
c. The moon is no longer in orbit of the planet Earth, rather the two celestial bodies
share a gravitational orbit with each other.
d. "The moon is no longer in orbit of the planet Earth, rather the two celestial bodies
share a gravitational orbit with each other” (Smithers, 2010).
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Self-Quiz Unit 3
Home My courses ENGL 1102 - AY2021-T3 11 February - 17 February Self-Quiz Unit 3
Question 1
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Marked out of 1.00
Quantitative research is:
Select one:
a. something done with observations of people in their own homes.
b. mostly data that is found in stories.
c. research that focuses on surveys or other statistical items.
d. does not use tools to gather information.
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Question 2
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Marked out of 1.00
Qualitative research:
Select one:
a. Uses surveys or other tools to gather information.
b. is weaker than Quantitative research.
c. puts the researcher as part of the experiment.
d. can easily be put into re-testable generalizations.
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Question 3
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Marked out of 1.00
True or False: Quantitative studies should be done on the fewest number of people
Select one:
Question 4
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00
True or False: Peer Reviewed sources are weaker sources and should not be
used in research.
Select one:
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Self-Quiz Unit 3
Question 5
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Marked out of 1.00
True or False: Only people with degrees can perform synthesis, so students
should never use it in a literature review.
Select one:
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Self-Quiz Unit 4
Home My courses ENGL 1102 - AY2021-T3 18 February - 24 February Self-Quiz Unit 4
Question 1
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Marked out of 1.00
What is the purpose of quantitative research?
Select one:
a. To be able to study an exact question with either survey or other recording tools.
The data gained has a narrow focus but can be generalized via statistics.
b. To be able to study a broad topic with little ability to transfer to generalized
c. There isn’t a purpose to quantitative research since statistics are always faulty.
d. To gather data without surveys or other recording tools.
Clear my choice
Question 2
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Marked out of 1.00
What is true about the following text: The vile Duke of Sala gave little thought to
the people starving in his city. Each night he would take great joy from the cries of
the hungry children.
Select one:
a. This is an accurate and unbiased account of the Duke of Sala.
b. The author has a bias against the Duke.
c. The author is calling for the people to overtake the Duke and feed themselves.
d. The author thinks all royalty is bad.
Clear my choice
Question 3
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Marked out of 1.00
What was the fundamental flaw in the Stanford Prison Study?
Select one:
a. It did not go the full proposed length.
b. The subjects should not have been paid.
c. There weren’t any flaws in the study.
d. The lead researcher did not cancel the experiment when the first subject had a
physical or psychological trauma.
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Self-Quiz Unit 4
Question 4
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Marked out of 1.00
Qualitative research is:
Select one:
a. Used only with larger surveys.
b. a method that includes observation and other reviews where the data is not easily
set into statistical information that can apply a large pool of people.
c. the number one choice for scientists testing drugs against disease.
d. none of the above.
Clear my choice
Question 5
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Marked out of 1.00
Which of the following is a correct reference for a book written by Kevin Smith in
2013 called I want it all:
Select one:
a. (Smith, 2013)
b. (Smith, 2013, p. 4).
c. Smith, K. (2013). I want it all
d. There is not enough information provided in the question.
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Self-Quiz Unit 5
Home My courses ENGL 1102 - AY2021-T3 25 February - 3 March Self-Quiz Unit 5
Question 1
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Marked out of 1.00
A sample size of 4 people is enough for a major quantitative study.
Select one:
Question 2
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Marked out of 1.00
A study has shown that when ice-cream sales go up, babies are born more. This
means that:
Select one:
a. ice-cream sales cause babies.
b. the study is trying to show something correlated that isn’t valid.
c. the study is reliable but not valid.
d. the study is not reliable.
e. Both B and C
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Question 3
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Marked out of 1.00
Your experiment did not go the way you planned. Is it a failure?
Select one:
a. Yes, the only point of an experiment is to prove something.
b. No, because you can always change the results.
c. Yes, because you are not wise enough to do an experiment.
d. No, it is not a failure because you can still make claims on why the experiment did
not go as planned.
