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Vocabulary List with Definitions and Examples

1. Opium
Noun: a reddish-brown heavy scented addictive drug prepared from the juice of the
opium poppy, used illicitly as a narcotic.
Example: He was addicted to opium.
2. Feverish
Adjective: having or showing the symptoms of a fever.
Example: She felt sick and feverish.
Derivatives: feverishly.
3. Auctioneer /ɔ:kʃə’niə/
Noun: a person who conducts auctions by accepting bids and declaring goods sold.
Derivatives: auctioneering.
4. Vagrancy
Noun: The state of living as a vagrant: homelessness.
Example: A descent into vagrancy and drug abuse.
5. Furtive
Adjective: attempting to avoid notice or attention, typically because of guilt or a belief
that discovery would lead to trouble.
Example: They spent a furtive day together.
6. Convulsed /kən’v˄isd/
Verb: suffer violent involuntary contraction of the muscles producing contortion of the
body or the limbs.
Example: She convulsed collapsing to the floor with the pain.
7. Lacerating /lӕsəreitiη/
Verb: tear or deeply cut(something, especially flesh or skin).
Example: The point has lacerated his neck.
8. Ghastly
Adjective: causing great horror or fear.
Example: One of the most ghastly crimes ever committed.
9. Stretcher
Noun: A framework of two poles with long piece of canvas slung between them used for
carrying sick, injured, or dead people.
10. Haggard
Adjective: looking exhausted and unwell especially from fatigue, worry or suffering.
Example: She was pale and haggard.
Derivatives: haggardly.
11. Clientele
Noun: clients collectively.
Example: The solicitor’s clientele.
12. sundry /s˄ndri/
Adjective: of various kinds, several.
Example: Prawn and garlic rolaurents and sundry other delicacies.
13. Nigh /n˄i/
Adverb: near
Example: The end is nigh.
They drew nigh unto the city.
14. Cockerel
Noun: a young domestic cock.
15. Conjecture /kən’dʒɛktʃə/
Noun: an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information.
Example: Conjectures about the newcomer were many and varied.
16. Curtailed
Verb: reduce in extend or quantity. Impose a restriction on.
Example: Civil liberties were further curtailed.
17. Hazy /heiz/
Adjective: covered by a haze.
Example: It was a beautiful day but quite hazy.
Derivatives: hazily.
18. Chancellery /tʃa:nsələri/
Noun: 1. The position, office, or department of a chancellor.
2. The official residence of a chancellor.
19. Oscillates
Verb: move or swing back and forth in a regular rhythm.
Example: The grain pan near the front of the combine oscillates back and forth.
20. Appall /əpↄ:l/
Verb: dismay or horrify.
Example: bankers are appalled at the economic incompetence of some minister.
21. Quieten /kw˄iətən/
Verb: make or become quiet and calm.
Example: Her mother was trying to quieten her.
22. Coursing
Noun: The sport of hunting game animals such as hares with greyhounds using sight
rather than scent.
Example: Hare coursing.
23. Frenzied
Adjective: Wildly excited or uncontrolled.
Example: A frenzied attack.
Derivatives: Frenziedly.
24. Suburb
Noun: an outlying districts of a city especially a residential one.
Example: Life is much better in the suburbs.
25. Hopscotch
Noun: a children’s game in which each child by turn hops into and over squares marked
on the ground to retrieve a marker thrown into one of these squares.
26. Tedious
Adjective: too long, slow, or dull: tiresome or monotonous.
Example: A tedious journey.
Derivatives: tediously.
27. Forfeiture
Noun: the loss or giving up of something as a penalty of wrongdoing.
Example: Magistrates ordered the forfeiture of his computer.
28. Blintze
Noun: a thin rolled pancake filled with cheese or fruit and then fried or baked.
29. Presenteeism /prɛzn’tin:izəm/
Noun: the practice of being present at one’s place of work for more hours than is
required, especially as a manifestation of insecurity about one’s job.
Example: One of the general symptoms of employee insecurity is presenteeism.
30. Inquisitorial /in,kwizi’tↄ:riəl/
Adjective: of or like an inquisitor, especially in questioning someone in a harsh or
insensitive manner.
Example: He was questioning someone in a cold, inquisitorial voice.
31. Picturesque /piktʃə’rɛsk/
Adjective: (of a place or building) visually attractive, especially in a quaint or charming
Example: Required abbeys and picturesque villages.
32. Scissile
Adjective: (of a chemical bond) readily undergoing scission.
33. Proscenium /prəʊsi:niəm/
Noun: The part of a theatre stage in front of the curtain.
a. The stage of an ancient theatre.
b. Short of proscenium arch.
34. Marchers
Noun: a person taking part in a protest march.
Example: Police set up barricades to halt the marchers.
35. Soliloquy
Noun: an act of speaking one’s thoughts aloud when by oneself or regardless of any
Example: Edmund ends the scene the scene as he had begun it with a soliloquy.
36. Decipher
Verb; convert (a text written in code, or a coded signal) into normal language.
37. Fervour /fə:və/
Noun: intense and passionate feeling.
Example: He talked with the fervor of a new convert.
38. Vagabonds /vagəbɒnds/
Noun: a person who wonders from place to place without a home or job.
Example: He went vagabonding about the world.
39. Harpoon
Noun: a barbed spear-like missile attached to a long rope and thrown by hand or fired
from a gun, used for catching whales and other large creatures.
40. Ounce /ӕuns/
Noun: a unit weight of one sixteenth of a pound avoirdupois.
Example: Melt three ounces of butter in a large frying pan.
41. Fickleness
Noun: changeability especially as regards one’s royalties or affection.
Example: the fickleness of youth
42. Loath /ləʊθ/
Adjective: reluctant: unwilling.
Example: I was loath to leave.
Derivative: loathness.
43. License
Verb: 1. Grant a license to;
2. Authorize the use, performance, or release of (something)
Example: A pub has to be licensed by the local justices.
44. Proficient
Adjectives: Competent or skilled in doing or using something.
Example: She left reasonably proficient in Italian.
45. Guaranteeing
Verb: provide a formal assurance especially that certain conductions will be fulfilled
relating to a product, service or transaction.
Example: The Company guarantees to refund your money.
46. Concoction /kən’kɒkʃn/
Noun: a mixture of various ingredients or elements.
Example: The façade is a strange concoction of northern mannerism and Italian barbeque.
47. Fluoride
Noun: a compound of fluorine with another element or group, especially salt or the anion.
48. Encroached /in’krəutʃed/
Verb: Intrude on (a person’s territory, rights, personal life etc.)
Example: Rather than encroach on his privacy she might have kept to her room.
49. Anchored
Noun: a heavy object attached to a cable or chain and used to moor a ship to the sea
bottom, typically having a metal shank with a pair of curved barbed fluked.
Example: She anchored a television documentary.
50. Budge /b˄dʒ/
Verb: make or cause to make the slightest movement.
Example: The queue in the bank hasn’t budged.
51. Discourse
Noun: written or spoken communication or debate.
Example: The language of political discourse.
52. Commerce /kɒmə:s/
Noun: The activity of buying and selling especially on a large scale.
Example: The changes in taxation are of benefit to commerce.
53. Emergence /limədʒəns/
Noun: the process of becoming visible after being concealed.
Example: I misjudged the timing of my emergence.
54. Anthem
Noun: a rousing or uplifting song identified with a particular group, body or cause.
Example: The song became the anthem for hippy activists.
55. Representative
Adjective: a typical of a class, group, or body of opinion.
Example: A representative sample of young people in Kenya.
56. Fascinating /fasineitiη/
Adjective: extremely interesting.
Example: a fascinating box.
Derivatives: fascinatingly.
57. Missionaries /miʃənəris/
Noun: a person sent on a religious mission, especially one sent to promote Christianity in
a foreign country.
58. Potential
Adjective: having or showing the capacity to develop into something in the future.
Example: A campaign to woo potential customers.
Derivatives: Potentiality, potentialize
59. Partake
Verb: eat or drink (something)
Example: He partook of a well-earned drink.
60. Excerpts
Noun: a short extract from a film, broadcast, or a piece of music or writing.
Example: She read out excerpts from an article in The Times.
61. Syllabus
Noun: The subjects in a course of study or teaching.
Example: There isn’t time to cover the syllabus.
62. Picnic /piknik/
Noun: an occasion when a packed meal is eaten outdoors, especially during an outing to
the countryside.
Example: We swam and went on picnics.
63. Bernadette /bə:nə’dɛt/
Proper noun: French peasant girl: born Marie Bernard subirous.
(Should be spelt with capital letter “B”)
64. Construction /kən’str˄kʃən/
Noun: the action of building something typically a large structure.
Example: There was a skyscraper under construction.
65. Detention
Noun: the action of detaining someone or the state of being detained in official custody.
Example: The fifteen people arrested were still in police detention.
66. Encountered /in’kaʊntəd/
Verb: unexpectedly be faced with or experience (something hostile or difficult)
Example: We have encountered one small problem.
67. Renowned /ri’naʊnd/
Adjective: known or talked about by many people: famous.
Example: Britain is renowned for its love of animals.
68. Mattresses /matrises/
Noun: a fabric case filled with soft, firm or springy material, used for sleeping on.
69. Rumoured /ru:məd/
Noun: a currently circulating story or report of uncertain or doubtful truth.
