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Ban Beauty Contests: Essay on Negative Impacts

Beauty contests should be banned
Well, banned. That is a strong word. I would rather suggest them to be
abolished. But why? While some teenage girls live for dressing up, curling their
hair, taking selfies and buying new makeup, the other were quite happy during
Covid-19 lockdown because of masks covering half of their face. We all can see
this appearance diversity, cant we?
In my view, beauty is one of the main concerns that teenage girls have. And
I am speaking about girls because they can doll themselves up in more ways
than boys can. Boys just put on some cologne and change their haircut. What
I mean is, that girls care more about their beauty than boys do.
To tell the truth, girls physically attractive are lucky. But what about the ones
that are not? Some do not care but some just try to cover their face with their
hair down and are a bit anxious beeing aroud other (pretty) people. And the
issues go on: for example being nervous when giving some kind of speech in
front of people, being unable to express yourself, sometimes being bullied by
other peers, feeling like something less, unhealthy comparing to others and in
some cases depression. And the cause of this is what? Just some foolish idea
that beauty defines you. But that is not true.
To explain myself, i was born with brown hair. Does that make me
automatically smart? No. Does that make me kind? No. Does that make me
boring? No. My hair or any other bodyparts do not define me. They do not
define me, because that is how was i born, i cannot change these things. And
this is exactly the nonsense that beauty pageants are based on. They judge how
,,well“ were you born. Besides, for all of us is beautiful someone else. But as
i was saying - just the pretty girls are adored. That is really unfair, is it not?
Now, how does these contests make the other girls feel? Terrible, I must say.
If only talent or skill was more admiration worthy/valuable. Skill is something I
develop. That should be judged, because I work on myself. I am convinced that
lot of girls think they are prettier with makeup on – so if makeup equals to
prettiness, why are not there more makeup contests? I did some research and
i found this competition named The Skin Games. It is a huge makeup contest
with four different categories and up to 15 judging criterias for each one (which
is a lot). They vary from blending technique, color choices or even if the artist
cures the skin right before starting to apply the first layers. As you can see,
these kind of contests really do judge the skill of an artist and i really support
this idea. I also found some hairstyling and manicure contests. Given these
information, i hope you would agree with me if I said that the world would not
be lack of anything if the beauty contests were really banned.
It might be concluded from my earlier points that beauty pageants are not
good for anyone in many ways (except for the winners who enjoy their five
minutes of fame). They are not good for our mental health. As far as I know
they can be truly expensive (all the hairdressers, dresses, makeup, heels and so
on). They are also inequitable because, as i said, not everyone is born to have
a perfect, symmetrical face. And lastly: being pretty is not a skill nor talent, so
do not push it. The world is unfair enough for you to worry about your looks.
Loving yourself for who you are is o one-way ticket to happiness.