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Self-Quiz Unit 5
Question 4
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Marked out of 1.00
The purpose of putting non-fiction into a narrative structure is to:
Select one:
a. make things up about people that you can’t say in the news.
b. reach a greater number of people by allowing a story to build around true events.
c. there isn’t a purpose. Nobody ever uses narrative other than to tell fictions.
d. none of the above.
Clear my choice
Question 5
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Marked out of 1.00
Which of the following is a correct reference for a book written by Kevin Smith in
2013 called I want it all. It was published by Double Day in Berlin.
Select one:
a. (Smith, 2013)
b. (Smith, 2013, p. 4).
c. Smith, K. (2013). I want it all
d. Smith, K. (2013). I want it all. Berlin: Double Day.
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Graded Quiz Unit 6
Home My courses ENGL 1102 - AY2021-T3 4 March - 10 March Graded Quiz Unit 6
Question 1
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Marked out of 1.00
True or False: A proper APA In-Text Citation includes the author's last name
followed by the publication date.
Select one:
Question 2
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00
Which of the following is a proper APA style reference for a book written by
Cadwell Jimson, published in 1933 by Penguin Publishers of Chicago. The book is
titled Jenjon and the Elder Son.
Select one:
a. Jimson, Cadwell, 1933, Jenjon and the Elder Son.
b. Cadwell, J. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Penguin Publishers: Chicago.
c. Jimson, C. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Penguin Publishers: Chicago.
d. Jimson, C. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Chicago: Penguin Publishers.
Clear my choice
Question 3
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00
Which of the following is a correct reference for a book written by Kevin Smith in
2013 called I want it all:
Select one:
a. (Smith, 2013)
b. (Smith, 2013, p. 4).
c. Smith, K. (2013). I want it all
d. There is not enough information provided in the question.
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Graded Quiz Unit 6
Question 4
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Marked out of 1.00
True or False: An Abstract is a concise, often no longer than 250 words, retelling of
an entire research paper.
Select one:
Question 5
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00
Qualitative research is:
Select one:
a. Used only with larger surveys.
b. a method that includes observation and other reviews where the data is not easily
set into statistical information that can apply a large pool of people.
c. the number one choice for scientists testing drugs against disease.
Clear my choice
Question 6
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00
What can be said of the following statement: According to Smith (1956), the
unemployment rate is going down. This means that our present economy will
flourish under President Obama.
Select one:
a. There is a direct relation between Obama’s presidency and the unemployment rate
in the US.
b. This study shows a causal link between unemployment rates and the economy.
c. Smith is biased towards Obama.
d. The statement itself is biased and not valid as it is using a study from 1956 to show
a link between jobs of today and President Obama’s tenure as president.
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Graded Quiz Unit 6
Question 7
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Marked out of 1.00
What can be said of the following statement: According to the studies done by the
cigarette company, there is little or no proof linking smoking to health hazards;
therefore, it is safe to smoke.
Select one:
a. This statement is an unbiased fact about smoking.
b. Cigarette Companies are the best place for research on their own product.
c. This study may be false, but it is, at the very least, biased towards selling cigarettes
and should not be taken as valid.
Clear my choice
Question 8
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00
What is true about the following text: The vile Duke of Sala gave little thought to
the people starving in his city. Each night he would take great joy from the cries of
the hungry children.
Select one:
a. This is an accurate and unbiased account of the Duke of Sala.
b. The author has a bias against the Duke.
c. The author is calling for the people to overtake the Duke and feed themselves.
d. The author thinks all royalty is bad.
Clear my choice
Question 9
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00
True or False: Qualitative methods are ones that rely heavily on numbers and
Select one:
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Graded Quiz Unit 6: Attempt review
Home My courses ENGL 1102 - AY2021-T3 4 March - 10 March Graded Quiz Unit 6
Started on
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Time taken
Question 1
Thursday, 4 March 2021, 6:53 PM
Thursday, 4 March 2021, 7:03 PM
9 mins 55 secs
100.00 out of 100.00
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Qualitative research is:
Select one:
a. Used only with larger surveys.
b. a method that includes observation and other reviews where the data is not easily set
into statistical information that can apply a large pool of people.
c. the number one choice for scientists testing drugs against disease.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: a method that includes observation and other reviews where the data
is not easily set into statistical information that can apply a large pool of people.