Example: they were investigating rumours of a massacre.
70. Programme /prəʊgram/
Noun: a planned series of future events or performances.
Example: a weekly programme of films.
71. Rebellious
Adjective: showing a desire to result authority, control, or convention.
Example: I became very rebellious and opted out.
72. Deworm
Verb: treat (an animal) to free it of worms
Example: you must be prepared to deworm your dog regularly.
Derivatives: Deworm.
73. Dealign /di:ə’lʌin/
(of a voter) withdraw allegiance to a political party.
Example: when voters dealign, they become vessels of Zeitgeist.
74. Administrative
Adjective: relating to the running of business, organization etc.
Example: administrative problems
75. Paternal
Adjective: of or appropriate to a father
Example: he reasserted his paternal authority
76. Commute
Verb: some distance between one’s home and place of work on a regular basis.
Example: he commuted from Corby to Kentish Town.
77. Signaled
Noun: a gesture, action, or sound that is used to convey information or instructions,
typically by prearrangement between the parties concerned.
Example: The firing of the gun was signal for a chain of beacons to be lit.
78. Luncheon
Noun: a formal lunch, or a formal word for lunch.
Example: A ladies’ luncheon was taking place.
79. Enjoyable
Adjective: (of an activity or occasion) giving delight or pleasure.
Example: they had an enjoyable afternoon.
Derivatives: enjoyability
80. Garrison
Noun: a group of troops stationed in a fortunes or town to defend it.
Example: the entire garrison was mustered on the parade ground.
81. Preferred
Verb: like (one thing or person) better than another or others tend to choose.
Example: I would prefer to discuss the matter in private.
82. Self-contained
Adjective: complete, or having all that is needed, in itself.
Example: every section of the painting is a self- contained unit.
83. Adequate
Adjective: satisfying or acceptable in quality or quantity.
Example: this office is perfectly adequate for my needs.
84. Expensive
Adjective: covering a wide area in terms of space or scope; extensive.
Example: expensive beaches
85. Lieu
Noun: instead
Example: the company issued additional shares to shareholders in lieu of a cash dividend.
86. Yorkshire
Proper noun: a county of Northern England, traditionally divided into, East, West and
North ridings.
87. Puddings
Noun: a cooked sweet dish served after the main course of a meal.
Example: a rice pudding.
88. Marmalade
Noun: a preserve made from citrus fruit, especially bitter oranges.
89. Co-ordinate
Verb: Bring the different elements of (a complex activity or organization) into a
harmonious or efficient relationship.
90. Emperor
Noun: a sovereign ruler of an empire
91. Successor
Noun: a person or thing that succeeds another.
Example: Schoenberg saw himself as a natural successor to the German romantic school.
92. Diverted
Verb: cause: (someone or something) to change course or turn from one direction to
Example: a scheme to divert water from the river to irrigate agricultural land.
93. Alternatively
Adverb: as another option or possibility.
Example: alternatively, you may telephone us direct if you wish.
94. Coptic
Noun: the language of the Copts, which represents the final stage of ancient Egyptian.
95. Grievances
Noun: a real or imagined cause for complaints, especially unfair treatment.
Example: a website which enabled staff to air their grievances.
96. Honorary
Adjective: countered as an honour, withoutthe usual requirement or functions.
Example: an honorary doctorate
97. Chatting
Verb: talk in a friendly way and informal way.
Example: she chatted to her mother on the phone every day.
98. Matching
Adjective: corresponding in pattern, color or design; complementary.
Example: a blue jacket and matching skirt
99. Rear
Noun: the back part of something, especially a building or vehicle
Example: the kitchen door at the rear of the house.
100. Peculiar
Adjective: different to what is normal or expected; strange.
Example: he gave her some very peculiar lock.
101. Mischievous /mistʃivәs/
Adjective: enjoying playing tricks and annoying people.
Derivatives: mischievously
Synonym: naughty
Example: The mischievous boy came to school late .
102. Turquoise /tә:kwͻiz/
Noun: (a) A blue or greenish blue semi precious stone.
(b) A greenish blue colour
Example: the model wore a turquoise dress.
103. Audacious /ͻ:deiʃәs/
Adjective: willing to take risks or to do something shocking.
audaciously (adverb)
Audaciousness (noun)
Synonym: daring
Enigmatic /ɛnig’matic/
Adjective: difficult to interpret or understand
enigmatical (adjective)
Enigmatically (adverb)
Example: he took the money with an enigmatic mile.
105. Masseuse /mæ’sɛ:z/
Noun: a woman whose job is giving people message
106. Colleague /kɒli:g/
Noun: a person that you work with, especially in a profession or a business.
Example: We were friends and colleagues for more than 20 years.
107. Champagne /ʃæm’pein/
Noun: sparkling white wine
Example: The couple celebrated with a glass of champagne
108. Manoeuvre /mә’nu:vә(r )/
Noun: a movement performed with care and skills
Verb: a clever plan, action or movement that is used to give somebody an advantage.
109. Etiquette /etiket/
Noun: the formal rules of correct or polite behavior in society or among members of a
particular profession.
Example: Court etiquette was now familiar to Joan.
110. Bougainvillea /bu:gәn’viliә/
Noun: a tropical climbing plant with red, purple, white or pink flowers.
111.Chrysanthemum /kri’sænϴәmәm/
Noun: a large brightly coloured garden flower that is shaped like a ball and is made up of
many long narrow petals.
112.Arbitrary /a:bitrәri/
Adjective: (i) of an action, a decision, a rule etc. not seeming to be based on a reason,
system on plan and sometimes seeming unfair.
ii) Using power without restriction and without considering other people.
Derivatives: arbitrariness
Example: The choice of players for the team seemed completely arbitrary.
113. Obscurity /әb’skjʊәrәti/
Noun: (a) The state in which something known or has been forgotten.
(b) The quality of being difficult to understand
Synonym: darkness
Example: The course teaches students to avoid ambiguity and obscurity of expression
114. Mediterranean /meditә’reiniәn/
Adjective: connected with Mediterranean Sea or the countries and regions that surrounds
Example: An admiring audience of the Mediterranean
115. Psychiatry /sɅi’kɅiәtri/
Noun: the study and treatment of mental illness, emotional disturbance and abnormal
116. Insinuate /in’sinjueit/
Verb: suggest or hint (something bad) in an indirect and unpleasant way.
Derivatives: insinuatingly (adverb)
Insinuator (noun)
Example: he insinuated himself into the King’s confidence.
117. Charisma /kәrizmә/
Noun: the powerful personal quality that some people have to attract and impress other
Example: The president has great personal charisma.
118. Controversial /kɒntrә’vͻ:ʃl/
Adjective: causing a lot of angry public discussion and disagreement
controversialist (Noun)
Controversially (adverb)
Example: Winston Churchill and Richard Nixon were both controversial figures.
119. Equilibrium /i:kwi’libriәm/
Noun: a state of balance especially between opposing forces of influence.
Derivatives: equilibrial (adjective)
Example: Any disturbance to the body’s state of equilibrium can produce stress.
120. Eczema /eksimә/
Noun: skin condition in which areas of skin become red, rough and itchy.
Derivatives: eczematous (adjective)
121. Inquisitive /inkwizәtiv/
Adjective: asking too many questions and trying to find out about what other people are
inquisitively (adverb)
Inquisitiveness (Noun)
Synonym: curious, enquiring
Example: Don’t be too inquisitive.
121. Campaign /kæm’pein/
Noun: a series of planned activities that are intended to achieve a particular social,
commercial or political aim.
Example: A campaign for parliamentary reform.
122. Ethnicity /eƟnisәti/
Noun: The fact of belonging to a particular race.
123. Splendour /splendә(r )/
Noun: grand and impressive beauty
Example: The palace has been restored to its forms splendour.
124.Vermicular /vәmicular/
Adjective: like a worm in form of movement
125. Stricture /striktʃә/
Noun: a restriction on a person or activity.
Example: the strictures imposed by the British Board of Film Censors.
126. Phalanx /fәlaηks/
Noun: a body of troops of police officers standing or moving in close formation.
Example: Six hundred marchers set off, led by phalanx of police.
127.Obloquy /ɒblәkwi/
Noun: strong public condemnation
Example: He endured years of contempt and obloquy.
128. Viscous /viskәs/
Adjective: having a thick, sticky consistency between solid and liquid, having a high
viscously (adverb)
Viscousness (noun)
129. Polysyllabic /pɒlisi’labik/
Adjective: having more than one syllable.
130. Roulette /ru’lɛt/
polysyllabically (adverb)
Noun: a gambling game in which a ball is dropped on to a revolving wheel with numbered
compartments, the players betting on the number at which the ball comes to rest.
131. Diacritic /dɅiә’kritik/
Noun: a sign, such an accent or cedilla, which when written above or below the letter
indicates a difference in pronunciation from the same letter when unmarked or differently
132. Protocol /prәutәkɒl/
Noun: the official procedure or system of rules governing affairs of state or diplomatic
Example: Protocol forbids the prince from making any public statement in his defence.
133. Delouse /di:læus/
Verb: treat (a person or animal) to rid them of like and other parasitic insects.
Example: They were given showers and delouse
134. Rouge /ru:ʒ/
Noun: a red powder or cream used as a cosmetic for colouring the cheeks or lips.
Example: She wore patches of rouge on her cheeks.
