Uploaded by Rakshya Bhattarai

Nursing Care Plan: Impaired Memory

Nursingg Care Plan of Highest Priority Nursing Diagnosis
Objective and
Subjective Signs
& Symptoms
Reported experiences of
Inability to recall recent or past
events, factual information,
Inability to determine if a
behavior was performed
Nursing Diagnosis
Impaired Memory
the patient verbalizes orientation to person,
place, and time
by hospital discharge, the patient correctly
completes exercises
in logical reasoning, memory, perception,
concentration, attention, and sequencing of
Divide activities into small,
easily accomplished tasks
Write notes as reminders; maintain
a calendar of appointments
Maintain a stable
Assess for minor alterations in personality traits that
cannot be attributed
to other causes, such as stress or medication
Inability to learn or retain
new skills or information
Forget to perform a behavior at
a scheduled time
Encourage the patient to report
persistent headaches, dizziness, or
Inability to perform a
previously learned skill
Will have decrease in number of episodes of wandering
by the day of discharge
Environment will promote client safety (note specific
adaptations here, e.g. locked doors, client tracking device)
until the client is at hospital
Structure teaching methods and
interventions to the
person’s ability.
Clear a safe area. Eliminate
clutter or other hazards
Have patient ID in clothes, on a
bracelet or necklace, or
wallet ID card