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: An Abstract is a concise, often no longer than 250 words, retelling of
an entire research paper.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
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Graded Quiz Unit 6: Attempt review
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: A proper APA In-Text Citation includes the author's last name followed
by the publication date.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is a correct reference for a book written by Kevin Smith in 2013
called I want it all:
Select one:
a. (Smith, 2013)
b. (Smith, 2013, p. 4).
c. Smith, K. (2013). I want it all
d. There is not enough information provided in the question.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: There is not enough information provided in the question.
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Graded Quiz Unit 6: Attempt review
Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
What can be said of the following statement: According to Smith (1956), the
unemployment rate is going down. This means that our present economy will flourish
under President Obama.
Select one:
a. There is a direct relation between Obama’s presidency and the unemployment rate in
the US.
b. This study shows a causal link between unemployment rates and the economy.
c. Smith is biased towards Obama.
d. The statement itself is biased and not valid as it is using a study from 1956 to show a
link between jobs of today and President Obama’s tenure as president.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: The statement itself is biased and not valid as it is using a study from
1956 to show a link between jobs of today and President Obama’s tenure as president.
Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: Qualitative methods are ones that rely heavily on numbers and
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
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Graded Quiz Unit 6: Attempt review
Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
What can be said of the following statement: According to the studies done by the
cigarette company, there is little or no proof linking smoking to health hazards;
therefore, it is safe to smoke.
Select one:
a. This statement is an unbiased fact about smoking.
b. Cigarette Companies are the best place for research on their own product.
c. This study may be false, but it is, at the very least, biased towards selling cigarettes
and should not be taken as valid.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: This study may be false, but it is, at the very least, biased towards
selling cigarettes and should not be taken as valid.
Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is a proper APA style reference for a book written by Cadwell
Jimson, published in 1933 by Penguin Publishers of Chicago. The book is
titled Jenjon and the Elder Son.
Select one:
a. Jimson, Cadwell, 1933, Jenjon and the Elder Son.
b. Cadwell, J. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Penguin Publishers: Chicago.
c. Jimson, C. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Penguin Publishers: Chicago.
d. Jimson, C. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Chicago: Penguin Publishers.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Jimson, C. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Chicago: Penguin
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Graded Quiz Unit 6: Attempt review
Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
What is true about the following text: The vile Duke of Sala gave little thought to the
people starving in his city. Each night he would take great joy from the cries of the
hungry children.
Select one:
a. This is an accurate and unbiased account of the Duke of Sala.
b. The author has a bias against the Duke.
c. The author is calling for the people to overtake the Duke and feed themselves.
d. The author thinks all royalty is bad.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: The author has a bias against the Duke.
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Question 1
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
What is true about the following text: The vile Duke of Sala gave little thought to the people starving in his city.
Each night he would take great joy from the cries of the hungry children.
Select one:
a. This is an accurate and unbiased account of the Duke of Sala.
b. The author has a bias against the Duke.
c. The author is calling for the people to overtake the Duke and feed themselves.
d. The author thinks all royalty is bad.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: The author has a bias against the Duke.
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is a proper APA style reference for a book written by Cadwell Jimson, published in 1933 by
Penguin Publishers of Chicago. The book is titled Jenjon and the Elder Son.
Select one:
a. Jimson, Cadwell, 1933, Jenjon and the Elder Son.
b. Cadwell, J. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Penguin Publishers: Chicago.
c. Jimson, C. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Penguin Publishers: Chicago.
d. Jimson, C. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Chicago: Penguin Publishers.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Jimson, C. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Chicago: Penguin Publishers.
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Qualitative research is:
Select one:
a. Used only with larger surveys.
b. a method that includes observation and other reviews where the data is not easily set into statistical information that
can apply a large pool of people.
c. the number one choice for scientists testing drugs against disease.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: a method that includes observation and other reviews where the data is not easily set into statistical
information that can apply a large pool of people.
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: Qualitative methods are ones that rely heavily on numbers and statistics.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
What can be said of the following statement: According to the studies done by the cigarette company, there is
little or no proof linking smoking to health hazards; therefore, it is safe to smoke.