135. Exuberant /ig’zju:b(ә )rәnt/
Adjective: full of energy, excitement and cheerfulness.
Derivatives: exuberantly (adverb)
Example: a noisy bunch of exuberant youngsters.
136. Synthetic /sinƟɛtik/
Adjective: (of a substance) made by chemicals synthesis, especially to imitate natural
synthetical (adjective)
Synthetically (adverb)
Example: synthetic rubber
137. Eccentric /ik’sɛntrik/
(of a person or their behavior)
Unconventional and slightly strange
eccentrically (adverb)
Example: He noticed her eccentric appearance.
138. Physique /fi’zik/
Noun: the form, size and development of a person’s body
Example: They were much alike in physique.
139. Malicious /mә’liʃәs/
intended to do harm
maliciously (adverb)
Maliciousness (noun)
Example: He was found guilty of malicious damage.
140. Obstinacy /ɒbstinәsi/
Noun: the quality of condition of being obstinate
Example: His reputation for obstinacy
141. Ridiculous /ri’dikjulәs/
Adjective: deserving or inviting derision or mockery
Derivative: ridiculousness (noun)
Example: It seems ridiculous that anyone would try to pull a stunt like this.
142. Diversionary
Adjective: the action of turning something aside from its course.
Example: The road was closed and diversion put into operation.
143. Apprehensive /apri’hɛnsiv/
(1) anxious or forceful that something bad or unpleasant will happen.
(2) Relating to perception or understanding
Derivatives: apprehensively (adverb)
Apprehensiveness (noun)
Example: He felt apprehensive about going home.
144. Constituent /kәn’stitjuәnt/
Adjective (i) being a part of a whole
(ii) Being a voting member of an organization
Example: The constituent minerals of the rock.
145. Assassination /әsæsi’neiʃn/
Noun: The action of assassinating someone
Example: The assassination of President Kennedy.
146 Neophyte /ni:әfait/
Noun: (i) A person who has recently started an activity.
(ii) A person who has recently changed into a new religion
(iii) A person who has recently become a priest or recently entered a
religious order.
Example: The site gives neophytes the chance to learn from experts.
147. Obstinacy /ɒbstinәsi/
Noun: the quality or condition of being obstinate, stubbornness.
Example: He obstinately refused to consider the future.
148. Byre /baiә/
Noun: a farm building in which cows are kept
Synonym: cow shed
149. Precipitate /prisipiteit/
Verb: to make something, especially something bad happens suddenly or sooner than it
precipitable (adjective)
Precipitately (adverb)
Precipitateness (noun)
Example: Suddenly the ladder broke, precipitating them down into a heap.
150. Haughty /hͻ:ti/
Adjective: behaving in an unfriendly way towards other people because you think you are
better than them.
Derivatives: naughtily (adverb)
Synonym: arrogant
Example: He replied with naughty disdain.
151. Unpretentious /Ʌnpri’tɛnʃәs/
Adjective: not attempting to impress others with an appearance of greater importance, talent
or culture that is actually possessed.
Example: In spite of his fame he was thoroughly unpretentious.
152, Incongruous /inkɒηgruәs/
Adjective: strange and not suitable in a particular situation.
incongruously (adverb)
Synonym: inappropriate
Example: She was struck by the incongruity of the situation.
153. Unanimous /ju’nænimәs/
Adjective: it is a decision or an opinion is unanimous, it is agreed or shared by everyone in
a group.
Derivatives: unanimously (adverb)
Example: The decision was not unanimous.
154.Sombre /sɒmbә(r )/
(i) dark in colour (synonym drab)
(ii) Sad and serious
Synonym: melancholy
sombrely (adverb)
Sombreness (noun)
Example: He looked at her with a sombre expression.
155. Oblivion /әbliviәn/
Noun: the state of being unaware or unconscious of what is happening around one.
Synonym: obscurity
Example: They drank themselves into oblivion.
156. Massacre /mæsәkә(r)/
Noun: the killing of large number of people especially in a cruel way.
Example: Thousands were brutally massacred by soldiers.
157. Dais /deiis/
Noun: a low platform for a lectern or throne.
158. Hepatitis /hɛpә’tɅitis/
Noun: characterized by inflammation of the liver.
159. Dermatology /dә:mә’tɒlәdʒi/
Noun: the branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of skin disorders.
160. Settee /sɛ’ti/
dermatologic, dermatological, dermatologically, dermatologist.
Noun: a long upholstered seat for more than one person, typically with a back and arm
161. Percipient /pәsipiәnt/
Adjective: having good insight or understanding
Example: He is percipient interpreter of the public mood.
162. Scavenge /skævindʒ/
Verb: search for and collect (anything usable) from discarded waste.
Example: People sell junk scavenged from the garbage
163. Repertoire /rɛpәtwa/
Noun: a stock of plays, dances or items that a company or a performer knows or is prepared
to perform.
Example: The mainstream concert repertoire.
164. Photosynthesis /feutәʊ’sinƟisis/
Noun: process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize
nutrients from carbon dioxide and water.
photosynthetic (adjective)
Photosynthetically (adverb)
165. Phraseology /freizi’ɒlәdʒi/
Noun: A particular mode of expression especially one characteristic of a particular speaker
or subject area.
166. Salivary
Adjective: watery liquid secreted into the mouth by glands, providing lubrication for
chewing and swallowing and aiding digestion.
167. Falsification /fͻ:lsifi’keiʃәn/
Noun: the action of falsifying information or a theory.
Example: An investigation into fraud and the falsification of records.
168. Souvenir /su:vә’niә(r )/
Noun: a thing that you buy and /or keen to remind yourself of a place, an occasion or a
holiday vacation.
Synonym: memento
Example: I bought the ring as a souvenir of Greece.
169.Moratorium /mɒrә’tͻ:riәm/
Noun: a temporary stopping of an activity especially by official agreement.
Example: The debt was to be subject to a five year moratorium.
170. Preliminary /pri’limin(ә )ri/
Adjective: preceding or done in preparation for something fuller or more important.
Derivatives: preliminary (adverb)
Example: She began speaking without preliminaries.
171. Sovereignty /sɒvrәnti/
Noun: Complete power to govern a country
The state of being a country with freedom to govern itself
Example: The declaration proclaimed the full sovereignty to the Republic.
172. Quagmire /kwagmɅiә/
Noun: an area of soft wet ground
Difficult or dangerous situation
Awkward, complex or hazard situation
Example: The torrential rain turned the building site into a quagmire
173. Tumultuous /tjʊmɅltjʊәs/
Adjective: very loud, involving strong feelings especially feelings of approval.
tumultuously (adverb)
Tumultuousness (noun)
Synonym: tempestuous
Example: The tumultuous years of his administration.
174. Tranquil /traηkwil/
Adjective: quiet and peaceful
Derivatives: tranquilly (adverb)
Synonym: serene
Example: The sea was tranquil
175. Catastrophe /kә’tæstrәfi/
Noun: sudden event that causes many people to suffer.
Synonym: disaster
Example: The tax would be a catastrophe for the industry.
176. Vehemence /vi:im(ә )ns/
Noun: great forcefulness or intensity of feeling or expression
Example: He had been vehement in his opposition to the idea.
177. Emaciated /I’meiʃieitid/
Adjective: thin and weak, usually because of illness or lack of food.
Example: She was so emaciated she could hardly stand.
178. Incredulous /in’kredjәlәs/
Adjective: not willing or not able to believe something
incredulously (adverb)
Incredulousness (noun)
Synonym: disbelief
Example: He laughed incredulously
179. Nostalgia /no’stældʒә/
Noun: a feeling of sadness mixed with pleasure and affection when you think of happy in
the past.
Derivatives: nostalgist
Example: I was overcome with acute nostalgia for my days at University.
180. Boutonniere /bu:tɒn’jeә( r)/
Noun: a flower that is worn in button hole of a coat or a jacket.
181. Banquet /bæηkwit/
Noun: a formal meal for a large number of people usually for a special occasion at which
speeches are often made
182. Bouquet /bukei/
Noun: a bunch of flowers arranged in an attractive way so that it can be carried in a
ceremony or presented as a gift.
Example: The little girl presented the princess with a large bouquet of flowers.
183. Eucharist /ju:kәrist/
Noun: a ceremony in the Christian church during which people eat bread and drink wine in
the memory of the last meal that Christ had with his disciples
Derivatives: Eucharistic (adjective)
Example: We went to an early morning Eucharist.
184. Distraught /di’strͻ:t/
Adjective: extremely upset and anxious so that you cannot think clearly.
Example: He is terribly distraught.
185.Philosophize /fә’lɒsәfaiz/
Verb: to talk about something in a serious way, especially when other people think this is
Example: He spent the evening philosophizing on the meaning of life.
186. Incorrigible /in’kɒridʒib(ә)l/
Adjective: having bad habits which cannot be changed or improved.
incorrigibility (noun)
Incorrigibly (adverb)
Synonym: incurable
Example: Her husband is an incorrigible flirt
187. Conveyance /kәn’veiәns/
Noun: (a) the action or process of transporting or carrying someone or something from one
place to another.
(b) The legal process of transferring property from one owner to another.
188. Exaggeration /igzadʒә’reiʃ(ә)n/
Noun: a statement that represents something as better or worse that it really is.
Example: He was prone to exaggeration.
