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Research Methods Quiz

RSCH 122
CREATED BY: Deyn Revilla Regalado
Basic research is also known as
- Pure Research
Qualitative : numbers ; Quantitative : words
A systematic process of gathering intellectual data using inquiry, experimentation and
The main goal of an Action Research is to expand man’s knowledge.
Research is an unsystematic way of gathering intellectual data.
Research is a systematic process of gathering intellectual data using inquiry,
experimentation and investigation
A type of research that is structured and quantifies the problem by way of generating
numerical data
-Quantitative Research
Smaller number of sample is needed in qualitative than quantitative research.
7. A research designed to solve practical problems of the modern world, rather than to
acquire knowledge for knowledge sake.
-Applied Research
We do research to improve the quality of life.
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It is used to gain an understanding of underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations.
-Qualitative Research
It is a type of research designed to solve practical problems of the modern world, rather
than to acquire knowledge for knowledge sake.
-Applied Research
The act of asking questions in order to gather or collect information.
A variable is a label or name that represents a concept or characteristics that varies.
Research is an unsystematic process of gathering intellectual data using inquiry,
experimentation and investigation.
The purpose of conducting a research is to burden an individual’s life.
In doing a quantitative research the data collection approach is unstructured.
Qualitative : numbers ; Quantitative : words
A problem is something that needs to be solved or addressed
Re-searchable problems imply the possibilities of empirical investigation.
The main motivation/purpose of an Action Research is to expand man’s knowledge.
Basic Research is also called as pure and fundamental research, which is the main purpose
is to add additional knowledge and information.
RSCH 122
Quantitative Research is an empirical investigation or a phenomenon via statistical
mathematical and computational techniques.
This part presents the overview or the macro-view of what the research will be about.
- Introduction
A discussion on the setting of the problem, the previous efforts taken to solve related
problems, the rationale underlying the choice of particular area of investigation.
- Background of the Study
It contains the need for undertaking the research project followed by the detailed set of
- Statement of the Problem
These are tentative statements about a given problem which serves as a tentative answer to
one or more of the research question and are subjected to statistical test.
- Hypothesis
It defines the exact boundaries of the investigation as they relate to the nature of
information necessary for the study and feasibility of obtaining them.
- Scope
A concept, illustration or diagram used by the researcher to present the ideas of the study
and show the relationship of the variables.
- Conceptual Framework
It includes theories cited by the authorities regarding a topic and an explanation on how
these theories apply to a study
- Theoretical Framework
In the Conceptual Framework, the part of the diagram that shows the steps/methods on
how to gather the needed data for the study as well as on how to interpret the data
- Process
RSCH 122
In formulating the Statement of the Problem, question no. 1 should always be the
____________ of the respondents
- Profile
This portion indicates the need of the study and its possible applications and utilization.
- Significance of the Study
Research is a systematic process of gathering intellectual data using inquiry, experimentation and
Quantitative research is difficult to quantify.
Extraneous variable are variables of a situation in which results of an experiment can be
attributed to either the operation of an independent variable.
Researchable problems imply the possibilities of empirical investigation.
Operational definition is an indication of (something) the meaning of a variable through the
specification of the manner by which it is measured, categorized, or controlled.
Variables are “changing or characteristics” of persons or things like age, gender, intelligence,
ideas, achievements, confidence, and so on that are involved in your research study.
Independent Variable is a response or behavior that is measured.
Basic research is also known as action research.
RSCH 122
Qualitative Research is primarily exploratory research. It is used to gain an understanding of
underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations.
Research Problem is a statement about an area of concern, a condition to be improved, a
difficulty to be eliminated, or a troubling question that exists in scholarly literature, in
theory, or in practice that points to the need for meaningful understanding and deliberate
All of the statements are referring to research EXCEPT:
- subjective inquiry
A type of research according to purpose that is done for knowledge enhancement.
-Basic Research
These are sources of research problem:
I. Environment
II. Previous studies
III. Interests
IV. Industry-competent skills
- All of the above
Give the proper arrangement of research.