Select one:
a. This statement is an unbiased fact about smoking.
b. Cigarette Companies are the best place for research on their own product.
c. This study may be false, but it is, at the very least, biased towards selling cigarettes and should not be taken as valid.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: This study may be false, but it is, at the very least, biased towards selling cigarettes and should not be
taken as valid.
Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is a correct reference for a book written by Kevin Smith in 2013 called I want it all:
Select one:
a. (Smith, 2013)
b. (Smith, 2013, p. 4).
c. Smith, K. (2013). I want it all
d. There is not enough information provided in the question.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: There is not enough information provided in the question.
Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: A proper APA In-Text Citation includes the author's last name followed by the publication date.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
What can be said of the following statement: According to Smith (1956), the unemployment rate is going down.
This means that our present economy will flourish under President Obama.
Select one:
a. There is a direct relation between Obama’s presidency and the unemployment rate in the US.
b. This study shows a causal link between unemployment rates and the economy.
c. Smith is biased towards Obama.
d. The statement itself is biased and not valid as it is using a study from 1956 to show a link between jobs of today and
President Obama’s tenure as president.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: The statement itself is biased and not valid as it is using a study from 1956 to show a link between
jobs of today and President Obama’s tenure as president.
Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: An Abstract is a concise, often no longer than 250 words, retelling of an entire research paper.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Graded Quiz Unit 6: Attempt review
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3/16/2021, 6:38 PM
Graded Quiz Unit 6: Attempt review
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3/16/2021, 6:38 PM
Graded Quiz Unit 6: Attempt review
3 of 5
3/16/2021, 6:38 PM
Graded Quiz Unit 6: Attempt review
4 of 5
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Graded Quiz Unit 6: Attempt review
5 of 5
3/16/2021, 6:38 PM
Graded Quiz Unit 6
Home My courses ENGL 1102 - AY2021-T3 4 March - 10 March Graded Quiz Unit 6
Question 1
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00
True or False: A proper APA In-Text Citation includes the author's last name
followed by the publication date.
Select one:
Question 2
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00
What can be said of the following statement: According to the studies done by the
cigarette company, there is little or no proof linking smoking to health hazards;
therefore, it is safe to smoke.
Select one:
a. This statement is an unbiased fact about smoking.
b. Cigarette Companies are the best place for research on their own product.
c. This study may be false, but it is, at the very least, biased towards selling cigarettes
and should not be taken as valid.
Clear my choice
Question 3
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00
Which of the following is a proper APA style reference for a book written by
Cadwell Jimson, published in 1933 by Penguin Publishers of Chicago. The book is
titled Jenjon and the Elder Son.
Select one:
a. Jimson, Cadwell, 1933, Jenjon and the Elder Son.
b. Cadwell, J. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Penguin Publishers: Chicago.
c. Jimson, C. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Penguin Publishers: Chicago.
d. Jimson, C. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Chicago: Penguin Publishers.
Clear my choice
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Graded Quiz Unit 6
Question 4
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00
Qualitative research is:
Select one:
a. Used only with larger surveys.
b. a method that includes observation and other reviews where the data is not easily
set into statistical information that can apply a large pool of people.
c. the number one choice for scientists testing drugs against disease.
Clear my choice
Question 5
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00
Which of the following is a correct reference for a book written by Kevin Smith in
2013 called I want it all:
Select one:
a. (Smith, 2013)
b. (Smith, 2013, p. 4).
c. Smith, K. (2013). I want it all
d. There is not enough information provided in the question.
Clear my choice
Question 6
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00
What is true about the following text: The vile Duke of Sala gave little thought to
the people starving in his city. Each night he would take great joy from the cries of
the hungry children.
Select one:
a. This is an accurate and unbiased account of the Duke of Sala.
b. The author has a bias against the Duke.
c. The author is calling for the people to overtake the Duke and feed themselves.
d. The author thinks all royalty is bad.
Clear my choice
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Graded Quiz Unit 6
Question 7
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00
True or False: Qualitative methods are ones that rely heavily on numbers and
Select one:
Question 8
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00
What can be said of the following statement: According to Smith (1956), the
unemployment rate is going down. This means that our present economy will
flourish under President Obama.
Select one:
a. There is a direct relation between Obama’s presidency and the unemployment rate
in the US.
b. This study shows a causal link between unemployment rates and the economy.
c. Smith is biased towards Obama.
d. The statement itself is biased and not valid as it is using a study from 1956 to show
a link between jobs of today and President Obama’s tenure as president.