189. Recognizance /ri’kɒgnizәns/
Noun: a bond by which a person undertakes before a Court or magistrate to observe some
conditions, especially to appear when summoned.
Example: He was released on his own recognizance of Kshs. 100,000/=
190. Plagiarism /pleidʒәrizәm/
Noun: practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own.
Example: Those were accusations of plagiarism.
191. Rhetoric /rɛtәrik/
Noun: the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing.
Example: He is using a common figure of rhetoric hyperbole.
192. Surname /sә:neim/
Noun: a hereditary name common to all members of the family, as distinct from a forename
or given name.
Example: He changed his surname from Kaye to Kassim.
193. Seditious /si’diʃәs/
Adjective: inciting or causing people to rebel against the authority of a state of monarch.
seditiously (adverb)
Example: The letter was declared seditiously.
194. Splenetic /spli’nɛtik/
Adjective: bad tempered spiteful
195. Dilatory /dilәtәri/
(a) Slow to act
(b) Intended to cause delay
Example: He had been dilatory in appointing a solicitor.
196. Renaissance /ri’neisәns/
Noun: the revival of the European art and literature under the influence of classical model
in the 14th and 16th century.
197. Phlegmatic /flɛg’matic/
Adjective: having an emotional and stolidly calm disposition.
198. Kitchenette /kitʃi’nɛt/
Noun: A small kitchen or part of a room equipped as a kitchen.
199. Constitutional /kɒnsti’tju:jәnәl/
Adjective: relating to an established set of principles governing a state.
constitutionality (noun)
Constitutionally (adverb)
Example: constitutional amendment
200. Cuisine /kwi’zi:n/
(i) A style of cooking
(ii) The food served in a restaurant
Example: The hotel restaurant is noted for its excellence cuisine.
201. Whimper /wimpә/
Verb: make a serious of low, feeble sounds expressive of fear, pain or discontent.
Derivatives: whimperer (noun)
Example: A child in a bed nearly began to whimper.
202. Enterprise /ɛntәprɅiz/
Noun: a project or undertaking, especially a bold or complex one.
Derivatives: enterpriser (noun)
Example: A joint enterprise between French and Japanese companies
203. Ecstasy /ɛkstәsi/
Noun: an overwhelming feeling of great happiness or joyful excitement.
Example: There was a lot of ecstasy on his face.
204. Instinctively /in’stiηktivli/
Adjective: relating to or prompted by instinct done without conscious thought.
Example: an instinctive distate for conflict.
205. Industrious /in’dɅstriәs/
Adjective: diligent and hard working
industriously (adverb)
Industriousness (noun)
Example: An industrious people striving to make their country prosperous.
206. Philanthropic /filәn’Ɵrɒpik/
Adjective: (of a person or organization) seeking to promote to promote the welfare of others.
philanthropically (adverb)
Example: They receive financial support from philanthropic bodies.
207. Infrastructure /infrәstrɅktʃә/
Noun: the basic physical and organizational structure and facilities.
Derivatives: infrastructural (adjective)
Example: The social and economic infrastructure of a country.
208. Colloquialism /kә’lәukwiәlizәm/
Noun: a word or phrase that is not formal or literary and is used in ordinary or familiar
Example: The colloquialism of the streets.
209. Dossier /dɒsiә/
Noun: a collection of documents about a particular person, event or subject.
Example: We have a dossier on him.
210. Epitome /I’pitәmi/
Noun: a person or a thing that is a perfect example of a particular quality or type.
epitomic (adjective)
Epitomist (noun)
Example: She looked epitome of elegance and good taste.
211. Ceremonious /sɛri’mәʊniәs/
Adjective: relating or appropriate to grand and formal occasions.
ceremoniously (adverb)
Ceremoniousness (noun)
212. Fascism /fæʃizәm/
Noun: an authoritarian and nationalistic right wing system of government and social
Example: This is yet another example of health fascism in action.
213. Equatorial /ɛkwә’tͻ:riәl/
Adjective: of, at or near the equator.
equatorially (adverb)
214. Dysentery /disәntiәri/
Noun: infection of the intestines resulting in severe diarrhea with the presence of blood and
mucus in the feces.
Example: A sudden attack of dysentery
215. Ineligibility //in,elidʒә’bilәti/
Noun: not having the necessary qualifications to have or to do something.
Example: ineligible to vote.
216.Concentric /kәn’sɛntrik/
Adjective: of or denoting circles, areas or other shapes which share the same centre, the
larger often completely surrounding the smaller.
concentrically (adverb)
Concentricity (noun)
Example: The revolving circle is concentric with the fixed outer circle.
217. Eclectic /I’klɛktic/
Adjective: deriving ideas, style or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources.
eclectically (adverb)
Eclecticism (noun)
Example: Universities offering an eclectic mix of courses.
218. Kitchenette /kitʃi’nɛt/
Noun: A small kitchen or part of a room equipped as a kitchen.
219. Constitutional /kɒnsti’tju:jәnәl/
Adjective: relating to an established set of principles governing a state.
constitutionality (noun)
Constitutionally (adverb)
Example: constitutional amendment
220. Cuisine /kwi’zi:n/
(i) A style of cooking
(ii) The food served in a restaurant
Example: The hotel restaurant is noted for its excellence cuisine.
221. Whimper /wimpә/
Verb: make a serious of low, feeble sounds expressive of fear, pain or discontent.
Derivatives: whimperer (noun)
Example: A child in a bed nearly began to whimper.
222. Enterprise /ɛntәprɅiz/
Noun: a project or undertaking, especially a bold or complex one.
Derivatives: enterpriser (noun)
Example: A joint enterprise between French and Japanese companies
223. Ecstasy /ɛkstәsi/
Noun: an overwhelming feeling of great happiness or joyful excitement.
Example: There was a lot of ecstasy on his face.
224. Instinctively /in’stiηktivli/
Adjective: relating to or prompted by instinct done without conscious thought.
Example: an instinctive distate for conflict.
225. Industrious /in’dɅstriәs/
Adjective: diligent and hard working
industriously (adverb)
Industriousness (noun)
Example: An industrious people striving to make their country prosperous.
226. Philanthropic /filәn’Ɵrɒpik/
Adjective: (of a person or organization) seeking to promote to promote the welfare of others.
philanthropically (adverb)
Example: They receive financial support from philanthropic bodies.
227.Infrastructure /infrәstrɅktʃә/
Noun: the basic physical and organizational structure and facilities.
Derivatives: infrastructural (adjective)
Example: The social and economic infrastructure of a country.
228. Extraneous /ik’streinәs/
(i) irrelevant or unrelated to the subject being dealt with
(ii) Of external origin
extraneously (adverb)
Extraneousness (noun)
Example: one is obliged to wade through many pages of extraneous material.
229. Disparate /dispәrәt/
Adjective: essentially different in kind, not able to be compared.
disparately (adverb)
Disparateness (noun)
Example: they inhabit desperate worlds of thought.
230. Eerily /iәrili/
Adverb: strange and frightening
Derivatives: eeriness (noun)
Example: An eerie green glow in the sky
231. Diaphragm /dɅiәfram/
Noun: a dome-shaped muscular partition separating the thorax from the abdomen in
Derivatives: diaphragmatic
232. Covetous /kɅvtәs/
Adjective: having or showing a great desire, to posses something belonging to someone
covetously (adverb)
Covetousness (noun)
Example: She fingered the linen with covetous hands.
233. Dichotomy /dɅi’kɒtәmi/
Noun: a division of contrast between two things that are or represented as being opposed or
entirely different.
Example: A rigid dichotomy between science and mysticism
234. Differential /difәrɛnʃәl/
Adjective: of showing or depending on a difference, varying according to circumstance or
relevant factors.
Example: The differential achievements of boys and girls.
235. Electioneer /ilɛʃә’niә/
Verb: take part actively and energetically in a campaign to be elected to public office.
Example: The election will not be lost or won as the results of a few weeks of
236. Ingenious /in’dʒi:niәs/
Adjective: clever, original and incentive
Derivatives: ingeniously (adverb) ingeniousness (noun)
Example: He was ingenious enough to overcome the limited budget.
237. Proprietor /prәpraiәtә(r )/
Noun: the owner of a business, a hotel etc.
Derivatives: proprietorship (Noun)
Example: Chinese Restaurant proprietors
238. Parlour /pa:lә/
(i) sitting room in a private house
(ii) a room in a public building for receiving guests
Example: She knocked on the parlour door.
239. Melancholy /mɛlәnkәli/
Noun: a feeling of pensive sadness typically with no obvious cause.
melancholically (adjective)
Melancholically (adverb)
Example: An air of melancholy surrounded him.
240. Consternation /kɒnstә’neiʃn/
Noun: a worried sad feeling after you have received an unpleasant surprise
Synonym: dismay
Example: the announcement of her retirement caused consternation among tennis fans.
241. Monarch /mɒnәk/
Noun: a sovereign head of state, especially a king, queen or emperor.
monarchal (adjective)
Monarchic (adjective) monarchically (adverb)
242. Liquor /likә(r )/
Noun: strong alcoholic drink
Synonym: spirit
Example: She drinks wine and beer but not liquor.
243. Assiduously /ә’sidjuәsli/
Adverb: working very hard and taking great care that everything is done as well as it can
assiduousness (noun)
Assiduous (adjective)
Example: She was assiduous in pointing out every feature.