I. Review of the Related Literature
II. Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations
III. Problems/ Objectives
IV. Research Designs
An empirical investigation or a phenomenon via statistical mathematical and computational
- Quantitative Research
All of the following are listed in criteria for selecting a research problem EXCEPT:
I. Timely
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II. Availability of data
III. Outdated issues
IV. Significant and relevant to the field
These are those variables that the experimenter/researcher purposely manipulates.
- Independent Variables
__________________ is a question raised for inquiry.
- Problem
A type of research according to purpose that requires a solution or action to a certain
- Applied Research
It is necessary that researchers should know how to choose searchable problem. If possible,
a research problem should possess the 7M’s resources such as Manpower, Money,
Materials, Methods, Machinery, Moment of Time, and Marketing.
- Agree
Research should maintain objectivity. What does objectivity means?
- establishing validity among the data collected
All are characteristics of a good research paper except...
- Pre-judged
What research approach uses quantifiable data to analyze and come up with conclusions?
- Quantitative Research
What data are said to be perceived through five senses?
- qualitative data
Today I don’t Feel Like Doing Anything: Students’ View on Procrastination. What is the
research design used in the above title?
- Qualitative
What is the correct sequence of the research process?
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I - data collection, treatment, processing, and analysis
II - Identification of problem
III - research design, approach, and tool
IV - data presentation, interpretation
V - Conclusion, implications, and recommendations
Which of the following is a technique for gathering evidence?
- Methodology
What is the problem on the title below?
“Classical Music as Correlates to Students’ Academic Achievement.”
- Effect of classical music to the student’s academic achievement
What kind of sources is eye witnesses classified?
- Primary sources
Which best describes ‘deductive’ approach?
- Defining the term then giving specific example
These are statements considered as an ‘intelligent guess’.
- Hypothesis
What is the distinction of a quantitative research from a qualitative research, based on the
nature of the data?
- Qualitative research requires experience while quantitative requires numerical computation
Which of the following BEST describes quantitative research?
- An attempt to confirm the researcher’s hypotheses
What should a researcher do when he cites an author within the text of the paper?
- Insert the complete citation in parenthesis
In validating the data gathered, what important thing the research must do to maintain the
results of the interview or focus group discussion?
- Confidentiality
Which of the following is a function of theory?
RSCH 122
- All of the above
Which states how the words/term is determined in the study?
- Operational Definition
I - The research participants must be fully informed about the nature of research, its
purposes and potential risk and benefits.
II – Research must do good and no harm to study participants.
- The two statements are both correct
"Students taught first aid by programmed instruction will achieve a higher level, than those
taught first aid by the traditional method." The independent variable in this hypothesis is:
- method of instruction
Which of the following should NOT be included in the background of the study?
-Statement of the problem
Which part of the research reveals the objectives of the study?
- Statement of the Problem
It is one which is taken from books or studies that were tested and proven so many times
over a long period of time.
- Review of Studies
Which of the following is NOT an ethical guideline for conducting research with humans?
- Telling participants they must continue until the study has been completed
In formulating the title, all the variables must be identified and included.
- Statement II and III
I – Research doesn’t improve your reading and writing skills.
II – Research teaches you to work systematically.
- The second statement is correct while the first one is not
What kind of Conceptual Framework best suit to the title?
"Customer Satisfaction in Candon Business Center"
- Evaluative Framework
What kind of Conceptual Framework best suit to the title?
RSCH 122
"Why Did the Boat Sink? Reasons Of Failures in Algebra"
- Relational Framework
What kind of Conceptual Framework best suit to the title?
"Why Did the Boat Sink? Reasons Of Failures in Algebra"
- Evaluative Framework
What kind of Conceptual Framework best suit to the title?
"Impact of Art Therapy to the Cognitive Self-Expression Skills of Differently Abled
Students in Mary Academy"
- Relational Framework
What kind of Conceptual Framework best suit to the title?