Clear my choice
Question 9
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00
True or False: An Abstract is a concise, often no longer than 250 words, retelling of
an entire research paper.
Select one:
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Self-Quiz Unit 6: Attempt review
Home My courses ENGL 1102 - AY2021-T3 4 March - 10 March Self-Quiz Unit 6
Started on
Completed on
Time taken
Question 1
Wednesday, 10 March 2021, 11:38 PM
Wednesday, 10 March 2021, 11:38 PM
16 secs
10.00 out of 10.00 (100%)
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: An Abstract contains only the thesis of a paper.
Select one:
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: The APA requests you use Keywords at the end of your Abstract in
order to help people research on their own subject easier.
Select one:
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Self-Quiz Unit 6: Attempt review
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is NOT a proper keyword for research on the Ebola Virus?
Select one:
a. Bacterial Infection
b. Ebola
c. Ebola Virus
d. Ebola vaccine
e. Ebola death count
Your answer is correct.
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
What is ‘56’ mean in this Reference: Hardings, K. (2012). What Makes People
Sneeze. Science Today, 56, 812-815.
Select one:
a. The page number the article is on.
b. How many times the reference is cited in your paper.
c. The volume number of the magazine the article is in.
d. There is not enough information provided in the question.
Your answer is correct.
Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: An Abstract is a concise, often no longer than 250 words, retelling
of an entire research paper.
Select one:
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Self-Quiz Unit 7: Attempt review
Home My courses ENGL 1102 - AY2021-T3 11 March - 17 March Self-Quiz Unit 7
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Question 1
Tuesday, 16 March 2021, 9:17 PM
Tuesday, 16 March 2021, 9:17 PM
17 secs
10.00 out of 10.00 (100%)
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
True or False: According to the APA, an abstract should be longer than 3 pages.
Select one:
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
The keyword of the former Los Angeles Lakers star, ‘Magic Johnson’, would most
likely be in an abstract about:
Select one:
a. the Chicago Blackhawks
b. Mr. T: The ATEAM Years
c. the Cold War
d. a computer revolution
e. The Los Angeles Lakers
Your answer is correct.
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Self-Quiz Unit 7: Attempt review
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Does the year of your sources matter?
Select one:
a. Yes, it only matters because you have to put the year in the citation.
b. No, the APA does not require years for citations.
c. Yes, because information can become outdated quickly.
d. No, because only the non-sourced material matters.
Your answer is correct.
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
The main purpose of a research paper is to:
Select one:
a. discuss a general topic.
b. examine a particular thesis via research.
c. give 100% positive answers to life’s most difficult question.
d. none of the above.
Your answer is correct.
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Self-Quiz Unit 7: Attempt review
Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following is a correct In-Text citation for a paraphrase from a book
written by Kevin Smith in 2013 called I want it all. It was published by Double Day
in Berlin.
Select one:
a. (Smith, 2013)
b. (Smith, 2013, p. 4).
c. Smith, K. (2013). I want it all
d. Smith, K. (2013). I want it all. Berlin: Double Day.
Your answer is correct.
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Self-Quiz Unit 8
Home My courses ENGL 1102 - AY2021-T3 18 March - 24 March Self-Quiz Unit 8
Question 1
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Marked out of 1.00
True or False: A conclusion should only restate the thesis.
Select one:
Question 2
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Marked out of 1.00
True or False: A conclusion can introduce the concept for future studies.
Select one:
Question 3
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Marked out of 1.00
True or False: A good abstract is an abstract that is easy to understand.
Select one:
Question 4
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Marked out of 1.00
The main purpose of a conclusion is to:
Select one:
a. introduce new concepts.
b. give closure to a paper.
c. thank your readers.
d. none of the above.
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Self-Quiz Unit 8
Question 5
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Marked out of 1.00
True or False: You should use the UoPeople Library whenever possible for
research instead of Google.
Select one:
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Question 1
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Marked out of 1.00
True or False: Quantitative studies should be done on the fewest number of people
Select one:
Question 2
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00
Which of the following is a correct reference for a book written by Kevin Smith in 2013
called I want it all. It was published by Double Day in Berlin.