244. Architect /a:kitekt/
Noun: (i) A person whose jobs is designing buildings
(ii) A person who is responsible for planning or creating an idea, an event or a
Example:He was one of the principal architects of revolution.
245. Intractable /in’træktәbәl/
Adjective: hard to control or deal with
intractability (noun)
Intractableness (noun)
Intractably (adverb)
Example: intractable economic problems.
246. Pinnacle /pinәkәl/
Noun: the most successful point, the culmination
Example: He had reached the pinnacle of his career.
247. Dilapidate /di’lapideit/
Verb:to tall into despair or ruin
248. Stealthy /stɛlƟi/
Adjective: behaving or done in a cautious and surreptitious manner, so as not to be seen or
stealthily (adverb)
Stealthiness (noun)
249. Decipher /di’sɅiʃә/
Verb: convert (a text written in code or a coded signal) into normal language.
decipherable (adjective)
Decipherment (noun)
Example: Authorized government agencies can decipher encrypted telecommunications.
250. Roguish /rәʊgiʃ/
Adjective: characteristics of a dishonest or unprincipled person.
Playful, mischievous
Example: He led a roguish and uncertain existence.
251. Repetitious / repǝ’
Adjective: involving something that is often repeated, in a way that becomes boring.
Example: A long repetitious speech.
Rhapsody /rӕpsǝdi/
Noun: A piece of music that is full of feeling and is not regular in form
Derivatives: rhapsodic.
Xenophobia /zenɒ’fǝbiǝ/
Noun: A strong feeling of dislike or fear of people from another country.
Derivatives: Xenophobic.
Example: A campaign against racism and xenophobia.
Transvestite /trӕnz’vestait/
Noun: A person especially a man, who enjoys dressing as a member of the opposite sex.
Traumatize / trᴐ:mǝtaiz/
Verb: to shock and upset somebody very much, often, making them unable to think or
working normally.
Susceptibility /sǝseptǝ’bilǝti/
Noun: The state of being very likely to be influenced harmed or affected by something.
Example: susceptibility to disease.
Spectre /spektǝ(r)/
Noun: Something unpleasant that people are afraid might happen in future.
Example: the country is haunted by spectre of civil war.
Scurrilous /skΛrǝlǝs/
Adjective: very rude and insulting and intended to damage somebody’s reputation.
Derivative: Scurrilously.
Example: Scurrilous rumours.
Obsequious /ǝb’si:kwiǝ/
Adjective: trying too hard to please somebody, especially somebody who is important.
Derivatives: Obsequiously, obsequiousness.
Example: smiling obsequiously.
263. Interlocutor /intә’lɒkjutә/
Noun: a peer on who takes part in a dialogue or conversation.
Derivatives: interlocution
264. Glaucoma /glͻ:’kәumә/
Noun: a condition of increased pressure within the eyeball, causing gradual loss of sight.
Derivatives: glaucomatous
265. Elliptically /iliptikәli/
Adverb: using or involving ellipsis, especially so as to be difficult to understand.
Example: She had completely misunderstood his elliptical declaration.
266. Diatribe /dɅiәtrɅib/
Noun: a forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something.
Example: A diatribe against consumerism.
267. Detergent /di’tә;dʒәnt/
Noun: water – soluble cleansing agent which combines with impurities and dirt to make
them more soluble.
Derivatives: detergence, detergency
Example: liquid detergents
268. Innate /I’neit/
Adjective: inborn, natural
Derivatives: innately, innateness
Example: Her innate capacity for organization
269. Innocuous /I’nɒkjuәs/
Adjective: not harmful or offensive
Derivatives: innocuously, innocuousness
Example: It was an innocuous question.
270. Dipteral /diptәrәl/
Adjective: having a double peristyle.
271. Exigency /ɛksidʒәnsi/
Noun: an urgent need or demand
Example: Women worked long hours when the exigencies of the family economy
demanded it.
272. Dissonant /disәnәnt/
Adjective: lacking harmony
Derivatives: dissonantly
Example: Jackson employs both harmonious and dissonant color choices.
273. Imprimatur /impri’meitә/
Noun: an official license issued by the Roman Catholic Church to print an ecclesiastical or
religious book.
Example: The imprimatur for this edition was granted by cardinal O’Casey.
274.Fanatic /fә’natik/
Noun: A person filled with excessive and single minded zeal especially for an extreme
religious or political cause.
Example: His eyes had a fanatic illness
275.Saline /seilɅin/
Adjective: containing or impreganed with salt.
Example: Saline alluvial soils.
276. Natal /nә’tal/
Adjective: relating to the place where or the time when somebody was born.
Example: Her natal home.
277. Philology /filɒlәdʒi/
Noun: a branch of knowledge that deals with the structure, historical development and
relationships of a language or languages.
278. Versatile /vә:sәtɅil/
Adjective: able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities.
versatilely, versatility
Example: He was versatile enough to play on either wing
279. Satirical /sә’tirikәl/
Adjective: containing or using satire
His satirical sense of humor
280. Lesion /li:ʒәn/
Noun: chiefly medicine a region in an organ or tissue which has suffered damage through
injury or disease, such as a wound, ulcer, abscess or tumour.
281. Pathology /pәƟɒlәdʒi/
Noun: the science of the causes and effects of diseases, especially the branch of medicine
test deals with the laboratory examination of samples of body tissue for diagnostic or
forensic purposes.
Example: Research people skilled in experimental pathology.
282. Remuneration /ri,mju:nә’reiәn/
Noun: money paid for work or a service.
Example: They work in excess of their contracted hours for no additional remuneration.
283. Copious /kәupiәs/
Adjective: abundant in supply or quantity
: copiously, copiousness
Example: She took copious notes.
284. Desensitize /di:sɛnsitɅiz/
Verb: make less sensitive
Example: Creams to desensitize the skin at the site of infection.
285. Fascism /faʃizәm/
Noun: an authorization and nationalistic right wing system of government and social
Example: This is yet another example of health fascism in action.
286. Discountenance /dis’kæuntinәns/
Verb: to refuse to approve of
Example: The best solution to alcohol abuse is a healthy family life where alcohol
consumption is discountenanced.
287. Tabernacle /tәbә,nakәl/
Noun: ( in biblical use) a fixed or movable dwelling, typically light construction.
Derivatives: tabernacle
288. Typhoid /tɅifͻid/
Noun: an infectious bacterial fever with an eruption of red spots on the chest and abdomen
and severe intestinal irritation.
Derivatives: typhoidal
289. Mystique /mi’sti:k/
Noun: a quality of mystery, glamour, or power associated with someone or something.
Example: The mystique surrounding the monarch.
290. Metallurgy /mi’talәdʒi/
291.Noun: the branch of science and technology concerned with the properties of metals and their
production and purification.
Derivatives: metallurgic
292. Nymph /nimf/
Noun: a mythological spirit of nature imagined as a beautiful maiden inhabiting rivers,
woods, or other locations.
Example: The idyllic of nymphs and shepherds.
Derivatives:nymphal (adjective)
293. Nationalize /’naʃәnәlɅiz/
Verb: transfer (a major branch of industry or commerce) from private to state ownership or
Example: The bank of England was nationalized in 1945.
294. Shackle /ʃakәl/
Noun: a pair of fetters connected together to a chain, used to fasten a prisoner’s wrists or
ankles together.
Example: The society is going to throw off the shackles of racism and colonialism.
295. Blooper /blu:pә/
Noun: an embarrassing error.
Example: He poked fun at his own tendency to utter bloopers.
296. Decadent /dɛkәdәnt/
Adjective: characterized by or reflecting a state of moral or cultural decline.
Derivatives: decadently
Example: A decadent soak in a scented bath.
297. Exigency /ɛksidʒәnsi/
Noun: an urgent need or demand
Example: He put financial exigency before personal sentiment.
298. Delicatessen /dɛlikә’tɛsәn/
Noun: a shop selling cooked meat, cheese and unusual foreign prepared food.
299. Idolatry /Ʌi’dɒlәtri/
the worship of idols
Extreme admiration, love or reverence for something or someone.
Example: We must not allow our idolatry of art to obscure issues of political significance.
300. Encyclical /ɛn’siklikәl/
Noun: A papal letter sent to all Bishops of the Roman Catholic Church.
301. Intercom /intәkɒm/
Noun: an electrical dense allowing one way or two way communication.
Example: The pilot’s voice comes over the intercom.
302. Geriatrics /dʒɛriatrik/
Adjective: relating to old people especially with regard to their health care.
Example: a geriatric hospital.
304. Impunity /im’puju;niti/
Noun: exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequence of an action.
Example: Protestors burned flags on the streets with impunity.
305. Couture /ku:tjuә/
Noun: the design and manufacture of fashionable clothes to a clients specific requirements
and measurable.
Example: They were dressed in eight printed silk couture.
306. Bloat /blәʊt/
Verb: make or become swollen with fluid or gas.
Example: She suffered from abdominal bloating
307. Chancellor /tʃa:nsәlә/
Noun: a senior state or legal official.
Example: The Lord chancellor and the judges will consider the application.
308. Demolition /dɛmә’liʃn/
Noun: the action or process of dem9olishing or being demolished.
demolitionist (noun)
Example: The monument was saved from demolition.