"Battle of the Sexes: Discrimination among the Teaching Personnel of John Institute"
- Evaluative Framework
What kind of Conceptual Framework best suit to the title?
"Correlation of Watching Mature Cartoons and Students’ Deportment as Perceived by
Junior High School Students in Paranaque National High School"
- Relational Framework
What kind of Conceptual Framework best suit to the title?
"Today I don’t Feel Like Doing Anything: Reasons Why Students Procrastinate"
-Evaluative Framework
What kind of Conceptual Framework best suit to the title?
"Relationship of Human Resource Practices to the Faculty Job Satisfaction in San Beda
- Relational Framework
What kind of Conceptual Framework best suit to the title?
"Padayon: Student Activism in the 21st Century"
- Evaluative Framework
What kind of Conceptual Framework best suit to the title?
RSCH 122
"Love Wins: Paradigm Shift in the Gender Sensitivity of Catholic Church"
- Evaluative Framework
Formulate or illustrate the Conceptual Framework of the following titles presented:
(Answers should have a valid and factual reference and interpretation)
1. "The Effects of Students Attendance to their Academic Performance"
2. "Impact of Visual Aids in enhancing the Learning Process of the Students"
3. "Assessment on the Effectiveness of Memory Booster on the Learning Process of the
1.The author presents new evidence on the effects of attendance on academic performance.
He used a large panel data set for introductory microeconomics students to explicitly take
into account the effect of unobservable factors correlated with attendance, such as ability,
effort, and motivation. He found that neither proxy variables nor instrumental variables
provide a solution to the omitted variable bias. Panel estimators indicate that attendance
has a smaller but significant impact on performance. Lecture and classes have a similar
effect on performance individually, although their impact cannot be identified separately.
Overall, the results indicate that, after controlling for unobservable student characteristics,
attendance has a statistically significant and quantitatively relevant effect on student
2. This research explores teachers' opinions on the use of visual aids (e.g., pictures,
animation videos, projectors and films) as a motivational tool in enhancing students'
attention in reading literary texts. To accomplish the aim of the research, a closed ended
questionnaire was used to collect the required data. The targeted population for this
research was the staff and students of the public and private educational institutions of
District Dera Ghazi Khan. In this research the primary data was used for gathering
information. The collected data is analyzed through the SPSS software and also data was
represented in the percentage distribution of pie, line, and bar graphs. The analysis of the
data indicated that the majority of the teachers and students had positive perceptions of the
use of visual aids.
The memory demands for school-age children are much greater than they are for adults. As
adults, we have already acquired much of the knowledge and skills we need to function day
to day. Although the knowledge base for some fields such as technology changes rapidly,
RSCH 122
the new information is generally highly specific and builds on existing knowledge. On the
other hand, school children are constantly bombarded with new knowledge in multiple
topic areas in which they may or may not be interested. Additionally, they are expected to
both learn and demonstrate the mastery of this knowledge on a weekly basis. Thus, an
effective and efficient memory is critical for school success.
Many students have memory problems. Students who have deficits in registering
information in short-term memory often have difficulty remembering instructions or
directions they have just been given, what was just said during conversations and class
lectures and discussions, and what they just read. Students who have difficulty with working
memory often forget what they are doing while doing it.
Question 2
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Are the following examples of intentional plagiarism, unintentional plagiarism, or correct
ethical use of sources? Why?
A. Mia cites a piece of information that turns out to be common
B. Braden wants to use a particular source that supports his claim,
but the library doesn’t have it, so he chooses another source to
use instead and cites that.
Select one:
a. Both are unintentional plagiarism, because both of them cited incorrect or changed
b. Both A and B are examples of correct ethical use of sources, because it is never wrong to
cite a source that doesn’t need it, and because Braden cited his new source correctly.
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c. A is unintentional plagiarism, because Mia was uninformed about the definition of
common knowledge, and B is intentional plagiarism because Braden chose not to use a
The correct answer is: Both A and B are examples of correct ethical use of sources, because
it is never wrong to cite a source that doesn’t need it, and because Braden cited his new
source correctly.