Select one:
a. (Smith, 2013)
b. (Smith, 2013, p. 4).
c. Smith, K. (2013). I want it all
d. Smith, K. (2013). I want it all. Berlin: Double Day.
Clear my choice
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Marked out of 1.00
True or False: If you change all of the words in a text, you do not have to give an InText Citation and Reference at the end.
Select one:
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00
The purpose of putting non-fiction into a narrative structure is to:
Select one:
a. make things up about people that you can't say in the news.
b. reach a greater number of people by allowing a story to build around true events.
c. there isn't a purpose. Nobody ever uses narrative other than to tell fictions.
d. none of the above.
Clear my choice
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00
The keyword of the former Los Angeles Lakers star, 'Magic Johnson', would most likely
be in an abstract about:
Select one:
a. the Chicago Blackhawks
b. Mr. T: The ATEAM Years
c. the Cold War
d. a computer revolution
e. The Los Angeles Lakers
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Marked out of 1.00
Which of the following is a thesis statement?
Select one:
a. Birds
b. I like cake
c. Windows 7 can become more secure.
d. It is 7 pm.
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Marked out of 1.00
Qualitative research is:
Select one:
a. Used only with larger surveys.
b. a method that includes observation and other reviews where the data is not easily set
into statistical information that can apply a large pool of people.
c. the number one choice for scientists testing drugs against disease.
d. none of the above.
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Marked out of 1.00
Which of the following is a proper APA style reference for a book written by Cadwell
Jimson, published in 1933 by Penguin Publishers of Chicago. The book is titled Jenjon
and the Elder Son.
Select one:
a. Jimson, Cadwell, 1933, Jenjon and the Elder Son.
b. Cadwell, J. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Penguin Publishers: Chicago.
c. Jimson, C. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Penguin Publishers: Chicago.
d. Jimson, C. (1933). Jenjon and the Elder Son. Chicago: Penguin Publishers.
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Marked out of 1.00
True or False: Not giving proper APA Citations and Reference is plagiarism and will
result in a zero for the assignment and maybe further action.
Select one:
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00
What can be said of the following statement: According to the studies done by the
cigarette company, there is little or no proof linking smoking to health hazards;
therefore, it is safe to smoke.
Select one:
a. This statement is an unbiased fact about smoking.
b. Cigarette Companies are the best place for research on their own product.
c. This study may be false, but it is, at the very least, biased towards selling cigarettes and
should not be taken as valid.
d. A and C
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◄ Review Quiz
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Question 11
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True or False: APA is the only acceptable style UoPeople requires for in-text citations
and references.
Select one:
Question 12
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Marked out of 1.00
Does the year of your sources matter?
Select one:
a. Yes, it only matters because you have to put the year in the citation.
b. No, the APA does not require years for citations.
c. Yes, because information can become outdated quickly.
d. No, because only the non-sourced material matters.
Clear my choice
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Marked out of 1.00
True or False: The APA requests you use Keywords at the end of your Abstract in
order to help people research on their own subject easier.
Select one:
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00
True or False: A conclusion can introduce the concept for future studies.
Select one:
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00
True or False: An Abstract contains only the thesis of a paper.
Select one:
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00
Which of the following should you ask yourself when reviewing a piece of literature?
Select one:
a. Who is the author and when did the author write it?
b. What is the author's point of view?
c. Does the author support the point of view?
d. Have you seen anything like this or something that goes against the point of view?
e. All of the above.
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Marked out of 1.00
If the text you want to use doesn't have a date or author listed, then you should:
Select one:
a. Just claim it as your own work.
b. Don't use it because it probably isn't a strong resource.
c. Use it, but only put the URL at the end of the page so your teacher knows you used
something of a source.
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Marked out of 1.00
What was the fundamental flaw in the Stanford Prison Study?
Select one:
a. It did not go the full proposed length.
b. The subjects should not have been paid.
c. There weren't any flaws in the study.
d. The lead researcher did not cancel the experiment when the first subject had a physical
or psychological trauma.
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True or False: Peer Reviewed sources are weaker sources and should not be used in
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True or False: A conclusion should only restate the thesis.
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Question 21
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What percent of the text do you need to change in order not to use quote marks?