307. Callow /kælәu/
Adjective: (of a young person) inexperienced and immature
callowly (adverb)
Callowness (noun)
Example: Earnest and callow undergraduates.
308. Colophon /kɒlәfәn/
Noun: A publisher’s emblem or imprint usually on the title page of a book.
309. Epicure /ɛpikjuә/
Noun: a person who takes particular pleasure in the fine foods and drinks.
Example: They see themselves as epicures.
310. Conchology /kɒη’kɒlәdʒi/
Noun: the scientific study or collection of mollusk shells.
conchological (adjective)
311. Figurine /figәri:n/
Noun: a statuette, especially one of human form.
312. Declamation /dɛklә’meiʃәn/
Noun: the action or art of declaiming
Example: Lines written for a school declamation.
313. Façade /fә’sa:d/
Noun: the principal front of a building that faces on a street or open space.
Example: The house has a half timbered façade.
314. Granule /granju:/
Noun: a small compact particle for a substance.
Example: coffee granules
315. Frigate /frigәt/
Noun: a worship with a mixed armaments generally lighter than a destroyer and of a kind
originally introduced for convoy escort work.
316. Collimate /kɒlimeit/
Verb: make rays of light or particles accurately parallel.
Derivatives: collimation.
Example: a collimated electron beam.
317. Injurious /indʒʊәrәs/
Adjective: causing or likely to cause damage or harm.
injuriously, injuriousness
Example: Food which is injurious to health.
318. Heist /hɅist/
Noun: a robbery
Example: He heisted a Pontiac.
319. Concierge /kɒnsiɛ:ʒ/
Noun: a resident caretaker of a block of flats or a small hotel.
320. Encyclical /ɛn’siklikәl/
Noun: A papal letter sent to all Bishops of the Roman Catholic Church.
321. Strafe /stra:f/
Verb: attack repeatedly with bombs or machine gun fire from low lying areas.
Example: Military aircraft strafed the village.
322. Stillage /stilidʒ/
Noun: a wooden rack or pallet for holding stored goods off the floor or separating goods in
323. Equerry /i’kwɛri/
Noun: an officer of the British Royal Household who attends or assists members of the
Royal family.
Example: He became the equerry to the date of Kent.
324. Retaliate /ritæliet/
Verb: to do something harmful to somebody because they have harmed you first.
Derivative: retaliator (noun)
Retaliatory (adjective)
Synonym: revenge
Example: The boy hit his sister, who retaliated by kicking him.
325. Anniversary /æni’vә:s(ɛ)ri/
Noun: the date in which an event took place or an institution was founded in a previous
Example: He even forgot our tenth anniversary.
326. Insignia /in’signiә/
Noun: the symbol, badge or sign that shows somebody’s rank or that they are a member of
a group or an organization.
Example: His uniform bore an insignia of a captain.
327. Reminiscence /rɛmi’nis(ә )ns/
Noun: A story told about the past event remembered by the narrator.
Characteristic of one thing that is suggestive of another
Derivatives: reminiscently (adjective)
Example: His story made me laugh in reminiscence.
328. Endeavour /in’devә(r )/
Noun: an attempt to do something, especially something new or difficult.
Verb: to try very hard to do something
Synonym: strive
Example: I will endeavor to do my best for my cousin.
329. Pious /paiәs/
Adjective: having showing deep respect for God and religion
Synonym: devout
piously (adverb)
Piousness (noun)
Example: Such reforms seem likely to remain little more that pious hopes.
330. Querulous /kwerәlәs/
Adjective: complaining, showing that you are annoyed
querulously (adverb)
Querulousness (noun)
Synonym: perish
Example: She became querulous and demanding.
331. Enthusiasm /in’Ɵju:ziaz( ә)m/
Noun: a strong feeling of excitement and interest in something and a desire to become
involved in it.
Example: He had a real enthusiasm for the work.
332. Propulsion /prә’pɅlʃәn/
Noun: the action of driving or pushing forward.
propulsive (adjective)
Propulsively (adverb)
Example: They dive and use their wings for propulsion under water.
333. Exemplify /ig’zɛmplifɅi/
Verb: (a) be a typical example
(b) Illustrate or clarify by giving an example.
Derivatives: exemplification
Example: He exemplified his point with an anecdote.
334. Contempt /kәn’tɛmpt/
Noun: the feeling that a person or a thing is worthless or deserving scorn.
Example: He would not answer a woman he held in such contempt.
335. Paucity /pͻ:siti/
Noun: the presence of something in only small or insufficient quantities or amount.
336. Vertebrae /vә:tibrәi:/
Noun: each of the series of small bones forming the backbone, having several projections
for articulation and muscle attachment, and a hole through which the spinal cord passes.
Example: The needle is inserted between two of the vertebrate.
337. Expertise /ɛkspә:ti:z/
Noun: expert skills or knowledge in a particular field.
338. Horticulture /hͻ:tikɅltʃә/
Noun: the art or practice of garden cultivation and management.
horticultural, horticulturalist (noun)
Horticulturist (noun)
Example: maize and Monroe horticulture
339. Overarched /әʊvәr’a:tʃ/
Verb: form an arch over
Example: an old dirt road, overarched by forest.
340. Glimpse /glimps/
Noun: a momentary or partial view
Example: She caught a glimpse of the ocean.
341. Electrify /ilɛktrifɅi/
Verb: charge (a medium) with electricity passes on electric current through
electrification (noun)
Electrifier (noun)
Example: The East Coast main line has been electrified.
342. Carbonate /ka:bʊnet/
Noun: a salt of the anion Co2 typically formed by reaction of carbon dioxide with bases.
343. Infarction /in’fa:kʃn/
Noun: A condition in which blood supply to an area of tissue is blocked and the tissue
Diarrhoea /dӕiǝ’ria/
Noun: an illness in which waste matter is emptied from the bowls much more frequently
than normal and in liquid form.
Burlesque /bз:’lesk/
Noun: A performance or piece of writing which tries to make something look ridiculous
by representing it in a humorous way.
Derivatives: burlesque.
Impugn /im’pju:n/
Verb: to express doubts about whether something is right, honest.
Coalesce /kǝuǝ’les/
Verb: to come together to form one large group, substance etc.
Derivatives: Coalescence.
Example: The puddles had coalesced into a small stream.
Enzyme /enzaim/
Noun: A substance produced by all living things.
Excursion /ik’skзʃn/
Noun: a short journey made for pleasure, especially one that has been organized by
Example: They have gone on an excursion.
Gynaecologist /gainǝkɒlǝdʒist/
Noun: a doctor who studies and treats the medical conditions and diseases of women
especially those connected with sexual reproduction.
Punctilious / pΛŋk’tiliǝs/
Adjective: very careful to behave correctly or to perform your duties exactly as you
352. Flammable /flamәbәl/
Adjective: easily set on fire
Derivatives: flammability
Example: The use of highly flammable materials.
353. Debility /di’biliti/
Noun: physical weakness especially as a result of illness.
354. Deign /dein/
Verb: do something that one considers to be beneath one’s dignity.
Example: She did not deign to answer the maid’s question.
355. Insulin /insjulin/
Noun: a hormone produced in the pancreas by the islets or langerhans which regulates the
amount of glucose in the blood.
356. Factitious /fak’tiʃәs/
Adjective: artificially created or developed.
factitiously, factitiousness
Example: a large factitious national identity.
357. Perpetuity /pә:pi’tju:iti/
Noun: the state of quality of lasting forever.
Example: He did not believe in the perpetuity of military rule.
358. Carrion /kæriәn/
Noun: the decaying flesh of dead animals.
Example: A crow wheeled over the hills in search of carrion.
359. Immersion /I’mә:ʃәn/
Noun: the action of immersing someone or something in a liquid.
Example: His back was still raw from immersion in the icy Atlantic.
360. Inimical /inimikәl/
Adjective: tending to obstruct or harm
Derivatives: inimically
Example: The policy was inimical to Britain’s interests.
361. Prolix /prәuliks/
Adjective: using or containing too many words, tediously lengthy.
Derivative: prolixity, prolixly
Example: he found the narrative too prolix and discursive.
362. Homophonous /hә’mɒfәәs/
Adjective: having the same pronunciation as another word but a different meaning or
Example: “bear” and “bare” are homophonous
363. Hydraulic /hai’drͻ:lik/
Adjective: (of water, oil etc) moved through pipes etc.
Derivatives: hydraulically (adverb)
364. Incision /in’siʒn/
Noun: a sharp out made in something particularly during a medical operation, the act of
making a cut in something.
Example: Make a small incision between the ribs.
365. Diphthong /difƟɒη/
Noun: a combination of two vowel sounds or vowel letters, for example the sounds /ail/
366. Exorcism /eksͻ:sizәm/
Noun: (i) The act of getting rid of an evil spirit from a place or a person’s body by prayers
or magic; a ceremony where this is done.
(ii) The act of making yourself to forget a bad experience or memory.
367. Ensemble /ɒn’sɒmbl/
Noun: (i) A small group of musicians, dancers or actors who perform together.
(ii) A number of things considered as a group
Example: The ensemble is/are based in Lyons.
368. Inscrutable /in’skru:tәbl/
Adjective: if a person or their expression is inscrutable, it is hard o know what they are
thinking or feeling because they do not show any emotion.
inscrutability (noun)
Inscrutably (adverb)
369. Euphemism /ju:fəmizəm/
Noun: a mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh
or blunt when lettering to something unpleasant or embarrassing.