Question 3
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Question text
RSCH 122
Based on the rhetorical context of the following source, would you include it in your
research essay? Why or why not?
Select one:
a. The purpose of this text is to sell services, as evidenced by the tabs across the top, so any
claims made on this site are suspect. This is not a good source for a research essay.
RSCH 122
b. The source demonstrates that it is informative because it answers common questions
about this procedure. This is a good source to include because it will inform my readers.
c. This source is located on the internet, which means that it is not a good source to include
in a research essay.
The correct answer is: The purpose of this text is to sell services, as evidenced by the tabs
across the top, so any claims made on this site are suspect. This is not a good source for a
research essay.
Question 4
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Based on what you know about evaluating sources for your task, which of the following
sources is most likely to be the most useful for a research essay about state vs. federal
power in U.S. government?
A. The Declaration of Independence.
B. A list of reasons called “Why we need to destroy the federal
government,” found on a personal blog titled “Neo-Conservative
Thought” and published three months ago.
C. A story about one man’s struggle to avoid paying federal income
tax, published in the popular magazine People.
Select one:
a. A, because even though it’s old, it’s an important primary source that frames this entire
b. B, because this is a blog that not many people are aware of, and they need to know that
it exists.
c. C, because popular magazines are credible, unbiased sources of information.
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The correct answer is: A, because even though it’s old, it’s an important primary source that
frames this entire debate.
Question 5
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Question text
RSCH 122
Evaluate the first page of this student’s paper, focusing on MLA document format and page
Select one:
a. The page should be single-spaced and paragraphs should not be indented.
b. This page conforms to all MLA document formatting and page layout rules.
c. The title, top three lines, and page numbers are all formatted incorrectly.
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The correct answer is: The title, top three lines, and page numbers are all formatted
Question 6
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Evaluate these two students’ strategies to avoid plagiarism. Which one is more effective and
A. Bryony looks up all the authors she is going to cite to make sure
they are credentialled. She also plans on using mostly quotes
instead of paraphrases or summaries, since they are easier to
check for accuracy.
B. Candice plans to use a reference management website for her
note-taking, and she checks with her professor if she’s not sure if
a piece of information needs a citation or not.
Select one:
a. Bryony’s system is more effective because Candice should not use a reference
management website in college-level writing.
b. Candice’s system is more effective because it solves the root problems of plagiarism.
c. Bryony’s system is more effective because it helps find the most expert sources; it also
helps her avoid common plagiarism errors that happen when paraphrasing and
The correct answer is: Candice’s system is more effective because it solves the root
problems of plagiarism.
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Question 7
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Maile has found a source for a research essay. She needs to evaluate its authority before
deciding whether to use it. Which strategy should she use?
Select one:
a. She should figure out how many total publications this author has on all subjects, and
read the author’s Wikipedia page
b. She should look at other research results to see how many times the author of this source
is cited, and determine her author’s credentials on the topic.
c. She should figure out how long the publication that printed this source has been around,
and investigate the rankings of the school where the author graduated from
The correct answer is: She should look at other research results to see how many times the
author of this source is cited, and determine her author’s credentials on the topic.
Question 8
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Read the following excerpt from your friend Isobel, who has been finding and evaluating
sources for a research project. Which feedback below would most help her improve this
RSCH 122
“Choosing a celebrity to endorse your product can sometimes backfire” (from source #1).
Youth want to dress like their favorite stars and “stores like Kohls and K-Mart know that and
have signed celebrities to clothing lines” (from source #2). “Almost 20% of all television
advertisements in the United States feature a famous person as an endorser…Celebrity
endorsers may be influential because they are viewed as highly dynamic and they have
attractive and likeable qualities” (from source 3).
Select one:
a. Isobel needs to decide whether or not she’s going to quote or paraphrase, and stick to
one or the other.
b. Isobel now needs to evaluate her rough draft against her outline.
c. Isobel needs to synthesize her sources and create a single, guiding purpose for using
The correct answer is: Isobel needs to synthesize her sources and create a single, guiding
purpose for using them.