Select one:
a. 10%
b. 50%
c. 0%
d. 100%
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Question 22
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True or False: It is okay to just put references at the end of the paper and not include
any in-text citations.
Select one:
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Which of the following is a correct reference for a book written by Kevin Smith in 2013
called I want it all:
Select one:
a. (Smith, 2013)
b. (Smith, 2013, p. 4).
c. Smith, K. (2013). I want it all
d. There is not enough information provided in the question.
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True or False: Only people with degrees can perform synthesis, so students should
never use it in a literature review.
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What is true about the following text: The vile Duke of Sala gave little thought to the
people starving in his city. Each night he would take great joy from the cries of the
hungry children.
Select one:
a. This is an accurate and unbiased account of the Duke of Sala.
b. The author has a bias against the Duke.
c. The author is calling for the people to overtake the Duke and feed themselves.
d. The author thinks all royalty is bad.
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True or False: You need both the reference and the in-text citation to avoid plagiarism.
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True or False: According to the APA, an abstract should be longer than 3 pages.
Select one:
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Which of the following is NOT a proper keyword for research on the Ebola Virus?
Select one:
a. Bacterial Infection
b. Ebola
c. Ebola Virus
d. Ebola vaccine
e. Ebola death count
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True or False: You should use the UoPeople Library whenever possible for research
instead of Google.
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What can be said of the following statement: According to Smith (1956), the
unemployment rate is going down. This means that our present economy will flourish
under President Obama.
Select one:
a. There is a direct relation between Obama's presidency and the unemployment rate in
the U.S.
b. This study shows a causal link between unemployment rates and the economy.
c. Smith is biased towards Obama.
d. The statement itself is biased and not valid as it is using a study from 1956 to show a
link between jobs of today and President Obama's tenure as president.
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Question 31
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Which of the following is a correct APA in-text citation for a quote of a book by Bill
Hadings from page 4. The book was published in 1997 by Penguin in Boston:
Select one:
a. (Bill Hadings, p. 4)
b. (Hadings, Boston, 1997, page 4)
c. (Bill, 1997, p. 4)
d. (Hadings, 1997, p. 4)
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Which is a correct paraphrase from the following text by Duncan Smithers in his 2010
book called Man Made Moon: The moon is no longer in orbit of the planet Earth,
rather the two celestial bodies share a gravitational orbit with each other.
Select one:
a. The Earth shares a gravitational pull with the moon.
b. The Earth shares a gravitational pull with the moon (Smithers, 2010).
c. The moon is no longer in orbit of the planet Earth, rather the two celestial bodies share
a gravitational orbit with each other.
d. "The moon is no longer in orbit of the planet Earth, rather the two celestial bodies
share a gravitational orbit with each other" (Smithers, 2010).
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Which of the following is the correct In-Text Citation for a quote from the 2nd page of
David Jones's 1985 book, Stardust.
Select one:
a. There is no dust in space (Jones, 1985).
b. "There is no dust in space" (Jones, 1985, p. 2).
c. According to Jones (1985), "There is no dust in space" (p. 2).
d. B and C are correct.
e. You do not need an In-Text Citation.
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The main purpose of a conclusion is to:
Select one:
a. introduce new concepts.
b. give closure to a paper.
c. thank your readers.
d. none of the above.
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What does '56' mean in this Reference: Hardings, K. (2012). What Makes People
Sneeze. Science Today, 56, 812-815.
Select one:
a. The page number the article is on.
b. How many times the reference is cited in your paper.
c. The volume number of the magazine the article is in.
d. There is not enough information provided in the question.
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True or False: When writing a literature review you never include your own thoughts.
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True or False: Analysis of the material is not needed for a proper book review.
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What is the purpose of quantitative research?
Select one:
a. To be able to study an exact question with either survey or other recording tools. The
data gained has a narrow focus but can be generalized via statistics.
b. To be able to study a broad topic with little ability to transfer to generalized statistics.
c. There isn't a purpose to quantitative research since statics are always faulty.
d. To gather data without surveys or other recording tools.
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True or False: A good abstract is an abstract that is easy to understand.
Select one:
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True or False: An Abstract is a concise, often no longer than 250 words, retelling of an
entire research paper.
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