Derivatives: euphemism
370. Didactic /di’daktik/
Adjective: intended to teach, particularly in having moral instruction as an ulterior motive.
didactically (adverb)
Didacticism (noun)
Example: A didactic novel that set out to expose social injustice.
371. Cattery /kætəri/
Noun: a boarding or breeding establishment for cats.
372. Prolix /prәuliks/
Adjective: using or containing too many words, tediously lengthy.
Derivative: prolixity, prolixly
Example: he found the narrative too prolix and discursive.
373. Vignette /vi:njɛt/
Noun: a brief evocative description account or episode.
Example: A classic vignette of embassy life.
374. Reprehensible /rɛpri’hɛnsibә/
Adjective: deserving censure or condemnation.
Derivatives: reprehensibility
Example: His complacency and reprehensible laxity.
375. Puissance /pju:isәns/
Noun: competitive test of a hoarse ability to jump large obstacles in show jumping.
Example: Nine horses contested last night’s puissance.
376. Scheduling /ʃɛdju:liη/
Noun: a plan for carrying out a process or procedure giving lists of intended events and
Example: We have drawn up an engineering schedule.
377. Heifer /hɛfә/
Noun: a cow that has not borne a calf or has borne only one calf.
378. Chimerical /kɅi’mɛrikәl/
Adjective: a fire breathing female monster with lion’s head, a great body and a serpent tail.
Derivative: chimerically
379. Equivocate /ikwivәkeit/
Verb: use ambiguous language so as to conceal the truth or avoid committing one self.
Derivatives: equivocator,
380. Eucalyptus /ju:kәliptә/
Noun: A fast growing evergreen Australasian tree that has been widely introduced
381. Feline /fi:lɅin/
Adjective: relating or affecting cats or other members of the cat family.
Derivatives: felinity
Example: feline leukemia
382. Encumbrance /in’kΛmbrǝns/
Noun: an impediment or burden
Example: For parents, childhood is too long a period for encumbrance.
Dissertation /disǝ’teiʃǝn/
Noun: A long essay on a particular subject, especially one written for a university degree
or diploma.
Inaugurate /I’nᴐ:gjᴐreit/
Noun: to introduce a new public official or leader at a special ceremony.
Derivatives: inauguration.
Example: He will be inaugurated as president in January.
Obscurantism /ɒbskju’rӕntizǝm/
Noun: the practice of deliberately preventing somebody from understanding or
discovering something.
Derivatives: Obscurantist.
Noun: A fast turn or spin a person, especially a bullet dancer makes on one foot.
Example: She pirouetted across the stage.
Remortage /ri:mᴐ:gidʒ/
Verb: to arrange a second mortgage on your house or apartment, or to increase or change
your first one.
Torque / tᴐ:k/
Noun: A twisting force that cause machinery etc to rotate round.
389.. Resuscitate /ri’sΛsiteit/
Verb: to make somebody start breathing again or become conscious again after they have
almost died.
Derivatives: resuscitation.
Example: He had a heart attack and all attempts to resuscitate him failed.
Whizz / wiz/
Verb: to move very quickly, making a high continuous sound.
Example: A bullet whizzed past my car.
Semibreve / semibri:v/
Noun: a note that lasts as long as four crotchets / quarter notes
392. Conflagration /kɒnflǝ’greiʃn/
Noun: an extensive tie which destroys a great deal of land or properly.
Example: Conflagration in many drought devastated communities.
Electrocardiogram /ilεktrǝu’ka:diǝgram/
Noun: a record or display of a person’s heartbeat produced by electrocardiography.
Enzymology / εnzΛi’mɒlǝʒi/
Noun: the branch of biochemistry concerned with enzymes.
Derivatives: enzymological, enzymologist.
395.. Chronology /krǝ’nɒlǝdʒi/
Noun: The arrangement of events or dates in the order of their occurrence
Derivatives: Chronologist.
Examples: The novel abandons the conventions of normal chronology.
Equivocate /I’kwivǝkeit/
Verb: use ambiguous language so as to conceal the truth or avoid committing oneself.
Derivatives: equivocator, equivocatory.
Example: The government has equivocated too often in the past.
Chiropodist /ki’rɒpǝdist/
Noun: The treatment of the feet and their ailments.
Viscous /viskǝkǝs/
Adjective: having a thick, sticky consistency between solid and liquid.
Derivatives: viscously, viciousness
Quintessence /kwin’tεsǝns/
Noun: The most perfect or typical example of a quality or class.
Example: He was quintessence of political professionalism.
Quixotic /kwik’sɒtik/
Adjective: Extremely idealistic, unrealistic and impractical.
Derivatives: Quixotically, quixotism, quixotry
Example: A vast and perhaps quixotic project.
401. Anarchy/ӕnəki/
Noun: a state of disorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority or other
controlling system.
Example, he must ensure public order in country threatened with anarchy.
402. Connoisseur
Noun: an expert judge in matters of taste
Example: connoisseur of music
Derivatives: connoisseurship
403. Doctrine /dɒktrin/
Noun: a belief or set of belief help and taught by a church, political party or other group.
Example: The doctrine of predestination.
405. Incense /insɛns/
Noun: a gum, spice or other substance that is burned for the sweet smell it
Example: The sharp lingering sweetness of incense.
Derivatives: incensation.
Adjective: having or showing a tendency to be easily angered.
Example: An irascible and difficult man.
Millennium /mi’lɛniəm/
Noun: a period of a thousand years, especially when calculated from the traditional date
of the birth of Christ.
Discern /di’sə:n/
Verb: recognize or find out.
Example: I can discern no difference between the two policies.
Derivatives: discerner
Adjective: not surely held or in position dangerously likely to fall or collapse.
Example: A precarious ladder.
Derivatives: precariously
Adjective: good at persuading someone to do or believe something through reasoning or
the use of temptation.
Example: An informative and persuasive speech.
Verb: out for certain: make sure of.
Example: an attempt to ascertain the cause of the accident.
Derivatives: ascertainable.
Adjective: knobby, rough, and twisted especially with age.
Example: The gnarled old oak tree.
Noun: an artificial body placed in orbit round the earth or another planet in order to
collect information or for communication.
Example: A communications satellite.
Crescent /krɛzənt/
Noun: the curved sickle shape of the waxing or waning moon.
Example: The moon was a slender crescent.
Noun: a thing added to something else as a supplementary rather than an essential part.
Example: Computer technology is an adjunct to learning.
Verb: suffer violent involuntary contraction of the muscles, producing contortion of the
body or limbs.
Verb: Suffer violent involuntary contraction of the body or limbs.
Example: She convulsed, collapsing to the floor with pain.
Adjectives: beautiful, very attractive.
Example: Gorgeous colors and exquisite decoration.\
Noun: a legal agreement by which a bank, building society etc lends money at interest in
exchange for taking title of the debtors property.
Villain /vilən/
Noun: a character whose evil actions or motives are important to the plot.
Example: I have played more good guys than the villain.
Adjective: playfully quaint or fanciful especially in an appealing and amusing way.
Example: A whimsical sense of humor.
Adjective: shaped like a sphere.
Derivatives: spherically.
Noun: absence of culture and civilization.
Example: The collapse of civilization and the return to barbarism.
423. Gymnasium
Noun: a room or building equipped for gymnastics, games, and other physical exercise.
425. Plaintiff /pleintif/
Noun: a person who brings a case against another in a court of law.
Example: The plaintiff commenced an action for damages.
426. Acquiesce
Verb: accept something reluctantly but without protest.
Example: Sara acquiesced in his decision.
427. Brawl
Noun: a rough or noisy fight or quarrel.
Example: He ended up brawling with a tout outside his house.
428. Casualty /kӕʒjuəiti/
Noun: a person killed or injured in a war or accident.
Example: The shelling caused thousands of civilian casualties.
429. Nurture /nə:tʃə/
Verb: care for and protect someone or something while they are growing.
Example: Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in close-knit family.
430. Flabbergast
Verb: surprise someone greatly: astonish.
Example: This news has left me totally flabbergasted.
431. Annihilate
Verb: destroy utterly: obliterate.
Example: A simple bomb of this type could annihilate them all.
432. Tendril /tɛndril/
Noun: a slender thread-like appendage of a climbing plant often growing in a spiral form,
which stretches out and twines round any suitable support.
Example: The wind fitfully moved the dark tendrils around her forehead.
Noun: a sudden panicked rush of a number of horses, cattle or other animals.
Example: The herd was fleeing back to the high land in a wild stampede.
Titter /titə/
Verb: give a shot, half-suppressed laugh giggle.
Example: the stutter caused the children to titter.
434. Virtue
Noun: behavior showing high morals standards.
Derivatives: virtue less.
435. Precinct /pri:siηkt/
Noun: the area within the walls or perceived boundaries of a particular building or place.
Example: A former Mp who still works in the precincts of the house.
436. Molecule /mɒlikju:l/
Noun: a group of atoms bonded together representing the smallest fundamental unit of a
chemical compound that can take part in a chemical reaction.
437. Disastrous
Adjective: causing great damage.
Example: a disastrous fire swept through the museum.
Derivatives: disastrously
438. Absurdity
Noun: the quality or state of being ridiculous or widely unreasonable.
Example: Duncan laughed at the absurdity of the situation.