Question 9
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Question text
Sergei copy and pastes a passage from one of his sources into his essay. He does not use
quotation marks, but he does provide a clear citation at the end of the passage. This is
Select one:
a. academically honest and okay to do.
b. intentional plagiarism.
c. unintentional plagiarism.
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The correct answer is: intentional plagiarism.
Question 10
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Tad wants to model strategies for avoiding academic dishonesty for his younger siblings.
Which of the following should he do?
Select one:
a. Tad should compose a brand-new essay for his English class, even though a previous
essay he wrote for a Humanities class would also fit the English assignment’s parameters.
b. Tad should avoid working with any classmate to get advice on his rough draft.
c. Tad should clear every source he wants to use in a research assignment with his professor
before including it in the project.
The correct answer is: Tad should compose a brand-new essay for his English class, even
though a previous essay he wrote for a Humanities class would also fit the English
assignment’s parameters.
Question 11
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The image below captures the homepage of “Kid Fashion” by About.com, a website on the
topic of school uniforms and their impacts. Based on this screenshot, evaluate the
RSCH 122
usefulness of this source for a research essay recommending a local public school switch to
requiring student uniforms.
Select one:
a. This is a useful source for preliminary research, but maybe not for your paper, because it’s
written for a popular audience.
b. This is not a useful source because, as the first paragraph states, it looks at pros AND
cons. Good sources will take a firm stand one way or the other.
c. This is a useful source to cite in your paper, because it includes the author’s name and an
“updated by” date.
The correct answer is: This is a useful source for preliminary research, but maybe not for
your paper, because it’s written for a popular audience.
Question 12
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What advantages are there, if any, to incorporating peer-reviewed articles and texts into
your research essay?
Select one:
a. There are no advantages. In fact, they offer a slight disadvantage because they are harder
to read and understand the first time through.
b. These usually contained impassioned pleas about their subject matter, which will appeal
to readers’ emotions.
c. These are most likely to be accurate in their data and correct in their conclusions.
The correct answer is: These are most likely to be accurate in their data and correct in their
Question 13
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What are the most effective strategies for evaluating a source’s suitability for use in a
research paper?
Select one:
a. See if anyone you know has used it in his or her research paper, and see if your library
has it.
b. Make sure it’s not available through Google Scholar, and see how many footnotes it has.
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c. See if the source supports a point of view you want to discuss, and see if contains data
you need.
The correct answer is: See if the source supports a point of view you want to discuss, and
see if contains data you need.
Question 14
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What is the best approach to reading a scholarly article if you are evaluating it for use in
your research essay?
Select one:
a. Read the abstract first, then read the discussion or conclusion section, and then read the
b. Read the Works Cited at the end, scan the article’s outline, and then begin reading from
the first page.
c. Read the article’s List of Important Studies, then the Materials section, and then the
The correct answer is: Read the abstract first, then read the discussion or conclusion section,
and then read the introduction.
Question 15
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Which advice should you give the author of the following Works Cited section to help her
improve it?
Work Cite
Mara Brendegen.. "Verbal Abuse by the Teacher and Child Adjustment From Kindergarten
Through Grade 6." Officail Journal of the American Accademy of Pediatrics, 1 May 2006.. 27
Nov. 2012.
Julie Mack. "Tenure Reform: Union Says It's Open to Streamlining Process for Firing." The
Kalamazoo Gazette. Michigan Live, 21 web. Nov. 2010. 30 November 2012.
Reeder, Scott and the rest. "The Hidden Cost of Tenure." The Hidden Cost of Tenure. Small
News Group, 3 Apr. 2002. 02 Dec. 2012.
Select one:
a. Review what order your Works Cited entry elements should come in, how to write author
names, and the citation formatting rules.
b. This is a strong list of Works Cited, because you’ve included all the elements you need.
c. Pick a style and stick to it. For example, sometimes the authors are listed last names first,
and sometimes first names first. Choose one of those and be consistent with it.
