4/24/2023 EPIDEMIOLOGY OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES Pamela M. Aducal, RPh, MSc 1 4/24/2023 Types of Microorganisms 2 4/24/2023 3 4/24/2023 4 4/24/2023 5 4/24/2023 COMMON DISEASES IN HUMAN BEINGS Viral Diseases • Pneumotropic diseases (Respiratory tract infected by Influenza) • Dermotropic diseases (skin and subcutaneous tissues affected by chicken pox and measles) • Viscerotropic diseases (blood and visceral organs affected by yellow fever and dengue fever) • Neutrotropic diseases (CNS affected by rabies and polio) 6 4/24/2023 Protozoan diseases Protozoan diseases 1. Amoebiasis - Entamoeba hystolitica - House flies (Musca domestica) acts as a carrier for transmitting the parasite from contaminated faeces and water. - Symptoms of amoebiasis can range from diarrhoea to dysentery with blood and mucus in the stool. 2. African sleeping sickness - Trypanosoma spp. - blood sucking Tsetse flies. Vector Disease 1. T. gambiense Organism Glossina palpalis (Tsetse fly) Gambian or Central Africal sleeping sickness 2. T. rhodesiense Glossina morsitans Rhodesian or East African sleeping sickness 3. T. cruzi Triatoma megista Chagas disease or American trypanosomiasis Protozoan diseases Protozoan diseases 3. Kala-azar - Leishmania donovani - Transmitted by Phlebotomus (sand fly) - Symptoms of Kala azar are weight loss, anaemia, fever, enlargement of spleen and liver. 3. Malaria - transmited from one person to another by the bite of the infected female Anopheles mosquito. 7 4/24/2023 Fungal diseases Helminthic diseases • The two most prevalent helminthic diseases are Ascariasis and Filariasis. 1. Ascariasis - Ascaris lumbricoides commonly called the round worms - transmitted through ingestion of embryonated eggs through contaminated food and water Helminthic diseases 2. Filariasis - Wuchereria bancrofti , commonly called filarial worm. - The life cycle is completed in two hosts, man and the female Culex mosquito - The female filarial worm gives rise to juveniles called microfilariae larvae. - The accumulation of the worms block the lymphatic system resulting in inflammation of the lymph nodes. Assessment schedule: - May 3, 2023 (Wednesday) 12:00NN-1:00PM - Coverage: Lecture + Hand outs provided 8