439. Aghast /ə’g:st/
Adjective: filed with horror or shock.
Example: she winced, aghast at his cruelty.
440. Authentic
Adjective: of undisputed origin and not a copy genuine.
Example: the letter is now accepted as an authentic document.
Verb: make (a problem, injury or offence) worse or more serious.
Example: military action would only aggregate the situation.
441. Archaeologist
Noun: a person who studies human history and prehistory through the excavation of sites
and the analysis of artifacts and other physical remains.
Derivatives: archaeological, archaeological.
442. Cancellation
Noun: the action of cancelling something.
Example: the project was threatened with cancellation by the government.
443. Calorie /kӕləri/
Noun: either of two units of heat energy.
444. Burnish /bə:niʃ/
Verb: polish (something, especially metal) by rubbing.
Derivatives: burnisher
Example: highly burnished armor.
445. Bristle
Noun: a short, stiff hair on an animal’s skin or a man’s face.
Example: a toothbrush with nylon bristle.
446. Betrayal /bi’treiəl/
Noun: the action of betraying one’s country, a group, or a person.
Example: the betrayal by the French of their own refugees.
447. Besiege /bi’si:dʒ/
Verb: surround (a place) with armed forces in order to capture it or force its surrender.
Example: the king marched north to besiege Berwick.
448. Convenience
Noun: the state of being able to proceed with something without difficulty.
Example: services should be run to suit the convenience of customers not of stuff.
Noun: a person sent as a diplomatic representative on a special mission.
450. Endorsement
Noun: the action of endorsing someone or something.
Example: the issue of full independence received overwhelmed endorsement.
451. Hygiene /h˄idʒ:n/
Noun: condition or practices conductive to maintaining health and presenting disease
especially through cleanliness.
Example: poor standard of food hygiene.
452. Illiterate /I’litərət/
Noun: unable to read or write.
Example: his parents were illiterate.
Derivatives: illiterately.
453. Provincialism
Noun: the way of life characteristic of the regions outside the capital city of a country,
especially when regarded as unsophisticated.
454. Reimburse
Verb: repay (a person who has spent or lost money)
Example: the investors should be reimbursed for their losses.
Derivatives: reimbursable.
455. Rupture /r˄ptʃə/
Verb: (especially of a pipe or container or bodily part such as an organ or membrane)
break or burst suddenly.
Example: if the main artery ruptures tie could die.
456. Staunch /stɔ:ntʃə/
Adjective: very loyal and committed in attitude.
Example: a staunch catholic.
Derivatives: staunchly.
Verb: breathe with a whistling or rattling sound in the chest, as a result of obstruction in
the air passage.
Example the illness often leaves her wheezing.
457. Opaque /əʊ’peik/
Adjective: not able to be seen through: not transparent.
Example: bottles filled with pale opaque liquid.
458. Attorney /ə’tə:ni/
Noun: a person typically a lawyer, appointed to act for another in business or legal
459. Stationary /steiʃənəri/
Adjective: not moving or not intended to be moved.
Example: a car collided with a stationary vehicle.
460. Extinct /ik’stiηkt/
Adjective: (of species, family, or other larger group) having no living members.
Example: dinosaurs are extinct.
461. Controversy
Noun: prolonged public disagreement or heated discussion.
Example: the design of the building has caused controversy.
462. Negotiate
Verb: obtain or bring about by discussion.
Example: he negotiated a new contract with the sellers.
Derivatives: negotiant
463. Connive /kə’nʌiv/
Verb: security allow (something immoral, illegal, or harmful) to occur.
Example: Government officials were prepared to connive in impending the course of
464. Demure /di’mjɔ:/
Adjective :( of a woman or her behavior) reserved, modest, and shy.
Example: A demure little wife who sits at home minds the house.
464. Eloquent /ɛləkwənt/
Adjective: fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing.
Example: an eloquent speech.
465. Acquiesce /akwi’ɛs/
Verb: accept something reluctantly but without protest.
Example: Sara acquiesced in his decision.
466. Reassure /ri:əʃʊə/
Verb: Say or do something to remove doubts and fears of someone.
Example: He understood her feelings and tried to reassure her.
467. Shrewd /ʃru:d/
Adjective: having or showing sharp powers of judgment.
Example: She was shrewd enough to guess the motive behind his gesture.
468. Flattery /flatəri/
Noun: Excessive and insincere praise given especially to further one’s own interest.
Example: She allowed no hint of flattery to enter her voice.
469. Remedy /rɛmidi/
Noun: a medicine or treatment for a disease or injury.
Example: Herbal remedies for aches and pains.
470. Corpse /kɔ:ps/
Noun: a dead body, especially of a human being rather than an animal.
471. Awfully /ɔ:fʊli/
Adverb: Very badly or unpleasantly.
Example: We played awfully.
472. Autumn /ɔ:təm/
Noun: the season after summer and before winter, in the northern hemisphere from
September to November and Southern hemisphere from March.
Example: The countryside is blaze with color in autumn.
473. Biddable /bidəbəl/
Adjective: meekly ready to accept and follow instructions.
Example: A biddable, sweet-nurtured child.
473. Blizzard /blizəd/
Noun: a severe snows torm with high winds.
474. Cologne /kə’ləun/
Noun: eau de cologne or similarly scented toilet water.
Example: She would smell his cool lemony cologne.
475. Conceal /kən’si:l/
Verb: not allow to be seen: hide.
Example: A line of sand dunes concealed the distance sea.
476. Cryptic /kriptik/
Adjective: with a meaning that is hidden or not easily understood.
Example: She replied cryptically.
477. Detector /di’tekər/
Noun: a piece of equipment for discovering the presence of something such as metal,
smoke or changes in pressure and temperature.
478. Err /ɜ:r/
Verb: To make a mistake.
Example: To err is human.
479. Foamy /fəʊmi/
Adjective: consisting of or producing a mass of small bubbles: like foam.
480. Gaunt /gɔ:nt/
Adjective: very thin, usually because of illness, not having enough food or worry.
Example: A gaunt face.
481. Hurl /hɜ:l/
Verb: to throw something or somebody violently in a particular direction.
Example: He hurled a brick through the window.
482. Inquorate /in’kwɔ:reit/
Adjective: a meeting that is inquorate does not have enough people to prevent for them
make official decisions by voting.
483. Marvelous /ma:vələs/
Adjective: extremely good, wonderful.
Example: The weather was marvelous.
482. Ruffle /rʌfl/
Verb: to disturb the smooth surface of something, so that it is not even.
Example: She ruffled his hair affectionately.
483. Sleigh /slei/
Noun: (a vehicle that slides over snow) especially one pulled by horses.
Example: a sleigh ride.
484. Startle /sta:tl/
Verb: to surprise someone suddenly in a way that slightly shocks or frightens them.
Example: I was startled by her question.
485. Tussle /tʌsl/
Noun: a short struggle, fight or argument especially in order to get something.
Example: He was injured during a tussle for the ball.
486. Wreck /rek/
Noun: a ship that has sunk or that has been very badly damaged.
Example: Two passengers are still trapped into the wreck.
487. Whirl /wɜ:l/
Verb: To move or make something or somebody move around quickly in a circle or
in a particular direction.
488. Superior /su:piəriər/
Adjective: better in quality than something or somebody else.
Example: This model is technically superior to its competitors.
489. Cemetery /semətri/
Noun: an area of land used for burying dead people, especially one that is not beside
a church.
490. Peppermint /pepəmint/
Noun: (a plant used to give flavor to food that produces oil with a strong flavor)
491. Bicyclist /baisiklist/
Noun: a person who rides a bicycle.
492. Embezzled /im’bezld/
Verb: to steal money that you are responsible for or that belongs to your employer.
Example: she was found guilty of embezzlement.
491. Sergeant /sa:dʒənt/
Noun: a member of one of the middle rants in the army and the air force below an
492. Distinction /di’stinηkʃn/
Noun: a clear difference or contrast especially between people or things that are similar
or related.
Example: we need to draw a distinction between the two events.
493. Repercussion /ri:pǝ’kΛʃn/
Noun: an unintended consequence of an event or action, especially an unwelcome one.
Derivatives: repercussive.
Examples: The move would have grave repercussions for the entire region.
494. Omniscience /ɒm’nisiǝnsi/
Adjective: Knowing everything
Derivatives: Omnisciently, omniscient.
Example: A third person omniscient narrator.
Lobotomy /lǝ’bɒtǝmi/
Noun: A surgical operation involving incision into the prefrontal lobe of the brain.
Example: There was talk of performing a lobotomy.
Courier /kuriǝ/
Noun: company or employee of a company that transports commercial packages and
Example: The cheque was dispatched by courier.
Elliptically / I’liptikǝli/
Adverb: using or involving ellipsis, especially so as to be difficult to understand.
Example: She had completely misunderstood his elliptical declaration.
Diminutive /di’minjutiv/
Adjective: Extremely or unusually small.
Derivatives: diminutively, diminutively
Example: A diminutive figure dressed in black.
Escrow /εskrǝu/
Noun: A bond, deed or other document kept in the custody of a third part and taking
effect only when specified condition has been fulfilled.
Example: An escrow account.
Desultory /dεsǝltǝri/
Adjective: lacking a plan, purpose or enthusiasm
Example: A few people were left, dancing in a desultory fashion.