The correct answer is: Review what order your Works Cited entry elements should come in,
how to write author names, and the citation formatting rules.
Question 16
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RSCH 122
Question text
Which of these strategies for preliminary research on an essay project is most likely to be
effective, and why?
A. Rita uses the library databases to find three sources she can use
in her paper, and then works on creating good body paragraphs.
B. Margaret creates a working thesis statement, and then decides
what kinds of sources she’ll need to support it.
Select one:
a. B, because Margaret’s working thesis statement will guide and shape her upcoming
b. A, because in B, Margaret should find her sources before she creates a working thesis
c. A, because students need to find all their sources during this stage.
The correct answer is: B, because Margaret’s working thesis statement will guide and shape
her upcoming work.
Question 17
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While peer-reviewing another student’s essay, you notice that he has quoted six lines from a
book. What should you look for to make sure the quote and in-text citation are formatted
Select one:
a. Make sure that the quote is italicized and in a slightly larger font. The in-text citation
should also be enclosed in quotation marks.
RSCH 122
b. Check to see if the material is formatted as a block quotation. It should be indented more
and should lack quotation marks. The in-text citation should come after the period.
c. The six lines of quoted text should be formatted the same way as shorter quotes.
The correct answer is: Check to see if the material is formatted as a block quotation. It
should be indented more and should lack quotation marks. The in-text citation should come
after the period.
Question 18
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Why are citation and formatting styles necessary for academic writing?
Select one:
a. These styles serve teachers’ interests, by providing an easy way to gauge at a glance how
effectively an essay has been written.
b. These styles serve students’ interests, by providing a template for how to write an
effective essay
c. These styles serve our readers’ interests, by clearly identifying where scholarly resources
are incorporated so that they can be found and consulted easily
The correct answer is: These styles serve our readers’ interests, by clearly identifying where
scholarly resources are incorporated so that they can be found and consulted easily
Question 19
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You are writing a research paper arguing that elementary school educators should be
concerned about increased diagnoses of childhood attention deficit disorder (ADD).
Knowing what you do about the importance of the rhetorical context of potential sources,
which of the following sources is the most useful to your project?
A. An account of first-hand experience from a teen who was
diagnosed with ADD when he was five.
B. A parent’s blog of first-hand experience of raising three sons
who were diagnosed with ADD.
C. An academic article noting survey results from pediatricians
demonstrating that ADD diagnoses have doubled in the past 15
Select one:
a. A, because this teen is directly affected by this issue and most likely offers unbiased facts.
b. C, because while they are all useful, a scholarly source such as a survey provides the best
support for your claim.
c. C, because A and B are anecdotal, and such information is never appropriate for a
research essay.
The correct answer is: C, because while they are all useful, a scholarly source such as a
survey provides the best support for your claim.
Question 20
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Your classmate is focusing her research on Google Scholar and plans not to use the library
databases, because she says that Google Scholar is easier to use. How would you evaluate
her plan, and what feedback should you offer her?
Select one:
a. You cannot conduct advanced searches on Google Scholar, so it’s only a useful site for
preliminary research.
b. The library databases let you search for full-text articles only, which can save you time.
You may want to consider using them along with Google Scholar.
c. Google Scholar returns results which are free, but you will have to pay for the results that
you find through the library databases, so it’s good to avoid those.
The correct answer is: The library databases let you search for full-text articles only, which
can save you time. You may want to consider using them along with Google Scholar.
Question 21
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You want to find sources on your essay topic, the role of the vice president in deciding
national security matters. You begin searching on Google Scholar, but get too many results.
Which strategy should you use to make this search more useful for you?
Select one:
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a. Decide on a subtopic, settle on some key words, and add them into your search blank
with the word “and.”
b. Make sure that the “Import Citations” box in the Settings section is unchecked.
c. Make sure you are not accessing Google Scholar through your library database, as that
link can limit your searches to less-scholarly results.
The correct answer is: Decide on a subtopic, settle on some key words, and add them into
your search blank with the word “and.”